GNS Science Annual Report 2010 GNS Science Annual Report 2010

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GNS Science Annual Report 2010 GNS Science Annual Report 2010 GNS Science Annual Report 2010 GNS Science Annual Report 2010 01 GNS Science Annual Report 2010 01 GNS Science Annual Report 2010 Contents 03 Introduction and statistics 34 Corporate Governance 04 Our Science 36 CRI Capability Fund Report 06 GNS Science at a glance 41 Report of the Directors 07 From the Chairman and Chief Executive 42 Income Statement 10 Fifty ways we benefit New Zealand 43 Statement of Comprehensive Income 12 A closer look at our radiocarbon dating 43 Statement of Changes in Equity 14 A closer look at our petroleum geoscience 44 Balance Sheet 16 A closer look at our work on the 45 Statement of Cash Flows Transmission Gully route 46 Notes to the Financial Statements 18 Student support 61 Performance Indicators 19 Organisational structure 63 Statement of Responsibility 20 New public-good research contracts 64 Audit Report 22 Our commercial activities 65 Directory – applying our science 24 Management team 26 Human resources 28 Collaborations and partnerships 30 Board of Directors 32 International linkages 02 Contents GNS Science Annual Report 2010 Introduction $65.1 million 369 staff Record annual revenue Full-time equivalents $2.4 million $176,500 Profit before tax Revenue per FTE 5.0% $9.1 million After-tax return on equity Invested in new equipment and infrastructure The formation of the Earth has taken hundreds of millions of years, layer upon layer, shaping and forming, reshaping and reforming, with events in the distant past continuing to influence our physical environment today. So it is with science – formulating ideas and reformulating them. Making new discoveries and creating new solutions, so that the work of the past benefits our lives today, and the work of today will benefit future generations. Introduction 03 GNS Science Annual Report 2010 1 5 3 2 4 6 1. Geobiology research 4. Water dating GNS Science’s geobiology research team has 2000 Our water dating laboratory, the most accurate such strains of extremophilic bacteria in its culture facility in the world, has been further enhanced with collection, and some are prime candidates for the addition of a laser spectroscopic stable isotope industrial uses such as bioethanol production. analyser which adds greater quality assurance for This year the team sequenced the genomes of two water dating measurements. Laboratory staff work novel heat-loving bacteria from the Taupo Volcanic with local government throughout New Zealand Zone, to provide new insights into extremophile and overseas organisations to help in the metabolisms and biotechnological applications. management of aquifers, lakes and rivers. 2. Science outreach 5. Probing Crater Lake Our touring exhibition, NZ Fossils: Dead Precious!, This year our scientists installed a radio-linked recently finished a three-year tour of New Zealand electronic probe in Mt Ruapehu’s acidic crater lake museums and was seen by 524,000 people. The to take hourly readings of lake temperature, lake exhibition, sponsored by Shell NZ, consisted of 50 level, and acoustic rumblings from the bottom of fossil specimens drawn mainly from our national the lake. The steady flow of high quality data from paleontology collection. the probe is helping volcanologists understand Ruapehu’s volcanic system. It will also pick up 3. Tectonic plate locking early signs of volcanic unrest. Seismologist Martin Reyners and colleagues have shed light on the locking mechanisms between 6. Ocean drilling tectonic plates. Under a Marsden funded project, This year we participated in a record-breaking they have developed a physical model suggesting Integrated Ocean Drilling Program voyage that the strength of plate coupling is controlled by the collected deep drill cores from the ocean floor off ability of fluid to move across the plate interface. the Canterbury coast. The cores contain valuable Progress in understanding locked plates has information about the relationship between climate New Zealand and worldwide implications, as change and global sea level over the past 35 million locked plates accumulate strain that can be released years. The science output from this project feeds as large quakes. into a large number of science programmes worldwide, including developing and verifying climate models. 04 Our science GNS Science Annual Report 2010 9 7 10 8 11 12 7. Auckland air pollution 10. New sub-surface model Using our unique ion-beam analysis capability, we Our engineering geologists have developed the first analysed 1400 air filters from five sites in Auckland 3D-models of the geology below Wellington and to determine the composition and sources of Lower Hutt to a depth of 500m. The 3D models particulate matter in the air. From the results, map units with similar physical properties and this we produced a detailed report for the Auckland enables scientists to determine the strength and Regional Council to improve management of air duration of ground shaking for a range of quality in the Auckland region. earthquake magnitudes and locations. Engineers use this information to design infrastructure that 8. Tsunami evacuation maps is more resilient to earthquakes. We work with emergency managers, local government and communities to produce colour- 11. Geothermal energy coded tsunami evacuation maps. They show at-risk We undertake work to identify drilling sites and zones and are the basis for evacuation routes and reduce exploration risk for geothermal energy location of safe areas. We also played a major role in companies. We also help with the efficient operation the development of a national standard for tsunami of existing geothermal plants. The rapid expansion warning and evacuation signage. of geothermal energy is creating new jobs and geothermal is on target to supply 18% of 9. Gisborne moves east New Zealand’s electricity generation by 2015. Using permanent GPS installations, our geodesists recorded Gisborne moving eastward at a rate of 12. Oil and gas exploration several millimetres a week for several weeks this We are working with Crown Minerals on a two-year year – the fifth such ‘slow earthquake’ episode in programme that will substantially increase the Poverty Bay in the past nine years. GPS studies quality and quantity of geoscience information enable our scientists to gain a greater understanding available to the oil and gas exploration industry in of locking and release mechanisms at the tectonic New Zealand. Called the Petroleum Exploration and plate interface and where stress is accumulating and Geosciences Initiative, it will improve the knowledge being relieved in the Earth’s crust. of petroleum potential in Taranaki and other key sedimentary basins and increase the attractiveness of New Zealand for exploration companies. Our science 05 GNS Science Annual Report 2010 GNS Science at a glance GNS Science, Te Pu- Ao, is the Crown-owned science company that meets New Zealand’s needs to discover and understand the earth processes and materials that underpin geological resources, environmental and industrial isotopes, and geological hazards. We apply this scientific knowledge to create and preserve wealth, to protect the environment, and to improve the Visit our website: safety and well-being of people. The benefits we deliver for New Zealand include: When we were established as a Crown Research • security and wealth from energy, mineral, and Institute in 1992, we had assets of $14 million, water resources revenue of $25 million a year and a staff of 253. • mitigation of the economic and social effects Today we have assets of $45 million, revenue of of geological hazards $65.1 million, and a staff of 369 full-time • development of new technologies such as nano- equivalents. scale devices and non-invasive scanning. Our clients include: These benefits arise directly from our research into • New Zealand central government agencies processes and endowments within the Earth’s crust • regional and local government including: • overseas government agencies • rocks, minerals, and groundwater • oil and gas exploration companies • earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and tsunami • geothermal energy exploration and operating • hydrocarbons and geothermal energy companies • geobiology and climate history • hydroelectricity operating companies • gravitational and electromagnetic fields • the onshore and offshore minerals exploration • natural isotopes and radiation. industries Our Ma-ori name, Te Pu- Ao, means the foundation, • meat, dairy, wool, timber, and horticulture origin and source of the world in its entirety, from the processing industries atomic through to planetary scales. We are a Crown- • insurance and reinsurance companies owned research institute operating as a limited • engineers, developers, and infrastructure liability company with an independent Board of companies Directors. This unique structure allows us to: • museums • focus on strategically important science at a • research organisations in New Zealand and national level overseas. • engage in the full spectrum of science from basic research through to consultancy and product Staff development Our 369 staff are located in Lower Hutt (75%), • undertake work for the public and private sectors Taupo (20%), and Dunedin (5%). • operate in New Zealand and internationally • have autonomy and self-determination. Our revenue is generated from: • open bidding and negotiation for public-good Each year we invest most of our tax-paid profit in research contracts (40-45%) scientific equipment and infrastructure. This • consultancy, product development, and laboratory
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