MAPS IN January 2020 Newsletter No HISTORY 66 The AfricaMuseum’s largest maps of the Congo Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille: Pioneer of scientific cartography in Southern Africa 2020 Programme


40 Years excellence in map buying & selling Contents Intro Dear Map Friends, Monthly Internet map auctions Exhibitions

and Gallery th Antiquariat Missionary cartography in the 19 century...... 4 This issue of Maps in History is clearly focused on Quality consignments welcome Africa! First, we have an illustrated report of our Exhibitions on the Magellan-Elcano expedition...... 6 Conference at the AfricaMuseum last December. Once Peter Kiefer again, our president has managed to design AND organise a very successful event; she succeeded in Buch- und Kunstauktionen Looks at Books obtaining the participation of two eminent Professors who travelled across the seas for the occasion (p.34), (Book and art auctions) Why North is Up: Map Conventions and Where They as well as the cooperation of Wulf Bodenstein who Came From ...... 9 presented, with brio, a selection of the maps he Steubenstraße 36 is curating for the Museum. Participants in the Renaissance Geography...... 13 75172 Pforzheim, Germany event could also discover the new arrangement th th Manuscript military atlases (17 -18 centuries)...... 15 of the Museum collections which now presents a Tel +49 7231 / 9232-0 contemporary vision of African cultures, while Fax +49 7231 / 9232-16 continuing to show the essential discoveries by [email protected] History and Cartography European explorers in the 19th-20th centuries. Part of this heritage of the museum of the Congo is four giant The AfricaMuseum’s largest maps of the Congo...... 17 Auctions in February, March, April, May, June, maps painted on the walls; Wulf has analysed them September, October & November Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille: Pioneer of scientific in depth in a very comprehensive article in this issue (p.16). Last, but not least, another substantial article by | [email protected] cartography in Southern Africa...... 30 Roger Stewart on a French cartographer who may be UK tel. +44 79 3701 5242 better known in Africa than in , Nicolas Louis How I got into Carthography de Lacaille.

Interview with Sabrina Guerra...... 29 This January issue also brings you the usual combination of exhibition reports, book reviews, interview and news. The Map Circle At the beginning of this new year, we are still working Conference - Mapping Africa...... 34 on our programme for 2020. You can already mark BOOKS, PRINTS, MAPS & ATLASSES 2020 Programme...... 36 the date of our AGM and Map Afternoon in your diary, Saturday 28 March 2020. But, you will have to wait News a little for the finalisation of our plans to have an excursion cum conference in Venice, next autumn (p.37). Symposium on Globes in Zurich...... 39

Thank You Madam Secretary...... 40 My best wishes to you for a happy cartographic year,

...... folio. The Malta Map Society 41 -

In Memoriam...... 42 Blaeu, Atlas Maior, 1662 : 592 maps, 11 volumes in

Rue aux Laines 19/2 · 1000 Brussels Jean-Louis Renteux [email protected] · +32 (0) 2 544 10 55 Vice-President & Editor Cover : Nicolas Sanson , Afrique , in atlas ' L'Afrique en plusieurs [email protected] cartes nouvelles...' , Dutch edition , 1683 (private collection.)


Missie à la carte - Missionarissen en cartografie [Missionaries and maps]

A guided visit to the exhibition on Catholic 19th century missionary cartography at the Mercatormuseum of Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, on 3 November 2019

Though maybe not quite as intrepid used and the maps appealed to a much century Rome was no longer keen on Carte Religieuse de L'État Indépendant du Congo Cartographic production was needed to show , identify and define the as the friars who left to preach the broader audience. Some splendid scientific development and refused the (© Kadoc-KULeuven) territories for missionary activities (© Kadoc-KULeuven) gospel in far-flung terra incognita, examples could be seen in the first use of the new technical equipment some twenty Members showed up part of the exhibition, with unique that had been developed, much to the Every map in the exhibition, albeit We concluded the afternoon in typical on a dreary, cold and rainy Sunday gores made by Haraeus in 1615/17, discontent of the friars, it has to be rudimentary, had an interesting story Map Circle style, having a beer afternoon, to meet the curator of this showing the spread of Christianity said. Gradually, the shortcomings of to tell. This becomes even clearer (included in the entry ticket) in the exhibition, Dr Dirk Van Overmeire. over the globe and maps by Martini the missionary maps are more and when you read the 96-page catalogue onsite café! They were expecting an interesting and Verbiest (China), Hennepin (the more explicitly recognised in the (in Dutch), in which each map is afternoon and they got it. For more Mississippi basin) and others. ‘disclaimers’ written on them. But individually pictured and presented). than an hour and a half the curator mapmaking remained a balancing act For EUR 8.00, this is a real bargain. told the story of Belgian Catholic Later on, the remaining territories for the friars. A further challenge for Caroline De Candt religious orders (in this case, but of in need of evangelisation were less them was colonisation: the exhibition [email protected] course there were other Christian explored; they were scattered over the showed examples of maps in which missionaries being sent out from world so the need for more maps also the makers did their best to safeguard other countries, of which some maps increased. The maps didn’t need to be the interests of the local population were being shown too) that sent out appealing, they needed to be practical. against the imperialistic regime; their members to preach, convert, This shows in these often rudimentary but others clearly served colonialist baptise and in a general manner maps. A second reason for this change purposes, indicating information such ’bring civilisation’ (as they saw it) to in technical quality and visual aspect as the potential for taxing the local those inhabitants of countries where was due to the fact that in the 19th people. Christianity had not yet set foot.

Ferdinand Verbiest and David Livingstone are well known to those interested in cartography, but this exhibition focused mainly on the many Flemish farmer boys, who left their parents’ fields in the 19th and early 20th centuries, mostly only armed with their faith and sturdy health, but little or no cartographic knowledge. So many, but certainly not all, of the maps shown were manuscript. In his introduction Dr Van Overmeire explained that there is a clear distinction to be made between these post-1800 mapmaking friars and the first missionaries (Verbiest, indeed, Dr Van Overmeire, curator of this exhibition, presenting the story of the Belgian Catholic religious orders that sent out their members but also the likes of Martini and to preach, convert and baptise the inhabitants of countries where Sambiasi). Before 1800 the existing Christianity had not yet set foot. technical and scientific methods were cartahistorica cartahistorica [email protected]


Exhibitions on the Magellan-Elcano expedition, in Spain • Museo Naval in Madrid • Archivo de Indias in Seville

In 1519, an expedition sailed from Spain to reach the Moluccas, the famed Spice Islands, by the western route. Commander Ferdinand Magellan died in the Philippines but one of the ships managed to return to Spain in 1522, under the command of Juan Sebastián de Elcano, thereby circumnavigating the planet for the first time. To commemorate the fifth centenary of this feat, numerous exhibitions have been inaugurated this year in different Spanish cities. Circle Member Luis Robles visited the one at the Archivo de Indias in Seville, and Luisa Martín- Merás, retired director of the Museo Naval in Madrid, sends us her comments on the exhibition there.

Fuimos los primeros [We Were the First ].

(Museo Naval-Madrid) Fig. 2. Detail of the Map by Nuño García de Toreno of 1522 , showing Insulindia Museo Naval - Madrid (Biblioteca Reale, Coll . O XVI/2.) Maps and globes on display The Naval Museum of Madrid, Spain and organisation of the expedition that correspondence between Emperor The two maps made by Nuño García de 1. Antecedents has opened an exhibition entitled left Seville with five ships on 10 August Charles V and Juan Sebastián Elcano Toreno (Fig. 2), a cartographer of the • “Presbiteri Johannis sive abissinorum imperii descriptio” in A. Ortelius, Fuimos los primeros. Magallanes, 1519. Another space is dedicated to the after his return, the items describing Casa de la Contratación, had only been Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Antuerpiae, 1595. Museo Naval (MN). A.10168 Elcano y la primera vuelta al mundo discovery of the Strait of Magellan and the journey and the first maps made seen in Spain once, in 2000 1. • “America sive India Nova” in G. Mercator, Atlas sive cosmographicae [We Were the First. Magellan, Elcano the painful navigation through the after the expedition. meditationes de fabrica mundi, Amsterdam, 1630. MN. A. 10182 and the First Trip Around the World], Pacific, now with only three ships, up Aside from maps, among the most • Ptolemy’s world map, 1472, facsimile. MN. RC.147 which will run from 20 September 2019 to the arrival in the Philippines. The maps in the exhibition testify to outstanding pieces on display are a 2.Origin of the expedition until 20 January 2020 (now extended the importance of cartography on this beautiful bust of young Charles V from • Terrestrial globe by M. Behaim, 1492, facsimile. Cartoteca Rafael Mas of till 31 March 2020) . This exhibition Ferdinand Magellan's death in the expedition and are listed in a separate the Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent the Universidad Autonóma de Madrid (CRM). is remarkable for celebrating in Philippines in April 1521, his relations box. We would like to highlight the (Fig. 1); a spectacular view of Seville • Cantino planisphere, ca. 1502, facsimile. MN. RC. a magnificent way not only the with the locals and what happened three maps directly related to the from the beginning of the 17th century • Planisphere attributed to Pedro and Jorge Reinel, ca. 1519, known as journey of this great feat but also its subsequently are documented together expedition that are rarely seen outside loaned by the Museo del Prado, Kunstmann IV, facsimile from 1843, Bibliothèque Nationale de France. antecedents and consequences, with with the weapons and vessels of their respective libraries. The Progel Madrid; and a model of the Victoria GEE. AA.564 (res) a large collection of original artefacts both the indigenous peoples and the copy of the planisphere attributed to made expressly for the exhibition 2. 3.Discovery of the Strait and an educational and at the same Spaniards. The exhibition goes on the Reinels ca. 1519 has never before • Map of Patagonia and Tierra de Fuego in an 18th century manuscript time academic vision. to show the route followed by the been exhibited in Spain. rutter. AMN.180 bis Trinidad and the Victoria, under • Map of the eastern entrance to the Strait of Magellan, Tiburcio Spanoqui, The visit begins with an audiovisual Elcano’s command, to the Moluccas, 1581, 18th century copy. Archivo del Museo Naval. 21. Ms.0029, 15 projection, installed in a geodesic where they arrived in November 1521, • Map of the Strait of Magellan in Alonso de Santa Cruz, Islario general Luisa Martín-Merás th dome, where Juan Sebastián Elcano and the solo voyage of the Victoria [email protected] de todas las islas del mundo. 16 century. Biblioteca Nacional de España narrates his experiences and those of through the Indian Ocean and around (BNE). RES 38 the sailors who formed the crew. the Cape of Good Hope in Portuguese 4.Maps made after the expedition waters without any stop until it 1 At the exhibition Carlos V. La náutica • Map of the Indian Ocean and the Moluccas by Nuño García de Toreno, y la navegación, which took place in The exhibition is organised in different reached Cape Verde. Pontevedra in 2000, whose catalogue 1522. Biblioteca Reale of Turin. OXVI-2 spaces with a hundred pieces arranged contains a description and study by Luisa • Map of the Moluccas in Antonio Pigafetta, Premier voyage autour du in chronological order. The first Another chapter shows the arrival of Martín-Merás. monde, , 1800. Biblioteca del Museo Naval 2393. module covers the world of legends the Victoria in Seville in dire straits 2 The model was made by the Gabinete • Planisphere attributed to Nuño García de Toreno, ca.1525, Biblioteca and superstitions that surrounded the on 6 September 1522. The last section de Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Medicea Laurenziana of Florence. Med. Pal. 249. Dark Sea in the last third of the 15th is dedicated to the consequences Naval of the Escuela Técnica Superior de • Terrestrial globe by Johannes Schöner, 1525, facsimile. CRM. Ingenieros Navales of the Universidad century. The second shows the origin of the journey, illustrated with the Fig. 1.. Bust of young Emperor Charles V. • World map in manuscript atlas by Battista Agnese, 1544. BNE. RES 176 Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent. Politécnica de Madrid in collaboration with the Museo Naval.


El viaje más largo [The longest trip ]. Why North is Up: Map Conventions and (Archivo de Indias - Seville) Where They Came From by Mick Ashworth Published by the Bodleian Library, Oxford 224 pages, colour illustrations, hard cover, 23.5 x 18.5 cm ISBN 978 1 85124 519 2 - GBP 20.00

Mick Ashworth has succeeded in made for the map to serve its purpose. providing his audience with an We may be looking at compromises eminently readable book, taking a necessary for reasons of scale, or different tack on maps and charts generalisation in the form of selection, which for the most part will be already simplification and exaggeration: the familiar to his readers. He sets the example given is Alois Moser’s 1941 Fig. 4. Itinerary of the Magellan-Elcano expedition according to recent research by Tomás Mazón. tone with his introductory ‘map’ – one map entitled England’s Raids over 5 Source: provided for the ship’s crew in Lewis Continents 1605-1940, where decision- Carroll’s poem The Hunting of the making is taken to extremes for the The exhibition El viaje más largo [The logs or contemporary chronicles. And By the way, the impressive 400-page Snark – which is blank! He describes purposes of propaganda. longest trip] at the Archivo General de a few are very moving, such as Elcano’s catalogue is available for free online6. not only the map conventions Indias (AGI) in Seville was inaugurated last will, which he signed with a shaky It should however be noted that not themselves, but also the institutional Part III – ‘Representation of on 12 September 2019 and will be open hand somewhere in the Pacific in 1526 all of the artefacts mentioned in the processes by which certain Relief’- tells us about the mapping until 23 February 2020. It narrates (Fig. 3). catalogue are actually on display. conventions have come into practice. of the depths and heights of our the Magellan-Elcano expedition in For example, the first item in the In each section he gives his readers world. Waghenaer’s Spieghel der chronological order, from its planning The exhibition includes two 17th- catalogue is Juan Vespucci’s 1520 a ‘breaking the convention’ snippet, Zeevaerdt (1584) was revolutionary and outfitting in Seville to the return century manuscript maps of the nautical chart but it was not part of the giving the reader a quirky alternative following sections deal with grids, in its depiction of depth soundings, of the Victoria and subsequent southern regions of Southern America: exhibition. to rule-following. Though clearly scale, legends and ornament. This last illustrated by an extract from the Spanish exploration of the Pacific the carta geographica by Juan Ramón UK-based, and with many of the maps section – subtitled ‘art meets science’ chart of the Zuider Zee. Over time Ocean. Diverse types of artefacts are Coninck from 1683 4, and a Spanish and charts from the Bodleian Library – may well be one of the biggest draws colour conventions for height and displayed, including ship models, copy of an English map of 1671 with collection itself, Ashworth takes his for amateur map fans of historical depth have evolved, but the ‘one size weapons, maps, books and religious information about the incursion by the readers through space and time with a cartography. fits all’ approach cannot always apply. objects, but the strongest point of the Englishman, John Narborough, into wide range of excellent examples. Using green for lowland, for example, exhibition is clearly its collection of the Strait of Magellan 5. Part II – ‘Symbols’ – begins with a implies the presence of vegetation – manuscript documents. Part I of the book begins by answering mind-blowing 2018 chart of the Los which may not necessarily be the case. Map enthusiasts will also enjoy the the question ‘Why North is Up’; why Angeles area for flying under Visual The earliest known example of hill Some of the documents shown are well careful cartographic reconstruction of North was adopted as the predominant Flight Rules. Clearly one needs to be shading can be seen on A Bird’s-Eye known for their historical importance, the expedition’s itinerary that serves orientation for maps. Three reasons: a professional to use such a chart. Map of Western Tuscany (ca. 1503-1504) such as the original of the Treaty of as narrative thread throughout the the introduction of the magnetic The author explains that many of the by Leonardo da Vinci (Fig. 1). Mick Tordesillas of 1494. Others are direct exhibition. This reconstruction, based compass into Europe from China in three basic forms of symbols – points, Ashworth explains in detail how the testimonies of the Magellan-Elcano on the latest research on the topic, Fig. 3. Signature of Juan Sebastián de the twelfth century, the rediscovery lines and areas – have been used convention for the direction of light expedition, such as its accounting is explained in detail by its author, Elcano in his last will. 26 July 1526. AGI, in the fifteenth century of Ptolemy’s for millennia: mountains in profile, used to create the effect is critical, Patronato Real, 38, R.1(e). books, lists of crew members3, pilot Tomás Mazón, in the exhibition’s map-making instructions, and rivers as single lines, roads depicted and how the Swiss, for example, use catalogue. Mercator’s 1569 world map. This part as double lines, and so on. In contrast, local adjustments to bring out all the 3 It should be mentioned that the initial 270 men crew also had 5 Flemish 6 also deals with the evolution of the the author gives us six new symbols – characteristics of the terrain. 4 AGI, MP-Buenos Aires, 29 http://pares. participants. One of them was Roldan de viaje-mas-largo-ebook use of latitude, defined as being on, or among them those for skate parks and Argote of Bruges : he was one of the 31 show/16807 parallel to, the Equator; and longitude, electric car charging points – which Part IV – ‘Names and Boundaries’– survivors of the circumnavigation. for which Greenwich, London was will now be used on British Ordnance starts with a fascinating map of His contribution was reported by Marcel 5 AGI, MP-Buenos Aires, 226 http:// Van Brussel (a Map Circle Member) in his almost unanimously agreed as the Survey maps. The last section here Oxford (1973) where the place names article "The passage between the atlantic catalogo/show/17058 The map was universal origin only in 1884. The deals with the decisions that have to be are in Cyrillic script. It was part of a and Pacific Oceans- The Dutch and sent by the Spanish ambassador in Flemish contributions to the discovery " London. Narborough’s map would be Luis A. Robles Macías (see MiH 36 of Jan 2010). published in print in 1673. [email protected]


it comes to placing names on maps is to get them in the right place on unchangeable geographical features. Since Mercator’s day the range of typefaces and the technology has evolved to an extraordinary degree, but the basic challenges remain.

Part V looks at ‘Thematic Maps’ – qualitative and quantitative. John Snow’s Map of Soho, London, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera (1855) contains only the geographical information necessary to convey the purpose of the map: street names and, of course, the famous water Fig. 3. Yellowstone National Park by Heinrich Berann,1991 pump, found to be the cause of the disease. When it comes to quantitative thematic maps, Ashworth continues preparations of D-Day in 1944. The the technology continues to advance. the sombre tone, using C.J. Minard’s section ‘Global Mapping’ describes the chart of 1869 representing the number International Map of the World (IMW) Ashworth ends his book with a of French soldiers who set out to fight project presented by Albrecht Penck to section called ‘Interactive Maps and in Napoleon’s 1812 Russian campaign the Fifth International Geographical Democratization: MIY Map it Yourself’. compared with the number that Congress in Berne in 1891. Twenty-two Users, if they so wish, can now go Fig. 1. A Bird’s-Eye Map of Western Tuscany by Leonardo da Vinci, ca. 1503-4. returned (Fig.2). years later a map specification was beyond convention. ‘OpenStreetMap’ agreed. But the IMW did not meet the – a collaborative, community-based Soviet mapping programme carried detailed guide on how to write italic – was to ensure clarity of information on Part VI - ‘Specialized Conventions’ – specification needed for aeronautical project – gives us an open-source out during the Cold War. There was published in 1540. Mercator’s aim maps. Clearly a major challenge when first looks at those used for geological charts and was thus overtaken by global map built up by over a million are many issues around names on maps, going back as far as Ancient the US’s World Aeronautical Chart contributors. A key force for good, maps: which form of the name to use Egypt, where maps showed areas of (WAC). In the end, even though the the ‘OpenStreetMap’ Humanitarian (language, transliteration, history, gold-bearing rocks: e.g. the ‘Turin IMW project achieved some success it Team has been able to provide maps in politics, locally used, internationally Papyrus’ (1150 BC). Hydrographic was discontinued in 1989. Ashworth short time to help respond to natural agreed) as well as where to place charts come next, picking up and reminds us that today’s mapping disasters. the name, especially on maps where expanding on the contribution made applications such as Google Maps other types of information are by – again – Waghenaer’s 1584 Spieghel provide worldwide uniformity and With its solid, easy-to-handle format, competing for space. Then we move der Zeevaerdt, which, apart from constant base maps and do so without straightforward explanations, on to ‘Boundaries’, which –whether showing information on depth (see the need for agreement from mapping beautiful illustrations, and up-to-date internally or at international level above), also established conventions agencies across the globe. relevance, not to mention the quirky – represent geopolitical issues, for symbols and navigational aids. ‘breaking the convention’ sections, as well as having to deal with Mapping for military purposes was, Part VII looks at ‘Post-Convention Why North is Up should appeal to geographic complexities. The ‘Cantino of course, the origin of map-making Mapping’. Since early times there an audience that is far wider than Planisphere’ (1502) showing the in Britain, as the name the ‘Ordnance have been maps and views drawn for a more traditional, technical situation arising from the signing of Survey’ implies. In fact the very first in elevation and perspective. Long book in the cartographic sphere. A the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 is an military maps come from Changsa, before the technology existed for map very worthwhile overview of map example which most map lovers will China and date back to the second makers to see mountains and cities fundamentals. recognise, while the Palestine Plan of century BC, but the first map made from the air, for example, map makers Partition, (1946/1956) from the United specifically for a military campaign is imagined incredible levels of detail. Nations still has implications for a 1469 map made for the first Venetian- More recently map makers have been current news on an almost daily basis. Turkish war. In the 20th century aerial making ‘landscape panoramas’, which photography played a crucial role also feature the sky! Heinrich Berann’s It is befitting that Mercator receives when compiling topographical maps Yellowstone National Park is a good further mention here, in the and information on enemy positions example of this (Fig. 3). Digital Maps typography section. As readers will could be overprinted on the maps, and have revolutionised the way many know, his Literarum latinarum – his this is illustrated with a map of the people use and interact with maps, and Fig. 2. Carte figurative des pertes successives des hommes de l’Armée Nicola Boothby Française, 1812-1813, by C.J. Minard, 1869. [email protected]


La géographie de la Renaissance. [Renaissance Geography.] by Numa Broc Paris, CTHS, 2019 436 pages, ill., paperback, 12 x 18.5 cm ISBN 978-2-7355-0904-1. EUR 19.00

This book, published in 1980 and 1986, landscapes, various scenes, and was reprinted in 2019 in the ‘Format’ also the notes and legends on the paperback collection of the Historical maps themselves. This is the case of and Scientific Works Committee Guillaume Le Testu's Cosmographie (CTHS). The author, Numa Broc universelle (1555) admirably edited North America by (1934-2017, geographer and professor by Frank Lestringant (see Maps in B. Zaltieri (1566) at the University of Perpignan), History 57, January 2017, pp. 8-9). gives us a glimpse of the image of Moreover, the lines drawn are often on the data of Ptolemy are influenced North tended to become generalised. gradually broadened with the the Earth during the Renaissance. approximate or quite simply wrong. by them. Likewise, sailors like In addition, the conventional signs individual representation of different This period is marked by a return to The nomenclature is complicated: John Cabot (c. 1450-c. 1500) did not started to appear, among others known continents on maps, while Antiquity, including the rediscovery in the old world Greco-Latin, despise the teachings of Ptolemy. those representing inhabited places in ancient geography, the œcumene of Ptolemy (ca.100 - ca.180), which Christian and medieval toponyms Brock acknowledges the existence according to their importance. Land (inhabited part of earth's surface) was has been translated and republished are superimposed, while in the New of ‘discoverers' maps’, combining surveys were still rare, but books a single mass. This evolution led the many times, and, in addition, has World, each discoverer imposes his nautical maps and Ptolemaic atlases. on basic geodesic methods were author to question the relationship since been completed with the own denominations. The word America This evolution gradually called into emerging. These evolutions made it between great discoveries and appropriate maps. Printing allows the is a fine example of this complexity. question deeply rooted beliefs: the possible to remodel mediocre maps renewal of geographical knowledge. dissemination of new knowledge, but Employed by Waldseemüller at Saint- Indian Ocean long considered as a and led to the creation of atlases, He concluded that the two elements may also convey persistent errors, Dié-des-Vosges from 1507, it was not closed sea; North America attached with standardisation of formats and interacted. For him history was in myths and prejudices from the past. immediately used on all subsequent to Asia; an uninhabitable torrid zone. harmonisation of scales. Numa Broc progress and the extension of the Great discoveries bring a new picture sole purpose of highlighting errors, maps and first designated only the Also a huge and uninterrupted so- emphasises the role of Mercator and world after discoveries was the result of the world; however, during the gaps and myths. On the contrary, it southern part of the continent. Only called continent at latitude 50° south, Ortelius, who combined the marine of a development of ideas. Renaissance, reality is still barely is necessary to place them in their during the second half of the 16th illustrated by Guillaume Le Testu, tradition of Mediterranean navigators distinguished from the supernatural. context, to see the links between century did it begin to spread, perhaps repeated by Ortelius in 1570, took two with the scholarly tradition of Since the first publication of this book The author points out that the them and the knowledge of the time, thanks to its euphony, its brevity or its centuries to disappear! Geographers of northern geographers. in 1980, titles on this subject have results of great explorations were not the mentalities and even the art and rhyme with Africa. the Renaissance, eager to learn, were multiplied. Yet the author, mastering necessarily widely broadcast soon literature. This is enough to justify assailed with information but still The Renaissance was a time of great sources and showing outstanding after the events. For example, 1492 the reprinting of this title. We may An important element is the possible unable to distinguish the true from discoveries bringing enlargement of erudition, offers us a solid reference does not seem like a very important think that the ‘new’ maps allow us interaction between nautical maps the false. New knowledge was added lands represented on maps, at first book, even without updating. date. The journey of Marco Polo to follow the steps of progressive (which the author mistakenly calls without cancelling the old. There with many fantasies due as much to Consultation is greatly facilitated by (1271-1295) still struck the minds of global discoveries better than relating portolanos 1 ) and scholarly maps, was also progress. In 1569 Mercator imagination as to ignorance. Little a double index of subjects and people. the time to the same extent as the journeys, given their strong power of sometimes called ‘cabinet’ maps. finalised his projection for navigation, by little, knowledge was growing and One regret, besides typing errors here epic voyage of Christopher Columbus. persuasion, features and functions. A priori, they are not similar, the which plots constant bearings as maps were multiplying: planispheres, and there and lack of a glossary: the Erasmus (1469-1536) does not even However, mapmaking history has former being the fruit of experience, straight lines but does not allow national atlases, regional maps and reproductions of maps, all in black refer to America, probably not out of not made continuous progress: the second based on ‘authorities’ calculating distances or determining city plans. The main centres were first and white, are very small and their ignorance, but out of indifference and secrecy politics, documenting (Ptolemy, Strabo, etc.). Numa Broc the position of a ship. This projection on the Mediterranean, then developed legibility is very limited. Doubtless disinterest! difficulties, negligence, routine is not so categorical: even if many would not be considered superior until in the north of Europe especially after this is due to the book’s format; and (mere copying), etc... explain this geographers do not use nautical the 18th century, with the return of 1550. However, despite the mixing in any case they can easily be found What about the history of mapmaking, established fact. In the 16th century maps, it is clear that the maps based the great circumnavigations. Other of men and ideas, dissemination of elsewhere. The main which is well developed in this book, maps look sometimes like a jumble improvements emerged, particularly geographical knowledge remained point is that this when at the time of the first edition of uninteresting elements that are 1 Portolanos are nautical instruction for large-scale maps of countries limited and unequal. There was remarkable title is in 1980 this discipline was still often the result of observations books. The distinction between the two and regions: instruments improved; a certain indifference of scholars once again available. terms is already present with François de embryonic? Numa Broc considers that providing a lot of information: Dainville in 1964; see Maps in History, 64, the triangulation technique became towards maritime expeditions maps should not be studied for the flags and armorial bearings, ships, May 2019, p. 6-7. known; use of orientation to the and new lands. Horizons Christiane De Craecker-Dussart [email protected]


Atlas militaires manuscrits e e for over half a century. Of course, (XVII -XVIII siècles) the Naudin family produced mostly loose leaf maps which were never Villes et territoires des ingénieurs du roi engraved nor further distributed; but Jean-Baptiste Naudin ‘the Elder’ also th th [Manuscript military atlases (17 -18 centuries), Cities and territories of the put together two large manuscript atlases which are not mentioned here: King’s engineers] the ‘Théatre de la guerre en Flandres’ (1688-1697) and the ‘Théatre de la by Émilie d’Orgeix and Isabelle Warmoes guerre en Allemagne’ (1701-1713)...

Paris, BnF Éditions ⁄Ministère des Armées, 2017 - Published by Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, 2019 In conclusion, in spite of this disappointment, I highly recommend 384 pages, 260 illustrations, soft cover, 29 x 26 cm this book: not only is it a remarkable ISBN/EAN 978-2-7177-2676-3 /9782717726763, EUR 180.00 research tool which should be on the shelf of any historical library or research institute, but it is also Detail of a fortification profile most pleasant to handle thanks to Émilie d’Orgeix and Isabelle Warmoes the selection of beautiful plans and are well known for their work on the maps which richly illustrate it. I hope cartographic achievements of French Émilie d’Orgeix and Isabelle Warmoes military engineers at the time of kings are continuing their investigations Louis XIV and Louis XV. Some of our through other libraries in France and Members will remember meeting them elsewhere in Europe and that one day at our 2014 Conference on ‘Mapping in they will publish a complementary Jean-Louis Renteux Times of War’. volume. [email protected]

This book sums up 25 years of research through the main libraries and SPECIAL OFFER for members of the Brussels Map Circle military archives holding unique manuscript atlases resulting from the numerous campaigns of the French CARTOGRAPHIE ET POUVOIR monarchs (at least those libraries AU XVIE SIÈCLE located in the Paris area). It provides MAASTRICHT ANTIQUARIAN L’ATLAS DE JACQUES DE DEVENTER a ‘catalogue raisonné’ of 174 such BOOK & PRINT FAIR atlases comprising some 10 000 plates By Colin Dupont depicting plans of fortified cities and fortresses, maps of the surrounding Unfortunately I could not obtain a me) maps of Hainaut and of 46 plans territories and other views. The review copy of the book in order to of Valenciennes, 31 of Le Quesnoy, 29 * locations covered are mostly in France, study it at leisure. Fortunately, Colin of Maubeuge, etc. I even discovered € 75 & free shipping but they also include a number of Dupont had the good idea to order it an anonymous atlas dedicated to the ABP places which have been visited by for the Royal Library of Belgium! This ‘Places du Haynault françois’ from SINT JAN’S CHURCH VRIJTHOF MAASTRICHT the French military. The inventory is review is therefore limited to a kind about 1721-28, whose 14 maps and plans preceded by a comprehensive study of of user report, i.e. the impressions I have been digitised and are visible on 351 p., 89 col. ills., ISBN 978-2-503-58606-9, Hardback: € 120 the historical context: the increasing got from my own research, using the the Gallica website. As I could expect, 6 / 7 / 8 Series: Terrarum Orbis, Volume 16 recourse to engineers following book to try to identify unknown maps a number of the items listed were Une interprétation novatrice de l’atlas the progress of artillery and the and plans of the county of Hainaut. by Claude Masse who had been very MARCH de Jacques de Deventer et de sa place au sein de l’histoire de la cartographie. subsequent evolution of fortifications... It proved to be an excellent tool for active on the new northern French and of sophisticated siege techniques, this kind of research: the location and border when he started a new career 2 0 2 0 the progressive organisation (in people indexes are well constructed in 1723 (at the age of 73!). On the other More info: particular by Vauban) of a corps of and provide the identification of hand, I was surprised not to find a Friday 2pm - 7pm * Offer valid until 29 February 2020, when quoting the promo code PR_BMC16 Saturday 10am - 6pm Price includes VAT. ‘ingénieurs des fortifications’, their those atlases containing material of mention of Naudin, a family of military Sunday 10am - 5pm modus operandi in the field and the interest as well as the number of the cartographers who produced a For orders, contact [email protected] subsequent synthesis of their work in relevant folios. I thus learned of the multitude of maps of the same regions the form of prestigious atlases. existence of two hitherto unknown (to (also on parts of what is now Belgium) HF


The AfricaMuseum’s largest maps of the Congo

by Wulf Bodenstein

Fig. 1. Girault’s plan for the wall maps (detail), Fonds Charles Girault, HA.01.0827.27, © RMCA Introduction The official Museum Guidebook We shall look at them in the following in German East Africa, without The origins of what is now called the of 2019 makes no mention of these order: extending further east2. The maps AfricaMuseum in Tervuren go back maps. Earlier guides and reports by • Western gallery: Itineraries of are north-oriented and graduated, to a temporary exhibition that was visitors who did notice them tend to Explorers 1816-1900 (MAP 1); with parallels and meridians drawn part of the Brussels World Fair in 1897. limit their comments to a few words Political map (MAP 2) out in each map. These are marked at Léopold II, King of the Belgians and of insubstantial praise. The purpose • Eastern gallery: Economy map intervals of 5° inside the decorative Sovereign of the Congo Free State, of this article, therefore, is to offer (MAP 3); Physical map (MAP 4). frame, except where obscured by had a ‘Palace of the Colonies’ built for a short description of these unique cartouches or the king’s monogram this purpose on the royal estate in cartographic works of art, to discuss All four maps are essentially based on a in the flowery border. Longitudes are Tervuren, about 15 km to the south- their construction and conceptual common geographical layout, covering east of Greenwich. The common scale east of Brussels, as a showcase for context, and to provide an insight into an area from about the Ubangi River is given as 1:333 333. The nomenclature The 'Musée du Congo Belge' inaugurated in 1910 and renamed 'Royal Museum for produce, stuffed animals and artefacts the role played by the artist, Hector in the north to Northern Rhodesia is French. Central Africa’ (RMCA)" after the independence of Congo in 1960 from ‘his’ colony, the Congo. In 1898, d’Espouy. (now Zambia) in the South, and from this had assumed a more permanent renovation. Participants in our of various parts of the Museum’s the Atlantic coast to just beyond Lakes 2 On the long and shared history character as the ‘Musée du Congo’, Mapping Africa Conference last interior. Painstaking restoration has General aspects Victoria and Nyasa (Malawi). In this of East and Central Africa and the but it soon became clear that the December (see report p. 34) were brought them back to their original way, strategically important places, lack of its adequate representation in the AfricaMuseum, see Couttenier, growing collections and the Museum’s given the opportunity to visit it in splendour of the time of the Museum’s Girault’s draft plan dated April 1909 such as the coastal towns of Saint Paul Maarten, The Museum as Rift Zone. The new mission as a scientific institu- the afternoon. Considering that opening, in 1910. shows the proposed arrangement for de Loanda (Luanda) and Benguela in Construction and Representation of ‘East’ tion required more space. In 1902, the early maps of Africa are not much the map display in one of the lateral Angola, the starting or end points and ‘Central’ Africa in the (Belgian) Congo King asked Charles Girault (1851-1932), in evidence in the newly designed After the official opening ceremony, galleries (Fig. 1). The plan having been of a number of major expeditions, Museum / Royal Museum for Central Africa in: History in Africa 46 (2019), pp. architect of the in Paris, permanent exhibition, we had offered Albert I was given a tour of the most adopted, the four maps were created are shown, as are Tabora and Ujiji 327-358. to draft plans for the Museum that we a limited display of items from the important exhibition rooms. The in pairs on the inner walls of the two know today, not far from the ‘Palace of Museum’s map collection in the early Journal de Bruxelles of 1 May 1910 galleries mentioned, on either side of the Colonies’. afternoon, next to the conference reports: He is charmed by everything he the central passage to adjacent rooms. room. sees and he makes a point of expressing d’Espouy painted these on a large Work started in 1904 and, in 1908, his great satisfaction to everyone. canvas that had been fixed on the walls when the Belgian State annexed the However, visitors did find something The large wall maps, the physical and with a special adhesive, a process colony, the Museum was renamed the cartographic to marvel at in the economy maps of the Congo, receive his called marouflage. ’Musée du Congo Belge’. In December Museum itself. In the western and particular admiration. 1 of the following year, Léopold II died eastern lateral galleries of the building The maps are framed by a border of and construction works momentarily – the ones devoted today to ‘Colonial The Parisian Figaro of 7 May 1910 is luxuriant foliage. In the centre of the came to a halt. The Museum building History and Independence’ and the a bit more precise on the Museum’s lower part of the decoration we find was finally inaugurated on 30 April opposite one showing ‘Unrivalled Art’, opening when it mentions: The interior Léopold II’s monogram, the double ‘LL’ 1910 by Léopold’s successor, King there are four monumental wall maps decoration is sumptuous. In the lateral back-to-back, with roman figure ‘II’ Albert I. In 1960, the Congo having depicting the Belgian Congo looking galleries some large maps of this colo- in the middle. Measuring over 7 x 10 gained its independence, the Museum at its exploration, administration, ny have been painted by Mr. d’Espouy, metres, these maps certainly are the became the ‘Royal Museum for Central economy and physical characteristics. within an artistic frame inspired by the largest ones of the Congo ever made Africa’ (RMCA). They are the work of the French most attractive models of the 17th and 18th (see Fig. 2 to get an impression of their painter Hector d’Espouy (1854-1929) centuries. size). In December 2018, the RMCA opened who had been engaged by Charles again after a massive five-year Girault to participate in the decoration 1 All translations of French quotations in this article are by the author. Fig. 2. Wulf Bodenstein in front of MAP 1 -Itineraries of Explorers 1816-1900.


Above the service doors adjacent to MAP DESCRIPTIONS Obviously, the great names of this most the maps, panels surrounded by a decisive of all periods of African ex- floral motif contain royal addresses MAP 1 (Fig. 3 - see centrefold ploration are there. The survey for the in French and in Dutch (translated pages 22-23) Congo region begins with Tuckey who into English below). They explicitly Congo Belge – Itinéraires managed to travel about 160 km up the underline the role the maps were Fondamentaux & Grandes Congo in 1816. Livingstone’s transcon- intended to play: to show the Belgians, Explorations 1816-1900 (s.d., 1910) tinental journey touching the upper and the world, the vast exotic scene (Belgian Congo, Basic Explorers’ Kasaï in 1854-55 is recorded, as are his on which the Colony’s Sovereign Routes and Major Explorations 1816- later travels along Lake Tanganyika pursued his noble philanthropic 1900) and beyond, up to the place where he aim of civilisation – and commercial • Title in cartouche top left died in 1873, near Lake Bangweulu (in exploitation. Adjacent to Maps 1 and 2 • 766 x 1015 cm including the border. what is now Zambia). The search for is a message from Leopold II, 1876:3 Geographical extent 06°12’ N - 14° the sources of the Nile as of 1857 by Open up to civilisation the only part of S; 07°10’ - 34°40’ E Burton, Speke, Grant and Baker marks our globe where it has not yet pen- • Linear scale bar of 500 km, 150 cm; the beginning of an intense series of etrated, to break into the darkness scale 1:333 333, 1 cm = 3.3 km explorations, reaching the Congo both that shrouds entire populations, that from the east (Zanzibar) and the west is a crusade worthy of this century of A table placed in the South Atlantic, (Angola). Cameron’s East-West cross- progress. entitled ‘Fundamental Geographical ing in 1873-75 was followed by Stanley’s Discoveries 1816-1900’ lists, in chron- memorable expedition down the river And adjacent to Maps 3 and 4 is a ological order and in two columns, the Congo from 1874 to 1877. This initiated message from Albert I, 1909:4 names of 113 explorers, their field of the effective opening up of the region’s For a people impassioned by justice, a action and the year or period of their interior, with explorers from most of Fig. 4. Detail of Map 1, explorers’ routes vocation to colonise is nothing less than journeys. Unfortunately, this table the European nations participating one a mission to civilise. lacks a legend explaining the coded way or another, many in the service of linear codes. In addition, some explor- penetrate a land mass that was entirely This map conveys the territorial elements on the map, as is common Léopold II. Independently from, but of- ers’ names and routes were shown in unknown to the Europeans, under immensity of the Colony. With about The maps themselves are not signed. with maps of this kind.5 Nevertheless, ten also in the company of, foreigners, one of six different colours, following the most trying of circumstances for 2 350 000 km², the Congo is over 80 However, to the left of the service door itineraries for 78 of these explorers can Belgian explorers were instrumen- a formula that has remained obscure the visitors as much as for the visited. times larger than its mother country, adjoining the Economy map (Map 3), we be distinguished, many of them reap- tal in establishing Belgian authority (see detail at Fig. 4). Conversely, the map reveals some large shown in the inset. Nearly 9 000 km of find the following inscription painted pearing for later missions in different when the Congo was recognised as an parts in the country’s centre where frontiers separate it from the sur- on the wall: parts of the Congo. Most of the re- independent state in 1885. Among them It would exceed the scope of this ar- explorers’ traces are as yet absent. rounding colonies or protectorates of Les quatre Cartes murales ont été maining names on the list figure only we find Cambier, Storms, Van de Velde, ticle if we were to attempt a detailed France, Great Britain, Germany and peintes en 1910 par H. d’Espouy ‘statically’, indicating their presence in Hanssens, Van Gèle, Delcommune, G. verification of all routes shown on MAP 2 ( Fig. 5) Portugal. In comparison with other d’après les originaux dressés par MM.s a particular region at a given moment, and P. Le Marinel, up to 1900, ending this map in comparison with expe- Congo Belge – Carte Politique 1910 African states, for example Mali or Droogmans et Van Dievoet. without being linked to an itinerary. the survey with Lemaire’s mission into dition reports originally published (Belgian Congo, Political Map 1910) Namibia, where international conven- [The four wall maps were painted in Surprisingly, 10 further itineraries the Katanga.6 with accompanying maps. However, tions in the early period of colonisation 1910 by H. d’Espouy after originals were found on the map, involving It is no simple task to objective- spot checks confirmed the following • Title in cartouche top left fixed boundaries in straight lines along drawn by Messrs. Droogmans and 14 unlisted explorers. On the other ly synthesise eighty-four years of itineraries to be correctly reproduced: • 767 x 940 cm including the border. parallels and meridians, the frontiers Van Dievoet]. hand, some important expeditions exploration from the immense vol- Cameron’s route across Africa from Geographical extent 06° N - 14° S; of the Congo mostly follow natural are lacking. For example, Edouard ume of documentation the explorers east to west (1873-75), von Wissmann’s 09°20’ - 34°40’ E terrain features, such as rivers, lakes, Not a cartographer himself, Hector Foa’s notable East-West crossing from have put on record. Fortunately, the explorations (1880-83, 1884-85, 1886- • Linear scale bar of 500 km, 150 cm; mountain ranges or watersheds. The d’Espouy obviously had at his disposal the mouth of the Zambezi to Banana relatively large scale of the map offered 87), and Stanley’s relief expedition for scale 1:333 333, 1 cm = 3.3 km combined river system of the Bomu, drafts provided by the two Belgian (1894-97) is not to be seen, except for an some space to untangle the scores of Emin Pasha with Tippu Tip (1887-89). 7 • Inset in the lower left-hand cor- Ubangi and Congo alone accounts for collaborators referred to, a point we isolated stretch near Lake Tanganyika. overlapping itineraries that had to be ner: the Map of Belgium on the nearly one third of the total, with parts still need to clarify. Likewise, the Austrian Congo flagged with dates and names. A cod- Against a background of widely-read same scale as the large map of the Kwango and the Kasaï rivers Expedition under Lenz and Baumann ing of routes using a large variety of travel accounts by early explorers, this • Legend within lower border, at adding another 650 km. which charted the Congo up to the lines of dots, dashes and other markers map, with its impressive criss-cross of left: key to conventional signs for Stanley Falls (Boyoma Falls) in 1885-87 was employed to achieve this, resulting itineraries, makes the visitor aware of administrative centres, mission Conventional boundary symbols mark is not recorded. in the creation of a total of 53 different the immense efforts deployed with- stations (Catholic and Protestant), the external limits of the Belgian in a relatively short space of time to railway lines completed, under Congo, except where they coincide 6 Cfr. the revealing study by Patricia Van Schuylenbergh, Arpenter le territoire construction or planned, tele- with a river, or thalweg. Surface 5 See for example Richard Kiepert’s congolais. Savoirs géographiques, 7 See also René Cambier, Carte des graph lines, international bounda- colouring of the Colony in a slightly 3 From Léopold II’s opening speech at ‘Carte du Bassin du Congo’ (1885): Wulf ressources militaires et expansion Explorations [du Congo] in: Institut the Geographical Conference of Brussels, ries, limits of Districts brighter tone than the surrounding Bodenstein, Richard Kiepert, Mapping coloniale (1870-1900) in: H. Blais et al Royal Colonial Belge, Atlas Général du 12 September 1876. territories is meant to highlight its Central Africa at the time of the Berlin (eds), Territoires impériaux. Une histoire Congo, Brussels, 1948, with a Notice and 4 From Albert I’s enthronement speech, Conference in: IMCoS Journal N° 143 spatiale du fait colonial, Sorbonne, Paris, comprehensive bibliography. 23 December 1909. (Winter 2015), pp. 24-34. 2011, pp. 83-107.


Berlin Congo Conference (15 November positive assertions imply. Interesting on rubber production, much under 1884 - 26 February 1885), to Léopold to note, as Maarten Couttenier points discussion during Léopold’s reign, II’s astute political manoeuvres. The out,12 that an African capital like but still a commodity that weighed estuary was neutralised by leaving the Bunkeya, capital of the Yeke kingdom, heavily making a major impact at small Cabinda enclave to its north as a which was shown on Map 1, has that time. As is well known, this concession to Portugal.10 been eliminated from this ‘modern’ trade had a devastating influence on administrative map. the local population, but generated At the beginning of 1910 the Congo immense wealth which enabled was home to an estimated 15 million MAP 3 (Fig. 6) Léopold II to finance the building of indigenous inhabitants. Figures Congo Belge – Carte Economique 1910 the RMCA, among other monumental available for foreigners in early 1909 (Belgian Congo, Economy Map 1910) constructions in Brussels and Ostend. indicate that, among a total of 2 925, In 1911, over 3 400 tonnes were there were 1 720 Belgian, 181 Italian, • Title in cartouche top left exported, a volume exceeded only by 119 Dutch, 118 British, 63 German, 55 • 763 x 941 cm including the border. palm oil (6 800 tonnes), followed by American, 51 French, and 29 Danish Geographical extent 06° N - 14° S; coconut oil (2 300 tonnes) and copal residents established in the Belgian 09°20’ - 34°40’ E (2 100 tonnes). Ivory export amounted Congo. 11 • Linear scale bar of 500 km, 150 cm; to 226 tonnes.14 scale 1:333 333, 1 cm = 3.3 km The territorial division into 12 • Legend within lower left-hand More discreet lettering is used to mark Districts, as shown on the map, is in border: key to conventional signs different places across the map where accordance with the royal decree of for limits of diverse crops (differ- other local produce, such as rare wood, 7 March 1910. It replaces the previous ent kinds of natural rubber, palm copal, coffee or cotton is obtained. arrangement of 15 Districts established oil, bananas, manioc); for centres Interspersed with these items are in 1895 in what was then still the Congo of commerce for these products; indications of the presence of some Free State. for breeding stations of domes- big game, such as elephants (almost tic animals; for mining centres ubiquitous, a hint at the availability The 12 Districts are the following (their (copper, iron ore, tin, gold, coal, of ivory), buffaloes, lions, leopards, administrative centres in brackets): diamonds), and for communi- zebras, antelopes, and okapis. cations (railways, telephone and Fig. 5. MAP 2, Political map. 2018.3.415, collection RMCA Tervuren; photo J. Van de Vyver, © RMCA Bas-Congo (Boma), Moyen-Congo telegraph lines, practicable routes, Mineral resources are found con- (Léopoldville/Kinshasa), Lac Léopold navigability of waterways) centrated in the southeast (Katanga) area, suggesting limits in some parts east of that lake to German East Africa, surprised to see the Colony’s sea- II (Inongo), Equateur (Coquilhatville/ Léopold II saw his Museum as a prop- region. In 1910 we are only at the where they had remained undefined. is not yet shown as it was ratified only board limited to the mouth of the Mbandaka), Les Bangala (Nouvelle- aganda tool for presenting his colonial beginning of industrial mining of International frontiers recorded on 27 July 1911. 8 Likewise, a stretch Congo River that, due to impassable Anvers/Makanza), Ubangi (Libenge), project in a positive light.13 In 1910, these resources. At that time, no more are those agreed with the four of about 100 km on the frontier with rapids, permitted navigation only up Uele (Niangara), Aruwimi (Basoko), there were fourteen rooms to show than 900 kilos of gold were export- neighbouring colonial powers at that Angola, near Dilolo, is left open. An to about 160 km. These were finally Stanleyville (Stanleyville/Kisangani), the visitors an impressive collection of ed and raw copper amounted to just time (1910), with two exceptions: understanding with Portugal to clarify circumnavigated in 1898 when a Katanga (Kambove), Kasai (Lusambo), specimens of the fauna, flora, natural over one thousand tonnes. 15 Today the this portion was reached on 2 June railway track was opened between and Kwango (Popokabaka). resources, and ethnological objects Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is In the east, between a point 02°30’N 1910.9 Matadi and Léopoldville (Kinshasa). from the Congo. Four of these rooms the world’s largest producer of cobalt - 31° E and the northern end of As Map 1 clearly shows, the main As a result of the creation of were reserved for articles of export and the second largest of industrial Lake Tanganyika, where the Ruzizi Those not familiar with the territorial points of early entry from the Atlantic numerous new governmental posts, from the Colony; in a display corner diamonds, with abundant reserves of enters the lake, the boundary is not configuration of the Congo are coast were in fact St. Paul de Loanda this map shows a much denser the collecting of rubber was demon- copper, uranium and other minerals marked in the conventional manner. (Luanda) and Benguela, in Portuguese toponymy than was apparent on strated. that had not yet been mined around 8 For details of the arrangements Instead, the area colouring indicates between Belgium and the United Angola. The problem goes back to Map 1. Combined with a clear-cut 1910. a geographical limit conforming with Kingdom concerning the frontier with the explorations of Diogo Cão (late administrative sectorisation, Belgium In order to facilitate the study of the Belgian declaration of neutrality the Uganda Protectorate, and those 15thcentury) whose contacts with local here endeavours to demonstrate its this somewhat schematic map, Of prime importance for the trans- concerning the frontier with German (1 August 1885), i.e. from a point on chiefs encouraged Portugal to claim territorial authority, even though this the designers have, in addition to port of local produce were, and still East Africa, see Pierre Jentgen, Les the Congo-Nile watershed on the 31°E Frontières du Congo Belge, Institut Royal sovereignty over the African coast is less firmly implanted than the map’s the decoding of area limits in the are, railways, navigable rivers, and meridian down to 1° 20’ S, and from Colonial Belge, Brussels, 1952, p. 36 ff., south of 5° 12’ S, a convention that legend, named various crops in bold roads. Railway tracks are shown to there in a straight line to the northern and Mathieu Zana Etambala, Histoire would have deprived Léopold II of any 10 Pierre Jentgen, La Terre Belge du letters along their colour-coded be in operation between Matadi and de la Formation des Frontières de l’Etat Congo, Étude sur l’origine et la formation end of Lake Tanganyika. The Belgo- access to the Atlantic for his future regional outlines. The emphasis of Léopoldville (Kinshasa), Kindu and du Congo in: Jean Omasombo and de la Colonie du Congo Belge, Bolyn, German convention of 11 August 1910, Paule Bouvier (eds), Décentralisation et Congo. Britain and France, initially Brussels, 1937, p. 56 ff. this display lies, understandably, that traces the boundary across Lake Espaces de Pouvoir, RMCA 2014, pp. 231- supportive of Portugal’s claims, in the 14 J. Halkin, Cours de Géographie, Congo 11 Anon. [Alphonse de Haulleville], Le 426. 12 See note 2, p. 347. Belge, Namur, 1938, p. 85 Kivu and apportions a large area to the end surrendered, in the course of the Musée du Congo Belge à Tervueren, 1910, 9 Pierre Jentgen, op. cit., p. 56. p. 24. 13 Museum Guidebook, 2019, p. 22. 15 See note 14.


Fig. 3. MAP 1, Basic explorers’ routes and major explorations 1816-1900. 2018.3.414, Collection RMCA Tervuren; photo J. Van de Vyver, © RMCA


Fig. 6. MAP 3, Economical map. 2018.3.420, Collection RMCA Tervuren; photo J. Van de Vyver, © RMCA Fig. 7. MAP 4, Physical map. 2018.3.421, Collection RMCA Tervuren; photo J. Van de Vyver, © RMCA

Kasongo, Stanleyville (Kisangani) and MAP 4 (Fig. 7) of this range lies in the DRC. Fairly In this respect a certain resemblance appear, to the records of terrain eleva- Preservation of the environment was Ponthierville (Ubundu), each time Congo Belge – Carte Physique 1910 solid coverage is found in the north is apparent with Paul Langhans’s tion. Instruments such as theodolites, not an issue at that time, although the bypassing the major obstacles of fluvial (Belgian Congo, Physical Map 1910) and northeast regions of the country. wall map of the land cover of Africa, aneroid barometers, levelling devices decimation of the elephant population rapids and cataracts. By 1910, over 850 However, in other parts of the map, published by Perthes in 1906. 17 The and thermometers to determine boil- due to the excessive hunt for ivory did km of railway tracks had been built, • Title in cartouche top left especially in the hydrographic pattern coincidence most likely results from ing points of water were in use with cause some concern. It was only in 1925 including a connection with Rhodesia • 764 x 1016 cm including the border. within the large Congo bend, its pres- the use of identical sources, as Perthes varying degrees of success, depending that the Albert National Park (now the (Zambia), and 7 000 km were under Geographical extent 06° N - 14° S; ence is limited to the vicinity of rivers systematically gathered travellers’ on environmental circumstances. Virunga National Park) was created, construction or in the planning stage. 07°10’ - 34°40’ E which, as a comparison with the map reports from around the world for its However, one summit is shown with the first national park and nature Steamers navigated along 12 000 km of • Linear scale bar of 500 km, 150 cm; of exploration (Map 1) will show, had well-known publication Petermanns surprising accuracy. This is the highest reserve in Africa.18 waterways, and a network of 9 000 km scale 1:333 333, 1 cm = 3.3 km been reconnoitred by explorers. Other Geographische Mitteilungen. mountain in the DRC, the Margherita of practicable roads was in operation.16 • Legend within lower left-hand areas with rivers only crossed, but not Peak of the Stanley Mountain in the border: key to conventional signs explored, lack this kind of vegetation. We may therefore assume that terrain Ruwenzori range, on the border with for tropical rain forests, water features, as much as all other topo- Uganda, marked as 5 120 m. courses, rapids, lakes, swamps, graphical details, had been extracted It had been reached in 1906 by Prince plus five colour shades for eleva- and synthesised, to the extent possible, Luigi Amedeo, Duke of Abruzzi, who tions of terrain, from ‘0 to 500 m’ from expedition reports close to the established its altitude at 5 109 m. to ‘above 4000 m’ date of creation of the map. The Belgian scientific mission of 1932 placed this at 5 119 m. The most significant type of land The same remark applies, it would surface shown on this map, apart from 16 Alphonse de Haulleville, Le Musée high ground, is the tropical rain forest. 17 Paul Langhans, Wandkarte von Afrika zur Darstellung der Bodenbedeckung, 18 Patricia Van Schuylenbergh, Han du Congo Belge à Tervueren, 1910, p. 15. The Congo basin contains the world’s A. de Haulleville was the Museum’s first Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1906, in: Wulf de Koeijer (eds), Virunga, Archives second largest equatorial forest after Director (1910-1927). Note that this is a Bodenstein, Exploring Africa with et Collections d’un Parc National different publication from that quoted in the Amazon basin, and two thirds Ancient Maps, RMCA, 2017, Map 74. d’Exception, RMCA, 2017. note 11.


The work of Hector d’Espouy Hector d’Espouy first enters the scene CONCLUSION AND The name of d’Espouy cannot be found With thanks to Joël Granson (Cazères) of the Africa Museum on 7 May 1909.21 OUTLOOK in the current reference literature on and to Michel Lécussan (Toulouse) Hector Jean-Baptiste Marie Déziré [sic] In a letter to Hubert Droogmans, mapmakers or mapmaking. He is, after for details on the painter’s work and Despouy (later d’Espouy, Fig. 8) was at that time Secretary General to More than a cartographic curiosity, all, only a map painter. However, there family; to Maxime Corbec (Chambre born in 1854 in Salles sur Adour near the Minister of the Colonies and a these huge wall maps of the Congo must have been some kind of inherited de Commerce, Lille); to colleagues Tarbes (Hautes Pyrénées) but spent principal actor in the Museum project, in the AfricaMuseum deserve to be trait in this family with an affinity to at the AfricaMuseum: Lucienne Di his youth in his family’s nearby home Girault proposes d’Espouy for the brought to the attention of all those mapping. Hector’s nephew, Raymond Mauro, Sandra Eelen, Tom Morren, town of Cazères. 19 His pronounced painting of the large wall maps. He interested in the mapping of Central d’Espouy (1892-1954), an enthusiastic Nancy Vanderlinden, Patricia Van skills in the fine arts admitted him to mentions important maps the painter Africa. Obviously, the development of Pyrenean mountaineer, became a local Schuylenbergh, Dirk Verbist, Anne the Beaux Arts in Toulouse and then had executed in LiIle 22 and evokes the historical context of their creation cartographer. He developed what was Welschen for their assistance with in Paris. Although initially trained as the king’s appreciation of interior would require more space than was called ‘la courbe éclairée’, an improved research; and to Maarten Couttenier an architect, he pursued an artistic decorations he had painted at Passable available for this article. Further representation of mountain reliefs. (historian, RMCA) and Francis Herbert career with distinction: Prix de Rome on the Côte d’Azur. This most likely research, in particular concerning He drew many maps for the Pyrenean (former Curator of Maps, RGS-IBG, in 1884, numerous prizes and medals at refers to two maps, one of Belgium, the preparatory work by Hubert guide book Guide Soubiron (1920, 1930) London), for their editorial review. different Salons and a gold medal at the the other of the Belgian Congo, Fig. 8. Hector d’Espouy (1854-1929), Droogmans (1858-1938) and Gabriel and had one of the summits of the Paris Exposition in 1900. He was made which d’Espouy had painted on the © Michel Lécussan Van Dievoet (1875-1934), should permit Cotiella massif named after him, the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur in mantelpieces of one of the King’s villas a more comprehensive study of the Pic d’Espouy. Raymond does not seem 1901, and in the following years became there. The great-grandson of Hector above the service doors and some subject to be undertaken, also covering to be on record in cartographic circles a leading artist for interior decoration, d’Espouy, Michel Lécussan, is in adjacent decorations for 20 000 Francs the other maps painted by d’Espouy. – yet. including the painting of maps. possession of two watercolour drafts (about 72 000 Euros), that is at a much- Among his most important works we for these maps and has kindly provided reduced rate of 60 Francs (just over may mention mural paintings in the some further details. 23 200 euros) per square metre. D’Espouy following places: Palais Rose (Paris, accepts. On 1 April 1910 the painter 1902), mansion of James Burden (New In the same letter Girault quotes announces to Girault that the maps York, 1903), Salon Bleu, Palais de la current artists’ rates for one square are finished. He concludes by saying Légion d’Honneur (Paris, 1910), Le metre of decorative painting, as Ces messieurs de la carte paraissent Crédit du Nord (Tourcoing, 1914), amounting to between 350 and 400 satisfaits, très-satisfaits même (Those Chambre de Commerce (Lille, 1914- French Francs, today’s equivalent of map gentlemen [meaning Droogmans 1919, including a map of the region20), ca. 1 200 to 1 400 euros. He indicates and Van Dievoet] appear to be satisfied, Grand Opéra de Lille (1914-1919), however, that a lower price should most satisfied even). Wulf Bodenstein interior of the presidential train (1915), be possible. After some negotiation, [email protected] Library ‘Dutuit’ in the Petit Palais the Belgian Ministry of the Colonies At the opening of the Museum, all (Paris, 1916), Bibliothèque nationale de engages d’Espouy on 20 October 1909 principal actors of the project – France (Paris, 1917). to paint the four maps, the medallions ministers, directors, the architect and artists – were introduced to King 21 The painter’s activities for the Museum Albert I, but Hector d’Espouy was not extracted from the RMCA Archives among them. Charles Girault, HA.01.0827.8 and HA.01.0827.9.

22 According to Girault, in the hall of the newspaper Echo du Nord; not otherwise 19 Biographical data taken from the documented. Girault could not, of Notice by Monique and Joël Granson, course, refer to the map mentioned in Les chefs-d’oeuvre du Cazérien Hector note 20, because it was part of the other d’Espouy et de son fils Jean et de decorations in the Palais de la Bourse, Raymond d’Espouy, Cazères, May 2019. terminated only in 1919. This Notice may be consulted in the 23 Passable is a bay at the foot of Médiathèque of Cazères and on http:// the promontory of Saint-Jean-Cap- Ferrat. Here Léopold II developed a php?action=Accueil, under ‘celebrities.’ large private estate at the beginning Joël Granson is a historian and local of the 20th century. It included the heritage counsellor to the mayor of villa Vial which he transformed into a Making Maps in History Cazères. small palace, ‘Radiana’, for his mistress 20 This wall map represents Picardie, Blanche Delacroix (cf. also the ‘Blog sur This issue of Maps in History was coordinated and edited by Jean-Louis Renteux and Luis Robbles. Normandie, part of Belgium and of la famille royale belge, villas de LéopoldII’, Paul De Candt did the lay-out on the basis of a design by David Raes. Great Britain. It was painted in an consulted on 10 November 2019). One elevated position of the vestibule of presumes that the maps were painted in Contents have been checked by the Editorial Committee comprising Wulf Bodenstein, Nicola Boothby, Wouter the magnificent former Palais de la this residence. The Archives of the Royal Bracke, Lisette Danckaert, Francis Herbert, Pierre Parmentier and Luis Robles. Bourse, inaccessible for examination. Its Palace in Brussels have no records of dimensions are about 3 x 5 meters. Léopold II’s private villas.


How I Got Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille: Into Cartography Pioneer of scientific cartography in Southern Africa Interview with Sabrina Guerra, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

by Luis A. Robles Macías by Roger Stewart Sabrina Guerra. [email protected]

Sabrina Guerra Moscoso is a professor and coordinator of the History programme at the Universidad San Francisco Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille Cape of Good Hope de Quito (Ecuador). She focuses on maritime history, especially on the history of the Pacific during the colonial period. She has published articles on the Armada of the South Sea, corsairs and pirates, and ports and routes of the Abbé Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille (1713 Lacaille’s Carte du Cap de Bonne 1 Pacific, and has edited the book Enigmas, geografía, expediciones y cartografía de las Américas (2013) . In April 2018 – 1762) (Fig. 1) is famous in Southern Espérance et de ses environs. Levé she was the coordinator for the 7th Simposio Iberoamericano de Historia de la Cartografía. She is currently working Africa for the pioneering, rigorous géométriquement en 1752 was published on a second book on the Americas’ interoceanic passage. studies he conducted in astronomy in 1755 in his report to the French What exactly does your day-to-day In your opinion, how do historians The best thing that can happen to me and geodesy at the Cape of Good Royal Academy of Sciences (Fig. 2).2 work involve? interact with old maps? right now is to be able to triangulate Hope – a landmark in the history of His manuscript map of the Cape is I teach History of America, History of I am perhaps more inclined to information from some document descriptive and quantitative science in in the National Archives of South the Pacific and other subjects of global understand the cultural and temporal related to a map and some other the region. He is not well known as a Africa.3 Somewhat surprisingly, history. I do research and coordinate context, and the aim of an old map type of source. This allows me to get cartographer; yet, while in Southern Lacaille’s small format printed map several projects related to exhibitions rather than just looking at it as a a broader perspective on the map Africa, he produced pioneering and (14.7 x 19.6 cm) influenced numerous and publications. graphical object. as a fundamental part of a record influential terrestrial maps and a cartographers, the hydrographer of the construction of knowledge, celestial chart. I argue that Lacaille’s Mannevillette as well as some What is your relationship with old Would you describe your career information, intentions, ... everything mapping of land and skies in Southern publishers.4 maps? path to date as ‘straightforward’ a map may mean. Africa was the beginning of scientific Fig. 1. Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille, 1762 Maps are fascinating historical docu- and where do you see yourself going cartography in the region. 1 (Wikimedia Commons) Despite the well-known small ments. My research field is the mari- from here? inaccuracies in Lacaille’s longitude time history of the Pacific, and these My career as historian has taken Lacaille studied rhetoric, philosophy famously the charting of the Southern measurements made near mountains, documents have been essential to get me down the path of research and and theology and then dedicated skies. On completing that task he 5the co-ordinates of key landmarks a more complete picture. Maps are teaching. I think I have achieved a himself to science, especially measured the arc of the meridian on his map were a vast improvement relevant historical sources that offer balance. Regarding my work with mathematics and astronomy. Under at Cape Town. In 1753 he proceeded on earlier figures. Nevertheless, there a visual and graphical record of those the history of cartography, I will be the patronage of Jacques Cassini de to Mauritius and Réunion and was involved in their production and use. constantly exposed to it and learning Thury (also known as Cassini II) he instructed to map the former. He 2 Carte du Cap de Bonne Espérance et de ses environs. Levé géométriquement about it, given that I focus on maritime was employed to assist in surveying returned to Mazarin College where he en 1752. In: M. l’Abbé de la Caille. What did you need to study/how history, part of the French coast. He was continued to work until his untimely Diverses observations Astronomiques did you gain experience to get this I would love to get a research admitted to the French Royal Academy death. et Physiques, faites au Cap de Bonne- far? Any specific training on the scholarship to stay at a university of Science and became professor of Esperance pendant les années 1751, 1752 history of cartography? & partie de 1753. Histoire de l'Académie with a programme on the history of mathematics at the Mazarin College of Royales des Sciences. Avec les Mémoires I do not really have any specific cartography and a plentiful collection the University of Paris. In 1751 he sailed de Mathématique & de Physique, Année training in the history of cartography. of maps of America, so as to learn more to the Cape of Good Hope on a ship (M. DCCLI [1751]), (M. DDCCLV [1755]): 398- I obtained my PhD in the History of about reading and deciphering these captained by Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas- 456. America at the Universitat Jaume I maps. Denis d'Après de Mannevillette, the 3 Triangulation map showing Devil's in Spain. That said, my training in respected French hydrographer. Peak, Table Mountain, Lion's Head Herman Moll, A new & exact map of with applicable information and source analysis allowed me to apply Lacaille had a directive from the King the coast, countries and islands within measurements 1752. M1/167, National this methodology to old maps, to As a final comment, could you tell ye limits of ye South Sea Company … , and the support of Governor Ryk Archives of South Africa, Cape Town interrogate these documents with the us the ‘best thing’, in your view, 1720. Studied by Sabrina Guerra in a Tulbagh at the Cape. He completed a Archives Repository (KAB). recent publication about maps of the adequate questions to understand about your cartography-related life number of projects in astronomy, most 4 Stewart R. A mystery resolved. Galapagos. Image courtesy of the Library their context and goals, and be able to right now? Lacaille’s map of the Cape of Good Hope. of Congress 1 Glass I. Nicolas-Louis de La Caille. IMCoS Journal 119 (2009): 7 – 11. evaluate the information they present Astronomer and Geodesist. (Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012). 5 Glass, see Note 1: 151 – 167. 1 Editor’s note: see Looks at Books in MiH50 (September 2014), and also the report on the ‘Cartografia de las Americas’ exhibition organised by Sabrina in Quito in May 2012 (MiH44, May 2012).


Lacaille did not systematically survey History of Mauritius.11 the necessary terrestrial angles the south-western corner of the Dutch from his baselines and prominent colony, nor its coastline. It seems that Lacaille lodged and set up an landmarks, while also determining the he placed on his graticule a coastal observatory in Port Louis at the heights of a number of mountains.13 outline of unidentified origin and home of Mr Mabille, an officer of The party had to use the canoe to very accurately inserted within the the French East India Company. cross numerous rivers and inlets and coastline both his geodetic triangles Lacaille made a quadrant of fourteen had access to a dinghy to visit and and the places he visited. I suggest pouces (inches), which, presumably, take readings at landmarks on some that the map was an illustration in, was the instrument he used during of the offshore islets. Cloud and rain and provided geographical context to, his topographical survey. Governor also hampered the survey and, on his article on geodesy rather than a Bouvet de Lozier was very supportive numerous days, Lacaille was confined formal map of the Cape of Good Hope. of Lacaille’s project; he allocated to his tent. Nevertheless, the party Nevertheless, the question remains: Lacaille a cart, drawn by a team of ten completed its arduous task about 10 was Lacaille a good cartographer? oxen, for all his survey equipment and weeks after commencing the survey. a pirogue (canoe); and another cart, Mauritius drawn by twelve horses, which carried Lacaille used the information from tents, beds and food. 12 The governor his survey and study of the geography Fig. 2. Lacaille’s coastline errors in the north-west (e.g. Saldanha Bay) and south-east (e.g. Hanglip) on his Soon after he had completed his also allocated nine porters and an of the island to compile two 1753 printed map (left) are obvious when compared with a modern map (right). (Author’s maps ) geodetic survey at the Cape of armed escort of seven soldiers to manuscripts maps that may be viewed Good Hope in October 1752, Lacaille protect the party from runaway slaves. in high resolution at the website of are two significant errors on Lacaille’s received an order signed by the Lacaille was also accompanied by Mr the French National Library.14 15 His map that are obvious on simple King of France to proceed to l’Isle Godin, a geographical engineer of the survey and maps were the models comparison with a modern map (Fig.2). de France (Mauritius) and l’Isle de French East India Company; two local for Charles Grant’s accurate map 6 Bourbon (Réunion), on behalf of the surveyors, Mr d’Esny and Mr Lafayette; of 1801, 16 and for other maps until French East India Company: Lacaille and his faithful dog Gris-Gris, after the mid-nineteenth century. At the The misshapen north-west coastline was to fix their positions. He thought whom a small beach at the most time of writing, the French National on Lacaille’s map is exemplified by this instruction unnecessary; in 1752 southern point of the island is named. Library’s catalogue entries of these the northern and southern shores of Mannevillette had visited the Cape maps do not identify the cartographer. Saldanha Bay, which are 5’ and 8’ too and shared with Lacaille his accurate On 13 July 1753 Lacaille set off with his The cartographer can only have far south respectively; the visually observations at the Mascarene Islands. impressive party to commence his been Lacaille, who conducted the obvious result is that the bay is too Mannevillette’s sea chart of Mauritius cartographic survey at Poudre d’Or on triangulation survey in 1753 and whose long (about 46 km long, instead of was published only in 1775.8 the island’s north-eastern coast. The four baselines, described in his Journal 26 km). In the south-east, Hanglip party then travelled clockwise along Historique, are clearly discernible on (today’s Hangklip) is 7’ too far north Lacaille arrived at French controlled the coast and carefully established the manuscripts. He may have been (it should be 2’ south of Cape Point – Mauritius in April 1753, and remained and measured four baselines for see Fig. 2). While Lacaille’s small map there until January 1754; but his triangulation: one each in the south, 13 De la Caille N-L. Diverses observations had significant coastline errors, its cartographic work on the island south-west, central west and north- faites pendant le cours de trois coastline was a great improvement has received virtually no attention west. His Mauritius baselines were différentes traversées pour un voyage on earlier printed maps of the Cape outside Mauritius.9 David Evans, an measured over uneven ground and au cap de Bonne-espérance & aux isles de France & de Bourbon. Histoire de of Good Hope, such as the grossly astronomer, translated Lacaille’s were relatively short. For example, l'Académie Royale des Sciences Année mis-shapen, influential map by posthumous Journal Historique, 10 his baseline in the south, near today’s M. DCCLI [1751] Avec les Mémoires de Johannes Loots (Fig. 3), from which documented Lacaille’s itinerary and Souillac, was 1250 toises (about 2436 m), Mathématique & de Physique 1754. Paris; derivatives were produced into the terrestrial survey of the island but did 250 (about 487 m) of which straddled 1759, pp. 109 – 119; Table: 118 –119). mid-eighteenth century by famous not highlight his map. Grant de Vaux a coastal inlet. Using astronomical 14 Untitled, anonymous manuscript map cartographers such as Jacques Nicolas also documented the survey in his observations, Lacaille determined the dated 1753. Carte de l'Isle de France, 1753 1 carte : ms., en coul. ; 56 x 41.5 cm. Bellin, Nicolaas Visscher and Pieter co-ordinates of thirty-one stations on Bibliothèque nationale de France, van der Aa. 7 8 Plate 18 in Le Neptune oriental; the mountainous island; he measured département Cartes et plans, GE DD- available at 2987 (8427). Available at https://bit. 11 Grant de Vaux C., Combe W. The ly/2MydFOv 6 South Western Cape (Special Edition). 9 Toussaint A., Arbey L. Atlas souvenir de history of Mauritius, or the Isle of France, 1:250 000. (Mowbray: Chief Directorate l'Abbé de La Caille. (Port Louis: Mauritius and the neighbouring islands; from Surveys and Mapping [now: National Government Press, 1953). Shelf number their first discovery to the present time. 15 [Carte de l'Isle de France, 1753] : 1 carte: Geospatial Information], 2000). AFR.E.FOLIO.64, National Library of (London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. ms., en coul. ; 55.5 x 41 cm. Bibliothèque 7 Stewart R. Nieuwe en Naauwkeurige South Africa in Cape Town. for the author, 1801), 16 and 371 – 379; nationale de France, département available at . Cartes et plans, CPL GE DD-2987 (8428). land- en zee-kaart, van … Caap de Bonne 10 Evans D. Lacaille: Astronomer, Traveler. Fig. 3. Johannes Loot’s grossly mis-shapen map (c. 1698) that influenced Available at Esperance. IMCoS Journal 136 (2014): 13 – With a new translation of his journal. 12 Piat D. Mauritius on the Spice Route, 20. numerous cartographers until Lacaille’s map (1755) was published. (Permission of Brenthurst Library, Johannesburg) (Tuscon [i.e. Tucson AZ, USA ]: Pachart 1598-1810. Available from: 16 The map is available at Publishing House, 1992), 246 – 273. kwRHpa I180MR


assisted in the drawing of the map While still in the Cape, Lacaille applied by the technical assistants in his himself to the construction of a party. A detailed topocadastral map planisphere. He selected 1 930 stars of of Mauritius, attributed to Lacaille, the 9 766 he had observed, documented whose key observations on the island their brightness (‘magnitude’), and are recorded, may also be viewed at also their apparent locations according the French National Library’s website17. to their Right Ascension. He not only It had been owned by Admiral Charles- charted their position and magnitude, Henri d'Estaing who had been in but also assigned names to new Mauritius after Lacaille’s departure constellations and attended to their and who was executed by guillotine artistic representation. 23 Lacaille during the French Revolution in 1794, departed from classical tradition and when it is likely the map came to the mythology in that he represented Dépôt. new constellations in the shapes of instruments of science and also named Lacaille returned to Paris in June 1754. a constellation ‘Mensa’, after Table He submitted his various reports to Mountain, which towered above his the Academy, engaged Jean Lattré to small observatory. engrave the map of Mauritius, and issued it as a broadsheet (Fig. 4). 18 After his return to Paris in 1754 Fig. 5. Lacaille’s Planisphere des Etoiles Australes, plate 29 from Atlas céleste de Lacaille’s printed map is scarce; it is Lacaille commissioned Anne-Louise Flamstéed. Paris: F.G. Deschamps; [chez] l'auteur, 1776. Author’s copy set on a graticule with 5’ gradations Le Jeuneux to paint his 1.95 m diameter of both latitude and longitude and it planisphere, Ciel Austral, for display Lacaille’s work at the Cape confirmed Acknowledgement: I thank the also has a scale bar. His report to the during his presentation to the his skill as an accomplished Brenthurst Library, Johannesburg Academy was published in 1759, which Academy. It is now on display in the celestial surveyor; his planisphere, and The Map House, London, for thus seems to be a reasonable estimate Paris Observatory. 24 The planisphere printed celestial chart and the new permission to include images of their of the printed map’s publication date. was also printed as the star chart constellations he named indisputably maps in this article. Planisphere contenant les Constellations established his stature as a celestial The accuracy of Lacaille’s manuscript Celestes comprises entre le Pôle Austral cartographer. and printed maps of Mauritius were a et le Tropique du Capricorne in one of great advance on earlier maps, 19 such Lacaille’s reports to the Academy. 25 Summary and Conclusion as the secret map used by the VOC, Fig. 4. Lacaille’s printed map of Mauritius (c. 1759). (With permission of The Map Another edition of the star chart was House, London) which had controlled the island from published in Latin, in the posthumous Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille was a 1638 to 1710.20 Lacaille’s topographical map was Celestial Chart Coelum Australe.26 A new engraving of rigorous scientist: an astronomer compiled from the first triangulation the chart was also published in the who conducted systematic surveys 17 Plan de l'isle de France tracé sur survey of the island, which was also Lacaille made numerous, intermittent Atlas céleste de Flamstéed (Fig. 5). of skies and land; he then compiled les Observations geometriques et the first such systematic topographical astronomical observations on accurate maps from both. His maps of astronomiques Faites en 1753 par Mr (i.e. non-geodetic) survey outside Mauritius, but his primary mission the Cape of Good Hope and Mauritius l'abbé de La Caille de l'Académie R[oyal]e Europe. In 1753, what the Cassinis at the Cape of Good Hope was to introduced a new level of accuracy and des Sciences. (97 x 64.5 cm). Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes did in France, Lacaille accomplished observe systematically and describe 23 Lacaille’s planisphere for Stellarium (as were widely influential, the former et plans, GE SH 18 PF 219 DIV 2 P 20. abroad. This surely established the southern skies. Between August constellation art). Available at http://goo. even influencing Mannevillette’s sea Available at Lacaille as a very competent terrestrial 1751 and July 1752 he conducted his gl/KxSBxo chart of the Cape of Good Hope. His 18 Carte de l'Isle de France levée cartographer – and the first in astronomical survey, examining 24 Lacaille at the Cape of Good Hope. sky chart of the Southern Hemisphere géométriquemet par Mr. l'Abbé de la Southern Africa. twenty-five zones, approximately 3° Available at was pioneering and even provided Caille. (Paris: chez Lattré). 54 x 41 cm. each, of the sky south of the Tropic of 25 De la Caille N-L. Table des Ascensions some novel toponyms and artistic Available at Capricorn – the first systematic survey Droites et des Déclinaisons Apparentes representations. Roger Stewart explaining de Des Étoiles australes renfermées dans le 19 Brommer B, ed. Grote atlas van de of either hemisphere. 21 He recorded Lacaille’s fascinating map of the Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. tropique du Capricorne; observes au cap Cape of Good Hope https://bit. 9 766 stars, created a number of new V Afrika. (Voorburg, Netherlands: de Bonne-espérance dans l’intervalle du ly/2QGzPQx Atlas Maior, 2009), 396 – 409. Also constellations and established their 6 Août 1751, au 18 Juillet 1752. Mém. Acad. see Anciennes cartes de l'île Maurice. toponyms. 22 Roy. Des. Sci., 1752 [1756] : 539 – 592, Pl. 20 Available at 26 De la Caille N-L. Coelum australe 20 Van Keulen J. Paskaart van ‘t eyland stelliferum, seu, Observationes ad Roger Stewart is from Cape Town Mauritius ... (40.5 x 52 cm). B.0032_ construendum stellarum australium (rogerstewartonline@gmail. 21 See Glass, note 1: 43 – 60. (109) 06 kaart 062, 9 Atlassen uit het catalogum institutae, in: Africa ad Caput com); he is the South African Scheepvaartmuseum. (Nederlands 22 Kanas, N. Star Maps. History, Artistry Bonae-Spei. (Paris: H.L. Guerin & L.F. representative of IMCoS. Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam): 1753. and Cartography. (New York: Springer, Delatour, 1763). Available at 2012).


time, but left huge white spaces where The Brussels Map Circle Conference there was no accurate information. Imre pointed out that the 1869 opening of the Suez Canal rebalanced influence 7 December 2019 at the AfricaMuseum, in the region, as now everyone had a shorter route through to the Indian Tervuren, Belgium Ocean.

At the 1884 Berlin Conference the European powers agreed on how they Mapping Africa would divide up the continent. The first boundaries were mathematical On a rather damp, cloud-covered Press the pause button here as Imre lines; they didn’t use natural Wulf Bodenstein presenting ‘his’ maps morning in the suburbs of Brussels, skipped a little matter of over three boundaries – mountain ranges, rivers around fifty Map Circle Members and hundred years; Prof. Elri Liebenberg’s and so on. For the next forty years the bound to cause trouble. In the end • Richard Kiepert, Carte du Bassin map enthusiasts gathered for the an- presentation dealt with this period. most detailed cartography was to be the diamond mines were deemed to du Congo, 1885. As a German he nual conference. The re-opening of the We saw how the shape of Africa found at the border areas. The treaties be in Griqualand territory and their was berated for writing all the AfricaMuseum, following five years of changed, not to mention what was themselves had been drawn up without leader Nicholas Waterboer offered to labelling in French. He made the renovation, had triggered a change of being described in the hinterland. any knowledge of the terrain; it was place his territory under the rule of point, however, that the language venue, and a change of format. We heard about the source of the left to the Boundary Commissions to the British. In short, as in all boundary of the Berlin Conference had been Nile – the mythical Mountains of the sort things out on the spot. disputes, maps were an essential part French! The stars of the show were Professor Moon – being a model that was copied The Berlin Conference agreed the of the negotiations: Elri showed us Elri Liebenberg (currently Research from mapmaker to mapmaker, until principle of ‘effective occupation’, maps by land surveyor Joseph Orpen, When it came to free time in the Fellow at the University of South eventually the theory was rejected. meaning that a colonial power had who moved the British boundary to Museum, I made a beeline – not easy Africa), Professor Imre Demhardt There was also the theory that the to establish itself in the country/ the east and de Villiers who moved it in the still-sprawling building – for (Chair of the History of Cartography Niger river flowed towards the west... region concerned and control it. In further west. In the end Orpen’s line the four huge mural maps painted and Greater Southwestern Studies at until it was discovered that it flowed German ‘protected’ South-West Africa, was accepted, so the mines ended up in by Hector d’Espouy (1854-1929), as the University of Texas at Arlington), in the opposite direction. A murmur given the terrain, the incentive for British hands. described by Wulf on page 16. They The presentation by Imre Demhardt and Wulf Bodenstein (founder of the of approval – not surprising given the colonials/settlers was cattle and sheep are indeed, huge, and I was delighted Map Circle, an expert on maps of who discovered and named places conference location – went around breeding. Surveyors were sent out After an excellent African lunch in the to have had a sneak preview of Wulf’s Africa, and volunteer map curator at down the Atlantic coast, for example the room when we were shown Blaeu’s and amap series of a scale 1:800 000 Tembo restaurant upstairs we divided article to help me through. the AfricaMuseum). Angra Pequena (now Lüderitz Bay in map of Africa 1608 which influenced was produced within six weeks. Imre into two groups for the afternoon’s Namibia), rounding the Cape of Good others for years to come. concluded with the question of why activities: a tour of a stunning set of After a warm welcome on the desk Hope and giving shape and names there were no topographical maps maps chosen and explained by Wulf, from Marie-Anne Dage, Chris van to the Indian Ocean coast. With the Picking up from where he had paused, made of Namibia for over sixty years, many of which Imre and Elri had Hauwaert, and Caroline De Candt her- opening up of the route to the Spice Imre took us through some of the most between 1915 when the British took quoted in the morning, and a visit to self, arrivals had time for a coffee and a Islands, competition within Europe for influential maps of the 19th century. over Namibia, and 1978! the newly-furbished museum and its chat before moving into the conference trade overseas became fierce: no map Aaron Arrowsmith (Senior)’s map of treasures. room. Caroline kicked off the proceed- coverage, no trade. Mapmakers had to Africa 1802 was purged of elephants! It Elri took the last morning session: ings, and the Director-General of the get to work! depicted the knowledge known at the the cartography of the South African Wulf had selected some 25 maps from Museum, Guido Gryseels, popped in to Diamond Fields. Having explained that the Museum collection, ranging from The ‘makers’ of the conference: welcome us and also explain some of diamonds are formed in volcanic pipes, 1486 to ca. 1910, and displayed them on J-L Renteux, I. Demhardt, E. Liebenberg, C. the projects the Museum is helping to it was interesting to see how geological tables where we could easily examine De Candt, W. Bodenstein and P. De Candt run in several African countries. patterns enabled them to be washed them while listening to his explana- downstream to the Namibian coast – tions. The day ended with a drink in the Up first was Prof. Imre Demhardt who so-called alluvial diamonds from ‘wet My personal favourites from Wulf’s Tembo restaurant and huge apprecia- entertained us with the idea that “the diggings’. In the early 1870s diamonds erudite but highly digestible session tion for Caroline and the speakers who less you know, the more details you were discovered in the pipes them- were: had given us a great day. have on the map” and, of course, vice selves, ‘dry diggings’, and the town • André Thevet, Table d’Afrique, versa. Trade among Africans of gold of Kimberley grew fast around them. Cosmographie Universelle, 1575, See you next year, if not before! and salt –“no trade, no map coverage” Given the huge potential wealth of despite the date a woodcut; – prompted the first maps of Africa, the area and the fact that it lay on the • John Speed, Carte- à- figures, and the Arabs traded in North, West borders of Boer Republics and the ter- Africae described, copied from and East Africa. The game-changer in ritories of the Griqua and Bathlaping Blaeu, 1676, the first to be pro- the 15th century were the Portuguese tribes, the imprecise boundaries were duced in the UK; Nicola Boothby The presentation by Elri Liebenberg [email protected]


The Brussels Map Circle 2020 Programme Saturday 28 March 2020: Annual General Meeting (AGM) Open only for Brussels Map Circle Active Members. Time schedule: 10.00 - 11.45

According to the Statutes, only Active Members have a vote. All Members are encouraged to become Active Mem- bers by applying to the President at least 3 weeks before the meeting: [email protected]. A personal invitation The Libreria Marciana to this AGM with the agenda and a possibility of proxy vote will be sent out to Active Members by separate mail at at San Marco , Venice least two weeks before the meeting.

Venue: Royal Library of Belgium, Mont des Arts /Kunstberg, 1000 Brussels, Boardroom / Raadzaal / Salle du conseil October 2020 : Joint Cartography Conference in Venice (to be confirmed) Public transport: train and metro station Central Station / Centraal Station / Gare Centrale Public parking: Interparking Albertine-Square During the past months, the management and Members of the Brussels Map Circle and the Italian old map collectors association Roberto Almagià have received with much interest and enthusiasm my proposal to organise again a joint meeting. Many of our Members still remember the excellent joint meeting organised by Saturday 23 March 2020: Map Afternoon (MAPAF) Wouter Bracke in Rome in May 2016 (see MiH No 56). This idea came up first when I accompanied a small Italian delegation to our 20th anniversary meeting in Antwerp in December 2018 (MiH No 63). Time schedule: 12.00 - 14.00: There is an opportunity to share lunch (at own expenses) in the KBR restaurant (level 5). After several meetings to evaluate various options, the city of Venice was selected as the venue for a conference 14.00 - 16.30: Map Afternoon in the Map room (level -2). to be held in October 2020. Venice is the city of many famous cartographers, such as Fra Mauro, Forlani, Bertelli, Gastaldi and Coronelli. The libraries such as Marciana, Correr, Querini, of the Universities and State archives have The Brussels Map Circle kindly invites its Members and non-members to bring and present at the Map Afternoon: very interesting map collections. The conference would focus on the interaction between cartographers of Italy an antique map, a contemporary map, an atlas, a globe, a cartographic instrument or an interesting book on car- and the Netherlands during the period 1550 to 1750, regarding exchanges, copying and pirating, which took place tography. Please send us some details about your item (name, author, date, etc - if known of course). We noticed extensively (and without shame). The idea is to start on a Thursday afternoon, end on Saturday afternoon and over the last years that it is easier to follow your comments related to a specific item if they are supported by a alternate between lectures and visits to famous libraries. short projection (using a slideshow or, e.g., a Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation) while your item is being prop- For the organisation a small team has been composed of the president of Almagià, Emilio Moreschi, Prof. erly displayed on a large table; this (optional) presentation should comprise a maximum of two slides per item in Vladimiro Valerio and myself. Emilio lives part of the year in Venice and is very well introduced in different order to allow all participants to present their items. The details of your item and your presentation, if any, should associations there. Many thanks to Prof. Vladimiro Valerio, who has volunteered to take care of the scientific reach Henri Godts ([email protected]) by 1 March 2020. aspects of the conference. Until recently he lectured at Venice University and is internationally recognised as a leading expert in Italian cartography. He is very well known in academic circles in Venice and lives there since many years. Registration Participants in the ‘Mapping Africa’ Conference in December 2019, will recall that, when presenting the Venice project, I hoped that it could be hosted in the beautiful conference facility with rooms of the CINI Foundation • Prior registration on our website is requested at on the Isola San Giorgio. Unfortunately this will not be possible. We are investigating other potential conference • No entrance fee for Members facilities in the centre of Venice. The recent frequent flooding of Venice, which created widespread damage, is • Entrance fee for non-members: EUR 5.00 making things more difficult. • Fees are to be prepaid on our bank account before the MAPAF: IBAN BE52 0682 4754 2209, BIC GKCCBEBB (no The dates will be confirmed as soon as a suitable conference centre has been reserved. And we will make cash payments during the event please) recommendations to organise the participants’ lodging in the vicinity. This will be announced on our website (, by e-mail (WhatsMap?) and in the next issue of Maps in History. Venue: Royal Library of Belgium, Mont des Arts /Kunstberg, 1000 Brussels, Boardroom / Raadzaal / Salle du conseil Public transport: train and metro station Central Station / Centraal Station / Gare Centrale Public parking: Interparking Albertine-Square

Caroline De Candt Alex Smit [email protected] [email protected]


Symposium on Globes in Zurich

St. Gallen Abbey Library Group‘s tour of the St. Gallens Library guided by Cornel Dora

The 14th International Symposium of morning’s session. The book details scholar Gerhard Mercator and David paper on ‘Jean Philippe Eugène de The following day there were some The Symposium ended with words the Coronelli Society for the Study the exciting quest for unraveling the Chytraeus. After the Duke’s death in Mérode and Vincenzo Coronelli on very interesting sessions: from Peter E. Allmayer-Beck and of Globes took place this year in the mystery surrounding the origins 1592 the court lacked the money to pay Globemaking’, and new information • Markus Heinz (since 2002 Deputy a guided tour of the fascinating city of Zurich, Switzerland, in the of this magnificent object. For for the globe and it was sold to the St. on the connection between the two Head of the Map Department, exhibition ‘World Picture’ and the auditorium of the National Museum many years it was assumed that Gallen Abbey. The globe was stolen of them: this sheds light on the Berlin State Library-Prussian Hondius Globes, at the Swiss Federal Zurich in cooperation with the this prestigious piece —featuring in 1712 from the Abbey and taken to making of the globes the Count had Cultural Heritage) on ‘German Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH Abbey Library of St. Gallen and the Mercator’s world map and the celestial the Stadtbibliothek Zurich. In 2006, it commissioned for his castles of Relief Globe technology in the 19th Zurich). The splendid official farewell Department of Maps and Panoramas sphere— was created in Augsburg, the was agreed that Zurich could keep the Mérode in Langerwehe in North- century’. dinner took place at the magnificent of the Zurich Central Library. For the centre of globe manufacture at that original but had to pay for a copy of the Rhine-Westphalia and in Westerlo ‘Dozentenfoyer’ of the ETH whose first time ever this renowned Society time. But in 2016 the discovery of a globe to be kept by the Abbey. in Belgium, as well as Coronelli’s • Wolfram Dolz (Staatliche Kunst- terrace offered us one of the most organised its conference on the Study parchment depicting the globe —these presence in Vienna in 1717-1718. sammlung Dresden) on ‘The spectacular views of the city. of Globes in Switzerland, welcoming depictions served as sale previews— The morning continued with a very mechanical celestial globe by speakers from 13 countries. fundamentally changed the direction interesting session led by Chet van There followed: Georg Roll and Johannes Reinhold, The post-conference tour took us to of the research. By comparing both the Duzer (Researcher in Residence • Ève Metchine (Head of the Augsburg 1586 - an astronomical- the amazing St. Gallen Abbey Library The welcome speech was made by parchment with the original depiction at the John Carter Brown Library Département des Cartes et plans de cartographic source study’. The 3D with an excellent guided tour, by Peter E. Allmayer-Beck (Vienna, and the St. Gallen Globe, and after in Providence, Rhode Island, USA) la Bibliothèque nationale de France) ‘animation’ played as part of his Cornel Dora, of the facsimile of the Austria) President of the Coronelli comprehensive X-ray examinations, ‘Imagined territories around the South —the Map Department of the presentation was a delight! St. Gallen globe. The lunch was also Society for the Study of Globes who it was determined that some of the Pole: exploring the southern ring National Library of France) on ‘The sponsored by the Abbey where we stressed the importance of the globe’s ornaments had been repainted. continent on early globes and maps’. Globe du Dauphin (1789) - Archaism • Robert King (independent savoured Zurich’s unique Wurst and a Symposium. More specifically, researchers Some 16th-century maps and globes and Modernism of a multifaceted researcher in Canberra, Australia), cold beer. stumbled upon the repainted portraits illustrate this geographical myth, as do object’ on ‘De Orbis situ ac descripcione: The presentation by Cornel of three historic personalities hidden among others the two globes by Johann Franciscus Monachus and the Paris Dora (Curator of Manuscripts, in the globe’s supporting arms. This Schöner (1520) and the anonymous • ‘Origins and development of Gilt Globe’. The description given Stifstbibliothekar) of the newly discovery made possible the final Green Globe (c. 1515). After the coffee lunar and planetary globes’ by by Franciscus closely matches the published book by Jost Schmid- clarification of the origins of the break we had the enormous privilege Luís Tirapicos and Thomas Horst configuration of the anonymous Lanter (Head of the Department of globe. The trail led to North Germany of having a guided tour of the National (Researchers at the University Paris Gilt Globe of similar date, Maps and Panoramas of the Zurich and the Court of Mecklenburg in Museum and admiring face-to-face of Lisbon) was delivered by L. allowing the speaker to conclude Central Library) on the so-called Schwerin and its cartographer and the extraordinary St. Gallen Globe. Tirapicos. that the globe was made by Gaspard St. Gallen Globe,1 opened the first astronomer Tilemann Stella (1525- van der Heyden under Franciscus’ 1589), the maker of the globe. The After the lunch break Wouter direction. 1 Der St. Galler Globus: ein three repainted portraits were those Bracke (Head of the Royal Library kosmographisches Modell des Tilemann of the Duke of Mecklenburg Johann of Belgium’s Collection of prints, Stella, Schwabe Verlag, Basel, ISBN 978- VII, who commissioned the globe, the maps and plans) gave an exciting 3-7965-4066-0 [for] Verlag am Klosterhof Floria Benavides St. Gallen, ISBN 978-3-905906-37-0 [email protected]


Thank You Madam Secretary The Malta Map Society celebrates its th After six years as secretary of the Map Circle, Karen De 10 anniversary in style Coene has decided that the Circle (pun intended) is round. The President of the Republic of Malta H.E. Dr. George Vella She passed on the torch to Marie-Anne Dage from January and Mrs. Vella hosted a well-attended MMS seminar held on 23 2020 on. She has been an unmissable, quiet force in the Map November 2019 for its 10th anniversary celebration. Circle for all this time and it will not be easy to replace her, though Marie-Anne certainly has the qualities to do so. In his welcome address Dr. Vella , a long-standing Member and supporter of the society and an avid collector of old To be frank, I don’t like the word ‘secretary’. Its meaning maps, pointed out that maps encompass more than geo- in English (and other languages) is at the same time sex- graphical education. They cover history and information on ist, misleading and ambiguous. Sexist because in the case various themes including climates and trade. of a woman (which Karen clearly is), it has this connota- tion of ‘female help’ to a male boss, who obviously is a lot The seminar opened with the keynote speech by Dr. Albert more clever, with his name on a plate on his desk (because Ganado, President and Founder of the MMS, who told the bosses are very busy and can’t remember everything). It story of the birth of his world-famous collection which H.E. Dr George Vella, President of Malta, opening the Imago is misleading because it refers to a person who ‘can read (and guided) by Karen, in which we could admire images now belongs to the Maltese state and is kept at The Malta Melitae 2019 seminar in the presence of Dr. Albert Ganado. and write’ and does just that: noting down what others say. of the cosmos and indeed the known world of around 1100. National Community Art Museum (MUZA), Valletta. Then Nothing more. Karen clearly knows how to read and write Karen then gave us the background information needed and followed seven other speakers from Malta and abroad who which is just as well, because with a PhD on your record the insight into the state of mind of a Christian medieval illustrated rare maps and plans held at the Gennadius the variations in sea levels which may have altered the to- this comes in handy. Lastly, the word is ambiguous because scholar to understand a little about those peculiar TO- Library in Athens; the cartographic endeavour of the secret pography but at the same time increased the habitable land it can mean things in a broad range going from clerk over maps, as the best known form is called. Soviet Union, including the mapping of Malta, during the for the prehistoric period of Malta; a bird’s eye view of Hal minister to writing desk. Now, I think we can safely erase Cold War; the sketch plans of villages in Malta and Gozo Muxi, a Maltese village where two murders took place on the last possibility: Karen is not a piece of furniture, that is Later, being connected as researcher to the University in 1907 in anticipation of further demographic growth; the the same spot at different times; and the Maltese workshop clear. And I never heard her expressing any inclination to go of Gent, Belgium (while also working as a map expert at cartographic expression by young children’s spatial skills; of the Gili mapmakers and silversmiths. into politics, so no minister either. So, what then does this Arenberg Auctions in Brussels) Karen moved into a com- ‘secretary’ function in the Circle consist of exactly? pletely different field of the history of cartography: the 18th century mapping feat of the Austrian Netherlands by a Well (spoiler alert: dull part!), it ranges from making the count Ferraris (1726-1814). She studied the correspondence reports of all official meetings, from EC-meetings to the between the count and his wife, thus reconstructing the AGM and often that of the conferences and the MAPAF way of life of an 18th century aristocrat connected to the too, sending out all general emails (think WhatsMap? Austrian court and the way in which husband and wife dealt every month) and then of course, the most tedious of all: with the commercial undertaking of the mapping process, the Annual ‘Invitation To Pay Your Fee’ to Members and that took place from 1771 to 1778. It was the first systematic Loeb-Larocque Sponsors, usually followed by a round of ‘Please, please pay largescale topographic mapping of this region. In her talks Antiquariaat NOW because the Circle really needs your money badly’- on the subject, Karen painted a very vivid and humane por- emails and then a little later finally ‘Will you for heaven’s trait of the couple. It was clear they had become dear to her. Maps, Atlases, Prints sake pay NOW because you’re messing up our entire Plantijn and books bookkeeping system and our treasurer is giving me hell!’- And so now Karen has decided it’s time someone else takes email. Of course, all very politely formulated. over her function in the Circle. D.R. Duncker 31, rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris Dr Karen De Coene has made her PhD on the cosmology We understand this and can only be grateful for her years at Old maps, prints, atlases and illustrated books. in the Middle Ages and is thus an expert on medieval the service of the Map Circle. By appointment only mappae mundi. Many of you will remember the visit to the Ginnekensmarkt 5, 4835 JC Breda exhibition in Gent on the Liber Floridus in 2011, curated Thank you, Karen! Caroline De Candt Tel +33 (0) 6 11 80 3375 [email protected] Tel +31 76 560 44 00 [email protected] Tel/Fax +33 (0) 1 44 24 85 80 [email protected] Maps in History as collectible ! Reiss & Sohn, the well established book and art antiquar- issues of the “Brussels International Map Collectors' Circle ian operating in the region of Frankfurt (www.reiss-sohn. (BIMCC) Newsletter Nr. 11-30, 34-60 & 62” (2001-2018) plus de), offered a special cartographic lot (Lot 2064) at their 13 conference hand-outs. This lot was sold for Eur 180.00 recent auction (29-30 October 2019). Instead of ancient (Hammer price). Hold on to your collection of Maps in maps or atlases it consisted of a series of cartographic History: it is becoming a precious collectors’ items! magazines: Cartographica Helvetica, Map Forum AND 55



The Brussels Map Circle In memoriam: AIMS AND FUNCTIONS HONORARY PRESIDENTS OTHER OFFICERS The Circle was created, as the Wulf Bodenstein • Jan De Graeve Brussels International Map Collectors’ Avenue des Camélias 71 [email protected] Dr Kazimierz Kozica (1965 – 2019) Circle (BIMCC), in 1998 by Wulf 1150 Bruxelles • Henri Godts Bodenstein. telephone: +32 (0) 2 771 23 14 [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Now known as the Brussels Map If there is an obituary I never thought I would have to write Circle, it is a non-profit making as- Eric Leenders it is that of Dr Kazimierz Kozica who was still in the prime BECOMING (AND STAYING) A sociation under Belgian law (asbl/vzw Zwanenlaan 16 of life when he passed away suddenly and unexpectedly MEMBER 0464 423 627). 2610 Antwerpen on 20 October last. Well-known in cartographical circles telephone: +32 (0) 3 440 10 81 Members receive three issues of our Its aims are to: in his native Poland, Dr Kozica was a leading specialist in e-mail: [email protected] magazine 'Maps in History' per annum the historical cartography of the area stretching from the 1. Provide an informal and convivial and have free admission to most of the Baltic to the Black Sea. He established a name for himself in forum for all those with a special- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Circle’s events. the field largely thanks to his association with Dr Tomasz ist interest in maps, atlases, town PRESIDENT Non-members pay full rates. Niewodniczañski (Dr Niewo, to those who knew him) and to views and books with maps, be they Annual membership: EUR 40.00, collectors, academics, antiquarians, Caroline De Candt his detailed knowledge of the latter’s extensive collection Students and Juniors under 25: or simply interested in the subject Burggravenlaan 341 of maps, views and other memorabilia pertaining to the EUR 15.00. 9000 Gent 2. Organise lectures on various as- To become (and stay!) a Member, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. telephone: +32(0)9 222 80 14 pects of historical cartography, on please pay the membership dues e-mail: [email protected] After leaving his teaching position at Wroclaw University regions of cartographical interest, EXCLUSIVELY by bank transfer (no for Bitburg in 1999, Dr Kozica spent a decade in the service on documentation, paper conserva- VICE-PRESIDENT cheques please) to our bank account: IBAN BE52 0682 4754 2209 of Dr Niewo, working closely with him and others, myself his native region which was regained by Poland in 1945. tion and related subjects AND EDITOR (ÉDITEUR BIC: GKCCBEBB and notify the included, on the Imago Poloniae (IP) project — a descrip- Hitherto overlooked in mainstream Polish cartography, 3. Organise visits to exhibitions, and RESPONSABLE) Membership Secretary tive catalogue of printed maps, published before 1795, of the Silesia came to the fore in recent years as the main focus to libraries and institutions holding Jean-Louis Renteux ([email protected]) indicating Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Following Dr Niewo’s of Dr Kozica’s research. It is to him that we owe two superb important map and atlas collections. your name and address. death in January 2010,1 Dr Kozica accompanied the relevant exhibitions, both of which took place in Silesia’s capital Rue des Floralies 62 In order to achieve these aims, the Circle portion of his collection to the Royal Castle in Warsaw as its city: Silesia et Wratislavia: Martin Helwig’s role in Silesian 1200 Brussels organises the following annual events: MAPS IN HISTORY curator. There he continued to work on the IP project while cartography (1561 to 1889), held in the City Museum in 2014, telephone: + 32 (0)2 770 59 03 e-mail: [email protected] pursuing research of his own on aspects of Polish and East and Silesia et Ducati Silesiae: 16th and 17th century maps of • A MAP-AFTERNOON in March or The Brussels Map Circle currently pub- European cartography. Silesia and the Silesian principalities by Jonas Scultetus and April, bringing together all those CO-EDITORS: lishes three issues per year. It is distrib- uted, not only to Members of the Circle, Fredericus Khunovius, held in the Town Hall in 2017 and sub- interested in maps and atlases for Luis Robles but also to key institutions (universities, Apart from his published articles, Dr Kozica’s enduring sequently in the Museum of Swidnica (Schweidnitz) in April an informal chat about an item from telephone: +32471610861 libraries) and to personalities active in achievement is to have produced, as co-author responsible 2019. The latter exhibition was to prove his last venture. their collection – an ideal opportu- e-mail: [email protected] nity to get to know the Circle. the field of the history of cartography, for the cartographical entries, a series of notable exhi- Paul De Candt • An EXCURSION to a map collection located in 16 different countries. bition catalogues based on Dr Niewo’s collections: Imago His premature departure from the scene is a huge loss not telephone: +32(0)475 899 224 or exhibition. Please submit articles and contribu- Poloniae, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in maps, only to the study of historical cartography in Central and e-mail: [email protected] • An INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE tions to the editor (e-mail: editor@ documents and early printed books (Berlin and Warsaw, 2002), Eastern Europe, but also to those of us who knew him per- on a specific major topic in December. by the following deadlines: Imago Lituaniae, maps and documents of the Grand Duchy sonally and to whom he was always generous with his time, TREASURER • 15 March for the May edition. of Lithuania (Vilnius, 2002), Dantiscum Emporium Totius knowledge and advice. His loss will be all the more keenly The Brussels Map Circle also publishes Jean-Christophe Staelens • 15 July for the September edition. Europae Celeberrimum, on maps of Gdañsk and the Baltic felt as there is no obvious successor who can readily take Maps in History (formerly known as e-mail: [email protected] • 15 Nov. for the January edition. Sea’ (Gdañsk 2004, Emden 2005), Magna Regio, Luxembourg his place at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. BIMCC Newsletter), three times a year et Grande Région (Luxembourg 2007, Trier 2007) and others. and a monthly electronic news bulletin SECRETARY Items presented for publication are 'WhatsMap?'. It also maintains a Marie-Anne Dage submitted to the approval of the website. Some of our Members will remember Dr Kozica from the e-mail: [email protected] Editorial Committee. visit organised by the BIMCC to Dr Niewo’s collection in Peter Galezowski Information on events and exhibitions Signed articles and reviews reflect [email protected] Bitburg in October 2005 2 and from Dr Kozica’s partic- to be placed on the calendar of our WEBMASTER solely the opinions of the author. ipation as speaker in our ‘Mercator and Hondius’ con- website and announced in WhatsMap? should be sent to webmaster@bimcc. Pierre Parmentier ference in December 2012. 3 His chosen topic there was org e-mail: [email protected] Gerard Mercator‘s 1554 map of Europe once kept in the Stadtmuseum Breslau (now Wroclaw). That contribution, OFFICIAL ADDRESS SCIENTIFIC ADVISOR centred on Wroclaw, highlighted his commitment to Silesia, c/o Arenberg Auctions Wolstraat 19/2 Rue aux Laines Wouter Bracke 1 See obituary in BIMCC Newsletter No 36, January 2010. B-1000 Brussels e-mail: [email protected] 2 BIMCC Newsletter No 24, January 2006. 3 BIMCC Newsletter No 45, January 2013. [email protected]