RAÚL E. ZEGARRA MEDINA [email protected]

2040 N. Halsted Street, Apt. #2 Chicago, Illinois, 60614 Phone: 574-520-7405


Doctor in Philosophy, The University of Chicago Divinity School, expected 2020.

Master of Theological Studies, , 2014.

Master of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011, magna cum laude.

Licentiate in Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2009, magna cum laude.

Bachelor of Humanities with concentration in Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2008.


Summer Graduate Seminar Scholarship, “The Thought of René Girard” (France), The Lumen Christi Institute, July 2019.

Charlotte W. Newcombe and E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2019-2020 (awarded, but declined).

Hispanic Theological Initiative/Lilly Endowment Dissertation Fellowship, 2019-2020.

Wabash Center Scholarship, “Teaching and Learning Workshop”, Wabash College, IN, October 2018.

Summer Graduate Seminar Scholarship, “The Thought of John Henry Newman” (Oxford, UK), The Lumen Christi Institute, July 2018.

Summer Graduate Seminar Scholarship, “Aquinas’s Five Ways and Where they Lead” (Rome, Italy), The Lumen Christi Institute, July 2016.

Hispanic Theological Initiative Consortium Scholarship, 2015 to the present.

Full-tuition scholarship awarded for the Doctor in Philosophy Program, The University of Chicago Divinity School, 2014-2019.

Common Good Initiative Grant, Department of , University of Notre Dame, 2013.


Graduate Professional Development Grant, Graduate School, University of Notre Dame, 2013.

International Educational Opportunity Grant for academic exchange program “Democracy, Human Development, and Theology” (, Perú), Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame, 2013.

Full-tuition scholarship awarded for the Master of Theological Studies Program, University of Notre Dame, 2012-2014.

Research Grant from the Stipendienwerk Lateinamerika-Deutschland to develop the project “The Present, Our Theological Place: Gustavo Gutiérrez and David Tracy on the Christian Interpretation of our Time”, Lima, Perú, 2010.

The Galileo Award for Academic Excellence from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in recognition of master’s thesis promise, 2010.

Full-tuition scholarship awarded for the Master of Philosophy Program, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2009-2010.

Valedictorian of the undergraduate philosophy class, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2008.


Adjunct Professor, Introduction to Christian Ethics, Loyola University Chicago, since Autumn 2018.

Teaching Assistant for Prof. Hans Joas, “Expressivism, Historicism, Hermeneutics” Class, The University of Chicago, Autumn 2018.

Language Assistant, Spanish 101-103, The University of Chicago, Autumn 2017.

Lecturer, “Faith and Liberation: Gustavo Gutiérrez’s Work” (One Week Seminar), Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogotá, Colombia, August 2014.

Teaching Assistant for Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez OP, Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame, Summer 2013.

Lecturer, Academic Research Seminar, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Perú, 2010-2012.

Teaching Assistant for the following courses: Theology, Ethics, Topics in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Topics in Modern Philosophy, and Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2007-2011.



Conference Interpreter, Live translation of Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez OP’s keynote address “The and Christian Theology”, The 2019 Catholic Social Tradition Conference, Center for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame, March 21st-23rd, 2019.

Expert Witness, Congress of the Republic of , Investigating Commission on the Sex Abuse of Children in Organizations, December 2018.

Principal Researcher, The Gustavo Gutiérrez Archive Project, University of Notre Dame, 2016- 2017.

Research Assistant for Fr. Daniel Groody CSC, Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame, summer 2015.

Research Assistant for Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez OP, Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame, 2012 to 2014.

Secretary, Commission for Assessment of the Philosophy Program, Academic Department of Humanities/Direction of Academic Affairs, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2009-2010.

Assistant to the Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Office, World Conference of Religions for Peace, Lima, Perú, 2008.

Assistant editor for Luis Bacigalupo, Los rostros de Jano: Ensayo sobre San Agustín y la sofística cristiana (Lima: PUCP, 2011), 2006-2007.

Assistant, Academic Office of Social Responsibility, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2006-2007.

Assistant, Commission of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Campucp, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2007.


-Theological method -Feminist and Womanist theology -Phenomenology of religious experience -Political philosophy and theology -The problem of revelation -Theological sexual ethics and gender theory -Theodicy -Classical and contemporary pragmatism -Philosophical and theological hermeneutics -Secularization theories -Latin American liberation theology -Contemporary theories of justice -



BOOKS (titles translated from Spanish)

Two Theological Languages: On the Publicness of Our Religious Beliefs (Bogotá: Editorial Bonaventuriana, 2015).

The Subversion of Hope: Liberation Theology, Philosophy, and the Option for the Poor (Lima: PUCP, CEP & IBC, 2015).

A Faith in Solidarity with Our Time: The Theological Projects of Gustavo Gutiérrez and David Tracy in Perspective (Saarbrücken: Credo Libros, 2013).


Spanish translation, notes, and introduction: John D. Caputo, The Weakness of God: A Theology of the Event (Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2006). Published as La debilidad de Dios: Una teología del acontecimiento (Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2014).

Member of the team of translators of both Mathew Ashley, Kevin Burke, and Rodolfo Cardenal SJ (eds.), A Grammar of Justice: The Legacy of Ignacio Ellacuria (New York: Orbis: 2014) and Mathew Ashley, Kevin Burke, and Rodolfo Cardenal SJ (eds.), La civilización de la pobreza: El legado de Ignacio Ellacuría (Lima: CEP, IBC & UARM, 2014).

Spanish translation of the sections originally published in English of Daniel Groody (ed.) Gustavo Gutierrez: Spiritual Writings (New York: Orbis, 2011). Published as Gustavo Gutiérrez: Textos de espiritualidad (Lima: IBC & CEP, 2013).



“Liberation Theology”, “Pope John Paul II”, and “” in: Charles Taliaferro and Elsa J. Marty (eds.), A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion (New York: Bloomsbury, 2018).

Spanish (titles translated)

“A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Revelation: Toward the Philosophical Foundations of the Preferential Option for the Poor”, Jorge Roggero (ed.), Jean-Luc Marion: límites y posibilidades de la filosofía y de la teología (Buenos Aires: Editorial SB, 2017).

“A Hermeneutic of Diversity: A Critical Reading of Ratzinger’s The Spirit of Liturgy”, in: Susan Andrea Rodríguez Rodríguez et al. (eds.), Revisiones y relecturas de la diversidad


religiosa y diversidad cultural en América Latina (Bogotá: Editorial Bonaventuriana, 2015).

“Re-experiencing The Varieties of Religious Experience: A New Interpretation”, in: Pablo Quintanilla y Claudio Viale (ed.) El pensamiento pragmatista en la actualidad: Conocimiento, lenguaje, religión, estética y política (Lima: PUCP, 2015).

“Sketches of the Kingdom of God: Toward a Theological Language in Solidarity with History”, in: Carlos Arboleda y Carlos Restrepo (eds.), El giro teológico: Nuevos caminos para la filosofía (Medellín: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2013).

“A Secular Age? Towards a Theological Language in Solidarity with History”, in: Álvaro Hernández and José María Siciliani (eds.), Religión y educación en contextos de transición (Bogotá: Editorial Bonaventuriana, 2013).




Book review of Michael E. Lee, Revolutionary Saint: The Theological Legacy of Oscar Romero (Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2018), xxv + 213 pp., The Journal of Religion, forthcoming.

Book review of Bruce Grelle, Antonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion: Ideology, Ethics, and Hegemony (London and New York: Routledge, 2017), 148 pp, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, forthcoming.

Book review of Ana E. Schaposchnik, The Lima Inquisition: The Plight of the Crypto- Jews in Seventeenth-Century Peru (Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2015), xi+294 pp, The Journal of Religion 97, Vol. 3 (2017).

Book review of Christopher Tirres, The Aesthetics and Ethics of Faith: A Dialogue between Liberationist and Pragmatic Thought (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), xi+223 pp., Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 8, Issue 1 (2017).

“My God, the humble Jesus (Conf. 7.18.24): A Reading of De doctrina christiana in dialogue with Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics”, in: Jornadas Diálogos: Literatura, Estética y Teología. La libertad del Espíritu 5 (2013).

“Theological Minimalism and Maximalism: On the Contributions of a Theology Grounded on Experience”, Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 3, Issue 1 (2012).

Book review of Pablo Quintanilla, César Escajadillo and Richard Antonio Orozco, Pensamiento y Acción: La filosofía peruana a comienzos del siglo XX (Lima: Riva- Agüero Institute & Pontifical Catholic University of Perú, 2009), 184 pp., Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 2, Issue 1 (2011).


Spanish (titles translated)

“‘I am nothing without love’ (1 Cor. 13:1): A Christian Interpretation of Same-Sex Relations”, Revista de Teología de la Universidad Católica Santa María 42 (2018).

“Slavoj Žižek, the Hermeneutical Task, and the Will to Believe: A Response to Luis Bacigalupo”, Estudios de Filosofía 15 (2017).

Book review of Hans Joas, The Sacredness of the Person: A New Genealogy of Human Rights (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2013), 217 pp., Areté 28, Vol.2, (2017).

“Form and Context: Hannah Arendt on the Problem of Judgement”, Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 44 (2013).

“Sketches of the Kingdom of God: Towards a Theological Language in Solidarity with History”, Cuestiones Teológicas 39, No. 92 (2012).

“Towards a Mystical-Prophetic Theology. Gustavo Gutiérrez, David Tracy and Vatican II”, Páginas 226 (2012).

Book review of Denis Sulmont, El sujeto en el corazón de la vida social. Introducción a la sociología de (Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011), 150 pp., Páginas 225 (2012).

“Two Versions of Phenomenological Psychology. On the Influence of William James in Edmund Husserl’s Logical Investigations”, Estudios de Filosofía 9 (2012).

Book review of Pablo Quintanilla, César Escajadillo and Richard Antonio Orozco. Pensamiento y Acción: La filosofía peruana a comienzos del siglo XX (Lima: Instituto Riva-Agüero & Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2009), 184pp., Solar 6, No. 6 (2011).

“Theological Minimalism and Maximalism. On the Contributions of a Theology Grounded on Experience”, Páginas 223 (2011).

Book review of Richard Kearney and Eileen Rizo-Patrón (eds.). Traversing the Heart: Journeys of the Inter-religious Imagination (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2010), 502 pp., Areté 23, No. 1 (2011).

“Arguedas y Gutiérrez: The Deep Rivers of the Poor”, Páginas 219 (2010).

“A Prayer for the Impossible. Postmodern Sketches of Leibniz’s Position on the Problem of Evil”, Estudios de Filosofía 8 (2010).




Gospel Reflection, Faith ND, Notre Dame, IN, August 10th, 2015.

Spanish (titles translated)

“Guided by the Force of the Spirit”, Signos, Year 38, Number 11, Lima, Perú, February 2019.

“Politics as Vocation”, La República, Lima, Perú, September 14th, 2018.

“A Limit-Situation”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, April 1st, 2018.

“The Sacredness of the Person”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, February 11th, 2018.

“The Pope Between Two Fires”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, January 20th, 2018.

“The Paradox of Reconciliation”, La República, Lima, Perú, January 11th, 2018.

“From Labyrinth to Utopia”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, January 4th, 2018.

“The Evangelicals in Perú”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, October 31st, 2017.

“Amicus Petrus”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, July 3rd, 2017.

“The Essence of Christianity”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, April 16th, 2017.

“Great Humiliation?”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, March 28th, 2017.

“Fleeing from Two Errors”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, February 16th, 2017.

“Christmas as an Opportunity”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, December 25th, 2016.

“The Snakes of Education”, La República, Lima, Perú, December 15th, 2016.

“The Owners of the Truth”, El Comercio, Lima, Perú, December 2nd, 2016.

“Gustavo Gutiérrez: Expanding the View”, Ideele, Lima, Perú, June 2015.

, a Question of Perspective”, La República, Lima, Perú, June 18th, 2015.

“Obama, Migration Reform, and the Hope of the Poor”, La República, Lima, Perú, December 4th, 2014.

“Obama, Migration Reform, and the Hope of the Poor” (expanded version), Bartolo Opina, Lima, Perú, December 2014.


“A New Episcopal Synod: New Reasons to be Hopeful?”, Bartolo Opina, Lima, Perú, October 2014. “Same-sex Marriage: A Christian Perspective”, La República, Lima, Perú, August 14th, 2014.

“The Role of Religion in the American Election”, Intercambio 22, Lima, Perú, February 2013.

Interview of the Italian philosopher Givanna Borradori, Punto Edu 66, Year 2 (2006).

Interview of the Peruvian political scientist and former Chair of the National Office for Election Processes (ONPE), Fernando Tuesta Soldevilla, Convergencia 11, Year 4 (2006).

c. INTERVIEWS (titles translated from Spanish)

On my work

“The Other Church”, Caretas, Lima, Perú, October 2015. On my book La subversión de la esperanza.

“The Christian Must Be Concerned with Justice”, Punto Edu, Lima, Perú, October, 2015. On my book La subversión de la esperanza.

“In a World with So Much Remaining Hopeful Is Subversive”, Bartolo Opina, Lima, Perú, October 2015. On my book La subversión de la esperanza.

As a commentator

“Pope’s Visit is Overshadowed by Lack of Condemnation of Sexual Abuses”, The Associated Press (Spanish edition), January 22nd, 2018.

“The Pope Apologizes with the Victims of Sexual Abuse”, The Associated Press (Spanish edition), January 23rd, 2018.



“The Normative Status of the Preferential Option for the Poor: An Affirmative Genealogy”, The Notre Dame-University of Chicago Ethics Conference, The University of Chicago Divinity School, March 30th, 2019.

“Disputed Narratives: Guadalupe, Romero, and the (Irish) Barrio. A Response to David Sánchez”, Society of Christian Ethics Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, January 3rd, 2019.

“Revisiting the Aesthetics and Ethics of Faith: On the Mañana of Liberation Theology”, Society of Christian Ethics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, January 7th, 2018.


“Traditioning Traditions”, Opening remarks at “The Traditions of Swift Hall Conference: Constructive Studies in the Academic Study of Religion”, The University of Chicago Divinity School, May 24th-26th, 2017.

“‘The Latin American Church Opted for the Poor and the Poor Opted for Pentecostalism’: A Re-Assessment”, Global Christianities and Theology & Religious Ethics Workshops, The University of Chicago Divinity School, May 15th, 2017.

“Gustavo Gutiérrez 101”, 101 Series, The University of Chicago Divinity School, November 2016.

“Is God Dead? Clarifying a Theoretical and Empirical Misunderstanding”, The Notre Dame-University of Chicago Ethics Conference, The University of Chicago Divinity School, October 2016.

“A Phenomenology of Revelation for a Theology of Liberation”, Ways of Knowing Conference, Harvard Divinity School, Harvard, October 2015.

“A Journey of Hope and Sorrows: Theological Explorations on Migration, Liberation and Human Development”, Fordham Graduate Conference, Fordham University, New York, May 2015.

“A Journey of Hope and Sorrows: Theological Explorations on Migration, Liberation and Human Development”, Siglo XXI Conference, Inter-University Program for Latino Research, University of Notre Dame, April 2015.

“Liberation Theology: A New Constructive Proposal”, Disciples Divinity House Forum, The University of Chicago, February 2015.

“Interpreting Pope Francis: David Tracy, Ignacio Ellacuría, and the Method of Critical Correlation”, Global Christianities and Theology & Religious Ethics Workshops, The University of Chicago Divinity School, February 2015.

“The Same-Sex Relationships Controversy: A Theological Exploration”, Master of Theological Studies Colloquium, University of Notre Dame, March 2014.

“Toward a Mystical-Prophetical (and Revisionist) Theology: On the Problem of Theological Method and its Encounter with Suffering”, Notre Dame Graduate Conference of Theology, University of Notre Dame, February 2014.

“Theological Minimalism and Maximalism: On the Contributions of a Theology Grounded on Experience”, Master of Theological Studies Colloquium, University of Notre Dame, 2013.

“Theological Minimalism: On Experience as a Common Ground between William James and Gustavo Gutiérrez”, First International Conference on Pragmatism and the Hispanic/Latino World, Texas A&M University, 2010.


Spanish (titles translated)

“‘I Am Nothing without Love’: A Christian Interpretation of Same-Sex Relations”, Conference organized by the Universidad de San Buenaventura, Librería Lerner, Bogotá, Colombia, June 17th, 2017.

“A Phenomenology of Revelation for a Theology of Liberation”, Jornadas Internacionales "Jean-Luc Marion: entre la filosofía y la teología”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2016.

“Theology and Religion from the Viewpoint of the Laity”, with Diego Huerta and Cesare del Mastro, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, September 17th, 2015.

“Same-Sex Marriage: A Philosophical-Theological Discussion”, Casa de la Cooperación y la Cultura, Medellín, Colombia, August, 2014.

“A Hermeneutic of Diversity: On the Tracy-Schneiders Model”, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellín campus, Colombia, August 2014.

“Toward a Mystical-Prophetical Imagination: Eschatology and Politics in and David Tracy”, International Seminar The Theological Turn: Ethics and Politics, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia, May 2014.

“Re-Thinking Martyrdom: Ignacio Ellacuría on the Problem of the Faith-Justice Relationship”, II Seminar of Political Theology, Medellín, Colombia, May 2014.

“Doing Theology from the Standpoint of the Suffering Innocent”, Symposium “Fin del mundo: perspectivas”, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogotá, Colombia, September 2012.

“Some Reflections on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia”, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Perú, May 2012.

“Sketches of the Kingdom of God. Towards a Theological Language in Solidarity with History”, International Seminar The Theological Turn: New Paths for Philosophy, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia, February 2012.

“Liberation Theology: An Open Dialogue”, Round table in honor of the 40th anniversary of the publication of A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and Salvation (originally published in Spanish in 1971), with the presence of the author, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Lima, Perú, October 2011.

“Arguedas and Gutiérrez: The Deep Rivers of the Poor”, Colloquium José María Arguedas: 100 Years, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas & Instituto Cultural Peruano Británico, Lima, Perú, September 2011.

“God-Talk and the Suffering of the Innocent: The of Slavok Žižek and Gustavo Gutiérrez in Dialogue”, VII Symposium of Students of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, September 2011.


“A Prayer for the Impossible: Postmodern Sketches on Leibniz’s Theodicy”, VIII Research in Philosophy Conferences, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina, April 2011.

“Sketches of the Kingdom of God: The Contributions of John D. Caputo and Gustavo Gutiérrez to Contemporary Philosophy of Religion”, VI Symposium of Students of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2010.

“William James: Philosophy as a Way of Experiencing the World”, V Symposium of Students of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú & Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Lima, Perú, 2009.

“Divine Omnipotence? Critical Approaches from John D. Caputo’s Theology of the Event”, IV Symposium of Students of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2008.

“Quid est veritas? Reflections on the Christian Conception of Truth”, III Symposium of Students of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2007.

“Against the Splendor of Truth”, II Symposium of Students of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2006.

“Against the Myth of Exile: Poetry and the Divine in Plato”, I Symposium of Students of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2005. “Against the Myth of Exile: Poetry and the Divine in Plato”, X National Congress of Philosophy, Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad, Cusco, Perú, 2005.


Member of the Society of Christian Ethics, since 2017.

Member of the Advising Board of Revista de Teología de la Universidad Católica Santa María, Arequipa, Perú, since 2014.

Contributor, Revista Theologia Xaveriana, Colombia, since 2014.

Contributor, Cuestiones Teológicas, Colombia, since 2013.

Member of the Editorial Board of Philosophy Study, USA, since 2012.

Member of the Observatorio de la diversidad religiosa, Universidad de San Buenaventura & International Federation of Catholic Universities, Bogotá, since 2012.

Member of the Latin American Circle of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, since 2012.

Member of the Peruvian Circle of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, since 2012.

Contributor, Páginas, Lima, Perú, since 2011.


Contributor, Inter-American Journal of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, since 2010.

Member of the Center of Philosophical Studies, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, since 2005.


Chair of the Organizing Committee, The Traditions of Swift Hall Conference: Constructive Studies in the Academic Study of Religion, The University of Chicago Divinity School, May 2016-May 2017. Co-coordinator of the Theology and Religious Ethics Workshop, The University of Chicago Divinity School, 2015-2017.

Member of the Organizing Committee of the Notre Dame Graduate Theology Conference, University of Notre Dame, February 2014.

Volunteer in the program Aprendo contigo, educational and recreational program that allows children with cancer to continue their schoolwork through hospital classrooms, Lima, Perú, from August 2010 to March 2011.

Representative of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in the XIII and XIV Annual Students Conferences-CADE Universitario, organized by IPAE (Peruvian Institute of Business Action), Ancón, Lima, Perú, 2007 and 2008.

Member of the III Parliament of Latin American Universities, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2007.

Chair of the Organizing Committee of the II Symposium of Students of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2006.

Member of the Organizing Committee of the I Symposium of Students of Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2005.


Spanish: native speaker. English: advanced French: advanced (reading) Portuguese: advanced (reading) Classical Greek: two years of academic study at introductory and intermediate level. Latin: one semester of academic study at introductory level.