The Honorable Board of Supervisors of Siskiyou County, California, met in regular session this 4th day of September 2018; there being present Supervisors Lisa L. Nixon, Brandon Criss, Ed Valenzuela and Ray A. Haupt, County Administrator Terry Barber, County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan, and County Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Colleen Setzer by Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham. Supervisor Michael N. Kobseff was absent.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Haupt. Pursuant to AB23, the Clerk announced that the Board members receive no additional compensation for sitting as members of the Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and County Service Area #4. Supervisor Criss led in the salute to the flag of the United States of America.

OFF- AGENDA ITEM – County Counsel – Conference with legal counsel, existing litigation pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(d)(1), name of case: Hoopa Valley Tribe v. FERC – Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Docket No. 14-1271. Added to the closed session agenda.

Prior to the start of closed session, County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan provided an overview of the request to consider an item not on the posted agenda with regard to the Hoopa Valley Tribe v. FERC – Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Docket No. 14-1271 litigation. Mr. Kiernan requested that the item be added to the existing closed session agenda.

It was moved by Supervisor Criss, seconded by Supervisor Nixon and carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT to consider an item not on the posted agenda regarding conference with legal counsel, existing litigation pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(d)(1), name of case: Hoopa Valley Tribe v. FERC – Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Docket No. 14-1271.

CLOSED SESSION - Conference with legal counsel, existing litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1), four cases, conference with labor negotiators pursuant to Government Code §54957.6, conference with legal counsel, anticipated litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9, initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(4), two cases, commenced at 8:35a.m., concluded at 10:00a.m., with no action taken.


County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan announced that closed session concluded at 10:00a.m., with no reportable action taken.

INVOCATION - Siskiyou County Sheriff Chaplain Linda Ripley provided the invocation.


At County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan’s request, item 5H County Counsel’s addendum to professional services retention agreement with Best Best & Krieger was pulled from the consent agenda for discussion.

At Supervisor Nixon’s request, item 5M Health and Human Services – Behavioral Health Division’s contract with Yve A. Susskind dba Praxis Associates, LLC was pulled from the consent agenda for discussion.


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CONSENT AGENDA – (continued)

It was moved by Supervisor Nixon, seconded by Supervisor Valenzuela and carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT, that the following consent agenda is approved, and the Chair and/or clerk authorized to execute/record any necessary documents:

AUDITOR-CONTROLLER Approve the Certification of Maintenance of Effort for Proposition 172 Public Safety funding for the 2017/2018 fiscal year and authorize the Auditor-Controller to sign the certification.

AUDITOR-CONTROLLER Adopt Resolution 18-107 thereby setting the Prop 4 Gann limit at $53,220,820 for the 2018- 2019 fiscal year.

AUDITOR-CONTROLLER Approve the TRA increment allocation methodology for the Streets and Highways §104 and authorize the Auditor-Controller to implement accordingly.

AUDITOR-CONTROLLER Adopt Resolution 18-106 thereby approving the 2018/2019 tax rates.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Approve request to create one Senior Registered Environmental Health Specialist within the Community Development Department and authorize the Auditor to establish budget.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING DIVISION Approve first addendum to the Abbott & Kindermann, Inc. contract, to increase compensation and to authorize the Auditor to increase the budget for this contract.

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Approve letter to Glenn County Board of Supervisors expressing thanks for staff support provided to Siskiyou County during the Klamathon Fire event.

COUNTY LIBRARY Accept application for Adult Literacy State Library program to receive baseline amount of $18,000 for FY 18/19 and authorize the Auditor-Controller to establish budget per the grant guidelines.

GENERAL SERVICES Approve request to appoint General Services Manager Ethan Garrett as First Alternate to the Rural Counties' Environmental Services Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors for 2018.

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIVISION Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the contract for services between Northern Valley Catholic Social Services and Siskiyou County Health and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health Division, for the term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020.

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIVISION Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the seventh addendum to the contract for services between Kings View Corporation and the Siskiyou County Health and Human Services Agency, with a term of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.


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CONSENT AGENDA – (continued)

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIVISION Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the contract for services between Siskiyou County Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health Division and Remi Vista, Inc., for the term of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIVISION Adopt Resolution 18-108 authorizing Health and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health Division to apply and accept one-time allocation of $100,000 from Department of Health Care Services for Homeless Mentally Ill Outreach and Treatment programs and authorize the Auditor to establish a budget.

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIVISION Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the first addendum to the lease agreement between Siskiyou County Health and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health division, and James C. Peluso.

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the contract between Siskiyou County Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division and the evaluator, Maria Vaderhorst.

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES-PUBLIC HEALTH AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIVISIONS Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the amendment with Partnership Health Plan of California and Siskiyou County Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division for the Intergovernmental Transfer funding.

PROBATION Approve second addendum to contract between Probation and Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc. to extend term of contract to June 30, 2019, amending Exhibit A, and funding at rate .01.

SHERIFF-CORONER Approve contract between Chaplain Keith Bradley and Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office for counseling and critical incident stress debriefing, coordination of volunteer chaplains for law enforcement situation, for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, not to exceed $29,400, with monthly payment to be made by Auditor as close as possible to the last day of the month and not to exceed $2,450 per month.

SHERIFF-CORONER Approve addendum to contract between Mt. Shasta Memorial Chapel and Siskiyou County for indigent burial from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2022.

SHERIFF-CORONER Approve contract between Central Valley Toxicology, Inc., and Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office for toxicology analysis for the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021.

SHERIFF-CORONER Approve contract between James N. Olson, MD and Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office for autopsy and specialized services covering the period of July 1, 2018 and shall continue through June 30, 2020.


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CONSENT AGENDA – (continued)

SHERIFF-CORONER Approve cooperative agreement renewal between Siskiyou County Jail and CAL TRANS for Sheriff’s Work Alternative Program to provide labor to CAL TRANS, authorize Sheriff Jon E. Lopey to sign and execute the cooperative agreement, authorize the Board Chair to sign the Resolution 18-109 authorizing the cooperative agreement and allow the Auditor to establish budget.

SHERIFF-CORONER Approve agreement between College of the Siskiyous and Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office authorizing the assignment of a Director to coordinate the Administration of Justice Program, with the College to reimburse the Sheriff’s Office on a quarterly basis for the Sheriff’s representative’s salary, overtime and mileage for transporting the driving simulator, not to exceed $82,500, for the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

SISKIYOU MODOC REGIONAL DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES Approve request to create one Child Support Supervisor position, 1.0 FTE, effective September 9, 2018.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Behavioral Health - Local Mental Health Services Act - $56,373. Resolution 18-110 adopted.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Behavioral Health - Local Mental Health Services Act - $27,000. Resolution 18-111 adopted.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Fuel Services - $29,922. Resolution 18-112 adopted.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - General - $988. Resolution 18-113 adopted.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Planning Projects - $20,000. Resolution 18-114 adopted.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Planning Community Development Block Grant - $26. Resolution 18- 115 adopted.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Planning Community Development Block Grant - $319. Resolution 18- 116 adopted.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Planning Community Development Block Grant - $71. Resolution 18- 117 adopted.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Planning Community Development Block Grant - $934. Resolution 18- 118 adopted.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Plant Acquisition - $70,087. Resolution 18-119 adopted.

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIVISION - Approve contract with Yve A. Susskind dba Praxis Associates, LLC to provide various services for the Mental Health Services Act, Innovation Project, in an amount not to exceed $112,600 for the term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020. Approved.

This item was pulled from the consent agenda at Supervisor Nixon’s request.


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Following brief discussion regarding the timelines associated with the contract, it was moved by Supervisor Valenzuela, seconded by Supervisor Nixon and carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the contract for services between Siskiyou County Health and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health Division, and Yve A. Susskind dba Praxis Associates, LLC for the term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020.

COUNTY COUNSEL - Approve addendum to professional services retention agreement with Best Best & Krieger for the Environmental Law Foundation vs. SWRCB, et al litigation, increasing the compensation by $25,000 to a total not to exceed $726,000. Dropped from the agenda.

This item was pulled from the consent agenda at County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan’s request. Mr. Kiernan requested that this item be dropped from the agenda in order for information in the addendum to the Best Best & Krieger agreement to be corrected.

Chair Haupt advised that this item was dropped from the agenda.


Mt. Shasta Vista property owner Darrell Hook voiced concerns regarding the lack of code enforcement and law enforcement efforts to eradicate illicit marijuana cultivation in/around the Mt. Shasta Vista area. Mr. Hook additionally voiced concerns regarding the negative impacts to local home/property owners associated with the numerous marijuana cultivation sites in the area and spoke in support of increased funding to support the law enforcement’s eradication efforts.

PUBLIC REQUESTS - SISKIYOU COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL - Presentation of an update re current Arts Council activities, including programs/services provided to support the arts, various collaborative efforts between arts, culture, historical organizations and revitalization/economic development and arts programming for unmet needs. Presentation and discussion only.

Siskiyou County Arts Council Executive Director Lugene Whitley distributed two two-page handouts (examples of handouts that are distributed during various Arts Council events) and presented a related powerpoint presentation. Ms. Whitley provided a brief history of the Arts Council, including an overview of the fiscal sponsorship provided by the Jefferson Economic Development Institutes (JEDI) in 2015, development of the Council’s public charity status in early 2016 and the benefits associated with the state/local partnership between the California Arts Council (CAC) and the Siskiyou County Arts Council. Ms. Whitley summarized various programs/services provided by the Arts Council (i.e. Poetry Out Loud, the Social change, Creativity, Repurposing, Arts education, Public art, Sustainability (SCRAPS) Art Cart and Arts Directory) and provided examples of fiscal sponsorship that the Council provides to help develop new creative projects and arts organizations. Ms. Whitley further summarized new initiatives and programs that the Council is developing (i.e. Veterans in the Arts, Charlie’s Place at Juvenile Hall, Arts in Corrections, etc.).

Discussion followed between members of the Board and Ms. Whitley regarding the Art Council’s efforts to support art in public places, the re-entry through arts program at the Day Reporting Center (DRC), the Council’s efforts to coordinate with other tourism and community-based websites to outreach regarding arts, the Siskiyou Revitalization Network pilot program and plans to begin a public art inventory effort.

VOLUME 75 ~ 181 ~ September 4, 2018

PUBLIC HEARINGS - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING DIVISION - Continued public hearing for the second reading of a proposed ordinance reclassifying 44 acres of land from Open Space, 40-acre minimum parcel size (O-B-40) to Non-Prime Agricultural, 40-acre minimum parcel size (AG-2-B-40) on portions of APN 007-360-490; Section 13, Township 46N, Range 9W, MDB&M, for property located at 21635 Walker Road, in the community of . Ordinance 18-07 and associated Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted.

This was the time set for a continued public hearing for the second reading of a proposed ordinance reclassifying 44 acres from Open Space, 40-acre minimum parcel size (O-B-40) to Non-Prime Agricultural, 40-acre minimum parcel size (AG-2-B-40) on portions of APN 007-360-490; Section 13, Township 46N, Range 9W, MDB&M, for property located at 21635 Walker Road, in the community of Klamath River, having been continued from August 7, 2018.

Deputy Director of Planning Christy Cummings Dawson provided a brief staff report concerning the project, advising that County Code Enforcement had reviewed the subject property and that no visible cannabis cultivation was occurring on the property.

In response to Chair Haupt, Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham advised that the County Clerk’s Office received correspondence from neighboring property owner Alison Maha who shared concerns regarding the potential for the property to be utilized for cannabis cultivation and in opposition to the property becoming Non-prime agricultural from Open Space.

There being no public comments received, the public hearing was declared closed.

Following brief discussion between members of the Board and Ms. Cummings Dawson regarding Ms. Maha’s correspondence and the lack of additional concerns from neighboring property owners, it was moved by Supervisor Haupt and seconded by Supervisor Valenzuela to introduce, waive and approve the second reading and adopt the ordinance to amend Zoning District Map 10-6.205-128 and approve the Cannaworx rezone Z1505; and move to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Clerk read the ordinance title into the record and the motion to adopt Ordinance 18-07 carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT.

PUBLIC HEARINGS - PUBLIC WORKS - Public hearing for the second reading of an ordinance amending and repealing Sections in Title 5, Chapter 6.1 regarding gate fees and Title 5, Chapter 5-1.30 of the Siskiyou County Code regarding disposal of tires. Ordinance 18-08 adopted.

This was the time set for a public hearing for the second reading of an ordinance amending and repealing Sections in Title 5, Chapter 6.1 regarding gate fees and Title 5, Chapter 5-1.30 of the Siskiyou County Code regarding disposal of tires, having been introduced on August 14, 2018.

Chair Haupt opened the public hearing.

Public Works Director Scott Waite provided a brief overview of the request, advising that no comments or correspondence had been received by the Department.

In response to Chair Haupt, Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham advised that the Clerk’s Office had not received any correspondence related to the issue. Ms. Winningham additionally noted a typo that was found and corrected on page three of the proposed ordinance in the Household Hazardous Waste section.

There being no public comments received, the public hearing was declared closed.

It was moved by Supervisor Valenzuela and seconded by Supervisor Nixon to waive the second reading of the ordinance of the County of Siskiyou amending and repealing Section Title 5, Chapter 6.1 regarding gates fees, of the Siskiyou County Code regarding refuse disposal and adopt the same.


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The Clerk read the ordinance title into the record and the motion to adopt Ordinance 18-08 carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY - Request to recognize Frances Kearney who has provided voluntary office support to the District Attorney's Office for over ten years. Presentation only.

District Attorney Kirk Andrus and Victim Witness Administrator Coleen Chiles provided an overview of the request, advising that Frances Kearney had been volunteering in the District Attorney’s Office and supporting the County’s Victim Witness’ Office for over 10 years. Mr. Andrus and Ms. Chiles presented Ms. Kearney with a County 10-year pin, a District Attorney’s Office pin and a personalized coffee mug.

Ms. Kearney thanked representatives of the District Attorney and Victim Witness’ Office and the Board of Supervisors for their support through the years.

Members of the Board thanked Ms. Kearney for her contribution to the operation of the Offices and the County.

AGRICULTURE - Presentation of the 2017 Siskiyou County Crop and Livestock Report. Presentation and discussion only.

Agricultural Commissioner Jim Smith presented the 2017 Crop Report via powerpoint presentation, including a summary of various County staff members and their duties/responsibilities related to the Agriculture, Animal Control and Vegetation Control divisions. Mr. Smith advised that the Crop Report was dedicated to UC Cooperative Extension Director and Farm Advisor Steve Orloff who passed away in 2017.

Continuing the powerpoint, Mr. Smith provided an overview of statistics related to the various crops and livestock raised in the County in 2017 as well as information related to weights and measures inspections performed.

Discussion followed between members of the Board and Mr. Smith regarding the need for additional information in future crop reports related to the impact of irrigation curtailment on drought and/or fallow acreage statistics, the efforts being made to address/treat Leafy Spurge (noxious weed) in various areas of the County and the impact of organic crops and livestock on the County’s market.

AGRICULTURE - Presentation of an update on the Siskiyou County Bee Keepers Association, including the impacts of new apiary ordinances on local hobbyists, various apiary statistics and the effects of wildfire smoke on honey production in Siskiyou County. Presentation and discussion only.

Agricultural Commissioner Jim Smith introduced Siskiyou County Beekeepers Association President Teresa Beatty and provided a brief overview of the Association’s membership and their efforts to mentor those people interested in backyard beekeeping. Ms. Beatty and Mr. Smith presented a powerpoint presentation, including an overview of the process to receive bees and set up one or more hive boxes, educational opportunities provided for new and experienced beekeepers as well as members of the public and an overview of various predators for bees/hives.

Discussion followed between members of the Board, Ms. Beatty and Mr. Smith regarding the various types of predators, the lifespan of queen bees and the efforts being made to address/combat Varroa mites and/or diseases in hives and bees.

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COUNTY COUNSEL - Discussion, direction, and possible action re Pacific Power's request for a general electric rate increase application with the California Public Utilities Commission and the County’s options to participate in the application proceedings. Discussion only.

Supervisor Haupt provided a brief overview of the request, advising of the need to review Pacific Power’s proposed rate increase application to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

Yreka resident Nita Still presented and summarized a one-page comment letter, sharing concerns regarding the CPUC’s authority and the potential dangers related to the Pacific Power’s planned installation of Smart Meters on local homes/residences.

Discussion followed between members of the Board and Assistant County Counsel Natalie Reed regarding the need for additional information related to the proposed rate increase, the power generation rates in California compared to those in the nation and possible efforts the County could make to minimize those increases.

Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham presented a 13-page email regarding this issues from County resident Anne Marsh, advising that members of the Board had been forwarded the email previously.

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR - Discussion, direction and possible action re request to increase wage (step placement) for Chief Probation Officer, Allison Giannini to Step 3 of the salary schedule, effective May 6, 2018 and approve subsequent step increases annually. Approved.

Following an overview of the request from County Administrator Terry Barber, it was moved by Supervisor Valenzuela, seconded by Supervisor Nixon and carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT to authorize the Chief Probation Officer salary to be increased to Step 3 of the salary schedule effective May 6, 2018 and receive subsequent step increases as noted in the agenda worksheet.

COUNTY COUNSEL/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING DIVISION - Discussion, direction and possible action re adoption of an Urgency Ordinance amending Section 3-17.01 of Chapter 17 of Title 3 of the Siskiyou County Code regarding camping outside designated campgrounds. Ordinance 18-09 adopted.

Deputy Director of Planning Christy Cummings Dawson provided an overview of the request, advising of the efforts being made to address camping on lands within the County, in particular in/around Hornbrook and the Klamathon Fire, by property owners while they rebuild/recover from the fire damage.

Supervisor Haupt advised of receiving an email correspondence from Anne Marsh with regard to the proposed urgency ordinance and the suggested camping permit extension timeframes.

Discussion followed between members of the Board, Ms. Cummings Dawson, Deputy Director of Environmental Health Rick Dean and Assistant County Counsel Natalie Reed regarding the anticipated timeframes associated with the extended camping permit for natural disasters, the potential for home/property owners to extend a camping permit beyond two years due to possible unresolved insurance issues, the other possible natural disasters that the urgency ordinance could address (i.e. flood, heavy snow damage), the status of ongoing hazardous material removal efforts and the anticipated process to issue and vet an extended camping permit application.

It was moved by Supervisor Haupt and seconded by Supervisor Nixon to adopt, by a four-fifths vote, the urgency ordinance amending Section 3-17.01 of Chapter 17 of Title 3 of the Siskiyou County Code regarding camping outside of designated campgrounds. The Clerk read the ordinance title into the record and the motion to adopt Ordinance 18-09 carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT.

VOLUME 75 ~ 184 ~ September 4, 2018

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' REQUESTS - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Review status of local emergency related to imminent threat of catastrophic wildfire as declared by Resolution 14-154; action to extend or terminate local emergency. Local emergency extended.

It was moved by Supervisor Haupt, seconded by Supervisor Criss and carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT to extend the local emergency related to imminent threat of catastrophic wildfire as declared by Resolution 14-154.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' REQUESTS - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Review status of local emergency related to the proliferation of illegal cannabis cultivation as declared by Resolution 17-117; action to extend or terminate local emergency. Local emergency extended.

It was moved by Supervisor Nixon, seconded by Supervisor Criss and carried with Supervisors Criss, Nixon and Haupt voting YES, Supervisor Valenzuela voting NO and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT to extend the local emergency related to the proliferation of illegal cannabis cultivation as declared by Resolution 17-117.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' REQUESTS - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Review status of local emergency related to drought conditions, in particular conditions and curtailed irrigation deliveries to the Tulelake Irrigation District as declared by Resolution 18-39; action to extend or terminate local emergency. Local emergency extended.

It was moved by Supervisor Criss, seconded by Supervisor Nixon and carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT to extend the local emergency related to drought conditions, in particular conditions and curtailed irrigation deliveries to the Tulelake Irrigation District as declared by Resolution 18-39.

APPOINTMENTS - COUNTY CLERK - Appointment of three members to the scheduled vacancies on the Mayten Fire Protection District, for terms ending August 15, 2022. Richard Solus, Millie Ferlatte and Ronald Hale appointed.

Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham provided an overview of the request, advising that incumbents Richard Solus, Millie Ferlatte and Ronald Hale were interested in re-appointment.

It was moved by Supervisor Criss, seconded by Supervisor Haupt and carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT to appoint Richard Solus, Millie Ferlatte and Ronald Hale to the scheduled vacancies on the Mayten Fire Protection District, for terms ending August 15, 2022.

APPOINTMENTS - COUNTY CLERK - Appointment of one member to the unscheduled vacancy on the Etna Cemetery District for a term ending January 6, 2020. Tery Drager appointed.

Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham provided an overview of the request, advising that Etna resident Teryl Drager was interested in serving on the District Board. In addition, Ms. Winningham advised that Ms. Drager was eligible to serve as a registered voter residing within the District boundaries.

It was moved by Supervisor Haupt, seconded by Supervisor Valenzuela and carried with Supervisors Criss, Valenzuela, Nixon and Haupt voting YES and Supervisor Kobseff ABSENT to appoint Tery Drager to the unscheduled vacancy on the Etna Cemetery District, for a term ending January 6, 2020.

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APPOINTMENTS - COUNTY CLERK - Appointment of one member to the scheduled vacancy on the Siskiyou County Assessment Appeals Board for a term ending September 6, 2021. Continued to a later date.

Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham provided an overview of the request, advising that the current incumbent was not interested in serving on the Assessment Appeals Board again.

Following brief discussion between members of the Board and Ms. Winningham regarding ongoing efforts to outreach to people who may be interested in serving, Chair Haupt advised that this item was continued to a later date.


Supervisor Valenzuela advised of his attendance at a Northern Rural Training and Employment Consortium (NoRTEC) meeting in Chico, the Siskiyou Golden Fair, and advised of an upcoming California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Executive Board meeting in Sacramento.

Supervisor Nixon advised of her attendance at the Siskiyou Golden Fair, including working several community organizations’ booths, a tour of the Siskiyou County Airport with an airport stakeholder, an internal meeting regarding airports, a Klamathon Fire victim fundraiser, a meeting with Bureau of Reclamation Deputy Commissioner Alan Mikkelsen, a garbage cleanup effort on Humbug Mountain and a local Cattlemens tour.

Supervisor Criss advised of his attendance at a Klamathon fundraiser, a Local Assistance Center (LAC) services fair held in McCloud, various community meetings for the status of the Hirtz Fire, a Community Services Council (CSC) meeting, the Butte Valley Back to School Night event and the Siskiyou Golden and Tulelake Butte Valley Fairs. Supervisor Criss advised of fire assistance/grant funding opportunities provided by the Superior California Economic Development District (SCEDD) and of the benefits to irrigators from the new Montague water system.

Supervisor Haupt advised of his attendance at a Klamathon Fire recovery community meeting, various meetings, including Supervisor Kobseff, Natural Resource Policy Specialist Elizabeth Nielsen and County Counsel and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding the Nature Conservancy property purchase, a meeting regarding the burning near Happy Camp, a meeting with representatives of the Modoc Nation concerning Siskiyou County, a California Licensed Foresters’ Association meeting in Weed, a meeting with Supervisor Nixon regarding local airports, a Department Head meeting and a meeting with irrigators located near the Nature Conservancy property and advised of speaking at a Protect Our Water (POW) campaign/meeting and a meeting with Hornbrook citizens regarding fire recovery efforts. Supervisor Haupt further advised of an upcoming memorial service for Scott Valley resident Jack Bowen.

Supervisor Valenzuela advised of his attendance at community meetings in Mt. Shasta and Dunsmuir for the status of the Hirtz Fire.

ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board of Supervisors, the meeting was adjourned.


By: ______Deputy

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