
Page 10 ~be ~quinu Thursday, February 22, 2001 ROYALLIFE------·--··----- Music as it should be CAMPUS PROFILE By Mona Hamdy "Fishing the Sky" contains Editorial Staff sweeping guftar riffs that fit per- Making Noise fectly with the precise rhythms There is ajunkie roaming the Mare Vita/is provided by Young and Baruth. corridors of Hyland Hall. Self- . The drumming on this album proclaimed apoliticai junkie, is the highlight because Baruth Professor of political science provides intricate rhythmic pat- Robert Kocis, has an affinity for **** terns that hint of a slight jaz~ all branches of political theory. Deepelm Records influence. "If I don't get my daily fix, There is no weak point on this I'm in bad shape," Kocis joked. band. album at all. At points the music A 12 year faculty member at Todd Kurpel Originating five yel!rS ago in wiii be so toned down and The University, Kocis' varied Staff Writer Lawrence, Kan., The Appleseed moody that your mind will wan- interests in politics have broad- . d h ened the course offe_ rings in the I D ...-, .. A. Kocis Cast were originally labeled an d er o ff• b u t th en m a secon t e Professor of political science-· --· The Appleseed Cast recently band. Their first full length, tempo will' quicken. and catch Politicar Science department. -·; released their second full-length Tlze End of Tlze Ring Wars con­ you off-guard. Kocis read-ily- addresses the· . ' ·''It's still not done," Kocis album entitled Mare Vita/is on tained a lot of distortion, which The driving guitars bring you diversity issue· on campus as a lamented. His vigorous academ- Deep Elm Records. A follow-up helped lead to · this label. back to consciousness and will main interest of his. i~- pursuits prt:vent him -from to their 1998 full-length, The However, over time The make you hum their melodies for "We are a good school with a concentrating on-the book, much End of Tlze Ring Wars, The Appleseed- Cast, which consists days. The vocals are exceptional warm welcoming environment," _ less spending· more time with his Appleseed Cast open new doors of Christopher Crisci (vocals, on this album, as Crisci and Kocis said: "In order to att~act family: - with Mare Vitalis. Their original, guitar), Aaron Pillar (guitar, Pillar have_ similar voices that minority and international stu- -In addition to teaching a full unique sound harmonize well dents, we need to make them course load and creating ·the is refreshing to together. feel comfortable and · secure tex.tbook, Kocis is currently hear at a time H ow.ever, being different." developing publicatim1s about when rap­ what the lyrics "It is my goal to help create political theorist Nicolo Mach-- metal bands are actually sing- an exciting place for these stu- iavelli, complementing his pre­ and boy bands ing is left up to dents, as well as create an vious works. have unfortu­ the imagination. enriching for our students, who.. _ -. Machiavelli's writings are a nately taken Because the- will benefit from this exchange;·· source of inspiration for Kocis, over the air­ vocals take a step · Kocis said. · who thinks that the Italian thea­ waves. back from the Kocis' fascination with the- rist has been misinterpreted by If you are music, they are political enviro-nment In Mexico political scholars. looking for a hard to make out led to the creation of an · "He was more democratic top ten radio at times. Intersession trayel study ·course and civil than people give him single, you The. lack of to that region. .credit for," Kocis said. He also will not find lyrics in the bo- "It is good for our students to defends _Machiavellian ideology one here. The oklet also leads to come· into contact with people · in :a work published by .Lehigh. , Appleseed this confusion. from other nations and cult~tes/'' University Press. - Cast are not The album Kocis said. - ~ocis seems to devote his · trying to comes to a fitting "We"need to expose our stu_- attentiThe Get Up Kids, wanting more. process of creating a text ·book tioo to the idea of justice correct~ seems that the band is lrying to · to record Mare Vita/is. This time The Appleseed Cast has just ;tailor-made for his _classes. ing past wrongs. In::the twentY-: tell a story about the sea. -around, the band leaves th~ir·- finished recording. two. albums: .. · "The idea came abOut w~en. a first· centur-y, we define justice The sea theme also appears in guitars and amps clean, although , entitled· Low Level Owl.: Low. · colleague a~d I couldn't firid a by:_what justice is not. That is the album's title Mare Vita/is, ·they do get some distortion on a_· Level Owl: Volume 1 will be 'quality analytical book on the liberalism." . which means "sea life" in Latin. few of the tracks. . - released iri Spring 2001, .. and:· ·gr~at .political thinkers of the Kocis, who spends his free ,.Also, you qm tell that the band is The album opens with a dark Low_ Level Owl: Volume II will · se~ond half of the twentieth cen- time reading and rereading not trying to attract any attention prelude entitled "The Immortal· be released three months-after. · · · tury,'~ Kocis explained. "So we Herman Hesse's Siddhartha~ from major labels, since the CD Sdul of Mundo Cani/ which ' The Appleseed Cast will tour· ... decided to make one." . - -.. ' - remains optimistic about the cover and layout are very sim­ builds into a crescendo that _the USA and Europe,' so be on - _ ·The book, an analysis of human condition. · ple, comprised of some artwork flows perf~tly into the second. -the look out for them in· a town important political :writings, with "People talk about the death and a few random photos of the track. "Fishing the Sky."· nea'r yqu soon. ,8; running commen~ by, _',the of liberalism. with no proof that · two professors-come-authors, is liberalism has ended," Kocis· currently being written and is _ mused. "Just look at election being considered by textboqk 2000." giant Prentice Hall. FOR RENT 409 Clay Avenue Beautiful 2-bedroom apartment Landlord pays ALL utilities Available for 2001-2002

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