OUR SCHOOL VALUES: RESPECT - UNDERSTANDING – PEACE – HONESTY – RESPONSIBILITY - TEAMWORK Hawridge, , HP5 2UQ Telephone: 01494 758368 Fax: 01494 758629 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hawridge-cholesbury.bucks.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs Rosie Phillips

4th December 2015

Dear Parents

This half term’s value is Peace

Autumn Term Newsletter No. 7

Nativity rehearsals and Christmas Carols throughout the school - must be nearly Christmas and what better way to start the weekend than by coming to the Christmas Bazaar tomorrow (11am- 2pm). As always, huge thanks must go to Mr James Morris and his team of helpers.

Four-Parish Christmas Cards Competition Each year the four churches send a Christmas card round the villages with details of the Christmas services. This year they held a competition with the winner's design featured as the front of the card itself. I’m happy to report that one of our Y6 pupils, Chloe Reisinger, was the winner of the competition.

Nativity – KS1 Rehearsals for ‘Hey Ewe’ are going well and the singing is sounding wonderful. As mentioned in the initial letter, it is hoped that by having two performances parents will be able to help each other out by caring for younger siblings and take it in turns to watch one of the shows. We are still offering a crèche during the Monday performance only and if you intend on using the crèche and forgot to put the information on your form, please contact the office. Please do not bring siblings to the final performance on Wednesday, 16th December.

The normal ‘going home procedures’ will apply on performance days, so please ensure that any changes to the usual arrangements are given to the class teacher in writing.

Saxon/Viking Morning Year 5 had a fantastic time outside in our woodland area finding out more about the Vikings with first-hand experience. They cooked flatbreads over an open campfire and chose what they would like to put into them. Another activity included excavating (pretend!) poo to find out whether it was from Viking, Roman or Tudor times depending on what they had eaten and the diet of people in those time periods. This was a funny experience as it looked very real and everyone was very squeamish! The next activity that children tried was to carve out an intricate pattern of cuttlefish that could then be used as a mould for melted metal to be poured into. Each child created a mould and will be given their creation in metal next week! We learnt about how the Vikings would have used this method to make their jewellery and broaches. After all of these exciting experiences we then had a go at shelter building and the children were very creative with this. Upon reflection the children all agreed that we had a brilliant morning and that lots had been learnt towards our topic!

Bulbs Has anyone else spotted that the bulbs are starting to show? Please try not to tread on any and let’s hope that if there’s snow, they manage to survive. The grounds are promising to be a colourful spectacle in the spring.

Carol Service – KS2 We are looking forward to this special service on Wednesday, 16th December. Just a reminder that it will start at 6pm, will last approximately one hour and all are welcome to join us.

Year 5 and 6 trip to CHA to watch Little Shop of Horrors Year 5 and 6 were invited by Chiltern Hills to watch their production of Little Shop of Horrors. It was great for us to see some past pupils from our school having the opportunity to pursue their love for drama at their current school. The children thoroughly enjoyed the show and the opportunity to visit the local .

Lunchtimes – Top Tables Lunchtime manners and behaviour are improving greatly and the children who have been selected to sit on the Top Table the last couple of weeks are: Abigail, Joe, George, Isaac, Daniel Ba, Gabby, Cian, Sam, Poppy L, Jayden, Curtis and Poppy C in KS1 and Imogen, Laura, Faith, Ellen, Tommy W, Nicola, Ashton, Hollie, Jacob L, Alfie, Rebekah, Marcus, Carrick, Arran, Kelsi and Alex M in KS2.

Open Morning Our latest Open Morning for prospective parents went very well on Wednesday, with many of our visitors commenting on how well behaved all the children were and the superb communication and information skills of our Y6 children guides. Well done Great Oaks! Our next Open Morning will be on Thursday 7th January 2016.

St Albans On Thursday, 26th November Holly Crofts went on a trip to St Albans (Verulamium) as part of their topic on Romans. The day was very busy with two sessions in the museum: one in the galleries looking at the artefacts and a market day workshop. The children also visited the Roman amphitheatre and hypocaust. The children of Hawridge & Cholesbury were complimented on their level of interest and their knowledge!

Pen Pals Holly Crofts have established pen pals in a school in County Durham, which Luke’s cousin attends. They are also studying the Romans as their topic. Hawridge and Cholesbury were very excited to receive letters from their new pen pals and have already written their replies. The class are also going to be sending their new friends details of their trip to St Albans and photographs of their Roman Chariots.

Games A reminder that children should have plain blue/black tracksuit bottoms and warm tops (if they do not have a school tracksuit) for Games, which will take place outdoors on the majority of occasions.

Thursday, 17th December 2015 – Party, Christmas Lunch, Pantomime! Just a reminder that all children should come into school wearing their best/party clothes. Please ensure that footwear and outfits are suitable for the busy day ahead and that coats are brought to school, as the children will still be going onto the playground at break and lunchtime.

Dates for your Diary Please note attached the new Dates for your Diary. New or amended entries will be marked in red.

Kind regards

Mrs R Phillips Headteacher