Karlheinz Brandenburg MP3 and AAC explained MP3 AND AAC EXPLAINED KARLHEINZ BRANDENBURG ½ ½ Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits FhG-IIS A, Erlangen, Germany
[email protected] The last years have shown widespread proliferation of .mp3-files, both from legal and illegal sources. Yet most people using these audio files do not know much about audio compression and how to use it. The paper gives an introduction to audio compression for music file exchange. Beyond the basics the focus is on quality issues and the compression ratio / audio bandwidth / artifacts tradeoffs. MPEG AND INTERNET AUDIO ¯ Availability of encoders and decoders Driven first by the demand of professional use for The proliferation of MPEG coded audio material on the broadcasting, hardware (DSP) and software de- Internet has shown an exponential growth since 1995, coders have been available for a number of years. making ”.mp3” the most searched for term in early 1999 (according to http://www.searchterms.com). ”MP3” has ¯ Supporting technologies been featured in numerous articles in newspapers and pe- While audio compression is viewed as a main en- riodicals and on TV, mostly on the business pages be- abling technology, the widespread use of computer cause of the potential impact on the recording indus- soundcards, computers getting fast enough to do try. While everybody is using MP3, not many (includ- software audio decoding and even encoding, fast ing some of the software authors writing MP3 encoders, Internet access for universities and businesses as decoders or associated tools) know the history and the de- well as the spread of CD-ROM and CD-Audio tails of MPEG audio coding.