The 2014 Guide

from Shopper magazine

The 2014 Guide to Providers RETAIL & SHOPPER INSIGHTS from Shopper Marketing magazine


Special Supplement – May 2014


AT-A-GLANCE BETTER NEGOTIATE WITH RETAILERS THANKS TO AUGMENTED REALITY WHAT WE DO Product placement is key to your ’s commercial Augment is a mobile app to simulate success. But when the time comes to negotiate this merchandising displays and strategic position at endcaps with the store manager, packaging in their actual size in a reps have no choice but rely on a mix of real store, thanks to the mindblowing powerpoint presentations, screenshots, expansive power of Augmented Reality. physical mockups and a lot of imagination. Reps Augment allows sales reps to boost have no way to accurately and easily simulate how sell-in and enables marketing and your displays and packaging are going to look in the design teams to try new designs in store and how much space they will take. It keeps stores with no physical mockups. retailers in the dark, leading to sales ine ciencies and lost opportunities. EXPERTISE We are experts in in-store simulations in augmented reality, with a strong focus on: SIMULATE YOUR DISPLAY & PACKAGING DESIGNS IN REAL STORES • Virtual product placement Augment is a mobile app to simulate displays and • Virtual prototyping packaging in real stores, in their actual size, thanks • Print marketing campaigns to the mindblowing power of augmented reality. During a store walkthrough, and by simply hold- ing their tablet or smartphone, sales reps can place PRODUCTS & SERVICES the life-size display or packaging design where it is • Augment app on iPad, intended to be, capture their in-store simulation, iPhone & Android share pictures with the store manager, get immedi- ate placement approval and close the deal at light- INDUSTRIES SERVED ning speed. Whether you are a brand, manufacturer or agency, Augment is going to drastically improve • your sales and design process. Watch Augment in • Display & Packaging Manufacturers action on • Agencies

BOOST SELL-IN. SAVE MONEY ON PROTOTYPING. MAJOR CLIENTS • L’O ré a l Boost sell-in. Augment is an e cient simulation tool for sales reps to convince store managers, better nego- • Disney tiate in-store visibility for your products, and generate additional revenue. • Smur t Kappa No more physical mockups. Augment allows marketing and design teams to quickly evaluate the visual • Bemis impact of their new display and packaging designs in a real store. Augment speeds up your design and pro- • GoEast duction process, and reduces the need to produce and ship physical mockups. Get started: CONTACT 1. Download the free Augment app on your iPad, iPhone or Android device. Mickaël Jordan 2. Upload your 3D models of displays and packaging on You don’t know how to get the Co-Founder & 3D models of your products? Ask your design team, creative agency or manufacturer to upload them Chief Marketing O cer for you. [email protected] 3. Simulate your 3D models in a real store. Print the universal Augment tracker on 929.999.1785 Place it on a shelf to simulate your 3D packaging. Or simulate your 3D display on the ground with no tracker at all.

Watch a video and learn more on

Augment_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/7/14 11:06 AM BOOST SELL-IN. SAVE MONEY ON PROTOTYPING.

Simulate life size displays and packaging in real stores, in augmented reality. Get immediate design and placement approval during a store walkthrough.

Watch a video on Contact us for a live demo 929 999 1785 [email protected] Test Augment now. Download the Augment app. Select SCAN. Scan this page to simulate a 3D display.



Our direct, addressable media networks deliver WHO WE ARE advertising and promotions based on a consumer’s With the world’s largest shopper purchase behavior, resulting in more e ective media, purchase history database driving higher li and greater loyalty. all personalized media across our networks, we drive li and loyalty • Personalized mobile coupons and promotions – In uence shoppers at the shelf through Catalina’s for the world’s leading CPG brands unparalleled mobile commerce platform driving over $1B in CPG retail sales annually. and retailers. • Targeted digital and mobile advertising – Leverage the largest media networks optimized for CPG Brands to drive awareness through integrated, omni-channel media with Catalina BuyerVision®. WHAT WE DO • Personalized in-store digital media – Personally engage over 280 million shoppers with highly relevant Only Catalina knows the evolving media that has an unparalleled 80 percent readership rate. purchase history and individual needs of more than 75% of American shoppers. We use that insight to create personalized, measurable campaigns that motivate high-value consumers to try new products, What Makes US Different increase consumption, and stay loyal to CPG Brands and Retailers. Digital Advertising from Catalina targets consumers based on their known purchases and a nity for a particular brand or category—the very same consumers most important for growing your franchise. Targeting consumers in this way helps deliver a higher return on ad spend (ROAS) and minimize the waste EXPERTISE associated with demographics-based advertising. Catalina’s personalized digital media connects shoppers to the Utilizing our personalized digital media networks, and leveraging two years of purchase history on 280 brands we know they want. We million consumers, we target equity messages to consumers based on their purchase preferences. Consum- target consumers with the right ers appreciate our personalized advertising and promotional messages because they’re relevant and speci c behavior-based message when to their needs and wants. As a result, our exposure rate to your target audience is much higher compared to it’s most impactful, via the digital demographics-based targeting, resulting in improved awareness and increased brand equity. channel that’s most likely to reach them—mobile, online, even in With Catalina, you minimize purchase subsidization and reach only the right audiences resulting in the store. increased ROI/ROAS and greater value for your media dollar through: CONTACT Deeper Consumer Insight – We are able to identify your highly loyal con- sumers, as well as those who may be at risk, and those who represent the best Angela Taylor opportunity for you to grow your brand. Executive Director Brand Development 877.210.1917 Unrivaled Scale – Reach up to 280 million shoppers in-store, and millions more online via the largest CPG Digital Media Network in the U.S.

Unmatched Mass Personalization – Target consumers individually based on their transaction behavior or their purchase history.

Closed-loop Measurement Based on Sales – We deliver insight into the im- pact and e ectiveness of our media programs based on in-store sales, en- abling you to know the true bene t to your brand.

Catalina_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/8/14 2:26 PM GOSSIP MAGAZINE


VEGETARIAN LIQUID EYE-LINER Identify Once, Engage Anywhere Every consumer has their own unique set of buying behaviors, or BuyerGraphics®. It’s our insights into a shopper’s purchase behavior that enable Catalina to personalize the consumer’s path-to-purchase through mobile, online and in-store networks by leveraging the evolving purchase history of more than three-fourths of American shoppers.

Engaging the Selective Shopper Study Visit to download your copy of the study and discover how Catalina can help retailers and brands understand shoppers and engage them across multiple channels, inside and outside of the store. Or call 1-877-210-1917 to learn how you can start influencing your customer’s path-to-purchase and drive lift and loyalty for your brand.



Digimarc Applications AT-A-GLANCE

• Initiate print-to-mobile and audio-to-mobile experiences • Protect, identify and track digital  les YEAR FOUNDED 1995 • Authenticate content and objects • Monitor broadcasts and Internet distribution WHO WE ARE • Manage digital rights Digimarc is a well-capitalized, publicly-traded company with a long • Deter counterfeiting and piracy history of large-scale deployments. • Ensure document security Our world-renowned technology is widely used in television, radio, publishing, government IDs and global currency. Our key technologies are protected by our large, high-quality patent portfolio.

WHAT WE DO Digimarc enables brands and retailers to leverage one technology in print, audio, television, and packaging to drive deeper mobile consumer engagement at every touch point throughout a shopper’s journey.

MAJOR CLIENTS • Ford Motor Company Our Vision • Costco • Avon All of Digimarc’s solutions re ect a uni ed vision of enriching every life via pervasive, intuitive computing. • US Bank We accomplish this by creating a new means of communication – based on digital watermarking technology • Time Inc. – that can be embedded into media and objects, allowing computers and digital devices to see, hear and • Hearst Corporation engage with the world around them much like people do.  e result is that consumers and organizations can • Condé Nast easily access digital content when, where and how they want it. “By incorporating Digimarc IDs into images in the 2014 Ford Mustang brochure, we could bring drivers closer to a live action experience, giving readers the ability to virtually test drive the car and have other rst-person experiences long a er they’ve le the dealership.” David Latcha, Latcha+Associates

CONTACT Matthew Szerencse Market Development Manager [email protected] 503.469.4681

Digimarc_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/7/14 10:31 AM Introducing the Answer to Your Omni-Media Campaign Needs

Packaging, print, audio and video — Every component of a marketing campaign — print ads, catalogs, Digimarc provides brands and retailers direct mail, television and radio commercials, retail signage, product packaging and more — can be made interactive to with one technology to facilitate mobile facilitate deeper consumer engagement, build brand loyalty and engagement at every touch point drive immediate purchase opportunities. throughout the shopper’s journey. TRY FOR YOURSELF! Launch the Digimarc® Discover app and focus the camera on the images below to view Digimarc’s omni-media solution in action.




To view Digimarc’s complete omni-media solution in action, visit:

dmrc_shopper_marketing_D2.indd 1 7/26/13 12:53 PM Untitled-7 1 7/28/13 1:00 PM THE 2014 GUIDE TO DIGITAL SHOPPER MARKETING ADVERTISEMENT

WHAT WE DO AT-A-GLANCE RGB: 243 / 107 / 120 RGB: 95 / 73 / 66 CMYK: 0 / 73 / 39 / 0 CMYK: 51 / 62 / 64 / 39 Ibotta buildsHEX: #f36b78 tools to empower consumersHEX: #5f4942 and marketers alike. We’ve done this by completely reimagining the way YEAR FOUNDED 2011 consumers interact with their favorite brands, and o er it as a pay per purchase to our clients, ensuring that KEY EXECUTIVES marketers only pay when their engagement results in a unit Bryan Leach, CEO sold. Our mobile experience replaces couponing with fun Luke Swanson, CTO game-like interactions, and gives the consumer exactly what Kane McCord, VP Bus. Development they want—real cash rewards instead of credits or points. PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Ibotta is a free consumer mobile shopping application used by the world’s leading brands and retailers to WHO WE ARE drive sales both in-store and online. •  e 16th most frequently used We’re innovators, building a technology company to simplify the mobile application in the U.S., and the daily life of a consumer. Ibotta came to life when we realized the acute furthest-reaching mobile technology need for an exceptional approach to connecting brands, retailers, and in the US grocery and CPG market. consumers through mobile technology. We believe marketing must be • Features rebates on 500+ of the world’s leading CPG brands, including all 10 personal, contextual and most of all, mobile, in order to engage people of the largest CPG  rms in the USA. whenever and wherever they are. Even as one of the furthest reaching • Drives mobile brand engagement and most frequently used mobile applications in the U.S, we’re still with fresh, relevant content and generating highly targeted, customized brand engagements with each game-like interactions. of our users. Our dedication to fresh and relevant content keeps our • Delivers highly targeted, customiz- users active and coming back for more. able messages and retailer exclusive o ers at more than 100,000+ U.S. store locations based on shopper geo- location and past purchase behavior.

INDUSTRIES SERVED • Grocery (CPG) • Consumer Electronics • Dining & Entertainment WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT • Health & Beauty Ibotta is transforming the way leading CPG • Fashion & Apparel brands and retailers think about advertising on • Home Improvement mobile. Gone are the days of assumption-laden models to prove advertising ROI, and gone are MAJOR CLIENTS they days of communicating brand bene ts • Proctor & Gamble Co. with massive televisions buys (thanks, DVR). • ConAgra Foods Inc. With Ibotta’s 100% pay for performance model, • Kimberly-Clark Corp. brands and retailers only pay when a purchase is •  e Coca-Cola Company actually made, generating real, de nitive ROI for • General Mills Inc. every client. Not only can Ibotta tell you how • Walmart many units you’ve moved, but we can also tell you • Target who bought your product, how many times, when • Whole Foods Market and where. It doesn’t get any better than that. • Best Buy • Burger King “I don’t coupon, but I can do this.” TechCrunch CONTACT “Take a picture of the receipt, and I’m going to get cash back. Pretty remarkable…” Kane McCord Good Morning America [email protected] 303.593.1633

Ibotta_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/7/14 10:37 AM Stop paying for clips and prints.

Redefi ning pay for performance with the furthest reaching and most widely used mobile technology in the US grocery and CPG market.


Shoppers Buy Locally. We Reach Them AT-A-GLANCE Digitally. You Profit Universally. WHO WE ARE MaxPoint’s proprietary Digital Zip® technology o ers advertisers hyperlocal precision for digital ads and scales this precision to the MaxPoint provides brands and national level. retailers with a scalable hyperlocal digital advertising solution. We’re a We start by mapping the United States into more than 34,000 unique Digital Zips, or neighborhoods. For technology company that uses data and each campaign, we layer demographics, purchase and interest data, store radius information, and other analytics to help shopper marketers insights to determine which Digital Zips contain likely purchasers of a product. We then run digital display, make smarter advertising decisions. video, and mobile ads on brand-safe sites, targeting shoppers in these ideal neighborhoods located near key retail partners. WHAT WE DO  roughout a campaign, we monitor, optimize, and measure performance by digging into key analytics MaxPoint’s Digital Zip® technology like sales li data. Using these rich, real-time insights, we help advertisers continually expand their digital pinpoints an advertiser’s target advertising knowledge and execute smarter campaigns. audience in neighborhoods across the As a key technology partner for the industry’s most e ective digital campaigns, you’ll  nd us in every stage country. We make it easy for shopper marketers to strengthen their current of the process, from discovery and planning to execution and measurement. initiatives with digital ads that drive purchases at key retail partners.

Link Digital Advertising with Inventory Data to Anticipate EXPERTISE and Accelerate Demand. We combine the precision of hyperlocal advertising with the scope What if you could an- ucts.  at means your products never go unsup- of regional and national campaigns. ticipate what shoppers ported once they reach retailers. By rapidly scaling neighborhood-level targeting to reach interested audiences want and when they  is smarter, more proactive advertising changes need it most, then ad- across the country, we help shopper the way brands launch new products. By anticipat- marketers engage crowds of shoppers vertise to them online ing demand down to the store level, you can move with every digital campaign. based on what’s avail- inventory faster than ever by creating immediate able at local stores? awareness of product availability and in-store pro- PRODUCTS & SERVICES MaxPoint’s hyperlocal digital advertising technol- motions. And because this technology scales easily • Foot Tra c: Target ideal local ogy makes this possible. We sync distribution with to draw real-time shelf data from stores across the shoppers to boost in-store sales at advertising, so you no longer have to wait until 70% nation, your campaigns have neighborhood-level retail locations. of stores have your new product in stock before insight to ensure you never miss a sale. • Product Launches: Link store-level turning on your national campaigns. By linking MaxPoint can help you take control of your sales by intelligence with targeted digital real-time store inventory data to hyperlocal digital syncing store inventory with hyperlocal digital ad- advertising to move new products. advertising, we help you reach the right neighbor- vertising. Visit to learn more. • Event Promotions: Grow brands hoods with the right shoppers for your new prod- with targeted digital promotions that drive shoppers to speci c event locations.

We Make Hyperlocal Digital Advertising Smarter and Scalable. INDUSTRIES SERVED For MaxPoint, hyperlocal digital advertising is more than targeting a • Consumer Products tight location. From the beginning, we’ve refused to sacri ce campaign • Retailers scale for precision.  is led us to create a digital advertising solution • Agencies that equips a shopper marketer to engage interested audiences across the nation with every campaign. By reaching crowds of ideal shoppers with targeted ads that drive them to nearby retail partners, we help li CONTACT sales, maximize market share, and move inventory faster than ever. Ryan Britton And we’re not stopping there. MaxPoint is dedicated to advancing our Director of Shopper Marketing [email protected] hyperlocal digital advertising products, constantly re ning our analyt- ics to include real-time store inventory data and dynamic campaign optimization. We aim to be the top Matt Knust digital advertising partner for shopper marketers, o ering the only hyperlocal digital solution that scales Director of Shopper Marketing to the regional and national levels. [email protected]

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AT-A-GLANCE WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT Our holisitic approach to solving the challenges today’s grocers are facing in digital is unique in the grocery industry. We are a team WHO WE ARE of passionate, customer-focused so ware developers dedicated to We are innovative, customer- the grocery industry. We understand the importance of all facets of centric so ware developers and SHOPPING LISTS the organization working together to deliver seamless digital brand RECIPES thought partners. We are dedicated to revolutionizing the way grocers experiences to customers and e cient, intuitive operational solutions COUPONS SINGLE SIGN-IN for grocers. FLYER approach digital to add value to their CART MEAL customer’s shopping experiences. Our Platform enables grocery retailers to manage: PLANNER WHAT WE DO • Omni-Channel Shopper Tools – Web, Mobile & Tablet Mercatus Technologies is rede ning • eCommerce the digital experience within grocery • Order Management & Ful llment through its Mercatus Integrated Commerce™ platform. We build • Store Systems & 3rd Party Integration exceptional solutions that solve the • Data Management & Analytics challenges today’s grocers face in digital that add value to customer • Strategy & Technology experiences and drive results.

KEY EXECUTIVES INDUSTRY ACCOLADES Sylvain Perrier, President & CEO Dave Conte, Chief Financial O cer Price Chopper was recently awarded the Mobile Tech Innovation Award by Progressive Grocer.  e Pro- Bohdan Zabawskyj, Chief Technology gressive Grocer Tech Innovation Awards program recognizes outstanding technology that’s innovative, O cer produces veri able results and achieves speci c business goals related to customer-facing online, social Jay Sweeney, Vice President, Sales & media and mobile initiatives. Mercatus developed Price Chopper’s award-winning technology in collabo- Marketing ration with the experts at Price Chopper. PRODUCTS & SERVICES Our Platform enables grocery retailers to manage: THOUGHT PARTNERSHIP • Omni-Channel Shopper Tools – Sylvain Perrier, President and CEO, Mercatus Technologies, is a strategic thinker and technologist. Sylvain Web, Mobile & Tablet has exceptional retail technology knowledge and expertise, is a respected grocery industry authority and • eCommerce seasoned speaker. Dx3 Digital Marketing Conference, National Retail Federation (NRF) and TopSource • Order Management & Ful llment are among a few of Sylvain’s most recent speaking engagements. • Store Systems & 3rd Party Integration • Data Management & Analytics • Strategy & Technology

INDUSTRIES SERVED • Grocery MAJOR CLIENTS • Food Lion • Price Chopper • Sprouts Farmers Market

“Partnering with Mercatus to tap into their retail industry expertise and insight has been pivotal to our digital CONTACT engagement strategy. Our customers seek technology solutions to help them simplify their busy lives, so Price 60 Adelaide St. East, Suite 700 Chopper works to empower them with multiple digital channels to be more e cient—anytime, anywhere.” Toronto, Ontario Heidi Reale, Director of Shopper and Digital Marketing, Price Chopper 416.603.3406 Jay Sweeney [email protected]

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We UNDERSTAND grocery shoppers. For 15 years, we have worked with the nation’s leading grocery retailers and CPG brands to build connections, drive loyalty, increase basket size and attract new customers. WHAT WE DO • Largest, most powerful grocery media network MyWebGrocer is the leading • Reach consumers 100% focused on groceries provider of digital grocery services, driving digital connections • More than 200+ CPGs rely on MWG’s robust ad platform between consumers, retailers and • In uence consumers in the planning and purchase mode brands. Our full suite of shopper marketing services is supported by a comprehensive technology platform; while our data bridges the TARGETING gap between online and in-store, providing valuable insights to o ine We help you break through the noise and TELL YOUR STORY. We are one of the few ad-targeting purchase trends and behavior. platforms with  rst-party data on consumers planning and buying groceries every single day. Why guess MWG manages digital solutions with your targeting? We will place your brand in front of a curated audience of shoppers near your store, for more than 140 grocery retailers, seeking your products, already in purchase mode. representing 10,000+ stores and 200+ major CPG brands. MWG tools include: • Custom brand storytelling solutions PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Screen planning digital platform for consumers to build a shopping list • Largest online grocery media • Recipes, coupons, product videos and promotions to reach consumers while they are network digitally shopping at their local grocery site • Brand and shopper campaigns • Multi-channel touch points allow you to seamlessly connect with shoppers on email, • Custom brand storytelling solutions desktop and mobile • Multi-platform ad delivery capability • Audience extension modeling and the ability to build new custom audience segments to • Advanced post-campaign reporting e ectively  nd other like-minded customers MAJOR CLIENTS • Kroger Hyperlocal Content Solutions • Albertsons • Bi-LO Holdings What makes MWG di erent? Working with our 140 • ShopRite retail partners, solely focused on grocery, we have your • Giant Eagle customers’ behavior down to a science. We leverage • Unilever our large assets of digital and in-store data to connect • Kellogg’s the dots and put your product in the right place, at the • Procter & Gamble right time, allowing you to market to consumers on a 1:1 • Nestlé basis. And we don’t stop there – our insights and reporting • McCormick can measure the impact of your campaign and connect digital media to o ine buying behavior. CONTACT Our data team bridges the gap between online and o ine, by harnessing the power of intelligent analytics. Dan Vanchieri Senior Vice President, National Sales • Smarter, sophisticated, more relevant o ers Gregg Vincent • Personalized and targeted to speci c consum- Vice President, Brands ers based on known criteria, shopper behavior [email protected] and previous engagement • Comprehensive reports provide more insight into speci c campaigns • Our sales li analysis measures in-store im- pact and informs optimization strategies

MyWebGrocer_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/7/14 10:42 AM The Path to Purchase is not a straight line



…… …… …… …… ___ $$$







MWG’s digital solutions help Grocers & Brands navigate the path to success

Your consumer is dynamic. They live in a busy world, which makes the way they shop increasingly more complex. MyWebGrocer understands there are multiple Paths to Purchase, so we strive to enhance their grocery shopping experience daily, whichever digital path they choose.

We work with the nation’s leading grocery retailers and CPG brands to build connections, drive loyalty, increase basket size, and attract new customers. And we don’t stop there—our insights and reporting can measure the impact of your campaign and connect digital media to offl ine buying behavior.

Find out how MWG, one of the largest online grocery marketplaces, can activate your brand throughout the path to purchase. Call 888.662.2284, email [email protected] or visit us on the web at



Path to Purchase Media

Programmatic Buying Has Come to Shopper Marketing… AT-A-GLANCE So What? WHO WE ARE It seems like everyone is talking about this thing called “programmatic buying.” Some analysts have OwnerIQ is pioneering the it on a growth path to account for 53% of all digital concept of Path to Purchase Media. advertising in the next few years. But what the heck We transform billions of online shopping behaviors across 300 is it, and why should shopper marketers care? major retailers, manufacturers and Moving past the ad tech rhetoric, using OwnerIQ’s Now brands can get their message in front of the e-commerce websites into targeted unique programmatic solution enables brands to audiences that matter, retail shoppers, with greater and scalable advertising solutions target their online ads, across the web, to in-market accuracy and no waste. ey can keep their SKUs for today’s shopper marketers. shoppers who have recently visited and browsed top of mind by staying in front of these audiences products on their key retailers’ websites. along their digital path to purchase. WHAT WE DO OwnerIQ’s solution brings the power of programmatic buying to the world WHAT MAKES OWNERIQ DIFFERENT of shopper marketing. We enable brands to target their online ads, across OwnerIQ has amassed the largest database of the web, to active shoppers who have active in-market shoppers on the web. is is not recently visited and browsed products a pool of passive, in-active “look alike” models on their key retailers’ websites. based on even a smaller pool of shoppers. is is 200 million active shoppers who recently browsed PRODUCTS & SERVICES a product and brand on an e-commerce or shop- • Product launches: Target your ping website. is is a database derived from 300 messaging to the people that matter: direct partnerships with major retailers, manu- retail shoppers. is program will facturers, and shopping comparison sites. is is generate awareness of a new product a program that will show you true impact of your quickly among shoppers who have ad dollars on purchase intent at retail. browsed products on national and regional retail websites. OwnerIQ is a more effective solution for adver- • Shelf space protection: Keep your tisers to address consumers in the digital path SKUs top of mind by staying in front to purchase. of retailers shoppers where they spend most of their time: online! is program is designed to help brands grab greater digital share of Wondering what “programmatic buying” means but are voice among their retailers’ audiences. • Purchase intent measurement: afraid to ask? See the impact of your dollars. Our reporting suite enables brands to measure the impact of their campaign to drive purchase intent among Visit us at and watch a quick speci c retailer audiences. video on programmatic shopper marketing 101. INDUSTRIES SERVED • CPG • Home Goods “By aggregating millions of online audiences that visit retailer and product websites we are able to intercept • Consumer • Gaming shoppers at key stages of the decision process. When you combine this opportunity with a channel like search, Electronics • Automotive we can essentially own a shopper’s entire online path to purchase.” • Appliances Adam Kasper, Chief Media O cer, Havas Media, NA CONTACT “By bringing programmatic systems to the discipline of shopper marketing, OwnerIQ is creating digital activation Charlie Guevara points during key phases of the shopper’s path to purchase. is highly targeted and transparent approach equals VP CPG Sales more quality prospects connecting with advertisers’ brands.” [email protected] Brandon Berger, Chief Digital O ce Worldwide, Ogilvy & Mather cell 973.703.3754

OwnerIQ_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/7/14 10:45 AM Untitled-1 1 4/4/14 2:33 PM THE 2014 GUIDE TO DIGITAL SHOPPER MARKETING ADVERTISEMENT

Digital Shopper Marketing Capabilities AT-A-GLANCE RevTrax allows shopper marketers to execute secure, measurable retailer- speci c coupons. Marketers can better understand who’s engaging, where they’re coming from, how they’re sharing and which retailers they’re engaging with.  ey can understand WHAT WE DO which digital channels, marketing tactics, and executions drive the strongest performance for each RevTrax is an omnichannel consumer at each individual retailer. promotions platform that empowers marketers to drive and measure online- RevTrax single-use coupons can be redeemed at speci c retailers, scanned o a mobile faceplate or via a to-o ine sales using cross-channel print-at-home coupon.  is mobile coupon technology allows shopper marketers to go beyond the in-store digital coupons and o ers. Our scalable shelf and execute mobile coupons with one-time-use barcodes at many key retailers. enterprise solutions provide retail- Key capabilities include: centric marketing intelligence across all digital channels and devices. • Social Shopper Marketing: Use OpenShare® to add a social sharing component to print-at-home and mobile shopper marketing o ers. Identify your biggest advocates and attribute retailer-speci c o ine sales to social users and channels. WHO WE ARE • Retail-Centric Analytics: RevTrax combines online engagement data with o ine retail data. Our RevTrax is a strategic, trusted business highly detailed analytics gives marketers retail-centric intelligence across all channels partner who develops enterprise-class and devices. business solutions that drive commerce and deliver actionable insights – with • SmartOff ers™: Target print-at-home and mobile coupons based on prede ned rules to deliver  exible, the ability to bridge the gap between 1-to-1 shopper marketing o ers. Campaign rules can be based on previous coupon engagements, online activity and o ine sales. geographic information, paid or owned media conditions, past transaction data, CRM conditions and more. KEY EXECUTIVES • Coupon Selector: Serve multiple coupons to consumers on a single page or smartphone.  e coupon portal can feature o ers across brands or retail partners with one uniform aesthetic. Jonathan Treiber, CEO & Co-Founder • SmartLinks®: Expand your shopper marketing programs across devices. SmartLinks detects the Seth Sarelson, COO & Co-Founder consumer’s device and instantly serves up the o er optimized for mobile, tablet or desktop. Mel Liebergall, VP, Channel & Partner Dev. • Confi gurable Security: Customizable security options ensure your shopper o ers are only reach your intended audience, mitigating fraud risk. PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Social Shopper Marketing • Retail-Centric Analytics WHAT MAKES REVTRAX DIFFERENT • Rules-Based Coupon Technology RevTrax connects online engagement to o ine ney all the way through to the point of purchase. • Coupon Portals retail sales, providing unparalleled data and action- By doing so, RevTrax makes it possible to measure • Multi-Device Detection able insights. Our digital coupon platform provides and optimize digital promotional activity based on • Con gurable Security retail-centric marketing intelligence across all digital retail sales, going a layer deeper than previously channels – mobile, social, loyalty, paid search, email, available. In other words … RevTrax makes digital INDUSTRIES SERVED display – and all devices, at a transactional level. “transactional.” • CPG As marketing communications increasingly go Now shopper marketers can execute retailer- • Retail digital and omnichannel, marketers are looking to speci c coupons on a secure and measurable basis. • QSR get a better x on what’s working and why. While RevTrax leverages a retailer’s native coupon system impressions and click-thru rates provide some vis- to deliver a solution to brands that drive shopper ibility, what’s been missing is the ability to capture results. Brands typically distribute these retailer MAJOR CLIENTS digital’s impact on sales. RevTrax’s platform solves coupons in owned and paid marketing channels to 100+ National Brands, including: that by e ectively “mapping” an o er’s digital jour- drive maximum results for their retailers. • Chobani • H.J. Heinz Company • Kimberly-Clark Corporation Social Shopper Marketing • P zer Consumer Healthcare OpenShare® adds a social sharing component to print-at-home and mobile shopper marketing o ers. CONTACT Capture heavy in uencers of purchase activity at par- Mel Liebergall ticular retailers and identify your biggest advocates VP, Channel & Partner Development by retailer. Track purchase activity by social channel [email protected] and retailer and then re-target heavy in uencers.

RevTrax_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/7/14 11:00 AM Untitled-1 1 4/4/14 11:38 AM THE 2014 GUIDE TO DIGITAL SHOPPER MARKETING ADVERTISEMENT


WHO WE ARE We are a global leader in developing mobile engagement solutions that help marketers power intelligent shopper connections between the physical and digital worlds. Clients use the ScanLife platform to With ScanLife, you engage with mobile shoppers on Our platform gives you the ability to dynamically maximize shopper loyalty, acquisitions, their terms, whenever and wherever they’re inter- change the conversation in real-time, based on communications and conversions. ested. ey’ll connect with you on products they’re various data points from the individual shopper. considering, signs they’re passing, drink cups they’re At the moment of a ScanLife-powered shopper WHAT WE DO holding and magazines they’re reading. Wherever engagement, you immediately know: ScanLife is a suite of mobile engagement shoppers are, your brand can be there, too. • Th e language she speaks solutions used by brands and retailers to Let’s face it. Getting an invitation to communicate with • Th e exact time she shows interest deliver one-to-one contextually relevant your shoppers on their most personal device isn’t easy. • Th e location where she’s shopping conversations to mobile shoppers. Backed So, when you have their attention, you need to deliver • Th e age bracket she falls into by actionable insights and analysis, relevant content that will make their life better. Now • Th e number of times she has inquired ScanLife connections are dynamic and you can personalize your conversation with ScanLife. • And dozens more valuable data points highly personalized to the who, why, what and where of each individual shopper. Personal, relevant messages promote deeper rela- Companies around the globe use tionships with shoppers, leading to increased sales, ScanLife to create, manage and monitor loyalty and customer satisfaction engaging mobile experiences. MAXIMIZE YOUR INVESTMENT WITH PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Trigger Agnostic Mobile DETAILED SHOPPER DATA Engagement Platform • mPromo: Mobile Couponing Services ScanLife’s analytics provide the information you need to get closer to your shoppers and create campaigns that matter. • mVision: Data & Analytic Insights and Advanced Reporting You’ll deliver richer, personalized experiences that enter- • Mobile Shopper Retargeting tain, educate and engage, all leading to better conversions. • Mobile Site Builder Our tool allows you to understand your shoppers, measure their interest, and adjust content messaging in • Mobile Scanner App API/SDKs real-time. From a user-friendly charting dashboard, or an automated email delivery, you’ll view data from every ScanLife engagement. INDUSTRIES SERVED • Compare campaigns: look at activity across your promotions to understand messaging and media • Consumer • Beverage e ectiveness in one glance Packaged Goods • Automotive • Gain user retention: compare the distribution of new vs. returning users to gain more loyal shoppers • Retail • Media • Go deeper: drill down on speci c areas to understand your impact in certain cities, demographics, time • Foodservice/QSR • Health & Beauty of day and more • Entertainment • Publishing • Get more demographics: In addition to gender and age, optimize your targeting with additional infor- MAJOR CLIENTS mation such as native language • Coca-Cola • Nestlé • Danone • Panasonic WITH THE FUTURE IN MIND • Enterprise • Starbucks • Heineken • Staples When you choose ScanLife, there’s no need to delay your marketing plans due to the uncertainty of what • Hewlett-Packard • Tesco might come in the next month or year. Based on a universal technology environment, our platform is designed to deliver the latest mobile innovations for your business CONTACT —whether they’re available today or coming along in the future. Adam Gold, VP Sales • Access to unique mobile engagement experiences [email protected] • Flexibility to change experiences on the  y 212.278.0178 x 223 • Tools to create your own professional mobile site Cara Dimkich, Dir. of Client Services • Multi-department level sign-on capabilities [email protected] • A whole support team of mobile experts 212.278.0178 x 225

Scanbuy_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/7/14 10:49 AM Untitled-1 1 4/4/14 11:02 AM THE 2014 GUIDE TO DIGITAL SHOPPER MARKETING ADVERTISEMENT OUR CAPABILITIES AT-A-GLANCE TPG Rewards, Inc. is a proven international thought leader in the consumer promotional rewards space. Over the last 8 years, TPG Rewards has successfully designed and executed hundreds of consumer reward programs across more than 160 local, regional and national retailers, including Walmart & Sam’s Clubs. Our WHO WE ARE ability to strategically cra custom-designed shopper and employee incentive reward programs that deliver TPG Rewards, Inc. is a consumer proven ROI, has earned us long-term partnerships with some of the world’s most beloved and respected brands. promotions agency o ering a broad And, with TPG’s proprietary and patent-pending digital receipt validation technology, we are the exclusive repertoire of reward programs provider of near-instantaneous purchase validation and virtual reward distribution. designed to bolster brand awareness, drive trial & repeat purchase, grow Aspirational rewards such as movie cash, dining cash, topline sales and build long-term music cash and hotel cash are designed for broad appeal loyalty for some of the world’s most and scalable across single or multiple brands and retailer beloved brands. accounts. We can also design a consumer promotion o ering retailer-speci c gi cards, themed debit cards WHAT WE DO and downloads from Vudu, Hulu and others. In addition to o ering custom- Needs-based rewards such as utility cash, mobile phone cash and gas cash provide our clients with the designed consumer promotional option to incent purchase with promotional reward programs that appeal to budget-conscious consumers. reward programs, TPG is the original founder of digital receipt validation. With a commitment to continuous improvement and innova- With this patent-pending technology, tion, TPG Rewards was the  rst to introduce digital receipt TPG Rewards is the only agency to validation technology (DRVS) and has since changed the way o er near-instantaneous purchase consumer promotions are brought to market. Our patent- validation and virtual reward pending technology uses the retailer’s receipt to instantly distribution. validate purchase and it’s as easy as 1-2-3, making it widely accepted by more than 160 retailers and millions of shoppers. KEY EXECUTIVES In fact, TPG Rewards has successfully validated more receipts from John Galinos, Chief Executive O cer more retailers than all of our competitors combined and is the Neil Solomon, Partner trusted partner for some of the most respected retailers and CPG George Patilis, Partner brands in the world. Ed Hepner, Partner TPG Rewards’ digital receipt validation technology eliminates the Kalin Mintchev, Partner need for mail-in entries, works with basic cell phones (no need for smartphones or apps) and instantly validates product purchase for MAJOR CLIENTS a broad range of consumer promotions including contest, sweepstakes, content downloads, instant win pro- grams, rebates, free gi with purchase, coupon and sample distribution as well as brand loyalty programs. • General Mills • Unilever Further, DRVS enables marketers the ability to gather market basket data associated with customer • Procter & Gamble purchase through custom reporting and analysis. • Kellogg’s • K r a What Makes TPG Rewards Unique? • Coca-Cola • Kimberly-Clark TPG Rewards is an industry innovator and thought As the originators of receipt validation, our patent- • Mondelēz leader. With the pursuit of excellence top-of-mind, pending technology validates consumer purchases • Nestlé TPG Rewards has become the exclusive provider of and distributes virtual rewards in a matter of min- • MillerCoors near-instantaneous purchase validation. utes.  e consumer-friendly application has been We have meticulously constructed a seamless and adopted across retailer segments, brands and shop- INDUSTRIES SERVED fully integrated stem-to-stern approach making per demographics. No one else in the industry can TPG Rewards the only consumer promotional re- consistently deliver this level of innovation and • Mass & Drug wards agency to o er incentive-based rewards pro- customer service. • CPG gramming and digital receipt validation as a core • Restaurant in-house capability. • C-Store/Grocery

“We wanted to modernize the traditional mail-in gi with purchase promotional model for our clients. TPG’s CONTACT digital receipt validation technology provided a turn-key solution allowing shoppers to verify qualifying John S. Galinos purchases and redeem gi s instantaneously. Partnering with TPG was a fantastic decision.  ey are innovative, [email protected] collaborative and easy to work with.” 212.907.7101 Blue Chip Worldwide

TPG_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/7/14 10:28 AM INSTANT REWARDS INSTANT SALES


For details visit or call 1-800-838-4550. Patent Pending



WHO WE ARE builds co-branded equity Valassis and, a Valassis Digital Company, provide 15,000+ and drives shoppers to stores advertisers proven and innovative Providing you with expertise and experience in the Geography Matters media solutions to in uence consumers Shopper Marketing arena that only comes from Geography matters and is what makes the data wherever they plan, shop, buy and partnering with over 280 combined retailers, CPGs actionable. We’ve developed our own unique share. By integrating online and o ine data and media, we precisely reach and agencies. We understand the landscape, what Advertising Targeting Zones (ATZs), which dissects clients’ most valuable shoppers. works, and your need to integrate a digital compo- the U.S. into 105,000 digital geographic zones, nent into your campaigns for greater engagement allowing for a granular view of your consumers and activation. in their neighborhoods. ATZ targeting delivers WHAT WE DO greater precision and e ciency, by enabling you Proprietary Insights Drive shoppers to stores and create to zero in on areas with the highest concentrations Our array of online and o ine data (over 2,000 action for brands through unique of your most valuable consumers, and minimize variables including proprietary insights only we application of o ine data and wasted coverage. proprietary geographic delivery. can bring) allows you to illuminate a holistic view of your consumer – how they live, work and shop Driven by Technology in the real world.  is reveals who your best shop- All of our data and precise targeting are backed up by PRODUCTS & SERVICES pers are and how to reach them all along their path technology to ensure accuracy, brand safety and align- to purchase. ment of targeting the same shoppers on all devices. • Unique online and o ine • Proprietary geographic targeting zones • Multi-dimensional (geographic, purchase-based, online audience and Uniquely integratING digital media into your Shopper contextual) view of consumers Marketing campaign Through multi-dimensional targeting • Multi-screen engagement • Experience in activating shoppers Improve your reach and activation. provides multi-dimensional targeting that integrates o ine and online data to provide a INDUSTRIES SERVED holistic view of the consumer and deliver superior reach in digital media nationwide utilizing 105,000 • Consumer Packaged Goods Advertising Targeting Zones and cookie targeting. • Grocery, Drug and Mass Retail We provide unique promotional and transactional • Shopper Marketing purchase-based targeting, and online audience • Specialty Retail and contextual targeting to complement our geo- • Telecommunications graphic approach. Only can seamlessly • QSR integrate digital media into your print campaign • Automotive to create more engagement points along the consumers’ path to purchase and drive ROI. CONTACT Rebekah Goldberg VP of Sales Del Monte Foods’ program exceeded performance [email protected] of their typical digital advertising 216.750.2130 Utilizing proprietary data and the granularity of the ATZ platform, Del Monte Foods realized a li on the mature fruit category during their o season, summer months. • Purchase Intent: +12% • CTR: +63% • Coupon Print Rate: +133%

Valassis_2014_vfinal.indd 1 4/7/14 10:52 AM To move high concentrations of shoppers into your stores, select us

In Shopper Marketing, geography and store radius matter.

Get experience, insights, neighborhood-level targeting, and activation from, a Valassis Digital Company. We understand your consumer profi les, and create the ultimate shopper profi le, incorporating our:

• unique online and offl ine data • 2,000+ variables from syndicated sources • 105,000 proprietary geographic zones (ATZs) across 280+ retailer, brand the U.S. and agency • promotional and transactional purchase-based targeting partners rely on us, the experts at The result? Superior reach, scale and response – driving integrating digital more qualifi ed shoppers to your stores and brands. into Shopper Marketing campaigns.


To begin building your successful digital shopper marketing campaign, contact Rebekah Goldberg, VP Digital Sales I 708.508.1193 I [email protected]

Untitled-6 1 4/8/14 11:04 AM Most reviews of mobile shopping apps are from the user’s point of view, The 2014 Mobile App Survey focusing on how it works. That kind of review, however, doesn’t tell a shopper marketing pro about its business utility (i.e., advertising medium, data collector, sales trigger, etc.) or how it’s being received. To help our readers get their arms around questions like these, the Path to Purchase Institute queried members on their opinions of various mobile shopping apps currently on the market. For each retailer mobile app your company has used, select its primary benefit to you.

Test & Data & Trigger Brand Learn Insights sales Awareness

Safeway (17)

Target (22)

Walgreens (14)

Kroger (18)

CVS/pharmacy (14)

Meijer (10)

Costco (12)

Walmart (23)

Dollar General (7)

Publix (12)

Sam's Club (14)

Please rate each retailer mobile app in terms of achieving your goals.

Excellent Decent Mediocre Poor

Safeway (17)

Target (22)

Walgreens (14)

Kroger (18)

CVS/pharmacy (14)

Meijer (10)

Costco (12)

Walmart (23)

Dollar General (7)

Publix (12)

Sam's Club (14) For each third-party mobile app your company has used, select its primary benefit to you.

Test & Data & Trigger Brand Learn Insights sales Awareness (34)

Ibotta (19)

Pinterest (30)

LivingSocial (7)

Shopkick (32)

Foursquare (11)

SavingStar (12)

Grocery iQ (12)

MyWebGrocer (17)

Groupon (13)

Yelp (10)

Please rate each third-party mobile app in terms of achieving your goals.

Excellent Decent Mediocre Poor (34)

Ibotta (19)

Pinterest (30)

LivingSocial (7)

Shopkick (32)

Foursquare (11)

SavingStar (12)

Grocery iQ (12)

MyWebGrocer (17)

Groupon (13)

Yelp (10)

Number of responses for each app listed in parentheses. Source: Path to Purchase Institute/Shopper Marketing Don’t miss these other Industry Guides appearing only in Shopper Marketing magazine in 2014.

The 2014 Guide to Providers RETAIL & SHOPPER INSIGHTS from Shopper Marketing magazine

The 2013 Guide to Providers SHOPPER MARKETING AGENCIES from Shopper Marketing magazine

July 2014 September 2014

October 2014 December 2014

Contact Chuck Bolkcom at the Path to Purchase Institute at [email protected] or (773) 992-4420 for more information.

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