
It’s As Easy As abc Andrew Granville and Thomas J. Tucker

Introduction (2) xp−1x + yp−1y = zp−1z. Fermat’s Last Theorem We now have two linear equations (1) and (2) (think- In this age in which mathematicians are supposed ing of xp−1, yp−1, and zp−1 as our variables), which to bring their research into the classroom, even at suggests using linear algebra to eliminate a vari- the most elementary level, it is rare that we can turn able: Multiply (1) by y and (2) by y, and subtract the tables and use our elementary teaching to help to get in our research. However, in giving a proof of Fer- mat’s Last Theorem, it turns out that we can use xp−1(xy − yx)=zp−1(zy − yz). tools from calculus and linear algebra only. This p−1 p−1  −  may strike some readers as unlikely, but bear with Therefore x divides z (zy yz ), but since us for a few moments as we give our proof. x and z have no common factors, this implies that Fermat claimed that there are no solutions to (3) xp−1 divides zy − yz. p p p (1) x + y = z This is a little surprising, for if zy − yz is nonzero, then a high power of x divides zy − yz, something for p ≥ 3, with x, y, and z all nonzero. If we assume that does not seem consistent with (1). that there are solutions to (1), then we can assume We want to be a little more precise. Since we dif- that x, y, and z have no common factor, else we ferentiated, we evidently never were working with can divide out by that factor. Our first step will be x, y, z, but rather with . Thus to differentiate (1) to get if zy − yz =0, then (y/z) =0, and so y is a con- pxp−1x + pyp−1y = pzp−1z, stant multiple of z, contradicting our statement that y and z have no common factor. Therefore (3) im- and after dividing out the common factor p, this plies that leaves us with   (p − 1) degree(x) ≤ degree(zy − yz ) Andrew Granville is a Canadian Research Chair of math- ≤ degree(y) + degree(z) − 1, ematics at the Université de Montréal. His email address   is [email protected]. since degree(y )= degree(y) − 1 and degree(z )= − Thomas J. Tucker is currently a visiting assistant profes- degree(z) 1. Adding degree(x) to both sides gives sor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. (4) p degree(x) < degree(x) + degree(y) + degree(z). His email address is [email protected]. This article is based on the first named author’s AMS- The right side of (4) is symmetric in x, y, and z. MAA invited lecture at the Orlando annual meeting in Jan- The left side is a function of x simply because of uary 1996. the order in which we chose to do things above. We

1224 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 49, NUMBER 10 could just as easily have derived the same state- Then if we add the first column to the second, we   ment with y or z in place of x on the left side of get    a(t) c(t)  (4), so that ∆(t)=  ,  a(t) c(t)  p degree(y) < degree(x) + degree(y) + degree(z) and and similarly     p degree(z) < degree(x) + degree(y) + degree(z).  c(t) b(t)  ∆(t)=   c(t) b(t)  Adding these last three equations together and then dividing out by degree(x) + degree(y) + degree(z) implies by adding the second column to the first, a beau- p<3, tiful symmetry.   −  and so Fermat’s Last Theorem is proved! We note that ∆(t) =0, else ab a b =0, so b is Well, not quite, but what we have proved (and a scalar multiple of a (with the same argument as so simply) is still of great interest: above), contradicting the hypothesis. To find the appropriate analogy to (3), we in- Proposition 1. There are no genuine so- terpret that as stating that the factors of x (as well ∈ C p p p lutions x(t),y(t),z(t) [t] to x(t) + y(t) = z(t) as of y and z) divide our determinant to a high ≥ with p 3. By “genuine” we mean that the triple power. So now suppose that α is a root of a(t) and (x(t),y(t),z(t)) is not a polynomial multiple of a that (t − α)e is the highest power of (t − α) which C solution of (1) in . divides a(t). Evidently (t − α)e−1 is the highest  That Fermat’s Last Theorem is easy to prove for power of (t − α) which divides a (t), and thus it polynomials is an old result, going back certainly is the highest power of (t − α) which divides   as far as Liouville (1851), although his proof, which ∆(t)=a(t)b (t) − a (t)b(t) (since α is not a root of goes through integration, is much more involved b(t)). Therefore (t − α)e divides ∆(t)(t − α). Multi- than that given here. The proof we have presented plying all such (t − α)e together, we obtain above is certainly some years old; for instance, a  variant can be found in standard textbooks of fifty a(t) divides ∆(t) (t − α). years ago. After reading through it, one sees that a(α)=0 this argument is easily generalizable to other Dio- phantine problems, though it is not obvious what In fact, a(t) appears on the left side of this equation would be the ultimate generalization. only because we studied the linear factors of a; anal- ogous statements for b(t) and c(t) are also true, and Mason’s Generalization It takes a certain genius to generalize to some- since a(t), b(t), c(t) have no common roots, we can combine those statements to read thing far simpler than the original. But what could  possibly be more simply stated, yet more general, (6) a(t)b(t)c(t) divides ∆(t) (t − α). than Fermat’s Last Theorem? It was Richard C. (abc)(α)=0 Mason (1983) who gave us that insight: The next step is to take the degrees of both sides Look for solutions to and see what that gives. Using the three different (5) a + b = c. representations of ∆ above, we have  We will just follow through the proof above and  −  degree(a) + degree(b) 1, see where it leads: Start by assuming, with no loss ≤ − degree(∆)  degree(a) + degree(c) 1, of generality, that a, b, and c are all nonzero poly-  nomials without common factors (else all three degree(c) + degree(b) − 1. share the common factor and we can divide it out). Then we differentiate to get  The degree of (t − α) is precisely the    (abc)(α)=0 a + b = c . total number of distinct roots of a(t)b(t)c(t). In- serting all this into (6) we find that Next we need to do linear algebra. It is not quite so obvious how to proceed analogously, but what max{degree(a), degree(b), degree(c)} we do learn in a linear algebra course is to put our < #{α ∈ C :(abc)(α)=0}. coefficients in a matrix, and solutions follow if the determinant is nonzero. This suggests defining Put another way, this result can be read as:      a(t) b(t)  Proposition 2. If a(t),b(t),c(t) ∈ C[t] do not have ∆(t):=  .  a(t) b(t)  any common roots and provide a genuine polyno- mial solution to a(t)+b(t)=c(t), then the maximum

NOVEMBER 2002 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1225 of the degrees of a(t),b(t),c(t) is less than the num- their central importance. He showed, amongst ber of distinct roots of a(t)b(t)c(t)=0. other things, that for any finite subset S of Q there is a map π : C ∪ {∞} → C ∪ {∞} for which This is a “best possible” result in the sense that − π(S) ⊆{0, 1, ∞} , and π 1(z) = degree(π) for we can find infinitely many examples where there every z/∈{0, 1, ∞}. We can reinterpret this in is exactly one more zero of a(t)b(t)c(t)=0 than terms of polynomials as follows. the largest of the degrees: for example, the famil- iar identity Proposition 3. For any f (t) ∈ Z[t] there exist a(t),b(t),c(t) ∈ Z[t] which do not have any com- 2 2 − 2 2 2 (2t) +(t 1) =(t +1) mon roots and provide a genuine polynomial so- lution to a(t)+b(t)=c(t) for which f (t) divides or the rather less interesting a(t)b(t)c(t), and such that the maximum of the de- tn +1=(tn +1). grees of a(t),b(t),c(t) is exactly one less than the number of distinct roots of a(t)b(t)c(t)=0. Classifying such polynomial identities leads us naturally to the study of a special class of rational Thus we can use Belyı˘ maps to construct many functions, as we shall see next. “best possible examples” in Proposition 2. As we shall see later, this elegant construction is central Silverman’s Proof to several important results. Silverman provided a more sophisticated route to Proposition 2, via the theory of covering maps, an An Analogy for Integers? approach that will turn out to be very useful. Con- Many results for Diophantine equations in inte- sider rational functions gers are analogous to results for Diophantine equa- tions in polynomials. Given Mason’s wonderfully C ∪ {∞} → C ∪ {∞} π : ; simple inequality for polynomial solutions to a + b = c (namely Proposition 2), one cannot help that is, π(t)=f (t)/g(t) for some polynomials f and but wonder whether there is a similar result for in- g. The Riemann-Hurwitz formula is a key result tegers (and evidently, if there is, it should imply a about rational maps; in this case it tells us that direct proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem!). (7) 2 degree(π) Usually primes are considered to be the appro- priate analogy to irreducible factors of polynomi- − −1 =2+ degree(π) #π (z) . als, so one might guess that the analogy to Propo- ∈C∪{∞} z sition 1 would be something like: Here degree(π) = max{degree(f ), degree(g)} , and If a + b = c in coprime integers a, b, c, then the π −1(z) is the set of x ∈ C ∪ {∞} for which π(x)=z. total number of prime factors of a (or b or c) count- This is the set of roots of f (x) − zg(x)=0, and so ing multiplicities is less than the total number of dis- there are at most degree(π) elements of π −1(z), tinct prime factors of abc. and usually exactly that number. If not, then When one checks out this , one quickly f (x) − zg(x)=0 must have a double root, so that finds counterexamples, like 1+1=2 or 1+3=4 f (x) − zg(x)=0. or 1+7=8; and the more one looks, the worse the 1 From a solution to (5) we set π(t):=a(t)/c(t). counterexamples get. Since every term on the right side of (7) is non- That was too easy! Maybe if we modify the con- negative, we get a lower bound if we consider just jecture a bit, it will stand up to testing better. It has the sum over a subset of C ∪ {∞}. We select our long been established in analytic that primes, when counted, are best counted with subset to be {0, 1, ∞}. Note that if π(∞) =0 , then − the weight log p attached. Thus perhaps the ap- π(t)=0if and only if a(t)=0, so π 1(0) is the set  propriate measure for an a = pep , anal- of distinct roots of a. Similarly, if π(∞) =1 , then p − ogous to the degree of the polynomial a(t), is not π 1(1) is the set of distinct roots of b; and if e , but rather e log p, which equals log a. π(∞) = ∞, then π −1(∞) is the set of distinct roots p p p p Then we replace the total number of distinct fac- of c. Since ∞ can belong to at most one of the sets tors of a(t)b(t)c(t) by log p, where the sum π −1(0), π −1(1), π −1(∞), we deduce, by putting all p|abc is over the distinct prime factors p of abc. Taking this information into (7), that exponentials of both sides, we get the aestheti- (8) degree(π) ≤ #{distinct roots of abc}−1, cally pleasing conjecture: If a + b = c in coprime integers a, b, c, then which is equivalent to Proposition 2.  We get equality in (8) if and only if the subsum (9) max{a, b, c}≤ p. we considered in (7) actually includes all of the non- p prime p|abc zero terms; that is, π −1(z) = degree(π) for every z/∈{0, 1, ∞}. Maps with this property are called 1In fact, if 2n − 1 is prime, the above statement implies Belyı˘ maps after G. V. Belyı˘, who first identified n<1+1!

1226 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 49, NUMBER 10 Unfortunately, one quickly finds counterexamples: We have thus proved that in any solution of (1) with 1+8=9, then 5 + 27 = 32, 1+48=49, 1+63=64, n ≥ 4, the numbers xn, yn, and zn are all less than 1+80=81, 32 + 49 = 81 ..., though in all of these some absolute bound, and so there are no more examples the ratio of the two sides never gets than finitely many such solutions (and Euler had too large. Indeed, when 1 ≤ a, b, c ≤ 1000 , the shown that there are no solutions to (1) with n =3). largest ratio we encounter is 9/2, in the example If we had an explicit version of the abc-conjec- 9 3 1+2 =3 × 19. This suggests that maybe if ture (that is, with the values of κε given), then we we multiply the right side of (9) by a suitably could give an explicit bound on all solutions to the large constant (perhaps 5), we could have a valid Fermat equation and compute up to that bound to inequality. Unfortunately, even this is false, for if finally determine whether there are any solutions. a =1and c =2p(p−1) for some large prime p, then It would not be the most elegant proof of Fermat’s b =2p(p−1) − 1 is divisible by p2, so that the right Last Theorem imaginable, but it would achieve our side of (9) is ≤ 2b/p, which means that inequality goal. (9) cannot hold with only very minor modifications. It has been suggested that the abc-conjecture It has become frustrating trying to make a pre- might be valid with ε = κε =1, so that cise conjecture, even though numerical investiga-   2 tion does indicate that we are getting closer to    something that is valid. At this point we resort to   c ≤  p . the mathematician’s trick (to be used only when   p prime one knows one is close but is unable to formulate p|abc things precisely): Fudge things a little by throwing in an ε. If so, then Fermat’s Last Theorem for n ≥ 6 follows Oesterlé and Masser’s abc-conjecture. For any immediately, and the cases n =3, 4, 5 have been known for almost two hundred years (see [Ri]). given ε>0 there exists a constant κε such that if a, b, and c are coprime positive integers for which It is appealing to look for other Diophantine questions to which we can directly apply the abc- a + b = c, conjecture. Obviously it is directly applicable to the Fermat equation with arbitrary coefficients, then   1+ε   Axn + Byn = Czn    c ≤ κ  p . ε   for fixed integers A, B, C, as well as to the Catalan p prime p|abc equation xp − yq = 1 with p, q ≥ 2. Is This Good for Anything? One of our goals in formulating this analogy to We leave it as an exercise for the reader to apply Mason’s Theorem was that we should be able to de- the abc-conjecture to the more general trinomial duce Fermat’s Last Theorem over the integers. We equation should check that this is the case. If (10) Axp + Byq = Czr . n n n x + y = z We really would like to generalize the Fermat equa- tion not only to other trinomial equations but in in coprime positive integers x, y, z, then take fact to equations with arbitrarily many terms. Equa- a = xn,b= yn, and c = zn tions in one variable are not of much Diophantine interest, but the rational solutions to equations in in the abc-conjecture. We have no way of deter- two variables,2 that is, rational points on curves, n n n mining the product of the primes dividing x y z have been very much in the center of number the- precisely, but we do know that these are exactly ory research. the primes dividing xyz, and so their product In 1930 Mordell [Mo] wrote one of the greatest must be ≤ xyz. Moreover, since x and y are posi- papers in the history of mathematics, a paper which 3 tive, they are both less than z, so xyz < z . The we shall be discussing for two reasons.3 At the abc-conjecture therefore gives 2The novice might note that rational solutions to equations 1+ε n 3 in two variables are equivalent to integer solutions to z ≤ κε z , equations in three variables where every monomial has the same total degree, as may be seen by multiplying for any given ε>0. Taking ε =1/6 and n ≥ 4, so through by denominators. that n − 3(1 + ε) ≥ n/8, we deduce from the abc- 3 conjecture that Mordell notes in his “Reminiscences of an octogenarian” that this paper was rejected as uninteresting by the first n ≤ 8 z κ1/6. journal it was submitted to!

NOVEMBER 2002 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1227 very end of the paper, Mordell asked five questions Starting with (12, 1) we then get further solutions which were instrumental in motivating much of the important research in Diophantine arithmetic in the (20760/1727, −3457/1727), twentieth century. The most important and diffi- cult of these questions was answered by Faltings (184026330892850640/15522982448334911, in 1983 by inventing some of the deepest and most 61717391872243199/15522982448334911), powerful ideas in the history of mathematics. In the next section we will try to give some idea of what and the next solution is pointless to write down, Faltings’ Theorem is about. since each ordinate has seventy digits! Our main concern is that we have observed, for a certain The abc-conjecture and the class of curves, that one can obtain further solu- Number Theory “Hall of Fame” tions as a function of previous solutions and thus Faltings’ Theorem née Mordell’s Conjecture get infinitely many solutions (and, since the ordi- ( 1986) nates grow so fast, one can prove that they could Let f (x, y) ∈ Z[x, y] be a poly- not possibly come from a parametrized form). nomial in two variables with Thus we know of two ways that an equation integer coefficients. We are in- f (x, y)=0 can have infinitely many rational solu- terested in finding rational tions. In fact, Faltings’ Theorem tells us that these numbers u and v for which are the only two ways that an equation like this can f (u, v)=0. Sometimes it is have infinitely many rational solutions; in other very easy to do so: for exam- words, there are only finitely many “sporadic” so- ple, if f (x, y)=x + y − 1, then lutions. Indeed, if we put to one side all solutions we can take u =1/2+t and of f (x, y)=0 that come from the two methods v =1/2 − t for any rational above, we are left with finitely many solutions. It number t, and all rational so- is even conceivable that the number of rational lutions are of this form. An- points left over is bounded by a function of the de- other example, not so easy but very well known, gree of f. This extraordinary theorem has many is f (x, y)=x2 + y2 − 1 , which has solutions wonderful consequences. For example, for any ≥ u =2t/(1 + t2) and v =(1− t2)/(1 + t2) for every given p 4 there are only finitely many positive co- rational t. These are both examples of equations prime integer solutions to (1). Similarly, there are in which infinitely many rational solutions may only finitely many positive coprime integer solu- be obtained in a parametrized form (that is, as a tions to (10) when that is predicted by the abc- rational function of the variable t). conjecture. So, for instance, A second class of examples in which we can (11) x4 + y4 =17z4 and x2 + y3 = z7 have infinitely many rational solutions is given by “cubic curves”. As an example consider the taxicab each have only finitely many coprime integer so- curve,4 lutions. x3 + y3 = 1729. One important failing of Faltings’ Theorem is that it gives no upper bound on the size of the so- Ramanujan’s two solutions are 123 +13 =103 +93 lutions and thus no “algorithm” for finding them = 1729; one can easily check that these are the all, even though we know there are only finitely only solutions in integers. However, it is not hard many (it took new methods to prove that we know to find infinitely many solutions in rationals. In fact, all solutions to the two equations in (11)). given any solution (u, v), one can find another sim- In 1991 Elkies showed that using an explicit ply by taking version of the abc-conjecture (that is, with a value assigned to κ for each !), one can deduce an U = u(u3 − 3458)/(1729 − 2u3) ε explicit version of Faltings’ Theorem. The proof and revolves around a careful study of Belyı˘ maps (in V = v(u3 + 1729)/(1729 − 2u3). particular the ideas involved in Proposition 3). Moret-Bailly, building on ideas of Szpiro, went a step further. He showed that if one could get good 4When Ramanujan lay ill from pneumonia in an English upper bounds for the size of the coordinates of the hospital, he was visited by G. H. Hardy, his friend and co- rational points on5 y2 = x5 − x in any number author. Struggling for conversation, Hardy remarked that field,6 then the abc-conjecture follows. (“Good” the number 1729 on the taxicab in which he had ridden bounds in this case are bounds that depend from the train station to the hospital was extremely dull. Ramanujan contradicted him, noting that it is the small- 5 est number which is the sum of two cubes in two differ- Or, for the initiated, on any other algebraic curve of ent ways. However, Ramanujan did miss the other notable genus > 1. fact that it is the third smallest Carmichael number! 6That is, a finite field extension of Q.

1228 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 49, NUMBER 10 explicitly on the discriminant of the number field One can sketch a proof that (13) follows from over which the points are rational.) Therefore, in a the abc-conjecture as follows: Let f (t)=F(t,1) and certain sense, this problem and the abc-conjecture apply Proposition 3. Let f (t)g(t) be the product of are equivalent. the distinct linear factors dividing a(t)b(t)c(t) Roth’s Theorem (Fields Medal 1958) (where a(t), b(t), and c(t) are as in Proposition 3), Let α be a real algebraic irra- and homogenize by taking t = m/n to get an equa- tional number of degree d. A tion A(m, n)+B(m, n)=C(m, n) . We may assume simple pigeonhole principle without loss of generality that A(m, n), B(m, n), argument gives infinitely many and C(m, n) are all positive, if necessary by rear- rational numbers m/n for ranging them, and notice that the gcd(A, B) divides which |α − m/n| < 1/n2 . On the resultant of a(t) and b(t), so is bounded. Now the other hand, substituting apply the abc-conjecture to this equation, bound- m/n into the minimum poly- ing the product of the primes dividing ABC by nomial for α shows that there |G(m, n)| times the product of the primes dividing exists a constant cα > 0 such F(m, n). Notice that the number of linear factors of | − | d FG is at most one more8 than the number of roots that α m/n >cα/n . A famous question of num- of fg, that is, ≤ d +2, where d is the maximum of ber theory was whether this the degrees of a, b, and c by Proposition 3. The re- lower bound could be improved, and Roth (1955) sult follows from combining these observations gave the “best possible” such result: For any fixed with the fact that max{A(m, n),B(m, n),C(m, n)}  {| | | |} d !>0 there exists a constant cα,! > 0 such that max m , n ) .     Baker’s Theorem (Fields Medal 1970) m cα,! α −  ≥ . In 1929 Siegel showed that for   2+! n n any given f (x, y) ∈ Z[x, y] all Suppose that F(x, y) ∈ Z[x, y] is a binary ho- but finitely many of the inte- mogenous form without repeated factors.7 Using ger pairs u and v for which Roth’s Theorem we then have, for any coprime f (u, v)=0 are given by pa- integers m and n, rametrizations. Although it is      easy, in practice, to find all of  m  |F(m, n)| ndeg(F) α −  the parametric solutions, F n α: F(α,1)=0 Siegel was unable to provide a deg(F)−2−! way to bound those finitely (12) F,! n . Alan Baker many other integer points (just as Faltings’ Theorem  (The meaning of “A F B” may be unfamiliar to does not provide a way to bound the rational points many readers. This simply means that there exists u and v with f (u, v)=0). In 1968 Baker made an a constant cF > 0, depending only on F, such that extraordinary breakthrough in “linear forms in log- ≥  we have “A cF B”; similarly, “A F,! B ” means arithms” which allowed, in many interesting cases, that there is an analogous inequality with a con- such bounds on the size of integer points. However, stant cF,! > 0 depending only on F and !. This no- his theorem can be stated only in a technical form! tation saves a lot of writing in analytic number Let p1,...,pn be prime numbers. We write theory.) We leave it to the reader to verify that this a a a L = log | log(p 1 p 2 ...p k )| , where the a are statement is actually equivalent to Roth’s Theorem. 1 2 k i integers. The abc-conjecture implies something that is By the pigeonhole principle we can show that, somewhat stronger than Roth’s Theorem: For any for any integer A>1 , there exist integers coprime integers m and n, a ,a ,...,a |a |≤A  1 2 k with each i such that deg(F)−2−! L ≤−(k − 1) log A + log log(p1p2 ...pk) . Baker’s (13) p F,! (max{|m|, |n|}) . Theorem (as improved in a recent paper with p|F(m,n)  Wüstholz) gives the lower bound | |≥  Note that F(m, n) p|F(m,n) p (if F(m, n) =0), so k 2(k+2) Roth’s Theorem (in the form (12)) follows imme- L ≥−(16k) (log A) log pi. diately. Notice also that by taking F(x, y)=xy(x + y) i=1 we recover the original abc-conjecture. Thus this conjecture is equivalent to the abc-conjecture, al- This result seems likely to be far from “best though it appears far stronger. possible”. Moreover, the abc-conjecture gives

7In other words, if F has degree d, then F(t,1) is a poly- 8The “one more” because there could be a factor n here nomial of degree ≥ d − 1, without repeated roots, and corresponding in the abc equation to one of a, b, or c hav- F(x, y)=yd F(x/y, 1) . ing lower degree than the other two.

NOVEMBER 2002 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1229 k of q between Q and Q2 for any sufficiently large L −(log A) log pi, Q. Such zeros are known as “Siegel zeros”.11 i=1 In 1995 Granville and Stark proved, assuming the a remarkable improvement and close to best pos- abc-conjecture, that L(s,χ) has no Siegel zeros for sible, given the upper bound mentioned above. all χ (mod q) with q ≡ 3 (mod 4). Moreover, this lower bound on L implies a modi- Wiles’ Theorem (IMU Plaque 1998) fied version of the abc-conjecture, so these two Wiles did not prove Fermat’s questions are, in a certain sense, equivalent. Last Theorem directly. Instead, We should note that techniques from this area he attacked a famous old con- have been used to attack the abc-conjecture. In jecture about elliptic curves 1991 Stewart and Yu proved that if a + b = c in called the “Taniyama conjec- positive coprime integers, then ture”12 and proved enough of  2/3 it to deduce Fermat. Recently c  exp O p . others have completed the p|abc proof of Taniyama’s conjec- ture. We can give here only a Remove one “exp” and we would be there! This is brief, somewhat inadequate, unfortunately typical of results using these tech- description of the conjecture. niques: as beautiful as the results are, they fall Above we saw how the short of our goal; still, better some result than curve x2 + y2 =1 could be parametrized by nothing. x =2t/(1 + t2) and y =(1− t2)/(1 + t2) where Motivated by applications to estimates for lin- t ∈ C . There are many other types of parame- ear forms in logarithms, Baker recently came up trizations possible: for example, we saw how to with the following interesting explicit version of the find infinitely many points on the curve abc-conjecture: 3 3  C : x + y = 1729 by using a map that sends a c  N 1 where N = p. point on C to a “larger” point on C, in other words, → n≤N p|abc a map φ : C C that is a rational function in the p|n =⇒ p|N co-ordinates of the point.13 One can generalize by saying that a curve C “parametrizes” a curve X if Bombieri’s Theorem (Fields Medal 1974) there is such a map φ : C → X that is a rational 9 Let χ be a Dirichlet character function in the coordinates of the point on C. (mod q). The Generalized Rie- Taniyama’s conjecture (now a theorem) states mann Hypothesis states that if that every cubic curve can be parametrized by a L(s,χ)=0, then either s is a “modular” curve: The modular curves negative integer (a “trivial {X0(N)}N=1,2,3,... are a very special set of curves zero”) or Re(s)=1/2. There that come up naturally in a somewhat different con- seems to be little prospect of text. For use in a + b = c equations we look at the proving this statement or any- thing too similar. However, many of the consequences of E : y2 = x(x − a)(x + b); the Generalized Riemann Hy- pothesis follow from the as- we now know that this can be parametrized by the sertion that if L(s,χ)=0, then Re(s) is not too big, curve X0(N), where  or that there are not too many s with L(s,χ)=0, N = N is approximately p. and Re(s) “large”. One version of Bombieri’s fa- E p|abc mous result (1965) may be paraphrased as The zeros of L(s,χ) are sparse “far away”

from Re(s)=1/2, 11An unfortunate reward for Siegel after much remark- for “almost all10” χ (mod q). able work showing how unlikely they are to exist! 12 By 1930 it had been shown, for a sufficiently The vague statement of the conjecture that we give is small constant c>0, that if L(s,χ)=0 with close to the original statement of Taniyama. This was sub- sequently made more precise by Shimura, who proved that Re(s) > 1 − c/log q, then s is real, χ is a quadratic it was true in infinitely many examples. Arguably this real character, and there is at most one such value conjecture only became as widely known as it deserved be- cause of the works and influence of Weil, and thus this con- jecture has confusingly been credited to various subsets of these three names! 9 Z Z ∗ → C A homomorphism ( /q ) . 13Moreover, φ had degree four, explaining the explosion 10That is, 100%. in the size of the numbers involved.

1230 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 49, NUMBER 10 (Here “approximately” means that the ratio of the [El] N. ELKIES, ABC implies Mordell, Int. Math. Res. Not. 7 two sides is a rational with small numerator and (1991), 99–109; Duke Math. J. 64 (1991). denominator.) [Fa] G. FALTINGS, Endlichkeitssätze für abelsche Varietäten über Zahlkörpern, Invent. Math. 73 (1983), 349–66. There may be many parametrizations φ : X0(NE) [La] M. LANGEVIN, Imbrications entre le théorème de Mason, → E. Let φ be one of the ones of smallest degree. E la descente de Belyı˘ et les différentes formes de la con- A fantastic theorem of Weil shows that all such φ jecture (abc), J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 11 (1999), can be written as the composition of φE with some 91–109. other maps (which are automorphisms). Thus it is [Ma] R. C. MASON, Diophantine Equations over Function of interest to find φE, or at least to determine its Fields, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 96, Cam- degree. It turns out that bridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1984. 1+o(1) [Mo] L. J. MORDELL, On the rational solutions of the inde- deg(φE)=cNE . terminate equations of the third and fourth degrees, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 21 (1922), 179–92. (By “o(1)” we mean some number that → 0 as [Md] ——— , Reminiscences of an octogenarian mathe- N →∞.) Put like this, one sees that the abc - matician, Amer. Math. Monthly 78 (1971), 952–61. conjecture is equivalent to the conjecture [Ri] P. RIBENBOIM, 13 Lectures on Fermat’s Last Theorem, Springer-Verlag, New York and Heidelberg, 1979.  2+o(1) deg(φE) NE . [Ro] K. F. ROTH, Rational approximations to algebraic numbers, Mathematika 2 (1955), 1–20. The result of Stewart and Yu mentioned above tells [Se] J. P. SERRE, Lectures on the Mordell–Weil Theorem, us that, unconditionally, Viewig, Braunschweig, 1990.  2/3+o(1) [Vo] P. VOJTA, Diophantine Approximations and Value Dis- deg(φE) exp NE . tribution Theory, Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1239, Springer, New York, 1987. The abc-conjecture: The Future [Wi] A. WILES, Modular elliptic curves and Fermat’s Last We have seen that the abc-conjecture is equivalent Theorem, Ann. of Math. 141 (1995), 443–551. to extensions of several of the most important the- orems in number theory: Roth’s Theorem, Faltings’ Note: Photograph of Klaus Roth courtesy of the Lon- Theorem, Baker’s Theorem, and Wiles’ Theorem.14 don Mathematical Society, with permission Resolving the abc-conjecture would therefore have from the Royal Society. Photograph of Enrico an extraordinary impact on our understanding of Bombieri by H. Landshoff, used with permis- number theory. Proving it or disproving it would sion of the IAS. be amazing. The least desirable state of affairs would be to find out that the abc-conjecture is un- decidable, and thus so are these extensions of so many of the important questions in the subject! We are in the process of writing a book ex- plaining in detail how the abc-conjecture relates to all of these problems and thus trying to map out possible future directions of several important themes in number theory. We shall include sketches of the proofs of Roth’s and Faltings’ Theorems, since, when approached from an appropriate di- rection, these indicate the slightly different phi- losophy of arithmetic first proposed by Vojta [Vo], which we develop from the perspective of Belyı˘ maps. Our intent is to keep the style of this article in much of the book.

References [Ba] A. BAKER, Transcendental Number Theory, Cambridge University Press, London and New York, 1975. [Be] G. V. BELY˘,ı On the Galois extensions of the maximal cyclotomic field (Russian), Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR 43 (1979), 267–76. [Bo] E. BOMBIERI, Le grand crible dans la théorie analytique des nombres, Astérisque 18 (1987).

14One audience member pointed out that number theo- rists thus won several Fields Medals in striving for the same result!