Altcourse’s jailbirds “By working with the birds the men learn new skills and build confidence. This therapeutic intervention has been particu- larly effective and enriching for Minister men who self-harm, have autism speaks exclusively the National Newspaper for & Detainees or those struggling to cope.” to Inside Time a voice for prisoners since 1990 Newsround // page 14 Comment // page 18

June 2018 / Issue No. 228 / / A ‘not for profit’ publication / ISSN 1743-7342 CHANGING LIVES TOGETHER // Supplement and poster An average of 60,000 copies distributed monthly Independently verified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations A NATIONAL DISGRACE Inspector brands Nottingham ‘Appalling’ and ‘Tragic’

l 4.500 incidents l Over 50% of l Nearly 50% 16 of use of force in 6 prisoners reported of prisoners had months with little bullying and mental health issues; Changing lives with football governance; victimisation; l ‘Persistent and Transferring skills learnt on the pitch to help deal with situa- l 103 assaults on l 40% of prisoners fundamental lack tions encountered in real-life. Rachel Billington speaks with staff in previous six felt unsafe on their of safety.’ Pablo Blackwood about a revolutionary football programme. months; first night;

Paul Sullivan recommendations had not been implemented NEWS FLASH! Victims allowed reasons for Parole decisions 12 and cell call bells were still not being respond- ed to quickly. Mr Clarke said: “This prison will In January, the Chief Inspector of Prisons, Peter not become fit for purpose until it is made safe. Clarke, was so disturbed by what he found It was clear from our evidence that many pris- during an inspection of HMP Nottingham that oners at Nottingham did not feel safe.” he made it the first referral to the Justice Secretary under the new ‘Urgent Notification Protocol’. Elizabeth Moody, acting Prisons and Probation Now the actual report, described as “one of the Ombudsman, said of the report: “The Chief most disturbing reports in recent years” has been Inspector is right to highlight the apparent published and Mr Clarke asks if some of the inability of the prison to learn lessons and I apparently self-inflicted deaths were caused agree that until it can demonstrate progress in by prisoners unable to “face life in the violent, this critical area the risk of future deaths will drug ridden prison”. He says the prison is “defined remain high.” by the prevalence of drugs and violence”.

Prisons Ombudsman and Inspection report Inspector Calls page 36

NEWS FLASH! Improving prisoners’ work skills and prospects 22 EXPERTS IN SERIOUS AND COMPLEX CASES


PRISON LAW Head of Criminal Law Head of Appeals Head of Prison Law Mark Carter Jeremy Moore Joanne Davidson Fixed Fees from £200 LLeeaaddiningg d efence solicitors in We have dealt with some of serious and complex cases such as: the most high profile Guittard Application/ Recat Reviews/ IPP/ Lifer removal from D cat/ Conspiracies, murder, leading cases in the Court Transfers/ HDC manslaughter, drug offences, of Appeal and CCRC Legal Aid Services: robbery, gang offences, fraud including: R v Barry George Parole/Recall/ Adjudication/ 45 We also handle extradition and (Jill Dando case) Sentence calculation/pre-tariff parole proceeds of matters review/advice reviews and Cat A reviews Riding high and raising money Freephone: 0800 1 444 111 Website: www. cmsolicitors. Hotline LJ from Cell Workout took part in nine hours of burpees and a nine hour ‘bike Video Link: Nationwide 0161 833 9253 and hike’. Raising vital funds for Switchback which helps young adults after Manchester:13 St John Street, Manchester, M3 4DQ their release from prison. See how they got on, page 45. London: 15 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7EH 2 Mailbag ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Insidetime June 2018

NPR in private insidetime Logical thinking Star Letter of the Month prisons? Congratulations to this months winner a voice for prisoners since 1990 Jack Swarez - HMP Berwyn Danielle Corrigan - who receives our £25 prize the national newspaper for prisoners published by Inside Time Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of I read with interest the mailbag titled ‘Days Gone By’, from HMP Peterborough The New Bridge Foundation, founded in 1956 to Jimmy A at HMP Wandsworth in the March issue of Inside Thinking out loud create links between the offender and the Time. The letter related to earning internal time back through I was wondering why we don’t JP - HMP Risley community. good behaviour. Any logical-thinking person would see this get National here A not for profit publication. as a fantastic idea and one that I truly believe would trans- at Peterborough? The girls on the wing say it is a brilliant Want to make some changes but don’t know Inside Time is wholly responsible for its editorial form our failed prison system. But what we have to realise is station to have and it is avail- where to start? Rome wasn’t built in a day, but content. Comments or complaints should be that the prison system is not run by logically thinking people. it wouldn’t have been built at all if it was not directed to the publisher and not to New Bridge. able in other prisons. So, can you tell me why we cannot fi rst built in someone’s imagination. Imagine Board of Directors “The main aim in this country seems to be to access it here? However many a world you would like to create for yourself and think about how you can make it happen. pack every prison to the rafters.” times we re-tune the televi- Trevor Grove Former Editor Sunday Telegraph, sions it still does not show Most of us know the short-term benefi ts of Journalist, Writer and former Magistrate. up. I feel like I’m really miss- Dr Peter Bennett Trustee, New Bridge Bigger prisons are being built and future forecasts predict the taking drugs and many of us have experi- ing out as it is very highly Foundation and former Governor of HMP Grendon prison population will keep rising. That, in itself, proves enced the negative consequences. We oft en spoken of, and the other girls Geoff Hughes Former Governor of HMP Belmarsh exactly how big a business the prison system really is and how face a variety of social exclusion issues on agree. Is it because this is a John D Roberts Former Company Chairman and little is put into progressive thinking. You only have to look account of the mischief we get up to, we iso- Managing Director employing former prisoners behind the scenes and see who has their noses in the trough. ? Surely that can late ourselves from the people that care Louise Shorter Former producer, BBC Rough Justice have nothing to do with it? We about us and we fi nd ourselves sitting in a Alistair H E Smith BSc FCA Chartered Accountant, would really appreciate it if Trustee and Treasurer, New Bridge Foundation When you play up in prison you are awarded extra days, but cell somewhere, scratching our heads and something could be done so through a change in behaviour you can earn those days wondering where it all went wrong. we can tune in along with the back. By playing the game you get fuck-all. Imagine if the The Editorial Team rest of the prison population. prison system implemented Jimmy A’s proposal and the I have found myself in quite a few troublesome chance to earn internal time back came into force, it would situations over the years, the one thing I can Ahmed Hussain, Head of change the backward system we now have in an instant and depend on for hope or escape in any situation Prison Radio [HMPPS] is my imagination. We have a powerful tool give focus and direction from the outset of the sentence. But, I can confi rm that NPR is being at our disposal. The law of attraction states the POA would never allow it as they are presently too busy received at Peterborough. that if we think about something for long asking for tasers. However, it seems that only enough it will come to fruition. I am a fi rm Erwin James John Roberts Rachel the male estate can receive it believer in this. Our thoughts become our Editor in Chief Publisher and Billington OBE You only have to look at the Dutch model as they have been through their TV’s at the actions and our actions dictate our futures. Director Associate Editor closing prisons due to logical thinking. I fully understand moment. The team at why our government is building these Super Max prisons Peterborough have spoken to The sad thing is that an addiction will also Commercial like the one I currently reside in, and that is to supply a mas- their IT engineers and they will aff ect the way we think and will equally aff ect Manager sive slave-labour workforce to the likes of Interserve. be looking into what the issue our actions and futures. It is a cunning enemy. David Roberts is between the server room and I know from my own personal experiences Head of If Justice Secretary David Gauke wants to learn a new the female estate. We expect that when I take drugs my imagination is Administration approach I advise him to go and visit Jimmy A. this to be resolved very soon. suppressed and only comes back to me when Justine Best the drugs have been taken out of the equation. Noel Smith Paul Sullivan Layout & Design Commissioning Reporter Colin Matthews Editor It is not easy to stop taking a drug once the Website Design taste is acquired, nor is it easy tackling any and Advertising other form of addiction, but it can be done. Gary Bultitude Hopelessness is replaced with hope, defeat- Correspondence ism is replaced by belief, and misery and loneliness are replaced by happiness and General: Inside Time Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB. camaraderie. This is not a myth, I have expe- Accounts & Admin: Inside Time, PO Box 251, rienced it. There is a way out of addiction and Hedge End, Hampshire SO30 4XJ. if you want a piece of the pie you need to show Telephone: 01489 795945 the same resourcefulness and determination Email: [email protected] you exhibit when serving your addiction. Web: Facebook: InsideTime Unblock your mind and realise your poten- Twitter: @InsideTimeUK tial, you may discover you are capable of more than you believe. Subscribe Inside Time is distributed free of charge throughout the UK prison estate. It is available to other readers via a postal subscription service. The emailaprisoner service ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES allows family, friends, legal £35 for 12 single copies to UK addresses plus professionals and organisations £10 p/a for each additional copy to the same a quick, efficient, secure way to address. Charities and Volunteers (UK only) £25 p/a for a single copy. send a message to a recipient in prison from any device and any Overseas Subscriptions rates will be £48 p/a for location. Many prisons also Europe and £58 for the Rest of the World both operate the reply and photo plus £20 p/a for each additional copy going to attachment service. the same overseas address. Available in 99% of UK prisons. 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If you wish to reproduce or publish any of the 03333 70 65 50 content in Inside Time, you should first contact us for further details or visit: for written permission. Full terms & conditions can be found on the website. Insidetime June 2018 ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Mailbag 3

IPP knock- Mailbites Mailbag 2-9 “Daddy, is the ‘Absolute tripe’ reason you’re not coming home back Name withheld - HMP Altcourse because you do not M D Loxley - HMP Littlehey I write with anger about the recent nonsensical claims in the Page 6 love me or mummy low-rent media that NPS and violent incidents have gone down anymore?” I have come to the conclu- at HMP Altcourse. This is absolute tripe and the prison needs to Newsround 10-15 sion that the Parole Board is admit the truth instead of peddling propaganda. Every day a joke! I have recently there are an average of 9 or 10 Code Blues for NPS, but there “I’m appalled at received my latest knock- are also lads who are off their face who are just put behind their the rate at which back. I am an IPP prisoner doors and not reported so that they do not show up on the we’re going back- maintaining my genuine prison’s statistics. It is the same for violent incidents, they are wards.” Page 10 innocence and was given a being under-reported in order to manipulate the figures and nominal tariff of 1 year and 2 make the prison look a lot better than it is. If they are lying Comment 16-29 about things like this, then what else are they lying about? months. I have now been “That really reiter- incarcerated since January Where’s the sense? ated that their sen- 2006. Yes, that’s correct, tence isn’t theirs to Name withheld - HMP Berwyn 12-years. bear alone.” I recently won a completely legitimate County Court Judgement Page 25 I am now 64-years old and I against the MoJ and was awarded £90 compensation. Nobody Information 30-37 from that organisation could be bothered to put in a defence believe that the Parole Board “If you’re old or case, nor answer my pre-action procedure and judgement was “Have you got a fire gov?” are being influenced by young or if you’re © image recent events and publicity set in my favour. However, despite not fighting the case at the kind of in the mid- time, the MoJ then spent £250 to appeal the case and prevent and erring on the side of dle, you should me from receiving the £90. How does this even make financial Old and cold in Elmley caution. It is time the gov- Page 31 never stop edu- sense? No wonder this country is in such a mess. The MoJ cating yourself.” J Barnet - HMP Elmley ernment stepped in and ended should hang its head in shame for wasting tax-payer’s money Legal 38-43 this barbaric and inhumane on absolute nonsense. sentence once and for all. I am almost 69 years old, I have had triple bypass surgery, 2 “Mistakes are strokes plus heart-attacks (at least 4), but I am locked up in a After all, it was the govern- Where’s my democratic representation? common, as is a 12-foot x 7-foot cell for periods exceeding 21 hours per day. ment that created it. Sarah Jane Baker - HMP Lewes complete misun- Even as I write this letter I am suffering severely from the derstanding of the If an MP refuses to assist a prisoner living in a prison within cold and, for the 4th time this year, there is no heating, no “They should convert Page 40 applicable law.” hot water and we are given one (allegedly) hot meal per day. their constituency, who would they then complain to? Are the remaining IPP Members of Parliament legally bound to represent all members Jailbreak 44-56 of their constituency or only those who are able to vote? Out of The windows of the cells do not open or close and I am sentences to determi- “Dr Dre had failed rationed to two blankets. There is 4-inches of snow on the the 29-years I have spent in prison, 5-years have been spent in nate terms. I’m sure HMP Lewes, is this my ‘home address’? I have never had the to show that people ground and the chill-factor is minus 15 degrees. I have used would be misled toothpaste in an attempt to block off the drafts from the win- that there are many, right to vote, have never had a bank account, driving license or passport, as I came straight to prison from the care system and into buying Dr dows and the ill-fitting doors. I have not been able to shower like me, who are Page 55 Drai’s products” or wash my hair for the last 10-days because there is no hot I have never really had a home or home address. water and this place is so cold. innocent yet still lost in a nightmarish system Meals are supposed to be served at a minimum temperature of 63 degrees, but they are not. The block I am in has over 50 without hope.” old men aged over 65 and I know that very soon there will be a death here from hypothermia. Now that there is no Perhaps there is a solicitor Carillion to carry out repairs or maintenance we will just out there who would take on have to tolerate the broken windows and just cover them with this challenge? I don’t pro- cardboard or newspaper. fess to know the law but it seems to me that when a The hot-water boiler has not worked and not been replaced sentence is passed, the trial for over 6-weeks, so our only access to hot water is our one-li- judge, being in possession of tre kettle. all the facts, gives a sen- tence that is correct. Surely If someone dies it will be due to poor management and neglect - not natural causes. There is nothing ‘natural’ about it could be argued that being the conditions we are currently experiencing. I am telling incarcerated 10-years you this because I believe that only by letting someone on beyond what the trial judge the outside know the real conditions we live in, can there be intended makes a sentence any chance of getting something done. I doubt if there is any- become ‘manifestly exces- thing you can do, but at least now you know. sive’? Any thoughts on this?

Contributing to Mailbag If you would like to contribute to Mailbag, please send your letters to the address on the left. It is very important that you ensure the following details are on all paperwork sent to Inside Time: YOUR NAME, PRISON NUMBER & PRISON. Failure to do so will prevent us responding to you and your submission being withheld from publication. Please note letters for publication may be edited. ‘Mailbag’, We will be using the new ‘Money Transfer Service’ for prize money so include Inside Time, your DOB on your entries. Botley Mills, To avoid any possible misunderstanding, if you have a query and for whatever Botley, reason do not wish your letter to be published in Inside Time or appear on the Southampton, website, or yourself to be identified, please make this clear. Hampshire SO30 2GB. We advise that wherever possible, when sending original documents such as legal papers, you send photocopies as we are unable to accept liability if they are lost. We may need to forward your letter and/or documents to Prison Service HQ or another appropriate body for comment or advice, therefore only send informa- tion you are willing to have forwarded on your behalf. ›› Registered with EMAP ‹‹ 4 Mailbag ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Insidetime June 2018 On the Wire Foreign Nationals or aliens? Harry S Khattar - We need accountability HMP Frankland Evan Prevett - HMP Lewes Here at Frankland you can I have just been watching a news piece on become a Foreign National the unfortunate suicide of a young when they wish to discrimi- Lithuanian man at HMP Wandsworth last nate against you, but the year. I did not think it was possible to be moment you try to receive more dismayed and devastated about the anything you would be enti- treatment of fellow human beings by our tled to as a FN you suddenly penal system until I listened to the report on become British. Plastic, not so fantastic this case. © Deposit Photos I am British born (unfortu- nately), had I been born I am under no illusion that this man was Lucy, beaming as she fulfilled her elsewhere I would have got a Setting a good example killed by the State. The inquest and dream of flying in a Spitfire in 2016 better deal from the British Name withheld - HMP Wakefield Ombudsman’s’ report is heart-breaking. It Justice system, government, took offi cers 37-minutes to respond to this Lucy Forde, U/CBA and HMPPS. The issues facing the entire planet over the unnecessary use prisoner’s emergency bell. This, despite the However, with close family and haphazard discarding of plastic containers has not yet man being in the Segregation Unit, having sadly missed members abroad, and very touched the prison system in any meaningful manner. been found with a ligature on at least 6 occa- few visits, I am entitled to Almost every container, plate, bowl and moveable item in sions in the days leading up to his death, Sadly, Lucy passed away on Sunday 13th FN pin account status, and prison is made from plastic (a safety feature). including on the day a Healthcare profes- May. From 2007 until 2016 Lucy was the I’ve not had a problem in sional deemed him fi t for segregation. fi rst point of contact for the thousands of 6-years and 7 prisons, The problem with the plastic implements in prison is that readers who regularly communicated including Frankland. But they cannot be passed from one prisoner to another, regard- Prison offi cers have once again proven to with Inside Time during that period. recently they have been less of their condition, once the initial user is fi nished with have failed in arguably the most important Prisoners or their worried and oft en con- blatantly discriminating them. This means that the prison system continues using and of their duties - to protect and preserve life. I fused relatives always found a genuine against me by telling me I no discarding huge amounts of waste plastic when the rest of say that it is about time offi cers are held to concern along with the vital help and longer qualify for Foreign society is being encouraged to actively refrain from using account for their serious shortcomings - a guidance they sought. National benefi ts, such as anything consisting of plastic if at all possible. charge of gross negligence manslaughter As a former prisoner, a reader and con- being removed from the pin and having a Sikh faith and time behind bars to refl ect on how their tributor to Inside Time, she understood “Perhaps the prison system could set a good actions, or more appropriately their lack of the various problems faced and was newspaper sent in. action, have changed families lives forever. always keen to help. example by providing actual job experience for Thankfully, they had it inmates making wooden utensils and general Before she became ill she was, in her very explained to them in a com- Staff saving lives limited spare time, a trained Samaritan plaint that has been upheld household items, and supplying/replacing prison H Samra - HMP Wormwood Scrubs and Street Pastor volunteer - helping by the Ombudsman’s offi ce. plastic items with light wooden or compressed Last week a close and dear friend that I have wherever she was needed. She also gave So, let me clarify for fellow paper items.” her time to train others to do the same prisoners - You are entitled served nearly a year with without warning voluntary work. to Foreign National status/ attempted to take his own life. He gave no Prison workshops could be used for this, the skilled teachers pin and a free 5-minute indications and none of us had any idea. Leading up to her planned retirement she are already here, there is no shortage of men to make the monthly call if; (i) You were recruited a volunteer with a view to her products required. Not much worth cheering about ever When I couldn’t locate him on association, I born overseas or (ii) you have becoming Lucy’s successor at Inside comes out of prison and it would be good for prison to take a found his cell-door shut and when I looked close family or friends abroad Time, training and coaching her, thus lead in this, vital to the planet, matter. It’s simply a matter of in noticed his bed was ajar. The response of and you have few or no vis- ensuring, up until the days she became somebody in authority making prison a good example. our SO, Mr Walsh, and all offi cers on D-wing, its. I hope this helps others. along with staff from the medical hatch, ill, that she was fully prepared to do what saved his life. It was such a relief when they Lucy described as “the best job she had told me he was breathing. These are the ever had - one that she loved so much.” ASN LAW same offi cers that have annoyed and We have lost a much loved and respected SOLICITORS frustrated me, and I realise now I have never member of our team, whose dedication Anthony Stokoe • Joel Binns given them nearly enough credit for the job and professionalism helped towards mak- Rasheed Nujeerallee that they do. All the offi cers were shocked by ing Inside Time what it is today. She was a Independent Prison Law the event. Bad press about Wormwood friend to so many and will be sadly Expert since 1994 Scrubs travels very quickly, and incidents missed by them all. ‘People Before Profit’ like this receive no attention. I am grateful to Lucy leaves two children, eight grandchil- Continuing the Fight and Challenge the offi cers for the lengths they went to in dren and four great grandchildren. order to save my pal’s life. Despite Legal Aid Cuts No Gimmicks just straight advice/representation Janine Doolan CANTERS CRIME for Male and Female Prisoners Dedicated We are a friendly rm, with solicitors and legally Prison Law quali ed sta who are experts in their particular • Adjudications • Lifer/IPP Specialist Solicitor areas of law • Recall • Parole • Judicial Reviews North West AREAS OF WORK • Mental Health Law Expert Based LICENSE RECALL PAROLE REVIEWS • Human Rights - European & International (will represent IPP REVIEWS ADJUDICATIONS Fixed Fee advice for Nationwide) Other Prison Law issues considered • Categorisation • Cat A Reviews Legal Aid: Write to: but payment may be on a private fee basis • Pre-tariff Sift/Hearings - PAROLE Janine Doolan, All areas of Criminal work including Police 54 St James Street - RECALL Interviews/ Court Appearances Do not Delay Call/Write Now - ADJUDICATIONS Liverpool L1 0AB Suite 8 Vine House 143 London Road - CAT A REVIEWS CONTACT US Kingston KT2 6NH - PRE TARIFF 0151 239 1020 EXPIRY REVIEWS T: 0151 362 2421 [email protected] 020 8549 4282 - PAROLE / RECALL NATIONWIDE SERVICE SPECIALIST M: 07842 996400 24 DALE STREET , LIVERPOOL L2 5RL Insidetime June 2018 ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Mailbag 5

Mental health not Mailbites Looking taken seriously beyond ‘crazy’ Ash TJ Walker - I needed a laugh! HMP Whatton Mark Buckley - HMP Forest Bank Name withheld - HMP Dartmoor I’ve been having a bad one lately and been In 2005, I was diagnosed with If you were not mentally ill when you came quite down, however, your April issue’s ‘Mixed Asperger’s Syndrome. Then, into prison, then the odds are good that you response to new security measures’ satirical in 2011, I came into prison will be by the time you leave. article on replacing visitors with cardboard and suddenly I was told that cut-outs, snapped me right out of it. I haven’t I had been ‘misdiagnosed’. There’s a bad stigma when somebody puts laughed so hard in recent memory. Thank you. For the last 7-years I have the ‘mental health’ label on you, but why? It was brilliantly written, original and thor- Most people, when they hear the words think “We’re in jail but we still care” suff ered without any sup- oughly enjoyable. It was also a tad sad because “crazy - that’s the guy in the meds queue port for my condition. Despite you can almost imagine the powers-that-be who nobody wants to stand next to because Prison a political wilderness many COMP1 forms, letters actually considering such an initiative. I am he stinks, he’s got one sock on and no shoes to the Ombudsman and my sorry that the author was ‘anon’ but he/she and thinks he’s in the food queue”. But that’s Name withheld - HMP Wakefield MP, plus letters to NHS should be submitting pieces to television or so fucking wrong. That guy was probably England, I have been unsuc- radio and come forward to receive their rightful one of the boys not so long ago and you Given the usual topics of conversation in prison, it is more cessful in overturning this. acclaim. If anyone hasn’t seen it, then get to never would have imagined him to be stand- than a little surprising to fi nd that the recent bombings in your library and read a back-copy. I’ve cut ing there like he is now. But he is, and so Syria have provoked some of the deepest feelings I have ever Aft er 7-years of fi ghting this mine out and it has pride of place on my wall, could you be in the future. heard prisoners express. I have become a very nega- next to the Vimto and biscuit crumb stains that tive person. I’ve had IEP I spat out when reading of SSO Asswind’s potential mention in despatches. Can we have “Look around, mental health could be Everyone seems to agree that because prisoners are not warnings and adjudications allowed any form of political voice, nothing we say will ever all because I am trying to more of this sort of thing, please. Bravo! a timebomb ticking away in anyone be printed or heard. The only way we could ever make any get help and support. Mental you see. You don’t have to be the sort of statement regarding what has happened is through a health isn’t always taken Good work ‘crazy guy’ on the wing to need help.” newspaper like Inside Time. So, here goes. seriously in prison. Tony - HMP Moorland The general feeling here is that it was a pity that things had come I write regarding the majority of men who Mental health issues can come in a great to the stage where innocent men, women and children were “I am told ‘Deal with it’, have sent in letters regarding historical sex number of ways - depression, anxiety, para- being bombed, interestingly, there is no real doubt that chemical and ‘If you can’t do the offences, now and in the past. There have noia, split personality, schizophrenia and weapons have been used; it seems at odds with the previous been many write-ups in Inside Time referring many more. Some people know how to deal time don’t do the crime’ patterns of behaviour that the Syrians would not use chemi- to these issues, which I think is brilliant. It goes with it, take meds for it and get it under con- cal weapons on the weakest members of their society simply and that is the typical a long way to say that someone, somewhere trol. Some don’t know or realise they’ve got it because other countries thought it not to be the done thing. response from staff.” has at last begun to take an interest and not and suff er. Some people you can tell need brushed this under the carpet as has been help, and some you won’t even realise. The retaliation, on behalf of the helpless, was therefore done in the past. Nobody is the same, the signs and symptoms Prison is a breeding-ground entirely justifi ed, and the manner in which Mrs May acted in are always diff erent but somehow similar. for negativity, it’s like air, this matter should make Britain proud. That said, the job is we all breathe it in every Too many per cell nowhere near done yet, the next stage is for the Government The odds are that 50%, if not more, in this second, even the staff . I try Laurence Crosby - HMP Northumberland to speak to Mr Putin in a way he cannot avoid listening to; place have some sort of mental health issue. to be positive and even there is no way for the outside world to put pressure on any I would like to make a few comments on the It can be caused by lots of things. Prison applied to be a member of Russian leader using political means. The political system in direction in which this prison seems to be involves a lot of stress, I don’t care what any- the Rehabilitative Culture Russia works diff erently to ours, but enormous pressure can heading. Until recently it was 1-inmate per cell, one says, we’ve all got our own shit going on. here at Whatton, but the be brought to bear on Mr Putin, it is a known fact that but, apparently in the interests of ‘progression’ Worries over your sentence, release, tag, reply on my application, England is home to a great many Russian Oligarchs and and after all the bad publicity this place has your kids, family, bills, money, visits, that written by the Custodial these people have enormous amounts of money tied up in had, the powers that be have decided the best charge you are still on bail for, that MDT Manager, states - ‘I do not this country. They are also capable of making life unbeara- way forward, and to save money, is to start result, bang-up meaning you can’t call your support this application, Mr ble, if not impossible, for Mr Putin. doubling up the cells. The best houseblock in kids today, when you ring your missus and Walker struggles with rules the prison is HB3. This HB was a full-employ- your best pal answers the phone. Whatever This country has allowed these wealthy Russians to bring their and regulations that apply ment only wing with a majority of Enhanced is going on can grind you down, it can, and wealth here, the origins of that wealth have never been dis- to him. He has a negative and en-suite facilities. Now it has been turned eventually will, take its toll. closed properly and this lays enormous amounts of wealth open outlook and uses his into an ‘anything goes’ wing, with lots of young to being seized and confi scated. This has been mentioned in ‘autism’ to excuse his inmates overcrowding the kiosk, telephones You might think that you are strong, and it the past by various ministers and by more than one speaker. behaviour.’ I found it very and laundry facilities. It has become a only gets the weak, but you are wrong. Ask off ensive that she uses the dog-eat-dog HB, I have seen 7 fights in a week the guy with no shoes and the one sock in This could be Mrs May’s way forward without raising a dust word autism in inverted and drink and drugs everywhere. Older the meds queue. My point is, mental health storm. Mr Putin could very well fi nd himself having to listen commas, as though I have inmates need a bit of peace and quiet, but this problems can start at any point and you to some of the members of his current team, either that or we made it up. What is the point overcrowding all boils down to management won’t know until it happens. And it can hap- could well hear that he has taken to wearing gloves and trav- of the Equality Act 2010, if it putting profits before people. All we ever see pen to anyone. elling everywhere with his own ‘door-opener’. does not exist in this prison? is regression and never progression.

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On the Wire Good man gone, Mailbites but not forgotten Andrew Taylor - HMP Moorland Why no No help for heroes email a prisoner? Mark Davies - HMP Birmingham On 12th April, we were given some terrible D Redfern - HMP Isle of Wight news, a named Dave Evans Until I was moved here I was As you may be aware, it is coming up to sadly passed away. Me and fellow prisoners, using the email-a-prisoner Armed Forces Week, and I wrote to Help for and staff, are well and truly devastated. Mr service and getting regular Heroes to see if I could support this charity. Evans was a very well-respected man and a true gentleman. emails from my partner. But They sent me 30 wrist-bands and said to ask in this prison, they will not prisoners and staff to make a donation, During my years in prison I have met a small allow me, or others, to use which would be an amazing way to help. handful of very good officers who will go out the service. Also, we cannot But I was told by reception that I cannot have of their way to do their best for you, and Mr use the service that allows it the wrist-bands and given no reason. All I Evans was one of those officers. He would cheaper to call a loved-one’s A long way from home always make sure that people were okay, and mobile number. I thought this am trying to do is help a charity that is very © Deposit Photos/Library image he never left the prison without having given was an accredited and close to my heart, so, please can you find the cleared service at all prisons? reason why these wrist-bands would be 100%. If he could help, then he would, and North South divide he would try his best for you. This just shows that the banned? Armed Forces Week is the 23rd of ‘importance of family ties’ Stephen Maish - HMP Ford June until the 1st of July and anyone who Mr Evans always had a good laugh with the means nothing to them. I must say that the staff here can, please donate. I moved from Wandsworth to Ford in March 2018 despite put- lads and he will be truly missed by everyone are very approachable and ting in numerous general applications to be moved to who knew him. Our hearts go out to his fami- helpful, and a credit to the Kirkham in Preston. ly. R.I.P. Dave. Veteran forums Prison Service, but manage- Matthew Logan CGC - HMP Lowdham Grange On the day of my transfer, I was notified I am not going to ment seem out of touch in Preston, which is 20 minutes from my family home, I am Sort yourselves out! stopping us using a perfectly In response to Thomas Nickles ‘Veterans legal service. going to Ford, 270 miles away and a 14 hour round trip! Phil Green - HMP Buckley Hall group - off-key’ (May issue), I fully agree that veterans should not be forced to hold meet- To date, I have not seen my family for 6 months. My wife The workplace outside of prison often has Are men and women ings alongside sex-offenders, even if they are works 6 days a week and my daughter is 6 years old. The cost similar frustrations as workplaces in prison. not equal? of the phone is so expensive I can only afford to speak with ex-services. I spent 22-years in the British You could be in a job for several years and my daughter for a couple of minutes 5 days a week as I only G Harris - HMP Isle of Wight army, and, like Mr Nickles, I too spent time maybe hoping for promotion, only to be beat- earn £9.00 per week. en to the post by some young, spotty oik with Once again, I despair when I in Afghanistan and French Guyana with little or no experience. But, the spotty oik read headlines stating that Legion Etrangere. I now have PTSD. After “My 6-year-old asked one evening: Daddy, is the has a degree, a degree that isn’t even relative women who commit crime or service I turned to alcohol to deal with my reason you’re not coming home, and I can’t see to the job. But, the degree tells the employer go to prison should be given demons. I have now been in prison since that this person has self-discipline, attention special treatment. I must state January 06 and have been moved from pris- you, because you do not love me or mummy to detail, the ability to problem-solve and that I am not anti-female. But on to prison. I’ve attended veteran’s forums anymore?” has ambition. why should a person who breaks the law and knows the and can say, to date, that veteran’s real I was in pieces. I accept my crime and , however Why does a prisoner need maths and English consequences be treated needs are not being met in prison. Some the system has clearly forgotten about family ties and main- level 2? Why does a prisoner need to be differently because of their groups only talk about wing issues, others taining them. This has created a lot of problems for me and Enhanced to get a job, or adjudication-free? gender? How many people only come for coffee and biscuits. We need others that are here at Ford with the same issues. Being 270 Why would you need all these things to pack who are in prison have been more help for combat stress and care after miles away from your family is not conducive to maintaining boxes or do other menial tasks? Because if you abused, or been in abusive combat, and more from RBL and RBLI, as family ties. take drugs, you have no self-respect. If you relationships, but all I read keep getting adjudications, you have no self- well as SSAFA. I call for all veterans to about is that the vast majority Why were my transfer requests denied? Why was I (a D-cat) discipline. And, if you can’t be bothered get- ‘Stand to, lads’ - and let’s deal with the real of women should not be stuck in Wandsworth for 3 months? Is it the case prison can ting a free education, you have no ambition. locked up because of these issues. Whilst I 100% agree with Mr Nickles, afford to ship you around at a cost but does not care for the If there are jobs available yet you can’t get one, reasons. How many men have unfortunately there is and always will be sex expense to place us all closer to home for our family’s sakes? then give your head a wobble. It’s your fault. been abused, or because they offenders within our ranks, but we should have post-traumatic stress? not be categorised as one group. Stone-age blues Let’s have some action And why is it okay to imprison them? They never Quinton Starling - HMP Parkhurst Parade … Attention! Name withheld - HMP Frankland print a female’s name, even when they are found to be J Baker - HMP Manchester There has been a lot of media coverage about the police with- I write regarding a mailbag in the April issue telling lies; yet, men have holding evidence from juries and the Court’s process. Also, titled ‘Bluetooth blues’. I completely agree their names in the press the CPS have been implicated in this scandal. It is not just As an ex-serviceman, I would like to respond with the point that was made about HMP’s during the legal process. All I about sex-offenders, many other types of crime have been to the letter by a Thomas Nickles in the May stance on Bluetooth technology, but what affected causing innocent people to be convicted and impris- am asking is where is the issue. He, and rightly so, objects to being made me chuckle was the response from equality? HMPPS. They said there was a ‘Significant oned without due process. lumped in with the sex-offenders during choice of stereos available’! I don’t know Veterans Group meetings. It seems a pretty what suppliers they have been looking at, as “We all believe that the British criminal justice Fight back shabby way to treat people who have served one look at the Argos catalogue shows that system should be ‘whiter than white’, and if it is The Whinging Welshman their country. I do understand that some of Bluetooth stereos are now the norm. - HMP Parc not, then what use is it?” the sex-offenders have also served their We all know that the com- country, but, to my mind, they should have The view of HMPPS is also contradicted by the staff here at HMP Frankland, who have It is essential that the MoJ deals with this issue swiftly and open- plaints system is about as their own groups. We are not expected to said, in reply to a written complaint from me ly. The longer this goes on the more mistakes are compound- much use as a chocolate mix with them on wings so why should we (I enclose a copy of their written reply) - ‘I ed and the more we have innocent people being imprisoned. teapot. All we get back from do it at other times? We are ordinary people would advise that there are presently no ste- I have written to my MP, asking him to raise this matter in the our complaints, if you are who feel the same natural revulsion for some reos available to purchase, pending a nation- House of Commons, and I urge all readers to do the same. lucky enough to get any This is a national problem and there must be many hun- response at all, is lies, of the that sex-offenders have com- al decision on the issue of Bluetooth’. dreds, if not thousands, of families effected. nonsense and injustice. But, I mitted and just because we all once wore a The prison system (HMPPS) needs to get to would encourage everyone to uniform does not make them bosom buddies grips with the modern world and either com- So, please, whether you are a victim of this issue or not, and put them in as it costs the of ours, nor we of them. Just voicing my opin- bat the ‘risk’ supposedly posed by Bluetooth, whether you are in prison or out, if you read this then write to prison money, and the loss of ion, after all, we have freedom of speech in or source a national supplier of stereos with- or email your MPs and ask them to raise this issue. They say money is the only thing they this country. Our armed forces fought for it. out it. And good luck with that! that the pen is mightier than the sword. Let’s prove it. will eventually take seriously. SEAN’S STORY...

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2596_InsideTime_FullAd_Suite.indd 4 22/05/2018 13:10 8 Mailbag ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Insidetime June 2018 What do extra days achieve? Text, lies David Thompson - HMP Guys Marsh and educate A Hutchinson - I would like to ask the prison system what they think they will achieve by handing out extra days rather than support HMP Isle of Wight and guidance to vulnerable prisoners? I write in response to a letter I am serving a sentence and I have severe mental health published in the April issue problems. I am also an alcoholic. Alcohol has always been a on the state of education problem for me since my teenage years and I just cannot here at HMP IoW. The author seem to stop drinking. Since I have been in prison, I have states that he has had ‘vari- continuously made ‘hooch’ to support my addiction. Other ous orderly jobs’ in the last than this I have had no support to address why I drink and 12-years, but I wonder if any also nil support to try and stop drinking. of these has been a learning & skills peer support work- What I have received instead is an extra 6-months added to my sentence for making home-brew. This is the equivalent of er? From his letter, it would a 12-month sentence for making something that I can legally appear not. make and drink outside of these walls. People get less time for robbing old ladies. I have been a peer support worker (classroom assistant “These extra days do not deter me from doing this or CA) for the past 3-years

© image and I can assure people at as I have an addiction that needs professional help, HMP IoW who wish to engage will be let out of prison with much less than but this isn’t happening. Just more extra days.” in education, but lack we came in with. Our coping skills and gen- Dangerous self-confidence, and, in some eral social skills will have deteriorated; we I would like to know why the system would rather punish instances, ability, that the will walk out of the gates and be like rabbits prisoners than rehabilitate them, as punishment clearly isn’t help is here if you want it. minds in the headlights. the answer and rehabilitation seems non-existent. Support J Pearce - HMP Risley and long-term medical help is used for people addicted to It can be hard to cope with a very demanding heroin, but for alcoholics there is nothing in place, long-term There are, of course, individ- Many of us spend a lot of time living inside reality after spending months or years in the or otherwise. uals with special educational our own heads. The reality of our lives is prison environment. The game has changed needs, who may not have often so mundane, boring, depressing or out there. It might now be time to try some- I am now serving my extra days and still no closer to being confidence in their own abil- stressful that we create a fantasy world that thing different. We all like a happy ending, sober. Rehabilitation seems to be just a word that politicians ities, which may be the rea- is more exciting. It’s normal to do this. We but us villains rarely get one. It might be use when punishment and neglect would be more fitting son that they have a lower create a world of make-believe where almost time for a reality check. words for what happens to us in prison. Something needs to level of numeracy or literacy. anything is possible, where hope, redemp- change. Extra days help neither the prisoner nor the system. These learners were often tion and our desires can all be fulfilled. Life is not a Hollywood movie, boys. The left behind at school as they only thing that gets gone in 60-seconds is were seen as ‘challenging’. the old bill motor with one of us handcuffed Good debate But our fantasy worlds are not always con- However, Milton Keynes in the back of it. structive places, we might sit in our cells J Lake - HMP Grendon College (education provider imagining that when we get on road we are here) have considered this, going to ‘smash it’. It’s a dead game. The prisons are overcrowd- I had the honour of attending a debate, which is held every and a dedicated assistant ed and it’s not because they built them too year on different topics. This year’s debate was concerning learning support tutor will “We come up with a variety of ‘get small; it’s because we are getting rounded up the use of prison sentences for non-violent offenders. Believe like cattle out there. They know what we do, it or not, us prisoners were against the idea. assess, individually tutor, rich quick’ plans or any number of and they don’t want us doing it. So, roll the and provide resources and far flung crime capers to be ventured dice boys, play what you think is your best Birmingham City university put up, what I can only call a specialist equipment if needed. upon, but our delusions of grandeur hand, but make sure you’re playing in a weak defence and it was impressively rebutted by us. BCU’s game where you stand a chance of winning. argument was that history has proven that prison is not a Myself and my colleagues usually turn out to be a catalogue of It might be worth having a go at a game we deterrent and/or a place for rehabilitation and, most of all, a can say with confidence that epic fails; sometimes comical, but haven’t played before; a more honest game. waste of time for prisoners who only receive a short sentence. Milton Keynes College has a It might be time to take stock of our street They said a short sentence does not allow enough time to do dedicated teaching staff, and often quite tragic.” skills and put them to use in mainstream ‘therapy’. That it costs roughly £2-3billion to house prisoners a conscientious CA team, society, we all have skill sets that can be We enjoy our fantasies; they comfort us and in the UK, but it would only cost around £300million to who will try their hardest to transferred to a different environment. reduce and address the people not sent to prison with thera- inspire us, but it is very important to keep a support learners with litera- grip on reality. The reality for many of us is py and rehabilitation in the community outside. The debate It is possible to find stability and success in cy/numeracy, allowing them quite harsh; we bury our anxieties under- ended with 64 of the 80 inmates and students choosing the the community without putting ourselves ‘on to reach their potential and neath our fantasy worlds and hope ‘for prison’ approach. A very good debate. Professor David offer’ and it may well be the only chance we provide opportunity and everything will be okay, but eventually we Wilson and Sir Lenny Henry were also present. So, a big have at living our lives free of captivity. thank you from all of us. hope for the future. Stevens So lic itors We are here to fight YOUR corner Incorporating Rose, Williams & Partners CLIFTON LAW SOLICITORS TNA Criminal Litigation & Advocacy Specialists COVENTRY SOLICITORSCriminal Law Prison Law Experts LEGAL AID: We are your Criminal Defence local solicitors Please contact 1.Parole Review 2.Recall Housing and we give Andrew Mandleberg, 3.Independent Adjudication before the Judge every individual Michelle Patterson or Harpreet Jhawar 4.Sentence Calculation Family Law case a priority for 5.Appeals: Conviction & Sentence attention 6.CCRC & Judicial Reviews Mediation • Parole Applications • Lifer Panels Appeals Against IPP Sentence • Adjudications • Licence Recall FIXED FEES 1.Re-categorisation Appeals Against IPP Immigration • All criminal proceedings & appeals 2.Transfers 3.Property Appeals Against Conviction and/or Union House, Uttoxeter Road, Registered with 4.Immigration/Bail sentence emailaprisoner Longton, Stoke on Trent ST3 1NX 5.HDC 6.Pre-Tariff Review GET IN CONTACT 0845 095 0011 01303 243500 / 01303 256969 (local rate) 7.Guittard Applications [email protected] Agency work undertaken 02477049382 07984027153 24 hour Emergency Helpline 07659 111000 1st Floor, Folkestone Rainbow Centre 139A Far Gosford Street, Coventry, CV1 5DY 69 Sandgate, Folkenstone, Kent CT20 2AF Insidetime June 2018 ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Mailbag 9 MCTC v HMP Pleasantly surprised Taking Get ready responsibility David Pentek - HMP Coldingley Name withheld - HMP Wakefield for the backlog QS - HMP Parkhurst I read with huge interest the article ‘Military John D - HMP Ashfield I have maintained my innocence throughout my sentence prison showing the way’, and what really and, ever since I came here I have been hearing horror sto- Britain has lost its moral grabbed me was the fi nal paragraph - ‘A rea- Justice Secretary David Gauke has just ries about AIC (Assessment and Interventions Centre) and compass and the evidence is sonable person might suggest that the Prison announced plans to reform the parole system the ‘students’ who work there. How they are out to ruin your all around us on TV and in Service studies what the MCTC is doing and the papers. It is happening and it does not look like they have paid any life much more than it already has been when they write explore where its ethos and working practises to friends, family and people attention to the impact that this will have on their reports/comments. This has kept me from doing any could be usefully employed in civilian prison’. we know. The Windrush the families of the prisoners who are about to programmes for the last couple of years. generation have been treated be caught up in their changes. This is a wonderful idea. Imagine the entire in a disgusting way. The abuse prison population with as much discipline Then, last year, I decided to bite the bullet and off er myself of children in Rotherham They now propose to make the Parole Board’s and determination as our forces? The com- up for execution. I started the Horizon programme, and, for and other towns is disgrace- decision to release a prisoner ‘provisional’, ment, however well meant, is slightly naïve, the fi rst time in my prison sentence, I actually felt like I was ful. The way we treat ex-ser- thus allowing the victims of crime or mem- sadly. I would love to see a prison population being listened to. I was treated like a normal human being by vicemen and women, by not bers of the public to object to any decision. run as smoothly and calmly as MCTC, but the facilitators and witnessed a professionalism that did not providing them with the where can we realistically compare the two? waver, even when faced with near constant negativity and care that some of them need It is quite obvious that any victim of crime, They both incarcerate men and women for being spoken to in a way that even I found very uncomforta- is a sick joke. The under-in- especially the more serious crimes, and the bad behaviour. As far as I can see, the simi- ble by others. vestment in the NHS and families of victims will always object to the larity ends there. education, and the lack of release of the perpetrator. They will not care Through the programme content and the facilitators them- housing are all symptoms of about time served or courses completed, but MCTC houses a huge number of rule-breakers selves, I have managed to drastically improve my health, my the loss of morals by the simply will not want the person released. rather than law-breakers. The men and women mental health and my prison life in general. I have come British Government and the who are housed in MCTC are not career crim- from a point where I felt I was at rock-bottom in my life, back general public who allow it This will subsequently punish the ‘unspoken to happen. We are all, even inals or repeat off enders. The vast majority to a happier, more confi dent person with hope for the future victims’, like the families of prisoners who me, only driven to do some- are not addicts though some may have men- and the tools to deal with problems and live a better life. have served their sentence, and, inevitably, tal health issues. The military mindset is to thing if we are aff ected. You cause a backlog of prisoners in our already can say you ‘care’ about retrain and help back into regiment/ship/ I now honestly do not understand where all the horror stories overcrowded prison system. barracks life as smoothly as possible. For these things but, in reality, about AIC have come from. All I can say to anyone at what do any of us actually Another key point to ponder is - who will make those who are dismissed from the service, their Wakefi eld is, if you have to do programmes then get in there, criminal life is pretty much non-existent, do about it? Have you writ- the fi nal decision following an objection? As get involved, be respectful and just be yourself. They are being discharged for going AWOL or fi ghting. ten letters or emails to your the Parole Board are an independent body, here to help you and not ‘ruin’ you. MP? I bet the answer to that isn’t intrusion by the MoJ a breach of this The diff erences are great while the similari- is NO. It is about time we all independence? I believe that the parole system I would like to say thank you to the three facilitators who ran took responsibility for the ties are miniscule. If we could instil the same should be more transparent when it comes to the Horizon programme. I appreciate everything they said way our country is treating set of morals, ethics, loyalty and discipline disclosing reasons behind their deci- people. People like us. into the men and women in prison as are in and did, they have brought me back to life. sion-making. But, we need to keep them as our forces then using the same ethos as independent as possible and trust that their MCTC would work like a dream. Corrections and Clarifications experience will lead them to the right result. The policy of Inside Time is to correct significant errors as soon as possible. Corrections will Our prison system is broken, our justice sys- If they do make a mistake then there is cur- appear in the mailbag section of each issue and on the relevant web page. If you notice an error tem corrupt, but looking to MCTC sadly will rently an option available, and that is to take please feel free to write to us at the usual address providing the date and page number from the not fi x it. Our leaders need to work out a bet- out a Judicial review, though this is only cur- newspaper, alternatively have a friend or family member call or email us (see below). ter fi x. Having served 8-months of a rently used in extreme circumstances. 12-month sentence in MCTC and being dis- Whereas, the proposed changes will lead to missed aft er 11½ years’ service I feel I’m in a Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, 01489 795945 hundreds, if not thousands, of challenges to good position to express my opinion. Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB. [email protected] this independent body’s decisions.

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Assaults and self-harm Newsbites reach record highs £2million of additional days added to The Ministry of Justice has published its sentences in 2017 Safety in Custody report for the first quarter During the year ending 31st July 2017 there was of the year. There were 299 deaths in prison a rise of 12% in the number of prison adjudica- custody in the 12 months to March 2018, tions to 191,614 of which 124,884 were found Deborah Coles: “Glaring down 13% from the previous year. Of these, 5 to be ‘proven’. The number of incidents reported failure of government to were homicides, an increase of 2 from the and referred to Independent Adjudicators act.” previous year. There were 69 self-inflicted increased from 23,709 to 29,339, a rise of 24%, deaths, down from 115 in the previous year, which continues the increasing trend observed Women in prison: “Going backwards” amongst the most powerless one of which occurred in the female estate, since 2010. 21,081 additional days were added © compared to 10 in the previous 12 months. and disadvantaged in society, to prisoners’ sentences, a 26% increase. The largely due to traumatic life In the 12 months to December 2017, there were additional days will cost the Prison Service experiences: sexual and around £2million in prisoner places. Calls for closure physical abuse, domestic 44,651 incidents of self-harm, up 11% from the violence, exploitation, periods previous year. The number of self-harming of homelessness, institution- individuals increased by 6% to a new record Long armed criminal history of women’s prisons al care, self-harm, educational high of 11,630. Quarterly self-harm incidents One of the men with the most convictions in fell by 2% to 11,790 incidents. the UK ended up back in prison just three days The charity INQUEST is disadvantage, trafficking, l Women account for 5% racism, drug and alcohol after being released. The man has racked up calling for urgent action to There were 29,485 assault incidents in the 12 of the prison population abuse, and mental illness. 468 convictions for a total of 667 offences save women’s lives by months to December 2017, up 13% from the in England and Wales but These crimes are underpinned over his lifetime; It is estimated he has cost the calling for the transforma- previous year. In the 12 months to December have much higher rates of by poverty and inequality.” taxpayer around £3million. His criminal record tion of services and ending 2017, there were 3,856 serious assaults, up deaths, suicide and is so long, running to 100 pages that police only the inappropriate imprison- 10% from the previous year. Both of these self-harm than men. Despite the research, data print it if absolutely necessary, to save paper. ment of women. Their new figures are the highest recorded. In the most report, ‘Still Dying on the and impassioned pleas it has l Last year there were 2,093 recent quarter, assaults decreased by 1% to Inside’ calls for urgent action been announced that the British justice ‘hanging on by fingernails’ incidents of self harm per 7,790 incidents. to save the lives of women in government has postponed Top judge, Lady Justice Hallett, vice-president 1,000 female prisoners, prison. INQUEST highlights its strategy to reduce the There were 21,270 prisoner-on-prisoner assaults, of the criminal division of the court of appeal, up 12% on the previous the negligible lack of action number of women sent to up 11% from the previous year. Of these, 3,029 in an interview with The Guardian, has said year, compared with 445 prisons for non-violent from successive govern- (14%) were serious assaults, an increase of that the English justice system is hanging on to incidents per 1,000 male offences because of costs of ments to prevent deaths and 10% in the number of incidents from the its reputation as the best in the world by its prisoners, up 8%. up to £30million. Plans to puts forward a series of previous year. Both figures are record highs. “fingernails” due to the government’s failure to recommendations to close set up community prisons Prisoner-on-prisoner assaults saw a decrease l Most of the women who provide adequate funding. Her call for the women’s prisons by redirect- for women and launch a of 2% in the latest quarter, with 5,579 incidents. go to prison do so for non- criminal and civil justice system to be supported ing resources from criminal scheme to provide support violent offences (84%), such comes as the Law Society warns that defence justice to community-based for female offenders were There were 8,429 assaults on staff in the 12 as for theft linked to poverty solicitors in criminal cases are in danger of services. 94 women have supposed to be announced months to December 2017, up 23% from the and addictions (47%). becoming extinct because the Ministry of died in prison since the 2007 last month. The Ministry of previous year. The way these incidents are Justice has progressively reduced their fees. publication of Baroness Justice has now delayed the recorded has changed which has contributed l Nearly two-thirds She told The Guardian: “There’s a danger of Corston’s ground-breaking strategy, which they say is to the apparent increase. Of these, 864 were (62%) of sentences are for review of women in the now going to be rewritten. serious assaults on staff (up 10%). In the latest underplaying the importance of justice. It’s six months or less. criminal justice system. 2016 The need for a female quarter the number of assaults on staff increased going to become increasingly important with was the deadliest year on offenders’ strategy was by 5% to a new record high of 2,327 incidents. Brexit. We are always stressing the importance record with 22 deaths in extension of powers that see originally raised in the 2016 of providing access to justice for all our citizens women’s prisons. women given short sentenc- white paper ‘Prison Safety Commenting on the latest figures, Richard … We have to make sure that the entire system es recalled to prison for even and Reform’ by Liz Truss. Burgon, Shadow Justice Minister, said: “Cuts is the best in the world.” The report provides unique the smallest breach of their Successive justice ministers have consequences and their damaging impact have been tinkering with it is clear for all to see in our prisons. The insight into deaths in women’s licence - last year more than Camera jammer sentenced ever since. Conservatives’ reckless decision to slash prison prisons. It uses an examina- 1,000 women were recalled to A man in Yorkshire has been sentenced to tion of official data, INQUEST’s prison for minor infractions budgets and axe thousands of prison officers eight months in prison for fitting a laser speed original research and such as failing to turn up for has left our prisons more violent than ever. It camera jammer to his car to stop them clocking casework, and an analysis of a probation appointment is completely scandalous that there are now his speed. For good measure he gave them a coroners’ ‘Prevention of - and the change in funding 81 attacks every single day in our prisons one-finger-salute as he passed. There was no Future Death’ reports and that has seen women’s including a record number of assaults on our narrative jury findings. centres forced to shut.” dedicated prison staff. Despite the Government’s evidence he was speeding but he was convicted belated recruitment drive, there are still nearly of perverting the course of justice which the Deborah Coles, Executive 4,000 fewer frontline officers than in 2010.” sentencing judge said “struck at the heart of Director of INQUEST said: our justice system”. The trial and eight months “Since the Corston Review Peter Dawson: “Support Report: in prison will cost the taxpayer around £20,000 there has been little systemic in the community offers change and for far too many better public protection.” women, prison remains a disproportionate and Peter Dawson, director of the Jason Elliott Associates inappropriate response. The , said: “It Lady Corston: “I’m appalled persistence and repetition of would beggar belief if the Specialists in Prison Law, Parole and Criminal Appeals at the rate at which we’re the same issues over an justice secretary really going backwards.” eleven-year period reveals wanted to rethink a change Expert in release from custody nothing less than a glaring in approach that everyone failure of government to act. with knowledge of the issues Legal Aid available in suitable cases Lady Corston, the Labour While Ministers continue to supports. Support in the - Please contact - peer responsible for The drag their heels on the women’s community offers better Corston Report in 2007, justice strategy, which was public protection at a Jason Elliott Associates Limited launching the report, said: due in 2017, women continue fraction of the cost of “I’m appalled at the rate at to die. Government must prisons. Because women are 18 Albion Hourse North Shields Tyne & Wear NE29 0DW which we’re going back- work across health, social disproportionately sent to wards. More women died in care and justice departments prison for short periods as a 0191 447 4389 prisons last year than [in the to dismantle failing women’s result of non-violent year] before my report. I prisons and invest in specialist offences, the dividend of a 07931 263 969 blame the privatisation of women’s services. The women new approach could be [email protected] the probation services, the who end up in prison are realised quickly.” Insidetime June 2018 Newsround 11

Looking Inquiry into Newsbites Back... Figures on female IPPs The Commons Health and through the Inside In a written Parliamentary Answer, Phillip Lee, Under-Secretary Social Care Committee has of State for Justice, disclosed that there are currently 74 women Time archives announced that it is to hold with IPP sentences being held in prison; 20 of whom are on an inquiry into the effective- June 2011 recall. 33 of the women are convicted of violent or sexual ness of prison healthcare offences. Mr Lee said: “ Parole Board will services in meeting the needs continue to assess rigorously all tariff-expired IPP prisoners, in of prisoners, including those order to determine whether they are safe to be released.” with long-term conditions. The inquiry comes as concerns are raised about issues such IPP recalls and post tariff increases There were 2,884 IPP prisoners as at 31 March 2018 which as high rates of self-harm represents a decrease of 18% in the last 12 months. The and suicide, the care of older “I was there but I didn’t do anything” numbers have decreased by 53% since the June 2012 peak of

© Deposit Photos prisoners, and the recruitment 6,080; however, the number of IPP prisoners who have been and training of the prison recalled to custody continues to increase. In the past year the healthcare workforce. The recalled IPP population has grown by 19% (to 847). The inquiry will look at the way First joint enterprise proportion of the IPP population who are post-tariff continues prisons and prison health- How long am I doing? to increase; 88% of IPP prisoners were post-tariff as of 31 March care services look after the 2018 compared to 85% at the same time the previous year. “What sentence am I serving? appeal success physical, mental and social Has the ‘two-strikes’ law been care needs of prisoners. It will replaced by the IPP sentence? A man, John Crilly, has been released from prison after include examining how well MP’s drone idea shot down I mention this because there becoming the first person since 2016 to have a joint enterprise the system caters for those Clacton MP, Giles Watling offered his idea of shooting down are significant differences in murder conviction quashed. Joint enterprise was meant to be with long-term conditions, drones to Justice Secretary David Gauke during Justice Questions that the two-strikes was an used to convict defendants in gang-related cases even if they disabilities and social care in Parliament last month. Thanking him for his innovative idea, automatic sentence yet the did not strike the fatal blow, but could have foreseen violent needs like dementia, as well Mr Gauke told MPs that there have recently been 32 convictions, IPP is for the protection of the acts by their associates, but a catalogue of what appeared to as dealing with urgent and totalling over 100 years , for drone related crimes public. Can Inside Time shed be completely unfair convictions led to calls for its use to be emergency health issues. around prisons. The Prison Service and police have a joint some light on this issue, as it reviewed and in 2016 Supreme Court judges said the law had The inquiry will also look at enterprise called ‘Operation Trenton’ where drones are intercept- would appear that I am possibly been wrongly interpreted. the commissioning and ed and the people behind them tracked down and prosecuted. serving a sentence under an regulation of prison health- Act that is no longer in use?” The released man was given a life sentence for murder and care services. The committee New website for children of prisoners Mailbag HMP Parkhurst robbery in 2005 after he and his associate broke into the home gathered written evidence last The official launch of the new National Information Centre on of a 71-year-old man in Manchester who died after his associate month and this month will Children of Offenders (NICCO) website took place in April and Pay less, get less punched him in the face. Following an appeal and an admit- start hearing oral evidence. it is now up and fully running. It includes an interactive map tance of manslaughter he has been released after spending 13 feature that allows families to search for local prison based “When I first came into prison years in prison. family services. NICCO is the up-dated version of the well-es- as a lifer 14 years ago, I was in Last year a joint report by tablished Barnardos i-Hop knowledge hub and provides details the high security estate and can the Centre for Mental Health During his time in prison, John Crilly started a law degree. of all the resources, services and quality assessed research in remember prisoners being paid and Howard League raised When he heard about the overturning of the joint enterprise three easy to use directories. More information: £50 a week in certain workshops; concerns about the adequa- law in 2016, he believed it would apply to his case. He told £20 in the kitchen and £10-£15 cy of training for mental BBC Radio 5 Live he believes he should never have been in other jobs. OAPs were on health nurses working in Mars of a mistake convicted of murder in the first place. £3.25 per week and the prisons, especially when it The Daily Star reports that gangs are making thousands of unemployment rate was £2.50 came to working with pounds selling miniature mobile phones to prisoners, smuggling per week. Work times were from “I wasn’t a violent drug addict. I was lost. I was prisoners at risk of suicide, them into prisons inside Mars bars. Could somebody inform 9am until 11am and 2pm until lost in drugs. I had a bad life, I’ve changed it, but I and providing acute care. the Star that Mars bars cannot be sent or taken into prisons. 4pm. Now, 14 years down the wasn’t guilty of murder. I totally accept what I did road in a category C prison, Recently, the Royal College Prison Officers’ union oppose increase in HDC you go to work from 8.30am and it was wrong. That’s important to me. I’m not of Nursing warned that the The tabloid press is hitting out at the increase in the number of until noon and from 1.30pm a murderer. If you take the foresight burden of safety of nurses working in prisoners granted Home Detention Curfew (HDC) which stands prisons was being put at risk at about 3,200 this year so far. People convicted of sexual until 5pm for £4 to £6 per proof away, and go on intent, which you’re sup- week on some jobs.” because prisons had become offences and those serving over four years are not eligible. The Mailbag HMP Erlestoke posed to do, it’s impossible to convict me of “dangerous, overcrowded government is pushing for more releases to ease chronic prison murder. So it’s that simple really.” warehouses”. Attacks on overcrowding which is leading to rises in assaults, self-harm and prison staff had increased suicides, and riots. Currently 80 out of 121 prisons in England The victim’s family said, in a statement to the BBC: “These and the number of nurses and Wales are deemed to be ‘overcrowded’. The Prison Officers’ High Court rulings, which lean too favourably towards the willing to work in prisons Association says that rather than releasing prisoners, more offenders - virtually casting aside the opinions, consideration had plummeted as a result. capacity should be created - and more prison officers and feelings of victims and their families, help to corrode and Credit: Nursing Times employed. undermine public confidence in the justice system.” See page 35 Tory MP backs POA’s call for PAVA sprays Conservative MP for Sheppey and Sittingbourne, Gordon Skipping for charity Henderson, has claimed that prisoners are deliberately causing “Three prisoners from HMP trouble to get their sentences extended because running crime Altcourse, Barry Guy Senior gangs in prison is so lucrative. Mr Henderson, whose constitu- (left), Barry Guy Junior (right) ency covers the three prisons on Sheppey, is supporting a and Craig Winter (second right) FIGHTING FOR THE RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE SOUTH EAST Prison Officers’ Association (POA) call for staff to be armed with PAVA sprays. He claimed that Sheppey prisons had introduced all with boxing backgrounds, WE ARE A RESPECTED ‘LEGAL 500’ FIRM FRANCHISED BY THE LEGAL AID AGENCY AND OUR pictured with gym officer DEDICATED AND EXPERIENCED TEAM IS AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU IN ANY AREA OF LITIGATION drone-free zones to stop drugs and phones being dropped over Robbi Biddulph after taking the walls and called for gas masks to be issued to staff to part in a sponsored skip for 01732 360999 protect them from the effects of breathing in the drug ‘spice’ Comic Relief when their three smoked by prisoners in cells. He is demanding stronger and a half hour skip raised the punishment for prisoners who attack prison staff, saying: “If a sum of £779. Barry Guy Junior All aspects of criminal law, including Legal aid is available for housing All Aspects of matrimonial & children police officer is attacked the full weight of the law rightly comes Appeals/CCRC/Confiscation Orders. issues if a person is at risk of losing disputes, including proceedings told Inside Time: “With the their home or is homeless providing involving the Local Authority down on the attacker. If a prison officer is attacked, too often All aspects of prison law, including their case is within the provisions of music pumping throughout adjudications, parole, DLP, recall, LASPO 2014 and they are financially Divorce, domestic violence, nothing happens. That cannot be right.” In response, Prison we did it, but not without the categorisation, and judicial Review eligible. cohabitation and civil partnerships Minister Rory Stewart said: “The government is doubling the Advice can be given on what can be Police interviews in custody All aspects of financial disputes inevitable pains and strains, done to protect your home whilst maximum sentence for attacking prison officers from six ( London & South East ) you are in prison and how to apply months to a year, there will be stiffer tests for drugs and and we all found it hard to for social housing on release. walk the next day!”” additional powers are to be introduced to ban mobile phones Newsround 2-4 Bradford Street, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 1DU from jails.” 12 Newsround Insidetime June 2018

Fairness versus Legal aid cuts make Newsbites cheapness justice system unfair A recent (17 April 2018) re- Britain’s longest-serving prisoner? port by the Standing - it’s official John Massey, 69, was convicted of murder in 1975 and handed Committee for Youth a mandatory 20 year life sentence but he spent more than Justice (SCYJ) suggests the The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) tried to stop the twice that period in prison after escaping on two occasions to rights of child defendants to publication of Crown Court judges’ misgivings say goodbye to dying members of his family in north London a fair trial are being compro- about the problem and number of people after being denied compassionate leave. He had served almost mised by the government’s who had to represent themselves in court 20 years longer than any other prisoner in the UK convicted of drive to use video links in following legal aid cuts. The MoJ commis- a similar crime when released last month. He had three court hearings. sioned research in 2015 to review the impact applications rejected by the Parole Board but, in April, a panel of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment decided that he should be released as soon as a hostel place “Is that really me” It is believed to be cheaper to of Offenders Act 2012 and the results ap- could be found. His time in prison has cost around £1.3million © Deposit Photos have an under-18-year-old peared to criticise the cuts forcing more including over £½ million for those extra 20 years. defendant take part in a people to be unrepresented at court. The Facial recognition court hearing from prison summary revealed that some of the judges Low-tech deliveries than it is to transport them to and prosecutors felt that those who appeared With the war on drones hotting up a man decided to try a more court. The child may say in court without a lawyer were more likely to low-tech approach and use catapults to fire illicit items into ‘dangerously they prefer it to travelling for be found guilty, while many defendants HMP Altcourse. Witnesses saw the failed attempt as a package hours in a prison van too. forced to represent themselves had a “limited hit the prison wall and the man ran away. Police soon caught up inaccurate’ But the reality is that understanding” of court proceedings and with him and discovered further packages containing cannabis. children accused of crimes made hearings slower and caused problems South Wales police thought it was being already struggle to under- with cross-examination of witnesses by Digital fingerprints clever when it unleashed its facial recognition stand what is happening in self-representing defendants. The research A pioneering new fingerprint technique which allows police to results also highlight serious concerns about technology on the 170,000 people arriving in court when they are there in ‘lift’ fingerprints from digital photographs has been used to the fairness of the justice system where Cardiff for a football match between Madrid person, not least because so convict a group of drugs dealers in South Wales, securing litigants in person are involved. and Juventus. There were smiles all round many have communication eleven convictions. An image of a man holding ecstasy tablets when they identified 2,470 ‘potential difficulties. Video link makes in his palm was found on the mobile phone of someone criminals’ amid the crowds. However, the this problem worse. Not only arrested in Bridgend; it was sent to South Wales Police’s smiles turned to red faces when they were are they much less likely to scientific support unit. The unit - a joint venture between the forced to admit that 92% of the matches were understand, they can neither Gwent and south Wales forces, based in Bridgend - was able to ‘false positives’ (or in layman’s terms wrong). consult their lawyer properly scan the image into its system. The image gave only partial South Wales police said “no facial recogni- nor communicate with the prints but it allowed police to ‘guess’ who it might be. They tion system is 100% accurate”, but the judge in the court. The raided an address and found a large quantity of cannabis. technology had led to more than 450 arrests research also indicates that Police say: “It has now opened the floodgates and when there is since its introduction. They blamed the high children who appear via part of a hand on a photograph, officers are sending them in.” number of false positives at the football final video are much less likely to Acknowledgement: BBC on “poor quality images” supplied by appreciate the seriousness of agencies, including Uefa and , as the situation or present Residents oppose new women’s unit in Dundee well as the fact it was its first major deploy- themselves well, prejudicing Locals who live near the proposed site of a new women’s ment of the technology. their outcomes at court. custody unit at Our Lady’s Primary School in the Hilltown area of Dundee have stepped up their fight to stop the unit being They say: “Technical issues are common to all The SCYJ has gathered opened claiming it will ‘bring the area down’. The Community face recognition systems, which means false evidence that video links are Custody Unit (CCU) would hold up to 20 women, serving short positives will be an issue as the technology being used extensively with sentences, who would be allowed out to attend things such as develops. Successful convictions so far include child defendants. Recently a doctor’s appointments although the say six years in prison for robbery and four-and- 17-year-old boy received a the women will not be allowed to ‘come and go’ as they please. a-half years imprisonment for burglary.” ten-year sentence while on video link, while video links It’s a hard life… The civil liberties group Big Brother Watch are commonly used for © Deposit Photos Prison merry-go-round said: “Not only is real-time facial recognition hearings. The SCYJ Who wants to be a judge? During the last three months of 2017, 18,526 prisoners had at a threat to civil liberties, it is a dangerously calls for a halt to government least one transfer between prisons, and there were 22,355 actual transfers. The majority of these (70%) were described by inaccurate policing tool.” Chief Constable plans for children to be The government have announced that they the Prison Service as ‘routine’. Matt Jukes said the technology was used involved in totally virtual want to allow people from all areas of the where there were likely to be large gather- hearings (with no one in the legal system to become judges and are Probation staff paid less ings, because they were ‘potential terrorist court room) and to the use of introducing a new on-line platform so that Ian Rogers, general secretary of the National Association of targets’. He told the BBC: “We need to use video links in general (save people from all legal backgrounds can learn Probation Officers, has reported the Probation Service for technology when we’ve got tens of thousands for the most exceptional how to be a judge. The online education failing to pay at least 107 employees the legal minimum wage. of people in those crowds to protect every- circumstances) until their programme will be available from early 2019. He told an inquiry by the Welsh Affairs Select Committee into body, and we are getting some great results effects are better understood. Preference will be given to applicants from aspects of the prison service that the union had reported the from that, but we don’t take the use of it underrepresented groups; women lawyers, lightly and we are being really serious about BAME lawyers, lawyers with disabilities and National Probation Service (NPS) over not paying staff the making sure it is accurate.” those from a non-barrister professional minimum wage. He explained to the Select Committee that background (including solicitors and probation responsibilities in Wales were split between a firm chartered legal executives). called Wales Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) and Victims right to see Parole Board decisions the NPS, and said the process was “very badly managed” by the Ministry of Justice and “assumptions that the contracts were A change in law that came into force on 22 May 2018 means that victims and Justice Minister David Gauke said: “Becoming a judge is a crucial form of public service at based on were wrong, and were known to be wrong, but they members of the public can request a summary of a Parole Board decision when went ahead anyway.” determining if someone is safe to release. The Parole Board has been calling the very heart of our society. From my time as a solicitor I know there are excellent candi- for these changes to allow for greater transparency so the public have a better dates from right across the legal profession, Promise to divert women understanding of how decisions are made. Previously the Board was unable to and we want to make it easier for people from In answer to a question from Stuart McDonald MP (SNP) who tell victims and the public the reasons why they had decided whether or not to all backgrounds to aspire to these roles. We asked Rory Stewart, Prisons Minister: “Ninety-four women have release a prisoner. Now, under the new rule, victims who are part of the Victim have seen improvement in diversity in recent died in prisons in England and Wales since the 2007 Corston Contact Scheme will have the right to request a summary and get details of the years, and it is clear that widening the talent Report. When the new female offender strategy is published, prisoners’ progression since being in custody. Members of the public and the pool from which judges are drawn can only will it focus on community alternatives to prison, especially for media can also request a summary for cases that are considered by the Parole make our world-renowned justice system the 70% of women who are sentenced to six months or less?” Board. Chief Executive Martin Jones said: “The Parole Board has been pushing even stronger.” Mr Stewart said: “Absolutely. This is a common theme. We have for more transparency and I am pleased that this change to the Rules will allow clear evidence that reducing the use of custodial short sentenc- for better understanding of the parole process. Protection of the public is our The total cost of the programme will be es and instead diverting people into the community can be primary concern and I hope these summaries will provide reassurance, particularly approximately £300,000 with the Ministry of good for protecting the public, by reducing reoffending, but it to victims, that these difficult decisions are made with a great deal of care.” Justice chipping in around half of that amount. is also very good for mental health and for reducing suicide.” Insidetime June 2018 Newsround // World News 13

Japanese escaper threatens Maori prison idea World prison review knee-jerk reaction Following many stories about The escape of a prisoner from how native New Zealanders an open-type prison in Japan (Maoris) are over-represented has raised questions there in prison, a decision is about the management of pending on whether to spend such facilities. The prisoner NZ$1billion on a new prison absconded from a special at Waikeria. NZ Corrections open prison where prisoners Minister Kelvin Davis floated live in dormitories at a the idea of a separate Maori shipyard and work there prison last year as a way of during the day with normal reducing the prison popula- employees. The prison aims tion through rehabilitation to train prisoners to be Big Carats! programmes run on a cooperative and self-reliant kaupapa Maori based Prison diamond mine and live just like in the real approach. He said he was Prisoners and prison officers, and even some local residents, world, while helping to committed to reducing the Ghana’s dilemma have been operating an illegal diamond mine under a prison in reintegrate them into society. prison population by 30 Ghana has no facilities for convicted people with mental illness. the Democratic Republic of Congo. The mine was so lucrative Since 1989 just seven prisoners percent over the next 15 Prisoners with mental illness are rated either as criminal that some prisoners elected to stay on at the prison after have absconded and the years and ‘addressing the lunatics or lunatic criminals. Criminal lunatics are mentally ill finishing their sentences. The local justice head has now facility has a reoffending rate, issue of Maori prisoners who were convicted before developing the condition. ordered the mine to close, after doing a surprise visit and after release, of just 6.4%, over-representation’. Lunatic criminals are mentally ill people who had the condition finding 30 people including prison staff working in the mine, against the national average at the time of committing the crime. By law, lunatic criminals and threatened punishment on anyone caught using it. are supposed to be sent to psychiatric hospitals and not in Japan of 40%. In the same prisons. This is because, they were not medically sane at the period no prisoners have (Not) The Great Escape time of committing the offence and so should not be treated as absconded from the other A prisoner who was just metres from escaping after digging a sane criminals. The Ghana Prisons Service says: “The phenome- three ‘open’ facilities. There 70 metre long tunnel from his cell toilet suffocated to death. non of having mentally ill offenders in our facilities leaves other are now calls for stricter Judson Cunha Evangelista, 26, is believed to have suffered from prisoners as well as prison officers, who most of the time have security and making all lack of oxygen as he carved the tunnel, which had already little or no knowledge of managing the mentally ill at great risk. prisoners wear GPS tracking; passed under the perimeter wall of the maximum security Prisoners suffering from mental illness, like other mental however, a member of the Monte Cristo jail in Boa Vista, northern . It is thought the patients, have behavioural inconsistencies. They are likely to committee set up to look at prisoner was planning to charge other inmates to use the begin unprovoked quarrels and rain insults on fellow inmates, such measures has said it tunnel in a mass escape bid. The escape route was discovered officers and even visitors. They easily violate prison regulations. would be counterproductive by police who are investigating whether the inmate, who was Run old man, run… There are cases where mentally ill prisoners destroy prison from the viewpoint of serving time for murder, made it back to his cell after becoming There were red faces in property and that of fellow prisoners. Most mentally ill rehabilitating offenders to ill inside the hole. Shocked officers discovered the hole, which Canada after an 83 year old prisoners experience a deterioration of their conditions as take measures that would began in the toilet in Evangelista’s cell. The dirt tunnel contin- prisoner, serving a life prison staff have little or no knowledge of their management. excessively undermine ued for 70 metres underneath the prison and had already sentence for murder and To prevent high risk ones from inflicting harm on fellow inmates’ self-esteem. Such passed under its heavily-fortified outer walls and electric previous escapes, escaped. inmates and prison staff, they are mostly consigned to solitary measures would be inconsist- fences, according to prison authorities. Officers found several The Royal Canadian Mounted confinement. This, though an immediate relief, has a tendency ent with the purposes of bags of dirt and an electric cable which ran the length of the Police were alerted and the of worsening the conditions of the prisoner.” open-type prison facilities. tunnel, with a light bulb on the end. man was later apprehended.

How would you decide? The difficulty of disentangling fact from fiction is the focus of a trial in New Jersey (USA) where a prison guard is on trial for sexually abusing five women prisoners. The problem for the jury is that the man says he didn’t do it and other prisoners say his accusers are troublemakers. There is no DNA evidence and no cameras at the state’s “Come and join us” only women’s prison. The Library image Assistant Prosecutor admit- Quick dip ted to jurors: “How can a A female prison officer has been disciplined after going skinny prison guard find secrecy, dipping with female prisoners at a Queensland Prison privacy and isolation with an (Australia). The Numinbah Correctional Centre is located near inmate?” The accused’s Lamington National Park and the naked dip allegedly took lawyer added: “Several of the place at a creek near the prison. A prison spokesperson women may have cooked up admitted to the swim but said they were all fully clothed. The the claims against him prison is a low security centre that holds about 130 female because he caught them prisoners and is usually used for prisoners to readjust back into stealing food or smoking and was aware they had been the community towards the end of their sentence. doing drugs.” A prisoner Jail for not joining the military called in the guard’s defence The Israeli army sentenced a man to six separate prison said she had heard one of his sentences for his refusal to be conscripted into the military and, accusers saying she was going in his words, “take part in the occupation and Israel’s policies of to ‘set him up’. None of the oppression of the Palestinians.’ The Conscientious objector was women immediately discharged from the Israeli army after six stints in prison adding reported the alleged abuse, up to a total of 110 days behind bars. Military service in Israel is so investigators only became compulsory for non-Orthodox Jews but a small and growing aware of their claims months movement of youngsters has taken a public stand in refusing to or even years later. Another be conscripted, almost always resulting in prison sentences. problem for the jury is that in Israeli army regulations do permit exemptions from military the last two years eight service for pacifism, but those exemptions are denied to guards have been charged anyone whose refusal is deemed political or tied to the with abusing prisoners. occupation in any way. 14 Newsround // Local Prison News Insidetime June 2018

Good Prison News Football fantastic Newsbites Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club and HMP Lewes Northumberland Visitor Centre are set to link up to help celebrates 25 years prisoners adjust to life after Charity Nepacs last month celebrated the 25th prison. Club Chief execu- anniversary of the establishment of the tive Paul Barber visited the Visitors’ Centre at HMP Northumberland prison last month with David which was opened on April 29 1993, by HRH Dein, former vice-chair of The Princess Royal. The anniversary was Arsenal and the FA. celebrated with a birthday cake. Joining in the celebrations were staff from the prison, the Mr Dein is spearheading a Les Miserables High Sheriff of Northumberland and Nepacs’ campaign to build links staff and volunteers, past and present. Nepacs between prisons and their at High Down now welcome around 29,000 visitors each year local clubs and is on a and also provides support for prisoners’ nationwide tour to promote The tabloid press has been criticising a families. Nepacs say they focus on providing a “Terwhitt…” “Terwhooo…” the concept. He has visited production of Les Miserables at HMP High warm welcome and ensuring that visitors can 92 prisons and talks to Down that featured professionals from relax and unwind after long journeys in order between 30 and 100 prison- Pimlico Opera and also starred 16 prisoners. to focus on the visit ahead. Nepacs is a ers at a time about football, The production was put on in the prison gym north-east charity which has been supporting Altcourse’s jailbirds the and how which was turned into a 300 seater theatre people affected by imprisonment for over the game has changed. where audience members paid up to £70 per 135 years. They run Visitor Centres at An owl named Brexit, four hawks and a kestrel are among 13 ticket, profits going to support the opera Deerbolt, Durham, Frankland, Holme House, jailbirds helping keep order on the wings of HMP Altcourse. “You can’t change what company. Defending the show, the Prison Kirklevington Grange, Low Newton and The magnificent birds of prey are cared for by prisoners at the you’ve done in your life, Service said the shows were a resounding Northumberland. category B prison. Altcourse, operated by G4S, say they have success and helped to boost morale at the seen improvements in the mental state of prisoners who had but you can change prison. Tory MP David Morris criticised the Prisoner care resorted to self-harm, and in elderly and vulnerable prison- what you are going to event, arguing that prisoners should be Two former prison officers at HMP ers, after interacting with the birds. do in your life.” trained to do ‘proper jobs’ after they are Maghaberry have told the BBC that cuts to released back into the community. Maybe he staffing levels at the prison are so severe that Steve Williams, director at Altcourse said: “We’ve had a birds During the visit the pair were should read Inside Time and learn about the prisoners are now having to care for vulnera- of prey initiative at Altcourse for over five years, and during given a guided tour of the amazing journeys of some former prisoners ble prisoners. One former officer said: “We that time men who engage with and care for the birds have prison by governor Jim in areas such as the arts and sport. had a prisoner who had the mental age of a benefited in a number of ways from the experience, which in Bourke. Mr Barber, saying young child, he was in his late 20s, but he turn has had a positive impact on the prison community. This how worthwhile the visit was, would watch Power Rangers on repeat in his therapeutic intervention has been particularly effective and said: “You can’t change what New Welcome Centre cell. He didn’t know to go for exercise or food enriching for men who self-harm, have autism or those strug- you’ve done in your life, but at Kirklevington Grange or to clean himself. He needed a full-time gling to cope. By working with the birds they learn new skills you can change what you are carer, so we actually had to ask other prisoners and build confidence. These are the cornerstones for rehabili- going to do in your life. The Last month a new Welcome Centre opened its to try and help him because we just couldn’t tation and key to maintaining a safe and secure environment reaction of the prisoners was doors for the first time at HMP Kirklevington provide that level of care to one prisoner for the men in our care.” absolutely fantastic.” Grange. The Welcome Centre is a successful when there were 29 other men there.” partnership project with the youth homeless- ness charity Centrepoint, HMP Kirklevington Water runs cold at Littlehey Grange and Nepacs collaborating to create a Last month the prisoners at HMP Littlehey could be seen boiling water in their cells in unique facility to make family and friends order to wash after the prison’s hot water feel safe and comfortable as they visit their boilers developed a fault meaning there was loved ones. It will also provide a warm, dry, National Prison Law Solicitors no hot water available for over a week. A shelter from the elements for families who source, who asked not to be identified, said may travel many miles to visit a relative at inmates had been kept in the dark over the the prison, and will provide lots of advice problem, with no word from prison officials Instalaw Solicitors have over 40 years combined experience and information on a range of topics. Nepacs about when the hot water would be restored. representing prisoners rights and we can represent you no matter where you volunteers will work alongside the men due The source said the problem had been for release and provide part of the welcome are in the country! ongoing for more than a week, adding: “It is for families, and will be able to promote some not just the prisoners affected, it is a problem Specialists in Parole Board paper reviews, oral hearings & independent adjudications of the opportunities which HMP for the officers too”. A Prison Service spokes- Kirklevington Grange provides to strengthen man, saying that engineers worked to resolve Our Prison Law Experts can help you with: family ties, such as family days, family the issue, which they say affected just one learning and the ‘Heading Home’ programme wing, said: “We are committed to providing • Parole Board oral hearings • Mandatory Lifer Reviews to support release planning. safe and decent conditions for prisoners.” • Paper Parole Reviews • IPP Paper & Oral Parole Reviews • Recalls • Independent Adjudications TB at Oakwood • Discretionary Lifer Reviews • Private cases (Transfer/HDC) The partner of a prisoner from HMP Oakwood has hit out at healthcare provision at the prison claiming it Call us today for free advice on: 01782 560 155 took from January until the end of April to diagnose Instalaw, 4th Floor Parliament House, his TB although he had a high temperature and was coughing up blood. He was later transferred to a TB 42 - 46 Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham, NG1 2AG isolation unit. She said: “He’s been unwell since January and has been showing all the signs of having Instalaw, 2nd Floor Copthall House, King Street, TB; puking up blood, sweating and having chest pains. I last visited him on March 28 and he said loads of people had TB and that they were in the gym trying to sweat it out. There’s babies and potentially vulnerable people sitting inside the visiting room on visitor days so it’s very concerning.” In December it Stephen Luke - Partner (Nottingham) was reported that TB and Norovirus was affecting Reise Wright - Prison Law Advocate BA HONS (Nottingham) around 30 prisoners. The woman was so concerned that she drove to the prison and put posters on Plus Nationwide Consultant Prison Law Advisors visitors’ cars warning them of the problem. Prison security staff later removed all the posters. Insidetime June 2018 Newsround // Local Prison News 15

Hewell officer suspected of supplying drugs Holme House Newsbites A prison officer from HMP Hewell has been March 2017 Peterborough officer caught top for Spice arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs to smuggling drugs into the prison. HMP Gloucester turned into flats prisoners. He was arrested at the prison ‘on June 2017 Two staff at Lewes jailed for Nurses may boycott HMP Plans to transform the former HMP Gloucester into 202 suspicion of possession of a controlled drug Holme House amid fears they apartments have been approved by local councillors. The plans with intent to supply’. Drug use has been a smuggling drugs and phones into the prison. will be affected by fumes from will result in the listed buildings that formed Gloucester Prison serious and continuing problem at Hewell June 2017 Female Full Sutton officer smuggled prisons smoking Spice. In the being restored, with seven new apartment buildings built and in February a video was found which drugs, phones and alcohol into the prison. last year the prison has had alongside. The prison’s perimeter walls will remain largely intact showed an officer at the prison being knocked July 2017 Altcourse officer arrested for 376 medical emergencies with new openings to provide public access to the site for the down. In their latest report, the Independent smuggling drugs into the prison. Monitoring Board (IMB) reported the ready caused by prisoners smoking first time in history. availability of such drugs putting prisoners and August 2017 Maghaberry officer charged the psychotic drug. According staff at risk. The officer has been suspended with smuggling drugs into the prison. to the Sunday People, a lot of Mental Health support must improve at Shotts and police continue their investigation. August 2017 Gartree officer claims he was prison officers are being made After an inspection by the Mental Welfare Commission for blackmailed into smuggling drugs into the ill after inhaling fumes from Scotland, HMP Shotts has been told to act on five recommen- Although the prevalence of drugs in prison is prison. spice smoking and on one dations, one as a matter of urgency. During their inspection the generally blamed by the Prison Service on Nov 2017 Kilmarnock officer jailed for 2 day fifteen of them went sick. commissioners met prisoners and viewed their mental health drones or prison visitors; or lately soaking years for smuggling £7,500 worth of drugs records. They also met the prison’s mental health clinical letters in drugs, there is ever more evidence into the prison. Lisa Taylor, head of offender manager, the governor and three mental health nurses. The that large amounts are smuggled into prisons Dec 2017 Oakwood officer caught smug- health at the local NHS trust, latest inspection was a follow-up from a previous one in 2014. by staff. gling drugs and phones into the prison. told officials: “I’m not The inspection report also called for NHS Lanarkshire manag- disputing that the safety of ers to “review the nursing staff complement at the prison to It is easy to blame prisoners and their families Feb 2018 Dovegate prison officer caught the prisoners is important, ensure all available treatments can be offered and mental yet Inside Time gets many letters from prisoners smuggling drugs for £1,000 a time. but my priority is to look health nurse skills are utilised appropriately”. They also said the complaining that the majority of drugs are May 2018 Swaleside officer held after after our staff. If we feel there mental health clinical manager should consider a robust smuggled into prisons by staff, but the Prison smuggling ‘brick size’ block of heroin. is something going on in that roll-out of mental health first aid training for prison officer staff. Service is ‘in denial’. environment we will remove our staff for a period of time.” Haverigg healthcare awards Healthcare staff at HMP Haverigg gave up their own time to Janet Davies, head of the complete advanced life support training. Five of the ten nursing Royal College of Nursing, staff have now completed the training which puts them ahead said: “The work nurses do in of every other prison. Staff nurses Ellen Watkiss and Ryan prisons to help offenders, Tallentire are among two of the latest staff to complete the many of whom have serious additional training, and their efforts saw them and their team mental health problems, is named winners of a recent Glimpse of Brilliance award - a staff extremely important. But recognition scheme run by the local NHS to celebrate success their own safety has to be top stories from across the area. Healthcare services at HMP priority. We need to find out Haverigg are provided by the Cumbria Partnership, which runs how often NHS staff are many of the county’s community and mental health services. having to be withdrawn from The NHS administration team at Haverigg also received recent other jails around the praise, being highly commended in the trust’s Amazing People country because of problems Recognition Awards after they reviewed their discharge process like these.” “Please don’t close The Moor” to ensure the safe and effective transfer of patients from prison Credit: ThomasCredit: Fowler health services to community care. Despite this, Holme House has been re-categorised as a MPs fight closure of Dartmoor ‘Colossal’ drug Drug Recovery Prison, Cheshire Police claimed, during a presentation to their local Members of Parliament are damp and leaking. However, prison lease as parts of it are despite staff shortages which council, that drones are carrying a ’colossal’ amount of drugs fighting to keep HMP we pay tribute to the listed, most of it is in a has meant the prison being into HMP Risley. They told the council’s Health and Wellbeing Dartmoor open because they governor and the prison decrepit condition and what on a limited regime for a say it is vital for the local officers for running a very other use could it have? The year; and prisoners can Board: “Every weekend at Risley there will be a drone that’s community and prisoners good prison regime that is cost of security and mainte- spend 23 hours a day in cells. carrying a massive amount of drugs. We’ve intercepted two and like the prison. The Ministry popular with the prisoners, nance of the buildings would Over five kilogrammes of the the amount is colossal.” of Justice (MoJ) announced which is one thing that we be substantial. psychoactive drug ‘Spice’ Acknowledgement: Warrington Guardian in 2013 that the prison would will have to balance when were recovered in the last close and gave a ten-year making the final decision on Dartmoor was opened in year which the local Wayland joins Parkrun notice on the lease to Prince the prison.” 1809 to house French and Independent Monitoring HMP Wayland has become the third prison to take part in Charles’ Duchy of Cornwall American prisoners from the Board say was smuggled in in ‘Parkrun’. During the prison’s inaugural event, held on Saturday, who own the site; the Mr Cox says the prison is Napoleonic wars and the cereal packets. April 14, 37 runners took part, including members of staff and decision was reaffirmed in vitally important for people War of 1812. It lay empty the prison’s governor Paul Cawkwell. Gym instructor Roger 2015 as part of the pro- in the surrounding area: from 1815 until 1850, when it The increase in the use of Steggles set up the event following the successful launch of gramme to close older “Princetown without the was largely rebuilt. It psychotic drugs is said to parkruns at HMP Haverigg, and HMP Magilligan. The 5km run prisons. Geoffrey Cox, the prison is hard to imagine currently operates as a have increased since the involves 10 zig-zagged laps of the enclosed prison sports field, local MP, has formed a because of its contribution to category C prison with about government’s enforced with the volunteer roles being taken on by prisoners. The event, parliamentary group to the local economy. The with 50 runners, takes place at 9am each Saturday. Mr Steggles oppose the closure and, prison has an exceptionally 630 prisoners. One of the smoking ban. Prison Officers’ said: “I’m very excited about the future of Parkrun here at together with Scott Mann, good record. It is well run main problems with the Association (POA) chief, Wayland and seeing it evolve. I’ve already had offenders telling MP for the neighbouring and has one of the lowest prison is its location. Glyn Travis says that Holme me their families are following their results on the Parkrun constituency, says incidences of violence in the Prisoners’ visitors find it House is the worst prison for website. I look forward to them continuing their involvement Princetown without a prison country. It’s a model for exceptionally difficult with Spice and their representa- with Parkrun in the community after their release.” is “unthinkable”. They asked other prisons. Why would no local public transport and tive at the prison, Andy Rory Stewart, Prisons you close a prison that is a £50 return taxi fare from Baxter, said: “Staff report Minister, to reconsider the succeeding? the nearest station. The feeling dizzy, getting quite a More women at La Moye closure but Mr Stewart has prison says it is too expen- blinding headache. A couple Seven new female officers have joined Jersey’s La Moye Prison replied to the negative “I think there’s a real sive to provide transport. have been quite hysterical. to work specifically with the nine female prisoners held there. saying: “The decision to window of opportunity to 80% of prisoners told a One officer said he got a Bill Millar, the prison governor, said it was the first time an close the prison was based keep it open. The Duchy of recent inspection that their fierce burning sensation in all-female team had been employed, he said: “I am confident on the fact that it was built Cornwall is behind it and is families found it very his head which felt like it that they will all do well as they now take up their operational in 1805 and there are keen to see the prison difficult to visit and nearly was covered with nits. He responsibilities. They have proved to be an excellent group to significant maintenance remain.” Prince Charles may 10% of men had not received spent the night tearing at the work with and all of them rose to every challenge they faced, issues, with a great deal of be keen not to take back the a visit whilst at the prison. top of his head.” producing consistently good results throughout their training.” 16 Comment Insidetime June 2018

walls, built in Victorian times and topped with very modern razor wire. But of course, as I witnessed, the prison is full of men with an excess of ener- gy and a love of kicking a ball around, preferably into a goal - even if their goals in life aren’t going too well. That may sound corny but aft er lis- tening to QPR’s football coach and Community Development Offi cer Pablo Blackwood (2nd left in main picture), I began “Get to it lads” to see the link between life and football. ciplined way. It’s a cheering ‘It helps my ‘What are our objectives? How sight for a spectator. will we achieve our objec- communication tives?’ The men have gathered I’d been invited to attend the Queens Park Rangers' coach Pablo Blackwood (second left) session by Lee Mercer, skills’, ‘It helps my with men from the HMP Wormwood Scrubs football project round Pablo while he throws out some thoughts, many of Activities Custodial Manager motivation for when at the prison. He was watching them questions, expecting I get outside’ and ‘It answers. ‘How can we make with two Scrubs gym coaches, our teamwork more eff ective?’ Dan Thomas and Tony relaxes you for the ‘We never lose we He listens to answers and McCann. Lee is pleased with adds: ‘We’ve got to manage the big take-up for the once a rest of the day.’ The Trust runs a Homelessness either win or we learn’ Programme and the hope is that they will help men with their housing needs and help Yellow card for a police caution, red card for them understand what the going to prison - the link between football possibilities are. As the session draws to its and life in an empowering football pro- close at 11am, the men are talked down by Pablo and then gramme at the Scrubs I get a chance to ask them why they come and what it means to them. I have already seen Month by Month “To me, to me!” they have a good time, all totally engaged with no hang- ing round the edges of the naries as Les Ferdinand, Ray It doesn’t sound like an obvi- ourselves. Transfer our skills learnt on the football pitch to week session, with fourteen action. Some of the answers, Wilkins, Kevin Gallen, Adel ous pairing: the Championship or fifteen men, and tells me I suppose, are fairly predicta- Taarabt and the always sur- club Queens Park Rangers FC other areas … to the cell … to Rachel Billington life outside.’ there is a waiting-list. Not con- ble: from Joey, ‘It’s good to get prising (remember that and gloomy old HMP tent with this, he’s in the plan- out of the cells’, or Dwayne, Wembley goal) Bobby Zamora. Wormwood Scrubs. For those In a few minutes break from a ning stage to extend the pro- ‘It’s lots of fun down here,’ Watching football is nothing of you who don’t know it, pic- serious two-hour session, gramme to making ROTL from Lyndon, ‘It’s great to have knew for me. For over four So when I heard Wormwood ture dark brick turrets and Pablo tells me, ‘I’m empower- available at Queens Park extra activity rather than decades I was a Season tick- Scrubs prison had a project ing them. I want feedback Rangers headquarters in doing nothing.’ But they also et-holder at Queens Park for men to get football coach- from them. I’m non-persecu- Loft us Road where men could add, ‘It helps my communica- Rangers Football Club in ing from QPR’s Community We’ve got to tory ... I try to link football to learn other skills than foot- tion skills’, ‘It helps my moti- Shepherds Bush, London. In Trust, I was pretty quick to get manage ourselves. their behaviour off the pitch... ball, for example hospitality. vation for when I get outside’ my fi rst years, there was only on the touchline. What I Making choices in football is and ‘It relaxes you for the rest one stand, the Ellerslie Road hadn’t expected was the Transfer our skills no diff erent to making choices As I turn back to watch the of the day.’ stand, so I stood behind the standard of play; these foot- learnt on the foot- in life.’ He gives as an example men, I notice a distinctly goal. From there I watched the ballers were putting their the yellow card in football, a female player. This turns out In fact their one gripe was that great , then, as hearts into the two hours out ball pitch to other warning which is similar to a to be Melanie Harris, who the session only comes round the club rose through the of cell they were being given areas. To the cell, police caution. ‘It’s a way of works with the QPR Trust in once a week. Wormwood leagues, Stan Bowles, Gerry and they all knew how to use explaining that you’ve got to the Education area as a Scrubs has a new aura for me Francis and later, such lumi- their feet. to life outside. “We’re listening” think about how you deal with careers advisor. She’s small now, particularly after Lee warning signs, so we talk but a nifty footballer and presented me with a QPR train- about attitudes off the pitch... when she takes a break, she ing shirt (below). about good transferable comments to me, ‘Everyone’s skills...I’m trying to create really respectful. I’m not a emotional resilience.’ match for them but they’re As Pablo hops over the barrier really supportive.’ She contin- onto the pitch he calls back, ues, ‘Some of them are quali- ‘I have a saying, We never lose ty players and could make we either win or we learn.’ coaches.’ Everybody here seems determined to see that It strikes me that the project the sessions lead on to a use- is extremely lucky to have ful future. someone like Pablo who not only loves football but is able Also watching alongside me As a coda, there are reports of to add another dimension to were three representatives of three other footballs clubs the experience without losing The Peabody Trust - Harry linking up with prisons: the sheer joy of being out in Clucas, Davina and Matt. They Brighton and Hove Albion with the fresh air, pitting yourself added a further dimension to Lewes Prison, Anna Athletic against your mates (or even Lee’s plans to take men for- with Dumfries Prison and your enemies) trying hard to ward during their last year Burton Albion with Sudbury Pablo and Co – winners all round win, but in a comradely, dis- and aft er they’ve left prison. Prison. Insidetime June 2018 Comment 17

The label has resides outside of prison, and Guitars. The second area of it is this new phase that is the engagement is the opportunity been the best part latest aspect of InHouse. to go back into prisons as a of my nine-year role model and an example to InHouse Records is currently those working on InHouse, as career in the prison working with five participants well as delivering sessions. who have been released from The final and most important service. Working prison, with that number likely area is a weekly hub meeting with men who want to be doubled by June 2018. A that provides the space for lot of what takes place on the participants to reflect on the to change and be outside is a continuation of previous week and plan the the best versions of the map, goals and milestones objectives for the week ahead. that were set previously in themselves has had prison. Every prison now has As we prepare for completing a positive effect on a participant who has been our first year, we have been my attitude. Prison officer Tom Cunningham

delighted to be formalising a partnership with the interna- “If music be the food of love…” tionally recognised record

© InHouse Records label, providing incredible opportunity for the partici- pants in all of the jails. InHouse works very closely with Ernst InHouse Records & Young the global consult- ants, and are supported by the innovative design thinking of In the studio © InHouse Records More than a label the Royal College of Art. released into our programme encouraged by the success we on the outside and the nature have witnessed both in per- Judah Armani both in musical expertise and Took a leap of Whilst the showcases and re- in the personal development cording of singles is a constant of the work on the outside re- sonal development and in the of the men. Milestones are a faith, look where milestone, every participant volves around three specific quality of the musical output. areas; Industry work experi- InHouse is a record label for It has been nine months since helpful way for the label and we landed. Not has their own personal journey we launched InHouse Records the men to chart progress. The mapped out, including skills ence takes place, where par- change, yet it’s so much more in HMP Elmley, and we have milestones that frame InHouse quite free, but I’m that can be redeemed from the ticipants can gain incredible than a label. expanded to a further three are the constants of industry past, and highlighting areas insights - currently we have prisons, and upgraded our showcases and the recording no longer strand- where new skills can be learnt. work experience taking place service, as we continue to de- of music for radio play. Working ed. It’s all good as Every personal journey is an- at Universal Records, Roland Judah Armani is a music velop InHouse Records both toward the milestones, the chored with a destination that Instruments and Fender producer at InHouse Records inside and outside of prison. men develop their skills of long as I have this management, song-writing ‘cos its music that Now operating in HMPs and musicianship, where the Rochester, Lewes, Isis and fruits of their efforts are cele- helps when things Elmley, we have been delighted brated in performance or are at its baddest. with the growth demonstrated recording. InHouse Member - Elmley Showcases allow all partici- pants to work toward their Rochester was the latest to host craft. Managers are able to an InHouse showcase with organise the event, encourage Elmley and Lewes preparing songwriters to complete their for their own showcase before material and indeed host the the summer. Guests for these showcase. Musicians and events can include friends and songwriters work hard to- family of the participants, as wards writing and composing well as the music industry material that has been created friends of InHouse Records. from the heart, drawing on personal experiences and InHouse Records has devel- “We’re listening” wrapped up in an ongoing oped its relationship with © InHouse Records process of storytelling. Universal Records and is

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seems to be about detailed leadership. that you can expect the same basic I don’t think there are any easy recipes things whichever prison you are in… for success. It’s about relationships between prison officers and prison- What about the drug problem? Isn’t ers. It’s a lot about how the custody it time to face up to the fact that when managers work, the way the POs work, a prisoner is found to have five kilos the way that young prison officers of ‘Spice’ in his cell or, as in HMP Hewell engage with prisoners.” recently, a ‘brick of heroin’ - that this quantity of drugs has not been smug- Don’t prison officers deserve more gled through the visits room? “By respect from society for the work they and large our prison officers are very do? Why shouldn’t officers have sim- professional and honest people, but ilar cultural and educational oppor- there will of course, in any organi- tunities that many of our prisons offer sation, always be bad apples. And prisoners? Are there any plans to one of the things that I am very keen enhance the work of prison officers? to do is to make sure that it is much “Yes, I am interested in that,” he says, more difficult for anybody - prisoner, “but I’m also taken back a step. We have family or prison officer, to bring illegal to make sure before we start talking substances into prisons. One of the about Art groups that prisoners are ways I plan to do that is by ramping unlocked and able to get safely from up our gate security. Scanners, sniffer their cells to that Art group. One of dogs and more routine searching of the things that frustrates me is that everyone who comes through the we talk about these wonderful things gate. I’ve spoken to the Prison Officers that might be on offer, but if the prison Association about that and they are is filthy, violent, drug infested, out quite comfortable with it. They also Rory Stewart: “You’ve got to have a system that works across the board” of control - you can’t get to any of agree that they are not in the business those opportunities. Unless you get of protecting people bringing in kilos those basic things sorted - are the of heroin.” cells clean, are the yards clean, are people out of their cells enough - and getting them out of their cells enough One of the things Time to clean up also means do the prison officers feel I’m interested in is what safe? I think we need to get a much clearer set of basic uniform standards can we do to get a bit Minister for prisons Rory Stewart shares his right the way across the estate.” of consistency, some Is it about pride? Should we feel pride sense that you can thoughts and ideas with Inside Time readers in our prisons? “Part of this is about who we are,” he says. “Do we feel proud expect the same basic The first thing I want to say to him to learn skills, or even utilise skills of our prisons? Is this somewhere I’d things whichever prison is ‘please try and sort out ’. they had before coming to prison. be happy to be? You have to find a way While there are some establishments “Sure, sure,” he says, “I’m very, very of having a very difficult conversation you are in. Erwin James that provide sufficient nutrition in much in agreement with you there. with ourselves and with the public, healthy portions, and understand I’m very keen to get many more pris- about helping people understand Stewart was speaking to me ahead “What I’m trying to work out is what the value of keeping incarcerated oners employed. I was talking to a what a prison is; that it’s doing a lot of the announcement of the new ed- it is that makes one prison, for exam- human beings well fed, there are prisoner recently, a qualified electri- of different things - its punishing ucation and employment strategy for ple Altcourse, work well, and another many others that fail miserably in cian, and he’s very rare. He’s employed people, deterring people, its reform- prisoners. “One of the ways we think prison - not too far away - not work the servery department. I tell him by the prison to use his skills. But so ing people, educating people. And will be helpful is that we are going well,” says Prisons Minister Rory about Lucy Vincent, a 20-something often, Governors are not taking ad- the really great prison officers manage to radically improve the way we assess Stewart when we meet at MoJ head- young woman who is campaigning vantage of the skills available in the to find a very practical way of doing prisoners on arrival and make sure quarters to discuss his policies and through her website Food Behind prisoner population.” Would he like these very different things.” that they have, alongside their sen- vision for the prison system for which Bars for the government to provide to see Governors actually taking ad- tencing plan, a very clear education he now has responsibility. The good nutritious meals for all prison- vantage of the skills and abilities of We have very good plan, for each individual, taking into Minister, formerly Minister for Africa, ers, regardless of the institution. prisoners in their charge? “Much more. account their educational needs, and has perhaps one of the most colourful “Thank you,” he says, and notes down Much more,” he says emphatically. evidence that we can planning out what they want to career paths of anyone who has ever my comments. reduce the reoffending achieve during their time in prison. held his current office, including a two But traditionally, prisoners are not What can we do in relation to training year walking odyssey through rural I don’t think there seen as assets. Does he want to change rate dramatically if we to make it’s easer for you to become districts of Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, that? My view, from the 20 years I spent can get people into skill what it is you want to be when you India and Nepal, (a journey totalling are any easy recipes in various prisons from Cat A to Cat leave prison. We will provide national around 6,000 miles which he began for success. Its about D is that prisons can be places where building and education standard examinations. We have very in 2000) - and a period of governance good things happen, not just places good evidence that we can reduce in Southern Iraq following the coa- relationships between of shame and neglect. I believe a prison and into employment. the reoffending rate dramatically if lition invasion in 2003. In 2004 he prison officers and should be seen by society as a valuable we can get people into skill building was in command of his compound community resource, as valuable as I asked him if he was aware of the and education and into in Nasiriyah when it was besieged prisoners. a hospital or a school. So why don’t Unlocked Graduate programme, employment.” by Sadrist militia and was later award- we do that? I think that it’s because whereby students from universities ed an OBE for his services. A best-sell- Secondly, I remind him of what politicians and the media have fa- enrol for a couple of years as prison The week before, he says he had a ing author, his book about his time President of the PGA Andrea Albutt mously used prisons and prisoners officers as part of their social respon- group of leading businessmen and in Afghanistan, ‘The Places in Between’ said about the outsourcing of prison as whipping boys for the electorate. I sibility development - an idea cham- CEOs around his table, including was a New York Times best-seller maintenance contracts following the well remember former Justice Secretary pioned by educationalist Dame Sally James Timpson. “They talked through described by the newspaper as a “flat- collapse of the construction company Chris Grayling announcing when he Coates. “Yes,” he says, “I think they’re what they need, what they are looking out masterpiece”. He is currently the Carillion. She said the services should took on the role that prisons under his terrific. I’m very much a fan.” for and it was very interesting. Some MP for Penrith and the Border. be handed back to the works depart- watch were, “no longer going to be of what they want is formal stuff, ments so that the governor has instant Holiday Camps.” One of the most dis- So how do we convince the public English language etc. but some of it In the flesh he looks too young to control of where and what needs to ingenuous utterances from someone that prisons are places where we was softer skills. Can you stand for have lived through such drama and be done. “But when it’s done properly in his position that I could remember. should expect good things to happen? eight hours behind a Timpson’s coun- adventure. “I’m ten years younger there is no reason why outsourcing “For me, I don’t think it’s about having ter dealing with the public?” than my predecessor,” he says smil- shouldn’t work well,” he says. “I agree “A prison is a very, very challenging one or two shiny ideas,” he says. ing. I guess it’s true what they say with him, there were serious problems environment,” he says. “You can see “You’ve got to have a system that works ‘Compared to wallowing in the mire about getting older; policemen and with that contract.” But I remember prisons going in three years from good across the board. One of the things of wasted time and chaos that defines government ministers all just look as a prisoner that working with a prisons to bad prisons, then from bad I’m interested in is what can we do much of our prison system’, I said - so young. works officer was a way for prisoners prisons to good prisons. A lot of it to get a bit of consistency - some sense that sounds like absolute luxury. Insidetime June 2018 Comment 19

the enemy by causing as much From over the wall havoc as they could! It was an Inside Voices extremely dangerous job, to definition: ‘It’s a ‘specific put it mildly. If they had the learning difficulty’ which misfortune to be detected and means it causes problems with captured, they could expect Prison enlightenment Terry Waite CBE certain abilities used for learn- to be tortured and eventually killed. Odette Churchill, one ing, such as reading and writ- J Smith - HMP Liverpool How can politicians say, with straight faces, such operative, was caught ing. Unlike a learning disabil- that the recent rise in crime - and knife crime Imagine writing and had her toenails removed ity, intelligence isn’t affected.’ in particular - has nothing to do with the gov- one by one in an attempt to get a book... If you have that sort of trouble My recent perusal of the news has left me real- ernment cutting police numbers by 20,000? then don’t let anyone tell you her to reveal the names of her ly wondering what sort of country we are living The other day I set off from my What sort of barefaced moron could see no that you are stupid. accomplices. I don’t know if in these days. I’m in my late 40s and seem to home in Suffolk to travel to correlation between the two? Fewer police she ever trained at Erlestoke remember a time when this country, despite Erlestoke in Wiltshire. This is equals more opportunity to commit crime, a 5 I think some of my problems but you can guarantee that not being perfect, was at least fair and our a Cat C prison where about half year-old could work that one out. If fewer police started at a very early age when equally brave men and women politicians possessed a modicum of decency. of the residents are IPP pris- have no eff ect on society then surely NO police at primary school I was forced were trained on that site and Nowadays it is apparent that there is very little oners. I’m not going to speak would be a great money-saver with little eff ect to write with a steel nibbled played a highly significant role honour and a dearth of accountability amongst about IPP’s this time except to on crime? They’ve missed a trick there. pen which one dipped into an in enabling Britain to have the political classes (with the exception of Jeremy say that it’s taking an awful inkwell. As I was left handed victory in World War Two. Corbyn, Kenneth Clarke and a few others). long time to sort out the mess and as the teacher required me Over a million people having to go to charities caused by this particular piece to write with the letters sloping What a story there is in Erlestoke. We have a Prime Minister who has all the empa- and food banks, a lot of them working people of legislation. As one writer forward I could not avoid smudg- Using the library facilities it thy of a robot. But the rest of her little cohort in low-paying jobs; and yet the government once put it, many people re- ing my work. Thus, I hated would be possible to do some are no better. Chris Grayling, who ruined the seem convinced that this has absolutely noth- main in prison not because of writing! It was not until some research about SOE and com- prison system and destroyed Legal Aid for the ing to do with their 8-year austerity programme what they have done but be- years later when my father gave bining fact with fiction write neediest and is now spreading his incompe- or zero-hours contracts, or their vicious chang- cause of what they might do me his old small portable type- the most fascinating story of tence as the Minister for Transport; David es to the benefi ts system. ‘Not me, guv’, is their in the future! However, Erlestoke writer that I found that writing a recruit entering into training Davis, who has been described in some sections answer. They are worse than many criminals, struck me as a reasonably could be enjoyable as well as and being dropped into occu- of the media and by some colleagues as ‘the in my opinion. cheerful place and the fact that rewarding. pied France. laziest man in Parliament; and ‘not very bright’; it was a lovely sunny day Liam Fox, who had to resign as Defence No wonder they have, unlawfully I might add, helped a lot. In talking with David, one of Well, as you can see, my im- Secretary in October 2011 for taking his ‘special not obeyed the result of the European Court of the education team, I men- agination was running away young friend’ Adam Werrity to high level meet- I had been invited by the ed- Justice who told them not to withhold the right tioned a series of books that with me as I spoke to David on ings overseas and soliciting money for him and ucational team to speak at their to vote for prisoners. They have no honour, no have been recently published that sunny afternoon in his company; Michael Gove, who very public- arts festival which takes place respect for the courts or the public that they by SPCK and written especially Wiltshire. That’s what you need ly stabbed his friend Boris Johnson in the back in early March but as I could profess to serve and seem to be driving this for prisoners. I asked him what if you are going to write … over the leadership bid; and of course Boris not make the dates given, they country over the edge of a cliff. Let us also he thought of them. He said imagination. Johnson himself; all-round serial buffoon. invited me back to give a talk remember that they are all very ‘well off ’ and that in his experience, people These are just some of the people now in charge and answer questions. It’s will have little trouble weathering the predict- liked to read true stories in If in the establishment where of the UK. twenty-six years since I was preference to novels. That set you are there are educational ed decade of serious economic problems that released from captivity and will come aft er Brexit. It is the ordinary work- me thinking. Noel Smith, the opportunities, why not explore I have never really taken a lot of notice of pol- it’s hardly surprising that ing man, the poor and the institutions we rely Commissioning Editor of them and learn how to struc- itics as I truly believed that what politicians many of the younger prisoners Inside Time, has written a se- ture your imagination and said or did had no real bearing on my life. But on, such as the NHS that will be suff ering. had not the faintest idea who ries of articles in the paper eventually write a book. You since coming into prison a few years ago, and I was. However word got about prisons up and down may not think that you could seeing what an eff ect their pronouncements I have very little to thank prison for, however around and I spoke to a full the country. Many establish- do it but I will guarantee that and diktats have on prison life, I have begun for opening my eyes to the selfi sh, small-mind- house in the education block. ments have a fascinating his- there are prisoners in the UK to study them - and the evil bullshit they ped- ed and, in some cases, pure evil characters in tory and of course have been who are now reading this ar- dle is breathtaking. power I am grateful. In talking with the staff after- home to men and women who ticle who could, with a little wards, our conversation got are still household names long encouragement, get to work around to books and especially after they have long left this and emerge from their sentence books written for those in pris- life. Apart from prisoners, I as a published writer. It could Offi cially on who might have reading discovered that some of the be you! Why not give it a go? the LARGEST difficulties. Let me say right staff at Erlestoke had no idea prison law away there is no shame in that. that this former Country House Thanks to all at Erlestoke for a provider in At school I was always getting was a training base for SOE great afternoon and to the lads The National Prison Law Specialists the country into difficulty because of my operatives in World War Two. who went to so much trouble Trusted by more prisoners in England and Wales poor spelling and it’s not im- The Special Operations to prepare a really tasty lunch! than any other solicitors. proved over the years. Perhaps Executive was a specially se- My PA - who helped me with I have a mild form of dyslexia. lected group of men and driving that day - said it was With Experts across the country, If you are not sure what that women who were parachuted the best meal she had ever had we can represent you in ANY PRISON. is, here is the Google behind enemy lines to disrupt in a prison! Until next month... Call our dedicated team on 0115 986 0983 or write to us at: FREEPOST RTAB-BATB-HGAU Carringtons Solicitors, Nottingham NG2 2JR. PRISON, APPEAL & REVIEWS Forensic Accountants Our Criminal Defence Lawyers will support you in CONFISCATION PROCEEDINGS Our Expert team of over 40 specialist advisors the following areas: UNDER POCA! Bartfields have considerable UK wide experience of have a wealth of experience to offer you including: APPEAL & REVIEWS analysing and revising prosecution benefit calculations • Parole Board Reviews • Minimum Term Reviews (CONVICTION & SENTENCE); within tight deadlines. 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Carrington Advert 120x125.indd 1 05/03/2018 14:51 20 Comment Insidetime June 2018 Conversations with Clare Inside Voices Keys to a new future Confidence and self-belief leading to real job opportunities Marsh, Isis, Ashfield, The results Portland, Wormwood Scrubs and more recently Brixton speak for them- Clare Barstow prison. They also work in the selves as 63% are community in Somerset and My initial impression of Eva London with their ‘At Risk’ in secure employ- Hamilton, founder and CEO programme, to try to reduce ment and only 16% of Key4Life, when we met at a the numbers who end up in coffee shop in Brixton was custody by tackling the root have reoffended, how genuine and enthusiastic causes of reoff ending. less than a quarter Knife crime – “losing the fi ght” she appeared. Her motivation © Deposit Photos to set up the project was born The results speak for them- of the national build their own little communities or gangs as through real life struggles and selves as 63% are in secure average. a way to fit in to something. Most of these a breakdown which allows her employment and only 16% On the edge youngsters are from one-parent families - moth- to empathise with many of the have reoff ended, less than a ers are primarily responsible for their well-be- graduates of the 7 step reha- quarter of the national aver- released the men are then able Omar Lobbon - HMP Bullingdon ing and development, which is a diffi cult pro- bilitation programme. age. They have trained over to attend the work tasters, cess without the contribution of fathers. On the 121 mentors to work with oth- engage with their families, go whole, the absent fathers are either dead, She is determined to help ers and host a three day work on a residential course to Decades on, and the Government and the imprisoned or deported. Lack of father fi gures resolve the hidden emergency experience for participants. develop new life experiences, Criminal Justice System are still losing the fi ght is a massive problem. developing in our prison sys- attend the education and to tackle the epidemic of knife crime. There tem by continuing to advocate I also met with one of the men- employment training work- were more than 37,000 knife off ences in the What’s more, there is a lack of communi- the need for a joined-up tors who largely work with the shops and then graduate and UK last year; a staggering 21% increase. ty-based or charitable organisations that cen- approach of working with gov- young men at Guy’s Marsh. join the trainee MentorPlus tre on giving advice and support to young ernment and other agencies Being a graduate of the pro- scheme. New Year’s Eve 2017 into New Year’s Day 2018 people who spend most of their waking hours pre- and post-release towards gramme he has gained new alone saw several incidents of knife crime; a on the streets. Their primary source of guidance rehabilitation, and with over found confidence and his For such a small charity they seventeen-year-old boy was stabbed to death and inspiration comes from violent games, 50 businesses supporting the organisational skills help sup- have certainly made a big following an altercation on a bus in Herne Hill, fi lms and music and, of course, their friends charity the strong focus on port Eva and the rest of the impact. On the day I met Eva South London, and in East London an eighteen- or gang members. employability is crucial to team. He now believes in him- and the team they were host- year-old boy was stabbed and killed. Other facilitate change. Her vision self, no longer dwells in the ing an event in Brixton prison tragedies involved two twenty-year-olds So many young people embark on lives of crime for the future is to carry on past and every day wakes up where employers were invited stabbed to death at a party in Islington. and violence because they have no real role expanding the programme focusing on what he needs to in to meet the men and discuss models in their households or communities. Many academics have been trying to diagnose into more prisons and fi nding do next. I was very impressed work opportunities. The fact They have little confi dence in the school system the cause of this ever-growing problem; fi nan- more businesses who wish to by his drive and desire to help that they have won a lot of because they rarely see any progression com- cial hardship, easy access to knives, hours become involved in the pro- others. awards already shows the ing from family or friends in education. There spent watching violent fi lms, playing violent ject. impact they are making in are no opportunities or fi nancial support for video games and the influence of ‘gangster The workshops in the pro- bringing positive changes to them to become lawyers, doctors or politicians rap’. These are some of the factors that infl uence The project’s aim is to support gramme include one-to-one young men’s lives. Founded and a lack of self-belief. They don’t see these young people they supposedly mimic in the things happening to them, or people like them. young men from marginalised emotional resilience sessions, as a response to the Brixton streets by bullying, gangs and postcode vio- The people who are successful and have power communities who have com- music workshops with guests riots, by offering positive lence. This ultimately leads to a life of crime and money are bigger criminals. They oft en mitted an off ence or are at risk such as Rizzle Kicks and alternatives, this charity gives as a means to get them out of poverty. have grown up with violence and, eventually, of off ending, to give them the Naughty Boy supported by its graduates a real key for this is how they learn to express themselves support, skills and opportu- Universal Music and the BRIT freedom and life. I found the Many teenagers arm themselves with knives and grab control - through violence. Trust, working with horses team to be truly dedicated and nities to lead positive lives in an eff ort to withstand bullying in their neigh- and integrate them into the through Equine Facilitated inspirational and hope that bourhoods. For instance, when coming home Research shows that violent behaviour is oft en world of work, their commu- Learning and Sport sessions other charities are founded from school or just going about their business related to early childhood abuse and neglect. nities and families. run by Queen’s Park Rangers that can follow its model. they are in danger of being singled out and When some children are abused, beaten and staff . The preparation for work bullied, assaulted or robbed of their posses- rejected, their blood is fi lled with stress hor- sessions is vital for the 18-25 Since their launch in 2012 they sions by local gangs. Take for example the mones - cortisol and adrenalin among others. year olds who may never have have engaged with over a hun- Clare Barstow is a writer and tragic case of Damilola Taylor, walking home So, for the rest of their lives they do not think dred young men in Guy’s held a proper job. Once former resident of HMPPS from the library on a cold evening in 2000. He or feel as others do, they actually lose the capac- was confronted by a local gang, stabbed and ity to empathise with others. then collapsed on a council estate in Peckham, ADUKUS SOLICITORS where he bled to death. We are all failing these children; parents, com- Legal Aid Available Reg no. F201500974 munities, institutions and Government. If we A lot of young people don’t feel safe on the don’t protect and care for them, learn to iden- Prison Law streets, particularly in the inner cities. They tify when they are suffering from bullying, Licence Recall rarely ask for help, for fear that it could aggra- Sentence Calculations Do you need an Immigration lawyer? educate them about social values and where vate their situation and they do not want to Adjudication Before The Judge We can help with: they belong in society, then the cycle will con- Confiscation of Assets and Forfeitur appear weak in the eyes of their peers. They tinue. We have to help eradicate poverty, Parole Review Including Lifer Panels Appeals against Deportation learn to use knives to protect themselves. Some encourage equal opportunities in education, Crime Bail Applications of them are brought up in households where address concerns regarding mental health Magistrates/ Crown Court Representation Police Station Interview Entry clearence applications violence is the norm. Walking with a knife issues and promote a balanced upbringing for gives them confi dence and a sense of safety. Appeals and Reviews Make representations to Home O ce these children, or society will continue to pay On the streets the strong are ‘respected’ and Appeal Against IPP Conviction and Sentence Leave to remain applications a heavy price. the weak are marginalised and bullied. Appeal Against Conviction/ Sentence Partner applications CCRC Applications/ Judicial Review If guns were as easily available as knives, as Contact us today: Unit 25 Daisy Business Park, Another reason for knife crime is the so-called in America, then we would be seeing an epi- 19 - 35 Sylvan Grove, London SE15 1PD Call us: 0208 801 7422 ‘postcode wars’. Many adolescents from inner demic of gun crime in the UK. We must make T: 0207-183-1479 Email: [email protected] city communities join gangs, sometimes out our communities and our country safer for our Emergency Hotline: 0779-245-9339 Unit 19B, Imperial House, 64 Willoughby Lane, N17 0SP of boredom, or a need to fi t in or for protection. young people in order to put a stop to knife Email: [email protected] They do not feel a part of wider society and so crime. Insidetime June 2018 Comment 21

and get to see the beautiful Have you kept a record of your three years ago. Before that I creatures really close up but I sightings? had just done drawings, one knew that in this country that of which won Gold at the is forbidden. There is always I have not been so regular with Koestler Awards. This year I the risk of rats coming in. my record keeping recently but have submitted my fi rst paint- I still have all my notebooks ing and will have to wait and What are the most remarkable from earlier days, both before see how it goes down. birds you have ever seen? and during my time in prison. Thank you very much for shar- Undoubtedly the Cuckoo - it Are you going to continue the ing your passion with me. has such a range of special activity when outside and in weapons. For example, each what form? Have you ambi- Aft er the interview, my over- chick knows instinctively that tions to make a living out of it? riding thought was that it when it is fl edged it has to fl y would be a truly great shame all the way to a special area My long term biggest hope and if this Birdman wasn’t able to in Africa to feed. Later the dream is to become a profes- fulfi l his dream of becoming, females return to lay their eggs sional bird watching guide. But with his knowledge and gentle and do so only in a nest of the if that is not possible then to passion, a professional bird same type of bird that hatched take people out whenever I can watching guide. them as young. Their eggs and join that with my other loves develop the colour of those of of painting and horticulture. Editorial note A bird on the wire their hosts. It is all so unbeliev- Is there someone at your prison, © Deposit Photos able, but I have seen it. Apart I know that you have done a staff or fellow prisoner, that from that Ospreys, the only number of bird paintings. When inspires you? Why not interview bird with reversible claw to did you start and have you them and send it in and let them aid its fi shing and of course entered any of your work into be an inspiration for us all. The Birdman of Ford the Peregrine in full down- any competition? ward fl ight going faster than Christopher Lunn is a resident any aeroplane. Christopher Lunn member of the town’s club, so among other things a Ring I started painting birds about of HMP Ford took me on outings. Ouzel. Apparently only four had ever been seen before in One day, walking around the What was your initial inspiration? the county. Garden Chronicles estate of HMP Ford, I was amazed to see in the middle One of the fi rst birds I noticed Have you had any other involve- of a grassy lawn a Woodpecker down by the canal was a ment with offi cial bodies out- in all its glory. I know a little Kingfisher. I thought It was side prison? about birds but this inspired the most beautiful thing I had me to tell anyone interested ever seen. Even now I get At my fi rst open prison, I was enough to listen. A Lifer who goose bumps when I see one. asked by the Governor to bird had spent almost thirty years survey the whole estate. This behind bars turned to me, his How did your bird watching was because the prison was eyes lit with joy. Within the develop? on an SSSI (Site of Special next sixty seconds he told me Scientifi c Interest). I did this much more about the creature I joined the merchant navy for two years solidly - report- than I had ever known and did when I was 16½ and saw the ing regularly to a senior civil so without demonstrating an most amazing things. I became servant in the Home Offi ce. My ounce of superiority. He was a notebook bird watcher. I fi nal report was typed up and clearly fascinated by the sub- wrote down everything I saw submitted on a very official ject of birds and extremely and spent my quiet hours basis. I am proud to say that I knowledgeable. He asked sim- looking up in the books I had still have a copy of this docu- ply not to be named. It was with taken with me exactly what I ment. It recorded sightings of wonder I realised that in our had seen and tried to remem- over 110 species. At the end of strangely mixed community ber the particular calls. I learnt that task I was allowed to work Happy family geese here there is a man who is a true that every bird had its own set full time for the neighbouring © Deposit Photos expert, becoming one despite of sounds. Years later I was able bird sanctuary and together Jenny Greengrass Last year the six eggs all hatched at once and being in prison for so long. to distinguish the species more with the warden, spotted and suddenly the lake is alive with the family. Mum by the call than by the sight. reported offi cial sightings of a leading her goslings to swim and feed on the How many diff erent species of A few try hard to confuse us. Temminck’s Stint and a young leaves around the edge of the pond with bird have you seen in HMP Ford? For example, the Reed Warbler Montagu’s Harrier, of which The Canada Geese dad coming up the rear constantly looking mimics at least another 100 only one breeding pair had around defending his brood. Eighty-seven so far. types of bird. Eventually I was been previously recorded in The Greengrass family are becoming very ex- able to distinguish the imita- the UK. On a later visit I went cited by the fact that the Canada Geese are once At first the goslings are all brown and downy, That is an enormous number. tion from the real. On board I to check the salinity grounds again going to become parents. We have had but soon we will begin to see the marking of I believe I have counted a dozen. saw four diff erent species of set apart for Avocets. During several geese visiting the lake by our house. the true Canada Geese colours. The downside When did you fi rst become a Albatross, numerous migra- the day I saw and recorded, They come and fight each other until a suitable is that eventually there will be eight adult geese bird watcher? tory birds who would land for with a witness, a gathering of and obviously more defiant pair settle. We seem coming and going into our garden, feeding on a rest and hopefully some food Sandpipers, a bird not seen in to think it is the same pair every year, but as fresh plants; lovely to watch the development As a young schoolboy, I joined and a variety of specialist sea that area for years, and one they all look the same we might be wrong. of this family but a nightmare for our a local Yorkshire angling club. birds. Pelicans and Cormorants that I had never seen before. garden. I used to go with my elder step- came on deck but the most There were Green, Wood and The pair preen and feed for several weeks before brother with the same tackle exciting was a Malachite Common Sandpipers feeding the female starts to prepare for her new family. Once they are large enough, the parents will and technique. He caught Kingfi sher. It brought back to together and in the middle The male is very protective at this time and prefers begin teaching the youngsters how to fly in loads but I touched nothing me much of my initial joy. stood a Short-billed Dowitcher. to stand on the bank as a ‘lookout’ whilst she feeds. preparation for their journey to a future desti- so I spent my time looking The warden was especially nation. At first they limited their take- offs and around and noticed that there Has bird watching helped you excited by that. But at last the preparations are over and now landing from one end of the lake to the other. were a good number of birds. during your time inside? we have the female sitting on her beautiful, Eventually they will become confident enough I decided to find out about Have you seen the Burt Lancaster manicured nest every day covering her eggs to to take a circuit around the lake about 20 feet them. At 13 I joined the junior At one establishment, I was fi lm “The Birdman of Alcatraz” keep them warm as well as protecting them off the ground until such time when they won’t section of the RSPB and my working in the library and was and how did you feel about it? from any wildlife. She is pretty well protected come back. Each year the pattern of progression voyage of discovery began. I asked by the Governor if I could within the bulrushes and it is difficult to see for these magnificent birds is the same and watched “Survival” on the TV organise a group of off enders Yes, many years ago. I would her once the rushes have developed. Her nest even though we are sad to see them go, we and was taken under the wing to become part of the RSPB have loved to have set up a has been a work of art - and as she generally know that next year they (or another pair) will of my best mate’s dad. He was National Bird Watching Day. feeding system outside the lays around 6 large eggs it has to be compact return to begin the life cycle once again. an ardent bird watcher and a We did really well, seeing windows of my various cells but big enough for both her and the eggs. 22 Comment Insidetime June 2018 Jobs strategy aims to Inside Voices cut reoffending Suicide in prison IS preventable William Pulman - HMP Barlinnie retort for not allowing this by governors is the Justice Secretary introduces new education dreaded word ‘security’. But security is not something that should be hidden behind. and employment scheme It is an absolute fact that in Britain today, sui- Working with trusted prisoners who have no cide kills more people every year than road security issues or negative intel is easy to do, Inside Time report low-level qualifications being Mr Gauke proposed financial traffi c accidents, which is an inherently shock- governors simply need to demonstrate a will- delivered that reap little or no incentives for employers to ing statistic. What is even more shocking, and ingness to do so. reward for prisoners and are take on former prisoners with little known, is that in the UK suicide is the Last month, Justice Secretary of little relevance for employ- such things as tax breaks. biggest killer of men under the age of 45; kill- Prisoners can establish support groups run on David Gauke launched his ers. Education in prisons needs ing more than cancer, heart disease or any a weekly basis, allowing those who suff er from strategy for getting former to be much more closely tai- Summarising the new educa- other prominent disease. mental health issues that drive them to suicid- prisoners into work when re- lored to the skills that employ- tion and employment strategy, al thoughts to come and meet others in similar leased. He said he believed in ers in the local area need.” Mr Gauke said: “For those The death toll from suicide within our prisons situations to gain peer support, reassurance the power of work and gaining prisoners who are prepared to continues to rise and despite the rhetoric spout- and empathy that they are not suff ering alone. work can take people on the change, this education and ed by the government and Ministry of Justice Perhaps utilising mental health experienced right path and create a better For those claiming they are tackling the issue very little mentors to lead group meetings, who can off er future for themselves and their employment strategy will help prisoners who are if anything is actually being done. Funding for information and guidance, signposting pris- families. to break down both the barriers prepared to and the prejudices prisoners mental health services in prisons continues to oners to a range of relevant resources available decline despite the promised increases, with within the prison. Mr Gauke said that only 17% have faced. I say to prisoners: change, this edu- if you treat prison as a pivotal 1 in 3 prisoners suff ering from some form of of former prisoners were in mental health issue. Healthcare departments cation and em- turning-point in your life, if employment a year after re- are swamped and struggle to even meet those They have the power you commit to change and to lease and those who could not suff ering for an assessment, let alone initiate ployment strategy bettering yourself, if you are to bring about change, yet gain employment were a bur- any form of actual treatment that would alle- prepared to step up when you den on society, the welfare will help to break viate suff ering and, in turn, reduce lives lost lack the principles to do so, step out of prison, this strategy state and ordinary taxpayers. to suicide. He said without a job many down both the will work for you and empower and power without principles will fall back into crime, cost- barriers and the you to prepare for, and move Ultimately, the buck stops with the government is barren. ing the economy £15 billion a into, work.” and its refusal to allocate adequate mental year. “Ensuring ex-offenders prejudices prison- health funding for prisons. They have the Mentors and group members could produce come out of prison, not onto ers have faced. Peter Dawson, director of the power to bring about change, yet lack the prin- leafl ets/booklets on coping skills, relaxation benefits but into work, reduces Prison Reform Trust said: ciples to do so, and power without principles and advice on how to de-stress, manage neg- the financial burden on tax- Praising the work prisoners “This is a welcome strategy is barren. Responsibility also falls squarely in ative thoughts and develop personal independ- payers and the welfare state. do either within the prison or full to the brim with good in- the hands of prison governors to tackle and ence to stay safe. How about running drop-in It reduces reoffending and for the 300 private companies tentions. It could make a big reduce suicide and self-harm within their coff ee mornings, creative/craft therapy sessions therefore the number of vic- using cheap prison labour, he difference to the families and establishments. They have a legal and moral or 1-2-1 mental health mentor sessions where a tims of crime.” admitted that such work does communities to which prison- duty of care towards prisoners to keep them person can talk about how they’re feeling and not prepare prisoners for prop- ers return on release. But al- safe, and when lack of action to do so leads to get advice on available support and have the Launching an education and er jobs on release. To help most none of those good in- preventable loss of life, they must be held mentor advocate for them with prison staff to employment strategy which, counter this he proposed an tentions set a date for when accountable and responsible for failing to do get the help they need to stay safe and alive. he said, would unlock oppor- expansion of ROTL whereby they will be delivered, or how so. It is fi ne for them to spout terminology that tunity and put prisoners on a prisoners would work in real many people will benefit. We blames lack of funding, but not lack of action. Prisoners are a staggeringly under-utilised path to employment: “Breaking jobs with equal pay and pay have heard many of these resource in combating suicide and self-harm through into that world of a tax and National Insurance, promises before.” There is a path that governors could plausibly in prisons. Governors need to stop thinking more realistic prospect for as well as the prisoner tax. Mr take to tackle suicide and self-harm that negatively and creating unnecessary barriers prisoners”. Gauke said: “By expanding Richard Burgon, Shadow requires little, if any, money, instead tapping in the way of progress, believing that all pris- the use of ROTL for work, more Justice Secretary said: “While into the skills, experiences and determination oners are the same and cannot be trusted and As well as providing good ed- prisoners will not only be able prisoners are stuck in their of some prisoners who have either directly should simply be locked in their cells. ucation, he said: “We need to to get a foot through the door suffered from mental health issues or have ensure that offenders not only cells for 23 hours a day due to to sectors like these but em- usable experience of mental health. Yes, The fact remains that the system is failing, and leave prison with the basic severe understaffing, soaring ployers will be better able to Samaritans operate the Listeners scheme in governors need, no, must, start thinking out- skills they need to enter the violence and a prisons crisis fill short-term skills gaps most prisons, which is a fantastic service to side of the box and select, entrust and empow- workplace, but with the skills driven by Tory cuts, this is yet whilst also developing poten- those who need to simply talk, but it off ers no er suitable prisoners to establish, facilitate and that employers are looking for. another prison policy that, tial permanent employees for support or practical advice and, in some pris- manage a range of support groups and servic- Frankly, there are too many sadly, looks set to fail.” the longer term”. ons, such as Barlinnie, Listeners have been es. The cost of doing so would be negligible, withdrawn amid claims of drug-dealing, leav- providing an empty room, a jar of coff ee and ing no alternative. access to a computer in the library to create 250 poems composed by leafl ets/booklets. The results could, and would, The answer then lies in the hands of the many, be impressive - saving lives. 206 prisoners fi rst published not the few, standing together, stronger togeth- ry in Inside Time between er, weaker apart. If prison governors would So, if you are a prison governor reading this, 2014 and 2017 only take a positive step forward and have the why not be a pioneer and take action now to foresight and confi dence to work with prison- prevent suicides in your prison? ers, drawing on their experience and skills to Copies are available at create a range of support and information ser- I am a passionate and dedicated mental health a special discount price vices implemented by prisoners but monitored campaigner with in-depth experience of com- of £7.50 +£1 p&p for and supported by nominated staff . It is common plex mental health issues and suicide. I have Inside Time readers, sense to ask those who have experienced men- spent many years trying to support mentally family & friends. tal health issues what would help and is need- vulnerable prisoners, and I know what works. ed. If you were seeking advice and information If anyone, prisoners like me or prison staff / on poverty, you would not ask a banker for governors would like help or advice in creating voices from prison

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Bridge Finance Direct Ltd, Prince of Wales House, 3 Bluecoats Avenue, Hertford SG14 1PB 24 Comment Insidetime June 2018

they had ever got into print. a published writer, then you yours will have to be very spe- This got me thinking that if must take on board that writ- cial in order to catch some- these writers could do it, then ing is a job and to be success- one’s eye. You could write to why couldn’t I? ful you must put the hours in. an agent, enclosing examples When I eventually got around of your work and ask them to Be realistic to writing my fi rst book, I was act for you, but agents usual- Of course, I wasn’t arrogant in HMP Whitemoor, I would ly like you to have either an enough to think I was going spend a minimum of 3-hours outstanding talent or a good to write a best-seller right off every day on an old manual body of work behind you. The the bat. Aft er all, writing is a typewriter in my cell and it best way for someone in pris- skill, and like any other skill took me 5-months to complete on to get recognised and it needs plenty of practise. I the manuscript. become saleable is to have a started off writing poetry, then unique story to tell and to progressed to short-stories Presenting a manuscript know how to write it in a com- (under 500-words) and had a What an agent or publisher petent way. Also, to have bit of success entering them wants to see when considering experience of writing in pris- for competitions. I then tried your work for publication is a on magazines, for the Koestler Write and write and rewrite… my hand at a more journalistic well-presented manuscript, Awards and, of course, Inside

© style, and this was where preferably typed or printed, Time. The Inside Time came in. Through and with a synopsis that should have information their pages I was able to hone explains what the book is about short-story and essay my writing and direct it, it also about. A ‘synopsis’ is a brief competitions, both regional taught me the value of editing. setting out of what exactly you and national, that oft en off er The solitary art My simple tip for editing your are writing about, the style it cash prizes. Write to outside own work is to leave it alone is written in and who you are newspapers and magazines, for a couple of days and then writing for; i.e. autobiography, if the governor of your prison Writing your way out of prison pick it up and read it with fi ction thriller, factual subject, will allow it. Remember, the fresh eyes. Be as critical as you etc. Ideally, your first pres- more you get published the ing cycle of crime/imprison- It was a long, hard process and can and change or cut out any- entation for a book will be the better your chances are of get- ment are rarely encouraged to I had to work at it. I began to thing that does not scan. Read fi rst three chapters and a short ting an agent or publisher step outside of it. It becomes change my outlook and atti- it out loud to yourself and see synopsis. This way a publish- interested. Noel Smith not only like a heavy weight tudes and, eventually, I put how it might sound to a read- er or editor can get an idea of hanging around your neck, crime/imprisonment in my er. Don’t be too precious about your style and whether your Every prison library should I have no doubt that there are but like an inevitability. You rear-view mirror and entered your own work - in the real subject is commercial or not. have a copy of The Writers & some very talented people start to accept that this is how the free world as a fully paid- world editors can be ruthless. Artists Yearbook, which con- locked up behind the high your life is, and, subconscious- up member. For me, and for If your plan is to write for pub- Do I need an agent? tains the valuable information walls of the British prison sys- ly, you no longer put up a strug- so many of you, education is lication, then you will have to It is always good to have an you will need to embark on a tem. During my own lengthy gle to break free. Somebody surely the key to rehabilita- get used to other people edit- agent, though it is not abso- career in writing. It contains incarceration, I witnessed top- once wrote that the defi nition tion. And, writing is a useful ing and cutting your work. lutely necessary. You can send the addresses of all publishing class artists, writers and sto- of madness is to keep making tool. Here are my 5 tips for copies of your work to editors firms and agents, including ry-tellers. World-class chess, the same mistakes but expect aspiring writers. Practise and dedication and publishers yourself, their criteria for accepting poker and backgammon play- diff erent outcomes, and sure- Try to put aside a certain time though doing this is a bit hit- manuscripts. You never know, ers, and skilled and talented ly this applies to ‘repeat Reading is essential every day in which you write, and-miss as there are so many in time, you may be able to write sportsmen who should have off enders’, to use the offi cial For me, one of the things that make it yourPRT routine,Time Mag_Ad_2018_125x140.pdf if that people sending 1 14/05/2018 unsolicited 16:54 your way out of prison and been representing their towns, jargon. I was one who was got me interested in writing works. If you want to become manuscripts every week that into a new life. It does happen. cities and even their country fi rmly caught up in this mad- was reading. Once I had at the highest levels. Instead, ness for over three decades, learned to read (at the age of they had taken a wrong turn but I fi nally managed to break 17, in a punishment-block at at some juncture in their lives, the cycle. And you can too. Rochester Borstal) I read or their skills and talent had everything I could get my just never been recognised Before I went to prison I could hands on. Reading was a ‘bird and nurtured. Perhaps they not read or write and was very killer’ back in the days before didn’t even know they had a poorly educated, but, over in-cell television. I read a lot talent until they were far many years I was lucky of fiction for entertainment down the road of crime and enough to meet a handful of and to pass the time and, aft er punishment, or they had led people who helped and a few years, it got so I could chaotic lifestyles, as so many encouraged me. I began to see read the fi rst few pages of a prisoners have, or just never education as a need, rather book and guess how it would had the opportunity to shine than a chore that had to be pan out. I also read some in the right company. endured. The more I learned books that were so dire, the the more I questioned, and I plot lines so obvious and the A lot of people who are caught began to look at the world characters so poorly drawn up in the seemingly never-end- around me with diff erent eyes. that I often wondered how special COMMENT/ prize of: Local To: HMP Bullingdon, £100 ARTICLE for people of HMYOI Aylesbury, HMP Woodhill, 21 years or under entering any HMP The Mount & HMP Grendon category but Pickup & Scott will represent Prizes in SHORT STORY prisoners nationwide. each category: 1st PRIZE We are able to assist with all Please contact SPOKEN WORD aspects of prison law, including: The Prison Law Dept at: £200 The closing date for the competition 2nd PRIZE 3rd PRIZE • Parole Board Reviews Pickup & Scott Solicitors is Monday 6 August 2018 6 Bourbon Street £100 £75 • Recall to Prison For information on how to enter please contact your • Independent Adjudications Aylesbury The competition is open education/learning and skills department, library, Bucks HP20 2RR to all prisoners, prisoners’ or contact: Michele Byam, Prison Reform Trust, • Sentence Calculation families and friends, FREEPOST ND6125, London EC1B 1PN. 01296 397 794 and to former prisoners. Email: [email protected] Members of the Association of Prison Lawyers Insidetime June 2018 Comment 25 Overcoming ‘The Fear’ Book Review In the book, Ali initially hides away. She rec- Million-seller author recounts visit to prison book club The Date ognises no-one, neither her friends or her family, but then embarks on a mission to try and find importantly, we chatted about by Louise Jensen out what happened to her during that darkly mental health. I relayed my Review by: Maggie mysterious evening. So our journey begins. story of how finding myself Gentle - HMP Styal with a disability in my 30’s lost me my mobility, my job, my home and caused me to Price: £8.00 Jensen’s beautifully de- develop clinical depression. I Published by: Bookouture scriptive prose has a magnetic, shared how I was at rock-bot- ISBN: 978-1786814852 tom, thinking my life was over, mesmerising power, drawing my best days behind me. My After a blind date Ali has woken up with blood the reader in, inspiring intrigue, fears that no-one would em- on her hands. She’s in a confused state but ploy me, love me. But eventu- curiosity and sporadic, unex- can’t remember what happened to her. She is ally I picked myself up and in her own bed yet can’t remember how she pected adrenaline rushes. overcame depression through got there - but almost certainly her bruising is mindfulness and forged a new evidence that she has suffered a violent en- life, a new career. Although counter - with whom and why she doesn’t know. Before reading The Date I had never heard of they didn’t tell me why they Prosopagnosia. I had no idea that a fall or head were in prison, and nor did I Ali initially hides away. injury could result in such a dramatic change want to know, they shared how in a person’s psychological make-up. The book they felt, how they coped. She recognises no-one, neither vividly brings it home that to face a future with face blindness is utterly unimaginable. Time flew by and after signing her friends or her family. some books, the men were Whatever happened to Ali has caused her to Jensen’s beautifully descriptive prose has a escorted back to their cells. I develop Prosopagnosia, also called face blind- ate a delicious lunch at the staff magnetic, mesmerising power, drawing the Louise Jensen: “Time fl ew by” ness - a cognitive disorder from which sufferers bistro, cooked and served by reader in, inspiring intrigue, curiosity and lose the ability to recognize even the most fa- the prisoners. Later, I had a sporadic, unexpected adrenaline rushes. To miliar faces, including their own - and it can Louise Jensen tour of the prison. I experi- be fair, the pace is a little slow at first as Jensen As she snapped on blue latex turn permanent. This rare medical condition enced what it was like in both takes her time making sure the scene is set for gloves I felt a flicker of unease is the theme that Louise Jensen has delicately a single and double cell and the thrill ride to come. But once it takes off, my Eighteen months ago, when but the search was soon over and sensitively used for her stunning new book, chatted to the men who lived goodness the pages begin to turn at an alarming my debut novel ‘The Sister’ and another officer arrived to her fourth psychological thriller, and arguably there. It was heartbreaking to rate as what can only be described as a ‘mental was No.1 in the charts, I was escort me to the library. her best. Jensen explains that the book had visit a room full of toys and rollercoaster’ takes hold. The result is a gripping invited along to HMP taken her four years to write as she struggled books where the men could literary feast which keeps the reader guessing Thameside to meet their book One of my first observations to find a way to help the reader understand record themselves reading a club. Immediately, ‘The Fear’ was how many doors there this strange and terrifying condition. It was a right until the very end; an end that neither story to send to their children; hit and I quickly declined. Not were, each one needing to be struggle that was well worth the effort. Ali or the reader could ever have imagined. because of the environment unlocked and immediately and that really reiterated that but because I had a massive locked behind us. Listening their sentence isn’t theirs to phobia of public speaking. to the slam, the twisting of the bear alone. Those who read my blog know key, I tried to imagine how I that after turning down nu- would feel if I knew I would It’s now been a week since my merous talks, I was asked to be there for months, or even visit. A week in which the peo- speak at the Althorp Literary years and anxiety bubbled. ple I met are still very much Festival last year and eager to on my mind … a week in which attend, I had a course of hyp- I am still trying to process how notherapy to help me overcome It was heart- I feel. Despite my expectations, ‘The Fear’. I’ve since spoken the images I had built up in at, and enjoyed, several events breaking to visit a my mind, ultimately these men - so when HMP Thameside’s room full of toys were people, just like you and librarian, Neil Barclay, got I. Some were anxious, bewil- back in touch and asked if I’d and books where dered, depressed and frustrat- reconsider, grateful of a second the men could ed. All were respectful and polite. There were repeat of- DOES THE TAX MAN OWE YOU MONEY? chance, I said ‘yes’. (IF YOU ENTERED PRISON AFTER 6 APRIL 2012 AND PAID TAX YOU MAY BE DUE A TAX REFUND) record themselves fenders - that was inevitable I had never been in a prison reading a story to - but I also met men who want- before and my expectations ed an education, the chance WORKED IN CONSTRUCTION (CIS) - TAX DEDUCTED? were very much centred send to their chil- of a better life. Hope. There around what I’d seen on TV - dren; and that really are no victimless crimes but rowdy tattooed men in orange could any one of us take a NEED TO FILE SELF-ASSESSMENT RETURNS? boiler suits - and as I queued reiterated that their wrong turn? Although I’ve ARE YOU RECEIVING TAX DEMANDS OR PENALTIES THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND? up to be booked in I started to never broken the law, I’ve ARE YOU SETTING UP A BUSINESS AFTER YOU ARE RELEASED AND NEED ADVICE? wonder, for the first time, what sentence isn’t theirs made bad choices, rash deci- I’d let myself in for. It was a to bear alone. sions …mistakes. surprise I had to be fingerprint- IF THE ANSWER IS ‘YES’ YOU NEED TO CONTACT THE TAX ACADEMY™ ed before I was granted entry, I’ve offered to go back and run THE TAX ACADEMY™ Include as much information as possible: a workshop on mindfulness. and not by ink and paper but In the library I was greeted by Unit 4, Ffordd yr Onnen • Prison number by a scanner. (‘Mum, did you the prisoners who participate As well as helping with de- Lon Parcwr Business Park • Your full name including middle name think it would be like an 80’s in the book club and the cre- pression and anxiety, imagine • Your date of birth cop show?’ my son asked when ative writing class and it struck if learning to live in the mo- Ruthin I told him that later. Umm, yes). me, as my eyes swept around ment, pausing to think rather Denbighshire LL15 1NJ • National insurance number My photo was taken, my ID the room, at the different than having a knee-jerk reac- • Employment history checked and then I was given clothes (not an orange boiler tion, could stop just one person 01824 704535 • Contact address/number on the outside a visitor’s pass. After storing suit in sight) the different ages, reoffending? Mindfulness is [email protected] Please advise if you change Prisons after responding. my possessions in a locker, I races, that these were just peo- all about choice. I chose to visit was directed to the next room. ple and my anxiety dissipated. the prison, and I was free to The Tax Academy™ is a Social Enterprise created by Paul Retout, a Tax Specialist to help Prisoners with their leave at the end of the day, but tax affairs in Prison and on the outside. He was recently profiled in ‘The Times’ – ‘Tax Rebates for Cellmates’ Here, I was met by an officer having run tax seminars for inmates in HMP Wandsworth. who asked me to remove my We talked about my books, sometimes I think - what if I boots so they could be scanned. about writing, but more wasn’t? It’s a sobering thought. 26 Comment Insidetime June 2018 Inside Voices A journey through the therapy looking glass

precise meal times and allotted Fast forwarding many years shower times, however by now later and here I am in Grendon. Initiatives are I had learnt to wait. My body A place where staff promote had not taken so well to the transparency rather than spon- prison issue deodorant and so soring the invasion of privacy. I am not ashamed to say that A place where staff encourage the root of all evil I was a bit sweaty to say the least. the voice of prisoners and are willing to accept criticism and As I waited my turn I found feedback. So much so that often Grant Stanley - HMP Whatton governors want to save money to curry favour myself caught up in a conver- prisoners are invited to inter- with their political masters and, as the old sation I would now describe view new staff members ap- Surely the MoJ, HMPPS and prison governors saying goes; excrement fl ows downhill. as the ‘new guy talk’, you know plying for jobs here at Grendon. must have noted the increase in prison vio- the conversation the current Reportedly this is one of the lence, self-harm and general dissent in the Prison offi cers have to cope with more prison- new guy has with the newer ers and more administration. As a result, pris- many liberating experiences system at the moment? Have these ‘learned’ © guy so as to establish himself here, giving residents a chance people made the connection between their oners suff er further obstacles to freedom and as no longer new. I was the a totally confusing message from their subju- Reece Johnson national and local ‘initiatives’ and the discord newer guy. I can’t remember to have a say about what kind gators. Prison rules now make ‘good prisoners’, within the system? how we got on to the subject of people we believe can help but not ‘good people’. Prisoners see the contra- but he had managed to get me this place achieve its full What people call the ‘initiative’ in any fi eld of dictions and the lack of accountability and Finding the talking about how I ended up potential. human activity is never anything more or less react accordingly. in prison. than a psychological advantage. It combines confidence Recently, we had the delight The judicial system recognised that joint-en- one side’s feelings that they are winning and of interviewing a cheerful of- the other side’s feeling that something has gone terprise was unfair and unjust, but the prison to open up Often prisoners ficer with many years of expe- wrong - that they must now prepare for and system (HMPPS) is guilty of joint-enterprise. Grendon prison promotes the rience working with young respond to the actions of their competitor (sub- Prisoners are sentenced to incarceration by a are invited to idea that through looking into jugator) instead of preparing their own off en- judge; the deprivation of liberty and choice is offenders, looking for a new our past we can work towards interview new staff sive action. the punishment. However, on arrival at their way to make a difference. place of punishment, prisoners are faced with a better future. To this day I members applying However, it seems the real remember some of my earliest Couched in terms of ‘momentum’ or ‘ascend- additional depending on the gov- highlight was when some res- experiences from when I first for jobs here at ancy’, it really always comes down to who is ernor in-situ. HMPPS are simply not satisfi ed idents from one community doing what to whom, and a sudden change in with a judge’s punishment, so they decide to came into prison. Back then I Grendon. got the opportunity to interview was an apologetic rookie get- that equation will have a stronger eff ect than that impose any number of additional punishments one of their former wing of- ting to know the ropes, whilst of a gradual build-up to the same set of circum- they choose to apply - unless of course a pris- ficers. A true ‘gent’, he had only learning how to manoeuvre stances. The expected, when replaced by the oner falls into one of the 9 protected categories Truthfully, at the time I was been retired for a couple of through the system. unexpected, lingers for a long time; lingers in within equality laws. This prison is a male on remand and I did not openly months - he just couldn’t stay prison and yet sexual activity between prison- One of the first things I learnt speak about my crime as I do the mind, since it is easier, for a while, to deny away! rather than to adapt, and this just makes things ers is rife here. This is a breach of prison rules was the importance of waiting now here at Grendon. harder for those who are being done to. and yet a blind eye is turned by management. in line. Whether it was the din- Regardless, as we were speak- His presence that day stands In contrast, woe betide any prisoner found with ner queue or the line for can- ing for some reason I felt as as a reminder of the dedication, These short-sighted demagogues; with no oper- a piece of bible paper in his cell; this warrants teen, waiting your turn was a though I was being watched. ational experiences in their designated a mandatory 7-days in segregation. What is the respect afforded to most people In a moment of sheer curiosity generosity and humanity that appointments, continue to fracture the already prison system coming to when a fl agrant breach regardless of their social stand- I spun on my heels and headed I have seen from staff members crumbling prison system yet nobody holds of rules is overlooked for fear of upsetting ing. Although the consequenc- for the open doorway. To my during my time here at them to account. equality key performance indicators and, es for breaking this unwritten shock and disappointment I Grendon. Don’t get me wrong instead, punishments are enforced for specu- rule seemed to vary, anything was sheepishly greeted by the I’m not after a set of keys. I just One of the most repeated failures of manage- lative breaches of rules? was possible, from a full blown cowardly grin of an eavesdrop- want to let people who are in- ment (across the world) is the desire to impress fight, to the acquisition of an ping officer. For years this terested, who may think that their seniors by trying to improve a system by Routine becomes comforting to prisoners and unknown enemy. That being encounter had remained at the way I once did - one day you implementing new ‘initiatives’ without any any changes to the status quo creates psycho- said when I thought of what back of my mind whenever staff may find you have to tell some- long-term vision of the destination. Whilst logical barriers to adoption; HMPPS and pris- to write about this month I got asked about my offence. This one what’s really going on in on governors would be wise to recognise this, these initiatives may have short-term benefi ts a flashback of an encounter invasion of privacy, had your mind. If you think you are for both the author and the reader, they achieve as these new ‘initiatives’ are the predominant that started with me waiting prompted me in an instant to ready Grendon is a place where very little in the long term and consume addi- cause for the increase in , self- in line for a shower. place a barrier between myself you can go at your own pace. tional resources to rectify the problems created. harm numbers and general dissent. and staff, one that would serve It was a midsummer’s day, I to prevent me from speaking For the political appointees; their sights extend Lock us up, feed us, water us, exercise us and was still new to prison and the openly with them for years to Reece Johnson, a nom de plume, no further than four years, for prison governors leave us alone …. please. idea of a prison regime, the come. is a resident of HMP Grendon it extends until their next promotion. For cen- turies, the prison system worked without inter- ference from these amateurs; lock up the bad ARORA LODHI HEATH guys and girls, feed them, water them and Dedicated Prison Lawyers For You PURCELL PARKER SOLICITORS exercise them. Then, psychology reared its ugly head and the new buzzword for the time Over 60 years’ combined experience Solicitors POCA- CONFISCATION was ‘rehabilitation’ - another initiative that BIRMINGHAM’S TOP IPP & Lifer Parole Reviews has continually been undermined by empirical PRISON LAWYERS CRIMINAL LAW data and continues to consume the public Licence Recalls Licence Recalls APPEALS & CCRC purse. IPP sentences were another example of Prisoner Adjudications Independent Adjudications an idiotic ‘initiative’, which has subsequently IPP & Lifer Parole ADJUDICATIONS been deemed unjust and unlawful, and con- Sentence Calculations HDC tinues to cost the taxpayer millions. Sentence Calculations PAROLE HEARINGS Criminal Defence Work Re - Categorisation IMMIGRATION Barring necessary technological improve- Call Stephanie Brownlees today on ments, why do politicians, prison governors Call now to speak with: and bureaucrats feel the need to fi x what is not 01902 275 042 Tiernan Davis, Sadie Rice or Jan Arkwright 9 Market Place, London W3 6QS broken? And the most frustrating thing about Purcell Parker Solicitors 0208 993 9995 the whole endeavour is that there is no account- West Midlands House, Gipsy Lane, 204 - 206 Corporation Street Birmingham B4 6QB [email protected] ability, because no one really cares. Politicians Willenhall WV13 2HA want to save money to impress their whips, 0121 236 9781 Multiple Languages Spoken Insidetime June 2018 Comment 27

press - then in 2000 I began a or drabs. Chess is a jealous regular column for the lover. Will tolerate no other Guardian newspaper about ...” From having no previous prison life called ‘A Life Inside’. knowledge of the game and no formal training, once out Twenty years to the day from of prison he won tournaments, played grandmasters and had when I was first taken into cus- “Chess is a jealous lover…” tody I was released, ‘no longer his brilliance reported in the a danger to society.’ Now a national press. A more dra- fully-fledged journalist, relief. A paid sparring partner matic transformation of a life Guardian columnist and pub- at a professional gym at 16, would be hard to imagine. lished author, I’d found my Healy showed promise and calling as a professional writer. was described by celebrated We finally met in a plush hotel trainer George Francis as “an in Galway. A wiry, roughly Then came another extraordi- acclaimed stylist, possessing hewn man, he reminded me nary encounter. I often won- concussive power in both of my Scottish uncles, dered what happened to Healy hands”. He could have been a hard-drinking and hard-fight- in the intervening years. In contender, until he started ing men from another era. 2007 I was invited to appear entering the ring drunk. From Healy, however, had been at the Cuirt Literary Festival then on it was all downhill. sober for more than 30 years. in Galway. When I checked the His life was soon a blur of In his trench-coat and over- programme I saw that a ‘John “stealing, drinking and find- sized black pumps he looked Healy’ was on the same bill as ing somewhere to sleep”. A a tad incongruous in our pres- John Healy from the documentary Barbaric Genius me. I called the programme’s spell in the army, where he ent surroundings; and not a director - a striking Irish became regimental boxing little lost. The skin on his pale American woman called Maura champion, failed to halt the face was taut and his eyes Kennedy - and asked her: “Is decline. After a taste of military shifted around the room, as if that John Healy who wrote The prison and dishonourable dis- constantly on the lookout for Surviving Grass Arena?” She said “yes, charge he went back into the threats. Not wanting to startle of course.” My heart started to spiral that led ultimately to him, I eased myself nearer to pound. I thought he’d probably The Grass Arena, the park his seat until I was almost on be dead by now. But no, he where Healy led the wildest top of him. “Oh hi,” I said even- was still above ground. existence alongside other de- tually. “John Healy?” ‘The Grass Arena’ generates, beggars, conmen, Healy’s life was broken almost thieves and killers - all depend- He shuffled and stood up. Film of classic book chronicling the lives of people before it had a chance to begin. ent on alcohol sourced by any “Yes?” he said. I told him who Born in London in 1943 to poor means possible. I was and offered him my hand, society forgot now released on DVD Irish immigrants, he had a which he took in his and shook childhood that was blighted By the time he met Harry the warmly. “I’m so glad you are I first read the book in Long by violence and rejection, first Fox, a wily professional crim- still alive,” I said, smiling broad- Lartin prison in 1989. A pro- from his rabidly religious fa- inal and fellow prisoner in ly. He looked bemused and Pentonville, where Healy was Erwin James bation officer sent it to me, with ther and later from bigger laughed and said, “So am I!” an inscription inside the front children on their bombsite serving yet another sentence cover - “Read what this man playgrounds, who subjected for some drunken misdemea- More than ten years later, John It’s a hell of a story. Brutal and survived and be inspired.” So him to beatings “at least once nor or other, more than 10 years Healy is still going strong. vicious and funny - but mostly I did. And I was. However I a week”. His drinking began had elapsed. It was the Fox Surviving and then some. brutal and vicious. Told in the never thought I’d meet the Doing time in earnest to relieve his “ten- who introduced Healy to chess highly acclaimed book,’ The author, as I was barely five sion” even before he left school and brought an end to his crav- Grass Arena’, it is author John years into a minimum 25 year heard fellow prisoners talk aged 14. For a little while box- ing for alcohol. “Yes, it hap- The Grass Arena DVD out now Healy’s account of survival life sentence. I’d been in ‘the about “false hope” but I ing, too, offered him some pened just like that - no dribs £12.99 ASIN: B079ZSVNSW against the most barbaric odds lazy L’, nicknamed ‘Paranoia learned that in fact there is no which broke new ground in City’ for just a few months. I such thing as false hope. There bringing understanding and was still finding my feet in an is only hope. The prison jour- DAVIES & JONES insight into the lives and times environment that could be ney can be a road to hell, or a See our of London’s wino vagrant com- equally as brutal and vicious road to redemption. I tried to page in the SOLICITORS munity in the 1960s. First as that described by John make mine the latter. I learned published in 1988, and then Healy, author of The Grass to survive in jail, but after ‘Jailbreak’ section Specialising in 20 years later as a Penguin Arena. Healy’s visceral prose reading The Grass Arena I was Criminal Defence and Modern Classic the book, de- gave me hope. His words al- determined, like Healy, to sur- THE PRISON scribed as “a savage master- lowed me to believe that no vive and then some. Prison Law piece” (Books), portrays lives matter how far a human being O f f e r i n g which are so far removed from falls and sinks, there is always In Nottingham prison in 1992 PHOENIX TRUST the good and decent people of a way back to the surface - if a film club in the education N a t i o n w i d e S e r v i c e civilised society. But I know you want it badly enough. department showed the film Head doing you in? from first-hand experience of Healy’s book. Mark Rylance • All Criminal Court Proceedings that there are echoes of the was stunning as Healy and Stressed out? story on every prison landing brought to life the man who Can’t sleep? • Parole Applications and every prison wing, not just inspired me to do more than • Licence Recall across the United Kingdom but just survive. Pete Postlethwaite Simple yoga and across the world. was terrific as Healy’s incor- • Appeals rigible associate The Dipper. meditation practice, Mark Rylance and • Adjudications The book was made into a film Then in 1993, Gordon, the pris- Pete Postlethwaite working with silence and the in 1991, starring Mark Rylance, on’s English teacher, invited breath, might just transform Contact Pete Postlethwaite and Clive Rylance into the prison to meet Russell and won major inter- When I went to prison in 1984 with a group of us. It was a joy your life in more ways than David Rees or Simon Palmer national awards. This month I had no ambitions, no aspi- to shake his hand. you think ... Interested? Davies & Jones the film has been released for rations; ill-educated and in- the first time on DVD, and has articulate, my prospects of ever By then I was tentatively con- Write to The Prison Phoenix Trust 32 The Parade, Roath, reminded me of the impact the achieving a better way to live templating using my prison P.O. Box 328, Oxford, OX2 7HF. Cardiff, CF24 3AD book and the film had on me were between slim and non-ex- time to develop my love of all those years ago. It has also istent. Books were my saviour. writing. Over the next few years We’d love to hear from you anytime and have Tel: 029 2046 5296 reminded me of the unexpect- Life for the long-term prisoner I won a Koestler prize for prose several free books and CDs, which could or 24 Hour Emergency Number: ed twists and turns a prison is life on the edge of hope. Often and had several articles pub- help you build and maintain a daily practice. 079 7096 9357 journey can take you on. while serving my sentence I lished in the local and national // Scottish Focus


CALL US: 0191 232 1006 - VISIT: - EMAIL: [email protected] NEWCASTLE: Wards Buildings - 31-39 High Bridge - Newcastle upon Tyne - Tyne and Wear - NE1 1EW LONDON: 7 New Square - Lincolns Inn - London - WC2C 3QS (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY) Insidetime June 2018 Comment 29 Inside Voices Tales of Wisdom

Sid Arter filled with undercover officers at each end. “He’s wearing a police uniform and looks very Confirmation bias suspicious; he made me feel uncomfortable,” you blurt out as you tell them you are bursting P Grannon - HMP Wymott proportion of them mention match. Neither side is telling The vicar and to use the toilet. After using the toilet you come alien interest in the human lies. It is called ‘confi rmation out to find there are four men standing in the reproductive organs. The fact bias’ and it is perfectly normal. area outside the carriage door; two of them “If witnesses to a crime talk to the policeman that their separate stories con- have sub-machine guns! “Right, that way, they each other before speaking to tain these common threads Despite this, a judge will tell say, and push you towards the next carriage the police they will, uninten- You have been out for the evening and catch adds to the overall sense of a jury that, if a claimant’s alle- along.” As you enter the carriage two uniformed tionally, infl uence each other, the last train home. You take a seat opposite credibility of alien abductions gation against a defendant is police officers approach you and take you to a oft en coming out with a cor- two people in the middle of the carriage where in general. matched by another person table area and sit you opposite them. They tell roborative account that bears it will be less draughty and quieter. It’s never making a similar complaint, you of the dangerous criminal that is on the no relationship to events. This a busy service and you notice opposite you sits Put any of these people under then this can be treated as train and that you suspect he is armed. “And, is a form of social contagion a woman who is smartly dressed with a navy oath in a court of law and they ‘similar fact evidence’. This dressed as a policeman” you add! known as ‘memory conform- will swear that they have been means that the ‘evidence’ of blue shirt and a vicar’s dog collar; she makes ity’, also called confi rmation good eye contact and smiled at you when you abducted by aliens. They are one witness can then be used “This service is running behind a slow train bias’’, so said Forensic came and sat down. Next to her is a man in a not lying - they know it to be as corroboration of the truth and we are to be held briefly at the next station. Psychologist Fiona Gilbert police officers’ uniform; he has short cropped true. Google tells me that there of the ‘evidence’ of the other. This is not a scheduled stop and the doors will recently on BBC Radio 4. are around 1.6million regis- Obviously, the term ‘similar hair, a couple of day’s beard growth and doesn’t make any eye contact. As the journey progress- not open - do not attempt to leave the train” tered abductees in America. fact evidence’ is a misnomer for crackles a voice over the train public address. I explored this ‘confi rmation es, you notice the policeman looks almost Apparently, one enterprising what should actually be called Within minutes the train lurches to a halt and bias’ by Googling for people constantly out of the window and has the same company has started selling ‘similar allegation evidence’. the two officers march me to the doorway and who claimed that they had fixed expression on his face. The vicar appears insurance against being per- put me off the train, together with several other been abducted by aliens. I dis- relaxed and animated and if you catch her eye manently abducted by aliens. ‘Similar fact evidence’ is sup- passengers. We are made to move along the covered a lady in Hampshire, she politely smiles and carries on reading her They have made over 40,000 posedly only admissible when platform away from the carriage I had been sat for example, who had gath- book. After about 40 minutes you decide you sales so far. there is no connection in originally and the train pulled away. We are ered together a group of some need to go to the toilet; you look up and notice between the claimants and taken to a waiting room and thanked for coop- 5,000 ‘abductees’. We have all experienced the there is no possibility that a sign on the carriage wall indicating the di- rection of the toilet. As you stand up you realise erating and are taken home by police car. We same sort of thing over trivial they might have heard of one are told nothing else. People tell one another about stuff. You can hear people another’s allegations. But in the carriage is almost empty; except for a few being abducted by aliens in passengers sitting near both exits. The police- arguing over things like who these times of instant commu- The following morning I hear on the radio that fl ying saucers and their stories man looks at you and makes you feel uncom- was wearing what at last nication via mobile phones the fugitive has been arrested and no one was are remarkably similar. When fortable, so you feel obliged to speak. “I’m just year’s Christmas party. Aft er and social media, it is highly hurt and I tell my partner how I had got caught individuals relate their expe- nipping to the loo; keep an eye on my seat if a local ‘derby’ soccer match, unlikely that a witness will up in it all. “I reckon he had taken that poor riences to others, they are you would”. You realise it sounds a bit stupid ask a Reds supporter to remain unaware of the allega- vicar and was trying to escape dressed reinforcing not only the reali- - given the carriage is almost empty, but he describe the game - especial- tions of another witness. The as a police officer”, I tell my partner. “Oh no, ty of their own abductions, but makes eye contact and nods at you. ly the free-kicks and penal- judge will typically ask the she says - the fugitive was the man dressed as also helping to validate the ties. Then ask a Blues support- jury - ‘How likely is it that each a female vicar; the police officer sat next to him abductions recounted by all the As you leave the carriage to go to the toilet, er the same. It is like listening of these witnesses is telling was travelling home by train as his car had other members of their group. to two totally diff erent events. the same lie?’ Your Honour, in you are roughly pulled to one side by two men. “Stay still and be quiet. Thank goodness you’ve broken down and was unaware that it was him, However, each supporter is today’s world you should so good was his disguise. These abductees hold conven- telling ‘the truth’, and each of warn the jury to allow for left the carriage. There’s a dangerous man on tions of like-minded people board, who’s armed and we are planning to them could fi nd a few thou- every possibility. How often are we taken in by appearances? and give their testimonies. take him down!” You realise the few people sand other Reds or Blues who Don’t judge by looks, sight or sound - judge by There are many common will fully corroborate their It’s called confi rmation bias, you did pass did not acknowledge you and the two men tell you slowly the carriage has been character and behaviour. threads; for example, a high individual version of the same and it’s perfectly normal. Blackfords new ad 24.1.14:Layout 1 24/1/14 12:59 Page 1

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letters and articles is un- unsafe for staff and us inmates changed. Letters requiring or and it’s all to do with shortage requesting help and/or advice Keeping Safe of staff and the legal high may be forwarded to an ap- called ‘spice’ as it’s ruined the propriate organisation for their prison system.” assistance, advice or action, Looking after your mental health unless we have a specific writ- In March, in Inside Time, we ten instruction to the contrary. said: ’Just because you are in prison you don’t have to be Material submitted for publi- Juliet Lyon CBE dragged down into a cycle of cation will appear showing drugs, violence and debt.’ But the contributors’ name and self-harm and drug-related prison (if applicable). If ano- Asking for your deaths continue to rise. So nymity is specifically request- your help is still needed. ed it will be granted but as with help to speed © Deposit Photos any newspaper, once pub- things up There are solutions and you IMPORTANT NOTICE TO lished the information will be will know what they are. How in the public domain and do we stop drugs coming into Changing our prisons to keep therefore out of our direct con- prison? How can we avoid the READERS, CONTRIBUTORS people safe is a long, slow trol. Legal Q&A letters published problem of debt? How can we haul. Since our survey last will usually show initials only. tackle violence? How can we AND SUBSCRIBERS year with Inside Time, Prison reduce the risk of self-harm Radio and the Samaritans, All documents sent are secure- © Deposit Photos and drug-related deaths? And, The UK is updating its data print Inside Time and send out some progress has been made. ly destroyed after 6 months if most importantly, how togeth- protection legislation and the copies to subscribers by post for Across 60 prisons, 150 prison- they are not used, or 12 months Prison right er can we keep people safe? new GDPR (General Data us. These lists are used and then ers made it clear that, to if they have been published. Thank you to everyone who Protection Regulation) came immediately destroyed. The reduce suicide and self-harm, now is a very We do not accept responsibility has written in already, includ- into force during May 2018. mail log is for internal use only. good, professional relation- for any original documents dangerous place, ing an interesting comparison The aim of this new legislation ships with staff are vital. Reach Plc have confirmed that between how drugs are tack- is to update the current Data sent to us so please send copies it’s unsafe for staff they are GDPR compliant. Full only. No documents will be led in British and American Protection Act, increase the You said that the prison ser- details available at www.reach- returned. and us inmates jails. Solutions range from privacy protection of all UK vice must recruit and retain more rigorous searching to an and EU citizens and reduce good, decent people, train and it’s all to do Subscriptions amnesty and protection for the risk of data breaches. It support and supervise them Karubu Limited host and man- Those who have in the past people who want to get away applies to all public and private and maintain safe staffi ng lev- with shortage of age Inside Time’s website, received complimentary cop- from drugs, threats and vio- organisations processing per- els for each prison. Staffing which includes the email ser- ies of Inside Time, and have staff and the legal lence. sonal data. levels are improving and so vice. They also look after all them sent to a private address, too are regimes in some jails. high called ‘spice’ our online security arrange- Write to IAP FREEPOST and Inside Time Limited does not will need to formally request ments. Our website and email this using the form supplied as it’s ruined the we promise that your views hold databases containing Incentives and Earned system is fully encrypted and confirming that they wish to and solutions will reach peo- personal information other Privileges (IEP) are being prison system. secure passwords are changed remain on our mailing list. This ple in authority who can than the mailing list used to revised to make them more regularly. will not be necessary for pay- change things for the better. send subscribers copies of the encouraging and less puni- ing subscribers as by purchas- newspaper and mail logs to Karubu Ltd have confirmed that tive. ACTT is under review to Many of the recommendations ing a subscription they have record the names of all those they are GDPR compliant. Full ensure that it is not the you made have been actioned. already agreed. we receive mail from and send details available at www.karu- box-ticking exercise you said But there is so much more to mail to. All is stored securely it had been reduced to in some do to keep people safe in cus- Full details are on our website on a password protected sys- places. Family contact and tody. One man wrote to the Juliet Lyon is Chair of the and available by request. Our tem. Our mailing list is shared Published material helplines have been improved IAP: “Prison right now is a Independent Advisory Panel contact details are shown on only with Reach Plc (formerly The way Inside Time process in many establishments. very dangerous place, it’s on Deaths in Custody (IAP) known as Trinity Mirror) who and handle all contributors’ page 2.

A NEW BOOK ABOUT THE HISTORY “Recent Cases dealt with by MKS LAW “ OF PETTY CRIME IN LONDON CROWN COURT We are an independent book publisher currently R v B - Charged with Attempted Murder + S18 GBH x2 + working on a book about the history of Petty Possession of Offensive Weapon. All charges reduced to Crime in London. a single count of GBH following successful negotiation with the prosecution. We aim to uncover stories of fraud, theft, burglary and anarchy that have happened in London since the PAROLE HEARINGS 1990s and tell the social, economic and cultural reasons behind them. LICENCE RECALL / LIFER JM, BH, AL, AM, DC The book aims to highlight the reasons why people Clients all released following Parole hearings. get involved in different areas of petty crime in London, why the crimes are specific to London ADJUDICATIONS and discover how they came about during specific FA - Client found Not Guilty following positive MTD. eras. AG - Client found Not Guilty following being found in possession of unauthorised article. We want to reveal people’s motivations behind their crimes, what it was that got them interested at the APPEALS / CCRC REVIEWS beginning and why they feel they occurred in London. SU - Client appeal against conviction referred to CCRC We are looking for hand written stories in as much detail in complex case involving flawed police investigation. as possible. Murder, Drugs, Fraud? Facing serious criminal charges? FINAL SUBMISSIONS AUGUST 16TH Face them with the Legal Team that is right for you. Freddie Fraser-Forsyth BOX 209, 8 Duncan Street, MKS Law - Suite 19, unit 9 Liberty The Angel, London N1 8BW Centre, Wembley, HA0 1TX OR T: 020 8123 3404 F: 020 8181 6512 Email: [email protected]. Please include your contact details so we can follow up with you about the release of MKS LAW Solicitors the project. We will respect your privacy and anonymity and Criminal Defence Lawyers not release any information without your consent. Legal Aid & Private Client 020 8123 3404 - [email protected] - Insidetime June 2018 Information 31 Children and dads inside join up to create PET animation waste management and customer members proud, and support them Jack, 10, whose father is completing service. “Instead of being in a class- after release. a degree inside, carries the film’s room, it’s more about going outside final message: “I would say it’s never and doing more practical work,” he “The purpose of the animation is to too late or too early to educate your- explained. “We get a certificate at demonstrate the positive impact fur- self. There’s lots of different oppor- the end of it. It makes me feel good ther and higher education can have tunities, I think education is really when I do an NVQ, but it was scary on families, directly or indirectly. It getting tested and I still get nervous shows that education can be contagious; important no matter how old you are when I submit a piece of work.” that it can act as a catalyst for change - if you’re old, young or if you’re kind and that ambitions can be achieved of in the middle you should never Kieren, a father of two, said PET both in prison and after release.” stop educating yourself and you funding to complete drug and alcohol counselling courses has changed his perspective and ambitions for the future. He said: “I want to be a drug The children of men at HMP Parc her every Sunday night to make sure and alcohol counsellor. I’m a recov- joined their dads to help produce an she has done her homework. She ering alcoholic, and I want to help animated film showing the positive knows my role in prison as a teacher others who are stuck in addiction; impact of education inside. The film, so she gets me to help her with her let them see that I’ve been where produced by Prisoners’ Education sums when she comes to visit.” they’ve been and that there’s always Trust, involved nine children, two a way out - I do believe in that.” mums, six dads, and one grandfa- If you’re old or ther. It included drawings by the 200,000 children in England and children and the voices of children young or if you’re kind Wales are affected by parental and fathers and was produced and of in the middle, you imprisonment. The men who took recorded in the Families Wing of part in the film all live in Parc’s Families HMP Parc in Bridgend. should never stop Wing, where they develop parenting educating yourself. skills and learn about the impact of Simon, who received PET funding their crime on their families. Corin Morgan-Armstrong, Head of should believe in yourself and carry for a health and safety qualification, In a three-day workshop to produce Family Interventions at HMP Parc, on and persist.” and also teaches fellow prisoners, the film, fathers and their children Clare Lloyd, head of PET’s Welsh plans to use the film at teacher aware- said sharing common ground over had the chance to tell each other Project, says: “We know families can ness sessions and parent/teacher PET has been working intensively in education has helped him keep a what they were learning about. “I be an incredibly powerful force in afternoons, to show the impact that Welsh prisons for the last three years, close connection with his daughter. have learnt about rivers in school someone making positive change imprisonment has on children. He and has seen applications for cours- “She’s doing the same things in and we did a rap about rivers with that enables them to stay out of pris- says: “It is an excellent short film es increase by 53%. The animation Maths at the moment that I’m teach- my class in assembly,” said Riya, 8. on. At PET, we receive so many appli- which really captures the importance was produced with the help of the ing. She hasn’t quite come up to my Her father, Ash, shared his experi- cation letters that say a main moti- education plays in maintaining pos- Strengthening Families Team and level yet but I hope she does. I phone ence of taking NVQs in recycling, vation is to be able to make family itive family contact whilst in prison.” Heads Up animation.

Lots of people PET have fund- ed have gone on to have their work exhibited around the country. Many have also entered the Koestler Awards, which has been awarding, exhibiting and selling art- works by prisoners for over 50 Course Notes years. To study the Art Techniques PET provides funding course, you will need a range for over 300 types of of art materials including distance-learning acrylic paints, paper and © Deposit Photos courses. Every month sketch book, brushes, pencils, Do you know an we shine a spotlight on crayons, charcoal and ink - if one of them. these are not available in your outstanding educator? Art Techniques prison’s art department then PET will consider funding “He’s a rock in all young people’s lives.” Do you want to draw on your Vincent, a successful appli- Nomination for a prison officer, YOI Werrington 2017 artistic talents? Lots of prison cant for the course, told us: them. You will need to apply learners funded by PET have separately for the materials. “This course will give me Nominations are open for the 2018 Prisoner Learning Alliance painted a very positive picture the stepping stone and con- awards, which recognise the staff and mentors who really make of the Art Techniques course. If you’re keen to start at the fidence to apply for employ- a difference. Now in their fourth year, the awards are unique Here’s a quick sketch of what beginning, OCA runs a ment in graphic design. as all nominations come from people in prison. Making a sug- it has to offer. Foundation Drawing course To look at a full curriculum, Completing the course will gestion is a chance to have your voice heard and to say thanks which is a great starting point or for more information give me the skills I need to to the people who go above and beyond, and who have inspired NEC’s Art Techniques course about how to apply for a succeed in this area.” to develop basic drawing you to learn. Everyone who is put forward will receive a certif- distance-learning course helps students to develop their skills. In the Practice of icate, regardless of whether or not they win. drawing and painting skills with PET, please speak to But the course isn’t just a good Painting course, also run by and learn all the techniques your prison’s Education first step into working in the OCA, learners will get the The awards are in five categories: a) Outstanding teacher or needed to create art. Based Department. If you need arts. In his application to the chance to develop their own education staff member; b) Outstanding officer; c) Outstanding around 10 assignments, topics further help, you can write course, Damien said: visual ideas in painting, as peer mentor; d) Outstanding ‘other’ (e.g. librarian, governor, to FREEPOST, Prisoners’ include still life, drawing the well as learning about major volunteer); e) Outstanding staff member or mentor in the youth “I would use the time study- Education Trust. human figure, and the use of artists and movements in the estate. colour. No previous skills are ing on the course to help as history of art. required and anyone is wel- a coping strategy - I will be If you want to nominate, you’ll need to collect an application come to apply - from those able to continue with art form from your prison library or education department from 5 Speak to your education wishing to learn the basics of once the course has been June. If you cannot access one, and would like to be posted a form department to request a form art to those who want to completed, enhancing my please write to Robert Cremona, FREEPOST, Prisoners’ Education and apply. extend their skills. rehabilitation.” Trust. The deadline for nominations is Monday 16 July. 32 Information // Through the Gate Insidetime June 2018

(according to the Institute of Fiscal Studies) whilst appren- The Careers Lady The Hub tices can become qualified completely debt free. Not only that, apprentices can earn Construction trades whilst they learn, taking home The first step through the door on average £17,000 a year.” to your future earning potential A degree is good, an apprenticeship

Always start by telling employers why you are might be better Disclosing your applying for the job, what you have to offer, Brian Curry Contrast these annual salary the skills that you have that are suitable to the figures with a selection of criminal convictions job etc., and start with your positive points. Research by the Federation of average salaries for jobs where One of the many questions I get asked is how Master Builders (FMB) has a University Degree is If you need to disclose your criminal convictions to present yourself well on the application form, shown that construction staff required: start by explaining briefly the offences that knowing that you may have to disclose your across the UK can earn more need to be disclosed and, if appropriate, the criminal convictions. than university graduates! In Pharmacists £42,252 circumstances. Don’t make excuses for your a survey, they asked small Dental Practitioners £40,268 criminal record but be honest and positive re- I have covered this in a previous issue of Inside building companies what they Architects £38,228 garding any mitigating factors (addiction issues, Time but it is always worth reminding yourself pay their craftspeople and the Teachers £37,805 of the facts and how to go about addressing this messing with the wrong crowd, loss of a family average annual salaries were Chartered & Certified © Deposit Photos (if you have to) with employers. Below is the member, alcohol dependency). In fact, any as follows: Accountants £37,748 information you need in order to consider wheth- factors that led you to commit the crime. Midwives £36,188 If you are interested in a career er or not you are required to disclose. Site managers £51,266 Veterinarians £36,446 in plumbing, then perhaps Once a conviction be- Plumbers £48,675 Physiotherapists £32,065 LearnPlumbing can help you The Law Supervisors £48,407 Nurses £31,867 get started? We offer distance The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (ROA) 1974 comes spent you do not need Electricians £47,265 learning plumbing theory allows most convictions and all final warnings to disclose your conviction to Civil Engineering According to Brian Berry, Chief training for both NVQ Level 2 and reprimands to be considered ‘Spent’ or Operatives £44,253 Executive of the FMB: “Money and 3, and you may be eligible ‘Forgotten’ after a period of time. The sentence employers. It is against the law Steel Fixers £44,174 talks, and when it comes to for a grant from the Prisoners’ you have been given rather than the type of for an organisation to obtain Roofers £42,303 annual salaries, a career in Education Trust to help pay offence determines this period. Bricklayers £42,034 construction trumps many for your course. information about an individ- Carpenters & Joiners £41,413 university graduate roles. Pursuing a career in construc- The ROA is intended to help people with few Plasterers £41,045 ual’s spent convictions. tion is therefore becoming an or minor convictions. Certain criminal convic- Scaffolders £40,942 Brian Curry is Director of increasingly savvy move.” He tions can be ‘Spent’ or ‘Forgotten’ after a reha- Plant Operatives £38,409 LearnPlumbing also said: “University Students bilitation period. (This is also known as a ‘Buffer What you need to do is reassure the employer Painters & Decorators £34,587 21 Cranbourne Road, in England will graduate with ‘period.) This can of course vary according to that you are no further risk and your honesty General Construction Ashton-under-Lyne OL7 9BH an average debt of £50,800 the offence. will be crucial in this. State how your past prob- Operatives £32,392 lems have been resolved and your circumstances The rehabilitation period (or Buffer period) are now very different. Good character references begins from the date of conviction. However, are important at this stage - ask your probation for convictions resulting in community service officer or your personal officer. Include someone or custodial sentence the rehabilitation period who knew you before you went into prison. will start from the end of the entire sentence These would give an employer an idea of what WILSONS AUCTIONS (not at the point of release from prison). other people think about you. WE CAN SELL YOUR ASSETS How long is it before a conviction is Spent or As an alternative to trying to tell the employer Forgotten? about your convictions on the job application · Do you have an outstanding confiscation order? Community order - one year; form, it may be preferable to state that you have · Would you like a free valuation and a no obligation Prison sentence of six months or less - 2 years; a conviction and that you will be happy to dis- Prison sentence over six months up to and in- quote to sell your assets for the highest price? cuss it further if selected for interview. cluding 30 months - 4 years; Prison sentence of over 30 months and up to You could send a detailed disclosure statement 48 months - 7 years; WILSONS AUCTIONS CAN HELP in a separate envelope marked ‘confidential’ Prison sentence of 48 months or on a Public As the sole agent for over 40 law enforcement agencies, Wilsons Auctions specialises to the employer - giving your name and details Protection Order - never spent. in selling assets that are subject to confiscation proceedings, often in sensitive of the job you are applying for. If you do this, make circumstances. We are the largest independent auction company in the UK and Ireland Applying for jobs sure you state that you are sending a separate and with 80 years of experience, we can sell assets worldwide. Once a conviction becomes spent you do not document when completing the application need to disclose your conviction to employers. form so that the employer can expect this. It is against the law for an organisation to obtain information about an individual’s spent con- This may all sound very complicated but if you victions. However, many job application forms are confident and know you have the skills and contain a section on disclosing any criminal qualities, and will be the best person for the job Jewellery Cars Property All Assets convictions and you may need to be prepared you are applying for, you should show this in to fill in this section if your convictions have your covering letter or on a separate attachment not been spent. to the form. For more information Employers recruit new staff through a variety When you are released from prison you must FREEPHONE 0300 124 0438 register with the Job Centre and you may want of methods and the point at which you need to Simply provide us with the following Name Solicitor (if any) disclose your criminal record will vary with to be honest during your interview with the details and we can do the rest! Prison / Prison Number Your Asset Details every job. However in general, you should dis- member of staff interviewing you. close it at the point of which you are asked for a declaration, which is usually on the job ap- Most employers are willing to employ people Trench Lock 2, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 5YL plication form. Being secretive is not the way with convictions and as long as you show your to deal with this. If an employer has a problem confidence and honesty at your interview, or with your record it is better to know early on by a covering letter with your application form, rather than them finding out once you are in the employer will be reassured that you will Northern Ireland | England | Republic of Ireland | Scotland | Wales the job. make a good employee in their organisation. Insidetime June 2018 Information // Through the Gate 33 Inside Drink & Drugs News DDN News Round-up Decriminalising drugs Drink and Drugs News (DDN) is the monthly magazine for those working In what is being seen as a with drug and alcohol clients, including in prisons. In a regular bi-monthly landmark move, the Royal column, editor Claire Brown looks at what’s been happening lately in the College of Physicians (RCP) has issued a statement backing drug substance misuse field. decriminalisation. After a meeting of its council the RCP withdrawal, the added com- feel pretty much invincible has signalled its formal support plications brought by debts, when I am on it.’ for the Royal Society of Public and gives a complicated Claire Brown Health’s ‘Taking a new line on picture of mental health issues DDN Editor ‘Participants manifested a drugs’ report from two years that often involve mistrust of strong attachment to the drug, ago and the ‘evidence-based the authorities and other There’s little point in pretend- which was experienced as a recommendations’ it advocates. secure base and safe haven,’ prisoners. ing that drug use doesn’t © Deposit Photos Among the recommendations happen in prison. What I do says Lana. ‘They perceived it were for the personal possession ‘British prisons are in a state Dark days want to share with you is an as an attachment figure, grav- of all illegal drugs to be decrim- of perpetual crisis, with A £9m fund will be allocated to tackle the use of the ‘dark web’ to interesting piece in our latest itated towards it in times of inalised, and for a transfer of endemic drug use, bullying sell drugs, guns and carry out other illegal activities, the Home issue of DDN, written by a distress and used it as a source responsibility for drug policy and violence being fundamen- Office has announced. The anonymity of dark web spaces ‘emboldens prison worker and forensic of comfort and safety.’ from the to the tal parts of daily reality,’ she people to break the law in the most horrifying of ways with platforms psychologist, Lana Durjava. Department of Health. To get to the states. Her point is that a uni- that enable dangerous crimes and appalling abuse’, said former versally punitive strategy home secretary Amber Rudd. ‘You can buy half a kilogram of Lana conducted a study root cause of towards all drug users plays fentanyl, the drug responsible for over 20,000 overdose deaths in Hearing aide looking at the experience of no useful part in improving the US in the last year alone, for around £5 a gram.’ An app to help people arrested heroin addiction in prison. She compulsive drug the system. To get to the root for drug possession has been interviewed former prisoners use and offending cause of compulsive drug use County coordination Alcohol gap launched by Release. Legal Aide who had experienced heroin and offending calls for ‘an The government is to establish A cycle of disinvestment coupled was created by the charity’s addiction while inside, calls for ‘an holistic holistic approach’ that ‘addresses a £3.6m National County Lines with reduced capacity and wanting to get a better under- lawyers to educate people on approach’ that the multiple health, social and Coordination Centre as part of staffing levels means that the standing of psychological and the different ‘out of court psychological needs of the its Serious Violence Strategy. The alcohol treatment sector in social aspects of the situation. ‘addresses the multi- disposals’ available, as well as prison population’. strategy identifies ‘the changing England is in crisis, according The other point of the exercise provide advice on preparing for ple health, social drugs market’ - in particular, to a new report, ‘The hardest was to look at better ways of court, what to say in the hearing The debate will continue in around crack cocaine - as ‘a key hit: addressing the crisis in trying to support people in and more. ‘The cuts to legal aid and psychological DDN magazine, which is read driver harming our communi- alcohol treatment services’. It is achieving recovery. have left thousands of people needs of the prison by many people who are pas- ties’. Last year saw a 23 per cent estimated that there are almost sionate about developing a increase in the numbers of people 600,000 people in England who unrepresented in cases involving Unsurprisingly, the picture she population’. more appropriate response to seeking treatment for crack, as are alcohol-dependent and in possession of small quantities gives is of coping with isolation vulnerable people with well as a two-thirds increase in need of specialist treatment. The of drugs,’ said head of legal - a wish to self-soothe, cut off She observes that ‘prisoners complex needs. If you would the number of minors reported report calls on the government services Kirstie Douse. ‘We hope from reality and deal with the with drug problems often os- like to contribute your personal to the authorities as potential to develop and implement a that this tool empowers people sense of loss that being in cillated between feelings of experiences of any aspect of ‘modern ’ victims - due national alcohol strategy, and to engage with the law in order prison can bring. Ben describes empowerment and disempow- addiction or treatment, please in part to rising number of ‘urgently plug the gap’ in to ensure that it is applied accu- using heroin as an emotional erment, based on their level write to me - Claire Brown, ‘county lines’ gang referrals. treatment funding. rately and fairly.’ regulator: ‘It kept my emotions of addiction and drug acces- Editor, DDN, Romney House, stable. Constantly when I was sibility.’ She also looks at the School Road, Ashford, Kent on gear, I’d feel composed, I power dynamics between Is DDN in your library? TN27 0LT. Your views will be don’t get angry, I don’t get heroin users and dealers, the Your prison can receive monthly printed issues of DDN magazine free of charge by very welcome. upset, I just deal with stuff, I fear and isolation felt during emailing [email protected]. DDN is also online at

When you Have you got a problem with alcohol? feel no one’s “Only YOU can decide” If drinking has cost you more than money and I am conducting research into the effects on helping YOU ... adults of abuse that took place when they you believe you may have a problem? were children/adolescents and placed in a HDC We are here to help… secure setting such as a prison/detention centre or a children’s home. Independent Adjudications Alcoholics Anonymous It is an anonymous study conducted IPP & Lifer Parole online and you will not be identified National Helpline: 0800 917 7650 If you would like to find out more Licence Recalls for yourself or others please Sentence Calculations Alcoholics Anonymous has over 4,400 Groups contact Rebecca throughout Great Britain, designed to help those Ozanne - [email protected] or ...We will with a drinking problem. Through mutual write to Professor Jane L. Ireland, support, sufferers assist each other in coping School of Psychology, Darwin with their problem. There are no fees for mem- Contact: SKYE CONNORS Building University of Central bership of Alcoholics Anonymous and anonymity Lancashire, PR1 3NE, and some Hamer Childs Solicitors is carefully preserved. 58 The Tything further information can be sent to Worcester WR1 1JT you. The link to the study e: [email protected] Calls will be kept strictly confidential t: 01905 724 565 appears below. For more information: Professor Jane L. Ireland, “YOUR LOCAL School of Psychology, Darwin Building PO Box 1, 10 Toft Green, YORK YO1 7NJ University of Central Lancashire, PR1 3NE LAWYER HERE TO HELP YOU” Tel: 01904 644 026 34 Information Insidetime June 2018

younger men...or access a activity programmes, as well also recognised that some of regime that has not been as services that promote social the needs more typically asso- designed to take their needs inclusion and intellectual ciated with an ageing popula- into account”. stimulation. Engagement in tion, such as mobility issues, purposeful activity is crucial disability or chronic health “Continuity of care and prepa- in promoting health and well- conditions can also be found ration for release into a world being in . This among younger prisoners. which will have changed are MOD is intended to be a useful Therefore, this MOD may also therefore especially important toolkit to help Governors meet be useful to help Governors for this group. However, it is the needs of older prisoners, support younger prisoners worth keeping in mind that describing amendments to facing similar issues high- while they have the highest regime and specific support lighted within.” levels of health and social care activities aimed at this cohort need, and some have chronic as a whole”. The Prison Service acknowl- difficulties, there are many edges that this MOD has been older prisoners who are fit and developed in conjunction with healthy and want to remain Health services the Older People in Prisons active into old age.” alone cannot Forum (OPiPF), a group which meets periodically and whose This MOD addresses “…how improve health members include the Prison services and interventions and wellbeing Reform Trust, Clinks, Prison: No place for old men may be tailored to enable all Resettlement and Care for © older prisoners to maintain and the prison Older Ex-Offenders and their physical and mental regime, staff Prisoners (RECOOP) and Age wellbeing, and their inde- UK. Absent from this acknowl- pendence. It also covers issues numbers, culture edgement is the input provid- Meeting the needs that affect a large proportion and environment ed to OPiPF by Restore Support of the cohort, such as mobili- Network, a west country- ty and sensory impairments, have a significant based charity supporting as well as the more acute impact older ex-offenders released of older prisoners needs specific to a small sub- from custody. Many of the section of the cohort, such as people involved with Restore HMPPS recommends ‘designing in’ facilities specifically dementia and end of life “However, where a prison are ex-prisoners and so best arrangements.” holds small numbers of older able to provide first-hand feed- geared for the elderly and infirm in our prisons prisoners it might be more back when identifying prob- “Health services alone cannot appropriate to make specific lems facing serving prisoners. John O’Connor improve health and wellbeing arrangements for them as What the Prison Service would want to “design in” for and the prison regime, staff individuals or, in specific cir- older prisoners… numbers, culture and envi- cumstances, to arrange trans- John O’Connor is a freelance An analysis of the needs of ronment have a significant fers to prisons that are better journalist and former resident l Well-designed and purposeful reception and induction areas; older prisoners, and proposals impact, particularly physical able to meet their needs. It is of HMPPS. for how best to meet them, l Cells that are accessible for those who are physically less able; have been disclosed by the Prison Service. In a report l Smaller units with a community feel, promoting personal titled Model for Operational and social responsibility (e.g. life skills such as cooking facilities); Delivery: Older prisoners l Flexible pace for activity that involves interacting with oth- (MOD) it states: “This special- ers especially sports, gym, education work and family visits; ist MOD for older prisoners has l been developed in recognition Good size healthcare unit to meet the needs of the popu- of the sizeable and growing lation (including older prisoners with mental health issues). Consideration given to a complex needs unit and facilities proportion of older prisoners for social care assessment; Wrongly convicted in the prison estate and the need to think differently about l Adequate space to enable partnership working between of a crime? how we manage them to providers/agencies, including good access to IT systems to ensure we can better meet facilitate information sharing and use of data; their needs.” l Facilities, stair lifts, flooring (non-slip), signs and an- nouncements for those with poor hearing and eyesight, In highlighting the glaringly doorway and corridor width for wheelchair users; Lost your appeal? obvious, the MOD acknowl- edges that “…building new l Well-designed and accessible facilities and provision for prisons will go some way to disabled prisoners; address this, as the design of l Use of technology (in-cell and on landings) and video the new prisons includes a conferencing; higher proportion of wheel- chair accessible cells and will l Rehabilitative culture and leadership; What next? allow for services such as l A cared for environment with access to outside space; medical dispensing to take l place in the prisoners’ living Workshop space to provide the opportunity for meaning- accommodation. However, ful training and work. there is also a need to consid- The CCRC can look again er how best to cater for older signal an intention to separate report, “but these limitations If you think your conviction or sentence is wrong prisoners, and those with dis- older prisoners through a can be mitigated through apply to the CCRC abilities and acute levels of bespoke accommodation careful, planned adjustments • It won’t cost anything need in the existing estate.” strategy. Rather it acknowl- to environment and regime. • Your sentence can’t be increased if you apply edges that more prisons may Older prisoners are more like- • You don't need a lawyer to apply, but a good one The report asserts that this “… find their population is ageing ly to suffer health problems can help older prisoner MOD provides, and will therefore need to and even die in custody, have for the first time, an analysis plan, design and deliver ser- higher rates of disability and You can get some more information and a copy of the of the evidence and challeng- vices with this in mind. mobility difficulties and can CCRC's Easy Read application form by writing to us at es facing older prisoners and struggle to access activities 5 St Philip’s Place, Birmingham, B3 2PW. or calling 0121 233 1473 potential solutions, including “Physical infrastructure will and services. They also risk Prisoners in Scotland should contact; The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, 5th Floor, current examples of good remain a challenge in our age- being isolated by a physical Portland House, 17 Renfi eld Street, Glasgow, G2 5AH. Phone: 0141 270 7030 Email: [email protected] practice in prisons. It does not ing prison estate” says the environment designed for Insidetime June 2018 Information 35 Get prisoners out of cells and into jobs Clear message to governors required when new government prisoner employment strategy released, says reform group Inside Time report and 2016, following changes to the policy intro- duced by the former Justice Secretary Chris Grayling, incidences of ROTL out of prisons in Prison governors should be encouraged to England and Wales fell by one third. empty prison wings during the day and get far more prisoners out on temporary release to Use of ROTL also varies signifi cantly across © engage in work, training and education in the the prison estate. Most ROTL releases are community, a new briefi ng by the Prison Reform authorised from the open estate, which pre- Trust (PRT) says. dominantly holds people serving indeterminate or long determinate sentences. This means Prison healthcare As part of its forthcoming employment strate- that most prisoners in resettlement prisons are gy for prisoners, the government should intro- denied the opportunity to work or volunteer in duce a radical approach to using release on the community prior to release. temporary licence (ROTL) at scale across the prison estate. This would be a huge incentive The current justice secretary, David Gauke, has inquiry launched to good behaviour in prison as well as an eff ec- promised to look at the availability and use of tive aid to resettlement, the briefi ng suggests. release on temporary licence to get more pris- House of Commons committee investigate the health oners into work and training. ROTL enables people in prison to take respon- and healthcare experiences of prisoners in England sibility for their own resettlement prior to “Specifi cally, I want to see how we can use release by allowing them to sort out work and ROTL to allow those prisoners, who have The Health and Social Care What question would you ask housing needs and re-establish contact with earned it, to have a routine where they, with Committee is a cross-party the Government about the families. It can also help promote good behaviour close monitoring, leave prison each day to go committee of MPs. Our role is HAVE living conditions and health- in prisons, with young people and staff saying it to work nearby,” the secretary of state said in to investigate issues that mat- YOUR SAY care in prison? is one of the most motivating long-term incentives. a speech to the Royal Society of Arts earlier ter to people’s health and care Please write to: We want to hear your views to this year. across England. We listen, ask Inside Time help us understand how I want to see how we can questions and hold the Government and prison ser- ‘HSCC Response’ An employment strategy for prisoners is immi- Government to account for its vice are working and what use ROTL to allow those pris- PO Box 251, nent and is expected to include proposals to performance. needs to change. oners, who have earned it, to give prison governors more discretion in the Hedge End, use of ROTL. We are investigating the SO30 4XJ. Please note we cannot inves- have a routine where they, health of people inside pris- tigate individual complaints with close monitoring, leave As part of a radical approach to incentivise ons and the care they receive The deadline for however, should we receive prison governors to increase the use of ROTL, from prison healthcare servic- submissions is 2 July anything which is of immedi- prison each day to go to work the briefi ng recommends a presumption that es. As part of our inquiry, we ate concern may be forwarded nearby. David Gauke MP prisoners in resettlement prisons should ben- want to hear your views on: to an appropriate authority. efit from ROTL, subject to first achieving a period of negative drug tests. How good are prison staff A summary of the report will Its use benefi ts victims, with a proportion of and prison healthcare services be published in Inside Time. the wages earned by prisoners on ROTL It also recommends monthly benchmarking of Do you think living condi- at responding and support- release paid into a victims’ fund. Last year ROTL use, incentives for governors to develop tions inside prisons have a big ing people in prison? If you are unable to resolve alone, the scheme raised £1.1m for victims. ROTL opportunities, and technical changes to impact on physical health This question relates to urgent any health service related the existing ROTL policy. Commenting, Peter and mental health? or emergency care (including problems using the internal The scheme has a remarkable track record of Dawson, Director of the Prison Reform Trust, For example, overcrowding, self-harm and suicidal feel- complaints procedures you success, with less than 0.1% of releases on said: “ROTL has the potential to be a massive time spent outside of cells, vi- ings) as well as long-term should contact: temporary licence resulting in failure. In 2016, incentive for good behaviour as well as an olence and the use of drugs health problems (e.g. diabe- NHS England, P O BOX 16738, there were just 17 failures as a result of alleged effective tool for resettlement. But to work, inside prison. tes) or disabilities. Redditch, B98 9PT. further off ending - the equivalent of 5 arrests governors need a clear and unequivocal mes- per 100,000 releases. sage that they will be supported and encour- Respond clearly and concisely to only the three questions and on one side of A4 maximum. It would aged in its use. Carefully managed risk in the help if you could include your name and the prison but you can remain anonymous if you wish. But despite its many benefi ts, use of ROTL has short term will deliver a long term dividend in fallen markedly in recent years. Between 2013 better resettlement and public protection.”

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The Inspector Calls in late 2017… However, this work was fitful and Inspectors identified had yet to have an impact.” disturbing findings Inspectors also acknowledged an increase in staff numbers in recent months, though they l Forty per cent of prisoners in the inspection survey said they felt unsafe on their first noted that “too many staff were passive, lacked night in the jail; 67% that they had felt unsafe confidence in dealing with issues or in con- at some point during their stay; and 35% fronting poor behaviour and prisoners did not that they felt unsafe at the time of the in- yet see them as reliable or able to deal with the spection. Well over half reported bullying many daily frustrations they faced. Healthcare or victimisation. was reasonably good, and there were plans to improve mental health provision. Daily routines were more predictable and more activities were l Reported violence had not reduced since 2016, with 103 assaults against staff in the available for prisoners. There were also some six months before the inspection. In the same creditable efforts to prepare men for release”. period, there were nearly 200 incidents of prisoners climbing on the safety netting In summing up Mr Clarke said: “This persistent between landings. Inspectors said the overall and fundamental lack of safety, taken together level of disorder “contributed to a tense with an overall lack of improvement from pre- atmosphere at the prison.” vious poor inspections, caused me on 17 January 2018 to write to the Secretary of State for Justice HMP Nottingham: A catalogue of failings and for the first time invoke the new urgent l Well over half of prisoners said drugs were notification protocol. This letter set out, publicly, easily available and 15% had acquired a drug our significant concerns regarding the treatment problem since entering the prison. and conditions for prisoners in Nottingham. ‘Appalling and tragic’ The protocol requires the Secretary of State to l Use of force by staff had increased con- respond publicly within 28 days, setting out siderably since 2016 with nearly 500 incidents how outcomes will be improved in both the Chief Inspector of Prisons asks if prisoners took their own in the six-month period prior to the inspec- immediate and longer term. The Secretary of tion, yet governance and supervision of such lives at HMP Nottingham because they could no longer State wrote to me on 12 February 2018 and his interventions were weak. face life in the violent, drug-ridden prison action plan was published on the same day.”

l Just under half of prisoners had mental The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman, who which may prove to be unfounded, is that some health needs and a “very high” 25% - 116 investigates deaths and complaints in prisons, HMP Nottingham could face it no longer and took their own lives.” prisoners - were under psychiatric care. A echoed the findings of the Chief Inspector of Category B local resettlement prison for In a 2014 unannounced inspection; safety was quarter of prisoners said they felt suicidal Prisons’ report of an inspection at HMP men and young adult men assessed as ‘poor’, the lowest grade. The fol- on arrival in Nottingham. Nottingham. The Acting PPO, Elizabeth Moody, lowing inspections in 2016 and 2018 were, un- Announced Inspection: 11-12 December said: “It is highly troubling that HMP Nottingham usually, announced in advance; a procedure l Levels of self-harm were far too high, with 2017 and 8-11 January 2018 has a history of failing to implement recom- which the Inspectorate says gives the prison a 344 occurrences recorded in the six months mendations from our investigations into deaths Safety W W W W chance to ‘get itself in order’, address previously up to the inspection. at the prison. It is a matter of great concern that Respect W W W W identified problems and ready itself for an in- we found some similarities, not only between Purposeful Activity W W W W spection. Despite this, safety was yet again the deaths of the five prisoners who took their Resettlement W W W W found to have remained at poor. This spurred own lives last autumn, but also with deaths Mr Clarke to invoke the first ever use of a new visit, eight prisoners had taken their own lives, which happened earlier in the year and before. In one of the most disturbing inspection reports ‘Urgent Notification’ protocol, which requires with four of these tragedies occurring over a The Chief Inspector is right to highlight the in recent years, Chief Prisons Inspector Peter the Secretary of State for Justice, publicly, to four-week period during the autumn of 2017. apparent inability of the prison to learn lessons Clarke posed the question in relation to eight take personal responsibility for improving a Just a few short weeks after this inspection, a and I agree that until it can demonstrate progress apparent self-inflicted deaths between inspec- prison with significant problems. This centred ninth prisoner was believed to have taken his in this critical area, the risk of future deaths tions in February 2016 and January 2018, in on a “dramatic decline” at HMP Nottingham own life. will remain high. HMPPS is preparing an Action what he called “part of an ‘appalling and tragic’ and a “persistent and fundamental lack of Plan to address the urgent concerns raised by picture of suicide and self-harm in HMP safety”. “We were concerned that some repeated criti- the Chief Inspector, particularly in relation to Nottingham”. This inspection prompted the cisms related to these deaths made by the Prisons suicide and self-harm at HMP Nottingham. It first referral to the Justice Secretary under the Mr Clarke said: “This prison will not become fit and Probation Ombudsman (PPO - which in- is vital that, this time, HMPPS fully incorporates new ‘Urgent Notification’ protocol. for purpose until it is made safe. It was clear vestigates prison deaths) had not been ade- PPO recommendations into the Action Plan. from our evidence that many prisoners at quately addressed. For example, cell call bells That will help HMP Nottingham create a new The formal cause of death in those cases will Nottingham did not feel safe. In a prison which were still not being answered promptly. We do culture of safety and protection for vulnerable be decided by inquests but Mr Clarke said: “For could be defined by the prevalence of drugs not claim that the prison had been completely prisoners. Put simply, it will help save lives and too long, prisoners have been held in a danger- and violence, the level of suicide and self-harm inactive in the face of these challenges. A new Kenyon McAteer Solicitors, Graeme House, prevent a repetition of the tragedies we saw in ous, disrespectful, drug-ridden jail. My fear, was both tragic and appalling. Since our previous violence reduction strategy had been prepared 2017.” Derby square,LiverpoolKenyon McAteer Solicitors,L2 7ZH Graeme House, CONTACT US Derby square,Liverpool L2 7ZH CONTACT US Kenyon McAteer Solicitors, Graeme House, Kenyon McAteer Solicitors, Graeme House, Derby square,Liverpool L2 7ZH CONTACTCONTACT US US Don’t take Chances Derby square,Liverpool OFFICEL2 7ZH OFFICE 0151OFFICE 305 0780 0151 305 0780 with Your Freedom ! 01510151 305 0780 305 0780 Gary McAteer Gary McAteer Here are 5 good reasons to call us FIRST: Gary McAteer 07824 998 131 Gary McAteer 1. One of the UK’s biggest specialist defence firms POCA / Confiscation 07824 998 131 07824 998 131 2. Led by lawyer previously shortlisted for criminal POCA / Confiscation We are specialists in all POCA & Confiscation matters defence lawyer of the year POCAWe are specialists in /all POCAConfiscation & Confiscation matters Daniel Kenyon 3. Proven, specialist expertise in Appeal work 07824 998 131 PrisonKenyon Law McAteer Experts Solicitors, GraemeTo Include:House, Daniel Kenyon 4. Our Advocates are always ready to represent you PrisonDerby Law square,Liverpool Experts L2 7ZH To Include: CONTACT US We are specialists in all POCA & Confiscation matters07515 404 147 5. We don’t give up! POCA / Confiscation Kenyon McAteer Solicitors, Graeme House, Life OFFICESentence Prisoners 07515 404 147 Life 0151Sentence 305 0780CONTACT Prisoners US Daniel Kenyon Appeals • AdjudicationDerbys •square,Liverpool Parole H L2ea 7ZHrings PrisonRecall Law / Parole Experts board representationTo Include:Gary McAteer Recall • Categorisation • Lifer Tariffs Recall / Parole board representation07824 998 131 Crime • HoWeusOFFICEing • are Fami lyspecialistsPOCA / Confiscation CATin all A POCAReviews - Post & Tariff Confiscation Reviews matters 0151 305 0780 07515 404 147 “The lawyers here areKenyon not McAteerjust gSolicitors,oing Graeme thWero areHouse,ug specialistsh the in all POCACATCONTACT & ConfiscationA GaryReviews USmatters McAteer - Post Tariff Reviews motions; as a barristDerbyer y square,Liverpoolou have L2 to 7ZH be at your LifeInstructions Sentence Taken From Prisoners All PrisonsDaniel Kenyon LEGAL AID Daniel Kenyon FOR PRISONERS Kenyon McAteer Solicitors,Prison Graeme Law Experts House, To Include: CONTACT US AVAILABLE best at all times to sPrisonOFFICEatisDerbyfy th square,Liverpoole hig hLaw sta L2n d7ZHar dsExperts InstructionsIn England To& Wales TakenInclude:07824 From 998 All131 Prisons LEGAL AID set by them” (Cham0151be 305rs 0780& Partners 2009) 07515 404 147 AVAILABLE POCA / Confiscation Life Sentence PrisonersIn GaryEngland McAteer & Wales Kenyon OFFICEMcAteer Solicitors, Graeme House, Recall / Parole board representation Derby square,Liverpool L2 7ZH KenyonCONTACT McAteer US Solicitors, Graeme House, We are specialists in allG TPOCA Stew 0151&a rConfiscationt 305 So 0780liciRecallto mattersrs / Parole board representation07824 998 131 2a Grove, East Dulwich, London, SE22 8PL Derby square,LiverpoolGary McAteer L2 7ZH CONTACT US 07515 404 147 POCA / ConfiscationFreephoOFFICEne 0800 99CAT9 33 A99 Reviews - Post TariffDaniel Reviews Kenyon Prison Lawt Experts To Include:0151Life 305 0780 SentenceCAT Prisoners A Reviews - Post Tariff Reviews Genesis Office 6, 235 Union Street We are specialists in all POCAor & 0 Confiscation20 8299 6 matters000 Gary McAteer 07824 998 131 g Leeds • London • KeInstructionsnt Taken From All Prisons LEGAL AID PLYMOUTH, Devon PL1 3HN POCA / ConfiscationMembers of the Association of Prison Lawyers OFFICEDaniel Kenyon 07515 404 147 AVAILABLE LifePrison Sentence Law Experts To Prisoners Include: In England & Wales Instructions07824 998 131 Taken From All Prisons LEGAL AID POCAWe are specialistss / Confiscation in all POCA & Confiscation matters 0151 305 0780 AVAILABLE 07515 404 147 Gary McAteer RecallWeLife are Sentence specialists / Parole in all Prisoners POCA board Recall& Confiscation representation matters / ParoleIn England boardDaniel & Wales Kenyon representation Prison Law Experts To Include: Daniel Kenyon PrisonRecall Law / ParoleExperts Toboard Include: representation CAT A Reviews - Post Tariff Reviews 07515 404 147 Life Sentence Prisoners 07515 404 147 07824 998 131 LifeCAT Sentence A Reviews Prisoners - PostCAT Tariff Reviews A Reviews - Post Tariff Reviews InstructionsRecall /POCA Parole Taken board From representation All/ Confiscation Prisons LEGAL AID RecallInstructions / Parole Taken board From representation All Prisons LEGAL AIDAVAILABLE In England & Wales AVAILABLE CATIn England A& Wales Reviews - Post Tariff Reviews CAT AWe Reviews are - specialistsPostInstructions Tariff Reviews in all POCA Taken & Confiscation From matters All Prisons LEGAL AID Instructions Taken Taken From From All AllPrisons Prisons LEGAL AIDLEGAL AID Daniel Kenyon AVAILABLE AVAILABLEAVAILABLE In EnglandEngland & Prison&Wales Wales LawIn EnglandExperts To& Wales Include: Life Sentence Prisoners 07515 404 147 Recall / Parole board representation CAT A Reviews - Post Tariff Reviews

Instructions Taken From All Prisons LEGAL AID AVAILABLE In England & Wales Insidetime June 2018 Information 37

We are seeing high-calibre Whilst stopping short of criti- becoming apparent that more graduates choosing a career cising Grayling’s mass cull of and more experienced staff are Increase in prison staff as a prison officer, as well as experienced staff and admit- leaving the service.” The POA professionals in sectors like ting the plethora of problems say they expect the Prison banking changing careers to caused within England and Service to lose another 1,800 make a difference in our pris- Wales’ prisons, Mr Gauke says: staff this year and if the recruit- numbers … or not? ons.” No doubt tempted by a “This will make a real differ- ment campaign was as suc- starting salary of about £29,000 ence to the safety and security cessful as Mr Gauke claimed, have left since 2010. Officers will be joining ‘experienced in London. of our prisons, ensuring they there should be an immediate with many years’ experience officers’, the true picture is that can fulfil their purpose - pro- end to ‘detached duty’ in which were tempted to leave the many of the most experienced Spending on prisons has been tecting the public, reducing an average 200 prison officers Paul Sullivan Service in 2013 with a very lu- staff were lost in Chris cut by 22% since 2010 and the reoffending and crucially, re- a week are transferred to plug crative Voluntary Exit Package. Grayling’s decimation of staff staff shortages created have habilitating offenders. But let staffing gaps in other prisons. Many of the newly recruited numbers. Whilst prisoners impacted across the prison me be clear - the recruitment The government has proudly staff leave after a very short have written to Inside Time estate with both the Chief drive continues and will con- Labour’s shadow justice sec- announced that it has reached period when the job does not saying that the ‘old school’ Inspector of Prisons and local tinue until we reach required retary Richard Burgon said: its two year £104 million target live up to the expectations they dinosaurs have gone and the Independent Monitoring levels across the prison estate, “The Conservatives’ reckless of recruiting 2,500 more prison new staff present an opportu- were promised. Around 9.3% Boards continually identifying with the same urgency that decision to axe nearly 7,000 staff and the latest batch of of officers left the service in nity to bring attitudes and problems caused through lack has secured this remarkable prison officers unleashed an recruits should be working on the year to June 2017. procedures up-to-date, the of staff. Some prisons have influx of new staff.” unprecedented crisis in our the landings by the summer. short training period will not been on restricted regimes for prisons. Despite meeting its Ministry of Justice figures show Rachel Long, who worked as give the new recruits the ability four years, which has not only However, the national chair- own target, there are still nearly a net increase of 3,111 officers a prison officer at HMP to understand what is going impacted on education and man of the Prison Officers’ 4,000 fewer front-line officers since 2016 but this goes no- Wandsworth for nearly 18 on under the surface on wings rehabilitation but has had se- Association (POA), Mark than in 2010 and there have where near reaching earlier months told the BBC: “On my - the vulnerable prisoners and rious effects on prisoners’ con- Fairhurst, says that the gov- also been deep cuts to vital levels, when there were less training we had about 30 peo- possible bullying; it also gives tact with families - one of the ernment is “totally misleading backroom staff. The govern- prisoners. At the end of March ple for those six weeks. Out of them little understanding of main factors in preventing the public” over staffing levels. ment needs to go a lot further there were 21,041 ‘full-time all of them I think there are Prison Rules, which could reoffending. Self-harm has He says that when the recruit- if it is going to reverse the huge equivalent*’ staff in frontline only five left in the Prison mean not only the failure to reached record levels and ment drive began there were damage its own cuts have done posts - the highest number for Service … I do not think the adhere to rules, but an inability self-inflicted deaths have rock- 1,500 vacancies in the service, to our prisons and which has five years, but still below the problem is recruitment, I think to advise prisoners on their eted. Drugs have become an another 3,254 officers had quit left them more violent than level of around 25,000 seen at the problem is that no-one rights. epidemic and there have been since, and that since 2010 the ever.” the beginning of the decade. stays; once they are in they see many serious disturbances. In service has lost over 7,000 Justice Secretary David Gauke what the conditions are like.” Mr Gauke says: “The increased the year to March 2017, there officers. He says: “Our employ- said: “Staffing is the golden During 2017 many London numbers will free up time for were 26,643 assaults in prisons *Full Time Equivalent (FTE) thread that links the solutions prisons lost staff, including officers to improve the reha- - a record high. There were 7,159 er’s own statistics demonstrate relates to hours worked. A FTE we need to put in place to drive Belmarsh (-22), Pentonville bilitation of offenders so they assaults on staff, a 124% in- that when the much-needed post may be covered by two improvement, so I am delight- (-20), Isis (-1), Wormwood turn their backs on crime when crease on the year before. 3,111 recruits are taken into part-time staff. This is a meas- ed our recruitment efforts are Scrubs (-15) and Feltham (-3). they are released. The role of Prisoner-on-prisoner assaults account, we still have a signif- ure used by government to show working.” a prison officer is much more also continue to rise. The num- icant deficit of prison officers. the number of hours worked Although Justice Minister than a turnkey or glorified ber of serious prisoner-on-pris- Attrition rates in some areas rather than actual staff About 8,500 actual prison staff Gauke says the new recruits bouncer. They change lives. oner assaults rose 21% last year. exceed 30 per cent and it is employed.

When you cannot forgive yourself

Sadly, some offenders never show any But offenders can, and should, help the … offenders cannot allow themselves remorse. They may try to justify their healing process for both parties; by taking to be controlled by a victim’s continued behaviour with no feelings at all for their responsibility and admitting their guilt bitterness and anger. victims. (without excuses); by apologising; and by There is another issue which is vitally offering to make amends wherever possible. But some are filled with such shame and guilt important: our accountability to God and the that they cannot consider the possibility of … they can help the healing process … by need for His forgiveness. The Bible is very forgiving themselves. They think they do not admitting their guilt; by apologising; and clear on this: that we have all sinned against deserve to be forgiven: they are willing to by offering to make amends … God and face His punishment unless we ask accept the pain of their guilt as part of their It is always sad when a victim refuses to Him to forgive us. punishment. accept an apology and forgive. But offenders … some offenders … cannot consider the cannot allow themselves to be controlled possibility of forgiving themselves … by a victim’s continued bitterness and anger. This is also explained They cannot allow the victim to prevent Actually, the right to forgive belongs to in our book, them from pursuing their own healing. the person who· has been wronged. They Can I forgive myself?, alone have that choice. The person who which you can obtain has committed the wrong has no say in the from your chaplain or matter. by writing to us. John Phillips

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serious matters being referred legal representation at that tional days, can be suspend- to the police or the interview, much as you would ed. This means that the pun- Independent Adjudicator. if you were arrested in the ishment does not become Adjudications community. If the offence is active unless a further offence An Independent Adjudicator serious enough, you can be is committed during the peri- is a District Judge. They attend charged and prosecuted od of suspension. Added time … don’t get your stay in prison extended at the Prison to deal with more before the Court. If that hap- serious allegations of ill-dis- pens the adjudication process Other punishments available Darryl Foster can receive an adjudication, contain details of the alleged cipline. If the prisoner has will stop. If you are contacted include loss of canteen, cellu- also known as a ‘nicking’. breach; such as the time and been referred to the by the police about a potential lar confinement and loss of Adjudications are essentially place the incident was said to Independent Adjudicator, they interview in custody you privileges. These punish- The Howard League for Penal mini court hearings which have taken place and which must appear before them with- should contact a solicitor who ments, amongst others, can Reform recently released take place within the prison. rule has been allegedly in 28 days. The Independent can liaise with the police and be found within the PSI information confirming that PSI 47/2011 sets out the prison breached. The nicking sheet Adjudicator has the power to arrange a date for the inter- 47/2011. As in criminal pro- in 2017, 359,801 added days rules and provides guidance will also contain the name of impose additional days onto view to take place and for you ceedings, should you enter a were given out by Independent on the adjudication process. the officer reporting the the sentence of the prisoner, to be represented. guilty plea at an early oppor- Adjudicators within the prison PSI 47/2011 is available to pris- offence, often referred to as subject to the sentence that tunity you are entitled to cred- estate. This equates to almost oners and a copy should be the reporting officer. This form prisoner is serving and the The hearing it for that guilty plea which 1,000 years of extra time being kept in the prison library. A must be issued within 48 stage at which they are within At the adjudication hearing acts to reduce your sentence. served by prisoners as a result finding of guilt at an adjudi- hours of the offence being dis- that sentence. The Judge can the charge will be read out to of disciplinary proceedings. cation can result in a punish- covered, unless there are impose up to 42 days for an the prisoner and the prisoner Why should I have a solicitor? Having attended many pris- ment being imposed. It can exceptional circumstances. offence. will be asked to enter a plea Those facing adjudications ons across the country to rep- also have an adverse effect on of guilty or not guilty. If a pris- face the potential for signifi- resent clients for adjudica- applications for Home Detention Once a prisoner has been Can I have a solicitor? oner enters a not guilty plea cant punishments to be tions, I would estimate that Curfew, Re-Categorisation and given a nicking sheet the Prisoners appearing before the the Adjudicator will hear evi- imposed. Proven adjudica- most prisoners appearing Parole. Governor should be informed Independent Adjudicator are dence of the offence from the tions will remain on a prison- before the Independent and hear the case within 24 entitled to legal representation reporting officer and any er’s record and can be consid- Adjudicator are not legally Common examples of offenc- hours. The Governor has var- should they wish for it. This other witnesses who can give ered at a later stage should a represented. Whilst the idea es prisoners are punished for ious options; including deal- should normally be arranged evidence on the issue/s in prisoner be seeking a move to of having days added to your include; possession of unau- ing with the case themselves, before the appearance before question. The prisoner or their a less secure prison or release sentence may not seem impor- thorised articles, failing man- referring the matter to the the Judge but in certain cir- legal representative will be into the community. It is tant when your release date is datory drug tests, disobeying police or referring the matter cumstances the Judge will given the opportunity to ask important to seek legal advice, not in sight, having a legal lawful orders and fighting. to the Independent Adjudicator. grant an adjournment so that questions of the reporting where available, as arguments representative could assist in Matters referred to the police a solicitor can be arranged. officer and the witnesses. can be put forward to have making sure you are released What’s the process? could lead to further investi- This is at the discretion of the Once that evidence has been matters against you dis- on the date you were initially Once a prisoner has allegedly gation by the police including Judge, so it is always best to heard the prisoner and any missed. due for release. breached a Prison Rule they an interview under caution try and arrange representation defence witnesses will be will be given a form called a and potential proceedings in advance of the hearing. A invited to give evidence so Prisons are under an obliga- What is an adjudication? DIS1, commonly known as a before a Court. The Governor solicitor can consider the alle- that their version of events can tion to ensure that the PSI is If a prisoner is alleged to have ‘nicking sheet’. It is important will normally deal with less gation against you, take your be put forward. followed and that paperwork breached a Prison Rule they to check this form as it will serious matters, with more instructions and represent you is completed appropriately before the Independent Once all the evidence has and accurately. Any breaches Adjudicator. been heard, the adjudicator of the PSI could potentially will decide if the prisoner is lead to the matter being dis- Adjudications which remain guilty or not guilty. The stand- missed; at which point no before the Governor are differ- ard of proof in an adjudication punishment is given. Failing ent. There is no right to legal is the same as in criminal pro- that, a solicitor can assist in representation as the Governor ceedings before a Court, this the cross examination of the does not have the ability to being that the adjudicator reporting officer and witness- impose additional days onto must be sure that the offence es, the obtaining of informa- your sentence. Prisoners has taken place on the evi- tion from defence witnesses appearing before the Judge dence heard during the hear- and the advance of legal argu- can make a request to the ing. If a prisoner is convicted, ments much like in a criminal Governor for Legal a conduct report, setting out trial. It could also mean that Representation or what is any previous findings of guilt you are released on the date known as a McKenzie Friend. before an adjudicator and gen- you are supposed to be A McKenzie Friend is someone eral information on compli- released on and that you are who provides support and ance during the sentence, will not one of the many prisoners advice but does not actively be read out. The prisoner or who have their release represent the prisoner at the solicitor will then be able to delayed. hearing. Any request for rep- mitigate about the circum- Our open, friendly solicitors working resentation or a McKenzie stances of the offence or any We have an expert team of Friend is made to the Governor other relevant matter that can prison law solicitors who can in Criminal Defence will help you with all and will be considered in assist the adjudicator before offer specialist advice and aspects of Prison Law including: accordance with what are passing sentence. assistance . Should you require known as the Tarrant any assistance please contact Licence recall • Adjudications Principles. The Principles What punishment can I be our Prison Law department at Parole hearings • IPP queries include issues such as the given? Hine Solicitors on: 01865 complexity of the case, the There are a range of sentences 518971 or FREEPOST - RTHU Judicial review • Sentence planning issues capacity of the prisoner, the available to the Governor and - LEKE - HAZR Hine Solicitors, seriousness of the charge and the Judge. Matters dealt with Seymour House, 285 Banbury fairness. by the Judge generally attract Road, Oxford OX2 7JF for our Call us on 01865 518971 additional days but the Judge Oxford office or FREEPOST - Legal aid is available for those does have the power to impose TRXS-TYCU- ZKHY Hine or visit appearing before the punishments available to the Solicitors, Crown House, 123 Independent Adjudicator and Governor. There are guide- Hagley Road, Birmingham B16 those prisoners who appear lines which are used by the 8LD for our Birmingham before the Governor and are Judge in determining how Office. Oxford Freepost address granted legal assistance. many days, if any, should be FREEPOST RTHU - LEKE - HAZR imposed as a punishment. As Hine Solicitors | Seymour House If your case is referred to the in the Criminal Courts, some 285 Banbury Road | Oxford | OX2 7JF police and the police decide to of the sentences imposed by Darryl Foster is a solicitor at interview, you are entitled to adjudicators, including addi- Hine Solicitors 4 Britannia Court 5 Holywell Hill (Appointment only) The Green St Albans Summit House West Drayton Hertfordshire 13 High Street Middlesex UB7 7PN AL1 1EU Wanstead DX No: 47654 DX No: 6108 London Tel: 01895 449288 Tel: 01727 840900 E11 2AA wellsburcombeSOLICITORS

orders - can result in the imposition of a default prison sentence. Wells Burcombe advises on all aspects of confiscation proceedings. The team, Confiscation Solicitors led by senior confiscation lawyer David Wells Sarah McKell, has a proven track record and only work with experi- enced barristers. We can assist with: Confiscation proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act (‘POCA’) are • Reducing benefit figures in part deliberately draconian. They can or in full; range from the relatively simple to • Rebutting allegations that you the distinctly complex. Instructing were involved in a criminal lifestyle; solicitors who can truly understand • Help in getting witness state- confiscation proceedings is therefore ments to support your case; key. Many lawyers don’t like dealing • Instructing the right experts, with these cases and very often will such as forensic accountants; agree to a change of lawyer when an • Help rebut the suggestion that existing client looks to instruct other you have hidden assets; lawyers following their conviction. • Help with assets frozen and/or Wells Burcombe is regularly instruct- restrained. ed following conviction to take over the confiscation proceedings. If you face the prospect of confisca- tion proceedings, or if you are going The stakes are often high in these through the ordeal right now and cases. Looking very closely at how want expert advice, assistance and the prosecution has arrived at its representation, simply write to Sarah suggested ‘benefit’ figure is highly McKell, Wells Burcombe Solicitors, crucial. Mistakes are common, as is 5 Holywell Hill, St Albans,

a complete misunderstanding of the © Deposit Photos Hertfordshire, AL1 1EU or telephone applicable law. Any temptation sim- us on 01727 840900 so we can send ply to accept what the prosecution party has received a tainted defendants in these cases, such as case is not so strong. Never leave you the appropriate documentation. says about purported benefit and gift. These allegations can be made instructing a forensic accountant to things to chance. suggested available assets should be with very little supporting evidence assess benefit, or for independent avoided. Furthermore, the Crown and can be based on mere specula- valuations to be carried out on assets. Unsuccessfully challenging confis- David Wells is a Solicitor and frequently alleges that a defendant tion or inference. In complex cases, This is the case even in cases where cation proceedings - and thereafter Partner at Wells Burcombe has hidden assets or that a third experts should be instructed to help it is considered that the prosecution non-compliance of confiscation

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Helping to restore the balance of justice Insidetime June 2018 Legal 41

Advertorial prison and receive often substantial discounts in 2 of 2000) [2002] 1 Cr. App. R 29. The arguments their sentences after entering written agreements on entrapment may also include not just the with the prosecution - see e.g. R v P; R v Blackburn informant’s actions but the lawfulness of the [2008] 2 Cr. App. R (S). The problems with these police operation and whether it was properly Trafficking sorts of witnesses are obvious - they may be tell- authorised under RIPA. An informant feeding ing the truth but are equally highly motivated to material back to his handler for reward is undoubt- lie. The authors have been involved in several edly a ‘covert human intelligence source’ or ‘CHIS’ Strategy and tactics defending in trafficking cases cases involving examination of the police han- in police speak under RIPA and thus proper dling of these sorts of witnesses which can be authorisations must be provided otherwise the out a course of conduct would be pursued, which crucial to preserve, or undermine, the credibility Crown could face a submission that the suspect’s would result in the commission of an offence. of these inherently flawed witnesses. right to privacy under Article 8 of the European Convention has been breached; demanding the Jonathan Lennon But what if, for example, A, B and C agree to Disclosure and Public Interest Immunity exclusion of that unlawfully obtained evidence. and Aziz Rahman import cannabis (a Category B drug) where C In a drugs trafficking conspiracy allegation that provides a car but in fact A and B import cocaine the authors were involved in some years ago the Conclusion (still a Category A drug)? In that situation C would Defence Statement actually went as far as naming Criminal cases centring on trafficking are bound Whether the ‘commodity’ is drugs, contraband, in fact be acquitted (see R v Taylor [2002] Crim LR an individual as an informant and provided some to take up more and more court time. The cases guns or people, trafficking offence cases share 205). The point is that it is always worth going reasoning for making this allegation. The Crown will become increasingly complex as the facilities some similar characteristics. Police operations back to basics in trafficking conspiracy cases and was then forced into serving a very lengthy state- of the State to battle trafficking increase, e.g. the in such cases are invariably intelligence led with considering whether the Crown have created ment from the named informant who then had to use of immunity notices and so on. However, we the usual concerns for defenders that association problems for themselves. Again, what if for exam- come out of the shadows and become a prosecu- predict that the central issues will not change; alone, e.g. telephone links and so on, can make ple A and B agree with C to commit an offence but tion witness. The advantage for defenders of this namely; entrapment, innocent association and an innocent associate look guilty. Here we outline C, in reality, had no intention to go through with sort of tactic is that the issue may be about the disclosure and PII arguments. Also, as ever, early some of the practical issues we have come across it, or if B later changed his mind? What if A, B credibility of the ‘outed’ informant, rather than and proper preparation, particularly of Defence in tackling trafficking allegations. and C agreed with D to commit a trafficking of the defendant. But such tactics will not be Statements, will be the key in defending traffick- offence and D turned out to be an undercover appropriate in all cases and careful judgements ing allegations. Overseas Element officer? What if A agreed with B but did not meet have to be made about what is pleaded in the Of course trafficking often means that the alleged C or even know D? It would take a book to explain Defence Statement. But it can be seen that in Jonathan Lennon is a Barrister specialising in serious offence has an overseas element. This will not all the many variables of the law on conspiracy. trafficking cases, perhaps more strikingly than and complex criminal defence cases at Carmelite usually raise any particular challenges of itself, The essential thing to remember is that conspir- in other cases, it is important to properly prepare Chambers, London. He has extensive experience in all although it is worth considering where the actu- acy really means ‘agreement’ - the Crown must for disclosure arguments and not just make bold aspects of financial and serious crime and the Proceeds al offence (if any) was committed. The starting always prove a suspect’s agreement to be involved assertions on a piece of paper headed ‘Defence of Crime Act 2002. He is ranked by Chambers & point in English law is that the Court’s jurisdiction in a trafficking offence. Statement’ - see comments of the House of Lords Partners and is recognised in both the specialist POCA is territorial, however certain acts committed in R v H & C [2004] 2 AC 134. and Financial Crime sections; ‘he is phenomenal and abroad will be triable here, including a conspir- Police Intelligence his work rate is astonishing’; ‘one of the best juniors in acy abroad to commit an offence here. financial crime.’ Trafficking charges may well follow from long We have already mentioned entrapment, which and complex investigations. Often it is undenia- is often the issue in participating informant cases. The world is becoming a smaller place in terms Aziz Rahman is a Solicitor-Advocate and Partner at ble that an offence has been committed; what the In trafficking cases this issue arises again and of law enforcement. In the E.U. we currently have the leading Criminal Defence firm Rahman Ravelli concern is; what the case is against a particular again. An undercover police officer, or a criminal (though maybe not for long!) the European Arrest Solicitors, specialising in Human Rights, Financial Crime defendant. The evidence might show that a sus- used by the police to get close to suspects, can Warrant. The EAW was implemented here in 2004 and Large Scale Conspiracies / Serious crime. Rahman pect has no more than a few suspicious meetings provide very valuable material to the police. But and essentially did away with the old and lengthy Ravelli has been ranked by Legal 500 as an ‘excep- and lots of telephone calls between others who the Court’s recognise that the temptation for those extradition procedures, at least in between E.U. tional’ firm with Aziz Rahman being described as ‘top have much more evidence against them - yet this involved to cross the line and ‘create an offence’ class’. The firm is also ranked in Chambers & Partners. states. There is also undoubtedly increasing same suspect is portrayed as ‘Mr. Big’. Why is is very real, see test in R v Loosely; A.G.’s ref (No. Rahman Ravelli are a Top Tier and Band 1 firm. co-operation between worldwide law-enforcement this? agencies such as the American D.E.A., Interpol and European police forces and now especially Very often it is down to the ‘police intelligence’ financial watchdogs such as the Financial where the Crown’s ‘theory of the case’ is present- Conduct Authority, the Serious Fraud Office and ed without any firm evidence of the number one A leading firm the American Securities & Exchange Commission. status given to the defendant. For prosecutor’s that is the beauty of a conspiracy charge. offering the The reliance on overseas law-enforcement forces Defenders on the other hand will often try to will sometimes provide some leverage for defend- pressurise the Crown in disclosure arguments, strongest legal ers to enquire into whether any foreign agency hoping that the Judge will make a disclosure order has conducted surveillance on a suspect and, if that the prosecution do not want. representation so, how far that surveillance is compatible with what we would recognise as proper human rights The Courts are well used to these arguments. In to those being protection. However, it will also present an oppor- fact disclosure arguments require very careful tunity for the prosecution to use, as evidence, thought and precise drafting. All too often such investigated phone calls intercepted overseas - this is still not arguments fail as there is a lack of detail about or prosecuted possible in domestic cases under s17 of the why police intelligence must be disclosed in order Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 to assist the defence case. Prosecutors will simply in serious and (RIPA). However, intercept material generated by say to the Judge in a private hearing (Public an overseas law enforcement agency does not Interest Immunity or PII hearings) that the iden- complex crime cases. engage s17 of RIPA and so occasionally an English tity of the informant - or whatever is the disclosure jury will literally hear a recorded bugged tele- sought - should not be revealed as the defence phone conversation in open Court. are only asserting that they are not involved in the conspiracy and have done nothing to show Conspiracy how such disclosure might assist their defence More often than not, a trafficking offence will be or undermine the prosecution case. charged as a conspiracy to commit a certain offence. Conspiracies are technically difficult to Informants, Supergrasses and Agents • Specialists in defending cases • Expertise in arguing admissibility of defend because the Crown does not necessarily Provocateurs involving large-scale police operations. evidence, abuse of process, disclosure have to prove a particular act or acts. It does not and public interest immunity. Traffickers move in treacherous circles; the police • Experienced defenders in Regulation need to be actually proven that X was an organ- and the Courts recognise the vital importance of of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) • Our reputation ensures the very best iser or a courier. The Crown will have their theo- keeping the informant system going by using cases involving informants, undercover experts represent our clients. ry but all they will do is put before the jury all material gathered straight from the front-line. In the evidence of association with co-defendants police, surveillance and interception of trafficking cases, this can cause an over confident communications. • We have helped shape the law. etc. and if the jury are sure that the defendant informant with an agenda (officer or civilian) to was somehow involved in the conspiracy, then a overstep the mark and start creating crime; the guilty verdict will follow. classic case of entrapment. Such dangers are Roma House, 59 Pellon 36 Whitefriars 3 Brindley Place, bound to increase with the importance attached Lane, Halifax, West Street, London, Birmingham, West But conspiracy charges also present problems for to trafficking investigations and the fairly new Yorkshire HX1 5BE EC4Y 8BQ Midlands, B1 2JB the Crown. It is always worthwhile going back to provisions allowing ‘immunity notices’ to be Tel: 01422 346666 Tel: 0203 947 1539 Tel: 0121 206 2287 basics and understanding that conspiracy alle- issued to a suspect prepared to turn Queen’s gations necessarily mean the Crown proving that Evidence; s71, Serious Organised Crime and Police a suspect was a party to an agreement and that Act 2005. The same legislation also introduces / [email protected] Nationwide Service he or she knew that if the agreement were carried incentives for informants to come forward from 42 Legal // Q&A ‘Legal’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB. Insidetime June 2018

EP HMP Lewes The circumstances in which the prison • Where appropriate, complete the before an IEP review is instigated.

can interfere with Rule 39 correspond- induction process; Q When sentenced, I was subject ence is limited to their being concerned As part of the review and appeals’ • Where identified, attend any of- to an indefinite Sexual Harm over the following: process the PSO states: Prevention Order. I feel that the order fending behaviour courses or treat- ment programme assessments; is very restrictive, can I appeal? • Reasonable cause to believe that it Assessments should be based on the contains an illicit enclosure; • Engage and co-operate with health, prisoner’s efforts to meet the require- A You are able to ask that consider- drug and alcohol assessments, drug ments and behavioural expectations ation be given to the terms of the order. • Reasonable cause to believe its con- testing and where identified, recovery and must take account of any miti- This can include a reduction in the tents endanger prison security or the focused interventions/services; gating factors. It is therefore important number of restrictions and also the safety of others or are otherwise of a for staff to record on P-NOMIS good, • Engage and co-operate with the nature of those restrictions. The ap- criminal nature. as well as bad, behaviour and per- prison regime and any identified pur- plication would be made to the Crown formance for all prisoners to allow poseful activity, for example attend Court which imposed the order. The If there are concerns regarding the for meaningful reviews to take place. work or education; Crown Prosecution Service would be above, the correspondence has to be Prison Law able to provide their views to the Court opened in the presence of the prisoner, • Where appropriate, engage with Prisoners placed on ‘Basic’ level must Answers are kindly provided by: on the merits of your application. In unless the prisoner waives such a right. the early days in custody screening be reviewed within seven days and, Hine Solicitors order to obtain legal aid you will need interview and demonstrate a willing- if they are not suitable for progression, Stevens Solicitors to contact a criminal solicitor who If you feel that your post is being in- ness to address any identified issues. informed of the steps they need to Kesar & Co Solicitors has a criminal legal aid contract. Your terfered with, you should make a com- For example, housing and drug and take to progress to ‘Standard’ level. MKS Law Solicitors ability to benefit from legal aid would plaint to the Governor using the inter- alcohol misuse; This should include realistic targets Pickup & Scott Solicitors depend upon your means. nal complaints procedure. If you are to assist them to progress. Adult pris- • Wear prison issue clothing, unless not content with the way in which the oners that remain on Basic must be Response by Hine Solicitors permitted not to do so for reasons prison deals with the complaint you reviewed at least every 28 days. should take the matter to the Prisons related to a protected characteristic, Name withheld HMP Woodhill & Probation Ombudsman. such as religious belief or disability. The scheme includes an Equality and Answers to readers’ legal queries Fairness provision so that there are are given on a strictly without Q I have received various Rule  Response by Hine Solicitors Progression must depend on the pris- a range of earnable privileges to in- liability basis. If you propose acting correspondence from the court and oner’s successful completion of the centivise appropriate commitment upon any of the opinions that appear, solicitors, already opened by the LM HMP Leeds required activities as set out in para- to rehabilitation and good conduct you must first take legal advice. prison or in a second envelope with graph 4.6 above, taking into account a Rule  sticker on the back. All Q I am a disabled prisoner who has any mitigating factors including any by all prisoners; including those who are elderly, disabled or who have other Send your Prison Law Query (concise these letters clearly state on the front been reduced to basic regime from lack of compliance through no fault special needs. It is most important and clearly marked ‘Prison Law ‘Rule ’, yet all I get from the prison standard due to being unable to work of the prisoner, combined with an you have further discussions with Query’) to: David Wells, Solicitor is an apology, only for it to happen in one of the workshops. I have not assessment of their behaviour. If Healthcare and seek the assistance c/o Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, again next time. What can I do to been given the opportunity to chal- Healthcare is aware of your disability, of wing officers in raising this matter Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB. stop this from happening? lenge the downgrade in security. its history and effects, and the fact you are provided with medication to before a relevant grade Governor. You have sufficient grounds to raise For a prompt response, readers are You explain that some of your mail A The rules relating to the revised IEP alleviate the symptoms, then they are A a complaint under the Prison Complaints asked to send their queries on white has been interfered with, including scheme are set down in PSO 30/2013. best placed to confirm whether you System and should cite the above to paper using black ink or typed if correspondence sent by a solicitor The criteria for a prisoner on basic are or are not fit to work. Prisoners assist you in stating your case. possible. subject to Rule 39. You query what regime looking to progress to standard will be allowed a maximum of two can be done about this. regime are found at paragraph 4.6: warnings if they fail to meet requirements Response by Pickup and Scott Solicitors Specialists in Prison Law

• Cat A Reviews • Pre-tariff Reviews • Adjudications • Recall • Sentence Calculation • Re-categorisation • HDC • Parole

0151 200 4071 63 Ham ilton S qu are Birkenh e ad W irral C H41 5J F solici tors Insidetime June 2018 ‘Legal’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB. Legal // Q&A 43

The CCRC sometimes get asked: information about the layout the complainant had been to case as a whole, and particu- of the house or other details, the house before (perhaps larly of the prosecution case. “What sort of new evidence is likely to then the point about the colour when the door was red), or lived result in a CCRC referral and what isn’t?” of the door looks pretty weak. nearby and might have often This is one good reason why, If the complainant turns out passed by, or perhaps they had if you apply to the CCRC, you The question is more compli- in the example might be relevant, to be red /green colour blind, drunk alcohol or taken drugs should be open and honest and cated than it seems at first but how relevant depends on the point is useless. that night. try to explain your case “warts because how important a piece the circumstances of the case. and all”. It is a classic mistake of information is in a particular In the second example, things So, in a strong prosecution in a CCRC application to ignore case almost always depends So, imagine a case where a man might look a bit more convinc- case, relatively minor flaws in the unflattering or inconven- on what the rest of the case is accused of attacking a woman. ing. Not only is the door green evidence might hardly matter ient parts of the case against looks like. Her account of events is that and not red, but there are no at all. But in a weak prosecution the defendant. she went at night to a house with stairs in the property. This means case where a lot might have Appeals The bottom line is that infor- a red door, was forced upstairs that a key part of the complain- depended on relatively small It is a mistake; firstly because mation which could create a and assaulted. Now think ant’s account is now in doubt details, they could potentially these tend to be the bits of the The Criminal Cases Review strong ground for appeal, or about these two examples. and the defence can argue that be highly significant. case that persuaded the jury Commission (CCRC) is the for a CCRC referral, in one case, this raises serious questions to convict and that therefore publicly funded body could be completely useless In example one, man A says: about the reliability of the rest It is complicated but hopefully need to be understood in rela- responsible for investigat- in another. This is the reason “But my front door is green.” of the complainant’s account. this will help to explain why tion to any new information ing alleged miscarriages you will often hear lawyers say In example two, man B says: the importance of a statement or evidence. Secondly it is a of justice in England and things like: “each case turns “But my front door is green However, before anyone gets almost always depends, at least mistake because, with the CCRC’s Wales. They are the only on its own facts”. and I live in a bungalow.” too carried away with the in part, on other facts of the power to get information, we body with the power to strength of this as an appeal case to which it relates. will find out anyway - if it looks send a case back to the Here are some examples that In both examples, facts about point, you need to think about like you have tried to conceal courts for a second appeal. may help to explain. They are the house could potentially how it stacks up with the other How a jury might view a mis- something that looks bad for based on a question that was alter the strength of the com- evidence in the case. take or inconsistency in a wit- you (or refuse to sign a legal In this regular column put to us: “What if someone says plainant’s statement about the nesses account will depend on waiver or to give us access to they answer questions they were assaulted in a house colour of the door and about So, if there was physical evi- a number of things such as how your defence files), we’ll ob- about what they do and with a red front door, but I can being forced upstairs. dence (fibres or DNA for exam- the prosecution explains it, viously be asking ourselves more widely about prove that the door was green?” ple), or CCTV, or previous how the defence responds and “why?”, and it may be hard not miscarriages of justice. However, in the first example, convictions for similar offences how the rest of that witness’ to draw negative conclusions. Firstly, it almost goes without it’s easy to see how, even if and so on, even quite large testimony and how the other The CCRC apologises saying that an issue like this man A’s door actually was discrepancies in details like evidence stacks up. Obviously, life would be sim- but is unable to answer will normally be completely green, the prosecution could door colour, or the layout of a pler if the CCRC could provide questions relating to irrelevant in cases of sexual sensibly argue that mixing up house, could easily, and un- These are the kind of things lists of things that did or did individual cases. assault where the defendant red and green is an easy and derstandably, appear to be that the CCRC is weighing up not count as good grounds of admitted they were with the understandable mistake to completely insignificant. when it looks at a case. Our job appeal, but in reality, things Send your Appeal complainant at the time such make, particularly at night and is to identify new evidence and aren’t like that. Hopefully this Queries to: ‘CCRC Q&A’ as in cases where the defence particularly if, as claimed, the Other matters that often come to consider its potential signif- article will help explain why Inside Time, Botley Mills, was based on the idea that the complainant is being subjected into play and could change the icance and impact on the case. that is and help you to under- Botley, Southampton, complainant consented. to a traumatic attack. If the rest strength or weakness of the That process can’t take place stand what that might mean Hampshire SO30 2GB. of the complainant’s account complainant’s version of in isolation and always in- in your case if you are thinking In other situations, the details contained accurate events are factors like: whether volves consideration of the about applying to us.

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44 Jailbreak Insidetime June 2018

continue to breathe in and out Runners Corner through the nose, but keep that ocean sound in your breath. Continue applying the same toning to the throat, or epiglot- tis, that you did when the mouth was open. It’s a little easier to make the sound on the exhale, but see if you can make the same sound on the inhale too.

6. Keeping the mouth closed, and the face relaxed, continue to breathe in this way, focusing © Deposit Photos on an even sound as you breathe in, an even sound as you breathe out. The breath Ocean breath should feel totally comforta- ble. Don’t force it - the key to The Prison Phoenix Trust this breath is relaxation. It’s a bit like the breath you make just before you fall asleep. practice called ‘ocean breath’, Some small effort is required or ‘ujjayi’ in the ancient lan- to produce a pleasing sound, guage Sanskrit, literally mean- but too much effort creates a ing ‘victorious’, to help us grasping quality and a grating Want to lose weight? become victors of our minds. sound. Deeply relaxing, both the sound and length of this breath 7. Let the sound of the ocean This is how often you should go running helps to call your parasympa- calm your mind and help you thetic nervous system into become victorious over your Every beginning is hard. That’s why health train- ly adapt to this training stimulus and build up play, the system which helps thoughts. Once you are com- er Sascha Wingenfeld recommends, “Regular, reserves. This presents a problem for more expe- to calm the body and the mind. short sessions at low intensity are ideal for get- rienced runners: over time, the fat burning gains fortable with this breath, it can ting started running. These build the base for will grow smaller.” To avoid this situation, you Here’s how you do it: be used when doing your yoga your running performance. Plus they keep you need to incorporate as much variety as possible. 1. Sit in a comfortable upright postures as a way of helping from overtaxing your body: it must learn to get “Don’t give your body the chance to get used to position on the floor, or on a you stay present, self-aware a higher percentage of the energy it needs to run your workout,” says Sascha. “By switching up chair if you wish. and grounded. It needn’t be from your fat reserves. At the beginning, it will your training, you force your body to keep adapt- loud, just loud enough to keep take most of this energy from the more accessi- ing. This, in turn, improves your performance 2. Breathe deeply in through you focused. If you are strain- ble carbohydrates in your muscles and liver. The and boosts your metabolism. Make variety your the nose. ing in your breath, you may widespread belief that you won’t burn fat for the routine: in addition to your long-distance runs, be pushing yourself too hard fi rst 30 minutes of exercise is not true: the body work in some intervals, fartleks, sprints, tech- 3. Breathe out through the in your practice. Use that feed- burns fat and carbohydrates at the same time. nique drills and strength training.” A good rule mouth, keeping the face very back as a guide throughout But of course longer runs burn more calories of thumb is never to do the same workout twice Close your eyes and think of relaxed and making a soft your yoga session - if you start than shorter sessions.” back to back! the sound of waves on the whispering sound, as if you to strain, it may be time to back shore. Hear the sound of the were misting up a mirror or out of a pose and rest. I also How often do I have to run to lose weight? Increase your intensities water hitting the beach, pebbly window to write on it. like to use this breath when I Aft er the abovementioned beginning phase, you “An engine running at full speed burns a lot of or sandy, Brighton or get annoyed or stressed during should change the content, length and intensity fuel!” This is a good way to picture the fat burn- 4. Repeat steps 2-3 a few times of your training: during the fi rst stage, which ing mechanism during an intense running ses- Lanzarote. And hear the sound the day, though you have to until you really begin to hear lasts between 3-4 weeks, the focus is on slowly sion. A strenuous interval workout requires a lot of the water retreating. Now make it quietly so people don’t the sound of the ocean on that getting you used to working out on a regular of energy. While it is true that the percentage of open your eyes. Do you feel stare! long smooth breath out basis. Aft er your body has built up a certain base fat burned in the metabolic process is quite high calmer, more centred, more through the mouth. This fi tness level, you can and should increase the during long slow runs, the total daily energy focused? Did you know that breath out through the mouth training stimulus. This really gets your fat melt- expenditure, and thus the number of calories you can get even more of these If you want a free book and also helps to relax the jaw and ing. burned, is relatively low due to the low intensity benefits by creating the sound CD to help you set up a face, where we often hold of the workout. In the case of high-intensity run- of the ocean with just your regular yoga and meditation tension. Run regularly ning workouts, like intervals, the percentage of breath? practice write to The Prison You should start out running three times a week fat burned in the metabolic process is signifi - Phoenix Trust, PO Box 328, and then increase the volume to four or fi ve times cantly lower, but the total daily energy expend- In yoga, we use this breath 5. Now close the mouth and Oxford OX2 7HF. a week. In general, the more you work out, the iture and the calories burned are many times bigger the results will be. “But make sure to higher. listen to your body. If you need a break, take it,” Why use emphasizes the running expert. “If you don’t, Furthermore, the “after-burn” effect is much Let us help you this can lead to acute or overuse injuries”. higher during your recovery from a high-inten- sity workout than a low one. “But be careful: • Expert Prison Law Team Michael Robinson and Focus on strength training intense running workouts are very hard on your John Griffith have acted for thousands of clients in your position. Unfortunately, it’s hard to reach your goal weight body. For this reason, you shouldn’t do more with running alone. Sascha explained that … than one per week.” • ‘In house’ Advocacy Team for all Prison Law and “the higher the percentage of muscle in your Parole Board Hearings. body is, the higher your basal metabolic rate Give yourself breaks • Excellent track record in POCA/Forfeiture/Pre-tariff will be.” Therefore, in addition to your running Your body needs time to adapt to all the diff erent 52 John Street, 137A Back High Street, Reviews and Sentence Calculation cases. training, you should include at least one strength training stimuli. Therefore treat yourself to at Sunderland SR1 1QN Gosforth, Newcastle NE3 4ET training workout per week, either with free least one rest day per week. Make sure you get 0191 567 6667 0191 284 6989 Don’t waste your next opportunity weights or your own bodyweight. The Results plenty of sleep: it infl uences all the metabolic Freephone before the Parole Board CONTACT app is a good way to strength train using your processes in your body. 0800 193 0146 EMMERSONS NOW and let us get on with preparing your case in good time. own bodyweight. Registeredemmersons with Mix up your training EMAP Parole Hearings • Adjudications • Recalls • Category A Reviews “At fi rst, a beginner can get good results with Sascha Wingenfeld is a health trainer & active Members of the Association of Prison Lawyers short, easy runs. However, your body will quick- triathlete Insidetime June 2018 Jailbreak // Fitness 45 Cell Workout Get the body you want Inside & Out

thing that surprisingly few of us actually do on a regular basis. Taking up a new activity or learning a new skill can do wonders for self-confidence and, for some, can even have life-changing results, as new doors are opened and friend- ships formed. Equally, the fantastic feeling of accomplishment and pride that comes with completing a personal goal really is incompa- Is there a new skill you want to rable. Taking on learn, or an activity you have been meaning to try for years? What chal- If you were going to put yourself out a challenge lenge can you undertake that reso- mentally or physical, who or what nates with you and will push you are you doing it for! Definition: (The situation of being to grow personally? faced with) something that needs To the right is a bodyweight training great mental or physical effort in We should all be thinking about challenge to get you started order to be done successfully and how we can push ourselves out of therefore test a person’s ability. our comfort zones this year: some- LJ Nine hours worth of burpees and a nine hour bike ride and hike the following week definitely deserves the title of a challenge. The incentive here was to raise funds for Switchback, a charity who mentor young people in prison and through the gate to make real, long-lasting change after release.

My incentive here was to raise money for a good cause, and people tend to donate when they see some- one putting the effort in and push- ing themselves.

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Prison injuries could be caused in the gym, scalding in the Contact: Mark Lees kitchen, falling from a bunk, slip on wet floor, stabbed by inmates, trip on broken tile, injury in workshop, injury on excercise, Beesley & Company assaulted by staff or other inmates. 736-740 Wilmslow Road, Didsbury, -Nationwide Service- Manchester, M20 2DW Barry Akilo or Muhammad Munir 0800 975 5454 (FREEPHONE) 01582 424234 [email protected] or write to: Rodman Pearce Solicitors Ltd Nationwide service available in certain cases 54 Wellington Street Legal Aid available Luton Bedfordshire LU1 2QH 46 Jailbreak Insidetime June 2018 National Prison Radio The Reader has a new Brief We hesitated to respond as there was so much “I’ve been in here for - it’ll be some of the most important to take in. I reflected on this, saying how big legal questions facing people 28 years in 3 days. And to be it felt but asked the group what they made of inside today. honest, this is the best part of it. Ali re-read the opening line. my week. This makes you feel Every week on NPR Friday Lift not the painted veil which those who live (broadcasting at 8am and human.” Call Life 4pm), former prisoner Hilary Shared Reading group member, Cat A prison, Ineomo-Marcus will be putting reading Silas Marner by George Eliot …then said “It’s about scratching below the your questions to top legal surface.” “Of what?” I asked. Ali deliberated, experts with the aim of demys- then said “...of LIFE!” emphatically. We all tifying the legal system and Emma Taylor nodded in agreement and sunk forwards in helping you to understand how our chairs as we considered it again. We looked it works. Hilary has first-hand at the next few lines in closer detail, gradually experience of the legal system, I have been reading at Bradshaw House PIPE picking out meaning as we went through and he also knows what it feels Hostel / Approved Premises since June 2017. slowly: like to be sitting in a prison Today we read The Verger by W Somerset cell. Maugham about a church worker who is forced though unreal shapes be pictured there, to learn to read or write in 3 months or lose his And it but mimic all we would believe Hilary says: “Everyone inside job of 16 years, despite the job requiring no With colours idly spread, has to navigate the legal sys- literacy skills. “It’s not fair he’s lost his job” tem - so The Brief is essential was Ali’s first response. “It’s a scandal” agreed We talked about intangibility here and how listening. Sadly, more and more people are entering the Brian. We went to on to discuss the vicar’s complex we are - what we choose to show of justice system without legal motive for the ultimatum - “maybe he’s pres- ourselves. representation. So it’s even suring him - to give him a goal” mused Ali. more important now that We also talked about what those ‘colours’ might “But it’s unreasonable to ask him to do it in 3 everyone has a good under- be referring to and how they might be spread National Prison Radio presenter Hilary Ineomo-Marcus months” he reflected on balance. We spent a standing of the law and how while weighing up who was in the right as the idly because life is a series of chance occurrences it affects them.” conversation developed. As we read on we saw rather than something preordained. that the Verger went on to do very well for him- solicitor is saying to you? On The Brief, we will be look- self despite his illiteracy. We discussed how Ali then observed the capital letters in the poem ing at the most important de- good experiences can sometimes come from and we mulled over their significance, honing The legal system is a compli- velopments in criminal justice in on Fear and Hope as drivers who almost weigh bad ones and how valuable literacy and digital Are you on remand and not cated machine, and it’s so - things like changes to legal in our minds on an invisible balancing scale. literacy are in the modern age. sure what to expect at court? important to understand aid and joint enterprise law. Or are you into your sentence what’s happening around you And we want to hear what “It feels like the whole poem is me” said Brian. but want to know how appeals if your future is in the balance. questions YOU want answered. We then went on to read The Painted Veil by I asked him which part of the poem made him work? Are you a foreign na- That’s why National Prison If you have any questions Percy Bysshe Shelley: feel that way and he pointed to the Fear and tional and unsure what might Radio (NPR) is launching a new about how the law works send the chasm “I want to have life but I’m scared happen to you at the end of feature, called ‘The Brief’, it to The Brief, National Prison Lift not the painted veil which those who live of living. I’m 45. I have been in prison for 20 your prison sentence? Do you which will aim to demystify Radio, HMP Brixton, London Call Life: though unreal shapes be pictured there, years but was in ‘prison’ for the 25 years before understand everything your the legal system and answer SW2 5XF. And it but mimic all we would believe that.” We talked some more about the fear and With colours idly spread, - behind, lurk Fear hope in us all, Ali and the rest of the group Adele and Hilary open series two with a ‘Summer And Hope, twin Destinies; who ever weave offering ways to combat fear and create your Special’ and talk all about safe sex abroad. Their shadows, o’er the chasm, sightless and drear. own structure after living under imposed struc- Other episodes in the 8-part series focus on I knew one who had lifted it - he sought, ture for so long. We worked through to the end what it’s like growing up with HIV, having children when you’re HIV Positive, what life is For his lost heart was tender, things to love, of the poem together, Ali reflecting “he has like as a gay black man, and the underground But found them not, alas! nor was there aught done with the world. He might not have seen world of ChemSex. The world contains, the which he could approve. it but others could. I have friends who tell me Through the unheeding many he did move, I’ve been through a lot but am still positive, I Season two of Sex Talk broadcasts on National get on with it, people look up to me. You have A splendour among shadows, a bright blot Prison Radio every Thursday at midday and Upon this gloomy scene, a Spirit that strove to overcome what life throws at you.” 6pm from June 7th. For truth, and like the Preacher found it not. (All names have been changed) © Deposit Photos Sex Talk returns Emma Taylor is a Reader Leader, Bradshaw This June, National Prison Radio’s weekly show MASZ PROBLEM TurningPages House Sex Talk returns for season two. Presented by The Reader has been running Shared Reading BBC Radio 1’s Adele Roberts and former National Z PICIEM? Prison Radio presenter Hilary Ineomo-Marcus, groups in prisons, secured units and Approved Prisoners who can read Sex Talk is a programme all about sex. It reg- POTRZEBUJESZ Premises for nearly a decade. teach prisoners who can’t ularly features the dulcet tones of Dr Stuart Flanagan, a specialist in sexual health and POMOCY? If you would like more information on Each week a Reader Leader brings a short story HIV, who in season one busted some common how to become involved, as either a or extract and a poem which they read aloud and sexual health myths, and helped Hilary take Mentor or a Learner, contact the Reading invite the group to discuss. Anyone in the group a HIV test in the studio. 020 7403 85 20 Plan Lead in your prison (ask a Shannon is welcome to read too, some do, some don’t. Trust Mentor who this is) or write to: Everyone is welcome to share their thoughts and Some incredible guests opened up about the Anonimowi Alkoholicy - Punkt Shannon Trust, Freepost RTKY-RUXG-KGYH feelings about what has been read although some most intimate parts of their lives; we heard Informcyjno Kontaktowy Julia reflect on her time in prison and the rela- The Foundry, 17-19 Oval Way, people choose to reflect on these privately. Sroda 19.00 – 21.00 LONDON SE11 5RR. tionships she formed; former prisoners Roney Sobota i Niedziela 17.00 – 21.00 and Sophie talked about the reality of working Either way is fine, the point of Shared Reading is within the sex industry; and Garry and ShannonTrust to come together and enjoy great literature at the Leasuwanna told us what it’s like living with Email: [email protected] same time. HIV in 2018. Insidetime June 2018 Jailbreak 47 Father’s Day Behind the gate April 2015. Never forgotten. Happy Father’s Day, Anthony, The life and infamous times of Britain’s prisons: Simon, Hilary x this month HMP Belmarsh Fatman, Happy Father’s Day! You’re the greatest Dad anyone Between 2001 and 2002, Belmarsh was used could ask for. Thanks for all to detain a number of men indefi nitely and with- out charge or trial under the provisions of Part your support. I miss you loads, Noel Smith from Matthew xxx 4 of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001. This led to Belmarsh being called the ‘British To the greatest man I know, © Deposit Photos version of Guantanamo Bay’. ‘The similarities you are my rock, my inspira- are striking and appalling,’ said human rights Happy Father’s Day. Have a HMP Belmarsh is a Category ‘A’ male adult tion, I will make you proud. Dad, wishing you a happy prison located in Thamesmead, South-East organisation Liberty. ‘The lack of rights aff orded wonderful day. Love you lots Your loving son Jack from Kimberley XXX Father’s Day and thanks for London, run by Her Majesty’s Prison Service. to the men in both places (Guantanamo and all that you have done for me At last count the population was 910 prisoners. Belmarsh) undermines fundamental civil liberties.’ Dear Dad, I want to thank you while I’ve been away. See you Belmarsh, sometimes known to its residents as for being our Dad, you are soon. All my love Mike xxx HMP ‘Hellmarsh’, was built on part of the east The Law Lords later ruled, in A v Secretary of State amazing. Have a nice Day, Love site of the former Royal Arsenal in Woolwich for the Home Department, that such imprison- Casper, Jodie and Tracey xxxxx Dad (Owen) though 27 years and became operational on the 2nd of April ment was discriminatory and against the have passed you are not for- Human Rights Act. Though, the prison is oft en Happy Father’s Day Dad hope 1991. It has an underground tunnel linking it gotten. Happy Father’s Day used for the detention of prisoners for terror- you have a great day. Thank to Woolwich Crown Court, in order to make it love from your son, Rob xxx ist-related off ences. In September 2006, the you for all your love and sup- safer to take high-security prisoners to court. But there were problems with this tunnel almost number of these prisoners held there was 51. port. Not long now. Love To Dad, happy Father’s Day Madeleine xxx from day one as the prison is built on marshland and Grandfather’s day, all our and there is water leakage that has kept the There have also been reports To Daddy Luke, Happy Father’s love forever Peter, Karen, Haley, Happy Father’s Day pops, tunnel out of use for the majority of its exist- Day, lots of love Jenson, Teddy, Demi and Layla-Leigh xxxx that parts of the prison are thank you for your love and ence. There have also been reports that parts Harley, Stuart x x x x support. I miss you, love al- of the prison are sinking into the ground by as sinking into the ground by as Happy Father’s Day mate, I’m My dad Brian Westwood, I love ways Aiden. much as an inch per year. so very proud that you’re my you for being there every step much as an inch per year. old-man. We love ya loads, Al of my life journey. Ur the best- To the best Dad we could wish Belmarsh is also home to a Special Security & Kid’s x x x x est Dad ever. Love ur daughter for Happy Father’s Day we love Unit (SSU), which houses some of the most In May 2007, there was a violent ‘disturbance’ and miss you love Morgan and Jodie x x in the prison and Sky News reported that at Happy Father’s Day, we love dangerous prisoners in the country. This pris- Callum least four prison officers were injured. In + miss you so much see you on within a prison is separated from the rest of Broughie I want to thank you November 2009, an inspection report from soon all our love Ashley, the prison and prisoners and visitors are driv- To Dad, Happy Father’s day for giving me my 4 beautiful HMCIP criticised the ‘extremely high’ amount Jackson, Leon, Scarlett x x x and Grandfather’s day, all our en to the unit in a van with blacked-out win- diamonds, we love and miss of force used by staff to control inmates. The love forever Peter, Karen, Haley, dows, so as to have a disorienting eff ect and Amazing Dad and husband you loads. Love Jodie and report also stated that an unusually high num- Demi and Layla-Leigh xxxx make it harder to plan an escape. For a visitor peacefully passed away 1st Tiglywinks xxxx ber of prisoners had reported being victimised to get inside the prison they must pass through or intimidated by staff . 15-gated doors, have their fi ngerprints scanned and their photograph taken, despite the fact In September 2013, then Chief Inspector of that they must already have been cleared by Prisons, Nick Hardwick, published a report on the police to visit. Inside the SSU, they are then the prison aft er an unannounced inspection. X-rayed, walk through metal-detectors and will The inspection report stated that ‘Use of force be given a body-search. The gate can only be had reduced but was still greater than in com- unlocked by a member of staff in a separate parable prisons.’ It also said - ‘just 60% of control-room who use cameras to zoom in on prisoners felt that staff treated them with the visitor’s features. No two doors in the SSU respect, signifi cantly lower than in comparator can be opened at the same time. prisons, and some staff seemed disengaged.’ The prison is a mixture of single and multi-oc- The SSU was originally built to house IRA pris- cupancy cells distributed mainly across the oners, but since the political situation changed four residential units. The prison off ers access with the Good Friday Agreement, it has housed to education, workshops, two gyms, one focus- KGB agents, Al Qaida terrorists and other high- ing on physical education courses and one for profi le prisoners, including Charles Salvador recreation, with use of a sports hall and a fi t- (formerly Charles Bronson), who had a whole ness room. The gym staff also have a partner- spur to himself. There has never been an escape ship with Charlton Athletic FC to deliver FA from the SSU, nor from the prison as a whole. accredited coaching courses for prisoners. Miscarriage of Justice? ASHLEY SMITH & CO Our experienced and dedicated team are specialists in Appeals & CCRC Undertaking work for privately funded clients only. Parole Board Representation For both legally aided and privately funded clients All Prison Law matters including Independent Adjudications On behalf of privately funded clients. In all privately funded matters we will quote you a reasonable fixed fee - staged where appropriate. Professional and approachable we offer a Nationwide Service and accept agency work for Parole Board Representation. For a prompt response please write or call Ashley Smith & Co, Criminal Defence Specialists

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Miscarriage of Justice? Contact ASHLEY SMITH & CO Our experienced and dedicated team are specialists in Appeals & CCRC Undertaking work for privately funded clients only. Parole Board Representation For both legally aided and privately funded clients All Prison Law matters including Independent Adjudications On behalf of privately funded clients. In all privately funded matters we will quote you a reasonable fixed fee - staged where appropriate. Professional and approachable we offer a Nationwide Service and accept agency work for Parole Board Representation. For a prompt response please write or call 0208 463 0099 Ashley Smith & Co Criminal Defence Specialists 4-6 Lee High Road London SE13 5LQ 48 Jailbreak // Inside Poetry Insidetime June 2018

Star Poem of the Month Smoker Vision Congratulations to this months winner who receives our £25 prize Cletus Kasady - HMP Elmley

Higher smoke, whole in the O-Zone Floating, still on the ground though Eyes closed, eyes open Elsewhere, somebody call the Healthcare Seeing weird features, ugly creatures Beneath human skin “Oh I get it”- consumed with sin I know I shouldn’t light it up But I’m addicted to this reality © Deposit Photos It’s high risk Heartbeat like jungle rave, drum and bass, rumble Gaming

© Deposit Photos I will eat your mother’s plate Chicken burger, side breast Neal Traynor - HMP Whatton Refugee Di-ges-tive system Smell bad breath when you speak Minds, engaging with dancing consoles Darren McCormick - HMP Frankland Fading out - no signal Journeying through, illusional distractions Static - just air Whispering winds of dream sharing madness A daily occurrence grows from disorder Retune at a set pace Empty memory, screaming to start, stop, start, stop! As families and civilians race for the border Vision clear As sure as the birds have freedom of the skies Sad enjoyment on a lonely MRPG High definition my soul glow Men and women on the ground will wipe tears from their eyes Running fingers, sounding music for singing joy pads Your slow motion over For their faith and innocence comes this induction Frustrational contempt from deep within Families broken surrounded by destruction Looking from the top of peach trees Switch it on….. It’s dredd, ice-cold ocean waves Twisted metal and billowing smoke Let’s begin…. Secures the scene as a lonely child chokes Going through dimensions, need to calm down Tears of blood from those who have cried Sleep, wake up, amnesia Leaving empty shells amongst those who have died Lost the past week For You Bombs dropping messages designed with despair Man down, mind gone, Armageddon For a city in ruin is no longer a mystery Ticking time bomb Robbie Ellis - HMP Littlehey Destroyed, it now enters the books of history The season’s changed, rearranged I welcome you to the plight of the refugees The world looks the same but I’m seeing apes! Ink to paper cannot truly portray Who’s only option was to flee Need to escape The feelings for you I wish them to say So bestow our conquest and locate our blood But nevertheless by this leaking of my mind Now from the gates of hell we flood Worthwhile You’ll understand how hard it was leaving you behind Life remains a blessing All I can imagine is all I want to see Although we cannot bless Julie Dixon - HMP Styal Unwavered I can print it how I hope it will be So please don’t forget our struggle But my heart full of emotion will always beat As we do our best to escape the trouble I opened the door in slow motion and with caution Beating ever faster the closer we are to meet No room for words, only silence Thoughts running high, manage your emotion Seeking peace within this violence “Hi, welcome, come on in” Just because we inhabit a faraway land Heart is pounding, heads in a spin Shouldn’t block the right to understand Warming smiles, softly spoken Meals Worth Dining For No more worries, fears are broken We are many who only follow the crowds Tim Withey - HMP Brixton Far away from the explosion sounds In search of some place to have peace of mind Interview over, it’s now just a wait Yes, I’ve got it, a place and a start date There’s a distinct paucity of poultry We will seek and we will find TSP 43 what am I doing, is it for me? On my medium rare chicken’s left leg Sun sets then evening stars after dark Conditions of success we all did agree The wealthy anorexic chicken farm This is a journey we have to embark It has no need to borrow, steal or beg Enemy of the state Module one, self control Travellers of fate seeking glory Stop! Think! Your inner goal Just why would I want a whole tomato Just another refugee story Personal rules, body map and hot thoughts When surely only half will suffice Exploring the past with outstanding support But I must be careful not to lose it Fear factor, ABC and red flags In my queen size bed of plain boiled rice Take a Moment Those comfy stories are really just blags! Lee Wallace - HMP Barlinnie Changing focus, broken records and self talk I am so glad that I ordered the beef Move away from the situation, go for a walk I needed some new leather for my shoes My co-pilot seemed unhappy one day Decision chains, blink decisions and more And as for the armour plated chips which Things not heard of until I came through the door I could tell he was really down Remain oblivious to my frantic chews I knew this by his crumpled brow Problem solving is module two And his anxious frown Let’s not forget the supposed fresh fruit which Who would believe it, we’re a third of the way through! I asked him what was wrong Fragrantly flouts the Trade Descriptions Act Frames of mind, the iceberg and cliffs Nor the tepid, alleged ginger sponge that He told me he was home-sick Tools to really make you think …what if? Is certainly more strawberry blonde - fact And missed his local town Costs and benefits planning wheel and make a plan Was missing family and friends Role-plays mentioned and everyone ran And if he’d see them again and when I don’t actively relish the prospect So I told him a bad joke; it really wasn’t good Who would believe it, we’re two-thirds of the way through Of veg bereft of nutrients and taste That was just the start to lift him from his mood We started as ten and no one withdrew I feel I should eat them out of duty I asked him if he wanted a chat Social circle assumptions and perspective taking Rather than witness food going to waste To pass the time of day Skills that June help with your peacemaking And that was all it took to take this pain away Negotiation skills, costs and benefits and relationship styles Well actually, we are all nourished So if you meet someone acting this way All of which make TSP so worthwhile Not once, not twice, but three times every day Why not take a moment out of your day A valuable team with tears we’ve shed Whilst they may not be meals worth dining for To help them take their pain away Many thanks to Laura, Helen, Anne-Marie and Mohammed Millions would swap and not waste away Insidetime June 2018 Jailbreak // Inside Poetry 49 D is Ability Time to Act What Price to Pay Brian Cleaver - HMP Lewes Kyle Curtis - HMP Durham Joseph Spence - HMP Whatton We need to save the planet What price to pay for fame and glory We need to save the seas Your face on the news, a front page story They said I am blind We mustn’t pollute the air The talk of the town from where you were born That I cannot see anything Or cut down all the trees Your family name the vocal of the neighbours scorn Yet I say I see darkness We don’t own the planet What price to pay for a moment of rage We are merely passing through A lifetime sentence to reflect as you age They say I am deaf We can make a difference The first instalment behind bars and walls That I cannot hear anything It’s up to me and you Prison time your enemy as the same nightmare calls Yet I say I hear silence We owe it to our children What price to pay for a psychiatric label And all those yet to come Diagnosed as a psychopath, dangerous, unstable They say I am dumb To change the way we live our lives The second instalment having to live with such a tag That I cannot say anything So they can have a planet that Conflict of identity will make your time inside drag Yet I say Continues to survive I say babble What price to pay for a terrible crime I ask you to join me Five years later, wishing you could turn back time Fellow custodians of this world They say I am nose-disorder The third instalment living with such fears The time for change is now Your victim’s screams falling on deaf ears © Deposit Photos That I cannot smell anything Let’s act before it’s too late Yet I say Then future generations What price to pay for being notorious and bad I smell airing Just Too Fast! Will have a world that’s great Not giving a damn if people think you’re mad The final instalment when you’re finally freed Jason Edward Adams - HMP Isle of Wight They say I am crippled That lifetime sentence shall follow wherever you lead That I cannot walk anywhere Goodbye A hearty young officer ran onto the wing Yet I say And shouted as loud as can be: I walk on wheels Endless Road “Come on lads, come chase me lads Penfold of Cil y Coed - I bet you won’t catch me!” They say I am dyslexic HMP Wayland That I cannot read and write Onto the yard he sprinted Yet I say You’ve trod mile on mile As fit as fit can be I excel high skills in lateral Upon the endless road “Come chase me lads” he did holler thinking Listening to the soundtrack “Catch me and I’ll set you free!” Of lies and injustice They say I am autistic Now you stand at a crossroads He darted up the wire fence and jumped between the bins That I cannot socialise enough With choices to make Like a crazy monkey - perhaps a chimpanzee Yet I say The endless road brings shame “Come chase me lads” he did roar My brain is a repository for Torment and jail And with such ferocity! certain strengths You might have searched You might have run He bolted along the rooftops and dashed along the walls They say we are disabled Trying to escape this road © As wild as wild can be That we cannot do everything Look to the left “Come chase me lads” he did call Yet we say Look to the right Thank You Miss “I guarantee you won’t catch me!” Disability is not a disorder And see your new goals Martin Travis - HMP Northumberland Humans are divergent It is time We chased so hard but he was too fast D is for Divergent To switch the soundtracks Too fast for the lads and me D is Ability To ‘good-bye- endless rd’ All you’ve seen and all you’ve been through I couldn’t imagine doing what you do “Come chase me lads” again he did bellow Unlocking these doors and hoping for the best He had amazing agility! You stand head and shoulders above the rest ‘Dear John’ “Good morning” in the ‘am’ Gaining ground he shot off out of sight “Night lads” in the evening We wondered where he could be? William Jones - HMP Parc Kind at all times - even when you’re clearly seething Spotted by the prison gate, waving, he yelled: Doing everything you can for me with little support “I’m off home for my tea!” ‘Dear John’ I’m sorry but it’s over Helping me daily with barely a thought Under appreciated here, that’s for sure There’s no way we can work this out Sometimes you even go the extra mile u We will award a prize of £25 to the entry selected as our I’m fed up with the violence and all you do is shout And on the odd occasion you even crack a smile ‘Star Poem of the Month’. To qualify for a prize, poems should I’ve had enough of you drinking and sleeping about That stretches for more than a mile not have won a prize in any other competition or been published You accuse me of lying and being a cheater So thank you miss for your help and support on a daily basis previously. Send entries to: Inside Time, Poetry, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 2GB. The bruises on my belly are telltale signs of a woman beater It’s not fair on me and it’s not fair on our son It is very important that you ensure the following details are on all paperwork sent to Inside Time: YOUR NAME, PRISON He has seen my black eyes and blames himself The Invisible Man NUMBER & PRISON. Failure to do so will prevent us respond- For what you have done Samuel Danson - HMP Altcourse ing to you and your submission being withheld from publica- You beg me for another chance tion. We will be using the new ‘Money Transfer Service’ for They walk right on by like he’s not even there prize money so include your DOB on your entries. And promise you won’t hit me no more The invisible man doesn’t warrant a stare But two days later I’m in hospital with a fractured jaw I know how he feels ‘cos that man he is me By submitting your poems to Inside Time you are agreeing that I tell the nurse I’m clumsy, I walked into a door I’m the man they pretend they can’t even see they can be published in any of our ‘not for profit links’, these include the newspaper, website and any forthcoming books. You are So as I lay down in my hospital bed You’d rather the people would just tell you ‘get fucked’ ‘Cos when you’re invisible your whole life-force is sucked also giving permission for Inside Time to use their discretion in My belly hurts and so does my head I can even be sat bangin’ shit out me drum allowing other organisations to reproduce this work if considered I can’t go on like this cos I will end up dead But they still breeze on by like they’re deaf and dumb appropriate, unless you have clearly stated that you do not want I’m so scared but I tell myself I will be fine So if you by chance catch a glimpse of this man, this to happen. Any work reproduced in other publications will be on a ‘not for profit’ basis. Please note poems for publication June So I pick up the phone and dial 999 Don’t pretend that you can’t see him ‘cos he knows you can The man ‘aint invisible he just chooses to roam be edited. When submitting your work please include the As I wait to see the police And some folk believe he has not got a home following permission: ‘This is my own work and I agree to I dream of no more beatings But say that to him and he’ll say it’s not true Inside Time publishing it in all associate sites and other And a life of peace ‘Cos his home is this planet exactly just like you publications as appropriate.’ 50 Jailbreak // Prize Winning Competitions Insidetime June 2018 Read all about it! Caption Competition Last Months £25 Winner A £25 prize is on offer for the best caption to 1. Who won this year’s FA cup? Fonesavvy providers of ‘landline type Olufemi Oduyemi - HMP Isis this month’s picture. 2. What colour was the Queen’s outfit at Prince numbers’ for mobile phones. Harry and Meghan’s wedding? Proud sponsors of Inside Time’s When you said my 3. NHS England is celebrating its platinum PRIZE quiz ‘Read all about it!’ Tornado Squad duties involved anniversary this year, but how many years is that? If you don’t want callers to be disadvantaged a deployment in Poole, I wasn’t or put off by the high cost of calling your expecting this! 4. EastEnders tackles the devasting effects of mobile - just get a landline number for it. knife crime, but which mother loses her son after a stabbing? Calls to mobiles don’t have to be expensive!

5. What is Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Full details are available on our main new official royal title? advert in Inside Time and at 6. Who is the new West Ham manager?

7. Who won this year’s Professional Bake-Off? Last Months Winners Jamie Rogers HMP Standford Hill (£25) 8. The Handmaid Tales has returned for its David Holden HMP Portland (£5) second series, what is the name of the actress Stephen Thomas HMP Rye Hill (£5) With all of the bad weather we have been who plays Offred? See box to the right for details of how to enter having recently the roads are feeling the strain and potholes are appearing. What do 9. What date is Father’s Day? Answers to last months News Quiz: you think is being thought or said here? 1. Britain’s Got Talent, 2. Tiger Roll, 3. Escape to the 10. The popular documentary ‘Ambulance’ is Country, 4. Louis, 5. Dale Winton, 6. Vanessa, 7. 45, After all of the fake moon landing conspiracy on BBC1 at what time? 8. St George’s Chapel, 9. True, 10. True Closing date for all competitions is 21/06/18 theories, NASA has released a new batch of images to provide conclusive proof.

Inside Knowledge // All the answers are within this issue of Inside Time - all you have to do is find them! How to enter: Send your entry on a separate sheet The first three names to be drawn with all-correct answers (or nearest) will staffing levels? of paper. Make sure your receive a £25 cash prize. There will also be two £5 runner up prizes. The 11. Whose eyes swept round the room with not an orange boiler suit in sight? winners’ names will appear in next month’s issue. 12. Who says: ‘money talks and when it comes to annual salaries, a career in NAME, NUMBER & construction trumps many university graduate roles’? PRISON is on all sheets. 1. How many women have died in prison in England & Wales since the Corston 13. Who insists that ‘disability is not a disorder’? Report in 2007? Failure to do so will 14. Who says the prisons complaints system is about as much use as a chocolate 2. Who is planning to extend a current programme to making ROTL available at invalidate your entry. We teapot? Queens Park Rangers HQ? 15. Who asks: ‘lock us up, feed us, water us, exercise us and leave us alone … please’? will be using the new 3. Spending on prisons has been cut by what percentage since 2010? ‘Money Transfer Service’ 4. What was launched nine months ago in HMP Elmley? Answers to Last Month’s Inside Knowledge Prize Quiz 1. T. Hopcraft, 2. Tony Sales, for prize money so include 5. Who went to prison in 1984 with no ambitions; no aspirations; ill-educated 3. Barclays, Boots, Costain, Civil Service, 4. Stephen Foy, 5. Michael Balogun, 6. HMP Leeds, 7. and inarticulate? Frank Watson, 8. Terry Waite, 9. G4S, 10. Prison Rule 46, 11. HMP Liverpool, 12. Penned Up, your DOB on your entries. 6. Whose tip for editing your own work is to leave it alone for a couple of days 13. Al Capone, 14. The Whinging Welshman, 15. HMP Maidstone Post to: ‘jailbreak’. Inside then read it with fresh eyes? Time, Botley Mills, Botley, 7. Who wonders why National Prison Radio isn’t available at HMP Peterborough? The three £25 Prize winners are: The £5 runner up prizes go to: 8. Which body is investigating the health of people in prisons? Collette Ferrow - HMP Askham Grange Stuart McCue - HMP Lewes Southampton, Hampshire 9. What is the new feature called being launched by National Prison Radio? Richard Mooney - HMP Manchester Jamie Lexus - HMP Downview SO30 2GB. 10. Where are prisoners caring for vulnerable inmates due to severe cuts to Red Saunders - HMP Whatton Answers to last months quizzes . CRYPTIC CROSSWORD QUICK CROSSWORD M c. IVOR FARRELL Across: 1 Back-pedal, 6 End, 8 Cave in, 9 Chief, 10 Cosmic, Northern Irish Solicitors 11 Essence, 13 Russian, CRIMINAL LAW - MENTAL HEALTH LAW - PRISON LAW 16 Assume, 18 Agent, • Criminal Appeals against Sentence or Conviction 19 Permit, 21 Hug, Fixed Fees From £150.00: 22 Endurance • Parole Hearings Guittard Applications Pre-Tariff Review Re-cat Reviews HDC Down: 1 Baa, 2 Cream, • Proceeds of Crime/Confiscation Hearings 3 Panacea, 4 Dances, 5 Legion, • Police Interviews under PACE throughout NI and in Prisons Legally Aided 7 Different, 8 Cockroach, Parole Independent Adjudication 12 Snapper, 14 Sledge, • All Criminal Defence Cases Category A Reviews 15 Intend, 17 Siren, 20 Ice • Judicial Review & Human Rights Cases Re-call Pre tariff Parole Board Reviews Closed Supervision Centre GEFBADCHI • Family Law Mental Health Law (Legally Aided) • Injury Claims within the Prison 5 2 3 8 Transfer to Hospital under Section 47 & Section 48 Mental Health Act 9 7 6 • Welfare Issues Criminal Law CATCHPHRASE WORD MORPH 4 5 4 3 • Prison Visits Arranged within 24hrs 1. The Odds are DO YOU have an ongoing confiscation order? pouch Overwhelming 4 8 6 9 DO YOU have an ongoing case and want to change solicitors? poach 2. Vanished into Thin Air 8 5 DO YOU want to appeal your IPP sentence? peach WE’RE HERE TO HELP 3. Wireless Internet 9 7 peace Mental Health Law (Legally Aided) 4. Close Quarters 6 7 2

5. He’s Getting Under (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2018. All rights reserved. Please call us on 028 9023 7053 or 028 9032 4565 Transfer to Hospital under Section 47 & Section 48 Mental Health Act 7 6 1 2 my Skin Daily Sudoku: Thu 5-Apr-2018 hard or write to us at For an immediate response, please contact: 6. Part-time Job ANAGRAM SQUARE SUDOKU 129 Springfield Road Belfast BT 12 7AE Yasmin Aslam Barbara Simula RIDDLE ME THIS... Solicitor Advocate/Prison Law Supervisor Mental Health Solicitor 1 C ROWN 1 7 6 5 2 3 8 4 9 1. Pregnant 9 8 3 1 4 7 2 5 6 IT’S THAT SIMPLE!! 2 O RDER AGI Criminal Solicitors,489 Chester Road 2. Failed Parachute 4 2 5 9 6 8 7 1 3 [email protected] 3. Talk 3 U SHER 5 6 9 4 7 1 3 2 8 Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 9HF 4. Pant 4 R EBEL 7 4 2 8 3 6 5 9 1 3 1 8 2 9 5 6 7 4 24 Hours -7 days a week 5 T RIAL 2 5 1 3 8 4 9 6 7 CALL US! 6 3 4 7 5 9 1 8 2

8 9 7 6 1 2 4 3 5 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2018. All rights reserved. 0161 226 2070 Daily Sudoku: Thu 5-Apr-2018 hard The Personal Injury Specialists

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0800 145 5105 This month's challenge Request a Claim Form Riddle Send your: Name, Prison Number and Claim Type to FREEPOST RSSU-GCXH-SJLG Attwood Solicitors, 5-7 Hartshill Road, What is the center Stoke on Trent, ST4 1QH of gravity? [email protected] Last Months Solution: Anchor 52 Jailbreak // Just for Fun Insidetime June 2018

Cryptic Crossword Do you know? Anagram Square Rearrange the letters in each row to form a word. Write your answers into the blank grid. The first letter from each word, reading down, will spell the mystery keyword.

1 RPHSH © Deposit Photos Jesus Malverde, the patron Potential new cure found for baldness 2 ATLIR saint of drug dealers A potential new cure for baldness has been Jesus Malverde was a Sinaloan discovered using a drug originally intended to 3 IDYEL bandit who has become the treat osteoporosis (brittle bones). It contains a unofficial patron saint of drug compound which targets a protein that acts as 4 AESLK smugglers. Residents of his a brake on hair growth and plays a role in birthplace, Culiacan in Mexico, baldness and caused an increase in hair growth 5 MYETP are celebrating the 109th within a short space of time, just two days. anniversary of his birth. Project leader Dr Nathan Hawkshaw, from the Malverde, also known as “the University of Manchester, said it could “make a 1 generous bandit” and “Angel of real difference to people who suffer from hair the Poor”, is believed by many loss”. It was based on a study that took in 40 2 to work miracles and has a men who were suffering from baldness. They loyal following across Mexico took the drug and saw positive results within 3 and beyond. Details of his life days. It is estimated that 50% of men above the remain sketchy but many age of 50 are afflicted by male pattern baldness 4 accounts describe Malverde and there are only two treatments available on as a railway worker turned the market, both of which do not offer consist- 5 bandit, born around 1870, ent results and can lead to negative side effects. Across Down who robbed the rich to help Thanks to Thomas Lawrence, the poor before he was Baldness myths HMP Stafford. If you fancy 1. Speak pompously in an office in 2. There’s nothing good about wicked captured and hanged in 1909. Bald men have more testosterone, right? compiling an Anagram Square Rome (11) person (4) The area around Culiacan is A total myth. Baldness is linked to testosterone, for us please just send it in 5 x 5 8. Romanticise about anti-evolutionary 3. Slag off copper standing up in traffic (7) considered the cradle of but it’s not the amount you have that’s squares, complete with answers shown on a grid. If we use it we theory of the universe (11) 4. Thin metal sword (4) Mexico’s dominant drug clans. important, it’s how sensitive you are to it. will send you £5 as a thank you! The popularity of the Malverde 11. Book by a tennis champion (4) 5. Eat ice cream? Something tot will Hair loss comes from your mother’s side? Remember to include your name, cult increased with the rise of number, prison. We will be using 12. Rubbish drunkard’s fallen over by tuck into (7) Not true. While it is genetic, it’s something called the drug cartels in the 1980’s the new ‘Money Transfer Service’ side of path (4) 6. Irritable with no yen for ordeal (4) autosomal, which means it comes from either side. and 90’s. The Robin Hood-type for prize money so include your 13. Rodents in boarding-house 7. A case exemplifying Ignorance is DOB on your entries. bedroom? Kill! (7) bliss’? (8,3) figure’s image is carried by If I cut my hair more often will it grow faster? 15. Son, a dandy and one with great 8. Home-worker is dull, one about to drug smugglers and posted on Nope, that’s also a myth. Your hair is a dead charm (7) become alluring (11) walls. The Catholic fibre with no nerve endings or blood vessels Just for laughs 16. The pick of English literature, No. 1 9. Something in the computer? Mum’s church does not recognize the so it doesn’t know it’s being cut. for enthusiasts (5) not interested, we hear (11) narco-saint, but his popularity Does everyone lose their hair? 17. Explorer, angry leader going out (4) 10. This oldster unexpectedly chosen is increasing, especially among Yes, you might not think it but on average • The Secret Service just had 18. Test in which a learner gets nothing for second interview? (11) the poor. people shed up to 100 hairs a day. to change protocol for when right to start with (4) 14. Poet, one entertained by English the president is in danger. 19. Man with Russian name is after group (5) Fun facts... Drugged Bees Instead of yelling “get down!”, British gold (5) 15. Fine line gone over by industrialist (5) Give a bee cocaine, and it will they have to yell “Donald, duck!” 21. Content of oceans seen in new 19. Woman in New Orleans became start to dance in a wildly • The annual awards ceremony of the UK porn • How does a rabbi make a atlases (3,4) pale having lost - daughter (7) exaggerated fashion: it will industry is called the SHAFTAs. cup of tea? Hebrews it. 22. Puzzled volunteers look inside a 20. Pet embraced by senior set (7) dance much more enthusias- ship (2,1,4) 24. Second person’s article on drug (4) • John Wayne once won Lassie the Dog in a tically and give the impression • What do you call a psychic 23. Take out love maiden with oomph (4) 25. Joint that’s little short of sordid (4) game of poker. that it has found really great little person who has escaped 26. Frank is very cold, lacking in vitality (4) 26. Achievement of female before food, irrespective of whether • Pandas defecate 50 times a day. from prison? A small medium 27. Stylish fellow given payment, a lunch? (4) or not it has. The theory is at large. paltry amount (11) • In English, the name of every number shares that the cocaine results in 28. Matter I need to get sorted, being a letter with each neighbour. One shares an O reward centres in the bees’ • Wanna know the last thing decisive (11) with two, which shares a T with three, which brains being activated, my grandpa said before he shares an R with four, which shares an F with causing more altruistic kicked the bucket? “Wonder The joke’s on you ers. Each one dug into his or her wallet five, which shares an I with six - and so on behaviour. Bees who are how far I can kick this bucket”. and came up with a few pounds. By the indefinitely. drunk from fermented nectar time he made the rounds, he had col- • When you look really closely, • There was a man who worked for the • Oxford Uni has discovered if someone prods have many more flying lected £96, which they put into an all mirrors look like eyeballs. Post Office whose job was to process one of your middle toes while your eyes are shut, accidents than sober ones and envelope and sent to the woman. The all the mail that had illegible addresses. most people can’t tell which toe is being touched. can sometimes forget how to • Guy walks into a bar and rest of the day, all the workers felt a One day, a letter came addressed in a get back to their hive, dying as orders a fruit punch. Bartender warm glow thinking of Edna and the • The soil in your back garden is two million shaky handwriting to God with no actual a result. Even if they make it says “Pal, if you want a punch dinner she would be able to share with years old. address. He thought he should open it back to the hive they can be you’ll have to stand in line” her friends. Christmas came and went. to see what it was about. The letter read: Guy looks around, but there A few days later, another letter came • The Red Arrows were originally known as rounded on by other bees Dear God, I am an 83 year old widow, is no punch line. from the same old lady to God. All the the Red Pelicans. who punish the drunken bee living on a very small pension. Yesterday workers gathered around while the let- by chewing off its legs. A someone stole my purse. It had £100 • Humans are not at the top of the food chain • What’s the difference ter was opened. It read: Dear God, recent study from the in it, which was all the money I had but near the middle, on a level with pigs and between a good joke and a How can I ever thank you enough for University of Haifa reveals until my next pension payment. Next anchovies. bad joke timing. what you did for me? Because of your that bees prefer nectar with Sunday is Christmas, and I had invited gift of love, I was able to fix a glorious • There are 1,000 times as many bacteria in small amounts of nicotine and two of my friends over for dinner. • Why don’t ants get sick? dinner for my friends. We had a very your gut, as there are stars in the Milky Way. caffeine over nectar that does Without that money, I have nothing to Because they have little nice day and I told my friends of your not contain these substances; buy food with, have no family to turn • Until the 1940s, fake snow in the movies was antybodies. wonderful gift. the suggestion is that the to, and you are my only hope. Can you made by painting cornflakes white. plants may compete to give please help me? Sincerely, Edna. P.S. By the way, there was £4 missing. • My friends say there’s a gay The postal worker was touched. He I think it might have been those bas- • Dogs can smell where electric current has been their pollinators this extra guy in our circle of friends... I showed the letter to all the other work- tards at the post office. Sincerely, Edna. and human fingerprints that are a week old. kick. really hope it’s Todd, he’s cute. 1. Choices 2. Failed Parachute 3. Talk 4. Pant

Insidetime June 2018 Jailbreak // Just for Fun 53

Riddle me this... The path to success Did I say that? Top facts... A poor man walks into a bar DINOSAURS and starts talking with a really 5 7 8 8 6 “I have not had a single happy rich man. The poor man says day in my life. I wish I had died 1. The word ‘dinosaur’ was “You know, I know every when I was young. Long life is coined in 1842 by Richard song in the world. I bet all 7 9 8 4 5 not at all God’s gift for me-but Owen, who went on to run your fortune and possessions a punishment.” the Natural History Museum. that I can find a song with 4 6 7 9 5 Some people are never happy. any name you want”. The Koku Istambulova claims she’s 2. The fi rst dinosaur to be rich man, laughing, accepts 8 6 9 7 6 129 years old and considers her named was Scrotum humanum. and says that he bets him to longevity a punishment from God. find a song with his daugh- 3. Dinosaurs are classifi ed into ter’s complete name in it. 8 4 9 6 5 two types, ‘lizard-hipped’ and Her name is Julie Monique- “The body of this man will ‘bird-hipped’. Birds evolved Start at the bottom left square Alexandrina. A few minutes turn to ashes and become from lizard-hipped dinosaurs. and move up, down, left or right later, the poor man exits the food of worms and until you reach the fi nish. Add the 4. The dinosaur Attenborosaurus the bar, with the rich man’s ants.” wallet, car keys, clothes, etc. numbers as you go. Can you conybeari is named after Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei “How did Doncaster get on?” “If you haven’t got it, flaunt He won his bet. How ? make exactly 69? David Attenborough. attacking Donald Trump Sir Alex Ferguson’s first words it anyway.” after the US President after regaining consciousness The broadcaster Mariella 5. The heaviest dinosaur was GEF BAD CHI dumped the international following emergency brain Frostrup, 55, says she won’t be Brachiosaurus at 80 tonnes. It nuclear deal. surgery. body-shamed out of her bikini. Using the letters G,E,F,B,A,D,C,H & I fill in the was the equivalent to 17 African blank squares. Each letter A-I must appear Elephants. Brachiosaurus was 16m tall and 26m long and is only once in each line column and 3x3 grid. Almost as hard to get out of as an IPP sentence! Amazing Maze the largest dinosaur skeleton to be mounted in a museum. If you fancy compiling a maze for us please just send it in. If we use it we will send you £5 as a thank you! Remember to include your name, number, prison. We will be using the new ‘Money Transfer Service’ for prize 6. Not all dinosaurs were money so include your DOB on your entries. giant beasts - Fruitadens Haagororum was only 4 Neil Speed is a inches (10 cm) tall and former prisoner weighed less than two who came up pounds, that’s about the size with the concept of the smallest chihuahua. of GEF BAD CHI 7. Recent experiments have whilst in prison. demonstrated that a modern GEF BAD CHI by chicken embryo has the Neil Speed is dinosaur blueprint deep within published by it. In 2005, biologists at the Xlibris. £12.35 University of Wisconsin were able to turn on the gene that Catchphrase controlled the development of teeth, producing a chicken The object is to try to figure out the well-known saying, person, embryo that grew curved place, or thing that each square is meant to represent. dinosaur fangs on its beak. In 2007, McGill University did the same to grow an embryo with a tail; their next project Obstacles Obstacles is to turn the bird’s wing back into a three-clawed arm. Paleontologist Jack Horner (author of How to Build a Dinosaur) now predicts the imminent arrival of the world’s fi rst chickenosaurus (basically a chicken with


INcccGS fangs, tail and arms).

8. The dinosaur with the longest name was

Micropachycephalosaurus Tel: 01189 842 444 meaning “tiny thick-headed [email protected]  Dear Editor... Email: lizard”. Its fossils have been Send a £2 payment to GEMA RECORDS, PO BOX 54, READING, BERKS, RG1 3SD to receive your catalogue found in China, and it was • According to something I just unaware, the result was with a £2 voucher to use against your first order! Alternatively, ask a friend or relative to order online (top named in 1978 by the Chinese saw on the news, laziness costs settled in 1966, the score was right corner) palaeontologist Dong. the UK £2.5m per day. I am 4 goals to England, 2 goals to where they can also sign up to our email mailing list and be kept up to date with offers!

bone idle but I haven’t seen a Germany. Now can we please GODFATHER 2’ CD £11.50*Boasting the exact same specification as the Xbox 360 ‘E’ console, we can introduce the cheaper and better value for 9. One of the most intelligent

penny of this money. What am put this to rest? Roger - Wells - money Xbox 360 ‘S’ console, available to order now! We have experienced an overwhelming demand of Xbox 360 ‘E’ dinosaurs was Troodon. It was -

used bundles so have introduced this model as there are so many more of them available. Both of these used consoles a hunting dinosaur, about 2 I doing wrong? Jeremy - London £11.50* CD 2’ GODFATHER • I always felt sorry for the child have had their WiͲFi component completely removed resulting in them not being able to access the internet. metres long, and had a brain • TV makeover show hosts. actors in Grange Hill. Not only size similar to that of a mammal Send the unsuspecting did they have to go to a real or bird of today, stereoscopic homeowner away for 3 days school, but they had to spend vision, and grasping hands.

rather than 2 to allow yourself their spare time pretending to NEWto catalogue  enough time to finish the job go to another. Craig - Greenhill + 2* FREE GAMES! + 2* FREE GAMES! 10. Stegosaurus had a brain properly without having to the size of a walnut - only 3 dash around at the last • Why do people always say “As 4GB £169.95 centimetres long and weighing the crow flies”? I was watching 75 grams. However comparing minute. Melanie - Durham from 4GB £159.95 from 250GB £184.95 a couple out my window the £159.95 £169.95 brain size to body size

Amazingly, people are still other day and those little

• 250GB £174.95 500GB £199.95 sauropodomorphs, like

GEMA GEMA RECORDS *NEW ‘WILEY *[from a specific list] *[from a specific list] £11.50* CD 2’ GODFATHER - ‘WILEY *NEW - - - £10.50* CD CIRCLE’ CROP - ‘NINES obsessing about the World Cup. buggers were flying in all *NEW Plateosaurus, were probably Let me remind those who are directions. Wendy - Chard one of the dumbest dinosaurs. 54 Jailbreak // Just for Fun Insidetime June 2018

In this month... NumberNumber Search Search – Daniel Nichols, HMP Lincoln 2 June 2003 1 8 9 8 5 2 6 6 3 1 The remains of Italian-born explorer Christopher Columbus were exhumed for DNA 4 2 0 2 9 2 3 4 5 8 testing to determine whether they were really 3 1 1 3 1 4 5 4 2 0 his. Seville Cathedral in Spain and Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic both 0 4 5 8 2 7 3 5 9 7 claimed to have his remains. Tests showed that 6 3 5 7 1 6 2 6 3 7 the remains at Seville were almost certainly his. The Dominican Republic refused to allow its 0 3 6 1 9 2 1 9 1 0 remains to be tested. 7 0 4 8 5 0 6 0 3 1 3 June 1943 6 4 2 0 8 8 1 8 1 7 The week-long Zoot Suit Riots began in the 4 2 6 2 6 4 2 8 0 8 USA. White U.S. servicemen beat up everyone they came across who was wearing a zoot suit, 5 9 7 7 5 0 6 3 2 0 which they regarded as flamboyant and unpatriotic. The victims were mainly Latino 91291, 06043, 87180, 35392, 64208, 59775, and African-American youths. 522896,91291, 008621 06043, 87180, 35392, 64208, 59775, 7 June 1993 Thanks522896, to Daniel 008621 Nichols, HMP Lincoln for American pop musician Prince changed his compiling this Number Search. If you fancy compiling one please send in max 10 x 10 grid name to a symbol and became known as ‘The complete with answers shown on a grid. If we use it Artist formerly known as Prince’. we will send you £5 as a thank you! Remember to include your name, number and prison. We will be 15 June 1958 using the new ‘Money Transfer Service’ for prize money so include your DOB on your entries. The first woman to drive in a Formula One race: Maria Teresa de Filippis of Italy, at the Belgian Grand Prix. (She drove in three F1 races Sudoku // Very hard but this was the only one she finished - in 10th and last place.) 2 5 23 June 1968 5 8 2 Puerta 12 tragedy, River Plate Stadium (El Monumental), Buenos Aires, . 74 4 9 6 football fans were killed and more than 150 2 8 5 6 injured when they tried to leave the stadium via a closed exit and were crushed against the 3 7 doors by the crowd behind them. 9 1 6 3 24 June 1938 4 3 5 A meteor weighing more than 450 tonnes exploded 12 miles above Chicora, 9 3 6 Pennsylvania, USA. Only a few small fragments hit the ground. 1 5 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2018. All rights reserved. Daily Sudoku: Fri 4-May-2018 very hard 25 June 1978 Word Morph © MW Released life sentenced prisoner sentenced life Released MW © The rainbow flag, the symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride, was flown for Can you morph one word into another by just changing one letter at a time? It isn’t quite as the first time, at the San Francisco Gay 2 6 4 3 9 1 7 5 8 Freedom Day Parade in California, USA. It was easy as you think! designed by artist Gilbert Baker. 9 7 5 8 6 2 4 1 3 VICTIMS OF CHILD ABUSE peace 1 8 3 5 4 7 2 9 6 28 June 1948 Helping victims plan for the future and achieve justice Dick Turpin became the first black boxer to win 7 4 2 1 3 8 5 6 9 a British boxing title. He beat Vince Hawkins to win the British middleweight championship. Our specialist team are committed to helping victims of abuse and are experts in 3 5 6 4 2 9 1 8 7 bringing action against local authorities, such as social services, and residential 8 9 1 6 slate7 5 3 4 2 28 June 1998 institutions, such as children’s homes. The Democracy Party of China was founded by 4 3 9 7 5 6 8 2 1 activists and former student leaders from the Our dedicated team of male and female lawyers have a proven track record with Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. The sexual, physical and emotional abuse claims. 5 2 8 9 1 3 6 7 4 Communist Party of China declared the party Fun facts...

6 1 7 2 8 4 9 3 5 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2018. All rights reserved. an illegal organisation and arrested founder Child abuse can take a long time to come to terms with and it can be difficult for Wang Youcai the following day. In December victims to speak out about their traumatic experiences. Regardless of how long ago •Daily There Sudoku: are Friabout 4-May-2018 294,000,000,000,000 veryleaves hard he was sentenced to 11 years in prison, and the abuse took place, you may still be able to make a claim. in the world; for every leaf there are 340 ants. two other members were sentenced to 12 and • Women buy 80% of everything that is for sale. 13 years. Hundreds of members were detained, Anything you say to us will be handled with the utmost levels of professionalism, arrested, and given prison sentences. sensitivity and understanding. • 90% of everything written in English uses just 1,000 words. 30 June 1958 The Netherlands ended its marriage bar on • Tomcat urine smells like cheddar cheese. teachers. (Until then, teachers who got married were immediately dismissed.) • There are 250 million bubbles in the average bottle of Champagne, according to research Registered with 30 June 1978 emailaprisoner funded by Moet et Chandon. The released the song No One is Call Christine Sands and the team on 01924 868911 • There are as many bacteria in two servings Innocent. ‘Great Train Robber’ Ronnie Biggs of yoghurt as there are people on Earth. wrote and performed the vocals. Email [email protected] Write to Neil Jordan House, Wellington Road, Dewsbury, WF13 1HL • Spanish police are called smurfs because © they wear pale-blue hats. VICTIMS OF CHILD ABUSE Helping victims plan for the future and achieve justice Our specialist team have already helped victims at the following places; In Foster Care Leeds Care Homes Wales Care Homes North East Care Homes Manchester Care Homes St Williams, East Yorkshire Medomsley Detention Centre, County Durham If you have suffered sexual abuse in any institution or whilst in the care of your local authority we may be able to help.

Call Christine Sands and the team on 01924 868911 Email [email protected] Write to Neil Jordan House, Wellington Road, Dewsbury, WF13 1HL Insidetime June 2018 Jailbreak // Just for Fun 55 Jailbreak April 2018 Inside Chess Wordsearch // Bake Off Would you believe it? Wordsearch - Bake Off : Nicholas Taylor, HMP Bedford by Carl Portman L H A N D S H A K E F T I U C S I B K E Man celebrates birthday R B G Y T O L F P X R M P A S T R Y S X and retires then wins lottery I can please some of you all of the time and I can E L T E O G B I C I N G T E I L T N E T later that day please all of you some of the time but I cannot C H U G A G E N S P M M E T C R E G D R Some people have all the luck. please all of you all of the time. Your letters are I N O N I Y C O I S T A R B A K E R N A welcome, with lots of requests and suggestions P G V O S B X V E R I T R Y H N D S K S Canadian, Ping Kuen Shum, and I do read them and digest them all. I shall E B A P K O C E H A N G E L T A R T F L was celebrating his birthday address some queries today. O U S S R T T N U E S A N Y N I G L K I and retirement when he P H T S A T R E A T C A R A M E L R E C decided to buy a lottery ticket A A T N O O P S N O W H O W T E V Y E E Sadly, I cannot send people free books (I had a R W U E A M L P F R I D G E R U R E F R after the party on April 28. request to send John Nunn’s endgames) as I C M E L A N D S L U E A O F C U R T H E Later that night, his ticket simply don’t have them. My work is voluntary U F N M B E R A S L K A B C O E R E L F and I have no budget for chess equipment. I do S N D N K A C H U R A P F V L A H C I R Forgot about Dre? matched all six numbers - netting him C$2m (£1.1m) beg and scrounge where I can and I do bring T O E A L I M I X E C H A L L E N G E H Hip-hop star Dr Dre has lost a long-running goodies to donate on my prison visits so get your A A B W N A Y I D A N S E K X W B V A S jackpot. “It’s unbelievable that trademark dispute against a gynaecologist with prison to invite me if you want to be a recipient. R S A H W I N D N E R O N F F O E K A B a similar name. The case was first lodged in all three events happened on If you require chess books you could try to source D H C T B O K N O E L A S A H W O N E C 2015, when Pennsylvania-based gynaecologist the same day,” said Mr Ping. “I them through the library or family/friends. I was A E T I S E L A I N G R E A M I X E R L T E P R U E W S E L F R A I S I N G Y L Draion M Burch tried to trademark the name have worked hard for so asked about the Sicilian opening and which are Dr Drai. Dr Dre objected, saying the similarity many years and I’m looking the best lines to play, such as 2.c3. The answer could cause “confusion”, especially as his BAKE OFF, BAKED, BISCUIT, CAKE, CARAMEL, CHALLENGE, has to be ‘it depends’. Your own playing style and BAKE OFF, BAKED, BISCUIT, CAKE, CARAMEL, CHALLENGE, CUSTARD, near-namesake wanted to sell audio books and forward to sharing this fortune CUSTARD, EXTRA SLICE, FRIDGE, HANDSHAKE, ICING, MARY, game strategy will dictate this and there are so EXTRA SLICE, FRIDGE, HANDSHAKE, ICING, MARY, MIXER, NOEL, seminars under the moniker. Dr. Drai has with my family.” The odds of MIXER,OVEN, PASTRY NOEL,, OVEN,PAUL, PRUE PASTRY,, RECIPE PAUL,, SANDI PRUE,, SAVOURY RECIPE,, SELF SANDI, many possibilities for you that you can choose written books such as ‘20 Things You May Not matching all six numbers for SAVOURY,RAISING, SIGNATURE SELF RAISING,, SOFFY SIGNATURE, BOTTOM, SPONGE SOFFY, SPOONBOTTOM,, STAR your own favourite lines and try them out in Know About the Vagina’ and ‘20 Things You SPONGE,BAKER, TART SPOON,, TECHNICAL STAR ,BAKER, TENT TART, TECHNICAL, TENT the lottery are one in friendly games. I was asked to write more about May Not Know About the Penis’. In a ruling 13,983,816. Mr Ping said he rook and pawn and bishop and pawn endgames. Thanks to Nicholas Taylor, HMP Bedford for compiling this made in April, it said that, while the two names Wordsearch. If you fancy compiling one for us please send in max 20 x celebrated the win with a dim I will try to incorporate this into future columns. were similar, Dr Dre had failed to show that 20 grid complete with answers shown on a grid. If we use it we will sum meal shared with his There are no inter-prison matches as far as I people would be misled into buying Dr Drai’s send you £5 as a thank you! Remember to include your name, number, know but tell me if you know differently. Sean prison. We will be using the new ‘Money Transfer Service’ for prize products. I’m pretty certain we’ll be able to family and friends, and now asks if there is a national team. There are several money so include your DOB on your entries. work out the difference between the two, plans to take a trip to China. national teams. We have a UK team and individual won’t we? Sky News nations teams at adult and junior levels and they Quick Crossword Astranomical speed perform well at times. We are not top ten in the A Belgian motorist has been world for sure as we were in the 1980’s. Gary asks fined for speeding in an Opel about the plus and minus signs in tournament Astra at 696 kilometres per cross tables. Basically, that’s an overall indication hour (432mph). That is the of a player’s performance. Nil desperandum. speed indicated on the letter he received from police, suggesting the motorist was caught on camera travelling at 8 half the speed of sound. The 7 Astra would have been a hair’s Looking for love in all the wrong places An Australian grandmother who says she’s lost breadth off the world record 6 for the fastest ever car, which AUD $480,000 (£264,768) to three different is just over 439mph. In fact, online scammers is now warning others about 5 he was the victim of a the dangers of looking for love online. Suzie, computer glitch. After doing a who chose not to reveal her surname, admitted 4 double take, the unnamed to ‘info-tainment’ show A Current Affair that 3 motorist sent his letter back she was ‘gullible’ but also says she was to Belgian transport authori- ‘brainwashed’ in her pursuit of finding the one. 2 ties demanding an explana- The first man she met online claimed to be a tion. The good news was that 1 he had been driving at around British guy called David Fisher. After beginning 60kph, the bad was that he an online romance, Suzie eventually handed was still over the speed limit. over AUD $80,000 (£44,141) she had inherited A B C D E F G H The Telegraph from her dad - but once ‘David’ had the cash Across Down he disappeared. Suzie then got chatting to a This month’s chess puzzle is a gem. Black is only Japanese train departs man calling him Johnson Williams - he told her one square away from promoting to a queen 1. Post-mortem examination (7) 1. Set in motion (8) 25 seconds early ... again he was an American soldier, fighting the and it seems that a draw is inevitable. Far from 5. Be without or deficient in (4) 2. Hard silver-grey metal (8) A Japanese rail company has Taliban. Before long, he also started asking for it. White can checkmate Black in five moves. Can 7. Sound of annoyance (3) 3. Of Poland (6) you tell me how to do it for a nice chess magazine 8. Embrocation (8) 4. Over there (6) apologised after a train left a cash. In total, Suzie sent ‘Johnson’ almost AUD as a prize? 9. Planet (5) 5. Relating to the lower back (6) station 25 seconds early, the $300,000 (£165,531) before the bank inter- second such case in months. 10. Dutch cheese (4) 6. Walking stick (4) vened. Despite her shocking experience of The operator said the “great Write to me with your answer, care of The English 13. Stratagem (4) 11. Grow rapidly (8) inconvenience we placed online relationships, Suzie also struck up a Chess Federation at The Watch Oak, Chain Lane, 14. Dull heavy noise (4) 12. Tall fur helmet (8) upon our customers was truly friendship with Godfrey Kyzungo, from Battle, East Sussex TN33 OYD. Please note that 18. Additional (4) 15. Destined to disaster (6) inexcusable”. If the details are Uganda, on Facebook. However, the grand- you should always write to me at the ECF not via 19. Detest (5) 16. Pleasure craft (6) anything to go by, customers mother insisted on meeting him before parting InsideTime. Also please include your prison num- 21. Agricultural worker (4,4) 17. Brigand (6) are faced with slipping with any money. She flew out to meet him ber and if you can, the date and what month’s 22. Wood type (3) 20. Labyrinth (4) standards: a train last November after speaking for a few months, and within puzzle you are entering. 23. Form a curve (4) 24. Low padded seat (7) left 20 seconds early. Japanese days of meeting face-to-face he proposed and trains have a reputation for they wed. But it wasn’t long before he started The answer to May’s puzzle was: 1.b7+ Kxa7 1... extreme punctuality, and it Nxb7+ 2.Kd5!! An absolutely beautiful (not to to ask for money and now, Suzie admits: “I The last word... turned out that there were mention winning) move. (2.Ke7 Na5! 3.c7 Nc6+ don’t want to use the word ‘scam’ with it, but I indeed still people hoping to 4.Ke8 Nxa7) 2.c7 Kxb7 3.Kd7 1-0 believe that deep down in his heart, this is his get onboard. Left on the “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the motive, was to marry me and come to platform, they complained to Winner to be announced. last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in Australia.” She is now looking to get her the rail operator and an any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” official apology was issued marriage annulled and is speaking out to warn The winner of April’s puzzle was Steve from Viktor Frankl shortly afterwards. BBC others about potential ‘romance scammers’. HMP Isle of Wight. 56 Jailbreak // National Prison Radio Insidetime June 2018 National Prison Radio is available in prisons across June 2018 England and Wales, and HMP Grampian in Scotland. What’s on National Prison Radio // June 2018 We broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, into your cell. If your prison has National Prison Radio, you can National Prison Radio is currently available in prisons across England and Wales. We broadcast 24-hours a day, seven days a week,listen into through your cell. your TV by using the tuning buttons on If your prison has National PrisonWhat’s Radio, you can listen on through National your TV by using the tuningPrison buttons on your Radio? remote control. your remote control.

Day Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Eve Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

07:00 All Freedom 17:00 Bob and Brixton NPR Deja Vu Boom Box Request Inside Beyond Calling Specials From the Classic (or local Porridge Saturday In-cell shows) Reggae News and See orange 60s, 70s hip-hop and The world’s first national breakfast show made by and for prisoners. yoga with classics. Red Bull Music requests box below and 80s. RnB. Includes the quiz, 7:40 Shout Out and the Work Out Song. The Prison Academy Radio from HMP for details Listen out for... week’s Phoenix Mixes, interviews, hot artists. Brixton. of shows. Friday – the famous Porridge Music Special Request Trust Shows 18:00 Ear Hustle 08:00 NPR Love Bug Igloo The Urban NPR Bob and NPR Talk Making the most of your time From San Specials Write to the Handpicked Show Friday back Beyond Quentin jail (or local to back shows See the ones you love dance Hip-Hop, Sport, A solid Past NPR Prime Sex Talk Love Bug Inside orange music from R&B and chat and through hour of made Present Takeover Time Season 2 Write to the Music box below NPR’s finest dancehall. ents. Your the day. reggae & Future Real voices Information Honest ones you love The real in your for details presenters. start to the classics. Inspiring from jails to help you talk about stories prison) of shows. weekend. Write stories from around the make the sex and behind to us at: inspirational country. most of relationships the music 09:00 Hot 20 Dance The The National Boom people. your time. you love. The music Rock Prison Box famous and Show Radio, Classic 19:00 The The Request Rock UK chart upbeat Show The very HMP hip-hop. The Request Show rundown. sounds. Two hours of best in Want to hear your favourite song on National Prison Radio? Show Request new British Shout out Brixton, The very Show Repeat loud guitar London To hear your song, message or poem on the radio, write to us at: from music from your loved- best Shout out 10:00 Desi music from SW2 Deja Vu National Prison Radio, HMP Brixton, London SW2 5XF Drop Friday DJ Goldie- ones on the our expert Classic 20:00 in loud your loved- rocks. 5XF Get your loved-ones to request tracks for Thursday’s show at: guitar ones on the night. outside! presenters tracks. music. outside! Past 11:00 21:00 NPR The Igloo The Urban The Bob and Present & Specials Handpicked Show best Beyond Porridge Future Another chance to hear this morning’s show See below Request dance Hip-Hop dance Reggae for details. Show music. and R&B. music Two hours classics. Past NPR Prime Time Sex Talk Ear NPR Shout out in the of brand 12:00 world, (or local Present & Takeover See 18:00 See 18:00 Hustle Takeover 22:00 Hot 20 your loved- Desi Drop Inside new Love Bug The famous ones on the An hour Music direct British Write to the shows) Future See 18:00 for details for details From San to your for details Quentin UK chart outside! of Asian Real music music. ones you rundown. music. stories. ears. love. Prime 13:00 23:00 This month: Pigeon English The Request Show Time Books Unlocked by Stephen Kelman Requests and shout-outs from prisons across England and Wales Write to National Prison Radio, HMP Brixton, London SW2 5XF for a free copy. Want to hear your favourite song on National Prison Radio? 14:00 To hear your song, message or poem on the radio, write to us at Sex Talk 23:30 Music and advice to help you sleep National Prison Radio, HMP Brixton, London SW2 5XF – 07:00 Dream Time safe and sound through the night. 15:00 All Music Daytime Hot 20 Books Music and information designed to help you UK chart Unlocked rundown. A repeat of make the most of your time inside. NPR Specials: Real talk from across England and Wales. New the week’s 16:00 book British NPR Monday 4 June - Outside In: former prisoners look at how you can prepare for life on the out. Friday readings Monday 11 June - Australia Special: eye-opening stories from jails down under. music with Your start DJ Goldie- to the Monday 18 June - On The Case: information from the Criminal Cases Review Commission rocks. weekend. Monday 25 June - The YO Takeover: every month we cross to the lads at HMYOI Isis.

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