DIRECTO:RY.] lJURlfA:M. WOLSING HAM'. 435 The Ecclesiastical Commissioners ate lords of the manor. 'PUBLIC OFFICERS!- The area of the parish is 23,864 acres (including 2,079 of 1 Certifying Factory Surgeon & Medical Officer, Medical Park Moor, which extends into Stanhope Park), Officer of Health & Public Vaccinator, Wolsingham Dis- and 152 acres of water; rateable value, £32,294; the popn• trict, Union, Thomas Valentine Devey L.R.C.P. lation in t88r was 7,895, being, Wolsingham !Z,504, Thornley Edin. West end r,285, 3,978 and that part of White Kirkly attached Inland Revenue Officer, John Hatten,'Trodbeck house to Frosterly 128; Thornley and Tow Law being separate Rate Collector, William Rutter, West end ecclesiastical parishes. Registrar of Births & Deaths, Wolsingham Sub-District, .PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- W~a!dale Union, William Rutter, West end; deputy, Michael Wharton, postmaster, Market place. Letters Wllh~m Landreth . . . arrive through at 8.go a.m. & 6.IS p.m. ; dis- Supermtenden.t Registrar of Btrths, Deaths & Marhages, patched at 12•30 a.m. & 5 & 6.35 p.m.; on sunday Wearda!e Umon, John Lee, West end there is one delivery at 10 a.m & one dispatch at Town Cner, John Ang?s, ~ast end . • PLACES OF WORSlliP, With ttmes of serVICeS:- 3·50 p.m St. Matthew's Church, Church ]ane, The Wo-rshipful CouNTY MAGISTRATES FOR NoRTH-WEST DIVISION OF Thomas Espinell Espin D.D. rector; Rev. Montague DARLINGTON WARD. Richard Sharp M.A. & Rev. Francis Henry Eales M.A. "lk" R G p H k D . gt curates; 8 & 10.30 a.m. & 3 & 6.r5 p.m.; wed. & fri. 10 1 1 1 f · W h msou· ev. eorge earson, arper ey par , ar m on, a.m. ; r1. 7.30 p.m c atrman St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Church, North end, Arnison Charles esq. Stanhope, Darlington, ur . h R ev. R.1c h ard co 11· ms, pnes· t ; 10.30 a.m. &. 4 p.m.; wed . Bac kh ouse ehar l es ames esq. S t. J oh n s, .. a 1smg am & · J . S D . frt. 8 .30 a.m ' · . D ePl e dge R ev. J oseph P rtce M A. at1 ey, ar1 mgton Baptist (Particular), Market place, Rev. Robert Scott, Espin The Worshipful Thomas Espinell D.D. Rectory, Wol- · · & d · h mmtster; 10.30 a. m. 6 .p.m. ~we ') p.m smg am Primitive Methodist (supplies); 2 & 6 p.m. ; mon. 7 Leaton-Blenkinsopp George Ilderton esq. Hoppyland park, Wesleyan, High street, Rev. Samuel Miles, minister; 10.30 & 6 d Cl erk t o th e M agts. t ra t es, J o h n p orte r D oI p h" m ScxooLs:-a.m. p.m. ; we • 7 p.m . Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall, first tuesday in The Grammar School, Church lane, was founded in the every month, at 12 noon year 1613 : the original portion of the land attached to The following places are included in the petty sessional divi- the school lies on the south side of the Wear, an exchange sion :-The parish of Wolsingham (including Tow Law, having been effected many years back for the benefit of Thornley, Elm Park & Bradley) the charity: part of the land was sold te the Stockton & Darlington Railway Co. for [1,000, £365 of which was INSURANCE AGENTS :- invested by the trustees in land & £635 in the£3 percent. Caledonian Fire & Life, T. Jones & W. Shaw Consols, now in the hands of the Charity Commissioners Imperial Life, R. W. Wraith, Rogerson's iron works on trust: on the division of Wolsingham common, about Northern Assurance, A. Pickard, Front street seven acres were allotted to the trust: in 1789 Jonathan Norwich Union Fire, T. Batty, West end. Wooler left £100, & in 1826 George W ooler also left£ 100,. Phoonix Fire, W. Love the interest of which is received by the governors: Mr_ Sun, Fire & Life, G. Robinson, Low Doctor pasture George Newcomb, in 1847, left £2oo £3 per Cents: the buildings erected in 1786 comprise a school room &. PuBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- a good dwelling house & garden; in 1886 a new wing WaSI County Court, Town hall, His Honor Edgar John Meynell, added, containing a school room & dormitory : the school judge ; John Porter Dolphin, registrar & high bailiff ; is now managed under a scheme o[ the Charity Com­ Thomas Johnson, bailiff. The county court is held every missioners, by 9 governors, 5 of whom are appointed by two months. The following places are within the juris­ the Charity Commissioners, two by the magistrates & 2 diction of the court :-Boltsburn, Brotherlee, Burnhope, by the ratepayers of the parish; Rev. Francis Henry Copthill, Cowshill, Crawleyside, Daddry Shields, East­ Eales M.A. blackdean, Eastgate, Elm (or Helme) Park, Frosterley, National, East end (mixed), a building of stone in the Ireshopeburn, Killhope Lane Head, New House, North­ Elizabethan style, erected in 1848, at a, cost of £ & gate, St. John's Chapel, Stanhope, Stotsfield Burn, Swin­ enlarged in 1:887, for 365 children ; average attcndanee, hope, Thornley, Tow Law, Wearhead, Wellhope, West­ 63 boys, 65 girls & 87 infants ; William Deighton, master ; blackdean, Westgate & Wolsingham Miss Annie Hewitson, infants' mistress Certified Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, Catholic, St. Thomas (mixed), for 40 children; average John Hillary, Tow Law; & William Richardson, Tow Law attendance, 30 ; J ames McMahon, master , Wesleyan, Front street (mixed), built about 1859 & en­ Police Station, Market place, William Thomas Rispin, ser­ larged in 1867, for 240 children; average attendance,.. geant in charge 135; Thomas Batty, master Town hall, Market place Railway Station, John Pettey, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Herron George, East end Welch Mrs. Upper town Backhouse Charles Jas. J.P. St. John's Hopper Henry, Upper town Whitfield Miss, Upper town Bainbridge Cuthbert, Leazes house Horsley Mrs. West end Whitfield Mrs. Meadhope street Batty Thomas, West end Kirby Miss, Front street Wooler Rev. William Geo. Fawn Lees: Bell Mrs. Upper town Knaggs William Thomas, Church lane W ooler George Richard, West end Bell Thomas, Trodbeck house Lacey John, Front street W ooler Richard George, Front street Brown John, Upper town Love Mrs. Eliza, Whitfield house Wraith Robert W. School house Brown William, Upper town Mann George, Upper town COMMERCIAL. Buckham Joseph, Upper town MilesRev.Saml. [ Wesleyan J,Belgrave ho Alliance Boot & Shoe Manufacturing­ Budd Henry, Upper town Miles Mrs. W alkmill green eo. Market place Carr Mrs. Carr stones Miller Thomas, Upper town Angus John & Wm. bill posters, East end Collinson Joseph, West end Nesbitt James, Attwood terrace AngusRobert & Joseph,frmts.Castle hill Cunlifte John Thompson, Upper town Parker J oseph, A ttwood terrace 1 Angus John, farmer, Bale hill Curry George, Bishop oak Peacock Miss, Front street Angus John, town crier, East end . Curry John, Bishop oak Pickering Wm.Hy.Lydgate ho. Up. town Angus Mary (Miss), grocer & draper, Devey Joseph James, The Chestnuts ' Rutter Mrs. Upper town Market place Devey Mrs. Market place Scott Rev. Robert [Baptist], Prospect Atkinson JohnHenry,farmer,Green well Devey Thomas Valentine, West end house, Upper town Ayre 'fhomas, saddler, Market place Dolphin John Porter, Front street Shafto Chas. Duncombe, Holywood Backhouse J. & Co. bankers (sub., Eales Rev. Francis Henry M.A. [master house, Upper town . branch) (Alfred Pickard, agent), of the Grammar school & curate Sharp Rev. Montague Richard M.A. Front street; draw on Barclay, Bevan of St. Matthews], Grammar school (curate], Causeway & Co. London E c · Espin The Worshipful Thomas Espinell Snowball William, East end Baron Thomas, farmer D.D.,J. P.[rector&rural dean],Rectory Snowdon John Armstrong, Market place Bates Thomas, cowkeeper, Upper town Fenwick Thomas Emerson, Mayfield ho Sones Mrs. Upper town Bell James, cartwright, Mill isle Goodburn Mrs. Upper town Vickers Mrs. Redgate hall Binks Joseph, Bay Horse P.H. Up. town Grimshaw Mrs. North Bridge house Vickers Mrs. West end Blackett John, file grinder, :Mill isle Haigh Samuel, Front street Ward Thomas, Attwood terrace Briggs Joseph, file maker, Causeway IIawdon William H. West end Wayper Gcorge, Plain Tree house Brownlees'fhos.(Mrs. ),farmer,".est end D. & N. 28*