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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, IM l Ararage Dally Net P re u Ron The Weather Foraeart of C. S. Waatbar BufaM FAOE iWifiLVE HtsnrlfTBtTr Ettynittg Far tba Waait Ended D a a .S L lM 0 Fair toalght Lew gaeeenlly Ste alaetloa of efBoam has bam poj^ 10 above. Wadnaaday ponad mttfl the aint ragdar oiub A ttJ U n T O MAHRCtoHear 13,314 eloudlnaao, chonea * t i dance on Saturday, Feb. 18. A bou t Tow n Kleinschmidt>]Qng: PURNACEOIL Mamhar of tta AndH oping. High near SS. Law Piscossion A n to m d e DaUvaiy Bureau af Ohrenlatlou LT. WOOD CO. Manche$ter-^A CUy o f Village Charm v - •tka V *W Port wOl lioltf Its ngu*^ Mra. John M eB m avy, lagUtetlva Holy N^ame Umt Ur raMUBg tamorrow at 8 p.m. at Miss Nkttcy Ana Mary,Blag of FboM m 8-llfi chalimaa, will dtaeuaa propoaad (Claaaifled Advertialag on Page 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS Vm port U n a MBBcheater becaaia the bride at T o Hear Witkowski YOL. LXXX. NO. 108 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1961 WUUam A . KMnadiaitdt at Kas laglalattoa In tha current aeasloB Ika Mothert' Club of Soeond ingtoa Saturday aftormaa to a o f tha Ganaral Aasarahly, at a y Oongr^atianal Church will apcn* Stapben WltkowsW, trainer of caranony at S t John’a IsiUuaraa mMtIng of the Manchaatar Ai- TW O MQXIGM Bor a baauty damoortratioa by M n. aodatloa.fbr tha Help of Retarded Woslayan Unlvardty athMUo teama Jana.Stuak bt th* church parlor to­ GhuTcbr-Naw Britain.------— Children at Bunea Cottar Thun- a a d of UJO. Olympte tm ek and HqMl 8CMP11W 8 Total over $2 Million State News —— ------,------' morrow at 8 pjo. Refreahinenta Tha bride is tha daughter of day at 8 p.m. teams, wtU be guest spesker at a Bafaly< Oonwaaniad will bo anrod. and Mrs. Georgs P. King. Her toplo wUl ha "Legislative WoodbrMg* S t Tha htMagream is meeting of the Holy Name Society Firoatlar — How Will Thla Affect of St James’ Church tonight at ARTHUR DRUa Roundup Xauaiaater Lodga of Kaaoiu win tha soikw Mr. and Mrs. Otto K M a- Tour ChildT” Roatassaa for tha for Speed 8:80 In S t James’ School haU. matt tomorrow at 7:80. pjn. Tha achmtdt,’ KanaingtOB. nodal hour wlll.be Mrs. Brnast Mc­ He will speak about the summer Judge Resumes aptarad ^iprenUca degrM wUl be The Rav. Otto A. Plagaaaaaa, Neill, Mrs. JohnHenneaay and Mrs. 1960 Olym Fo games In Rome and Snfamd with Junior Warden pastor rt St John’s lal train. Bar headdrasa the ftorm, will taka place tomor­ panies for anti-trust viola- 000 and 14 individuals 828,600. BUI Seeks Wesley Circle, WSCS, of South WllUam David McCurry of Man­ area was in full swing today, n a t n . 1 was a sequin crown with ftngertlp row at 7:80 pjn. at tha Waddell The-first sentonclng .today came Methodist Church. wlU meet to­ chester la announced by her par­ PRESENTS 'tions today, making the total for colluaive aales of distribution with five men under anest f'n g R (O .tiX te n a morrow at 7:45 pm . at the home of vaU. She carried a white orchid on School. fines 82,024,600 as sentencing mnsformers. General Electric and and more arrests expected. Mrs. Henry Marx, 106 Rowland ents, Mr. and Mri. Jasper U How­ white prayer book with a ci Diplomas and badges with namea arth, Bolton Lake. Bolton. cade of feme. inscribed will ba presantad to 59 was completed in federal Weetinghouae, the naUon’a biggest Major Leslie W. WllUahii said Dr., Bast Hartford. Hostesses will lengthy investigation disclosed To Widen be Mrs. Roderick McCann and Miss Her fiance Is the son of the late Mrs. N orm an Hany, Lower oouplea who have completed a court. Aid to Jobless Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. McCurry series o f 21 laasona. They will be­ (Contfamed on Page Eleven) that set owners have been defraud­ Virginia Ryan. Butcher Rd., EUington, atatar of ed by being asked to pay for un- ^ of Manchester. the bride, .was matron of \hMior. come membera of the Manchester Philadelphia, Feb, 7 (A*)— Miss Howarth is a 1957 graduate ^4uare Dance Club, entitled to at­ needed repairs In many instances. 1 Washington, Feb. 7 {PP)— The Friendship Club of St of Manchester High School, and a She wore a rose aatin cocktaU- Nearly half a million dollars Sometimes he eald, charges were President Kennedy’s legisla- Coverage John’s PoUsh National CathoHc length gown, white hat glovea and tend any of the clubs in, the area. Lowest In fines were imposed on 11 1960 graduate o f Hartford Hoa- The club’s annual meeting ahd New Snow Hits lUiJnS lieutenants are driving to Church win meet tonight at 7 at pital School of Nursing. She is on shoes, and carried k basket of giant electrical companies to­ the church. white pompons wHh Ivy and fenis Jl^Je r o p ia ^ wi’ ’-. 4cSSd-?5md put his plan for extension of the operating room staff at Man- day in a little over an hour as Washington, Feb. 7 (/P)— Bridesmaids were Miss Joan parts. unemployment compensation chertw Hoa^tal. a f^eral judge continued sen­ Plains Re^on, President Kennedy today sent Joseph S. Malinguaggio. radar- Mr. McCurry was graduated Klelnschmidt of’Kensington, sUter Tha general nature of the evl- into effect by mid-March, to Congress— with a plea for man S.C.. USN, son o f Mr. and from Manchester High School in of the bridegroom; and Miss Joyce tencing antitrust law vio- dence, as thus given by Major They were spurred today by ad- Personal Notices PRICES YE T "prompt consideration’’ — a Mrs. Sarino Malinguaggio, 87 Sea­ 1956, and received hla B.S. de' Lido. 44 Avondale Rd., Manchester. "ito r s . Sleet in South WUllame, was origlnaUy withheld ,njntotraUon esUmatee Uiat in the man Circle, is serving aboard the gree from TufU University in They wore royal blue satin cock- Hie 2-day total, with the sen­ by the arresting troopeia in- g^xt five weeks the number of un- bill to boost the 81 minimum escort destroyer, USS Robert A, 1960. He is a medical student at tail-length gowns with bell skirts, In Memoriam tencing of companlee half com­ strucUons’’ from Circuit I employed who have exhausted the wage to 81-26 and give 4.3 mil­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Owens operating out of Norfolk, Seton HaU COUege o f Medicine and white feather hats, gloves and In loring memoryof BTaast H. Smith, pleted, wae 81,277,500 agalnat Judge Jrtm G. Cicala and Chief [ iMMrtts provided by present law lion more workers the protec­ Dentistry in Jersey City, N. J. shoes. They also carried baskets of on Snow whirled again today in the Prosecutor Francis J. MeVane of will...... climb - far - above the present Va. who poaied Sway February 5, 1980. companies. tion of a wage floor. The wedding is planned for late white pompons with ivy and ferns. Central Plains region while sleet Circuit 15, who signed the war­ 500,000, Kennedy’s, proposal would Tour memory is aa dear today. Tha 45 individual defendants, The higher minimum, Kennedy The Women’s Home teak- the Ovation Army will meet to­ Kensington, .sister of the bride­ had been fined a total o f 8137,500 Fresh snow fell in an area that persona. Up to a maximum of 18 Wife, aont and daughter. officlale wanted thia information er Sam Rayburn, D-Tex., would bo morrow at 2 p.m. in tha Junior Edmund H. Hindis Jr., guided groom, was flower girl. Seven executivee were given 80- extended from Nebraska to north­ weelu. withheld until the cases are tried The first part of the job Is up to achieved by a series of annual Hall of the church. Hostesaes will missileman third class, USN, son Alan Beckley of Kensington, day Jail terma and 21 others were ern Texes and reached eastward In Memoriam FAMOUS in court at a later date. the House Ways and Means Com­ rises "to which employers can be Mrs. Robert McKeown.xMaJor of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund H. Kin­ cousin of the bridegroom, was best, given anepended 80-day terma 1x11 Into the CUilo Valley. Photo by Loring Studios m lovlns memory of my deardi Mother, Moderate to heavy snow wae re­ Those under arrest charged with mittee, whos« Democratic leaders readily adjust.” Myrtle Turklngton and Mim Edith dle, 331 Parker S t, is participat­ man. Ushers were James Parola, H a g r^ . Irwin, who pasted■ away Peb. placed on 6-year probation "where 4HR5. WILLIAM A. KLEINSCHMIDT a watchfiil eye con be kept on their ported in parts o f Kansas and Okla­ obtaining money by false pretense, hope to send the unemployment ”Our nation can HI afford to Jackson. ing In winter training exerctsea In Elmwood, cousin of the bride, and tolerate the growth of an under­ aottvttles.’’ homa. are: le^ la tton to the House for action the Canbbean with Utility Squad' Robert Spinetta, New Britain. I loet a Mother with a heart of sold. Chester T. Avis, 32, o f 50 Bar­ privileged and underpaid claas,” f Chief Judge J. Cullen Ganey of Warnings of snow ranging up to within a week after hearings begin A meeting o f Stanley Circle, ron Eight which is based at the Mrs. King v'ore an aqua cock- Fera, Kathy Godfrey, Dr. and Who was more to me than wealth un-; nard St, owner of Chet’s T.V. the letter said, toM. U.S. Diatrict Court disposed of four Inches and hazardous driving Feb. 15. WSCS, of South Methodist Roosevelt Roads Naval Station in trJI-length dress with matching ac­ Patrons Added Mrs. Peter Gram, Mr. and Mis. Without farewell, the tell asleep, Service, Hartford. Church, scheduled for tomorrow, Puerto Rico. Mark Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Jack four Indlotanents before a short conditions were issued for areas in Only the financing arrangements "Substandard wages lead neces­ cessories, and the bridegroom’s With memoiiee for me to keep. carl A. Chudzlk, 37, of 2091 Si­ are expected to arouse much con­ sarily to substandard living e" employers’ bill merely reflects an adjustment tional Catholic Church will meet ciety Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. AU For a motor trip to Miami, Fla., H o w ^ Wilson, 82, 87 C ra^ payrolls would be increased from drive which ends Feb. IS. sole of equipment that generates, tions between northern Arkansas to keep pace with these factors.” tomorrow at 7 pm. at the church. the men of the pariah are invited. Mrs. Klainsehmidt wore a green apple Rd., Wwt Ha^ord, owner ^ $4,goo maximum per em- Ammig those who have recenUy tranamita and distributes electric The draft bill to amend the Fair knit dress with matching acces­ ' •iitrv-S. of Empire TV, Hartforf. ___ ploye. The increase, accoHing to taken out patron memberships are (ContInaed'oa Page Seven) Labor Standards Act spelis out the sories. The couple will live at 6 Patar LAikawicz, 453 Oriswola administration i^dministrfttion figures,figiiraa, would en'an- Dr. and Mrs. Bdward L>. Besser, CUSTOM SHOE HETAIRING Rd., Wethersfield, partner to minimum wage proposals Kennedy bohnecticut Ave.,v New Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. DeUa able the states to repay within five recommended to hie anti-recession after Feb. 20. IN MANCHESTER Acme Radio A Television to'trvice, years, the estimated ^50 million If You Think They DonH Mean It,,.. and economic policy message to The bride is a 1958 graduate of Hartford. cost of the program.- CMigress on F ^ ,. .2. ^ FOR OVER 40 YEARS Letters Reduced to Dots Chudzik and Lukawicz were Some employers’ spokesmen, MANCHESTER . Manchester High School, and is at­ FALSE TEETH "Do Not Enter! One Way Street” signs were installed today on many of Manchester’s stre^. Employee now under the wage tending'.the University of Hart- W held under 8500 bonds while the I jiowever, are expected to protest Chief meclianlc John Baldyga of the I ^ c e Department hammers temporary eigne into a snow drift WE USB ONLY TfDB FINEST three others were held to be embraoad by the MH UAN CBCiaCUT m m Mr. Klelnschmidt, a 1956 gradu­ Juit tprlnXIe a Itttla PASTXfTH. tha Open Mondays All Day—Clased Wednesday Arteraoons Shea, Baldwin —mostly to the. retail toSdes and ate of Berlin High School, attend­ olkaUna tnon-acid) powder, on your . JM OAK ST,—SAME SIDE AS WATKINS BROS. Senator Delays Action services—an initial minimum wage platoa. Bold falM teeth more flimly, ^ . _>jfi •m,»m ?_• 'teas, ^ •• - - .J--'— ' ed the University of Hartford, and ■o they feel more oomfnitable. Doea 7 (A) bfound in the hquoe and at Lons- peHce-effieiale-rtiepemtedi- --^ qreeaed'paywirtsx woOUHmtnata- of 81 an hour wouk) be fixed. This la employed by Stanley Works, not lOur. Obeeka "plate odor** tdan- — The guvertinMit'aMBBficed to- dale’a home. F. Preston Leavitt, general talned. Confirmed as would be increased to 81^06 in PORK CHOPS New Britain. ture breath). Oat PASTDTB at any dosrthe am s4 at tw» Swiaa on a Manalngham-Buller sold the manager of the Hartford Bettor t Kennedy is sending Omgress lat- the second year, 81.15 to the third, drus oountar. ahargu a t spying eei Sdriaa uslaoUe Krogers provided the spy ring with Bustosss Bureau, appraised of the er riecommendaUone for a perme- On Negro as FHA Chief and 81.35 thereafter. aad radar aaereta for a Comnm- its eommunlcationa center "and Bltuation, eSM that while a ma- nent change to the unemployment H ig h Justices The 40-hour week provision of UANSHOUUNER ■ist eeploeag* aervtoe. The pris- posalbly acted aa Its bankers.’’ jority of televlsloii service and re- Insurance program, designed to the wage law would not apply to OF filANCHESTER He added that British Investiga­ FLETCHER R A S . onera were aot ideottfied. palrftien to thle area are reliable, make emergency legielaUwi xmnec- Washington. Feb 7 (AV^Presi- ^spectatOF/^d newsmen, said he Hartford, Feb. 7 (JP)—^The Gen­ the newly-covered empJoyeato the Surprist DMsert aid Military Whist 1 8 00 m teh en J The bflet aammuoamefit Said tors briieve Lonsdale Is actually a small minority apparenUy has eeaary to Omes of recession, first year, so that their employers _ 8-7878 dent Kennedy wrote Sen. A. had no comment. eral Assembly today confirmed they tried tq collect Informa­ a Russian because they foUnd in been cheating their customers. The extension legislation was could make an adjustment to the PORK CHOPS WEDNCSDAYs FEt. 8, 1961 the Kroger home letters to him bi Willis Robertson, D-Va,, today Weaver, named by Kennedy for two State Supreme Court nomina­ tion on the maaotactore of Swiss The accused televielon men were formally introduced in the House the highest poet ever held by a tions by Gov. John N. Dempsey. new wage levels before being COBNER DURANT ST. Rusetfin from a woman who ap that an FBI report on Robert mlaalles and m ilitary radar scheduled to be presented some yesterday, by Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, C. Weaver was “fully reviewed Negro in the executive branch of ]^th Houses approved the nomi­ obliged to comply with overtime -aqulpasent "in return for a oon- peared to be his wife axid apparent­ time today to Circuit 15, New Brit-1 D.Ark.) chairman oY the and payment provisions. Such employ­ SECOND C O I^U 4 ^n O N A L CHLIRCH ly wae living in the Soviet Union. and eawluated” before the New the government, was in the wit­ nation of Raymond E. Baldwin as FELLOWSHIP HALL LARGER QUARTERS T O SERVE YOUR NEEDS! sldeMblo smn of nMuey" provid­ Means Committee. He also put in ers would have two years to ad­ Lee* Some, of the letters were in the ato. York Negro was nominated for ness chair but did not get a chance chief justice of the Supreme Coyrt WmST—SETBACK—BRmOE Single Bed. ed Iw n iPoomniitlBt M onnatlon the companion Kennedy bill to ex­ houHliig administrator. to nay anything before Robertson of Errors and William J. Shea of just to the 40-hour work week PLENTY OF FRONT AND SEAS PABKINO! oervlM operating tn East Ger­ form of microdota — miniaturized tend to the children a t the unem­ standard. NURSERY FOB CHILDREN photographs of an original, re “I am most confident,” the called the closed meeting. Manchester as associate justice of many. $25,000 Fire ployed the beneflU now available Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, D- Benefit Mn Sigma CM and Pilgrim Fellowship .duced In size until they were no Waterbury, |Jeb. 7 (A)— Fire President said, “ that tf con­ The Virginian opened the hear­ the Supreme Court. AUTO GLASS INSTALLED to orphans and abandoned children. firmed Mr. Weaver will perform ing by saying Weaver’s nomina­ The House approved Baldwin on- N.Y., chairman of the House tA- ChrisUaa Fonth Conference bigger than the pe iod on a type, early today damaged a one-etory The bill to authorize temporary London, Frt>. 7 WV-’Ihe British an oiitotendlng service for our tion was "a major appointment to a secret ballot, 244-4, and the Sen­ REMODEL Sponsored By government charged in. court to­ writer. Also found in the Kroger bqlldtog housing three etoree -on help to needy children whose fa­ GLASS FURWTURE TOPS home, the attomey-generai report­ (xtuntry as administrator of Mie a position of great rMponsibllity.” ate, 24-1. The House approved (Contlnned on Page Five) Mary MoChire aind Ferris ReynoldB Groups day that a small house in a quiet Meriden Road. thers are unemployed would cost Why arlsato yonr far coat for FuU Bed....i24.95 ed was a powerful nUcroecope suit­ housing and home finance Then he said he-, had received Shea, 227-6, and the Senate unani­ Firemen . had to battle fierce an estimated 8305 million for the one cape? Wa can make t DONATTON $1.00— DOOR PRIZES MIRRORS CFiraplact and Door) (single control) - ■ London suburb housed a high- "a number of complaints touching mously. OPEN TO THE PUhUC—TICKETS ALSO AT DOOR powered radio station transmit­ able for reeding such microdota. flames and heavy smoke for an 15 months of its operation. agency.” ______capes front yonr coat! Other articles, he said, includ on the question of his (Weaver’s) Both terms are. for eight years ting Brltlrti naval seetota to Mos­ hour before gaining control at PICTURE FRAMING (oE tyiliM) ed: Washington, Feb. 7 t^K-Chalr- loyalty.'" effective on confirmation. cow. 2:25 a.m. Most heavily damaged GAPE • STOLE A flashlight with two batteriee, was a meat market (Johnny’s). The man A. Willis Robertson. D-Va., Robertson said these complaints Baldwin was nominated to suc­ BuUetins Attorney General Sir Reginald had led him to write Kennedy Jan. WINDOW and PLATE GLASS one of which contained a secret building also was rented by a today held up" Senate Banking ceed the late Chief Justice Edward teemnlngh^-BuIler, opening the compartment. 30 advising Uie President ”I have J. Daly by former Gov. Abraham from the AP Wires JACKET FuU Bedi...} 34.95 liquor and radio and television Committee action on the nomina­ prosecution of five persons charged received a number o f allegfations CONTBAOPOBit WE HAVE IN STOCK A cigarette lighter with a secret store. , News Tidbits Riblcoff on July 24, 1959. Shea (dual conijrol) with stealing' top submarine se-; compartment containing radii tion of Robert C. Weaver to be with respect to the nominee’s as­ was elevated to the Supreme Court Fire Marshal Thomas Scadden Culled from AP Wires Each *19.95 MEDICINE CABINCTS and SHOWER DOORS I 6 Crete from a naval research ata- wave lengths and call signs in Rui said damage was about 825,000. Federal Housing Administrator sociations and affliiations with from the Superior Court on the TAX CUT OPPOSED OLUE'S tlpe»« tb be convinced the ecutlve dli;ector of Washngton, member group into execuUve ses­ P. Garcia, he"*writes of scute Good In Both Oar Mancheater and East Hartford Store# keeps h^at in! agents mode monitoring tests at ministers meeting^ prepared "to and bring harm to the eeeurity MONTHLY nYMENTS! swift but careful investigation Russiane do not have more nu- I>. C., Downtown Commttee say sion. . Philippine, discontent, with call a spade a spade." ttie house , and hoard signals ap- iWfeaver, after being ordered of the state." onlered ^ Present Kennedy. cleiar-tipped miesilee than the to Hartford. SEATO. He reportedly will urge the to heat your home iiarently coming ftrom Moecow in United States. Comedian Mel Blanc, injured to from the hearing room along with 4-LB. AVEBAGB The concluaiem cotocidea with antl-Communist nations of South­ MUiKDER TRIA L SET accordance with signal plans Secretory of Defense Robert S. *uto collirion Jan. 24, is reetog . . . cold out! former President Dwight D. Eieen- ^ By JIM BECKER east Asia to replace SEATO with hower’s view. He aidd Jan. 12 .in McNamara is under orders to have com f^bly is to la tlrt^ ^ New Haven, Conn., Feb. 7 (fi7 An HFC Paifment-Redneer Loan may help ROASTING CHICKENS Lb. 39c Winter weather started earlier and became colder this Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, Feb. 7 separate defense treaties with the — David E. Madery today waa hie farewell State of the Union Mas­ the nilUtory reassessment ready I condition at U CI^ Medical Center Four Ghildren Die (>P)—The Philippine government If you’ve bought too many articles on the instal­ Indiisttial Agency sage "the 'bomber gap"- c i sevend ordered 'to stand trial. Feb. 21 year than the Average. Fuel bills have been higher and e insulated pockets in soft cot­ _*V* • - _ for the White House by the end • • • Na)v •««*“ c t ^ of sp«- thinks SEATO has oollapsed and (Continued on Page Five) CHASE A SANBORN I years ago was always a fiction, and of the month. Ho hopes to have the tacular faUnte of Folatto m le ^ on a first-degree murder Inci­ ment plan. Simply add up alf'you still owe and ton keeps body heat in! In Apartment Fire to ready to write itI off as in ef- dent in the death of a 15-aiontb- for some people this has been a burden. But, Bantly tha ‘missile gap’ shows every sign review ready to rough draft form to which sewnd stage cartwhorted force in j f note w hit size HFC loan would pay everything off. I Proposed for State fective antl-Communist old boy. Tho order from Super- COFFEE Regular or Drip of being the same.” in two weeks and to final shape over Capo Canaveral and crashed e iqachine washable. 4U«**I The new civilian chiefs at the. Grand Forks, N. D., Feb. 7 (ff) — Asia. ior Court Judge Elmer W. Byan Compare how much Cnh Fuel Oil Club members haven’t felt the financial pinch. 4ll*l by about March 1. flanxas. Filipino leaders think the South­ U.S. Delays Seating MONTMlY PAYNlINTSe 4IOUU ItortfoTd, Feb. 7 ona. h >ii lead- grabbed a soft blanket that seemed Communists there. ' Dr. W. H. Burney, leader of t)ie Tho now study also a ^ r s t o W^er saysTw^y pissiona wltf V li Yoar_Aaaamaoff* would provide further inducement "pmpd of uncertain risk.” to contain a child. Whegf he got Serrano’s government thinks American delegation, forced a roU DDCO-HIAT give substance to another Elron- « p Canntoe J^Saplo # c^ljM ge to Britain and France have paralyzed call vote after an unauccesaful ap­ . nnelear matorlat. to short sleeve pullover, small, medium large and extra for tadusMen to remain or locate ni his fourth debate With former out, it turned out to be .a doll. hower view - - that the Rueelans W wW on. debate to s iiiy ...o n peal to the Soviet delegate to with­ Energy Authority eald. nAM CHifm SHomiiM p a r k a m h u g e ; ■ in ow state.4." Vice President Richard M. Nixon " I knew there were kids up .the organization and fear that have not launched a craeh program 1 Arturo Moroles-<3arrion, the United BUtea may be bowing draw his demand that the question be deslgaed to ebsw I The agency, be said, alfo would tort O ct ' 21, dfirtog the presiden­ there, but the flames were so otnimsata .<*sssx 382 Middle Turapilw wW l tial eampaign, Kennedy said of the to manufacture mtosUes. | Rican, win have Job f t *« to Ito NATO slUee to Asia., of seating Red China <>• taken up. . '!■ "m eot,na competitloa a t states intense I never had a chance to lafneed oartb asa 'M a 2nd Hoer—MkehM 3-2738 Mha I w iiy lv a i^ Rhode. Ms Rusetona and - .. their missile In pxupaiation o f the ralUtory fenpravs U.S. rem on i with u tin PhUiK>tos offlclala also fear 3 . 5 0 , I Amerko, primarily In cultural snd (CeatlBned aa Fags *w«) t*®* BANTLTIIIL C0.HR: latiungth compared to the United (OonltBiied an Fag* Two) some sort of "seUout” to tho. Ciom' t1lli48ia,lm ,1tm .-m M BA,fH—MOblmSA aidiiAAiN sfaaaT ^ m anc m g am iu c o m


South Windsor ■ Letters Reduced to Dots T P C D elays Skating Repprt Four Children Die in Apartment Fire Sbeinwold 01 fe S S S l TV-Radio Tonight White Label Jarvb Change January Slow (OoBttaaed from Piga One) By Rory (FCoimor Britain Says 5 Gave OO WHOLE HOP Hartford, Fsb. 7 (A) —- The DEWAR’S F or B uilding State Supremo Court of Errom Tbs Town punning and Zoning •ava to m ,” said tha riw k «i fire- WHEN PM-EMPTING Commission (TPC) last night ta­ today npheld a decision by toe Television an. ' 1^ Alfred tHntoweld ■“’%aar', Free Oratis, begimiliig todfiy. Is ptonnsd to ocrapy to Cioart o f Ocoimon Pleas invalidat- SCOTCH bled one request for a anw diange Ftra Chief Gordon Moors mid A lo t 7 4 1 January waa tho slowest month 1:00 Bis I Thesttr (in prasrue) - • Biun Bunay 40. Navy Secrets to Reds and granted anothar for properties Whan yon’m out to WU t ^ o p - Herald each Tuesday, a o^unui of obeervfition or opiidon about things Ing a sonlng change granttod by uiek Draw ileOraw 8 8:00 Father Knowa Bast Um firs aran laportnd about Lto9 pooenta. a batUe-ax to a ^ t t o r for the building department In five of interalt in tpwne nelghborfog Manoheeter. mmon Sewi U RUlemaa WHISKY located on Hartford Rd. Lee eketlng heiire for the public sjoi., apparently storting to wMng toe Meriden Court of Com Cartoon Plavt»UM 18 8:80 Dobte OUlla nrsapoa than nan lea .cm m cone. yearn, figurea released by Town It to not meant to replace ------Oouncfl two yearn ago. Saltr Briae's Shack (in profreH) Great Dectetoni 1961 (raoi FBI* OM) On>oBiUon ' of three residenta at Center Springe Pend will be to­ to n comer of the ttvtog room on « South Windwr also brought a postponement of ae- Don’t bother with poaten^ whto Engineer end Building Inspector other counto columns of toe Mat. city's assets am estimated in In a unknimous oplnliXi written ' 13 Frontlen in Medicine night until 10 o'clock. ton upper floor adiete Um Andar- the situaUon calto /fo r brute They have their ptoces In. memory . Bis 8 Theater (la prosren) 8 -Wyatt Karp 8. ti(« on the estabUdiing of a pro­ cees o i $3 xnllUon. by Aisoclato Justice William J. V £;arlr Show (in profreu) 10 9:00 Tom Ewell Show ... 8. A hidden compvtnwnt under Uw the Center Springs Annex •oni nvod. Btrroiftlie ■ / — ^------— 109143 Walter H. Burnham indicate. No and shall be left untouched. ' kitchen floor conUining n power­ posed 20 foot building line on Park has been reserved for hockey until Hramen hnd baan called yentor- I a. This point is msde pimply tor Shea, the court ruled that the First Show (In ores r m ) 33 Thriller 10. 32, 30 5 pemfits for homo oonstruetlon Timely Good Deed: St. The South hand dearly more Science In ConneeUcot Jack Faar Show (C) 10. cording to the TPC. during the day, the department is 0UO4M in the.snemy*s suit demolition of tobacco aheds.wera ’v ^ ^ ’ d^'tri-govemment situation, but about 7:16 W Haaa HlpillshU Premiere IneL Sales Tax number o f lenses, keys and other Valiey Estates and along Rt. In other action last night, the expects ths ice to be g ^ *ft4r chUdfen, aged 14 to 9, and her is a sort of gigantic takeout spades, two diamonds, and a dia­ issued. Meeting a title has pt than five acres, are ownal by Sports Cramers Feature 40 articles. 5 as a community project dark each night, Murphey said. granddaughter, Lavotme Jeffer­ mond ruff. Perfect defense would ficult At one time, Haggis wai toe proposals made to change it. Betsey C. Mills snd Rudy J. War­ news 11-.25 News TPC granted a sone change to Ed­ double. Burnham emphasised that any It can only be urged that resi­ 7:80 What In The World 11:3(1 Jack Paar Show (O Set of 4 color prints of CIsns Wallice, Bruce, MacIntyre and Hlghlandeei The detectives put the case back. win C. Bunce involving a parcel son, 3. They Uved on the ground Mem lateftoreues give East a eeoond niff, and a one tearing down any kind of considered, but was finally reject­ ren. Hallmark Hall o( Fame (O 13:60 News 4 Weather Mannini^iam-Buller continued, and ■com o f 1,100 pointo. ed as too obscure and belittling of dents, toe mom toe better, read as f The State Supreme Court of Ek’- 10, 33; 80 1:00 Late Newa 9Vi* s 19V4', suitable for Irsming. Send $6 to Cashier’ s Departmant N| ed to Lonsdale that day contained of land along the south side of floor. What ahoukl North do In this building should secure a permit much as poealble t rnntanrity clubs Stands a chance of stealing from: Electrical licenses, $15; non's recent Mstovy to meet on WDBO—IMS drawings. suit, but you toe electorate voting. make repalm. 10:00 John Vandereook 6:06 Showcase and Newi Rd.; Mm. Oladye Sheffield, 14 settle for a pum proAt instead of Pleasant Valley boya and girls during World War I about haggis 11:80 Public Affairs were of the most secret character. president of the Regina D’ltalia Associates of Cambridge, present­ foundations in loeal conununitias. risking o loes. After all, if the can’t afford to make a weaker basketball teams boto gladdened and its power to inspire fond However, on Nov. 19, 1957, 13:03 Sign Off 7:00 Fulton Lesrls Jr She held a position of trust." Society last night at the Italisn ly doing a No. 81,000 town survey, Ltonmore Rd.; Dean Anderaon, 281 ■HMaSiSfilft opwiing bid when you have so Waterford's selectmen declared toe WTIO-t1*88 7:16 Evening Devotions The foundations would gusrantee Green Rd.'; kClaa Judith Ctcsigh, grand atom depsnds on a finesse, tha hearts of their partisans with memories of home and awesome 7:30 Showcase and News • Mamingham-Buller said Hough­ American Club. to hear a progress report—poaNbly ths remaining 10 par cent would it will lose; South to marked with mudi top command m all four victories over Wapping Brtday Scotch ferocity in toe face of Tax Deadline Stirs road discontinued as a public high­ 6:00 News and Weather 7:36 The Army Hour ton went to work at the research on the population study phast of East Hartford; Harold Oarr, tt)S way. They were supported by a 6:30 Strictly Sports Other new officers seated were O9H0S* new construction and Xtovis Ava., Rockville; ktm. Flor­ no high oerde. suite. (Players who use weak two- night Alton Oebome led tha boye’ danger. 6:10 Album of the Day 8:00 News •tattCB in UB3 after spending more the comprehensive study. woiud laaaa qr aeu tha new faeUl' bids would open this hand with team with 8 points. Larry Camer The Haggis of Private Mc- Tide of Payments town meeting. 6:46 Three Star Extra 8:06 The World Today wtM B year on the s ti^ of the Brit­ Mrs. J<^ Andisio, vice president: ence Stevanaon, 64 Russell. S t; A HMMght for Tpdsy When Bast doubles stven clifos, 7:06 Conversation Pieces 8:30 Showcase and News Mna Lecmld Gagnon, financial sec- ties to ihe iaduetry concerned. thare to no way for West to go on. two clubs.) and Thomas Carey each ewUhed Phee” it waa caUed and, when a The State Supreme Court of Er­ 11:00 Music Beyond the Stars and News ish Naval attache in Ctammunlst Miteliell Pofuntok, Gtostonniry; by the rom today reversed a decision by 7:46 Public Service Program rettury; Mrs. Vincent Borello, "Let me make it clear," klarlanl Mrs. Basel Retoki, 17 King St, Souto pays o rather subetantial (Copyright 1941. in 6 polnta for W ip in g . Bosch shell exploded in the mid­ January receipts on property 8:06 Pope Concert 12:06 News Roundup Warsaw. Biblical Women said, “ that the intanUan to thia aug- OeoBdl of Ctanhao toe Windham Superior Court and 9:06 What’s Your Opinlont 13:15 Sign-Off ^ "He was rspaoiislble for the ac­ treasurer; Mrs. J(An BuscagUa, Rockville; Mm. Vercnlca Devan- psnalty — 900 points for two Oenend Featnres Oorp.) Nancy Oabouiy and Helen Relder dle of it (toe haggis, not the taxes in Manchester were $1,448, conreapondiiig secretary; and Mrs. gastion ia not to put the state Into each ecored 8 p ^ ta In leading the poem), a complete higliland regi­ ordered toe Great Atlantic and Pa­ ceptance, diatxlbutlan and ffling of nay. South Lyme; Leo Prevost 172 151, o f which $462,000 was sent In cific Tea Co. to pay $1,600 for in Enrico Reggio and Mrs. Evasio Topic of Program private enterprise Spruce S t; kim. Anna Rival, Bast Periiape the greateet difficulty Valley glrto to a 23-13 victory. Jean ment stormed over toe top and during toe last 24 hours of toe 1959 an pspeta pertatBlng to the port He aeld hls pngMSal would havo that confronto us is getting along Juries suffered by a Windham auafliarr rspatr qniV’ the attorney RJvoaa, co-chairmen o f the welfare Hartford: Robert BuTcharda, Tal- Jeekl scored 8 for Wapping, swept toe Jerry before it But we tax deadline. committee. United Lutheran Church women the Immedieto effect o f sUmutottng cottvlUe; Arthur Caneian, Stafford with others,—unlesB It to the dif- Now that the Uniwi boye have digress. Paul Orvinl, coUectof of re­ woman.' general said. state and local economy, adding to The woman, Gertrude Rogers, “In that position he had access Three retiring officers were of Concordia Lutheran ChUfoh will Springe; kIm. Doris HowarA 63 acuity of getting alonf with our- Pentagon Study Reveals clinched the league title, attention (Contributions to this column will venue, reported a heavy flood of given gifts of appreciation by the local grand Usto and ralatag the ■elvee. We have all found, our- brought suit against toe AftP Co. to fleet onters and drawings end meet tonight at 7:80 in FeUow- Simee St.; Bnndd Utwinns, trap­ of rootera end coaches has focused be made by mom than one ob­ payments, both at hls window in after faUing and Injuring hemelf in particular on* book a secret groiq>. Mrs. Guerlno Plerro, retir­ shlp Hall of the church. level of employment. ' ping: Lyra Ambrose, 149 Loomia aeivea askking, "Why does no and mom on the girls basketball games, server, although in no special toe Mtmlcipal Building, and ing president, was presented a ' Mrs. Margarete McMullen will The propow, klerieni aaid. Is . to have to he like that?" It is on a sidewalk outside toe super­ __Ucation called 'Parueulars of S t; k(m. liSito Pnoheco, Wapptng; since the girls league title ia still order. through toe mall, from taxpayers market in WiUlmantlc. cameo brooch. Mrs. Theresa Ne- be chainnan of a program about "positive eetton to gusrtmteo Oon< kim. Jearmo lLemek, 'FoUand; M m so unreasonable. Fortunate to No Red-U.S. Missde Gap in doubt.. Pleasant Valley now holds nectleut’s competitive position in the annoyed one if he diseovem Looking around for a beginning who slipped toeir paymeAts in just The Superior Court had ruled ICaaningham-Buller said dstec- grot reUrlng correspondii^ secre­ women of the New Testament Irene Hownrto RFD 2 Mancheater; a alight edge over Union, but a on this, its first day, is npt a hard under toe deadline. tary, and Mrs. Domeniek Ventura, Seven woman will depict various keeping present industry and at­ that he, too, pbseesaee eome un­ toat a lease taken by the A&P for tlvas had been keeping an eye on Mm. Dorothy Petig, 94 Lenox Sti fense budget Elsenhower lubmit- victory by Avery over PV in their task when one looks in toe direc­ Total revenue for July 1, 1940 toe premises did not include toe retiring financial secretary, were Christian as^ts of the life of tracting new Industry to expand job Mm. Ariene Braman, Hebron; reasonable queer quirks, and is (Ooattmied fmss Page One) next outing would tie the two lead­ Houghton u a Mias Gee for several oiq^Mrtunltlea for,.our dtisens norw courageous enough to admit it. ted before leaving office. tion of Vernon and RockvUlo, for through Jan. 81 for toe town’s sidewalk. menflis befor« they arrested them presented sterling necklaces. kUry klagdalene. Thoae parUd Richard MensU, Coventry; Carol ing cmitendem. general fund waa $6,020,124 in­ Refreahments were served by pating will be kfrs. Ronald San'ew- and in the future and to pfovide an Graf, W«ming. How ean we imperfect people review. McNamara and Roswell In that direction them is enough In a tmanimous opinion written and Trswdale on Jan. 7. Coaches of all schools, Vho free­ to fill s shelf of books. cluding state assistance, fines and by Chief Justice Raymond E. B t said a parcel kOaa Gee hand- Mrs. Rlvosa, Mrs. BuscagUa, Mrs. aky~Mrs. Alfred Lange, kfrs. kCax increasing economic base to bring BIRLTO 'raFTERDAT: A eon to get along with other imperfect OUpatrie, deputy secm u iy_fil de- Jet at Bradley in InCreesed taxes end reduce the mle? ly donate their time and services, For a number of reasons, con­ licenses, and current services Baldwin, the High (Jourt ruled that Joseph Albo, nnd Mrs. Pola. ^ H ubert Mfa. Fred Badger, kfre. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warrto|tton, feiMe, vtrited Strategie A ir Com­ deserve special commendation for Chariea Hald. ktrs. Robert lAdoux preeaure for tocreealng too rate of 29 Hudson St.; a son to Mr. and Whdn we try to exSretoe good Windsor Locks, Feb. 7 Uft — solidation is too most prominent well as taxes. toe language of the lease "neltoer tsxea." will toward another and be forgiv­ mand Hesdquartem at Omaha their efforts in providing an oppor­ issue to.Vemon because all other The water department operat­ eocpremly nor by implication !«■ Get tha cash you w a n t-in a hurry~ and Mrs. McMUUeh with Mrs. Mm. Albert Barter, HkMord; a Eastern Airlines beat United Air­ tunity for eo many to participate A rm y A Navy Setback Fred Wlnsler as accompanist ing land generous in appreelanon, Nob., over the weekend and talked Issues, in one way or another, are ing revenue waa $200,109 as of control in the leeaor of toe FORRINT dauihter to Mr. and Mm. Wnrmn lines to the punch yesterday when in the sport. Those directing the Jan. 81, and toe non-operating with Baneficial’s Biil Clean-Up Service Hostaases aito wlU serve Hubbard, 149 Walker S t; a eon to it isn't always effective. The wlto top SAC. bfflcials. 'n^y .Ols- an Eastern DC8B Jet made an un­ tied to its wagon. Should toe parking area and w«dk^.(but) the Tankees, 430; Raiders, 907; writer of the twelfth fhapter of top teams in the league . could wagon tumble over edge and revenue was $26,197. exclusive use of which is glvSn Just phone! Soon as approved, get cash to clean up bills — freshmenta Include Mrs. Peter Marine War Films Mr. and Mm. Richard Lnwrenee. 79 cuesed besie strategy and assump­ scheduled landing at Bradley easily have piled up colossal scores ^•Maatf* ""SleS'iSbe'Sr"*"" Abs’s, SS3; Postals. 391; Oaks. Frey, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Mill St. the book of Hebrews , has a better tions behind defense policy. smash to bits below, the attendant The sewer fund received 89,086 to toe defendant and its enstom- Including time-payment accounts. Then, make only one SM; Hot aiioU. 9M: Dukes, 300; ■ufgestlon. He wrote, "let us Field. ^ against weaker teams by failing to Issues will separate and assume for a total of $05,306; toe fire dis­ ers.' Johii Fischer Sr., Mrs. Ernest DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: The review is not likely to rec­ The plane, carrying 111 pas­ substitute ptoyem to the later payment instead o f several. . . you may havo more cash Knleks, 300; Kay's PsU. 349; Fischer, Mrs. Everett Fnuel, end Set for Showing Mm. Antoinette CivitiUo, 111 B ti- run with patience the race that is new and different proportions. trict special fund received $83,766 The State Supreme (fourt of Er­ ’XvBJDNM DRUe CO. ommend a drastic overhaul of de­ sengers, was en route from Miami periods of games, but they have al­ left over each month. “You’re the boss" at Beneficial. Army and Navy, 333; Holt's, 307; kfrs. kUchee^ Heberem. All worn- toh 8t.; Rusoell Gangewere, 89 set beforo us, looking .to Jesus”. fense strategy nor does McNs- One Interesting factor in toe for a total of $308,443: the park­ rom ruled today that groee re­ NIIIU b M. M - M I M t n en of Concordia Lutheran Church How utteriy Impossible it would toT lew York. It waa ordered to ways refrained from doing this. ing meter fund received $3,028 for ceipts derived ^ dental labora­ Stiens, 277; Kings, 2M ; Barons, V.S. kfarine combat films of too Conway Rd.; Tert MoDonald, Bast mam plan to issue anything ap­ Bradley Field because only one of coneolidation movement so far Is Lsawi 629 te 6819 tea m IHe Imwred at Iww cert 324; Bockers, 208; Trumps, 207. are invited to attend. South Pacific Theater in World Hartford; Mrs. EdyUie Dexter, 34 fie for the members of a symphony proaching a “white paper" qielUng Ctab Oommlttee to Meet toe lack of outright opposition to a total o f $18,521; and toe dog li­ tories from sales of dentures (ar­ War H will be ahown at tha meet Orchestra to play together merely the jet runways at IdlewUd Air- Cub Scout Pack 236 wUI hold a toe idea of consolidation. There cense fund received $78 for a total tificial teeth) to duly hcensed 106 MAIN ST., 2nd n ., O m Woohrarth's. MANCHESTER nor D r.;, Mm. Nellie OampbeU, out hia new decision. p ^ m New York bad beep cleared Ing o f the Frank J. kfenafleld De Hsrtfordt Fm. EdyUie Dexter, 34 by having wholesome regard for Authorities seem certain to And committee meeting for all mem­ have been objections, better de­ of $7,466. dentists are exempt from Con- MIIcImH S-4U4 • Ask far the v e s MANagtr tachment of the Marine' Corps Utoo S t; k(m. Eva Rock 64 Spring one another. They each look to 25 to SO moves that can be under­ o f enow. bem and den mothem at the home scribed, perhaps, as questions necticut’e Use and Sales Tax Law. OKN THUtSOAV fVININOS UN7II • S.M.. Lesguo tomorrow evening at tha the director and reapond to hia di­ United Alrlinea is echeduled to of Kenneth Williams, Farpham iMM aM. b mUMb •! sN ■nm4l.| MsM St; Karen Saunders, Wai^ingr taken to strengthen military de­ concerning toe division of author­ It was an advisory opinion m- S (MB at UN MM. SNAS «Sm MMr'8, mmU hi Manchester Shopping Parkade, Middle Tnmpika W. and Army and Navy d u b . Gustave Sohallsr, 862 Woodland rection. And "btfeve it or not" fenses- 3lany of the new ideas will begin, the fimt regular jet service Rd. Avendsle ltd.; kim. ticai ideal. near future at the Wapping Bureau's Loren Vice hsa indicated On Income Tax Dent - Craft Lsdxiratortes ot Any Marines and friends are invit- Percy M. Spurrier, -BENEFICIAL- Saturday, 9 A.M to 6 PJM. ' Georgette Ctovette, 17 Fnlknor ■jmmstfcnn|^9nimBffnB||6 School. toat oppoMtion la stirring for some Connecticut,.with hesdqusrtem in Triple-S Stamp Redemption Center—iso Slarfcet Square, Newiagtoo Dr.;. George Robinson, 113 Deep- South Methodist Church. The second in a series of three 'Watmbury, were behind toe ap­ FINANCE CO. “ • • • • • . / QakGrill's Meettiig Reeet future date. I'-ood DTi; M i» Nellie Snimond, 838 The Friday evening group meet­ Locking back to last summer, Federal Income Tax classes will peal against actions by State T u John Lodge Reaign$_ Oak S t; Arthur Valencourt, Wat ’ Wed. Special!, ing of toe Wapping Community when toe bureau conducted be held tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m Commiaslcner John L. SuUlvan. roue Rd., r :ton; Mra. Edna Odell, Starts Tomorrow! Church women, originally eebed- rather extensive mall campaign li. Room 310 o f Manchester High W ellington, Feb. 7 (P) - - John 44 Pearl St; Son of klr. and IM . LcNlge Seats uled for Feb. 8, will be held Friday against toe old charter. Vice re School. Davis Lodgt, formtr governor of Evemtt L-One PerfiHnnfiiice Only—8:15 P.M. and big small cars ^ We have your baby’s McGowan, of Stafford Springs, district deputy pmsldent wno DONIZETTI’S Triumphant Sneeem headed the staff of installing of­ WADX.PAPBBT exact size ficers. 'XUCIA D| UMMERMOOR" Other niw .offleem for 1941 In­ Sung by the Werid’e Greateet Opera Stem and small big cars clude Mias Juns Rider, vice grand: Pinai An Unforgettable Unfor List Of Mm. Ernest Cok. recording seem- Bernini—Great ItaUaataitoh Sou-r— Souqrture—FontatM - . IN Roma— ■ ‘ i j ,'fr- j tiuy; Mrs. Edith Smith, fmsnclsi Faontnln of Rome soemtary and Mrs. C2)^e Beck­ with, tmasiirer. AlHnsSION flA 4 EACH OPERA ft and BIG BIG cars > Appointed officem are Mm. Sehedulo o f Renuiiilng Operas: 1 Alice Wetherall, right supporter; FEB. 14—“RIOOLETTO” Mm. Sedrick Straughan, left sup­ FEB. 21—«IL 1KOVATORE” save IS to 4 0 % porter to the noble grand; Mm. FEB. 28—“LA FORZA.DEL DE8TIN0" Robert Armstrong, right support- and everybody is thoroughly confused, ■Available at «^ a n d Mra. William Prentice, left when you insure It with Nationwide Bupporter to the,vice grand; Mm. Howard Smith, Chaplain and eolo- t 1 tot; Mm. Joseph Fournier, color STATE bearer; Mm. Clinton Keeney, cmi- FUBNITUBEC Insurance on your home can take a big bite out of your ductoc; Mrs. Henry Btsrkwesther, take a look at an unusually nonnal automobile, budget... especially if you’re overpaying. If you .own sep- •, Both Storee warden and publicity chairman. --Jr Also, Mm. Helm. Johnson, in­ arate policies—one for fire, a second for theft, a third i.or side guardian; Mm.’ Elsie White, STANLFY •TAIITB I - Jv • ■ outside guardian; Mrs. Thora.'Ma­ liability, and so forth-you can probably save from 15 to 56 SIZES loney, pianist; Mm. Frederick WARNfR STATE THNim Mletsner, junior past noble grand; 40% with Nationwide over what you’re now paying. Our AND Mra William Ewing, right sup­ 6 pjn. OoBiA—4:4S-di44 pria.Jj(>o—Shown nt 6i00 and 4il0 pan. porter .and Mra. Flora GraeiA toft all-in-one ^(Homeowners Policy wraps up all yOur home J,) WIDTHS ' supporter, to the past iiobto grand, and Mra Cilamnee Aaplnwali, insurance in one modern, low-cdst plan. Fire, theft, wind­ CARRIED IN right supporter to the chaplain- storm, legal liability and hundreds of hazards are all cov­ Mm. Straughan waa msrriisl. | | W I STOCK AT New officem of Sunset Rebekah- ered. Start your savings now... with the Homeowners ALL TIMES lodge wore white gowna and membem of the Insudling staff Miiir Bil Air lOeor Sfort Stim Policy. And remember — you don’t have to wait for your worn pastel colored gowna Mra HARD SOLE—ilRM COUNTER Smith was soloist during the cem- VENETIAN BLINDBT present coverage to expire to start your savings with Tnony. Refraahments wem served by a lO M T > THE ’ 61 CHEVROLET. It’s rOomy, Nationwide! Contact our office listed below or see your 8 SH 4 6 lem 4 4MI 7 [7H t committee headed by Mm. Mleta- VUMflt Nationwide agent. h " X X X X i X 1 X X 1 X X X ner. Mm. NetUeton and Mra Cox poured, tea and ceffeC. TO NAVI • c X X X k ' X 1 X 1 X X X A M Y - itfs limiiious, v f t if s thrifty. s just D X X X X * 1 * 1 * * 1 *1 X X’ AND M Y IB X X X *}-*)* * X. U.S. Delays Seating EE X 1x1x1 X X Find For Full LnformaUon, Gall Or See Your Local Agent Ltotod Below : l « l »1 f 1" iSBB I I X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 Red China in WHO the ri^ t size to go in your garage Jr , . ■ JOHN J. CRONIN ^THUR ZbTTI (Coattaned from Page One) the th in gs ^WeFHThemCarefuU^* 162 N. MAIN ST.—Phone MI 0-6245 29 SUMMIT RD., VERNON—Phono TR 6-7419 The' dispute aroee ehortly after See a whole slew of them ot yowr Chawpolet dealer’s one-stop shopping center. YELLOW IndianI Prime- ______Minister— _____ Nehru opened the 14th annual conyentloti you need in the... of WHO by praising the agency for being the United Natloim organ • 4 least tainted by a Cold War at- moaphera. See ffid new Chevrolet eartf Chevy Corvairsand the new Corvette at your loeal authorised Chevrolet dealers. PAGES Nehru told mom then 400 dele­ gates mpreaentliK 104 countriaa and Where practical// everyone finds practically everjrihlng HOME SnUDBRlTE Epn CHILDREN 84 qieclalised aganclse that tha I I - - or orgimlsatlon could centributo to the MANCHESTER H CENTER ^ mental health e t nattona' by ■ettlQg an eximple of all-around eoopora- NMMmrMt Uutual rift iMiirmc* CMWiiqr • Nwm tffiMi C«(iiii*w. Ml* I SHOPPING 17 SO. BIAIN 81*. tlon. ■ ' 1 PARKADR WEST HARTFORD Tbo X&dton'toador doeland W M CHEVROtn C0MP'’“' WM "nobly suited to arouM wwid / BOTH KOFOCT STOMM AMP OlfllMlID IIOMDAT I httHjf fwed4 EECUIMNCE~4ee your Natipnwids agsniii eonertounorii amoac nathw and MANCMOnR. COMN. eomraunltles."

•'I- . I I -L , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1961 P A G E F IV K . PAQB F O ini Coventry RockviUe-Vernbn Bolton eatacUy the same raasons ptnhA- Kennedy Pleads for Speed ■55r Obituary RuaMa U m irdy iataraatad ta atwaya without sperifylng tha Matt particular job which such a n«nt Math ara naadedMTMr obaars JUmclr»Btrr pramotfag mors traedda and stiifa ing; for ^ipaaranoa and _ ^ Conn^icut UmlUasa futura m lih t Inclnda. Tha In addlUon. the prfaia^ t On $1.25 Hour W age Level PHNA Visits Feb. 20 Vote'Slated then, toward an avantoal greater haad table for this dinner shotfM d the epacee for tha permanent Trash Pickups Stall, Cnmitis lieraUi influence for Russia thare,. thiaga look Just Uke the head table for Denial Healih iombard Dies, taath. (Oonttanefi from Pago One) CO. m e are prastatly haadlng Ruasia’a tha Daddario affair, and It ritouM Total I9478 Yankee produca iqiproxlmately tha eama My ft-year-old-old ia coin# M Guest Conductor Store Executive On Brkndy St. School way, not ours. By A. H. O. glowfag but Impreislve aantl' (T his Ja the second in a mtfm have to hava a Molar ramoved. My l>or pomnUttoo, ooM hoorings on Manchester Vote Eyed So what haa bean going on be­ of questma aM m m *n c o 4 M t^ n a p ^ had a . apace maintaiser tlio kdmfatotmtlbn peopossto will Clifford A lbert Bombard Sr.. 76, m eats. healtli p u b lic by The Herald, la Sparks Orchestra During Year tween Ambaasadore Stavanaon and If, by any chanca, ona dfaner nit la when he lost a' Mck tooth. begin Friday, Fbb. 17, of 1066 E. Middle Tpke., retired Bolton will vote on Feb. 20 to»of basing any.conclusions on I n yVnaM October L IM there ta a parusular aad aeoes- CoeparatiUn with the Manchester Will my dauglltar neefi a spaba A total of 1,478 visits were made Trash pickups by private ool-^fanger allow the two collectom to rates alone. Relatively .spsaWnfi Zorin at tha United Nations is, should notably outaeon the other Four days of heartaga are executive of the W. T. Grant Co., see whether the town will start aaiy code ot behavior for affairs D en tal'A octety. Ih obaervAnca «* main tain ar too? Mambers of the Manches­ at Coventry homes during the past lectom fa Vemoii appoat*^ to be dump Vernon rubbish * fa those died early this morning at Man­ he told, the meeting, IfoltoA Is FliblWictf B»«r» EwU«« BxccM plainly enough, a test of whether like the taatlmoidal dfaner toOon- ta the else of the crowd attending, Naucaal Cauidran’s^Deaui Health planned one day each for tha ad- ter Civic Orchestra dtocovered towns. pisms to construct a junior high u d Salted at Uw or fa the quality ot the food, or In^ Toe, n epaca malateiiw Mmuld year by the Public Health Nursing close to an end today, witii the two chester Memorial Hospital after more able to undertaka th« pro­ at Manoheater. Conn aa or not Russia la wlUfag to make, gressman BSnlUo Q. Daddarto, re- Weric r»b. ft tiuouftli U .) mfatotration, labor, management they have talent they never S cott said that If he gi- .. .g illness. school plant on the town-owned posed school building project than - Ilfattar. elecM Democrat from Hartford the Amount ef-etlmulatloa flowing ba fasertod urban a primary mriar suspected last night when a Association. principal collectom eyeing the out­ Vernon routes, they will he opto to i^tha Congo, a'-pmetlcal and fac­ is lest premhturriy. One Of the and outside interesta to make their Mr. Bombard was New England Brandy St. school site. Manchester would be at 'tills time- County. fa the environs, or in the snepend When ebould my child l>e faken fa guest conductor put them According to the annual report come of a meeting in Manchester competitors who have dump To Counsel Parente rowaopTioN. r a t e s tual damonatntion of Its desire to rtaah and organisational craekta funcuena of the fiMt teeGi u fa views known. of Mrs. Thomas O'Brien, visiting tonight cocoemlng temporary district superintendent of the W. The date was set last night at Everybody who holds party the dentist for the first fane? through their pacu at re- pri-vlleges elsewhere. Mrs. Scott to­ T. Grant Co. for 32 years until Parents of Grade 8 .etudento at Man Improve relations with the United with which the affair is run off, or hUM the apace for the partaanmt nurse, 668 therapeutic nursing and dmnp privileges there. day said her husband has worked a special town meeting at Fiano’’s sa o o responaibUlV must attend, rit at As soon aa ha haa Ml e< his pri­ teeth. U h molar U loat prema­ Powell seid only brief new hear­ h u fo a l. hia retirement 18 years ago. He the Elementary School will'hear, M Qm Taar ...... --“HS u.oo States. la It willing to aurrender, in the amount of aubsequant pub- ings are neceasary becauae of kmg, The’baton was fa the hands 810 health supervision visits wore Speaking for collector Everett too hard building up his business Restaurant which wais attended by administrators from three aec- . Mcetba s^********** j'jd the head l^ e , aad make a apeecb mary teeth, between the ages of tu re and not repUced with a Collins, Mm. Collins said today waa bom Oct. 19, 1884 in Keea- 6;ia this plan makea ua willing to lauding the gueot of honor for his Urity notice given it. or even In and On thU ftrat yjait the detallpd hearfaga last yesr, of Vltahtoa Marijosius, con­ made. to give fa without a fight. She said 275 people. ondary schools fa a meeting Tliura- 1.! ‘ ftH a. spaca matntalaer. tha other teeth "A conscientious effort hss been is the last day her husband can ville, N.Y., lived in Hartford for surxenda;, whatever tactical ad­ paat triumphs aad hia future po- oratorical perfonnanoa or ndwa- child haa a chance to become ac­ The bill would extend the law’s ductor of' the Hartford String he will continue picking up trash many years, and had lived ta Man- day at 8 p.m. at the echo^. makfag abUity of the fueot of jkift into the empty apace. Then made to increase the services of pick up tmsh fa the rural area. as long aa he can in rural Vernon, The 2 and % hour meeting dis­ tentiallUes. But, particularly If the quainted with the denUst. Me of­ wage and hour provisions to thq Orchestra and hmd of the cheoter for 22' years. A. Raymond Rogers, principal vantages it may have fa the Con­ honor — then one camp or tha there is not iuttieient space fwr conducting department at the PHNA” Mrs. O’Brien reported. She said he collected refuse to­ but "right now, it is a day-to-day cussed the school issues but could THE PUSSB speaker ia a responalhle party fig­ fice and hie equipmant Usually tha the permanent tooth ari^it following enterprises: He waa a member of the Put- not vote on them last night. Two of Manchester High Sdwol; go? Is It wlUfag to prove its desire other winild be of special chear, fa fa 1. Any company having one or Rartt College Of Music of the In addition to the home visits, the day in a packer truck and will proposition.” nart Johnson, counselor at How­ - Iba AaaoduSr Vnm la ure, by which we mean that he dentiet wUl clean and X'^ay the the proper poetuon. The perms- leave it on the truck tonight pend­ n*n Phalanx, the City Club of petitions filed by groups apparent antttlcd to t ^ «»« ct TopoMteaHw ol for peaceful coexistence by helping The only thing lacking fa thia child's teeth. Since half ef eU S- W IL L IA M P. Q U IS H more retail dr service establish­ University of Hartford. nurse assists with well child con­ With the problem reaching cru­ Hartford, the Gi-Mter Hartford ell Cheney Technical School, and an Dowa dMpelehea crodlMd to M m ight control aome other vote^ bent teeth are crowded, b¥egular, ferences, Immunization, poUo, den­ ing the outcome of the Manchester cial proportions in Vernon, officials ly holding opposing,'views on the to make peace fa this particular than hia own fa aome future state ordeal by teetnmonial dlnnera la y «a r-^ hAva cne or more decay­ ments If the annual sales volume John Gruber, regular con­ Chsunber of Commerce, and St. Neal Landers, director of the .vo­ •at othenrtoa cSdttod tn tt o paper "crooked.” premature leaa of pri­ ' * '* n « I S e i T f c » ductor of the amatriir sym­ tal, and crippled children’s clinics, meeting. of Rockville and the Vernon Fire school question, forced a machine •ad alao n>o toeal newa pupliaM h m geographical Instance? These are convention, the charting Of such that there is no one to tell tha ed teeth. It may alao be neceaeery mary molare is not the only cause **AMCHSSTS«,eONM. to not leu than $1 million. Bartholomew’s parish. vote. ► cational agriculture program at An rlfbta ofrepabneadao o< apjetaJ country yokela. like us. Just what 2. Any enterprise having one or phonic group, said the orches­ tuberculosis and maternal health Anthony BotUcello, proprietor District have atorted a series of Rockville High School wUl de­ diapatebea herein are alao i'eaareed. the questions to be answered at the such future potj^UallUae must be for the dentist to rsstore a tooth. of this condltien. but it U the most supervision and other services such of the Sanitary Refuse Co. in that Survivors include his wife, Mrs. 'The session voted, almost with­ they are all about What la ttot The dentiet will euggeet how often more establishments engaged fa tra played better ■ tliart ..ever meetings to seek a solution. The Leona F. Moore Bombard; two scribe course offerings and re­ end of Zorin’s consultations with accomplished fa vagus aad general easUy prevented cauee. before and the musictons aa urinalysis for diabetic detec­ town, ia due to appear before the group is scheduled to meet tomor­ out comment, to Increase the ap­ rdl-*aerrica eUeat of N. E A. Sere terma Such responsibla party uV mailc word, after all? Is there the ehild should return for sub­ fifthr frien d s, liiunderfag, cleaning or clothea- sons, Clifford A. Bombard Jr. of quirements of their echooto. lc«, Xbc. his home government. recdlxed they are as good aa he tion. Manchester Board of Directora to row night with state and private propriation for welfare, in the PabUabeta Reprew ta tiTea The terance rnuat by no means e ^ o any truth fa reports that Mayor sequent oheeh-upe. repalrlng, and having annual sales WilUmantic, and Donald S. Bom­ current budget by $2,000; and to Parents wlU also have an Op­ Richard Lee . of New Haven la go­ of at least $1 million. has been telling them they ^ Well child conferences, held each ask that he be allowed to dump engfaeem and with a representa­ portunity to coneult yrlth lin . Jalta M^ewa Sp«<^ ~ **** The prospective American pro­ the understood assumption ^of Why should my chUd’s baby teeth month fa the PHNA office with Dr. trarii collected fa Vernon at the tive of a company which manu­ bard of Bolton; four daughters, transfer $1,800 from the town’s re­ Yorfc. Chleaga P e p ^ — Boaton. _ ing to afage his dfaner, when it 3. Any local transit buslnus. are. Mrs. James Haaeett of Bolton, Evelyn H al lor an and Joseph b u r e a u o r posals are. then, a test of every­ those have staged the dinner and he taken care of? HfU loee them 1ft advisable to hav. Louise G. Tobl fa charge were at-- O lcott St. du-mp. factures a type of metal rubbish serve fund to purchase a used lOtMBER AUDIT comes, fa the Tale Bowl? 4. Any establishment engaged fa After the session under the Mrs. Gordon Henry of West Palm Macione, Grade 8 teoOhers, from CIRCULATipNa. body. But first, it is to be noted, expended every effort fa make It anyhow. your insurance exacting and stimulating tehd^by 215 children. Complete OoUfas and James W. Soott of burner, thought to be at least power grader for highway use. the most manunoth affair qf its One reason is that a child's flrat H O U Y y m o D commerce not included fa the first Beach, Fla., Mrs. Herman Pass- 7:30 to 8 pjn. and'after the meet­ The HeraM Prlntln* C om p ^ , UK.. they test ourselves, end they find h ll policies e*»«ine Marijorius, one - violinist said physical examinations and Immunl- Tolland, who collect in the major temporary answer. Raymond E. Cooper was named ing untU 10:30 p.m. to help par­ ■aamea no financial reapoonlMltT (or kind ever held — said understood l a r g e s t CRATER teeth are not reMly "baby teeth, three categories if its sales volu; eatiohs are given at the clinics. portion of rural Vernon, Indicate Rockville haa a temporary agree canteli of Manchester, and Mrs. em in appearlnc ta ad- UA tentatively at least, choosing the deceased W e^of- to a t least $250,000, or, in the caas he felt he was ready for Car­ Dorian Charbonneau of Enfield; moderator of the meeting, held at ents fa deciding on their child’s assumption bring that the prime World’s largest volcanic crater since some of them remain fa hie Whenever a deformity or defect is that if BotUcello Is granted tem­ ment with Manchester, arranged fa the restauraint ballroom in view of TCftlMaiftm______and Bnci other ly a d ^ matter the only policy which can have mouth until he ia U or 12 yeera old. of construction, $350,000. A family negie Hall. two brothers, Lest«r E. Bombard future education. In The MaacheMor Evanlna Herald purpose of the dinner is fa stake Is the Valle Grande, near Los .h ie s foimd, the child is referred to the porary permission in Maiichester, the wake of the emergency creat the large crowd expected to at­ Bolletla Board long range wisdom for the Congo, out the guest of honor"! first Alamos, N. M. Measuring 16 miles At least they wUl if hia teeth art business in which all employu were r' family doctor or to a clinic that they will request similar privi­ ed by the closing of the old city of Peru, N.Y., and Roy Bombard Diapto adrertlalni eloatnc botira; of Keeavllle, N.Y., and 17 grand- tend for dlscusrion of the school Bolton Homemakera will meet which is the symbol of ail Africa— forceful claim on' one specific fu­ fa diameter, the crater encom­ properly tsiken care of. members of the family would be can help ^ situation. Assisting dump on West Rd. But rural area Ftor IbnU T—1 pjh. Erlday. leges. tolldren. issue. at the Community HoU tomorrow Mor Taeadar—1 P-»- Monday, ture honor. passes 176 square miles. Primary teeth are needed for lastly aoBc Iw*-- exempt. with these conferences are mem­ BotUcello reportedly collects has indicated it does not want to the policy of putting the United Any gaaolfae aervlee utablish- Shea, Baldwin Funeral services, will be held Board of Education Chairman from 10 o.m. to 3 p.m. nor Wedaeadai^l p,m. Toeadw. So the Daddarlo dinner, the oth­ vestM bers of the Young Mothers Club, about 26 per cent of hia trash In maintain a public trash disposal FarThnraday—1 Pl^ WwJneaday. Nations, and its concepts, ahead of •tsr-whsMw ment with annual aalea of leu than Ihursday at 8:30 a.m. at the W John Harris reported to the meet/ The Junior Fellowship of the ■ror r r t ^ —1 P.m. ThOTday. er night, was an Impresslvs and Mrs. Joseph Phelan and Mrs. Wil­ rural Vernon, the rest being service, if it can possibly he avoid­ fag that the board had voted 6-1 to Bolton Congregational Churdr wtU Fhr BatpSUT—1 ^m . rt**#r' all others. For all the nationans' itoat-wbeel $250,000 would be exempt from lard WatrouB. picked up largely in Manchester. ed. One difficulty at present is dis P. Qutoh Funeral Home, 225 Main triumphant affair; but carefully - - K .qt onfirmed as St, followed by a solemn high endorse the Bsdley Report, basis meet tonight at 7 o’clock hi tha Claatfiad~1aaBlflad deadHaeideadHae; lO-tO a-ea •— tic difficulties standing In iU way, overtime provtolona. In three faununisatkm ' clinics The pinch to being felt by Col­ posal of garbage, which officials the prcqxisal to build a' Junior KT S pphMoaMoa escapt Saturday— and discreetly refrained from ever ^ S-Tach While workers fa large retail and Mass of requiem at St. James’ ot parWi room. f a m thia prospective policy hss one putting into so many words the M pecially fo r prewocixMl children, lins and Scott becauae surrounding say could not be burned properly h l^ school. The Lkm’e Club will bold • din­ SHEARSON, — ♦»«.' ■ervlce establishmenta would be 158 children were immunized. In­ in the burner discussed earlier. Church at 9. Burial will be ta St. great initial and powerful asset. It magic name Of the particular of- H igh Justices towns have indicated they will no On request of the moderator, ner meeting tonight at 7 o’olook Taeaday, FWwtiAty T STIOO protected under the bill, no change jections against aniallpox, polio, James’ Cemetery. flee for which Daddarlo waa being Friends may toll at the funeral Town Planning Commission Chair­ at Blano’s Restaurant. happens to be rig^t. HAMMILL t CO. would bo made fa the exempt whooping co'Fgh, tetanus and dlp- man James G. Hassett reported the boomed. B ftp o rt status of hotels, motels, restaur­ (Contfaiiirt fm n Page One) home tomorrow from 2 to 5 and 7 The Woman’s Society of Chris­ A Tfst Of Ererybodf Next month, there is fa be an­ ” fjfa firm that r$$$arck theria, are given at these clinics. TPC was “strongly ta favor" erf tian Service''Of United Methodtot- Respectfully, ants and movie theaters. Dr. Robert P. Bowen, heiath di­ to 9 p m . the proposal and had voted unani- ^ fa tha paat faw dAjra there haa other of these attain which are Mialin SW Ttrtl StMS (WkMW • NmSM 1|U o n nomination of Benedict M. Holden Senator Delays Action Church will hold a work meeting “I Would, Yea” at once so purposeful and atlll so >*ersat I Minimum wage protection would rector, to fa charge. mouriy to approve it. He added, this evening at 8 o’clock at the V baan a gradnal public shApbifr of a ASK KOR YOUR COPY OF SHFARSONS FOOT bowL StarirdiTy be provided for flah procusfag Jr., of West Hartford for a 4-year Five special polio clinica were however, that he did not vote President Kennedy has given silent about their real purpose. Of church. *' praapaettva American p olicy lATESI- RESF ARCH REPORT stnKwd Bisily r’ plants, but existing overtime ex­ term aa Circuit Court Judge. The also held fa whAdi 1,117 Salk ser since his vote waa not qeeded. The S t Maurice minstrel troiips course, fa this affair, the rules D irseton um shots were given. Funerals „ toward tha criala In tha Congo suipriefag answer to the question may be violated. Somebody may, emptions for Bbch companies House vote waa 226-7, the Senate, Present at the request of the will rehearse this evening from s i i . e o would not be changed. The dental clinic waa attended On Negro as FHA Chief which may protrida a prompt taat of vriMther or not, now that he is fa an act of indiscretion, or an act 23-1. Board of Education, Edson M. 7:30 to 9 at the church halt The changes the blU would make The House adjourned for the by 3® children. This service waa Emil A. Kottke Bailey (serving as consultant to the of tha ataadfAatneaa of the Ken- President, he wilt fa the next cam of daring, utter the forbidden, Sheoisen, HommiH ft Ce. provided by the State Department CTO will meet tomorrow at 7 were endorsed by Secretary of La­ day after the approval of Holden, (Oontinned from Page One) Debut Set April 26 Funeral servlcea for Emil A. board and author of the Junior high p.m. in the church hall. Following paign, engage fa television debate magic word-out loud. H“ M-'n S‘ . Manchester WELDON MUI 60. bor Arthur J. Goldberg fa a W ter of Health. Teeth were cleaned and wady admhUatiatlon, the capacity But, if things go according to Mitchell S-U71, Mitchell AS2U. but the Senate approved four other Kottke, 23 Holl St., were held yes­ proposal) read his recommenda the instruction period, members >>^ o f our alUaa to Join ua in forgettin g with hie political opponent, in the to Kennedy, made public along with nominations. They will come up fa four fluoride treatments given. general, the House Oonimittee on The Manchester Civic Orches­ terday afternoon at Watklna-West on educational specifications ot the have been invited to attend a danot rule, the testimonial dfaner for the President's letter to Rayburn. The PHNA Is planning additional tra will make its debut Wednes­ proposed school. tha moat Immediate end elemental Bt^e of the 19M campaign. Oongreeaman • let • Lafge Frank Pltsse send year latest RtsteKk heport. •ftl MAIM the House tomorrow and all are ex­ un-American Activities, the Sen­ Funeral Home, 142 E. Center St. at Waddell School tor all CiO The answer was simply: "These changu proposed fa this pected to be iq>proved. clinics fa April and September. day, April 26, at 8:16 p.m. fa The Rev. CllffoM O. Simpson of In response to questions from the members fa the area, until 10:80 r daflaitlOB of their own national fa Kowalaki will also be a heart­ bill are comparatively modut fa The Senate approved, 28-1, the During National Diabetic De­ ate Intomai Security suboommit- the Manchester High School Center Congregational Church of­ floor he 8aid the Jtmior high was •T would, yes." warming demonatntion of the nature," Goldberg wrote. "They p.m. taraata, and tha real dlqioaitian of nomination of Frank J. Monchun, tection Week, 73 urinalysis teste tee and other groups.” auditorium. ficiated. Frederic Werner waa or­ needed at this time, among other All firemen of the Bolton Volun­ Raaaia to do atnnething reaaonable This was a reversal of every wiae fact that he has m on friends end STOCKS have been needed for a long time.” Windsor, as Circuit Court Judge. were made free of charge. Robertson weilt oh to say In the John Gruber, conductor, will reasons, to give the' pupils of admirers than almost anybody elae ganist. teer Fire Department who ore go­ prediction from political observers, jnkn^ Congreu provided a Fair Labor The Swate approved unanimous­ Hearing Slated be the piano soloist playing Burial was fa East Cemetery. Grades 7 and 8 an educaticmai pro­ " toward abating qpeeifie faatancea fa the etate and In the party, and •ONDS ,• you letter he understands it to cus­ ing to Rockville tomorrow evening who considered it roost unliktiy ^ TKt KPwnwm ______J Bank tha/ gives PLANNED S E C U R i T Standards Act more than 20 years ly the appointments of Joseph ■iTie League of Women Voters Rachmaninoffs Second Con­ Bearers were Lincoln Kean, Don­ gram '.they are now being deprived ^ ^ od world tanatoh. it will also featun speeches which tomary for such nominees to be He also mentlmied greater state should meet at the local firehouse that anybody actually ta the office MUTUAL nmo: ago to wipe out conditioiu detri­ Longo, Norwich, as Superior'Court has announced a. hearing on its certo for Plano and Orchestra. ald Kean, Walter Joyner,, Collia at 6:45 p.m. The drill 'meeting *- fa abort, JiM about everything portny hie future as Umitlees, but mental to the health and well-being judge; Michael Radin, Avon, as plan of staggered terms of office subjected to a full field investiga­ The 54-member orchestra was aid and the opportunity to gain an. of President would condescend to Goslee, David Muldoon, and Henry has been canceled. mmr ba riding on thla propoaad of workers, Goldberg said, but add­ Common Pleas Court Judge; and for local boards will be held by tion by the FBL formed last fall by Gruber. Tedford. industrial arts program the cost of which would be underwritten by Amertean poUcy. lend hla preatlge and his own im­ ed that many Americans still work John L. Sullivan Jr., West Haven, the Committee on Cities and Bor­ If It to fa order," he wrote, “I Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ portance and hia own appaal to imder the conditions Con|;reu de­ as Circuit Court Judge. All these oughs at 10 a.m. Thursday fa should like to know whether such J. Howard KelUi the state. ' Aa it haa been informally ra- Bailey also said building the ton correspondent, Xann Dtanook, a process which might wind up plored at that time. The new Con­ appointments are also full 4-year Room 411 at the State Capitol. an investigation and report were Thaw Expected Funeral services for J. Howard telephmie Mitchell S-MttS.. ^ ported, and aa tt was a little more greu, he said, must see that their terms effective on confirmation. Junior high school should satisfy getting a big audience for hie op-, How would you like All interested fa the hearing are made fa the case of this nomina­ Keith, who died Sunday night at anthoiitatlvaly deacribad by Sec- Now Quality Auto Insurance- To "Suit Every Driver wages provide f minimum living urged to attend by the local-League tion, whether such a report was. re­ In Frozen Pipe the Manchester Convalescent school building needs of the town ratarjr of State Dean Rusk in Ua ponent It has been takm afau^ stsmdard. officials. viewed, and evaluated, and whether Home, will be held Thursday at for the next 10 years under normal g;rowth conditions. ptaaa oanferanea yeaterday, the for granted that, Kennedy, mindful As a Senator from Massachusetts PoUo Returns you are entirely satisfied with the 3:80 p.m. at the Watklna-West FU' Aetna Casualty’s New Aufa- and the Democratic presidential On Bush Hill Rd. There were negative points (rf mm approadi to the problem of of the opinion of some that even Maj. Jackson A total of 88 mall returns enclos­ resulte of such Investigation, re­ Mral Home, X42 E. Center St. The Local Stocks Rtte policy to priced with to have ^$1,000.00? nominee, Kennedy steered such port, review and evaluaticm.’’ Itev. Percy^M. Spurrier of South view expressed by those who in­ tba'Ooago would .Involve backing Nixon had made a mistake fa ap­ ing donations of $182.25, have been quired "why do We need all this?” ; the very lowest, yet it of­ bUl through the Senate last A u received by Mrs. H erbert W . LoVe, Weaver. 68, now to vice chair­ Two families on Bush Hill Rd. Methodist Church will officiate. faa thdtad NaUons misaion and pearing with Kennedy, would be gust after a bitter fight. man. of trie New York City Housing Burial will be at the convenience those who questioned that the size Quotsttoiw ForaMied by . 1 fers the protection 8 out ei Hurt in Crash March of Dimes chairman. have been without piped-fa water of the student body would allow authority in tha Congo toward smart about 1M4. He refused to accept a milder Volunteer contributions at a re­ and Redevelopment board. ot the family fa Stafford Springs Coburn St Mlddlcbrook, Ine. 10 drivers want House version, remarking at the since Sunday, when the 2-inch main economy eri- Cemetery. Bank Stocks time with some confidence over hto Salvation Army Major Eric son already have received some serving their homes froze. mented "we don’t need a swim Bid Asked proceeds from a teen-agers bene­ There will be no calling hours. ming pool" (there is no mention of These would Indude a complete of attitude. Without knowing what ^ature election to the White House Jackson, 45, was scheduled to un­ publicity. Weaver has denied them The Metropool fa the prop osal); went tbrougb Kennedy’s mind aa Aetna Casualty’s famous I With the $465.36 received from categorically. dug up the. road fa several places W'Ubur Loveland Co. 60 5$ Join Our try to do It fa January.” am the result of injuries sustained Rep. Francis Walters, D-Pa., and those who asked about build' ordar of the country into an at- he gave his answer, we can apec- the mtohers’ march by the Ameri­ to find the place where the pipe is Funeral aervicee for Wilbur fag on the present Notch Rd. schotrf Hartford National Family Auto Policy can he I A number of busineu orgvUza- fa an auto accident fa upper New chairman of the un-American Ac- frozen, accoifi^ to a spokesman Loveland, 41 Elro St., were held Bank and Trust po. 46^ 49% tampt to set up a faderalised state, ulate that the main thing that hap­ Tork State last Friday. can Legion Auxiliary, the total re­ site. tailored exactly to' fit spe- ’ tlons already are gearing for UvitleB Committee said last week for the emnpahy. yesterday at the Hohnee Funeral Fire insurance Companies i They would include an attempt to pened was that he took a positive, fight against minimum wage «.X' MaJ. Jackson, son of Mr. and ceived to date is $676.68, Mrs. Love that the files o f JUs group contain Mrs. Agnes Kreysig, who claims rial needa. Money can’t buy I Mrs. Rohert Jackson, 28 Cooper stated. In the meantime the company is Hor^, 400 Mata St The Rev. Clif­ A etna F i r e ...... 99 104 disarm an factional military forces rather than a negative, view of the panslcm, particularly aa to ream ­ no taformatltm showing Weaver un­ providing the families with bottled ford O. Simpson of Center Oon- the present elementary school better protection. J St., to fa Hanover General Hospital, The Ladles’ Association of First costa the town 24 mills to op­ National F ire ...... 132 142 BOW on the looaa tn varknia sectlona poBsihUlUes Involved. ing present coverage eKemptions. fit for the housing post water. Company officials expect gregational (%urch officiated. Hartford Fire ...... 63 66 The American Retail Federa­ Silver Creek, N. T. He was driving Congregational Church will have erate, and concludes that addition o f the country. They would Include west of Buffalo enroute to Rome, Weaver backers among the the {ripe to be thawed by tonight. Burial was fa the family plot in Phoenix PMre ...... 86% 89% It la not necessary, fa othar tion, for example, fa current mem­ an ril-day work session tomorrow East Cemetery. Bearers were of a junior high plant would boost a ban and control on all fatroduc- N. T.. when the collision occurred. at the church vestry. The session Democratic Senators on the hank­ school costs to 51 mills, said last Life and iiiaemnity Ins. Oes. worda, to aaaume that a Praaident P. ft. Personal - haeked ^ oranda fa its members says "It ing committee have said they re­ Myron Ames, Lester Ames, Har­ tioo of arms from the outside ( When a car ahead of him begins at 10:30 a.m. night she did not have the figures Aetna Casualty...... 121 Bid fa office meeting the other party’s this agency and by one of dou not necessarily follow, Jiut swerved suddenly to avoid hitting a ceived Bfiiao ot tlie same com­ old Clark, Joseph Hubblard, Thom­ Aetna L ife...... 09 103 workL'And they wodld Include the because the U.S. Senate and The committee to study the con­ Philippines See as Smyth, and Albert Miller. with her to substantiate this es­ nominee fa debate would faevifably the world’e strongeat insur­ truck, Maj. Jackson’s car collided stitution of the United Church of plaints mentioned by Robertson. timate. She said she expects to Conn. General ...... 443 458 ra le ^ of the troublesome Uumum- House of Representatives each They said Weaver belonged to Members of King David tiodge lose and suffer fa the voting result. ance orgahtoations. with the truck, his parents were in Christ will meet at 8 p.m. Thurs­ publish her cost estimates before Hftd. Steam Boiler .. 97 102 ba, so that he and his faction could passed bills to extend the wage- formed. His father, a member of some ot the orgsinizations fa ques­ End of SEATO of Odd Fellows conducted a me­ Travelers ...... 103 107 It is quite possible, la it not, to ae- hour law ta 1960, that the proceu day at the parsonage on Nathan morial service, and a delegation the town votes on the school ques­ be rapraaented fa tha attempt at a the Salvation fixmy band here, has Hale Dr. tion fa the 1930’s, when he was a tions. ' PnbUo rtfUOee Bume that tha President, b le n ^ becom es autom atic fa 1061 ' been at the hd^itri fa Silver Creek New Deal official fa Washtngrton (Continued from Page One) .. from Sunset Rebekah lodge called new federaliaed regime in the Con- The Second Congregational at the fimeral home to pay re­ Bailey estimates the construc­ Conn. Light Se Power 27% 29% with the majesty of hie office and The administration bills expect­ since Sunday. long before the organizations ever tion costs of the plant proposed Church council will meet at 8 p.m. .United States, thereby bypassfag spects Friday evening. Hftd. Electric Ught 66. - 69 f go- with the knowledge of his field hie Oeeta At Uttle As ed to be Introduced on both eides Maj. Jackson suffered a concus­ Thursday fa the church basement. were included on any subversive by )iim at 4 and ^ mills on the Hartford Gas Co. ... 63 Bid TUa happens to be a- program Incumbency makea relatively easy of Congreu today will be accom­ sion. broken Jaw. broken rib and eoted 6t him, fa Powell, meanwhile, ran into dif­ pass to the right, and was'told to Cub Scouts of Pack 57 have been Mitchell, memhero of the Van­ Lumpur next weekend to Join Ma­ gregational Church will meet to­ be labeled deffaitely pro-Weatem. WHY THE “BUY $1,000 PLAN” IS 2 y e a r e $ 9 .2 3 appear fa the Manchester seSaion the kind of impression he made, we ficulty fa summoning labor union advised they may wear thelr-'unl- derbilt and Roosevelt families and layan Prime Minister Abdul Rah­ morrow at 8 p.m. at the home of Now are are, effect, offering to VALENTINE HEART! lobbyists to a morning conference, of the 12th Circuit Court Feb; 20; ■•jf fa. would incline to say that ont was T H E E A S Y , a u t o m a t i c , S Y S T E M ­ forms and are to attend the ^igUsh aristocrats, dlefd last night man and Serrano fa talks about the Mrs. Samuel McCurry, 56 E. Maple gtva up whatever struggling ad ahead of an afternoon session with Police 'said Hayes car struck the church of their choice Bunday, ta in a "nursing home. Mrii. Yaffee, a proposed group. St. Members will bring their favor­ Nixon. ATIC THRIFT RLAN. 1 y e a r $ 1 8 .9 2 . busineu organisation lobbyists, rear of a stopped car bring driven e - vantage or leverage we may . hold uniform . native of Finland, came to the ite recipes for .the cookbook the Anyway, for the future, Presi­ The purpose of the mutlngs, Pow­ by Richard C. Dubek, 17, of 21 Mile United States with her parents at club is planning. Refreshments will BOY... . tn a power politics athiggle for the Hill Rd., RockvlUe, which in turn ell said, is to cut down the time Manchester Evening H erald the age of 15. be served. . Congo in favor of a new effort to dent Kennedy has committed hfai' needed, to see all the lobbyists In- was pushed into another stopped Troop 91 Holds self, choosing, sensibly and fatelU' Coventry correspondent, F, Fan- Los Altos, Calif. — Samuel A .... Set a national regime which is dlvidurily. ' car being driven by William T. The Frank'J. Mansfield Marine WHAT A STORM... AFL-CIO president George 'Nevfas, 22, of^57 Milford Rd. line Uttle, telephone P ilg rim Ferguseq), 44, vice president and removed from all outside power gently, to regard the political op­ Court of Honor Corps League Auxiliary will meet Under the Plan, you decide how much you can deposit each week, before you start, Meany.^on learning that Powell Joseph M Dupont, 20, of 56 2-6281. general nrianager of Sylvania Elec­ tom orrow at 8.^p,m. at the Arm y ^ politics, beginning with our own. portunity Involved as greater than tric Products Co., Mountain View, ypar plan. Your “B it $1,000 Plan” passbook keeps yon straight on your course. ^IsO had invited Slmiey Zagri, leg- Woodslde St, complained of a sore More than 100, Boy Scouts and and Navy Club.' • Whether we will be accompanied, the peril. And. in such matters, the ‘wlatlve representative -of the neck as the result of a'collision on died Sunday after a long illness due their families attended the annual in thla wlUfagnesa to aurrender mood and outlook may be half the Vou always know exactly how much you've accnmiiliited.. . . how much further Teamsters Union, issued orders Wetherell St., east of Hillsto\ra Kennedys Dine to a'maliganant brain tumor. He Members of Sunset Rebekah for the AFL-CIO’s union lobbyists formerly was comnumdfag officer dinner and Court of Honor of Boy ^ partisan footholds for the estab- battle. you’ve got to go. And, at the end, there’s $1,000 in the bank— ready for you to' Rd.,. at 5:15 yeaterday afternoon Lodge will meet tomorrow at 7 because so few of you could get fo town to stay away. Zagri uld he’-' Police said Dupont’s car was struck at the Signal Corps’ Engineering Scout Troop 91 last evening at the T' Uahment of a long iange policy With Reporter p.m. at Watkins-West Funeral ttse’-o r , if you do not need it thejj, to leave bn deposit here where it will earn be on band for the labor union su by a car being driven by Louis J Field Station at White Sands, NM. Manchester Country Club, Home, 142 E. Onter St, to con­ due to the snow and the cold wbldi may make sanity for the mure interest for yon. Sion. Mega, 39, of 106 Oak St, which Springfield, Mass. — George W. Scout Leader . J. W. Mortimer duct a Memorial service for Miss " Gbagd.and indeed for all Africa, by Meany has a non-coeratlon skidded on the narrow road. Du Washington, Feb. 7 MV-Presi­ King, former football star and opened.the Court of Honor after Elsther Grace Brindle of Bolton, our aiilies is another matter. Bel- policy with the Teamsters, u long pont’s car had to be towfed away. dent and Mrs. KOhnedy dined lost coach at Holy Croea College, died the dinner, and John Urbanetti, who was a member of the lodge as the union is headed by James Three other accidents occurred yesterday at hto home after a long ' gtum, which moved back Into the night at the home of Rowland Eagle Scout, led the pledge of al- -R. Hoffa. The Teamsters were fa Manchester yesterday. Yester­ illness. King, 80, retired 20 years legfiance. ”■ The Salvation Army Songkers ^ Congo after Lumumba fell, la all Hl’ir Visit any o f the three bffices of the Savings expelled from the AFL-CIO ta Evans Jr., a Washington reporter day morning cars Ijetag driven by tor the New York Herald Tribune. ago. He became Cnuader coach fa New Scouts receiving their ten' will rehearse tonight at 7 p.m. at .. . grumbling its diq>leaaure over our Bank of Manchester' and start your Plan 1957 on grounds of being corrupt­ Mrs. Shirley S. Buhee of Montauk 1906. derfoot badges were Norman YOU GAM USE YOUR ly dominated ThoM attending the dfaner at the citadel. The atadel Band will reported plan. . SYance, with Ite HEARING AID Dr., Vernon, and '4»y -Nicholas Elvans’ Georgetown home Included New York—^Dr John W. Withers,' Sousa, Steve Obremskl, Gerald rehearse at 8 o’clock. continual fear that too much buUd- w ith o u t d d sy . Sebwalb, 58, of 85 Conway Rd., col- Secretary of Treasury and Mrs. 02, dean emeritus of New York Southergill, Eric Taylor, and Uded on Cheittnut S t, Just w est o f WORTHMORE DOLURS . up of the United Natlone in the TV*$ May Qumtuple Douglas Dillon; John Hay Whit­ Unlvendtjr’s School of Education, Terry Grant. John Knofla was Hose and Ladder Co. No. 1 will Garden S t died Sunday night to a hospital fa pinned with the second class badse meet tonight at 8 at the firehouse '' Gongo altuaticm might constitute a ney, publisher of the New York Washington—Russia’s televtoion A station wagon telng driven by Bradenton, Fla. A former faculty by his mother at Pine and Hartford^Rd. Matthew S. Wendell, 39, of Elm- Herald Tklbune, and hto wife; THURSUAY. .F R ID A Y .. .SATURDAY precedent for Algeria, is uneasy sets are upected to tacreau from Qeoige Lodge, son of Henry Cabot member of the University of Chica­ . New first class Scouts were Wood, had to be towed away as the and dubious. Y o iiP CURRKNT the present 8,000,000 or so to Ltoge, and hto wife; William go and Columbia University, Dr. Gregory Moberg, Robert Sahllts, Covenant Congregational Church quality more than 15,000,000 by 1965, ac result of a collision with a car be­ rtnally. there is the teat of Rua- ANNUAL Walton, dn artist friend of the Withers headed the NYU School of David Rowley, and John Mott' choir practice will be held at 8:30 This roee-fitrewn red satin heart woos her with luscious Savings, cording to a report In a Russian ing drivm by Mrs. Ruby E. Clough Education from 1022 until 1039 Flrat aid and citfaenship in the pjn. tomorrow. No midweek serv­ " aU which ia involved. Rueeie suf- PREMIER of East Hartford. The accident oc Kennedy’s, and an unidentified I-! Earn MVIMND ...'HAnxine. The article, translat woman guest No guest- list was when'^he retired. home merit badges were awarded ice will be held because of the r.v. fared, ia immediate surface aet- light and dark chocolates. 1 Ib^,'$2.75. Other Fanny curred on Adams St only ftO B oo ed Sy^^nited States Government announoto. to Robert ValoluUs, who also re­ misaianary service scheduled for iDon't throw Mim i away. . .thoy*r» cinoit ,*' back ia tha Congo when Lumumba, Farmer Valentines, 10^ to $5.50. Bg«n^^* predicts sUso that five At 4:40 yesterday afternoon QUEBEC RUIUMNa BURNS ceived the Life Scout .badge, the tonight at the church. ^ who had welcomed Russian advis- years from now Russia will have Long Hill Co, oil tank truck being highest award. George Katz re V. operated by Morris R. DutU, 23, of 29 RESCUED AT SEA Quebao, Feb. 7 (AV-qnebeo os good os 96M. , .yts, bring yoor¥fOIITH- ,^ era aad help, was thrown out of 160 TV stations ta operaUtm com­ Newhaven, England, Feb. 7 (Jt) ProvtBoe’s gray stone legtoUtlva celved the star scout pin, and. ‘A iSwSlyltoftI M onher cC.JfoSemj l ^ pared with tt|e present 70. Glastonbury and a car being den chief shoulder strap and war Peanut Uses Sought - powai;' and hia succeasora chaaed Deposit aimniiieoHieo Oorp. driven by Chris Stettano, 54, of —Hie Norwegian motors hip bnikUng was henvUy damaged A 4 Pm m M TiansMan'l Brsga sank In the gale-swept today by a fourth-floor Are and rant certificate were presented to MORE DOLLARS to MIRTON'S tUs THURS­ tha Raasiana out of the coun^. BEBPS HBABD WilUmantic, collided on W. Middle Robert MacAlpfae. Jerry Perries Atlanta-J^iSrowers and ehippers A Now ■snsiy Savor hotoral candies “ Tpke., east'of Homestead S t Dam Engltoh Channel, today, but two streama of watw by which fire­ of peanuts are plahning either a But Lumumba in prison seems to Norway, Feb. men finally brought the flames recelv^ the patrol leader green DAY. FRIDAY emd SATURDAY. . . UP)—Sotoattots at the Norwe- age to the car was heavy, but it sh ^ rekoned her 27 qrew and nationsd peaniit laboratory or a iuiva tneicaaad hia popular W p n .., because you want the finest two pnssengers. The French vee- under oontroL Most of tbe dam­ bars and warrant' certificate. u » ii i«—e gtoa. Teohhntoal Aeademy havp was driven on to its destiitotiofi. research inrogram stressing a ' afanj^th, and to have proved that ank of Manchester sel Rennes pidied np 11 of them age came from tha water. Tbe The Scouts repeated the Scout KWMtnAtMN'^ nuumbsM heard stgaals they say majMbe searoh for new uses for peanuts. ond nnotlier. French bont. The fire started before dawn from oath to close the. Court of Honor, he ii^ideed a factor who cannot from the WBW Bouton spatalk. Izalco, a famoua volcano in Sta Color slides ot the camping trlM Nearly Uuree fourths of a bllUon and save up to 10% d Salvador, truptedx«iven tew nfin- EnneOin, snved the other 12 from an nndetermlBed oanse la n pounds of stael^'peanuts are used '-4 ba IgMcad ia aay lasting lesolu-' 873 MAIN 8T. A spokesnms for the aeadeasy vault eontalning filea of Uw taken by U»#^boys and Itoeir f ^ - said that the Mgaals first eame utea from 1T70 until' about tw o the mglng Mnik The l,S71-ton in tile United Stetos annually for M tiaa of tha troubles fa the Ooiigo. Bngh rogtoterod tn Oslo, wns OohmtoaUon, Laoda and Fbrasta erii and a fUm of the skiing trip LENOX PHARMACY ytan------Tlmn, ago- Th to tha dtomay of to 'thq BerkUilrea ' takso b y the maiHitacturiag putpoees, chiefly fa raaiity, than, things have been wvpriatoia o t' a now hotel feomsd fo r Sontliniitt^aa from aad Labor du|iayltinanto. Many QuIm’s Pharmacy old noofds wata ~ Senior Scout were shown. tar butter, ou, and canfly. awtngfag Rusala’s way in the Con­ m c. CBfrai s t . M l ■Bgktty hamial tta Mato fofoi r the fihoar, it qu ■Id Dieppe. go again, beneath the auzfaoeh'gad ’’ PhoM Ml 3^136 IMWATS fUNTT fi« PARfONa i -V- 7 ^ - ^ ■ o . ,y

. .A


MANCHESTER EVEOTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1961 their Shsre fisuls tor vtotattons PAGE SIX Harrlaon, waa affeetad by aawli RoekviUe-Vernon RackviUe^Vernon that occur outside the oUf areas,’* I OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORB PUZZ*^ s u i t e N e w s in tha Hartford blaae, |mt was dta-1 New Snow Hite he noted. 'w i , HALL FOR BU6GS BUMNT charlrod after .treatment At Mc­ The bill, if a^^proved, wbuiii. af­ F o r paritoa Cook Hoapltal.1 fect the state as a whole not mere­ OKK/.HJL Plains Region, TaxeiSj, Not Special Charges^ G reuit Fines ly , RoricvlUe and Vernon. How­ ea faeUWea. Uwga .ilT ^ o irr WHATa Roundup Accident Totals i ^ , ever, ta most cases of towns wtdch parkbig lot I AN'...ULPl.~ IPO? HCS'~v ? /AKTSa HAK>RUMPM! VilSran Actor contain cities, the' town govern­ “ 'ZIPPER'S ^ s ™ i h To Special Services For City Use ments support the Circuit Court loqulre U tliw 8W |l^ STUCK wopMiu^VTaane -Vbrypunmy . Motor Vehicle bepartoent’a dally Reflect CYEEMNWIA tHOE6D/H9R < ICOOM WKWir^ « fraai Pat* 0*a) record of automobile accidents as seats. 'Yemon is file excepfion. The li ooLWAY anuuB ^ tMMMiDHtI llbURMrOK- of last midnight and the totals on The cost of special services InAthought the amount seemed a rea- Circuit Court faciUUes .are pro­ HUFSBH9R6, t t tlia Bronton Library after City (Continued from Page One) Not Opposed vided by the city at City Hall. fc r m SUMS » Ctork Cheater Langlala announced the same date last yesr: Vernon, under a consolidation form •onable one Eas-84MAflMrBrJE. pur THIS ISTHC IMaHSUAlXHTK •oSSitoMSPi IQflO 1961 and Kentucky while rain fell from Lehan said it will cost him $400 At present, one-third of certain nitPTtlMSHSItl MlMdto—ii* he had read it without moving hia of government will be borne by •There was no apposition ex- fines collected ta the court is CWER (TONIMeMEAO lipA or uttaring a aound. Accidents...... 8,736 3,492 (Bst.) the lower MiselsSippI Valley to the ta the spring to repair his present Killed ...... 19 16 South Atlantic states. the reeidents using those eervicca, septic tank system. prsssed yesterday to a bill before turned over to the town. No rev­ 0UARRPLSO ISAtkM Oemocratlo Majority Leader enue goes to the city. u~______Injured ...... 2 ,0 8 8 1,969 (B st) A mixture of rain and snow but the cost wUl be reflected in -- Am TWtof t the General Assembly which vmati CUTTUtaAN Peter Marcuee aaid the law calla slicked a western nme that extend-r The Rock^le Area Family for tha atatement to be read at an taxes instead 'ot through special would provide that a portion of If ed from western Montana through Campers’ Association vdll meet fines collected ta the Rockville open mMUng of th Storm Deaths at 10 aasessments or service chargee. Tax Thiols Speeded E V r y Chid' i Idaho into Nevads Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Lottie Cfircult- Court be turned over to ttisr****^ i5s £ L not apeclfy that it be read aloud. New Haven, Feb; 7 (IP)—Shovels This conchisiott, actually reached Fisk Memorial Building ta Henry The Republicans went along with and ploWa stiU ware the order of Texas had snow as far south as the city Instead ot the town ot Washington — The govemmenL Eagle PaasT near Laredo, where in earlier meetings,, .wes spelled Park. Vernon. pushing Its cases faster than at IL the day as Connecticut emerged out in more detafi last night at a A business meeting will be held UtSff22?* MftSwttw from under its thickest snow I ■now la rare. Schools were cloeed The bill, introduced by Vernon any other time ta 10 years, won 71 ' in scores of communities in Texas. meeting of members of Vernon’s and children are asked to bring Rep. ,Gerald Alien, wa# open to per cent of all civil tax suits dur­ P A C E M A h. i- f ■ BY V. T. HAMLIN NHRR Aid Urged blanket so far this winter. three governments studytag con­ material to make valentines. pubUc airing yesterday before the The death toll attributed to the Clear skies brought relief to the ing fiscal 1960. In only 88 in­ ALLY OOP northeastern states, .victims of the solidation. The meeting, originally sched­ Judiciary committee of the state stances did government lawyers tHMDWMHT^au MESNOn , Boston, Feb. 7 {IP)—New Eng­ storm rose to 10. All of the deaths, , _ . ____ ...... uled for last Sunday, was post 98 A sM - land’s six governors favor relief were due to heart attacks brought weekend storm that left snow as Only six of the study group leglalature. request more time to answer tax­ SMD-AWUEMi'nU. MUtftoCSeot) poned- due. to the storm. Allen, Rep. Raymond El. Spiel- payers’ suits compared with 2,000 MPUSUMPM; THAT ------UUmymtm measures for the financially trou­ on hv over-exertion M**P “ Inche®- were present last night, three Banking Hours Changed bled H6w Haven Railroad and re­ A lf major highways were report- ^ The seven s ^ e a ^ Rockville aldermen and three man, City Corporatidn Counsel such extensions ta 1952. The aver­ will do -il-. b The Rockville branch of the Con­ arvey-A. Yonce, and Atty. Her- age case is now processed ta half S S fW S l? ^ SSSSttAiAh* 1 r r r ■ tiaju aiijia peal of federal excise taxes on ed in g ^ condlUon by State Po- Vernon Fire TOUtrict Commission necticut Bank and Trust Co. h u K A PHONY! cdipk transportation. ere. 1110 three governments at full irt JMannabury, spoke briefly ta the time taken in 1952. S l f S S c n ^ (T changt^ its banking hours and will Sfavor of the measure. - MMiBMAwitA A t their regular conference yes­ w.'reSed*^'”’""" etrengrth contain 22 members. now be open Monday through Fri- terday they also favored a study State ^Highway OommUsloner | exertion against the Illness and mid-winter vaca­ Etannabury read a statement by IT day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m Rockville Mayor .Leo B. Flaherty to i nc11.'Cl s< M & n P % ftap w c i foreign. imports as they affect Howard S. Ives, in response to drifts. tions have cut into attendance to The^ bank /om erly closed at iMUd the area’oj industries. The Connecticut forecast: a degree. Jr., , now on vaoatlon in Florida. IT pleas by town officials, dispatched Con- p.m. >4inntwogitt snow clearing equipment to the Hartford, Springfield; all The; ma}ror pointed out that the Notice !4lUbami1tiM Gov. John A. Volpe of Massa­ Discussion of the payment for Also, an additional period from bill, which does not single out s MHtlTMiatt;— chusetts said relief for the New BethienemBSweh“m areaaria tato betaneip Clear snarl tonight, *°"®» not f^ ^ much P V ^ ^ tempera­ th e m - special serviees came as the of­ 3:80 to 4:40 p.m. has been set for HriMoaTV Rockville and VemtteArii Others participating were Govs. temperature. Low generally 10 to , than —— area, and reported that it appear­ 20 above. Wednesday cloudy with cate the amount each-sewer user, ville, tomorrow starting at 11 lum. BY AL VERMEER t e n M t e John Dm psey of Connecticut, ed to be the moat critical spot in for example, would be required to The martcet is at 42 Windsor Ave, PRISCILLA’S POP Wesley Powell of New Hampshire, a chance of snow developing be­ Onr PI M lniaM i the state. coming mixed with or changing to pay as part of his tax bill for the Hospital Notes AREA E a s fw r n ------UGiMkMtOT John Reed of Maine and F. Ray sewer privilege. Admitted Monday: Mrs. Lena nSidUanvOlcaao Keyser of Vermont rain near the Sound. High Wednes­ Personal Notices •SBanMdata Seek Army Contract day around 35 degrees. Also, (he study group reached Bridge, 144 E. Mata St.; Mrs S t a t a s 'The conference urged President Helen Kunkel, 5 McKnlght Cir. 6 4 H «in y — r . Kennedy and New England con­ Bloomfield, Feb. T (IP) — The Winds for all sones—^llght vari­ agreement that -candidates for the LENOX vidtoalar able tonight and light northeaster­ consolidated town’s board of direc­ Mrs. Ruth Barber, 1 Warren Ave In Memoriam FARMiRS' IXCHANC PBOpiaa^^ gressmen to accelerate the inter­ Kaman Aircraft Company has Join­ tors would be elected by the voters Vernon, In loving memory ofx Martha Wilson peSw^ilaM state highway program. ed with Grumman Eng;ineering of ly Wednesday. Scott, who passed away February 7. Schools In New York, closed Mon­ within the districts from which Blrtha Monday: A daughter to PHARMACY > P0> Subjects considered included Bethpage, N. Y., in the competi­ they would come. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Descavich, 1960. cost of participation in the New tion for a large army helicopter day by the anow, reopened an hour Chairman Donald B. Loverta ear- 10 West St.; a daught^ to Mr. Away In God’s beautiful garden. York World’s Fair In 1956 estab- contract. later than usual today. In the valley of peace so fair. 299 E. CENTER ST. ToHoncI Torapika SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O ^ A L Her proposed that directors be and Mrs. Geoige Cook, Maple St., liidiment o f Joint tourist bureaus in The two companies said in a While the Northeast ^ struggled Borne day some time when toil la o'er, TEL. Ml 9-0896 Buckkind • Ml 3-5123 New York and Cleveland, a New elected on a townwide basis, al­ Vernon. We'll meet our loved on« there. joint announcement yesterday that with snow, Midwest water traffic Discharged Monday: Donna England compact for Joint use of labored against ice floes that jam­ though the directors would still Husband, children and brother. correctional institutions, and a con­ Kaman would supply the major represent particular electoral dis­ Crockett, 5 Latu-el St.; Michael production facilities, while Grum­ med the Great Lakes and the Ohio Judge, 17 Woodland St.; Richard stitutional amendment to permit River. Ice Jams closed four' dams tricts set up within the town. residents of the District of Colum­ man will contribm^ engineering Majority opinion, however, Johnson, Main St., Broad Brook. Ha «ay« wa novor But I «kjrrt tNrik ^ I olwayc.raad and production assistance, if they on 70 miles of the Ohio River. A favored voting by district. Com th in »« bia to {vote in presidential elec­ spokesman of the U.S. Engineers children nowadays that's truaStaU tions % win the contract. missloners Erwin bury and Vernon and TaloottviUe news Is D offthavB e n o o ^ Bocauso;^ os you ^ Baj^ra^^watch The contract, expected to be one Bald it was very difficult to move JNE ganlzation, said today. and Montana. Snow fell on the two In the fire district and two in and Governmental Functions Com­ higher elevations. trie department at an Army hoa-1 2 :Z . mittee yesterday. H m tCPKC," reporting on a re the city. pitidta Tokyo, Japan. He ta now di­ O © m cent study, said that by the end The Weather Bureau reported a Elections and special use taxes 18 eonadantioua, hard working, and a monay The bills are strongly backed by temperature picture that almost rector of mental health in the state | BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD 00 g-r the Connecticut Chiefs of Police of Jtme, the tax will have brought were the two items covered last of Hawaii. Hia talk discusses re- JUDD SAXON , Mvtr, out I guoM thaPs battar than no ataady at alll'' In more than $760 mllUon. ivas a carbon copy o f low marks nighL XJUSTMOMTHEPR kS SSS SZSZE Association, the State Police and 24 hours earlier. Readings gmi- actiona ahd experiencea of Korean I Y During the current fiscal year, The cost of special services, such War priaoners released from Chi-1 TO HMUae.. other police offlciala CPEC predicts, the tax will bring erally were below the *re«*tag as sewers, street lights, and side­ *. __ __ I #A«» AA« nese-Conununlst prisem cainps. ( All the bills would restrict wire­ in about $86 million. point except for marks in the 40s walks, -has received attention in a LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON tapping to InveaUgaUods of and 50s in the west from Wash­ number of meetings, because the ..f crimes dealing with -kidnaping, ington and Idaho southward and group has felt cost to the taxpayer prostitution, organised gambling, in the southeast states. Tempera­ is one of the key issues of consoli­ bribery in sporta lotteries, pool K of C to Honor tures in the 60s and around 70 dation. RUG and selling and narcotics violations. occurred in central and southern If'all people who are served by Similar bills died in committee in Veteran Members Florida. sewer, for instance, pay a few dol­ the 1959 session. Readings around zero were sc^ - lars more in taxes each year than UPHOLSTERY Two men who have contributed tered through the north central the people not served by sewer, Fire Probed greatly to Campbell Council, and northeastern areas of the na­ the situation will be fair and will Mlddlefield, Feb. 7 (ff)—Fire of­ Knights o f Columbus over the tion. meet general approval within the CLEANING ficials today began probing for years, will be honored Monday town, the group agreed. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY - ALL BEEF HAMBURG 2 -7 clues to learn the cause of a fire night at the KofC Home. The Rev. State Youth Missing Using present flares, McCarthy TEL. Ml 9-1752 that raced through the Rogers Joseph Farrell, past council chap­ pointed out that residents outside B. C. BY JOHNNY HART Manufacturing Co. yesterday, lain, and Joseph McCarthy, imme Monterey, Calif., Feb. 7 (IP) — of the present city limits pay a fiat or causing an estimated $400,000 in diate past grand knight, will be Robert Lewis, 21, Darien, Otonn., a sewer fee of $35 a year when they M l 3-5747 BY ROY CRANE damages. the guests, James Tierney an­ student at the Army Lang;uage tie ta to' the system. Actually, he GROUND BEEF49 BUZZ SAWYER About 175 firemen from Middle- nounced today. Tierney and Rich­ School, was missing and presumed said, the amount paid each year as ard Jarvis are serving as co-chair­ part of taxes might -be less than vn sn ruatoPHOYimiiVisromtaMj field, Westfield and Durham bat­ drowned after he plimged into Garner's SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY HEAVY STEER BEEF, lONE-IN I X wpriae«v«uaKaMmaHMia,iHK m tled for several hours before ex­ men. treacherous currents off Oarmel thkt iwaBTtBiawvtTwowwpoaiANDaoa All 5ST» VOU PKYMI ^ - ■< A buffet dinner will be served Loverin said he felt that septic H (H I> ! 1 6,000,ll0ia KOMPOUMS / HMM!»X OSNfr tinguishing the stubborn blaze at Beach In a futile attempt to save 'HMTIllPNOWinuaR. How(’ X PfuvcR'iou I EXPccnom' the plastic manufacturing plant. at 6:30. Tickets are now available another soldier. tanks can cost that much and more \V, (iUi- (Iruii « < X A « TONIfiHT. ^ U K T U . ORWIIK, Both of the company's struc­ at the KofC Home or from any The body of the soldier. Special­ over a period of years and he OlsAi a «M|ma tures—one of concrete and one of committee member. ist 4C. David J. Bays, Osstaeke, frame—were razed. One month from Monday night, RIBSTEAK Mich., was recovered. Elsewhere in the state, a X-alarm March 18, the annual KofC Irish- Sports Night program will be held Lewis is the son of Robert E. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY HEAVY STEER BEEF, BONE-IN fire caused an estimated $100,000 in I>wis Sr., also of Darien. « damages to the Elmplre Bales Inc., with Edson Bailey the honored gueat. Bailey is the retired Man­ licwis waa graduated from Yale a furniture store In Norwalk’s main last year and had been atudytag business district. In Hartford, at chester High School principal. Joseph McCarthy and Daniel German at the Atmy Language INVITATION least three families were rendered School at the Ptesldlo of Mon­ L6 m homeless by a house fire. Carey will co-chairman the March A wann welcome awaits any investor XHUCILSTEftK 59 f l •aMfwea** A 2-month-old. baby, Kenneth affair. terey. r ’ ^ to our new office. Drop in, won't you? MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLl m SUPER-RIGHT Q i/a L1TY HEAVY STEER BEEF A’ac J ALMoer, HM— THIS ARTICLE SAYS NOW HE TELLS M E/ Open Thursday evenings 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Steaks TOP ROUND OR CUBE ARE VQU ALMOST MORTY. JO Sr THAT MORETHAN SO% OP MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD F1NISHEOSHAVINO, HAVE TO TRIM THE ACaOENTO INTHE and Saturday until noon. ^ MR.PUDLEY7 T H E O U ' HOME H APPEN S FRESH FRONT STRAIGHT lisW MUSTACHE.- THE BATHROOM. Pot Roast CUT LB I CUT SAVrtE'S BRISKET HIDING PIJTOAM & CO. SOMEWHEMl DfflVTiN Mtmbmrs Now York Slock Exchange London Broil - Shoulder Steak Super-Right Quality lb 462 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER yiiASfcnnnn. • MANCMsnt • mr Mis-iisi CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAYS Jonwr 7. Blair • Robert H, Slarkol Super-Right Quality Chuck Roost Heavy Steer Beef,-Bone-In lb TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY— FEB. 7-8-9 CMAU3ptaci SFECIAL Super-Right __ Boneless Stew Beef Quality lb CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER “WHERE MWELS R A R TO TREAD” - ■ONE- PAPRIVEii aaiAiOBTRID FdlV Boiling iO NE- Via HEP IE O P P » P » T l Plate Beef Super-Right IN . ' LESS lb MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY POrMSTAIRS 110*0- SORE i RUSH IN WHEN RIRHT 19 VaSYOXL DOG ’n SHAKE WSJ, I D«meNOW-PUTrT TRUNK- SUPER-RIGHT Bottom Round Roost u95^ MRABBiNATHY LETb S O M EPLA C E w h e r e A U O P COFFEE SHOP COMBINATI In a paid ad ta Friday’s Herald I threw the spotlight on the Beef Kidneys QUAIITY MTEMPUhneECMiLSEEn: utterly indefensible fact that users of electricity in Manchester ' w here SHALL cannot replace their burned out bulbs at no cost as is done ta Short Ribs of Beef Sirloin Tip Roost 2*r*#s) u 95 XPUTTHJS other cities served by the same utility company. NEW Sliced Beef live r FlonkStook «99= BULLETIN Let no one think 1 hpve any other gripe against this utility BOARD? nompahy for only list week as in every quarter I cashed a,, BONE Portorhouso Stook u99® sisable dividend check from this same company, but my fi- Ceiitor Cut Shins IN . nancUfi Interest in that company will not deter me from appeal­ Ground Round Stook u99^ ing to toe Public Utilities Commission unless Manchester folk Boiling Boef SONEIN get toe same “ no-charge” service on new bulto as do residents o f adjacent cltiea Cm a Lm I Roaf Tonouos Boof Shoulder Roost u 99^ I personally paid toe bill for toe removal of illegal tolls on toe Famy Briikrt ‘S S S " u,'49' F«t Rump Roast Hartford bridgea. I am willing to spend, a little more in the elec­ a*7 tric light bulb fight though I will act aa my own attorney ta Rib Roost " r 75*^ Bottom Round Stook JEFF COBB BY PETE HOFFMAN Both that hearing. > THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE :K. BY WILSON SCRUGGS SUPER-RIGHT OH, BUT BYTHEVy/yW, ■-.a FRESH IRISKCT AQC Our representatlvea ta the ge^ral aaaembly release news Eye of Round Q UAIITY I 'tism FRCM A.BBXBI tCdyH looj -4 ARE V/E GETTING Pot Roost wHoiE .u ov CLOSE TO THE For atoriM purporting to show, that / great solicitude tor Manchester ; VDUR SON SCCMSIDBEAa SO-CALLED people. Where were t o e y m t o e bridge tolls fight? Why •Ujto’L iontloss Chock Roost» 79^ Bock Romp Roost ^MMITOE they come up with a ptoftest about charges for electric light (Chicktn WATH9 'bulbs? Ground Chuck U 7 9 ' Blodo StiMk . STEAI9 H FANCY BRISKET And if they w int to really to something for people all over toe Portorhouso r U N K U S I .state let them substitute empty platitudes with a fight for toe Corned Boof WPIOLE u79= removal ef too salM tax on funerals and monuments and like­ Boneless Club Stook wise on drugs not prsscrlbed t v a physician! Only a nlt-wlt Corned B6of straight cur would voto for a Mdes tax on funerals, monumenta and toe drugs SUPER-RIGHT letted. , SMoin Stook '•auxOct a 9 5 ' Sirloin Stook iomum 95^ >G|liiionico Stook Willard Rogers Top Round Roost t. M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. T U ^ A Y , FEBRUARY’?, 19^1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1961 PAQB PAGE EIGHT I III- II'..... vi'Biia

St. Bonaventure. St. John’s Accept Tourn^ Berths THE . ^ ^ * , . , ' ■ I American League for lh Season April Herald 60 -A Buckeyes Handle Indiana with Ease ' E A R L Y d S T New ScHedule Sportfi Editor lasewhere in the Big Bight, N aw VorV F aH 7 /A>V->Two^«tut of a wlnnliuf atnak that nowfatrong'isu vaa^ bid B#6u for« w a thom s v BouthMstaratp9WWMMV«Miiva«a A» a reauU of Indiana’! dafoat,f Calls for 162 rnew I ora , r e o . i \ ir } xwgy^^haa------reached- 32 games. Conference crown hby . ..Mwhipping .n w pTu- ... punjue movad Into a third placa Iowa BtaU used sure outside Turofi Down.Offer* «• Golf Pro Eastern teams, St. Bonaven* lane,-73-59, on a 28-polnt perform­ in tha BUf Tea ataadlnga with a shooting to end a three-frame k>s- fWauri— seven conference victories, "tegitreek'w itii an 80-W victory Although h€ has been offered attractive positions as a golf ture and St. John’s ' " the Buckeyes appear ,to have a ance by Jerry Graves whlls Ten­ 96-7® tHumiphmuiniph over last-ISace Contests Each York) already have accepted nessee knocked once-threatening Michigan, gahted largely by sink­ over Oklahoma State and OkU- profesBiopal, Manchester’s Bill Thornton reported during a latch on their second straight Big hpma downed Nebraska, 69-58. ilaces in the National Col* Ten' title. Only one other confer^ Florida down into.,*, second-place ing 40 of 48 free throws. Biinois recent visit home that he is undecided on what course to foj- Boston Feb. 7 (/P)— The ex­ OHUROH TENPIN HAPPY HOUDAT8 ence teain, lovra, has lost fewer tie with VaiMerblit. ’Teimessee also passed the Hoosiera by de­ St. Bonaventure topped 100 jow in his chosen profession. The former Manchester High Standings Standings iegiate Basketball Champion- handed Florida its second straij^t feating Wisconsin, 77-73. In a non- points for the fourth Ume this panded Ameri<»n League W. W,i I* tfUp Toumamant And thay might than two games. and Mt. Hermon golfing whiz feels that he possesses all the The situation was somewhat dif­ loss, 83-68; Vandy beat Alabama, conference game, Michigan State season as s ^ Freddy Cimwford opens its 60th baseball season Wapping No. 2 ....1 6 Angels ...... 10 . 8 aa wall reaarva a apot for Ohio .73-70. In another SBC , surprise, beat Notre Dame, 80-74, ending a scored 86 points and Tom Stlth 33. tfualifications of being a full-time golf pro, with tlwrexception So. Meth. No. 1 ...... 16 Shamrocks ...... 9 3 State, even though tha Big Ten ferent In two ot>


P A C E T E N Suburban For Sale 75 Hehron Rowap Withoat Botfd 59 Houses For Sate 72’^ Columhia Letters Said Key THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW BY PAGALT and SHORTEN Police Arrests Dimes March Household Services SOUTH WINDSOR —602 Orohom ITORAQB ^plsnty to this Jewel of TO 8BITUD estate -rSaMmably Offered IS-A Rd. One year eld, OH room ranch, a ranch home to Jervis Acres. priced 6 room house, mein high­ ! Uizzard Timely Church (jK>ers In Radio Policy minute **o« *t. Light ottochop 0 M«e, h m ^lrome< Mors Uvtog space than you would way. three acres of lend, newly Julie Kogon, 42, of New Haven Sweeps Past FLAV FDnSB wtndpw keeping, woman on^. Ml dloto oocupiiw I ^ ^ e tor ever dream possible at the pricia. decorated, new heating system. Slowed by Snow ‘'Letters are more Important to was arrested "lost night on a war­ W him tWMRV IM f/OMMGIM « B tff M6» MCH NTMI iMtMIM MMUM MO C U MI 8-2785 week days. For Clearing Job CLASSIFIED abadia idade to iheawro. AU WANTBD-Womaa to ehara, tom couple or smoU (omUy. SHA morU Attached garage end full hose- ray radio station than the public rant charging him with two counts metal venetiaii bUnda at a naV VQVADIOm ITlillF/MIHimUBt “ NttlPLLTWWWlOlTMglTWTHHlM. ment. Reduced $1,600 for quick of fraudulently issuing a check. - - 1960^s Goal room uMtftmtnt txpiOMPi gage poeslble with a 9t >000 down Columbia, Feh. 8—Saturday’s Sevejdl more inches of snow realizes,” Ivor Hugh of radio, sta­ low price. .Keys made whUe you payment. Florence Realty, MI ools to 317,900. Call Mrs. Megonl- He was released under $400 bond •MfiOYMeHIHVfU' r00N*TYM»f,O0e S M a t o « . m A82M after 5. v^Wantod^RealEstote 77 blizzard, bringing snow said by d on top of previous ”bllz- tion WCOC told members of the wait. Mariow’a. le. The Jarvis Realty Co., Ml Ssturday and Sunday morn- for appearance in the Manchester Although 100 voIuntMM srs^itil MMIMMMdYaufMj XVI LIMMffil u m -4112, PI 2-8311. some o f the older Vealdents to top Cbaminade Musical Club last night. ADVERTISING DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Oom- AUMirfllOUHNTV MMIONillMOMr pmWIBHBD light h o u i^ e e p ^ f AtFtE'YOU considering selUng your any they hod ever seen here, was _ brought the total up to over a session of the 12th Circuit Court to be heard from, the lefil: Moftisfs M M l 56 BLWOOD ROAD-Oolonlai, l«rga pany doors and wlndofwt. cus^m NOTOITA o a m m t T P M mrr>. OOTAMUIM'niMH room. Ideal for working lady. MI home? CsU us tor personoihMd conveniently timed to give the most foot of snow still on the ground. ” If y more Information coll Mr, Werb- workers but melted snow to s point St. Andrew’s 6:30 a.m. Saturday director for the FM station, dis­ The warrant for Kogon’s arrest $250, she said, with more to aano. placements. umbreuas repaired, Joseph Barth, Broker. MONDAT 1to« FBIDAI lOa# AJI.—SATUBDAI • AJW. 680.' 8 room ranch, large Uving ner. The Jarria Realty Co., MI where most of the main highways meeting was omitted. cussed "Notes on Music in Radio.” was issued by the Manchester Mrs. Finlay aleo said it appests men's shirt coUara reversed and SEVEN ROOMS in duplex, room, cabinet kitchen, 0 bed­ . 94112, MI 8-7847. ARE YOU having trouble selling were bare. The Hebron rad Gilead Congre­ A West Hartford resident, he is Town Court on Dec. 22, 1960. that'the overall total in the -New replaced. Maiiow’a Little Maid­ heat, parUng. Ml AlOlO. gational Churches were also o^n rooms, 1H% mortiMM con ho your property? SeU it direct. Hava The road workers, who had been formerly of Manchester. Sarino Malinguaggio, 43. of 37 March of Dimes' campaign in PLEASE READ YOUR AD ing Shop. iJffit'S m AAe MOM glad by buy- 'With good attendance, considering GENERAL RENTAL agency.. assumed. Morion E. Robertson, ready cash waiting. CaU Ml out around the clock rad then He studied cello at the Royal Seaman Circle, was charged last Manchester this year -will' tiqp — iw-j ar ~Waat Ad«* m f talwi over Ibe P ^ " ing her' this chormtog * t room the weather. RMlty, 370 Main Street, Broker. MI 8-0808. 8-8196. some, got some rest Sunday. But College of Music in London, rad night with allowing his dog to 1960’s overall total o f $ld,09$Jl. H m adverttMC ohoold read his ad the FIBST DAT IT Cime. fMl dormer, rad 1% baths roam, and was told to appear in X m A B S Md REPOST ERRORS im time tor the oext la ^ 8-5139. they were back at it again in the ‘Clossee Resume has also studied violin with Harold Mothers March 'volunteera WtM BoildiiiF'ContnctiBt 14 J_ 313,600—SIX room cepe, full base­ on Ardmore Road. Even your par IF YOU ARE considering scUtog The sixth grade square dancing the Manchester session of the 12th Tte Herald Is reopoaslhle for onij ONB loeorrect or om itM afternoon. Berkeley in Hartford. ha.ve not yet made their returns R O C K V IL L B :^ Grove St. WeU ment, combination windows and wUl be happy in the large garage. your home, please coll us. We buy classes were'resumed today through Circuit Coiiri on Feb. 20. are asked to call or deltver their teaerttoa for aay adverttsemeat aad then oaly to the M tentof a Early in. the morning State Besldee his radio activities, Hugh h. A DION, (NC. Rooflna, siding, heated two room tumldied apart' doors, smesite drive, shade trees, Priced to seU at 316,800; Call The rad eelL J. D. Realty, 470 Mato Guest Lecturer February and March, at the He- .. --- piUntlng. Carpentry. Anaratkyia ’Trooper Frank Pitch got stuck in writes for “isek and Jill” maga­ envelopes to Mrs. Finlay at 44 M_a||a rood" fassertloB. Errors which do aot leosea the vahie of ment, TR A909B. 80 days occupancy. Marior, B,. Jarvis Realty Co., 283 E. Center St., M l 8-5129. Call ray time. The adult education committee b/on elementary school. Instruc­ Greenwood Dr. thoadvOTttoemeet wOI aot he corrected by “make »ood” Inserttoa. the heavy, deep snow just south of zine, rad he annotates the chil­ and aiWtioos. CeUlngs. Workman­ Robenaon, BrtUier. Ml 8-8988. St., MI 8-4112.______of Temple Beth Sholom will tors ere Mrs. Edward A. Foots, Staunch Supporter ship guaranteed. 3M Autumn SL five room Chestnut Hill Synagogue. A state dren’s concerts of the Hartford NEW, FIRST floor, present John- Roy Oarlson, writer, Mrs. John Stbuh rad Mrs. Harvey Symphony. He is on the music staff MI 3-4860. sponment, buUt-to and I MANCHESTER — 7 room Cape, F o r t h e MOST for your housing Legal Notice road truck was sent to his aid—but . Only person to vote Republican In family room, modera Utohen, 8. dollar, be.'sure to see this charm' it got in even deeper. Numerous lecturer rad veteran observer, on lipptocott. Tuesday will be the day of Renbro<^ School, and has con­ Autsies Send Whitky range, $120. M l 8-3878. Jackson County, Mo., In the pres­ Diol Ml 3-2711 BID WELL HOME Improve bedrooms, reo room, garage. Good ing 7 room Colonial on Perkins cars piled up behind them. Sunday at 8:15 p.m. in the Temple for Seaslont. ducted a class in music apprecia­ UQUOa PEBJUX idential election of 1860 Was W il­ Co. Alterations, additions, ga­ FDR RENT—Three large rooms, lot with trees; Om bloek to St. This home was designed for NOTICE OF APmOATION. ’The state sent a payloader down vestry as the first in its fifth an­ tion at the 'YMCA in Hartford for Canberra—Australia has beran liam Gilpin.' He voted for Abraham rages. itooflng and siding experts kitehenette,. bstto porCh, free ochoola, shopping and bus, 818,900. comfortable living rad buUt to a of fu K^'bSw^Roid.'^^t to help the truck out but it was un­ nual lecture series. Menebester Evening Herald He- 13 years. H* also plays Flippy the exporting whisky to the Uiutod "Powder Kegs of the Middle broa correspondent, Susan B. Clown on television. Lincoln, who rewarded him by'ap- States. A three-year test of mfur» Lost and Found Automobiles for Sale Aluminum cl^boards a spedalty. parking, 389.60. The Royal Store, PhUbriek Agency, Ml 9-8464, fine home area. Asking under Hartford. Conn.. hav« tiled an appll- successful. Later in the morning UnexceUed workmanahlp. Easy 7 Pork St., RockvUle. After hours $20,000. For information call The cation dated Jan. 1», 1941. with Ihr Pskulls Farm Supply sent a large East” will be Carlson’s subject. He Pendleton, iriephone AOademy He la married, rad has three I pointing him as the first territorial ket reaction to the new export 1958 FORD convertible, 35,000 budget terms Ml IW or TR TR 8-7116 or TR 6-4884. {MANCHESTER - Ooloiilal, 0 opo- bos won a wide reputation for Ms 8-8454. sons. 'governor of Colorado. xbegan late last. year. . . t/JST—Silver charm bracelet with -t . ^ GroceryG & ‘^S«^‘p.SS“fA e Of bulldozer down to the Fox farm __ Dutch charma. _Reward. . MI mUes, new whitewall tires, excel S0109. cloua rooms, largo Uvtog room 9-1200, MI 8-7847, PI 2-8311. alcoholic liquor jm_Ute nremlaea Fonu- to rescue one of its own trucks exposes of "hate fronts" in Tent condition, radio. Sacrifice ROCKVILLE — See us tor your I8c«;> famtty sue tils lUr Market.. 7J6 Middle Tpker^Baat. stuck there on a delivery. It went America. An immigrant born of A>730. CAHPENTRY repairs roofing, rec ______Manchester; Conn. 31,300. MI 9.0906. apor^ent! 8H rooms, beat, ap- kitchen pordi, one-car garage, IF YOU HAVE been "Hom e” hunt- to the aid of the frustrated qtate Armenian parents, C^irlson has f o u n d —One brown and white fe­ room, aluminum siding, doors and tdlancea, parking, $90 monthl;IW large lot 88x380, 818.000. PhUMck toe you’ll have bagged your probed behind the scenes xif Bast CALI, OR SEE ME for a good deal windowe. No job too sitiaU. Ehccel- TR trooper rad state truck driver, rad male mongrel Owm. Humane So­ Bonds—Stocks Mortgages SI Situations Wanted— Diamonds—Watches— R e ^ Co., MI 9-4824, Agency. Ml 9^464.______with this one. A ’’wife-saver” field. Mass., and wUI be conducted by not much later led the way back up and West Ekirope, Russia, the ciety Tag No. H-783. Call Bolton on 1961 Dodge Dart, Lancer and lent references. Ed Stasiak, PI ranch on Bates~ ~Road near ~Park- ■ Yale Smoler. of 111 Roxbury Rd.. Eaat Fem ale 38 Jewelry 4{l MANCHESTER—New 8 bedroom Hartford, Conn., as permittee. _ the one lane it had broken open, Middle East rad North Africa. He Dog Warden, MI 9-7601. ______Willya Jeeps and first choice used 2-7564. - MORTGAGE MONEY from M.009- Ode rad schools. Built-in G.E. THREE AND four room apart- ranch with garage. Also, 9 room YALE BMOLBR. with a string of vehicles behind it is the author of the books, ''Un­ cars. Walter G. Parker. Dennett 350,000. New low rates CaU my home b y .. woman in wheel MANCHESTER—AttracUve 7 room seeking a new pumper |Which the your home or by anx>lntment. condition. CaU MI 9-4903, evenings. heater, Duo Therm automatic water heat, one-car garage. By ap. home. Fireplace. baths. ’Two- Allis, WU.. was fined $20,000 There is a gtnerol No Parking bon on side streets throughout the town except those tor work; roof chimney repairs. MI 3-619S. • chair. WIU pick up and deliver. MI ROCKVILLE — Centrally located, IM department hopes to buy — TV Repair GIEtL OR woman to work to tunch- uums. C. J. Morrison Point Store, cleaner anywhere — get Marlow’s ROOM home in A-1 condition. 30-day suspended jail term yester­ national organization which con­ A«4ao. 385 Center St. heat. $13,900 his parents, who live in Mansfield, CHAIN SAW work ^ Trees cut. Services 18 eone^ days. Only experienced discount prices first. Featuring ^ Pw -ent ■!>«>» «ver 37.500 day): A, R. Waehner, Milwaukee, ducts an extensive educational pro­ BIDE WANTED to Manchester, vl needl^ply. Call hu 3-5507 after 4. Hoover, Lewyt Hamilton Beach AU I ^ boiler, new ceilings, mod­ were staying with the Koenlgsberg gram for safe boat handling. The Reasonable rates. CaU PI 3-T56S TOOL AND equipment rentalo. Colchester—Brand new 2 apart-j director of McGraw-E d 1 a o n’s RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make — and Sunbeam, ^ ter bags for oil ernising kitchen, etc. One-oor ga­ children . They couldn't get to ctailty R ou u 21. Working hours between 1:30-4:80 or any time Soles and service AP Ekjulpment, VERNON—5 large room modern ment house on Route 2, AM rooms | Transformer Sales, was fined local squadrons provide free in­ M . Phone PI 2-e686. care, ampllflers, phonographs and STENOGRAPHER— Will train to makes. Marlow’s, 861 Mato. CaU apartment arith heated garage, rage, deep lot. 316,900. PhUbriek each. Same house sold in Manches­ their home either; Rt. 195 was im­ structions to area residents in Saturday or Sunday. changers. Over 47 years total ex­ do Iegal\Becretarlal work.. Write Center St., MI O-20S2. A ^ n cy , MI 9-8464. $1,500 rad Joel Watkins, Troy, passable. MI 9-5221. central heat, on bus line, $95 ter for' 323,000. Both apartments! Mich., a Kuhlman vice prerident, nautical subjects rad sponsor Wa n t e d — Ride to Farmington SUP COVERS expertly made, sofa perience. 90 days guarantee on aU Box Y, HVald. monthly. TR 5-2600. available for immediate occupancy. Youth Sunday Delayed marine competitions to supplement \ work, Pottorton’e. MI 9-4587. WALLPAPER— Room lots. Most MANCHESTER — Immaculate 8 31.500. Ave., Aetna vicinity. 9-5:80. Call and two ebairs, 3^, pliaus material. pre-triipraed, some prepaated. Ten CHAMBERS FURNITURE 318,9001 Congregationalists will have on the classroom work with practical ' ja t 84n»2 after • P-n. WANTED —^ Reliable woman to room Cape to quiet neighborhood, For all those receiving suspend­ MI 9-1154 after 5. PHILCO RECOMMENDED service babysit to m j home daUy, Monday single roUs' 32.98. Sherwln WO- SALES full shed dormer, brick front, 3 ed jail terms, Ganey Imposed five opportimity to see their yotmg e::perience. U o ^ , 981 Main St. Business Locations praise at work in the church next Members of the new Manchester SNOW PLOWING — Driveways, on IQ-Fl'a, radios, televisions, also through’sSridi ^C all altar 6:80. MI full ceramic baths, fireplace, MANCHESTER years’ probation "where a watch­ 503 E. MIDDLE TPKE. S n ' lay. Because of the weather, unit belonged to the Hartford Automobiles for Sale 4 parking areas. 34 hour service. MI guaranteed service on ail other 8-8743. F or Rent 64 separate dining room, 4 bedrooms ful eye can be kept on their ac­ makes. Shop our special do-it- WALLPAPER SALE—Fully trim- Ansaldi built 6 room Cape, ten I the service which they were to Squadron before interest led to the 8-1348. .. med, plastic coated, many, 1961' SPECIAL possible, plastered walls, city tivities.” MEED A CAR aad had your cradlt yourself department featuring dis­ ARE YOU totereel neithhor- LARGE ONF^room olr-conditlaned water rad sewer nicely land­ years old, full shed dormer, brick Ganey, while rejecting defense have conducted Sunday morning establishment of the new separate t hood selling, c< fashion patterns to choose from. C. J. cffice. 100% MataKStr location. front, Rusco storms rad doors, fin­ was put off a week. tamad down? Short on down pay- COMPLETE REPAIRS - By Stu­ count prices. Open evenings and Portable stero, all speed gutoma- scaped lot, det'aohed garage. pleas against any jail sentences, organization here. mmt? Baakn^? Repoaaesaon? Saturdays. SatelUte Electronics shows, or selltog xtoitment Morrison Paint Store, 385 Center Marlow's 867 Mato SL ished recreation room with heat, | Earns Honors- The monthly meetintr of the art R. Wolcott on aut'miatic St. tic phonograph, 359.95. Priced at FHA appraised value of did soften the government’s de­ Don't give up! Bee Honest Doug­ washers, dryers and electric Service, 165 School St., Manchea or recommendation? ' $18,800. As little as $800 down m - amesite drive, oversize garage, mands for even harsher penalties Cadet Petty Officer Donald R. Manchester squadron will be held area 3-pc maple davinola set, reg. STORE FOR rent on Spruce fireplace, hot water heat. $15,9001 las get the lowdown on th« low- ranges, w 9-6878. ter. MI 9-1786 or JA 8-1669. RamsdeU has opening 1 STAINLESS STEEL waterless 3189.95, now 3149.95. whable and parking to the I «««»• ^or appototmentphonejBob while labeling the case "a shock­ Harris, 'ioh of Mr. rad Mrs. Roy FYiday at 8 p.m. at North Meth­ eat d m and amaUest paymenU 40% Reasonable and for part or full-time wor cookware set, never used, 389.50. CaU MI :-Sn9. a? Sprocf Agnew at McCarthy Enterprises, ing indictment of a vast section of C. Harris of Sleepy Hollow Rd., odist Church. S. Prestley Blake, Not. a smaU Ipaa or C08MA APPLIANCE Service—Re­ RADIO-TV REPAIR any make, on aU sales. No tovestmli it. CaU Strollers from $14.95 leas 20%. rear, 6 room Cape in exceUent neigh-1 Genuine racoon coat, 360. Win de- Group of lamps at 50% discoimt. S t 'M I 9-4576. borhood. Conveniently located. Im­ our economy.” formerly of Manchester, has been treasurer of the Friendly Ice pairs aU makes refrigerators, free pickup and delivery on smaU Mrs. Pearl Daley, PI for The antitrust cases were pre­ honored by Admiral Farragut radios, phonographs, H A E Radio Uver. BU 9-6955. , maculate condition. $14,900. | Cream Corp., -nil! narrate a colored Mbton, ass: S t freesers, washing machines, dry­ personal interview. Many other excellent values. ATTRACTIVE first floor p ro fe s-1 MANCHllOTEH-4x>vely owrslsed pared and prosecuted 'mder the ad- Academy at St. Petersburg. Fla., film, “ Mediterranean Adventure,” ers. ranges. oU and gas burners. A TV, MI 9-5582. OETENHAUSEUl triple carbuertor OLDER CARS mechanlCB spe­ PROORE18SIVE company aional office space for rent. 700 ^ruier, South Windsor—Six rodhi ranch, I ministration of former President where he is a student. He was which he took while ssilin'' on MI 9-0883. AU work guaranteed. ihanifold with fuel block car- Open 10-5, 7:30-9. sq.' ft. heated, air-conditioned, | ^ baths, fireplace, combtoatton cials, lixit yooraeU cars, always CONNIE'S TV and Radio Uervlca, stenographer with book! completely furnished, mort- Eisenhower rad Justice Depart- presented a blue and silver ribbon Capt. Irving Johnson’s new "Yan­ burehHV, pots, hoses, and linkage. MI 3-5187 good pvktag, convenient Mato St. windows complete paneled base- a good adeetkm. Look behind our avaUable aU hours. Satisfaction knowledge. Modem office eqi gage can be w um ed. $1,000 down .ment recommendations for sentenc- for academic achievement and a kee” lost June. Fits 1946-1954 Chevrolet. 340 or location Coil Warren E. Howland, “ «>t. atto<^ garage, screened rad you can move right in. ing were delivered to Ganey before blue ribbon for excellence in de­ office. Douglas Motors, 833 Main. Household Services guaranteed. CaU MI 9-1818. ment, full benefits. Hours 8 BEFORE YOU BUY anywhere, see best offer. MI 3-0517. realtor MI 8-1108 ’ sunporch. Large weU landscaped the Kennedy adminUtration took portment. Offered 13-A 4:30. Furnish detoUed poritculars. and compare Philco TV with' ray lot,' exceUent location. Asking 1961 MERCURY 4-door, automatic Sanitary Paper MUls, 2 Forbes St office. During his three years at Far­ MORTENSEN TV Specialized RCA B A IL bearing wood turning brand for quality, performance, 317,500. U A R Realty, MI 8-3693. J. D. REALTY tranamlasion, 5 good tires, radio, HAROUD A SONS, Rubblah remov- East Hartford, Conn. ' Houses -For Rent 651 However, the new attorney gen-' ragut Cadet Harris hoa been out­ 'XSt n a. heater. MechanlcaUy exeSUent television, service. Ml 9-464L e, 13J’ snring, 88” between era- and best of all Mariow’a low R. D. Murdock, M l 84473. ' al, cellars, and attics cleaned. MI 3-5130 470 MAIN ST. Ierol, Robert F. Kennedy, sent a standing in such extra-curricular 3120. MI 9-2381. WOMAN WANTED to core for two Complete arith metal stand, prices, 861 Mato St. THREE ROOM cottage, oil heat, message to Graey \/hich was read essAT Hiw tun o n Ashes, papers, all rubhiah. Harold rad set of chisels. MI MANCHESTEB-South Alton —Six activities os rifle, swimming, sail­ Hoar. MI 9-4084. smoU chUdren in my home. CoU A Big Bargain At Albert's 'gas stove, washing machine, ollj room Cape, cellar, storms. AsUim MANCHES’TER — 5 room home, I in court yesterday saying that al­ ing, water skiing, softball rad ten- OIVnOPMINTf. 1956 CHEVROLET 3-door sedan, Millinery Dressmaking: 19 after 5:80. MI 9-1788.. cooking utensils, toU at furniture. ls,500. Short way out—2-famUy, ter reviewing the case he favored V-8, 3175, plus take over payments. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE 313,990. Suburban AssoctateOi Fu nis.. He is also a member of the STREET DIRECTIONS TV SERVICE — Potterton'a aU lOEMMING AND alteration work. 310.16 MONTHLY Must be seen. Fine for newlyweds. 44, over 8 acres of land. fuU price, "even more severe sentences” than oco^my drill team. M I 3-7103. BOOKKEEPER wonted for Insur­ GAS HEATERS for sale, two Dear­ 4-1138, m 0-8111, JA 8-7878. makea. Highest quality guarantaed Call Mrs. WlUtam Abraitls, 10 born models, use NATIONAL rad used'furniture, china, glasa aad save S8e per ekade. NORTH SCHOOL STREET— ONE WAY Good clean workmanship at rea­ 4-8910. silver, plct^ frames Ud old TeL TR 5-5745 IS«-m Peori St.—BO S-880B today This hdpe your oU sonable ratea so yeara to Man­ coins, old w U snu guns, hobby pl^lraelS^kitch*en*'’hh^^htla liervicfi. rI ’vi'**’ VinC6!lt nt^L*D?ra^ L. to'l^ri^Lee burner deliver more dean, de­ TO NORTH MAIN STREET ; chester. Raymond Flske. <^KI UFE INSURANCE salesman— We Framing.'Truckloads 195 Per M’ fireplace, convenient bus service, Ping-Pong Tables 311.95 Each cttDecttons, stUe contents or whole $20,900. Evenings Mr. Boles, MI Diana, property at 140 ^ n toA St. pendable beat. You get pre-. 9- 9237. have an opening tor one top quol' estates, Furniture Repair Servloe, Ity salesman. Experience not re' Prof. Beech Paneling 39c Sq. Ft. 0-9$68. Warren E. Howland, Real mium aervice, too. All d eoiled TaleottvlUe,“ ...... Conn. ~ i. T e V lMI 8-7449. WOODLAND STREET—ONE WAY WEST EIXTERIOR and Interior painting. quired. Man selected wUl Pref. Birch Praeltog 35c Sq. Ft. tor^ -MI 3-1108. to make home heating easy. Ceilings refinlshed. Papernan^g, thoroughly trained. Income while Natural Cedar Shakes 38.98 Per Sq Town to Shovel TO HAWTHORNE STREET « )l0-30 Wallpaper books. Estimates given learning up to $600 mmthly, plus No. 1 Common Oak Flooring Rooms Without Board 59 ALEXANDER ST.-Colonial with MW FuUy fevered by Insurance. Call earned bonuses. Apply in person ♦164 Per M' attached garage, 8 large bed^rns Snow for Elderly Call today hr iTAn-O-IAMA Edward R. Price, Ml 9-1008. or call for appointment. MaasochU' Disappearing Stairways $21.95 Ea. HEATED ROOMS free parking, \M baths, plua lavatory off kitch­ THE PAHERN THROUGHOUT THE TOWN ixlO” White Pine Sheathing hCkt, light, hot water furnished. HELP WANTED en, formal dining room, fireplaces setts Mutual Life Insurance Co. MAY CHANGE AS CONDITIONS CHANGG Of this delightful shirtwaist EXTERIOR AND interior painting Val M. Jrasebuts, 637 Farmington 388 Per M Scranton Motel, M l 9-0826. in li-vlng room rad knotty pine The town of Manchester will MobilhAat if^s dress for the young in heart. With and pe^rhanglng. WaUpaper Ave., Hortfop^ Phone AD 3-4411 8’ Knotty Pine Praeltog 12c Sq. F t rec room, patio with awning, large shovel snow from the walk of any or without sleeves — 'with or with A stylized tulip design in patch books. Guaranteed workmanship. Mahogany Paneling 16o Sq. Ft. • Hnriiontal Boring Mill OfMratort shaded lot with utUity shed rad Indigent elderly person whose doc­ out 'the softly tied collar. work makes a lovely quilt that Reasonable rates. FuUy insured. CASH 'N CXRR"*Y fireplace. Robert Wolverton, Brok­ tor contacts the office of the geh- ABLE—ALERT—APT— • SEFTIC TANKS No. 8138 'wHh Patt-O-Rama is suggests Sprli^gtime! Fun to Fast and courteous service. Leo Visit our display room on wall • Tool Makort er, MI 3-1914. Aral nAHACAr. WE GiVE jLtsr In olzea 10,12, 14, 16,-18; 20. Bust m ^e; so nice to use! J. PeUetler. Ml 9-6326. A ^ m o u s . paneling and Mlitehen eabtoete. CLEANED and INSTAIXJBD Mayor Harold A. Turkington $14,200 HERB Hutchinson' biiltt These emergency steps have been takeir in th^hi- SI to 40. Size 13, 32 bust, -with Pattern No. 5890 has pattern If you h a w these quoUties, • R n l fflu t Maohinitls oold ysoterday he and General GNEEN STAMPS tcrest of the public to facilitate fire ptotectioiL collar and sleeve, 6 8-8 ya»ki of pieces; full sewring and finishing would like' to talk to you. We to NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. • S E ¥ fE R S ranch. 5 roortis, fireplace, fsriige. Manager Richard Martin worked Electrical Services 22 huge lot. Carlton W, Hutchins, MI ■6-inch. directions. an opening for A young m on ^ 381 STATE ST. MACTnfE OUBANED out a plan for the Shoveling, 'which services and food and fuel deliveries. Every wffifft w1R Day or nighkahifts avaibhle. First dass operatora only 9-5132. ______t To ceder, send 30e in coins tp:— To order, send 25c in coins to: FREE E8T1MATBS—Prompt serv­ trained os a sales repreattltative NORTH HAVEN, Conn. wilt be done free of charge by be made to keep peopid informed of chaafco ae Sue Buniett. The Manchester Eve­ Anne Cabot, Manchester Evening ice on oil types of electrical wir- for the Manchester area. Fbccellent CHestnut 8-2147 • INSTALUTION need aiqily* Must .be aJbk to read blueprints and make town hliffiwa'y division employes. MORIARH occur through the prew and radio. ning Herald. 1150 AVE. OF Herald. 1160 AVE. OF AMER­ ^ Ucensed and insured. Wilaon starting salary,, commission rad Lots For Sale 73 Any Mttrly person who cannot CLEAN, USED lumber for sale, as­ S P C C lA U S T own set up. Apply . j . L K JOHNSON ABOaUOAS, NEW VOBIL 86, N.Y. ICAS, NEW YORK 86, N.Y. Etoctrieal Co., Mancheater, MI bonus. Company vehicle funilshed afford to pay for stoveUng, and Fhr Ist-cleas mailing add 10c 9-4817, OUxtoabary, ME 8-7876.. S lid all expenses paid., All employe sorted sizes, hardwood floo^ 'Whose doctor hea fold him be For Ist-claas mailing add 10c window saoh and doors compls CHOICE AA zone lot with magnj-' BROTHERS t o t each pattern. Print Name,' Ad- for each pattern. Print Narile, A d­ benefits, surii os vocation with pay, ttKnild not shovel snow is eUgible PMNTOO. I windows, plumbing s m bsatto flcent view. Reaaonable..MI 0-6624. draaa with Zone, Style No. and dress with Zone and Pattern Num­ insurance, etc. ExoelleiM opponun- Test u i CMnlfy. for the Mrvtce. Private Instriictlons 28 ity for o«ivancement For thie bet­ BUppUes, sssortsd pipes sad so 723 MAIN ST. / Ml 3-5135 ■toa ber. DELTA CORP. t h r e e B z o n e lots frith city JEe work will be done with ter than average posttion, imply at pipes. Open daily liio tlU dsi) BRBBUIEBO. small equlpmant from tha park 301-315 CtBttr St. Tnokida another 85c with your Have you the '61 Album con­ DOES YOUR chUd'bave a readtok Satnrdsy 84. Chomm Boui lacf MAIN inv HAOTronD w atsr; Union BL VlMnaiittNfitSE. PHONE Ml 9-4501 rntt m eedar for the Spring A taining rnwy lovely designs and dUwbUltyT Privata tutortog dona. 882 MAIN STEtEET Wracking, yaid at Moek Floes ett njntom tA.va.t4m department. fep m ia r « 1 Batto nwhian. free patteru? Only 25o a oopyl PhoB# MI $4879. . M anchester Normilala St. CWt Ml '.A. \- h A

■'I ■ ’J TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, m i Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather Forseast et U. S. Weather Banea PAGE TWELVE For the Wosk Haded iltEnrtrffitfr gpgtttwg it^rato Dee. SL 19d9 Fair, seasonshly odd loelglL^ ers. Dsn* r m t e r , Pat lYAgartiiio 13,314 Low generally srmiad 15. ’"■iir” liy A surprise deesert and mUltaiy Jert-tynna Fraadr, Donna Oul- y tM W m CU kSSISJJO W FOUMIN© sunny, modetaM tempemtans. whist will be held tomorrow trort Totrii Entries Mnas and Robert Oaraon, an 9tb Member of the AnSUt High S5 to 40. ' A b o u t T o w i 1 to 3 p.m. in Fellowihlp Hall of gradara at Manoheatnr High Bonaa « t OIreiUsttoB MancheHer-^A City of Village Charm Second Congregational Church. You Should K now . . * I chool; Sophomores, Juniors and C!te(nnan Joy Clrclo orlU Proceeds from the card parto wUl Garner 109 ■enhMra adw plaood from Manohae- ynaet tomorrow at 1 p.m. North tor High Senool Include Patricia help send members of Mu Sigma Thomas Francis Conran 3r. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1961 (ClsasUled Advertising sn Pngs 14) PRICE FIVE d i m Mothodlat Church. Mta. Nathan Chi and Pilgrlitn FellowsWp to Bedorls, Bonnie Bowman, Joan J U d u i h fL VOULSO,.NOv 109 (SIXTEEN PAGES) BortOB wUl he the ap®i*«r. H w siunmer Christian youth con­ Art Prizes Bnsltls, John Bi^owskl, Janet tM *s wlU be U n . Griswold Chain ferences. Tits nswast dirsetor of ths Christenaen, Judith-Anne Cook, M n. Annie VcLaglan, and Eighth District la probably bsttsr ManehaMa^. Junior __ senior w D e l i ^ Fred Ocqteland, Lucy d a n c e ST U D IO __ Stos Mae Hanna. ioorod 109 sUec. Dr. Leon Wind of Temple Beth known In Manchester for his aetlvl- high sdMOl studnts ,------—. H E. CENTO »T. HANOTOTO Sholom will speak and show slides winning aatilas among a total e t -Akm, Richard Fyler, Margaret State News Teihpla fhaptnr Onlfr r* o f his vUit to the Holy Land at a Ues in sports and frstaraal organi­ 717 wfimera ia tho I8th annual Origalla, Barbara Groff, Francia •ni wlU'meet tomorrow at sations than for politics. Bcholaatlo Art Award competition. Grenuno, Lanoe Ctoutier, Ann Rsgitler N w fir N a m s Ik Senators Back meeting of Emanuel Churchwomcn 8 pjn. at the Maaonlc Temple tonight at 7:45 at Emanuel Lu Thomsa Frands Conran Jr., of 4 This la the highest number o f win- Raesler, Steven Roberta, Maraha ■ A' ’ _ a lto entrtes ftom Manchester to SmHh, John Juroa, Peter JaMo^ Roundup s He’s Unsure After the business session, re­ theran .Church. Green Rd., was elected to bis di­ TAP • BAUIT •TOE •AORMATIOS freshments will be served by Mrs. rector's post on July 27, I960, to da^ according to Mra. Geo Janet Swanson, Baiba anidra, Virginia Keeney and committee. fill the vacancy created when Ar­ Budd, head oTtho arts sad on Cheryl McCann,, George Thuroer. MODERN JAZZ • BATON TWIRLING • BALMOOM Unne Lodge No. 72, Knighte of ~ partment at Maiwhestar High Pythias, will meet tomorrow at 8 thur Warrington teeigned to take Dawn Walr, Anne Leaaner, Mar­ (LMeons for AO Age Oroupe Ften 8 Tesrti Up) Weaver, llto4 P^ce Expect lene Forde, Susan Weir, Marcia Bonfstars of the SalvaUon A n p.m. In Orange Hall, Carl Gustaf­ over duties of district tax collector. n y wiU rehearse tonight at 7 at son and committee will report plans But while Conran has bssn ae- Seven Msnohester students won Werner. Uva in roUUci for only about six blue ribbons. They are Alex Vr- Alao, Donald Werner, Arlene t e e n s — p b e -t e ENs • New "Arrests the church. for celebration of the lodge’a 54th McGann, Wendy Laurrence, James Washington, Feb. 8 Sehoel a A observe past presWenf's night at meeting. been ths sports ha has parUdpstsd Ordway, Paula Wuppirfeld. and tricia M cC uthy/Betto Haberem, proved Robert C. Weaver, a meetiri tomorrow at 8 pjn. at moat in. iJUiough bo did play aoms Mary Zoil^r of Man&estor Hl|^ Kathryn Platt, Janice Mclttnney, DeportoMOt Included In A ll BaUteem Osmea Hartford, Feb. 6 tbs Elks* Homo in Rockville. A The first of eight classes offered New York Negro, to be the State Police reported they will football and aoccor In ysaxa paaL School. Evelyn Richmond, Kathleen Mc- government’s housing admin­ ■ v*‘^7 poUuck at 6:30 will precede the by the Manchester YWCA for be­ He waa on the soccer team while ThoM in the 7th 8th and* 9th BQUen, Betty Foster, Ahce Het­ REGISTER NOW • CALL PI 2-6886 ANYTIBIB make additional arrests today meetii^. ginners in cake decorating will be at Manchester High and played grade category who woo gold hoys tinger, Toni Rueeell, Richard istrator. held tomorrow at the “ Y" from The committee acted within of television repairmen who freshman football in college and wera Dennis Kusmlchae. Barnard JubinviUe, Jean Tierney, Richard Mr. Bliley Is a — nber of the Natloiial A H e d stto eC Dnaee have been bilking customers. Hopes U.S. Defense The British Amwicsn d u b will 7;% to 9:30. The first of eight later on a semi-pro team in North Jimlor High; Catherine Miner, III- Pedemontt, Irene LIsk, Charles and Affiliated Artist , Inc. minutee after cloitng public hear­ meet tonight at 8 at the clubhouse classes in advanced cake decorat­ Carolina. t o Jjiniur High, and Nancy Ssa- Rubacha, Karen Niles, ''N onna ings on IPreaident Kennedy’s choice The disclosure came after the arraignment in circuit court yes­ on Maple S t ing will be held at the same time sun an acUve haaketball play­ ruc, Donna MondoU and Roger Lawton, Zenta Oeola, Philip Mor- of tho 53-year-old Weaver for the and placa-Friday.' The "Y " can be er, Conran has played with various Schuetx, Manchester High School. highest job a Negro has-ever held terday of five television store own­ wort on to Weetem State Univer­ riasette, and Thomas McVeigh... called for further information. teams for tho paat dosen years. In In the competition for 10th. 11th Arts and crafts entries wlU be in the government. ers in the Hartford area on chargee ‘Completely Secure’ 1949 he waa a member of the Lau­ sity of Colorado. 'The committee action sends the of obtaining money under false pre­ Hole ia Oamom and 12th g n ^ s , gold keys were pieced on public exhibition Satur­ ManchMter Lmagua- of Women rels which captured the Town won by Jonathan Hewey, Patricia day at the Avery Court of the nomination on to the Seriate where tenses. champicmshlp. This quintet, made Ho recalla that he made the trip It could encounter some debate All .five were arrested at police Voters will meet Thursday at 9:3U to Colorado with T. J. Crockett in McCarthy, Kathlsan McMuUen, Wadsworth Atheneum in Hart­ '^ R N L * up entirely o f North Binders, heat Philip Morrlsette, Kasen Niles and and opposition. But eventual Climaxed a 2-month investigation Washington, Feb. 8 (/P)— President Kennedy said today he ajn. at the home of Mrs. Howard the letter’s 1933 Ford roadster. He ford. Of the 717 regional winners. Both Required 'into complaints of criminal prac­ Angell, 159 Henry St. Mrs. Rose every team it encountered. James Sommers. 108 vrill be sent to New York to Senate approval seems certain. hopes the United States is “ completely secure” in its Spa(ie WhUe In the service he played took picturee from Manchester to Voting for conflrinatlon in the tices among TV repairmen. Lubchanskl, state LWV resource Gunnison, Colo., only to find when Place winners from Manchester compete. In the National Scholaa- As you know, background Age defenses against Communist power—^but at the tnoment cbairman on courts, will discuss with Salem Air SUUon in Maaaa- Include Alex Urbanettl, Susan tle Art Awards exhibit. committee were seven Democrats Meanwhile, State Sen. Arthur UTEWTUIE.Tr chuaetts which won the New Eng­ he got there that there had been Trotter, both o f Jamard; Ruth and knowledge ara needed be« and four Republicans. Opposed Lucas, D-NorUi Windham, said he he lacks a “ clear answer” to whether there is a missile gap'. family coxirU and will answer a hole in his camera, exposing the were the three southern Demo­ At a news conference the President backed away from the (PROSPECTUS) questions. land Service title. Strickland, Janice McMiUen, Bar- intends' to press for legislation at Conran has alio coached baaket- film. b a n Hi|;bie, Deborah Pond, Rich­ fora you can do anything truly crats on the group—Chairman A. the. Current General Assenibly to During World War H he served strongly critical position he had taken during the political, ball teams in the Rec League and ard Carlson, Richard N i e s a, well. W e consider our' knowl­ Willis Robertson. D-Va., Sena. regulate, license and control tele­ campaigns last fall. He charged then that under Republican Marine Pfc. WalUr P. SchulU, the Hartford Dusty League, and years with the U.S. Coast Charles Oregonla Alan Morrison, John Sparkman, D-AIa„ and Sen. vision repair and servicemen in the rU N S FOR THE ACCUMUUT10N OF son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter now coaches Green Manor in the Guard, with two years in the Mike OrlowskI, • "•’rry Timmins, 2 FREE DEUVERY edge and background in serv­ William A. Blakley, D-Tex.,—and state. leadership the nation was falling behind in the missile race. Schults, 375 Adams St., ia serv­ Farmington Valley League. Arctic. Anthot^ ' R. Meek, Russell Meth- 2 At Th* PARKADE ing families of all religions one Republican—Sen. Wallace F. He said a majority of the “hon. The fact is. he said, that studies he ordered in the Fenta- ing as a member of the company Upon bis discharge he went to UCtEONICS, Both before and after World eny, Gale Bysholskl, all of Rllng truly valuable; such service is BennetC R-Utah. est, ethical and reliable" TV re­ gon on the missile gap problem have not been completed and wiuch won the Sixth Marine Regi­ War H, Conran played haaeball work as an automobile upholster­ Junior High. S UG8EYT DRUG Robertson said that because of pairmen are in favor of such a will not be for a few days. When they are finished—perhaps HEMI8TRY d mental drill competition last with the old TwiUght League, play­ er, and pursued that line of work Also, Gloria Godds, Richard Ma­ always complete,'^Iways ap­ his opposition the nomination measure, month at Camp Lejeune, N. C. ing first base and outfield. When for 10 yeare. Thla la now one of loney, George Hanley, Carole Lind­ would be reported to the Senate MaJ. Leslie Williams of the State by Feb. 20 on some matters— he will recommend to Congress that league folded he took up soft his hobbles, snd he U presenOy propriate. \ by. Sen. Paul H. Douglas, D -Ill. a Police said In most cases com- any changes needed in budget provisions for weapons pro­ LECTRONICS Anderson Shea Auxiliary, VFW, ball and la still an active player. restoring a 1929 Ford roadster. . ■trong supporter of Weaver. Or- plalnta have concerned reports of grams. / •HAMS, INC. will entertain veterana at Rocky Given Purse Also shortly after being separat­ unneeded r e4> a i r s, incompleted Meanwhilg, Sen. Prescott Bush, R-Conn., called on Chair­ ed from the service, he married (Centtaqed on Page.Fifteen) ROBERT C. WEAVER N/C/E h a mutoal fund irm atlni for pot^ Hill Hospital tomorrow evening Ha recalla several years back work or the replacement of quality man R i c h ^ B. Russell, D-Ga., to schedule full hearings by tible lonf-ttrm iroarth. with a Valentine party. Any mem­ the former Ruth Tyrrell of Man­ products with Inferior goods. that he broke his leg in,a game, the Senaj^ Armed Services Committee to detenpine if there R/C/E Kcumulition plans ara availabls ber of the auxiliary or post who and that three weeks later his chester. This waa on Nov. 9, 1946. S-P-E-C4-A4. WEDKESDAY ONLY! . Arraigned yesterday were: fer as little as $40 down and $20 a month would like to go is ask^ to call teammates took him to the field They now have three children, Peter Lukawiez, 453 Griswold IS a mi] ile gap. ^ ------Bpto$1000aiiwnth. Mrs. Laura Elcabert or Mrs. Marie where a doubleheader waa being Charleen, 13, Chipper, 8, and MEN'S RUBBER HEELS For Alleged Overpayments Rd., Wethersfield, partner of the American people are en- Hale. Oars will leave the VFW played. To his surprise ha found Patty. 4. Acme Radio and Television Serv­ UtlefiAo the facta in this situation," H/C/E plans a n available with or without out that they had designated it as For the paat four years Conran a member of the committee, Kennedy Says low cost froup creditor lift instinnct Post Horae, at 6:45 p.ra. ice, Hartford; CHiester T. Avis. 32, j .Tom Conran Day, and between has been an insurance agent, and FULL HEELS u 97c of 50 Barnard St., Hartford. Chet’s i Rusaell in a letter released at present ia a special agent for 4 0 0 MAIN STtK I fer trie lltentora (pneaettn) wrttet games he was presented'a purse MANCHCSTBLCONN. Customers May Sue TV Service, Hartford: Carl A $200. This was one of the most the American Hardware Insur­ Chudztk, 37, of 2091 Silas Deane Russell's office said he is in Hard Tests for ance Co., of Boston. HALF HEELS R« i>.o 77c heart-warming days Of hie playing e WE GIVE jiwr g r e e n STAMPS e Highway, Rocky Hill, Randall TV Georgia. Braee Vaiitrlm ok ATLANTIC career, Conran said. Among the numerous fraternal and Appliance Inc., Rocky Hill; 1 Bush said reports this week by a organisations with which he la as­ — Look Pbr Our Weekly Special Every Tuesday — U.S. Lie Ahead^ Fh0MM18-4S8t FURNACE OIL He is now playing with Morlarty Howard 'Wilson, 32, of 37 Crabapple ; number of newspapers that a de­ AntofnaNe DeUvery Bros, basketbairteam in the Rec sociated are the Knights of Co­ On Price Fix Cases M ., West Hartford, Pire TV, Hart­ fense study ordered by Kennedy BENTX. rOELD * CO.. lae. League, and will be playing softball lumbus, Veterans of Forelgm Wars ford; and Franklin R. Ro.se, 40, of found no evidence of such a gap Washington, Feb. 8 HP)—^Presi­ 78 MomitniB Bead. Bea. L. T. WOOD CO. with the K. of C. team in the Rec in Rockville, and the Manchester 625 Garden St„ Hartford, Hilltop were"baaed on an informal meet­ dent Kennedy said today he sin­ PboM M 8-1129 League this summer. I ^ g e of Elks. H O USE &HALE cerely believes America's ability Philadelphia, Feb. 8 (P)—TheAIndividuals, assessed $137,500, Television Service, Hartford. ing’*^ with Secretary of Defense Th^ summer he ^U1 again be He is the Youth Activities USE OUB OAK STREET ENTRANCE—MI S-412S Robert 8. McNamara. to maintain *lte poslUon In the Chairman of the Manchester E3ks government breakup of the giant must pay within 20 days. All except Rose were granted commissioner'of the Nations^ Farm SHOE REPAIR SERVICE conspiracy in the $2-blUion-a-year The seven Jailed will serve their continuances until Thursday. Rose world will be severely tested in the League (Little League). and a member o f the State Elks The retor^a were denied et the h m yy electrical equipment indus- prison terms, starting next Mon-, was released on $1,000 bond for White House. next four years. In reference to Little League Youth Committee. That waa hie reply to a qews Although he has been an Eighth try , halting lUeg^ price fixing day, in the Montgomery County appearance today so thgt he could Fair in State Tonight ' “I can understand why news­ baseball, Conran feels that leaa em- Prison at nearby Norristown. Pa. at^ Pipe paper stories that the new admin­ conferencO question as to whether District Director for only a Short and bid rtgsdiig. may be followed obtain counsel. he has been palnUng the U.S. pic­ phaalB should be put on competitive by many cridl suite. The industry’s two biggest fiiros istration has found a non-existent aapects, and more on instructing time, Conran, an independent, who ture blacker than It is “ for shosk has resided in the North Ekid for Customers may eesek tq, recover — General Electric Co. and West- ‘missile gap’ are embarraesing to tbe 8 to 12 year olds in the funda­ Yotiih Recaptured Break^ Floods the President,” Bush said. “ As to­ purposes." COZY? the past 26 years, said he has al­ thousands of dollars, perhaps mil­ Inghouse Electric Corp. — bore the “ I sincerely helieve what I said mentals and finer points of the lions in alleged overpayment. Such brunt of the penalties. Govern­ New Haven, Feb. 8 srn and a'estern Virginia and snow urge.You to schedule full hearings developed quicker get the chance a telepbbhc''d£^lto his'^toie.* The C.S. Weathbr Boreauitqiay and sleet was spreading from overturning: cars. conference for Kennedy, unlike the to play. The'Intensive federal probe that number of persons were evacu- at the first opportunity.” two earlier ones, was not trie- began 18 months ago ended y ^ - Rovtm. M ^ night Ji^toMd from loaned the folioivlng ftfrerori, x»r North Carolina into southern In discussing the over all Amer­ FINDELL MFC. CO. Conran was bom on June 16, Connecticut: Pennsylvania. A heavy fsJl struck ed by boat. vised. It drew 297,newsmen to the 1921, at St. Francis Hospital in terday as U.S. •' District Court How Antitrust a polito car as it approached the Authorities said there was no ican-Soviet power relationship the State Department auditorium and COSMETICS CANT Judge J. Cullen Ganey finished front of the Jail. The youth had The temperatures during the the Appalachians. Presitont said; 485 E. MIDDLE TPKE.. MANCHESTER Hartford, the son of Thomas F. 5-day period Thuradny through While Pennsylvania was trying^ known loss of life.. At least nine brought questions ranging over a and Blorence V. Conran, both of WE CABBY ALL sentencing 29 companies and '44 pleaded innocent eiuMier in Super­ persons, most of them suffering "The United States vidll not wide field. o f their top executives. ior' Court St Waterbury to a Monday, are expected to wverage to dig out- from lost weekend^ Venetian Blinds, Repairs, Repair Parts whom'are still living. He has lived THE TOP LINES Plots Woi*ked, crippling snowfall of up to J li fifrom exposure and shock, -were j strike first." Among the subjects touched on It was a 2-day Job in Ganey’a charge of stealtnRjt motor vehicle. near norniil with Bttif! day to He thus by Implication ruled out in Manchester ell hie life with the day change except tor some­ Inches, more snow lashed ^he taken to hospitals. in announcements and questions exception of college and service BEAT IT! courtroom where he imposed to­ Sheriff J. Eldwai^ Siavin said any policy of what has been cailled ARTHUR DRUG tal fines of $1,924,600—a record what colder weather - about state. The latest storm dumped Natural gas service was affect­ and answers: days. He attended St. James Spread^ Burst Rovero, after leaving the car, ran ed and many householders were preventive or pre-emptive war. He ■Prime. Minister John F. Dlef- high here—and 30-day Jail terms north along Whalley Avenue with Saturday. The normal high and up to 6 inches of wet snpw’ Ih said the realization that the'United School, Manchester High, and then low temperaturea for the Hart­ southwestern Pennsylvania^, without heat in 20-degree cold. cnbnker of Canada is'coming to for seven men. deputy sheriffs George Stanton States will riot strike first is one Washington Monday, Feb. 20, tO A 45th individual, too lU to ap­ By 8AM DAWSON ford area are 87 and 18. For The Pennsylvania turnp%e was - It looked, as If a river had been and George Burns in pursuit. But snow covered from gA lj^ A y on diverted tbrougli North Central of the important considerations In discuss matters of mutual interest. SAVE UP TO $150.00 pear, will be sentenced later; (AP Business News Analyst) the youth eluded the deputies when New' Hax'en 86 and 19 and for estimating the balance of missile In New York City Bridfeport 85 and 19. the Ohio line to the Blue Moun­ St. Louis. The wa fanned out —Secretary of State Dean- WORLD FAMOUS QUAIITV.BUIIT There were 20 indictments in Philadelphih, Peb. 8 (IP)—How did he turned a corner. over an areti of several blocks, forces. Rusk is making a study of policy all. brought In by four separate the big ontlti-ust conspiracy qpiong Precipitation may total 1-10th tain Interchange in tke weateni Kennedy spoke guardedly on the During the ride to the Jail with portion of the state. spreading between rows of red in relation to the Nortl) Atlantld grand juries. The 14 remaining most of tho nation’s makers of Stantto and Burns, Rovero had of an inch or ieex precipitation issue in the midst of storm kicked occurring oa snow or rain about Baltimore had a stow cover of brick 4-faml!y flats. Every back were dispoMd of yesterday, after electricsil equipment start? How beeMf*'hafideuffed to another prla- yard was a lake. up by a Defense Department brief­ (Conttnued on Page Eight) Monday's 5-hour s«MBon in which did is spread? How did It work? Sunday. 2 to 4 Inches In 3()/degree iVeath- ing of newsmen Monday. The news­ er. Firemen and police sloshed defense lawyers appealed for len­ In corporate circles many claim (CoBltaipad oa Page Eight) through waist-deep water check­ men were advised that Kennedy iency. Yesterday, the attorneys it just grew naturally in an at­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Between 3 and/4 Inches of wet administration officials had con­ snow fell in stothwestern Ohio, ing homes. Several firemen lost were mostly silent as Ganey levied tempt to bring order out of a chao­ Fresh snow blanketed much of their footing and were drenched. cluded ttotatlvely aa a result of 4-TRANSIST&R the fines. tic situation. The Industry was the eastern seaboard today and northern Kenluriiy and southeast­ Streets on the fringe area of the the Kennedy-ordered study that All the indictments accused the plagu^ by frequent ups and downs, new storms closed hundreds of ern Indiana d u ^ g the night. Traf­ flooded sections quickly turned to there was no missile gap. Bulletins HEARING AID defendants of fUlng prices, main­ by price cutting in which only the schools, trapped hundreds of thou­ fic jams exttoded for blocks on sheets of Ice. Pierre Salinger, Kennedy’s press taining them at high and artiflplsl big could survive, by inability of News Tidbits sands of yeWcles and broBght bridge.s spanning the Ohio River from the AP Wires Only 3 3 ' levels and restralnUig. supressing small • companies to enter new traffio to a standstill. between Ntoport and Covington, (Continued on Page E2ght) (Contlnned on Page Eight) and eliminating compeUtlon. fields. Culled from AP Wires Snowbound New York City Ky., and (^clanati. 50c iX)WN-l50c WEEKLY The defendants either pleaded So it turned to what similar braced for more snow or rain and The eariern Panhamdie of West WANTS OFFICES PAIREO guilty or nolo contendere (ho de­ freezing drizzle. Mayor Robert F. Hartford, Feb. 8 (to—Pairing HmVSM M«laMriBS Mansh ud vaha mind* Oat' Hotel ASTOR Hotel MANHATTAN companies often do In Euroixs, to Virigini^ got 6 inches of snow adan Ib a law « ia te tha hud o( hMrinf. fense) but the Judge said both what was done here during the de­ Princess Margaret and Antony Wagner continued his bah on all early today. Northwestern Arkan­ the offloee of governor and Uen- Sea Our Now te Sa Int Uoa, a q a ^ boot traaiMw haaiins 44)li to 4Srii St. at Iroodway, N.Y. 44lh to 45ih SI. at Bill Ava, N. V. were an equal admission of the pression under the NRA. Armstrtmg*Ji>"M have found new non-essential private auto traffic sas had up to 12 inches. One death tenonton the ballot was en­ Phamadat For aid at a Btka Sat didu oonpelitioo. No< laiJy do yoa butler who promises not to say— GOP Caucus Favors aikv leaiM Mat eoea bat ako l o ^ opwa^ o ^ charges. Once started, price fixing and after he made a helicopter tour was TOUsed by the weather. dorsed by legislative leaders of DemonstratlMi Xmy Buaa tdSi « haatias bapalnnait ii fai^tad to The excitement of Tlmce Sqnare. . . the theatres, the iilghtclubsl There can be no appeal of the market dividing kept on growing. or write—a word about life in of the city. ^ Martinsburg, W. Va., and both parties todaj’. Bills that to* ti*lSulwa TahSa Iranditor aid... iw There are 2,200 large rooms with bath, at sensible rates, all fully royal household . . . . Oakland. would require the election of a •Oactol Sttiap or cUakal attaiUoe, can ba lad at OBoa. sentences to a higher court. How­ The federal government says With an Ice breaker showing the Go^onsville, Va., reported 6 Inches ALL TYPES OF airp the Optional Party Lever nor . from the same party were BATTERIES • 1 YEAR GUARANTEE a choice of sevei^ of New York’s mOst famous restaurants and to reduce the penalty. in the industry which averages $2 ice-choked Hudson River today to ^^8 40 inches of snow on the cocktail lounges, including the Hotel Manhattan’s popular Playbill Company fines, totaling $1,787,- longtime parishioners who be­ given public hearings by the deliver more than 100,000 barrels $*round at Worcester, Mass. ' ' ' General AssemMy’s Elections R E ^ ^ L Rfftaurant Won’t you visit us at Hotel Astor or New York’s^ 000, roust be paid within 10 days. (Contlnoed on Page Fifteen) queathed $260,000 to Catholic Temperatures ranged down to 11 AT THE Parkade nursing home . . . Week-long of gasoline and heating 611 for Hartford, Feb. 8 (to—A Re-<».blll in the HouV and to lay the Committee, Sen. Louis L Blad- LIC8ETT DRUG newest. Hotel Manhattan (new automatic parking garage opposite New York communities where below zero at Oneonta, N. Y „ and publican legislative caucus today blame 01.. the other House.” stone of Bridgeport, Democratic hunger strike. In protest against Republicans control the House the hotel). t ' Soviet imprisonment of Mrs. Olga shortages were reported. 7 below at Olean; IJ. Y. Juneau, unanimously went on record in niajority leerier to the Senate, For reservations write or phone Hotel Astor or The bulk'd^ the fuel was bound Alaska, greeted the dawn with 35 favor of making the party lever and Democrats control to® Senate. said he favored the proposal. Ivinskaya, ‘ literary confidant. of Other speakers noted that about Hotel Milhittan, or see your local travel agent ’ late novelist Boris Pastemali, for Newburgh for dlstrtbutloin. degrees. Spencer, Iowa, recorded 2 on voting machines optional in­ Frank W. Krldol, bocuDva VIca-FratIdanI and OonorOl Monagor Two* crtift were bound for Wgst below. stead of mandatory. one-third of Connecticut voters are SUES FOR 85V4 MHXION on :o ends for Donald C. MacDonald Jr., not affiliated with either major * Harvard-senior. Point. No severe cold was reported in .The caucus, In a show-pt-hands- Detroit, Feb. 8 (to)— William Federal Reserve ISanks In Niiw "Weekly Coast Guard convoys the storrh areas. Some warmer vote, endorsed a party platform C. Newherg sued Chrysles* Board plank on the subject, (Gonttoued on Page Fifteen) . York, Boston and Philadelphia between Ossining, N.Y. and Al­ weather \vas in prospect In the Chairman L; L. Colbert lor 85.23 rationing shipments of . pennies to bany. witlf an ice breaker in the northeast and south central states. At present In. Connecticut, a million today, charging Colbert plding in UN commercial banks in their areas lepd. are slated to start Saturday. . Coldest re^ons were in thentoth voter must pull a party lever be­ tried to deetroy him to save his . . . Florida financier Bari Smith' One 16-year-old New York girl central states and northeast, mth fore he can split his vote If he own Job 0. ire some wonderful patterns in this Hope for effective council ac­ Governors of New York. Maissa- envoy from Tunislfih President gressor in The Congo. Inclusion of Habib Bourguiba. met with Pres­ approval of President Kfennedy. Ha have optional levers. city ordinance providing for fines lot tion hod been stirred by word chusetts.. Connecticut and Rhode of up to $200 for persons who fall . that tho United States was con- such demands 'In any' council re­ ident Charles de Gaulle today to will see Kennedy in Washington Rep. J. Tyler Patterson, Jr., Old NEW SPUTNIK HBARO The English wool sweaters that yoU Uked^jK) solution would make it unaccept­ Island to niest at Albany. N.Y. in April. *. • ’ to return borrowed books. much, Ann, are marked down, too. The gartllgans ' eulUng privately with tfie fi>oviet Feb. 21 to diaeoiw finanelal relief explore whether Bourguiba could .Lyine, Republican majority leader Bochnn^ Oenanay. Pkh. S (to SAVINGS able to the western powers. The prime minister also needs as­ in the House, said ellminaUon of Mayor James W. Kelly, who Heinz Knmniiehl, a t 4he are now $9.98-iWere $14.98. Long sleeve^ullovem. Union and other council members for the deficit-ridden New Havqn help arrange' peace talks between favored passage of the law, said In on effort to reach agreement on French delegate Armand Berard the French and the Algerian Na­ surance of a friendly reception in the party lever completely would Boclniiii ObMnratoiy» vqparl^il $8.98. were $12.98; short sleeve pullovers 17.98, were BRANCH told the council yesterday that at­ Railroad . . . The OapHal'a snow- he didn’t think it would ba en­ an over-all UJl. Ctoigo policy. storm-a-week echedule was main­ tionalist rebels. Peiping. There would have to. be probably Blow down voting and re­ his elation has p U M ap BWK ' $10.98. Everybody says the same thing you do— tempts hy the iSoviet Union to cdhr quire moire voting machine's. forced in quite this manner. “ they wash like a handkerchief.’* OFFICE a 7 i(/ L O A . M . Adlal E. Stevenoon, chief U.S. tained'with a fail nnofflolaH,T re Tunisian Information Minister some prospect of positive results. The six who could not qi®®^ hail Sian langnage fragmeiita « Viet Belgium of 'aggression' were Mohammed MasmouilLcallqfi awPe And the views of Britain’s Com­ Making the lever optional, Pat­ radio wnve length heoK Our Blacks, blouses, shirts suid coats have sU Rout# 3 1 ..\ s S o t I A U i <-) delegate to the U.N., said.he was on old stqjy, and that those who ported''at $ to 5 tnchea in various and four others appeared before hopi^ul but not at all confident Gaulle less than 18 houlTafter hia monwealth partners and alllOs will terson said, would require only a by tbe hew 7-ton B pri# been reduced to their final markdown, too. nUged such charges were only tric­ parts'or the city-with more on s ^ h t mechanical change In the Magistrate William P. Wilkins. Coventry about eventual U.S.-Soviet agree­ the Way . . . Secretary o f Labor arrival in the French capital, have to be taken into account. He fined seven of them $25 each, Hrjnlnekl inUd be Bob, in our Men's Department "we are ninnihg ing to undermine the authority of MacmUlan is planning a awing present machines. He said the ex tape-recorded the B ment He made the statement Outgo preisident Joseph Kasavubu. Arthur Goldberg eaya a goal of stressing the Urgency both Bour­ one $15 and acquitted two. bur Final Clearance this week. Those Harris and guiba and De Gaulle eeemefi to through the Far East next fall, penee of making the. change would nlent ol ’‘oeono in, Shetland aport coats that you liked nave been after. a 2-hour private meeting -Bitter opposition to freeing Lu­ the. Kennedy administration, ia Xo One man was sentenced to eight OLPIdIT rillAECiAL IMiTITUTIOli attach to the possibility of nego­ with atops in Malaya, Japan and the 18.M4 megocyeleji choppM in price along with our winteg suits, sport Monday night with Valerian A. mumba come from Evariste Lolikl, ereato a wijllltMi. new Jaba a yadr ***Rep. Melvin Fennel, Fairfield, days in Jail becatiae he could not tiations. Hong Kong. “The eigttole couM shirts aqd outer Jackets. . * Zorin, head o f the Soviet UJ7. de­ Kosayubu’s special envoy to the beyond the ntimber necesMry to eaitl he was peseimlstlc about get­ afford the $25 fine. erase current unemplbyment ; Bourguiba sent Masmoudi hurry­ The informants reported tha Ubraiy ot^lole said the books from graoK* fihttteaB Some of our new spring and summer merchan­ legation. council. ting swch a bUl through the cur­ / 0 0 7 c 4 € a U h A Oongoieae authority rtoofbi * ing to Paris aftOr De Gaulle , re­ British, who recognize Red Chtoo. hod been out from four monthe he eaM. H o ^ ~ * dise has started to roll in snd it looks good to mA Zorin commented afterward that Lolikl told the coimcll .that rqr rent aesslon. ■ /. • he did not oee any Indication that lease of Lumumba would'perpetu- tnuMdtteaol gavaranieat la belag portedly mentioned to the Tunlrion have done nothing to sound out to a'ye*r and aevetal noUoea hod nnd after I Remember, Bob, only 67 days left to trout sea­ chorga d’itffatres, Tataor Balk- Peipiijg. He favorefi the optional lever, OPEN UNTIL 6 P.M. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Jhe U)d$ad States waa sertowly ato tsrror in Tho Congo find delay gfgaalsad for raplacoment soon however, and ealfl It would “be m - son. WUl vvrlte jyou again i soon.—Regards, Joe. o f Mdj. Gan. JOMph Mohlltu’a sul- (Oeattaned «■ F a f* M tgkty r t***nt**ff' It* position to H m (Ostofanrii m Faga Eifht) cMlent pubUe relations to pass the J.' WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. TO 12 NOON—THURSDAY 9 AJI. TO 8 P.M. Oo n fa ▲ opekaaton for the Soviet (Ooatianad oa Page Ttee) tog (CipBlImad ea Pa«e ■M '® ), ■ , " '1 ' ■■ ■■ • ; :-v: t

. > .