Short Term Celebrity Marriages (Learn From Their Mistakes)

By Andrea Surujnauth

Celebrities seem to always be in and out of marriage faster than the rest of us. Take Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, for example. The couple dated for a mere six months before deciding they were ready to tie the knot. Then lo and behold, 72 days later, the story of their split hit newsstands everywhere. A 72-day marriage is not something you hear about everyday, but in Hollywood, short-term marriages happen all the time. Kim and Kris may be getting a lot of heat for their marriage, but believe it or not, they are not the shortest- lived marriage to ever hit Hollywood. Let’s take a look at some celebrities who jumped the broom then called it quits shortly after: Britney Spears and Jason Alexander:

This couple tied and untied the knot faster than Kim and Kris! This pop princess had a little too much fun in Sin City with a childhood friend, and it ended with a drunken wedding ceremony. Spears and Alexander were married for a total of 55 hours. The couple got their marriage annulled. We doubt they will be partying that hard ever again!

Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra:

These lovebirds seemed to have fallen under Las Vegas’ spell as well. At 7a.m., these two decided to jump the broom. The two denied intoxication and said their holy union was legit. However, actions speak louder than words because 9 days later, the couple got their marriage annulled.

Related: 4 Hollywood Breakups That Offer a Lesson In How Not To Behave During Divorce

Mario Lopez and Ali Landry:

This heartthrob married actress Ali Landry in April 2004. Sadly, their marriage didn’t even last long enough to make it to the honeymoon. The couple had their marriage annulled 18 days later. After dating for 6 years, Landry found out that Lopez had been unfaithful to her throughout their time together. Too bad she didn’t find out 19 days earlier.

Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney:

This couple got hitched in the Caribbean after dating for only 4 months. They met at a tsunami-relief event and thought it was love at first sight. After 225 days, they annulled their marriage. Zelleger cited “fraud” as the reason for the split.

Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock:

This bizarre pair had an on-and-off relationship from 2001 to 2003. In 2006, they opted for a drunken wedding on a yacht, Anderson wearing a string bikini and Kid Rock wearing a t- shirt and baseball cap. 122 days later, the two raced to the court to file for a divorce. Kid Rock beat Anderson by 53 minutes.

So the moral of the story is lying, cheating and alcohol is definitely not the basis of marriage. These celebs made the mistakes, so lets all learn from them!

What mistakes do you think celebrities make when choosing their spouses? Comment below and let us know!

Author Roy Sheppard Bridges the Gap Between Mothers and Daughters In His New Book By Andrea Surujnauth

Growing up in today’s society is full of challenges, especially for teenage girls. They tend to forget, though, that their mothers went through similar difficulties when they were young. In his new book, Dear Daughter: what I wish I’d known at your age, author Roy Sheppard hopes to connect mothers and daughters, revealing their similarities and making communication easier.

Drawing on his experiences as a psychotherapist, neuro- linguistic programming (NLP) practitioner, journalist and relationship expert, he reaches out to everyday mothers and gives young women helpful advice about topics ranging from financial issues to boy problems. These words of wisdom come straight from the hearts of moms who want to help their daughters grow but have a hard time reaching out to them. Here, chats with Sheppard about his varied career path, his inspiration for his new book and his advice for girls as they search for love.

You used to be a reporter for British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and then, you became a hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. What influenced you to make such a big change?

My proper job is interviewing people, so after I spent years working at BBC, mainly doing live reporting, I switched to the conference industry and interviewed executives. I wanted to be a much more effective journalist, not just talking about data and information. I wanted to be more insightful, so that’s the actual reason I trained to be a hypnotherapist, which might sound a bit bizarre. As a therapist, you’re taught to notice more details, and as a hypnotherapist, it’s almost a forensic understanding of how people think, how they perceive the world. So when you can tap into that ability, your interviewing becomes so much more perceptive. It totally changed my life.

Related Link: Use Your Five Senses For a More Fulfilled Love Life

Once in the therapy field, you focused on relationships. What drew you specifically to relationship coaching?

I wanted to write about relationships but with a different spin on them. I found that most relationship writing is by women, for women. As a man, I have a different perspective. I always make sure that I make it very clear that I have a male point of view. If women are open-minded, when they read my writing, they get a perspective that they won’t get from a female writer. So the big thing that I try to do is bring men and women together; I want to be able to help them understand each other better.

Let’s talk about your new book, Dear Daughter. What inspired you to write a self-help book for young women?

I wanted to write something that would be relevant for young people today. I realized very quickly that you can’t do it in one book, so I decided to split it up: Dear Son, which was published late last year, and Dear Daughter. Dear Daughter is about 15 percent longer – there’s more information that girls need to know! I had the most fantastic conversations with women, talking about stuff that they wouldn’t normally talk about with a man. I felt very privileged.

You include a lot about relationships, and you discuss why it’s unwise for women to overanalyze men. Why is this a bad habit to develop?

I just don’t think that it’s a productive use of your time and energy. There are two types of men: good guys and bad guys. Most men are actually straightforward, and if they say one thing, they mean that. Men are not as complicated or Machiavellian as women. We both know that there are some women who are extremely calculating and who behave atrociously to other women, but men don’t do that. Because women think in this way, it’s easy for them wrongly apply the same sophisticated analysis to a man as they would to a woman.

We’ve all heard of the book He’s Just Not That Into You. How can a woman tell if a man is into her?

He calls. It really is that simple. A man will find any excuse to talk to a woman if he likes her.

Related Link: How Not To Scare A New Man Away

What would you say are some of the most important things that women should do when looking for Mr. Right?

Don’t look for Mr. Right! Just be somebody who, if Mr. Right comes along, he decides to stop. If you focus on being a special person for yourself first, that makes a huge difference.

I think dating is the new addiction. It’s so easy to date. But I genuinely believe that, if you put energy into being a decent human being, it makes the process so much easier. As a therapist, the biggest problem I see is that people – women in particular – create a fantasy figure in their head. They compare Mr. Perfect to the man in their life, but no person will ever live up to that fantasy figure. Why? Because that fantasy figure doesn’t exist. Focus more on enjoying your partner and accept that your differences actually add richness to your relationship.

Do you feel that daughters who are close with their mothers have a better chance at finding a healthy relationship? If so, why?

I definitely agree with that. I hope that my Dear Daughter and Dear Son books can be something that parents give to their kids and say, “Look, I know you don’t want to talk to me about a lot of this stuff, but read this book. Afterwards, if there’s anything that you want to talk about, please do.” A number of friends of mine who have teenagedaughters were reading the manuscript separately from each other, and they all asked if they could share it with their daughter. Every single time they did, they had the most amazing conversations. It brought new topics into the open, and they talked about some really important things.

And finally, if you had one piece of advice that you would give to our readers, what would it be?

Of course, I want them to read the book!

In the introduction, I say that I want to build a bridge between parents and young people. Remember that a bridge is built from both sides. Even though you may believe that adults have no idea what it’s like to be you, listen to them a little bit more. Before you decide that somebody’s wrong, just be silent and think about what they’re saying. If you decide later that they’re wrong, that’s fine, but don’t let “no” be your knee-jerk reaction to everything.

The book is now available from Kobo as an e-book. You can currently purchase a copy ofDear Daughter from, and it will be more widely available on July 8, 2013. For more information about Sheppard, please visit or follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Celebrity News: Ian Somerhalder Hints at Reason Behind Breakup with Nina Dobrev

By Andrea Surujnauth

The Vampire Diaries costars Nina Dobrev, 24, and Ian Somerhalder, 34, have broken up after three years of dating. Somerhalder took to Twitter to hint as to what caused the sudden break up. According , Somerhalder tweeted a quote from deceased playwright Lillian Hellman, reading, “A thought for today: ‘People change and forget to tell each other.'”

What do you do if you notice your partner is changing?

Cupid’s Advice:

Your partner seems to be acting differently and feel a growing distance between the two of you. What should you do? Cupid has some advice for you:

1. Talk: Talk to your sweetie about how you feel. Tell them that you think they are acting differently and find out the reasons behind it. The reason may not even have anything to do with you.

2. Change: Try to go somewhere new together. A change of scenery may be all you and your partner need to rekindle your love.

3. Space: Your honey may just be in a rut or going through a difficult time in their lives. Do not suffocate them. Let them have their space to figure out what is going on with them. Remember absence makes the heart grow fonder.

What do you do when you feel your partner is changing? Comment below and let us know!

Celebrity News: Hilary Duff Calls Motherhood a ‘Hormonal Roller Coaster’ By Andrea Surujnauth

Hilary Duff, proud mother of one year old Luca, recently talked about the difficulty of motherhood with “Exhaustion is a good one to start with! You’re very sleep-deprived.” says Duff. “Sometimes you have a crying baby and you can’t do anything to get them to stop crying … you feel, as their mom, that you should be able to have all the answers and be able to take care of them so easily.” Fortunately Duff has her husband, Mike Comrie, and especially her mother to help her get through the difficult times. “She’s been so great — helping me with the baby, coming over when I need to take a nap or escape for a little bit,” she said. “My husband is amazing, too. If I want to run out of the house for an hour to go work out or go meet a friend for lunch, I can. I think that’s really important.”

What are some ways to support your partner through parenthood?

Cupid’s Advice:

You are the main bread winner and your partner is the one that usually stays home to care for the new baby. How can you support your partner? Cupid is here with some suggestions:

1. Alone time: Take responsibility of the baby on a certain day of the week to allow your sweetheart to get some alone time and breathing space. Your partner will appreciate you giving them time to get out of the house on their own,

2. Couple time: Have one of the child’s grandparents or a nanny come over to watch your little bundle of joy so the two of you can get some romantic time outside of the house. Take your partner out on a date.

3. Encouragement: Let your partner know that they are doing a good job holding down the household. They are working hard to keep the house running in order and taking care of your baby, let them know that you love and appreciate them.

How do you support your partner through parenthood? Comment below and let us know!

Celebrity News: ‘Today Show’ Co-Host Savannah Guthrie Is Engaged By Andrea Surujnauth

The Today Show’s Savannah Guthrie announced her engagement Monday morning during the show. According toPeople , her boyfriend of four years, Michael Feldman, proposed to her over Mother’s Day weekend. “Good for you and congratulations to Mr. Feldman,” said Guthrie’s anchor mate Matt Lauer. “He’s a great guy.” Guthrie was previously married to to BBC News presenter Mark Orchard in 2005, but the two divorced in 2009.

How do you know when you’re ready to get married?

Cupid’s Advice:

Marriage isn’t something to step into lightly, and it can be hard to know when your relationship is ready for that next step with your partner. Cupid is here to help you figure it out:

1. You bring out the best in each other: Does your sweetheart make you strive to be a better you? If you find yourself consciously inspired to make a difference in yourself, wedding bells may be in the air.

2. Think long-term: If you two lovebirds are already planning for the future together, it’s a good sign that things are headed toward at least a very committed relationship. 3. You’d elope: If you want to marry your partner whether you two have a big wedding or not, then you truly love them and it may be time to walk down the aisle (or elope in Jamaica).

How did you know you were ready to get married? Comment below and let us know!

Celebrity Moms Share Mother’s Day Plans

by Jenny Schafer for Celebrity Baby Scoop

In honor of Mother’s Day on May 12th, we asked some of our favorite celebrity moms how they’re planning to spend the special day.

From new moms Holly Madison and Giuliana Rancic to mom-of-four to single mom Kelly Bensimon, let’s look at how the stars celebrate all things mom.

Related Link: Giuliana Rancic Chats About ‘Ready for Love’ and Being a Mom

Giuliana Rancic:

Reality stars Giuliana Rancic and Bill Rancic welcomed their first child, son Duke, in August 2012. The new mom opened up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about her big plans to celebrate her first Mother’s Day.

“Bill and I are having our moms come to LA for Mother’s Day — to make it special for all of us,” she shared. “We’re planning a fancy bunch with the whole family at a nice hotel in Newport Coast and then a walk on the beach. Reall, I just want to relax and enjoy the day together as a whole family.”

She added: “This Mother’s Day is especially meaningful because it’s my first time to celebrate as a mother, of course! After struggling for years to have a baby, it’s a real gift to be able to spend the special day with Bill, Duke and our family.”

Holly Madison:

Before welcoming her first child, daughter Rainbow, on March 5, Playboy model Holly Madison opened up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about her hopes for her first Mother’s Day.

“I hope my boyfriend and I can find something fun to do that someone only a few months old will enjoy,” Holly shared. “Maybe we will take her to the Springs Preserve (a park here in Vegas) and see if she reacts to any of the animals and the nature.”

Tiffani Thiessen:

White Collar star Tiffani Thiessen is mom to 2-year-old daughter Harper. The Saved by the Bell alum opened up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about celebrating Mother’s Day in New York City with her mom and her daughter.

“Being a mom now myself, it is even more special,” she shared. “What’s great is we will be in New York again this year as I shoot Season 5 of White Collar. I’ll get to celebrate the day with my Mom and my daughter, all of us together.

Related Link: Brooke Burns Says That “Love Is The Inspiration for Life”

Brooke Burns:

Actress Brooke Burns is mom to 13-year-old daughter Madison. The former Baywatch star opened up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about enjoying Mother’s Day with her daughter and mother.

“I’m very sentimental about Mother’s Day,” she shared. “First of all, my mother was/is the most wonderful, loving, understanding mom. A true example in word and deed. I love that there is a day that reminds me to verbally honor her.”

“Also, when I was young, I was told I might never be able to have kids,” she continued. “So, I usually make Maddy look me in the eyes and I give her some speech that starts, and ends, in ‘happy tears.’ She’s used to it.”

Brooke added: “I also make it a point to tell all my mommy friends how incredible they are, because no one really knows how hard, demanding, beautiful, exhausting, and painfully rich motherhood is, except another mom.” Celebrity News: Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy Reunite for Daughter’s Birthday

By Andrea Surujnauth

Bethenny Frankel and estranged husband, Jason Hoppy, were forced to come together recently for their daughter, Bryn’s 3rd birthday at Dylan’s Candy Bar by Bloomingdales. According to UsMagazine, the ex-couple have not been spotted out in public since their split in late December. The estranged spouses officially filed for divorce in January, and their relationship has become increasingly chilly. Frankel recently spoke about the divorce, saying that it was a “brutal, unnatural situation.”

What are some ways to remain civil with your ex for the sake of your children? Cupid’s Advice:

You and your spouse had a child together but now that the marriage is over, how can you remain civil for the child’s sake? Cupid is here with advice:

1. No arguing: Do not argue in front of the children. When you and your ex have a problem, go behind closed doors and quietly discuss the issue.

2. No messengers: Do not use the children as messengers for your negative words towards each other or divorce matters. If you fight through the children, they will end up depressed and will suffer in the end.

3. No bad talk: Do not bad talk your ex in front of or to your kids. Be civil, your ex is still their parent.

How do you stay civil with your ex for the sake of your children? Share your thoughts below.

Celebrity Couple: Hayden Panettiere Supports Beau Wladimir Klitschko at Boxing Championship By Andrea Surujnauth

Hayden Panettiere cheered on her beau Wladimir Klitschko on Saturday at his boxing championship fight, as he defended his WBA, IBF and WBO heavyweight titles. According to People, the couple was in Mannheim, Germany where Klitschko fought against Francesco Pianeta and won. Panettiere stood along the sidelines beaming from ear to ear as she applauded her sweetheart for his victory.

How do you support your partner’s passion?

Cupid’s Advice:

Your partner has a new passion, and you want to support it. Cupid is here to tell you how:

1. Cheer-lead: Stand on the sidelines and cheer your sweetie on. Be your partner’s very own cheerleader! Make them feel that you believe in them.

2. Coach: Help your beau improve their skills by coaching them. Practice with them.

3. Participate: Join in with your honey and show that you are taking an interest in their passion.

How do you show your partner that you support their passion? Share your ideas below.

Celebrity News: ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Stars Mama June and Sugar Bear Exchange Vows and Celebrate with BBQ

By Andrea Surujnauth

Mama June and Sugar Bear, stars of Honey Boo Boo, exchanged vows in an extremely unique wedding ceremony that was all their own. Wearing a camouflage wedding gown, the pair marched down the aisle in the backyard of their Georgia home. According to People, the low key ceremony was followed by a family barbecue. “The day was very special mostly because my girls were able to take part in it,” says June. “I felt like it was important for them to see this moment and celebrate my love for Sugar Bear.” June also spoke about how she managed to keep her big day within her budget. “My sister baked the cake, and we spent most of the money on barbecue,” says June. “We stayed true to our roots and made the focus on the family and my commitment to Sugar Bear. You can definitely plan an event on a budget!”

What are some ways to tailor your wedding reception to your personality?

Cupids Advice:

How can you make your wedding reception all your own? You want your personality to shine through for all your guests to see. Cupid is here to help:

1. Spice up your invitations: Put your own spin on your invitations. They don’t have to be plain and formal. If you are your partner are more of a comical couple, go for some humor instead!

2. Activities: Your big day does not have to be traditional with just dancing and picture taking. Come up with some fun activities that they can do like writing notes in a guest book!

3. Personal decorations: Add your personal touch to your reception decorations. Ask yourself, if I was home throwing a party, how would I decorate?

How did you personalize your wedding? Comment below and let us know! Celebrity News: Nick Lacey Says ‘Camden Is The Happiest Baby On Earth’

By Francoise Shirley for Celebrity Baby Scoop

New dad Nick Lachey is loving every minute with his 7-month- old son Camden who has “just started crawling.” The crooner, 39, is debuting his new lullaby album, A Father’s Lullaby, as well as his latest CD with 98 Degrees, titled 2.0.

Nick opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about the joys of fatherhood, touring this summer with wife Vanessa Lachey and their sweet son, his hopes for another son and a daughter, and his plans to keep “evolving” in the music industry.

CBS: Tell us all about new lullaby album, A Father’s Lullaby. Tell us about the songs and what inspired you to do the album. NL: “Well, I was definitely inspired to do the album because of the impending birth of my son, Camden. All the emotions you feel in anticipation of this experience is perfect for writing music. I chose songs that were favorites of mine and then also wrote 6 originals for the record. The originals are so meaningful to me, truly inspired by my little man.”

Related Link: Vanessa Lachey Calls Nick Lachey a ‘Doting Dad’

CBS: Do you notice that Camden responds to your singing voice? Do you feel it’s a special way to bond with your baby, whether you have a beautiful voice like yours or not?

NL: “Camden definitely recognizes my voice when he hears it. I think it’s an incredible way to bond with your little one, whether you have a good singing voice or not!”

CBS: How is Camden doing?

NL: “Camden is great, he really is the happiest baby on Earth. He’s just started crawling, which is a lot of fun.”

CBS: You recently said you’re moving home to Ohio in a few years. Do you plan to retire once you move home?

NL: “I’m way too young to retire! I do plan on spending as much time with my kids as possible though, so if that means trying to lighten the workload a little bit, then so be it. My family is definitely the priority at this point in my life.”

Related Link: Vanessa Lachey Says She’s Excited to Become a Mom

CBS: How has fatherhood changed you? Please share some of the greatest joys of fatherhood. Biggest challenges?

NL: “It has changed me for sure. It literally affects everything you do, every decision you make. Your priorities completely shift and your kids instantly become the most important thing in the world. I think it’s made me a more patient person as well.

My greatest joy is waking him up every day. Seeing that little boy look up and smile at me every morning is the perfect way to start my day. The biggest challenge is having enough time in the day to do everything I need to do.”

CBS: It seems like you’re thrilled to have a son. Are you also hoping to have a daughter one day? How many kids would you like?

NL: “I think it would be a lot of fun to have a daughter one day, but either way, fatherhood is great, regardless of the gender. In a perfect world, we’d have one more boy, then a girl.”

For the rest of the interview, click here.

Dating Advice: The Pros and Cons to Taming a Bad Boy By Andrea Surujnauth

There is nothing like the thrill of dating a bad boy. He is exciting to be around and is always taking chances. They give you goosebumps every time you’re around them. He is spontaneous and always knows the right thing to say or do to send shivers up your spine. You dated him for fun but what what happens when you discover that you are beginning to feel real feelings for this bad boy? Can you eventually tame him and make him boyfriend material? If Angelina Jolie could do it to Brad Pitt then why can’t we do it? We decided to weigh in the pros and cons of dating a bad boy to help you come up with an answer to your question, is it worth it to attempt to tame a bad boy?


1. Best of both worlds: By taming your bad boy, you will be able to have a guy that is both exciting but also loyal. You can teach him to cut out the bad boy aspects that don’t work for you while keeping the ones that do. You will be able to have a bad boy that is good for you!

2. Confidence: By taming a bad boy that many girls before you have always been running after, your confidence level sky rockets. You bad boy beau changed for you, you were the one that was able to get him under control. That’s enough to make any girl feel good about herself.

3. Life changer: By helping your sweetie become a good boy, he will be thankful to you for helping him turn his life around. Getting his life on track towards a successful future will make him see how good you are for him and how much you care for him. He will see you as his savior and is sure to fall for you because of it!

Related: What Attracts Us to Bad Boys?


1. Relapsing: This guy is a naturally a bad boy, those are his instincts. By attempting to tame your honey, you are risking him relapsing and going back to his bad boy ways. You might stop him from breaking the law or being a player, but you never know how strong the pull is for him to return to his old lifestyle. You are at risk of getting hurt.

2. Tables may turn: When taming a bad boy, you are also risking becoming a bad girl. If you let yourself get sucked into his lifestyle while in the process of trying to tame him, you might find yourself breaking laws, becoming irresponsible, or enjoying the recklessness of being bad.

3. Unwillingness: There may be certain things about the bad boy lifestyle that your new man may not want to give up. This may cause a fight about your desire to change him. No one is ever happy about changing who they are, so this may cause your relationship to expire.

Related: When Do Opposites Not Attract?

So are bad boys worth taming? After weeding through the pros and cons, we still don’t have a straight answer for you. Whether it is worth it is an answer only you can decide for yourself. Take all of this into consideration when deciding if you really want to tame your bad boy. Make sure you are confident in yourself and stick to your values if you decide to do it. Some bad boys can be tamed but take care of yourself first and don’t lose your self respect or sanity while trying to tame the stubborn ones.

What are some of your pros and cons of taming a bad boy? Comment below and let us know!

Giveaway: Go Vintage With Rakuda

This post is sponsored by Rakuda.

By Andrea Surujnauth

Summer is almost here! This year’s fashion style is all about the vintage look, and no outfit is complete without the perfect bag. You want something fashionable and functional, something that will go with your cute summer dresses and rompers. You also want a bag that offers comfort and durability. You want something that will look cute when you are carrying your laptop to the library but also be large enough to take on a romantic hike through the woods with your sweetheart. Well, we have the perfect go-to bag for you from Rakuda!

Rakuda Blue Cargo Carrier has one main inner compartment along with three outer compartments. It’s adjustable straps and drawstring make it easy to carry around. This bag is extremely lightweight and durable, so no need to worry about having to purchase a new bag mid-summer. This bag is perfect for overnight trips, hikes or even everyday use. Rakuda’s canvas backpacks are made with genuine leather accents and copper fittings. Plus, the bright blue color will add a pop of fun to your ensemble.

Now, one lucky reader will win a Rakuda Blue Cargo Carrier! Comfort, ease and a fashion-forward look is guaranteed with Rakuda bags.

GIVEAWAY ALERT: To enter for a chance to win a Rakuda Blue Cargo Carrier, go to our Facebook page and click “like.” Leave a comment under our giveaway post letting us know that you want to enter the contest and where you would carry your new bag. We will contact the winners via Facebook when the contest is over, and they will have three days to respond back with their contact information. The deadline to enter is 5 pm EST on Monday, May 13th. Good luck!

Congratulations to Suzanne Magdelijns!

Rakuda… It’s not just a bag; it’s a lifestyle. Celebrity Couple: and Selena Gomez Confirm Rumors They’re Back Together!

By Andrea Surujnauth

It seems that Jelena is back in the spotlight! Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are back together and according to Usmagazine, they announced it by posted pics for the world to see. The pictures were posted on each of their Instagrams. One picture shows Bieber with his shirt off and Gomez hugging him from behind. The picture, captioned by Bieber, stated, “‘You’ve been makin music for too long babe come cuddle’ – her.” Rumors about the couple rekindling their love have circulated ever since they were seen kissing backstage during Bieber’s concert in Norway. Gomez also went on record to say that the fans should not take every move they make seriously. The couple broke up in December 2012, but a source close to Gomez said, “Justin pursued Selena and she gave in.” Will the relationship last this time? “Who knows with them?” the source said. “They’re always back and forth!”

How do you keep rumors at bay in your relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

Rumors can endanger even the strongest relationships. How do you keep your relationship above water in a sea of gossip? Cupid has some suggestions:

1. Comment: When a rumor is being spread about your love life, comment on the rumor if someone asks you. Let them know the truth. If you choose not to comment, the lies will spread and no one will know what is real and what isn’t.

2. Closeness: You and your sweetie need to have a tight bond and trust each other. This way when rumors are being spread, neither of you will be insecure enough to fall for it.

3. Verbalize: Put the rumor out there for people to see. By acknowledging it in public, people will see that it is clearly just a rumor. Talk about the rumor with your partner so they know that the rumor is floating around so they can help publicly debunk it.

How do you keep rumors at bay in your relationship? Comment below and let us know! Dr. Wendy Walsh Shares How Single Women Can Benefit From ‘The 30-Day Love Detox’

By Whitney Baker Johnson and Andrea Surujnauth

You probably recognize Dr. Wendy Walsh fromGood Morning America, FOX News or the Today Show. She’s a well-known relationship expert, psychotherapist, author and actress. Currently, she appears as the expert commentator on Investigation Discovery’s Happily Never After, a show that looks at stories of newlyweds who’s marriage turned deadly shortly after saying their vows. “My job is to retrace the romantic steps of both partners and figure out what red flag could’ve saved the bride or groom’s life,” she explains.

Despite her busy schedule, she found time to write a new book, The 30-Day Love Detox, which was released on April 23rd. In it, Dr. Walsh answers common questions that women want to know: How can I stop falling for the wrong type of guy? How can I find a man who is willing to commit? She also lists common mistakes that women make when dating someone new and shares her tips for avoiding them. The author chatted with us about her ground-breaking new book.

What inspired you to write The 30-Day Love Detox?

I’m a single mother, and I wanted to explore the social reasons why a very smart, very attractive woman like myself would “end up” as a single parent. And what I discovered is the more educated a woman is, the more attractive she is, the more cities she’s lived in, the more likely she is to be divorced. Attractive women will leave relationships earlier, they say, because they have more sexual opportunities than others. Having a higher education means that women are often using up their fertility window on schooling and careers and grabbing whoever they can at the end of their fertility window. The more places you live during your childhood, the less likely you are to have a committed relationship. Moving around, instead, teaches you to have a lot of mobility. It teaches you how to say goodbye.

How did you come up with the title?

It’s called The 30-Day Love Detox because I found a study that showed that, if you have sex within 30 days of meeting somebody, you have a 90 percent chance of breaking up with them within one year. If you wait 31-90 days, you have a one in four chance that you’ll be together a year later because you’ve taken the time to build some kind of friendship, some kind of emotional bond. Unfortunately, plenty of women think that a hookup is a stepping stone to a relationship. But I promise you that not one man thinks that! The true aphrodisiac is saying “no.”

Related Link: Is He In It for the Long Haul? You say that you saw yourself as Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City. Can you elaborate on this idea?

The Sex and the City generation and even young women today have been sold a false bill of goods, a mythology if you will, by the fertility clinics who market that women can have a baby when they’re 50, which is absolutely absurd. The success rates for in vitro fertilization have not changed since the 1980s; it’s about a 15 percent success rate, and it costs 13,700 dollars on average. So that means for your hard-earned money, you’ve got an 85 percent chance of failing.

My point is that 80 percent of women are going to become mothers – good boyfriend or not, good husband or not. And where they end up financially, psychologically and physically at the age of 45 has to do with the choices they make in their 20s.

Can you share any positive results that people have seen after doing The 30-Day Love Detox?

Well, I did backward research. First, I held a series of wine- and-cheese focus groups for single women to hear the stories of what’s been going on in the dating market place. Then, I went on a hunch and interviewed married women with children who were in, what I believe is, a healthy relationship, and I asked them how long they waited before they had sex with their husbands. I found that a number of them actually even waited until marriage. One of the things that people do as a reaction to the high-supply sexual economy is check out of it by saying, “I’m not even going to participate in this nonsense.” So I found a population of post-modern virgins; some of them are married now, and some of them are single women who don’t use religion as a reason for staying a virgin in their 20s. Instead, they stay a virgin so that they can take the time to find a real relationship.

Let’s shift gears a bit. Our readers are fans of reality shows like The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Do you think those shows are helpful in teaching viewers how to find good partners? Or do they ultimately damage our perspective of relationships and love?

I think they hurt as much as romantic comedies do because nobody is teaching anybody relationship skills. They don’t practice slow love. They also subscribe to the myth that if you just choose the right partner, everything will be okay. The truth is being a good partner with good relationship skills will increase your chances of having a long, healthy, happy relationship. A great example is people who divorce and say, “Oh well, my second marriage is going to be better because I’m going to choose better.” But divorce doesn’t teach you how to choose better; it doesn’t teach you how to be a better partner. Divorce only teaches you to say goodbye. Therefore, second marriages actually have a much higher divorce rate because the only thing divorce teaches you is how to survive divorce, and once you learn how to do that, it’s even easier to leave the second time.

Related Link: Cancelled: Why NBC’s ‘Ready for Love’ Fueled America’s Hatred

Can you tell us about any other projects that you have coming up?

Yes! I’m developing an app based around my book The Boyfriend Test. Women will be able to crowd source the guys that they’re dating. They can share a picture and biographical information and then ask other girls if they know them, if they’ve dated them, if they think he’d be a good boyfriend. The Boyfriend Test itself is also coming out as an e-book right after The 30-Day Love Detox. And I’m continuing to shoot Happily Never After – we have a whole new season for you!

You can purchase a copy of The 30-Day Love Detox in bookstores and online from Amazon. For more information about Dr. Wendy Walsh, visit Be sure to check her out on Facebook and Twitter too. Celebrity News: Julianne Hough Relaxes in Miami One Month After Split From Ryan Seacrest

By Andrea Surujnauth

Julianne Hough is maxing and relaxing post breakup with Ryan Seacrest. The actress was spotted tanning and hanging out on the beach in Miami with pal Nina Dobrev. Hough and Seacrest dated for nearly two years, but broke it off in March. The rumored reason they pulled the plug on their relationship was due to Seacrest’s busy schedule. “Dude works all the time,” a source told UsMagazine. “[Seacrest] never sleeps. It’s a lifestyle she couldn’t handle anymore. Work always, always came first [for him]. She wants a more low-key life.” What are some ways to keep your mind off of a breakup?

Cupid’s Advice:

Breaking up is never easy. How do you keep your mind off the pain you are feeling? Cupid has some suggestions:

1. Stay away: After a breakup it is best to stay away from your ex and block them on social media. By keeping them close during your time of healing will make it near impossible to heal. You need your time away to get over the feelings you have but having them around will make you wish the breakup didn’t happen and it will be impossible to forget about.

2. Friends: Going out with friends and having a good time is a great way to forget about a breakup. Your friends are bound to keep you distracted and happy so you won’t be thinking about the heartbreak you are feeling.

3. Stay active: Keeping yourself active will take time away from thinking about your ex-beau. You will be on the go so time will fly and you won’t have any free time to linger on the breakup.

How do you keep your mind off of a breakup? Comment below and let us know!

Celebrity News: Miley Cyrus Says It ‘Feels Right’ to Wear Engagement Ring and Be Committed

By Andrea Surujnauth

Miley Cyrus recently opened up to Elle UK about her engagement to Liam Hemsworth. The couple got engaged a year ago. “We have a house together and dogs. It just seems right to be wearing this ring and to be committed,” Cyrus said. “But we keep our relationship low-key and don’t talk about it any more.” According to UsMagazine, Cyrus has decided to keep her personal life and relationship to herself and away from the spotlight. “We were too nice to the world and gave them too much insight — into my life and my puppies and my house —- and I just don’t feel they get that privilege any more,” Cyrus explained. “Like on my Twitter, I’m much more . . . not conservative, but you don’t see a picture of my dogs. You don’t get that personal stuff any more.”

How do you know when you’re ready to get engaged? Cupid’s Advice:

Getting engaged is a huge step in a relationship. You love the person you are with, but how do you know whether or not you’re ready for that step? Cupid is here with some ways to help you decide:

1. You enjoy every moment: If you enjoy the ups and the downs with your beau then you are ready for the long haul. Marriage is not always exciting and fun so you know you are ready for an engagement if you are happy with your partner no matter if you are having a bad, boring, or sad moment together.

2. No more dating: If you are ready to burn that little black book of yours, then you are ready to be tied down. If you feel that your honey is the only one for you and no one else could make you happier, then you are ready for that step towards holy matrimony.

3. Future plans: If the two of you are already planning for a future together, you are ready for that proposal. You two see a future together and are making plans together so you are both serious enough about the relationship to take this step.

How did you know you were ready to get engaged? Comment below and let us know!

Illusionist David Copperfield Keeps His Relationship Magical By Relaxing in The Bahamas!

By Royal Young World renowned illusionist, David Copperfield, talks with us about keeping the magic alive, not only when he’s performing a show, but in his personal relationship as well. Copperfield, performs over 500 shows a year and has won 21 Emmy Awards. He has accomplished mind-boggling illusions such as walking on the Great Wall of China and making the Statue of Liberty disappear. His newest passion is focused on educating people about the joy of relaxing in the Bahamas. Copperfield who enjoys The Bahamas with his family owns a chain of eleven islands “Musha Cay and the Islands of Copperfield Bay” which he calls the most “magical vacation destination in the world.”

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel. Perez Hilton Opens Up About Fatherhood

By Lisa Estall for CelebrityBabyScoop

New dad Perez Hilton attended the launch of Paul Frank’s 2013 Summer Collection Event: Let’s Have A Fun Day! at the W Hotel in Hollywood, Calif. last Monday (April 8). The party included an interactive photo booth, mini-manicures, braid bar, personal fragrance station, make up station, and VIP eyewear station. Custom summer beverages and appetizers were served as guests took part in the night’s activities.

Celebrity Baby Scoop spoke exclusively to Perez — who welcomed his son Mario Armando Lavandeira, III, or Perez Hilton Jr. — on February 16. CBS: What is your favorite part about being at this event?

PH: I am a fan of Paul Frank and I am here because I got invited. [laughs] It’s fun to get out of the house and I try to get out a couple of times a week because I have a baby now. He is on a schedule, which is very helpful. He’s napping right now and I’ll stay here for like 45 minutes then I’m going back for nighttime feeding, bath time, and bedtime.

Related: Hillary Scott Debuts Her Baby Bump at the ACM Awards

CBS: Tell us about your fatherhood experience thus far.

PH: Being a father is awesome and everything I could have hoped for and more.

Related: Would you Date a Single Parent?

CBS: What do you have planned for this summer?

PH: I plan on just being here with my baby and not traveling much. I really have nothing planned, which is exciting.

Perez also has been sharing photos of his son on his Facebook page. What a cutie!

Sharon Osbourne Says She’s ‘Devastated’ by Ozzy’s Drug Relapse By Andrea Surujnauth

Sharon Osbourne recently spoke out about her husband, Ozzy Osbourne’s prescription drug and alcohol abuse problem on an episode of her talk show The Talk. “Everybody knows he’s been struggling with this his entire life and I never knew that he was using prescription drugs,” she said, according to “I knew he was drinking occasionally, but I didn’t realize to what extend. It’s our business — we’re dealing with it. We’re not getting divorced. However, am I happy? No. Am I upset? Yes, I am — I’m devastated right now. He’s been using alcohol and prescription drugs for the last year-and-a-half…and he has been in a very dark place. That’s true. It’s very true. It’s a disease that not only hurts the person that has the disease but it hurts the family,” she continued. “It hurts people that love you and we’re dealing with it.”

How do you help your partner fight an addiction?

Cupids Advice:

Your partner has a serious addiction and you want to help them get over it. How can you do that? Find out below:

1. Tell them to quit: Tell your partner that you want them to stop. Tell them you want them to get help, and let them know you will be there for them throughout the process.

2. Be supportive: Find out what you can do to help them quit. Ask professionals what steps you should take from whatever program your sweetheart chooses to go through. Be there for them to show them you believe in them and you have hope for them. Don’t let them give up on themselves.

3. Remove stressors: Try to remove any stressors or triggers that will make them run back to their addiction. They are at a delicate moment in their lives so they need to be treated with care.

How did you help your partner fight their addiction? Comment below and let us know.

‘Ready for Love’ Stars Ernesto Arguello and Ben Patton Discuss Reality Dating By Andrea Surujnauth

These reality dating shows are not as simple as they look. According to Ernesto Arguello and Ben Patton from Ready for Love, it actually entails a lot more heartache than television networks let on. “It is more stressful going to that garden than anything else,” Arguello tells People. Both him and Patton agree that letting women go is a difficult experience. “The garden is unreal,” says Patton. “You’re essentially breaking up with someone. You’re not just saying, ‘Hey, here’s a rose for you. And you guys didn’t get a rose,’ and walk off.” They also have to deal with the challenges of the kissing scenes. “It’s like hearing your own voice on voicemail,” says Patton.

What are some non-traditional ways to find love?

Cupid’s Advice:

It’s not easy to find love. Going out and meeting people is getting more and more difficult to do. What are some other ways that we can find love? Cupid has some suggestions for you:

1. Online: Some people don’t have time to go out and meet people, and others may be too shy. Online dating sites are a great resource and sigles are starting to use them much more often. There are so many types of dating sites to choose from that you are bound to find someone who meets your criteria.

2. Social Media: While Facebook and social media sites are a great way to keep in contact with friends, some use it as a way to meet people and start new relationships. Technology has become such a big part in our everyday lives that meeting your future spouse on Facebook is as casual as meeting them in a coffee shop.

3. Speed dating: By attending a speed dating session, you are able to meet different people in a matter of minutes to see if they are worth going out with on a (second) date. This is helpful if you are normally too busy to be able to go out and meet people.

What are some non-traditional ways that you found love? Comment below and let us know.

Find Out About Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, Boston Marathon Bomber’s Wife By Andrea Surujnauth

Katherine Russell grew up in Rhode Island and went to college at Suffolk University in Boston. She was from a Christian household and graduated top in her class from her high school. Her plan was to join the Peace Corps, but all of that changed when she met Tamerlan Tsarnaev, according to People. Now, she is known as the Boston Marathon Bomber’s widow. It all started when she went to a nightclub and one of her girlfriends introduced her to Tsarnaev. She dropped out of school, converted to Islam, and married Tsarnaev in June 2010. She moved in with his parents and his brother. The couple gave birth to a daughter, but the birth date remains unknown. After giving birth, Katherine worked long hours as a home health care aide while Tsarnaev stayed home and took care of their daughter. “She really loved the work,” says a family source. “I think it was the one thing she could do separately from him.” Katherine’s attorney states that she was unaware of the plans of the bombing.

What do you do if your partner does something of which you don’t approve?

Cupid’s Advice:

You love your man and you always thought the two of you had a future together. Then, one day, he does something that is against your values and morals. What should you do? Cupid has some advice:

1. Why: Try to listen to why your partner did what they did. Listen to their reasoning and see if they had a legitimate reason for making the move that they did. If they did something that is forgivable, then try to see it from their point of view. If what they did is not forgivable, you need to reconsider the person you are with.

2. Talk to him: Tell them you do not approve of what they did. Let them know it is not acceptable in your mind and they can not do things that you are uncomfortable with. If they love you, they will respect that you don’t approve and they won’t do it.

3. Leave: Do not stay with them if they are doing something that is really against your beliefs and is not willing to refrain from doing it for you. Your comfort, beliefs, and self respect is much more improtant than being in a relationship.

What would you do if your partner does something that you do not approve of? Comment below and let us know!

Celebrity News: Scott Disick Discusses Having to ‘Relive’ Fights on TV By Andrea Surujnauth

Having your whole life broadcasted on national television can turn out to be a real struggle especialy in Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian’s case . Having their love quarrels filmed for the whole world to see can be trying to their relationship even months after the acutal fight took place. “That, I will say, is one of the real downsides of the whole television thing,” Disick tells Ryan Seacrest during an interview onRyan Seacrest With the Kardashians: An E! News Presentation. “Just when I think we’ve worked through something, and we’re finally moving forward, a rerun will be on, and I’ll be upstairs, and she’ll call me,” he continues. “Like, ‘Hey, so I kinda forgot to say I hated you for this one other thing.’ And I’m like, ‘What? I have to relive this again?'” These lovebirds have been together since 2006. And how is their relationship going now? I would say we’re decently happy,” Disick tells Seacrest. And what about the wedding bells? “I think if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. You know what I mean?” he said. “I feel like I used to want to get married more than she did. And then, being that she was always so not interested, I’ve decided not to be.” Kardashian and Disck are parents of son Mason, 3, an daughter Penelope, 9 months.

How do you forgive and move on after a fight? Cupid’s Advice:

After having a fight with your beau, you may still feel angry. You still love them but the words from the fight are still ringing in your ear and you can’t get over it. How can you just forgive, forget, and move on? Cupid is here to help you do just that:

1. We are humans: Realize that fact that everyone is human and we all make mistakes. If the fight was over a minor issue that can be overlooked, then let is go by telling yourself that your sweetie is enititled to one or two mistakes. As long as your partner knows that it is wrong to do it again, no need to hold a grudge.

2. Part problems: Do not keep thinking of the past. If your honey made a mistake in the past that caused a fight, remember, you chose to stay with them and forgive them so you can not keep tormenting them about what they did. Just forget about what happened in the past and look towards the future. As long as your partner doesn’t keep doing the crime, stop punishing them.

3. You love them: While in a fit of anger, remember why you love your sweetie. This will calm you down and realize that the fight does not matter to you as much as your love for them.

How do your forgive your partner after a fight? Share your thoughts below. Celebrity News: Actor William Levy Plays Casanova in New Pepsi Next Campaign

By Lori Bizzoco Actor William Levy has had a very busy career! Modeling, Telemundo, JLo’s I’m Into You , VH1’s Single Ladies, Dancing with the Stars and so many other credits to his name. Now Levy is here to chat with us personally and giving us the scoop on his upcoming movies “Addicted” and “Single Moms Club.” He also talks to us about life as a single dad, what he looks for in a woman and his newest campaign for Pepsi Next Campaign. William will play six different characters in the upcoming campaign, including the role of Casanova, one of his favorites.

Which William Levy Character is Your Favorite? Check them out here. For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Celebrity News: Matt Damon Returns to Work After Renewing Vows with Wife Luciana

By Andrea Surujnauth

Matt Damon returns to work after his Cancun vow renewal getaway. Damon and wife Luciana had an intimate celebration for their 10 year mark of knowing one another. “It was a very family-oriented and happy celebration,” a source told People. They source went on to spill the beans about the lovebirds, “They were smiling and looked very happy together.” Now, only a week after his romantic vacation, Damon was seen at the Summer of Sony event with director Neill Blomkamp and costar Sharlto Copley to promote their new movie Elysium.

How do you deal with your partner’s busy work schedule?

Cupid’s Advice:

You and your partner can’t get enough of one another. So how do you handle their busy schedule? You want to be able to see them as much as possible so how do you pull that off if they are always busy? Cupid is here with some advice for you:

1. Communicate: If you can’t physcially be there with your partner, show them you are thinking of each other by sending each other flirtatious text messaged throughout your day. This way, although apart, you will know that you are on each other’ minds.

2. Free time: When the two of you finally do have free time to spend together, make the most of it. Do not spend you time sitting on the couch. Get up and do something together. Have fun with your sweetie and make each other feel special during this time.

3. Eliminate distractions: While spending time with your love, make sure you give each other all your complete attention. Put away the cell phones and refrain from answering any work related calls and emails. Enjoy being together without all of the work stuff.

How do you handle your partner’s busy schedule? Comment below and let us know.