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Telephone 2365 Star Business Office. SECOND EDITION.


TWO MILLIONS For eight months and five days tho The vessel was making five feet an ETNA ERUPTION seamen on board the schooner Sailor hour. Too Fast a Story. Boy, an account of whose sorry plight On this latter point, however, Almy (Associated Press Cables for the Star.) la possible) the special San-- stream can not be relieved except was yesterday published exclusively It that ' disagreed with them. He told them CATANIA, September 14. Twenty thousand people have fled from Car- by an expensive system of sewers, in llary Board, of which by the Star, have been pumping day straight out that tnoro was something Castlglione and Francavilla, which are threatened by lava flows. Several remaining ter Is chairman, will recommend the tho meantime a menace to In and day out. Now they want to get wrong about tho assertion, for he was villages have been deprived of their waterllow. The eruption Is en- comunlty. appointment of a trained sanitary the health of the' entire The paid off, and they allege that Captain positive that no vessel could live that gineer to study the sewerage problems samo condition prevails In Palama, Erratt, the master of the vessel, will would make five feet an hour, as there. ade- of Honolulu and recommend an Iwllel and Kalihi, where there is no not accede to their wishes. They, was no hand pump that could cope MORE DANGER IN CHINA. quate system to meet present and fu- adequate systom of sewers, and what threatened that they would take the with such au inrush. The Star was CHUNG KIN, China, September 1?'. The British consul has ordered Is ex- ture needs. The commission there are are probably a menace, rath matter to Shipping Commissioner about right, he thought, when It stated British and American residents to leave Szqchuan and seek safety. empty pected to make Its report sometime er than a safeguard, as they Almy. The reply they say they re yesterday that three feet of water was PEKIN, Sept. II All approaches to Changtu are held by the rioters, in December. thoif-conten- upon the mud flats close ceived from the master was: "To being made by the old schooner. K Japanese gunboat Is proceeding to Wanhslen. There is a very general recognition In to the land. Puunul and upper Ka' with the shipping commissioner; ho But on all other points Almy Is In t.of the fact among citizens who have llhl are sewerless, and the Impervious can't do anything to me." clined to believe them, for they are a GOVERNORS HEAR SUFFRAGETTE. given any atentlon to the sanitary nature of the soil makes a sanitary Almy Gets Busy. fine set of fellows, he said, and had not SPUING LAKE, N. J., September 14. At the conference of governors, problems of the city, that it is only problem that is constantly growing in "Can't I," eays Almy. "Weil see. I a 3ign of drink abou them. Tho long Mrs. Anna Shaw advocated suffrage for women. tho matter of a very short time until seriousness. have directed the captain to be at my time that has elapsed since they left n GOVERNMENT FOR Honolulu will be right up against Manoa valley has conditions which office at ten o'clocK tomorrow morn San Francisco has been put In In TIMBER SALE. very problem In of yet WASHINGTON, September 14. The government will sell G0O,O00;OQO large the matter are disgusting in the extreme, and ing, and noil pay those men off, for 1 South Sea waters. They have been feet of timber In the Arizona forest reserves. a sewer system. The present system until an expensive sewer system for know that the vessel is leaking. I among the various groups of islands was built according to the recommend this section alone can be planned and have 'just dictated the necessary letter. In these romantic spots, trading be WARD ON HIS WAY. atlons of an expert brought hero for installed, the conditions must remain That captain will be here tomorrow tween the Islands. The men were MIDDLETOWN, N. Y., September 14. Aviator Ward, en route to Los the purpose ten or twelve years ago Waikikl, Palolo, Kalmuki and portions morning ten men of whole thing long ago, at o'clock and the sickened the Angeles, has passed over this place. It has been a good system, but the city of Makikl and Punahou districts, also will come at twelve and get their but they had no chance of being paid has outgrown It. At the time It was have their problems. money. off, for they have not been In an Amer conceived, It was estimated that It The Problems Involved. NEW JOB FOR COLONELS. Four of the men, Mata Rodrigues, ican port since they left, where there WASHINGTON, September 14. 50,-00- Hereafter colonels of the army will would serve a population of about Tho really big problem comes in tho Augusta Schulg, H. a shipping Who Wolters and A. was commissioner command recruiting depots. , and would be adequate for twenty matter of handling these widely separ Hlllstoll, called on the shipping com- could free them from the ship. Hono years or more. The only error was ated sections. "Will it be moro feasl they'-t'ol- missioner this morning, and lulu was the first port. THE GOVERNORS PROTEST. made In estimating the growth of the bio to bring the sewage from these dif- him all about the whole affair.' For Says Men Are Tired. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. The governors in their session at Spring city. ferent districts to one general outfall eight months and five days, they'ald, They told the captain that they were Lake havo protested to the Supreme Court against the affirmation of tho Badly Needed. or two or more such Sewers station, should they have been In the boat, and tired of the whole thing, and wanted Sanborn decision In the Nebraska iate case. It was probably not anticipated that outlets be established? How near in throughout the long hours of every to leave the vessel. He was angry at the city would spread over a great area shore Is. it s.afe to permit the discharge watch the pumps had to bo kept going Morning Cable Report Page consequent re- ocean cur on Seven. .as It has, and the of sewage? How can the In order to keep the water In check. (Continued on DSge eight.) sult has been that large sections of the rents be counted, upon to act through city (many of them densely populated out the year? These are just a few .too) have no sewers whatever, while of the many questions which will re DAINTY CINDERELLA SHOES the nature of the soil makes It im- quire the most serious study, and by BISHOP STREET EXTENSION 10 possible to effectually dispose of sew-.ag- e men fully familiar with this class of 161 by means of cesspools. work. Already some progress has been A Punch-Jbow- YOUNG HOTEL For instance the congested l made in this connection by the depart BEFORE 5 comm FR01 01 district has no sewers whatever, ment of public works, and investiga 1 1 although, fortunately, an underlying tions are going on in a number of di cesspool 'Among an elaborate se .stratum of black sand, makes rections. these There are two new tan shoes at the results, for no one was hit. drainage especially ofllcient in this J. R. Gait, of the Hawaiian Trust members of the commission are Sweet Shop, Hotel street, waiting for J The second arrival was discovered (Continued on pago eight.) stage disappointed over this, locality. A large area along Nuuanu Company, held the center of the somewhat the fair owner to claim them. They to be the twin sister of the first one. meeting Bishop proffer at the of the street since It was believed that the came into the possession of the shop This fact was proclaimed with joy, committee this morning. srj'uld be an one, giving as extension attractive In a queer way. and the hope was expressed that the or his argument fur- corner sites on Hotel Whether not has it did two Some of those connected with the owner would never call around and WATER INVESTIGATION ON HAWAII complicated an already more or a slightly larger area ther street besides Sweet Shop were standing on the side- claim them, for they are dainty little less complicated matter, remains to land. of walk on Tuesday evening, when their pieces of footwear, and are merely be seen. The matter brought up by Mr. Gait t r talk was interrupted by a dainty siioe so'iled on , showing that they The Hawaiian Trust wants to build recalls tho effort made in the last PROVES VERY STRENUOUS 08 hurtling through the air apparently j have been- used - but very little. Of a concrete building on the corner of days of tho legislature to havo a bill from one of the upper rooms of the course, if the owner can prove In Hotel and Union streets, but it can't put through straightening Union Alexander Young Hotel. The fact that her own Cinderella way that they aro well do so under the present condi- street, and taking no need to Bishop way. It was a lady's shoe is thought to ac- hers, she can have them, and no The work of surveying the head- deen. practically all the The tions. Tho arbitrating board is there- street, which measure failed. There new cam count for tho lack of accuracy In the charge will be mrtd'e for the storage, f AVailuku river, on Ha- first night was spent in the fore asked by Mr. Gait to recommend was no secret at the time that the waters of the aim. Tho excitement of the arrival of nor will any compensation be sought with only partial shelter, and the rain the straightening of Union street, Hawaiian Trust Company was much waii, and adjacent streams, at about first shoe had scarcely died away, for the nervous strain caused by earth- fall amounted to seven inches. which at present enters Hotel street interested in this matter. the 2500 level, in .order to get some a one mado Its uncero- - ly bodies mysteriously appearing from the Sir. Pierce had some difficulty in on the Ewa side In a broad arc, and Mr. Gait explained this morning when second again with lack of tho heavenly regions. Idea of the volume of water obtainable getting men to assist in the work. At selling to Ithet Trust company the that this proposition need not preju- monious descent, at this elevation, is now going on ac- first attempt ho hired five Portuguese land left by this process. dice tho extension of Bishop street tively, according to W. F. Martin, chief two of whom failed to show up again The board expected this morning to as proposci1., and he further offered engineer of the United States hydro-.graphi- c One deserted before the first day was come to some terms with Buckley to waive any prior right to purchase PACKED UP THE KAH GOES TO work in the Territory. Tho over, and the other two had left with Sullivan for an exchange of their one-ha'- f of the portion of Union actual work is being done by C. II. In tho next two days. At present four property needed for Bishop street, for street opposite his property, in case Pierce, who has general charge of the husky Russians are holding down the tho lower end of Union street. Thi the whole area should bo desired in work on the big island. jobs, and will probably stick. board suggested this some days ago, effecting an exchange with Sulllvnn WRONG CLOTHES PAR L HARBOR According to advices received from The results of the work in this dif but F. E. Steero. who appeared as & Buckley. Ho argued that time 's f great In In i JMr. Pierce, conditions for work are not ficult region will be of value representative of the Arm this morn- a vital matter with his company Charles J. Welch, of The United States tug Navajo went exactly Ideal in tho section of the connection with the big Kan ditch ing, stated that the proposition was Welch & Co., of San Francisco and out at nine o'clock this morning with country in which It must be carried project which plans to take its water not agreeable to his clients. The (Continued on page eight.) Now York, now in Honolulu, and a a party on board including Congress on. A considerable portion of tho dis- from these sources. The hydro- very big sugar man indeed, has lost man Kahn, bound for Pearl Harbor. tance con only be traversed on loot, graphic force now has rain gauges at his togs. But he is able to get more, Tho forts down there will be inspect and all camp supplies must be carried each 500 feet of elevation from Hilo SUPERVISORS ASKED TO as might bo supposed, and he will ed under the guidance of several na- on men's backs, through mud knoa to the 4000 level. IKE find his others when ho returns to val officers. Admiral Cowles, U. S. San Francisco. N was also a member of the party. Yesterday he went up to Walalua T RAILS FO L CUMBER plantation. While absent, tho porter IGGEST OF ALL PACIFIC STEAMERS of the Young Hotel mixing him up with another passenger, hustled his IRS 0 IA baggago out and sent It aboard the ORDERED B! AUSTRAL IAN LINE Tho Trail and Mountain Club wants . nectlng trails. It Is estimated that It Wlllielmlna. It is now bound for Snn tho city and county supervisors to will cost approximately five thousand Francisco from which Mr. Welch had OF HUSBAND dollars for to complete this sys to tho Philip spend $5000 on making trails over labor just come, on route tem, and tho officers and members of pines. mountains, and night ap A - Oahu last got decree of divorco was signed this By the mall from on Tues- two Pacific Mail liners. They aro the club respectfully bring this subject When Mr. Welch back homo pealed to tho board by a lotter from morning by Judgo Robinson against day there was received hero an excel- 051.7 feet long, while the Uritish liner to tho attention of the honorable from windward, ho didn't even And his calling at- por George Kaea, the notorious gambler, lent description of tho boat that the will bo 20.1 feet shorter, its president, W. R Castle, Board of Supervisors with tho hope hairbrushes or his pajamas. Tho i on petition of his wifo Annie, tho Steamship Company of Now Mongolia. tention to what tho club has done In that they will find It posslblo to ap- ter hud dono his work well, so that the Union Bigger Than nny grounds being Zea-landi- dol- complain that habitual Zealand will build to ropiaco tho Even tho Mongolia will not bo as trail making and tho public usefulness propriate tho sum of live thousand Mr. Welch wouldn't bo extreme cruelty. n which wub com- his belongings had been left intoxication and now running in tho Canadian-Australia- big as the now liner in point of ton- of tho trails. The letter, lars or Its equivalent in labor to of was hind. There was nothing to do but Judgo granted service. nage, as the Mongolia is only 13.G3S referred to the road committee, pleto this system of trails, under the Robinson a divorco to mako tho appropriate remarks and out, the tons gross, but she Is 000 feet long. as follows: direction of the Trail and Mountain Solldad Kaus against Henry Kaus on If these plans aro carried broak for tho Toggery. steamqr will a beam "Tho Trail and Mountain Club dur- Club, which Is ready to undertako tho grounds of drunken- new vessel will be ono of the finest The Drltlsh have will for tho in- subsequent Mr. Welch soon leave ness and extreme cruelty Tur-.hlii- o 06 w,il bo nine inches ing the past two years has been their maintenance. manifested and largest boats plying here. of feet, which Phlllpplno8, where ho anil his part- Mongolia or the Man- strumental In tho construction of Most UseJ. In frequent beatings and abusive steamers havp been running here greater than tho Trails ners, the Havemcyers, own sugar in- 10 greater many miles of mountain trails on the "Tho great Increase In tho uso of for years now, ard the old Maheno, churia, and 2 feet inches terests and ho will go with a brand Canadian-Australia- n Her Island of Oahu. Tho uso of these the already makes it formorly in tho than the Korea or tho Siberia. trails avallablo new Honolulu outflt of trunks, va- ono, will as a form of open-ai- r amuse apparent construction of COMMISSION CLAIMS. sorvice, was a favorite turbine liner. speed will be a high and bo trails that tho lises and things to fill them. to' W. 12. Wall's suit against Herman Ono of the now dopartures for Hono- greater than tho Manchuria or tho ment has become so popular as mountain trails is legitimately tho many yesterday took Focke, to recover $2700 commission on lulu will be the fact that the now Mongolia, and about oqual to that of commend this undertaking to function of your honorable body, as a The Civic Federation generous i.Mtblic rec- of securing u a land sale, will go to tho jury before liner will be propelled by turbine and tho Siberia and the Korea, but not ns cltizoiiH who havo given it convenience and moans of up tho question better Honolulu, Judgo reciprocating machinery. Her size groat as tho Tenyo, Chlyo and Slilnyo support. reation for residents and tourists mall delivery for the city of Whltnoy about Monday morn- Is to is con- ing. Focko filed n demand for will bo between 13,000 and 1 1,000 tons Marus. "The club, however, ambitious allko, honco this request. Trusting so far as its residential hns linniedl-at- o to a Jury C. F. simi- gross, so that she will be bigger than Seeing that tho details como from completo a systom of trails that it lias that you will lie able to tako cerned, and It is proposed start trial by of Peterson's sit- - surveyed,' extending Moanalua I yours, In which tho various Im- against him. the Korea and the Siberia, which are Dunedln, Now Zealand, where is from action, am, respectfully campaign , lar suit - 5G51 on tho west to Nlu on tho east of tho "WILLIAM R. CASTL13, provement clubs will tako an active U,'-7- G tons gross am- tons not, five.) city of with numorous con part. Flno Job Printing, Star Office. but she will not bo bo long as these (Continued on page Honolulu, "President."

,1- TTfO THE HAWAIIAN STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1011. THE HAWAIIAN STAR DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKL- Y. Shipping And Waterfront News BY W. H. CLARKE. Daily published every afternoon (except Sunday) by the Hawaiian Star Hono- Shipping on Page Five.) Newspaper Association, Ltd., McCandless Dulldlng, Bothol ttreet, (Additional lulu, T. II. THE MA1L8. nolulu, nr. Columbia River, June 2J. Nllhau from Hawaii. to represent a modest Increment foi From Snn Francisco, Sep- Hawaii prlvilego traveling by Entered at the Postofflce at Honolulu as second clnsa mall matter. CHINA, for Honolulu from Yokohama, The Nllhau returned from tho of a steamer tember 20. September 12. this morning with 7,150 bags of sugar, almost twlco the size of the Adrintir, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. To tho Orient, per Persia Septem- CHIYO MARU, Am. S. S., from Hono- forty empty gasoline drums and six but for obvious reasons the minimum - 20. 2G. 'kept Dally, anywhere In the Islands, per. month 'j- ber lulu, ar. Yokohama August rollers. fares on the leviathan must be Dally, anywhere In the Islands, three montho To San Francisco, per Siberia, Sep- COLUMBIAN, Am. S. S., from Seattle, Helene from Hawaii, within reasonable bounds. Thoso who 4.00. 1G. ..,n,t,n. n tiovj Tolnmla It mnlitha: tember ar. Honolulu, September 2. The Helene was another arrival this wish to travel do luxe will have pldnty JLtUlj, tiu it u .u bu.uw, 8.00. Dally, anywhere In the Islands, ono year From tho Orient, Sep- CORONADO, Am. tk., trom Hono- morning from Hawaii. She brought of scope on the Olympic. There are year 12.00. e Dally, to foreign countries, one tember 1G. lulu, nr. San Francisco, Juno 9. 7,800 bags of sugar, seventy-fiv- hend "parlor" suites, consisting two bed- year 2.00. of Beml-Weekl- y, anywhero in the Islands, one seventy-liv- e of 3.00. From Australln, Octo- CROOK, D. S. A. T., laid up at San of cattle and packages rooms, sittlngroom, and private bsftrh Bemi-Week- year ly to Foreign countries, ono .... 10. ber Francisco. sundries. and toilet to say nothing or a ward-roberoo- To Australia per C. A. S. Mnktira, CROWN OF CASTILE, str., from Liv- luppllod upon request. Hyades Heard From. which one, two, or three Advertising rates October 11. erpool for Honolulu, July 13. At eight o'clock last night the Hy-nde- s, passengers can have at 250, 350, or .MANAGER. DEFIANCE, for Port Allen from Co- 450, according to season. U D. TIMMON8 which is on her way here from tho These SHIPPING IN I'OIIT. lumbia River, Soptomber 12. Seatle, wirelessed in that at that figures, it may be noted, correspond S66. ECLIPSE, schr., Business office telephone, 2365; postofflce box, from Honolulu for hour she was 944 miles off. She wis closely with the prices charged by (Government vessels.) Manila, September 9. experiencing moderate southwest Company for their . "regal U. S. N. tug Navajo Is from Mare EDWARD SEWALL, Am. ship, from winds, all were well and tho weather suites. Again, rooms on tne Olymp land, July 20. Iahulul, ar. New York August 23. was fine. She will be here on Sim-da- fitted with private bath and toilet ca.i (Merchant Yessots) Ocaanic Steamship Company ELDORADO, Am. schi., a), fledondo be had for ono passenger at from 7i Flaurence Ward, from Midway Isl from Hilo, July 31. Saturday's Holiday on Waterfront. to 200, according to the season, o and, August 3. ENTERPRISE, Am. S. S. from Hilo at from 80 to 200 for the use oi W.- - J. Patterson, Lancaster, from Saturday will bo observed as a legal Schedule ar. Snn Francisco, July 22. two. Needless to say these figures Sierra Gray's Harbor, August 30. ERSKINE M. PHELPS, Am. ship, holiday on tho waterfront as far as ARRIVE HON. LEAVE HON. ARRIVE 3. F. ar. relate to the choicest locations on the LEAVE S. P. Resolute, scr., from Portland, Ore., Philadelphia from Honolulu, Juno the Island steamers are concerned, for SEPT. 13 SEPT. 19 promenade and upper decks. Tlio 1(J September 1. 14. none of the Inter-Islan- d company's JJPT. 23 SEPT. 23 OCT. i OCT. number of "parlor" suites in tho Olym- Robert Searles from Mukllteo, Sep ETHEL ZANE, fleet will load or sail on thut day. p, 14 OCT. 20 OCT. 26 OCT. 31 Am. schr., from Hilo pic is a pretty clear proof that this tember 5. ar. Gray's Passengers Departed. 4 NOV. 10 NOV. IB NOV. 21 Harbor, July 24. typo NOV. PROJECTED ARRIVALS. Per S. S. Marama for Australia, via of accommodation meets tho DEC. 1 6 DEC. 12 EXPANSION, scr., ar. Gray's Harbor, NOV. 25 DEC. C. views of a wealthy class of traveler. From Manila. from Knhului, September 8. Suva and , September 13 DEC. 1G DEC. 22 DEC. 27 JAN. 8 The White Star mammoth Olympic Sheridan, October 6. CLYDE, F. Man, II. Nuso, D. A. Leish, Mrs G 12 JAN 22 FALLS OF ar. San Fran JAN JAN. jan 17 "nuer lhe command of Capt. E. .1. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. cisco from Honolulu, September G. Stevenson and child, Mr. and Mrs. J.,ls or ty.ii-atic- , For San Francisco. C. Robertson, Mrs. L. H. McVey, Mr. Smith, R. N, R formerly the Class, ?G5; Round FLAURENCE WARD, Scr., from Mid- RATES from Honolulu to San Francisco First Siberia, September 1G. Mrs. F. Cole, II. W. R. and the commodore of the 11m way Island, ar. Honolulu, August 3. and Walthall, Trip, UN). Family Room, extra. China, September 22. Nemmlch, Dr. Trapper. Mrs. L. II. It goes without saying that he has hail held Forty-Eigh- t hours prior to FOOHNG SUE?. Am. bk., from Hon. Reservations will not he inter than For Vancouver. Wheatley, Allan Doone, Miss Edna a long experience of the North Atlan- aro paid for in full. for N. Y. via Mahukona, April 17. advertised sailing time unless tickets S. S. Zealandia, October 10. tic, and that his personal qualities ad- .I FORESTER, from Callas for Honolulu, Keeler, L. Matheson, L. Nichols, S. S. S. Marama, November 7. mirably fit him for the responsiblp September 1. Nichols, Mrs. M. Nichols, D. Crozier. FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY TO For FIJI and Australia. post to which he has been appointed GAMBLE, scr., nr. Port Gamble from Per Makura for Victoria and Van- S. S. Makura, October 11. When tho Olympic is full she will cat iiiio, August as. couver, Tuesday night Mrs. C. Me- - S. S. Zealandia November 8.-- ry 334G people, inclusive of her crew Ltd. GENERAL HUBBARD, str. from Ho- Lennnn, Miss M. McLennan, Mrs. F. For China and Japan. commander will In effc rewer Co.. Flem-mlng- , so that her nolulu for San Francisco, August 5. A. Alexander, J. P. Cooke, John AGENTS. Persia, September 20. be tho ruler of a population equal GENERAL HAWAII, Am. bktn., from Mahukona Robt. McCorrlston, Mr. and Korea, September 25. or a small town. ar. "July 22. Mrs. Rycroft and infant, L. S. Rei-bol- that Shinyo Maru, October 3. San Francisco, H. HACKFELD, German bk., from Mrs. E. Reibold, Mr. and Mrs. The World's Shipbuilding. Honolulu, arrived Portland, Ore., A. Coyne, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Twiner, There has been a considerable il Canadian-Australi- Go INTER-ISLAN- an Royal Mail Steamship VESSELS. May 21. J. McClean, Desmond Stanley, Miss crease In the production or new For Maul and Hawpll Ports. HELENA, Am. schr., from Gray's Har- M. Phillips, Miss E. Hawkes, F. J. ping as compared with the figures tm Mauna Kea, I.--I. S, N Co., every bor for Honolulu, September 2. Swadling, Mrs. II. O'Connor, Dr. F. 1908, in practically every country; uinl CANADIAN-PACIFI- C Tuesday. the Cor-sln- Steamers of the above line running in connection with HERZOGIN CECILE, Ger. ship, from W. Ritson, H. Twiner, Leldenus this decrease is, in respect or nu B. Sydney, Claudin'j, I.-- I S. N. Co.. every Fri- RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, C, and Lelth for Honolulu, August 1. Mr. and Airs. A. Collie, John T. chant work, especially marked in th. N. Z. day. N. S. W.( and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Auckland, HILONIAN, Am. S. S., from Hilo ar. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss case of France, where the total show-- a For Motokat and Maui. FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. San Francisco, September 5. Craske, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hagan, ,7. reduction of 49 per cent; in dot 12 Mikahala, every Tuesday. Hagan. B. S. MARAMA SEPT. 13 S. S. MAKURA SEPT. HONGKONG MARU, Jap. 3. S., left many, where the output is 40 per cen. 10 For Kauai Ports. Luxury B B MAKURA OCT. 11 S. S. ZEALANDIA OCT. Honolulu for South America, July 17. on Modern Steamers. less; and In the United States, when G. I.-- I. NOV. 7 W. Hall, S. N. Co., every Under At- S. S. ZEALANDIA NOV. 8 S. S. MARAMA HONOIPU, Am. schi., fro'm Hana for the rules of the North the total Is 31 per cent less. In Un- DEC 5 Thursday. lantic passenger S. S. MARAMA DEC. 6 P. S. MAKURA San Francisco, September 2. conference each case oi the , howevei , Kinau, I.-- I. S. N. Co., every Tues- HONOLULAN, Am. S. S., steamer Is graded. That is to say, a G.i? day. for San there is actually an increase or pet BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAGES. Francisco from Knhului, September minimum fare for first and second cent. Or the tonnage CALLING AT SUVA, FIJI, ON Kona and Kau Ports. launched S. cabin passengers is fixed, presumably throughout the world during 19u!, Mauna Loa, I.-- I. S. N. Co., alternate HYADES, Am. S. S., Fran-- 1 with full regard to the character of Tbeo, H Davies & Co., Ltd., Gen'l AonU Tuesdays and Fridays. from San Great Britain acquired nearly 47 per Cisco for Seattle, August 31. the ship and the quality of the ac- cent, which suggests that tho shipping commodation. IRMGARD, bktn., rrom San Francisco industry is holding Its own, oC TRANSPORT SERVICE. while ar. Mahukona, September 12. In the case of the Olympic the mini- tonnnge Co. A. the total of vessels of over Steamship U. S. T. Crook, laid up at San mum first-cabi- n Pacific Mail J. A CHANSLOR, for Monterey from fare is put at 25.10, 100 tons, tho United Kingdom Trancisco. as Honolulu, August 30. compared with 25 in the case of G2 per company will call at Honolulu and leave this U. S. A. T. Thomas San Fran- launched cent. If, however, only Steamers of the above at JOHN ENA, Am. Ship for Delaware the Lusitnnia and the Mauretanla. The below: seagoing merchant steamers of .Hunt jort on or about tho dates mentioned cisco. second-cabi- n Breakwater, from Honolulu, May 14 minimum is identical in gross ORIENT: FOR SAN FRANCISCO . U. S. A. T. Warren, at Philippines. tons be taken Into account and FOR THE JOHN SMITH, bkt., arrived Kaana- - each case, namely 12'.10. Hereto- S. S. PERSIA SEPT. 20 S. S. SIBERIA SEPT. 1G U. S. A. T. Dix, at Seattle, out or in this category we have 180 steamers, pali from Port Ludlow, September G. fore the highest minimum first-cabi- n S. S. KOREA SEPT. 25 S. S. CHINA SEPT. 22 commission until middle or Septem- of 892,078 tons nearly 75 per rem KIYO MARU, from Yokohama for Ho- fare on any White liner OCT 10 S. S. MANCHURIA SEPT. 20 ber. Star has been was launched in the United Kingdom. S. S SIBERIA 7. S." nolulu, September 22.10. This is in the case of the S. CHINA OCT. 17 S. S. MONGOLIA OCT. 21 . U. S. A. T. Buford rrom Honolulu The total of merchant shlppiiin KOKO HEAD, bkt., from Newcastle Adriatic, so there a jump or. San Francisco, August 15. that is of launched is 10G3 vessels, of l,002,nr.7 'Will call at Manila. 3 . for Honolulu, September 13. in thnt of the Olympic. It peemslj ons, W V U. S. A. T. Logan for Manila via practically all of which whs 1 a. a KONA, Am. schr., from Ahuklni for III apply to Guam, September 14. steam craft, the sailing tonnage being For general information Gray's Harbor, August 3. RESOLUTE, Am. scr., U. S. A". T. Sherman for San Fran- from Portland, represented by only 64.4S7 tons. This KOREA, Am. S. S., Ore., ar. Honolulu, September 1. Agents cisco from Honolulu, September 4. ar. San Francisco aggregate total is 231,000 tons Irs H. Hackfeld & Co., R. C. SLADR, U. S. A. T. Sheridan for Manila via from Honolulu, September 8. Am. schr., left Honolulu than in 1908, and 1,175,000 tons kv U. S. A. T. LOGAN, Aberdeen, Wash., April 29. Guam, August 4. from Honolulu than In 1907; indeed, the output N for Manila, September 14. R. P. RITHET. Am. bk., Mahu- from the lowest for twelve years, hju LURLINE, Am. S. S., kona ar. San Francisco, August 29. Matson Navigation Co.s Schedule, 1911 VESSELS' WHEREABOUTS. for Honolulu there wns a recovery from four year' from San Francisco, September I J. ROBERT LEWERS, Am. schr., from DIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN 8AN FRANCISCO AND munululu A. F .COATES, sch., from Hilo, ur. world-wld- o depression in the shipping Francisco, LYMAN D. FOSTER, Am. schr., ar. Honolulu ar. Port Townsend. August Arrive from San Francisco. Sail for Ban Port Townsend, September 3. trade. If warship tonnage is included, 20 S. LURLINE SEPT. 26 A. Port Townsend from Houoipu, July 2S. S. S. LURLINE ...SEPT S. M. DAXTER, Am. schr., ar. Gray'a the total ouput becomes 1214 vesst K OCT. 5 11. ROBERT SEARLES, Am. from S. S. HONOLULAN SEPT 27 S. S. HONOLULAN Harbor from Port Allen, April 17. schr.. each exceeding 100 tons, with a tot.il OCT. 11 MABEL RICKMERS. Gor. bk., from Mukllteo ar. Honolulu, September S. S. WILHELMINA Oct 3 S. S. WILHELMINA ALASKAN, from Seattle for Hono- tonnage of 2,O0G,332, which is 13G,'0 OCT 18 S. S. LURLINE OCT. 24 lulu, September G. Honolulu for Newcastle. March 30. ROSECRANS, Am. S. S., for Mon - S. S. LURLINE tons less tnan in the previous y- i. 8 MAKURA, lor Vancouver from Hono- terey, from Kaanapali, S. S. WILHELMINA OCT. 31 S. S. WILHELMINA NOV. .iLDUltT, Am. bk., ar. Port Townsend August 23. lulu, September 13. ;the decrease In tho merchant tonim 15 S. NOV. 21. from Knllua, August 30. SALVATOR, schr., from Mukf,teo for S. S. LURLINE NOV. S. LURLINE being partly by U .MARAMA, from Honolulu Aus- compensated for for Honolulu direct on ALEX. ISENBERG. Ger. Sp., ar. for , August 22. The S. S. Hilonian of this lino sails from Seattle September 13. Increase in the warship tonnage. Portland, Oregon, from Honolulu tralia, SANTA RITA, Am. S. 3, ar Port or about September 23, 1011. MANCHURIA, from Honolulu, ar. AGENTS September 5. San Luis, from Honolulu, August G. CASTLE & COOKE, LTD GENERAL Yokohama previous to August 23. A LI) EN HESSE, Am. bk.. from San SANTA MARIA, str., ar. San Fran-- 1 MARION CIIILCOTT," Pedro for Honolulu, March 16. ar. Gaviota eisco from Honolulu, September 11.' from Honolulu, July 21. u ALEX. T. BROWN, for Valparaiso S. C. ALLEN, Am. bkt., from Fort Bro. Benjamin American-Hawaiia- n Steamship Co. MARY E. FObTElt, Am." from Honolulu, July 11. schr., from Bragg for Honolulu, September 4. j Honolulu ar. Au- Compound Hor&alo Port Townsend G. - ALICE COOKE, schr., from Port S. WILDER, bktn., tor Port Town- j FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU, via Tehuantepec,' every sixth gust 28. ' Gamble for Honolulu, August 2G. send from Everett, June 3. day. Freight received at all times at the Company's Wharf. 4lBt Stteet Kidney ...ARY E. j Stemacii, Liver, and ARIZONAN, Am. S. S., from San WINKELMAN, ar. Port SHERIDAN, U. S. A. Hono- - South Brooklyn. T...trom nr. Townsend, September C. Bladder Remedy. FROM SEATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DIRECT: Francisco, Seattle September lulu for Manila via Guam, August 1. 18 12. MASSACHUSETTS, for Delaware SHERMAN, U. S. Hono-- j BLOOD PURIFIER S. S. Arizonan to sail about Sept. A. T from AMERICAN MARU, .lap. S. S., Breakwater, July 11. lulu, ar. Snn THI WORDS OHO BENJAMIN ar. Francisco, September, AND THIS flCTURC MUST Honolulu from San Francisco, Sep MELROSE, Am. scr., from Gray's Har- 12. Ot ON EVERY PACKAOC tember 5. bor ar. Hilo, August 28. SHINYO MARU, Tor San For further information apply to Francisco ANDREW WELCH, Am. bk., from MEXICAN, Am. S. S ar. Sallna Cruz rrom Honolulu, September 10. H. HACKFELD & CO, LTD, Agents, Honolulu. Honolulu for San Francisco August from Port Allen, Ser.tember 5. SIBERIA, S. S., rrom Yokohama Tor Agent C. P. MORSE, General Freight 29. MINDORO, Am. t,c1ir., riom Honolulu iiouoiuiu, September u. HELLE OF IRELAND, from Newcas- nr. Columbia River, August 21. SIERRA, Am. S. S., for San Fran tle, N. S. W., ar. Honolulu, Septem- MISSOURIAN, Am. S. S., from Hilo cisco rrom Honolulu, September 13. 10. for Sallna Cruz, August 31. ber ST. ROGATIEN, from for Ho-- MONGOLIA, S. Toyo Kisen Kaisha. BLAKELY, for Port Townsend from Am. S., nr. Yokohama nolulu, April 27. from Honolulu, September S. Steamers of the move Comnany will call at and leave Honolulu on or Honolulu, August 30. STRATHLYON, Br. str., for Portland, BONCIIAMPS, Fr. bk., from Callao in MURIEL, schr., from Honolpu for San Ore., TRADE MARK bout the dates mentioned below: rrom"Honolulu, September, 3. or thi FOR THE ORIENT. FOR 8AN IfRANCISCO. ballast. Left Honolulu for Portland Francisco, September 7. TENYO MARU. from Honolulu AO. BINJAMIM AmiDI CO for nca u pat orricc S. S. TENYO MARU SEPT. 12 S. S. CHIYO MARU OCT. C Oregon, August 19. NEWSBOY, Am. schr., ar. Gray's Har- the Orient, September 12. Am. bor, from Honolulu, CuM Induation. Dywpui. Soui Sum-tc-h. 8. S. SHINYO MARU OCT. 3 S. S. AMERICA MARU OCT. 27 BOREALIS, schr., for Hilo from September 3. VIRGINIAN, Am. S. S., from Sallna Lack of Appetite. Hun Hutttnaf , G tnd Wind StotoMb, BloAtad P. 31 S. 24 Gray's Harbor, September 2. NIPPON MARU, Jap. S. S., being over-haule- d do S. CHIYO MARU OCT. S. SHINYO MARU NOV. Cruz for San Francisco, via San flint in Stomach ifui tAliaj. Skk Heu S, S. AMERICA MARU NOV. 21 S. S. CHIYO MARU 22 BUFORD, U. &. A. T., from Honolulu at Nagasaki. Dlego.Sept 8. tcae, Diuinea, Coaled Toogut. Buiouuicu, DEC. ember La Grippe, Dengue Fever, CbtOi and Few, nr. San Francisco, August 15. NUUANU, Am. bk.. Josselyn, Malaria. Biealbooe, Fevec. Tired FccW from WADDON; Br. S. S., from Honolulu . BERTHA, German Dk., Kainapall Jauodirc, iitclache, Diabeei, Gravel, laa-- from Kahulul ar. New York, Juno 18. for Newcastle, N. S. W., via Ocean rieol Ddatit'l DiietK. Bladder Trouble, ar. Gray's Harbor", May 10. ' O. M KELLOGG, Am schr., from Ho- Lira rail. Hheumttiun, Impute Blood, Catarrh. Castle & Cooke, Ltd., Agents Island, August 1. Scroful, Melancholia, Nervout LBorderi, BUYO MARU, Jap. stmr., from Hono- nolulu, nr. Eureka June 1. ftenovct Wormi, Cum Ctn WILLIAM P. FRYE, Am. ship, for IlipaDort. Condition, lulu for the August 24 PERSIA, Br. Anaemic Orient, S. S., for Honolulu from Delaware Breakwater. May 22. A Great Tome lor Women. CAMANo, schr, nrnvefl at Port San Francisco, September 13. WILHELMINA, JQ str btttlt j 3 ICf .50, 6 lof J0 STEAMER DAY fromllonol ulu for rrom May 15. S. Noticc.-Di- Gamble Hilo. PRINCETON, U. S., for Samoa from San Francisco, September 13. BepUirm Cococouad Hcbalo. We save you from baggage w rrles by giving you eoauirta no alcahal. Ihueiors IM Ian perfect service. CARRIER DOVE, scr., for Town-sen- d Honolulu, August 19. Port W. J. PATTERSON, Am. scr., ar. Ho- ot tocat bct&a may aiy aTtthily. Your baggage gets there on time whon we handle It. Knhului, 12. from September PROSPER, scr., from Gray's Harbor, nolulu from Gray's Harbor, August UNION-PACIFI- TRANSFER CO. C. A. THAYER, schr., for Gray's for Hllo, August 24. 30, Drug Co., Liu. Phone 1875. from Honolulu, August 24. REPEAT, Am. schr., for Aberdeen ZEALANDIA, Br. S. S from Hono-lulu- , C. F. CROCKER, Am. bk Ho from Wash., from Honolulu, August 28. nr. Sydney, September 4.

1-. lEt Vin.i.W InJ&M.Uulf rtla.... . Jfc. THE' HAWAIIAN STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1011. Makes . Classified Advertisements The 1 One Cent Per Word. Six Words Count One Line By H. M. AY RES. w Per Line, One Week, 30 cents; Two Weeks, 40 cents; One Hair Month, 60 cents. won nnd to membership In the A. A. U. Grow GAME LAWS BEING FOR SALE. AUTO STAND. Furnished five-roo- house very auto stand Two six seat We are talking about Ayer's reasonable, with privilege of renting Cadillac cars. Phono 319G. Beretanla i Hair Vigor. Just note that word FLAGRANTLY VIOLATEI same. Inquire 705 Lunalllo street, op. near Nuuanu. poslto "Ayer's." You are" perfectly Normal School. SPORTDRIFT AUTOS TO RENT. safe with it. No harm to you or Ono safo and latest model cash reg- y ister in tho best condition. Will Royal Hawaiian Garage, Phono 1910. to your hair. Makes the hair Shooting men and sportsmen gator-all- As things stand tho supervisor havoi sell aro greatly interested In Ant 45 the disposition io1 tho money and cheap. Partlcuars at Star office. Tho finest rent cars in the City. grow? It certainly does. Stops Tho Puuncncs entered the junior Day passed by tho List legislature to while thoy would undoubtedly expend or night. Special rates. Prlcei falling hair, too. Remember, it's barge race after all. Bargains in Real Estate, on sea- reasonable. amend Act 11C of tho Session Liws it honestly thoy might not, from want e shore, plains and hills. Telephone "Ayer's" we are talking about. of 1907, relating to hunting with tiro-nrm- of tho sportsmen's peculiar knowledge, Arrangements have been made with 1602. "Pratt" 101 Stangenwold Build- M. E. Sllva's 1911 Stevens-Duryoa- , Ask your doctor about your hair nnd which is as follows do so altogether wisely. It is true the Rapid Transit Company to have n ing. Bcvcn-passcng- car. Spe- 4 116 "Section 1. Section of Act of that a good sportsman in tho person Ilea-lan- l cial rates for cash to rny named place and about Ayer's Hair Vigor. car run down to tho Myrtle and Cocoanut plants for sale. Samoan tho Session Laws of 1007 Is hereby of Eben Low Is a member of the board, around the Island. Dan Pokl, chauf- Get his approval. own boathouses on Regatta Day. This variety. Apply A. D. Hills, Llhue, Your so as to road as follows: he Isn't the only bird in the covey, Hupmoblle amended but hundreds of visitors who will flock Kauai. feur. auto, on hack rates, doctor and "Ayer's" make a '"Section 4. All fees collected un- unfortunately. j to tho two popular clubs' headquar- 25c, 50c, 75c, 11.00. Charles Spencer, very strong combination. It means der this Act shall bo paid Into the It Is the opinion among many hunt- ters on Saturday. A fine lot of mules chauffeur. Nuuanu Auto Stand, near . faith, confidence, satisfaction. treasury of the county or city and ers that tho monoy accumulated should will be greatly appreciated by tho and horses, See A. F. Beretanla-- Phone 3i5s or 1179. I county wherein collected by the treas- bo used In protecting tho birds that C; Rooker at Lewis' Stables, King street. urer thereof, such fees to bo used for aro left In the country today, rather J Jackson, Scharsch nnd Tsukamoto NOTICE. Ayer's Hair Vigor tho prcservati m and importation of than on the importation of game blcds, leave for Maul on Tuesday to take WANTED. I Subscribers not receiving the Ha- game birds within said county or for the present, anyway. part In the fifteen-mil- e rnce to be run Someone to do applique work. Ad- DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR waiian Star regularly or promptly will city and county.' Tho appointment of a game warden at Kahulul on tho 24th Inst. The dress Star office. "F" confer a favor by telephoning 2365. "Section 2. Section 5 of Act 11G of whoso duties would be to look out for three men will land at Lahalna and Pnpirxj by Dr. 1. C. Apr & Co. lowtlt, Mill., U.S. A A refrigerator; must be cheap and the Session Laws of 1907 Is hereby infractions of the game law and to see run to Wnlluku. In fair condition. Address "M" Star CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. amended so as to read as follows: that such were punished would be au, office. Choy You, fraternal Meetings " 'Section 5. Any person who shall excellent thing during the eloso sea-- 1 Tho Saints. Chinese and Tuk carpenter, contractor hunt with firearms within nny county son, his salary being paid out of the Fifth Cavalry aro preparing to play Furnished cottage or three or four and builder. Estimates given on all HONOLULU LODGE NO. 616, or el'y and county, without having- - a fund. games with tho Olympic Club's nine rooms by couple without children; kinds of work. Office, Korean Hotel, King street River. 1072. B. P. O. ELKS. pormit under this Act allowing htm Law Being Brcken. should thoy pay Honolulu a visit as must be modern and near car line; near Phone Meets in their ball on King, street so to do, shall bo deemed guilty of At present the law Is being broken Is expected, next month. good neighborhood; permanent; state near Fort, every Friday ovenlng. Visit- a misdemeanor, and shall be punished dally and flagrantly. Birds, mature rice. Address '"Kinney," care Star. BOYS CLOTHING. Johnny will probably be ing Brothers are cordially Invited to upon conviction by a fine of not less and immature aro being ruthlessly Williams The best and most moderately back from tho mainland In tho near to attena than twenty-fiv- e dollars nor more than slaughtered and the police seem to TIRES REPAIRED. in iced line of clothing for Doys In PAUL R. ISENBERQ, E. R. fifty dollars, or by Imprisonment for not have their hands tied In the matter. future. Honolulu. Trunks, cases, Qenta' Honolulu Vulcanizing Works on suit KliUEQEL, Sec'y. twenty-fiv- e deliats nor ore than fifty There has only been one prosecution Furnishings, etc. Kam Chong Co. GEO. T. The meeting of Oaiwi Alakea street is now prepared to dollars, or by imprisonment for not for infraction of the game laws for, annual the Fort and Deretanla. Country Club will be held tonight. make repair to any size tire for any less days nor-mor- than three several years past and that wan con- than.ten vohicle. Prices reasonable and quick BUY AND SELL. months, for each offense.' " ducted by Joe Tavares, a private In-- ! IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE $ The fact that McLonghlin and delivery. Diamonds and Jewelry bought, sold I Devotees of tho breech-loade- r arc dividual with a spcclol ortlcer's badge. will shortly passing exchanged. Bargains 1 IN newspapers! asking each other how the money A Republican sheriff on having his Lamed bo and In musical 2 ANYWHKIifi AT ANYTIMH through Honolulu on their way to Fittte Jou Printing, Star Office. Instruments. J. Carlo, St, which is fast accumulating In tho attention called to tbe fact that some Fort vnll on or Write , should the local county treasury Is to be sprat aud illegal shooting had been going on Is stir 8 8 ft D&KE'S ADYERTISIHG AGMY tennis cracks up to get In form in by whom. repotted to have said that the law was FORT RENT. Saiisomo Street view of a possible match with tho J i4 Supervisors Have the Money. a bit of Democratic legislation any- Cottage, two rooms, bath, gas, elec- 8 AN PRAKS18CO, CALIF. mainland cracks. RACE AT PARK At present the amount collected is way, and that he, for one, certainly, tricity. 782 Kinau street. over 500, from regular $5.00 would not be a party toward enforc this the Saturday will be some day In tho Ing same. license. the sporting line what with the regatta, T SATURDAY FURNITURE the St. e ball game, FITZGERALD WILL the d running race and RUG8 AND DRAPERIES. tho boat clubs' ball pt the Young. Much Interest Is being taken In the LIST OF ENTftlES three-eighth- s of a mile match raco RUN TO J . Hopp&Co . , Ltd between Dora D., the Maul pony, and RALE!! y ARE Kallhl Boy, which Is to be run at tho FOR REGATTA DAY EN Kaplolanl Park track on Saturday aft curtain-raise- The r to the running 1 ernoon. race on Saturday between Jimmy Fitz- PACE'S, two met in a These horses gerald and Soldier King will be a STILL AT POLO on the afternoon of Labor Day The Regatta Day entries closed last paddle, modern canoes, are as fol- game of baseball between the Saints nnil iti wnn nftflr Knllhl Flnv ' night and aro on the whole of a very lows: ninrA and tho Portuguese nines. The latter fur-long- Hno-hapalh- had held her for the first three satisfactory nature. Nalaupunl, Keawemalia A. C; l, Although the polo season proper has ' aro playing good ball just now and will be A. Good game Is be- tho game It noted that the Puunenes Keawemalia C; come to an end the still T - 1 T 1 . should be worth watching. rni.mo connections.1 oi- rvuuiu. ! uuj i I. have entered both tho senior and Time, John Lil; Lanaklla, K. A. C. Se- ing regularly played on the Lellehua uumij Saturday's race will be for the five-mil- e they have a good chance of beat- - junior barge races and the chances niors; Maikal Fine, K. A. C. Juniors. reservation. that championship of the Territory and ing Dora D. over the .shorter distanco are, that in spite of denials from that In the four-paddl- e canoe event for The First Field Artillery have got if King wins he will have beaten one and are said to be ready to back their quarter, tho Maui crew will elect to women the following will compete: a team together and aro playing regu-l- of the best five-mil- e runners hi the opinion. ' row in the latter event. Good Time, John Lii; Kalahikiola, with the second team of the Fifth world. raco is $100 a side and tho Tom Mahuka, the veteran "boatboy" John Lii; Lanakila, Kamehameha Cavalry. The for In his trial heat at the Olympic monoy is already up. is to the front in the whaleboat raco Aquatic Club. Colonel Rumbough himself is play- games Fitzgerald ran the distance in Rollins will ride the maro and a as usual having the only two entries race boys ing with the Artillery team, and is 26:05 2-- The canoo for Portuguese jockey will be up on tho in his name. It Is a ono best bet that following re- taking a great Interest in its develop- King Is the challenger in the race Don't Lose has brought forth the Boy. he will win this race. sponse: ment. under consideration having been a There a possibility of another One learns from tho Healani entry The second team of the Fifth Cav- is bit peeved at the statement in tho local Your Hair! White Horse, Outrigger Club; Kapo-lel- . race during the afternoon between tho In the d barge race that the alry Is composed of Lieutenants Doak, press that Fitzgerald ran his first five dandruff Hul Xalu; Lei Illma, John Mahuka; tho match nnd a buckskin To rid yourself of that club .have named their new Rogers Milliken, Balrd nnd Barnard. winner of miles in the Labor Day relay race in Niaulani, Kamehameha Aquatic Club pony will probably be ridden by nuisance, use boat the "Kulamanu." Captain Forsyth who played for the which faster time than King did. As a mat- amateur crew. Phillips, Australian jockey. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER In the canoe race, car- Cavalry in the tournament games, left the ter of actual fact Fitzgerald ran his In tho sailing division the race for! rying with it the local championship, for the Coast by the S. S. Siena yes; first five miles in 2S:4G 1-- while It stops falling hair and nourishes sea wrens has been entered as fol- SPORT FRESH FROM THE FILES. to tho following entries have been re- terday. He goes to Fort Riley, Kan- King did his five miles In 29:01. the half starved hair roots back lows: It Is reported that tho Detroit team vigor. ceived: sas, to attend equiation school and Fitzgerald says that ho Is feeling life and Galloping Mary, Harry Bailey; Un- made $25,000 on its last Eastern trip. White Horse, Outrigger Club; Nlau-lan- i, will return next January. good now and that while ho expects Sold by all druggists and at known, George Cassldy; Roaring Gim- o John L1I; "A," Hul Nanu; Hana-keok- l, Lieutenants Hanson, Queckenieyer King to give him a very hard race ho let, H. S. Bush. During Cy Young's major league ca- PACHECO'S BARBER SHOP. Tom Mahuka; Lei Illma, Tom and Sheridan will all be available for thinks that ho will breast the tape In reer he won 507 games and lost 310. Mahuka; Twenty-Thre- e, Keawemalia Tho following have been named the Cavalry team next season. first, and that King will have to beat o Everything You Need Athletic Club; Kalei, Karaehameha the race for Pearls: 2S minutes in order to be proclaimed Johnson says that he will weigh 210 FOR SCHOOL. Aquatic Club; Niaulani, Kamehameha Ivy, Max Bolte; Pearl, Alvln Silva; victor. ft when ho meets Wells. Aquatic Club Juniors. Elizabeth, Friday; Florence, Elmer Fitzgerald Holds the fivo-mil- o cham- .A) RUNNER o Thero Is material hero for a cracker-jac- k Crozler. pionship of Australia, his timo when An Oklahoma pitcher recently struck A. B. ARLEIGH & CO., LTD. raco and the event should bo a The race for sailing canoes has been ho won tho title at Sydney sports supported as follows: lii out fourteen men in a five-innin- Hotel near Unlonn. feature of the day's racing. ground being 27:30. Running on an Mahlki-naiao- , game. In the freshman, junior, senior and Unknown, Outrigger Club; MA! GOME HERE indoor track in Auckland he covered o pair-oare- Kame- d events there aro the usual John Lll; Pearl Hunter, tho distance In 25:49. Indoor running Thirty thousand dollars have been Myrtle nnd Healani entries, and of hameha Aquatic Club (Pearl Harbor); was always tho llttlo Britisher's forte. There Is a possibility that Longboat, offered in London fpr n go between course, that of the Puunone Athletic Keawehiklkea, Hub Nalu; "A," Hul runner, may run After Saturday's race Fitzgerald will Cools the wonderful Indian Wells and cither Wolgast or MoFar-lan- Nalu; Lei Illma, Tom Mahuka; Niau- Club In the junior and senior races. a raco in Honolulu before very long. try to lower Nigel Jackson's record four-paddl- e Aquatic Club. WITH The entries in the canoe lani, Kamehameha Tim Mpf!rnh IiIr lnnnnrrnv nnrl Mln from Honolulu to Halelwa of 4:50, o C race are as follows: W. Wilder will act as judge and' . pu made in tho first Hnleiwa raco. Ho oW m r Qf In a recent gamo in tho Soutn At- White Horse, Outrigger Club; Lei Leslio Scott will officiate as starter. may bo accompanied by Joo Marco, an ' writes tho latter that ho will probably lantic League, between Columbus and Lanl John Lit; "A," Hul Nalu; Lei Tho first raco will be started at 9 aspirant for loug-distanc- laurels. Jim take the Indian to Australia this fall Columbia, Columbia sent sixteen men Illma, Tom Mahuka; Hanakeokl, Tom a. m. my will probably make the long hike and raco him there. Allan Doouo, who to bat In one inning and scored twelve Mahuka; Twenty-Three- , Keawemalia Regatta Day is as on Thursday next. Tho committee eft for tl)0. colonies tho other day is runs. Athletic Club; Kalei, K. A. C. seniors; Ho negotiations aro pend- rollows: Robert Thompson (Healani) Jn cimrBo of tho advance work, o states that Niaulani, K. A. C. Juniors. Ray B. (Myrtle), ing for a raco over the full marathon cbairman, Reltow aud Fitzgerald is greatly interested in Joe Rivers led In almost every four- - Tho entries in the raco for R. E. Hughes (Puuneno). KI1-ban- distance botweon him and Anton Kaoo the news that Longboat Is coming this round In his fight with Johnny o and that It is pretty tho way and wrote to McGrath yesterday until tho sixteenth, when tho lat- c.tnln that old Hawaiian will run him. This rnce offering to run Longboat either In San ter dazed him with a right to tho jaw will probably tako placo on Francisco or down hero. Longboat lias and knocked him out shortly niter. October A. A. U. MEET ON SEPTEMBER 3D 15, when tho fleet will will horo. never raced in San Francisco and Fitz- Fourteen thousand saw tho light, and be gerald is about tho only distanco run- tho winner's bit amounted to $8000. Finn Job Prlntlnt. star Office. Dainty Women ner of uote whom tho Indian has never o At a meeting of tho A. A. U. com- sixteen-poun- d hammor. raced. Sam Langford nnd Joo Joanetto LIKE THE mittee held yesterday afternoon It Thoro will also be n half-mll- o relay That Longboat is running In grand havo met eight tlmos In the ring. emetic Park Baseball was decided that tho championship race. form at present is evidenced by tho q TWO GAMES. TWO GAMES. Regal Shoel meet on tho 30th Inst, should bo held Handsome medals will be presented fact that only a short tlmo ago ho won Lew Powell and Willie Ritchie box at Alexander Field, Hint tho program to first and second placo winners. a tWelvo-mil- raco In Toronto In 1:2:2 ten rounds In Oakland tonight. Sunday, September 17. v of sports should start at two p. m., No entrance feo will bo charged f)r 2-- dofeatlng Chaiilo Heffcrnon, tho o 1:30 P. A. C. vs. HAWAII. and the events and their order should tho events and they aro open any South African, who finished second in Conley fight on tho 30th JE T to and Kilbaue 3:30 J. A. C. vs. STARS. A lii R bo as follows: Olympic games Hayos, nthleto registered with tho A. A. V. tho marathon to Inst. Prices 35c, 25c, 15c, lOo All Kinds Wrapping Papers and Ono hundred yards trials, 8S0 yards English Ab o Twines, Printing and Writing Papers. Entries closo on tho afternoon of and Shrubb, tho wonder. Reserved Seats for center nnd run, 100 yards final, one mllo run, 440 tho 23rd Inst., tho store of bio Wood, who finished second, was Tommy Dixon AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- PAPER & at the Monte Attcll and wings of grandstand can be booked at yards run, 220 yards trials. 220 yards SUPPLY CO., LTD. Hawaiian News Company. only a foot behind Longboat. wore to have fought In Kansas City E. O, Hall & Son's sporting depart- low 220 Fort and Qneen Sts., Honolulu. hurdlo trials, yards final, 220 Contestants aro qxpected to enter Inst Monday. ment. Entrance, King street. Phone 1410. Geo. G. Guild, Gen. Mgr. yards low hurdlo final, polo vault, run- only for thoso events In which thoy J R. M. Rlttor of Now York swam 110 Tickets on sale nt M. A, Gunst'B ning high Jump, running broad Jump, Intend to compoto nnd any withdraw- - yards outdoors In 5:C2 0-- a new Igar Storo from 1 p. m. Saturdny to Fine Job Printing, Star Office. putting slxteon-pouiu- l shot, throwing als will forfeit their right to prizes American record. Fine Job Printing, star Office. 11 a, m. Sunday. roun tUB HAWAIIAN STAR, THUR8DAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1911.

twins. Mr. Topper feels very con- able that the most Interesting matter THE HAWAIIAN STAR fident of victory, as he has had much to be considered will be ho sewage cxpcrlonco In, walking, for, as n rule, disposal problem of Manoa valley, and, to Mid-Pacif- Instf-tuto- . Published every afternoon (except 8unflay) by the Hawaiian Btar ho finds It 'necessary each night particularly of tho Rwpaper Association, Ltd., McCandlesB Building, Bethel street, Honolulu. Uncle Walt walk certain portions of his numerous Thero arc no sowers In the vall- progeny In order thai their cunning ey, and cesspools for tho big school Q. EDITOR WALTER 8MITH, voices may not disturb the peaco and have proved a complete failure. Inas- The Poet Philosopher constantly complaining THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1911. quiet of the much as It Is not llkoly that It will neighbors; and hence 19 In tho very bo posslblo to have a sewer system i best of trim. put into this district for somo time, Doc Wiley's called on : is SEA TRANSPORTATION IN 1915. t? decide the pregnant question "What U Is probablo that tho septic tnnk sys-e- beer?" He'll split the subject open wide and hand a verdict down this The College of Deaf Mutes of San will bo advocated by the Health year.' He might consult vonic dreary bum who has a Cal., written to Capt. ' The chances arc that there will be a fleel of excursion boats on the Francisco, have Board for the school. . WHAT dark and mournful talc of how from affluence he's come Heinrich Bergcr, the veteran band- coast (luring the world's fair, as the canal will make it easy for IS BEER? to occupy a cell in jail. Beer is a goqd and harmless Pacific master and composer, offering him tho Holiday hours will be observed at for new business anil coast drink if you but let the stuff alone; while bottled up, like steamers to come from the Atlantic position of musical director of their tho postofllce on Regatta Day, Satur- purple ink, it never caused a sigh or groan. But if you pour it down ship-owner- is expected that s will naturally increase their tonnage. It institution. Cnptaln Merger owes his day, September 1G, 1911. post-offic- e your throat, one bottle clamors for its mate; it starts right in to get The will San Francisco from the East and from lucky offer to Mr. D. F. N. Dumb, trus- will bo open a. a million sightseers visit your goat, and it will et it, soon or late. This drink in which such vir- frm 8:30 m. to Pacific, Western tee of the college, and himself a deaf 111. , using not only the Canadian Pacific, Northern tue lies, will fill your head with aches and pains, and give you puffed 9:30 a. No delivery will be mado mute, who, while In this city last sum- by carriers. Persons to Pacific. Southern Pacific and Santa Ec trains, but the canal steamers and crimson eyes, and scatter cobwebs through your brains. On en- letter whom mer, greatly appreciated tho concerts usrtally deliver mall may ob- and back. At least ten per cent, of this visitation ergy it puts the crape ; in useful work you hate to launch ; it puts new carriers as well, to get there of the band which, he says, Is the only see something outlines on your shape until it leaves you mostly paunch. It spoils your tain such on application at general de- will not be content with the fair itself and will want to Impres- appetite for food beer, beer alone is all you beg the good old band that ever made a lasting livery windows. Pacific. Many will wish to visit Hawaii. brew, of the far West and of the from glass or wood until you are a human keg. And when sion on him. Whether Captain Dcrgcr of and your love Alaska, the Pugct Sound country and the west coast for beer you lose, because it fails to hit the spot, you fondly turn to will accept this very attractive offer Is A con- there arc enough enterprising ship-owne- rs to accommodate them. stronger booze, and drink it till your insides rot. as yet unknown. FOR and Copyright, 1910, Dy aeo. RENT siderable number may be expected to make visits to San Francisco Marinew Aaam. VfAl T JVIAQOM The Punchbowl Silvas have sold OFFICES incidental to tours around the world. Hawaii their goat and purchased an auto. in the It would be a considerable help, in view of the coming pressure, Hawaii, in going JUDD BUILDING to have the coastwise laws so altered that the people of That styles in wearing apparel are I to the "fair and coming back, may not be confined to American passen- LITTLE. constantly changing was demonstrat- trans-Pacif- ic INTERVIEWS ger boats; but we must point out that, in 1913, the steamers ed in the police court yesterday morn- ing when Newdan Bare was fined $25 will probably be able to sell through passage, both ways, to their FOR SALE ferry and co3ts for nppearing at tho beach will be forced to mainly depend upon the FRED WALDHON From what I , mid put up capacity We of Hawaii them the bonds themselves In a costume which' was considered MAKIKI, a Magnificent Home, lines, excluding the through Pacific Mail steamers. The Matson heard and saw In , 1 don't be as security for the loan; and he will season, perfectly appropriate on his birthday. large grounds $12,500.00 line is getting a fleet and may charter other boats for the fair lleve the reciprocity bill will carry. probably make a few thousand dollars of the ALEXANDER ST., 3 Bed- Oceanic company keeps the two sister ships Sierra HON. JULIUS KAIIN The light for 011 bargain and if the his besides. It will be Moses Opunui has tendered his res- have the advantages of these also. Then there wi the fair In Congress rather played mo room House $6,000.00 we shall probably quite a different thing to sell next ignation to the road department as surely be coast excursion boats, subject to charter by ourselves as well out and I am here for a good rest. year's way JUDD ST., 3 Bedroom House, issue. The has been pretty manager of scavenger wagon No. 7, as others. Next week I shall visit the volcano. well paved and wo probably won't $4,500.00- - to consider whether the and will In the near future assume the Is it too early for our moneyed interests JOHN SMITH I see the Civic Fed- have to start with offers of t3 and 94, St., 2 be over the ferry course more important duties of official dog ANAPUNI Bedroom charter of a large passenger steamer to run eration Is discussing what to do with as wo did this time. with the Hawaiian exhibit, would catcher and Iuau provider extraordi- - House $4,000.00 durin" the fair, perhaps in connection the huln. 1 can tell the honorable DANIEL LOGAN Notwithstanding not think it could interfere with the nary. be practicable? The Star docs members what to do with It for- all opinions locally quoted to con- for the probable loss of Pacific the regular liners, and it might make up get it. I Hawaiian enough for all, trary, think Laurler will score the accommodations. There promises to be business F.'.M. those-wh- o MANOA SEWAGE PROBLEM. Mail , McGKEW For arc biggest victory of his career in the but a steamer especially designed for passengers and making (puck-trips- The Hoard of Health will hold a troubled with rats on their premises, I reciprocity election next Thursday- - In. would have its advantages and help keep other passenger facilities meeting at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, would suggest that smoked fish is a dlcations are he will carry Quebec Trust from becoming too high-price- d. good bait to use In a trap. The rats Aside from routine matters, it is prob Cotnpan y r put at least $400,000 into overwhelmingly, more than hold his Some years ago Honolulu was ready to like the fish, and the Limited jfi & & In 1915. odor from the own in Ontario, triumph sweeplngly in a local passenger boat, but a question of traffic intervened. smoking process HOUSES FOR RENT. 023 POUT STIIEET. will be no end. conceals the smell the West, and give the opposition a steamer may be chartered and of traffic there Our of Furnished. the hands that are brought into scarcely look-i- n such as a tremendous interest in the islands and a down in the mari- exhibit will be to rouse contact with the bait when being put Hobron Avenue, 2 B R..?25.00 why" we should not cultivate it in the way time provinces. It is significant that there seems no good reason 011 Aiea, 3 B. R 50.00 the traits. five provincial cabinet ministers of as stated and make some dividends besides. Tantalus, 3 B It 40.00 "iBttflpil iltlSl" J. H. FISHER (Territorial Auditor) many provinces, who had joined in a I had a big Beretania street, 4, B. R.. . C5.00 POLICE AND AUDIENCES. surprise yesterday when solemn compact "to fight? reciprocity Congressman Kahn up Waikiki, 2 B. R 35.00 1 walked to me to the bitter end," have been taken Kinau Street, 3 B. R. ... 50.00 Land of Puupueo puzzled in the Commercial Club and greeted with cold feet and refused nominations Those who attend public entertainments in this city arc Waikiki, 2 B. R 35.00 me as 'Harry' Fisher. Wo used to be to run for the dominion parliament over the failure of the' police to perform their duty towards those who Center St. 2. B boys together in San Francisco, I 30.00 Manoa Valley within or without. Police are always present, but and on the reciprocity issue. The only un- disturb the meetings am Palolo&15th av. 4. R 125.00 than as sure he hadn't seem me for forty certainty I see in the outcome Is a they seem to regard themselves as privileged spectators rather in Unfurnished. When a mau something use years, but well-define- d tjuys guardians of the peace. he recognized me all right. report tliut the American He certainly 1ms Kinau St., 2 B. R . .? 30.00 ful which at the same time is steadily This negligence was noted during the Sousa band concerts. In a remarkable mem- trusts are contributing to the opposi- ory. Rose & Kam. IV Rd., 3 25.00 increasing in value he Is twice for- climbed on some tin roofs close tion fund, while the Canadian in- the afternoon Chinese and native boys big Walplo, 3 B R 12.00 tunate. It is only a little over tea so much noise, TREASURER CONKLING One of terests are pouring to the pavilion entrance of the Bijou and made that out money like Thurston Avenue, 2 B years ago since pioneer dis- the men who bought our In R. 40.00 the settler on by, $2.50 to enjoy the music, were bonds New water to defeat ? those near who had paid apiece the Karrattl Lane 3 B. 35.00 the land of Puupueo made his home annoycTl. But the police officers present York borrowed the money to pay for agreement. It... turbed and the musicians were King St., 3 B. R 35.00 there. Then there were none of the-man- could easily have cleared the roofs during the made no sign. They Wilder G conveniences required by among the Avenue, B. R.. 50.00 intermission and kept them clear, but they preferred to stay Wilder Ave., suburbanite. Now all the ad spectators. In the evening the alley leading to the theater, which should 4B.lt 25.00 Elsie & Young Sts. 4 B R 40.00 vantages that can possibly be asked been cleared of loafers and eavesdroppers, was filled with a noisv - have Lunalllo St., 4 B. R for are procurable: Mountain spring- and boisterous crowd, with nothing but canvas between them and the "Under The Coconut Tree" 40.00 Beckley ave. 2. B 25.00 water, telephone, electric light and audience. As before, the police did not realize or care to realize that By H. M. Ayres. Rapid KaimukI 8th ave. 3. 30.00 Transit servico and gas for they had a duty to perform. B... cooking. Wilder ave. 2. B 25.00 The Star noted the .same conditions on the Fourth of July when BE TWICE FORTUNATE and pur Judge House. Street boys hung around Palolo road 2. B 22.50 Robinson spoke at the Opera Under the Coconut Tree, meeting, chase one of the most desirable house-lot- the, outside of the building, making all the noise they could, which the ii the North China Daily News TRENT TRUST CO. LTD. That's the funniest place to be; allowed to be had within three miles of open windows and inlets of the tropical structure brought in, and had to itself the rare luxury of a When you Jake your trusty pen in joke. The the capitol. be driven away from the exits near the stage by members of the audi- next morning the following linnd editorial Remember easy terms are offered. ence.- At one time a crowd of boys left the gallery in a body and made squib appeared in its staid There's soon something doing down as big a din as possible in running down stairs. Meanwhile nothing columns: "Vida, vidi, vici." Latest Stock in Cocoland. cquld be heard from the stage. Evening entertainments at the Opera IN THE ISLANDS It's the onliest place to be "Waterhouse House arc often disturbed by boys sounding the auto horns outside. Casting oil on the untroubled waters Trusf When the good is (lowing free-H- ow In the gathering at the Opera House on Lincoln day, two years ago. ink of the harbor isn't a popular practice. Manufacturers' Shoe Co. Fort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu. some people love yon, not only was this sort of thing permitted, but a drunken man in the 1051 While some kick and you, Fort Street. THE OFFICE HOURS OF THE body of the house interrupted the speakers with loud comments of hi shovo Fine work: Penalizing the boozers. Under the Coconut own. The police present were merely amused. But in any well-regulat- Tree! city they would have acted promptly and with decision. w Society Notes: Hotel-Aubre- And the prisoner told Judge y WIRELESS There are some good points about the Honolulu police force. We tho that Among the Honolulu society folks ho got the jumps from patlng frogs' are from 7 a. m. to have never before known it to be so free of graft. It is brave and ready who will participate in a marathon in 5:30 n. m. on, legs. Oh, I say, Demosthenes! HAUULA, OAHU. week days and on Sundays from 8 to- - on occasions which it understands, but in protecting audiences from an- the near future is A. Popper, the popu-la- r 10 a. m. noyance and street corners from congestion it has much to learn. father of triplets and until 11 every night for and two sets of Tel. 312. A. C. Aubrev. Prou. ship's messages. There's been many a Tripp 'twixt AMERICAN COLONIAL ADMINISTRATION. tho wharf and the ship.

It is apparent from the commercial, political and sanitary reports Did you ever stop to reflect, my from the Philippines, Porto Rico and the Canal Zone, that American brethren, that sin is" the greatest colonial administration compares very well indeed with the Britsh. enemy of aviation, because by sin wo which, hitherto, has set the standard 'for the world. Our colonial em- lose our heirship to heaven? pire is prosperous, remunerative and peaceful. There is no poverty in the have to buy other things Pi harrowing sense, no famine or pestilence, no threatening unrest, The police-waterfro- detail on a no forms ; acute of discontent where the Americans have applied them- paper is a good combination. Many YOU clothes; you selves to the problems of alien need administration they have done as well sports go to jail, and quite a number as they hoped to and better than any outsider thought they would. of policemen are sportsmen. shirts and underwear, neck- It was forgotten that Americans were not without long experience wear, gloves, in dealing with "alien breeds without "new-caugh- t, hats; we have all the law," the sullen O. K. is only K. O. (legitimate con- these. peoples, half devil and half child." They had rescued a continent from traction of "knock out") roversed. Our standard of quality every- savage rule I thad been their province in national life to not only in conquer the Indian tribes, but to put them into reservations and trans- thing we sell is It was in a restaurant In form them from barbarous warriors into farmers and herders with their Menio England and a guest children going to school. Any American in middle life can recall the had ordered a portion of roast lamb green peas. news of raids and massacres, scalps and cutthroats, of forays and bat- and Tho dish was tles, of depopulated farms and burnt hamlets. Now the Indians are served in due course, - but the guest, Hart Schaffner & Marx is more civilized than many white men; they are Jess dangerous than some Instead of falling to. inspected his plato labor unions and arc in a fair way to become industrious and intelli- carefully as if in gent citizens. search of something. This is better work than the Dutch have done in Javaand as good "Anything tho matter, sir?" in clothes; we're glad to have you as the British have done anywhere, and considered with the purely quired the waiter, solicitously. colonial- "Oh, nothing measure our goods depart- successes it show? that .Hhe Americans, as civilizers of the un- important," answered in all guest. tamed world, have profited weir by their Anglo-Saxo- n heritage. the "By the way, what was my ments by order?" that standard. In showing Congressman Tahn the beauties of Hawaii and the "Lamb and green peas, sir." replied Suits $20 to $30. c jarm of its hospitality, our commercial interests have not forgotten to the Jeames. Overcoats $18 to $33 show I Fine Shirts from $1 to $3.50. .. - him also the figures of Hawaii's $14,000,000 annual outlay in see tho peas," cxe.almed tho x Fine 75 San I'rancisco, guest, "but where is the. lamb?" Underwear cents to $5. Hosiery, Gloves, "Under tho middle pea, sir," vouch- Neckwear. The Chinese warship which is interesting the Atlantic seaboarders safed tho waiter after bending over is the one winch it is supposed will back the the plate In order to get a bettor indemnity claim against This Store Is the Home of Hart Schaffner & .Mexico as soon as that country gets a responsible government. view. Marx Clothes.

It is not believed that, in view of the Federal boycott law, that any Talking about imported officials. of our responsible citizens are combining to blacklist merchandise Wyoming? Copyright Hart Schiffntt Sc Man Silva's which is advertised on billboards. Toggery, Ltd. When, shortly nftor his advent In Perhaps the next move in the Franco-Germa- n affair will bo for the Shanghai, Frank Vlda scored a signal powers to call another Algcciras conference. success in the saddle at the local race -- r iu. i WjPf "I ' ip,f - WW

THE HAWAIIAN STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1911. FIVE Financia ommercial SUGAR 99 Degree Test Centrifugals, 5 75c. Per ton, $115.00. By DANIEL LOGAN. 88 Anualysls Beets, 17s, 9d. Per ton, $116.20.


Mutual Telephone Co. will hold Its HALF IN OUR COMMERCE EXGHA G EL- Honolulu Stock Exchango: Betwcoil MILLION TONS - meeting on Monday at two boards 15 Pioneer, 222.50; 200 Mo o'clock. Brytlo, 7; 150 McHryde, 7; 1C Mut Tel Hawaiian Engineering Iron and steel and manufactures No business done at this morning's Association Co, 10.50; $4000 McUryde- 0s, 100; of tho sugar plantations being 89C0. session but will hold its annual meeting Most Koloa, thereof, including machinery, were Im- and little except a heavy this $1000 McUryde, 100; 40 McDrydo, 7. 2323. of i"K tho College of Hawaii, now through grinding a statement of Kona, ported to Hawaii from tho United McDrydo stock and at Sugar Quotations 88 dog. atmlyisls Kukalau, 4430. bonds reported i Remember the address of Congress- - their respective yields can bo mado Stntna In Mm fwnlrn mnntha ntlflpil from recess indicate beets, 17s 9d; Par, 5.81; 90 dog. ceil 809. comparatively man Kahn California before hale, 30 $3,525,384. ,aA dead stock exchange, of tho trlfugals, 5.75c. close to accuracy. Many of them June last, to tho value of ' Laupahoehoe, 8005. , onP,lr 0'A redeemable feature Is the absence Chamber of Commerce tomorrow aft have run above tho estimates and Uhuo, 14,000. of any slumps in the transactions put crnoon. tho amount In the corresponding period AWAKENED FROM LONG SLEEP. only a few below. Following Is a list Maul Agricultural (Haiku, Paia, on- - ecord, these being fifteen shares Macfarlano & Co., one of th0 oldest en(led ,n 19i0 ' Moses Kawna, who was put Into li. of plantations with the 1911 crop ton- - etc.), 30,705. Original estlmato was thelP16neor nt $222,r,' a totnl of 400 Me- - wholesale liquor houses in Honolulu, nll inl,lnrfp,i fron, hypnotic sleep by viycsha on Monday "nee: 29,000 later raised a thousand and Uryue at ?r, fifteen Mutual Telephone will hold a meeting on October 12 to mainland In tho same time to the: . , , night, was awakened at tho Savoy Ewa, 34,500. Original estlmato finally gaining tho odd figures, t.rrn t.nnn v...... at value of $1,552,271. being an Increase "' .S;30 last night, having slept was 30,000. McDrydo, 14,131. Estimate was nr up tho business, a total - or fuwz over tne corresponuing of forty-si- x and one-hal- f hours. Moses Hakalau, 13,500, "or 2000 above estl- 13.G00. At Its meeting yesterday the execu- twelve months previous. mate. ; not 2500 Civic declared that he felt no Niulll, finished, estimated purchases tive committee of the Federation ! These are Items in our from his long sleep says Hamakua, 7201. or over. discussed with majority favor a pro- and ho now from tho mnthprlnnd which form an STOCK EXCHANGE feels better than ever before. Hawaiian Agricultural, 14,000, or Onhu. 33.0(10. ncnlnat estlmato of . .... posal to revive ancient Hawaiian ' .excellent, criterion ot nawans cum- - A complete change of programme Is nimnt the noitr.no smii ...... Mil dances, with some refining treatment, merclal and industrial development, HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE promised for tonight and tomorrow with a little over 10,000 tons off at Olaa, a little short of 25 000. Estl. as an attraction for tourists. ,A large proportion of our transporta C. Brewer & Co night. The Hindoo sleep latest report. mate was 22,500. 425.00 A report was received by tho Civic will be Intro tlon and Industrial motive power Is Ewa Plan Co duced, Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar, Olowalu, 1700. 32.00 32.50 Federation from the committeo on when members of tho audience rlm-ti'm- l m lT,.r1ai t ll n A ., . 11 - n am ... Pit. nit fnnl...... lionfl tin..... the-effect-s 05,050 against original estimate of ....w - uw n6 Nuuanu property donated by Queen will have an opinirtunlty of trying 16,000, or 2000 above cs - Onomea, me year men- U . . 54,000. oi iron anu Eieei, in riawn u UO. ID. 60 41.00 Lilluokalanl for a park. Its recom- of hypnotism. 291C. tlmate. tioned, Hawaii imported $157,396 Honomu Sug Co Hawaiian Mill, 165.00 mendation tho park bo called Li- Barnolt announces that next week Paauhau, S410. - that Hawaiian Sugar, 25,025. Original es- worth of structural steel, against $78,- Honokaa Sug Co . 13.00 he will bury a hypnotized man for Pacific, 7497. lluokalanl Gardens was adopted, and 22,000. 610 In the preceding twelve months, forty-eigh- t timate Haiku Sug Co .... ISO. 00 the meeting decided to raise $5000 to hours Hilo, 12,000, being over estimate. Pepeckeo, 7950, a little under the an Increase of more than 100 per Hutch. S P Co 17.50 ( extend and improve the grounds. Honokaa, 9138. estimate. cent. Kahuku Plan Co 1C.00 Honolulu (refined) 17,100. Pioneer, 29,124. Estimate was 'Kokaha Sug Co 227.50 U. S. GRAND JURY UNREADY. Honomu, 7162, slightly under esti- 28,000. Sugar Co INVESTMENTS PACIFIC STEAMERS. Koloa 200.00 There was no sign of a report from mate. Union, not finished, 3300 estimated. LIONEL R. A. HART (Continued from page one.) McI3ryd0' S Co Ltd 7.00 the Federal grand jury when it ad- Hutchinson, original estimate 6500, Waiakea, 13,365. lOahu Sug Co 32.75 33.25 journed for the day at noon. A par- OFFERS FOR IMMEDIATE SALE will likely be exceeded by a few, hun Waialua, 32,270, or 2270 over the tinted t.ie head office in the colonies of Onomea Sug Co ... 46.00 Is expected tomorrow for CO. dred tons estimate. tial report UNITED OIL ' the Union Steamship Company of New Olaa Sug Co 6.25 ' --'. Waianae, 7000, or some hundreds certain. OF MEXICO Kahuku, 5665. Zealand, It may be taken for granted Paia Plan Co 180.00 Kaeleku,' not finished, estimated above estimate. 10c ' - thnt they are fairly autnentic. The Pioneer Mill Co. .. 222.00 225.00 rig without first 5000. Walluku, 16,500. Hackman Condon's MEXICAN PREMIER OIL Auckland Herald of August 19 has the Waialua Agrl Co .. 120.50 127.50 were pulled out of Kaiwlki, 5010. Waimanalo, 520t. asking leave, and CO. OF MEXICO following: 'Waimanalo Sug Co ..... 300.00 at the- police Kekaha, 15,012. Walmea, 1900. tho hack and detained 30o The New Vessel. Inter-Islan- d S N Co 135.00 the transport left. Kllauea, 5200. These figures make a total of 537,-36- 1 station till Hawn Elec Co 170.00 Kipahulu,'2193. tons as the Hawaiian sugar crop "Particulars have been received This morning a dozen of the sol NEW VACUUM WASHER Demon- locally a new steamship, hns Hon II T & L Co.. 118.00 transport a Kohala, 5924. Estimate was 5000. of thlB season. of which diers from the started strations given overy morning at boerTordered bv the Union Steam Shin Mutual Tel Co. ... 16.50 rough house on Nuuanu street, near Levy's grocery, King street. Portable Company from John Brown and Co., Oahu R & L Co 140.10 King, and while Chief of Detectives stoves. Save your gas bill. Redio world over. The store carries a very 7 - Clydebank, . Tho dimensions Hlol It R Co Com.. 8.25 McDufno was taking one of tho otlcnd- cloth for cleaning silver and brass. large stock of books and has a read-- & ...... it l.lt... SHIPPING wl be as followa: Grosg tonnage, Hono B M Co Ltd 19.00 20.00 ers to tne station anouier sunuri Mrs. Grace M. Ramsey. tag room for ladles which is always botweon 13f000 an(1 14000. ,engthi 522 Pahang Rub Co .... 21.00 22.00 started to abuse him ln loathsomo well patronized because of its com- - . (Continued from page two.) ft G ln cc ft ghe w,u haV(j 10 Cal Deet Sugar Co. 100.00 terms and then ran away. fortable furnishings and convenience. bollerSi anfl wm be ,o Qf Hamakua Ditch 0s.. 102.50 Detective Kellett headed him off in Panama Government Lands in the recent reorganization ot the C & was Logan Out to Manila. tainlng & of geventeeu knotg at Hrw S Co.... 100.00 tho police auto, however, and he company the following ofUcers were $6 PER ACRE. r The transport Logan got away this The mothod Qf H0 R R Co n900 100.00 taken to the station and kept there morning punctually at eleven o'clock, lncsiuu, glon be comWnaton engInes Hilo R R Co 0s.... 92.00 95.00 till the Ixjgan pulled out. ce manager, John D. PANAMA DEVELOPMENT CO. for Philippines via Guam. Sho y president and Honokaa Sug Gs .. 102.50. This morning Chief of Detectives the t b and recl,)rocaUnB)f wnicU 216 Mercantile Place. took away from here twenty tons ot, i,icl'rew. - uierion, secreiai.v fnr thn Ornmn. thn H R T & L 6s 106.00 McDuflle received a telephone mes treasurer; W. J. Forbes, auditor. , California. for Guam. This comprised can and KauaI Co Gs 98.00 sage from, upper Pauoa valley that a stores - latest Orient liner, and for the White Il' iii cu.iiiuu.u6 uiieicB!. ill uuai- , , MnRrvflp S Cs 100.25 was trying to sell a gold ned goods, soda water, etc. She also - - f'n 99.75 Japanese ness by i,.- - t t- ... aiar oiiiuaiiv s uiviuuic. aim uiive . is held J4-o- green stone in it. Ho at loaded 550 tons of coal for her bunk- been proved to be the best that marine olaa S"S cs 95.00 ring with a estate. scene to Investigate ers. 'engineers have yet evolved. Pacific S M Co 6s.. 102.50 once left for the Home Insurance Co. Berger's band was in attendance to Pioneer;Mill Gs ... 101.00 the matter. Ot HAWAII, LTD. Latest Telegraphic News. Waialua Agrl 5s.. 102.00 play.,the vessel out. H was, a regular be modelled ln accordance with the All Kind (Per Merchants' Exchange.) NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE Writes of Insurance. steamer departure, for those on the developments. Provision is made' 96 PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 13. Ar- latest LEASEHOLD. King Street; cornor of Fort Street. transport had many friends down to for about 800 paswdgers, 300 first O'Neill Building. Telephone 3529 rived, French br. Bonchamps, hence Notlco is hereby given thnt acting see them off. 150 class, and 250 August 19; arrived, September 14, class, second third IIPPOINIEN TOP account under the orders and for the Cable Address "Dujsenterg" Honolulu W. J. Patterson on Marine Railway. - class. There will also be provision for i British str. Strathlyon, hence Septem- of the TRENT TRUST COMPANY, The W. J. Patterson was towed over extra accommodation in times of heavy i,er 3 LIMITED, and whom it may concern, to the marine railway this morning traffic. FOSTER STANDS tho undersigned, will sell at public by the tug Intrepid in charge of Cap- "The new llner wln be tho S E. G. Duisenberg NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS IN THE f" auction on October 7, 1911, at the o tain Hyde. The schooner is to be ov- couver Auckland-Sydne- y service, the STOCK AND IlOND IIUOKKH DEPARTMENT OF THE of the Realty Auction Company, erhauled before she leaves for the contract for which lasts live years. She j Captain Tripp will not continue to MEMBER HONOLULU 8.TOCK AND BANK OF HAWAII, LIMITED. Limited, 916 Fort street, Honolulu, Coast. is to bo completed in fifteen months, hold down the wharrmaster's easy BOND FXCHANGE. Pursuant to resolution of its Board certain Indenture of Lease (to- passenger chair on the Alakea wharf after tho that 6 opposite Bishop & Siberia Saturday from Orient. of Directors, notice Is hereby given and will be the largest de- Merchant St., If ho does gether with the premises therein The P. M. S. S. Siberia wirelessed in by The Hank of Hawaii, Limited, that steamer owned south of the line." "rst of the month at least Co.'s Bank, Honolulu. R will be over tho harbor board's mised and the Improvements thereon), last evening that she will be here at from and after January 1. 1912, tho The new vessel will be a distinct dead body. notwithstanding the made by AR1ANA E. AUSTIN ot al. six o'clock on Saturday morning. She rate of Interest on ordinary accounts advance on the Makura, the flagship For Telephone 3013. P, O. Box 322. umt to C. R. COLLINS of Honolulu, dated has 750 tons of cargo for Honolulu, of deposits heretofore or hereafter of the line, for she will be able to l" terday afternooni'"u"urging the Board January 31, 1901, demising the prom- and will have room for 125 passenger made in the Savings Department, will carry about one hundred more passen-- i to reconsider Its action in the mat- ises hereinafter described for a term dispatched be changed from four and one-hal- f gers In each of the three classes, from here. She will bo for ter, was signed by practically all of of thirty (30) years from February 1, W. per cent to four per cent per annum, i Jas. Pratt San Francisco at about five o'clock tho the large shipping and 1901, at an annual rental of Eight Hun subject to the terms and conditions commercial Real Estate, Insurance, Loans Ne- same afternoon. firms of the city, tho body tabled tho dred ($800) dollars per annum payable of the depositary agreement of said gotiated! S petition. quarterly In advance and being of rec- BOOKSTORE. depositors with said bank. SITARl 125 THE "CROSSROADS" The fact that the petition was be- ord in the olllco of Registrar of Con- "PRATT," Merchant St. The name of the Brown & Lyons THE BANK OF HAWAII, LTD., fore tho commissioners together with veyances in Honolulu In Liber 218, By bookstore has been changed to the A. LEWIS, Jr., SURVEY tho list of the signers, was given ln page 229; which said Indenturo of James F. H organ. "Crossroads Book Shop," giving this Vice President. yesterday's Star, but action was not Lease was duly assigned to Trent literary establishment tho title by 8ts Sept. 14, 21, 28, Oct. 5, pec. 7, taken until after press time. Trust Company, Limited, by assign- which Honolulu Is to be known Uie 14, 21, 28. IB I - In discussing the petition In com- ment dated February 9, 1911, and ot Stock prouamy and ueginnniB hum ". mtttee of tho whole, and also unof 11 record in said Registrar's olllce in Bond Broker !cin,ly' th0 members ot tno 15oanl r- - sxsxmmxsxsx ...... Llbor 343 on page ISO. lli"!!ol,.v..u. 'eim-e- tnat u would bo Impossible for Terms, ten per cent down and bal- - P Pni'tov Id. linn il will t.nVn- nil Member of Honolulu Stock nad r tnein to reconsider sucii a matter. upon delivery of assignment of i making a com anco Bond Exchange. the actual work ot Captain Tripp had been let out aftor ,ease pur Stock and Bond Orders receive ...... Assignment at cxponso of plete sanitary survey of Honolulu. It con8l.lo....,0,, for th rMROn prompt attention. la linnml tn o nortM till oil tfila wtttilll...... clvl...... chaser. a .o a tMnt K was thought that a younger Information furnished rolativo to i Property demised in said leaso: all STOCKS and BONUS. weeks' time, and when it is finished, a mnu wou,d be ,)cUcr flUcd fQr ,mj 1 All that lot, ploco or parcel of land LOANS NEGOTIATED. dllng the onerous duties which will bo Offers for Immediate Sale j (part of the land mentioned and de Phono 1572. P. O. Box 594 in the city will be on file. thoso of tho wharfmaster in tho fu- y scribed in Royal Patent 1106) sltuato of The men who are to make the sur-'ve- ture. Besides this per- Shares succession in on tho mauka sldo of King street be will cover tho entire city nml son of W. R. Foster, had de- been tween Fort streot and Bethel street, BruGeOanwrigiit, Z enter upon a blank for each building, cided on. Jr. onolulu Consolidate Its character, size, condition, condi- Honolulu, afprosald, and thus bounded BOND tion of grounds, basement, etc. These, and described: STOCK AND BROKER , on mauka records, In connection with the detail- Beginning at a point tho 35 Merchant Street, Honolulu ed large scale maps being prepare I, POLICE COURT lino of King 'street 82 0 feet from Telephone 2428. P. O. Box 653 purissima inns OilSlock .will make It possible to locate evry tho corner of King and Fort streets

. by bear- .building ln the city, und to find out ail In the police court this morning L. and running as follows true abour Its conditions and L. McCandlcss was charged with ings: Sugar 5.75c 1. Tcot King Hidalgo Rubber(series)190 ings. malicious Injury. Fred Weed was tho N. 29 41' W. 25 nlong Beets, Tho Board of Health has been work- complnlnlng witness, and ho alleged streot, I7?, 9d ing on this matter for some time, but that certain hogs owned by defendant 2. N. 00 19' E. 421-1- 0 feet nlong ' owing to tho fact Sanitation Austin Estate, Michol Rubber that tho had entered his premises at Makua Henry Trust Co, 10 3. 29 25 along Camp- Walcitase Commission wishes to make use of and destroyed jertnln property, t: S. 41' E. feet this data In connection with its work, watermelons and sweet potatoes. bell Lot, Membors Honolulu Stock and Bond an effort Is being made to push it for- The case was dismissed. 4. S. 60" 19' W. 421-1- 0 fceb along Exchange. Kn olomon Mining ward, assisted by a number of men II. K. Mortensen was fined ?25 nnd Campbell Lot to thq initial point, and FORT AND MERCHANT STS. furnished by the commiss'on. costs for nssault and battery on his containing an area of 1,052 square feet. wife. For further particulars apply to Pinectar (a snap) EARLY PORTUGUESE IMMIGRANT. V. F. Howard was arrostcd this Trent Trust Co., Ltd., or to tho un John Sllva, Portuguese, who came to jnornlng on n chargo of profanity, dorslgnod. MAKE BEST OFFER IN WRITING. Hawaii in 1881 in tho immigrant i Tho pollco wore kept busy la3t REALTY AUCTION COMPANY, LTD. Pine Fed-or- ctnf stenmor Highflyer, has filed In tho looking after drunken soldiers 916 Fort Street Placo your order now. jiilght court his Intontlon to become an from tho transport Logan, who over-ra- n Dated Soptombor 14, 1911. Amorlcan ' tho town. Four of them borrowed It Sept. 14, 21, 2S, Oct. 5. Sold Everywhere .Sxn. citizen. BIX THE HAWAIIAN STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1011.

for throwing; throw It at tho hoard. Savoy Buy or sell tho stock Indicated by the Theatre spot on tho board to which it adheres. Go to Europo for threo months. By fol- lowing this advice, ho said, tho cus- 4f tomer would have a chance not much v AYESHA of a chance It Is true, but some chance. page and If, howovor, he reads tho financial of tho nowspapors, and listens to tho gossip In tho brokers' offices, he hns BARNETT not oven tho gambler's chance, since ho will be doing exactly what tho THE WORLD'S GREATEST OVER THE TEACUPS. powors back of the market want him HYPNOTISTS. to do In order that thoy may as quick- ly as possible get his principal before guests assembled with their sewing It is oxhausled by the constant nib- Pa&ked to the Doors Last Night. being a bower of hanging baskets and bling of tho broker. palms. ""A well-to-d- man showed his In- At five delicious refreshments of genue bride a check for $1800. 'Do you NOW SENSATIONS NIGHTLY. sandwiches, tea, Ices and cake were sec this check? Now with this I'm go- POWDER passed by Japanese maids In kimonos, ing to buy sugar. Sugar is going up, and a very pleasant afternoon re- land I'll give you the profits.' Sugar Absolutely Rightly Termed tlio Funniest Show Pure hostess for hor efforts. nnd ho losl his $1800. The on Earth. warded the went down The only baking powdor Mrs. Kalin, who is at present visit- lady asked for an accounting. 'My made from Royal Grapo ing tho city with hor husband, Con dear, sugar went down. The money clerical agitation has caused a portentous Iltttter In Now Dream of Tartar Great social and gressman you any m It You Want to Laugh, Don't Miss It. York and Newport society. Kahn. and Mrs. Herold is lost.' 'And haven't even No Alum, No Lime Phosphate POPULAR PRICES. The subject has been discussed over congenial groups of teacups, with an were classmates of Mrs. North in her sugar?' she asked plaintively. 'Not any sugar.' outward and visiblo semblago of Indifference, and with an inward surging collegiate days. oven gins." Edward Sherwood in indignation. Meade undercurrent of Among others present at this de- "It will bo well for American And Miss Madeline Force's ears have burned with a deep humiliation at the LIppfncott's. lightful tea, besides Mrs. Julius Kahn, people If present In tlio scourging whip-las- h of gossip to which this young bride has been sub- the dullness Mrs. Lindsay Rogers and Mrs. Herold, THE BIJOU jected. brokerage circles, In so far as this WASH THOSE PIMPLES OFF. marry were .Mrs. R. R. Reidford, Mrs. E. M. Ministers all over the states positively refused to her to Colonel dullness represents Increasing knowl- Uso D. D. D., mat mild, soothing John Jacob Astor, millionaire. I Watson, Mrs. C. B. Reynolds, Mrs. edge of the pitfalls of margin specu- wash, that recognized remedy for Ec- The popular sentiment spread like a flame from city to city, and ran Prod Bush, Mrs. Wheatley, Mrs. A ! TONIGHT. TONIGHT. lation shall continue. As a means of zema nnd all skin troubles. First thrilling through society like an electrical current. E. Murphy, Miss Helen Roger, 1 i Another Now Act. It was incredible, impossible, positively unheard of, that New York's "Five making money. It Is worthless; as a drops take away that awful burning Miss Tlielma Murphy, Miss Helen Hundred" should be submitted to the ignominy of adopting a stranger in their means to loss and ruin. It has no rivals. itch, cleanse the skin wash away young woman of doubtful Smith and Mrs. F. H. Smith. midst, to admit into their sanctum sanctorum a With the large number of sound in- every pimple every impurity. Noth- heritage, and ignoble social status, and who, after the few short sentences of Wl vestments constantly offered by bank- ing like D. D. D. for tho complexion. a marriage service, when she should have found a minister of the gospel who A number of society folks are antic- Brown! & Robinson would perform it, would be in a position to issue decrees of fashion and ing houses to the public on terms Get a bottle today, worth ten o ipating tho dancing party at which Finest Combination or Tenor anil Bari-ton- leadership. which offer a reasonable chance of times its cost to have a bottle in the polite affray, Episcopal and Judge Perry will entertain at the Vocalists on Vaudeville Stage But In the midst of the when the diocese ' Increasing value, together with secur- house. At any ' rate, drop into our were with emotion and suspense, the Moana Hotel this evening. presenting, Newport belles and beaux turbulent ity of principal and income, it should store to talk over the merits of thla colonel and his attractive young llnncee slipped unostentatiously to the The parlors of the hotel will bo "BRICKLAYER AND HELPER" no longer be necessary for men and wonderful prescription. Benson, Smith iormer's summer home, where an who had decided to give up the transformed into a ball room and dec- using own scenery. carpenter, spoke a few brief words which legalized women to put their savings into mar- - & Co. gospel for the trade of a orated with palms, vines and flowers. tlie marriage, and exalted an unknown maiden of the bourgeoise to a leader of society. A delicious fruit punch will bo Vivian and Allen Her winter homo is a neat stone mansion in "Millionaires' Row" on served all evening, and Kaai's quin Fifth avenue. tette will sing and play New Comedy Acrobats. Crackerjacks. for the The Housewife's It is characterized by an interior to bewlldor any Old World artist or con- dancers. Health Is Precious noisseur. century At eleven a buffet supper will lie The happiness of the whole family depends greatly on the health and Its age-ol- Burgundies abound in their seclusion of eighteenth strength Kunz and Kunz cobwebs. served. of tho housewife. If she is weak and worn out, fretful and nervous grotto-apartment- s illum- she cannot be the wise and patient The darkness which has invaded its has been The party is a compliment to Dr. adviser of her rhiiiirmiwuf thi,uw VUUfjUUIUl Artistic Instrumental and Vocal Act. inated by the touch of a magic hand. and Mrs. A. N. Sinclair, who have companion of her husband, the calm mistress of her many trying household Here in the Palace of the Prince will Madeline Force Astor's fresh youth recently returned from a trip abroad. uunes mai sne was wnen in pertect neaitn. and beauty dwindle from the prison life she will be called upon to lead. For such women nothing equals Showers of pearls and invaluable jewels will ere long fall listless from About one hundred and sixty cards Como Early and Avoid the Rush. her carelpss fincers. . havo been issued. The taste of the fruits of wealth will cease to linger. ' y Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Extract 1 Its flavor, once eagerly sought for its sweetness and its novelty, will turn Mrs. C. 0. Berger was the motif for f the peerless tonic and appetizer which is so pleasant to to bitterness and maddening monotony. a handsome and unusually the taste that it storm-ren- artistic agrees There will be t hours of tearful fury at her predicament, when with the most delicate stomach, yet is certain in its strength-renewin- g Empire Theater luncheon at which Mrs. W. Lanz en- a fierce resentment will sear her heart, to burn to ashes all that seemed so nnd body building effects. It has not even the faintest taste tertained yesterday afternoon at her of cod liver fresh and fair. oil, and millions of people in all parts of tho world praising secret longing ragged gown and fireplace on unite in its REGULAR MATINEES, There will be hours of a for the homo Punahou street. value as a restorer of health vigor. the friends they won for her. and Get it at your druggists and be sure WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. and The color scheme for the table en- you MONDAY, When the fairy princess's shimmering satin transformation will mean get STEARNS' the genuine. naught but a weapon wherewith to invite the attacks of vice and scorn. semble was In lavender, a rock crys- When Cinderella will be tempted to call in vain for the hour of twelve tal violet bowl, which was visible Don't Miss Tonight. A Pine Show. so she may awaken to the old reality. through a mist of palest lavender The friendships of her girlhood days are now lost forever. tulle, occupying the center of the For she has dropped them one by one into the consuming flames which IS are burning her bridges after her, as she enters each vista leading to her table, whence issued quantities of Coffman and Carroll exalted and unfamiliar life. two-tone- mauve and lavender asters. Her new friendships will fall to satisfy. This dainty, floral adornment Black-Pac- e Comedians. rested DAY flattery obeisance will not ring true, and her hostilities FOR REGATTA Danciug Extraordinary. Their and their upon a .centerpiece heavily embroid- will bo fierce and unending! ered In shaded silk violets, the place Loads of Nonsense. Society writhes' under the insolence of an enforced humility. And succeeds inevitably in gaining its revenge by closing in on its unfor- dollies being similar. tunate victim, crushing the pride of its soul and the me of its body, till a Over the centerpiece strands of Fascinating. trivial climax finally snuffs it out, like a candle flame! tulle radiated, over which were Myrtle and Healani strewn stray blossoms. DAY. of Rogers Bright SOCIAL NEWS OF THE The friends Mrs. Lindsay hand-painte- Louise The place cards were d Charming Vocalist. Tim-berlak- e her daughter, Miss Helen Rogers, Vaudeville's Major and Mrs. Edward Julius and baskets of violets. PBNANTS New Selections. will be delighted to learn of the post- of Fort Ruger entertained at After luncheon the hostess and her ponement departure. of their These guests gathered about for an Informal With name only, 27 inches long for 50c a handsome dinner dance at the charming to two ladles had expected hour of bridge. Foxand Claire Moana Hotel last evening In honor of leave yesterday in tho Sierra, the but Those present were Mrs. C. O. Ber- SHARPSIIOOTING COWBOYS. Miss Laura Nott. fascination of island life appealed to ger, Miss Minna Berger, Mrs. A. .1. Never a miss. William Tell Outdone. strongly. The dinner table was gracefully, them too Campbell, Miss Alice Macfarlane, iviyiuc cuiu l lccucuii arranged with white lilies, heaped in Mrs. Rogers and her daughter will Mrs. Frederick W. Macfarlane, Mrs. NEW MOTION PICTURES. a basket which was veiled with white depart on Sunday In the Siberia, and George Rodick, Mrs. J. M. Dowsett, tulle. intend to visit Honolulu again next Mrs. Edwin Paris, Mrs. C. C. Conradt, PBNANTS HOLIDAY NOTICE. Rose colored candle shaues sur- summer. Mrs. William E. Dargie of Oakland, mounted six silver candelabra whlcn Mrs. Henry Macfarlane, Mrs. Frank With monogram and name, 3G Inches long, for Saturday, September tC, 1011, hav- $1.00 encircled the basket, and the guest Mrs. W. W. entertained a E. Richardson, Mrs. Carl Wldemann, apart by North at ing been set and established hand-painte- These are nicely lettered oa good quality felt. cards, d moonlight scenes, very charming tea from four to six Mrs. Brune and Mrs. W. Lanz. law as a Territorial holiday, all Terri- Silk handkerchiefs with and blue border. were inscribed for six. on Tuesday afternoon in honor cf red torial offices will bo closed on that ' After dinner tho hosts and their j Mrs. Julius Kalin of San Francisco, GOOD ADVICE FOR SPECULATORS. day. guests repaired to the ballroom of Mrs. Lindsay Rogers of Fresno and "A broker once told me that there By of governor. order the the holol to attend the transport hop. Mrs. Herold. was one rale which he would give, if E. MOTT-SMITI- I, A. Those present were Miss Laura The drawing room, dining room and he dared, to his customers to guide Secretary of Hawaii. Nott. Miss Edith Williams, Lieuten- lnnal were artistically decorated with them in selecting stocks for trading N. S. Sachs Dry Goods Co. Honolulu, Hawaii, Sept. 11, 1911. ant Pratt of Fort Ruger, Mr. Herbert quantities of Shasta daisies, lace purposes. Take a piece of chewing LIMITED. Dowseit and Major and Mrs. Edward maidenhair and potted palms, the gum; reduce It to an adhesive condi- Fine Job Printing, Siar Office. .1. Tlmborlnke. lanal where the hostess and her tion, mold it into a form convenient

The finest program we have ever had TONIGHT-- the pleasure to offer GHT Vivi m w J. v J. an and Allen Brown and Robinson Comedy. Great Acrobats. Good Just returned from a two-yea- r engagement in Eng- land. Finest combination of Tenor and Baritone unz and Kunz Vocalists on the Vaudeville Stage, Featuring Featuring "A Soldier's Dream" "THE BRICKLAYER AND HELPER" Artistic Stage Setting. USUAL PRICES THE HAWAIIAN BTAIt," THUIISDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1911. SEVEN

NO MORE MONEY FOR THE IINE, FREE NEWSPAPERS E RTOWN GOES Morning Cable Report IT (Continued from Page One.)

E El HER SAILORS BUR A L WERE FA LUR E WITHOUT SCHOOL MEUIDIA, Yucatan, Sept. 14. At a Madoilst mooting here locliiy P military ilro a crowd of ex drunkenness and disorder caused 'ho to into curslonlsts. Eight porsons were killed and sixteen wounded. By ST. PETERSBURG, Sopt. 11. Cholera is raging in Mac&dotiia among J. A. BRECKONS. remains of tho dqad and the erection OKLAHOMA CITY, Ok., September About eighty children of school age (Special Correspondence of the Star.) in Arlington national cemetery of the In Watcrtown, tho site of new peasants and troops. . The closing down of Oklahoma , tho PATERSON, N. J., Sept. 14. Aviator Ward reached hero yestorday, WASHINGTON, Sept. 2. Unless mast of the d vessel as a monu- City's newspapers, tho Point Pearl Harbor naval station, will prob- two free twenty miles from New York. some patriotic appeal touches the ment to them must be postponed. The er and the Free Press, brings to nn ably bo compelled to go without In- MONTGOMERY, Ala., Sept. 14. Five hundred of tho leading cotton heart of tho economical Democratic romalns and tho mast will be sent to end a newsaper war In which tho struction this year. men of the state, meeting hero, have agreed to hold tho 1911 clop for fif majority In tho House, tho balance of tho cemetery to bo stored there until losses on all wcro from) Immediately adjournment sides not far after the teen cents a pound. tho battleship Maine may forever rest Congress acts. n quarter of a million dollars. The of tho legislature spring Superin- last WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. Tho Chinese Admiral, Chin Pin Kwang. has in Havana Harbor. As much of the Tho terribly wrecked forward part two properties were bought, and tho tendent Pope, of department of tho gone to Beverly, Mass., to pay his respects to tho President. wrecked ship as the available funds of the vessel, or about two-third- s of newspapers discontinued, by Colonel public Instruction, culled supervis- tho MILWAUKEE, Sopt. 14. Tho police will prevent tho fight between will permit are to be removed or pre- it, will bo cut down to the levels al- C. B. Edgar, editor and owner of tho ors' attention to de- tho needs of the Wolgast and MocFarland, scheduled for September 15. pared for removal, and then tho mam- ready reached by pumpage, then taken Times.. Oklahoma City now has one partment In way of schools, In- the LONDON, Sept. 14. The nonconrornilst8 havo started a crusade in an moth cofferdam surrounding tho ruins out and dumped into deep water out- morning and two afternoon dally news-- ; cluding ap- that of Watcrtown but endeavor to stop the prlzo fight betwcpn Jar k Johnson and Bombardier refilled with water. When moro money side Havana Harbor. A small coffer- papers. ! parently no attention whatever was Wells for tho championship of the woild, which Is set for October 2. was asked from the special session of dam will be built Inside tho main cof- In no other city did tho free news- paid to the matter. Yesterday Super- Congress to complete this work, that ferdam to a depth of about forty feet paper reach such strength as It did visor Eben Low advised the superin- body failed to act, and the department around the forward part, in order to here. The pioneer In the field was the tendent that it was out of question has' mapped out Its plans for tho ex- extricate the rest of it later. Tho Pointer, established on January 7, to expect the County to provide a new EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS IN HANDSOME GREYS penditure of the money on hand, which one-thir- d after ponton of tho vessel, It 190G. It was given away In tho streets building at Watcrtown, because thorc English and American Weaves. Made to your order wiik ft will probably be exhausted by the is believed, can be floated. It will be and delivered without a charge at Is no money that may be used for time Congress convenes In December. pumped out and bulkheaded, but not business houses and residences. the purpose; nor will It he possible to and style unequalled. Because of the lack of funds even moved pending tho appropriation of Profits were to be derived from adver- secure temporary quarters that are W. W. AHANA 62 South King Street funeral sorvices over the recovered more money. tising. suitable. The Pointer became so popular that Tho two teachers who were appoint- brigade had a tiny ambulance drawn the Oklahoman, a morning newspaper, ed for the Pearl Harbor school will bo by a donkoy. The Tsar, who was established a free afternoon edition, worked In somewhere else, and tho 9 CZAR known as REUS hugely delighted, thanked each detach- the Free Press, with a tele truant olllcer advised that Watertown graphic report, newsboys ment, and after the review expressed etc. Trained children are exempt from the law com 1 were Imported to vie with each ciiurmann, his gratitude to the officers and school- other pelling school attendance. In giving away newspapers. At night THE BOY SCOUTS masters. 175 BERETANIA AVE., Union St. 1733 S the gutters were white blocks with corner PHONE The movement is growing rapidly. for free newspapers that had been read BAND CONCERTS. fef Russia will soon have 200,000 boy ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 10. Tho and thrown aside. The Hawaiian band will play this review of the Boy Scouts by the Tsar morning at the departure of the U. S. today was a delightful spectacle. The Henry Allen, Honolulu's prlzo burn transport Logan at tho Hackfeld DRY CLEANING wharf. evening, seven-thirt- y vast expanse of the Mars Field was since the decease of McElroy, was This at Havo you any nice fabrics that you don't want to trust to inex- following checkered by tho scarlet, green, POLICE COURT sentenced to four months' Imprison- o'clock It will present the perienced cleaners? Send them to us and they'll be handled properly. program white and khaki uniforms of the tiny ment. at the Kakaako Mission: FRENCH LAUNDRY, Abadie, Prop. 1491 warriors, whose evolutions were A. W. Nelson, charged with assault March, Semper Fidells Soiua J. Phone Clerk Weed times called In . . watched with delight by Immense thre finil h.lHprv nn hla wlfn waa aonf Overture, The King's Lieutenant good voice and sonorous yesterday crowds. The bright sunshine was the reef for ten days. Judge Monsar- Tlt'l In the district court "Dontcherknow, tempered by rat is a firm believer in the efficacy of March, The Thundered Sousa a breeze. Dontcherknow, Dontcherknow." jail sentences as a wife- - Selection, Nabucco Ver.11 As the emperor and h.s suite rode deterrent of The police In tho room woko up beating. Vocal, Hawaiian Songs. Ar. by Berger down the lines, greeting each detach- with a start, Judge Monsarrat glanced .Too Pestana, drunk, ?0 Selection, A Runaway Girl. .Monckton We ask you ment, the boys answered in Russian drew and anxiously at the docket and a bright costs. March, El Cnpltnn Sousa soldier fashion, "We wish good health reporter hejd up his hand and nar- Finale, Manhattan Beach Sousa to to your majesty." Each separate com- rowly escaped being fined for con- Pay cash and ask for Green Stamps The Star Spangled Banner. mand then demonstrated its special tempt of court. (they are free) and call at the show- particular- aptitudes. To the accompaniment of It turned out that Weed wasn't rooms and see the new goods. Finn Job Printing at Stur Office their own bands they went through dreaming that he was examining a. ly note the drills and gymnastic exercises. The class but was calling for the appear- Tashkent battalion produced some ex- ance of a Russian man charged with very high cellent fencers; the Odessa contingent, illegally restraining the liberty of ti 1000 strong, showed admirable train- countrywoman. standard ing; there was a football team, which The judge was so tickled with the kicked tho ball among the imperial man's name that he discharged him none high- suite, much to the Tsar's amusement; on the spot. Tomorrow and small firemen climbed dummy Gustavo Schmidt, charged by Hu- er of houses. The march past of tho 6000 mane Officer Rose Davidson with cru- boys lasted forty minutes. One little elty to a horse, was fined $10 and FRIDAY Warner's drummer was five years old. A tiny costs. Corsets Last Day of Our Muslin Underweai A AINS Formaco WATCH SATURDAY'S Holds a disinfectant and suspends from the PAPER ceiling. Uses formaldehyde and purifies the air in sick-roo- and bath-room- s FOR OUR GREAT WILL POSITIVELY KILL MOTHS.

Sold for ONE DOLLAR. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd. Fort and Hotel Streets. CARRIED and SOLD by JHEREXALL STORE DAN

NEW NAME NEW POLICY NEW MANAGEMENT The Crossroads Bookshop, Ltd "If you go from San Francisco to Manila, from Van Couver to Australia or New South Wales, from Panama to Yokonama, or from South America to Hong Kong, you must necessity go by way of Honolulu, Honolulu the crossroads of the Pacific." Successors to BROWN & LYON COMPANY, L,TD.

We will remain at the old stand in the Young Building, about one-ha- lf a block mauka from King Street. It will be our business to supply your every want in the way of books, It will be our policy to extend to you every courtesy and attention possible. We have remodeled our store, have fitted up a reading and rest room, have put in a telephone in a seclusive and comfortable place, have done and are doing everything possible to make our store pleasant and attractive for our customers. In doing this, however, we have not overlooked the most important feature of any Book Shop; namely, the careful selection of books which we feel are iust what you want. CHRISTMAS is but a trifle over three months away, aand we wish to announce now that we are bringing to the Islands a larger, finer and more beautiful collection of special holiday books than have ever been here before. If you desire anything special we will be very glad to order it for you. "EVERYTHING IN BOOKS." .. THE CROSSROADS BOOKSHOP, LTD. YOUNG HOTEL BUILDING. BIGHT TUB HAWAIIAN STAn, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1911.

GIRL WANTED. unions, It was declared a "black job." One uot afraid of work. Apply Mr. HQAD LEAK NC The Unlucky Thirteen. Taylor, florist, Young building. mm Captain Erratt may not be super stitious, but If he Is he enn scarcely (Continued from page one.) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. be blamed, for he has had an extra AID FIRE AUTOS ordinary experience concerning tho Toggery 4 them, and tald that they were all Sllva's number thirteen. Ho left San Fran- Union Pacific Transfer Co 2 right. Ho declined to pay them off, cisco on February 13; ho left Fan- Bank of Hawaii , 11 The supervisors last night passed nnd yesterday he sarcastically asked ning Island or. February 13, and ho ar-riv- E. W. Jordan & Co 1 the $4,003 appropriation for Nuunnu them whether they wuro all ready to To be comfortable this weather is to install an hero yesterday, September 13. Holiday Notice 0 road work on third reading, and de- go to the hospital, as thoy had said Judging by tho k that he has Snlo of Valuable Leasehold G rided the lire department auto ques- that they wcro very sick. Quietly but had, he has ample grounds for think- II. Ilnohfeld & Co 8 tion accepting tho recommendations firmly the men told the captain that ing thirteen Is not tho lu 'kj day Honolulu Arausoment Co 0 of Flro Chief Thurston in fnvor of they were not sick, but they were that for him. The boat, ns she now lies, is : buying two Sengrave lire trucks fo.' tired and played out after their long bo Electric finished. Fan said She has $10,500 from the Schumnn Carriage vigils at the pumps. All they wanted to her THE WEATHER. pumps going day night Company. The fire committee re- discharged ship and to keep were to be from tho on the and will miss the winds. In of one Knox enr and her from sinking. Turn current you not trade Local Office, U. S. Weather Bureau, ported favor and paid off. The captain refused, and was overruled. Thursday, September 14, 1911. one Sengrave' car. hut tho men stated that they would be was somewhat compli- Temperature, a. tn.; s a. in.; 10 Tho situation forced to take the matter to the ship- The cost is insignificant and a fan will last for years. a. m.; and morning mlnlnutm: cated by the fact that two of the su- ping commissioner. BISHOP STREET 75, 77, 78, 81, 74. pervisors aro connected with firms The captain got angry, and told the McClellan being (Continued page Barometer leaning. Absolute hu- which were bidders. men where the' commissioner should from one.) midity (grains per cubic foot); rela- with the Honolulu Iron Works and go, t'lid added his extreme contempt company. humidity dew point 8 a. Murray with tho Schumnn for the official. The men then went this matter that $ 17,500 arc lying tive and at in.: X 80.03, C.973, 70, 67. McClellan, however, made the motion straight to the commissioner nnd told idle while the matter ponds. He said The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. Sengrave cars, on a Wind velocity and direction at C a. to buy tho two him their story of the trip. They ad- that the portion of the property occu- wnnted ni.; 8 a. m.; 10 a. in,; and noon: showing that the fire chief mitted that tho captain hnd not told pied by buildings is bringing but a were oK, 12NE, 17NE, 1GNR them and that the bids on them them that they must not go to the small Income, and that the tenants com- tlnintnli anting z4 hours eudlng S lowest. The report of the flro commissioner. are preparing for their Christmas bus-nes- by votes n. m., .0 rainfall. mittee was turned down the Ordered to Pay Off. even to having ordered new Pwight, Krtiger Mc- Total wma movement during 24 of Amana, and As soon as the men had withdrawn, fixtures for their now quarters. The Seagravcs were or- hours ending at noon 253 miles. Clellan and two Almy dictated a letter telling the cap- Trust company offered to pay for the dered, Arnold and Low opposing and WM. D. STOCKMAN tain to be at his office next morning portion of land which would be ob- Murray declining to vote. KIND Section Director. at ten o'clock with his ship's articles tained, $.V.54 per square foot, this THE RIGHT OF ROCK An Increase In the salary of former prepared to pay the men off. Almy is being the same paid for the balance Road Overseer Wilder to $200 monthly When b.ulldlng get the right stone for underpinning and tho right NEWS IN A NUTSHF.LL satisfied from what the men have said of the lot some months ago. was voted on recommendation of City ac- curbing for the street. Tho right result will follow. We havo the that tho vessel is unseaworthy, so on Mr. McStocker pointed out that Engineer Gere, Low being the only stone and the curbing and we have crushed rock for any cement Paragraphs That Give Condensed this score alone the men hnve every cording to figures lately asked by Sul- member of the board voting no. work you may do. News of the Day. right in claiming their discharges. livan & Buckley, Hotel street prop- It was voted to pay tho claim of erty Almy says ho will get the money It should be worth about $12 per Robert McEldowney for forty dollars Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd. School books approved by the Board he has to libel tho ship. foot. - for Injuries received in falling into a Of Education.- Also all school sup-pile- s No decision was arrived at in con- Robinson Block, Queen Street. recently, The closing act in the little drama at Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd. storm drain at which time nection with any of the several pro- his shin two places. should be enacted tomorrow morning S. b. Lucas, optctau, lias returned he hurt in ceedings. his thigh and broke his at ten o'clock In the shipping cominis IIHo and may bo found at his on? wrenched A question has been raised in the f'nm sioner's office. There is a probability ccs, Alnkea street, corner Hotel. glasses. last few days as to whether or not that Captain Erratt will take the mat The Homo Insurance Company of Union street can be closed without ter up In the meantime and arrango Hawaii, Limited, has moved to their a specific act of the legislature. None something satisfactory to all hands. permanent quarters, at 90 King street, THE MID PACIFIC of the members of the commission is corner Fort street, O'Neill building, May Be Sold. ready to pass on this, which probably telephone 3329. A prediction lias been made that tho does not come within their province, Mid-Pacifi- c Magazine has not Boy Henry May & Co. will be closed all The Sailor will most likely bo sold for anyway. issued any number yet better, if as firewood. She is twenty-eigh- t years old According to maps prepared, the Tender Chops day Saturday (Regatta Day). good, as one, out. Crystal White Soap has no etplal In the October just it and her condition now indicates that Territory has in Union street and Is full of new and highl- - interesting The Mutton Chops sold at the market are tender and Juicy, the laundry. Be sure to ask your her career of usefulness as a cargo garden land an area of over 50 000 articles. The table lacking grocer for It. Illustrations and carrier is ended. Of course, the whole square feet, as against some 47,300 only the strong, woolly taste often found In mutton. of contents is ns follows: Joe Kahunahana, a well known stev- thing will hinge on what the survey of private property which will have You will enjoy those we sell. Frontispiece, Birds of Laysan; Lay edore, died yesterday at the age of ors say, if her owner resolves to go to to be acquired. san Islands A Visit Bird expense of having surveyed. .forty-live- . He Is a member of tho the her Reservation, by William Alanson Bry Oiwl and Poola societies. In the meantime, she lies on Rotton an; A Land that Builds a Railway to The regular meeting of tho Free Row, and is attracting a great deal of P AT E MATTERS Metropolitan Meat Market Every Farm, by A. J. Walker; Shoot-inf- f Kindergarten Cnlldren's Aid As- attention. and Off a Volcano, by E. S. Goodhue; sociation will be held Friday, Septem- Is Leaking Very Fast. W. F. HEILBRON Fa Samoa, from the Hungarian of Judge Robinson appointed Tom and A. LOUIS. Propr'u. 15, a. m. Y. C. ber at 9:30 in the W. Maori-Hawaiia- n Captain Erratt has telegraphed to Oscar Vojnich; Leg Pratt Jr. as guardian of his two A. rooms. the owner, William Johnson, in Oak Telephone 3445. ends, by C. F. Maxwell; Glimpses of minor children, Melo and Kalawalu, Steamer day has no worries for land, asking instructions. the Old Peru, by Grace D. Sedgwick; A for He has a girl and boy respectively, to look traveler who entrusts his to baggage' Congressional Junket, by one of the told Johnson that the vessel's decks after a small property of theirs at Union-Pacifi- c Co. Phone have opened up, mak- Transfer Junketers.; the Chief of the House of and that she is Koloa, Kauai, bringing in $13.75 a 1S75. Murder, by F. J. Louriet; Peasant ing thirty-si- x inches of water an hour. year rent. Congressman Julius Kaiin of Califor- Workers of .Japan, by Frederick ri. The vessel Is an old one, and It Priscilla S. Clarke was appointed will glvo an aft- nia address tomorrow Krauss; Irrigating Pacific Lands, by seems to be the opinion of those who by Judge Robinson as guardian of 55 ernoon before the Chamber of Com- August Wolf; Emancipated Woman saw her that her days lire numbered. Grace Ncill, a minor, on the petition s merce on the American merchant ma- In the South Seas, by Sarah Cunning- Her condition is said tobc pretty bad, of John Nelll, the ward's grandfather, rine. ham; Sabdceo a Tale of tho South so it Is unlikely that tho expense of and with the writton consent ot the Mrs. Taylor, the florist, wants a Seas; Pacific Pensonalities Austra- having her repaired will bo gone to. minor, who is fifteen years of age. I girl who Is not afraid of work. lia's New Head; the Last Queen of As far as is known now, she will be Albion F. Clark petitions to be ap Crystal White When th"e next legislature meets the Ifawaii; a Titular King of Fiji; unloaded, and the cargo sold to best pointed guardian of his minor daugh- Civic Federation will probably urge a Thrice King of Samoa; Editorial Com-men- t; advantage. In all likelihood, Hind, ter, Frances, in connection with a hill to regulate I the employment of Guide Book and Encyclopedia. Rolph & Co. will act as agents tor tho legacy of $4G4.45 left to her in the O child labor. At tho meeting of thu boat at this end. will of John De Greaves. federation yesterday a report was A Very Strong Crab. On the report of M. T. Slmonton. made by ooap Chairman Anderson of the master, Judge Robinson npproved DENES NT T Captain Enatt has on board a speci- the legislative committee to the secoud annual account of Cecil Brown, effect that men of one of the huge land crabs to lie had received u M. guardian of Edward Dreier, a minor, letter from J. be found on Fanning Island. These Dole, president of the Hawaiian Pine- showing $10,019.83 receipts crabs are wonderfully strong. It is .and apple Company, defending employ- DF DOING $9390.19 disbursements, of the latter Has ho equal in the laundry. Ask g the given on good authority that they ment of children In the cannery. GDI $8250 being loan investments. Mr. climb cocoanut trees and tear down Dole stated that many of these chil- Cecil Brown's account as trustee of your grocer for it. Hookauku's trial' for criminal as- cocoanuts for their own consumption. dren hail beou sent to Win for employ- the estate of George E. Boardman, sault began before Judge Cooper this The one that was handed round for deceased, was by ment by the Palama Settlement, o approved Judge morning, the jury consisting of Hiram Inspection yesterday certainly seemed Mission and the' Associated Robinson. Receipts were 1023.33 and Kolomokn, E. E. Holstein, Spencer strong enough for almost anything. It payments Charities. They had light work and $941.99. Bickcrton, Jno. S. Walker, Albert Lud-lof- had been dead a long time, al- Jiealthful surroundings. and Judge Whitney granted discharge N. B. Young, Jno. G. Rothwell, E. though it was indeed a curiosity, it to James W. Lloyd, administrator of B. Frlel, C. A. G. Maertens, Chas. Phil- certainly should be buried or fumigat- the estate of Thomas A. Lloyd, de- lips, B. R. Campbell and F. H. Arm- ed in order to make it more approach- ceased, along with an order of dis- Young HotelLaundry NEW SEWERS strong. able. There is something needed pret- tribution. At the end of the prosecution's case ty badly. Work called for and delivered. Alu for defendant moved for a directed (Continued from page one.) Was Blackblrdlng. The Board of Health Is trying to de- verdict of acquittal on the ground Union and Hotel Sts. Phone 1861 The schooner Sailor Boy, from all crease the abnormally high death rate that tliero was no evidence of intent, ries of tests aro being made In Kali-1- accounts, was on a blackblrdlng expe-- ( among infants in this Territory. To to but without argument from County - harbor determine the trend f dition In the South Seas. Captain Er- this end a pamphlet was recently tt Attorney Cathcart the court denied the currents under varying conditions. was in the Gilbert Islands look- - sued, printed in tho motion. both Hawaiian and Should it he found that a sufficiently ing for black labor for a cocoanut Portuguese languages, giving Informa-plantatio- Defendant took the stnnd in his own strong seaward current maintains, on Fanning Island. He tion concerning feeding of infants, behalf. He gave details of criminal the which Is constant as well, the matter mnde an exhaustive search of Gil-- J the sanitary handling conduct on his part toward the com- the of milk, various may be simplified a great deal. berts, but the blacks plaining witness with whom he had who havo worked formulae for modifying cows' milk for Emergency Expenditures. for the owner plantation j ' on many of the hold use of babies, according to ago, etc. danced occasions, but swore JSI.OO swiss 4hr Tho prer.artion each now being made that she was a consenting party. him In such fear that the quest was These booklets have been distributed v for spending $75,000 now an S2.7S available Botli are married. His direct examina- unsuccessful one, and not a native nil over the Territory, and the board Is from the loan fund, Is largely in nat- tion took tho time until adjournment. could bo obtained. already beginning to hear of the bene- Aluminum Ware ure of an emergency expenditure, sineo The people belong to Laic. Tho men who had been on the plan- ficial effects through reports sent in it will relievo a menacing condition in tation, on their returning to the Gil- by government physicians. You know the advantages of aluminum ware, therefore little need tho Waipllopilo section of Palama and A FATAL FALL. berts, told tho other natives terrible be said of Its superiority over ENAMEL and TIN wares. Kalihl, and secure some Imperative re- Last night Dan Ah Tnci, a stories of the that they Fresh smoked "Finnan Haddio" just

on presopt aowage half-Chines- pairs the pumping e boy, aged three had received from tho owner and the received on S. S. Marama by Henry paint. It will not, howqyer, g -- eat-ly managers, so in May & Co. 1271. add and one-hal- f years, while sliding down tho word of tho Phone Means More for Your 0 to tho general sewer system of the tho railings of a stairway of a tene- Dollar ulty In fact it will rather complicate ment house back of tho Asahl Thea- and congest problem. the ter on Maunakea street, fell to tho The "Swiss" ware, our own particular make, has had careful Might Cost Two Millions. ground, a distance of fifteen feet. His PERSONS JN THE NEWS thought In What construction and only the good features as to stylo and the cost will ho to Install a head struck on concrete pavement and shape new system thoroughly adequate for he was so badly Injured have been embodied In the line. Tho metal is purer and tho that he died HON. W. P. LANCE, membor of tho CARL BASLER, who has recently the needs of all the wide extent or shortly after. An Inquest will bo price is no more than other makes. Senate of tho South Union, been representing a New York pub- city now and for thno to come, is a hold tonight. African lishing company Honolulu, will question which can be answered at was n caller at The Star office yes- in leave on the Korea on September Clean Attractive Indestructible presont in only the most general way. pumping plant, necessitating terday with Mrs. Lance, who Is a a shut- 25 for a two years' trip around tho Estimates ranging from one to two down for forty-eigh- t "NOTHING QUITE SO GOOD." hours, would cousin of Walter H. Thurtoll, proof- world to introduce and establish million dollars are about as near as city conse-quoco- tho in unpleasant reader of Tho Star. Mr. and Mrs. agencies for the wonderful Excel- anyone has gotten to It at proscnt. from which an Idea may be Lance were hero as through passen- sior Codo System, compiled by A. J. And In the meantime Honolulu Is had Is a of how near tho time when an gers on tho Marama. They repre- Wlrtz of this city. Incidentally Mr. W. W. DIMOND & CO., Ltd. Browing rapidly, and this of in- rate ontlro new system will ho tho most sented tho South African Union at Basler, representing tho crease will probably inureaso within 53-5- 7 lmporntlvo need of tho city. convention nnd nre en route to visit Club, will boost S. KINGISTREET. - HONOLULU. the next fow years. Even at present, relatives in New Zealand before re- Hawaii and other Pacific countries brooking of a pump sewago the at the Fine Job Trlntlng, Star Office. turning to Johannesburg.' for all he is worth. ooocKxoxxxooioxcxx ooooyi TAR. 'r SECOND SECTION




LONDON, Sept. 1. An ultimatum Is fleet arid naval operations that would Henry Fnrrand Griffin, In the Out- camps during the Spanish-America- n the term in used London to describe more than counterbalance any eventu- look: "Cholera at New York!" war. the character of the written instruc- al German successes on land. Scarcely nior.c than a decade ago In their successful war on all thoso tions which tho French Ambassador Against Bitterness England. these words, flashed over the wires diseases tho medical men have to Berlin, Jules Cainbon, carried from For these reasons the British view from Atlantic to Pacific, would have learned more and moro surely the Paris on his return to his post yester-- of ' the present critical situation is sent a thrill of panic througn the truth of the old adage that an ounco day to resume negotiations on the the somewhat rose colored. German resent- country. There could bo no more of prevention is worth many Moroccan qitostion. a pound The word has an ment at tho part which England right tribute to tho recent swift of cure. Once they ugly have discovered sound under the circumstances ly or wrongly is supposed to bo play in-- advanco of medical Bcienco and tho I the real source of Infection, they have and its use Is avoided by the newspa- ing is growing apace and the persistent creased efficiency of quarantine and had llttlo difficulty in preventing Its pers this morning, but throughout yes-terda- enmity of Great Britain for Germany health departments than the d spread. And they are learning all tho ever since the' Echo de is keynote Paris the of nearly all the Berlin calm with which press and pub time. .This year Dr. Alvnh H. Doty, published an article summarizing tho newspapers' articles. lic aliko took the announcement that health officer of the port of New York, instructions for M. Cambon drawn up The Vossiches Zeltung, In a leading cholera had once more crossed from has given proof positive of the cholera by the French Cabinet, no hesitation declaring article there Is no virtue In the Old World to the New. This was carrier's dangorous ability to was shown here In so Interpreting eludo concealing the fact that Germany Is the more noteworthy because many tho safeguards of quarantine them. methods now honeycombed with bitter Anglo persons still living remembered tho and regulations hitherto One paper, indeed, goes to the length considered phobia, assorts that England can not great epidemics that swept the coun- ample and effective. How quickly of speaking of them as "the ultimate this wonder at this state of affairs in the try in tho middle of the last century, knowledge was put to practical uso concessions that France can offer Ger- presence as Gen. of such a visit that leaving the dead In thousands behind. could be seen at tho quarantine sta- many in exchange for definite, guaran- John English Sir French and other Men still young had vividly in mind tion of New York Harbor the other tees with regard to Morocco." There officers are now paying to the French tho cholera panic of 1892, when oven day. A threatened cholera epidemic is a confident expectation here that fortresses on the German frontier. JOHN BURN'S, M. P the foreign mall bags were disinfect- along tho Atlantic coast had been Germany will swallow the pill just as Such a tour of Inspection at the Tho Right Hon. John Burns, the Parliamentary leader among tho labor ed, and the Inhabitants of Fire Island, checked and every posslblo source of a amount of satis- there exists certain present critical juncture, this Journal section of tho British House of Commons. avmed with shotguns, attempted by Infection stamped out. Incoming faction at tho thought she will that says, can hardly be looked upon either force to prevent the landing of ships from infected ports wero mov- find It to liking. not her as unintentional or Innocent, especially from infected ships. ing slowly but steadily through a new published yes- Articles were here in view of the fact tnat General French Doctors Have Learned. routine of quarantine regulations espe- terday showing the immense superi- was once named as the future command Gertrude Emily Benham, Tramp We have learned a good deal since cially adapted to detect the presence Ger- Anglo-Frenc- ority of the British Navy over the of the allied h then, and so have the doctors. We of cholera carriers. All went as man at the present moment, and armies, which are to operate against (By Eleanor Rivenburgh.) have seen the surgeons of tho United smoothly as though tho system had among military opin- English men the Germany. States Marino Hospital Service go been in effect for years instead of ion prevails that Germany would un- 131 Austria Joins in Attack. Honolulu Is at present being hon- frayed edges to be able to save into Panama, where yellow fever had weeks. Three liners, under sus- willingly try Issues with France just In Austria, also, the British are ored by a noted visitor who' arrived enough to climb in Switzerland. taken its annual' toll of death for cen- picion since they had taken on passen- now because of the superiority of the Instigated - looked upon as having the by the Shinyo Maru from the Orient, "Is climbing expensive? Well, rath- turies, and stamp" out the disease as gers at Naples, lay at anchor in- the field and the alleged Relchpost declar- French artillery present crisis. The in the person of Miss Gertrude Emily er so. My first ascent of Mount one would tread the smoldering (lame Narrows, flying between foremast and generals. nego- greater ability of the French ed yesterday that tho Morocco Benham of London, the most remark- Blanc cost me fifty dollars. out of a burning rag. We know the funnel the warning yellow flag, the in- war, con- a grave owing In the event of a which is tiations had taken turn able woman explorer In the world, "I went to Switzerland for thirteen relation between yellow fever and ternational signal that a vessel Is still extremely unlikely, It to the sudden interference of Great sidered to be bring to light what wonderful ex-llk- e consecutive years, and I have traveled mosquitoes, and that where there are held in quarantine. Up at the bacter- .! defensive position Britain. held that France's a page torn from romance, and on every spot on its beautiful peaks. no mosquitoes there will be no yellow iological laboratories a large staff, re- military This new development, the Reich-pos-t is bo strong that German brings to light what wonderful ex- To enumerate them would be an im- fever, or malaria either, for that mat- inforced by experts drawn from tho adds, has impelled Germany to operations would be reckoned ineffec- ploits a woman, unaided and alono, posing task, but every pass and peak ter. We have learned that the first United States marine hospital service tive for at least such a period as would can do. has, yielded its hidden treasures to stop necessary to combat successfully and tho state and city health depart- (Continued on page eleven.) ensure tho destruction of the German "I hardly know where to begin," me, and I have made ascents from the bubonic plague Is to exterminate ments, worked In relays, day and she hesitated. "There have been, you every side of the great Alps, from rats and their fleas, which spread in- night, examining under powerful mic- see, no special features of Interest in Switzerland, Italy, Austria and fection. We know tile relation of the roscopes cultures taken from every Cm Ah GIE my tours. They have been from France, on whoso provinces they bor- house-fl- y to typhoid fever, and, armed person on tho suspected vessels. Tho INTS Civilians start to finlah a series of unusual ex- der. with this knowledge, tho surgeons and experts were hunting through their periences to others, but to mo the "I took on my Alpine climbs a guido sanitary officers of the Division of lenses for the deadly llttlo bacillus, most natural in the world. and porter at four dollars a dav Maneuver kept tho nrmy recently liv- shaped like a comma, that has in its OF THE ARMY POST EXCHANGES ' "Suppose I start at the beginning, It is not safe to climb ing under canvas in Texas in a superb infinitesimal form all tho potentiality wouldn't that be wise? glaciers of ico and snow In loss than condition of health that proved how of thousands of deaths and a dovas- - "Have I always loved climbing? groups of threo. It takes two. roned cruelly unnecessary were tho thou- t Well ves. I daresay it has been In tocother, to hold another up. who has sands of deaths from typhoid our (Continued to a greater or less extent neglect in on page twelve.) By J.. A. BRECKONS. the blood. When my father was or- fallen down some deep crovasse, and military duties. Other officers, (Special Correspondence of the Star.) their dered to Switzerland first for his many times I myself have had lo whose experience with post exchanges AVASHINGTON, Sept. 3. Irregular- health, I. as a mere girl, accompanied ir it. goes back to the seventies, agree in him. That is where I contracted m "T scaled about ono hundred and ities in the administration of post ex- opinion the management of SU T the that mountain fever! eighty mountains of Switzerland, all 'T ETHAT RESP01DN changes, discovered by Major General post exchanges should bo In the hands "Father objected to my attempts over twelve thousand feet high. of civilians, and not in charge of Grant, commanding tho Department to explore, and for three years I lived "In 1904, after my mother's denth. I army officers, whose time is necessar- of the East, causes him to recommend like a lady with him, when I yearned started on my first great tour of tho IS REALLY HER L ily engaged with military duties. This MATE that in' future these institutions bo to be a tramp. Of course, as you see, vnrM. I was consumed by an ab- may be by placing the civilian placed In charge of civilians. done I have developed Into one, and I am sorbing passion to travel, to tramp, manager much in tho position occu- "Bad management and dishonesty," a tramp in reality apd other tramps to explore deeply into all tho mys- pied formerly by 'post traders.' The NEW YORK, August 29. Harry "I would advocate a trial marriage, he says, "have been disastrous to two treat mo as a fellow! teries of tho world, to bare to inv be theirs a Kemp, the Kansas poet, named as co- so that where people who abso- post exchanges, causing the loss of business should under "After my father's death in London nurlous gaze all hidden wonders are from the War De- respondent In tho suit for divorce lutely incompatible nro thrown to- funds and the trial of one officer and revocable license I lived for my sole burning ambition, which It was possible to unfold. partment, under regulations which which Upton Sinclair, author and so- gether they might part without tho several enlisted men. The ignorance and haying only a small personal al- "Yes, I daresay I hold tho record exchanges, the busi cialist worker,-ha- brought against his formality of a court's decree. I should of business methods on the part of apply to all and lowance for clothes, I turned my old wife, Meta Fuller Sinclair, said today, say that a period of two years most officers and their anxiety to ness conducted under rules laid down gowns Inside out and clipped off (Continued pnge eleven.) would on bo necessary make profits lead them Into many by tho post commander and council that ho did not know whether he nnd for them to know each ventures, which, coupled of administration and a stated per- Mrs. Sinclair ever would be married. other and determine whether they aro Tho poet, who has spent many years with the lack of time because of their centage paid over to the troops. for each other." in traveling nnd verse making, said agree military duties to properly supervise "The excellent ration supplied by "I with Mrs. Sinclair," said ho was content with tho present situa- Mr. Kemp. keeping of accounts, cause complica- the government, the facilities for ARMY AND NAVY "Until woman Is on tho tion, which, he said, would be straight- same tions which are difficult to unravel amusements furnished by tho gymna- economic basis with man there ened out in a way that will bring can bo no perfect and money liability for losses which sium, recreation rooms, etc., have state. At present The Vaccination Order. phoid fever. In the hope of having an happiness to all concerned. mnrrlage is In n they can 111 afford to refund from permitted a rapid accumulatio'n tf transitional state. WASHINGTON, August 29. Anti- 'Immuno army,' proposed not only "Tho present," said Mr. Kemp, "is Uelr salaries. company funds in many companies. it 's "Tho jnero fact that people want a typhoid Inoculation, heretofore volun to vaccinate overy officer and man an unusual situation, and if tho per- dlvorco should bo enough "The post exchanges of tho De- This should be limited, and I believe to give them army, now I of company j tary in tho except In the cases serving, but every applicant for sons involved in it were of tho usual one. By this mean tho stnto most partment of the East have thirty-liv- e that the expenditure of recruits, has now been mado com service. While tho work of vaccinat- sort there probably would bo attacks men mean when they speak officors and 164 enlisted men detailed rUllUS SI10U1U uo lull uimiuiy mm m of 'freo pulsory. By authority of Secretary ing tho troops now In service will not and Incriminations and recriminations. love.' I believe that man in monogen- to look after them. All of these must company council." Stimson, Major General Wood, chief requiro a long period of time, it will But wo aro not of that sort." ic and that woman is monogamlc, of Btnff, has issued a general order re- bo threo years before overy recruit The poet said ho wandered what oven moro so than man, and If allow- quiring overy officer and enlist d man and cadet has beon given this treat- they thought of him In Kansas. ed freedom would oventunlly evolvo a TAFT JUNIOR INTER TO FLY under forty-fiv- e years of age, who has ment." , - Sinclair Sues for Divorce. perfect monogamlc state through trial not had typhoid fever or who has not Colonel Kean of tho Medical Corpa Sinclair brought suit for absolute marriage, and when tho proper mnto already been vaccinated, to undergo said that tho inoculation process is divorce against his wifo yesterday, is found there would bo a spontaneous that operation. very easy. "The site of tho puncture," naming Kemp as co.respondent. Tho union for life, which would bo marital BOSTON, September 5. President fided that ho wanted to fly, but his This action was taken on tho rec- said he, "is usually tho outer side of papers wero served on Mrs. Sinclair love In tho senso tho Idealistic Taft had a pretty busy day and tho father wouldn't let him. ommendation of Surgeon General Tor-ne- y left arm juid Is sponged off with al- In tho Hotel Imperial, following a dream of." variety of subjects he tacked wa3 Henry H. Hilton, tho British cham- and other officers of tho Medical cohol and a small area of tho arm !s mooting at which her husband, Kemp, Volunteers Suggestion. complex enough to afford him somo pion, tackled tho Myopia golf links, Corps with a view to Immunizing tho then sterilized with tincture of lodln. and hcrsolf wero present. They dis Mr. Sinclair then interrupted, say. diversion, although he gained most of with results that neither he nor Pres- army against what Is regarded as ono Tho injection of tho prophylactic is cussed their matrimonial tanglo at Ing: give out. bis pleasure from golf. ident Taft would of the greatest scourges of modern mado with a sterilized syrlngo and tho length, and Mrs. Sinclair agreed to ac- "Which brings us to the question, Tho president started tho day by It was tho first tlmo Hilton had times. They are convinced of tho puncturo in tho arm sealed with col- cept sorvico n tho suit. It is said sho Harry, of tho economic emancipation been at Myopia, nnd those who watch- Issuing an injunction not from tho of tho "typhoid prophylactic" lodion." will not contest It. of woman. Tho solution is tho en- ed tho play of tho visitor, who is an lofty perch of a bench, but over tho In guarding against tho introduction In tho recent four months' camp of Tho threo seemed upon tho best of dowment of motherhood by tho Btato, aspirant for the United States cham- breakfast tablo. Charlie Taft was tho and spread of tho fever. The serum tho regular nrmy at San Antonio thero tortus during tho conference, and aft for only in tho rarest cases can tho youngster pionship next week, were greatly Im- Mie wero 12,801 rec- offender. Tho has been is prepared nt Army Medical men, nnd tho medical er tho preliminaries of tho suit had mother bo freo to support herself when pressed with his ability. Somo of tho reading about aviators and has been School on Thirteenth street, under tho ords show that thero was only ono ty- been settled, Mrs. Sinclair asked her sho Is roaring n child. This resolves "crazy" fly. Dally ho watches tho members said Hilton covered the personal supervision Major F. F. phoid case, no ty- ono-ac- t re- to of with deaths from husband for a play ho has itself into socialism, nnd until It 13 tho territory In courso In 83 and by doing so ho went Russoll army, phoid only airships soar abovo of tho a typhoid fevor and cloven deaths all told cently written, saying sho wanted to ochloved thero can bo no solution of tho vicinity of Boston, so today ho Into a couple of tho traps that have expert, and a leader in tho Inocula- from all other diseases. This ono enso uso It In tho stngo career sho has an tho problem." Squantum. Ho was met mado Myopia famous. journeyed to tion movement. From hero tho serum of typhoid was that of n man who had nounced sho will follow. Mr. Sinclair Later Mrs. Sinclair announced that recognized by Grnhamo White, President Taft, who was plodding Is posts and distributed to all tho military not been complotoly immunized. at onco gavo her tho manuscript. sho would leave town shortly for a who engaged him In conversation, and along 400 or GOO yards behind, seem- In tho country. Tho romarkablo showing in favor of Not Sure of Her Choice. rest nnd then would return to go on ed greatly amused Hil- added to his joy. Then Charles when ho saw "It Is tho hopo of tho officors in tho tho recent enmp is to o this attributed tho Mra. Sinclair announced nt tho tho stngo. Mr. Kemp announced his In- Glldden, tho millionaire pioneer in ton's head in the mlddlo of ono of tho army," said Surgeon General Tornoy, fact every man to J. that sent tho front that her present husband is tention to contlnuo lyric poetry, nnd tho field of aviation, took Chnrllo In traps. Hilton's partnor today was "that by tho uso of this vaccine wo not her soul mnto and that sho Is not If posslblo gain somo stage oxnorlonco band and to him tho youngster con Congressman Longworth. may make all troops Immuno ty (Cotlnuod pago from on ton.) Buro that Kemp is cither. Sho said: to assist him In writing dramas. TIN THE HAWAIIAN STAR, THUIISDAV, SEPTEMBER 14 1911.

branch of tho service no progress has DANGER OF BLOOD POISONING UNITED STATK3 DIS. IN TH3 0 been made, he says, since tho outbreak Every family should at nil times ho TIUCT COUIIT FOR THE TEIUU. of the Spanish-America- n war. If an provided with a good reliable liniment TORY OP HAWAII. THE THEATERS attempt were made to mobilize more and those who have used Chamber' THE UNITED STATES, Plaintiff, Vi. I than one division of troops the army Iain's Pain Balm will admit that thero OFF FOR SCHOOL? THE DOARD OP THE HAWAIIAN would bo crippled, In General Grant's Is none better. Even as slight an in- EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION, et Judgment, as a result of the Insuf- jury ns tho scratch of a pin has re fll Defendants. ficiency of tho sanitary personnel. sulted In blood poisoning and caused Be sure to get your Action brought in said District BIJou Has New People. In his annual report to tho Wnr De- tho loss of a limb. Such Injuries aro Petition filed In the The Hljou program will be mater- Court, and the of no c anscnuence when Pain Balm is school supplies at ially strengthened tonight by the in- partment for the fiscal year just office of the Clerk of said District promptly applied. Cuts, bruises and clusion of Brown nnd Hoblnson,. two ended, as commander of the Depart- Court, in Honolulu. one-thir- ment of tho East, General says sprains nro cured in d less THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED English singers, who arc in a class by Grant that If all the troops In his command time when It is used and all danger STATES. GREETING: themselves. Their' reputation, made Hawaiian News Co., Ltd. had been ordered out In of blood po'sonlng Is avoided ns It Is THE HOARD OP THE HAWAIIAN in England nnd enhanced throughout connection with the mobilization the deficiency antiseptic. For sale by nil dealers. Alexander EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION, a the British empire, should certainly Benson, & agents Ha- Young Building in the medical department would Smith Co. for corporation existing and doing busl-nes- s loo nothing tonight at the Bijou. have caused a breakdown. waii. under and by virtue of the laws Their turn is a novel one, for the WWWAW.WJW.W,VWW of the Territory of Hawaii; J. K. audience will have the pleasure of meeting com- of sports should start at two p. ni.. PIIMANU, L. L. JOSEPH, JONAH hearing two excellent singers Intro- At a of the A. A. U. hqld and the events and their order should KAIWIAEA, S. K. PUPUHI and H. ducing some dry humor. It Is a re- mittee yesterday afternoon It championship be as follows: K. KAALAKEA. as Trustees of fined act, and no doubt will appenl to was decldd that the on 30th Inst, the KIPAHULU PROTESTANT every section of the audience. meet the should be held Alexander Field, that tho program Flno Job Printing, Si-a- Offio- - 2HURCH; THE KIPAHULU SUGAR Kunz and Kunz are still in the bill, at COMPANY, a corporation existing and so are Vivian and Allen. The lat OIL CLOTH &na doing business under and by vir- ter are comedy acrobats, and a lot of of CALL AND HEAR tue of the laws of the Territory their work is exceedingly clever. The For your floor go Hawaii: KAHELE OPIO; SAM turn would be slightly. Improved by to MALI A PALAPALA, widow the elimination of the little vulgarity ot KANAKAAUKAI, deceased; SAM that creeps in on one occasion, and PALAPALA; KANAKAAUKAI, KA-SO- appeals to but a small portion of the KEALOHA NUI, COYNE INAHELE, audience. aTInIE. whose full name Is unknown, The Empire Has Crack Shots. YOUNG BUILDING. and MARY KUPIHEA, heirs at law Last night the Empire was well pat- of KANAKAAUKAI, deceased; DA- ronized. Tho chief attraction was the VID BROWN, HENRY SMITH, shooting contest between Fox and JANE BLACK and MARTHA GREEN, Harlow. Fox won by the narrow mar 5exi) unknown heirs at law of KANAKAA- gin of one point. The scores were UKAI, DAVID KUPIHEA; deceased; thirteen-twelve- . .ilss Bright sang COMPANY, LIM- Your H. HACKFELD and some Irish songs, and Hoffman and Summer Wardrobe ITED, a corporation existing and Carroll appeared with success. doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the Territory of Hawaii' at Saving Prices ISAAC P HARBOTTLE; MARY K. HARBOTTLE; WILLIAM HARBOT- TLE; DAVID H. HARBOTTLE; JAMES HARBOTTLE; FREDERICK (Continued from page nine.) Liberal Installment Terms KLAMP; AGNES G. KLAMP, wife of FREDERICK KLAMP; JOSEPH in the recent Mexican mobilization WHITE, WILLIAM DAVIS, HELEN had to submit to inoculation against Ladies' Tfin Sachs Building, un. JOHNSON and JULIA ROBERTS, typhoid fever. Clothiers U(U Beretania St. known heirs at law of HALUALANI, As an evidence of his personal faith THE PLAYER PIANO THAT decosed; THE TERRITORY OF HA- In the treatment, Secretary Stlmson HAS EVERYTHING IN IT'S WAII; and JAMES THOMPSON, anti-typhoi- d mmf was vaccinated with tho """Sn ' JOHN GRAY, HENRY STONE, EL1Z. serum by Major Russell last June WPM$'dmM FAVOR EVEN THE PRICE. M'-- m ' ABETH STONE, MARY STILES and and twenty days later was declared MARTHA STILES, unknown owners Immune. Ho suffered no 111 effects gXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOXXXXXXXXX and claimants; - whatever from the operation and said You are hereby directed to appear he. was convinced of the value of the and answer the Petition in an action treatment. Send your specifications to me for entitled, as above, brought against Hospital Corps Inadequate. District fou in the United States WASHINGTON, Sept. 5. The contract work. of Hawaii, ITIuqir fin I r -- You'll save money. Court, for the Territory United States army in case of war Hnnnlnln W.-i- i iiiuuiu i u i.. h within twenty days from and after iiuiiuiuiu uu.i iicruiiniv lioiiu I would be seriously hampered because 1-- . 11 1 T I , upon you of certified copy Mwery-iviemDeruraw-i- ervice a of an inadequate number of men in m 4? herein, together limited. of Plaintiff's Petition the hospital corps, according to Major .Constructing with a certified copy of this Sum-Dion- Telephone General Frederick D. Grant. In this KING NEAR FORT. Contractor P. M. POND 2890. g And you are hereby notified that unless you appear and answer as bove required, the said Plaintiff will take judgment of condemnation of the lands described in the Petition herein and for any other relief de- TOM SHARP hew pho)ie charp -- ignz manded In the Petition. WITNESS THB HONORABLE I The Painter 8ANFORD B. DOLE and THE HON The Sanitary 1697 a- - ORaBLE CHARLES F. CLEMONS, I 84 Kaahumanu Judges of said District Ccurt, this st Trade Promoters 80th day of June, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven and of the Independence of I the United States the one hundred Steam Laundry m and thirty-fifth- . ; (Sgd) A. E. MURPHY, --v Tl?$Zfr, , "i Clerk. . Firewood i . i u and Coal -- i (Seal) !' fniar 5 (Endorsed) '' Best Grades Always On Hand No. 77. UNITED STATES DIS TRICT COURT, for the Territory of j Hawaii, THE UNITED STATES OF Desiring to build up a business in the rapid-- I AMERICA vs. THE BOARD OP THE Concrete Brick, Crushed HAWAIIAN EVANGELICAL ASSO CIATION, et al. SUMMONS. ROB- I ly growing and delightful 1 jj ERT W BRECKONS, United States Rock and Sand Attorney. THE UNITED STATES OF AMER- I superb of 1 ICA, Territory of Hawaii, City of Honolulu, ss. ' I, A. E. MURPHY, Clerk of the 1 LTD. Court for the I I I ! Unltec1 States District Go. A Hil n MstacPecfc Territory and Disrlct of Hawaii, do ht iU t Phone 2295 63 Queen Street hereby certify the foregoing to be a 1 ivh correct copy of the or- sri full, true and case of THE j iginal Summons in the vs. AND UNITED STATES OP AMERICA rri THE BOARD OP THE HAWAIIAN EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION, et I I I nl as the same remains of record and C" an file in the office of the Clerk of II aid Court. MNA Great Club Offers IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have1 hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said District Court this 2Dth day of June, A. D. 1911. lot. A. E. MURPHY, j Clerk of United States District Court, Hawaiian Star Garden Island Territory of Hawaii. We have established Automobile service By GEO. R. CLARK, Deputy Clerk. especially for that section beginning Monday The Garde Island, the bright, newsy paper of the Island of Kauai, has been doubled in size and is now Wright-Hustac-e morning the 11th. a more deslrablo publlcatloa In every respect than ever. LIMITED. The Hawaiian Star (dally) Is $8.00 Phono 1148. and Garden Island $2.50. Wo offer both, ono year, Cor. King and South Sts. for $9.00; six months, Semi-Weekl- y Successor to We will take orders every day from 9 to $4.80. Or, Star ($2.00) and Garden Island ($2.50) W, W. WRIGHT & CO.. Ltd. will be sent to any ad- also 12 for calls to be made in the afternoon. dress for $3.95. Kellogg & Dempsey Auto, Motor and Carriage Repairing. Painting, Trimming. Address: Hawaiian Star, Honolulu. Horsesnoelng. Phone 1973

Fine Job Printing, Star OUlce. THE HAWAIIAN STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1911. KliEVEN

hill and walked right down again n mit, nnd what is more, tho first Brit- contrived to covor a retreat, wo shall GERTRUDE tho other side. Tho climb up Fuji isher. It Is 19,700 feet high, this won- not resent their Injustice. Our con mm Is not worth mentioning. derful penk, and hnlf way up flvo science is clear and dovold or offense, Important . (Continued from pago nine.) "Tho Swiss guides all toll you,". porters deserted mo and returned for wo know thnt any statements that o.iv. nvui ism, mat it juu t;uil BlUl'll homo becnuso thoy saw the skolctons wo havo interfered to tho prejudice To of the world. As far as women go. I well and cat well, you are well. I do of two guides who had been lost in of the negotiations between Franca am sure 1 do. both of these most excellently. Their exploits so elabor- After our path. , and Germany are mlsclilovotig inven- Travelers ately portrayed and so hugely com- a twenty-olgh- t or thirty-mil- e climb nl! "I left my cook and a porter below tions without the faintest foundation mented upon, seem like child's play day I munch a few stale scones In a cavo whero I was to spend tho in fact." to the feats' I have accomplished, which I have carried in my pocket, night, and ascended nbovo tho dense Thought England Distracted. cheques dllll-cultl- Travelers' aro tho though 'remendous setbacks and drink a little water, roll up In my. whlto clouds nlono to look over Into It may be added that lu London safest and most convenient I have overcome. blnnket and sloop often twelve hours tho crater at tho top. I took my bear, circles, whero Gcrmanophobia is not "I love the majesty of Alpine splen- straight through. ings, and thought I had located myself rampant, it is generally bollovod thnt form of money yon can carry. "I proceeded dor! Never, never have I been able then from Hongkong perfectly, hut when I began to de- tho German action at Agndlr was tak- Cashed at par In any civilized to efface their glorious beauty from to Calcutta and Darjeollng, and the scend I found I was lost. en In tho belief that Englnml was so country. tho tremendous setbacks and dltil-i- n second time I passed through these "For several moments I was deso- much occupied with domestic affairs Filth I Brings the depths of tho jungle I returned districts walked through Sikklm to late and afraid. Then I blow my that she could pay Iittlo or no atten- to test power comparison. I Phnblut, which is over 11,000 tion to forolgu Pouifry their of fe't whistle and far down I J ist discov- matters, and that tho Diseases Sold in Honolulu by Kinchin-Junga- , found them there still silently tri- high, to mako a sketch of ered a red blanket, on my cook. So decisive position taken by tho Liberal Avoid sickness among fowls by umphant, still shedding grand- which Is about 20,000 feet high Government was a comploto making housings and surround- their I narrowly missed a real adventure. surpriso ings sanitary A liulo Zenoleum eur far and wide, defiant in a superb and which later I surmounted. "I did all my trading en roulo to tho Berlin Foreign Office. in tiio whitewash pail will work challenge to all the other scenic "And then I climbed tho new moun- through Africa with calico and salt: Whether the Wilhelm Strasso can wonders. Tlio surest euro for dlsprovo mountains In the world! tain which has just been discovered one yard of calico purchasing two this accusation remains to bo scaly legs and liko troubles is seen. "Before starting on my long tour nnd reglstored, but to which yet no chickens. I've climbed through An do monde I figured It all out In a name has boon assigned. It rls'is Statds,-Java- , Bor-nc- effort wns made to do so yes- Cor. and Merchant Sts. Egypt, Slam, Malay Fort mid-air- , terday by most practical way. I had a personal straight up 30,100 feet in Korea, China, l'ekln, Mankovv, tho publication In tho allowance and an Income from my Mount Everest, which has always been Mnnchurln, Italy,, Corsica, Manila, of the statement that tho considered 'acquisition A single qunrt wi.l rid 100 hens of all Into father's estate. I dreaded lest tho highest peak In the California, tho western states, Peru, of territory in Morocco lice, mites, Hons, eio Sprnyluir roosti they world, being 29,000 was nevor contemplated. and houfcsoneo In 80 days will keep both should be Insufllclent. Im- onl.r feet. over the Andes on foot, whero tho "With this," them clenu and Insure perfect healtli. said the Lokal-Anzoigo- r, agine my joy at tho discovery that "The biggest feat, I suppose, which Spnnlsh Indians will murder ono for "tho fablo of "Tho Orent float Tar Oarbollo ESTABLISHED IN 1830. my I have wns tramp ri n German retreat bororo England Dlainfootant Dip." - personal income would suffice to done to from a cent, Buenqs Ayrco, Canarv Isles, falls to foot, to tho ground." CARRIED IN STOCK AND keep carrying mo around tho world Teesta nnd back by in fact all over tho world. My record This obviously Inspired FOR SALE BY as long as I desired to travel! which everybody does by train on foot to dnto Is 2.1.000 miles. I am statcmont Is regarded as one IP&CO. "My annual expenses aro about one (thereby missing the real scenery), leaving hero next month for Tahiti, of tho most hopoful signs of tho situation, and E. Hall thousand dollars, and I am confident nnd tho tramp which I did through and will work hack again to England tho Borlin 0. & correspondent of tho Stnndnrd I could not Hvo at that small rate German Central Africa on foot, pass- over I not rotors what llttlo ground have to It as a plain Son, Ltd. BANKERS In my own London home. ing through tho heart of tho jungle already trod. indication that tho "I started put by crossing to Can- all the way, whore at night my black Kaiser's government was propariiiR "Why do I climb? Well, it's very way ada to sketch and climb, where I boys kept huge fires going round my tho for at least a partial retreat. Commercial and Travellers' hard to describe. Probably because I made several first ascents, my sandal camp to frighten off roaring Hons For Franco as woll as for England of Credit issued on tho want to conquer. I havo discovered Letters making the only human impression who came so close to my tent door Morocco is tho vital Issue, and tho and Lon- many tilings. (1) How kind and good Bank ot California the ambor-grce- German claims to a pormanont on tho summits which God had cre- that their n eyes wero dis- all people really are. (2) How depend- foot don Joint Stock Bank, Limited, hold in the country Involving oc- ated. tinctly visible. (3) tho London. ent on the Infinite we are, and cupation of Agadir "I am the first woman who ever "I tramped through Rhodesia, across and a sphere of Correspondents for the Amer- has that I am just what I register myself scaled Mount Asstniboine, in tho tho largo lakes, Victoria Nyanza, amounting to domination in ican Express Company, and In every hotel in which I stay, tlio through to Sus country could havo been ac- Rockies, which rises to the height of Uganda Ruwenzrl and every In I stay. 'Ger-Jnie-o Thos. Cook & Son. in hotel which cepted by noither nation. 12,000 feet in the clouds. My aver- over the Mountains of the Moon in Henham, Tramp.' " Interest allowed on term and Emllv A possible a" age day's journey never covers less Taro, for scalliigl which the Duko result will ho second Savings Bank Deposits. tVlgecIras conference. than twenty-eigh- t miles. D'Abruzzt lias gained such fame and "From Vancouver I went to Fiji notoriety. Rut tho Duke's pilgrimage LAST WEEK OF and New Zealand, where I dispensed was liko a holiday excursion, with a T ULTITUM THE MOON. Tho moon with ignorant guides, who charged retinue of over five hundred assist- adds niuoh to tho glory Honolulu Monument of tho scenery me ten dollars per day. I tramped ants and all tho comforts of homo. (Continued irom iinge nine.) at Halolwa and this week will the South Island from one end to an- "Here I climbed a spur called Kar-agul- a, end the moon's effulgonco Works Co,, Ltd. for the month. other, overcoming the dangers nf which is over 10.000 feet high, take tho precaution of warning offi- Thcro is plenty of KING STREET NEAR ALAKEA. scenery swiff currents in fording streams and and came back back through British cers of the reserves to remain in tho and plenty of atmosplioro PHONE 3085 half-wil- d when BEFORE cattle which are so treacli-erous- . East Africa, around tho base of country. "There are threatening signs the moon is not on duty, and public P. O. BOX 491. Mount KInia, to sketch." in tho European sky," says tho Rclch-post- . the shares tho joys that como with theso. Tho taking a policy of life insur- "A very piquant little word origin- "Have you planned to exhibit your "A deep movement is going table at Halciwa, tho service niosqulto-proo- f ance in any other company ated by my niece applied to my men- sketches?" I inquired. through the German people, who aro and tho ask to see the tal attitude in New Zealand. I found "Perhaps, some day in London, weary of the unending British in- rooms nre worth considering, and so Woodlawn myself dreadfully 'cowafraid!' when I have bought a villa and built trigues, for they feel sufficiently is the best beach in the islands. " "On many occasions I bushed alone, a museum around my tons nnd tons strong to make themselves a place in Trains on tho O. R. & L. railway go MANOA VALLEY. CONTRACT sleeping on my knapsack out in tho of curios. Among thoso curios I the firmament. In spite of England's direct to Halciwa and tho cost of a See CHAS. S. DESKY. in the dense, lonely forests. hope t'o gain possession of and Impertinent veto, Germniiy will not bo round-tri- p ticket is not much. Trains "I never carry arms of any kind. an ancient Hawaiian red and cheated of the fruits of tho Morocco leave and return at convenient hours NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL hut I have really never felt I required yellow nhuula or Royal feather cape, agreement by her French neighbor." for tho business men, and thoy fre- WE HAVE them. which was given to my I There is a disposition hero to con- quently advantage oppor- LIFE INSURANCE COM- mother's take of tho "I went then straightaway from uncle, Captain Starhuck, who discov- sider the Teutonic attacks upon Eng- tunity to spend a few hours at this PANY OF BOSTON, MASS. Australia to Japan, nearly killing ered Starbuck Island, you know, by land as a red herring drawn across delightful resort. money to Loan several coolies with exhaustion. 'My!' an ancient chief of Hawaii. the trail. "Tho octopus, when alarm- I exclaimed to my who, daughter cape, ed, to hldo Itself by discharging NEW RICE M.lt-t-.. and compare the many ad- interpreter "His had the and tries naif way up Fujiyama, begged to re- It mo girl, an inky cloud," says Daily Mail, Tlio K. Yanmmoto Rico Mill is tho on listed stocks or on improved Real vantages it offers with those used to show to as a hut the turn, I always thought the Japanese as it has passed into another branch "and' Germany has adopted this ruse. largest as well as tho finest In tho ' Estate. of other companies. do things. Go home, then, reopening of tho negotiations Islands. All machinery is of the very Wo buy and sell Stocks and Bonds, could and of the family, I daresay it lias been The I will proceed with France has been made the occa- latest pattern. Tho famous Tengu and make investments for others in nlone." used to trim a hat ere this." 1 you?" I inquired, against Rico is cleaned at this approved Trust Securities. "And did after a She laughed a little. sion for another outburst the mill. With tho pause. largo cleaning capacity We shall be pleased to talk Castle & Cooke, "Well, I climbed Kilimanjaro too, British. they are ablo LIMITED "Yes, indeed," Miss Bcnham prompt- which was rather unusual. I was the "Theso assaults," adds tho Mail, to handle considerable outside partic- ly replied. "I walked right up tho first woman ever to reach tho sum "may bo a good omen. If they aro ular work which they guarantee. i INVESTMENTS General Agents. with you. Bank of Bishop Trust Co., Limited Honolulu LAIMTE r924 BETHEL STREET Cy XXX i G c9 Honolulu . Issue K. N. & K. NOTICE. Letters o f Credit and Traveler's On ana arter October 2, 1911, ana Checks available ARE BEST until further notice, tho BERNICE P. throughout the BISHOP MUSEUM will bo open t- - the world. Cable public from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. daily transfers it lowest except Sundays, Wednesdays and tho rates jfi Made from extra heavy tin, four yearly holidays, Decoration Day, j Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. No permits to visit the museum will be Issued to heavily coated, and specially passengers on through steamers on Tfie YoKafiama Specie Bank Wednesdays as formerly. BY ORDER Gi x.IE TRUSTEES. LIMITED. tinned wire. Guaranteed to burn perfectly September 1, 1911. HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA.

Capital (Paid Up) Yen 24,000,000 Reserve Fund Yen 16,000,000 and to be of the very best materials and General banking business transact- GheeTonSbinBo ed. Savings account for $1 and up- wards. Strong, light, ALSO AS reliable KNOWN proof THE Fire and burglar proof vaults, with construction. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent at $2 per year and upwards. Trunks and cases to bo kept on custody at moderate rates. against all air currents. 7 different styles LiMy Particulars to be applied for. JW YU AKAI, Manager. THE LEADING CHINESE NEWSPA' Honolulu Office, Bethel and Mer in stock. PER IN HAWAII. chant Sts. Tel. 2421 and 1594. P. O. Ten Pages. Box 168. Tho paper for the Chinese Trade. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. NOTARY PUBLIC. SOMETHING DEPENDABLE. THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., Ltd. is always more or Diarrhooa less Arent to grant marriage UcenBea provalent during this month. Bo pre- Loans Negotiated. Real Estate pared for It. Chamberlain's Colic, Court, Legal and Commercial Work Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy is Hardware Department prompt and effectual. It can always O. P. Soares bo dopended upon an ' is pleasant to take. For sale by all dealers. Ben- Room 7, Magoon Building. son, Smltn & Co., agents for Hawaii. Cor. Merchant and Alakea. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1911. TWELVE THE HAWAIIAN STAR, W " 'L ondary case occur sufficient proof of COMMISSIONER'S NEW YORK OFFER tho vigilance and prompt precautions taken by tho attending physicians and SALE health officers. (Continued from page nine.) See These Take an Epidemics Not Feared Now. OF A record of this sort would appear tating epidemic. Right here on tho justify statement made by Dr. gleaming glass slides under the micro- to tho. Leasehold New Doty when ho said: Valuable scopes is the flnal line of cholera Interest Is no disease now known IN coast defense. "There SITUATE which modern medical science Wall Papers Cholera Was Expected. with HONOLULU, CITY AND COUNTY and sanitation cannot successfully in your milk. Wo nsk nothing Dr. Doty was expecting cholera on OF HONOLULU, TERRITORY is possible to decorate tho deal. There may bo sporadic cases of It incoming ships from the Mediterran- OF HAWAII. hotter than to liavo you visit in the future In this country interior of a house more artis- ean this year, and he was prepared cholera long ns remain so many in- our milk tlupot on Sheridan for it. Two or three sporadic cases as there Pursuant to an Interlocutory Decree, tically nowadays than was pos- fected areas in the world, but there is W. Robin- street mid sco how wo handle had developed on vessels en route made by tho Honorablo J. sible a few years ago with ex- not tho slightest danger of a serious Circuit Court Wo mo the largest dealers in bath- from southern Europe last autumn. In son, Third Judge of tho tho milk supply for our custo- epidemic while our health and quaran- Circuit of the pensive frescoing. ing Mitts in Hawaii; complete lines of no case, however, did tho infection of tho First Judicial tine departments remain In their pres- 5th day of men's, women's and children's. mers. succeed In passing quarantine. Territory of Hawaii, on tho Let us show you some of the ent eincient condition." September, A. D. 1911, at Chambers, Compare our methods and of the United States marine hos- new patterns and borders. It'a pital service abroad had watched the Doesn't Spread Quickly. In Equity, in an action entitled "K. cleanliness with tho ordinary K. Nagata, to goods, march of cholera across Europe in "Contrary to long existing belief," Matsumoto, petitioner, vs. a pleasure show theso barnyard variety of dairying and and tho said Dr. Doty, "cholera does not respondent, Suit to Foreclose Mort- you buy or HI IIIMIiHhHMfl itio resultant Invasion of whether wish to not. gen-ora- l gage;" (Equity Division No. 1779), tho Italy. The efforts of the Italian gov- spread swiftly in tho absence of TKL GREAT BtNJAMIN COMPOUND you'll understand why it is saf- undersigned, as Commissioner, duly I' ernment officials to conceal the real infection; and general infection, "to buy milk appointed and constituted as such by HERBALO er and .bdttor seriousness of tho situation did not cither on a vessel or on land, should - Interlocutory Decree, will sell, 'it Cures Constipation. us. deceive theso trained observers, properly be considered a serious re- said from and to highest Makcs.New.Kich they flection on tho physician or health of-- Public Auction, tho and urn tints, forwarded confidential reports of !)lood. best bidder for cash, subject to con- tho progress of epidemic fleer In charge of the sanitation of Stomach and Liter the to this by tho Court, on Regulator country. ship or district. The number of deaths firmation Limited Kidneys. Cures the Wnllo tho bacteriological experts In tho cholera epidemic of 1SS2 in day of frequently rose as high as one Saturday, the 23rd Honolulu hunted their quarry in the laboratories Naples 177 S. King St. CARBORUNDUM WHEEL8 and tho liners swung at anchor await- thousand a day; but during the recent September, 1911 outbreak the daily mortality has They hold shape and cut fast; will ing tho result, Dr. Doty sat in his 12 Day . At O'clock Noon of Said save time and money ou auy charac- Dairymen's study down at Quarantine and told never exceeded twenty-five- There are great im- ter of grinding work. how ho had planned "ills 'campaign just two reasons for this at the front (mauka) entrance of the against the cholera carrier. The light provement. Naples now has a reason- - Judiciary Building, in Honolulu, City HONOLULU IRON .WORKS CO. - Association had been won then, and the dancer of abl' nl,ro B"P"ly of water, and the reg- anu county ot wonoiuiu, Territory ot Consolidated Soda Water Agents for Hawaiian Islands. right, in- an epidemic was past. Ho might well "1'itions of modern sanitation are now Hawaii, all the estate, title, term of years yet to come and Is Absolutely Phone 1542 have spoken with some little pride of l'lerly enforced. It is perfectly safe terest, Pure unexpired, property, possession, claim the achievement, but he seemed to t0 sa' that tne nieans uoW uscd t0 Wyandotte and demand whatsoever, as well In look upon the whole business in the combat typhoid fever In this country TELEPHONE 2171. The great Washing Soda, used In law as in equity of the said K. Nagata, most matter-of-fac- t way, as if fighting woulrt l,rove (llllte a3 efficient against Hospitals and the Home. in and to that certain lease-hol- d estate cholera were nothing at all out of the cholera. Y. WO SING Cheaper than Pearllne. existing between Mrs.AnnIe K. Wong CO. ordinary, but all in the day's work. j "In view of what Is now known in Leong as lessor, and tho said K. Nj-gat- a. Groceries, Fruits, Vegetable!, Etc SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY. The Disease regard and mild "Carrier." to cholera carriers as lessee, dated the 9th day of Phono 1973 "I knew what we were in for," he and irregulaV types of the disease, and Butto. 35c lb.; Fresh Dried FrulU. November, A. D. 1906, and recorded in 1186-118- The Colonial 'said quietly, "and (ve were ready, the possibility of infected persons thus 8 Nuuanu Street DAIRYMEN. the Registry Office, Oahu, in Liber where the 'Previous to year gen- - warn-era- Telephone 1034. 961 A Family Hotel last there was a entering communities without l 234-23- Box " 293, pages wherein said les- feeling - superlative is expressed in that cholera was a dls- Ing, health officers throughout the sor demised and leased to said lessee ease accommodations, service and that demonstrated Itself within country should be prepared to detect for the term of fifteen years from and Drink USED ON YOUR HERD WILL SAVE five days of infection. Therefore, as a promptly cases of cholera cuisine. and Isolate including the 1st day of January, MAY'S OLD KONA COFFEE, YOU MONEY. means of combating de- - cholera, we at any moment. Death certificates 1907, at a monthly rental of FORTY-TW- O Best in the Market, on five-da- y - gastro-en-son- s ABR. FERNANDEZ & SON. Miss Johnson a detention of per- ing the cause of death as DOLLARS ($42.00), all that HENRY MAY & CO, suspected of infection or coming teritis or intestinal trouble of any sort lot, piece or parcel of land Emma St., above Vineyard certain Phono 1271. from an infected district. We held should be carefully Investigated and situate, lying and being on the West them for five days, and, if no cases bacteriological examinations made. In corner of Aala Lane and Beretanla You developed, we let them go, on the the absence of general Infection, with Street, in said Honolulu, more particu- Have Read ffl AND CANVAS theory that there was no danger of these precautions reasonably carried larly described as follows, t: STEAMER Our Ad in the turtner infection. This was our out, there is practically no ollance of a Beginning at the West corner of $ TRUNKS. theory, as is indicated in the regula-- ( serious outbreak of cholera occurring Aala Lane and Be.retania Street, and Sizes 26 to 40 at a big reduction. Morning nons ot tne united States government anywhere In this country." running thence as follows, ? Castle & Cooke, and local' quarantine and health de- The Two Dangerous Diseases. Down along Aala Lane 87 feet, Chan Kee Paper partments. Doty thence running inside 05 feet, thence 27 8. Hotel St. LIMITED Dr. believes that there are "But in the last four or five years only two infectious diseases now running to Beretanla Street about 52 Phone 1884 we Honolulu, T. M. have learned that in nearly all dis- known which are a serious menace to feet, thence running along Beretanla eases were are dealing Strept 74 feet to the point of com- Island Investment Co., with two civilized communities and require con THE CAPITOL CAFE Limited. classes never before fully appreciated: stant vigilance on the part of quaran- - mencement, together with all and f ap- King St., opp. Young Hotol Shipping and Com- ni st, tne mild and Irregular type; and, tine officers. These, he says, are chol-secon- singular, the rights, privileges and purtenances belonging In Everything New the carrier. Wo have learned era and the plague, pneumonic and bu-- a thereunto or and Clean. mission Merchants great deal more about tho danger of bonic. They are always present in a any wise appertaining: POPULAR PRICE8. f many sub-th- o Terms of Sale: Cash in United SUGAR FACTORS and GENERAL carriers in infectious diseases in greater or less degree in Asia, and Gold Coin; ten per cent (107c) $S$e'SQ'8$$$S INSURANCE AGENTS. last few years. You will recall the sfdiary epidemics are continually find-cas-e States 0. Brewer & Co., purchase price to paid on of 'Typhoid Mary,' which attract- - ing their way along the trade channels of the be Representing the fall of the hammer; balance upon xxxxxx&xxxxxxxo LIMITED. ed considerable attention in New York Qf the world to other continents, STEINWAY & Ewa Plantation Co. 1 confirmation of sale by the Court and 80N8 a year or so ago.- - , clean Up the East. AND OTHER PIANOS. Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. exocution and delivery of deed by the M Sugar Sugar Co. "We know now that when cases of. "Tiie only way we could definitely THAYER PIANO CO. Factors Kohala Commissioner. Deed to he at the ex AND Apokaa Sugar Mill Co. infectious disease get past quarantine cholera or plague," said Dr. 156 Hotel Street. Phone 2313. eradicate pense of purchaser. Fulton Iron Works, of St. Louit. tho infection is not carried in cloth- - Doty, "would be to go Into the East 8 TUNING GUARANTEED Weston's Centrifugals. - For further particulars apply to J. ing or baggage or cargo. It is nearly anu- stamp infec-alway- s Babcock & Wilcox Boilers. out the sources of Lightfoot, Esq., Attorney for Petition- oxxxxxxxxxxxxx Green"s Fuel Economizer. the mild or irregular case or ti0n just as we would here. And that er, at his office, McCandless Building, Matson Navigation Co. the carrier that brings the Infection. js practically impossible on account of New England Mutual Life Insurance corner King and Bethel streets, Hono SOLAR HEATER Twelve or fourteen years ago I began religious and political conditions and Company, of Boston. lulu, or to the undersigned at his of will save you money. Call see OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS to use the clinical thermometer to de- - and Aetna Insurance Co. the resistance of most of the Eastern fice in the Judiciary Building, in Horn)' ! National Firs Insurance Co. tect theso mild or Irregular cases here one in operation. E. F. Bishop President peoples to modern methods of sanita- lulu aforesaid. Citizen's Insurance Co. (Hartford at quarantine when yellow fever was ACETYLENE LIGHT & AGENCY Geo. H. Robertson Fire Insurance Co. tion. The great Mohammedan pilgrim- M. T. SIMONTON, Vice-Preside- Manager London suspected. This proved most effective ages to Mecca are COMPANY. W. The Assurance Corporation, one of the greatest Commissioner. W. North i Treasurer against yellow fever, no Hustace avenue, off South St. Richard I vers Secretary but it is of and most constant causes of wide- Dated, Honolulu, T. H guard Chol- J. R. Gait Auditor use as a against cholera. spread infection. But all that is a lit- September Gth, A. D. 1911. Geo. R. Carter Director era patients develop a high tempera tle wide of my job," he added, with a C. H. Cooke Director C. Co., Brewer & ture only in flic last stages of the dis smile. it. A. Cooke Director LIMITED. LAKE VIEW NO. 2. FIRE INSURANCE ease." On account of receiving many re . Fumigation Useless. quests for Lake View No. 2 oil stock IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ATLAS ASSURANSE COMPANY Bowers' Merchant Patrol Fire and The fumigation of baggage and car from prospective buyers, I cabled the OF Marine First Circuit, Territory of Ha- LONDON. And Confidential Agency goes Dr. Doty regards as equally use- company at Los Angeles with some unnecessary. waii. At Chambers. In Probate NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS Reliable Watchmen Furnished. Phone Insurance Agencies less and misgiving, whether they could spare How tho In the matter of the Estate of Charles AGENCY. Head-quartei- s, effectlvo measures taken at any more. Have just received their 1051, P. O. Box 284. City Johnson John Johnson, tho port of New York have been in and Minors. cable saying sell twenty thousand PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON Club Stables. Order to show cause on Guardian's Royai Insurance Co. of Liverpool. safeguarding the Nation from the'pos-slbllit- y shares, 50c, and stop. Would say Lake INSURANCE COMPANY. application to sell real estate. London of u disastrous epidemic of View No. 1 and 2 and the Honolulu Assurance Corporation. The B, F, cholera the history of the recent cases On reading and filing tne Petition Consolidated were formerly the prop- Dlllliigliafn Co,, Ltd, Commercial Union Assurance Co. of of Frederick Bartwell Johnson, the Pau ka Hana London. brought to this country from The .Medi erty of Captain Matson. It includes General Agents for Hawaii. terranean plainly show. Sin:o this uuaruian oi tno aoove nameu unaries tho host nil tprritn.-- in thr TTnit.i Scottish Union and Johnson and John Johnson, minors, Fourth Floor, Stangenwald Building. HAS NO RIVAL IN SOAP. National Insur- spring some thirty-od- d caee3 have States. Lake View No. 1 has just ance Co. of Edinburgh. ' either developed on this side of the "raylnS for an order of sale of certain brought in another twenty thousand belonging Caledonia Insurance Co. of Edin- ocean or have been removed from real estate to his said barrel well, and the Honolulu Consol- burgh. wards, a one-hal- f ships for treatment. There hae been viz: Interest in a idated a fifteen thousand barrel well. C.QJeeHop&Co DO NOT parcel of land on the makal side of American and Foreign Marine Insur- no new casss recently, and shlp3 com- Lake View No. 2 is going down allow your clothes to bo ruined by ance Co. Kuaklnl Street, in Honolulu, being lot ing from infected ports have practi-ca.l- v through tho same formations and log amateurs. No. 16 of the Kalul Tract of S. E. ceair'. bringing steornge russen-ger- s as Lake View's wonderful gusher Bishop, and setting forth certain legal Meat Market CTlae; on account of the expense in- which has done as high as ninety thou- reasons why such real estate should MERCHANTPioneerTAILOR volved to th3 companies by the rigid sand barrels per day and is only ono and bo sold, t: That it would be for Has Had 23 Years' Experience In enforce ncnt of the now quarantlua and a quarter miles distant. Tho well the benefit of the said minors if the forty-fiv- e Honolulu. regulations. F.vo cases, probably all Is down about hundred feet Importers said realty was sold and tho proceeds an CLOTHES CLEANED, PRESSED, carriers, succeeded in passing tho, witn eignt men noie. Tiiey are SUGAR invested in some productive stock or now boring through heavy seepage Telephone 3451. DYED. FACTORS quarantine barrier. One woman, after oil put on interest. and tho great gas pressure compelled Satisfaction guaranteed. Work call dow.ition ant' release from a .ihlp ar- COMMISSION MERCHANTS It is hereby ordered, That the heirs installing drilling ma 'ed for and delivered. riving from tho Mediterranean, devel- their heavier and next of kin of said wardj and all chinery. Wo expect tho well to come SUN KWUfiK 80 LIB BERETANIA AND EMMA STREETS, AND oped iholera in Iliooklva. There was persons interested in tho said estate, in at any time. Tho experts say It dill PHONE 3125. INSURANCE AGENTS. a olmiuir case of a man who died in appear .heforo this Court on Monday will be a corker and have no doubt Aubiun, N. Y., although this was not tho 9th day of October, A. D. 1911, at tho jump to $2.00 per share CHINESE NEWSPAPER AGENTS FOR hacteriologically stock will determined as true 10 o'clock a. m., at tho Court Room and better. This is your opportunity PUBLISHING AND choicra. A woman who kept sail- Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Com a of this Court, in Honolulu, then and to better yourself. A small invest- JOB PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ors' lodging placo pany. died In Boston.. Nd there to show cause why an order ment might insure your futuro success revrco i'-- l Haiku Sugar Company. of iufo"t!on co ho traced should not be granted for tho sale of In life. True, it is a gamble hut a No. 49, Cor. of Smith and Hotel Sts. Pala Plantation. with certainty. A sailor coining from such estate. mighty good one, with fifty chances Boston was ill n lodging-hous- o Maui Agricultural Company. taken In Dated at Honolulu, August 30, A. D. to one In your favor. If tho well 1028 Nuuanu Street. Hawaiian Sugar Company. in lowor Manhatnn, Now Yoik 1911. comes in, which I look for at any time, FOR JvIJB Kahuku Plantation Compony. City, and after his removal to Belle-vu- o Attest: tho further sale of this stock is all off. Neill & Co. McBryde Sugar Company. Hospital it was found that he was (Seal) By tho Court: Make up your mind and act quickly. Bridge and Beach atovei for Coal or 'Catton Kahuku Plantation Company. suffering from cholera. An employee (Sigiwd) V. M. HARRISON, J. OSWALD LUTTED. Wood. Limited Kauai Railway Company. at Hoffman Island in New York Har- Clork of tho Circuit Court of the First 1139 Fort St., opp. Pauaht. Phone Quick Meal Blue Flame Oil Stove. Kauai Electric Company. bor, where the cholora cases were Circuit. 3020. Perfection Oil Stoves. Engineers, Machinists, Blacksmiths Honolua Ranch. taken for treatment, developed tho dis-eas- o LARNACH & ROBINSON Wireless address for other islands, Giant Burner Gasoline Stoves. and Boilermakers. Haiku Fruit & Packing Company, at his home on Staton Island. In Attorneys for Petitioner, Lutted, Honolulu, and confirm order EMMELUTH CO., LTD. - rates. First class work at reasonable- Kauai Fruit & Land Company, not one of these instances did a sec- - 4ts Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21, 1911 by first mail with remittance. Phone 1511 No. 145 King St