A FE.ii 2, 2. "075 NYTimes THE NEW YORK TIMES, SA7 New Thai Gsvenument SeciLed. U.S o Ambassador is Rects4i,zed

Special to The New York. Times 21 — The reassignment of the tivities of the United States American ambassador, a con- Central Intelligence Agency in troversial figure because, of his . military and intelligence back- A C.I.A. agent had written a ground, was announced here letter purportedly from a Thai today as King Phumiphol insurgent leader asking to diS- Aduldet formally appointed a cuss a cease-fire with the two-panty minority Govern- Government. The 1 purpose of ment. the letter was said to be to pro- The United States Embassy duce dissension and defections said that Ambassador William among the insurgents, but the R. Kintner, who arrived here letter found its way to the offi- late in 1973, would return to ces of an English-language Washington next month to newspaper, which head a high-level government traced it to the C.I.A. and pub- study of American policy inter- lished it. ests in the Pacific region. Vigorous Student Protest But the timing of the an- The incident stirred Vigorous nouncement aroused specula- Thai student protests against tion that the United States was interference in Thai affairs. moving to de-emphasize the mil- Ambassador Kintner made itary aspect of American-Thai numerous apologies for the let- relations with the advent of the ter. He was accused of being a first elected Thai Government C.I.A. agent. He denied this in more than 25 years. charge and any reponsibility The new Premier, Seni -Pre- for the letter, but he acknow- moj, the 69-year-old leader of ledged having worked wit]. the the Democrat party, presented C.I.A. during his military career his Cabinet list to the King this afternoon, nearly a month after in tbe nineteen-fifties. the Parliamentary elections of Mr. Kintner, who had retired Jan. 26. The King then signed a from the U. S. Army with the royal proclamation announcing rank of colonel, was a political the formation of the coalition, science professor at the 'Link which includes the Social Agra- varsity of Pennsylvania before rian party. being appointed to the Bang- The two coalition parties kok Embassy. He was also di- together hold 90 of the 200 rector of the university's For- seats in the lower chamber of eign Policy. Research Insti ute. Parliament, the House of Repre- The new Thai Cabinet, which sentatives. A total of 22 parties succeeds the King-appointed in- won seats in the Jan. 26 elec- terim Government headed by tions, but none has a working Sanya Dharmasakti, consis ,s of majority. 14 ministers-7-seven Democrats, two Social Agrarians and five :Test Set Next Week nonparty members. Two of The first major test for the these are being held over from new Government is slated for the Dharmasakti Cabinet. next week when it must submit The acting supreme com- its policy proposals to a vote mander of the armed forces, of confidence in the House. The Gen. Kris Sivara, earlier told coalition is then likely to come the press that the army would under strong pressure from a insist on a military man as de- group of right-wing military- fense minister, and it seems backed parties, and it is con likely that General Kris had a sidered by no , means certain large say in the choice of the that it will be able to win the retired army general, Tawit confidence vote. Seniwongse Na Ayuthaya, for At his. first new conference this post. after being named Premier ear- Most of the new ministers lier this week, Mr. Seni said are veteran politicians with that the first priority of his little government experience. government would be to tackle Mr. Seni, however, was Pre- the rising cost of living. mier once before — during a He made it clear there would three-month period in 1947, at be no major foreign-policy ini- the end of which he was fo:ced tiatives. Asked about the con- out by a military coup. His tinued presence of about 25,000 Democrats have been the token United States troops and 350 party of opposition during the United States Air Force planes subsequent quarter century of in Thailand that has attracted military rule. criticism from' Thai students In the next few days, Mr. and liberal and left-wing par- Seni and his Cabinet are ex- ties in the new Assembly, he pected to fly to the northern said: "In principle an indepen- Thai city of Chiengmai, where dent country should not have the King is recovering from foreign troops on its soil, but pneumonia, to take the formal the treaty authorizing the pres- oath of office. ence of United States troops The new Government's ap- has to be carried out according pointment follows weeks of to the Constitition. We will jockeying between the main continue the gradual withdraw- parties here and negotiations al of United States troops." in , which only the Democrat Ambassador Kintner arrived and Social Agrarian parties here 16 months ago, shortly af- were able to reach an accom- ter the previous, Thai military modation. Several other small GoVernment,4theaded by Mar- parties said they would sup- shal , col- port a Democrat-led coalition, lapsed in Oct&-er, 1973. Mr. but could not join it because Kintmer's arrival, however, was of fundamental policy differ- !marred by furore over the al- 'ences.