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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE April 5, 2006 April 5, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 4971 CREDIT UNION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, look. NAMB is dedicated to maintaining the Ferguson Road in Dallas, Texas, shall be Washington, DC, April 3, 2006. highest commitment to consumer education known and designated as the ‘‘Francisco Hon. RUBE´ N HINOJOSA, on mortgage and home-buying issues. ‘Pancho’ Medrano Post Office Building’’. Washington, DC. NAMB works to improve the financial un- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, DEAR REPRESENTATIVE HINOJOSA: On behalf derstanding of consumers across the country map, regulation, document, paper, or other of the Credit Union National Association in a variety of ways. First, our work with record of the United States to the facility re- (CUNA), which represents 87 million credit Freddie Mac’s CreditSmart and CreditSmart ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to union members, I would to thank you for Espanˆ ol has helped lower-income workers be a reference to the ‘‘Francisco ‘Pancho’ your introduction of H. Res. 737, which sup- and families better manage their financial Medrano Post Office Building’’. futures. Second, we inspire a commitment to ports the goals and ideals of Financial Lit- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- eracy Month. consumer education in the next generation CUNA strongly supports H. Res. 737 which of mortgage brokers through our work with ant to the rule, the gentleman from supports financial literacy initiatives by Delta Epsilon Chi (DECA). DECA is an inter- Georgia (Mr. WESTMORELAND) and the calling on schools, nonprofit organizations, national association of high school and col- gentleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) businesses, government entities on the fed- lege students studying business and entre- each will control 20 minutes. eral, state, and local levels, and citizens to preneurship. The Chair recognizes the gentleman NAMB also works closely with the finan- observe the month with appropriate pro- from Georgia. grams and activities. cial services industry as part of its on-going GENERAL LEAVE To aid in this endeavor, CUNA establishes commitment to consumer education, and to a yearly National Credit Union Youth Week, helping all Americans realize the American Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, this year scheduled to take place April 23rd– dream of homeownership. For example, I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- 29th. To date, 278 credit unions have com- NAMB has created the Industry Partners bers may have 5 legislative days within mitted to participating in CUNA’s Youth Program to make it easier for a wide range of financial professionals to collaborate with which to revise and extend their re- Savings Challenge for that week, and are es- marks and include extraneous material timating to tally 50,000 youth deposits val- mortgage brokers and bring greater profes- sionalism to the industry. on the bill under consideration. ued at $3.6 million. NAMB applauds your commitment to this CUNA provides financial literacy resources The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there issue and your dedication on behalf of con- to credit unions year-round to assist young objection to the request of the gen- sumers in Texas and across the nation. We people and help them manage their own tleman from Georgia? salute your efforts to improve the lives and There was no objection. money wisely, and has partnered with the financial futures of hard-working Americans. National Endowment for Financial Edu- Sincerely, Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, cation (NEFE) and the Cooperative Exten- JIM NABORS II, CRMS, I yield myself such time as I may con- sion Service to provide schools with free President, sume. workbooks on financial literacy that can National Association of Mortgage Brokers. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. easily fit into an existing curriculum. Many Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I credit unions have volunteered their time to 4561, offered by the distinguished gen- teach the materials to better prepare stu- yield back the balance of my time. tlewoman from Texas (Ms. EDDIE BER- dents for college, covering issues such a cred- Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, NICE JOHNSON). This bill would des- it cards, interest, minimum payments, and I urge all Members to support the adop- ignate the postal facility in Dallas, checking accounts. Additionally, CUNA re- tion of House Resolution 737, and I Texas, as the Francisco ‘‘Pancho’’ cently developed a program called ‘‘Thrive yield back the balance of my time. Medrano Post Office Building. by Five’’ which offers free materials on our The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Francisco ‘‘Pancho’’ Medrano was a website for parents to work with pre-school, BOOZMAN). The question is on the mo- driving force in bringing the Hispanic aged children on basic financial concepts tion offered by the gentleman from culture into the City of Dallas and such as spending and saving. Georgia (Mr. WESTMORELAND) that the Again, CUNA and its member credit unions working to eliminate discrimination. House suspend the rules and agree to Medrano was an activist and a hero strongly support H. Res. 737, as well as your the resolution, H. Res. 737. leadership with the Congressional Caucus on with Dallas’ Hispanic communities and The question was taken. Financial and Economic Literacy. We look The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the promoted the importance of civic re- forward to working with you and greatly ap- sponsibility and political participation. preciate your efforts to bring financial lit- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of those present have voted in the affirm- Mr. Medrano is well-known for his eracy to students nationwide. years of union and civil rights work Sincerely. ative. DANIEL A. MICA, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, with the United Auto Workers. During President & CEO. on that I demand the yeas and nays. his years with the UAW, he integrated The yeas and nays were ordered. lunch counters in Dallas, took part in NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- civil rights marches in the Deep South MORTGAGE BROKERS, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the and organized farm workers in the McLean, VA, April 7, 2006. Chair’s prior announcement, further Texas valley. However, his work was Rep. RUBE´ N HINOJOSA, proceedings on this question will be not just confined to the UAW. He par- House of Representatives, postponed. ticipated in numerous equality cam- Washington, DC. paigns in Mississippi, Arkansas and REPRESENTATIVE HINOJOSA: On behalf of f the 27,000 members of the National Associa- Texas. FRANCISCO ‘‘PANCHO’’ MEDRANO I urge all Members to honor the per- tion of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB), I would POST OFFICE BUILDING like to thank you and your colleagues for severance of this honorable civil rights your work on House Resolution 737, sup- Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, leader by passing H.R. 4561. porting the goals of National Financial Lit- I move to suspend the rules and pass Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of eracy Month. the bill (H.R. 4561) to designate the fa- my time. At a time when home buyers and con- cility of the United States Postal Serv- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, sumers in general face the hurdles of a com- ice located at 8624 Ferguson Road in it is my pleasure to yield such time as plicated marketplace and predatory lenders, Dallas, Texas, as the ‘‘Francisco your work educating consumers is invalu- she may consume to the author of this able. As you know, an educated consumer is ‘Pancho’ Medrano Post Office Build- resolution, the Honorable EDDIE BER- a protected consumer. ing’’. NICE JOHNSON from Texas. Too often, home buyers and other con- The Clerk read as follows: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of sumers are neither educated nor protected H.R. 4561 Texas. Mr. Speaker, I would like to when it comes to making sound financial de- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- thank Mr. TOM DAVIS and the ranking cisions. As H. Res. 737 makes clear, smart fi- resentatives of the United States of America in member, HENRY WAXMAN, of the House nancial management is the result of a life- Congress assembled, Government Reform Committee and time of sound spending habits and financial SECTION 1. FRANCISCO ‘‘PANCHO’’ MEDRANO education. Encouraging consumers to de- POST OFFICE BUILDING. also the gentleman from Georgia, Mr. velop these good habits is essential to ensur- (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the WESTMORELAND, and the ranking mem- ing strong credit and a healthy financial out- United States Postal Service located at 8624 ber, Mr. DANNY DAVIS, for moving this VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:12 Mar 14, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK4\DAT FILES\BR05AP06.DAT BR05AP06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 4972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE April 5, 2006 important legislation through the com- ‘‘Pancho’’ Medrano played an integral part In 1967, Texas Rangers broke up a peace- mittee. This resolution has been en- in bringing Hispanics into the cultural and so- ful protest where Medrano and five women at- dorsed by every single Member from cial mainstream in Dallas. tempted to picket a train carrying melons the Texas delegation. He was a leader to his community in the picked by non-union workers. The protest in Francisco ‘‘Pancho’’ Medrano played struggle against discrimination. Mission, Texas, was part of a year-long effort an integral part in bringing Hispanics The son of a Mexican laborer, Pancho by farm workers. into the cultural and social main- Medrano was born in Dallas in 1920. During this time, Medrano and others were stream in Dallas. He was a leader to his Pancho Medrano, who in his youth was the subjected to persistent harassment and vio- community in the struggle against dis- 1952 Heavyweight Boxing Champion of Mex- lence from law enforcement officers for their crimination.
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