BIDC Business Catalyst 7 #4.indd 1 12/16/11 4:55:48 PM BIDC Business Catalyst 7 #4.indd 2 12/16/11 4:55:50 PM GET YOUR FINANCE ,QWRGD\·VFKDOOHQJLQJ EXVLQHVVHQYLURQPHQW\RX DEPARTMENT QHHGWREHFHUWDLQ\RXU ILQDQFHGHSDUWPHQWLVLQ JRRGVKDSH$WDOOOHYHOV IN SHAPE 7KDW·VZK\$&&$KDV LQWURGXFHG)RXQGDWLRQVLQ $FFRXQWDQF\$QHZVXLWH RITXDOLILFDWLRQVZKLFKFDQ SURYLGHWKHMXQLRUPHPEHUV RI\RXUWHDPZLWKDKHDG VWDUWLQDFFRXQWLQJDQG ILQDQFH+HOSLQJWKHPWR GHYHORS(QVXULQJWKH\DUH ILWIRUEXVLQHVV6RWKH\ FDQHIIHFWLYHO\FRQWULEXWH WRDVXFFHVVIXOWHDP FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE GLOBAL BODY PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS FOR LQIR#ZLDFFDJOREDOFRP BIDC Business Catalyst 7 #4.indd 3 FDULEEHDQDFFDJOREDOFRP 12/16/11 4:55:50 PM July - September 2011 Contents Volume 7 #4 Editor’s Desk - Trade Shows, Expos & Conferences 5 CEO’s Desk 6 - 9 Making Footprints Around The Globe 10 -11 Challenges of Entrepreneurship 12 -13 Pride In Industry 14 Full Speed Ahead 16 - 17 Animation Comes Alive 18 - 19 Winning Designs 20 Dream Imagine Believe 21 - 22 Carving Out a Niche 23 Food for Thought 24 -25 Skill-full or Empty? 26 The Barbados Competitiveness Progremme 27 Factoring Programme for SMEs 28 BBC Notebook 29 EcoScope 31 When In...Belize 32 TradeScope 33 Manufacts 34 - 35 PG. 15 Full Speed Ahead The BARBADOS BUSINESS CATALYST is published quarterly by the Research, Information and Design Services Division of the Barbados Investment & Development Corporation. It offers information and advice on trade and commercial issues to the business community. Information contained herein may be reproduced if accredited to the BIDC. Items of interest to local manufacturers, exporters, entrepreneurs and potential investors are welcome. Editor: Jane Brome, Email:
[email protected] PG. 14 PG. 23 Pride In Industry Carving Out a Niche Editorial Team: Fern Lewis, Email:
[email protected] Design & Layout: G&A Communications Inc.