: Floods Heavy rains during last 10 days of October has resulted www.reliefweb.int in flooding along the Shabelle and Juba Rivers. 5 people Created by ReliefWeb on 13 November 2006 reported dead. Affected residents moved to elevated land. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs GMT +3 - OCHA Situation Report No. 1, issued 10 Nov 2006 United Nations

Gaalkacyo EGYPT SITUATION SAUDI ARABIA OMAN • Juba and Shabelle Valleys, , Bay, parts of Hiran, and central regions received rains of up to 250mm each ERITREA YEMEN SUDAN • Exact figures of affected hard to determine; most urgent DJIBOUTI need is food and shelter ETHIOPIA SOMALIA ETHIOPIA Dhuusamarreeb • Several primary roads impassable, while access to Jowhar and Marerey severely restricted UGANDA • Underground food storage, irrigated and farmed land RWANDA Mogadishu Belet Weyne damaged BURUNDI • possibility of extended Deyr season in 2007 may result in TANZANIA SOMALIA District continued heavy rain and flooding in coming months ZAMBIA Xudur HIRAN - 11 villages flooded ACTION • Partners looking into conducting aerial survey over Garbahaarey affected regions Baidoa • Agencies agreed to conduct brief surveys on flood GEDO effects in villages

BAY Jowhar • Relief supplies distributed by ICU, IIRO, UNICEF, CARE, - 15 villages flooded MSF Shabelle River - 5 dead in Huriwa village Mogadishu LINKS

Juba River KENYA MIDDLE Marka • OCHA Situation Report No. 1 JUBA LOWER • Latest updates for Somalia: Floods SHABELLE Kutun Warrey District • Related maps - 9 villages flooded - malaria cases rising

INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY ______Regional Boundary LOWER Based on OCHA Situation Report No. 1, issued 10 November 2006 JUBA GLIDE:FL-2006-000161-SOM River Contact: [email protected] AFFECTED REGION Kismaayo Affected District National Capital INDIAN OCEAN Regional Capital 0 50 100


Map data sources: UNCS, ESRI, Global Discovery The names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.