Notes Introduction 1. Telephone interview with Danelle DiCiantis, conducted by Annie Evans, November 19, 2000; Laura Rothenberg, “My So-Called Lungs,” in Sayantani DasGupta and Marsha Hurst (eds.), Stories of Illness and Healing; Women Write Their Bodies (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2007), 44. The number of lung trans- plants in 1990 cited in “Report of the ATS Workshop on Lung Transplantation,” American Review of Respiratory Disease 147 (1993): 772–776; 2010 waiting list data cited in “Waiting List Additions 2000-2010 U.S.,” OPTN/UNOS 2011 Data Spring Regional Meetings,, accessed June 8, 2011. 2. For a critique of the assumptions and practices of modern medicine, see John D. Engel et al., Narrative in Health Care; Healing Patients, Practitioners, Profession, and Community (Oxford and New York: Radcliffe Publishing, 2008), 25–31; and Arthur W. Frank, The Wounded Storyteller: Body, Illness, and Ethics (University of Chicago Press, 1995), 54–56, 81–85, and 172. 3. These cost estimates were for first-year billed charges for a transplant; costs for immunosuppression drugs and other treatment continued well beyond the first year. Millman Research Report, “2008 U.S. Organ and Tissue Transplant Cost Estimates and Discussion,” -us-organ-tisse-RR4-1-08.pdf, accessed June 8, 2011. 4. Rhonda Bodfield, “Appeal for Transplant Patient,” Arizona Daily Star , December 17, 2010; Jane E. Allen, “Arizona Budget Cuts Put Some Organ Transplants Out of Reach,” ABC News/Health, November 18, 2010, /medicaid-cuts-make-organ-transplants-unaffordable/story?id=12177059, accessed June 8, 2011.
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