Remarks Honoring Members of the National Baseball Hall of Fame March 31, 2004
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Mar. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 More than 800 members of the adminis- ies. The leaders of Congress and the Com- tration have been interviewed. More than mission agree—they agree with me that the 20 White House officials have met with circumstances of this case are unique, be- the Commission or soon will do so. Dr. cause the events of September the 11th, Rice herself has already met privately with 2001, were unique. At my direction, Judge the Commission for 4 hours. I’ve ordered Gonzales has informed the Commission this level of cooperation, because I consider that Dr. Rice will participate in an open it necessary to gaining a complete picture public hearing. of the months and years that preceded the Our Nation must never forget the loss murder of our fellow citizens on September or the lessons of September the 11th, and the 11th, 2001. we must not assume that the danger has As the Commission has done its work, passed. The United States will confront I’ve also been concerned, as has Dr. Rice, gathering dangers to our freedom and secu- that an important principle be upheld: A rity. The Commission knows its responsi- President and his advisers, including his bility to collect vital information and to Adviser for National Security Affairs, must present it to the American people. And I be able to communicate freely and privately know my responsibility as well to act without being compelled to reveal those against the continuing threat and to protect communications to the legislative branch. the American people. I have made that This principle of the separation of powers pledge to my fellow citizens, and I will is protected by the Constitution, is recog- keep it. nized by the courts, and has been defended Thank you. by Presidents of both political parties. We have observed this principle while also NOTE: The President spoke at 4:46 p.m. in seeking ways for Dr. Rice to testify, so that the James S. Brady Briefing Room at the the public record is full and accurate. White House. In his remarks, he referred to Now the Commission and leaders of the Thomas H. Kean, Chairman, and Lee H. United States Congress have given written Hamilton, Vice Chairman, National Commis- assurances that the appearance of the Na- sion on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United tional Security Adviser will not be used as States (9/11 Commission); and Counsel to precedent in the conduct of future inquir- the President Alberto R. Gonzales. Remarks Honoring Members of the National Baseball Hall of Fame March 31, 2004 Thank you all for coming. Laura and I about living in the White House is that are honored and thrilled that you’re here. when you invite somebody for lunch, they We have a fair amount of lunches and din- generally come. [Laughter] ners here, and I’ve got a confession to We’re glad you’re back. Vice President make. This is my favorite one. [Laughter] Cheney is with us. Mr. Vice President, It’s kind of like having your baseball card thank you for coming. Secretary of Energy collection spread out in real life. [Laughter] Spence Abraham is with us. He’s a Tiger Some of you were here the last time fan, I believe, if I’m not mistaken. we invited the Hall of Famers here. It was We’ve got a great Hall—lot of Hall of one of the first lunches we had. It’s when Famers. One that I work with on a regular I discovered that one of the best parts basis, of course, is Senator Jim Bunning. 490 1 2005 11:38 Dec 19 2006 Jkt 201942 PO 00000 Frm 00490 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\201942A 014 201942A Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 / Mar. 31 Mr. Senator, thank you for being with us one of my favorite things to do is to host today. tee-ball on the South Lawn, so that future I want to thank Jane Forbes Clark, the Hall of Famers can come and say to one chairman of the Hall of Fame, appreciate of their classmates, ‘‘I love baseball, and you being here, Jane. Dale Petroskey, thank I got to play at the White House.’’ [Laugh- you for being here, Dale, as well. He is ter] the president of the Hall of Fame. One of the traditions, of course, is for All the Hall of Famers, we’re glad you’re the President to throw out the opening here. And thanks for bringing family mem- pitch for baseball. I’m going to do so for bers too. You’re welcome to the people’s the Cards. I was talking to Phil Niekro house. coming in. My arm is a little sore. [Laugh- I appreciate the ESPN Baseball Tonight ter] I was getting suggestions on how to folks who are here, Joe, Tim, and Peter. throw a knuckler. [Laughter] That’s where I get my news. [Laughter] I also know that a former pitcher for They do a great job of making—bringing the American Legion team in Casper, Wyo- baseball into our homes. ming, will also be throwing out an opening My Chief of Staff is here, by the way, day pitch in Cincinnati. That would be your Andy Card. He is a long-suffering Red Sox Vice President. He suggested that they not fan. I’m glad you’re here. George Will is pull out the radar gun. [Laughter] here as well—long-suffering Cubs fan. But You know, I love the game of baseball. welcome, everybody. I grew up loving baseball. It’s a sport that’s I particularly want to congratulate Paul passed down from dad to son, in my case— Molitor and Dennis Eckersley, who will be actually, my mother used to keep score for the newest members of the Hall of Fame. the Yale Bulldogs. I happened to be 11⁄2 Thank you all for coming. We’re honored years old when she was keeping score for you’re here, and congratulations. And Ozzie the Yale Bulldogs. So both my parents Smith and Gary Carter and Eddie Murray passed on the love of baseball. I played took your rightful place amongst some of Little League baseball in Midland, Texas. the game’s greatest players. We welcome It’s where I peaked. [Laughter] I actually you here as well. Thanks for coming, hon- played for the Midland Cubs—except, un- ored you’re here, and congratulations. like Ernie Banks, I was not known as ‘‘Mr. I can’t wait for the baseball season to Cub.’’ [Laughter] I was known as an all- open. You know, some people, like when right catcher. they go up to relax, will have the symphony I think one of the wonderful things about on. I have a baseball game on. I like to being with Hall of Famers is you set such do my—prepare for the next day, and my high standards for other players, as you’ve background noise is a baseball game. I’m set the stage of excellence. I know there’s really looking forward to it. And it’s a great a lot of players who are getting ready to way for us to kick off the season here in start the opening season that long to be Washington is have some of the greatest sitting here in the White House like you players ever to come and help us kick off are. You’ve set such a high mark of how baseball. to be excellent in a grueling sport, in a It’s such a wonderful sport. There aren’t sport that requires not only incredible skill any time limits, which means you can go but a lot of patience. It’s a marathon, not and enjoy yourself. It’s a great place to a sprint. And you’ve set the standard, and go and relax. It’s a wonderful place to visit we’re proud to have the standard-setters with somebody you love. It’s an important here in the greatest house on the face of part of our history. And we love to herald the Earth, the people’s house, the White it here. We love to herald it so much that House. 491 ug 31 2005 11:38 Dec 19 2006 Jkt 201942 PO 00000 Frm 00491 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\201942A 014 201942A Mar. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 Thanks for coming. May God bless you NOTE: The President spoke at 12:25 p.m. in and your families, and may God continue the State Dining Room at the White House. to bless our great country. Thank you. In his remarks, he referred to ESPN broad- casters Joe Morgan, Tim Kurkjian, and Peter Gammons; and columnist George Will. Remarks at a Bush-Cheney Dinner March 31, 2004 Thank you all very much. Thanks for I want to thank Congressman Mike coming. Thank you all. Alex, thank you very Bilirakis from the great State of Florida, much. I didn’t realize you were such a good for joining us. Congressman Jim orator. [Laughter] Greenwood is with us today, from the great I wasn’t Alex’s first choice to speak to- State of Pennsylvania. Thanks for coming, night. His request was that Laura come Jim. Jerry Kilgore, the attorney general to be the key speaker. Alex is a man of from Virginia, is with us today. The Lieu- good judgment. So am I, by asking Laura tenant Governor of the great State of Mary- to marry me.