4430 Supplement to the London Gazette, June 28, 1397

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4430 Supplement to the London Gazette, June 28, 1397 4430 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 28, 1397. CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS OF Major-General Sir James Willcocks, K.C.M.G., .KNIGHTHOOD. D.S.O. Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, Colonel James ' Melville Babington, C.M.G., June 28, 1907. half-pay. Colonel (Brigadier-General) Richard Menteith The KING- has been graciously pleased, on Greenfield,. Brigade Commander, India. the occasion of the celebration of His Majesty's 1 Colonel (Brigadier-General) Charles Edward Birthday, to give orders for the following pro- Bradley, Brigadier-General, 12th Brigade, motions in, and appointments to, the Most Eastern Command. Honourable Order of the Bath:— Colonel (Brigadier-General) Charles Louis Wooll- To be Ordinary Members of the Military combe, Brigade Commander, India. Division of the Second Class, or Knights Com- Colonel (Brigadier-General) Fenton John Aylmer, manders :— V.C., Brigade Commander, India. Vice-Admiral Sir Wilmot Hawksworth Fawkes, Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Charles K.C.V.O. Hogge, Indian Army. Vice-Admiral Reginald Friend Hannam Hender- Colonel Walter Rupert Kenyon-Slaney, half-pay. son, C.B. Colonel Henry Charles Harf ord, Colonel in Charge Inspector-General Herbert Mackay Ellis, Hono- of Infantry Records, Yorkshire Grouped Regi- rary Physician to The King. mental District. Colonel Ernest Blunt, Chief Engineer, Eastern To be Ordinary Members of $he ^Military Divi- '^Command, India. ; sion of ,the .Third .Class, or .Companions :— Lieutenant-.Colonel and Brevet Colonel Frank Captain Herbert "Goodenough jKing-Hall, 'D.S.O., Montagu Rundall, D.S.O., Indian Army. R;N. ' Colonel (Brigadier-General) Bertram Reveley Deputy Inspector-General Thomas Desmond Mitford, D.S.O., Brigadier-General 9th Brigade, Giinlette, R.N. Southern Command. Colonel Archibald Paris, R.M. A. • Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Roderick To be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division William MacLeod, Indian Army. of the Third Glass, or Companions:— Colonel Edward Hogarth Molesworth, Indian Army, Brigade Commander, India. Dr. James Alfred Ewing, F.R.S. Colonel George Deane Bourke, Administrative Engineer Rear-Admiral J.ohri Thomas-.Comer. Medical Officer, Southern Command. To be Ordinary Members of the Military Colonel Arthur Henry tBagnold, Superintendent, Division of the First Class, or Knights Grand Building Works, Ordnance Factories. Cross:— Colonel (Brigadier-General) Thomas D'Oyly General Sir George Benjamin Wolseley, K.C.B. Snow, Brigadier-General, General Staff, General The Honourable Sir Neville ^Ger.ald Eastern Command. Lyttelton, K.C.B., Chief of the General Staff Colonel Alexander Bulstrode Fenton, Indian (1st Military Member, Army Council). Army, Brigade Commander, India. To be Ordinary Members of the Military Colonel Ellis Ramsay Reid, D.S.O., Army Pay Division of the Second Class, or Knights Com- Department, Chief Accountant, Western manders :— Command. Major-General The flpnourable Savage Mpstyn, Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet 'Colonel Lewis C.B., Colonel, The Devonshire Regiment. Montgomery Murray Hall, Indian Army, Major-General Arthur Frederick Warren, C.B., Brigade Commander, India.: Colonel Commandant, The Rifle Brigade (The Colonel James Archibald Ferrier, D.S.O., Chief ;. prince Consort's Own). Engineer, Coast Defences, Eastern Command. Major-Gene.ral -Frederick Richard .SollyrMood, Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Laurence C.B.,-CQ.lpnel, The Prince of -Wales's Volunteers Julius Elliott Bradshaw, Indian Army, Brigade (South Lancashire Regiment). Commander, India. ', Major:GeneraJ Wilspne Bla'ck, C.B. Colonel Harry Finn, .half^pay. Majoi:-G.eneral John Ramsay. Slade, ,C.B;, Royal Lieutenant=Co,10nel and Brevet Colonel Edmund Artillery. Walter St. George Welchmaii, Indian Army. Colonel Alexander Brooke Morgan, C.B. Colonel Thomas John O'D.ell, C.M.G., Assistant Major-Geueral Edmund Leach, C.B., Colonel, The Director of Supplies and Transport, Irish Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment). Command.' Colonel Alfred'Robert Davidson Mackenzie, C.B., Indian Army. Colonel (temporary- Major-General) Reginald Major-General Matthew William Edward, Gqsset, Henry Mahon, Director-General of Ordnance, p.B., Colonel, The Dorsetshire, Regiment. India. (Dplonel Charles J.ohn Oswald FitzGeraJd, C.B.. Lieutenant-.Colonel and Brevet Colonel Alexander Indian Army. Hamilton Gordon, General. Staff Officer, First Major-Geueral John Gatacre, C.B., .Indian Army. Grade, Head-Quarters of Army. Lieutenant-General 'Arthur Singleton Wynne,^ Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Laurence , 'C.B., Solitary'Secretary to the Secretary of George Drummond, M.V.O., Scots Guards. State for War, and Secretary, Selection £oard. Colonel Francis John Davie's, Assistant Quarter- Lieutenarit-General Sir Beauchamp D.uff. K.C.y.O., master-General1, Western Command. C.B., C.I.E., Indian Army (Colonel, 9th Gurkha Colonel George Kenneth' Scott-M'oncrieff, C.I.E., Rifles), Chief of the Staff, India. Assistant Director of Fortifications and Works, Lieutenant-General ChiirlesWhittiugham Horsley Head-Quarters of Army. Douglas, G.Bi, 'Adjutant-General' 'to the Forces Colonel Charles E dw,ard Call well. General. Staff • (2nd Military Member, Army Council). ( Ofjficer, lst;(Jrade, Head-Qu.arters'of Arnr£.; To be Ordinary Members of- the Military Colonel George James Butcher, C.M.G.,,, Ar.my. Division of the Third Class, or Companions:— Ordnance Department, Assistant Director of Surgeon-General Francis Wollaston Trevor, Army ,Ord1ia;nce,SiX)re;s, Irishi'Command. Medical Service, Principal Medical Officer, Colonel .Charles, flen.ry Bjeatson^ Indian. Med'ijeaf • Western Ccrnmand, India. Service. '.
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