Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander

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Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander Roisman Historical Sources in Translation Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander to Homer from Greece Ancient “Students of ancient Greece will respond to this book as John Sheffield (1709) did to Homer: ‘you will hardly need another book.’ The new compilation of evidence merits the same praise for its range, aids, and the quality of its illustrations and commentaries.” Carol Thomas, University of Washington “This wide-ranging collection of passages from the ancient sources, judiciously selected and edited by Joseph Roisman, and freshly translated by John Yardley, provides students of Greek history with an essential corpus of evidence for the period from Homer to the Macedonian conquest of the East. Roisman and Yardley are richly deserving of our praise and gratitude.” Waldemar Heckel, University of Calgary “If you want a thorough and expert introduction to the evidence of ancient Greek history – in other words, to the building blocks of western civilization – read this book.” Barry Strauss, Cornell University Incorporating fresh, new translations of original Greek and Roman texts and drawing on a range of sources, including artistic evidence, this sourcebook provides an inclusive and integrated view of Greek history, from Homer to Alexander the Great. Linking the political, military, and social history of the Greeks to their intellectual accomplishments, Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander offers a full and integrated perspective on the period. Rather than Historical Sources in Translation compartmentalizing Greek history and civilization into a number of thematic studies, the book focuses on important developments, placing them within their political, economic, cultural, and intellectual contexts, and examining both their influences and their effects. Ancient Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander puts the reader in touch with the raw material of ancient history and analyzes the importance of this evidence through extensive introductions and explanatory notes. An accompanying website available at offers additional evidence and Greece from explanations, as well as links to useful online resources. Homer to Joseph Roisman is Professor of Classics at Colby College. He has authored and edited several books, among them Brill’s Companion to Alexander the Great (2003) and The Rhetoric of Manhood: Masculinity in the Attic Orators (2005). Alexander J. C. Yardley is Emeritus Professor of Classics at the University of Ottawa. He has published extensively on Greek and Roman history and sources. His books include Alexander the Great: Historical Sources in Translation (ed. with Waldemar Heckel, Blackwell, 2004) and many translations of key texts, from Tacitus The Evidence and Justin to Livy and Quintus Curtius Rufus. Joseph Roisman Cover image: Detail from black-figure amphora showing the arming of a warrior, 6th century bce. Photo © RMN / Hervé Lewandowski. ISBN 978-1-4051-2776-9 Translations by J. C. Yardley Cover design by Richard Boxall Design Associates RRoisman_ffirs.inddoisman_ffirs.indd i 11/25/2011/25/2011 88:34:35:34:35 PPMM Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander RRoisman_ffirs.inddoisman_ffirs.indd i 11/25/2011/25/2011 88:34:35:34:35 PPMM Blackwell Sourcebooks in Ancient History This series presents readers with new translations of the raw material of ancient history. It provides direct access to the ancient world, from wars and power politics to daily life and entertainment, allowing readers to discover the extraordinary diversity of ancient societies. Published The Ancient Near East Edited Mark W. Chavalas The Roman Games Alison Futrell Alexander the Great Waldemar Heckel and J. C. Yardley The Hellenistic Period Roger Bagnall and Peter Derow Ancient Greek Religion Emily Kearns Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander Joseph Roisman; translations by J. C. Yardley In Preparation Sexuality in the Classical World Holt Parker RRoisman_ffirs.inddoisman_ffirs.indd iiii 11/25/2011/25/2011 88:34:35:34:35 PPMM Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander The Evidence Joseph Roisman Translations by J. C. Yardley A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication RRoisman_ffirs.inddoisman_ffirs.indd iiiiii 11/25/2011/25/2011 88:34:35:34:35 PPMM This edition first published 2011 © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Translations © 2011 John Yardley Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Registered Office John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, United Kingdom Editorial Offices 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at The right of Joseph Roisman to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Roisman, Joseph, 1946– Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander: the evidence / Joseph Roisman. p. cm. — (Blackwell sourcebooks in ancient history) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4051-2775-2 (hardcover: alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4051-2776-9 (pbk.: alk. paper) 1. Greece—Civilization—To 146 B.C.—Sources. 2. Greece—History—To 146 B.C.—Sources. I. Title. DF12.R65 2011 938–dc22 2010025066 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Set in 10/13pt Stone Serif by SPi Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India 1 2011 RRoisman_ffirs.inddoisman_ffirs.indd iivv 11/25/2011/25/2011 88:34:35:34:35 PPMM Contents List of Illustrations xxix List of Maps xxxi Preface and Acknowledgments xxxii How to Use This Book xxxiv Abbreviations xxxv Glossary xxxvii Greek Weights, Measures, Coins, and the Athenian Calendar xl Timeline xlii Introduction: The Evidence for Greek History and Culture 1 I The Archaeological Evidence 2 I.1 Pottery 5 II Coins 7 III The Written Evidence 8 III.1 Investigation of Sources and Fragments of Lost Historians 10 III.2 Herodotus 13 III.3 Thucydides 16 III.4 Xenophon 20 III.5 Diodorus of Sicily 21 III.6 Plutarch 22 III.7 The Attic Orators 23 1 The World of Homer 26 1.1 A Funeral Scene on a Dipylon Vase 28 1.2 The Homeric Household (Oikos) 29 1.3 Women and the Homeric Household WEB1 RRoisman_ftoc.inddoisman_ftoc.indd v 11/27/2011/27/2011 44:56:14:56:14 PPMM vi CONTENTS 1.4 Slaves and the Homeric Household WEB1 1.5 The Measure of Happiness 30 1.6 A Household in Trouble 30 1.7 Households and Community 31 1.8 Homeric Leaders 32 1.9 Kings, Council, and Assembly 33 1.10 A Trial Scene WEB2 1.11 Homeric Values: Honor and Excellence 37 1.12 Reciprocity and Guest-Friendship (Xenia) 38 1.13 A Bust of Homer WEB3 2 The World of Hesiod 41 2.1 Individual, Communal, and Divine Justice 42 2.2 Women and Pandora’s Jar 44 2.3 Household and Marriage WEB4 2.4 The Value of Labor 45 2.5 Hesiod WEB4 2.5.I Slaves in Hesiod WEB4 2.5.II Hesiod on Competitiveness WEB5 2.5.III A Bust of Hesiod WEB5 2.6 The Orientalizing Period 45 3 The Early Greek Polis (City-State) and the Ethnos 48 3.1 The Homeric Polis 49 3.2 A Walled Homeric Polis WEB6 3.3 An Early Settlement on Andros (Zagora; ca. 700) 50 3.4 Links to Andros and the Azoria Project WEB6 3.5 Ancient Views of the Origins of the Polis 52 3.5.A Theseus’ Unification of Attica 52 3.5.B Aristotle on the Evolution of the Polis 53 3.6 Ethnos: The Ionians 54 3.6.A Ion’s Ancestors 55 3.6.B Ionians in the Peloponnese 56 3.6.C The History of the Ionians 56 3.7 Links of Interest WEB7 4 Settlements Across the Sea: Greek “Colonization” 59 4.1 Greek Settlements in the Western Mediterranean 60 4.2 The Settlement at Pithecoussae (ca. 750) 60 4.2.A The Settling of Pithecoussae 61 4.2.B The “Nestor Cup” 62 4.3 Livy on the Settlement of Pithecoussae WEB8 4.4 The Foundation of Cyrene (631) 63 4.5 Herodotus on the Foundation of Cyrene (631) WEB8 RRoisman_ftoc.inddoisman_ftoc.indd vvii 11/27/2011/27/2011 44:56:14:56:14 PPMM CONTENTS vii 4.5.I The Delphic Oracle WEB11 4.6 Mother-City and Colony: Corinth, Corcyra, and Epidamnus (435) 64 4.7 Settlers and Locals 66 4.8 Selinus (651/0?) 67 4.9 Links of Interest WEB12 5 Aristocratic Power and Attitudes 69 5.1 Aristocratic Power and Offices in Athens 70 5.2 Kings by Merit WEB13 5.3 Aristocratic Exclusiveness 71 5.3.A The Unworthy 72 5.3.B Do Not Marry a Commoner 72 5.4 Aristocratic Anxiety 73 6 Archaic Tyranny 75 6.1 How Tyrants Attained Power 76 6.2 The Birth and Rescue of Cypselus WEB14 6.3 Cypselus’ Tyranny in Corinth (ca.
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