The 2020 Local Gov Series is all about delving into an open and honest conversation to decipher what’s worked, and what hasn’t.

Each presentation will be centred on the top three hurdles each Agency has experienced, how they are tackling them, and the results that have come from their approach.

We want to avoid overarching concepts with no framework for action or going too far into the specific detail that the information shared isn’t transferrable.

So, we’ve made sure we are all about actionable insights.


Charlie Hamer Co-founder & Director, Public Sector Network Agenda at a glance

Local councils across A/NZ are grappling with how to ensure they are a public service fit for the future.

Not only are they facing the technical question of how to leverage and embed digital and other technology, but also how to utilise data and insights to inform strategy, improve performance, operations and boost CX.

With insights also linking into operational excellence and how best to align corporate strategy to improve efficiency, performance and achieve their organisational goals, there is ample opportunity to drive an agenda of growth and certainty.

With so many changes on the horizon and initiatives underway, transformation leadership is arguably the key underpinning to the success of sinking or swimming; how to set the vision and execute the strategy, embed the right culture, and secure the most appropriate workforce are all front of mind for all local council leaders, along with how to accommodate growth and become more resilient during times of restraint and uncertainty.

That’s why we’ve shaped the 2020 Series entirely around these key opportunities for mastery. Who is it for?

This series is designed for Chief/Director/Head of:

Transformation Insights/Data/ Customer Strategy Technology Operations Innovation Process/ Analytics Experience and Operational Engagement Excellence

Reasons to attend

Hear how the best in your Understand how to select Learn how to master the Execute a seamless Leverage the experience State and across and embed the best fit people aspect of your transformation strategy and ambitions of other local are transforming their technology to meet your transformation to drive and spread capability and councils to set the vision operations to become more organisational goals the most ROI on your insights across your entire and roadmap for the next 5 efficient transformation initiatives Agency years Speakers

BRISBANE SYDNEY Bridgette Di Ferdinando, Organisation Fresia Segovia, CIO, Council Development Lead, Sunshine Coast Council Luke Harvey, Chief Digital Officer, Blacktown PERTH Stephen Fernando, CFO, Whitsunday Regional City Council Andrew Brien, CEO, City of Bayswater Council Morven Cameron, CEO, Lake Macquarie City David MacLennan, CEO, City of Vincent Matthew Schultz, Chief Digital Officer, Ipswich Council Jemma Greene, Chief Innovation Officer, City of City Council Craig Norman, Chief Financial Officer, Central Canning Vivek Kangesu, Group Manager, Corporate Coast Council Joanne Abbiss, CEO, City of Armadale and Asset Planning and Projects, Redland City Lindsay Woodland, Executive Director, Council Jonathan Throssell, CEO, Shire of Mundaring City Engagement and Experience, City of Garry Hunt, CEO, City of Joondalup Benjamin Steel, Customer Experience and Business Performance Program Leader, Logan Gabrielle Angles, Executive Manager, Customer City Council Service, Council David Keenan, CEO, Southern Downs Regional Council

ADELAIDE MELBOURNE Shweta Babbar, Chief Transformation Officer, Glen Eira City Council Peter Tsokas, CEO, City of Unley AUCKLAND Jennifer Bednar, Director Customer and Business Transformation, City Roberto Bria, CEO, City of Holdfast Bay Richard Briggs, CEO, Hamilton City Council of Casey Alison Hancock, Director Corporate and City Services, Bede Carran, CEO, Timaru District Council Megan Turnley, Strategy and Transformation Lead, Yarra City Council City of Onkaparinga Julia Fink, CFO, Upper Hutt City Council Rebecca Leonard, Director Governance, Strategy, and Performance, Adrian Skull, CEO, City of Marion City of Greater Geelong Heather Shotter, CEO, Palmerston North City Council Amber Dinevski, Continuous Improvement Lead, City Toby Kent, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Melbourne Deborah Acott, General Manager Finance Transformation, of Tea Tree Gully Auckland Council Michael Dugina, Executive Director Customer and Corporate Services, Nigel McBride, CEO, City of Prospect City of Greater Geelong Manisha Joshi, Head of Enterprise Data & BI, Environment Matthew Pears, CEO, City of Mitcham Canterbury Helen Sui, Director Corporate Services, City of Whittlesea Carol Bellette, CFO, Christchurch City Council Agenda 10.10am 9.50am 9.30am 9.00am 8.30am Partner Session CEO, Hunt, Perth: Garry CityofJoondalup Adelaide: NigelMcBride City Council Melbourne: Shweta Babbar, ChiefTransformation Officer, GlenEira Canterbury Auckland: ManishaJoshi,Headof Enterprise Data &BI,Environment Council (TBC) Brisbane: JamesPeet, ChiefDigitalOfficer, Moreton Bay Regional and Experience, CityofParramatta Sydney: Lindsay Woodland, Executive Director, CityEngagement and Boost CX Utilising Data andInsightsto Inform Strategy, Improve Performance Perth: Andrew Brien,CEO, CityofBayswater Adelaide: Matthew Pears, CEO, CityofMitcham Corporate Services, CityofGreater Geelong Melbourne: MichaelDugina,Executive Director Customer and Auckland: Carol Bellette, CFO, Council Brisbane: Matthew Schultz,ChiefDigitalOfficer, Ipswich City Northern BeachesCouncil Sydney: Angles,Executive Gabrielle Manager, Customer Service, Technology to Improve Operations andService A CityFitfor 2025: Leveraging andEmbeddingDigitalOther Welcome from PublicSector Network &Chairperson Registration &MorningCoffee , CEO, CityofProspect Christchurch CityCouncil 12.15pm 11.15am 10.50am 10.30am David Keenan, CEO, SouthernDowns Regional Council Program Leader, Logan CityCouncil Benjamin Steel, Customer Experience andBusiness Performance Stephen Fernando Coast Council Bridgette DiFerdinando, Organisation Development Lead, Sunshine Brisbane Brooke Conroy Morven Cameron, CEO, Lake Macquarie CityCouncil Luke Harvey Fresia Segovia, CIO, Sydney Appropriate Workforce Strategy, EmbeddingtheRightCulture, andSecuringtheMost Transformation Leadership: SettingtheVision andExecuting the Panel Discussion Think Tanks Morning Tea &Networking Perth: David MacLennan, CEO, CityofVincent Adelaide: Transformation, CityofCasey Melbourne: Jennifer Bednar, Director Customer andBusiness Auckland Council Auckland: Deborah Acott, General ManagerFinance Transformation, Planning andProjects, Redland CityCouncil Brisbane: Vivek Kangesu, Group Manager, Corporate andAsset Sydney: Craig Norman, Chief FinancialOfficer, Central Coast Council Efficiency, Performance and Achieve Your Organisational Goals Operational Excellence: AligningCorporate Strategy to Improve , ChiefDigitalOfficer, Blacktown CityCouncil , Business Improvement Lead, Penrith CityCouncil , CFO, Whitsunday Regional Council Agenda 1.00pm 12.55pm 12.15pm Close ofDay andNetworking Lunch Closing Remarks Jonathan Throssell, CEO, Shire ofMundaring Joanne Abbiss, CEO, CityofArmadale Jemma Greene Perth Onkaparinga Alison Hancock, Director Corporate andCityServices, Cityof Gully Amber Dinevski, Continuous Improvement Lead, CityofTea Tree Adrian Skull, CEO, CityofMarion Roberto Bria,CEO, CityofHoldfast Bay Peter Tsokas , CEO, CityofUnley Adelaide Helen Sui,Director Corporate Services, CityofWhittlesea Toby Kent, ChiefResilience Officer, CityofMelbourne City ofGreater Geelong Rebecca Leonard , Director Governance, Strategy, andPerformance, Megan Turnley Melbourne Heather Shotter Julia Fink,CFO, Bede Carran, CEO, Timaru District Council Richard Briggs,CEO, Hamilton CityCouncil Auckland Appropriate Workforce Strategy, EmbeddingtheRightCulture, andSecuringtheMost Transformation Leadership: SettingtheVision andExecuting the Panel Discussion , Strategy andTransformation Lead, Yarra CityCouncil , ChiefInnovation Officer, CityofCanning UpperHuttCityCouncil , CEOPalmerston NorthCityCouncil CONNECTING GOVERNMENT WWW.PUBLICSECTORNETWORK.CO

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