UGHTING-UP TIME jtf~\ WEATHER FORECAST 8.55 pun. • ajn. to Midnight, Thursday.—South­ easterly winds, fair bnt showery later. TIDE TABLE FOR JULY YESTERDAY'S WEATHER Date High Water Low Water Sun- 8ux_- Maximum t.pTnpgTutiTt^ " ' ;IIMI gg^ AJt P.M. A-M. p.M. rise aet Minimum t_»Trnw»rt__..r«> ijgg 19 4.49 5.39 10.55 1155 6.25 825 Rainfall , , 0.09 inches 20 5.44 6.29 UU5 6.26 8J25 Sunshine...... $ hours, 6 minute. Sty? Imjal <&a2rtte and (EoUmiat Batlg VOL. 25—NO. 16S HAMILTON, BERMUDA. THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1945 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM RELAXATION OF POLICY INTERROGATION BARRAGE I DEFENCE REGULATIONS CARRIER PLANES ATTACK REMNANTS OF JAP ON BUILDING PERMITS ON IMMIGRATION ISSUES j DEBATED BY ASSEMBLY Application For Assistant j Application Of Imperial Act NAVY FOUND HIDING IN Y0K0SUKA SECTOR tSSTftS? Made By Attorney General To Colony Is Questioned MAP OF ASIA DOMINATES PERMITS BEING ISSUED FOR PROPOSED MESSAGE SEEKS FURTHER DATA ARE SOUGHT Combined Naval & Air Bombardment MIfflKCIWissiHG JOBS DONE IN SPARE TIME IMMIGRATION BOARD FttE BEFORE SENDING MESSAGE Z. . , "iffi . , v . . Tffi FUTURE OF REICH CONFERENCE AT POTSDAM Pressed by Mr. Gibbons for a pub­ Questions were fired yesterday af­ Mr. J. E. P. Vesey reported progress Or Japan Is Continued Yesterday, lic statement on the question" of ternoon at Mr. E. P. T. Tucker, in the House of Assembly yesterday Truman Meets Churchill And Knocking Out Of Japan Is building permits, Capt.. the Hon. deputy chairman of the Board of afternoon during consideration ta Bayard Dill, chairman of the Board Immigration, in the House of Assem­ committee of his proposed message of PubUc Works, announced in bly concerning the appointment of to the Governor which, in effect, Preliminary Tally Of Blows Given Then Stalin For Parleys Priority Number One the House of Assembly yesterday the Hon. E. A. Burton as Acting seeks to have defence regulations afternoon that all restrictions could Attorney General, one of which drew replaced after the end of the year J By LIEF ERICKSON ;*^p NO 0FFI CI AL fflNT IS GIVEN KEY SECRET IS WHAT U.S. not be eased although' there had from Mr. Tucker the statement that with legislative statutes, where been some relaxation of policy. application for Mr. Burton's employ­ necessary. GUAM, July 19 (Thursday) UP).—It was announced that the OF NATURE OF DISCUSSIONS IS PROPOSING IN TALKS Mr. Gibbons claimed that more ment had been made verbally at a I^e member in charge received information should be provided, par­ Board meeting by Its chairman, the much approval for his message carrier plane attacks and battleship bombardment ol northeast ticularly about future policy, and, By DENNIS MARTIN By DANIEL DK LUCE Hon. J. T. Gilbert, Attorney Gen- which requests a list of those regula­ Honshu and the Tokyo area were continued yesterday by the he requested that Capt. Dill elabor- era! tions the Government wishes to con­ combined American and British Pacific Fleets. ate at the first opportunity. (As tinue at the expiration on December POTSDAM, July 18 (Reuter).—^Fur­ BERLIN, July 18 UP).—There are Capt. DUl had made his statement The finale of the barrage came late Adverse weather for visibility hampered the operations on ther moves by Marshal Zhukov's strong indications that the map of in the day when Mr. E. B. Williams 31, 1945, of The Emergency Powers on the motion for adjournment, Act, 1939. both Tuesday and yesterday, preventing accurate and complete Soviet Military Administration to Asia is dominating the Potsdam con­ he could not speak a second time.) gave notice that tomorrow after­ strengthen the provincial govern­ ference and measures to knock out noon be will move the following mes­ reconnaissance of the damage inflicted. Oapt. Dill referred to his com­ However, the Speaker suggested ments in German Provinces now un­ Japan have priority number one in ment in the House recently when sage to the Governor: that it would be better for the Carrier planes attacked Japanese der Red Army control gave backing the discussions among the Ameri­ he had explained that the matter of "The House of Assembly desires I House first to ascertain just what combat shipping yesterday. tonight to widespread reports that can, British and Russian allies. building permits was being taken respectfully to inform Your Excel- j defence regulations were at present The remnants ol the Japanese Million & Half Of "the Big Three are now - grappling Hotary in the Pacific is para­ up with the object of reviewing poli­ lency that certain questions • were j in existence. with the greatest of their manifold mount to the United States Govern­ cy. addressed to an hon. member of this Mr. Vesey indicated that he would Kavy were discovered hy carrier problems—the form and future of ment, and more vital than any cur­ offer an amendment to his message He continued that the Depart­ House who represents the Board of planes in the Yokosuka area. Jap Forces Been the new Germany. rent European issue to Russia or Immigration. to obtain the information, although ment of Public Works—the au­ •_-"_*_« T_r__« TT -r m i — No hint was given of the probable „ German problems are extending to Britain, it can be said with assur­ "The replies received are not con- I !£? ?°^ ^f;Tu??J?r' {*.,,expressed such proportions that the united thority for issuing building per­ B de DC. man nationality. Poland and return here to tell what new Government is provided by its clock, with one hour's interval. Pro­ ments may leave the whole position Mangrove Bay under the bridge and officer at Zanzibar, is at present in As the prosecution did not oppose they saw and heard. These dele­ appointments. For instance, the longed sittings are being avoided be­ in a status quo, remarked MR. But­ into the Sound, to the spot which New York City and is expected to rflvPpllcation- a remand until Sep- gates will be drawn from the army committee to "secure" Polish assets cause of Petain's week health. terfield. had been pointed out. arrive in the Colony within the ember in Britain is comprised of liberal (Andre Mornet, French state At­ "We lack information at present," next day or so. ing . a was **e--*-*-agreedn twow bujy th"«eo j/icaiupresid­- as well as civilian groups, and be­ The white motorboat of Mr. Ru­ a cause the need for them is most ur­ Democrats, whose Integrity is un- torney who secured the conviction explained Mr. Butterfield. "Mr. berry had already reached the "Sea Mr. Addis, who 1s in his forty- niTU . v 8e at today's hearing at the 'Q Bailey in London. gent the first group will be repre- Cnntinued aa Pag* * Cantinued aa Pije 3 fourth year, succeeds Mr. William Continued on Page 2 Continued oa Page 6 L. Murphy. Page 2 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1945


RAISE OVER £60 FOR RED DE MABIGNY VOLUNTEERS of-having murdered Sir Harry Oakes, PARLIAMENT MUST CALL Defence Regulations DEMAND FOR LABOUR IN HAMILTON POUCE COURT FOR CANADIAN ARMY his father in law, last week enUsted Debated By Assembly CROSS DRIVE IN SANDYS in the Canadian Army, volunteering FOR KING'S RETURN COLONY STILL STRONG In Hamilton Police Court yester­ OTTAWA, JULY IS (Reuter).— Al­ for service to the Pacific, Canadian day morning, before the Wor. H. fred de Marigny, who went to Cana­ Continued from Pag* 1 Martin Godet, Henry Thomas Dar­ It was announced yesterday that da two years ago after his acquittal Army officials to Ottawa confirmed Belgian Constitution Is The Hon. H.^Tticker, Jr., said he Labour Board Head Speaks rell, a pubUc carriage driver, Headed the gross takings from the whist at Nassau, the Bahamas, en a charge today. had no objection to the message go­ guilty to a charge of parking his and tea party given by a committee ing forward but he did think that horse and carriage os the wrong side of East Side residents of Sandys Changed By New Bill the House should recognise that Its Of Shortage At Dockyard of Church Street, and was bound Parish totalled £69. 2. 4. This was powers te certain matters were lim­ over to come up for judgment. held on the afternoon of July 12 on LONDON, July 18 (Reuter).,—King ited by definitely established pro­ Mr. E. R. Williams, chairman of the Archie Stuart Burrows, a fisher­ the grounds of Mrs. Leonard Young's Leopold* in of Belgium can hence- cedure. Labour Board, indicated clearly in man, pleaded not guilty to a charge residence at CaveUo Bay, and was at­ lorward return to his throne only tiie House of Assembly yesterday of stealing a hatchet, the property tended by about 180 people. Expen­ When the Emergency Powers Act afternoon that there was still a ses for this effort amounted to only ^ith the consent of both Houses of was passed, he recalled, the House of Cecil Robinson, from a motor Parliament. heavv demand for labour ta Ber­ boat in Devonshire Does, between £8.18.16, and the committee will turn The Belgian Senate today adopt­ had the choice of accepting tt or muda, In fact, he said that a short­ over £60. 3. 6 as their special effort JSelmont ffltanor. July 4 and 6. ed the Government's bill, passed martial law which had applied in the age was being experienced at His toward tlie Sandys Parish Red Cross1 last war. Robinson stated that he left his yesterday hy the Chamber*, provid­ Majesty's Dockyard. motor boat at Devonshire Dock on {thrive. ing tax the exclusion of the King 'It was perfectly oljvious," he Mr. Williams made a statement July 4, leaving his hatchet in the On sale that afternoon were bread DAN€ING ON CEDAR GOUET from power until Parliament sanc­ added, "that something of that sort on the motion for adjournment cabin, which was not locked. In and cakes and miscellaneous tions his return. Brussels radio im­ had to be done. The Emergency following some comments by Dr. consequence of what he was told by | articles, as well as ice cream and — Three Nights Weekly — ported tonight. Voting was 77 in Powers Aet was passed in prefer­ Cann during an earlier debate. Victor MeUo, on July 6 he went to mineral. Visitors enjoyed playing savour of the bill, 58 against and flro ence. The Imperial Act was extend­ Dr. Cann argued that something his boat and found that the hatchet | "Round the World", and there was TUESDAY — THURSDAY — SATURDAY five abstentions. ed not only to Bermuda, but to all should be done about the cane of was gone. He identified a hatchet a raffle of two cedar boxes which These figures indicate that the Colonies under orders-in-council workers -fr^the Dockyard who had shown to him in Court as his pro­ were donated by Messrs. Martin and King found considerably nuke sup­ which were appUed generally been prevented from leaving their perty." Mount castle. A cedar handled bag port in the Senate than in the Cham­ throughout the Empire to Colonial employment there to start in busi­ Victor MeUo said that he was the ber yesterday, where voting was possessions." ness at Somerset. which was given by Mr. W. Whitehead SWIMMING — SUN-BATHING 98 for and only six against, with J The Labour Board head pointed manager of a grocery store on the was also raffled. "Canada, too?" interpolated a North Shore, about a quarter of a 32 abstentions. member. lout that the men at tile Dockyard During- today's debate interest­ mile from Devonshire Dock.. The POOL IN GARDENS Mr. Tucker rejoined that it had I SX'^He^fd^th^T^ W°rkS accused came to the store on July ing sidelights were thrown on the 6 and offered to sell him a hatchet. LEOPOLD'S RETURN NEEDS VOTE evolution of the situation since not appUed to Canada because, al- ?hortaeagee off mienn a^t thtH^n^v™^e * King Leopold was found near Salz­ thougi-»_.„«>h. BermudB_.r«.„Ha0 ha\,*rid ha>.„,d. ™«™=^representt ­ .2£? ™ Dockyard. which he stated belonged to him OF BOTH HOUSES burg at the end of the first week ative government for 300 years, tt They require more men." em­ for two shillings. MeUo refused to DINE and DANCE in May by the United States '7t_b- did not enjoy the same constitu­ phasised Mr. Williams. In the last buy it. LONDON, July 18 (Reuter).—The tional status as the Dominions. two or three weeks they have asked MeUo said that he recognised the Belgian Senate, today adopted the Army. for 70 to 80 additional men. I might ->1. Achille van Acker, the Belgian He agreed with Mr. Cox as to the hatchet that Burrows had as Bob- jbil l under which King Leopold may inform the House that they have mson's property: to pievent it being resume his constitutional position at Belmont Manor Prime Minister, said, according to procedure here in promulgating re­ not been sucessful so far in finding Patrick Cross, Beuter's correspon­ gulations under both Acts. sold to some one else, he gave Bur­ in Belgium only with the consent sufficient men to take the place rows a shilling and told him to leave of both House of Parliament, ac­ dent te Brussels, "When I went to of the 200 Barbadians who are still Salzburg on the first of my four WANTS POWER TAKEN AWAY ft-with him. He later handed this! cording to Brussels radio this even- Dial 1301 — Information, Reservations. employed there and whom it is hatchet over to the Police. < tag. visits to the King, it was with the wished to send home." intention of returning with htm Mr. Gibbons said it was high time Constable Correia stated that he The bfll was passed by the House that some of tiie power was taken Previously. Dr. Cann had question­ took possession of the hatchet. of Deputies. to Belgium. If that intention has from tiie Executive. ed the policy winch resulted in the changed, it is because a new factor *iDlaring mistakes occur daily," demobilization of mett"from the Burrows said that he was a fisher-; has arisen which I wiU explain tn he continued. "The trouble Is that armed forces but insisted on the man, and fished from Devonshire! the course of the debate." our Executive is loaded up- with Dockyard workers remaining at Dock. He took the hatchet from Brussels radio quoted the Belgian men who have too many things to) their jobs. Robinson's boat to do a job. He said Foreign Minister, M. Paul Henri do, and consequently the Colony He explained that a number of that It was customary to take tools Spaak, for an explanation of the suffers in that respect." the men" at the Dockyard were seek­ from other fishermen's boats; when Government's position on the ju­ Mr. Spurling agreed that tbe mat­ ing to ensure their future In private he did so, he always returned them. ridical issue. When the King de­ ter should be reviewed at this time. HA at general work to the COloayT He wanted 2'-, so he took the cided to stay te Belgium, the Gov­ He was not as optimistic as the He said the authorities at the hatchet to Mello's store and tried ernment which went to Britain member ta charge, he said, that Dockyard should be a little more to borrow it there. He offered the found itself alone responsible for hatchet as security. He did not "Better Light—Better Sight" the House, by legislating, would lenient in releasing some of the its actions, M. Spaak explained. be able to pass laws which were men who found opportunities for steal the hatchet, nor did he try to Article 83 of the Constitution equivalent to regulations. work away from the Dockyard. sell it to MeUo. and the provided for the responsibility of He remarked that it would be He continued that there was one Inspector Brown submitted that the Government should the King futile to pass a law which would individual at the Dockyard who this was a clear case of stealing. The be affected with lunacy. lay down what a ration should be. had an opportunity to go into busi­ accused had no authority to take "At tbat moment the King was Sir Beginald Conyers said that ness in Somerset but when he ap­ the hatchet. not in a state of lunacy. But juri­ tiie Emergency Powers Act, 1939 pUed for a release it was refused. The Magistrate said that any per­ dical scruples just then would have had been passed on August 24,1939 He knew of another Instance, he son who takes an article that is cap­ "Better" Light is ELECTRIC! brought us nowhere. Since Par­ before the commencement of the said, which reflected a "despicably able of being stole and attempts to liament could not be summoned, war te Europe on September 3. discriminatory practice so far as re­ use it as a security for a loan, is we applied only the first sentence "I am not sure," he said, "that lease from Dockyard work Is con­ guUty of stealing. of the clause relating to "The King's we were not the first Colony which cerned." The accused was convicted and inability to reign,' and we did not passed such an Act. It may even He concluded that no relief was fined £2. 1 sst up a Regency. But as soon as be that we passed our Aet before being given to these people who That saying, "Better Light - Better Sight/ is the slogan Parliament could be summoned we the Act was passed in tiie Mother were making application for release. asked it to apply clause 82. You Country." of the Better Vision Institute of America. This organi­ named Prince Charles as Begent The Speaker felt rather sure that JUVENILE DELINQUENT because the King was in the hands at least tite Imperial Defence Act o- zation, like the American Society for the Prevention of of the enemy." which was applied to Bermuda had SENT TO NONSUCH The Socialist organ "Le Peuple" been passed after the local Jet. Relaxation 01 Policy Blindness/' is philanthropic; it derives its funds from claimed today to have irrefutable He continued that he was abso­ Of Building Permits A Special Court sat at the room proof that King Leopold went to lutely te sympathy with the object of tiie Council of Social Welfare donations, serves no commercial interests, makes no Germany the day after the AUied which the member te charge sought yesterday afternoon, consisting of landing in Norway or his own free to achieve. He did not like govern­ Continu-ii iron] Page I the Wor. H. Martin Godet. /.hair- profits — works wholly and solely for the good of the will. Instead of seeking to escape ment hy regulation but he thought tog block to doing away with tite man : Mrs. Freer Cox and Mr. E. M. with Allied help. a good deal more Information was regulations completely, the Execu­ Astwood. people. M. Spaak saicl: "When te 1940 needed before proceeding with the tive authorised the Department of' A j uvenile was charged with break the King was Isolated and the Gov­ message. Works to relax the policy so that ing and entering Woodbourne House j ernment fled to Britain, it alone He said it would be interesting building permits would be Issued on May 21 and 22 and stealing there­ was responsible for its actions, since to know what regulations had been having regard to the essentlahty a* from an electric toaster, an electric I Medical and optical science discovered that the human he had decided to stay te Belgium," promulgated under the Imperial tiie JOb involved. clock, plates, silver spoons, a bunch he said. and Bermuda Acts. 'TBie Department was also autho­ ef keys and a bottle of catsup. He eye functioned best with an abundance of clear, steady "We had to ask ourselves whether Mr. Cox told the House before rised to issue building permits to pleaded guilty. his action was constitutional. Go­ Mr. Vesey reported progress that those jobs which would not use up a Several other boys who had also light; that dim light might have a sentimental appeal ing through the constitution we the Executive had demonstrated its great quantity of labour. been charged with mis offence had found, that Article 82 answered our view of the matter by abolishing a "There are a number of jobs already been dealt with. This boy but lacked practical value. Mechanical science discover­ needs." number of regulations, on its own which can be done by spare time had been summoned to attend . M. Spaak said the article provided volition, after the end of the Euro­ work. The Executive felt that per­ Court but had failed to appear on ed that the best of artificial light (nearest to sunlight) for the responsibility of the Govern­ pean war. mits could be issued te this respect that occasion. It was stated that! ment g>»wiiri the King be affected He added that some of the things since such jobs would not Inter­ the boy was uncontrollable at home. was electric light. with lunacy. which had been said during the fere with the labour market. He got home late at night and left "At that moment the King was debate about the Executive should "In pursuance of that policy quite before the rest of tin famUy was up not in a state of lunacy. But juri­ be reiterated or retracted. If re-la number of building permits have in the morning. This year he had dical scruples just then would iterated, something more than bare been issued lately.* attended school 25 times out ef 213 have brought us nowhere," he said. statements should be placed be­ Mr. Gibbons previously had told sessions. "Since Parliament could not be fore the House. the House that Oapt. DUl should summoned it applied only the first have released the information to He was sent to Nonsuch Island un­ Glare, Not Light, the 4 sentence of the clause relating to UNWARRANTED ATTACK the pubUc through the press with­ til he attained the age of 16 years. The King's inability to reign* and out being asked toe tit by Tiirp. HO we did not set up a regency. He continued that Mr. Gibbons thought that Capt. Dill's statement "Nobody ever doubted our good had made the categorical state­ should now be expanded in the form POLES IO TAKE CONTROL OF faith, but as soon as Parliament ment that tiie Executive did not of a press release. THEIR RAILWAYS SOON Enemy of Human Sight could be summoned we asked to have a regard for th* pubUc. He alter Clause 82. You named Prince Wt that that was an unwarranted LONDON, July 18 (Reuter).—Con­ Charles as Regent because the King attack. trol of Polish railways will be trans­ was ta the hands of the enemy. Mr. Tbddtags brought up the ques­ Preparations Complete ferred from Russian to Polish hands "At the Beginning of May the tion of continued press censorship on August 1, Warsaw radio an­ Recognizing this principle — that bright light without King was liberated and then im­ and asked if the Executive consid­ For Trial Of Petain nounced tonight. mediately the question arose: Does ered that it was still necessary but A late broadcast said a travel glare is best for the eyes —• the scientists,, laboratarians the King automatically resume his before he could elaborate the chair­ agreement between Poland and powers without legislative action man put the motion to report pro­ Continual from P«fe 1 Russia will probably be signed Short­ and engineers in the electrical field went to work to pro­ cm the part ot the Government? gress, which had been made while of Mat a Hari. world famous spy of ly under which interstate credits will "The question was not solved and Mr. Toddings temporarily was out­ the last war, will, It is understood, be opened to finance tours by par­ duce the Better light which should conduce to Better I realized, and other reasonable side the Chamber. call as witnesses for the prosecu­ ties of trade union members and men with me, that unless it were, tion Albert Lebrun. President of tne public organizations. Sight. They have come as near to 100% success as is we might* risk committing acta of Republic at the time of France's Similar agreements are being ne­ possible in the realm of human endeavour. They have illegality. If the theory of the ROONEY ENTERTAINS IN fall, and Edouard Daladier, Leon gotiated between Poland and Yu­ King's automatic resumption of his POTSDAM CONFERENCE AREA Blum, Edouard Herriot and Pierre goslavia, Czechoslovakia and Swe­ produced all-purpose electric lights that are easy on the prerogatives is correct then we must Flandin, all former Prime Ministers.) den, the report added. assume from this that he resum­ LONDON, July 18 (Beute-r).—The eyes — from tiny, pin-point bulbs for clinical use to ed them at the very moment he American film star, Mickey Rooney, was liberated." is ta Potsdam, Richard Dimbleby flood-lights of many million candle-power. reported tonight in a B.B.C. buUe- ttn. He is appearing in a road show ORDER FAST CARGO SHIPS which was to have played to Berlin but was diverted for the entertain­ The dramatic story of the conservation of human vision (Special through Reuter) ment of American troops ta Pots­ LONDON, July 18—Two high speed dam and tiie staffs of the Big Three. may never be written. There are authoritative statistics cargo vessels, one of 10.800 tons and "The show played for the first available, but such records are dull unless translated into one of 11,550 tons, have been ordered time tonight with General George by the Elder Dempster Line for their Marshall as chief guest. There the experiences of countless individuals, tragedies of routes to South and East Africa, it were nine other reserved seats for was announced today. conference personalities, but the blindness that have been averted, years of usefulness One ship wUl be named the City rest of the house was occupied by of Bombay and tiie other the City of American troops," Dimbleby add­ ed. that have been added to humanity. Carlisle. Berkshire Stockings This is but one of the many miracles of ELECTRICITY — For Better Wear the bringing of Better Light and Better Sight to man­ kind — but many hold it to be the greatest among Decorated them. For, after all, man's primordial striving was to­ "A gift to make any woman happy." ward the light, and his finding has been the measure and Berkshire Full-fashioned Stockings are a wonderful gift. Their sheer of his progress in the path we call civilisation. Tumblers Highball Glasses loveliness gives delight and their long wear gives satisfaction. In Attractive Designs, Reasonably Priced from

8/- per doz. Bermuda Electric Light Co. Engltfllt #ttort» &iptp Somerset HAMILTON St. George's Open during Lunch Hour. Serving Bermuda in scores of Essential and Useful Ways Every Minute of Every Day and Night A* So Cooper & Sons 6238f.ii 6349flh. Page 4 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, THURSDAY, JULY 19r>1945

BRITISH MANUFACTURING EIRE'S RELATIONS TO SUIT CASES CURBS ARE LOOSENED BRITAIN ARE UNCHANGED INDIAN DEADLOCK SEEN EVEN five sizes (Special through Beuter) By PAMELA MATTHEWS MORE INSOLUBLE AFTER PLAN 14/* to SO/* LONDON, July 18.—Restrictions LONDON, July 18 (Eeuter).— on the manufacture ot toys, photo­ Prime Minister Eamon de Valera's graphic equipment and miscellane­ statement that Eire is a republic OF VICEROY MEETS FAILURE The larger sizes have locks ous leather goods excepting foot­ 1MS affected no change in the ju­ wear were relaxed hy the Board of ridical relationship between Eire (Special through Beuter) Trade today. and Britain, tt was officially stated SIMLA, July 16.—"It appears that in London today. the deadlock will continue for years defeated owing to their possible dis­ Chesley E. White . Tne concessions, however, brought Whatever conclusion Mr. de Va­ unless the parties modify their turbing effect on tiie tranquillity little satisfaction to manufacturers, lera and his Government have ar­ claims." This observation of Mr. of the country and the war effort. Ferriss Has The Equipment €l? \ who complained that the Govern­ rived at regarding the relationship Tara Singh, Sikh representative at It is likewise doubtful if Con­ mental agency's orders are meaning­ between Eire and this country, it the Indian leaders' conference, terse­ gress would reenter the provincial less because __o provisions has been was plain that the Irish Premier ly sums up the general reaction to governments In view of the failure For A Great Mound Career made for materials and the labour was attempting to define an exist­ the failure of Lord Wavell's move of negotiations for taking power at necessary to produce more goods. ing state of affairs rather than to to end the Indian deadlock. the centre, although there are many Window Screens suggestions that the Raj should By FRANK ECK announce that they had boon chang­ The conference was Intended to Under the terms of today's regula­ ed, tot it is common ground be­ take steps to facilitate such a con­ AP Newsfeatures Sports Writer All Sizes tions, manufacturers of toys will be remove the sense of frustration pre­ summation by releasing all Con­ tween Hre and Britain that tho re­ vailing in the country since the gress prisoners. NEW YORK, — Dave (Boo) Ferriss and pills are synonymous. When permitted during the six months be­ lation to Eire ot the British mo­ Oripps offer, but it has only given ALSO ginning August! to make 37% of the narchy is defined by the External There is much speculation whe­ the major league pitching sensation of 1945 isnt throwing a pill past place to despair, said another ob­ ther'a fresh approach will be made enemy batters he's putting them down hto throat. SCREEN WIRE toys they manufactured in the cor­ Belations Aet of 1936. server. responding period of 1939. Toy That there is more than one In­ with the advent of the new Govern­ Dave suffers from asthma and counteracts the malady either with As the Viceroy has already made ment in Whitehall. adrenalin shots or ephedrine pills which be carries around wherever he manufacturers previously have been terpretation of this act tn currency clear, while winding up tne confer­ goes. limited to one-quarter of their 1939 is instanced by last week's contro- Some say another effort will be ence, until he sees his way more made, but pundit counter this by If the Boston Red Sox had Ferriss during their days output. troversy between the Independent clearly than at present tt will be Member of the Dail. Mr. James Dill- pointing out that what Mr. L. S. at Atlantic City they probably would have been picked as a pennant con­ Today's orders on photographic difficult, perhaps impossible, to sug­ Amery (Secretary for India) des­ tender. Even with Bobby Doerr, Tex Hughson and Hal Wagner lost from Godet & Young cm, and Mr. de Valera in the Dail. gest any new move, and the Muslim equipment and leather goods allow Indeed, as in the case of so many cribed as the "Inescapable realities" last year's team the Bosox still have some hitting power. manufacturers to make 25% of their League has taken the position that of the Indian situation, more than iamilton St. George's formulas devised by Br? tish states­ it will veto any arrangement in During the first two weeks-Of the. campaign the Red Sox couldn't win. 1939 production compared with a 12% ever before stand out as such a clear They lost eight straight. They were getting the hitting, but not the -961tth. men in the past, the fact that the the interim or otherwise unless the cut issue of the Indian party limit heretofore. External Relations Aet may be in­ idea of Pakistan te conceded before­ pitching. Now they have pitching: not enough to win the pennant but division that only one of two things just enough to Ferriss to be mighty dangerous to the contenders. c terpreted rather differently by dlf- hand. The main question now is, would provide a useful opening here­ ent people has the definite advan­ What will Congress do? It alone Ferris has a long career ahead of him. and has the equipment to be­ after—modification by tiie parties come one of baseball's great throwers. He's only 23, stands six-feet-two tage of reconciling in practice views among the organised parties of themselves of their fundamental which are far from identical. The India has hitherto tried to imple­ principles, or a decision by the Bri­ question of whether Eire is part of ment Its political programme by tish Government to omit from their the British Commonwealth has positive action which at last cul­ next invitation any reference to all aroused acute controversy when­ minated in the quit India resolu­ party unanimity as a condition ever It Is raised, although the posi­ tion of August 1942, followed by the precedent to any change. Just Received tion is defined in law. imprlsoninent ot Congress leaders However, whatever the position and numerous Congress workers. is {time Minister de Valera's state­ SUPERIOR FIELDING WINS ment has certainly" hot altered It -T^sa "rebellion" tbat followed was in any way.-".'. crushed and until Lord Wavell re­ MATCH FOR AUSTRALIANS turned from England with his plan, Bicycle Accessories!! backed by all parties represented SPANISH REPUBLICANS NOT In the Cabinet, 'the Government of By VERNON MORGAN IMPRISONED WITH NAZIS India had met all approaches from LONDON, July 17 (Reuter).—The the Congress side for removal of Australians today brought off a the deadlock with the uncompro­ spectacular win in the third of a se­ HAND PUMPS By PAMELA MATTHEWS mising demand that the "quit India ries of five unofficial cricket test resolution" (which demanded im­ matches by passing England's score I LONDON, July 18 (Reuter).—Re­ mediate withdrawal of British pow­ with four wickets to spare. FOOT PUMPS ports that Spanish Republicans op­ er from India in the interest of the The dominions team now leads by posed to General Franco—890 of defensive effort of India and the two games. The English team wasi DYNAMO SETS whom are Interned in Britain—are United Nations) should uncondi­ gravely handicapped by the ab­ held In the same camps as German tionally be withdrawn. sence today of its , Wally prisoners, were officially denied to­ Hammond, and an Injury to the RUBBER PUMP CONNECTIONS day by a Foreign Office spokesman. GANDHI IMPRESSED left thumb of the opening bats­ The Spaniards are former mem­ The fact that not only was this man, Washbrook. Nevertheless, tt MUD GUARDS bers of the Todt Organisation em­ i demand not repeated when tiie was the superior Australian fielding ployed on German fortifications and \ Wavell offer was made hut that which put them on tqa, for Eng­ were captured in German uniform." Lord WaveB actually said: "There land, who finished their second Inn­ COTTER PINS In the case of nationals of AUied lis on all sides something to forgive ings yesterday with a lead at 178 countries caught in the Todt Or­ I and forget," seems to have made a "tot only three batsmen out, were Dave (Boo) Feriss — He Can Throw With Either Hand ENGLISH BELLS ganization, British policy has been I deep impression on Congress lead­ smartly disposed of for only 46 runs. to hand them book to their own ers, particularly Gandhi, who al­ This was chiefly due to Australia's and weighs 208 pounds. If you check the record books you'll find that all Government, as it is realised that a ways declared that there must, be new leg break bowler, Cristofani but the age fits Mort Cooper, the former Cardinal star now pitching- PEDAL BLOCKS great majority entered tho Todt Or­ a change of heart on the part of who bowled out five batsmen for and winning — tor the Braves. ganisation against their wfll; In the i the British, and the Indians would 49 runs, making his bag for the Ferriss overpowers the hitters with a variety of "stuff." It's not so LARGE BASKETS case of the Spanish Republicans tt respond. - whole match 9 wickets for 92 runs. much his speed on a three-quarter deliverv, but his fast sidearm curve would be to General Franco's Gov­ Apart from blessing the Wavell Steady betting by the initial Aus­ that's blinding. When he gets two strikes on a batter he tosses that PEDALS ernment. plan in its broad aspects, Gandhi tralian batsmen in their second in­ big curve. It has speed on it, too, and usually gets a corner of the plate. Various attempts have been made went so far as Indirectly to endorse nings showed that the Dominion Ferriss has natural talent. The Yankees scouted the big Mississippian te find a solution by which the men, the Viceroy's invitation to leaders team would, discounting any mi­ when he was 18 and pitching in the Louisiana-Mississippi semi-prO playoff TUBES (AH sizes) who have asked to bo allowed to represented at the conference to racles, beat the final England lead of at Baton Rouge. That was in 1940. Two years later the Red Sox signed work, could be set at liberty and "accept lis leadership** at the pre­ 224. Ferriss Just before he went into the Army. given useful employment. sent Juncture. Tbe fourth match of the series It was a GI that Ferriss learned to outsmart the hitters. He played The whole matter is still under All Congress leaders openly ack­ will be played here on England's under Bib Falk, the former outfielder, at Randolph consideration. nowledged Lord Wavell's sincerity, traditional bank holiday—August 6. Field, Tex. PubUc opinion in Britain tends to and even after the failure of the Ferriss says the only time he was worried since his medical discharge conclude that the essence of the conference, tite severest criticism MANTON ESTABLISHMENT from the Army last February was In the spring at Louisville. He was ASTWOOD'S problem is the existence of a Gov­ of Lord Wavell from the Congress afraid he'd fail to stick in the American Association and would wind up ernment In Spain which makes tea- has been that he did not dare grasp TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION with Scranton In the Eastern League. 62&5tth.e'.tp. possible their return to their own the League nettle, despite Congress The might Ferriss was scheduled to make his debut in Louisville he country.' support. All this poses the ques­ LONDON, July 18 (Reuter).—The was sent to the Red Sox with whom he won his first eight starts, three of tion of the moment—will Congress famous Manton training establish­ them shutouts and all in the daytime. Boo did all his organized ballpiavin _ continue on the same path! ment where British Derby winners at Greensboro, H.C., in 1942. splitting 14 decisions while hurling 13 complete It is significant that just before Lord were trained, comprising about 3,300 games and compiling an impressive earned run average of .228. He took Wavell announced tiie failure of the acres in the heart of Wiltshire, and part in 21 games or 130 innings and averaged seven strikeouts per nine conference, Gandhi reportedly re­ including a palatial residence, a I Innings. quested the Viceroy to Stay the stud farm, a trainer's house and 1 never saw daylight in Greensboro," says Dave, "and I think I'll do all execution of some condemned pri­ stabling for 100 horses, is to be sold right under tlie lights in the majors." soners tn the Province of Bihar and by private treaty. But there he was, less than three months later, in Yankee Stadium, the United Provinces (sentenced to Auctioneers ii London have re- looking good even in losing, 3-2, and smiling in defeat and saying "I knew death in connection with alleged ceived instructions from Messrs the law of averages would catch up with me.* Congress inspired disturbances in Tattersall, the owners, to sell it as I* was a good-natured Ferriss, a fellow who wfll not spoil easily 1942),and that Lord Wavell granted trainer Joe Lawson has been or­ whether he wins 20 or 25 his first year up. He knew Hank Borowy of the the request. dered by his doctors to take things Yanks pitched better ban. In fact, Hank permitted only one Red Sox So far there is nothing concrete easy. Lawson, who trained Court runner to reach third in the first eight innings and that happened when from which to deduce whether Con­ Martial, winner of this year's Two Hershel Martin made a three-base error in left field In the sixth inning. gress wm continue to strengthen Thousand Guineas, had a bad Al­ Ferrss will return to Mississippi State College in the fall for the credits Lord Wavell'. hand in the days to ness a few years ago and again in needed for a degree. He probably will want to return to basketball, but come. Congress, however, stands the summer of last year. the Red Sox — well, they'll probably pay him to stay away from the cage for united—as opposed to "vivi- Lawson, who said today that his game. That's what they think of him as a pitcher. { sected"—India, and Jinnah said In health was better than for some an explanatory statement yester­ time, could not say whether he day that Lord Wavell was "tbe lat- would continue at Manton until • est exponent on India's geographi- he knew who the new owner was. i cal unity "suggesting thereby that There have been reports for some Movies Strive To End Lord Wavell is not favourably in­ time that Manton was to be sold and clined to Pakistan (the division of in 1943 it was reported that tiie own­ India Into Muslim and Hindu sov­ ers had rejected an offer of $400,000 ereign states on a religious baste). as Inadequate. Days Of Sports Duffer It may be noted here that when Many famous horses, including Congress called on the British to the Derby winners Sefton, Lemberg, By BELL BECKER quit India in 1942, Congress lead­ Gay Crusader and Grinsborough, ers, including Gandhi, said Con- have been trained at Manton since AP Newsfeatures \ gress sought no power for itself it was established in 1870. HOLLYWOOD.— "Cmon in, skinny, the water's fine!" 'but would be satisfied if India hand- j ed over to the Muslim League and That old waterhole rallying cry often got a frigid reception from if the latter cooperated with Oon- skinny because the poor kid — and his ilk was legion — couldn't swim i gress, the latter would not obstruct and was "skeered" of the water. any government the League might form on behalf of the peopif. In recent years, however, better Although roe League then re- Remember the teachers:and teaching methods have mained strictly aloof, Jinnah des­ steadily whittled the ranks of the cribed the Quit India demand as a non-swimmer. ; declaration of war as much against 1 Muslim India and its Pakistan as Now comes another big boost, and against the British Government. Good Tea — possibly the strongest, to get skinny off the edge of the pond or MEETINGS ARE FEW ; pool and into the swim: three exr pertlv-done colour films, running 10 It was at the Simla conference minutes each, on "swimming for be­ that, (barring Gandhi, who was re­ ginners," "advanced swimming." and leased much earlier) Congress lead- "diving fundamentals.' I ers were coming face to face with BROOKE j j Jinnah for the first time since Au- . Produced by a newcomer to the ! gust, 1942, but despite their being Hollywood scene, the films should together in Simla foil three weeks ; prove a boon to anyone learning to there were 4ho~ ifeWtiftgs-or dtscus- swim, and especially to instructora: | sions between Jinnah and any front Using slow and stop action, the 16- | rank Congress leaders except one. I *^ BOND Although the League today de­ millimetef reels give a clear break J manded fresh elections to vari6us] down of both Incorrect and correct legislatures (which are unchanged swimming and diving form. forx from 9 to 10 years) electing are <7«2tth. The idea is to show the water en­ considered unlikely until Japan is I thusiast all the possible-' evrors he can make (and probably does), after I which the right way looks so much easier. The wrongs and the rights are graphically pointed out by Fred Carty. University of Southern Cali­ fornia and XJ. S. Olympic swimming Brighten Up! and diving coach, who supervised the films. • "Swimming for beginners' is par­ Ronuk Polish—Mansion Polish ticularly apt .in its treatment of overcoming fear of water. To illus­ FOR YOUR WOODWORK trate how easv it is to float Cady holds a pupil up in the water by a Cardinal Polish p String. Designed primarily for school's and A± FOR TILE AND BRICK pools, the pictures are top-drawer trCEDAR (fit in every resepct. Ken Carpenter 'foitfSOlW WAX does tbe narration, and Nbrmsn L. Sper directed. .yuoM ;••:- Sper, producing head of the new If you can get SPAM, try this foe company, plans' threfe-reel sets on Spam Hash. Cut Spam into small cubes; combine with« FRITH'S Hardware basketball, football, baseball, tennis. quantity cooked diced potatoes, 1 peeled chopped boxing, golf and physical training! minced onion, pnd salt and pepper to taste. Form aWa FRONT STREET DEU.TnO-1179 If they employ the same effective and brown in butter or bacon fat. Serve with chili MM techniques as the aquatic films, the days of the sports duffer ara^^Cady holds a swimming pupil numbered.' up with a string. It's easy. Page 5 fflE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, THURSDAY, JULY 18^945

Dinghy Racing At Mangrove Bay Today AZC'S BEAT P.CS IN H.M. SHIP TAKE MEASURE Cigarette FRIENDLY BASEBALL OF MARIA HILL SATURDAY Lighters Time Table For Mangrove Alt's PoundOut 14 Hits Cricket League Match Is Chicago 000 000 002— 2 9 0 BERMUDA DINGHIES ALL SET ; Boston _. 301 200 OOx— 6 9 0 \£L with tube of Bay Dinghy Regatta Batteries: Deitrich. Papish 5 and Tresh; For Seven Run Total In Game Played At Boaz Island Ferris and Garbark. 7 /• lighter fluid Sfc Louis at Hew Tork double header, post­ FOR SECOND RACE OF SERIES jtom St. George's—"Rosalie Cpl. Leo Ferguson, ace hjfielder The Maria Hill cricket team fell poned because of rain. sift" chartered by St. George's for the Aft Transport Command. Detroit at Washington twilight-night Not a play thing, — D.C. for members and their victim to the superior playing abit double header. played his first game sii\. e returning ity of HM. Ship when they were de­ Cleveland at Philadelphia, night game. friends, leaves Church Wharf lo the base from furlough and while It will do a real Sandys Boat Club Sponsoring Gala St. David's at 12.30 p.m.; feated in a B.C.A. league game by leaves Market Wharf St. Ferguson played some sparkling ball, seven wickets. The Maria team New York _. „,„ 000 000 132— 6 110 Service. he made one error which accounted batted first in this match, which was Pittsburgh __ 000 000 030— 3 8 0 George's 1 p.m. for Mangrove tee the only run scored off Bagneil, (.first Game) Bay. played Saturday at Boaz Island, and Batteries: Brewer, Adams 8 and Kluttz: Regatta And Water Sports AT.C. ptteher during an exhibition Roe. Becigno 9, Cuccurullo 9 and Salkeld. From Hamilton—M.V. Oor- • game witl. the P.C.'s yesterday at succeeded in making a total of 66 Homer: Garde]lo In the eighth for New alita, chartered by Bermuda before they were all dismissed. Tork. The sight of huge sails against a background oi incomparable Ber­ the Post Athletic Held. Sail Boat Club for members of Top scorer for his team was Weth- Hew York ...__ _ 010 010 020— 4 15 0 Yankee Store muda blue, set and drawing little hollowed splinters of boats engaged in recognised boat clubs and their Sgt. Jim Bagneil pitched five-hit Pittsburgh 000 000 030— 3 9 1 a contest which was bred and fostered in the finest traditions of Bermuda. ball, struck out seven men and its? erell who made 26 not out. while (Second Game) friends, leaves Hamilto n Millet was second on the batting Batteries: Kscher and Lombardi; Butch­ 6320jtli. will greet the thousands of spectators expected to witness the second Transportation Terminal 1 sued no walks. Opt Jess Brodback er, Gables 9 and Salkeld, Davis 4. a contest which was bred and fostered in the finest traditions of Bermuda. p.m. for Mangrove Bay. got three hits for four times at bat. honour list. He was accredited with Brooklyn _—. 000 000 000— 0 7 5 Dinghy racing Is older than the by a young crew upon whose should Hoff got two for three and Petty 13 before being run out. Smith and Chicago 011 111 OOx— 5 10 1 At Mangrove Bay: of the P.C.'S got two for three. Thomas shared the bowling laurels (First Game) longest Bermuda memory and is al­ ers rest the responsibility of bring 2 p.m.—Snipe Race for S.B.C. Batteries: Davis. King 6 and Andrews; most as hallowed —It represents the ing the 'Victory back into the lead­ A.T.C. got two runs in the third j for th^ Ship. The former in giving Prim and Gillespie. lo prevent linen turning cedar cup. inning. In that stanza Bagneil up 15 runs took six wickets and the Brooklyn ..: 000 004 311— 9 12 2 triumph of the Bermuda sailor in ing position among such craft in 2.15 p.m.—Free-for-all for Chicago 101 000 300— 5 6 0 racing a mere cockle shell of a the Islands. The 'Victory's crew grounded out, Brodback singled to [ former in ceding 25 runs eliminated yellow—to keep it white as boats under 16 ieet overall with four of his opponents (Second Gmae) craft under an enormous spread of have learned much since their last maximum of 150 square feet of left field and stole second. Sgt. Batteries: Buker, Seaths 7, Branca 7 and snow, you need to use only canvas which is so precariously ba­ race at St. George's and they will Larry Bock singled moving Brodback , The 51 turned in by Sanderoff was Sandlock; Warneke. Signer 6, Chipman canvas. the top score for the ship team. It 7. Vandenberg 8. Starr 9 and Williams. lanced that one incautious move be out to avenge their double defeat 2.30 p.m.—Swi______ung events to third. S/Sgt. Hoff doubled for Boston at Cincinnati, Philadelphia at St. on the part of the crew, or one sud­ at the hands of their Hamilton riv­ the only extra base hit, sending in J looked as if he was really 'set,' but Louis, night games. den puff of wind inexpertly handled, start. Brodback and Bock home. | a brilliant catch by Morgan dispelled als. 2.45 p.m.—Kayak races TUESDAY'S GAMES will cause disaster, in dinghy racing This afternoon's race will not be a They collected one more in the I this illusion. The only other mem­ — capsizing. 3.30 p.m.—Bermuda dinghy ber of this team to make double | c AMERICAN LEAGUE duel by any means for both the race. fourth when Cpl. Howard Dolwick Cleveland ., .,,„ . —_.. 6 8 0 The Sandys Boat Club, who are H.D.C. II and the Victory can expect singled. T/Sgt. Harvey Hartman figures was Dorkes who in making 4.30 p.m.—Water polo—B.A. 10 runs was not got out Boston 19 1 sponsoring this afternoon's racing some keen competition from the A. vs. "The Pick" singled, moving Dolwick to second Chicago at Philadelphia postponed; De­ Millett turned in a good bowling troit at New York, St. Louis at Washington have prepared an elaborate pro­ Green Pepper, the S.B.C. and the 4.45 p.m.—Bermuda dinghy and Pfc John English singled to rained out. gramme, headlined by the dinghy Shamrock H race. right field bringing Dolwick home. average when he, in two overs, took NATIONAL LEAGUE races. In addition there will be a The Shamrock II, a new boat, has Four more tallies were collected two wickets for a loss of one run. (Night games) Snipe race, a free-for-all for boats j still a number of eccentricities that in the sixth inning when Dolwick I The scores: Brooklyn , 5 7 0 under 16 feet over-all with a maxl- the crew are not fully conversant reached first on an error by Barz and MARIA HILL Pittsburgh • -,•._ t 2 8 4 mum canvas area of 150 square feet, with yet, but the boys sailing her are stole second. Hartman singled to. J. Millett. run out ,-•- .... 12 Philadelphia 3 4 0 C. Atkinson, b Smith. o a kavak race and swimming events, making better times on each occas- send Dolwick to third. English laid Cincinnati ' ' , -. t 13 3 SKIPPERS BEAT EAGLES IN T. McKay, b «"»<«* ra-ri _. 2 The sailing will be under the di- j ion that they take her out and it down a bunt and Dolwick scored D. Dawes, b Thomas —_____, 3 Boston 1 , . . . 292 i ection ef the Sailing Committee, would not be surprising to see while Hartman went to second and T. Wetherell. not out—— ,- 26 St. Louis 3 9 0 headed by Mr. Owen DarrelL Other Shamrock II win one of this after- FIRST ROUND PLAY-OFF English was safe at first. Bagneil O. Cook, c Dorkes, b Thnm«_t , 2 members of tbe committee include noon's races. w Morgan, c Somerfleld. b Thomas • 0 grounded out to second base but on C. Dennis, b «tn«_. , 7 CoL Bichard Tucker, Mr. Alfred Dar­ There are some dinghy racing che play Hartman went to third J. Ketching. b Smith...... 4 rell, Mr. Stanley Paschal and Mr. critics who believe that the Green Two-Ron Sixth Inning Is and English to second. Brodback D. Henderson, e and b Smith...... 2 ] Pepper will never be any faster than H. SeweU, c and b TEon_as..-______-___ Eugene Lines. came up and laid down a bunt ] Extras The swimming events will be hand­ she Is, which in tile light of recent Sufficient To Gain Win which sent Hartman home and Eng­ PUMPS led by Mr. John Young, an expert tests places her well behind the lish to third. Brodback getting safe­ Total 66 rest of the dinghies. But tlie Green swimmer with long years of ex­ • Two runs in the sixth inning, while ly to first in the confusion. Bock Bowling Analysis: O M W perience in water carnivals. Four­ Pepper is handicapped for want of stepped up to the platter, but 1 4 Are Here Kill It Instantly! pitcher Secuskie of the Skippers Rmtth ^ \ '. 1 • 1*: teen swimming events are listed for I good fitting sails. She has a good held the Eagles to four scattered through pitcher Richardson's wild 5 6 pitch, English was aide to score 0 this afternoon. There will be a 25 number two suit and if the Pepper hits, accounted for tbe first round H.M. SHIP yards freestyle race for boys 10 strikes the weather just right this championship of the BXSAA. Soft­ from third. Bock bunted over the years and under; 25 yards freestyle I afternoon with that suit, she should ball League yesterday at White Hill pitcher's head and was out short Sanderoff. c Morgan, b Millett...... 53 for girls 10 years and under; 50 make things very interesting for the Field. to first but Brodback scored on the Somerfleld. c Millett. b Wetherell...... 2 BURNABY yards freestyle for boys 14 years and scratch boats. play. Dorkes, not out ... 10 Tresser. pitcher for the Eagles, Thomas, b Millett.. ____.._ 0 mder; 50 yards for girls 14 years The S.B.C. has not done very much In the seventh, the P.C.'s got their Extras 4 *^^ CYCLES and under "50 yards breaitroke for] so far since she was bought by the gave up four hits as well, but two of lone tally. In that inning Ferguson these came in the fatal sixth frame. Total (3 wickets) 67 boys 14 years and under; 50 yards i Sandys Boat dub, given a coat of fumbled Clifton's grounder. Clifton freestyle for ladies; 50 yards free- paint and had her name changed In that inning. Wodnicki laid down stole second and came home on Pot­ Did not bat: Smith. Metcalfe. Shackle style for men; 50 yards backstroke from the Bed Pepper to the S.B.C. a bunt and beat the throw to first. ty's single. ton, Lewthwalte. Anthony. Dawn. Hard v. He stole second and came home on Rowling Analysis: b M W 1 for men; 100 yards breastroke for I Some under water changes have Larry Bock made the catch of the Wetherell 5 1 . men; 200 yards relay, four men on been made in the dinghy, but the Breunig's single to centre. Breunig day with a back-band stop of Atkinson ' 6 2 0 2 BLACK SU.G, the magic insec­ a team; 100 yards freestyle for men; dinghy and her crew know each was driven home on Gately's double. O'Connor's "double'' in the ninth Millett „ 2 0 2 ticide, rids your boose quickly. greasy pole contest and fancy div­ other pretty well by now and axe Secuskie turned in a good hurling inning.' sorely of cockroaches, flies, ing. There will also be a water polo cognisant of each otbers limitations. performance to give the Skippers The scores: mosquitoes, bedbugs and other match between the B.A.A. team With this knowledge, the S.B.C. may the first round championship, strik­ A.T.C. and "The Pick." well spring a surprise on the invad­ ing out six men. AB. R. H. E. SPORTS TODAY Bad Legs nasty, disease-carrying insects. Brodback. 2b 4 2 3 0 ing boats. The scores: Bock, 3b 5 12 1 « Toa bave «rt_arp, shooting, burning, Comes in spray or powder. Get Swimmers from the Bermuda Ath­ I m| tea. in your less? Do 70a have The visiting dinghies are taking as SKIPPERS Hoff. rf _ 3 0 2 0 some today. letic Association and the Princess much guess work out of this after­ West, ef I," • 5 0 0 0 CRICKET k. «0 osnehas of taricose veins? Do Swimming Club will compete In this Ferguson, ss 4 0 11 fmi ffrell «o bad at times that yoa noon's dinghy race as they can. The AB. R. H. ___ hardly emJk, and can't get your shoes afternoon's racing while in addition, Petrol, sf 3 0 1 Dolwick. lb , .!., 4 2 10 Dewar Cup—B.A.A. Greens vs.

FOR NATIONALISATION OF WANT "PROTECTIVE" FORCE . Russian Policy Inside BRITAIN'S COAL MINES mm FLYING MADE EASIER Big Three Canvassing CANADIAN BASE TRAINS Quality Clothes PUT IN NORTHERN EPIRUS The Future Of Reich Poland Now Praised should be LONDON, ,JUly 18 (Reuter).—Na­ BY SPECIAL LIGHTING SHIPS FOR PACIFIC Continued from Pafe 1 tionalization of Britain's coal mines By PAMELA MATTHEWS Continued from Page 1 Quality Washed. today receives official backing from LONDON, July 18 (Reuter).— Brit­ challenged even by acflierents of the the executive ol the British Nation­ LONDON, July M (Route*).—Pro- but the American support of the re­ ain's night-flying aircraft now have storation of a Bavarian Government Captain Prentice Talks To dOfunct exiled regime here. al Union ol Mineworkers. tective occupation by Allied troops, a unique method of interior light­ An even more important appoint­ Phone including Greek units, of the North­ ing by which the pilot is no longer on a pre-1939 democratic and Catho­ Meeting here, the executive de­ ern Epirus, the southern province lic basis is more in accord with the Overseas League Luncheon ment is in the making.' The Am­ in the position of a person trying bassadorship to Britain has been of- cided to ask the Trade Union Con­ of Bosnia, has been suggested, in a to see out of an illuminated room principle of Russian rule than that 2104 ill the British zones where, even to­ H.M.08. Somers Isles-the Royal fered to Henry Strasburger 58lyear gress to carry out a campaign fox memorandum received by the Bri­ at night. e nationalization. They agreed also tish Foreign Office from a semi­ day, with the exception of Berlin, Canadian Navy training base at the old representative of big w^? _?=_^ SUNSHINE LAUNDRY The inconvenience of former aero­ assemblies of more than five Ger­ East End — is now coping with the POland, \s^o has held various posts to approach the coal owners and the official Greek foreign affairs com­ plane lighting was discovered at the in Polish Governments over the last "The Home of Quality mittee. beginning of the war, when British mans are technically illegal. problem of working up ships and Ministry of Fuel and Power with a The document, which was tor- their companies for the new war 20 years. Laundry" claim for a five day week of seven night fighter pilots were the first GIVE WIDE LATITUDE Sfcrasburger's acceptance is almost warded by the Greek Prime Minis­ to challenge German raiders. Since (new to the Canadian Navy) in the 7483tth. and a half hours each. Pacific, Captaij-J. D. Prentice, .Offi­ certain, and he is expected to leave ter, Voulgaris, was prepared by the then scientists and illumination ex­ There are indications—if only committee, a semi-official delegation perts have been working at the cer Commanding the training base, for Warsaw in a few days to con­ from the virtual blessing given to informed a luncheon meeting of the fer with Government officiats before of ex-Premiers and ex-Foreign Min­ Royal Aircraft Establishment on ex­ the Catholic Centre Party in the isters. verseas Lea the appointment is announced. periments to eliminate "cockpit Russian occupied zone t»i__t rt.^l° sue yesterday. Tired of internecine, blood-letting According to official quarters in dazzle." Russians are prepared to nidallo. w a ^ luncheon initiated the first of1 a enumber of others which will be quarrels, the Polish people were London, the memorandum contains Today the remarkable success of wide latitude of action to political ready to accept the new Govern­ a statement on the position of the their efforts was made known. parties. held regularly by the League in its headquarters on Reid Street every ment if its actions fulfilled its pro­ Greek population in Southern Al­ Two kinds of lighting used in con­ The Catholic Centre Party, of mises, "recent arrivals from Poland bania, which, it claims, has gravely junction provided the answer to the Wednesday. Next week tile speaker which Franz Von Papen was at one will be Mt: W. J. Kinghorn, the I have stated. To encourage that ac- deteriorated In the past two years. problem — fluorescent lighting for time a prominent member, was never A plea was also made for the pro­ the Instrument panel and red light­ COlony's new Director of Agriculture. I eeptance a series of actions will be before the war particularly notable Mainly at the instigation of Major ***••"' Suding: A general amnesty tective occupation of the region by ing for the general illumination of for its kinship with the left wing for all political prisoners who Allied troops, including a Greek con­ the whole cockpit — together with W. J. Cookson. the luncheons are ex-. Social Democratic and Communist ' are held tingent. ! 3ii adoption of the refleetionless organisation. pected to meet a demand which was tough* the Germans and Informed quarters In London con­ shop window glass. reflected by the attendance of over Un Polend, which would mean the The Big Tl ee conference — still 40 people yesterday. Mr. Percy Ash- release of a great number of. unaer- sider that there may be a case for In the past the pilot was entirely hrouded in secrecy — was tonight ground army soldiers; a decision to complying with the Greek sugges­ surrounded by instruments and con­ ton, president of the local branch of well on its way and there were indi- theLeagUe> presided at the luncheon celebrate the anniversary of the tion on the grounds that the North­ trols which had to be illuminated cations from the increasing fre­ Warsaw uprising, which \ some lead­ ern Epirus, to which the Greek Gov­ so that he could see them. The quency of discussions between the Capt. Prentice explained some of ing members of the present Govern­ ernment has advanced definite wind and side screens of the plane chiefs of state and their foreign the activities of the Royal Canadian ment once denounced, as a kind of claims, was a disputed area in the acted as mirrors and reflected im­ secretaries that momentous matters Navy in this war, its main job being national heroes' day; a cessation of same way as Trieste and Western ages on the inside of the cockpit. were under consideration. to combat the U-boat menace in the Dolitical arrests and excesses by the Istrta. while the cover glasses of the In­ President Truman and Prime Min- Atlantic Ocean although its ships police and soldiers engaged in days The memorandum is now under struments reflected images of the ., participated in two of the invasions of the "Lublin Committee," and the consideration try the Foreign Office, lamps used to light the cockpit. ister Churchill today had a confer-1 in EUroPe YOU RISK LONELINESS and nothing is so far known of the Today the pilot turns up his red ence which lastei for an undisclosed uy^ ^s exposition of the Royal I withdrawal of the Red Army from period, and at which nobody else was Canadian Navy* role in the Battle Poland exceJ,t for communications British official attitude. I lighting until he can just see his vl tI0 1 s when you risk underarm odor! I controls, then he switches on an ul- j 5 ? . v ou tie two states-[of the AttaEtlCt c^ prentice was j ° P WITHDRAW NK.VJ3. j tra violet ray. invisible in itself, men had lunched together At the able to trare ite* coin^ent^ _^h Slay charming, keep popular—use why so many popular girls follow a [ which reacts on the fluorescent __>•_sam_ *M__e_ tim+-•_•_-_-___e_ UniteTTv. ltn/'di StateCroTflsc SecretarCo_ir__rai*y,i ' \, __ _ , . °, The withdrawal of tite N.K.VJ). - dependable Mum every day. bath with Mum. They know that Quick. tfblis£ got, paint on the instruments so that of State James Byrnes lunched with i in numbers of snips, men and ex- the Russian secret police — also is baths only wash away past perspira­ I tbey show up as an orange-coloured Mr. Anthoiy EdenT British Foreign i perienceKow ^ . said the R ^ Canadiaa reported to have begun. If the IN EVENING may start gaily tion—but Mum prevents risk of un­ CUTS, BURNS, light. This instrument light does .< a! .ui Edens ula adjoin- |Navy wt& faced ^^ the proWem of Poles who are to be invited home on an 'Inspection" ean come back jfV. enough, but it can quickly fade, derarm odor in the hoars to come! [not in any way illuminate tbe cock­ ing Premier Churchill's home. going to an entirely different war. to disappointment when a girl risks STIFF, ACHING MUSCLES pit. This afternoon President Truman Capt. Prentice spoke about the and report this and the purported underarm odor. Mum takes just half a minute to and Mr. Byrnes arranged a visit to I establishment of the Canadian extent of political freedom to be use; won't harm your clothes; won't When the pilot wishes to concen- Generalissimo Stalin for a second facts, ntest observers here believe I Nothing so surely prevents second SORE, TIRED FEET I trate on objects outside tbe cockpit Naval training base here. , irritate skin. It's really dependable. j he keeps the instrument lighting as series of talks with the Russian "We tried to run the training on the that the Polish armed foroes, the invitations for dances or dates.That's Get quick, safe, sure Mum today! low as possible, but if he is flying statesmen. No further details of Nova Scotian coast," he said. "The bulk of which remain loyal to the A Product of Bristol-Mytrs mainly on his Instruments he may this meeting have so far been an­ weather there is about the worst old exiled Government, would be turn the ultra violet ray up to its nounced, and In any case on the that I have struck anywhere. I sorely tempted to return home. maximum. Be thus has complete precedent of former Big Three con­ used to think that the North Sea The elections to be held as soon ferences and the rules laid down as possible, probably in about a **_*-«<

S I f - I.. Gosling Brothers, Ltd THB ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, THURSDAY, JULY 19^945 Page 7

*^'iM*aM»H»*aHM»H»«NWN( FOOD FOR LIBERATED LETTERS TO THE EDITOR LABOUR MAY HAVE WON KING ADDRESSES ULSTER CONCENTRATION CAMPS 70 MORE COMMONS SEATS HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT LONDON, Ally 18 (Reuter). — A 1ShkS)ianj July 18, 1945 consignment of ten teas of food The Editor, BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND, wfR leave England this week for Royal Gazette * Colonist But Tories Seen With Majority July 18 (Reuter).— The King and the liberated concentration camps Queen and Princess Elizabeth were in Europe, the Chief Rabbi's Emer­ AT CHRISLEY HALL ibtemEa. StK_5:_. given a tremendous reception when gency Council ta London announc­ "Purist's" knowledge of the King's As A Single Political Group tbey continued their two days tour ed today. • Samuel Pepys Teucer English, which he rushes to defend, of Northern Ireland here today. An official of the Council said: : appears to be strickly limited. He (Special through Reuter) "The food is not necessarily for the The West End Rendezvous ?-&J4-&-J.--.j-&i * ***i'* *batm. m Furness boats. » * » 4 0 Po % That they certainly agreed on the *°6i0i^; «» We " ?» thin That an awful lot of students will lunch prepared. want reservations in September." • * * » * e That everyone hopes the conference That the. local fiscal world is divided • WiD be completely satisfactory. into two camps. a a a That Japan is in a bad way. That one would raise revenue for big expenditures. That even the Army and Navy are at loggerheads. rhat the other would stop expendi­ tures and so do without extra That one wonders what the Air revenue by direct taxation. Force thinks about it.


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NO COMMITMENTS PROMISE BRITISH PLANES I Later on the Foreign Office state­ Australian Battle Cruiser STRIKE STOPS UNLOADING GATOR ROACH HIVES BRITISH DENIAL OF DE At WITH ment says that, "The British Gov­ FOR DANISH AIRLINE irtos o a mas* *a reed. Clot*!** ernment never received any .ta.tL.p. It first reviews the Prime; Min­ agreement which Monsieur Rougier carrying arms through the City of 120 dockers at Millwall. But 559 men avec Churchill.' In the photostat publishes. The alleged protocol purchase "Tador" aircraft — a civi­ ister's replies ia the House of Com­ reproduction the last word of the London with flags flying and bayo­ at the Surrey Docks continued to go lian adaption of the" 4rengine Lan­ mons on June 12 when he was quest­ bears no relation to any documents nets bared—aa honour which, dur­ slow. heading has been blacked out and in the archives of the Foreign Of­ caster bomber — and be sure of ioned about Monsieur Rougier's Monsieur Rougier explains that this ing the whole war, has been grant­ Reports of tbe work of Millwall delivery on November 1. charges. The preparations tor was done to avoid arousing the sus­ fice or approved by aay Brtiish au­ ed only to a representative force aad and Surrey dockers are being made Marshal Petain's trial had already thority;" it is stated. to the men of the A j ax and tiie Exe­ Since Denmark is a member of the picions of the photographer who to the National Dockers' Corpora­ sterling bloc tbe British have ex­ started and of course today's state­ made it. FOR USE AT TRIAL ter ia recognition of their victory tion, which Is the authority respons­ ment is recognition of the fact that at the River Plate. plained there will be no sucb diffi­ i ible bar labour supply and for ad­ culties over obtaining exchange as the trial is very near "The facts are as follows: Mon­ (A Router message from Paris ministration of the reserve pool Mr. Churchill denied in the House sieur Rougier brought to London no late tonight reported that the Brit­ and maintenance scheme for unem­ would be encountered If Denmark that there bad been even a verbal proposals for an agreement with the ish Foreign Office statement would ployed men. If the corporation is purchased American aircraft and accord, but did not specifically re­ Vichy government and was never be used in evidence by tbe prosecu­ satisfied men persist to go slow de­ had to make payment in dollars. fute Monsieur Bougier's documen­ authorized to make any such pro­ tion at Marshal Petain's trial, due PLANES COLLIDE ON GROUND spite tbe warnings, tbey will be dis­ o tation. That is what is done today. posals on behalf of the British Gov­ to begin on Monday. AT AIRFIELD IN AZORES missed or suspended. Eighty-one per cent of the earth's ernment either to Marshal Petain (This will be the first time in the inhabitants have a real income per DISTORTED ACCOUNT The "Go Sow" strike began seven or to any other authority at Vichy. history of French justice that such weeks ago in protest against with­ breadwinner of less than $10 per It was, however, suggested to him a diplomatic document has been (Special through Beuter.) drawal of the war bonus for dock­ week, and 53 per cent have an in­ Monsieur Rougier's book,, it is that on leaving London he should used in evidence at a trial, the cable stated gives "a distorted account of ers. It is not supported by tbe two come equivalent to less than S4 per proceed to Algiers in order to pro­ continued. Copies of the British LONDON, July IT—There was one unions to which the men belong week. his mission to London la which he vide General Weygand, the Vichy communique have been handed to fatality and one aircraft lost during sought to prove the existence of a Commissioner in French North all representatives of the prosecu­ the recent return to Canada of 165 secret agreement. This book has Africa, with' first hand evidence of tion and defence in the Petain trial. Canadian built Lancasters from tbe BURMESE GUERILLAS PLAY since become available to the For­ the state of affairs both in this (Theoretically the prosecution or R.OA.F. bomber group stations in eign Office and has been found to country and at Vichy. * * * iefence could call Lord Halifax, Brit­ northern England. R.C.A.F. Group IMPORTANT ROLE IN BURMA f&i**HaIs contain not only a wholly misleading ish Ambassador in the United States, Headquarters announced. interpretation of tbe policy of bis "Monsieur Rougier agreed to un­ PEGU, July 18 (Reuter).— Bur­ MALARIA dertake this mission and prepared or anybody else mentioned ia tbe A total of 1,476 men were trans­ Majesty's Government in tbe nego- communique, but this is thought mese guerillas are playing a notable iz&o a note of the arguments which he ported home. The fatality was part in the Interception of groups would use in his interview with Gen­ unlikely, particularly tn view of tlie Flight Sergeant W. Hallowaty, of of Japanese trying to slip from the CHECKED IN 1 DAYS WITH and a complexion eral Weygand under tbe heading reception to Petain's similar request Rochester, Alberta, a rear gunner Pegu Yomas region across the Ran­ [Entretien avec Weygand.' to Admiral Leahy, former American with the Alouette Squadron. He goon—Mandalay road and the Sit­ LIQUID for Ambassador to the French Vichy was injured fatally when the plane tang River into the Shan tenantry guarded for loveliness "The photostat copy in Monsieur government. Admiral Leahy refused Rougier's book corresponds to the he was ia collided with aaother on beyond. MALARIAL to give evidence in the Petain trial a runway at Lagens Airfield in the In lifebuoy Health Soap there's j first page of. the Foreign Office Operating In conjunction with SYMPTOMS (Another memorandum concerning Azores on June 15. The plane was 666 British and Indian troops and the a special Ingredient that makes copy of this document, except for alleged Franco-British negotiations Take only as directed the deletion ox the word 'Weygand* repaired aad completed the flight Burmese patriotic forces they have it extra mild, extra safe for your was today sent to the French High to Canada. killed 2,400 of the enemy, wound­ complexion. And its deep- from the heading — no doubt in Court — by a former Vichy minister order to support the contention that One Ghost Squadron Lancaster of ed over 650 and taken nearly 100 cleansing lather frees the pores without portfolio, Jacques Chevalier. the first group to 'leave Yorkshire prisoners. for Personal Freshness every the note was intended not as guide Chevalier was know as something for conversations with General wey­ came down in tbe sea two miles off Their operations are mainly con­ time you bath with it of a mystery man of the Vichy re­ WAKE UP YOUR gand but as a communication to gime and had a roving commission the Azores. The plane was lost bat fined to a long narrow strip of rice Marshal Petain. all the crew and passengers- took land interspersed by patches of which was never clearly defined). to dinghies and were saved by air- jungle where 7^00 Japanese, ma­ "The remainder of the note as re­ sea rescue vessels. laria—ridden and short of supplies, LIVER BILE- produced (not ia photostat) by Mon­ Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Out CRITICISES BRITISH POLICY The great flight began oa May 31 await an opportunity for a mass sieur Rougier is aot the document breakthrough to join their com­ of Bed Foil of Vim and Vigour. prepared in the circumstances des­ and was virtually completed by July IN THE BALKANS 3. Each of the 164 bombers com­ rades in the Shan Hills. cribed and contains various alleged These guerillas were originally Your liver should pour out two pints of liquid undertakings on the British Side — pleting the trip carried a crew of bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not By HUBERT HARRISON seven men and two passengers, as organised by an anti .Fascist or­ flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. 11 j ust notably that the B.B.C. would re­ ganisation which worked under­ decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your frain from personal attacks on well as valuable equipment weighing stomach. You get constipated. Your whole BELGRADE, July 18 (Reuter).— 4.000 pounds. ground during the Japanese occu­ system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk Marshal Petain and that the British Criticism of British policy towards pation. British officers, experi­ and the world looks punk. LIFEBUOY Government would not attempt to the Balkans was today openly ex­ Men and aircraft from eight Can­ enced in guerilla warfare and equip­ A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the win over French Colonies remaining adian heavy bomber squadrons were cause. It takes those famous Carter's Li tt It- pressed by Dr. Vladislav Ribnikar, ped with a queer assortment of Liver Pills to get these two pints of bile flow­ HEALTH SOAP under Vichy control — which were Yugoslav Minister of Education, in involved in the mass movement. weapons, advise and' assist them. ing freely and make yoa fee 1 "up and op". never given or contemplated at this an article in the Independent news­ Crews were picked airmen with oper­ British, German, Chinese and Ja­ Harmless, gentle, vet amazing in making bile X-LBH 561-786 A LEVER PRODUCT or any other stage". ational experience and received spe­ flow freely. Look for die name Carter's Uttle paper "Politika," of which he Is a panese rifles are nsed by the gueril­ Liver Pills on the red package. Refuse F*fcy* director. cial training for the flight. las, as well as an assortment of ching else Price; IA His outburst was natural in view The planes flew in groups of fif­ Sten guns and light machine guns. of British policy in Greece, where teen and proceeded In easy stages from their Yorkshire stations to - Dr. Ribnikar said — with heavy 2MiMBNifcNiM-!00_*_W-N_lW ** tanks and planes the British Cornwall then across the ocean to brought to power those elements tbe Azores, and on to Newfound­ which collaborated with the enemy. land and finally to airfields in Nova Dr. Ribnikar said war criminals, Scotia. [traitors and* quislings had found Air Vice Marshal C. M. McEwen. '"iHMQNf shelter with the Allies and declared Air Officer Commanding Canadian *""*" f Can leave "If these war criminals and collab­ Bomber Group, flew borne la "Mal- orators are not tried immediately, ton Mike" tbe last aircraft to leave TftJEATMtN Your HAIR a Wreck! and they are given any chance, they Yorkshire oa June 18. He reached : will destroy the peace of the Bal­ Canada ahead of some of the other / »$«& ^^^iim-^»mmitmimk -'Mimtm kans, which depends on freedom planes which paused for mechanical from foreign intervention." adjustments along the route. r I GET TO THE SOOT CAUSE OF YOUR COMPLAINT V**VHtttt, ~60.t ANSWES TO 1 Impurities in die Clarke's Blood PREVIOUS PCZZLI g blood are a direct Mixture as a relia­ Crossword Puzzle ble blood purifying I Hub-CiKuUL. 31—Hawaiian wreath E A G E R S 1 N E w f cause of prevalent tion ACROSS medicine gets to , ^"cke-is _ 32—Speck 1 N S U R E A R A R A T ailments such as 1—Large animal R 1 N E L E A T O dieflo*"7 18 7—Swift parts of 15 river Give Your Hair the Double Benefit of VITALIS % II—Stab ot palD 1. ** 21 22 a—Wing and the "60-Second Workout"! % A 10—Wandei V. 11—Hunts T7IGOROUS exercise under Guard your hair against this 2. 2. 25 1»—True to Ufa ' the summer sun hardens your double danger with Vitalis aad % % IS—Having habit ol 27 18 2? So story-telling muscles—gives your spirits a lift tbe "60-Second Workout"! Apply v 21—Chinese weight —but watch out! That same Vitalis briskly to die scalp- St—Fisherman healthful sun can make your hair circulation increases and the -J 4 to 26—Goto dry, dull and brittle. The refresh­ pate vegetable oils of Vitalis A, % 26—English river 1. Summer sua bakes your hair—leaves ir 53 3. IS A' 57 38 SO—Greek Island dull, brittle and unruly. ing shower or swim you take come to tbe rescue of your oil- 33—An ointment ot after your exercise completes the depleted scalp. Your hair has a % on mixed with 39 * Ml wax damage by washing away vital rial lustre—is easy to comb- V/, A, S_—Greeted scalp oils—spoils your hair's has no objectionable "patcae- H3

AMERICAN LIBRARY WILL CLAIMS U.S. ARMS TO RUSSIA "Purge" Of Channel Islands REFERENDUM PLAN FOR CONTINUE IN BRITAIN ENABLED VICTORIES IN EAST By Specially Trained Unit FRANCE IS OPPOSED Has Been Valuable Source (Special through Reuter) f Special through Eeuter) LONDON. July 18 — The Channel Assembly Oppose Bill Put Of Information To British LONDON, . July 18. Th^^^^e over-^1 ing a Red infantry regiment stream­ Islands, which were the only Brit­ •a-eoSe whelming weight of American arma­ ing past. An American sergeant ish territory occupied by the Ger­ Forward By Gen. De Gaulle (Special through Reuter) ments given to Russia under lend- drawled: "How did these guys ever mans, are being purged and guided lease crushed German resistance on manage to get here?" Which ex­ back to normal life by a specially By HAROLD KING LONDON, July IS.—The American the Eastern Front as weU as in the pressed our common reaction. trained civil affairs unit which went West, a result which Russia, left in on liberation day, the Ministry PARIS, July 18 (Renter).— Marked library, -which was inaugurated of Information announced today. h ostility from all sections of the Na­ three years ago to give Britain wide to her own resources, never could SEEMED INCREDIBLE tional Consultative Assembly to facilities for learning about what have achieved. It seemed incredible these ill- The civil affairs unit was trained General de Gaulle's plan toe a re­ America is thinking and doing, will That is one of the outstanding im­ clad, badly armed men, slouching for a year to advance. Public safe- ferendum was revealed today when undoubtedly continue into tlie pressions I gathered in Eastern along beside horse-drawn farm wa­ ty officers of the unit in association the Assembly's commission for state peace. Germany where I spent three gons loaded with suitcases, beer with the local police are "sorting out reform, representing all parties, un­ The library, which is housed at the months with the Red Army. the facts from the gossip," concern­ Soviet -military authorities ack­ barrels and bedding, could van- ing themselves only with those animously referred the hfll back for United States Embassy in London, nowledge that Russia has received quid-. Die formidable Prussian sol­ against whom - it is possible that further consideration by the Gov­ is at present part of the British pract ically all of its effective mod­ dier in battle. charges of treason or treachery ernment. division of th* Office of War^lfe' ern armaments from the United We felt it was not the Red Army could he. It was clear that delegates of all formation. In what form and under States. as built up by Stalin out of Russia's The physical task is also great, for parties disliked two features of the whose auspices it will cany on after A considerable amount of Ameri­ resources but the tanks, planes, hundreds of houses have been dam­ plan. Firstly, they fear the idea of the war is not known. guns, trucks built -in tbe United a referendum, and secondly, they can material, particularly tanks and States that had driven Hitler's army aged or destroyed. After V-E Day it was noted that trucks, have been camouflaged to Within a week of liberation the object to the suggestion that the many of the library's British users out of Russia and conquered more Government should be empowered make them appear tbey were manu­ than half of Germany. German marks which were the cur­ called there and enquired with con­ factured in Russia. rency during the occupation had to rule for seven months after the cern whether the organization • Judging from personal experi­ elections, without being responsible However, most Red Army officers ences, I feel one of the most disturb­ been withdrawn and replaced by would fold up its tent with the and men whom I met recognised sterling, and food on a ration scale to the Assembly. home-going army. ing features 'of the Russian menace that their vital equipment came lies in the strange psychology of about 25% higher than in the Uni­ The Government has the choice The successful experiment of of­ from the united States and express­ the Red Army. ted Kingdom was on sale. of ignoring the commission's stand, ficially putting all facets of Ameri­ ed a high opinion of American effi­ __—o or of finding some compromise. can thought at the disposal of Bri­ >' HOt only is it naturally flushed ciency and genuine gratitude to with victory—its leaders are doing Though the Government has no tain began as a service to an Ally Americans in general. everything in their power to con­ WOULD ENCOURAGE BRITISH responsibility to the Assembly, at war in 1942. Since then similar The first Russian soldiers we saw vince their men they have perform­ which is purely consultative, it will libraries have been established in after our liberation from German- ed exploits far surpassing those of INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH be difficult to ignore its views al­ Australia, South Africa and Hew captivity —crack tank troops—as­ the Western Allies—but it seems together, j Zealand. They may remain in tonished us by their handsome uni­ they have no real conception of (Special through Reuter) The motion, which today met with I peacetime as a permanent factor forms and accoutrements. They the commission's unanimous approv­ in United States foreign relations. smilingly explained they were made peace as the ultimate aim of war. LONDON, July 18.—A suggestion With few exceptions. Red soldiers that Britain's tax laws be amended al, raid: "The commission, reserv-1 Shorts It was started in the late summer in America. I met expressed no desire to return ing its opinion on the principle of a f of 1942. War-time shipping restric­ German officers and soldiers in 'to encourage industries l_|_re to to their homes, lf they had any, spend more money on research was re ferendum, considers that the re-1 tions had stopped the normal im­ the last days of their hop.less de-; which in many cases seems doubt­ ferendum proposal *** is equivalent j portation of books, magazines and fence of Eastern Germany likewise advanced today by Lord Davidson, ful. head of the Engineering Industries to a plebiscite on the President and | for Boys! technical publications, and there ascribed the irresistible force of the the present provisional Government was a dearth of American books and Red Army to its American material, They appeared to have been hav­ Association. He said tax rebates ing the time of their Uves fighting should be allowed abty to those of the Republic. periodicals in Britain at a time when insisting without tt the Russians and looting,, and to be quite ready growing British interest in every­ never would even have reached tbe companies who could prove that "it considers that this method of to start fighting again as soon as tbe; had made the fruits of their thing connected with the United German border. the resources et the country on popular consultation, put forward States created unprecedented de­ which they are living are exhaust­ research available to all British in­ under the restriction of an alterna­ For Boys from Six to Twelve years a mands for them. IMMOBILISED ARMOUR ed. Only once did an old Mongolian dustry. tive, gives rise to legitimate republi­ Today the American library is "The genius, if tt can be called can anxiety. serviceable collection of well construct­ They added that the systematic warrior talk to me wistfully ia brok­ that, of the Germans was that no­ "It considers that the bill in it­ the principal and in many cases the American bombing at Germany's en German about his wife and chil­ ed Summer Shorts. only source in Britain from which Synthetic oil plants, which immo­ dren whom he had left somewhere body there was allowed to monopo­ self implies arbitrary and unrestric­ recent U.S. publications can be ob­ bilized the crack German armour east ot Tibet The last I heard of lize the results of research. Com­ ted powers for the Government far tained. at crucial moments daring the him he was in jail at Stolp. panies were compelled by the Nazi seven months, and that such a plan, From November, 1942. until early Russian offensive, accentuated this regime to spread the knowledge of excluding direct ministrial respon­ Well made from sanforized Khaki this month. Dr. Richard Heindel, was decisive material superiority. NEEDS MORE SUPPLIES new and better ways of doing their sibility, is contrary to the principle these Shorts will enable your boy to director oi tbe library. Two weeks On passing from the hermetically Jobs to all German companies in a of the people's soveregnty." ago he left this country to take sealed Russian zone of Germany This Red Army appeared to us as a position to benefit from the inform­ Under General de Gaulle's pla_> make the best possible appearance at up an undisclosed appointment with into Western Europe, we found the blind instrument of the Moscow ation," said Lord Davidson. if the people elected a Constitu­ dictators, willing to fight at any Britain's weakness so far as manu­ ent Assembly under'tbe referendum minimum cost. Will stand maximum the State Department in Washing­ joy of victory overclouded by a vague time, anywhere, for lust and booty. ton. menace of Soviet Russia's imperial­ facturing improvements are con­ plan in October, this assembly wear and continual tubbings. In the main the facilities are usdd istic policy. We had sensed this! But its leaders are fully aware it cerned has been that she had al­ would appoint a President of the by people who can give their re­ menace in distant Pomerania. cannot without fresh supplies of lowed tiie large companies who were Government, who would choose his searches wide public dissemination Even as we celebrated the capture modern fighting material. financially able to underwrite re­ ministers, and with them rule the such as lecturers, educators, writers, of Berlin with our Russian liberators, I The Red soldier is very wasteful search to monopolize the results, he country for not longer than seven Members of Parliament and Govern­ joining in stirring Cossacks chants and rarely mechanically minded. said. months until a new Constitution ment officials. and drinking toasts to the Red Army When anything goes wrong with • o was drawn up. 10/- At present the library contains in raw vodka, we could not quite his beloved bicycle he just throws some 9.000 books, 12,000 United States rid ourselves of vague feelings of it away. HALIFAXES DROP SUPPLIES Government documents and pam­ uneasiness rooted in the observa­ The same applies to tanks, trucks TO BRITISH LAND TROOPS phlets and subscriptions to more tion of mysterious nocturnal troop and guns. From what I know of ANGLO-FINNISH TRADE TALKS than 600 American magazines. movements which urged us not to the Russian soldier I am sura arm­ LONDON, July 18 (Renter). — delay our return home longer than aments that the Red Army has at Royal Air Force four-engined Hali­ CONTINUE IN LONDON necessary. present win not last long. There­ fax bombers, formerly used in the GENERAL MARSHALL REVIEWS However, it seems to me, and to for) its leiders may te expected to nightly hammerings of Germany, LONDON, July 18 (Reuter). The U.S. DIVISION IH BERLIN many ex-prisoners like myself who us3 all possible d pi "matic maroeu- are now being used to drop supplies Finnish financial and trade delega­ Gibbons Co. have seen more of the Red Army vres to Induce the Un'ted States to to British land forces, the Ministry tion in London to negotiate an BERLIN, July 18 (Reuter).—Gen­ than foreigners are supposed to see, give them some mre. of Aircraft Production revealed to­ Anglo-Finnish trade agreement is eral George C. Marshall, Chief of that this Russian danger, if it really —.——^ day. expected to remain another week Queen Street Hamilton Staff of the United States Army, exists, can be averted in a very sim­ MANY KILLED AND HURT IH The Halifax, which is able to drop i-.i Britain. reviewed the American Second Arm­ ple way. Our observations have con­ EXPLOSION IH ITALY larger items of equipment than the Headed by Baron George Gripen- oured Division today and later tour­ vinced us that if the United States transport planes of any other coun­ berg, the delegation satisfactorily We close at 12.30 p.m. today. ed Berlin. and Britain stop supplying Stalin ROME July 18 (Reuter).—Many try in the world, can carry a six- concluded the .financial talks 12 Field Marshal Sir. Alan Brooke with armaments, the Red Army coloured soldiers were among the pounder gun, a jeep to tow it into days ago. It was expected that the accompanied General Marshall on menace will vanish as quickly as killed and injured when a store of position, a gun crew, a driver and following trade talks would take a 6_.7:tb. the inspection tour of the "Hell oa it materialized. army mines exploded at Viarelgio, ammunition week. Wheels" Division, on a stretch ef i Shortly before starting our hike near Iivorno, on the Italian east Halifaxes are using their bomb A spokesman of the British Trea­ the Autobahn UnTdng Potsdam mo­ from Russian-occupied Germany to ccast, early this afternoon, the Ita- bays, whereas the American Dakotas sury declared today that these talks tor highway with Charlottenburger the west, I stood in Schlake Pomer­ lin news agency reported tonight. carry their supplies inside the fuse­ were "nothing like finished." The Chaussee. ania with other ex-prisoners, Ame­ The cause of the explosion is so far lage, making it necessary to man­ spokesman added: "There Is no unknown, the agency said. rican. British and French, watch- v handle them through the door in 1hitch, however, and everything is the fuselage over the target area. going welL"


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0'Neil Cpr. IMS by UniM F..t.f. Syndksta. Ire. 6.14Sth. T«- *•«• U- S. P-t. OH.—All fifllih r.iarr.d I'aae 10 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1945

of his estate and often walked over OMNIBUS CO. PETITION LAND RECOVERY ACTION the property with her pointing out Classified the lines. JAPANESE ARMY HAS SCARCELY OPENED IN HIGH COURT Speaking of the particular bound­ PRESENTED IN HOUSE ary' line in question, Mrs. Hollis Advertisements said tbat she had been shown tbat BEEN TRIED IN ACTION YET Defendant Admits He Does the line was roughly tn the neigh­ Other Motor Legislation Not bourhood of a certain cave on Mr. (Special through Reuter) HELP WANTED Trott's property. Tbey had always Yet Placed On Agenda Not Own Disputed Property accepted It that tho property on LONDON, July 16.— In the Pacific 3.700,000. Their armament varies ac­ the northern part of ^heir estate war, speculation so far has been cording to the terrain In which they BARBER to take over my shop for At the end of tbe first day's hear­ near the cave was their own. The more devoted to the problem of get­ are engaged. For instance, the Jap­ six weeks. Apply B. Stines, Reid Greeted by a number of interpo­ ting ashore on the home islands of anese in Burma, now fighting along lations of .surprise, Mr. N. H. P. ing in the Supreme Court of a civil plaintiff was positive that no one Street. TOOTH B RUSH had used this property except a cer­ Japan. With that accomplished, the.River Sittang, are armed with 6332*th. Vesey In tbe House of Assembly action brought before the Assistant what Ues ahead of the initially suc­ small arms and mortars only and yesterday afternoon presented the Justice, the Hon. Dr. R. O. Hollis tain Portuguese farmer by tiie name Hallett, by Mrs. H. Stuart Hollis for of .Sousa who had rented tbe farm cessful invaders? How do their are supported by light artillery. petition of tbe Bermuda Railway land from Mr. HoIH-i. prospects for finishing the war com­ and Transportation Companies tori tbe recovery of possession of certain pare with those of tbe invaders of The fighting spirit of the Japan­ tbe incorporation of an Omnibus land In Smith's Parish, her counsel, Mrs. Hollis further stated that FOR RENT it was not until the late part of Normandy a year ago? ese has been very clearly demonstra­ Company. Mr. J. E. Pearman, M.OP, asked that ted both in Burma and on Okinawa. Tbe petition, advertised some time the suit be dismissed and judgment 1944, or the early part of 1945, that It took the Allies eleven months to FURNISHED UPPER FLAT — Cam- she bad nottcfed any active posses­ finish tbe job in Europe after first iCta Okinawa we know that 90% pre­ ago in the Government Gazette, given for his client. ferred death to capture. If the brae Hall, Warwick, 3 minutes walk bas been awaited for some time. Mr. Pearman's point was based sion of any of her property by Mr. setting foot on the beaches of Nor­ from Darrell's Wharf. Phone 12*7 Smith. She then noticed that the mandy: will it take a longer or whole of tite one and three-quarter The Transport (Motor Omnibus), upon an admission by the defend­ million soldiers defending Japan during business hours, residence Bill and The Motor Oar Act, 1943, land was being cleared from the shorter time for finishing the job in 1901. ant, Daniel Robert Smith, represent­ Trott boundary southwards onto the Far East? prefer death on the beaches to sur­ Amendment Bill, which were te-A ed by Mr. David Tucker, M.C.P.., that render behind them, there is a lot ceived on the last day of meeting, the Hollis land. Smith told her Before we can attempt to answer he did not own the property after he was on that property through of killing to be done before peace bave yet to be set down on the agen­ evidence to tbat effect had been these questions we must make an reigns in Nippon. Moreover, we must FURNISHED SIX ROOM COTTAGE da. tbe right of possession, u- spite of estimate of tite forces which Japan —Electrically equipped, on the produced by the plaintiffs counsel. various warnings from Sergeant not neglect tite value of tbe Japan­ Mr. J. E. P. Vesey, chairman of Dr. Hallett adjourned the hearing can pint into the field. Figures are ese home guard if the men and North Shore, near Admiralty House. the Finance Committee, did not Amos and Mr. Pearman the de­ difficult to come by, but I have rear £10 per month. Tel. 3476 to next Wednesday, when he will fendant continued using the land. son to believe that those I give are women composing it are imbued proceed yesterday with his fiscal re­ rule on Mt. Pearman's submission. with a like spirit. 6334tth. Amolin Deodoranfe port. He will take it up tomor­ The plaintiff informed the court not very wide of the mark. We must Mrs. Hollis also seeks damages that Smith had been a source of bear in mind, however, that al­ In that case, mopping up will be row. amounting to £100. a matter of years, not of days, be­ STOP The Sir Roger Hall Resolve, 1945 annoyance to her and had piled up though numbers are important, the It was stated by Mr. Pearman that cactus bushes and other branches spirit which imbues those numbers cause tt will involve ferretting out FOR SALE and The Maurice Cherry Greene the land was purchased by the late and killing many millions more. PERSPIRATION Resolve, 1945 were read a third time, along the boundary wall to rot- is more important. Mr. Stuart Hollis from Mr. Read She denied tbat the defendant had The Japanese navy is a little Bat this may prove as ineffective ODORS while The United States Bases (Lease as Himmler's Volkssturm. CUPBOARD, Chairs, Mats, Glass. of Ordnance Island) Act, 1942, Re­ Trott in 1922, and that Mr. Hollis ever planted that small piece of under half a million strong; and the continued to be in possession of the arable land near the boundary of air force boasts a strength of three- China, Tables. "Phone 2478 after peal BUI was read a second time. property until his death in 19t3. In assessing the strength of an [ 9 a.m.. Mrs. G. J. Smith. Available in The House agreed to introduce a of the two properties. Nor was she quarters of a million. But both island defence account must be *_! »M-*"M__: ! lite defendant, he contended, was aware that the defendant had been these services have been badly beat­ taken of its communications. Japan 6287*W.Ql- tOMrOCB Cream and resolve to appropriate £100 for the Official Arbitrators. Tbe member observed as encroaching on a por­ in possession of the land since 1897 en in battle after battle. is well served with railways and the I ______—_____-_——___.—^——— - Powder Form in charge,~*Capt. the Hon. Bayard tion of tiie northern end of the land as he had claimed. The army, however, is very for­ inland sea provides auxiliary com­ I ONE SMALL MANGLE — complete DDL was asked to inform the House and continuing to encroach on the M the conclusion of the plain­ midable and has scarcely yet been munication But already the Super­ with Motor, suitable for Guest what amount bad been paid to property. tiff's case, MS. Tucker called Mr. fully tried out in action. The Jap­ fortresses have dealt heavily witb House or small Hotel, cheap for Mr. Henry Musson. He did not | Mr. Pearman concluded that there Smith as the first witness. Smith anese army is about three and a inland and coastal traffic. The cash. 'Phone 1268, City Cleaners. have tbe information but he was had been no other alternative but to stated he had worked on that pro­ quarter millions strong and is dis­ lessons we have learnt from Ger­ 6300-W.18 to W.25 uncertain whether, if it was in his bring suit against the defendant. perty for a number of years and posed as follows: Manchuria. 750.000; many's collapse go to show that dis­ ONE GALVANIZED TANK (700 gal­ possession, he could divulge it un­ The defendant's case is that he is named other men whom he had China, 650,000: Honshu, 1,700,000, ruption of communications may be lon! ; Also one 150 gallon Tank. M.k«ra at Vngoantimm am. Papta-Slamai der the terms of The Acquisition of in possession of the northern por­ hired to work on the same land. Malaya, Borneo, etc. 600,000; together a vital factor in a country's defeat. Phone 9151 before 5 pm. Land Act, 1941. He promised to tion of the land. It was stated by He stated he had stopped planting 635Itth. look into the matter. his counsel that he had lived in a the land hi about 1922, and al­ house adjacent to the property though he heard later that someone ALSATIAN PUPPIES — 6 weeks old A sum of £100 was voted for the the copper mine city 60 miles north since 1897. else was planting it, he had never Phone 1531 after 5.30 p.m. Salvation Army to supplement the been able to find out who that per­ Carrier Planes Attack of Tokyo, has yet been confirmed vote which pays the salary of a pro­ Mr. Tucker said his client had ex­ from Allied sources. 6346*th. bation officer. ercised possessory rights over the son was. Mr. Smith said that he Remnants Of Jap Navy parcel of land purchased by Mr, had very often cleaned up that pro­ But Air Marshal Sir Hugh Lloyd, PIANO with roller and rolls: One Mr. Spurling was in charge of the perty, and at the beginning of this Commander of the British Air Forces Fishermen •• • Governor's message. Hollis from Mr. Trott. Continued from Page 1 Iron Safe, combination lock, 3' x 2'; year had done so very thoroughly. in the Pacific, predicted today that One Large Bureau. Apply to Mrs. Tributes were paid by Assembly­ It was further stated by Mr. He felt that he had done the pro­ enemy anti-aircraft challenge to the R.A.F. Lancasters and TJ^f-ni-ns men to the work being done by tbe Tucker that the defendant bad Agnes Walker, Tankfield, Paget East. We now have perty good by doing so much clear­ Okinawa planes. would soon be making round-the- 6311*th.f.s. Salvation Army in Bermuda. planted the arable land in that por­ ing away of cactus. European veterans from the Medi­ clock raids on the Japanese home­ The House adjourned to Friday tion of the property and had cut In 1935, the defendant stated, terranean theatre flew the new A-26 land, said a Reuter cable from Paci­ KNITTED BAIT NET—7 feet deep. afternoon at two o'clock, down trees on it over a period of Invader attack bombers tn tits first a*,**. —o time. He had also given other peo­ Mr. Read Trott had told him the fic Advanced Headquarters at Guam 5,- yard. Frank Amaral, Crawford piece of property bordering his had introduction of this aircraft into House, Church Street. ple permission to use that land. Mr major action in this theatre. CANDIDATE FOR ELECTION Smith, it was submitted, by virtue never been really conveyed to tbe 6362*th.s. SPRING late Mr. Hollis. Mr. Tlott was alleged It was announced that units of NTEKNATIONAL CHAMBER OF IN BRITAIN DIES of bis uninterrupted tenure of 48 COMMERCE COUNCIL TO MEET years had a title to the land by the to have said that he had given the the U.S. Seventh Fleet returned to deed to the property to Mr. Hollis, the battle of Eastern Borneo, bom- (Special through Reuter) law as he had exercised possessory LONDON, July 17 (Reuter).—The LONDON, July 18 (Reuter).—On rights over the property. who had built a house on it with­ | barding Japanese shore positions BALANCES out having legal possession. deep in Balikpapan Bay. Secretariat of .tiie British National FOR SALE the eve of the last polling day In Mr. Robert Clarke, a surveyor, was Committee of the International British general election, Mr. Leslie R. A deed was produced by Mr. Pear­ Tfiree troublesome Japanese gun Chamber of Commerce today issued the first witness to appear on be­ man which indicated that the sale positions and four barges were de­ Pym, M.P. for Monmouth since 1939 half of the plaintiff He produced an official denial of reports that the and Controller of the Royal House­ of that piece of land had been a stroyed in shelling, aiding operations permanent headquarters of the In­ a survey of the Stuart Hollis pro­ legal one. ' strengthening AUied control of the 6 Room Cottage hold died in his sleep during the perty which he had made in March ternational Chamber is to be mov­ SMALL SIZE night, which will probably necessi­ The defendant then informed the bay area. ed from Paris to London. with Verandah & Bath tate a seeond byelection. of this year. court that he did not claim owner­ Australian troops across the bay 1 Mr. Clarke stated that he had first The facts are that a meeting of CAPACITY—25 lbs. Like Sir Edward Campbell, the ship of the land—he just claimed west of Balikpapan pushed seven tbe Council is being called in Lon­ member for Bromley who died yes­ visited the property in October, 1944, possession. He agreed that if Mr. miles inland along the Riko River, AH Modern Conveniences when he noticed that Smith was in don during August to consider fin­ terday, Mr. Pym was believed to have Pearman could prove to him that clearing territory from which the ancial matters and to decide whe­ Spanish Point, Pembroke W. S/- each been re-elected to Parliament in possession of the northern part of Mrs. Hollis was the rightful owner enemy might harass operations in the Trott property north of the ther certain committee matters the voting on the first polling day of the property he would give it the hay. Patrols found retreating should be dealt with from London July 5. Hollis boundary. He also noticed up to her. Following the produc­ Japanese were abandoning supplies Reasonably Priced some kind of a chicken coop on the instead of from Paris as hitherto. Final polling will take place to­ tion of various deeds and the will and equipment. The transactions of the Council LARGE SIZE morrow in the two constituencies Trott boundary but did not at that of Mr. Stuart Hollis, the defendant In Western Borneo rapid progress time see any encroachment on the meeting will be private, but a press Substantial Mortgage of Nelson and Colne and Central stated that he could do nothing inland was reported by the original statement will be issued when the CAPACITY—50 lbs. Hull. Hollis property. else than be satisfied that Mrs. Australian invading force. General discussions are ended. can be arranged Mr. Pym died at his home in However, in March of this year Hollis was the owner of the pro­ MacArthur's communique said the Abergavenny. He was sixty-one. he did notice signs of" encoracluient perty. . . { Australian forces drove 30 miles in­ LONDON STOCK MARKET 6/6 each on the land belonging to the Hollis Mr Pearman then made a mo­ land from captured Miri and Seria WYCLIFFE STOVELL B.V.R.C BAND AT FETE AT I estate. At that time he also no­ tion that the action be dismissed oil field and captured Marudi. The LONDON, July 17 (Reuter).—The Parliament St. Dial 1038 WHITNEY INSTITUTE TODAY ticed that the pegs which he had as a result of the evidence receiv­ I advance was unopposed. quiet conditions which character­ I placed to denote the boundary line 6358ttk.f.« ed, and that judgment be given for MANILA, July 19 (Thursday) (Reu­ ised tbe London Stock Market yes­ _ It was announced yesterday that between the Trott and Hollis pro­ his client. terday were again in evidence to­ perty had been removed in the two ter) .—Three hundred fighters and the B.V.R.C. Band wfll be in at­ However, the Judge was not agree­ bombers of the Fifth and Seventh day. tendance at the fete to be held this I extremities of the line and only Interest was again centred chief­ the centre peg was left. able to dismissing the case at that Air Forces continued their strikes afternoon in the Whitney Institute point. It was agreed to adjourn ly among industrials but business grounds from 4 p.m. until mid­ Mr. Clarke further stated he had from Okinawa bases on Kyushu, the case until Wednesday morning most southerly of Japanese main in this section was scarcely suffi­ FOR RENT night. The Band will play a pro­ seen that a considerable amount of cient greatly to influence prices. gramme of music during the after­ cleaning up had been done on that of next week. islands on Monday, tt was stated to­ Phones day at General MacArthur's head­ Breweries attracted some atten­ noon and evening. piece of property, and that many tion and were widely sixpence high­ 1192—1193—1194 —o— cactus bushes had been removed quarters. Life Insurance is the