ANNUAL REPORT 2018-19 Under the Election Act and Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act


November 2019

Mr. Mike Ellis, Chair Standing Committee on Legislative Offices 6th Floor, 9820 107 Street NW , T5K 1E7

Dear Mr. Ellis:

It is my honour to submit to you, ’s 2018-19 Annual Report on the Election Act and Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act.

This Report is submitted pursuant to section 4(7) of the Election Act, RSA 2000, Chapter E-1 and section 4(2) of the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act, RSA 2000, Chapter E-2. The Report also includes this Office’s financial statements as at March 31, 2019.

Should you require clarification or additional information, I would be pleased to respond.


[Original signed by Glen Resler, CPA, CMA] Chief Electoral Officer


Messae from the hief Electoral Officer 1 About Elections Alberta 2

ESTATONS Oerie olitical arties onstituency Associations yelection omination ontestants 10 yelection andidates 11 hird arty Adertisers 12 eadership ontestants 1

FNANCAL EOTS Oerie 1 uarterly Reportin 1 Annual Reportin 21 olitical arty Annual inancial tatements 22 onstituency Association A Annual inancial tatements 2 olitical hird arty Adertiser A Annual Reports 2 Election hird arty Adertiser EA Annual Reports 32 yelection ampains 3 omination ontestant ampain Returns – 201 yelections 3 andidate ampain Returns – 201 yelections 3 olitical arty ampain Returns – 201 yelections 3 Election hird arty Adertiser Reports – 201 yelections 2 eadership ampains 3




AENCES Initial Registrations De-Registrations Nomination Contestant and Contest Candidate Initial Registrations De-Registrations


This year’s anna epot oos o taition o poiing egistation an inania inomation eeie om poitia entities ne te Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act e aso pesent Elections Alberta’s audited financial statements and m eommenations o egisatie amenments genea inteest setion oes a ange o topis om poitia ta eits aime to eeant egisatie anges passe in te peios isa ea igt poitia entit assiiations ae no regulated under Alberta’s eetoa egisation poitia paties onstiten assoiations aniates nomination ontestants eaesip ontestants senate aniates eetion ti pat aetises an poitia ti pat aetises s a est an espeia in te isa ea eaing p to te genea eetion e manage te egistations o oe poitia entities is nmbe onsiste main o onstiten assoiations onent egistee on bot o an ne eetoa iision bonaies ps nomination ontestants an aniates o te oinia enea etion o tese poitia entities a inania epoting esponsibiities it aing eiements an e ates e aapte to a ontinos intae an eie o egistation an inania oments niies to o inania ompiane sta sge en e intoe te nine inania stem o egistee poitia entities to eetonia epot ontibtions an isse oiia ontibtion eeipts to tei ontibtos an o paties to manage tei nomination ontests inania ompiane sta embae tei oes in poiing se an tenia sppot ie aing aess to enane ompiane monitoing apabiities it te ne sstem n aition as este in inania saings to poitia entities it pe ent o oiia ontibtion eeipts being isse ia emai esting in ost saings o oe in postage aone e goa going oa is to ontine biing as an aenompassing inania epoting an ompiane too is i eiminate te nee to mana ente inania epots ao onine appoas b te poitia entit an tei ie inania oies an atomate ait poesses aoing bette se o etions beta sta esoes t aso aos poitia entities to ompete an sbmit inomation in a time manne an not be sbet to inania penaties as a est o ate eieies b anaa ost nine inania epoting i be oe ot in am pease to poie o it te anna epot ontaining inania inomation om ate anna an beetion peios e ontine to eie a age nmbe o eetion inania etns an i isse a sepaate epot on te oinia enea etion atiities o nomination ontests aniates an paties in ea

M RM R R ABOUT ELECTIONS ALBERTA Elections Alberta is an independent, non-partisan office of the Legislative Assembly responsible for administering provincial elections, by-elections and referenda.

Albertans have confidence in an easily accessible OUR VISION electoral process.

Deliver effective non-partisan services that meet OUR MISSION the electoral needs of Albertans.

OUR MANDATE Elections Alberta’s mandate is to:

. Administer oen fair and . roide the ublic ith disclosure imartial elections through the ublication of reorts . roide staeholders ith the and financial statements necessary information and means . Embrace artnershi oortunities to articiate in the and innoatie ideas by adoting democratic rocess best ractices and ne . roide suort to election technologies from the serice officers to ensure imartial business and election serice deliery communities and . ere in an adisory and regulatory . uort a ositie resectful role to achiee comliance in cohesie and selfrearding or electoral finance actiities enironment here indiidual asirations can be achieed


e are resonsible or administerin tree

LEGISLATION roincial stattes and to relations

roincial tatutes egulations . Election Act . Election Act Forms Regulation; and . Election Finances and Contributions . Prohibited Corporations Regulation Disclosure Act (EFCDA); and . Alberta Senate Election Act e also roide adice information and assistance to the Electoral oundaries ommission under the Electoral Boundaries Commission Act

Elections Alberta as seeral e staeolders: STAKEHOLDERS . Alberta residents articularly . eturning officers and other oters and rosectie oters election orers . olitical articiants articularly . ederal roincial and unicial embers of the egislatie election administrators Assembly olitical arties . tanding ommittee on candidates nomination egislatie ffices contestants leadershi . Eternal data roiders and contestants and constituency associations . edia . Thirdarty adertisers olitical and election

o ensre transarenc airness and conidence in

WHAT WE DO electoral inancin in Alberta e:

. egister olitical articiants . ring noncomliant articiants . nform and educate articiants into comliance or aly enalties on their financial and rohibitions hen comliance reorting obligations is not achieed . Ensure articiants file financial . ublicly disclose financial reorts reorts on time as receied and as finalied folloing our reie . Eamine financial reorts to ensure accuracy comleteness and . ontinually imroe our rocesses comliance ith electoral and tools to increase efficiency finance rules and bring alue to our staeholders



Elections Alberta is resonsible or ensrin tat eole and oraniations articiatin in Alberta’s electoral rocess are reistered nder te EA as one o te olloin entities: . olitical arty . onstituency Association . andidate . omination ontestant . eadershi ontestant . Third arty Adertiser

e el reistered olitical entities nderstand te imortance o comlin it leislation e do tis tro or ritten and electronic commnication at relar interals inerson inormation sessions on reest and it etensie resorces aailable on or ebsite it lins to te leislation

Elections Alberta staff secialiing in registration and financial comliance under the EA are aailable to be contacted directly by hone or email for any clarification and adice needed

is section ilits reistration actiities o olitical entities tat ere reistered or all or a ortion o te iscal ear endin arc tat ere sbect to inancial reortin or arterl annal and belection eriods

ooin or reistration inormation related to te eneral election

A searate reort ill be ublished in on registered olitical articiants for the roincial eneral Election ETAT POLITICAL PARTIES

As at arch there ere olitical arties in the egister of olitical arties maintained by Elections Alberta including to ne arties registered in the fiscal year . Alberta Adantage arty AA registered effectie oember and . Alberta ndeendence arty A registered effectie arch ther changes made to the egister include the folloing . Alberta irst arty A namechange to estern reedom arty of Alberta effectie Aril folloed shortly thereafter by another change to reedom onseratie arty of Alberta effectie une . eform arty of Alberta deregistration effectie uly for failure to file an audited camaign return for the algaryougheed yelection reinstated a month later on August hen the outstanding return as filed in good order and . eform arty of Alberta abbreiation change from A to E aroed and made effectie ebruary Table lists the arties and their abbreiations as at arch ee Aendi A for more details These abbreiations are used in tables and figures throughout all sections

T R P P A ltal art Abbreat Alberta Adantage arty AA Alberta ndeendence arty A Alberta iberal arty Alberta e emocratic arty Alberta arty A ommunist arty – Alberta A reedom onseratie arty of Alberta formerly Alberta irst arty formerly A reen arty of Alberta A roife Alberta olitical Association AA rogressie onseratie Association of Alberta eform arty of Alberta E formerly A nited onseratie arty ildrose arty


R P P . . . Collect elector names and signatures on a petition supporting the applicant’s intent to register

T R P P A esere ae Abbreat


he Electoral Divisions Act the ct receied oal ssent on ecemer hich set out ne electoral diision oundaries (“boundaries”) to come into orce ith the roincial eneral lection n the ear preceding the election lections lerta A transitional provision of the Electoral eperienced a dramatic rise in processing ne Divisions Act allowed parties to establish oundar constituenc association C registrations coupled ith a high numer o oldoundar active constituency associations on the constituenc association deregistrations igure new boundaries well ahead of the 2019 s ne constituenc associations ere eing general election. registered the ct alloed them to receie the assets o oldoundar constituenc associations and tae oer undraising and other actiities despite the ne oundaries not haing come into orce et in preparation or the general election total o ne constituenc associations ere registered in the iscal ear and oldoundar constituenc associations ere deregistered the latter group the inal ere automaticall deregistered on arch hen the rits ere issued or the roincial eneral lection and the old oundaries automaticall ceased to eist

n this report old-boundary or 2012-boundary reers to constituenc associations that ere registered on the electoral diision oundaries estalished ith the general election and new-boundary or 2019-boundary reers to constituenc associations on the ne oundaries that too eect ith the general election

his graph illustrates the monthmonth increase in neoundar C registrations and decline o oldoundar C registrations rom pril to arch ee ppendices and or details

– C A

Ar a l A e t e a eb ar

e As l As

C C C s a ar eions bera ad reisered neboundar s on reord and no odboundar reisered s reain iure suaries e nuber o neboundar s er oiia ar eer o endi or ore inoraion e bera ndeendene ar ounis arbera roie bera oiia ssoiaion roressie onseraie ssoiaion o bera eor ar o bera and idrose ar ad no reisered onsiuen assoiaions as a ar

– C A



n e isa ear noinaion oness ere ed b oiia aries o see and endorse andidaes in rearaion or e beeions o i aanies reaed ro e resinaion o e or urraonin and nnisai anae ebers o e eisaie sseb () ie aries ed oness in or urraonin Political parties must inform and nnisaian ae e eor ar o bera Elections Alberta in advance of ed a ones in nnisaian ae on holding a nomination contest, and a s son in abe e nied onseraie ar as e on ar i ore an one reisered person who wants to participate in noinaion onesan in ea eeora diision ro the contest is required to register i o see and endorse eir andidaes oer with us. aries ad on one reisered onesan so seeed and endorsed eir andidaes b aaaion e reisered noinaion onesans oo in aabeia order b as nae i oiia ar aiiaion ndorsed onesans are iied in bod ee endi or urer deais

T B- N C MM-C I-S L at testat at testat rse B art rse B art B A oan arnes S A A A L C C iber oin N LIB iabe eain ae anord L LIB oe o i eaer N M N S N risine oore M A ior oboda T E ie as onesan as no aeed b e ar o ariiae in e nnisaian ae ones

e aos oiia aries o se eir on rues and roesses or onduin eir noinaion oness inudin uaiin onesans o ariiae in eir oness


order o e ieuenan oernor in ouni ris o eeion ere issued b e ie eora ier Candidates become automatically on une or beeions o i aanies registered with Elections Alberta reaed b e resinaions o rian ean or on the date their party endorses or urraonin and on anre or nnisaian ae eion a as on them through the nomination u contest process. Candidates with oa o andidaes ere reisered under no party affiliation register as e or e o beeions inudin independents directly with us. one indeenden abe iss e andidaes in aabeia order b as nae eir ar aiiaion and nuber o oes reeied endi onains urer deais

T B- C -C I-S L aate aate lete B art tes te lete B art tes te rian eeer biai ouass aid aad D D C L C aid nso obin e ere ioaas (i) ansen ane roud ioe oone tal aro eid and orseinson tal andidaes did no ie noinaion aers i e nnisaian ae reurnin oier ereore did no aear on e eeion bao

r etals te reslts te belets

eerene e Report of the Chief Electoral Officer on the July 12, 2018 by-elections in Fort McMurray-Conklin and Innisfail-Sylvan Lake a eeionsaba


rior o subsania anes in ird ar eisaion a ae ino ore in oeber ere ere ess an reisered ird ar aderisers ooin is e nuber o reisraions as seadi inreased and eaed a durin e eeion aderisin eriod or e roinia enera eion n e isa ear eions bera added An individual, corporation or group ne eeion ird ar aderisers () and that engages in election or political ne oiia ird ar aderisers () o our reisraion reords e aso roessed ree advertising, or both, and accepts and seen dereisraions iin contributions or incurs election or is ierae political advertising expenses of at iure iusraes e ne inrease in reisered least $1,000, must register with ird ar aderisers beeen ri and ar eer o endies and or Elections Alberta. seii reisraion (and dereisraion) daes

– R T P A

ar Ar a l A e t e a eb ar

estere ltal As estere let As

“let Aerts” is aderisin rooin or oosin a reisered ar or andidae during an election advertising period inudin aderisin a aes a osiion on an issue i i a reisered ar or andidae is assoiaed “ltal Aerts” is aderisin at any time other than an election advertising period rooin or oosin a reisered ar, a party’s eader a eber o e eisaie sseb a noinaion onesan a eadersi onesan or e eeion o a andidae oiia aderisin inudes aderisin a aes a osiion on an issue i i an o e aboe are assoiaed

t ar , , ts rta ata rrt rstrat rat r s a s r a tta , as st a pp r tas raats r prss a t t arts a pta arts ar rr t a sparat rstrats r a typ arts s s , raats a prs r rstr as t a a

T R T P A E P T P A TPA TPA t  rta rat ar   rta ts a   rta a ssat  rta r   rta ars a ay strt ssat  rta ra pys  rta try   ssat aaas r staa ar   aa rta  aary at  aaa ssat ysas r t rt rta tt  aaa pys rta s     rtrs r rta  rs ar   at s ssat rta  ay ata tratrs  trata rtr tra rrs a  a art   t rry  rt tratrs ssat   rrss rta   rt rta   rtt rta s r a  trst rta ty   starats aaa  ap rtas tr   rta ars r  rta ars ssat  aary ar r  tal


pta party ay appt a tr ar t t pst, t st r ts rta aa a arsp tst ra t st a prat ar y prs ats t partpat t tst st rstr as a arsp tstat t ts rta

as pta parts t st tr rs a prsss r t tr arsp ras, ay tstats t partpat t ra

a ss t tr parts tat arsp tsts t sa yar a t rstr arsp tstats parts a y rstr tstat a, a t party’s leader by acclamation pp r r tas r a ptat st pta party ars rr r st tsaa r “Parties”.

T R L C eaers testat er ltal art l te test C C r arty rta ra r r arty rta D r srat arty rta R r rta ta ssat


e A reres restere ltal artes stte assats As aates at testats leaers testats a tr art aertsers t le er aal rerts t lets Alberta e slse tese rerts bll a eae te rat te ta t esre ter ara a leteess

y ensrin all articiants ile teir retrns and teir inancial actiities comly it te rules, we help to ensure a “level playing field” or all articiants.

e r restere ltal ettes se lets Alberta’s sere le aal ste t rert ltal trbts reee b eter r la te rat etale rert ter reee a all eeses reas a ar aer sbss using Elections Alberta’s telate rs s set res lts aal rat rerte t r lets Alberta a a aer rs re t te earest aal rerts llar ltal artats sbt te ll r te . arterly reorts eeral elet Political arties constitency associations searate reort ill olitical tird arty adertisers be blised on . nnal reorts olitical entities tat iled inancial reorts Political arties constitency associations or te Proincial olitical and election tird arty adertisers eneral lection. . yelection camain retrns omination contestants candidates olitical arties election tird arty adertisers . eadersi camain retrns eadersi contestants

ll l eales e bls aal stateets a trbt lsts as te ere sbtte r e blse all stateets a lsts t te a slsre terae alle b te A


e inoration in tis section inclues an austents resulting ro our coliance reie an aroal At ctober —te eectie ate o te inoration to ollo—our reies ere substantiall colete oe aounts a cange as inal ueries are resole

inanial reporting, review and dislosure are ritial to safeguarding the onfidene lertans have in our eletoral proess evere penalties and prohiitions presried y the await politial partiipants who do not eet their reporting responsiilities

Elections Alberta ollos u it registere olitical articiants o o not subit inancial reorts on tie to bring te into coliance as soon as ossible Autoatic late ees al – te EA reuires lateilers to a itin as ic Elections Alberta collects an eosits to eneral eenue aent is not receie e can ursue recoer troug ron ebt ollections e EA roies lateilers it a grace erio o as or contestants an caniates an as or arties As an tir art aertisers to ile eeting te grace erio ealine eans aoiing urter ines roibition ro olitical articiation an eregistration ailure to eet a grace erio iling ealine results in a reerral to te Election oissioner an a ultiatel result in rosecution

E iits on contributors contributions an eenses al ierentl eening on te olitical entit te able roies a brie oerie

E E iit on ontributors an a euctible ontributions or ontributors Entit e Election Eense iit ersons ordinarily resident in es olitial arty eneral Election ,, lerta an ontriute up to election , per , per person per alendar eletoral division year, to any oination of the onstitueny ssoiation – no epense liit for s five entities listed at right andidate , oination ontestant , eadership ontestant – no epense liit for leadership ontestants ersons ordinarily resident in o letion eneral Election , fro lerta, and orporations, trade e to day efore writday, plus unions, eployee organiations , fro writday to operating in lerta, an eletion day ontriute any aount election , per eletoral division ny persons, orporations, trade o olitial – olitial advertising an unions, eployee organiations only e done outside the eletion an ontriute any aount advertising period


Elections Alberta consistently received 100% of 2018 quarterly reports on time. Constituency associations made up 95% of the 2,226 quarterly reports filed for 2018.

“” each contributor’s name, address, amount contributed and the date the contribution was received.

– E O Q R

Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted

2018 2018 2018 2018 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Submitted: Submitted: Submitted: Submitted: Apr 16, 2018 Jul 16, 2018 Oct 15, 2018 Jan 15, 2019

NIL Submission Contributions: $3,800.00 Contributions: $9,234.46 NIL Submission 58 Contributions 70 Contributions

s each new uarter reort is ubished, we reresh revious reorts to ensure the ubic has access to the most utodate contribution inormation avaiabe.

iure is a consoidation o uarter contribution totas reorted b oitica arties and their s or . rand tota o . miion was raised, with the nited onservative art and its s raisin . miion, reresentin er cent o the tota. or contributions er uarter see endi or arties and endi or s.

– P P A T









ut o s subect to uarter reortin in , reorted contributions and the rest reorted ni contributions. he combined tota across the s was . miion. eath ciences ssociation o berta accounted or a third o the tota with . miion in contributions, as evidenced in iure . or contributions er uarter see endi .


eistered oitica arties and s are reuired to submit annua inancia statements, and oitica s must ie annua advertisin reorts, with ections berta b arch st to discose a revenues and eenses or the revious caendar ear. arch st as on a weeend or hoida, the deadine is etended to the irst business da oowin. there was no inancia Political entities must maintain all activit, a ni submission is sti reuired. records used to complete their ection s with surus unds oowin an financial statement, for three years eection must aso ie annua reorts b arch st each ear unti the unds are disbursed. after the filing deadline. We may t the time annua returns are due, oitica arties, request the records during our constituenc associations, s, and s as review to ensure accuracy and aicabe, must have issued oicia contribution compliance with the EFCDA. receits to a o their contributors or the annua eriod, usin .

Elections Alberta received 98% of annual financial returns on time, represented by 653 out of a total of 663 returns.

P P A reistered oitica arties at ecember , were reuired to submit annua inancia statements. er cent ied their statements b the onda, ri , deadine. en o the oitica arties reorted revenues or eenses eceedin ,, and a ied statements audited b an indeendent roessiona accountin irm, as reuired b the . he ommunist artberta and roie berta oitica ssociation reorted revenues or eenses beow the audit reuirement threshod and ied unaudited statements.

abe . summaries annua contributions reorted b oitica arties or the caendar ear in the orm o mone or inind contributions.


, , , , , , , , ,, ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, ,, ,, ,

he oowin tabes show the inancia osition o oitica arties. abe . summarizes the party’s annua revenues and eenses to arrive at a surus deicit or the ear. abe . rovides a oo at each party’s financial position at ecember , , and accounts or the previous year’s surplus deicit carried orward as aicabe.

T P P A R E , , , , , , , , , , ,, , ,, ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, ,, , ,, , ,, , , , , ,


, , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , ,, , , , ,

he fiure elo shos the total of all contriutions reporte y reistere political parties for the past eiht years ll years ecept an inclue oth annual an campain contriutions ue to yelections or eneral elections or oth in those years comine total of million as contriute across all parties over this year perio he ilrose arty achieve the hihest iniviual party total of million folloe y the roressive onservative ssociation of lerta ith million oth parties effectively cease collectin contriutions in he ean collectin contriutions in he party ith the loest contriution total is the lerta vantae arty reistere in ovemer efer to ppeni for etails roen out y year

– P P







here ere reistere s on recor ith lections lerta for all or a portion of the calenar year pproimately half of these ere on the ol ounaries an half on the ne lounary s ere ereisterin throuhout to mae ay for the neounary s any of the ereistere s i not have to file a annual financial statement ecause e confirme they ha no assets at the en of an no suseuent financial activity his rouht the numer of s reuire to file financial statements on to of hich per cent met the filin ealine of onay pril ale provies summary filin information

lerta vantae arty lerta ieral arty lerta e emocratic arty lerta arty reeom onservative arty of lerta reen arty of lerta roife lerta olitical ssociation nite onservative arty ilrose arty inicates no reistere constituency associations he ommunist artylerta roressive onservative ssociation of lerta an eform arty of lerta ha no reistere olounary or neounary constituency associations in

he eiht s liste elo file late ll pai a automatic late filin fee an sumitte their statements ithin the ay latefilin race perio alloe y the

lerta vantae arty ort asatcheanereville

lerta ieral arty alaryuffalo alaryuffalo montonill ree reen arty of lerta alaryouth ast rane rairieapiti alaryouth ast ilrose arty alaryays

ale summarizes total contriutions reporte y s in per political party efer to ppeni for a reaon eteen olounary an neounary contriution totals s evience in the tale there are vast ifferences eteen parties in total contriutions raise y s hese ifferences can e ue to oranizational size or the success of funraisin initiatives of any iven party or ue to party policy or eample the Alberta New Democratic Party’s policy allos only the party’s central office to accept contriutions therefore all of their s report nil contriutions—instea they receive fun transfers from the party to conuct their activities

he ommunist artylerta roressive onservative ssociation of lerta an eform arty of lerta ha no reistere olounary or neounary constituency associations in

he ollowi tables smmarie the iacial positio o As i per political party able combies total reees a epeses to arrie at a oerall srpls eicit or the year able proies a loo at the oerall iacial positio at December a accots or the previous year’s surpluses (deficits) carried forward as applicable. ee Appeices a or iormatio broe ot betwee olboary a ewboary As




iure suaries cotributios reported by s for te past eit years. e ad years iclude cotributios reported by bot oldboudary ad ewboudary s. tose years electoral divisio boudaries caed () or were i trasitio (). e roressive Conservative Association of Alberta’s s raised early . illio i cotributios ore ta alf of te cobied . illio total for all parties’ s over tis period. e lberta ew eocratic arty is ot represeted i te rap due to the party’s policy of requiring its s to direct all contributions to the party’s central office. e ouist artylberta ad efor arty of lberta ad o reistered costituecy associatios. ee ppedi for furter details.

here ere As registere uring all or part of the calenar year that ere require to file annual avertising reports f the total As per cent et the filing ealine of onay April he Association of Canaians for ustainable eicare pai a autoatic late filing fee an coplete their filing ithin the ay latefiling grace perio alloe uner the CA After the ay grace perio alance Alberta un nc pai a late fee an file a stateent reporting its surplus istribution ith no subsequent activity

able suaries annual avertising contributions reporte by political thir party avertisers for the calenar year in the for of oney or inin contributions

AA un A Avantage un A Cant ait A eeration of abour nc A rou A ictory un A otes t Assoc of Canaians for ustainable eicare alance A un nc Canaian nion of ublic ployees A iv A riens of eicare ealth ciences Assoc of A Int’l Brotherhood of Electrical orers ocal acqui anerfluit erit Contractors Assoc rogress A roect A ublic nterest A oc haping As uture he A un he ilberforce roect nite iberty hir party avertiser naes have been abbreviate to fit this scheule


he folloin tale arie the financial actiitie and financial oition of olitical third art adertier ale arie annal reene and eene to arrie at a rl deficit for the ear ale on the net ae roide a loo at their financial oition a at eceer and accont for the reios year’s surplus (deficit) carried forward as applicable.

nd B dantae nd B ant ait B ederation of aor Inc B rod B ictor nd B ote td oc of anadian for tainale edicare Balanced B nd Inc dn nion of lic Eloee B i E E riend of edicare ealth cience oc of B Intl Brotherhood of Electrical orer ocal aci anderflit erit ontractor oc rore B roect B lic Interet B oc hain B tre he B nd he ilerforce roect nited iert hird art adertier nae hae een areiated to fit thi chedle


ud datae ud at ait ederatio of abour c. () roud () ictory ud otes td. ssoc. of aadias for ustaiable edicare alaced ud c. d. io of ublic ployees i. . rieds of edicare ealt cieces ssoc. of tl roterood of lectrical orers ocal acui aderfluit erit otractors ssoc. roress roect ublic terest oc. api s uture e ud e ilberforce roect ited iberty ird party adertiser aes ae bee abbreiated to fit tis scedule.

e reuested s to file aual adertisi reports for te aual period. e reports ecluded te byelectio adertisi period fro ue to uly and te prewrit eeral electio adertisi period wic started eceber sice tis fiacial actiity was filed separately i a electio adertisi report. f te s eit ad preiously filed byelectio reports (see pae ) ad si were reistered after te byelectios. irtee s ( per cet) filed by te pril due date. lberta ictory ud did ot file because it cofired it ad il electio adertisi actiity i te by electio period o electio adertisi actiity outside te period ad o surplus fuds carried forward.

s wit surplus fuds followi a electio ust file aual reports util te fuds ae bee disbursed i accordace wit te . s wit electio adertisi cotributios or epeses outside te electio period are also subect to fili aual adertisi reports.

o s reported electio adertisi cotributios or epeses i te aual period. able . below suaries aual reeues ad epeses reported to arrie at a surplus (deficit) for te year. ree s reported ior actiity oly. able . o te et pae sows teir fiacial positio as at eceber ad accounts for the previous year’s surplus (deficit) carried forward as applicable. e lberta io of roicial ployees was te oly wit assets at eceber st.


ote () ederatio of abour c. () edical ssoc. roud io of ro. ployees ictory ud id ot file d. io of ublic ployees – i. . acui aderfluit erit otractors ssoc. roect rotect ids fro i obacco ublic terest oc. ae ’s Vibrant Economy ird party adertiser aes ae bee abbreiated to fit tis scedule.

Vote ederation of abour nc. () edical ssoc. roud nion of rov. Employees Victory und id not file dn. nion of ublic Employees – iv. E E . acui Vanderfluit erit ontractors ssoc. roect rotect ids from i obacco ublic nterest oc. Save AB’s Vibrant Economy hird party advertiser names have been abbreviated to fit this schedule.


eistere byeection nomination contestants mst ie Registered nomination contestants, a inancia retrn or teir nomination contest camain candidates, parties and election erio ic starts te ay te contestant reisters an ens to monts ater te nomination contest ens third party advertisers are subject to by-election spending limits. The innin contestants enorse by teir arties mst aso ie a inancia retrn or teir caniate camain or a limits apply to expenses for self- byelection, the candidate’s campaign period starts on promotion or opposing others, ritay an ens to monts ater Eection ay when the expenses are used or A inancia retrn is reire rom every reistere distributed within the election nomination contestant an caniate even i tey a no inancia activity ni an rearess o eter te period of the political participant. contestant or caniate ins oses or itras arties tat enorse caniates in byeections are reire to ie camain retrns as e eistere Eection As EA mst ie eey reorts o avertisin contribtions receive an an eection avertisin reort coverin te byeection erio rom ritay to Eection ay tere as been no inancia activity ni te reorts are sti reire inancia retrns an reorts are ie it Eections Aberta to iscose a revenes an eenses or te reortin erio At te time te retrns are e nomination contestants caniates oitica arties an EAs mst ave isse oicia contribtion receits to a teir contribtors sin S

Elections Alberta received 41 out of 45 by-election campaign returns and reports on time (91%).

M S L As son in abe on ae te EA rescribes senin imits or arties caniates an tir arty avertisers articiatin in byeections an enera eections omination contestants are aso sbect to senin imits reate to teir nomination contests

Eections Aberta eamines a eense etais sbmitte an may reest aitiona sortin ocmentation to ensre eenses are aroriatey recore Serios ines an enaties ay or oversenin or circmventin eection eense imits

Senin imits ay to eenses tat reate to te oree byeection erio or te nomination contest erio as te case may be ommon tyes o eection eenses or roses o te senin imit ince avertisin or romotiona materia ayment o remneration or a person’s services as a or oter caacity meetin sace or te conct o srveys or researc rin a byeection erio

AA E E E EEA E N C C – B- ent nomination contestants ere reired to ile inancial retrns and per cent met their iling deadline, or months ater conclsion o the contest ee ppendi or contestants’ iling de dates omination contestants igail oglass, icole oone and ane trod ailed to meet their iling deadline and each paid a atomatic late iling ee igail oglass and ane trod smitted completed inancial retrns ithin the da grace period alloed nder the icole oone and Nicole Mooney’s , ill ammon, ere placed on Elections Alberta’s list of individals ineligile to rn as a candidate or act as a , or ailing to ile ithin the grace period eer to Elections Alberta’s website for an uptodate listing nder “arties, andidates and ontests”

ale smmaries total contritions reported nomination contestants listed in alphaetical order last name in the orm o mone or inind contritions s evidenced in the tale, onl nomination contestants reported receiving contritions

T N C C rian eheer aid aad aila oodridge , , ilert olin , , , liaeth eating , , oin e evre hil eagher , , ,

ort crraonlin crraonlin ort ane trod oan arnes , , igail oglass evin reeshen , , , icolaas ansen ale angord , , oel oh , , icole oone hristine oore , , , arco eid nnisaillvan ae ae nnisaillvan ictor looda , , , and horsteinson ie alsh , , ,

e followin able suaries total reenues an epenses reporte by noination contestants e election epense liit for noination contestants was None of te contestants eceee teir byelection spenin liit

rian eeer A ai aya A aila oorie

onlin ilbert oflin Eliabet eatin obin e ere il Meaer

ort McMurray ort ane trou N oan arnes Abiail oulass A ein reesen Nicolaas ansen ayle anfor oel o Nicole Mooney N ristine Moore Marco ei A nnisfailylan ae ictor loboa any E orsteinson Mie als

e EA proibits reistere noination contestants fro receiin oney transfers fro te political party te contestant is affiliate wit or fro any of the party’s As or caniates ontestants ay receie inin transfers of oos or serices or te use tereof conerte into a onetary aount for reportin on the contestant’s financial statement). As the table above shows in the “Transfers Received” colun no contestants reporte receiin suc transfers The “Transfers Issued” column shows two transfers wic represents te istribution of te contestant’s surplus funs after te contest was conclue e EA reuires unsuccessful contestants to isburse any surplus funs ne of te ways to isburse surplus funs is to transfer te to te contestant’s affiliate party or A

ANNA E E E EEA E innin contestants are allowed to use their surplus for their candidate campain. In the “Surplus (Deficit)” column on the previous pae the amounts reported by winnin contestants aila oodridge and Devin Dreeshen are included in the “Other Revenue” column in Table . andidate ampain Revenues and penses on pae .

– Twelve reistered candidates were reuired to file financial returns for the byelection campain period une – eptember from writday to two months after lection ay). All 2 candidates per cent) met the Tuesday ovember filin deadline four months after lection ay.

Table . summaries total contributions reported by candidates for the byelection campain period in the form of money or inind contributions. The Alberta New Democratic Party’s policy allows only the party’s central office to accept contributions therefore all of their candidates report nil contributions.

rian eheer A aid ayad A aila oodride Robin e evre I ane troud

ort currayonlin currayonlin ort Abiail oulass A evin reeshen avid Inscho I icolaas ansen I icole ooney arco Reid A Innisfailylvan ae ae Innisfailylvan R


able summaries total revenues and epenses reported by candidates he byelection epense limit for candidates was No candidates eceeded the limit

rian Deheer PA Said ayad AP onlin aila oodridge P Robin e evre ane Stroud NDP

ort curray ort Abigail Douglass AP Devin Dreeshen P

David nscho ND Nicolaas ansen Sylvan ae Nicole ooney NDP arco Reid PA nnisfail Randy horsteinson R

he DA allows registered candidates to receive money and inind transfers from their political party As and other candidates nind transfers can be goods or services or the use thereof (converted into a monetary amount for reporting on the candidate’s financial statement). As the table above shows in the “Transfers Received” column, most candidates reported receiving transfers The “Transfers Issued” column shows that a few candidates issued transfers to the party constituency association or other candidates which they are allowed to do any time unds can also be held in trust for their net candidacy he DA allows political parties and As to incur epenses on behalf of their candidates lection expenses incurred on the candidate’s behalf by the political party or A(s) count against the spending limit, and are included in the “Election Expenses” column above as applicable. Table 2.1 on the net page shows a breadown of these epenses


rian eheer A 1,1 1,1 aid ayad A 1, 1, onlin aila oodridge , , Robin e evre I 2, 2, ane troud , ,

ort curray ort Abigail ouglass A 12, , 1, evin reeshen , ,

avid Inscho I icolaas ansen I 1,1 1,1 ylvan ae icole ooney 1, 1, arco Reid A Innisfail Randy Thorsteinson RE

– ive registered political parties ran candidates and were reuired to file financial returns for the byelection campaign period une 1, 21 – eptember 12, 21. The returns were due by onday, anuary 1, 21 six months after Election ay). our parties filed by the due date per cent). The Alberta iberal arty filed after the deadline but within the day grace period allowed under the EA and paid a automatic late filing fee. our parties reported revenues or expenses exceeding 1, and all filed audited financial statements. The reen arty’s revenues and expenses were below threshold for an audit.

The was the only party to designate some contributions received in the byelection campaign period as “campaign” contributions in the amount of . All other parties classified all their contributions received as “annual”.

An amendment to the EA in une 21 allowed political parties to designate some or all contributions received during a byelection campaign period as annual or campaign contributions.


igure illustrates contribution totals reported b political parties and candidates for the belections. ne part reported belection campaign contributions totalling and four candidates across three parties reported contributions totalling see able . for details.

he folloing able . provides a summar of total campaign revenues and epenses reported b political parties for the belections. he lberta e emocratic art and lberta art are the onl parties that reported belection revenues. ll parties reported belection deficits.

he allos registered political parties to receive mone and inind transfers from their s and candidates. nind transfers can be goods or services or the use thereof converted into a monetar amount for reporting on the part’s financial statement). As able . above shos in the “Transfers Received” column the lberta art reported a transfer received.

The “Transfers Issued” column shows that three of the five parties issued transfers. Parties are allowed to transfer to their registered s an time and to their registered candidates up to the end of the belection campaign period.

The EFCDA allows political parties’ s to incur election epenses on their behalf. or the belection no parties reported such epenses incurred b their s. ll epenses in the “Election Expenses” column ere incurred b the part directl.

– Reistered ETPAs were reuired to file weel contriution reports and an election advertisin report for the election period from une to ul writda to Election Da).

Tale . shows the weel periods and due dates. All eiht ETPAs filed nil uarterl reports on time for all four wees.

Aote     Alerta Federation of aour Inc.     Alerta edical Association     Alerta nion of Provincial Emploees     Alerta ictor Fund     Canadian nion of Pulic Emploees – Alta. Div.     Protect Alerta ids from i Toacco     Save Alberta’s Vibrant Economy    

eel reports were filed usin F. Fiure is an example of how a I report would have een filed. The reistered ETPA user loed into F naviated to the weel reportin pae and cliced the umit I Contriution Report utton under the tile. –

Open Accepted

2018 2018

W1 W1 Submission Due: Submitted: Jun 21, 2018 Jun 21, 2018

Submit NIL Contribution Report NIL Submission

ETPAs were reuired to file election advertisin reports to disclose all revenues and all expenses for the period. The reports were due onda anuar six months after Election Da). All eiht ETPAs met the deadline. one reported an revenues and onl two reported expenses of less than each Alerta Federation of aour Inc. and Alerta ictor Fund).



eistere leaersi contestants mst sbmit camain retrns or teir leaersi camain erio ic starts on te ate te contestant reisters an ens to monts ater te leaersi vote rearless o eter te contestant ins loses or itras an even i te contestant is not accete by te arty e retrns are e itin or monts ater te ate o te leaersi vote inancial retrns are ile it Elections Alberta to Registered leadership contestants that isclose all revenes an eenses relate to te report total campaign expenses leadership contestant’s campaign. exceeding $25,000 must file financial At te time te retrns are e leaersi statements audited by an independent contestants mst ave isse oicial contribtion receits to all o teir contribtors sin S professional accounting firm.

Elections Alberta received 100% of leadership campaign returns on time.

able smmaries contribtions reorte by leaersi contestants in te orm o money or inin contribtions

L C C C eryle anonreyeyes A rian eeer A ere ilebrant rray l AA

able smmaries total revenes an eenses reorte by leaersi contestants o contestants came close to senin to trier te reirement to sbmit aite inancial statements


eryle anonreyeyes A rian eeer A ere ilebrant rray l AA



ic ies are maintained ections erta and contain inormation concerning poitica inancing o registered poitica organiations in erta. or ease o access copies o inancia statements and ists o contritors ied registered poitica entities rom onard are pished on or esite at .eections.a.ca. rchied inancia statements and ists o contritors are aaiae at or oice. eports pished ections erta are aaiae on or esite and rom or oice at no cost.


p to ne ections erta as arriedoer rom isca ear responsie or receiing compaints and aegations nitiated in isca ear o ioations o the Election Act and and initiating inestigations. he tae at right osed – no reach ond smmaries the stats o or inestigations at osed – reach ond arch . indings and decisions appear on – or esite.

o competed inestigations ond that a ioation occrred. ae . proides a rie smmar.


anada rime areting nc. contraened section ii n administratie penat o as assessed o the or eceeding the contrition imit to or contraention o section ii o the a candidate. . he penat as paid. he erta e emocratic art contraened section etters o reprimand ere issed in accordance o the or accepting a contrition rom a ith section o the . prohiited entit. agar istrict e emocrat ose ociet contraened section o the in that the ociet a prohiited entit made a contrition.

On July 1, 2018, Elections Alberta’s investigatie poers and responsiiities to hande ne compaints and aegations ere transerred to the ection ommissioner. ections erta orarded seen interna indings to the ection ommissioner eteen and arch . ncded ith these interna indings ere nmeros oercontritions indiidas.

he ic ies contain inormation or consectie caendar ears incding proincia genera eections starting arch eections starting oemer and or enate ominee eections hed rom to . Records are available for public examination at Elections Alberta’s office in Edmonton. Photocopies are available at a rate prescried nder athorit o section o the .

ALBERTA TAX CREDITS CLAIMED FOR POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Effective June 1, 201, corporations are prohibited from maing contributions to registered candidates, constituency associations and political parties—only individuals ordinarily resident in Alberta can mae contributions and claim income tax credits. tarting January 201, corporations are banned from contributing to registered leadership contestants, and contributions from Alberta residents to leadership contestants are eligible for tax credits. omination contestants became regulated as a ne entity under the EA at that time, ith Alberta residents alloed to contribute to nomination contestants and claim the related income tax credits. orporations and individuals remain eligible to contribute to registered third party advertisers, but PA contributions do not earn income tax credits. he maximum tax credit of 1,000 is reached hen a contributor’s contributions total 2,00 for the year. able .1 shos the calculation.

T T C C p to 200 10 10 ext 00 201 to 1,100 0 0 00 ext 1,200 1,101 to 2,00 . 00 1,000 Over 2,00 il il 1,000

he ax and Revenue Administration division of Alberta reasury oard and inance has provided a summary of political tax credits claimed during the calendar year. he summary belo shos the dollar value of credits claimed for political contributions for the last five years. Although corporate contributions ceased in 201, a small volume of corporate tax credits continues to be claimed as reasury assesses prior year tax returns.

T T C C 2018 21,1 ot available 201 2,22 2,28,000 2,0,22 201 21,0 2,02,000 2,2,0 201 2, ,,000 ,80, 201 1,8 2,8,000 2,,8 201 28, 2,1,000 2,2, ased on tax credits assessed during calendar year, regardless of actual tax year end of claim period. 2018 preliminary assessment data ill be available January 2020.



is an r introuc in t isati ssb in a i an t an i an t Election Act ot ca into orc iiat rior to t rit o ction or t roincia bctions in ort curraonin an nnisaian a bri suar oos

. ci oa ssnt un an ca into orc on tat at it ctions . iits  ins associat ristr artis an rstricts tir actiitis  ioss n natis an incras natis or circuntin or cin ction ns iits  ans uartr rortin to incu caain rio contributions an  aos artis to rcor contributions as annua or caain rio rnu

. ci oa ssnt un an ca into orc on tat at . inor sin an raar corrctions r a to t Election Act or carit ost utoat isation aaiab can b i b isitin Elections Alberta’s website at www.elections.ab.ca or the Queen’s Printer website at abrtaca


ctions brta conuct a roinci oortooor nuration in t a o to uat Alberta’s Register of Electors in time for the 2019 Provincial General Election. For details on the conduct of the enumeration and Elections Alberta’s other work to update the Register of Electors, rr to t Report of the Chief Electoral Officer – 2018 Enumeration aaiab on our bsit


inc t roincia nra ction ctions brta as conuct i bctions assist t ctora ounaris oission it tir or in sttin out n ctora iision bounaris an cot t roincia nuration onsi ts aor nts sra rouns o isati cans a to t Election Act an t ca into orc ic a a siniicant iact on our actiitis roincia nra ction as ri but our ction rarations ra u consirab in t isca ar n ction inancs aon ristr or noination contstants across oitica artis artis cobin or noination contsts to sct an nors tir caniats or t ction ana t ristration o noination contstants an contsts in ic nab us to ubis contstant ristration inoration an contst rsuts in nar rati

ver 0 candidates registered with us for the general election. f these, approimatel 0 were automaticall registered b winning their nomination contest and over 100 registered as independents. Following this, nearl 0 of the independent candidates were endorsed b the Alberta ndependence Part, thus allowing the part to achieve official registered part status. All the above political entities had financial reporting responsibilities under the EFA, with filing deadlines spanning from une 201 through ctober 2019. e will complete our review of all these election financial returns in earl 2020 and publish a separate report on all registered political entities reuired to submit financial reporting for the 2019 general election. n the administration of the , a separate report will be published in 2020 covering the conduct and results of the 2019 Provincial General Election.


At arch 1, 2019, Elections Alberta had collected 2,00 comprising candidates’ nomination deposits 00 each for the 2019 Provincial General Election. ection 22.1 of the reuires us to refund a candidate’s deposit if their required financial return is filed on time. e transfer an deposits that are not refunded to the General Revenue Fund of the Province of Alberta. n ul 2019, we refunded 0,000 to 100 candidates who filed their campaign financial returns prior to the August 1, 2019 deadline. n eptember 2019, we refunded a further 192,000 to candidates who filed their campaign returns b the deadline. e subseuentl transferred ,00 to the General Revenue Fund in respect of nominated candidates who did not file their returns on time.



he hief lectoral fficer recommends amendments to the intended to clarif and streamline the legislation and ensure that it continues to regulate election financing actiities effectiel

e oerarching recommendation is to comine the and the into one coherent statute to mae the legislation more accessile to participants and electors and proide a muchneeded opportunit to renumer the legislation

urisdictions that hae one ct to coer oth election operations and election financing are . anada . orthest erritories . ritish olumia . unaut . efoundland arador . ueec . oa cotia . uon . asatchean ut a separate act for ontroerted lections

ppendi contains details of our specific recommendations and rationale under four main categories oerarching amendments contriutions epenses and third part adertisers n our epenses recommendations e propose that epense limits appl to the entire campaign period not just the election period (i.e. the “campaign period” runs from eruar in the ear the election is held to 2 months after polling day versus the “election period” which runs from writ day through polling da his ould e consistent ith the fact that candidates come into eistence hen the campaign period starts his ould also reduce the administratie urden and proide clarit for hief inancial fficers s of parties constituenc associations and candidates ith respect to apportioning epenses eteen election and campaign periods his proposal is een more releant in the contet of a fied election date n our third part adertiser recommendations e propose continuing to regulate third part adertisers outside the election period ith the folloing adustments a he period of regulation for political adertisers should e reduced to a finite time leading up to the rit for a general election ntario has enacted a simonth prerit period of regulation n the ie and eperience of the hief lectoral fficer one month prior to a rit ould e effectie in furthering transparenc ith respect to third parties his ould also harmonie regulation of third parties ith candidate registrations and candidates’ ability to begin accepting contributions.

b. onsider deleting issuerelated advertising from the definition of “political advertising.” It can remain for “election advertising.”2 he ourt of ppeal has twice struc down prewrit regulation of political issue advertising for impermissibly infringing on freedom of epression. he concern of the ourt was primarily that political debate unrelated to an election would be captured. c. pressly prohibit political entities from contributing to third party advertisers. d. ho may mae advertising contributions in the prewrit period should match who may mae advertising contributions during the election period. he following groups should also be prohibited from contributing during the prewrit period i. ersons ordinarily resident outside lberta ii. rohibited corporations iii. rade unions or employee organiation that are not lberta trade unions or lberta employee organiations iv. egistered charities and v. roups of which a member falls under iiv.

2 The current definition of “political advertising” includes an advertising message that takes a position on an issue with which a registered political entity or member of the egislative ssembly is associated – see section .((g of the .


Management’s Responsibility for Financial Reporting The financial statements of the ffice of the hief lectoral fficer including the results analsis are the responsiilit of office management. e have prepared the financial statements in accordance with anadian pulic sector accounting standards. inancial statements are not precise since the include certain amounts ased on estimates and udgments. hen alternative accounting methods eist we have chosen those that we consider present our financial statements fairl in all material respects. e maintain control sstems designed to provide reasonale assurance as to the effectiveness and efficienc of operations the relevance and reliailit of internal and eternal reporting and compliance with authorities. The costs of controls are alanced against the enefits including the risks that each control is designed to manage. The uditor eneral of lerta has audited the financial statements on ehalf of the memers of the egislative sseml.

[Original signed by Glen Resler, CPA, CMA] Chief Electoral Officer ctoer



This results analsis should e read in conunction with our audited financial statements. e are pleased to report the achievement of the goals set in our usiness plan for while costeffectivel staing within our approved udget. e will continue to monitor results and identif future opportunities to improve our processes.

We received a clean audit opinion on our 2018-19 annual financial statements. The Auditor General did not identify any recommendations to improve our financial processes or controls and there were no recommendations outstanding from previous years.

or the ear ended arch the egislative sseml approved our office udget of . million for operating epenses and capital ependitures. The increase of . million over our udget was primaril to resource the numeration and rovincial eneral lection.

e operate on a fourear election ccle with different electoral events each ear which makes udget comparisons etween consecutive ears difficult. ur udgets tend to grow each ear peaking with the provincial general election efore falling ack to egin the net ccle.

ur actual spending was . million . million less than udget. e incurred . million for operating epenses and invested . million in capital assets. ctual epenses were significantl elow udget as the government had not set the date of the general election when our udget reuest was approved. s a result we reuested sufficient funding for to cover the full costs of a general election that ma have een called efore arch . e sustantiall completed the enumeration in the fiscal ear. e incurred some preelection costs in with the maorit of our general election epenses incurred and paid in the fiscal ear since the election date of pril was after the fiscal earend. ecause our epenses for the lection spanned the arch earend understanding the relevant costs efore and after earend is necessar to assess how our actual epenses for these two maor programs compared to udget. The following discussion reflects on our audited financial statements onl. The full cost of the election will e discussed in our rovincial eneral lection eport to e pulished in earl .

The tanding ommittee on egislative ffices motion approved our ase udget for in ecemer . egislative changes in late reuired us to sumit a supplemental udget reuest approved the ommittee in ctoer . In the Alberta public sector, an “approved budget” is an authoriation to spend up to the amount of the udget i.e. the oted stimate. udgeted funds are not transferred to lections lerta—as we incur epenses the are paid from the eneral evenue und on our ehalf and charged against our authoried udget limit. epartments provincial agencies and independent egislative offices including lections lerta are permitted to reallocate funds etween epense categories within their authoried limit. s the election date was unknown ovemer when we sumitted our udget we repeated our reuest for virtuall full lection funding for .

T T I T I E his section suaries e activities and results o the nueration, described in detail in the nueration eport available on our ebsite In anuar , ill as proclaied, hich introduced the reuireent or a ull doortodoor enueration prior to the rovincial eneral lection his reuired an increase to our approved budget or , hich had included approiatel illion or a targeted enueration A suppleental enueration budget o illion as reuested or the increase in staing, training, euipent, supplies and advertising needed to conduct a doortodoor enueration, or a total budget o illion Actual costs in total ere approiatel illion per cent belo budget As the olloing chart shos, the additional unds e reuested ere not ull utilied across all cost categories


pplemental get

ase get


ther epenses include travel, reight and postage, eploer paroll costs, telecounications, rentals and I services

e copleted the nueration progra essentiall as planned, ecept as noted belo In general, e eperienced avourable price variances across all cost categories, a result o conservative estiates relecting the lac o recent coparative costs, short tierae or preparing our suppleental budget reuest, and the need to ensure suicient unds to coplete the progra successull

anageent deterined that certain costs aounting to , related to election orers ho ere involved in both nuerations and lections activities ould be ore accuratel relected in nuerations he actual costs in the analsis in this section include this reallocation o costs and these costs do not agree to the audited inancial stateents

I A I IAIA A ecruitent o enuerators as challenging, ith o the budgeted positions reaining unilled Additionall, eather and technolog challenges during the enueration period resulted in less visits being copleted than budgeted his as ost apparent in electoral divisions outside o donton and algar, here o the polling subdivisions ere substantiall incoplete he ipact o these challenges on our actual epenses as to reduce contract ages b approiatel ,, and reduce related costs or training, travel, supplies, and eploer paroll costs b approiatel , nuerators ere paid on an hourl basis at per hour e provided electors ith various options or copleting their enueration A centralied call centre as ell as an online selenueration tool ere ade available or a three onth period to suppleent the doortodoor visits e developed a custo sotare application to allo enuerators to use tablet coputers to collect elector data and provided the ith enueration ors, aterials and training e ran an etensive advertising capaign or the enueration using nespaper, billboards, radio, a direct ailout, online and social edia ads, and our ebsite Advertising as used or the recruitent o enuerators in ul , to support selenueration in August , and to create aareness o the doortodoor visits in epteber Advertising eceeded budget estiates b approiatel ,, as a ore coprehensive capaign as approved to support recruitent and enueration activities Additional advertising as undertaen or recruitent in August in areas that did not have suicient applications and additional supports ere reuired or social edia in August and epteber to handle the volue o activit hrough these enueration activities, ,, households in Alberta ere contacted, ith inoration being successull collected ro ,, households hile the aorit o electors conired the inoration that as on ile, the enueration added , electors to the egister o lectors and updated the records o , electors that had oved to ne addresses ltiatel, this process resulted in a increase in the electors listed in the egister o lectors hile the enueration produced positive results, at a cost o over illion it as epensive It also presented signiicant logistical and saet challenges, as detailed in our nueration eport oing orard, the hie lectoral icer has recoended, aong other things, that the governent eliinate the reuireent or andator doortodoor enueration prior to a rovincial eneral lection Across anada, the ocus o election anageent bodies has shited to the ongoing aintenance o the peranent egister o lectors using eternal data sources and having the leibilit to use targeted enueration activities eg doortodoor enueration in ne neighbourhoods, ailout capaigns or ultiunit buildings here access is diicult, and outreach events at postsecondar institutions to register oung voters

nuerators and election orers are budgeted as contracted services but considered eploees or ta purposes


E his section suaries e activities and results o our lections progra In , e conducted to belections and copleted nuerous steps to prepare or the rovincial eneral lection e have described the belections in previous sections o this report and ill discuss the general election in detail in the rovincial eneral lection eport e ill publish in earl onducting a general election is a assive undertaing and the planning and preparation begins ears in advance he provides a period in hich an election ust be held, hich or as beteen arch and a , resulting in the abilit or the rit o election to be issued as earl as ebruar , or the rovincial eneral lection, the rit as issued on arch , or an April , lection a As a result, our epenses or the election bridge to iscal ears As ith the enueration, ill introduced changes to the that altered ho the election ould be conducted ost reductions ere achieved b alloing general advertising to be posted on the lections Alberta ebsite, b prohibiting the use o electronic tabulators and the lapse o unding in relation to the ne role o the lection oissioner Additional costs resulted b adding an etra da o advance polling, implementing the new ‘vote anywhere’ feature that allowed electors at advance polls to vote anhere in the province and or the ne special obile poll tpe As it as plausible that the election ould be ull conducted in , the election budget including suppleental as orecast at illion As the aorit o election epenses ere incurred in , per cent o the budget as not epended in Activities that ere substantiall copleted in in preparation or the election included . he developent o online and classroo training aterials or election oicers, as ell as coputer sotare progras to support the returning oice and advance polling . uppl ordering and pacing to provision the returning oices ith all ors, aterials, and euipent reuired to deliver the election . ecruitent b the eturning icers o their oice tea, including lection lers, Adinistrative Assistants, rainers and I upport ta . eliver o training to all returning oice sta b lections Alberta in anuar and ebruar . pening o returning oices on ebruar , to be prepared to run the election upon the issuance o the rit his included deliver o all election supplies, deliver o oice urniture and set up o telephone and internet services It also alloed returning oicers to eet ith candidates to ile noination papers . Identiication o locations or polling places or lection a, advance polls, special obile polls, and obile polls . evelopent o an advertising capaign to encourage voter participation and to the provide inoration on the locations o polling places to run in nespapers province ide hen the rit as issued on arch , all returning oices ere ull provisioned, trained and read to run the election in their electoral division urther analsis o the ull costs o the election ill be provided in the rovincial eneral lection eport

I A I IAIA A S ur orporate ervices program consists of the management and administration functions performed y the full and parttime staff in our corporate office n addition to planning, managing and reporting on the delivery of our numeration and lections programs, our lection inances function within orporate Services is responsible for informing and overseeing political participants’ compliance with the ur regulatory function is the primary focus of this report ther orporate ervices functions include the udgeting, financial accounting, human resources and communications services necessary to support our operations e mae etensive use of information technology services to deliver and manage our corporate services and pulic information functions aor systems include . our wesite that provides electoral information to registered participants and the pulic . our registration and online political contriutions system for regulating and reporting the financial activities of election participants and . our internal computer networ to process our financial transactions and manage our usiness n total, our orporate ervices epenses for were approimately , per cent aove a udget of million

orporate erices



ther epenses include materials and supplies, freight and postage, advertising, telecommunications and rentals

Significant variances inclded . anpoer costs ere above bdget b approimatel as a reslt of additional ages for pdating voter registr data folloing te enmeration and filling one vacanc aintaining fll staffed corporate spport and lection inances fnctions is critical to flfilling or mandate and acieving or bsiness plan obectives . nformation ecnolog Services epenses ere approimatel above bdget as e advanced te timing of development of te financial reporting components of or nline inancial Sstem S offset b deferring replacement of or office compters . ontracted Services ere belo bdget b approimatel de to transfer of contracted investigator costs to te lection Commissioner’s office, and loer tan epected legal epenses and costs for developing online training modles




ndeendent ditors eort tatement of erations tatement of inancial osition tatement of Cane in et et tatement of Cas los otes to te inancial tatements cedle ense etailed ect cedle alar and enefits isclosre cedle cedle of llocated Costs cedle cedle of asencmrance

C C C INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT T A Report on te Financial tatements

pinion ae adited te financial statements of te ffice of te Cief lectoral fficer, ic comrise te statement of financial osition as at arc , , and te statements of oerations, cane in net det, and cas flos for te ear ten ended, and notes to te financial statements, incldin a smmar of sinificant accontin olicies n m oinion, te accomanin financial statements resent fairl, in all material resects, te financial osition of te ffice of te Cief lectoral fficer as at arc , , and te reslts of its oerations, its canes in net det, and its cas flos for te ear ten ended in accordance it Canadian lic sector accontin standards asis for opinion condcted m adit in accordance it Canadian enerall acceted aditin standards resonsiilities nder tose standards are frter descried in te section of m reort am indeendent of te ffice of te Cief lectoral fficer in accordance it te etical reirements tat are releant to m adit of te financial statements in , and ae flfilled m oter etical resonsiilities in accordance it tese reirements eliee tat te adit eidence ae otained is sfficient and aroriate to roide a asis for m oinion ter information anaement is resonsile for te oter information e oter information comrises te information inclded in te , but does not include the financial statements and my auditor’s report tereon e is eected to e made available to me after the date of this auditor’s report. oinion on te financial statements does not coer te oter information and do not eress an form of assrance conclsion tereon n connection it m adit of te financial statements, m resonsiilit is to read te oter information identified aoe and, in doin so, consider eter te oter information is materiall inconsistent it te financial statements or m nolede otained in te adit, or oterise aears to e materiall misstated f, ased on te or ill erform on tis oter information, conclde tat tere is a material misstatement of tis oter information, am reired to commnicate te matter to tose cared it oernance Responsibilities of management an tose carge it goernance for te financial statements anaement is resonsile for te rearation and fair resentation of te financial statements in accordance it Canadian lic sector accontin standards, and for sc internal control as manaement determines is necessar to enale te rearation of te financial statements tat are free from material misstatement, eter de to frad or error n rearin te financial statements, manaement is resonsile for assessin te ffice of te Cief Electoral Officer’s ailit to contine as a oin concern, disclosin, as alicale, matters related to oin

C C C C concern and usin the oin concern basis of accountin unless an intention eists to liuidate or to cease operations, or there is no realistic alternative but to do so. hose chared ith overnance are responsible for overseein the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer’s financial reportin process. itors responsibilities for te ait of te financial statements y obectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about hether the financial statements as a hole are free from material misstatement, hether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors report that includes my opinion. easonable assurance is a hih level of assurance, but is not a uarantee that an audit conducted in accordance ith anadian enerally accepted auditin standards ill alays detect a material misstatement hen it eists. isstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the areate, they could reasonably be epected to influence the economic decisions of users taen on the basis of these financial statements. s part of an audit in accordance ith anadian enerally accepted auditin standards, eercise professional udment and maintain professional septicism throuhout the audit. also . dentify and assess the riss of material misstatement of the financial statements, hether due to fraud or error, desin and perform audit procedures responsive to those riss, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. he ris of not detectin a material misstatement resultin from fraud is hiher than for one resultin from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. . Obtain an understandin of internal control relevant to the audit in order to desin audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of epressin an opinion on the effectiveness of the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer’s internal control. . Evaluate the appropriateness of accountin policies used and the reasonableness of accountin estimates and related disclosures made by manaement. . Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, hether a material uncertainty eists related to events or conditions that may cast sinificant doubt on the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer’s ability to continue as a oin concern. f conclude that a material uncertainty eists, am reuired to dra attention in my auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadeuate, to modify my opinion. y conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of my auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Office of the hief Electoral Officer to cease to continue as a oin concern. . Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, includin the disclosures, and hether the financial statements represent the underlyin transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. communicate ith those chared ith overnance reardin, amon other matters, the planned scope and timin of the audit and sinificant audit findins, includin any sinificant deficiencies in internal control that identify durin my audit.

[Original signed by . ou ylie , , .] uditor eneral uly , Edmonton, lberta


get ctal ctal Reenes Other evenue , ,

penses cele oted Corporate ervices ,, ,, ,, Enumerations ,, ,, , Elections ,, ,, , mounts ot oted mortiation of angible Capital ssets , , , rovision for acation ay , , et ost of perations for te ear

he accompanying notes and schedules are part of these financial statements.


Financial ssets Cash ccounts eceivable , , iabilities ccounts ayable and ccrued iabilities , , ccrued acation ay , , ,, , et ebt

onFinancial ssets angible Capital ssets ote ,, ,, repaid Epenses , et ssets

et ssets at eginning of ear ,, , et Cost of Operations ,, ,, et inancing rovided from eneral evenues ,, ,, et ssets at n of ear

Contractual Obligations ote

he accompanying notes and schedules are part of these financial statements



get ctal ctal et ost of perations ,, ,, ,, cuisition of angible Capital ssets ,, ,, ,, mortiation of angible Capital ssets ote , , , Change in repaid Epenses , et inancing rovided from eneral evenues ,, ,, ncrease in et ebt , , et ebt eginning of ear , , et ebt n of ear

he accompanying notes and schedules are part of these financial statements.


perating transactions et Cost of Operations ,, ,, onCash tems ncluded in Operating esults mortiation of angible Capital ssets ote , , ncrease in ccounts eceivable , ncrease in repaid Epenses , ncrease in ccounts ayable , , and ccrued iabilities ncrease in ccrued acation ay , , as pplie to perating ransactions

apital transactions cuisition of angible Capital ssets ,, ,, as pplie to apital ransactions

Financing transactions et inancing rom eneral evenues ,, ,, Change in Cash , Cash at eginning of ear , as at n of ear

he accompanying notes and schedules are part of these financial statements.


N A he Office of the Chief Electoral Officer the Office is operated under the authority of the and the . eneral evenues of the rovince of lberta fund both the cost of operations of the Office and the purchase of tangible capital assets. he allparty tanding Committee on egislative Offices reviews and approves the Office’s annual operating and capital budgets.

N he Office provides administrative, logistic and financial support for general and special enumerations, general elections and byelections, and plebiscites in support of the and elections in support of the he Office monitors and records the financial activities of registered parties, constituency associations and candidates to ensure compliance with the .

N S S A hese financial statements are prepared in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards, which use accrual accounting. he Office has adopted inancial nstruments. he adoption of this standard has no material impact on the financial statements of the Office, which is why there is no statement of remeasurement gains and losses. he Office has adopted estructuring ransactions effective pril , . he adoption of this standard has no material impact on the financial statements of the Office. Other pronouncements issued by the ublic ector ccounting oard that are not yet effective are not epected to have a material impact on future financial statements of the Office.

E he reporting entity is the Office, for which the Chief Electoral Officer is responsible. he Office operates within the eneral evenue und the und. he und is administered by the resident of reasury oard, inister of inance. ll receipts of the Office are deposited into the und and all disbursements made by the Office are paid from the und. et financing provided from eneral evenues is the difference between all cash receipts and all cash disbursements made.



F Reenes ll revenues are reported on the accrual asis of accounting penses The Office’s expenses are either directly incurred or incurred by others. irectly incrre irectl incurred epenses are those costs incurred under the authorit of the Offices udget as disclosed in ote ension costs included in directl incurred epenses coprise of eploer contriutions to ultieploer plans he contriutions are ased on actuariall deterined aounts that are epected to provide the plans future enefits ncrre by oters ervices contriuted other entities in support of the Offices operations are not recognied and are disclosed in chedule ssets inancial assets of the Office are liited to financial clais such as advances to and accounts receivales fro other organiations eploees and other individuals onfinancial assets of the Office are liited to tangile capital assets and prepaid epenses angile capital assets of the Office are recorded at historical cost less accuulated aortiation he threshold for capitaliing capital assets is ortiation is taen in the onth of acuisition and not in the onth of disposal ortiation is calculated onthl on a straightline asis over the estiated useful life of the asset iabilities iailities are present oligations of the Office to eternal organiations and individuals arising fro past transactions or events the settleent of which is epected to result in the future sacrifice of econoic enefits he are recognied when there is an appropriate asis of easureent and anageent can reasonal estiate the aounts et ebt et et is easured as the difference etween the Offices financial assets and liailities et det indicates additional cash reuired fro eneral evenues to finance the Offices cost of operations to arch


N T C A ompter ipment arare easeol an Frnitre oftare mproement otal stimate sefl ife ears ears ears istorical ost einnin of ear dditions isposals Transfers n Out ccmlate mortiation einnin of ear ortiation xpense ffect of isposals et oo ale at Marc et oo ale at Marc

N The Office participates in the ultieployer pension plans anaeent ployees ension lan and ublic erice ension lan. The Office also participates in the ultieployer uppleentary etireent lan for ublic erice anaers. The expense for the plan is euialent to the annual contribution of for the year ended arch . The Office is not responsible for future fundin of the plan other than throuh contribution increases. t eceber the anaeent ployees ension lan reported a surplus of surplus and the ublic erice ension lan reported a surplus of surplus . t eceber the uppleentary etireent lan for ublic erice anaers had a deficiency of deficiency . The Office also participates in to ultieployer on Ter isability ncoe ontinuance lans. t arch the arainin nit lan reported a surplus of surplus and the anaeent Opted Out and xcluded lan reported a surplus of surplus . The expense for these to plans is liited to the eployers annual contributions for the year.


N nepene ote get er pene RRM orporate erices lections nuerations



N C O ontractual obliations of are obliations of the Office to others that ill becoe liabilities in the future hen the ters of those contracts or areeents are et. stiated payent reuireents for each of the next years and thereafter are as follos Thereafter

N A F S These financial stateents ere approed by the hief lectoral Officer.



get ctal ctal ote alaries aes and ployee enefits upplies and erices


monts not ote ortiation of Tanible apital ssets roision for acation ay otal pense


ter ter as oncas ase alary enefits enefits otal otal RR enior official hief lectoral Officer xecutie eputy hief lectoral Officer

ase salary is coprised of pensionable base pay. Other cash benefits include acation payouts and lup su payents. There ere no bonuses paid in . Other noncash benefits include the Offices share of all eployee benefits and contributions or payents ade on behalf of eployees includin pension suppleentary retireent plans health care dental coerae roup life insurance short and lon ter disability plans and professional eberships tuition and fair aret alue of parin benefits. Other noncash benefits include the taxable benefit of the hief lectoral Officer of for the calendar year ended eceber for an autoobile proided.



xpenses ncurred by Others ccoodation Other ounts Total Total rora xpenses osts osts not oted xpenses xpenses Operations

xpenses irectly incurred as per tateent of Operations excludin aounts not oted. osts shon for accoodation allocated by suare footae. nbilled expenses for shared serices financial serices and corporate oerhead. ounts not oted include a proision for acation pay and aortiation cost as per the tateent of Operations.



ote pplementary ste ote ote nepene

stimate stimate stimate ctals er pene rogram perating pense orporate erices lections nuerations

otal perating

rogram apital apital nestent

otal apital



s per oted pendin by rora paes to of Offices of the eislatie ssebly stiates. s per Order in ouncil to proide uppleentary upply approed on arch . ctuals exclude nonoted aounts such as aortiation and acation liability.


6 APPEND A olitical arty Registration etails as at Marc

ate ief Financial olitical arty bbre Registere eaer resient fficer lberta dantae arty o arilyn urns aid nscho aurush hara lberta ndependence arty ar ae oran ere ael Opal aner lesandar lberta iberal arty eb aid han raee aitland aardia lberta e eocratic arty an achel otley ey riht oari ichardson lberta arty Oct tephen andel hiannon oyle aira aner ounist arty – lberta an aoi anin aoi anin lyth uttall reedo onseratie arty of lberta o ere ildebrandt ol ia ason ent heryle hanon ichard ic reen arty of lberta ec arco eid reyeyes illott roife lberta olitical ssociation un urray uhl urray uhl ohn eioop roressie onseratie ssoc. of lberta an ason enney ria arootes heryl ybaliu efor arty of lberta u andy Thorsteinson elly erid atricia rent nited onseratie arty ul ason enney ria arootes heryl ybaliu ildrose arty Oct ason enney ria arootes heryl ybaliu ereistration date

APPEND B olitical arty arterly ontribtions

olitical arty otal otal in any uarter indicates the party as not reistered in the uarter.

APPEND C olitical arty ontribtions istory



APPEND D eonary onstitency ssociation Initial Registrations pril to Marc

Reg as at Reg as at arty pr pr May n l g ep ct o ec an Feb Mar Mar otal

APPEND E lonary onstitency ssociation De-Registrations pril to Marc

Reg as at Reg as at arty pr pr May n l g ep ct o ec an Feb Mar Mar otal

APPEND F Registere onstitency ssociations as at Marc

o lectoral iision F                                                                                                                                                                                   

ontine from preios page…

o lectoral iision F                                                                                                                                                                        otal




Nil for LIB (up to 2013), and for NDP (all years), is due to the parties’


P ld N N N N N N N P Ne 1, 1, LIB ld 1,03 2,30 1,32 13,20 13,2 (10,32) LIB Ne 2,220 1,11 12,1 ,0 1, NDP ld 1,0 0,22 23,32 1,1,2 (1,13) NDP Ne 1,0 1,,11 1,1 1,00 1,1, P ld 11, 10, 1,20 13, 213 ,1 (,3) P Ne 2,3 ,3 10,2 ,2 2,02 3, 23,23 P ld N N N N N N N P Ne 12,30 0 0 12,30 P ld 1, 3 2 31 , (,) P Ne 2,300 ,11 2 10,1 PP ld 0 1,2 (2,1) PP Ne N N N N N N N P ld ,01 202,1 ,00 31,1 ,120 1,11 (,22) P Ne 1,03,3 21,1 ,1 22,33 ,033 ,033 1,3,1 P ld 1,00 30 32 10,0 3,23 (21,3) P Ne N N N N N N N N indiates there ere no reistered onstitueny assoiations in the year



P ld N N N N N N N P Ne 2 1,30 1, LIB ld LIB Ne 131,3 ,00 10, 2 1,0 NDP ld 3,31 3,3 NDP Ne 1,,3 1,32 1,0 1,1, P ld 1, 1 1, P Ne 22,3 3,0 1,0 1,33 13, 23,23 P ld N N N N N N N P Ne 12,00 0 12,30 P ld 3 3 P Ne 10,1 1 10,1 PP ld 1,0 1,0 PP Ne N N N N N N N P ld ,03 ,02 2 2,30 13,11 P Ne 1,3,1 22,2 1,13 1,10 3,2 , 1,3,2 P ld 23,13 2,000 3, 12,3 P Ne N N N N N N N N indiates there ere no reistered onstitueny assoiations in the year

2 2011 NNL P I LL I

APPEND L Nomination Contestant and Contest

N C P un 201 un 3 201 un 201 t 201 Lorne oen P un 1 201 un 1 201 un 1 201 t 1 201 ordon das P ar 1 201 pr 3 201 ay 1 201 ep 201 ary ner onlin

P pr 201 pr 3 201 ay 1 201 ep 201 helley orrison P ar 2 201 pr 3 201 ay 1 201 ep 201 arl eatin LIB un 1 201 un 1 201 un 1 201 t 1 201

ort urray ort lesandar aardia P ar 201 pr 3 201 ay 1 201 ep 201 eena ranis NDP pr 1 201 pr 12 201 ay 10 201 ep 10 201 Peter ortna P e 201 pr 3 201 ay 2 201 ep 201 ott Barnes P ay 2 201 ay 2 201 ay 2 201 ep 2 201 ordon das P e 201 pr 3 201 ay 2 201 ep 201 Don sli LIB un 1 201 un 1 201 un 1 201 t 1 201 lesandar aardia

P e 1 201 pr 3 201 ay 2 201 ep 201 orinn LePae P pr 201 pr 3 201 ay 2 201 ep 201 ie aieson ylan Lae ylan NDP pr 2 201 pr 2 201 ay 2 201 ep 2 201 ill aon P ar 201 pr 3 201 ay 2 201 ep 201 Innisfail a Pantelu P un 201 un 1 201 un 1 201 t 1 201 Noran Poole P ar 1 201 pr 3 201 ay 2 201 ep 201 ihael ilan e 201 e 2 201 e 201 un 201 Patriia rent P e 201 pr 3 201 ay 2 201 ep 201 eather Parels ilin deadline is four onths after the ontestant seletion date If the deadline falls on a eeend or holiday, it is etended to the first usiness day folloin


APPEND M Candidate

C P un 11 201 Lorne oen P un 1 201 onlin

ordon das P ay 10 201 ilert oflin LIB un 1 201 lesandar aardia

ort urray ort NDP ay 1 201 Peter ortna P un 201 ordon das P ay 10 201

Don sli IND un 2 201 Brad aorsy LIB un 1 201 ylan Lae ylan lesandar aardia NDP ay 2 201 illia (ill) aon Innisfail P un 1 201 Noran Poole e 13 201 Patriia rent

2011 NNL P I LL I

APPEND N Initial Registrations

lerta ederation of Laour In ay 1 201 istin lerta ihts Ba an 1 201 an 1 201 lerta Proud t 2 201 t 2 201 lerta oaduilders and eay onstrution ssoiation an 2 201 lerta otes Ltd un 2 201 ssoiation of anadians for ustainale ediare ul 2 201 ul 2 201 alary liate u ar 2 201 anadian ssoiation of Physiians for the nironent lerta oittee ar 22 201 anadian nion of Puli ployees lerta Diision un 201 un 201 LD De 201 De 201 irefihters for lerta No 30 201 riends of ediare ar 20 201 u 20 201 ealth ienes ssoiation of lerta pr 2 201 ihay aintenane ontrators e 201 aui anderfluit De 21 201 De 21 201 enneth reory e 2 201 erit ontrators ssoiation No 201 istin Proress lerta No 30 201 istin Proet lerta No 30 201 istin Protet lerta ids fro Bi oao un 20 201 Puli Interest lerta oiety No 30 201 istin estaurants anada No 201 hapin lertas uture No 201 ul 20 201 he lerta haers of oere De 10 201 he lerta eahers ssoiation an 11 201 he alary haer of oere an 21 201 lerta otes Ltd as dereistered in the sae year efer to ppendi

PPNDI APPEND O De-Registrations

und Politial u 21 201 By appliation lerta dantae und letion un 21 201 By appliation lerta dantae und Politial un 21 201 By appliation lerta ant ait Politial ay 1 201 ailed to file y deadline lerta otes Ltd Politial De 2 201 By appliation Save Alberta’s Vibrant Economy letion an 2 201 By appliation he lerta und Politial u 13 201 By appliation he ilerfore Proet Politial ay 1 201 ailed to file y deadline nited Lierty Politial No 10 201 By appliation alue Dru art ssoiates Ltd letion pr 201 By appliation


AVote  rian Sin rian Sin Sioban Vion E Alberta eeration o abor nc   Sioban Vion aria amire Alberta its ac   eter onin ary ames Alberta eical Association  icael ormley ameron litt Alberta ro   aley ove aley ove Alberta oabilers an eavy onstrction Assoc  onal len onal len Alberta nion o rovincial Emloyees  lis Saleio ason eista Alberta Victory n   on eissenberer on eissenberer Association o anaians or Sstainable eicare   onal stra oel crie alance Alberta n nc  arisa lay arisa lay alary limate b  Virinia loos Anrea ll anaian Association o ysicians or te  ennier cetric oe Vion Environment Alberta ommittee anaian nion o blic Emloyees Alberta iv   arle oberts Elaine oore ES EA   rian ennins aren arvey ireiters or Alberta  rai aconal rent Selton riens o eicare   Sanra Aocar aren erlin ealt Sciences Association o Alberta  eral oes ara rea iay aintenance ontractors  arie Stretc arie Stretc ntl roteroo o Electrical orers ocal  Scott ricton Scott ricton aci Vanerlit   aci Vanerlit aci Vanerlit ennet reory  ennet reory ennet reory erit ontractors Association   any artin any artin roress Alberta   ncan inney ncan inney roect Alberta   ar ells ennier ane rotect Alberta is rom i obacco  icael erosenroll icael erosenroll blic nterest Alberta Society   oel renc oel renc estarants anaa  Sanna nro Seryl oss Sain Albertas tre   olas elson olas elson e Alberta ambers o ommerce  en olby en olby e Alberta eacers Association  ennis eobal ero arriel e alary amber o ommerce  Sani alli esley iller



AA n A A Avantae n A A A ant ait A A A eeration o abor nc A ro A A A A Victory n A Votes t A Assoc o anaians or A A Sstainable eicare alance A n nc anaian nion o blic A Emloyees A ivision ES EA A A A riens o eicare A A ealt Sciences Assoc o A A nt’l roteroo o Electrical orers ocal aci Vanerlit A A A erit ontractors Assoc roress A roect A blic nterest A Society Sain As tre A A e A n A e ilberorce roect A A nite iberty A in any arter inicates te tir arty as not reistere in te arter ir arty avertiser names ave been abbreviate to it tis scele





“political party” means an

“polling day” means the day “ ” Changing the term “polling day” to

means that all “late filers” will

registered party registered registered party registered his proposed change will constitency association registered constitency association registered mae it eplicitly clear that the candidate registered nomination candidate registered nomination Chief lectoral fficer can contestant registered leadership contestant registered leadership reest aning docments contestant or registered third party contestant or registered third party inclding an statements shall within days after receiing a shall within days after receiing a written reest from the Chief lectoral written reest from the Chief lectoral fficer or within an etended period fficer or within an etended period that the Chief lectoral fficer may that the Chief lectoral fficer may determine proide any information determine proide any information or with respect to the financial affairs of docments with respect to the financial the registered party registered affairs of the registered party constitency association registered registered constitency association candidate registered nomination registered candidate registered contestant registered leadership nomination contestant registered contestant or registered third party that leadership contestant or registered is reasonaly reired y the Chief third party that is reasonaly reired lectoral fficer in the corse of the y the Chief lectoral fficer in the Chief Electoral Officer’s duties under course of the Chief Electoral Officer’s this ct dties nder this ct

political party shall not e elete and he prpose of the pre registered nder this ct nless the Conseential amendment to registration trst for political Chief lectoral fficer is satisfied that section a parties was to ensre the prior to filing an application for proposed party has some registration the party has estalished a sstance while at the same nonprofit corporation or trst as a time limiting the contrition fondation for the prposes of receiing free startp amont of and managing the assets ecept the eleting this maes the premises eipment spplies and process of fonding and other sch property reired for the registering a new political administration of the affairs of the party easier and less party held y the political party administratiely rdensome immediately prior to filing the application he assets of a fondation estalished nder ssection shall consist of fnds not eceeding either on deposit with a financial instittion or inested in accordance with the o fnds or other property may e receied y or transferred to a fondation after the filing of an application for registration of the political party that estalished the fondation ecept for interest on the fnds on deposit or the income from inestments referred to in ssection


o olitical art and no erson Coine arts of sections actin for a olitical art a accet he Chief Electoral Officer shall and contriutions for the olitical art or aintain a reister of olitical arties Coinin eistin for an constituenc association of that and suect to this section shall sections and into art unless the olitical art is reister in it an olitical art that is one section on olitical art reistered under this ct ualified to e reistered and that files reistration for n olitical art that held a ith the Chief Electoral Officer an ualifications and for iniu of seats in the eislatie alication for reistration settin out reuired aeror his ssel folloin the ost a the full nae of the olitical art chane ill e consistent ith recent election the reistration roisions of the olitical art nae and the other olitical entities endorsed candidates noinated in areiation of it to e shon in at least of the electoral diisions in election docuents s follos the ost recent eneral election c the nae of the leader of the o olitical art and no c endorses candidates in at least olitical art erson actin for a olitical of the electoral diisions folloin the art a accet issue of a rit of election for a eneral d the address of the lace or laces contriutions for the olitical election or here records of the olitical art are art or for an constituenc aintained and of the lace to hich association of that art unless d suect to susection at an counications a e addressed tie other than durin a caain the olitical art is reistered eriod roides the Chief Electoral e the naes of the rincial officers of under this ct Officer ith the naes addresses and the olitical art he Chief Electoral sinatures of ersons ho f the nae of the chief financial officer Officer shall aintain a i reresent of the nuer of of the olitical art reister of olitical arties and elections eliile to ote at the last the nae and address of the suect to this section shall eneral election financial institutions to e used the reister in it an olitical art olitical art for the accounts into that is ualified to e ii are currentl eliile to ote in an reistered and that files ith election and hich are deosited all contriutions ade to that olitical art the Chief Electoral Officer an iii reuest the reistration of that alication for reistration h the names of the political party’s olitical art settin out sinin officers resonsile for each is suect to susection ualified account referred to in clause a the full nae of the for reistration in the reister of olitical art olitical arties i an indication of the roision of section under hich the olitical the olitical art nae he Chief Electoral Officer a art ualified for reistration and the areiation of it refuse to reister a olitical art that to e shon in a stateent of the assets and rooses to e ualified under election docuents susection d if the inforation liailities of the olitical art as of a date not earlier than das rior to c the nae of the leader of roided under that clause is suitted the olitical art to the Chief Electoral Officer less than the date of its alication for das efore the issuance of a rit reistration attested to its chief d the address of the lace or of election financial officer laces here records of the On receit of an alication for olitical art are aintained reistration of a olitical art the Chief and of the lace to hich Electoral Officer shall eaine the counications a alication and deterine if the olitical e addressed art is entitled to e reistered and e the naes of the rincial a if the olitical art is entitled to e officers of the olitical art reistered enter it in the reister of f the nae of the chief olitical arties and so infor the financial officer of the olitical art or olitical art if the olitical art is not entitled to the nae and address of e reistered so infor the olitical the financial institutions to e art ith ritten reasons for used the olitical art for the deterination the accounts into hich are eealed c s deosited all contriutions ade to that olitical art

continued… ontinued…


… continued … continued he hief lectoral fficer shall not h the names of the political reister a political party if in the hief party’s signing officers Electoral officer’s opinion, responsile for each accont a the name or the areiation of the referre to in clase name of the applyin party so nearly i an inication of the resemles the name or areiation of proision of section ner the name of a reistere party as to e hich the political party liely to e confse ith the name or alifie for reistration areiation of that reistere party a statement of the assets a the propose name as the name an liailities of the political of a reistere political party hose party as of a ate not earlier reistration as cancelle or hose than ays prior to the ate name as chane since the last of its application for eneral election or reistration atteste to y its the propose name or areiation chief financial officer is nacceptale to the hief lectoral a statement of leitimate fficer for any other reason political prpose f a reistere party chanes its he hief lectoral fficer name the hief lectoral fficer shall may refse to reister a not ary the reister accorinly if in political party that proposes to the Chief Electoral Officer’s opinion, e alifie ner a the propose name or the ssection if the areiation of the name so nearly information proie ner resemles the name or areiation of that clase is smitte to the the name of a reistere party as to e hief lectoral fficer less liely to e confse ith the name or than ays efore the areiation of that reistere party issance of a rit of election the propose name as the name of a reistere party hose reistration as cancelle or hose name as chane since the last eneral election or c the propose name or areiation is nacceptale to the hief lectoral fficer for any other reason hen there is any chane in the information reire to e proie y ssection a to i the reistere party shall notify the hief lectoral fficer in ritin ithin ays after the alteration an sect to section on receipt of the notice the hief lectoral fficer shall ary the reister of political parties accorinly otice ner ssection may e sent y fa for electronic mail

he hief lectoral fficer shall e Adding a “purpose” provision maintain a reister of constitency to the reistration of a associations an sect to this section constitency association to shall reister in it any constitency match the “purpose” association or a reistere party or of an statement reire of political inepenent memer in an electoral parties pon reistration ee iision that files ith the hief section propose ee lectoral fficer an application for the propose efinition of reistration settin ot “political party” in section continued… continued…

… continued … continued a the full name of the constituency Allos an independent association and of the registered party memer to set up a or independent memer endorsing the constituency association – ut constituency association only after elected the address of the place or places here records of the constituency association are maintained and of the place to hich communications may e addressed c the names of the principal officers of the constituency association d the name of the chief financial officer of the constituency association e the name and address of the financial institutions to e used y the constituency association for the accounts into hich are deposited all contriutions made to that Add constituency association f the names of the constituency h a statement, attested to y the association’s signing officers responsible leader of the party or the independent for each account referred to in memer, that participating in pulic clause e affairs y endorsing candidates and g a statement of the assets and supporting their election is a liailities of the constituency association fundamental purpose of the as of a date not earlier than days constituency association, and that the prior to the date of its application for constituency association uses registration attested to y the chief contriutions to support that purpose financial officer

hen there is any change in the hen there is any change in the Change days to days to information reuired to e provided y information reuired to e provided y match political parties p to susection a to f, the registered susection a to f, the registered date contact information ill constituency association shall notify the constituency association shall notify the also facilitate timely Chief Electoral Officer in riting ithin Chief Electoral Officer in riting ithin communications eteen days after the alteration and, suect days after the alteration and, suect Elections Alerta and to section , on receipt of the notice to section , on receipt of the notice constituency associations the Chief Electoral Officer shall vary the Chief Electoral Officer shall vary the register of constituency the register of constituency associations accordingly associations accordingly


e n application ner ropose to relocate te sbsection sall be accopanie b caniate eposit fro a eposit of ic sall consist of noination ner te ection a an of anaa notes ct to registration ner te – ie oing section b a certifie cee of te ection ct ere c a ban or postal one orer or irst step egister ae a cobination of an of tose fors eposit ner registration not an ic sall not be consiere a ner noination contribtion ner tis ct egistration ner te is reire prior to filing noination papers ner te ection ct ater tan it noination fors ic are processe b eac retrning officer can ae lections lberta process te registration eposit paent centrall rpose of te eposit is to enance te incentie to file a financial stateent ote is eposit is not a contribtion nor is it an epense t is otsie of electoral financing lections lberta receies it fro te caniate an it sol be retrne to te caniate onseential aenents to te ection ct ol be reire

n capaign fns el b a en a caniate is not caniate at te en of a capaign noinate or ecies not to perio tat incle contribtions rn te sol not be force receie b te caniate for te to gie capaign fns el in purpose of the candidate’s campaign trst to te part or sall be el in trst to be epene constitenc association te for the candidate’s candidacy at the sol be alloe to transfer net election to ron een if constitenc epeale c s association contines to eist ns el in trst ner sbsection a at te option of te caniate be transferre or pai fro tie to tie to a te registere part tat propose or spported the candidate’s registration at te preios election b te registere constitenc associations of te registere part tat proposed or supported the candidate’s registration at te preios election

continued… continued…

… continued … continued c the registered candidates of the registered party that proposed or supported the candidate’s registration at the preious eection or d the ron in right of erta if the funds cannot e transferred in accordance ith cause a or c f a candidate is not nominated or f a candidate is not nominated or does not declare the candidate’s does not declare the candidate’s candidacy as an independent candidate candidacy as an independent candidate for the net eection the candidate for the net eection the candidate sha not ater than days after the day sha not ater than days after the day fied for nominations transfer or pay fied for nominations transfer or pay the amount hed y the candidate in the amount hed y the candidate in trust pursuant to susection to trust pursuant to susection to a the registered party that proposed a the registered party that proposed or supported the candidate’s or supported the candidate’s registration at the preious eection registration at the preious eection the registered constituency the registered constituency associations of the registered party that associations of the registered party that proposed or supported the candidate’s proposed or supported the candidate’s registration at the preious eection or registration at the preious eection or c the registered candidates of the c the registered candidates of the registered party that proposed or registered party that proposed or supported the candidate’s registration supported the candidate’s registration at the preious eection at the preious eection at the option of the candidate or to the at the option of the candidate or to the ron in right of erta if the funds ron in right of erta if the funds cannot e transferred in accordance cannot e transferred in accordance ith cause a or c ith cause a or c otithstanding susections and funds hed in trust under susection in respect of a candidate under the et ente ection ct may not e transferred to or paid to a registered constituency association

o contriution sha e accepted y ections and or a registered candidate registered together he proposed nomination contestant or registered change to section eadership contestant otherise than estaishes the chief financia through the candidate’s, nomination officer as the person ho is contestant’s or leadership contestant’s responsie and accountae chief financia officer for accepting and recording a hen any person accepts hen a chief financia officer any contriutions contriutions in any year on ehaf of a person accepts contriutions in any year registered party registered on ehaf of a registered party constituency association registered registered constituency association candidate registered nomination registered candidate registered contestant or registered eadership nomination contestant or registered contestant the chief financia officer eadership contestant the chief sha record a the contriutions financia officer sha record a the incuding the names and the addresses contriutions incuding the names and of the contriutors and the dates on the addresses of the contriutors and hich the contriutions ere made the dates on hich the contriutions ere made

registered part and an o its he proposed change to registered constituenc associations and section is intended to registered candidates ma transer to or proide clarit ith respect to accept rom each other ho such transers should e a unds or real propert or the use o relected in the reuired real propert, or inancial reports he oligation should e on oth dets incurred during a campaign the donor and recipient period or the purpose o eliminating a campaign deicit under section , and the dets or the unds or real propert, or the use o real propert, so accepted shall not e considered as contriutions or the purposes o this ct ut shall e recorded as to source and amount, and an unds accepted shall e deposited in an appropriate account on record ith the hie lectoral icer registered part and an o its registered part and an o its registered constituenc associations, registered constituenc associations, registered candidates, registered registered candidates, registered nomination contestants and registered nomination contestants and registered leadership contestants ma transer to leadership contestants ma transer to and accept rom each other goods or and accept rom each other goods or serices or the use o goods or serices, serices or the use o goods or serices, and the goods or serices or the use o and the goods or serices or the use o goods or serices so accepted shall not goods or serices so accepted shall not e considered as contriutions or the e considered as contriutions or the purposes o this ct ut shall e purposes o this ct ut shall e recorded as to source and amount recorded oth the donor and recipient as to source and amount

uect to susection , unless uect to susection , unless t ould e consistent to a person ho has a monetar claim a person ho has a monetar claim etend this protection to against a candidate or or in respect o against a candidate, a nomination nomination and leadership an election sends in the claim to the contestant or a leadership contestant contestants and not chie inancial oicer o the candidate or or in respect o an election sends in ust candidates not later than the date determined the claim to the chie inancial oicer o under section , the right to the candidate not later than the date recoer the claim is arred determined under section , the n the case o the death o a person right to recoer the claim is arred haing a monetar claim under susection on or eore the date determined under section , unless the person’s legal representatie sends in the claim ithin one ear ater the death o the person, the right to recoer the claim is arred n the case o the death o the chie inancial oicer or the chie inancial officer’s incapacity to act, if no other chie inancial oicer has een appointed, claims ma e deliered to the candidate or the candidate’s official agent as deined in the ection ct o claim ma e paid ithout the authorit o the candidate or the chie inancial oicer

ny loan ade under this section epeal his section is a grandfathering that is in effect on the coing into force clause that as reuired hen of this section and that is secured y a the ne proisions on loans guarantee or y the proision of ere passed here are no collateral security under section longer any of these loans a y an lerta trade union or an reaining such that this lerta eployee organiation or y a section can e repealed corporation that is not a prohiited despite the ne proisions corporation, or regulating loans that eceeds the liit prescried y section , ust e repaid or renegotiated in accordance ith the tieline and ters deeloped under susection or , and no further adances on the loan shall e ade on or after the coing into force of this section he hief lectoral fficer shall consult ith the orroers and the guarantors or proiders of the collateral security in order to deelop a reasonale tieline and ters for the repayent or renegotiation of the loan here the hief lectoral fficer is of the opinion that an arrangeent cannot e concluded in order to proide for the repayent or renegotiation of the loan, the orroer and the guarantor or the proider of a collateral security shall coply ith any direction of the hief lectoral fficer

nly a person ordinarily resident he proposed changes are in lerta ay sign, cosign or intended to add clarity ith otherise guarantee or proide respect to hat proisions collateral security for any loan, apply to registered candidate onetary oligation or indetedness on as a guarantor ehalf of or in the interest of any registered party, registered constituency association, registered andidates can orro up to candidate, registered noination fro the party and contestant or registered pay it ac – this is not a leadership contestant contriution egistered candidates ill still hae their nly a person ordinarily resident in personal lerta ay ae a payent on ehalf contriution liit of the guarantor or the proider of the collateral security to hich susection applies uect to susection , a uect to susection , guarantee or the proiding of collateral guarantee or the proiding of collateral security referred to in susection to security referred to in susection to a registered party, registered a registered party, registered constituency association, registered constituency association, registered candidate, registered noination candidate, registered noination contestant or registered leadership contestant or registered leadership contestant shall not eceed the liit contestant shall not eceed the liit prescried y section prescried y section

continued… continued…

… continued … continued

et eon ncoe ct –

“collusion” with a third nd ection ct constitutes “collusion” with a

ection ct . – ucec . nd ttone ene . nd ection ct . ection ct . . ection ct

nless otherwise directed nless otherwise directed roose raisin the audited the hie inancial icer a reistered the hie inancial icer a reistered threshold to his art is not reuired to ile an audited art is not reuired to ile an audited would e consistent with the inancial stateent in resect o the inancial stateent in resect o the audit threshold or leadershi reistered art i the reenue and reistered art i the reenue and contestants eenses o the reistered art do not eenses o the reistered art do not each eceed each eceed

uect to susection within ew his inoration is reuired in onths ater ollin da the chie order or lections lerta to inancial oicer o a reistered reconcile and reiew candidate shall ile with the hie uect to susection within candidate inancial returns and lectoral icer a caain return onths ater ollin da the chie transers to and ro their which ust include inancial oicer o a reistered reistered art and candidate shall ile with the hie a a inancial stateent constituenc association ore lectoral icer a reort which ust seciicall lections lerta the contriution reort reerred to in include transers to a candidate and should e ale to deterine section eenses relatin to a candidate durin and ensure that candidates c a caain eense reort settin the election eriod and arties are within their out the caain eenses incurred sendin liits ater the reistered candidate accountin or transers d an eense liit reort reerred to in section and e an suortin inoration and docuents relatin to the caain return

nless otherwise directed the nless otherwise directed the roose raisin the audited hie lectoral icer an audited hie lectoral icer an audited threshold to his inancial stateent is not reuired to inancial stateent is not reuired to would e consistent with the accoan a inancial stateent iled accoan a inancial stateent iled audit threshold or under susection i the reenue and under susection i the reenue and leadershi contestants caain eenses o the reistered caain eenses o the reistered art do not each eceed ut a art do not each eceed nonaudited inancial stateent ust ut a nonaudited inancial e iled includin a nil return stateent ust e iled includin a nil where alicale return where alicale

or the urose o eliinatin a dd a tie liitation or the caain deicit constituenc association or (a) a registered candidate’s, registered reistered art to eliinate nomination contestant’s or registered the caain deicit o the leadership contestant’s chief financial reistered candidate oicer a notwithstandin section noination contestant or accet contriutions in leadershi contestant accordance with this ct durin the Propose using the phrase “not eriod reerred to in susection or later than” to be consistent as alicale and with the wordin in a reistered art or reistered a reistered art or reistered section constituenc association o the constituenc association o the reistered candidate a transer unds reistered candidate a transer unds to the candidate or a a an to the candidate or a a an outstandin liailities outstandin liailities no later than the date deterined in section

() In this section, “filing deadline” nstead of a late filing fee, the he sanction is retention of means the da b hich a financial deposit ill not be returned deposit instead of late filing statement referred to in section is fee (for nomination contestant reuired to be filed ith the hief and candidate) his ill lectoral fficer or the date b hich a strengthen the proision and return referred to in section , , subseuent debt recoer or is reuired to be filed ith the hief lectoral fficer () registered part, registered () registered part, registered constituenc association, registered constituenc association, registered candidate, registered nomination candidate, registered nomination contestant or registered leadership contestant or registered leadership contestant that is reuired to file a contestant that is reuired to file a financial statement under section or financial statement under section or a return under section , , a return under section , , or , and fails to file that document or , and fails to file that document b the filing deadline must pa a late b the filing deadline must pa a late filing fee of to the hief filing fee of to the hief lectoral lectoral fficer fficer ill lose their () he hief lectoral fficer shall not registration deposit cancel the registration of the registered part or registered constituenc association under section () if the financial statement or return is filed in the case of a financial statement referred to in section or a return referred to in section , no later than das after the filing deadline () he hief lectoral fficer shall not transmit a report in relation to a registered candidate, registered nomination contestant or registered leadership contestant under section () if the return is filed no later than das after the filing deadline

() fter the hief lectoral fficer () fter the hief lectoral fficer hange to publish names on transmits the report under transmits the report under the ebsite instead of subsection (), the hief lectoral subsection (), the hief lectoral publishing the “report”; this fficer ma publish a cop of the report fficer ma publish a cop of the report proposed change ould reflect on the Chief Electoral Officer’s website. names on the Chief Electoral Officer’s actual practice of posting the ebsite names on the lections lberta ebsite hich is more transparent then maing a pdf list document aailable to donload


. .d “election advertising” means, Remove “corporation or group” from he Chief Electoral Officer is subect to subsection ., the the fourth eception within the interpreting “but for greater transission to the public b an eans definitions of “election advertising” certainty does not include” (iv) during an election adertising period of (section 44.1(1)(d)) and “political the transission b a person, an adertising essage that prootes adertising section .g. corporation or group, on a or opposes a registered part or the noncoercial basis on the election of a registered candidate, Internet, of the political iews including an adertising essage that of that person, corporation or taes a position on an issue with which group, as eepting nearl all a registered part or registered Internet adertising fro an candidate is associated, and for greater regulation b the EC. certaint does not include Only “commercial” i the transission to the public of an transissions on the Internet editorial, a debate, a speech, an – adertising essages that interiew, a colun, a letter, a cost one to transit will be coentar or news, included in the definitions. ii the distribution of a boo, or the Eer other urisdiction in prootion of the sale of a boo, for no Canada with noncoercial less than its coercial alue, if the Internet eeption applies boo was planned to be ade aailable that eeption onl to to the public regardless of whether indiiduals. eleting there was to be an election, “corporation or group” will also enhance transparenc and iii the transission of a docuent or leel the field of political the counication directl b a discourse. It will restore the corporation or a group to its ebers, eeption to indiiduals, eploees or shareholders, as the case whose freedo of speech as a a be, third part was protected b i the transission b a person, the upree Court of Canada corporation or group, on a recentl in eedo o noncoercial basis on the Internet, notion nd ic of the political iews of that person, ocition iti oui corporation or group, ttone ene CC . the aing of telephone calls to electors onl to encourage the to ote, or i adertising b the oernent in an for;

. .h “senatorial selection .hi should ae advertising period” means reference to section of i in the case of an election under this i in the case of an election under this the et ente ection ct ct to be held in conunction with a ct to be held in conunction with a with respect to the “stand general election under the ection ct general election under the ection ct alone order”. his will enhance or a standalone order, the period or a standalone order under the the clarit of this new section. coencing at the beginning of the et ente ection ct, the period capaign period for that election and ii coencing at the beginning of the ending on polling day, and … capaign period for that election and ending on polling day, and …


. 44.41(1) n this art, Remove “corporation or group” from (e) “senatorial selection advertising” the fourth eception within the means, subect to subsection (), the definition of “senatorial selection transmission to the public by any means advertising as follows during the senatorial selection advertising period of an advertising message that promotes or opposes the election of a registered candidate for senatorial selection, and for greater certainty does not include i) the transmission to the public of an editorial, a debate, a speech, an

interview, a column, a letter, a commentary or news, ii) the distribution of a boo, or the promotion of the sale of a boo, for no less than its commercial value, if the boo was planned to be made available to the public regardless of whether there was to be an election, iii) the transmission of a document or the communication directly by a corporation or a group to its members, employees or shareholders, as the case may be, iv) the transmission by a person, iv) the transmission by a person, corporation or group, on a non corporation or group, on a non commercial basis on the nternet, of the commercial basis on the nternet, of the political views of that person, political views of that person, corporation or group, corporation or group, v) the maing of telephone calls to electors only to encourage them to vote, or vi) advertising by the overnment in any form

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