JFM Award Recipients for 2018 the Strength of Our Community Rests Tunis Is This Year’S Young Leadership on the Commitment and Dedication of Award Recipient

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JFM Award Recipients for 2018 the Strength of Our Community Rests Tunis Is This Year’S Young Leadership on the Commitment and Dedication of Award Recipient October 2018 Heshvan 5779 A Publication of the Jewish Federation of Madison INSIDE THIS ISSUE Jewish Federation Upcoming Events .................. 4 Jewish Education .................................................. 9 Jewish Social Services ..................................14-16 Simchas & Condolences ...................................... 5 Camp Corner .................................................10-11 Business, Professional & Service Directory ....... 17 Congregation News ...........................................6-7 Food-A-Rama ..................................................... 13 Israel & The World .........................................18-19 JFM Award Recipients for 2018 The strength of our community rests Tunis is this year’s young leadership on the commitment and dedication of award recipient. He will attend the individuals who work to improve the JFNA General Assembly in Tel Aviv lives of others. The Jewish Federation of between October 22-24. Madison proudly recognizes outstanding Jeremy has been involved in many individuals who, by their achievements, aspects of the Federation since he arrived exemplify the qualities we hold dear. in Madison with his wife, Dr. Michelle The Miriam Singer Sulman Young Poliak-Tunis and their two children Leadership award, the Andrea J. Stein Jaime and Lola. Jeremy is on the Board Jewish Community Professional award, of Directors of JFM, and has been and the Ben Minkoff Volunteer Service particularly involved in fundraising for award will be presented to this year’s Gan HaYeled, and is the co-chair of this deserving winners at the JFM Annual year’s Tzedakah Campaign. Jeremy is an Meeting on November 18, 2018. attorney who manages a Madison-based The Jewish Federation of Madison has public-affairs, crisis communications, a long-standing tradition of recognizing grassroots and legislative advocacy and future leadership. In 1975, the Miriam fundraising consultant business. The Singer Sulman Young Leadership Award award will be presented by last year’s was established by her parents Isadore recipient, Dr. Jesse Sondel. and Ida Singer (z”l) in memory of their The 2018 Ben Minkoff Volunteer much admired and dynamic young JFM Service Award will be presented leader. This award not only recognizes posthumously to Cheryl Rosen Weston the achievements and future potential for her years of devoted service to the for leadership but enables the recipient Madison Jewish community. to attend the Jewish Federation of North The late Cheryl Rosen Weston was Cheryl Rosen Weston and her grandchildren America General Assembly through chosen for this honor because of her an endowment fund established by her many years of devoted involvement in parents. We are fortunate that Jeremy the Jewish community. Cheryl served on the Board of Directors of the Federation and served as president of the Board of Jewish Social Services and UW-Hillel. Cheryl was an attorney and co-founder of Cullen, Weston, Pines and Bach, full-time faculty member of the UW- School of Law and was CEO of the Douglas Stewart Company. Cheryl was particularly committed to protecting the human rights and dignity of all individuals. Cheryl left large legacy gifts to the Jewish community which will sustain her involvement and influence for many years to come. The Ben Minkoff Volunteer Service Award to Cheryl Jeremy Tunis will be accepted by Cheryl’s daughter Samantha Weston. The 2018 Andrea J. Stein Jewish Terrie Goren Community Professional Award is being presented to Terrie Goren, Executive Director of Temple Beth El. The Andrea PAID J. Stein Jewish Community Professional Madison, Wis. U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Org. Permit No. 1341 Award was created to recognize a Save the Date Jewish community professional that promotes Jewish community outreach, Jewish Federation of Madison engagement and action that best serves Klal Yisrael. Terrie was chosen not Annual Meeting only for her work at Temple Beth El but also for her work as the Executive We will present awards, celebrate our Director of Jewish Social Services and accomplishments, and welcome new board members the volunteer leadership of the Jewish Burial Association of Madison. Terrie Sunday, November 18, 5pm - 8pm has also served locally as the director of the Madison Public Library Foundation. Full Compass Systems Terrie is married to Len and is also the Watch for details in the November MJN or at mother of Adam and Jamie. Terrie is a Certified Fundraising Executive and has our website, www.JewishMadison.org been an active member of the Association EWISH FEDERATION OF MADISON OF FEDERATION EWISH J 6434 Enterprise Lane Madison, Wisconsin 53719 Change Service Requested of Fundraising Professionals. 2/Madison Jewish News October 2018 Student Leaders on the Rise at Hillel: Meet the Interns! By Elise Goldstein and Alex Fishkind, edited by Aaron Seligman year, she said, “I’m eager to meet new spreading it to other students in fun and UW Hillel is a beneficiary organization of the Jewish Federation of Madison people, make people feel welcome in a engaging formats.” Jewish community, and make programs Ultimately, the fall 2018 interns at With fall semester in full swing, do a deeper dive into what Jewish life that appeal to a range of audiences.” UW Hillel are extremely eager and Hillel at UW-Madison is introducing means to them, what role Hillel can play, The third category of internships plays enthusiastic about their positions and are 15 new student interns. Each student and the skills they want to learn to make a role in the promotion of events. The eagerly anticipating all the wonderful intern, who comes from a variety of a greater impact. communications and marketing interns students that join the community. Follow geographic backgrounds and other The interns play a special role in utilize digital and social media and word their work through Hillel’s social media campus involvement, has a different building community because they help of mouth to bring students into Hillel. and other communications, stop by focus area under a broader theme of to generate these programs and provide Elise Goldstein (class of 2021) says that anytime to visit, and recommend any student engagement. The three categories input. Internship supervisor and Hillel she is looking forward to “capturing student leaders you know for future are: programming, outreaching, and Assistant Director Aaron Seligman said, the excitement that Hillel provides and internships! communicating/marketing. Within these “We recognize the unique role of interns areas, interns are planning and promoting both as participants in Jewish life, and events to invite and welcome other leaders on campus. They know what students this school year. appeals to other students and how to In addition to specific roles, interns connect with them. It is our role as a staff will work together to tackle projects to provide the space, mentoring, and together, and participate in a first-ever coaching to help them bring their ideas evening and full-day retreat. The retreat and talent together to build our broader allows them to enjoy a Shabbat dinner community.” together, reflect on the (busy) first month For example, Max Bibicoff (class of school with welcome activities and of 2020) is a programming intern. high holidays, and plan next steps as a Specifically, he is managing the Jewish team. Interns have created and set goals Learning Fellowship, which is an outlet to make the most of their experience and once a week for Jewish students to come utilize the positions effectively. Goals together and discuss texts and Jewish include building professional skills, values and eat dinner as a community. collaborating with others, and increasing Max says that he is “excited to help student outreach and opportunities lead group discussions for students to for others to connect with Jewish life explore Judaism and meet new people on campus. For example, senior Sofia in a comfortable setting.” Another Biros wants to learn about development intern, Leah Rosenblum (class of 2021) and build a professional portfolio by is working on student outreach and creating a series of communications and immersing Jewish students into the Hillel interns Max Bibicoff, Elise Goldstein, Kate Nerone, Jaime Klau, presentations to explain different Hillel Hillel community. When asked what she gathered with a friend at Hillel’s Welcome BBQ during the first week of programs to supporters. Interns will also is most excited about for the upcoming class. 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Whitney Way, Madison 608.274.5575608.274.5575 608.231.8000 353 Island Drive Madison, WI 53705 rubinsfurniture.com madisoncomputerworks.com October 2018 Madison Jewish News/3 Celebrating the New Bernie D. and Sandra K. Goldstein Lounge By Chad S.A. Gibbs Center for Jewish Studies educational mission here at CJS. Joshua. Bernie stressed his appreciation At the end of August, the Mosse/ with his deep belief in tzedakah—an Speakers at this event included Tony for the work of CJS and the pleasure Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies endowment has also been created to Michels, Director of CJS, and Professor he has taken from attending almost had the pleasure of celebrating our plans continually refresh the holdings and Jordan Rosenblum. Both spoke to the all nineteen annual offerings of the for the new Bernie D. and Sandra K.
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