Pilgrimage Site for: Diocesan Shrine of Santo Niño “Annunciation” and “Tree of Life” Meditation Gardens 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 16th, 2020

Pastor: Most Rev. Mark E. Brennan Bishop of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston

Rector: Very Rev. Donald X. Higgs Email: [email protected] Associate: Rev. Binu Emmanuel, CST Email: [email protected]

1114 Virginia St., East, Charleston, WV 25301, Telephone: (304) 342-8175/Fax: (304) 344-3907 E-Mail: [email protected] - Website:


Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Monday-Friday 12 Noon

Mass from the is live streamed on our Facebook page, Sundays at 10AM

Mass from the Diocese is being live-streamed at 6 p.m. on Saturday, where it remains online. The link is

Listen to EWTN on WLUX 1450 AM Dunbar|Charleston


In the Cordis Center Chapel by appointment only. 304-342-8175


Suspended until further notice.

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We, at the Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, are a diverse community of the poor, the disadvantaged and hungry, the well-to-do, the youth, elderly, visitors and those seeking refuge. As a community of many cultures and races, we stand for unity in our diversity by expressing our love of God the Father through prayer and worship, through service to one another, through the ministry of welcoming, through evangelization and . With the Bishop, we shall pursue this mission faithfully through the example of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts and talents of our members.” All are welcome today, especially visitors, guests and those who might be new to the community. Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the Basilica TELEPHONE 304-342-8175 FAX 304-344-3907 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time-August 16th, 2020

ADMINISTRATION Bookkeeper: Pam Acevedo 342-8175 08/15 Sat. 8:00 am Feast of the Assumption email: [email protected] 5:30 pm For the Intention of Gregory Pulido Office Assistant: Angela Hodges 342-8175 08/16 Sun. 8:00 am + Regina Craffey email: [email protected] 10:00 am People of the Parish Property Manager: John Blake 342-8175 email: [email protected] 12:00 pm + John Ruddick Secretary: Sheila Kerekes 342-8175 email: [email protected] 08/17 Mon. 12:00 pm For the Intention of Edward Pulido

EDUCATION 08/18 Tue. 12:00 pm + Mariellen Higgs Director of RCIA: Mike Kawash 549-6453 Email: [email protected] Coordinator of Religious Education: Sr. Ida Chikara 1-304-709-0026 08/19 Wed. 12:00 pm + Paul Seifert Email: [email protected] Sacred Heart Early Learning Center: 6 weeks-3 years Dawn Snyder, Director 414-5757 08/20 Thu. 12:00 pm + Richard Giba Sacred Heart Child Development Center: After School Care Jeannie Tyler, Coordinator 344-1125 Sacred Heart Grade School: K-5/Pre-School (ages 3-4) 08/21 Fri. 12:00 pm + Fr. Lydon his Parents and Siblings Susan Malinoski, Principal 346-5491 Charleston Catholic High School: 6-12 08/22 Sat. 5:30 pm People of the Parish Colleen M. Hoyer, Principal 342-8415 08/23 Sun. 8:00 am + Clay Wymer SACRAMENTS 10:00 am + Agnes Kawash Anointing of the Sick, Confession, Infant Baptism, Weddings 12:00 pm + Omer Haid For information/to schedule any of the above 304-342-8175 Stay connected this summer! MUSIC Encourage parishioners who aren’t Music Director: Mark Haas 342-8175 receiving information from the Basilica to Email: [email protected] get connected. Principal Organist: Gregory Gray 380-4786 Our website and FB page are being updated regularly and Flocknote has been OTHER PARISH GROUPS OR MINISTRIES a great tool in keeping everyone informed Boy Scouts: Michael Casey 380-3129 of parish updates, the Mass schedule and Cub Scouts: Adam Rohrig 276-274-8110 allowing registration for Mass. Girl Scouts: Sandi Greenhowe 553-7021 Get connected today! Knights of Columbus -St. Michael the Archangel #12630 Go to our website: Dick Fauss, Grand Knight 965-6872 George Merolle, Faithful Navigator, Fr. Boniface Assembly 546-2269 to signup for Flocknote. Ministry to Sick/Elderly Sr. Ida Chikara, SJI 1-304-709-0026 Sr. Placxedece Mugore, SJI 1-304-709-0037 Mount Olivet Cemetery/Mausoleum 342-8135 A Great Big Thank You! Wayne Johnson or Sacred Heart Parish To all of those people who made masks or donated Prayer Shawl Ministry: Wanda Dettinger 344-1181 them, so that many people could attend Saint John XXIII Pastoral Center 342-0507 SH Christian Service Committee: Ron Rushworth 382-7768 Mass. If you are so inclined to make more SH Finance Council: Cindy McGhee-Chair 342-8175 masks, please feel free to do so. Just turn SH Gift Shop: Antonetta Stevens 415-8132 or Kathy Lamb 344-2011 SH Pastoral Council: Jack Walsh-Chair 757-237-3935 them in to Fr. Don or Angie at the Cordis St. Monica Intercessory Prayer Group: Diane Kimble 881-9766 Center. Thank you again! Send prayer requests to: [email protected] Our Catholic Schools have released plans for reopening. Sharing Our Treasure - 8/9/2020 Check out the parish website for our plan. Regular Collection: $7,617 SMILE: $290 Partners in Hope: $175 Social Concerns: $100 HELP! Meals on Wheels is in need of a Driver on Tuesday’s Needy Student: $50 out of St. Francis from 10:30 to 12:00 Noon. Please consider giving a little of your time for this much needed service. For more Thank you for your faithful generosity. information or to volunteer call Helen Scragg at 304-346-5104 Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and possibly joining the Church?

Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral Parish is beginning another year of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).

There will be an Inquiry Meeting on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Join us!!

For more information contact: Father Don Higgs Michael Kawash 304-342-8175 or 304-549-6453 [email protected] [email protected]


VPI built a beautiful underground chapel in my time there. It was dedicated with an overflowing crowd. As far as I remember, that was the only Sunday it was filled for a long time.

Finally, I offered to celebrate the first Catholic Mass there. I pulled out all the stops, a Solemn Mass in which I sang the Mass with Saint Mary's choir leading the students in singing the Mass. I was led in procession with cadets in dress uniform with their swords in scabbards. At the consecration, the group of cadets raised their swords toward the sky. After Mass, I exited through a column of raised swords. I'm sure today, we'd avoid the show of arms, but I wanted to make a big statement.

There is now a large parish church in Blacksburg. If I am not mistaken, Mass is celebrated four times on the weekends where Catholics regularly fill the underground War Memorial.

MYSTERY SOLVED: The third party that helped convince Bob Baronner to head up the campaign to finance the three story addition to Charleston Catholic High School was faithful parishioner and attorney, John S. Moore.

Brother Knights and Parishioners of Sacred Heart,

For a number of years the Knights of Columbus of councils 12630 and 771 have supported our friends at the Gabriel Project in their annual fund raising pulled pork sandwich sale. Because of the Covid 19 situation, the Metro Valley Gabriel project will not be able to conduct this sale as they have done so many years in the past. Knights Council 12630 also was unable to have its major fund raiser this year.

However, it is obvious to all that just because raising money has become more difficult, the needs of low income families with babies served by the Gabriel Project have not stopped and in fact have increased. Our Knights Council will contribute to the Gabriel Project as we have in previous years, but more importantly, we want to encourage all Knights and Sacred Heart parishioners to contribute to this worthy project. The best and easiest donation is clearly monetary since this will enable the project to purchase needed supplies in the quantities they feel most useful.

Donna Hawkins, Executive Director of the Gabriel Project of West Virginia, wishes to point out some tax law changes that donors should be aware of: The recent federal CARES law includes new personal income tax incentives for nonprofit charitable giving for this year only. This law adds an above-the-line deduction that allows an individual who does not itemize to deduct up to $300 of cash contributions to a nonprofit charity, such as the Gabriel Project. For individuals who do itemize, the deduction for cash charitable contributions is increased to 100% of the individual's adjusted gross income. The previous limit was 60%. Those are major incentives for individual taxpayers to give money to charity in 2020.

We ask that you support the Metro Valley Gabriel Project by joining them in their Virtual Pig Roast. Check or money order donations can be mailed to the Gabriel Project at the following address: Metro Valley Gabriel Project, PO Box 11182, Charleston, WV 25339. Donations may also be made online through a secure website: Click on the orange "Donate" button on the home page. Thanks to everyone for their consideration,

Richard Fauss Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus Council 12630 The Assumption-August 15th Now toward the end of the summer season, at a time when fruits are ripe in the gardens and fields, the Church celebrates the most glorious "harvest festival" in the Communion of Saints. Mary, the supremely blessed one among women, Mary, the most precious fruit which has ripened in the fields of God's kingdom, is today taken into the granary of heaven. — Pius Parsch, The Church's Year of Grace

The Assumption is the oldest feast day of Our Lady, but we don't know how it first came to be celebrated. Its origin is lost in those days when was restored as a sacred city, at the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (c. 285-337). By then it had been a pagan city for two centuries, ever since Emperor Hadrian (76-138) had leveled it around the year 135 and rebuilt it as Aelia Capitolina in honor of Jupiter. For 200 years, every memory of Jesus was obliterated from the city, and the sites made holy by His life, death and Resurrection became pagan temples. After the building of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in 336, the sacred sites began to be restored and memories of the life of Our Lord began to be celebrated by the people of Jerusalem. One of the memories about his mother centered around the "Tomb of Mary," close to Mount , where the early Christian community had lived. On the hill itself was the "Place of Dormition," the spot of Mary's "falling asleep," where she had died. The "Tomb of Mary" was where she was buried. At this time, the "Memory of Mary" was being celebrated. Later it was to become our feast of the Assumption. For a time, the "Memory of Mary" was marked only in Palestine, but then it was extended by the emperor to all the churches of the East. In the seventh century, it began to be celebrated in under the title of the "Falling Asleep" ("Dormitio") of the Mother of God. Soon the name was changed to the "," since there was more to the feast than her dying. It also proclaimed that she had been taken up, body and soul, into heaven. That belief was ancient, dating back to the apostles themselves. What was clear from the beginning was that there were no relics of Mary to be venerated, and that an empty tomb stood on the edge of Jerusalem near the site of her death. That location also soon became a place of pilgrimage. (Today, the Benedictine of the Dormition of Mary stands on the spot.) At the Council of Chalcedon in 451, when bishops from throughout the Mediterranean world gathered in Constantinople, Emperor Marcian asked the Patriarch of Jerusalem to bring the relics of Mary to Constantinople to be enshrined in the capitol. The patriarch explained to the emperor that there were no relics of Mary in Jerusalem, that "Mary had died in the presence of the apostles; but her tomb, when opened later . . . was found empty and so the apostles concluded that the body was taken up into heaven." In the eighth century, St. John Damascene was known for giving sermons at the holy places in Jerusalem. At the Tomb of Mary, he expressed the belief of the Church on the meaning of the feast: "Although the body was duly buried, it did not remain in the state of death, neither was it dissolved by decay. . . . You were transferred to your heavenly home, O Lady, Queen and Mother of God in truth." All the feast days of Mary mark the great mysteries of her life and her part in the work of redemption. The central mystery of her life and person is her divine motherhood, celebrated both at Christmas and a week later (Jan. 1) on the feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. The Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8) marks the preparation for that motherhood, so that she had the fullness of grace from the first moment of her existence, completely untouched by sin. Her whole being throbbed with divine life from the very beginning, readying her for the exalted role of mother of the Savior. The Assumption completes God's work in her since it was not fitting that the flesh that had given life to God himself should ever undergo corruption. The Assumption is God's crowning of His work as Mary ends her earthly life and enters eternity. The feast turns our eyes in that direction, where we will follow when our earthly life is over. The feast days of the Church are not just the commemoration of historical events; they do not look only to the past. They look to the present and to the future and give us an insight into our own relationship with God. The Assumption looks to eternity and gives us hope that we, too, will follow Our Lady when our life is ended. In 1950, in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, Pope Pius XII proclaimed the Assumption of Mary a dogma of the Catholic Church in these words: "The Immaculate Mother of God, the ever-virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heaven." With that, an ancient belief became Catholic doctrine and the Assumption was declared a truth revealed by God. -Excerpted from Fr. Clifford Stevens in Catholic Heritage Blessings and congratulations to those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, August 9th.

Sacred Heart Basilica, Charleston Alex Anton, Sierra Bolles, Jayla Boyd, Palmer Brown, Annie Cimino, Emma DelTorto, Marley Fredeking, Kate Grant, Ashley Green, Jackson & Jacob Griffith, Aiden Jackson, Robert & Raymond Keith, Hayden Kreitzer, Maggie Meeks, Molly Murphy, Farris & Warner Murad, Sam Rago, Anthony Scalzo, Laylee & Nayla Summers, Frances Tiffey, Nathan Tran, Patrick Ward, Carley Weber

Ascension, Huntington - Abigail Rock St Margaret Mary, Parkersburg - Paul Teltscher

Many Thanks! To our Confirmation team Susan Aiello, Fr. Binu, Mary Collins, Dianne Griffith and Mark Sadd, under the direction of Linda Bobinger. We are very grateful for your time and service. To our new Music Director, Mark Haas, Greg Gray and our cantors, Renae Haas and Carla Guthrie. Thank you for the very beautiful music. To Ron Rushworth for taking pictures. A special thank you to Bishop Mark Brennan and Fr. Don Higgs for the beautiful Confirmation Masses. Also, thank you parents, sponsors, and students for staying with it, even with the difficulties of the past few months. Greetings in the Lord!

I pray this note finds you safe and well.

It was a joy to have our Bishop here last weekend. I am grateful for the time our Bishop spent with our young people. I am grateful for those who served our young people in their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. May our newly confirmed open themselves up to the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit. I am grateful to Ron Rushworth for taking pictures during the Masses, you can check them out in our bulletin and on our website.

Let us continue to pray for our world and the protection of all.

Peace, Fr.Don The Diocesan Directives Phase two: Reopeneing of Churches for Public Worship are available to read on the Diocesan website Mount Olivet Mausoleum Mount Olivet Catholic Cemetery, Charleston, WV Due to the lack of space in our current mausoleum, we are planning the construction of an additional mausoleum adjacent to the present site. Our future mausoleum will provide the prestige and serenity of above-ground burial with the relaxing and comfortable environment for loved ones to visit year-round. This mausoleum will hold 180 casket spaces, which includes single and tandem crypts, and 90 niche spaces and will be nestled against an earthly rock backdrop.

To purchase or learn more about arrangements for above ground entombment or inurnment, please contact the parish office 304-342-8175, Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm and ask to speak to Sheila Kerekes or John Blake or via email at [email protected] or [email protected].

It takes 15 seconds to set your car radio. ANNULMENT To help couples establish permanent and sacramental marriages, the Church encourages divorced WLUX 1450 AM Dunbar|Charleston and remarried persons to pursue the annulment process. WNUX 89.7 FM Montgomery|Beckley Contact Fr. Higgs at 342-8175 for confidential discussion WOUX 105.3 FM St Marys|Parkersburg on exploring the process. Listen to EWTN on WV’s Catholic radio stations. St Paul Radio is entirely donor and listener supported P. O. Box 3744 ▪ Charleston, W. Va. 25337 Consider having your church contributions sent directly to the Church from your bank; please contact your own bank to do so. Almost every bank offers this service. If possible please have Baptismal Preparation Class for First Time Parents your parish ID included on the check. Many parishioners are To schedule a baptism preparation class for your family opting to do this. or to get more information please call 304-342-8175.

Sacred Heart Early Learning Center Parishioners, personal listening devices are available in the Ages 6 Weeks to 2 Years open to children of all faiths, located at sacristy, if you would like to have one just let Fr. Don know. 204 Leon Sullivan Way. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, year round. Pastoral Care is offered to all parishioners. If you At the Early Learning Center, care teachers provide a safe, would like a visit or the Eucharist brought to your clean, predictable and nurturing environment in which children can home, the hospital or assisted care facility from one of explore, build relationships and develop a positive self concept. If our Pastoral Care SJI Sisters, you can contact Sr. Ida you are interested in our program, call Dawn Snyder at 414-5757 at 1-304-709-0026. for an appointment, or for information.

Sacred Heart Basilica is sustained by the generosity of our parishioners through time, talent and treasure. We are sincerely SACRED HEART GRADE SCHOOL grateful for kind remembrances in memorials, donations and wills. A NATIONAL BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE Donations are tax deductible. For all that you do, thank you! Applications may be downloaded from our website For information, or to schedule a tour, call 304-346-5491.

* Tiny Hearts-2 Year Old-Half or Full Day Program KNIGHTS CORNER * ECE-3 Year Old-Full Day Program * PRE-K-4 Year Old-Full Day Program St. Michael the Archangel Council #12630 * Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Membership Info: * After School Care

Follow us @KofC12630 on twitter & like our fb page. Integrated Technology, Library, Music, Physical Education, Art & French, Emphasis on Academics, Spirituality, Personal Did You Know?

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, our duty is to lead our families, protect our parishes, and serve our communities, CHARLESTON CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL remembering always that where there’s a need, there’s a EDUCATING THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF WEST VIRGINIA’S Knight. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson has challenged YOUTH FOR OVER 90 YEARS Knights to take this moment as an opportunity to “deepen our Applications may be downloaded from our website commitment to the very principles which define us: charity, unity and fraternity.” For more information, or to schedule a tour, call 342-8415 or email [email protected]

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A word of Thanks: This bulletin is subsidized by the companies whose advertisement appears in it. If you have the opportunity, thank them in the name Tony Marks Phone: 304-340-3011 of the Co-Cathedral Basilica of the Executive Vice President 201 Pennsylvania Ave. Sacred Heart by using their products [email protected] Charleston, WV 25302 or services.

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opportunities, a private hermitage, male and female spiritual directors, prayer, grief, WLUX 1450 AM Dunbar / Charleston marriage, drug and addictions counseling. Follow us at, phone for a tour WNUX 89.7 FM Montgomery / Beckley at 304-345-0926 or visit 1601 Virginia St. East. WOUX 105.3 FM St. Mary / Parkersburg WSJE 91.3 FM Summersville Our educational opportunities provide continuing education hours; we are a PRIME WVUS 1190 AM Grafton/North Central WV partner with the Graduate Theological Foundation. Contact Sr. Carole Riley, CDP, WLOL 8937 FM Morgantown PH.D. at 412-901-4259 for more information. WDWC 9030 FM Wheeling

LEAD WITH FAITH - prayer & faith formation resources available To report an incidence of suspected SERVE OTHERS - unmatched charitable outreach programs DEFEND YOUR VALUES - stand up for the unborn and all human life child sexual abuse, please contact PROTECT YOUR FAMILY - exclusive access to top rated financial products your local law enforcement agency, “THE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME” or you may confidentially contact Contact Ralph Phelps WV Child Protective Services at 304-757-1171 800.352.6513. To report suspected cases of sexual abuse by personnel Why Advertise in your Parish Bulletin? of the Diocese of Wheeling- 1. Your message gets out weekly in about 500 bulletins x 52 weeks a year. 2. All Ads are in your choice of color. Charleston to the Diocese, please 3. You support your parish and the parish in turn supports your business. contact the Diocese at 888.434.6237 4. Your ad can be changed as needed because all the work is done in-house. 5. All proceeds go to assist needy parish students in our schools. or 304.233.0880. We encourage parishioners to patronize our sponsors for helping to make this bulletin possible through their generosity.