THURSDAYTHURSDAY MarchJuly 19,25, 20182021 FREEFREE VolumeVolume 4, Issue1, Issue 12 33 BigBig Sky, Sky, LONELONE PEAKPEAK LOOKOUTLOOKOUT MontanaMontana Years of discussion and considerable Nonimmigrant effort come to fruition visa decline BIG SKY RESORT AREA DISTRICT MAKES NEW BUSY SUMMER ANTICIPATED, SMALLER MOVES WITH FY22 APPLICATION PROCESS SWT WORKFORCE POSSIBLE Big Sky Resort Area District staff socially distancing as they interact with board members via Zoom. PHOTO BY JANA BOUNDS By JANA BOUNDS and allocation process a little less BSRAD Executive Director
[email protected] onerous for those involved. Board Daniel Bierschwale explained Vice Chair Sarah Blechta and Sec- the applications are designed to ig Sky Resort Area retary and Treasurer Steve John- provide additional context and District (BSRAD) keeps son spent a good deal of time in support for the applicants “as we the wheels of Big Sky an effort to make the application are requesting data and helping moving by use of a user friendly. FY22 applications, them understand how BSRAD is Bluxury tax. Since 1993, the district which opened-up on March 1, using the data to make decisions.” has awarded nearly $73.2 million will be the test run resulting from The board has been moving to area organizations. To facilitate extensive discussion and effort. toward a scoring system as a stra- those allocations there has been Johnson said during the BSRAD tegic methodology of review that a time-intensive application board meeting that they will not will assist the board in making process, demanding of both really know how they did until the best decisions possible, he applicants and the board.