September 2005 FF RUITRUIT The Quarterly Magazine of ofof thethe Wake Forest University VINEVINE F EATURES EDITOR Cherin C. Poovey (P ’08),
[email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR Kerry M. King (’85),
[email protected] DESIGN / ART DIRECTION Urena Design,
[email protected] PHOTOGRAPHER Ken Bennett,
[email protected] CLASSNOTES EDITOR Janet Williamson (P ’00, ’03),
[email protected] SENIOR WRITER David Fyten,
[email protected] PRINTING 12 Fruit of the Vine The Lane Press, Inc. By David Fyten Wake Forest Magazine (USPS 664-520 ISSN In wine there is truth, and entrepreneurial 0279-3946) is published four times a year in Wake Foresters across the country are September, December, March, and June by the Office of Creative Services, Wake Forest dispensing it freely. University, P.O. Box 7205, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7205. It is sent to alumni, donors, and friends of the 2 A ROUND THE Q UAD University. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, NC 27109, and additional mailing offices. 36 C LASS N OTES POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Wake Forest Magazine Alumni Records P.O. Box 7227 Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7227. Volume 53, Number 1 September 2005 Copyright 2005 WWW.WFU.EDU Cover illustration by Jessica Koman. Cover photos by Ken Bennett. 22 Bridging the Gap By David Fyten Today’s ever-shrinking world needs good interpreters and translators. Wake Forest trains students to ensure that speaker and listener don’t get mixed messages. P ROFILE 28 Classics Act By David Fyten James Powell, teacher and servant of the University, keeps a low profile but has a big impact.