*Guantanamo Gazette Water Condition Tides: CHARLIE III U1e day #afre zvz% to wia t& CHINFO :Aal High Low Storage Ashore U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, 1CUBA 11:53 3:46 13.4 Million Gallons 10:00 5:40

Phone 9-5247 Date Tuesday, October 1, 1968 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Fortas Nomination Not Likely; Turn Attack to Warren HHH Breaks with Administration- WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB) Ap- parently confident of being able to block a vote on the Would Stop Bombing of North nomination of Abe Fortas to SALT LAKE CITY (AP/AFNB) Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey succeed Chief Justice Earl said Monday that if elected President he will be willing to Warren, Senators turned their stop the bombing of North Vietnam -- thus dramatically moving fire Monday on Warren himself. away from the Johnson Administration war policy. Sen. Harry F. Byrd, D-Va. Humphrey, in a half-hour speech on foreign policy at a crit- said that "in the way he con- ical time in his Presidential ditioned his retirement" War- campaign, said North Vietnam Scripps-Howard Newspaper Chain ren has acted "in a manner un- has contended it would prompt- becoming the great office of ly conduct "good faith nego- Chief Justice." tiations if we stop the pres- Endorses Nixon for Presidency Sen. Gordon Allott, R-Colo., ent limited bombing of the WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB) The criticized what he called the North." Scripps-Howard newspapers Mon- "calculated phraseology" in Humphrey said that as Presi- day endorsed Richard M. Nixon willing to for President. his re- dent, "I would be submitted An editorial appearing in h irementich Warren at President John- stop the bombing of North Vi- son's pleasure, and in which etnames an acceptable risk for the 17 newspapers of the group Johnson accepted it upon the peace because I believe it said the Scripps-Howard edit- confirmation of a successor. could lead to success in the ors "see no other real choice In a vote scheduled for negotiations and a shorter in 1968" than the Republican Tuesday at 1 p.m., the Senate war." nominee, Nixon. is expected to deal President "Thus," Humphrey said, "this "They believe he offers more Johnson a stunning political would be the best protection hope, on more counts, than Hu- setback by refusing to consid- for our troops." bert Humphrey and that George er -- let alone vote on -- his Humphrey said that in weigh- Wallace offers no hope at nomination of his close friend ing the risk, he would place all," the editorial said. for Chief Justice. The last key importance on evidence-- "The country is ripe, and time the (Cont'd on Page 3) "direct or (Cont'd on Page 2) apparently eager, for change. Historically, change in Wash- Batleship New Jersey Shauers JNVA Positions ington has been profitable. We think this year it is unusu- ABOARD THE USS NEW JERSEY (AP/AFNB) Recalled to duty from ally necessary. Only Richard *1 the Mothbll Fleet, the battleship New Jersey joined the Viet- Nixon can bring such a change nam War Monday. The battlewagon promptly battered Communist in an orderly fashion." positions with her 16-inch guns. The only Democratic Presi- Fifteen years and 66 days after she fired the last battle- dential candidate supported by ship shells triggered in naval history, the "reborn" warship the newspapers since Franklin pounded enemy installations in the northern half of the De- Roosevelt was Lyndon Johnson militarized Zonw. in 1964. Pilots in spotter planes reported that the New Jersey's The editorial backing Nixon huge shells blew up at least four enemy automatic weapon also said: sites,' shredded an artillery position and mangled a North Vi- "The country is beset as nev- etnamese trench line and road. er before by crime and disord- ounds immediately after join- er -- and because of these d war. things, (Cont'd on .Page 2) Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1968

Wallace Opens Northern Campaign Swing 10 Guantanamo Gazette CHICAGO (AP/AFNB) George C. Wallace took his Presidential campaign into the industrial north Monday and was greeted by cheers and CooNavBase J.B. Hildreth jeers in a motorcade through downtown Chicago. Public Affairs Officer LI Paul E. Lamey Wallace rode down eight blocks of State St. during the noon hour and an estimated 50,000 jerry Marshall Associate Editor O3 Tom Meyers turned out to see the former Alabama governor Layout SN Larry Long seeking the Presidency under the banner of the American Independent Party. The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is published acc ording to the .The route taken by the Wallace motor cara- roles rod regulations for ship and stoti on newspapers van was similar to the one taken by Richard as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of Nixon when he opened his Presidential cam- the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed paign in Chicago earlier last month. Some four days a week at government e:'pense on government in news items 400,000 persons lined the sidewalks to applaud that appear herein are not to be construe d as official Nixon. or as reflecting the views of CorcNavBese o r the Depart- Wallace's victory strategy calls for him to taeot of the Navy. score a victory in one of the key Midwest Ads sod notices will be accepted betw een the hours states. In addition to Illinois and Michigan, of 8 a.w. and 5 p.m. MON through FRI 001 y and will be Wallace will visit Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvan- published in Monday's, Tuesday's or Thursd ay's GAZETTE. ia, New York, New Jersey and Maryland in his No ads or notices except command notices will be pub- th noth.lished iaore than once a week nor will ti hey be in seven-day swingseve-da throughtrouh swig the north.paper. Earlier Monday, Wallace told newsmen that he The GAZETTE welcomes contributions of a newsworthy would announce his Vice Presidential candidate nature. All contributions should be fonwarded to Box "during this trip." Speculation is that the 22, in care of the GUANTANAMO GAZETTE. Th e GAZETTE re- running mate will be former Air Force General serves the right to modify the Sontent of any story to Curtis LeMay. make it conform to typographical and fon mat standards

HHH CALLS FOR BOMB HALT (Cont'd from Page 1) SCRIPPS-HOWARD FOR NIKON (Cont'd f rom Page i indirect, by deed or word" of Communist wil- woeful injustices. Richard Nixon offers th lingness to restore the Demilitarized Zone best hope on this score. between North and South Vietnam. "In the hazardous world of these times, in- In addition, Humphrey said that if Hanoi excluding the miserable war in Vietn am, we need showed bad faith, "I would reserve' the right a President who can keep his co ol, who can to resume the bombing." make a decision and carry it out who knows The Vice President slightly toughened his when to hold his tongue and when to use it. statement as he delivered it from the way it "Richard Nixon's experience a nd conduct was written. clearly show these abilities. Hubert Humph- The text said "I would be willing-to stop rey, especially in this campaign, has created the bombing." strong doubt that he has compare able abili- But Humphrey, in his delivery, said "I would ties." stop the bombing." Political columnist Walter Lippman, writing Humphrey made the move in an effort to off- in Newsweek magazine, also endorsed Nixon. set the large lead of Republican candidate But he called Nixon's running mate, Gov. Spiro Richard Nixon in political polls. He said Agnew of Maryland, "not qualified." earlier in Salt Lake City that if the election The Cleveland, Ohio, Plain Deale r also came was being held today, the Democratic Presiden- out with an endorsement for Nixon M monday. tial ticket wouldn't have a prayer. The Vice President purchased the nationwide TOLEDO, Ohio (AP/AFNB) Richa rd Nixon's television time so, -as he put it, he could running mate, Spiro Agnew, has p romised the tell his story uninterrupted by hecklers and greater use of wire tapping to comb at crime. demonstrators who have been plaguing him in In doing so, the Maryland over nor criti- larger numbers as his campaign progresses. He Cized Attorney General Ramsey Cla rk for pro- accused hecklers of using the same tactics hibiting its use by federal law enforcement that put Adolph Hitler in charge of Nazi Ger- agencies. many, and condemned the tyranny of a minority Agnew called for dismissal'of C lark as At- as well as the tyranny of a majority. tourney General, saying Clark's solution to Nixon headquarters refused comment on Humph- crime in the streets is apparently y "to widen rey's promise to end the bombing.- Nixon will the sidewalks." Agnew spoke to a crowd speak Tuesday on the issue. 1,500 at a street rally in Toledo. Guantanamo Gazette Page 3

VOTE ON FORTAS TUESDAY (Cont'd from Page 1) Chaplain's Senate refused to advise and consent to a President's nomination for Chief Justice was in 1795. All hope for Johnson winning on Fortas Corner seemed to evaporate Friday when Senate Minor- ity leader Everett Dirkson, R-111., withdrew his hitherto strong support for Fortas. Dirk- B y son thus joined a number of Republican Cong- Chaplain R. A. Bcnner ressmen who, confident of a Republican victory in the November Presidential elections, feel the choice of a successor for Mr. Warren should be left up A man's character is determined by his to the new Pxesident. Criticism of Fortas has strength. We must not mistake physical strength been directed at his "crony relationship" for moral strength, however. They come by dif- with LBJ, his acceptance $15,000 ferent processes. of to lecture at a law school (the money Physical strength can be attained by good' was reportedly raised from businessmen food, hard work and exercise. It shows itself by Mr. Fortas' law partner); his liberal and "permissive" attitude in strong muscles. toward obscenity and Moral strength must be attained from within. dissent; and the fact that there is no real vacancy It comes from living by strong convictions and on the court, because Warren's resig- high standards. It manifests itself in moral nation is conditional on a successor being living. "qualified" and confirmed. Monday, Few of us, after we pass the age of 25 think the Chairman of the Senate Foreign too much about muscular strength. We are not Relations Committee, J. William Fulbright of interested in building biceps. We are only Arkansas, said he would not support the clo- interested in staying healthy. Muscles are a ture bid (an attempt by pro-Fortas Congressmen passing fancy. to close debate on the issue) because he felt that But our character remains with us throughout the man best qualified to succeed Warren life. It determines the pattern of our lives. was Arthur Goldberg. Sen. Most of us found out long ago that it is a Fulbright told newsmen that Johnson had accepted great deal easier to have muscles than it is Warren's retirement on a contingency basis to have character. It is easier to put aside -- contingent on the Senate doing the "will of that extra piece of pie than it is to turn a- the President." side from that inward or outward temptation. "The question raised," Fulbright said, "is Many of us can control others, but we cannot whether the Senate can preserve its preroga- control ourselves. tives in the face of coercion." A truly strong man is a person who has Sens. John Stennis, D-Miss., and William B. brought himself under subjection. Physically Spong Jr., D-Va., also criticized the circum- stances and morally he can govern his life. of Warren's retirementdffev, saying it would set a bad precedent. Sen. Allott, leading off the fourth day of DETROIT (AP/AFNB) Richard Nixon, the GOP debate on Mr. Fortas's nomination, told the Presidential candidate, left his vacation re- Senate that "the position taken by Mr. Warren treat at K

FMF plays Marine Barracks at 4 p.m., Base plays NAS #1 at 6 and NSD pl See Story on Page 8 School at 8 tonight in the Base tennis nient on the SDecial Services courts. Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1968e Guantanamo Gazette Page 7

Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1968 GjantanarflO Gazette Page 7

THE Beeliner ------5551

Cub Scouts, boys eight, nine and The following ships will visit foreign ports ten years of age, need help. A- over the weekend: The USS DAHLGREN (DLG-12) dults who like boys can provide to Montego Bay, Jamaica with accomodations for this help in many ways. You dc six officers and forty-five enlisted; the not have to have a boy in Cubs, USCGC BOUTWELL (WBEC-719) to Ocho Rios, Jamai- either. A meeting of adult vol- ca,with accomodations for two officers and unteers is being held Wednesday twenty-four enlisted; and the USS FRED T. evening at .7:30 p.m. and the BERRY (DD-858) to Port Au Prince, Haiti, with first Wednesday of each month accommodations for six officers and nineteen thereafter, at the Cub Scout Hut, t, I enlisted. All ships will depart Gitmo on Fri- M-330,across from BOQ-3. Boys, tMlrs. Svare day afternoon and will return on Monday Morn- their growth in practical citi- ing. All requests for transportation on these zenship, and a whale of a good ships must be submitted to your parent command time is the objective. The boys need you. personnel officer no later than tomorrow. Come and give a hand. Personnel authorized transportation and mani- fested on sailing lists will muster in front IF IN DOUBT, DIAL - W ATE R : of Base Police Headquarters in the uniform of the day. Something new has been added in the Public Works Center Utilities Department. An Answer- Remember the "Gitmo Swingers" Square Dance ing Service, informing you of the present wat- Club is holding an open house for all prospec- ering hours, is now available for the conven- tive square dancers on Thursday, October 10, ience of the Base personnel. So, if you are at 7:30 p.m. at the Fleet Reserve Home on in doul-t when you can water, dial: WATER at Sherman Avenue. There will be no charge for 92837, and get the correct answer. the classes. Come out and join your friends and neighbors in one of the fastest-growing, Jewish High Holy Day'Services for Yom Kippur most popular pasttimess (Day of Atonement) will be conducted at the Naval Air Station Chapel at 6 p.m. today There will be a meeting of the Composite En- and Wednesday. All members of the Jewish listed Recreation Committee at 1:15 in the faith are invited. afternoon on Friday, in the Special Services Conference Room. Telephone bills are due on,the first day of each month and are payable by the tenth of the A class of English riding lessons for children month. If a telephone bill is not paid on is being planned. The age limit is seven and time, the telephone will be disconnected and a up. Sign up at the Special Services Office or service charge of $1.25 will be made for re- call Mrs. Leslie at 95373. An English riding connecting the -phone. class is starting also for adults. Call Spec- ial Services for further information. Remember that the Como Club serves breakfast every Sunday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Friday night is Junior Officer's Night at the Como Club. The "Gitmo Swingers" will perform The Navy Wives Club of America, Ellis & Field beginning at 10:p.m. And in the Main Bar "The #131, will hold its regular monthly meeting to- Personalities" will entertain from 8 until 11 night at 7:30 p.m. in the Navy Wives Club Hut. p.m. Highballs will be 250 from 8 until 9 pm. All wives of enlisted Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are invited to attend. Want an evening of fun and relaxation? Try Game Night at Morin Center sponsored by your Effective immediately, the Como Club will Naval Base Civic Council. Have fun and sup- serve lunch every Tuesday through Friday from port your community at the same time. Game 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. In addition, the Night will be at 8 p.m. on Mondays, starting bar will feature Happy Hour prices from 11:30 October 14, so come out and enjoy yourself. to 12 noon. (Cont'd on Page 8) Page 8 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1968 S

ATTENTION ALL HAMS;;; Have Caterer , will travel. Contact your friendly Innkeeper for special rates. Call A Ham-fest for all novice class and higher the Como Club at 95332. rated amateur radio operators will be held from noon until 6 p.m. at the large cabana at Windmill Beach on Sunday. For reservations Congratulations to: please call Stan at 95195, 95587 or 95493 prior to 4 p.m. on Friday. SSGT James F. Tichacek and his wife, Phyllis A., on the birth of a baby girl, Barbara Ann, born September 22. She,weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. Classified Ads Tichacek is attached to the Fleet .Triring For Sale Group. Vacuum cleaner, $15; carpet sweeper, $5. Wash- ing machine, $35. Call 98132 AT. Lieutenant Alan G. Marsh and his wife, Nan- cy A., on the birth of a baby girl,'Ktistin Box springs and mattress. Call 95523 AT. Michele, born September 23. She weighed 7 lbs 1/4 oz. Lieutenant Marsh is attached to the '59 Opel station wagon, GC. Best offer over Fleet Training Group. $250. Call 90156 AT. AC2 Ronald E. Ward and his wife, Glenda E., on 7 pairs of drapes, 24' x 90", peach-colored, the birth of a baby girl, Robin Elaine, born fiberglass, EC, $30. Call 85298 AT. September 23. She weighed 8 lbs, 3-1/2 oz. Ward is attached to the Naval Air Station. Barrel boat #82 with 10 hp Johnson motor, equipped and ready to go. Can be seen at NAS ADR2 Joseph F. Kestner and his wife, Patsy E., Boat Pier. $250. Call 85523 DWH or 99221 AWH on the birth of a baby girl, Jacquelyn Fae, born September 25. She weighed 6 lbs. 6-1/2 '63 Lambretta, very good condition. $150 or oz. Kestner is attached to the Naval Air Sta- best offer. Contact Brown at 85885 DWH. tion.

Gibson electric guitar and hard-shell case. Lieutenant Fredrich F. Wangaard and his wife Both like new, $140. Call LTjg Deacon at 85- Carolyn H., on the birth of a baby boy, Kjell 576 DWH. Walther, born September 26. He weighed 7 lbs 11-1/2 oz. Lieutenant Wangaard is attached 5,500 BTU a/c. Call 85268 AT. to the Fleet Training Group. Brunette wig, worn one time. Call 99124 AWH. Twins' Ermer, A's Kennedy Fired Set of piston rings for '61 Rambler Classic, MINNEAPOLIS (AP/AFNB)-- pres- standard size. Call 90185 AT. ident Calvin Griffith fired manager Cal Ermer Monday, making Ermer the second big league '61 Austin Cambridge, new paint, low miles,EC. pilot to get the ax in two days. Call 98266 AWH. Bob Kennedy was yanked from his job as mana- ger of the Sunday -- just '64 Honda, 90 cc., $180. Call 96245 AT. hours before his team took the field for its final game of the season. Griffith said he would wait until after the Wanted World.Series to announce a successor, but for- mer Twins has often been Carburetor for a '53 Chevy. Call 99221 AT. mentioned as the next Minnesota manager. Kennedy's dismissal came as much more of a An auctioneer. Call 95431 AT. surprise to the baseball world. He led his club to an 82-80 season, good for sixth place. Would like to buy old or key U.S. coins. The record was the best compiled by an Ath- Call 95372 AT. letics team since 1955. nank Bauer, fired from his job as manager of Back issues of Playboy magazine from Christmas the Orioles early this season, was of '66 to the present. Call Pointek at 85677. named to replace Kennedy at the A's helm.