Rotary Club of Warrnambool Chartered 75 Years
CENTENARY OF ROTARY 1905-2005 ROTARY CLUB OF WARRNAMBOOL CHARTERED 75 YEARS FOREWORD The preparation of this update has necessitated the use of material prepared for earlier Anniversaries. In particular, material was extracted from a number of souvenir booklets. The earliest was titled Rotary Club of Warrnambool 1929- 1959. Another similar booklet was titled; Rotary Club of Warrnambool 1929- 1979, whilst the most recent was a supplement within the Warrnambool Standard titled; Rotary Club of Warrnambool 1930 – 1990 60th Anniversary. Further historical information as provided by Past President, Ron Rauert. The preparation of material from 1990 to the present was greatly facilitated by access to a private collection of Annual Reports. Other material was gleaned from R.I. World Conference literature. It will be obvious from a reading of this latest publication that considerably more detailed information has been provided in the summary of each Rotary year since 1990. This should not be interpreted that less activity occurred in pre-1990 Rotary years but that earlier publications, particularly the Standard insert, were constrained by available space. Some paragraphs within this update provide general information about Rotary such Objects of Rotary, Rotary International, Rotary Foundation, Group Study Exchange, Ambassadorial Scholarships and the significance of the design of the Rotary Wheel. It was considered that this information was essential in the Centenary Year of Rotary. The assistance of Club photographer, John Reid, Iris Bickley and former Rotarian Doreen Risbey, and her Business studies students at S.W. Institute of TAFE, in the preparation of this history update, is thankfully acknowledged. Special mention is made of our printing team, Rotarians Ian Cairns and Gary Parsons, who, with their knowledge and use of hi-tech equipment, very graciously produced this publication.
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