OPA Bows to Ration Board; Servicemen to Get Gasoline
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fcYOUR IOY SVIF.-No. 20 TOW CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGU8TT 27,1943 PRICK THREE Sweetness Show Three Playground Trophies Blood Bank OPA Bows To Ration Board; AND As Activities End For This Season Volunteers Moskal, Leahy Cheu - trants may aijrn up. The tourna- Light Champs; Angeline Stra- ment will begin al 4 o'clock Mon- „. ( i,»rles E. Cr«forr— day afternoon and last for one Servicemen To Get Gasoline gapede Wins Girls' Class iour. About thirty now are en- Total 150 ,, i mean to belittle tered but fifty aro expected before Murphy and Edge CA'RTBRET — The baseball the close of antries. Registration Lagging; , ,. i hey may plan to trophies which an- to be awarded Repi»trati6ns also are being Ration Board Urges Bon Residents To Complete Furlough ( ,ii,.ii- own stuff in the Ihe loading batter in each league taken for the horseshoe pitching 50 More Sought For contest, with these entries closing , ( hmtf campaign for at the Carteret Playground now Mercy War Service '''"! but I migrht aa well are on display at the office of this Tuesday night. And File Applications For Fuel Oil Immediately lowance Fi) ",;".„„ ihat precious few newspaper, 7fi Washington Ave- ('ARTBRET—An urgent appeal nue. There are three of these bARTERET—The War Price and Ration- ants and others familiar with computation!. ''^i,I,,!,••• lor high places Named for donors to the Blood B«k of v trophies, donated by Frank Scru- Ihe Ited Cross ia m*de today by inf Board with headquarters in the Municipal Since sa mach work it involved each take* con- '''" i,l ,.\ IT KC\ aa much as a dato, and juat who is to receive Is Victorioi those in charge. To date only 160 Buildinf, Woodbridfe, whi|h serves Carteret siderable tine aad the beard desires to get all ',",',,:,.•iph at the bottom of hem will be determined from the ratton coaponi far the purchase of bit into the persons have registered »Tjd. at and Metuchen also, revealed this week tkat .' i, ificd aria if they had ccords kept at the park by Ree- Itnst '200 are needed for Cartertt band* of those entitled to them at the earliest WOODBSaDGE — Cui 'eation Supervisor Daniel Se- applications for fuel oil for ase next Winter I,,,,.,,,! upon their own to meet its quota. Lwt minute possible date. long battle by the local Medals nre being sought have not been received from all residents and !' ' ,,, t;ilcnt in putting to i eject ion because of volunteers * 4 t * Price and Rationing Board, M speeches or players on the winning team* (•(Mitriicting colds or other Hl- otkers here who will need it. The board, in rouncement was made Fuel oil for the Winter may be purchased md it is hoped they will be avail- r.essi's, plus the inability of makinf this announcement, aiked that all who that starting Sept«nber iblp, although dealers handling now, and spokesmen for the board peinted out lough rations for men and ;in> some exceptions would-bft donors to appe have not made application do so immediately iuch awards can give no positive planned always reduces the final it is best for users to get their tanks filled jmt in the service will tie saa .rcncral rule. The to »Toid possible delay and hardship. insurances because the production number so it is desired to have ay as soon as possible. Not only will this insure by the Office of Price Adi i '."rroat Dwifrht Whit- if metal Roods has Ibcen curtailed many aa possible ready to give the * * * 9 tratifin. ,incc the start of the war. TV burners of oil getting their means of keeping \l iiuw wouldn't have a pint of blood. Forms to be filled in by applicant) were warm before the arrival of cold weather, but The Board here nas mad* a nlcr mi the premises. rophies and medals will be pre- mailed all on the board's list but its members and persuletit light to cnted at a special .meeting, prob- Each is sure to save the life of it also will aid dealers and fuel authorities in ;i sludtjnt and a bril- sonic man wounded on the battle do not believe this covert all who need the oil, point and incurred the d bly during the eariy Fall. planning the proper distribution of the valu- pleasure of tho OPA when M ami he had a flair front. Owners of heating equipment who have not able and scarce means of heat. licly announced several clear, homely In the meantime the organized Registrations may be given to received the proper farms on which ta make nonram at the park ends officially This provision for buying oil now does not that it would no lopger obi weighed much Miss Mary Dylag at her home, or i week from tomorrow, Saturday application may obtain these by writing to tb* •Pply to that to be used for cooking purposes. prohibition against allowing ,malic content; and l« Miss Lillian Graeme, clerk at September 4, although it is ex- Pulice HeadquarterB. At night board, in Woodbridfe, or by a telephone call to Coupons for this purpose cannot be distributed rations. This action wat pin-uses would have it at Woodbridie 8-1200. after orders were received :itih pected activities generally will police officer on the deik will by the board until neit month. ,i pi upin the air like a continue as long as the mild mit civilians the use of 24 _ enroll any wishing to sign tip. Calculation! of the allowances to be made So if you're a user of fuel oil for heating "'i,;illiinn/lf you ever want weather remains. The 'bank comes to CarUret of gasoline to travel to and during the coming Winter have been under your home, store or any other building, and thuir vacations. ,1,, nine .serious reading, R«flitratkm Up Again week from next Tuesday, Septem- way for some time. Each is done separately, you haven't been sent an application form, get ni up thai speech he made Registration of youngsters nt ber 7, stid will be set up ftt Car Such permission, the Board; teiet 'High School, from 1:|6 to and the board has been assisted by volunteers in touch wtih the board immediately. ' was discriminatory when it • I,,, auditorium of a New- the playground now has risen to Edward O'Brien r well equipped for this work, engineers, account- 1,034. (»;4. i o'clock. The process, which Brrl It's going to be a cold Winter. to include service m»n an l i.n'wcry in which he gave CARTERET—Stephen Tro.ko, is painless, takes only a short time men. The OPA took no actl !;j, and respectability to Next week at the park will be president of Local 23190, A. I- and donors may return to worij the plea,of the Board to end Lions Club Week and milk and of L., consisting of employe of r (ijriit ;tnrainst prohibition, within a couple hours at the inequity, and until yesterday ,1 viMi'll see what I mean. cookies will »be served the chil- the United States Metals Refin- longest. WAVE Recruit Feted only reply was to the effect dren each day at 2 o'clock. Dur- itif Company, and Edward \|v iiciir friend Doc Eaton Outsiders Enlist News From The Services any local board member who ing recent weeks William Sitar O'Brien, its secretary, have been ussed OPA policies publicly another. Doc is juat about has provided cookies and root beer named delegates to the Inter- Latest volunteers, according t<» John J. Markowitz, son of Mr. of Mr. and Mra. Dennis O'Rorko By USMR Co-Workers esign. Thu Board here «dfi articulate man in and on 'Monday 300 youngsters ate national Council of Chemical Miss Dylag who has charge of tho and Mrs. J. J. iMarkowitz of 667 of 13 Lincoln Avenue, has been he OPA that it had no if IllHSl enrollment, include members of w |lie today and he does- hot dogs as a treat frbm Joseph Workers mind Allied Industrie! upper Roosevelt Avenue, has been moved to Port Pierce, Fla., from CAiRTERBT—Two young resi- of resigning and, furthe anyone's help in Slinsky. Union convention next month. No. 1 fire Company, a man from Camp McCain, Mies. dents of the community leaving that it had no intention of n Rahway who has been unable to promoted from first Lieutenant to * * * rMi'iitiiiK his case either to This week Benjamin Moskal, This meeting will take place in at this time to serve in the armed ing from its policy of giving Kansas City, Mo., from Septem- contribute before, and one resi Captain in the U. S, Army. He is gasoline rntion to any memcer •ss or the electorate Richard Leahy and Angeline Stra- Pfc. Joseph 6. Bucsak now is orces were honored before their gapede were declared winners in ber 13 to 20. The two local dent of Woodbridge who didn' a graduate of the, University of assigned to Sioux Falls, IS. D. the armed force* home on -nerally slightly aller- Ko to the hank conducted there departure at farewell parties by 111 the chess tournament. They are delegates will leave here Sep- Alabama and serves in the infan- * * • ;cugh. spcechea, but never to champions respectively of the tember 10. on Monday of this week. elatives and friends. le. Local churches also are con try. He is stationed at Camp Pfc. Stephen Lenart of the Ma- The Board's Position which — and this is senior, junior and girls' leagues, They were chosen at the meet- lines is at home to spend a month Miss Helen L.