Guatemala Biodiversity and Tropical Forest Assessment

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Guatemala Biodiversity and Tropical Forest Assessment FIPA GGGuuuaaattteeemmmaaalllaaa BBiiiooodddiiivvveeerrrsssiiitttyyy aannnddd TTrrrooopppiiiccaaalll FFooorrreeesssttt AAAsssssseeessssssmmmeeennnttt SSSeeepppttteeemmmbbbeeerrr,,, 22000000222 MMMooodddiiifffiiieeeddd DDDeeeccceemmmbbbeeerrr,,, 22000000333 Table of Contents PREFACE…………………………………………………………………………...1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………………….2 1. BIODIVERSITY IN GUATEMALA ...................................................................... 4 1.1 GUATEMALA’S NATURAL CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................... 4 1.2 ECOREGIONAL DIVERSITY ................................................................................... 5 1.3 ECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY ....................................................................................... 9 1.4. SPECIAL ECOSYSTEMS ....................................................................................... 12 1.4.1 Wetlands.................................................................................................... 12 1.4.2 Caves and Underground Ecosystems........................................................ 13 1.4.3 Freshwater Reef........................................................................................ 13 1.5 SPECIES DIVERSITY............................................................................................ 14 1.5.1 Flora ......................................................................................................... 14 1.5.2 Fauna ........................................................................................................ 14 1.5.3 Migratory birds:........................................................................................ 14 1.6 GENETIC DIVERSITY .......................................................................................... 15 2. THREATS TO THE CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF THE BIODIVERSITY IN GUATEMALA............................. 16 2.1 HABITAT LOSS, DEGRADATION AND FRAGMENTATION ..................................... 16 2.2 OVER-EXPLOITATION OF RESOURCES ................................................................. 17 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND DEGRADATION .................................. 19 2.4 INTRODUCTION OF EXOTIC SPECIES .................................................................... 20 2.5 CONSEQUENCES OF THREATS ON BIODIVERSITY................................................ 20 2.5.1 Threatened Ecoregions ............................................................................. 21 2.5.2 Threatened ecosystems.............................................................................. 21 2.5.3 Threatened Species ................................................................................... 22 3. OBSTACLES TO REDUCING THREATS......................................................... 25 3.1 ECONOMIC AND PRODUCTIVE STRUCTURE OF THE COUNTRY ............................ 25 3.2 INADEQUATE LAND USE REGULATION .............................................................. 26 3.3 LAND TENURE STRUCTURE................................................................................ 26 3.4 POPULATION GROWTH AND MIGRATION............................................................ 27 3.5 POVERTY ........................................................................................................... 27 3.6 WEAKNESS IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ............................................... 28 3.7 FORMULATION AND APPLICATION ..................................................................... 30 4. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION EFFORTS IN GUATEMALA............... 32 4.1. THE GUATEMALAN PROTECTED AREA SYSTEM................................................. 32 4.2. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTIONS ............................................... 35 4.3. FINANCING NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT....... 38 4.4. OTHER STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS .................................................................. 40 4.4.1 PRIORITY INVESTMENT AGENDA FOR THE ENVIRONMENT ................................... 40 4.4.2 THE MOST RELEVANT PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS............................................... 42 4.5. SUMMARY OF THE BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION EFFORT ANALYSIS .............. 42 i 5. GUATEMALA’S TROPICAL FORESTS AND BIODIVERSITY INTERVENTION OPPORTUNITIES ......................................................................... 44 5.1 INTERVENTION ANALYSIS.................................................................................. 44 Illustrative Activities within the CAM Strategy ………………… ………...46 5.2 INTERVENTION OPPORTUNITIES ......................................................................... 58 5.2.1 Strategic Ecosystem Management for National Development: ................ 57 5.2.2 Consolidation of Management Processes Where USAID Comparative Advantages Exist ....................................................................................... 58 5.2.3 Environment Management and Productive Competitiveness:.................. 60 5.2.4 Activities that will not be continued under the CAM Strategy…………..61 ii List of Acronyms ACOFOP Association of Forestry Communities of Petén AGEXPRONT Association of Non-traditional Product Exporters AGIL Local Income Generation Support Project ANACAFE National Coffee Association ANAM National Association of Municipalities Non-Governmental Organization Association of Natural Resources ASOREMA and Environment BID Inter American Development Bank BIOFOR/CHEMONI CS Biodiversity and Forest Project/Chemonics Inc. WB World Bank CATIE Tropical Agronomic Research and Learning Center CECON Center of Conservation Studies CI Conservation International International Center for Preinvestment, Farming and Animal CIPREDA Livestock Development Center CONAP Guatemalan National Council on Protected Areas Legal Assistance from the Office of the President on the Resolution CONTIERRA of Land Conflicts CRS Catholic Relief Service FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FCG Guatemalan Conservation Trust FDN Defensores de la Naturaleza Foundation FIPA Institutional Strengthening in Environmental Policies FOGUAMA Guatemalan Environmental Fund FONACON National Fund for Nature Conservation FUNDAECO Ecodevelopment and Conservation Foundation FUNDARY Mario Dary Foundation GEF Global Environmental Fund ICTA Agricultural Science and Technology Institute IDAEH Anthropology and History Institute IDEADS Environmental Rights and Sustainable Development Institute INAB National Forest Institute (1996 to present) INAFOR National Forest Institute (1976 to 1987) INGUAT Guatemalan Tourism Institute MAGA Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food MARN Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources iii Integrated Natural Resource Management Project in the Western MIRNA Highlands of Guatemala MOSCAMED Project to control and eradicate the Mediterranean Fly NPV Naturaleza para la Vida Foundation PA/USAID PROARCA II Regional Environmental Program/USAID PAFG Guatemalan Forestry Action Plan GDP Gross Domestic Product PINFOR Forestry Incentive Program UNDP United Nations Development Programme PRODEFOR Cuchumatanes Forestry Development Program MBR Maya Biosphere Reserve RECOSMO Sarstún-Motagua Conservation Region SHARE Self Hope and Resource Exchange SIGAP Guatemalan Protected Area System TNC The Nature Conservancy UNIPESCA National Fishery Unit URL Rafael Landívar University USAC University of San Carlos USAID United States Agency for International Development UTJ Technical Juridicial Land Unit UVG University del Valle of Guatemala WCS Wildlife Conservation Society ZUM Multiple Use Zone iv Preface This assessment on the state of biodiversity and tropical forests in Guatemala was prepared for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) /Guatemalan Mission, and addresses the requirements set forth in Sections 118 and 119 of the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) that establish the guidelines concerning the issues of tropical forests and biodiversity. These regulations are presented in Annex A. An exhaustive compilation of the literature pertaining to Guatemalan biodiversity and tropical forests forms the basis of this report. Additional information was obtained from specialists, government authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and bilateral and multilateral donors. The report is presented in five sections. Section One characterizes Guatemalan biological diversity and tropical forests. Section Two describes the main threats to biodiversity and tropical forest conservation, as well as the consequences of such threats. Section Three analyzes the obstacles that must be reduced, mitigated or decreased to reach conservation objectives. Section Four synthesizes the diverse efforts presently being implemented in biodiversity and tropical forest conservation and, above all, describes the impacts of investments made in this area. Lastly, Section Five compares activities considered to be necessary for Guatemalan biological diversity conservation and the actions presently implemented in this sector by USAID’s current strategy in the country. Likewise, this Section analyzes the country’s investment opportunities in this sector, derived from an analysis of opportunities in relation to USAID’s comparative advantages in Guatemala. 1 Executive Summary Guatemala, as part of Mesoamerica, has been identified as part of one of the planet’s richest and highly threatened biodiverse regions, making it one of the world’s top 25 biodiversity conservation hot spots. Mesoamerica is the world’s second ranking
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