1/8/2021 ASU Return - The Association Census 31st January 2021

ANNUAL CENSUS OF ACTIVE SUPPORT UNIT PERSONNEL AT 31ST JANUARY 2021 Adults Adults whose main volunteering role is recorded Adults whose main volunteering role is in this ASU on a different census return Prefer not to Prefer not to Male Female Self-identify Male Female Self-identify say say Support roles Active Support Managers

Active Support Coordinators

Active Support Members Totals TOTAL: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Overall total: 0

Ethnicity - Adults

Please include here only those adults whose main volunteering role is in this Active Support Unit. Prefer not to Male Female Self-identify say White A1 - English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British

A2 - Irish

A3 - Gypsy or Irish Traveller

A4 - Roma

A5 - Any other White background Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups B1 - White and Black Caribbean

B2 - White and Black African

B3 - White and Asian

B4 - Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background Asian or Asian British C1 - Indian

C2 - Pakistani

C3 - Bangladeshi

C4 - Chinese

https://census.scouts.org.uk/edit/459600/21 1/3 1/8/2021 ASU Return - Census 31st January 2021 Prefer not to Male Female Self-identify say C5 - Any other Asian background Black, Black British, Caribbean or African D1 - Caribbean

D2 - African background

D3 - Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean background Other ethnic group E1 - Arab

E2 - Any other ethnic group Other F - Prefer to self- describe

G - Prefer not to say

Totals TOTAL: 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0

Disabilities - Adults

Please include here only those adults whose main volunteering role is in this Active Support Unit.

Developmental Injury e.g.ADHD, ADD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, e.g. Long term affecting body or brain injuries Developmental delay, Down's syndrome, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Speech or language difficulties, other learning difficulties Physical Medical e.g. Spina bifida, other condition affecting mobility e.g. Asthma, allergies (which may require medical intervention), cystic fibrosis, heart condition, migraines, epilepsy. Mental Health Progressive e.g. Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, history of e.g. Muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis self-harm, eating disorder Sensory Self-describe e.g. Affected sight, hearing, taste or smell None Prefer not to say i.e. No disability Additional questions

Person completing the form

Name *


Membership number

Telephone number


https://census.scouts.org.uk/edit/459600/21 2/3 1/8/2021 ASU Return - The Scout Association Census 31st January 2021 Privacy Statement

This form is used to collect the contact details for the person completing the form. This may be used should there be a need to contact you to clarify issues relating to the Census information that has been added to this page. All other data is anonymised. Access to this information is limited to those authorised in your hierarchy.

We take your personal data privacy seriously. The data you provided to us is securely stored online. Please click to see to the Scouts data protect policy.

This personal information will be removed from the Census pages 6 months after the completion of the full Census and no later than September 2021.

Return status

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© Copyright The Scout Association 2001-2021. All Rights Reserved. Charity numbers: 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland). Report generated 08-Jan-2021 10:09 Registered address: The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, , London, England E4 7QW

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