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Volume XLII, No. 10 • December (Nollaig), 2016 An Irish Christmas Potpourri .........................................................................................................It seems that each year, for the past quar- online to make your purchase. Just go to larus, or shawls and toys from Lapland. As ter century, I have written about Christmas ever, a German beer tent sits at the heart of in Ireland. I have varied my topics, because, hop/Shop.htm. it all, with enough Bavarian brews, sauer- if it isn’t new to me, it may not be new to the But if you stay home to buy them, you kraut, and lederhosen to keep the aficiona- readers of the Emerald Reflections. I look for may miss a brand new Irish tradition - dos happy. Or try Cork’s Glow: A Cork Christmas Celebration. They have the mar- the unique, the tried and true, first person Christmas decorations and markets. In re- ket and they have the Tir na Nollaig, the recollections of growing up on the island, cent years, Irish cities and towns have been Land of Christmas. and Irish Christmas stamps. (And if you are dressing up their streets and city and town interested, we have a Christmas page on our centres with lights and decorations. Starting One festival in Clare,the Burren Christ- website that links to our Christmas articles in November, you can find the tree lighting mas Family Fayre in Lisdoorvarna, is a and recipes since 1998. It is at www.sham- ceremonies, the elaborate town and city fundraiser for a childcare facility. The in- events with bands, singers, and parades, and door event features 26 craft, food and sea- For Nollaig 2016, I am offering up a pot- a way to make the festive even more so by sonally-themed stalls, classic games at pourri of topics.
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