
Goals and Objectives

Course Description “” is an online recorded video of a previously presented live CE webinar for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. This course includes a review of current literature relating to pathophysiology, measurement, pharmacological management, and rehabilitation techniques for spasticity.

Course Rationale The purpose of this course is to provide a comparative analysis of traditional and contemporary techniques to assess and manage spasticity based on current research to aid the clinician in employing these techniques effectively to facilitate recovery of motor control.

Course Goals and Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Identify the pathophysiology of spasticity. 2. Identify the causes of hemiplegic shoulder . 3. Compare scales utilized to assess muscle tone. 4. Define the role of casting and splinting aid in contracture management. 5. Identify the stages of recovery of motor control. 6. Differentiate current treatment concepts specific to managing spasticity. 7. Select therapeutic interventions to manage increased muscle tone and facilitate motor control. 8. Identify the effectiveness of electrical stimulation for spasticity reduction. 9. Define how constraint induced movement therapy and vibration impact muscle tone. 10. Classify various methods pharmacological management of spasticity.

Course Provider – Innovative Educational Services Course Instructor - Jodi Gootkin, PT, MEd, CEAS Target Audience – Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants Course Educational Level – This course is applicable for introductory/intermediate learners. Course Prerequisites – None Method of Instruction/Availability – Recorded video available on demand at Criteria for Issuance of CE Credits – Completion of viewing of 3 hour recorded video, and a score of 70% correct or greater on the course post-test Continuing Education Credits – Three (3) hours of continuing education credit. Course Fee - $34.95

Conflict of Interest – No conflict of interest exists for the presenter or provider of this course.

Refund Policy - Unrestricted 100% refund upon request. The request for a refund by the learner shall be honored in full without penalty or other consideration of any kind. The request for a refund may be made by the learner at any time without limitations before, during, or after course participation.

Innovative Educational Services Course Overview 2

“Spasticity” examines traditional and contemporary interventions used to normalize muscle tone. This course includes a review of current literature 1 relating to pathophysiology, measurement, SPASTICITY pharmacological management, and rehabilitation techniques for spasticity. Live Interactive Webinar Presented By: Jodi Gootkin, PT, MEd, CEAS [email protected]

Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Course Rationale 3 Goals and Objectives 4

The purpose of this course is to provide a 1. Understand the pathophysiology of spasticity. comparative analysis of traditional and 2. Compare scales utilized to assess muscle tone. 3. Identify how the developmental sequence is utilized to facilitate return contemporary techniques to assess and manage to function. spasticity based on current research to aid the 4. Differentiate current treatment concepts specific to managing spasticity. 5. Select therapeutic interventions to manage increased muscle tone and clinician in employing these techniques effectively facilitate motor control. to facilitate recovery of motor control. 6. Determine the effectiveness of electrical stimulation for spasticity reduction. 7. Summarize how mirror therapy and vibration impact muscle tone. 8. Define the role of contracture management in reducing spasticity. 9. Classify various methods pharmacological management of spasticity. 10. Identify surgical management techniques for spasticity.

Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Topic Time Normal vs. Abnormal Muscle Tone 0:00-0:05 Pathophysiology of Spasticity 0:06-0:15 Spasticity Assessment 0:16-0:20 Disclaimer 5 Modified Ashworth Scale 0:21-0:256 Course Modified Tardieu Scale 0:26-0:30 Outline Rehabilitation Interventions 0:31-0:35 Application of concepts presented in this webinar is Developmental Sequence 0:36-0:50 and Interactive Discussion of Clinical Applications 0:51-0:60 at the discretion of the individual participant in Schedule Brunnstrom Techniques 1:00-1:15 accordance with federal, state, and professional Bobath Techniques 1:16-1:35 regulations. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation 1:36-1:50 3-hour live Interactive Discussion of Clinical Applications 1:51-2:00 Complementary Interventions 2:01-2:05 interactive Electrical Stimulation 2:06 -2:10 webinar Mirror Therapy and Vibration Treatment 2:11-2:15 Contracture Management 2:16-2:25 Pharmacological Management 2:26-2:30

Consider Intrathecal Baclofen 2:31-2:35 This Botulinum Toxin A 2:35-2:40 Surgical Management 2:41-2:50 Interactive Discussion of Clinical Applications 2:51-3:00 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 1 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. How To Obtain CEUs For This Course 7 Normal Muscle Tone 8

• After the live interactive webinar and prior to • At rest there is a minimal amount of tension 11:59 pm TONIGHT go to maintained in a muscle that resists passive • Complete the post test with score of at least stretch. 70% • Resting tone is low enough to allow movement • May be retaken multiple times but high enough to support activity. • Submit online payment for course • Print certificate • Course review and summary for post test at the Consider end of the webinar. This Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Muscle Spasm 9 Tone Alterations 10

Spasticity • In an intact neuromuscular system, involuntary contraction of a muscle due to overuse, electrolyte • Resting tone in imbalance, or dehydration. the muscle changes in Hypertonia Rigidity • Often presents in therapy as the body’s protective response to mechanism to avoid further injury or in response to injury of the muscular compensations for movement. Decorticate and nervous system. Decerebrate Rigidity Muscle Spasm = Spasticity Hypotonia Flaccidity

Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Definition 11 Nervous System 12

“A disorder of the sensorimotor system • The nervous system is subdivided into two characterized by a velocity-dependent increase primary components: in tonic stretch reflexes (muscle tone) with • Central Nervous System (CNS)– brain and exaggerated tendon jerks, resulting from spinal cord hyperexcitability of the stretch reflex.” • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)– sensory and motor nerves outside of CNS Lance J. W. (1980). “Symposium,” in Spasticity: Disordered Motor Control, eds Feldman R. G., Young R. R., Koella W. P., editors. (Chicago: Year Book Medical Pubs; ), 485–495

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 2 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Healthy Stretch Reflex 13 Lower Motor Neuron Lesion 14

•Normally when muscle is • The healthy stretch elongated, the muscle spindle recognize the reflex response is altered length and speed at absent with a lower which it occurred. motor neuron •When stretched quickly, it lesion of the transmits a signal to the peripheral nerve spinal cord triggering the stretch reflex. resulting in • Signal sent back down motor flaccidity and neuron to muscle which hyporeflexia. develops tension to resist the change in length.

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Upper Motor Neuron Diagnoses Syndrome 15 16

• Injury or disease process • Conditions presenting with spasticity involve of the brain or spinal cord upper motor neuron lesions. presents with specific • CP signs/symptoms. • MS • Spasticity • Traumatic Brain Injury TBI •Hyperreflexia • SCI • Associated Reactions • Cerebrovascular Accident CVA • Motor Weakness • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS • Parkinson's Disease PD

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Disrupted Descending Pathophysiology of Spasticity 17 18 Regulation

• Several mechanical and neuronal mechanisms • Upper motor neuron lesions result in an have been theorized as result in prolonged imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory disinhibition of the spinal reflexes that result in spinal tracts between the brain and spasticity. muscles. • Disrupted descending regulation • This leads to reduced inhibitory control • Denervation supersensitivity over the stretch reflex that allows exaggerated muscle firing at rest. • Hyperexcitable stretch reflex Excitation

Consider Inhibition This Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Bartolomeo Eustachi: Brain and Spine Anatomy, c. 1722 Bartolomeo Eustachi (1520?-1574): Tabulae anatomicae clarissimi viri, 1722.

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 3 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Denervation Supersensitivity 19 Connective Tissue Adaptations 20

•Without inhibition from • Over time connective higher cortical centers over tissue mechanical activity occurs due to: changes alter the length • Alpha motor neurons tension relationship of form new postsynaptic the muscle and membrane receptors contribute to increased • Adjacent interneurons muscle spindle induce local sprouting stimulation of the stretch creating abnormal reflex.

synapses Flickr“Sookle” Looking Deeper blogged at: 4UwSna-7QNsK8-huE4Uf-bqr1Qz-huDu3u-jHTLW4-fMsyE7-jHTMxV-cnjxym-5xVEs4-hu1E54-9szt6u-7yMGE-7yMGK-7yMGp-7yMGv-kizaBZ-8rzjj-bzYTvQ-huDquY- NICHD/M. Sulkowski 7iEKy-9WcbW4-fCKGQQ-98dPqw-8dp3xu-mLo6BD-2Tr6p-bt9b3o-jHTMBT-dvedXX-bd9NLM-roSdBL-uo473K-akVAxe-v3qnBv-v3GMt2-u6yY7e-u6zAUP-6qFYGL Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 s8nB4M-UX8MNt-UKty9x-xQLDvW-bCJuQB-bwwaA8-MdvqYx-NZjgba-M6k8fp

Hyperexcitable Stretch Reflex 21 Classifications of Spasticity 22

Spasticity • Spasticity affecting more than two Generalized regions of the body

Viscoelastic Muscle Augmented Changes Due to Stretch Reflex • Spasticity affecting one or two regions of Shortened Position Regional the body

•Spasticity around one joint or isolated muscle(s) Lower Muscle Focal Decreased Muscle Spindle Stretch Extensibility Threshold

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Upper Extremity Flexor Tone Patterns of Spasticity 23 24

• Often spasticity tends to present more in specific • Scapular retraction and depression muscle groups. • Shoulder ADDuction and Internal Rotation •Elbow Flexion •Forearm Pronation Upper Extremity • Wrist and Finger Flexion Finger, wrist, elbow Lower Extremity flexors Knee flexors or extensors Ankle Plantarflexors

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 4 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Lower Extremity Extensor Tone 25 Lower Extremity Flexor Tone 26

• Pelvic Retraction and Elevation • Hip ADDuction • Hip Extension, ADDuction, and Internal Rotation •Knee Flexion • Knee Extension • Ankle Inversion and Plantarflexion

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Clasp Knife Spasticity 27 Clonus 28

• Passive stretch produces initial high resistance to Cyclical spasmodic hyperactivity of both agonist motion followed by sudden letting go allowing and antagonist muscles. passive motion. Stretch Reflex Muscle Spindle Sudden Stretch Triggers Muscle Activation Contraction

Golgi Tendon Stretch Persists Organ Activated

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Decorticate and Rigidity 29 Decerebrate Rigidity 30 Spasticity of both the agonist and antagonist muscles resulting in significant resistance to movement in

both directions. • Bilateral Upper Extremity Flexion Decorticate • Bilateral Lower Extremity Extension

Term Definition • Bilateral Upper Extremity Extension Cogwheel rigidity Ratchet-like response to passive motion with Decerebrate alternating letting go and increased resistance • Bilateral Lower Extremity Extension Lead pipe rigidity Constant resistance from both agonist and antagonist

Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 5 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Assessing Muscle Tone 31 Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) 32

• Manual muscle testing is not valid as voluntary • Most widely utilized tool for measuring spasticity. muscle contraction cannot be measured when • Clinician passively moves limb through range of increased tone is present. motion to assess resistance to stretch. • When spasticity is present, manual muscle • The modification to the original scale testing is not applicable. differentiates between mild and moderate spasticity.

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Modified Ashworth Reliability Modified Ashworth Scale Grading 33 and Validity 34

Grade Description • Generally suggested for use with CVA, SCI, and 0No increase in muscle tone TBI but not recommended for MS 1 Slight increase in muscle tone; catch and release OR minimum • Criticized for assessing global resistance to resistance at end of ROM when moved in flexion or extension passive movement as opposed to stretch reflex 1+ Slight increase in muscle one; catch followed by minimum resistance throughout the remainder ROM (less than half) hyperexcitability. 2 Moderate increase in muscle tone throughout most of the ROM,

but body part(s) easily moved Kamper, D. G., Schmit, B. D., et al. (2001). "Effect of muscle biomechanics on the quantification of spasticity." Ann Biomed Eng 29(12): 1122-1134. 3 Marked increase in muscle one; passive movement difficult Salter, K., Jutai, J. W., et al. (2005). "Issues for selection of outcome measures in rehabilitation: ICF Body 4 Affect part(s) rigid in flexion or extension Functions." Disabil Rehabil 27(4): 191-207. Scholtes, V. A., Becher, J. G., et al. (2007). "Clinical assessment of spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: a critical review of available instruments." Developmental Medicine & Child 48(1): 64-73. Naghdi, S., Ansari, N. N., Abolhasani, H., Mansouri, K., Ghotbi, N., & Hasson, S. (2014). Electrophysiological evaluation Bohannon, R.W., Smith, M.B. (1987) Interrater reliability of modified Ashworth scale of of the Modified Tardieu Scale (MTS) in assessing poststroke wrist flexor spasticity. NeuroRehabilitation, 34(1), 177-184. muscle spasticity. Phys Ther; 67, 206-7. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Modified Tardieu Scale 35 Modified Tardieu Reliability 36

• Considers multiple factors when assessing spasticity. • Appears to be more accurate than Modified Ashworth Scale across multiple populations, but is Velocity of • V1 As slow as possible Passive • V2 Speed of the limb segment falling less frequently utilized in the clinical setting. Movement • V3 As fast as possible (> natural drop) •CVA, TBI, SCI

Angle of • R1- Angle of catch seen at Velocity V2 or V3 Muscle • R2- Full range of motion achieved when muscle is at rest and tested at Singh, P., Joshua, A. M., Ganeshan, S., & Suresh, S. (2011). Intra-rater reliability of the modified Tardieu scale to quantify Reaction V1 velocity spasticity in elbow flexors and ankle plantar flexors in adult stroke subjects. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 14(1), 23. Mehrholz, J., Wagner, K., Meißner, D., Grundmann, K., Zange, C., Koch, R., & Pohl, M. (2005). Reliability of the Modified Tardieu Scale and the Modified Ashworth Scale in adult patients with severe brain injury: a comparison study. Clinical • 0 No resistance throughout passive movement Rehabilitation, 19(7), 751-759. • 1 Slight resistance throughout with no clear catch at a precise angle. Akpinar, P., Atici, A., Ozkan, F. U., Aktas, I., Kulcu, D. G., Sarı, A., & Durmus, B. (2017). Reliability of the Modified Ashworth Quality of • 2 Clear catch at a precise angle followed by release Scale and Modified Tardieu Scale in patients with spinal cord injuries. Spinal Cord. Muscle Reaction • 3 Fatiguable clonus (<10secs) occurring at a precise angle Naghdi, S., Ansari, N. N., Ghorbani-rad, S., Senobari, M., & Sahraian, M. A. (2017). Intra-rater reliability of the Modified • 4 Unfatiguable clonus (>10secs) occurring at a precise angle Tardieu Scale in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurological Sciences, 38(1), 93-9 • 5 Joint Immobile Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 6 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Patient Reported Impact of Penn Spasm Frequency Scale Spasticity Measure (PRISM) 37 38

• Patient self-report questionnaire on the impact of • Self-report questionnaire of patient’s perception spasticity on quality of life. of the frequency and severity of their spasticity. • Subscales provide perspective on social avoidance/, psychological agitation, daily 0 = No spasm Part 1 1 = Mild spasms induced by stimulation activities, need for assistance/positioning, need Spasm 2 = Infrequent full spasms occurring less than once per hour for intervention, and social embarrassment. Frequency 3 = Spasms occurring more than once per hour 4 = Spasms occurring more than 10 times per hour

Part 2 1 = Mild Spasm 2 = Moderate Severity 3 = Severe

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Influential Factors 39 Exacerbating Factors 40

Medical Changes • Monitor the patient for and educate them or caregivers about nociceptive, visceral, or somatic • With pediatric Postural stimuli that may aggravate spasticity. patients increased •Ingrown nails tone may be • Pressure sores indicative of illness, Te m pe r a tu re Altered •Bladder retention pain, anxiety, fatigue Spasticity • Constipation or other heightened • Generalized or local infection emotional states. Noxious Stimuli • Skin irritation •Exertion Emotions

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42 Complications from Spasticity 41 Joint Subluxation

• Normalizing tone is necessary to manage • Forces generated by complications of muscle shortening, loading on spastic muscles alter bony prominences, pain, altered body image, and forces on femoral head in loss of function. acetabulum leading to joint subluxation. • Can be “silent” or Sleep painful Disturbance • Progression can contribute to pelvic obliquity and Poor Hygiene scoliosis.

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 7 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Considerations 43 Rehabilitation Goals 44

Prevent • Comprehensive rehabilitation incorporates complications strategies to address both the neurogenic and biomechanical component of spasticity. Prevent Improve contractures positioning and seating

Neurogenic Biomechanical •Hyperactive • Stiffness and Decrease Increase muscle short tissue dependence functional contraction shortening with ADLs mobility


Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 fall risk

Spasticity Management 45 Positioning 46

Inhibit • Positioning devices such as Facilitate Spastic Muscles towel rolls and wedges provide Antagonist stability and alignment Prevent Contracture minimizing the need for compensatory muscle Promote contraction that could lead to a Normal global increase in tone. Movement • Altering body position can break spastic patterns and assist in minimizing joint contracture.

Consider This Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Spasticity Management Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Positioning Strategies 47 Intervention Selection 48

• Avoid positions that favor abnormal tone and “Lack of consensus on the basis of spasticity and the contribute to soft tissue shortening. associated absence of guidelines for treatment, use of drugs and rehabilitation programmes.” • Multiple techniques are recognized to reduce tone and facilitate return to function. • Brunnstrom •Bobath • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation • Complementary Techniques • Work in various developmental sequence postures to encourage antigravity control. Thibaut, A., Chatelle, C., Ziegler, E., Bruno, M. A., Laureys, S., & Gosseries, O. (2013). Spasticity after stroke: physiology, Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 assessment and treatment. Brain Injury, 27(10), 1093-1105. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 8 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Developmental Sequence Developmental Sequence 49 Positions 50

• As we mature, neuromuscular control develops •Supine with mastery of a posture then progressing to a •Prone more complex one. • Prone on Elbows • Proximal stability is needed for distal mobility to •Prone on Hands occur. •Quadruped • Can utilize developmental posture as position to •Kneeling inhibit the spastic muscle and/or after tone is diminished to allow patient to begin recovering •Half Kneeling motor control. •Modified Plantigrade •Standing

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Inhibit Spastic Muscles 51 Manual Contacts 52 Weight Bearing Approximation • Description: Use bony prominences as neutral Neutral Zone Manual Contacts zones to avoid increasing tone. • Indication: During passive stretching, task specific Facilitate Antagonist Muscles practice to guide motion, movement into various Tapping Performed in postures, and caregiver hygiene of patient. Active Motion Various Developmental Postures Promote Functional Use of Extremity

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Weight bearing 53 Approximation 54

• Prolonged deep pressure over the tendon of a • In a weight bearing posture, approximation through spastic muscle inhibits tone. the joint activates join receptors to enhance proprioceptive awareness and inhibit tone. •Be aware of patient alignment for longitudinally directed forces to occur through the joint.

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 9 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Ta pp i ng 55 Skill Progression 56

• Brisk tapping over the muscle belly opposite the • Mobility – Obtain Posture spastic muscle facilitates it to contract. • Through reciprocal inhibition the spastic muscle will relax.

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Skill Progression 57 Skill Progression 58

• Stability – Hold Posture accepting challenges at •Controlled Mobility –Weight Shift, lifting and head/neck, pelvis and shoulder reaching with extremities, trunk rotation

Mages: Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 and-leaning-on-grey-concrete-wall-at-daytime-160917/ Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Skill Progression 59 Modified Plantigrade 60

• Skill – locomotion within posture • Allows weight bearing through upper and lower extremity with wide base of support.

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 10 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Pressure Splints 61 Sensory Stimulation 62

• Transparent inflatable •Auditory pressure splints support • Quiet environment, soft tone of voice with calm the extremity while emotional overtones and regular rhythm of speech stimulating proprioceptive • Olfactory and cutaneous receptors • Avoid strong odors and utilize pleasant scents in weight bearing postures. • Visual • Cool colors, low lighting, and avoid busy patterns • Johnstone air splints are distributed by Urias in • Vestibular pediatric through bariatric • Slow linear acceleration and avoid spinning sizes for the upper and lower extremity. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Brunnstrom Stages of Recovery 63 Brunnstrom Theory 64

• Brunnstrom •Flaccidity 1 • As reflexive activity emerges, describes specific utilize it to create background •Spasticity Begins stereotypical stages 2 tone and superimpose of motor recovery volitional control to progress •Spasticity Increases beginning with 3 toward functional recovery. flaccidity progressing •Spasticity Decreases, some movement out of synergy • Interventions can be applied to full motor function 4 •Spasticity Continues to Decrease, directly to the spastic muscle return following a 5 synergy patterns no longer dominate to reduce its high tone or to stroke. the antagonistic muscle to • Disappearance of Spasticity 6 reduce tone through reciprocal •Normal Function inhibition. 7 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Associated Reactions 65 Raimiste’s Phenomenon 66

• Movements that occur • Description: Resisted ABDuction of the lower or reflexively as a result of upper extremity on one side facilitates ABDuction active or resisted movement on opposite side through overflow. of another body segment. • Indication: Applied to • Can be utilized to inhibit uninvolved limb to inhibit spastic muscle directly or spastic ADDuctors through reciprocal inhibition. and allow active motion.

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 11 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Marie Foix 67 Gentle Rocking 68

• Description: Strong passive flexion of toes initiates • Description: Gentle repetitive rocking of the flexor withdrawal pattern of the lower extremity with head/neck, scapular and pelvic regions inhibits tone. hip and knee flexion. • Indications: General inhibition of tone prior to or • Indication: Can break up extensor tone in the lower during task performance when spasticity increases extremity to facilitate active motion and positioning. due to volitional effort.

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Slow Stroking 69 Cryotherapy 70

• Description: Slow overlapping with hand • Prolonged application of cold to the spastic performed skin on skin starting at occiput with muscle to inhibit tone. continuous contact to coccyx. • Performed prior to stretching and • Indication: General inhibition of tone prior to or developmental posture activities focusing on during task performance when spasticity motor control. increases due to volitional effort.

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Cryotherapy continued 71 Brunnstrom vs. Bobath 72

• Quick stroking with ice applied to the antagonist of the spastic muscle facilities its contraction which reduces tone in the spastic muscle through reciprocal inhibition. Brunnstrom • Apply in the direction of the contraction from Bobath Utilize reflexes insertion to origin. Only encourage to facilitate normal motion movement

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 12 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. 73 Bobath Theory NDT Techniques 74

• Neurodevelopmental Technique • Key points of control using (NDT) utilizes handling precise manual contacts at techniques to facilitate normal various joints facilitate the desired muscle activation movement and automatic supplying the patient with postural responses. sensory information of • The goal of interventions is to correct movement. increase sensory input to • Bilateral symmetrical normalize tone, inhibit abnormal movements and regaining reflexes, and restore motor proximal stability is function. encouraged.

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Reflex Inhibiting Postures (RIP) 75 Humeral External Rotation 76

• Avoidance of abnormal movement strategies is • Utilizing humeral external rotation through an encouraged through positions that inhibit elbow key point of control increases activation of spasticity by lengthening shortened muscles. trunk extensor musculature.

Dos Santos, C. G., Pagnussat, A. S., Simon, A. S., Py, R., do Pinho, A. S., & Wagner, M. B. (2015). Humeral external rotation handling by using the Bobath concept approach affects trunk extensor muscles electromyography in children with cerebral palsy. Research in developmental disabilities, 36, 134-141.

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77 Prayer Position Key Points of Control 78

• The patient utilizes • To encourage postural body on body contact control that is the foundation by lacing fingers of of movement, NDT uses both hands together manual contacts on the with the affected shoulder girdle, pelvis, thumb ABDucted. hands, and feet to provide • Can be utilized during input for normal movement the performance of through progressively more bed mobility and upper challenging developmental extremity dressing. postures.

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 13 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Trunk Inclination 79 Bobath Hand Hold 80

• The clinician maintains the patient’s wrist extension, •Cradling the involved upper extremity with the forearm supination with thumb abduction. uninvolved provides point of control for clinician to support or resist trunk movement in all planes.

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81 Bed Mobility Dynamic Bridging 82

•Segmental movement with • Bridging permits bilateral weight bearing in a RIP facilitation at the scapula to diminish lower extremity extensor spasticity. and pelvis encourage normal recruitment.

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NDT Transfer Technique 83 NDT Maximum Assist Transfer 84

• Transferring TOWARD the weak side encourages • Maximum Assist – patient forward flexed toward weight bearing, breaks extensor tone by using involved side with hands in prayer position while RIP at UE/LE/trunk, and crossing of midline. clinician assists at greater trochanters and gluteus maximus. •Traditionally performed WITHOUT a gait belt.

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 14 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. NDT Moderate Assist Transfer 85 NDT Minimum Assist Transfer 86

• As the patient is able to perform normal • When only minimum assistance through a movement more independently, the clinician postural cue to recruit the appropriate muscle for provides assistance at the scapula. the movement pattern, the hands and knee are utilized by the clinician as manual contacts..

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Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Independent Sit to Stand 87 Facilitation (PNF) 88

• Patient utilizes • Utilizing diagonal patterns of hand over hand movement that cross midline and are contact on spiral in nature, sensory input involved lower stimulates motor control. extremity to • Upper and lower extremity patterns are encourage weight named for the motion occurring at the shifting and proximal joint (hip or shoulder) normalization of • D1 Flexion and D1 Extension tone during active • D2 Flexion and D2 Extension motion.

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PNF Upper Extremity Diagonal 1 89 PNF Upper Extremity Diagonal 2 90 Diagonal One (D-1) – SHIELD COMMAND Diagonal Two (D-2) SWORD COMMAND D-1 Flexion: Flexion - ADDuction - External Rotation “Squeeze my D-2 Flexion: Flexion - ABDuction - External Rotation “Open hand, turn, Start with arm out to side, hand open hand, turn, pull Start with hand “in pocket”, fisted push up and out” Close hand, TURN (follow thumb) up and across” Open hand, TURN (follow thumb) Bring arm up and across face to opposite ear Bring arm to overhead position D-1 Extension: Extension - ABDuction - Internal Rotation “Open hand, D-2 Extension: Extension - ADDuction - Internal Rotation “Squeeze my Start with arm across face, hand closed turn, push down Start in overhead position, hand open hand, turn, pull Close hand, TURN (follow thumb) down and across” Open hand, TURN (follow thumb) and out” Bring hand back to “in pocket” position Sweep arm out to side

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 15 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. PNF Lower Extremity Diagonal 1 91 PNF Lower Extremity Diagonal 2 92

Diagonal One (D-1) HEEL IN POCKET COMMAND D-1 Flexion: Flexion - ADDuction - External Rotation “Foot up, heel Diagonal Two (D-2) FIRE HYDRANAT COMMAND Leg out to side (abducted and extended) in, pull up and D-2 Flexion: Flexion - ABDuction - Internal Rotation “Foot up, heel Ankle moves into dorsiflexion across” Start with leg extended and adducted out, pull up Bring foot across body with knee flexed – heel to opposite Ankle moves into dorsiflexion and out” knee (“in pocket”) Pull leg into abduction and internal rotation --“fire hydrant” D-1 Extension: Extension - ABDuction - Internal Rotation “Foot down, Start with “foot in pocket” heel out, push D-2 Extension: Extension - ADDuction - External Rotation “Foot down, Ankle moves into plantar flexion down and out” Start with leg in “fire hydrant” position heel in, push Sweep leg out to side Ankle moves into plantar flexion down and in” Push leg down into extension and adduction

Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Lumbrical Grip 93 “The Groove” 94

• Manual contact through the thenar and • The clinician’s body position needs to be in the hypothenar eminence. same diagonal as the pattern the patient is performing to ensure appropriate proprioceptive input.

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Rhythmical Rotation 95 Rhythmic Initiation 96

• Description: Smooth low rate rotation of the • Description: Progression from extremity through the long axis of the joint while passive active assisted progressing through the PNF diagonal. active resisted movement • Indication: decrease spasticity in entire extremity through the diagonal pattern. prior to or during active motion to reduce tone. • Indication: Can be utilized for passive range of motion. With active motion, technique allows proprioceptive feedback to initiate movement and build strength. Consider This Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 16 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Agonistic Reversals 97 Complementary Interventions 98

• Description: Concentric performance of pattern • Therapeutic advances continue to explore followed by isometric hold at end range then different applications of traditional techniques and return to start position through eccentric new strategies that can be utilized to diminish contraction of same muscle group spasticity and encourage normal motion. • Indication: continuous recruitment • Electrical Stimulation of agonist muscle group to •Mirror Therapy inhibit spastic muscles through •Vibration Treatment reciprocal inhibition.

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Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve 100 Electrical Stimulation 99 Stimulation (TENS)

• Application directly to the spastic muscle can induce • A combination of parameters has sensory habituation at the spinal cord level. been utilized to target different anti-nociceptive responses. • Low Rate TENS induces endorphin release that reduces motor neuron excitability. • High Frequency Conventional • Electrical stimulation applied to the antagonist of the TENS reduces nociceptive input spastic muscle triggers reciprocal inhibition inducing through the gate control theory. relaxation of the spastic muscle. Park, J., Seo, D., Choi, W., & Lee, S. (2014). The effects of exercise with TENS on spasticity, balance, • Typical strengthening parameters for NMES areConsider and gait in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Medical science monitor: This international medical journal of experimental and clinical research, 20, 1890. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 utilized with a longer ramp up time. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Mirror Therapy Research 102 Mirror Therapy 101 Population Outcome CVA within first 12 months Improved proximal and distal UE function • Patient is positioned to view non-affected limb in CVA within first 2 weeks LE Motor recovery, balance, and mobility mirror envisioning it is the affected limb while improvement equal to control group performing motions. TBI subacute or chronic phase Slightly lower grade spasticity and improved UE motor ability and posture • Reduction of tone in the affected limb may be

necessary prior to positioning the limb with the mirror. Lee, M. M., Cho, H. Y., & Song, C. H. (2012). The mirror therapy program enhances upper-limb motor recovery and motor function in acute stroke patients. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 91(8), • Movement of the non-affected 689-700. Mohan, U., babu, S. K., Kumar, K. V., Suresh, B. V., Misri, Z. K., & side should promote motions Chakrapani, M. (2013). Effectiveness of mirror therapy on lower extremity motor recovery, balance and mobility in patients with acute stroke: A of the antagonistic muscles randomized sham-controlled pilot trial. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 16(4), 634–639. Sciusco, A., Ditrenta, G., Rahino, A., Damiani, S., Megna, M., Ranieri, M., & to reduce tone and encourage Megna, G. (2008). Mirror therapy in the motor recovery of upper motion. extremities. Eur Med Phys, 44. Rothgangel, A. S., & Braun, S. M. (2013). Mirror therapy: Practical protocol for stroke rehabilitation. Munich: Pflaum Verlag. doi: 10.12855/ar. sb. mirrortherapy. e2013 [Epub], Rothgangel AS, Braun SM. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 17 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Vibration Treatment 103 Vibration Treatment 104

• Isolated Muscle Vibration •Whole Body Vibration (WBV) • Used after inhibition techniques are performed on • Repetitive stimulation of the sensory spastic muscle. motor system through mechanical stimuli to modulate the reflex activity • Antagonist to the spastic muscle is placed on and decrease spasticity. passive stretch. • Hand held vibration device applied from insertion to origin of the muscle with gentle pressure as patient actively contracts. • Reduces spasticity through reciprocal

inhibition. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Complication of Spasticity: Common Contractures Joint Contracture 105 106 • Increased mechanical resistance to passive motion •Upper Extremity may be secondary to alterations in tendon compliance • Frozen Shoulder and muscle fiber shortening. • Elbow, wrist and finger flexion • Mechanical changes in sarcomere length contribute •Lower Extremity to muscle stiffness as the optimal muscle tension is •Hip and Knee Flexion reset to a shorter resting length. • Ankle Plantar Flexion • This in turn can contribute to

Consider increased spasticity. This

Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Contracture Management 107 Orthotics 108

• Medicare considers an orthosis a • Traditional methods aim to maintain muscle length rigid or semi-rigid device that through splinting, positioning and stretching. supports a weak or deformed body • Evidence on effectiveness of interventions varies. member, or restricts or eliminates motion in a diseased or injured part of the body. Diagnosis Intervention Outcome • Dynamic devices provide static low CVA Wrist splint vs. no splint Both lost 17 degrees load prolonged stretch and CP HamstringStretching and Quadricep Combined intervention encourage functional motion. electrical stimulation vs. Stretching slightly more effective • Elbow Wrist Hand Orthosis Lannin, N. A., Cusick, A., McCluskey, A., & Herbert, R. D. (2007). Effects of splinting on wrist contracture after stroke. Stroke, 38(1), 111-116. • Wrist Hand Orthosis Khalili, M. A., & Hajihassanie, A. (2008). Electrical simulation in addition to passive stretch has a small effect on spasticity and contracture in children with cerebral palsy: a randomised within-participant controlled trial. Australian Journal of • Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis Physiotherapy, 54(3), 185-189. • Ankle Foot Orthosis Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 18 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Ankle Foot Orthosis 109 Contracture Management 110

• When knee genu recurvatum is present use of an “The effect of stretching on spasticity and contractures is still AFO set in slight dorsiflexion will create a flexion largely evidence free; however, there is no evidence that it is moment at the knee at midstance to limit the harmful.” hyperextension.

Inhibition Stretch to Encourage Te chn iqu es Prevent Functional to Reduce Contracture Mobility Spasticity

Kheder, A., & Nair, K. P. S. (2012). Spasticity: pathophysiology, evaluation Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 and management. Practical neurology, 12(5), 289-298.

Muscle Stretching 111 Stretching Evidence 112

• Slow prolonged stretching with frequent consistent application may improve outcomes. • The proposed benefits of slow gentle stretching to prevent contractures varies. • Prevent formation of cross bridges in collagen Diagnosis Intervention Outcome CVA Prolongedshoulder and wrist Both lost 13-15 degrees • Maintain passive length of soft tissue stretch vs. no stretching • Decrease excitability of lower motor neurons SCI Dorsiflexion prolonged stretch Gain of 2 degrees with stretch vs. no stretching Loss of 2 degrees without stretch

Prabhu RKR, Swaminathan N & Harvey LA. (2013). Passive movements for the treatment and prevention of contractures. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1-31. Turton, A. J., & Britton, E. (2005). A pilot randomized controlled trial of a daily muscle stretch regime to prevent contractures in the arm after stroke. Clinical Rehabilitation, 19(6), 600-612. Harvey, L. A., Herbert, R. D., Glinsky, J., Moseley, A. M., & Bowden, J. (2009). Effects of 6 months of regular passive movements on ankle joint mobility in people with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trial. Spinal cord, 47(1), 62.

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Stretching Technique 113 Velocity of Stretch 114

• Avoid quick stretching that my facilitate stretch • Research using EMG monitoring of muscle response reflex. to stretch velocity indicates that not all spastic muscle demonstrates the same activation patterns. • Use bony prominences as neutral zones to avoid increasing tone during stretching. Diagnosis Intervention Outcome CP Stretchvelocity compared > 50% demonstrated increased tone with through EMG monitoring low velocity stretching

Schless SH, Desloovere K, Aertbeliën E, Molenaers G, Huenaerts C, et al. (2015) The Intra- and Inter- Rater Reliability of an Instrumented Spasticity Assessment in Children with Cerebral Palsy. PLOS ONE 10(7): e0131011. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 19 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Myofascial Loading 115 Myofascial Loading continued 116

•Myofascial connections that envelop the muscle and neurovascular structures demonstrate loading that may cause • Histological examination reveals sarcomere strain. thickening of myofibril perimysium which is proposed to contribute to passive muscle stiffness in spastic muscles. • Myofascial release may be beneficial to influence the intramuscular connective tissue.

de Bruin M, Smeulders MJ, Kreulen M, Huijing PA, Jaspers RT (2014) Intramuscular Connective Tissue Differences in Spastic and Control Muscle: A Mechanical and Histological Study. PLoS ONE 9(6): e101038. Schleip, R., Naylor, I. L., Ursu, D., Melzer, W., Zorn, A., Wilke, H. J., ... & Klingler, W. (2006). Passive muscle stiffness may be influenced by de Bruin M, Smeulders MJ, Kreulen M, Huijing PA, Jaspers RT (2014) Intramuscular Connective Tissue Differences in Spastic and active contractility of intramuscular connective tissue. Medical hypotheses, 66(1), 66-71. Control Muscle: A Mechanical and Histological Study. PLOS ONE 9(6): e101038. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Transcriptional Profiling 117 Pharmacological Management 118

• Exploration is expanding to analysis genetic factors Generalized •Oral Medications contributing to increases in skeletal muscle extracellular matrix which is associated with Regional • Intrathecal Baclofen increased passive stiffness.

Smith LR, Chambers HG, Subramaniam S, Lieber RL (2012) Transcriptional Abnormalities of Hamstring Muscle Contractures in Focal •Botulinum Toxin A Children with Cerebral Palsy. PLOS ONE 7(8): e40686. .0040686 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Intrathecal Baclofen 119 Intrathecal Baclofen Benefits 120

• Programmable perfusion • Reduced systemic pump is implanted with side effects as catheter into subarachnoid medication is space to deliver baclofen. delivered directly to • Mechanism of action believed GABAergic neurons to be binding to inhibitory in spinal cord. GABA receptor sites at the • Steady symptom spinal level. management day and night.

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 20 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Intrathecal Baclofen Intrathecal Baclofen Research Complications 121 122 Diagnosis Study Outcome • Superficial surgical site infections may be CP Systematic review 15 Improved gait quality and gross motor managed with antibiotic therapy. studies function • Monitor patient for infection at catheter site that SCI Systematic review 8 Reduced Modified Ashworth scores and studies improved function can easily spread to central nervous system. MS 12 patients followed Reduced Modified Ashworth scores • Catheter malfunction can occur. SCI pre and 1 year post Fat body mass increased CP pump implantation Lean body mass decreased • Remind patient about adhering to refill schedule. Resting body metabolic rate unchanged

Pin, T. W., Mccartney, L., Lewis, J., & WAUGH, M. C. (2011). Use of intrathecal baclofen therapy in ambulant children and adolescents with spasticity and dystonia of cerebral origin: a systematic review. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 53(10), 885-895. McIntyre, A., Mays, R., Mehta, S., Janzen, S., Townson, A., Hsieh, J., ... & Teasell, R. (2014). Examining the effectiveness of intrathecal baclofen on spasticity in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury: a systematic review. The journal of spinal cord medicine, 37(1), 11-18. Skogberg, O., Samuelsson, K., Ertzgaard, P., & Levi, R. (2017). Changes in body composition after spasticity treatment Consider This with intrathecal baclofen. Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 49(1), 36-39. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Botulinum Toxin A (BoNT-A) 123 Benefits of BoNT-A 124

• Injected Botulinum Toxin A binds to presynaptic • Global side effects are avoided as the treatment nerve endings in the spastic muscle where it is locally targeted at the spastic muscle to induce inhibits acetylcholine release subsequently selective weakening of contraction. diminishing the muscle’s ability to contract. • The treatment is used in combination with • During the months after injection, nerve sprouting therapeutic interventions and splinting. reverses the neurolytic injection effects.

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BoNT-A Black Box Warning BoNT-A Research 126 125 Cohort Assessments Outcome CP Spasticity All improved for up to 9 months ROM UE Function Self-care CVA TBI Physician report of Upper Extremity improved ADL, hygiene, pain, CP MS patient satisfaction body image SCI outcomes Lower Extremity improved gait, posture, clonus, pain, social life • According to the FDA, safety and efficacy is not • Monitor patients for signs of adverse effects: yet established and treatment does not replace • Toxic spread - swallowing, breathing, and speech usual rehabilitation therapies. Lin Y-C, Huang C-Y, Lin I-L, Shieh J-Y, Chung Y-T, Chen K-L (2015) Evaluating Functional Outcomes of Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection difficulties. Combined with Occupational Therapy in the Upper Limbs of Children with Cerebral Palsy: A 9-Month Follow-Up from the Perspectives of Both Child and Caregiver. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142769. Picelli, A., Baricich, A., Cisari, C., Paolucci, S., Smania, N., & Sandrini, G. (2017). The Italian real-life post-stroke spasticity survey: • Bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections. unmet needs in the management of spasticity with botulinum toxin type A. Functional neurology, 32(2), 89. FDA (2011) BOTOX Highlights of Prescribing Information. Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 21 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy Surgical Procedures 127 (SDR) 128

• Surgery may be indicated to manage chronic • The sensory afferent fibers in the dorsal root of spasticity that is interfering with functional the spinal cord are selectively cut to decrease the mobility, causing pain and deformity that does not sensory stimulus triggering the reflex arc and benefit from therapy and pharmacological spasticity. management. • Therapy must address underlying weakness that is unmasked following procedure.

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Z-Plasty 129 Conclusion 130

• Small surgical cuts in the • Spasticity is the result of over activity of the tendon of a contracted stretch reflex. muscle are made. • Early intervention is important to prevent contracture that can exacerbate the increased • As healing occurs the tone. tendon elongates permitting greater range • Effectiveness of techniques will vary by patient with ongoing reassessment necessary to improve of motion. functional outcomes. • Common in the Achilles • Work across disciplines for consistency and for dorsiflexion and the frequency including family members who may be thumb or finger flexors. care givers.

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131 132

1. Spasticity is traditionally defined as 2. Which of following does NOT play a role in the ______dependent intrinsic resistance to development of spasticity? passive movement. A. Lower motor neuron lesion A. Time B. Disrupted descending regulation B. Position C. Denervation supersensitivity C. Sensory D. Hyperexcitable stretch reflex D. Velocity

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Spasticity Copyright 2019 (c) Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse, or republication of all or Copyright Jodi Gootkin 2019 any part of this presentation is strictly prohibited without prior 22 written consent of both Innovative Educational Services and Jodi Gootkin. 139 140

9. Altered ______length secondary to 10. Patients with an intrathecal perfusion device shortened joint position contributes to the must be monitored for ______to avoid development of contractures. spreading of this complication to the central A. Mitochondrial DNA nervous system. B. Nerve A. Infection C. Fascia B. Reflex inhibition D. Sarcomere C. Vertigo D. Pneumonia

Copyright J. Gootkin 2019 Copyright J. Gootkin 2019

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