stem Football Style Again On Trial Before Competitors Boys’ Chib Fire CUBS, ARROWS TIE in Beavers Test Drills To-night GAME AND LEAD Jim Mobile’* Bora’ Club Inde- Hi* Hartford Rangers are with* pendent* will hold their second out a game far Bandar and would estern Game like a rteura with the Plain- Again ifbrkout of the season to-night at game BOUT AT ARENA INCAN-AMLOOP would also i o'clock at tha Cottage Place gym. vine A. C. The Rangers Belvedere Cfoach Charley Oberdick wants all like to head from the Bluee of Hew Britain, North Ends riiMmimu Imlr CaM nRiL Rams candidate^ to be on hand at the Indians vniunpivDs iik rans ytiui Fordham Also of Meriden. Ends of Bristol, Before rorementtoned time as he will en- Springfield Maple Walnut Hills of Waterbury or any — deavor to explain the new rules be- Exhibition Co- Shore Top Spot By Win fast team in Connecticut or Maaea* Lazy By JACK CUDDY fore practice. Baron and Galgot of the K. of L. have been signed coa Wins (United■d rit* Rti* rmtnpondent) Over Reds The are Fri- From'Conley to with the Clubbers who Rangers practicing outcome of to-morrow’s up play day night at the usual practice *New York, Nov 18—(UP)—The will also show Captain Joe Mobile, Boston, Nov >18—(U. F.) -r- The grounds. AU players are requested air JOHN A. CLONES' between Fordham and Oregon State may Egan, Eddie Dunlap, Jack Intersectional clash Marty Cubs end Philadel- to attend. The Rangers manager New Hayen, Nor 17—Just about Keefe, Joe Schauster and Joe Cam- for A. Weill rive the football experts an indication of what to expect if phia Arrows remained tied for the eon be reached by calling 6*0186 or the worst exhibition of boxing ever Laugh eron. the presented by (fro In a team Southern California in the New Year’s lead in Canadlan-Amerlcdn addressing all mail to. Rangers A. champions m eastern plays League as result of their fit Sheldon Hartford. Connecticut ring cams to a clumsy Here's one on A1 Weill, the • (Hockey C., street, gentleman .whose vestf^attract gravy 2 to 2 tie at Boston Garden last conclusion here to-night, when Bose Bowl classic. like a shell game attracts a farmer at a fair. anxious to his night. Norman Conrad of Wilton, N. H., Always give the Pact- Ford ham's rams gave ZI-THETA-PI OPEN Connie King, youmr Cub center, recently crowned New England Queensboro customers the best of- it, the top-notch Gotham match- most violent shock scorfcig in the second per- light-heavyweight champion and maker decided on coast the INTERCOLLEGIATE opened BOYS’CU)B UVE a little novelty one night last summer, as a special by iod. and Klein added the second Al 'Gainer, of New Haven, state re the San Francisco quake bit to the fans Oaels Boston scored a few minutes later. heavyweight and ilght-heavywelght keep happy in between the palooka performances. So inm—tlnr St Mary’s galloping HOOP SCHEDULE AGAINST W00DB7 ot the Eddie a former Cub, scored title holder wound up in a draw he hired a check-suited 14-0. The Gaels were one Bugke, APPEARS ON WEST gent, whose specialty was parodies—that is. teams. the Arrow's first goal near the sec- for the second time in live weeks. tar west’s strongest January 7. Cornell at Dart- he would 'take the tune of a and to ond of the second period and as- After repeated warnings to do popular song adopt it words of was a surprise that mouth; 11, at Princeton; Town Vhla triumph Penn Y to Meet sisted Tank Boyd in the somi Referee Mc- hi* 6wn fie wasn’t a Chinese it as a Colom- Quintet tielng fighting, Henry make-up. but quite clever in his own es- observers regarded 14, Dartmouth at Penn, third. HAVEN’S SCHEDULE ‘many in the Aulilfe the arms of had an score tossed both timation, at the racket. .mistake—that the Gaels bia at Cornell; 16, Dartmouth at TeaAi Night worn out v parody It Jo-morrow Both teams appeared j_ contestants in the air and lh no or something, and that Yale; 17 Colombia at Princeton; ott-day in the session and* there West Nov 18.—A prac- uncertain manner showed the dis- Out he id's hurried to make show the relative 21, Cornell at Columbia, Prince- Named Man- Haven, hopped attempt the fans forget the didn’t Justlly —Avery was little action. tice scrimmage is planned this gust that he, as a former fighter last merits of the two teams. ton at Dartmouth; 24. Penn at bout, and started to warble familiar music but words. At Reds Sculped evening at the Milford Prep gym- an

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