Inside MICHIGAN Weather Baez Concert Delightful, STATE Cloudy, with occasional p. 3; ‘Pirates Of Penzance,’ showers through the evening. Ü High in the high 60s. p. 3; Recruiting, p. 5. UNIVERSITY TAT EWS

Vol. 55, Number 133 Tuesday, April 28, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Price 10c Jesse, Harris Vie Today For Top Job In AUSG Court■'...... ' Decision ~ _ ' ; 1 ' Cuts Rail Jobs ~ Ca||e

8-0 Ruling B y B o a r d Eliminates Vote To Pick Firemen Senior Sec9y

Students will, go to the polls SECURITY IS A LA R G E U M BRELLA —llene Kashdan, Southfield freshman, left, Barbara Bres- Because of a U.S. Supreme today for the second time to sler Detroit freshman, Joyce Fritzlan, East Lansing freshman, Gabriele Adler, Dearborn Court decision Monday, up to pick an All-University Student freshman, right, looked hopefully for clear skies on their way to class Monday. 48,000 railroad jobs will be elim­ Government (AUSG) president Photo by Bob Barit inated by 1966. and a senior class secretary. The court let stand by an eight The second election was called to zero decision a Congression- when the Elections Review Board ally created arbitration board's declared the first null and void decision last November to allow, because of the lack of a clear- the elimination of railway firp¿ cut majority and faulty security men and other crewmen whose Discipline Unlikely precautions. jobs the carriers find unneces­ On the first count Bob Harris, sary. Bryan, Ohio, junior topped James Present freight train 'crews Jesse, Buchanan junior, for the now consist of five men: an en­ AUSG post by 20 ballots, but later gineer, firemen, and brakeman, For Arrested Students counts favored Jesse. who ride the engine; ind a flag­ actions reflect on other students. possess alcohol or have memoers Sue Smith, Highland Park jun­ man and conductor Who ride the By SUE JACOBY They also impair the reputation of the opposite sex in his living ior, outpolled Edie Freeman, caboose. With the elimination State News Staff Writer of the University.” quarters. Brooklyn, N.Y., junior, for the Fuzak said Sheriff Clifford He added that action against of the fireman, only the engineer senior secretary position on all The University will probably Porter would forward a list of individual students is only taken and brakeman would ride the en­ of the three counts made, but the not take disciplinary action persons involved in the parties If their behavior stands out as gine. GREGORY ON CAMPUS—Appearing with the Freedom Singers as a part of the SNCC program victory was by a slim margin Railway unions have contended against students who were arres­ to the Dean of Students office. being particularly outrageous. the University Auditorium Monday, , nationally famous comedian, served as ■ in each case. that the fireman was necessary ted at "g rassers” in Shiawassee This is standard procedure when "Generally, we let the action entertainer and integration educator. Photos by Ken Roberts Miss Smith later lost her even aftqr the elimination of County Saturday night. students are arrested by civil of the civil authorities stand. appeal to Student Judiciary that steam (ocomotives and the ad­ However, Dean of Student John authorities. However, it cannot be empha­ r* the election be ruled valid. Stu­ A. Fuzak said his office will Students attending outdoor sized strongly enough that the vent of the diesel because of dent Judiciary upheld the Elec­ attempt to discover if any of the "grassers” are not in techni­ University expects students to safety" reasons. Railroad man­ tions Review decision to grant three drinking parties was spon­ cal violation of University rules, keep local and state laws as well agement, however, says firemen Miss Freeman’s request for aré not necessary and should N egro C om edian’s Q uips sored by a student organization. which state that no student can as its own regulations.” a re-election. Student organizations which be eliminated. To prevent a recurrence of sponsor unregistered social / Firemen on passenger trains a situation similar to that which events are subject to disciplinary will still be retained. C harm Student A udience clouded the first election, bal­ action. "The petitions for writs of lots will be counted by machine Fuzak expressed University certiorari are denied,” said the By LINDA M ILLER ium Monday with humorous quips, during his first act and joked in under nearly maximum security G O P’s To W atch U.S. high court, but gave no rea­ disapproval of the conduct of State News Staff Writer and answers to an ad lib fashion, flavoring most conditions. son for the decision. students who were rounded up comedian Dick Gregory audience questions. of his jokes with references to The counting, which is being Writs of certiorari are issued at the outdoor drinking parties •and the Freedom Singers enter­ Folksinger joined race relations. done as a service to students out of a superior court to call by 25 policemen in 12 squad Scranton W rite-In tained over 1,000 in the Auditor- the Freedom Singers to close the "Hey you taking pictures," he by the staff of the Data Pro­ cars. upon the records of an inferior two hour program with "WeShall interjected, "don’t make the pic­ cessing Center in Olds Hall, will “This is not the type of con­ court or body acting in a quasi­ Overcome.” tures too dark. I had to go through be done in the presence of a duct which the University ex­ PHILADELPHIA OB—The size he would, however, accept a sin­ judicial capacity that errors or Gregory appeared on campus centuries to get this much light.” limited number of students. Only pects of its student,” he said. of Gov. William W. Scranton’s cere and unengineered draft. irregularities may be corrected. as part of a 30-day tour across The comedian, who has (continued on page 6) "Although those who participated write-in vote in the Republican Scranton backers, meeting in Four railway brotherhoods L B J W i n s the country to raise money for achieved TV-recording fame, formed only a small percentage president ial Kansas City,/said Monday he is asked for the writs in appeal Student Non-Violent Coordinating joked about airlines, the New of the MSU student body, their the Republican with the best from the Congressional arbi­ Committee (SNCC), a non-profit York stall-in, deans of men, chance for president. The tration committee’s decision. civil rights organization which politicians, football, the cigarette sylvania today m , ¿ 2 backers also announced an in­ The brotherhoods could ask the A c c l a i m scare, religion and other Ameri­ D r i v e N e t s i t i t i t originated with sit-ins and now will be watched ^ tensive ' campaign to sell that Supreme Court to reconsider its handles voter registration pro­ can institutions. idea to' GOP delegates. decision, but the unanimous vote jects in the South. On a colored Canadian going to tional GOP lea- ^ Craig Truax, Republican state is likely to discourage any such I n S p e e c h Students Say Gregory, a member of Alpha Birmingham, Ala.; "We pay taxes 7 6 P i n t s chairman, who has distributed a step. The way is also left open Phi Alpha fraternity, which spon­ and get police dogs. If a colored WASHINGTON OP)—Wave after million Scranton stickers for them to strike later on the sored the program, sat on a stool wave of applause from a pre­ (continued on page 6) Grasser Part 'throughout the state, talks hope­ job elimination issue after the dominantly Republican audience M o n d a y fully of something in the vicinity arbitration runs out in 1966. of 100,000 write-in votes for greeted President Johnson Mon­ Of Problem There is no immediate indication day. Some came on his prediction A total of 76 pints of blood delegates to the Scranton. they will seek to do so. A survev of student opinion on Republican na- Scranton of a $30 billion profit year and were donated Monday in the ROTC the S a turd a j1 tional convention who are pledged his promise of "restraint and spring term blood drive. students suggests a problem to him as a favorite son, responsibility” in government, Unofficial returns showed that deeper than enforcing state Scranton has repeatedly said but he drew noisy endorsements Bower House Co-op had 100 per drinking laws. he is not a candidate for the Says W orld Will End at dozens of other points, too. cent donations from its members. "The arrests point out­ Republican presidential nomi­ Some 5,000 delegates of the "P oor weather may have been consistency between student nation, but his name keeps U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the reason for such a small turn­ thinking and the laws covering popping up as a possible com­ W hen All Is Energy their wives interrupted with ap­ out,” Joe Montana, Buffalo, N.Y., (continued on page 3) promise choide. Scranton says plause or laughter, or both, some senior and chairman of the drive, One of these days, maybe in a the universe is infinite rather 60 times during Johnson's lively, said. trillion years or so, the earth than finite as Einstein proposed. hour-long speech. Farmhouse led the fraternities will vanish; it will become pure The MSU mathematician also It was a triumph for the Presi­ with 36 pints donated. East Shaw energy. suggested that the part of the un­ dent and, sensing it, Johnson and North Wonders tied for men’s So will the moon, the planets iverse we know is really only one strayed far from his prepared residence hall donations. and all the stars we know. of a limitless number of sub­ text to regale the businessmen Alpha Chi Omega led sorori­ This is the theory Maria Z. universes. with Texas-style quips and anec­ ties. North Case led women’s von Krzywobloci, professor of As several other theorists have dotes. residence halls. , engineering, presented Monday proposed, Krzywoblocki assumes His forecast that 1964 would Montana asked that students Vietnamese Lauhch Major Offensive at th e spring meeting of th e that the universe we know began bring industry $30 billion in pro­ stop at the tally desk in the ball­ American Physical Society in with the explosion of a sort of fits, after taxes, was given in room so credit may be given to BAC LIEU, South Viet Nam If)—Vietnamese soldiers inched Washington, D.C. ball of compressed energy and a long extemporaneous passage, their living units. forward under Communist mortar fire on the Ca Mau Peninsula Krzywoblocki said he thinks that everything in our sub­ in which Johnson noted that pro­ The blood drive will continue Monday in what wag shaping up as a major test of strength. the movement of planets and universe is rapidly flying out fits were $17.2 billion in 1952, today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in "We are taking the'initiative now and intend to keep it,” a senior stars and their continuous resis­ from the point of the explosion. $24.6 billion in 1962, $27.1 bil­ the ballroom at Demonstration American adviser with the 21st division said. tance to each other’s gravitation The main characteristic of our lion last year, and now going Hall. Military strategists hoped to twist a giant Communist U-shaped requires a continuous expendi­ sub-universe and of the total un­ nearly $3 billion higher. ambush into a 'boomerang action which, if successful, might push ture of potential energy. iverse, Krzywoblocki pointed out, the Communist forces backward into the sea. This spending of potential en- is the transformation of energy. Hannah To Visit ergy, he said, necessarily re­ The potential energy of the Union Considering Lodge, LB J Expected To Top Primary sults in a loss of matter. Even­ earth, for instance, is being con­ tually, he believes, all matter will stantly transformed into kinetic Nigeria President BOSTON if,—Political observers Monday saw President Lyndon be transformed into energy. energy, he notes. End To Hoffa Aid B./Johnson and Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge as the big vote- Krzywoblocki theorized that Time, he believes, is only a President John A. Hannah will ggtters in today’s Massachusetts Presidential preference primary. WASHINGTON (fl-Top Team­ leave Tuesday on a two-day convenient measure of a number sters Union officials were em­ There are no provisions on the ballot for Presidential candi­ of transformations of mass into whirlwind trip to Nigeria. dates, but voters are permitted to express their choices by a broiled Monday in a high-level “ I am goihg at the invitation French, Chinese energy, such as a revolution of legal wrangle over whether to write-in vote. the earth around the sun. of Nnamde Azikiwe, chancellor continue using Union money for of the University of Nigeria and Name Diplomats Krzywoblocki says his idea re­ the heavy trial expenses of their president of Nigeria," Hannah Greek Cypriots Push Toward Pass lates to th e Dirac Hypothesis, chief, Jam es R. Hoffa. said. NICOSIA, Cyprus If— Greek Cypriot fighters drove forward PARIS (f)-Par is and Peking formulated by the English physi­ Teamsters official Harold J . Hannah will discuss educa­ Monday in' a pinchers assault on the medieval Crusader castle named their ambassadors Mon­ cist and Nobel winner, P.A.M. Gibbons said the union probably tional problems at theUniversity Dirac in 1937. According to Dirac, of St. Hilarión, a major Turkish bastion in the battle for strate­ day, completing the French-Red will cut off Hoffa’s access to the of Nigeria with the Nigerian pres­ gic Kyrenia Pass. Chinese diplomatic link forged the relationship between gravity treasury for legal expenses, at been built in the lower rent district of shack town. The piles ident, who has a son attending Mortar shells fell with a thunderous roar on the 11th century by President Charles De Gaulle and mass is not always the same least until the question is hashed of junk surrounding the house are a promotion for the upcom­ MSU as a junior. He will return but becomes a decreasing varia­ out by th e 15-man executive fortress as .the Greeks launched what looked like their final three months ago to the dismay ing Bowery Ball. iPhoto by Gary Shumaker late Thursday. offensive for control of the area. of the West. ble in time. board. I 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 28, 1964

AUSG Brinksmanship I Point Of View By David George

Today’s re-election for All- s t u d e n t government at Michigan University Student Government State. president m ay well be the last What is needed is a large turn­ opportunity for an improvement out today, to choose either of two No Leadership Shortage In India in student government here. capable candidates, b o t h o f whom Until recently it was almost a fashion among journalists in the United States to predict the shape of things to come Many forces are working to are interested in creating respect Now the question to be answered here is, whether the In­ on the Indian political scene, if at any time Nehru should dian National Congress can hold on to its power too long? remove the possibility for an among students and faculty for a retire. Another query may be whether the leadership of the Indian effective government. A growing responsible, thoughtful g overn ­ ‘‘After Nehru who?" ‘‘After Nehru what?" ‘‘India with­ National Congress will be able to carry the heavy responsi­ out Nehru?" ran the captions of articles that ran through bilities after Nehru retires from the scene? In short com­ cam pus, an amorphous s t u d e n t ment. the journals of opinion here. The NewYorkTimes published ing back to the same old question, “ after Nehru what?” b o d y with cla ss distinctions d is­ As in the first election, we a series of articles with the biography of possible contend­ This is not a new topic. In India, this was thoroughly dis­ ers for the coveted office of the Prime Minister of India. cussed in many journals and news weeklies two years ago. appearing, a pragmatic and s t u ­ support James Jesse for presi­ Only gloom prevailed for no one found the personality of All alike have failed to see one very importai- dent-oriented administration; all dent, since he has presented a Nehru in any of his followers. such a consideration, for example, that J(ft H "The Search for Nehru” would have been a better title' are encroaching on the sph eres plan for reform of AUSG to back the power structure - its composition, its for these articles, for that was in effect what these articles rotation of power as well as recruitmeni in which student government can up his w ishes for an in crea se in carried out. The basic reason why they have not been able to find a satisfactory answer was that they have failed to A Since the government is based on socialist concepts, the hope to be effective. its effectiveness. understand the real meaning and the real depth of the In­ corporate elite or the economic elite is partly the govern­ The student b o d y h a s lost much But more important than a v o t e dian political scene. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ment itself and partly absorbed into or directly involved with one or the other political parties in India. interest even in the chance f o r for any one man is an indication It is estimated that India h a s a population growth of 8,000,000 people every year (the size of the population The armed forces are more a separate functional unit g o o d government, due to ineffec­ on the part of all students eligible in New York City), and if she fails to curb this explosion, of the government than powers in themselves. The civil service and administrative branches are docile to the cen­ tive and unoriginal lead ers and a to v o t e that t h e y a r e interested her population will be about 630 million in 1980. Illiteracy was estimated as 75 per cent in 196L tral government and are only functionally separated from series of destructive affairs such in s t u d e n t government, and that the main power system. Leadership Pattern In India as the first AUSG election two they will support the hopes for Indian tradition does not lend itself easily to the modern weeks a g o . revitalization which have been Congress Party Experienced western tradition of the party struggle. An authoritarian F a cu lty and administration expressed . leadership with status levels is amply backed by history. The Indian National Congress has had 15 years of exper­ people are not concerned w ith t h e W it h o u t a heavy, enthusiastic The scene after independence has uniqueness that is purely ience in governing the country. The fact that no other party ‘‘Indian." has known power or felt the weight of it in their hands, turnout in today’s election, the decisions and recom m endations Even though the majority of the people are illiterate, doubles the experience of the Congress Party. of a student governing b o d y that University and student govern­ they are actively interested in "who gets what" and are re­ Within this 15 years, “ the ruling class” i.e. the central sponsible in deciding “ who rules when.” They can accom­ cabinet of the government of India has had 51 persons in does not rep resen t the students ment will have no reason to be­ modate the Communist party and workers without the slight­ LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI these different ministerial positions. and does not work efficiently lieve that AUSG is necessary or est irritation. If Nehru retires, there is every possibility that one of Ideological differences are milder than religious dif­ the experienced ministers will take over as prime minis­ within itself. desirable. This would be a re­ ferences. ter. With th e support of the masses, a “ hero” will be Another apathetic election and grettable consequence of student There are many national parties in India. But the Indian INDIAN LEA D E R S •• With carved out of this person and India will continue with National Congress has been the strong party since Inde­ the aging of Indian Prime another leader in the place of Nehru. Power combined another year of lax government apathy in this area. Minister Nehru, specula­ pendence. with mass support can increase the personality of anyone We h o p e this will not be the tion has arisen as to who without student support will very In the 15 years of Independence, the Congress Party has will succeed him at the who succeeds Nehru. likely signal the effective end of case. lost many friends, who are responsible for the birth of head of the teeming nation. “ After Nehru, what?” — as Wells Hangen observed, some new parties. Lai Bahadur Shastri, who there is no vacuum of leadership in India, but there exists In the past 15 years, India has seen the development of nas servedasa close aide a vacuum of recognition. There has been a tremendous to Nehru since his January other parties at the national and local levels, and also an stroke, is considered a amount of leadership recruitment in the elite group and increase in the strength of the Communist party at the na­ likely successor. all that remains is the existence of a vacancy so that the tional level and at the state level. next in line may step in. The Grasser Is Always Greener. . .

W ho’s afraid of the big bad M ale and fem ale, G reek and Letters To The Editor wolf? independent, the adventurers Not 111 students who invaded were paraded before judges in Shiawassee County for drinking the wee hours of the morning. bouts in three grassy glades last One of the students said the proc­ Prof Hits Faculty Parking Proposal weekend. ess was “ almost as crowded as MSU registration.’’ To the Editor: the students. But the following ledge in public the justice of an done a little more research into Sheriff Clifford Porter began 'facts make one doubt the exist­ Morality Deeper admonition, I am somewhat com­ this problem of Communist in­ Others promised jokingly to q,“ get t o u g h ” campaign on drink­ Michigan State’s new policy on ence of such a problem. pensated by the knowledge that fluence than your editorial staff. return to Sh iaw assee the follow ­ parking is, in and of itself, a min­ In a group of 69 cars parked in Worry Than Sex the teacher-scholar philosophy ing parties in his ru ral county the or irritation and not worthy of also prevails in the University Don Machrowicz in g weekend. one half of Lot M (behind Mor­ previous w eekend when h e stimulating violent controversy. rill Hall) on Friday, April 24, College. Bill Stauch To the Editor: It seems strange that t h e jo k e But what are the implications of about 2 p.m., exactly one-third arrested 18 students. Porter had Robert E. Brown this policy and do they merit con­ Wasn’t over two weekends a g o of the cars were parked illegally. I wish to agree with the editor­ Professor of history v o w e d to raid e v e ry college cern? Five of the cars sported no stick­ Abbot For Girls ial of April 23, “There is More w h e n t h e first arrests were made. The first and most devastating drinking party in the area. er of any type; seventeen used the to Morality than Sex.” It’s true implication would seem to be that FBI Editorial To the Editor: Sheriff P o r t e r has already out-dated triangles; and one had that there is a great deal of evi­ the label “ profession” is a mis­ a sticker which read: “ Michigan dence of physical misconduct, In spite of the earlier arrests, promised to continue his cam­ nomer when applied to the field As a student teacher away from State College Centennial 1855— but one cannot Judge what is pri­ Narrow-Minded of teaching, for such a label pre­ Michigan State University I look last w e e k e n d ’ s bright party- paign next weekend if any schol­ 1955.” marily a spiritual problem on supposes a certain amount of re­ To the Editor: forward to reading th e State Could it be that the campus po­ merely physical criteria. goers must have figured that the ars show u p w it h booze. spect on the part of the institu­ News, and it was with sadness lice are not enforcing parking The problem is much deeper tion with which the profession af­ Your editorial criticizing FBI when I read Abbot Hall is going determined s h e r if f was just Surely MSU students are bright regulations so that the problem than this. It’s roots lie in a very filiates itself. will seem to exist and MSU can Director J . Edgar Hoover’s com­ to house men starting fall term. “ huffing and puffing.’’ enough to put two weekends o f serious sickness of th e soul, Consider for a moment the re­ tap yet another source of revenue ments on th e Communist in­ One might wonder why as a compared to which the compul­ a r r e s ts together and co m e u p action of another “ profession” fluence in the Negro movement male student I object to this But P o rte r had 12 s q u a d c a r s with its measures to solve it? sion for sex is but an innocuous if faced with a similar directive Finally, the most often heard reflects a unique type of narrow change. It seems, as I am an ex- and 25 policem en to show the with one good reason for staying habit. from its parent institution. justification for the Administra­ mindedness that most of us have busboy from Mason-Abbot, I do It is intuitively obvious that brave ones that he was doing more away fro m the tempting haystacks Is it conceivable that Sparrow tion’s move h a s been that the been guilty of. not feel every girl wants to live such habits (sex, cigarette- Hospital, for example, would be other Big Ten schools have set Many sincere believers in in a coed dorm! than blowing hot air. of Shiawassee County. smoking, excessive use of alco­ allowed to quietly impose a park­ equality and freedom uncon­ With Abbot converting to a the precedent. It seems absurd hol, use of foul language, cheating ing fee upon its staff? Or would that we should accept the prece­ sciously view the civil rights men’s dorm that leaves only the on tests, defiance of parents, de­ the AMA render as noble a pro­ dent of a solution when facts have movement as an infallible cause dorms along West Circle Drive parture from religious tradi­ test to the institution as did our not been offered to assure us that for good. Anything or anybody for the girls who do not want to tions) are all manifestations of AAUP? And, if so, would the im­ we have inherited the precedent- which sheds darkness on it is live in a coed dorm to choose. this widespread spiritual rot. pact of their protest be as feeble immediately rejected because it Mason-Abbot should remain a setting problem. It may be true that the major­ Teacher's Responsibility as ours apparently was? is hard to accept new informa­ girl’s dorm, not only for the girls But, then, who is left to demand ity of students do not publicly The second implication would tion which might confuse our val­ who live there today, but'for the facts and figures from this insti­ espouse promiscuous sexual ac­ seem to be that this faculty is ue system. girls who are to come to Michigan What are the responsibilities lege, the deprived society sends tution when even its faculty seems tivity, but their passive accep­ being deluded. It has been as­ Maybe the world is not made up State University! to have little voice? tance of this behavior in others of education? Is the teaching pro­ its children to high, dirty brick serted that there is a parking of good guys and bad guys or amounts to tacit agreement. How problem of sufficient magnitude Thomas Bellavance good causes and bad causes any­ fession merely another occupa­ schools from which they go no can people with true social con­ to affect the faculty as well as Instructor in ATL more. And maybe the FBI has Wade Leonard tion, an o th er way of making further. sciences remain silent? Don’t they realize that immorality is m oney? And is the teacher right In this land of renowned oppor­ F A R ■ R A 6 ■ R AF T contagious? Virginity of the body counts for in exclusively seeking the highest tunity the disparity is becoming A L A M OD E A G AR C S O L nothing when the mind has been pay, the finest suburban school? entrenched as it is perpetuated. T 0 P 1 A L 1 1 ravished. A N 1 L ■ M D I u L A The Undersigned Student Leaders/ It se e m s that this is often the I t i s obvious, as with so much ACROSS 28. Heretofore Each of us has an obligation to 30. Muscatel L E D B D E N T AL 1. Clutch I the world community to safe­ case, as Ernest Melby of the Col­ these days, that the people re­ 5. Glossy wine 5 Ç v E 1 L AfterThorough Investigation ■ ■ ■ I guard ourselves and our brethren fabric 31. Valise A P lege of Education recently pointed sponsible to educate need to t a k e P ■ R from the evil that continually sur­ 10. Implore 33. Afr. O R 1 E NT A LF T 1W Wholeheartedly antelope rounds us. Somewhere on this out before the National School a deep, new l o o k . 11. Extract C A M S IP FA R E 34. Grampus campus there must be people who 12. Packing E L 1 B E R AL Board Association meeting in Isn’t the responsibility of the 37. Monster T 1 N will step forward to defend cases E 5 T 39. Youngster E S ER PEA R Houston. educator m o r e than personal; 13. Groom morality. 14. Possessed 40. Punjab T E RH [e . RR R E S ENDORSE While the affluent society h asn ’t t h i s person assumed a 15. Prowl bean Anne Stefanie Kapetan 17. Fouder 42. Store in a For AUSG President glories in its sleek, low schools committment to the young people plant pit DOWN 5. Many and sends its children off to col- h e s e r v e s ? 18. Medical 44. Oleoresin 1. Sculptor's 6. Ohio sufTix 45. Palfrey chisel college town On Publishing 20. Planet 46. Salaman­ 2. Deserter 7. Bulrush 22. Beautiful ders 3. Authenti­ 8. Cake Bob Harris woman 47. Dissemi­ cate decorator To the Editor: MICHIGAN 24. Essence nates 4. Broom 9. Gains STATE 10. Bomb pit Since the publication of your Bob Kerr, President AUSG T A T E M E W S Terry Burgon, Exec VP AUSG UNIVERSITY z 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 12. Onionlike recent articles on ‘‘publish or Jim Barnes, ex-President AUSG %% % plant perish,” I have become con­ 10 II 16. Front vinced that I owe a public apology Jim Morton, ex-Exec VP AUSG 19. Vocalized Member Associated Press, United Press summer term; special Welcome Issue in Sep­ 1 to the faculty of the University Steve Sink, Treasurer AUSG I t i 15 21. Counterfoil International, Inland Daily Press Association, tember. College for my statement that Dick Sawdey, President UNION BOARD 23. Woman's Jamie Blanchard, Senior Class PRESIDENT Associated Collegiate Press Association, Second class postage paid at East Lansing, 14 15 /6 If perhaps teaching alone in that club John McQuitty, Soph Class PRESIDENT Michigan Press Association. Michigan. % 25. Agreements college, rather than teaching, re­ %19 20 21 A.J. Harris, Senior Class PRES-ELECT Editorial and business offices at 341 Student 19 26. Bargained search and publication, was suf­ Published by the students of Michigan Services Building, Michigan State University, % % % John Miller, Junior Class PRES-ELECT i t 23 24 2 5 2 6 27 again ficient for promotion. State University. Issued on Glass days Monday East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions 27. Overjoy Benjamin Strandness, chair­ Ron Walter, IFC PRESIDENT % Jon Weersing, IFC Exec VP through Friday during the fall, winter and payable in advance: term, $3; 2 term s, $4; 2 9 2 9 3 0 29. Toupee man of the department of Amer­ spring quarters, twice weekly during the 3 term s, $5; full year, $6. % 32. News­ ican Thought and Language, has Bruce Osterink, ex-Soph Class PRESIDENT //J 31 3 3 papers /// sent me an impressive list of Fred Levine, Advertising Mgr. STATE NEWS § 4 r r r % 34. Overt Frank Senger Jr., Asst. Adv. Mgr. STATE NEWS Editor...... Bruce Fabricant Wire Editor...... John Van Gieson 3 4 3 5 3 5 37 3 0 3 9 35. Breathing publications during the past year in theUniversityCollege, accom­ Arty Langer, Asst. Adv. Mgr. STATE NEWS Advertising Manager...... Fred Levine Night Editor...... Lee Brown % ê rattle 4 0 41 4 2 4 3 panied by a note assuring me that Jim Bannan, Senior Class Vice-PRESIDENT Campus Editor...... Gerry Hirtkley Asst. Adv. Mgrs...... Frank Senger Jr., 36. Trace % in making my statement in the Maxie Gordon, Past President NAACP Ass't Campus Editor...... Liz Hyman 4 4 38. Within: ...... Arthur Langer 4S Pete Wade, General CHRMN. Career Carnival Editorial Staff. . .Barb Bradley, Dave Stewart comb, form State News, I labored under some i 41. Territorial Bill Boettcher, General CHRMN. Water Carnival ...... Mike Kindman Circulation Manager...... Bill Marshall 4 6 4 7 % misapprehension about the role division of the faculty in that college. Sports Editor...... Jerry Caplan News Adviser...... Dave Jaehnig % ______% % 43. Baste While it is painful to acknow­

! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 28, 1964 3

Folk Trademarks-Smile, Sincerity J o l l y R o g S r T o C a p t u r e S t O g C Joan Baez Concert Delightful In Gilbert-Sullivan Musical By MIKE KINDMAN Her obvious delight in her au­ posed to be saying little hoote­ performances. She has a feel for State News Reviewer dience—her way of smiling after nanny kind of things: bla-bla; folk music’s many aspects that a “ sing-along” and saying,“ You jabber jabber,” the fact that has caused critics to call her " a "The Pirates of Penzance, or ledge, instructor .n speech, will Frederick, an apprentice pi­ The pirates retaliate by threat­ T h e spontaneous applause really sound nice; thank you” — 2,000 others are sitting in the very important, very moving ar­ the Slave of Duty," a light opera stage the show, and Corner Jones, rate, and Mabel, youngest dau­ ening the general’s life until the which welcomed Joan Baez’s in­ is reflected in the audience’s re­ same audience is no deterrent to tist,” and her work "singing of by William S. Gilbert and Arthur professor of music, will handle ghter of a Major General, fall pirate’s maid-of-all-work, Ruth, vitation to Sing along with her in action to her spirited handling of the perfect empathy one feels. ravishing beauty." S. Sullivan, will sail the seas the musical direction. in love. The rest of me pirates reveals that thepirates are really "W e Shall Overcome” was per­ material. Her Lansing appearance, one of the Auditorium from May 21 fall in love with Mabel’s sis­ displaced noblemen. The Major haps indicative of the enthusiasm It is difficult not to feel that of about 30 each year, was spon­ She h as a remarkable talent to 23. The romantic plot concerns a ters and girlfriends, and they General retracts his objections, with which protest songs a r e the beautiful and relaxed girl on sored by promoter Morrie and a delightful manner both on band of pirates—the nice kind— all want to get married. But the the pirates release him, and greeted in the general popularity stage is speaking to you in com­ Richman. and off stage. The musical venture is spon­ and a bevy of girls—the pretty Major General, who is the guar­ everyone lives happily ever after. of folk music on American cam­ plete confidence. In the South, she said, “ we go Joan Baez is a radiant person sored by the departments of kind—and their exploits together dian of all the girls, refuses to The cast is led by William puses. When one of the most popular to Negro schools, and the white and a fine singer, and she de­ music and speech. Frank Rut­ on the beach of Penzance. give his consent. Beidler, Grand Rapids graduate With the ingratiating smile that singers in the country today walks people come. It’s a pretty posi­ serves all the praise that will student, as Frederick; Mary Lois has become familiar to millions on stage after intermission, ar­ tive thing; it always works.” cause her to smile and say, after Taylor, Arvada, Colo,, graduate, of folk singing fans, Miss Baez ranges her flowing black hair and Self-possession and authentic­ a long autograph session, ” 1 as Mabel; and Douglas Jay Nor- led her audience in Lansing Civic says apologetically, "I’m sup­ ity marked Miss Baez’s appear­ don't have writer’s cramp. I Just Campus Breifs wick, White Plains, N.Y., gradu­ Center Sunday night through sev­ posed to be pattering; I’m sup- ance Sunday, as they do all her have a bloated head.” ate, as the Major General. eral protest song sing-alongs, Others in the cast are: Pirate and gave short lessons in the na­ King Richard, Richard Leina- ture of the protest song today. Birgit Nilsson Tickets A vailable weaver, Lancaster, Pa., grad­ “ There are a lot of people my uate; Samuel, Pirate Lieutenant, age writing songs these days. I Negro Comedian's Quips Donald A. Schramm, Buffa­ can’t write. Luckily, there are Ticket exchange fo r Birgit Researchers Report faculty at Westminster College, lo, N.Y., junior; Ruth, Susan people writing the words I’d like (continued from page 1) Nilsson’s concert begins at 9 New Wilmington, Pa., this week. Weiner, Fairlawn, N.J., senior; nobody would listen to him ." On the civil rights bill: "If Tw o papers are being pre­ to be able to write down. They a.m. today at the Union Ticket Quill, professor of chemistry, Edward, Sergeant of Police, Canadian goes there, they might On Johnson: “ We may nev er it doesn’t pass, you’ll be ­ sented by MSU researchers at come out sounding good and Office. will ',lso take part in chemistry Charles Greenwell, East Lansing open up the whole zoo on him.” have had a president who looks ing. It doesn’t mean anything to the spring meeting of theAmeri- graceful and meaningful.” T h e Metropolitan Opera so­ seminars and will speak to :he giauuate; and Edith, Kate and On Alabama’s Gov. Wallace: colored, but now we have one me. It gives a Mississippi Negro can Physical Society this week in Miss Baez began her program prano will present a solo recital New Wilmington Rotary Club on Isabel, Mabel’s sisters, Lois "Gov. Wallace running for presi­ who talks colored." the right to vote but not the right Washington, D.C. with “Oh Freedom"--"and be­ at 8:15 Monday in the Auditorium. the subject, “ Water.” Gerber, South Orange, N.J., sen- dent is like running On religion: "I’m a Baptist to register to vote.” Sitaram S. Jaswal, East Lans­ fore I’ll be a slave, I’ll be buried Her appearance is Series “ B " The trip is part of the visiting ior; Janet Bush, Lansing junior; for Pope." and grew up in an all Catholic On Southern voting: "They have ing graduate student, and Donald in my grave, and go home to my presentation of the Lecture-Con­ scientist program sponsored by and Susan E. Roeller, Midland On his wife’s cooking: "How neighborhood. One kid said, ‘Hey, questions on the tests God Lord and be free” —and included cert program. - J . Montgomery, professor of phy­ junior, respectively. couldn’t pass." the American Chemical Society. several songs written by Bob do you burn Kool-Aid?” Baptist, (I’ve been called worse) sics, will report their research "Everybody wants to know Dylan, one of the leaders of the On football: "The only place my God’ s smarter than your on “ Local Modes Due to Point about the South,” he said. "But Train Leaves Earlier "movement.” where a Negro can chase a white God.* ” I said, “ Hell, he oughta Mass Defects in Sodiun Chlor­ the North's the worst. You have A time change was announced "He writes some very power­ man 40 yards." be. You tell him everything." ide-Type Crystals.” On the cigarette scare (as he more problems integrating a for the Grand Trunk Railroad ful things, to say the least,” she On Birmingham: "It’s a nice Maria Z. von Krzywoblocki, neighborhood in Lansing than Intercity Limited for Chicago ef­ said. “ Bobby protests every­ lit a cigarette): “They say it place to demonstrate, but I professor of mechanical engi­ Jackson, Miss.” fective immediately. thing, or maybe a little more.” causes cancer and even dqctors wouldn’t want to live there." neering, will give a paper on He predicted that th e future The train will now leave Lans­ She sang, in addition to ” B low­ keep on smoking. But if they said During Gregory’s second act, “Time and the Dirac Hypoth­ holds more and bigger demon­ ing at 2:02 p.m. and arrive in in’ In the Wind,” perhaps Dylan’s it will make you healthy but turn he opened the program to ques­ e sis.” strations. Chicago at 5:20 p.m. daily. most widely-known piece, "Don’t you jet black—whewt” tions from the audience. His an­ Quill Speaks On Romney: " I ’d love to see swers were: It formerly left Lansing at 3:45 Think Twice, It’s All Right" and Gregory concluded thattheNe- Romney be president and put the On the stall-in: “ If Senators p.m. Laurence L. Quill, director of “ God Is On Our Side,” of which gro does not know the real white White House in Salt Lake City.” can stall-in in the Senate, why the Institute of Water Research Miss Baez said: American until he sees him on Schnur To Speak “ wrote asongthat's On Rockefeller: “I don’t see can’t second class citizens stall- is consulting with students and why people are mad at Rocke­ in on highways?" the front line with him. "A ll he Alfred C. Schnur, professor of a little on the powerful side. It’s sees is th e Southern segre­ feller. If he waited until he. got On Malcolm X: “ A necessary police administration, will speak called 'God Is On Our Side.’ I gationist and the phony Northern in the White House to get his evil—in the next six months he at 7:30 tonight in 34 and 35 Un­ guess Bobby’s a little upset be­ liberal." ONE DAY SERVICE divorce, his wife might have will be the number one man we ion. «• 7 cause everybody, no matter what In by 9 - B a ck by 4 The freedom singers enter­ His topic is "In Search of Cor­ kind of God he’s referring to, gotten custody of this country." have to deal with. He is the only On Goldwater: "Goldwater one who could stop a race riot, tained twice with songs, many rections in Western Europe.” His everybody feels he’s got God on says if he were a Negro, he’d because people know he would not written by them, which are used speech is being sponsored by Al­ his side.” SPECIAL THIS WEEK during civil rights protests. pha Sigma Phi fraternity. The song ends with the line, be patient. If he were a Negro, be told to by whites." Wash Pants “ If God is on our side, he'll stop Prof In Chicago the next w ar." Informed before the perform­ Charles Hirschfeld, professor ance of Negro comedian Dick of humanities, is lecturing at 390 Gregory’s appearance on cam­ Grasser Opinion Roosevelt University in Chicago pus Monday, Miss Baez said, today. speeding to get back to campus in a month in advance and had made Lansing Laundry “This is the kind of place where (continued from page 1) He and three other American their plans too,” Mike Elliot, the isn’t their actions," one Royal Oak time,” he said. scholars are presenting a retro­ The arrests, apparently an at­ Three Rivers junior, said. quite started yet. You need it senior said. spective view of the impact of & Dry Cleaners here as much as anywhere." Students believe that drinking tempt to crack down on student Marc B ressler, Newark, N .J., World War I on the course of drinking in Shiawassee County, senior said "as long as it’s on 1 12 West Grand River The charm of Joan Baez far in Shiawassee County has been modern history. E ast Lansing exceeds her ability to make en­ going on for many years because caught three separate groups of private property and not bother­ Hirschfeid’s topic is “ The thusiasm for the new freedom a it is forbidden on campus. student “ g rassers.” ing the public, there should be no Transformation of American Serving East Lansing and Campus since 1926 contagious thing, and grows be­ "The University is forcing stu­ One student arrested suggested reason for arrests.” Life.” yond the range of what has been dents to move out of the county,” that the police had known about called her "achingly pure so­ Jim Edwards, Bloomfield Hills the party for a month. prano voice.” junior, said. " I t’s a funny thing that all these SPRING SPECIALS "T h is not only causes this type arrests resulted from farmers' of incident, but also other prob­ complaints, while th e police STOP IN AND rSÜIDËNT COUPON 1 ■I lems such as unsafe driving and might have known about theparty ASK FOR FREE Air Science ELECTRICAL I Appointments WEDNESDAY ONLY INSPECTION FREE The department of air science • CHECK STARTING SYSTEM LUBRICATION announced the appointment of jun­ 1 LARGE BEACH TOW EL _____ ior AFROTC cadets to command • CHECK CHARGING WITH COUPON AND and staff positions within the SYSTEM O IL CHANGE 380th AFROTC Cadet Wing. The • CHECK IGNITION EX PIR ES MAY 2ND juniors are replacing senior ca­ FREE SYSTEM dets who will complete their of- fiver training this term. They include David M. Grimm, SPARTAN STANDARD Springfield, Va., Cadet Wing 1100 E. GRAND RIVER 337-0470 Commander; Stephen A. Canavera, Norway, Executive Of­ ficer; Theodore L. Tower, New­ ark, Ohio; Personnel Officer; Welton B. Hunter, Owosso, Ad­ ministrative Officer; Michael J. Moran, Detroit, Wing Inspector; Donald M. Buynak, East Lansing, Information Officer; Jon J . Anderson, Erie, Pa., Operations Officer; Richard C, Moore, Homewood, 111., Material Officer WITH EVERY and William Leavenworth, Lans­ ing, Director of Security and Law / BATHING SUIT PURCHASE Enforcement. Donald K. Hearn, Livonia, Ac­ counting and Finance Officer, Ceylon T. Caszatt, Evart, Lawrence S, Rose, Evanston, 111., and Gerald R. Flynn, Grand Rapids, Group Commanders; Wayne H. Lossman,Chicago, 111., Aide to the Cadet WingCommand- Be An American Airlines Stewardess

Would you like to put on an American Airlines stewardess uniform and wings? Come in for a brief, private interview. Learn more about the qualifica­ tions necessary to begin this rewarding career. Lei’s say lor a minute, this is you. Girls are now being interviewed for late spring and early summer openings. Once you wear the gold bars of a second years have been preparing you for. You’ve SEND COUPON TODAY Par Intorviow In Your Aran lieutenant in the United States Air Force, got ability and a good education. Now’s the Monogar of Stawardast Racruitmant what’s in store for you? time to put them to work! Amoricon Airlinai, Inc , Doll« Lava Plaid, Saltai 35, Taxai Well, you may fly an aircraft entrusted with a You’ll have every opportunity to prove your I nut all qualification! ond am 0 Normal vision without |lotMi intorostad in on intorviow (contact lonsoi may bo considorod) vital defense mission. Or you may l^ad a talents in the Air Force. By doing so, you can □ Sing I* research tei Ung problei put yourself an ' -our country ah-: ad. □ A go 20*27 Addrots_ tier of knowledge. You’ll be helping to run an If you’ re not already enrolled in ROTC, — also - Tender, juicy □ H a ight S'T'-S'V City___ _Stoto_ organization that’s essential to the safety of you can earn your commission at Air Q Waight up to 140, □ I do not moot oil qualifications now but in proportion to haight would liko additional information. thè free world. Force Officer Training Schoc!-a three- STEAK DINNER - >1» Sounds like you II be called on to oulder a month course tnat’s open to both men good deal of responsibility, doesn't it? and women college graduates. To apply, But when you come right down ■■ q J k in you must be within 210 days ED 7-1668 a 211 MAC CASA NOVA #2 "An Equal Opportunity Employer" to it, that’s what your college II» 0» M il Force of graduation. 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 28, 1964

SELL your don’t wants NOW for Spring Term CASH through STUTE NEWS W»NT-A0S

★ Automotive ★ Automotive______★ Employment ★ F o r Sale ★ Real Estate______'62 CHEVROLET IMPALA. Sport J. B.'s EXCLUSIVELY Chevrolet 7 YPISTS-STENOS E 1C O - OSCILLOSCOPE. Model HASLETT, 3 BEDROOM ranch. Sex, Athletics, Status Coupe. Clean, economical. $1650 Used Cars. ’57 Solid black V-8 Many choice temporary jobs to No. 460; tubes and textbooks and Open beam ceiling. Wooded lot. or best offer. Call Dave at 332- standard shift. Hardtop. Immacu­ choose from. Top pay; Never a other test equipment. Phone TU Schools within 3 blocks. Offered 5736. 22 late. ‘55 HARDTOP, green and fee. Employers Overload Co. 616 2-5347. 22 by owner. FE 9-8907. 19 Out O f Cigarette Ads MGA - 1958. No rust, excellent white; V-8 automatic, immacu­ Michigan National Tower. IV 7- TUXEDO. COMPLETE outfit. 3 BEDROOM CAPE Cod, 5 years body. Good rubber, good motor, late. For the sharpest used 6071.______C19 Size 38. Worn 4 times. In ex­ old. T.V. room, landscaped. $450 • AUTOMOTIVE Chevys in town, come out to J. $800. Phone TU 2-2286. 19 cellent condition. Call 355-4058. down, $94 month. TU 2-2175. 20 NEW YORK (UPI)—The na­ cide if advertisements comply • EMPLOYMENT B .’s and browse around. C i f F or Rent ALFA ROME 1962. Must sell. Pay . _/ 22 5 B ed ro o m " incom e. F ire- tion's cigarette makers an­ with the code. • FOR RENT 'SO^ORWETTDTWVhlteT^Tuelm- off balance- approximately APARTMENTS MEN’S RING. 51/2 Karat Lindy place. Near all schools and Uni­ nounced they have agreed on an "The code establishes uniform • FOR SALE terior. 2 tops, 4 speed. Positrac- $1,300. Runs well. 135 Haslett, FURNISHED APARTMENTS Star sapphire. White gold, six versity. Large yard. $25,000. advertising code. It divorces the standards for cigarette advertis­ • LOST & FOUND tion, michelin tires. Racing Apartment 21. 21 available for summer and fall small diamonds. $180 or reason­ Phone 337-2753; Floyd Wallace sales pitch from sex appeal, ing and provides a means where • PERSONAL shocks. Du-coil distributor. terms for 1, 2, 3, or 4 students. able offer. Retailprice$240.Call with Barnhill Real Estate. Shown athletic prowess, social distinc­ compliance with this code can be • PEANUTS PERSONAL 1960 LARK REGAL. Over-drive, Heavy duty clutch. 300 hp. Never Close to campus. Call 332-0811, 332-6709. 19 by appointment only. 22 tion and success. ascertained promptly and fairly • REAL ESTATE radio, heater. Excellent condi­ raced. $2195. 337-0156. 21 evenings 337-2474. Fabian Re­ MOBILE HOME set up. Close to The manufacturers said that on a consistent basis,” the com­ • SERVICE tion. Phone IV 9-8092. 19 THUNDERB1RD CONVERTIBLE, alty. 22 campus. Skyline 1956. 8’ x 35’. ★ Service an independent administrator will panies said. • TRANSPORTATION ■59 OLDS CONVERTIBLE. $200, 1959. Black. All . power, super DUPLEX APARTMENTS for 3 Reasonable. Immediate posses­ enforce th e code and fine vio­ take over payments. See at Pure tires. 337-1110 or Lambda Chi FREE ESTIMATE ON your move • WANTED and 4 girls. Available June 15th. sion. 332-2664. 21 lators up to $100,000 for infrac­ Oil Station; Michigan and Grand Alpha. 128 Haslett. 22 anywhere in the world. Phone Calendar of ELECTRIC "PORTABLE organ. tions. DEADLINE: River. Phone 337-9886. ^19 1963 CORVAIR MONZA 4-door. 1/2 block to Berkey Hall. ED IV 5-2241, Bekins Van Lines. Ask 2-2495. 20 3 1/2 octaves. Excellent condi­ The code, which will apply to 1 p.m. one closs day be­ FALCON FUTURA 1962. Dark Bucket seats, automatic trans­ for Jim . C20 Owning Events ATTENTION FACULTY, fur­ tion. Originally $175, now $75. all cigarette advertising includ­ fore publ ication. blue interior. Bucket seats, mission. Like new. $1850 or best nished efficiency apartment. Phone 482-9602. 21 NO RAISE in prices at WEN- ing radio, television, newspapers transistor radio. Straight stick. offer. 332-2880. 21 Cancellations • 12 noon one Available soon. Quiet atmos­ TEFLON frying pans, house- DROW’S ECON-O-WASH. 32 and magazines, is subject to a Forestry Seminar — 12 noon, 1 $1,140, take over payments. Call KARMANN-GHIA, '57 Black. No speed clean washers, 20£- ten class day before publication phere, close to campus. $90. wares and gifts. ACE HARD­ clearance under the anti-trust Forestry. owner, 372-1756. 20 rust, Radio, Engine perfect. $550. minutes drying, 10^. 3006 Vine Fabian Realty, 332-0811. 19 WARE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand laws by the Department of Jus­ MSU Men’s Club Luncheon — PHONE: 1963 FORD GALAXIE Station 822 N. Pennsylvania. 485-7080. St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. tice. HASLETT APARTMENTS. Beau- River, across from Union. ED 12:10 p.m., Union Parlors. 21 C19 355-8255 Wagon. Cruise-O-Matic. Power 2-3212. C The administrator has not been Baseball, Detroit — 3:30 p.m. BUICK 1959 LeSabre, 2-door Se- tiful four person furnished. Sub­ steering, radio, heater, luggage GIBSON 5 STRING, long neck ban- T.V., RADIO, PHONO REPAIR named but will be shortly. Statistics Colloquium — 3:30 RATES: dan. Stick shift. Good condition. lease summer term. Call Chris, rack. $2,200. Sacrifice 676-5973 jo; case. Records, books, should­ Under the code, no advertis­ p.m., 218 Berkey. 1 DAY. . , . .SI.25 $775. Call 627-6778. __ 21 353-1116 or Joan 353-1098. 21 Don’t Search—Call Church ______23 er strap. $140. Call 337-9621. 23 ing for cigarettes may be used Chemistry Colloquium — 4 3 DAYS_____$2.50 MG -TD excellent, will sacrifice, J.BT s EXCLUSIVELY Chevrolet IV 2-5608 ENGLISH 3 speed bicycle. $39.77".. unless it first has been submitted p.m., 122 Kedzie. 5 DAYS_____S3.75 $950. Call Dean Dudley, Sigma Used Cars. 1957 and 1959 Con­ ACE HARDWHERE 8t GIFTS, 201 Prompt Service-New & Used Sets to the administrator and okayed Entomology Seminar — 4p.m., Chi, IV 7-9020, or IV 2-8618 vertibles. V-8 Automatics. New by him. He will be given "com ­ 401 Nat. Sci. (Based on 15 words per ad) E. Grand River, across from CHURCH T.V. SERVICE after 10 pm. 20 white vinyl tops. For the sharpest plete and final authority” to de- Food Science Seminar — 4 Union. ED 2-3212. C 8080 W. Willow, Lansing There will be a 25c service 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA. S.S. used Chevys in town, come out to p.m., 110 Anthony. BOYS SCHWINN racer. Almost C and bookkeeping charge if Convertible. All power and ex­ J .B .’s and browse around. 2801 PEANUTS Mathematics-Physics Col­ new. Used Raleigh racer. Call , ' ~HiN< Y M ê _ this ad is not paid within tras. Take over payments. Phone S. Cedar. ______C JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4.00. loquium — 4 p.m., 120 p.m. Norm or Bob, 353-1589 after 10 nA??V jJ5 T 00,’Ai/bc 882-4725 evenings. 21 1960 RAMBLER. Custom 4-door Aldinger Direct Mail advertising. one week. pm. 19 WÄ£ H AW AII Metallurgy, Mechanics a .id M. G. TD, 1951. Restored A-l sedan. 6-cylinger, standard 533 North Clippert. IV 5-2213. Materials Science Seminar — 4 W A L K ' LIKE NEW. Kirby vacuum C The State News does not mechanically. $1695 or best offer. transmission, radio. Reclining p.m., 284 Engineering. cleaner, $59.95. Phone 485-3191 permit racial or religious Phone 882-8285 evenings o r seats. $795. 587-5880. 23 ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call Microbiology and Public Health evenings. 20 discrimination in its ad­ weekends.______19 D O N ' T Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. Seminar — 4:10p.m., 335Giltner. vertising columns. The PONTIAC 1960. Low mileage, I 'if Employment SEWING MACHINE" 1963 zigzag Small dents to large wrecks. Pathology Seminar — 4:10 owner car. Very good condition, model. No attachments needed. American and foreign cars. p.m., 346 Giltner. State News will not accept GREAT LAKES Employment for good tires. See at 3000 E. Sagi­ Simply select a stitch to button­ Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 Special Lecture, Ian Barbour advertising from persons permanent positions in office, naw or call IV 2-4320. 21 • D R I V E hole, mbnogram, applique, over­ East Kalamazoo. C — 4:15 p.m., Kiva. discriminating against re­ sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. cast, automatically also decor­ kEN’S CARBURETOR SERVICE Kellogg Center Series — 8:15 ligion, race, color or FORD 1956, 2-door,_ 6-cylinder, C20 .Minutes to.Everywhere: ative designs, etc. Want respon­ New and rebuilt Carburetors ulEUL. -iÀPr’ Ncrr léNT d c .S c p.m., Kellogg Aud. national origin. stick. Radio, heater. Runs per­ CAMP COUNSELOR positions sible party to make $6.56 pay­ Member I.O.O. rUtW All ~nâ ' de...hAPPiNc$¿ Student Chamber Music En­ fectly. $160. 355-1039. 21 available for men and women. ments or only $47.14 cash. Call Motor tune-up specialists. 3r.N o -A ? TOO! semble — 8:15 p.m., Music Aud. ^Automotive CHEVROLET 1962 Biscayne " 6 ” . CAMP RAKIN. For information, OL 5-2054. C20 1100 S. Washington 489-5346. 22 Tri-B eta Annual Banquet — Stick shift, good condition, new call Mr. Mezger, 337-2293. 20 332-5051 CORVAIR ‘62, white 2-door 3 tires. 1232 Parkdale after 5. IV MUST SACRIFICE 30’ X 8’ mo- PROMPT DELIVERIES^ hree 7:30 p.m., Wed., Wesley Founda­ RELIABLE FULL and part-time EYDEAL VILLA bile home. Good condition. types of diapers to choose from. tion. speed transmission. Radio. Ex­ 7-7815. 19 1 or 2 bedroom apartments com­ men and women, over 18 to train Parked 1 mile East of campus. Bulk wash for cleaner, whiter Christian Science Organization cellent condition. Save by buying FALCON FUTURA 1962. Dark pletely and excellently furnished. as aids and orderlies. Transpor­ Phone 337-0747. 19 diapers, fluff dried and folded. — 7 p.m., 31 Union. direct from owner. Phone 489- blue, light blue interior. Bucket Choice of interior colors, cen­ tation necessary. Apply 9:30 - Use yours or rent ours.Contain­ 0677 evenings after 5:30. 21 seats, transistor radio. Straight tral rec-room, laundry facilities, TEFLON frying pans, house­ 10:30 a.m. weekdays. Ingham ers furnished. No deposit. 25 stick. $1,140, take over pay­ barbecue areas and swimming wares arid gifts. ACE HARD­ BL'ICK Ï958 2-door hardtop. Good County Hospital. Dobie Road, years experience. By-Lo Diaper ments. Call owner, 372-1756. 20 pool. GE appliances.Call FIDEL­ WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand tires and good running condition. Okemos. 19 Service, 1010 E. Michigan. IV ’62 FORD CONVERTIBLE. Blue IT Y REALTY ED 2-5041, River, across from Union. ED if '/OLÍRE.áAO 5 OMETIME5,THcN Pistol Club A real buy. Call OX 9-2751 7 am - COLLEGE STUDENTS",' male. 2-0421. C 5 pm. 19 and white. Power steering, low GEORGE EYDE ED 2-0565. C19 2-3212. — C HJCRErlAr’?" A ll THE TIME ! Full time summer work. Part SI’E r ^ price-on DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers T5§" CHEVY Bel-air, hardtop. No mileage, excellent condition. I WOMEN OVER 21: Summer- one Invites Dates time during school year if de­ electri™ steam irons. ACE returned either yours or ours. rust, perfect mechanical. 283, owner. 337-7134. 22 2-girl, one 4-girl, one girl to sired. Earn enough during sum­ HARDWHERE & O pT S, 201 E. With our service, you may include 4 barrel. Radio, ww. 337-1851. ALLSTATE SCOOTER 1959. Good share with 3, two girls to share The Spartan Pistol Club is mer to pay for entire year of Grand River, acroSs from Union. two pounds of baby clothes that 19 condition. $130.Call Bob 332-1114. with 2. Fall- winter - spring- sponsoring a "Girl Friend schooling. Over 15 $1,000 schol­ ED 2-3212. C21 do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. Night,” tonight at 7. All members 21 arships were awarded to qualified one 2-girl, one 3-girl, one 4- SPRING SPECIALS: KARMANN- GHIA Convertible. girl. ED 2-2276.______21 FORMAL-Full length; Evening AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE to bring their dates and let them students. On the job training for dresses; and wedding gown. All shoot free. Black. $35 trailer hitch and seat HOUSES______914 E. Gier Street practical use of your education sizes 15-16. Reasonable. Phone Regular membership charges ’62 FORD convt., chestnut belts. Must sell. $795.TU 2-7398 WANTED MALE roommate to IV 2-0864. C during the summer months. An 882- 8749.______20 have been reduced to $1.50 for color, R & H, automatic trans­ evenings. 21 share 9-room house for 4 imme­ earn while you learn program de­ GOOD CAMPUS and summer Contact Lens SPECIALIST for the rest of the term, with no mission, PS...... $1,"90 BUICK 1961 LeSabre, 4-door Se- diately. $30 per month. Parking. signed by this multi-million dol­ transportation. Cushman deluxe Invisible Beauty. 500 Creative charge for coeds. The club meets dan. Full power. White side­ 485-2538.______19 ANO DONT You fOR6ETn! ’62 FORD Galaxie XL, hdtp., lar Corporation that hundreds of motor scooter. Phone 355-0243 Fashions in Glasses. CapitalOp- at the rifle range in the base­ NEW 2-bedroom furnished. Two R & H, automatic transmis­ walls. Lots of extras. Phone Ml students have taken advantage of. between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 20 tical Studios, 115 E. Michigan, ment of Demonstration Hall. 5-9612. 20 fireplaces, basement, parking. IV 2-7434. C sion, PS, bucket sea ts.. $1,790 Many of whom are still with our MOBILE HOME, 42’ XlO’.T ra il- AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite. Red. Co. in key executive positions. Up to 4 adults. $160 per month. COMPLETE COLLISION SER- IV 5-4917 after 5 pm. (629 er Haven Lot 113. See from 7pm- '63 VOLKSWAGEN red, bar­ Body and engine in excellent con­ For arrangements of personal 9 pm. 23 VICE. Bumping and painting. Courses Opened Mifflin.) 20 gain priced at...... $1,390 dition. Hard and soft top. 482- interview, time, schedule and SPECIAL. DISCOUNT price or Frame straightening. Valley Auto STUDENTS- 2 bedroom home in 2068. 22 city you wish to work, call Grand electric steam irons. ACE Body. 4711 N. East, or call IV At Nigeria U. '61 CHEVROLET Impala, 2- 1963 AUSTIN-HEALEY Sprite. Rapids, GLendale 9-5079. Also quiet suburban area. Furnished, 5-8547. 22 HARDWARE & GIFTS, 201 E. Courses have been announced dr hdtp, V-8, standard trans., \lkll. Excellent condition. Origi­ Lansing, 485-3146. South Bend, utilities extra. $125 monthly.Call STUDENT TV RENTALS. New Grand River, across fromUnion. for MSU students planning to par­ R t. H, red color inside and nal owner. 11,000 miles. Phone CEntral 4-9179. Kalamazoo, call 332-3311.______23 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” ED 2-3212. C21 ticipate in the new exchange pro­ out...... $1,590 355-3146. 20 Grand Rapids number. 48 ROOMS______table models, $8 per month, 17” 1963 10 X 50’ RICHARDSON MO- ★ Service WAITRESSES: Good working con- MEN- CLEAN and comfortable table models, $7 per month. All gram at the University of Nigeria ’59 ENGLISH FORD Lt. blue FORD 1958, 4 door, V-8 stan- BILE home. An excellent oppor­ this summer. ditions. Must have some exper­ rooms. Private entrance and sets guaranteed, no service or TYPING SERVICE color, white vinyl interior, dard transmission. R and H. ED tunity for student. Call 641-6604 Sheldon Cherney, MSU coordi­ ience. See Mr. Mitchell or Mr. bath. Parking available. Close to delivery charges. Call Nejac TV R & H, exceptionally clean. . . 2-8971 after 7 p.m. 20 after 6 pm. 21 EDfE STARR, TYPIST, Theses, Bosheff. No phone calls please. campus. Available for spring, Rentals, IV 2-0624. C nator of the five-week summer $490. MERCEDES-BENZ 220B I960. SEWING MACHINE SINGER con- dissertations, term papers, gen­ session in Africa, said course EAT SHOP- 605 E. Grand River. summer and fall terms. 337- EL CHARRO Mexican Restaurant Black 4-door with red leather. sole automatic zig zag. Equipped eral typing. Experienced, IBM work will be concentrated in 26 7 4 3 8 . ______20 and Bakery- formerly Torres. ACK DYKSTRA Original mileage. Good condition. with control for lovely designs. Electric. OR 7-8232. C three broad areas of African APPROVED ROOM for Male stu­ Rolls- sweet rolls-frenchbread- $1,700. Call 332-2810. 21 REGISTERED NURSES, full or Buttonholes, appliques, over­ studies: comparative govern­ FORD dent. University YMCA. Cooking, tortillas baked fresh daily. Mexi­ OLDSMOBILE 1$$5. Super 88 part time. 11-7 or 3-11. Good sal­ casts and all general household ★ T ransportatlon ment, Nigerian society and the ary and differential plus other parking. $7.50 weekly, 314 Ever­ can Foods ready to serve. Open (Open Mon, Thurs, Fri ’til 9) Holiday Sedan, all power. New sewing. Make only seven pay­ world, and economic development fringe benefits. Flexible time green. ED 2-3839. 21 daily, Friday and Saturday 11 am- WANTED: RIDE for two, NYC. N. Cedar at Grand River brakes, fuel pump and battery. ments of $6.84 per month. Guar­ and resources of Nigeria. schedule. Meal furnished. Phone 3 am. 724 E. Grand River. Call Leaving Thursday May 7, 5:30. IV 2-1604 Runs well. One owner. Phone 484- anteed. Phone OL 5-2054. C20 The overseas study program 1949. 21 ED 2 -0 8 0 1 .______21 ★ For Sale for reservations or take-out. Returning following Sunday. Call APARTMENT SIZE spin d ry is open to any student who has OLDSMOB1LE 1963, F85 Cutlass BICYCLE SALES, service and IV 4-1861. We also sell Mexican Bill 332-8060. 19 FEMALE- daytime supervision washers. Use it for the family been enrolled here for six months convertible. White walls, auto­ SPARTAN MOTORS of private swimming pool. Room rentals. East Lansing Cycle, 1215 products. 19 WANTED: RIDE to Lbs Angeles, matic floor shift, console, bucket wash. Cheaper than using Coin or more. Credits earned at the and board in summer resort area. East Grand River, call 332-8303. TYPING SERVICE on or around the 21st of June. seats. $2250. 337-2202. 22 CHEVROLET 1963Monza 2-door; Ops. See the Hoover Spin Washer University of Nigeria will be 355-1431. 19 ______C TYPING. Term papers, theses. Send postcard to Miss S. ro4 CHEVY - 2-door. Radio, 4-speed transmission. Low mil­ at Storage Furniture Sales. accepted by MSU. WAITERS, LIFEGUARD, and DINING TABLE- Walnut with one S.M.C. Electric. Work guar­ Anderson, Stockbridge High heater, new tires. Body average, eage. Two to choose from. Terms available. 4601 N.U.S. 27, Deadline for student applica­ Social director (with musical leaf and pad. $35. Phone ED anteed. 337-1527. 48 School, Stockbridge, Michigan. 21 interior excellent, engine excel­ IV 7-0173. C19 tions is Thursday. Selections will 1957 MERCURY MONTEREY 2- talent preferred) at Weinstein’s 2-2642. 1412 North Harrison. 19 JOB RESUMESTOO copies, $4.00. lent. $195. IV .2-6925.______23 WANT 2 riders to Lincoln, Ne­ be announced May 8. door, hardtop. Automatic trans­ Resort, South Haven, Michigan. MOTOR- Gale Buccaneer, 1957. Aldinger Direct Mail advertising. VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Excellent ★ Lost & F ound braska. Leaving Friday, May 8; Interested students may con­ mission. Power steering and Call 353-0339.______. 20 12 H.P. with tank and 2 pro­ 533 North Clippert. IV 5-2213. condition. Original owner. Call returning Tuesday. Call Sue 353- tact Cherney at the Nigeria Pro­ brakes. No rust. Extra sharp. EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an pellers. Excellent condition. HORN RIM glasses in leather ______C. 485-6792. ' 19 1150. 22 gram office, Wells Hall "A ” . Avon representative. Turn your $125. Phone IV 9-0482. 23 case with clip. Vicinity of MAC. ANN BROWN typist and multi- 1963 FORD GALAXIE S60- 406 CHEVROLET 1962 Corvair. 4- free time into $$. For appoint­ LUCOR 1200 STEREO tape re- Reward. 655-1160. 20 lith offset printing (black & white cu, inches. Four speed, 405 hp. door, 3-speed transmission. & color). IBM. General typing, ★ Wanted Jet black finish. Very few made. ment in your home write or call: corder. $260 new this term. Lake Sharp. term papers, thesis, disserta­ Religion, Physics Immaculate condition. $2,550. Mrs. Alona Huckins, 5664 School best offer, must sell. 355-6899. ★ Personal FREE ROOM and board for Grad­ St., Haslett, Michigan, or call tions. ED 2-8384. C Phone 355-6081.______19 1960 FORD FALCON, 2-door. ; 20 IF YOU ARE a careful driver, uate girl student in exchange for evenings, FE 9-8483. C19 TABLE MODEL T.V. metal cab- TYPING in my home. Shirley CORVAIR 1962. Red, sharp, onc- Clean, economical transporta­ you may qualify for State Farm’s getting evening meal for 2 school Prof To Speak inet. Good condition. Call 332- Decker, Forest Ave. Lansing. owner. 500 , 3-speed. Like new. tion. BABYSITTER WANTED "in my top-notch protection at rock- children. ED 7-0241. 19 6250. 21 Phone IV ?-7208. C Low price. Must sell. 482-0067. 3000 E. Michigan home 8-5. References. Call 355- bottom rates. Call or see your BABY SliTING wanted. Hot Ian Barbour, professor of phy­ TYPING IN rny homeT'15 years 21 IV 7-3715 r 9840, after 5 pm.______21 FRENCH TOURING "bike. 8 State Farm agent today. ED lunches, many toys, lots of love sics and head of the department speeds. Front and rear luggage KARMANN, IV 5-7267, in Fran- secretarial experience. Electric and attention. Call 355-3133 soon. of religion at Carleton College, typewriter. IV 7-0619. C20 racks, lights. 484-9679, 355- dor. C19 21 Northfield, Minn., will discuss 3438. Steve Platt. 21 "Science and the Humanities: An WHITE BIRCH stables. Best in GOYA FOLK guitar with case. Examination of Methodologies,” riding, English or Western. Like new. Call Paulette 355- in the Erickson Hall Kiva at 4:15 STORY Spring Bargain Days Horses, tack, havrides, parties 7226. 19 p.m. today. and riding lessons. Quarter horse HONDA 1963. Show room condi- Barbour is appearing through stud. OR 7-3007. 19 tion. 3,400 miles. Enjoy benefits the cooperation of the United of World’s best engineered bike. 48823 MEANS IF you are in East PLAY Campus Ministry, the Humanities ‘ 0OMer ury Monterey, 4-door 1 5 7Pontiac Station Wagon, pow- ‘ 61 Dodge Polaris, 2-door Electric starter, etc. After 5:30. Lansing and walk upstairs at Two Research Center and the depart­ hardtop, power steering, er brakes, radio, heater, auto­ hardtop, power steering, pow­ 337-1123. - 23 Twenty Albert to the end of the ment of physics. power brakes, radio, heater, matic transmission, white er brakes, radio, heater, auto­ WEDDING GOWN. Silk organ/a. hall we’ll sell you insurance in a BILLARDS automatic transmission, walls. Story sells Pontiacs matic transmission , white Chapel train. Size 8-10. Call 355- zip. Bubolz Insurance. C19 2-tone, white walls. Story for less. $395 walls. Story sells Dodges for 9970 after 6 pm. 21 sellsMercurysfor less. $ 9 9 5 less. $1195 PORTABLE TYPE W R I T E R - VACATION AT beautiful Lake Art Group Honors Olympia Precision. Buy the Michigan lodge two hours from finest. Terms available. Hassel- campus. Reduced rates till June Prof At Reception bring Co. 310 N. Grand. IV 2- 15. Write: Sea Fever Lodge P.O. Enjoy 20 Colorful Brunswick Regulation 1219. C20 Box 87A Whitehall, Mich. Phone John S. de Martelly, artist- FORK L IFT - MO-TO- Lift. Shop TW 4-4353. 27 Size Tables in-residence at Michigan State Truck Series 3000,capacity 4,000 and his wife, Janet Spaeth, were STORY OLDSMOBILE Beautiful Surroundings pounds. Excellent condition. ★ Peanuts Personal / honored at a reception Saturday Phone 337-2046. 19 at by the Midland Art Association. GRETCH GUITAR with double PUBLIC NOTICE: 2,2,1 is now De Martelly has been conduct­ Where The April Action Is pick-up. 4 channel amp. micro­ 2,1,1. Don’t think twice, it’s al­ CUSHION N CUE ing an art seminar for the Post phone. Call 332-8641, ask for right. 19 Street Workshop in Midland. Mike. 22 d B a r Un c l e s t e v i e , what 5024 S. Cedar At Jolly Rd. A noted lithographic artist, de 3165 E. MICHIGAN IV 2-1311 FILTER CLEAN vacuum cieaner. else have the sons of Alladin F o r Reservation Phone 882-2743 Martelly is also a painter, etcher 1 year old. $55. 489-3080. 20 taught you? The Other Four. 19 and illustrator. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 28, 1964 5

Grid Coaches Sway 24 Out Of 26 Recruiting: Spartan Success Story

By RICHARD SCHWARTZ he said, "you begin to realize just how success­ ful we feel at this tim e." State News Sports Writer From the standpoint of high school repu­ tation in football, Smith feels the group stands Baseball isn’t the only Big Ten sport where a up well against any in the past. .923 batting average would be something to bring you up out of your seat. "You can never tell how good a boy will When a football coach tosses pitches at26pro- be until you see him play against college spective high school athletes and 24 take a cut, competition,’ ’ Smith explained. that too is something worth cheering about. "O f what we have to go by in measuring Signatures A plenty That’ s the story from 215 Jenison, headquar­ freshmen potential, Smith said, "we should ters for Coach Duffy Daugherty and the Spartan have as good, if not a better, squad than football team. we had last season." According to Burt Smith, administrative hand­ For Grants-In-Aid ler for Daugherty and freshman coach, 24 let­ What makes State such an attraction to ters of intent have been received from players these athletes? Here’ s a rundown on players Fullbacks: William Bruce, Da- naming State as their first preference for grants- "A season like we had last year never who have signed letters of intent vidsville, Pa., a 11-conference; in-aid. hurts us,” Smith said. "But the over-all foot­ with some indicating State as their first George Charlos, Hunkers, Pa., A TEN D ER SITUATION: Spartan football Coach Duffy Daugherty talks over plans v " It’s quite a tribute to the recruiting job done ball climate in a school’s history is by far all-state; Norman Jenkins, West of ’ the 24 high school athletes who have signed letters of intent to play for the Spanans.artans. •• choice: by the assistant coaches,’’ Smith said, thumbing the biggest selling point. Mifflin, Pa., all-state; Bob Back r ow (I. to r.) are Sterling Armstrong, Detroit Central; Art Deras, Hamtramck; Bill Rose,Lan Centers: Larry Smith, Chi­ through the packet of responses on his desk. Lange, Chicago, all-state (now "Kids like to know the school they’ll be sing Sexton. Front row (I. to r.) are: Tony Rutherford, Detroit Central; Joe Prrybycki, Harper cago, 111., all-state: Dennis “ When you consider that in another year we playing for has a fine background ir. the sport,” enrolled as a freshman); Willie Woods Notre Dame; and John Whalen, Battle Creek Central. Miller, Lansing, all-state; Frank might have called 55 or 60 per cent a success," he said. Olschanski, Detroit, all-city; Ross, Lansing, all-state. Ronald Rapieri, Royal Oak, all­ city; Anthony Rutherford, De­ troit, all-city. Tigers Clash With KC Guards: Anthony Conti, Mt. 'S’, Titans Try A g ain Tod ay Clemens, all-state; Joseph R. in the American League stand­ Prazybycki, Harper Woods, Club P rogram (UP1)—The Detroit Tigers will ings with a 6-4 record. Notre Dame, all-America; David get a chance to fatten their rec­ Techlin, Essexville, all-state; ord when they begin a three- After Rain D elay H alts Bats game series against, th e last BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS John Wallen, Battle Creek, all­ Keeps Pace W ith • j conference. place Kansas City Athletics to­ The baseball team gets a de­ bination of seasoned veterans visitors with Doug Dobrei his Tackles: Philip Brittain,Cad­ day at Kansas. layed look at the University of and talented sophomores and po­ counterpart for State. illac, all-state; Edward Wyler Expanding Campus | Detroit today — provided it ses a threat to end Coach Danny Game time is 3:30 p.m. at McLaud, Fairborn, Ohio, ' all­ Old College field. The Tigers are in secondplace doesn’t rain Litwhiler’s string of five non­ conference (also plays defensive league victories. T h e a t r e ; There’s something for everyone in MSU’s sports club •; again. Pkosxe 332-2S14. end and offensive center). The Titan hitting attack is ENTER SPRING LEAGUES NOW D T h e Titans Ends: William Grimes, Grand ; program. were scheduled paced by third baseman-turned- I T O D A Y _____ Haven, all-conference; Jim ■ Crew, skiing, judo, sailing, weightlifting, bowling, and la- ■; THE AIR-CONDITIONED to play State in shortstop Don Deptula, a .349 and WEDNESDAY: Juday, Northville, all-state j crosse are all available to whet the sporting appetite of stu- > Detroit a week hitter last season. R i c c a Zuc- From 7 :00 P.M. 90c (presently enrolled as a fresh­ dents who prefer competition outside the realm of major ; ago but a cloud­ caro, who batted .309 last year, HOLIDAY LANES man). : sport. ; "A sexual frankness that burst in the Mo­ is back again in center field. Quarterback: Arthur D e r a s, : Judo, weightlifting, bowling, and lacrosse clubs participate j • 40 Brunswick Lanes .»Snack Bar blazes a new trail."-«»! tor City forced Don’s twin brother, Dennis, Hamtramck, all-state. : on an intercollegiate level, but they have not reached varsity j the cancellation is the starting second baseman INGMAR BERGMANS Halfbacks: Sterling Arm­ 1 status. ; .8 Billiard Tables »Cocktail Lounge of the event. A while veteran Cliff Rothrock strong, Detroit, all-state; James : Weightlifters showed that they’re taking their sport ser- j cold rainy Mon­ holds down the first base position. Evans, Lyndhurst, Ohio, all-city; i iously by walking off with first place in a national meet \ Mixed or 3 man teams day in East Dobrei Sophomore Bill Stanforth is Drake Garrett, Dayton, Ohio, all- i held here last March. ' j Lansing cast some doubt on the expected to be on mound for the $1.00 prize fee — Finish in June Presented 7:35-9:50 P.M. state; Wade Payne, Garden City, :■ Though MSU has no club for such sports as curling or : probability of paying the return ■ THURSDAY ONLY: all-state; Mitchell Pruiett, Ben­ :• cricket, there’s no reason why clubs for those sports— ; engagement at Old College Field. OPEN EVERY DAY AT 9A.M. ont. from 1:20 P.M. - Feature ton Harbor, all-state. : or any other—could not be formed. Any sport not part of : The Big One i the varsity or club program may be organized through the ; The Spartans go into the game 11 Frondor is Just South Of U s" 1:20-3:50-6:15-8:45 P.M. 1M department, which will furnish both individual and team : with a 14-4 over-all record and CHICAGO (UP1)—A crowd of IV 7-3731 equipment to prospective participants. : stand 2-1 in the Big Ten follow­ 104,943 paid a record gate of Anyone who doubts the value of the sports club program ■ ing their first weekend of con­ $2,658,660 to see Gene Tunney ■: should take a look at the history of soccer at MSU. ference action. Intramural ' defeat Jack Dempsey at Soldier •: The soccer program began when a group of interested stu- Detroit Coach Lloyd Brazil Field, Chicago, Sept. 22, 1927. •: dents organized a club. has come up with a winning com- irnisingi News •: Eventually, interest became so intense that Athletic Director ; ■iD rive-ln Theatre1^ | MEN’S Umlnv1! LargMt m Biggie Munn sanctioned soccer as a varsity sport. D R I V E South Cedar a t J o lly Road TU 7-24291 Softball Schedule H Last fall the team was one of the most successful squads -IN LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! Field 5:20 p.m. ■: in the varsity program. It had an undefeated regular season, THIATRf 1 — Nimrods-Terrors(Open) J a first-place finish in the Mid-West Collegiate Conference, .2 Miles Southwest of Lansing on M-78 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER 6:30 p.m. •i and a berth in the NCAA tournament. BEST ACTOR! ‘‘SIDNEY POITIER’ 1 — Bacon’s Hams-Beat All •: This year lacrosse became a part of the intercollegiate I NOW! LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! KALPH BhLLAMY üKttK bAKbUN HIT NO (1) SHOWN AT 7:45 - 11:40 « SC MAD Y B.oo.c 2 — Logical Empiricists-M o •: club program. Fu’s ADMISSION THIS ENGAGEMENT $1.25 SUNRISE AT 3 — Tony’ s Boys-A.F.ROTC ______CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE CAMPOBELLO 4 — Hustlers-S.O.C. _ q m e s 5 — No Counts-Atom Smashers I ADULT ENTERTAINMENT! ■FRIDAY: (Open) oiiX er~ _jg£the> “WUTHERING HEIGHTS” COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC INSPECTION ¡H IT NO (1) AT 7:45 & L A T E 11 HIT NO (2) AT 10:30 | 6 — NO GAME Liua Skau F i e l d 7 — Vet Medicine-Delta Sigma for American-Foreign-Compacts Phi(Open) featuring TONY'S 8 — Alpha Kappa Psi-S.A.M. , “A ROARING ! GOT F E A T U R E NO (2) (FIRST RUN) AT 9:50 C h a r g e r s e Wheel bal ancing I ENTERTAINMENT!" ! WOMEN 9 — Psi Upsilon-Sigma Phi Ep­ A — N.w fork tim.i I TROUBLE! SLACKS silon • Custom brake service 7:40 p.m. • Steering correction T o n y C u rtis onE marrs may 1 — Beal-Cubs Tom i P ounds os fitoußie - - NORMAN VINCENT PEALE 2 — Movers-Wart & Court We also do expert tuneup J a n e s i 3 — Wooster-Worthington work on American and Compact cars I Ä to fllf (imm CO tTARRlNQ I------WILLIAM WINOOM 8:50 p.m. CAROL OHMART 1 — Vets-Bethel Manor i STARTS WED. 2 — Packaging-A g. Econ.(Ag. umuncoiofi i LISKEY’S AUTO SAFETY CENTER IWItSMIISIS I ELVIS PRESLEY IN Council) i*wi musi I 124 SO. LARCH OFF MICH. AVE. - LANSING “ KISSIN COUSINS” Residence Hall Volleyball Time Gym I(Ct.l) 6 — East Shaw 3-4 CAMPUS LAST 2 DAYS! 6:30 — East Shaw 7-8 MSU LECTURE - CONCERT SERIES 7 — Woodbridge-Worthington Fun For Everyone! 65 C to 5:30 Eve. 90( 7:30 — Wordsworth-Wolverton T W W F f F Feature ALA Program p i 8 — Casino-Caribbean 1:00-3:35-6:20-9:00 w m 8:30 — Casopolis-Cache featuring at the Gym I(Ct.3) 6 — Cabana-Cameron 6:30 — Cambridge-Cachet 7 — Emerald-Embassy FAIRWAY 7:30 — E.M.U.-Embers South African folk singerwith remarkable show-stopping talent. FROM THE MAN WHO FIREO -THE GUNS OF NFMAR0NE". Bfli 8 — Empowerment-Emperors She provides a truly unique and rewarding musical experience. ! A COLUMBIA PICTURES RflEASf I 8:30 — Eminence-Empyrean Gym II(Ct.4) DRIVING • Starts Thursday • 6 — Bailey 1-7 Wednesday, April 29 8:15 p.m. 6:30 — Wisdom-Windsor They played the game by all 7 — Winshire-Wight UNIVERSITY RANGE 7:30 — Bailey 2-8 the rules that flesh Is heir to... 8 — Bailey 3-5 and 8:30 — East Shaw 2-9 AUDITORIUM Gym II(Ct.6) world’s largest 6 — West Shaw 4-9 General Admission $2.50 6:30 — McLean-McBeth 7 — Brinkley-Brandy Students $1.00 7:30 — McFadden-McInnes MNMTVRE GOLF 8 — Snyder 16-Aristocrats On Sale at Union Ticket Office 8:30 — West Shaw 5-6 and Paramount Newshop » (continued on page 6) This W eek’s Specials

Take a date or friend along FR%E to play min­ iature golf, the country’s fastest growing sport, ...real go-man-go trim, WOTEir ¿flMNHL with this coupon. tapered styling with the new A-l pockets and belt loops! Custom tailored with "fit’’ built-in for just $4 .9 8 to r ...... $6.98 in the latest shades * SPECIAL * < I Good for one free round of miniature golf with one * and little care fabrics. I paid admission. I At your fav o rite cam p u s store: L------—...J The LANDAU Company presents

I This coupon and 75

chartes h. Kraft Selected Harris Hits Rival Plan Shop Wednesday Nam e Prof To Head Nigeria Trip ^s ‘Copy Of Failure ’ Prof. and Mrs. Char,es H. The students will study at the guages and the African Studies Bob Harris, Bryan, Ohio, jun­ and would also increase adminis­ Noon till 9:00 Kraft have been selected by the University of Nigeria at Nsukka C en ter. ior and candidate for the All- trative respect for AUSG, J e s s e said. Nigeria Program office and the under a new student exchange While in Africa, Kraft will also University Student Government African Studies Center to accom­ program to begin Aug. 4. make preliminary arrangements presidency, has attacked the plan “The changing role of student pany a group of MSU students to Kraft is an assistant professor for establishing a research and of his rival, James Jesse, Bu­ government in the University Nigeria this summer. in the department of foreign lan- teaching base to be operated by chanan junior. necessitates a thorough study to the MSU African Studies Center He said Jesse’s plan is almost determine its very existance,” an exact copy of the student in Nigeria. Harris said , adding that "the senate plan used at the Univer­ He said he hopes a number of most important Thing for us to sity of Michigan where, he said, Pi Kaps Elect Rose Queen, the MSU students will be able to remember is that student gov­ it has met with failure. make person-to-person contacts ernment is people, not apathy,” Jesse’s plan calls for the for­ with their Nigerian counterparts he said, "and this cannot be mation of an executive council Announce New Officers to further international under­ achieved by a 'radical miracle which would have veto power over standing. drug’ approach." Sandy Nyberg, Allegan sopho­ their newly elected officers for congressional action. The group Harris said a re-evaluation more, was chosen Rose Queen of the coming year: W illiam would be composed of represen­ com m ittee now being set up, the Pi Kappa Phi at their winter Rudolph, Appleton, Wis., junior, Tutoring Service tatives of the major governing which includes most of the "top term party. president: Frank Philip, Midland groups on cam pus. student lead ers on campus” Miss Nyberg will attend social sophomore, secretary: R oger Open From 3-8 The plan, which has already hopes to "find the answers to functions during th e y ear and Fogarty, Birmingham junior, been introduced in student con­ many of the problems now plagu­ The tutoring service for this compete for national Rose Queer, treasurer: Tom Brown, Midland gress and was referred to com­ ing student government” by tak­ term is now open betw'een 3 :0 0 - with over 60 representatives of junior, warden; Dick Keldsen, mittee, would provide more ef­ ing, a "realistic, rational 8:00, Monday through Thursday. Pi Kappa Phi chapters across East Lansing sophomore, histor­ fective student representation approach" to the problem. Its telephone number is 355-4455. the country. ian; John Kohler, Rochester, The Pi Kaps also announced N.Yi, sophomore, chaplain. Students are asked to seek help as soon as problems occur since no new tutoring will be offered after the eighth week of the term. T he se rv ic e is staffed by m em ­ A U S G V o te Intramural News bers of Alpha Lambda D elta, (continued from page 1) Patton also warned students Tower Guard, Phi Eta Sigma, to make sure that their ballots Green Helmet and Beta Alpha members of the Elections Com­ are stam ped. Several ballots Psi, the accounting honorary. mission, the Elections Review were ruled invalid in the first Deadline is set for 3p.m.Friday. (continued from page 5) Board and one State News re­ election becau se they w ere un­ Building Hours—9 a.m.-9 p.m. porter will be allowed in the stam ped. Exercise Clinic — 12-2 p.m. and Independent Bowling ACLU Dinner' courting room. Candidates and interested stu­ ~-8 p.m . Ballot boxes will be sealed The Lansing branch of the dents may await the election re­ Alleys 8 p.m. Open Swim — 12-1 p.m . and 6 :3 0 at the close of the polls to pro­ American Civil Liberties Union sults in the first floor lounge 1-2 — Elsworth-Pin Heads p.m. - 9 p.m. tect against ballots being added of the Student Services Building. . 3-4 — Evans Scholars-Smitty’s will sponsor a dinner May 6 in at that time. The ballots, which Softball Schedule honor of John Pemberton Jr., Coffee will be served. R aid ers will be printed on IBM cards, 5-6 — Thelma Thigs-Bowl Wee­ national executive director of Dormitory residents may vote will be numbered and each voting F ield 5 -6 ACLU. The dinner was previously in their meal lines. v ils 1 — East Mayo-McDonel district will be given specifically 7-S — Danfrehowjac-Sigma Phi reported for Wednesday. 2 — S.O.C.-Rather 1 numbered ballots. Additional bal­ WHITE Delta 3 — West Mayo-Van Hoosen lots will be available if a dis­ 9-10 — RCR-Motts BLUE 6 -7 Engineering Seminar trict is under supplied. N o tic e s SHORTS 1 — Abbot-South Campbell Jim Patton, Wilmette, 111., E ntry fees a re now being for 2 — West Wilson-Case The College of Engineering is sophomore and assistant elec­ & fraternity, residence hall and in­ 3 — "R ” Attic-Landon sponsoring a Metallurgy, Me­ tions commissioner, requests «^STRETCH dependent golf teams. For fra­ chanics, and Materials Science that students not fold their bal­ ternity, tennis pairings, contact Drew Bad Hand Seminar at 4 p.m. today in 284 lots because they cannot be coun­ IM o ffice. Engineering Building. ted by machine if this is done. CO LU M BU S, Ohio 1/P) —A R esid ence hall and independent J. L. Ericksen, professor of Students w ill p lace th eir own rea d er and adviser told a women team tennis rosters are now be­ mechanics at Johns HopkinsUni- ballots in the boxes, he said, client the cards revealed she ing accepted. Deadline is Friday. versity in Baltimore, Md., will so there Is no need to fold them would be good at police work. speak on "C o s s e r a t M a te ria ls.” to insure secrecy. WOMEN S Policew om an Audrey F oley a r ­ rested the read er on a ch arg e Best Ball Golf Tournament en­ of illegal practice of clairvoy- tries are now being accepted. ancy. OUIS CLEANED

WRECKER SERVICE - WHEEL SERVICE - TIRE TRUING CLOTHES ARE BRAKE SERVICE - MUFFLER SERVICE L COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIR T U N E U P THE GREATEST! GROVE'S ALL CAR SERVICE 600 N. CEDAR STREET STEERING SPECIALISTS We hate to brag, but we do offer the AX l E AND FRAME STRAIGHTENING finest cleaning coupled with the best service in town. That’s what our cus­ Hubert Wade and Dave Albaugh are now with us. tomers say, and they are always rightl Just bring it to Louis and see LANSING. MICH. PHONE 484-7663 for yourself.

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236 iCorth ¿Harrt» tm SporTsmeisTer CLEANER AND x u TEaat Kausing, ¡dTLirljiga« JÓÜL SHIRT LAUNDRY Shop

623 E. Grand River ED 2-3537 ED 2 -2 1 1 4 Across From Student Services Building The Men of Skull House 213 E. GRAND RIVER u Proudly Announce Their Spring Term Pledge Class

Ronald J. Aure A Ian J. Lincoln Carl F. Murray Brainchild of the David A. Simms C ard Shop Thomas 5. Tomlinson Wm. T. Fitzgerald, Jr. Gerald C. Marston Larry A. Carver Karl A. Reichardt % We Have Added CUT-OUT SPECIALS FROM gay sun and fun creations UNIVERSITY BEAUTY SALON Over 1500 Paperbacks CLIP AND SAVE for in and near the water STUDENT SPECIAL For Your Reading $ 2 0 value for $ 1 0 this includes permanent, styling, haircut Pleasure. Including: STUDENTS & STUDENTS WIVES ONLY For swim ming, skiing or sailing, you’ll find the GOOD MON., TUES., & WED. - right suit at Knapp’s.The trend is toward action UNIVERSITY BEAUTY SALON TOP BEST SELLERS designs! Pretty as a picture and ready for fun! if X 2 doors East of Campus Theater ED 2.1116 plus ajl Catchy by JantZOD. A fish net top with Helen- ca stretch nylon and spandex trunks. Blouson CLIP AND SAVE “I P REQUIRED READING style top. Pink, blue or black. 2 3 .9 8 FROSTING or TIPPING $10 Perky Plaid, by Roxanne. A proportioned, custom fitted, 2 part dazzler! Built-up bra top, little If you wish a shampoo & set, $2.50 extra boy pants. Fully lined. Heliotrope, bronze. $15 STUDENTS & STUDENT WIVES ONLY ‘f-lie C o w l UNIVERSITY BEAUTY SALON SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER 2 doors East of Campus Theater ED 2*1116 Only a hop, skip and a jump BEACH SHOP-STREET LEVEL EAST LANSING from Case-WiUon & wonders I il •vSÿ