1962 Phono Catalog
iIGH FIDELITY rONE ARMS Shure FOR THE LATEST IN SHURE STEREO DYNETIC high-fidelity PHONO CARTRIDGES- stereo products SEE BACK COVER.. THE ALL-IMPORTANT SOURCE OF SOUND True high fidelity sourld re-creation, begrns at the source of sound. Just as SHURE PROFESSIONAL TONE ARM 1 Combines more important features than any other independent tone arm. 1 balance (without altering overall arm length), tracking force (0-8 grams), and overhang. Floats the needle over the record . smoothly-without "drag"- without "skipu-without unnecessary Cable-Plug Assembly (and ruinous) force. Furnished with cable Eliminates Soldering having plug on each end to simplify and speed up installation (eliminates soldering). 4TIONS: MODELS M232 - MDgfi PROFESSIONAL TONE ARM NET F 3E : TONE ARM M232, for 12" records. TONE ARM M236, for 16" reco-"- . .$31. Model A23H Extra Plug-In ED ACCESSORIES: Arm rest, M236-14%" long . .for Utmost Performance in superior high fidelity systems NEW -.JSTEREO- DYNETIC -PHONO CARTRIDGES featuring THE INCREDIBLY COMPLIANT N21D TUBULAR, DIAMOND S To meet the overwhelming demand for a separate stereo cartridge that will enable tracking at extremely low pressures (2-2% grams), Shure announces these worthy additions to the incomparable family of Stereo Dynetics. SPECIFICATIONS : D. C. Resistance: 280 ohms. Channel Separation: More than 20db Terminals: 4 terminals. Adaptable to at 1000 cps. 3 terminal arms. Frequency Response: 20 to 20,000 cps. MOUNTING: Standard W" and A'' centers. Output Voltage: 4 mv per channel at IOOOcps. STYLUS: .0007" diamond stylus, Load Impedance: 47,000 ohms' Model M7D Custom Stereo Dynetic cartridge Compliance: Vertical, Lateral 9.0 x 10-6 .
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