60 ENTREPRENEUR in the Click by Catherine Seda
SEARCHING FOR SALES: Nacho Hernandez knows that thinking like your customers is key to successfully marketing via search engines. 60 I ENTREPRENEUR In the Click By Catherine Seda ou can’t resist the temptation. Fixated on ample, if you type a keyword into MSN Search your computer screen, you anxiously type on Microsoft’s consumer information and enter- Ykeywords relevant to your business into tainment site (www.msn.com), the Web site list- your favorite search engine. A list of search results ings displayed could be from Inktomi, Microsoft appears. You cringe as you spot several competitors, or Overture. Overture provides search results not then grumble because your company’s Web site only to MSN Search, but also to AltaVista and is nowhere to be seen. Where is it? That depends. Yahoo! Could a top site on Overture then appear Where is your search engine marketing strategy? as a top site on a distribution partner’s site? Yes. Gone are the days Unfortunately, these distribution relationships when adding keywords change frequently, making it difficult to deter- want all the right people to in meta tags to your mine exactly where results come from. site produced rankings. The challenging part, however, is figuring out how notice your business? then you Search engine marketing to land a top position in the search engines. There has evolved into a com- are two complementary yet completely different plex and competitive types of methods: optimization and advertising. need to make the most of today’s program. It’s also prof- Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to en- itable—according to a hancing your Web site design to make it more ap- March 2003 report by pealing to crawler-based search engines.