Recreation Staff Residences West of Walnut and South ..Of.The.M,.J,.,T.Rajisl.T.-,£Jler6ey

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Recreation Staff Residences West of Walnut and South ..Of.The.M,.J,.,T.Rajisl.T.-,£Jler6ey .11. • r~r ••• i •-«**. Page 18 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday May 15. f980 Vannauker heads board, p McDonald elected to St. Theresa balloons up.. -.- lead Garwood schools.'.. Sport vets reminisce... a tree grows at New rail tracks..,Page 17 Lincoln... Page 16 VOL. 87.No. 21 Published Every Thursday, , Thursday, May 22, 1980 Serving Cntnford, Kcniluorth uml-tiurwood l!SFS'>i:i(iilO()'Secon(] Class.Postage Paid Cran'ford, N.J. 20 CKNTS Rahway decorate it THROW OUT THE ASPIRIN! I_ Rahway : ,' InJChir THAN V HOME MOTHER, CALL YOUR DAUGHTER DAtJGHTER CALL YOUR MOTHER A parade The annual Memorial Day parade ' and ceremonies will be Monday. I Parade starts at Walnut Avenue , School at 9 a.m. and proceeds to North to Eastman to Central to , reviewing at Springfield and (Riverside. Details on Page 1 Trie Your "hou^e-huntlng headaches" are over. One glance .. We have the perfect Mother/Daughter house for you! holiday will be observed Monday with' businesses and government • at this property and you'll agree--that at $79,900 you Eight rooms in all: Four rooms on first .floor: Four rooms , offices closed. Public schools'will be lcin-t -.find a -hatle^M^y, _. LQok-. at...,wh'a.t,.-it- taas-ipj—._ on second T = r • •Qffer--7 TdG'jfis~ d , screened-in ' Private tT Trifs Tiufne^rs "ex- in a 02 zoning district and is situated on a large 70. x noon Friday for "Spectrum" news patio and garage'. ..ce.lle.ntly maintained, and is situated.on a large well 1 ^14-4 ft.-lot.-lnspe&t-i^t0<lay-and and-5-p, m^Fridayfor-general-news, 1 /2~%"mortgages available-Call for appointment. r • treed and well landscaped lot.- Can't'refuse Pricedat $86,000. I PAIGE, PAIGE & RICHARDS, REALTORS APPRAISERS Skip one i 'In^ShjrtsJor The RunjJune 1 are modeled by Sarra and' Mark Silance, youth coordinator, right. Shirts K<Zuma6 BEALIQ>RSL 1 Thxr-M'emoria"l Day hoi id ay"" Cha~sTTorf~ffnid^eTesa~SC^ benefit races spon- from'graphics-arts students Peter-Jacobs,- Paul-•De'M-i-GGO-and- Monday will delay residential clean Council,; left, wlthrNora Cooper of The Chronicle sored by- newspaper-and youth council. Doug Ma.ged. Bins were-scheduled to. be in place this week. INSURORS 1 • REAL ESTATE SINCE 1905 Gold i up .in the final section" one day. .•*-'••" . • * ...... ... • ""'•''•'I, ...... 276-1900 530 SOUTH AVE. El, CRANFORp .272-9444 Instead of Monday, pickup will begin 23 NertHve., E. -\ . ': 272^4100 in Section 4, the" southwest quadrant . Gatteriesjn MorristoMm Summit 540 NORTH AVETUM ION - 353-4200 663"Raritan Road, Cranford 07016 of_.tow_n,_on.^Tuesday. The town asks They imuiehit ^ residents to have their debris out by 7 a.m. Tuesday. The area covers Recreation staff residences west of Walnut and south ..of.the.M,.J,.,T.rajisl.t.-,£JLer6ey. Central)_• "tracks^ '— —.—-i—-—,». CHARMING HOUSE FOR A SUCCESSFUL MAN! 13% MORTGAGE AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYERS To retire Robert E. Griffin; Cranford fire A. cutback in federal CETA funds to ministrator. Leon's proposals represent activities, work with..the senior citizen •captain, has announced plans to Cranford is eliminating key line posts in a substantial shift in the way r'ecreatiftn daytime programs and youth activities, retire. He's served department for the Recreation and Parks Department w'Wl be administered in the community. oversee safety standards, handle 30 years. Benjamin Mandoni, DP.W here including, the youth coordinator, These include: program research and perform liaison laborer for 32 -years, also plans to the senior citizen coordinator, two swim First, greater' reliance on "sports .with the. citizen and advisory board retire. pool program staffers, two recreation satellite" programs, managed by units. • . .''-'• program staffers and a community primarily self-reliant special interest Dick -Salway, recreation —com- development coordinator. The senior groups. The .Cranford Baseball. League . missioner, suggested that the revised bus driver job has also been eliminated. lias-functioned this way. Other .examples system could permit the township to Gas hours . The jobs end next week and Jim Leon, are a girls volley ball team, wrestling accomplish 7S to HO percont of the work The proposed ordinance limiting . department director, has proposed programs and the new soccer club. This that it has done in recreation in the past. Ideal gas station operations to hours fundamental changes in recreational approach requires less township staff, He noted that the advisory board, had You'll feel at home when you walk into this charming between 15.a.m'. and 10 p.m. will have administration leading to satellite and greater community involvement. begun to lake a more direct roie in programs and volunteer management Colonial h"ome,...nevyJ.y.-.decorated...vyit.b_rnany._..mod_er..n .. split level. The_ spacious living r.o.Qm_haS_a_\!U;o.od-±iurn^ a public hearing before the Town- programs -tn.te4i—at^-Gtt-itifortJ—Wfet and—j Lar-go—Mjcc^i ship Committee at R p.m. Tuesday. • that would! to a large extent l -getting-aUtle tic ppegra nw-te-ewtrdmate- recreation in the hands of interested -short-ter chess" Abby Mann, a proprietor, told the tourney, themselves' rather than rely upon delightful living room, formal and eat in kit- ""room, modern kitchen,. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths plus 8 Room - 2Vi bath split level: 4 spacious bedroorns, government last week that some citizens and groups. He.proposed hiring y gymnastic programpg , j.jazz exercise, roller skating, 11)79 basketball - government,-- ••' -—-—'-- chen, four bedrooms and bath. Great location for 16x30 family room, den 1 2x1 8,'powder room, base- large panelled family-room, gas heat and in.superclean i owners Wanted a 9 p.m. instead of 10" : a program coordinator in the depart- p.m. limit. ment tp work with these groups. Though clinic and July 4-celebration. This type Gene Marino, committeeman, schools, shopping and transportation. " ' . ment, 2 zone gas hot water heat, central air condition- condition are a few of the features you wilj find in this of programming involves less staff, too, lovely home near the Orange Ave. school. Priced in the thescope of the job has not been defined, summed up the sentiment with the Offered at $9.1,500. ing, attractive yard and situated on a No Worry Dead- • the idea generated support from the. plus some involvement of recreation comment that "we always knew CETA :1 : 90's. VA Appraised - Transferred owner would like to advisory hoard people. ••' • -end- Street. '.'.'•'•. : - .••:•• •: '. :-".-:..---;:::— ./VVV.:\-:-..-T?T~:.-.;•:-.... Township Committee this..week...r vvquid go and now the day of reckoning 5 hear your offer. See it with Victor Dennis tod^yI Lucashjob Third, Leon propose.^ greater-use of has come." - " The departmerif Has used CETA volunteers, including college interns, Francis Lucash has been ap- TJie township is negotiating with the G E HOWLAND; INC. (Comprehensive Employment Training advisory board members and citizens to' REALTY WORLD® pointed principal of Livingston . Act) workers to fill the staff jobs for. Cranford Housing Board on possible MEMBER Victor DENNIS Realtor run specific programs. • • . g.g. NUINN. School. He'll replace Mrs. Ruth several years. Their departure "will put replacement of the senior citizen bus Realtor Japovsik., who retires after an . a tremendous hole in the-department," The proposed full time program driver through another funding ap- •"A World of Difference" l unusual tour of S>1 years of said Edward Murphy, township ad- professional would coordinate these proach. -.-'•• 181 North Ave E., Cranford 276-7^18 'educational service here. Lucash 13 Eastman St., ,has been assistant principal of the CALL..276-8110 BALDEN STREET CRANFORD l high school this year, Page 2. Eachoffice independently owned. • , , 276-5900 " • • • mmm Chamber of'Commerce president'EdI Force and Gregory Sgroi, township engineer, inspect first of five new recepta'cles to be installed. • ' ' ..." ' ' SPLIT fBRfi 2-5 says 37lVflDSWORTH TERRflCE NGRTHSEDE A new business'district "im- (ptt Orange five.) .' ... By ROSALIE GROSS controversy .over multi-grading. _ Kiorillo dissenting. She had nominated Brenda Klein unanimously was The' ' president ""also repeated - last-- Nicholls for the vice presidency. provement ;program was reelected president of the Cranford year's ..inaugural iheme of improved Paradiso abstained., oii the vote and launched, this, week .by the Board qf Education for the second relations with the community and staff. Weinstock was absent. Cranford Chamber of Com- consecutive year at the boardls annual Prior to the election of officers, the four Klein is entering her fourth year on merce. First step is the addi- -successful-candidates—for-boat'd-aetite- the-bou rd—ha yi •fig-been-elected-in-l 97-7- I'BTWrlwTTWiilysls d :on rjf—five new garbage— Gerard Paradiso was reelected vice •were sworn in. They are John for out? year and then reelected in 1971! receptacles. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR president. Witherington, Mary Ann Fiorillo and for a three-year term. A graduate of the Klein hoped the coming year would Wayne Miller, fortliree-year terms, and ' University of Washington, she holds, a —E-d-Foree;-6ha m bei^pres i something new in Lincoln have "fewer crises" following "two very Paradiso for a two-year unexpired term.- master's degree in education of the deaf dent, said he was pleased TTOIVirTS"W(JRTH ON Avenue Park. Fropn front to emotionally draining years for "the " The remaining members of the board from Teachers' College of Columbia with "the spirit of coopera- rear: Wayne Matthews, Mat- community and board." This was an are Charles McCarty, Samuel Mor- University and is employed by the tion from the Department of cranfvrd 4 bedrooms, formal dining room, eat in science kit-, TODAY'S MARKET? neweck, Ricjiard Nicholls ajid Ira Summit Speech School, a pre-school for thew Agneset Dawn Walker, apparent allusion to the controversy Public Wot-ks-and the Cran- chen, family room, 2 Yz-bathsy-gas heat,-central air-, at- over closing Roosevelt and Lincoln Weinstock.
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