Social Studies Curriculum

Grade 12


Course Description

This course examines the continent of Africa and its Diasporas in Europe, Asia and the Americas, with special emphasis on the African-American and African-Caribbean experience. This course seeks to integrate analysis of race, class, gender, culture, migration, immigration, economics, politics, history, the arts, literature, community, Nation-building and globalization issues throughout the duration of this course. Students will be able to analyze primary and secondary sources from diverse sources to evaluate historical content and appreciate the struggle of Black people everywhere for self-determination, equality, respect and civil rights.


African American History


Unit Topic Duration

Unit 1 Ancient Africa 6 Weeks

Unit 2 Slavery 6 Weeks

Unit 3 The struggle of Africans and African 6 Weeks to seek self-determination and equal rights. Unit 4 The Black Revolution 6 Weeks

Unit 5 Africa in the Global World 6 Weeks

Educational Technology Standards

8.1.12.A.1, 8.1.12.A.2, 8.1.12.B.2, 8.1.12.C.1, 8.1.12.D.1, 8.1.12.D.2, 8.1.12.D.3, 8.1.12.E.1, 8.1.12.F.1

 Technology Operations and Concepts  Create a personal digital portfolio which reflects personal and academic interests, achievements, and career aspirations by using a variety of digital tools and resources  Produce and edit a multi-page digital document for a commercial or professional audience and present it to peers and/or professionals in that related area for review.

 Creativity and Innovation  Apply previous content knowledge by creating and piloting a digital learning game or tutorial.

 Communication and Collaboration  Develop an innovative solution to a real world problem or issue in collaboration with peers and experts, and present ideas for feedback through social media or in an online community.

 Digital Citizenship  Demonstrate appropriate application of copyright, fair use and/or Creative Commons to an original work.  Evaluate consequences of unauthorized electronic access and disclosure, and on dissemination of personal information.  Compare and contrast policies on filtering and censorship both locally and globally.

 Research and Information Literacy . Produce a position statement about a real world problem by developing a systematic plan of investigation with peers and experts synthesizing information from multiple sources.

 Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making  Evaluate the strengths and limitations of emerging technologies and their impact on educational, career, personal and or social needs.

Career Ready Practices

Career Ready Practices describe the career-ready skills that all educators in all content areas should seek to develop in their students. They are practices that have been linked to increase college, career, and life success. Career Ready Practices should be taught and reinforced in all career exploration and preparation programs with increasingly higher levels of complexity and expectation as a student advances through a program of study. CRP1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee Career-ready individuals understand the obligations and responsibilities of being a member of a community, and they demonstrate this understanding every day through their interactions with others. They are conscientious of the impacts of their decisions on others and the environment around them. They think about the near-term and long-term consequences of their actions and seek to act in ways that contribute to the betterment of their teams, families, community and workplace. They are reliable and consistent in going beyond the minimum expectation and in participating in activities that serve the greater good.

CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. Career-ready individuals readily access and use the knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education to be more productive. They make connections between abstract concepts with real-world applications, and they make correct insights about when it is appropriate to apply the use of an academic skill in a workplace situation

CRP3. Attend to personal health and financial well-being. Career-ready individuals understand the relationship between personal health, workplace performance and personal well-being; they act on that understanding to regularly practice healthy diet, exercise and mental health activities. Career-ready individuals also take regular action to contribute to their personal financial wellbeing, understanding that personal financial security provides the peace of mind required to contribute more fully to their own career success.

Career Ready Practices

CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason. Career-ready individuals communicate thoughts, ideas, and action plans with clarity, whether using written, verbal, and/or visual methods. They communicate in the workplace with clarity and purpose to make maximum use of their own and others’ time. They are excellent writers; they master conventions, word choice, and organization, and use effective tone and presentation skills to articulate ideas. They are skilled at interacting with others; they are active listeners and speak clearly and with purpose. Career-ready individuals think about the audience for their communication and prepare accordingly to ensure the desired outcome.

CRP5. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. Career-ready individuals understand the interrelated nature of their actions and regularly make decisions that positively impact and/or mitigate negative impact on other people, organization, and the environment. They are aware of and utilize new technologies, understandings, procedures, materials, and regulations affecting the nature of their work as it relates to the impact on the social condition, the environment and the profitability of the organization.

CRP6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. Career-ready individuals regularly think of ideas that solve problems in new and different ways, and they contribute those ideas in a useful and productive manner to improve their organization. They can consider unconventional ideas and suggestions as solutions to issues, tasks or problems, and they discern which ideas and suggestions will add greatest value. They seek new methods, practices, and ideas from a variety of sources and seek to apply those ideas to their own workplace. They take action on their ideas and understand how to bring innovation to an organization.

CRP7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. Career-ready individuals are discerning in accepting and using new information to make decisions, change practices or inform strategies. They use reliable research process to search for new information. They evaluate the validity of sources when considering the use and adoption of external information or practices in their workplace situation.

Career Ready Practices CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Career-ready individuals readily recognize problems in the workplace, understand the nature of the problem, and devise effective plans to solve the problem. They are aware of problems when they occur and take action quickly to address the problem; they thoughtfully investigate the root cause of the problem prior to introducing solutions. They carefully consider the options to solve the problem. Once a solution is agreed upon, they follow through to ensure the problem is solved, whether through their own actions or the actions of others.

CRP9. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. Career-ready individuals consistently act in ways that align personal and community-held ideals and principles while employing strategies to positively influence others in the workplace. They have a clear understanding of integrity and act on this understanding in every decision. They use a variety of means to positively impact the directions and actions of a team or organization, and they apply insights into human behavior to change others’ action, attitudes and/or beliefs. They recognize the near-term and long-term effects that management’s actions and attitudes can have on productivity, morals and organizational culture.

CRP10. Plan education and career paths aligned to personal goals. Career-ready individuals take personal ownership of their own education and career goals, and they regularly act on a plan to attain these goals. They understand their own career interests, preferences, goals, and requirements. They have perspective regarding the pathways available to them and the time, effort, experience and other requirements to pursue each, including a path of entrepreneurship. They recognize the value of each step in the education and experiential process, and they recognize that nearly all career paths require ongoing education and experience. They seek counselors, mentors, and other experts to assist in the planning and execution of career and personal goals.

CRP11. Use technology to enhance productivity. Career-ready individuals find and maximize the productive value of existing and new technology to accomplish workplace tasks and solve workplace problems. They are flexible and adaptive in acquiring new technology. They are proficient with ubiquitous technology applications. They understand the inherent risks-personal and organizational-of technology applications, and they take actions to prevent or mitigate these risks.

Career Ready Practices

CRP12. Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence. Career-ready individuals positively contribute to every team, whether formal or informal. They apply an awareness of cultural difference to avoid barriers to productive and positive interaction. They find ways to increase the engagement and contribution of all team members. They plan and facilitate effective team meetings.

Differentiated Instruction Accommodate Based on Students Individual Needs: Strategies Time/General Processing Comprehension Recall • Extra time for assigned • Extra Response time • Precise step-by-step • Teacher-made checklist tasks • Have students verbalize directions • Use visual graphic • Adjust length of assignment steps • Short manageable tasks organizers • Timeline with due dates for • Repeat, clarify or reword • Brief and concrete • Reference resources to reports and projects directions directions promote independence • Communication system between home and school • Mini-breaks between tasks • Provide immediate • Visual and verbal • Provide lecture • Provide a warning for feedback reminders notes/outline transitions • Small group instruction • Graphic organizers • Reading partners • Emphasize multi-sensory learning

Assistive Technology Tests/Quizzes/Grading Behavior/Attention Organization • Computer/whiteboard • Extended time • Consistent daily • Individual daily planner • Tape recorder • Study guides structured routine • Display a written agenda • Spell-checker • Shortened tests • Simple and clear • Note-taking assistance • Audio-taped books • Read directions aloud classroom rules • Color code materials • Frequent feedback


Enrichment Accommodate Based on Students Individual Needs: Strategies

• Adaption of Material and Requirements • Evaluate Vocabulary • Elevated Text Complexity • Additional Projects • Independent Student Options • Projects completed individual or with Partners • Self Selection of Research • Tiered/Multilevel Activities • Learning Centers • Individual Response Board • Independent Book Studies • Open-ended activities • Community/Subject expert mentorships


Assessments Suggested Formative/Summative Classroom Assessments

• Timelines, Maps, Charts, Graphic Organizers

• Unit Assessments, Chapter Assessments, Quizzes

• DBQ, Essays, Short Answer

• Accountable Talk, Debate, Oral Report, Role Playing, Think Pair, and Share

• Projects, Portfolio, Presentations, Prezi, Gallery Walks

• Homework

• Concept Mapping

• Primary and Secondary Source analysis

• Photo, Video, Political Cartoon, Radio, Song Analysis

• Create an Original Song, Film, or Poem

• Glogster to make Electronic Posters

• Tumblr to create a Blog


Grade: 12 Unit: III Topic: This unit will cover the struggle of Africans and to seek self-determination and equal rights. NJCCCS: 6.2.12.D.5.a, 6.2.12.C.3.e, 6.2.12.D.3.d, 6.2.12.D.3.e, 6.2.12.A.4.a, 6.2.12.B.4.a, 6.1.12.A.4.a, 6.1.12.A.4.d, 6.1.12.B.4.b, 6.1.12.D.4.d, 6.1.12.A.5.c:

CCSS: RH.11-12.2, RH.11-12.3, RH.11-12.7, RH.11-12.8, W.11-12.1a, W.11-12.1b, RL.11-12.1:

NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections

Explain what international Why do the terms Article and class Class notes: Art: trade meant for Africa during development and discussion: How Europe Choose an African kanga the colonial period. underdevelopment have a Colonialism and Underdeveloped Africa from the Erie Art Museum dialectical relationship? development in Africa: class notes: Collection to recreate Standard: sketching, coloring or How was Africa involved in e/colonialism-and- tab=wo&authuser=0#my- painting: NJCCCS: international trade during the development-africa drive 6.2.12.D.5.a colonial period? Who ab=wo&authuser=0#my- decided what Africa could Open-ended Question: How Europe drive export? Did capitalism discourage or Underdeveloped Africa by help technological evolution Walter Rodney ,(1973): What did Slavery help to in Africa? finance? tab=wo&authuser=0#my- drive


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections

Examine the decline of the How was European industry Quick Write: Class notes: African markets and the loss able to establish a ‘strangle- Read article and summarize African Markets Decline: of development opportunity. hold’ on the distribution of In your own words. cloth around the shores of ‘The Memory of Iron: African tab=wo&authuser=0#my- Standard: Africa? Technology n the Americas’: drive NJCCCS: How did the abandonment of conferences/AFR_63- Guided Reading: 6.2.12.C.3.e traditional iron smelting and 68_Goucher.pdf The New Imperialism in craft producing impact the Africa, (p. 3-5): local economies of Africa? Short Quiz: Based on the class notes for urses/worldhistory/suppor Why were African producers this section, t/reading_20_2.pdf cut off from the increasing How and why did the African demand for cloth? markets decline under colonial rule? Why can’t genuine What were the industrialization be easily consequences/ results of realized in Africa today? this decline to Africa? What needs to happen in Africa in order for genuine industrialization to occur?

Analyze the impact of the How was Africa partitioned Website: Class notes: Math Research: partition of Africa at the and distributed amongst The Scramble for Africa: The Berlin Conference: Design a chart displaying the Berlin Conference in 1885. European countries during calculated wealth each the Berlin Conference? lin_Conference.htm tab=wo&authuser=0#my- European nation involved in Standard: drive the Berlin Conference Why was Africa critical to Interactive class activity: produced, based on the NJCCCS: European countries and their The Berlin Conference Documentary clip: available resources and 6.2.12.D.3.e expanding economies? Worksheet (1884): Berlin 1885: The Division of exploitation of their African http://www.genevaschools Africa, (2:46): territory. How did the Berlin .org/Downloads/Ch%2011- Conference enable Europe 3%20Worksheets.pdf watch?v=FTjBNppdk-M to impose political domination on Africa? Group Media mini-project:’ Website: Groups of 3-5 recreate the The dismantlement of


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections Berlin Conference in 1885, African Land and Nations: each student in the group http://www.africafederatio must represent a different European country.

Describe the colonial What were some of the Power Point: Class notes: English: administration as an principle functions carried Groups of 3-5 choose an The Colonial Administration Compose an essay on the economic exploiter and the out by the colonial office? African country and create a as Economic Exploiter: following (3) focus points: main purpose of the colonial slide show to illustrate how -The impact of the seizing of taxation system in colonial What was meant by the colonial administration tab=wo&authuser=0#my- African lands by colonial Africa. “maintenance of law and functioned. drive governments. order”, “public works”? -The introduction of money- Standard: Research: The Colonization of taxes on numerous items like What was the main purpose Choose an African country Africa/Colonial cattle, land and houses. NJCCCS: of the colonial taxation to research how “public Domination: Indirect Rule: -The introduction of cash 6.2.12.D.3.e system? works” were carried out crops during their colonial africanaage/essay- What did colonial administration. colonization-of- governments achieve when africa.html#indirect they seized African lands Minute Paper: and introduced money-taxes What was the main purpose on numerous items? of the colonial taxation system in colonial Africa. What is a cash crop?

Examine the forces that What impact did the Missouri Article: Missouri Compromise worked for and against black Compromise have on Africa Follow-up Questioning: Map: freedom after the American Americans? How did the expansion of http://teachingamericanhi Revolution. cotton promote the What types of labor did expansion of slavery? ctives/sectionalism/lesson Standard: slaves perform in the South? Cotton Promotes Slavery: 1/ How did slavery expand the CCSS: cotton kingdom? utlines/history- The Missouri W.11-12.1a 1990/westward-expansion- Compromise:


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections How was black freedom and-regional- limited in the North? differences/cotton- ucation/history/primaryso promotes-slavery.php urces/the-missouri- compromise.html Quick Write: Slavery In the North: The “Free” North of the 1800s: usion.htm http://americanrenaissanc 4/01/the-free-north-of-the- 1800s/

Website: New York Divided: popup/People/FrederickD ouglass.php

Describe the steps that led What impact did William Documentary Clip: Interactive Website: ESL Essay: to the abolition movement Lloyd Garrison’s ‘The Walk where Frederick The Liberator Files: Compare the lives and views and the role black women Liberator’ have on the Douglass and William Lloyd http://www.theliberatorfile of and played in the movement. abolitionist movement? Garrison once Walked: Henry Highland Garnet. Biography of Henry Highland Standard: Who was Sojourner Truth? http://www.accessible- Sojourner Truth: ‘Ain’t I a Garnet: woman?’ (1851): CCSS: How did the underground -where-douglass-and- people/henry-highland- RL.11-12.1 railroad operate? garrison-walked/ alsall/mod/sojtruth- garnet-39704#synopsis How was woman.asp Biography of Frederick able to rescue so many Gallery Walk: Douglass: slaves? Small groups of students Documentary/clip: analyze different photos of Harriet Tubman and the people/frederick-douglass- How did Frederick Douglass stops on the underground : 9278324#synopsis and Henry Highland Garnet railroad: differ in their views on pics/black- Art/Creative Writing: abolition. rochimag/roads/undergrou history/underground- Analyze the painting, choose nd.htm railroad a character from the painting and create a biography on


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections Interactive Map of the The Progress of them. Underground Railroad: Secession Map: ocsci/books/applications/i maps/maps/g5s_u6/

http://www.detroitperforms. org/2012/11/the-civil-war- underground-connection/ pin/503418064568595706/

Analyze why the expansion How did the African Mock Trial: Website: English: of slavery was such a Americans react to the The Dred Scott Case: Dred Scott: Compose 2-3 paragraphs divisive issue and how it led passage of the Fugitive describing the content of the to the civil war? Slave Law of 1850? ab=wo&authuser=0#my- /dred-scott poster: drive Standard: How did the Kansas- Interactive Website: Nebraska Act lead to Interactive Website: U.S. Dept. of the Interior NJCCCS: Bleeding Kansas? Investigating U.S. History: National Park Service: 6.1.12.A.4.a John Brown’s 1859 Harpers Slavery: Cause and Catalyst Why was the Supreme Court Ferry raid of the Civil War: decision in the Dred Scott http://investigatinghistory. Case so controversial? storyculture/upload/slaver y-brochure.pdf What was the impact of John Primary Resources: Brown’s raid on Harpers Analyze primary digital Map: Ferry? resource documents on the Compromise of 1850 and Fugitive Slave Law and the Kansas-Nebraska Act: How did African Americans abolition: http://wps.pearsoncustom and white southerners react .com/wps/media/objects/5 to the election of Abraham mem/aaohtml/exhibit/aopa 407/5537171/atlas/Resour Lincoln in 1860? rt3b.html ces/ah3_m009.jpg


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections Who is the intended audience?

Examine the issues that When was the 13th Debate: Primary document: concerned black political Amendment ratified? Was John Brown justified in 13th Amendment to the U.S. leaders the most. his raid? Was he a martyr or Constitution: Abolition of Why were so many white a madman? Slavery (1865): Standard: southerners so opposed to http://www.smithsonianma http://www.ourdocuments. black and white Republicans gov/doc.php?flash=true& NJCCCS: exercising political power? browns-day-of-reckoning- doc=40 6.1.12.D.4.d 139165084/?no-ist What political offices were Interactive Website: black men elected to-and not One-sentence Summary: History of the Republican elected to-during Use the following website to Party: Reconstruction? construct a one-sentence summary in the form of, wiki/History_of_the_Repu How and why did black and “Who does what to whom, blican_Party_(United_Stat white Republicans lose when, where, how and es) control of every southern why?” state by 1877? The Civil Rights Act of Political Parties in Black 1875: What did the Civil Rights Act and White: of 1875 state? How was it istoricalHighlight/Detail/35 finally ratified? 2/06/political-parties-in- 889 black-and-white/ Reconstruction, the second civil war Q&A: Power Point: Create a ppt. of at least (4) amex/reconstruction/activ black legislators during ism/sf_rights.html reconstruction, their elected position and their political The Enforcement of the achievements. Civil Rights Act of 1875: http://www.humanities.uci.e Black Legislators during du/history/ucihp/tah/Underst Reconstruction: andingAmericanCitizenship/ http://www.georgiaencyclo The%20Enforcement%20of


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections %20the%20Civil%20Rights archaeology/black- %20of%201875%20John% legislators-during- 20Hope%20Franklin- reconstruction Prologue%20Article.pdf

Examine and discuss the Why was the Ku Klux Klan Documentary clip (2:21): Text: Black Politicians: English Composition: steps taken to achieve the founded and how effective Birth of a Nation by D.W. http://walkerteach.wdfiles. How did the Rollin Sisters 14th and 15th amendments. was it? Griffith- Trailer (1915): com/local-- influence Reconstruction files/resources- politics? Standard: What does the 14th watch?v=a9UPOkIpR0A links/Ch13_sec_2.pdf amendment say? a3/untitled-prezi/ NJCCCS: Writing: History of Black Voting 6.1.12.A.4.d Why was the 15th Compose 3-5 paragraphs on Rights: amendment enacted? the Ku Klux Klan and the tactics they used to terrorize m/focus/news/1072053/po How did the Enforcement African Americans and white sts Acts and the Ku Klux Klan sympathizers. Act of 1871 support the http://www.georgiaencyclo African Americans and ratification of the 15th the 15th Amendment: amendment? archaeology/ku-klux-klan- http://www.crf- reconstruction-era month/african-americans- and-the-15th-amendment

National Archives: The Enforcement Act and the KKK Act: events/123/the- enforcement-acts


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections

Discuss different challenges How were black voters Gallery Walk: Reconstruction, Felon Math: that African Americans had disfranchised? Small groups of students Disenfranchisement, and Create a chart illustrating to face in the late 19th analyze photos of the Right to Vote: how many African Americans century. How, where and why did segregation and Jim Crow. Did the 15th amendment left the South during the segregation of the races Images of Jim Crow ppt: repeal section 2 of the 14th 1890’s and WWI, and to what Standard: begin? amendment? cities in the North they ab=wo&authuser=0#my- migrated to. NJCCCS: What does Jim Crow mean? drive tab=wo&authuser=0#my- 6.1.12.B.4.B drive Music: Why did African Americans Think-pair-share/Think- In 3-5 paragraphs, discuss begin to leave the South? pair-square: Interactive Website: the life and work of composer Read document of Jim Crow Activities & Readings, The Scott Joplin (1868-1917). laws passed from various Segregated South: From A Biography of Scott Joplin: states, choose (3) laws to Slavery to Jim Crow: write about and discuss with http://www.chemheritage. biography/ partner: org/percy- julian/activities/1a.html es/jimcrow.htm Teaching Website: Website: “Somewhere” in the Nadir of Immigration, Black Migration Afr. Amer. History, 1890- and U.S. Colonialism: 1920: http://www.understandingr http://nationalhumanitiesc migration.html 865- 1917/essays/nadir.htm

Analyze how African What educational Essential Question: Time line of African English Biography: Americans challenged white opportunities were available Why was religion a central American History in Compose 3-5 paragraphs on supremacy. to African Americans by the part of African American life? Lynchings, 1881-1900: the lynching of Richmond late 19th century? National Humanities Center: Planet. Standard: African American mem/aap/timelin2.html Library of Virginia: Why were religious beliefs Christianity: http://www.virginiamemory. CCSS: and activities important to so http://nationalhumanitiesc com/online_classroom/sha RL.11-12.1 many African Americans? ping_the_constitution/doc/


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections keyinfo/aareligion.htm Social and Economic richmond_planet_lynching Why did black soldiers fight mobility in the 19th Native Americans, the Research mini-project: century: Physical Ed.: Spanish and the Filipinos? What were the In 3-5 paragraphs, discuss circumstances surrounding story/HistRefMain.asp?iPi the life, challenges and African Americans in the n=AMCE144&SID=2&Data accomplishments of Spanish American War? baseName=American+Hist heavyweight boxer Jack Why did some African ory+Online&InputText=%2 Johnson. Americans like Private David 2Omaha%22&SearchStyle Rebel of the Progressive Era: Fagen switch sides in the =&dTitle=social+and+eco war of the Philippines? nomic+mobility+in+the+19 vableblackness/rebel/ David Fagen bib.: th+century&TabRecordTy pe=Subject+Entry&BioCo aw/fagen-david-1875 untPass=110&SubCountP ass=128&DocCountPass= Article: 23&ImgCountPass=8&Ma The African-American pCountPass=3&FedCount Connection to the Pass=&MedCountPass=11 Philippines: &NewsCountPass=0&Rec http://truth- Position=25&AmericanDat a=Set&WomenData=&AFH -the-african-american- CData=&IndianData=&Wor connection-to-the- ldData=&AncientData=&G philippines overnmentData=

Writing: Explain why Black troops were in a difficult position during the Spanish American War? Black Participation in the Spanish-American War: m/AfroAmericans.htm


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections

Describe the differences in What are the major Debate: The Souls of Black Folks philosophies of Booker T differences in the thinking of Who was the stronger by WEB Du Bois: Washington, WEB Du Bois Booker T Washington and advocate for African and Marcus Garvey on WEB Du Bois? Americans? Washington, Du tab=wo&authuser=0#my- efforts to promote the Bois or Garvey? drive advancement of African How did the Niagara Americans. movement lead to the Chart: Philosophy and Opinions formation of the NAACP? Create a chart to compare of Marcus Garvey: Standard: the goals and Why did the Universal Negro accomplishments of the tab=wo&authuser=0#my- CCSS: Improvement Association NAACP and the UNIA. drive RH.11-12.8 and Marcus Garvey appeal to so many African Quick Write: Booker T Washington’s NJCCCS: Americans? What were the main “Atlanta Compromise” 6.1.12.A.5.C principles of the declaration Speech September 18, of the Niagara Movement in 1895: 1905? http://www.math.buffalo.ed tab=wo&authuser=0#my- u/~sww/0history/hwny- drive niagara-movement.html The WEB Du Bois and Booker T Washington Debate: Effects upon African American Roles in Engineering and Engineering Technology: tab=wo&authuser=0#my- drive

NAACP Website: es/our-mission

UNIA Website: http://www.theunia-


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections

Distinguish how African How many black soldiers Essay: Website-African Amer. Art: Americans contributed to the joined the war effort? Compose an essay Odyssey text: Using the photos of the 369th US war effort in WWI. discussing the discrimination World War I and Postwar Infantry, create a photo How did the treatment of faced by African American Society: journal utilizing at least (10) Standard: black soldiers by French soldiers during WWI, and different photos: soldiers compare to the how it affected their morale mem/aaohtml/exhibit/aopa CCSS: treatment they received from and performance as rt7.html ucation/lessons/369th- RH.11-12.7 their white American soldiers soldiers. infantry/ in WWI? African Amer. & WWI: Blog: How did discrimination affect Create a blog to showcase africanaage/essay-world- the morale and performance famous African Americans in war-i.html of African American history of the 20th century. soldiers? French and American Article: Racial Stereotypes During How were African American ‘New Evidence could win the WWI: soldiers received when they Medal of Honor for Black returned home from the WWI Hero: Henry Lincoln our- war? Johnson: faculty/files/publications/k http://newamericamedia.or eene- g/2011/06/new-evidence- jennifer/French%20and%2 may-win-medal-of-honor- 0American%20Racial%20s for-black-wwi-hero.php tereotypes.pdf

Explain how intense racial Why was the Ku Klux Klan Documentary (54:08): Black In Time Online English Comparative violence in the early 20th so influential in the 1920’s? Black Wall Street & The Resource Center for Black Essay: century led to the Great Tulsa Race Riot of 1921: History & Culture: Compare the similarities and Migration. What were the origins of the The Tulsa Riot: differences of the Tulsa Riot race riots in Atlanta, http://www.blackintime.inf and the Rosewood Standard: Springfield, East St. Louis, Group Research mini- o/black-in-time-a-moment- massacre. Houston, Chicago, Elaine, project: in-our-history/may-31- Remembering Rosewood: CCSS: W.11-12.1b Tulsa and Rosewood? Groups of 3-5 to research a june-1-1921-what-has- http://www.displaysforscho


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections Why did African Americans race riot from the 1920’s, been-called-the-deadliest- migrate from the rural South and create a Prezi to race-riot-of-the-20th- Tulsa Historical Society: to the urban North? present to class. century /learn/online-exhibits/the- How did the city of Chicago Chart: Agitation and Migration in tulsa-race-riot/ and the community of Create a chart illustrating the the early 20th century ppt.: Harlem become the sites for populations of African thriving black populations? Americans that migrated tab=wo&authuser=0#my- from the south, their drive principle states of origin and the cities they migrated to. Equal Justice Initiative: Migration Map resources: Timeline 1920’s: http://www.inmotionaame. http://racialinjustice.eji.or org/gallery/index.cfm;jses g/timeline/1920s/ sionid=f8302875771408355 837821?migration=8&topic =10&type=map&bhcp=1

Evaluate the contributions of What role did A. Phillip Power Point: Documentary (2:54): Physical Education: black women, labor union Randolph play with the Groups of 3-5, create a slide PBS: : Research and compose a 1-2 leaders, writers, artists and Brotherhood of Sleeping Car show featuring different page paper on Andrew athletes to the progress Porters? contributors of the Harlem pics/black-history/harlem- “Rube” Foster, the father of among African Americans. Renaissance to present to renaissance black baseball in 20th century How did gifted writer James class. America. Standard: Weldon Johnson become a Song (3:04): http://www.thenationalpasti dynamic civil rights leader? Follow-up Question: Bessie Smith (Nobody NJCCCS: How did A. Philip Randolph Knows You When You’re e-foster-“we-are-ship-all- 6.1.12.A.5.c How did Carter G Woodson secure rights for African Down and Out, 1929): else-s earn the title of “father of Americans? Negro history”? Bessie+Smith /MNHistoryMagazine/articl Why did the Harlem es/55/v55i05p202-216.pdf Renaissance and Sports for black athletes flourish in the Website: 1920’s? Black Famous Baseball Firsts:


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections html

Examine how the Great Why did the economic Graphic Organizer: Interactive Website: Music: Depression affected African collapse hit African Using a Venn diagram Amistad Digital Resource: Song (3:02): Americans and how black Americans particularly hard? illustrate how the Great The Great Depression: Billy Holiday, Strange Fruit: protests influenced the New In the rural south? In the Depression affected all http://www.amistadresour Deal. northern urban Americans, white Americans watch?v=Web007rzSOI communities? Black and black Americans. o/ Interpret the song in your Standard: businesses? ml own words. Prezi: CCSS: How did African Americans Create a presentation African Americans and RH.11-12.3 protest through the highlighting the different the New Deal: Depression? How did black methods used by African http://www.rooseveltinstit women contribute to the Americans especially protests? women to protest the Great roosevelt/african- Depression. americans-and-new-deal- What is the difference in look-back-history impact on African American Opening-ended Question: communities between the Why Did FDR’s New Deal Website: first New Deal and the Harm Blacks? African Americans in the second one? Civilian Conservation Corps: ations/commentary/why- How did President did-fdrs-new-deal-harm- cc/ Roosevelt’s administration blacks differ from President Social Studies Help Hoover’s? Minute Paper: Center: How did FDR deal with the To what extent did Great Depression differently minorities receive a New than Hoover? How did each Deal in the 1930’s? of their policies during the http://www.socialstudiesh Great Depression impact African Americans? htm


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections Documentary clip: FDR and Civil Rights for African Americans: h/54943

Explain why African How did President Hoover Write Before Discussion: Website: Americans shifted their handle relief efforts during How did President Hoover’s Black Republican History: political allegiance to the the Depression? policies during the Great Democratic Party. Depression affect African .cfm? What steps did President Americans? ackgop& Standard: Hoover take to cultivate a white Republican Party in Guided Reading: Power Point: CCSS: the South? Class text: African Odyssey, African Americans in the RH.11-12.2 5th ed., p. 480-485. 1930’s and 1940’s: How had the national Republican Party treated Follow-up Questioning: tab=wo&authuser=0#my- black voters? How did Hoover’s policies drive turn black Republicans into Democrats?

Evaluate the role the Why were African Americans Write Before Discussion: Website: Science: Communist Party and attracted to the Communist What is communism? Why The Communist Party and How was the Tuskegee organized labor played in Party? do you think African Black Liberation in the Study carried out? radicalizing black Americans Americans would be 1930s: The Tuskegee Syphilis in the 1930’s. What happened in the attracted to it? Experiment: Scottsboro case? sues/01/cp_blacks_1930s. http://science.jburroughs.o Standard: Interactive Website: shtml rg/mbahe/BioEthics/Article Why did Angelo Herndon Scottsboro Boys Museum & s/TuskegeeReadings/Tuske CCSS: become a target of white Cultural Center: 145,000 Protest geeOxfordTextbook.pdf RL.11-12.1 supremacists? http://www.scottsboro- Scottsboro to Roosevelt: W.11-12.1b What was the Tuskegee otos/washington_area_sp NJCCCS: Study? Open-ended Questioning: ark/8486467183/ 6.1.12.A.5.c *What did the people running the Tuskegee study Famous American Trials:


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections do that was wrong or The Scottsboro Boys: unethical? *Is it conceivable that the ty/projects/ftrials/scottsbo study could have used white ro/scottsb.htm rather than black subjects? Explain your answer. History is a Weapon, “You cannot kill the working Research: class”: Racism and Research: The Angelo Herndon (1937): Case of the Tuskegee http://www.historyisaweap Syphilis Study: annotkill.html umed/Documents/Healthca re%20Ethics/Racism-And- Research.pdf

Examine how African How many African Photo Essay: Brief History of Black Music Interpretation: Americans used the WWII Americans fought in WWII? Groups of 3-5, analyze Women in the Military: Interpret the lyrics of Woody crisis to protest racial photos of African Americans http://www.womensmemo Guthrie’s ‘The Blinding of discrimination. What role did African in WWII: Isaac Woodard’: American physicians and 8.html http://www.authentichistor Standard: nurses play in the struggle to search/african- desegregate the military americans/ww2- Class text: civilrights/1946- CCSS: during WWII? pictures/#army African American Odyssey, 1953/19460000_The_Blindi RH.11-12.7 5th ed., chapter 20: The ng_of_Isaac_Woodard- Who was Dorie Miller? Writing: WWII Era & the Seeds of a Woody_Guthrie.html Biography/Documentary clip: Revolution: Who were the Tuskegee Doris Miller (3:32) http://www.pearsonhigher English Biography: Airmen? http://www.greatblackhero Bayard Rustin: us_pearsonhighered/sam How was Bayard Rustin How were returning black miller/ plechapter/0205728812.pd actively engaged in civil soldiers received after the f rights causes? war? Listening: Listen to President Truman’s Interview: rican-americans-many- address to the NAACP at the Tuskegee Airman Luther rivers-to-cross/history/100- Lincoln Memorial on June Smith (3:55): amazing-facts/who- 29, 1947: designed-the-march-on-


NJDOE Student Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Connections http://www.authentichistor pics/world-war- washington/ ii/tuskegee-airmen civilrights/1946- 1953/19470629_Truman_A Virtual lesson plan: ddress_to_NAACP.html WWII: Struggle for What is the core message in Democracy at Home and Truman’s speech to the Abroad, 1940-1945: NAACP? esearch_library/new_jerse y_resources/digital_collec tion/unit_12_democracy/

Explain how the war How did the GI Bill impact Interactive Website: Research Paper: Physical Education: exacerbated tensions and black veterans? CORE: Congress of Racial The Homeownership Gap: How did the status of Black competition over housing Equality: How the Post-World War II Athletes change in the 20th and jobs between back and How did the Southern http://www.core- GI Bill Shaped Modern Day century? white Americans. Regional Council and CORE Homeownership Patters for strive against the political htm Black and White Americans: uk/Online/walters.htm Standard: and economic oppression and exploitation of its black Open-ended Questioning: ream/handle/1721.1/44333/ Journalism Research: CCSS: citizens? How would of US foreign 276173994.pdf How did African American RH.11-12.3 policies changed if Henry journalists struggle for How did Truman beat Henry Wallace had remained History Database: equality within the Press? Wallace out of the 1948 FDR’s running mate and The GI Bill and African Presidential nomination? become President instead of Americans: ab=wo&authuser=0#my- How did this affect African Harry Truman? drive Americans? http://truth- story/HistRefMain.asp?iPi n=ATAF106&SID=2&Datab -henry-wallace-americas- aseName=African- forgotten-visionary American+History+Online &InputText=%22Bill+of+Ri ghts%22&SearchStyle=&d Title=the+GI+Bill+and+Afri can+Americans&TabReco rdType=Subject+Entry&Bi oCountPass=16&SubCou


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Analyze how the Italian Who was Haile Selassie? Website: Mussolini’s Ethiopia English Essay/Primary invasion of Ethiopia helped Mussolini? South African History Online: Campaign: Source: to shape black Italy invades Ethiopia: http://www2.needham.k12. Read and interpret Haile internationalism. Why did Italy invade Selassie’s Appeal to the Ethiopia? 3/baker-mc- League of Nations in 1936: Standard: How did the international a/dated-event/ww2-italy- 03/ethiopia.htm community respond to the invades-ethiopia /acad/intrel/selassie.htm NJCCCS: Ethiopian invasion? Documentary clip: 6.2.12.A.4.a Guided Reading: Italian Invasion of Ethiopia Music: Why did Mussolini invade (3:58)): After interpreting Haile Abyssinia (Ethiopia)? Selassie’s speech, listen to http://www.nationalarchive watch?v=QtxL3idYS6k Bob Marley’s song ‘War’. How was the song ‘War’ villains/g3/cs1/ inspired by Haile Selassie’s Writing: speech? Compose 1-3 paragraphs The song ‘War’ and the discussing why the song’s lyrics: international community did not intervene when Italy watch?v=XXxEilzNJcE invaded Ethiopia?


Unit 3 Vocabulary Walter Rodney Harriet Tubman Great Depression Development Underground Railroad WEB Du Bois Underdevelopment Sojourner Truth Marcus Garvey unsalable goods Secession Booker T Washington international trade Williiam Lloyd Garrison Carter G Woodson iron smelting The Liberator Harlem Renaissance Berlin Conference Abolition New Deal colonial taxation system John Brown Great Migration cash crops Henry Highland Garnet A Philip Randolph Frederick Doublass Missouri Compromise Lynching Segregation Kansas-Nebraka Act NAACP James Weldon Dred Scott UNIA Jim Crow Ku Klux Klan Scottsboro Case Reconstruction Tuskegee Study

Choose 1 Unit Project (Suggested) Unit Project (Suggested)

Suggested Unit Project 1: Suggested Unit Project 2:

Choose an artist, writer, or musician to research from the Harlem Create a map of the United States illustrating the journeys of African Renaissance and create a power point presentation. Americans migrating from the rural South to the cities of the urban North. Must be minimum 12 slides. Must include a bibliography of (5) sources, MLA format. Map must have a key. Must include a bibliography of (5) sources, MLA format.