Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Acquire SarjanaPendidikan Degree in English Education Program Of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo





 Verily never will Allah change the condition of people until they change it

themselves (with their own soul). (Holy Qur’an, 13:11)

 Failrue is a misfortune, but regret is a catastrophe. (Wise Words)

 I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do

something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do

something that I can do. (Hellen Keller)

 Don’t carry your mistake arround with you. Instead place them under your

feet and use them as sleeping stones. Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful.

If it’s bad, it’s expensive.( Wise Word)

 If you fail, don’t be in despair. Take that experience to blaze your

consciousness for combat so that your glorious aspirations reached

immediately. (The Writer)

 Without dreams we reach nothing, Without love we feel nothing, and Without

God we are nothing. (The Writer)



With gratitude and love because of Allah, the reseacher dedicates this writing to:

 Her beloved Mom, who has been her constant source of inspiration. You

have given her the drive and discipline to tackle any task with enthusiasm

and determination. Without your love and support this thesis would not have

been made possible. Thanks for your loves and prayers. She loves you so


 Her beloved Dad, thanks for your loves and prayers.

 Her beloved big family (her uncles, her aunts, her cousins, her nephews, her

nieces) who is not able to say one by one. Thanks for everything.

 Her senior in Senior High School 3 Purworejo, Victor Armando who helps

the writer in collecting the data about Mariah Carey.

 All of Mariah Carey’s fans whoever and wherever.

 All of the Students of Lestary Course who always give support and prayer

for the writer.

 Her beloved friends, Desni, Isti, and Wahyu thanks for helping her.

 Her close friends in Senior High School 7 Purworejo, Djody, Ridwan,

Saiful, Syamsul thanks for helping her when she was doing a PPL program.

 All of the public transportation drivers with number B, 14A, 19, 20, and 48

who give their best service of transportation when the writer goes to campus


 Her big family in 8B of English Department 2014/2015. The last four years

have been quite experiences. It will be a memorable time of her life.



Alhamdulillah praise is to Allah almighty the merciful for His blessing.

Without His blessing, the thesis, entitled “The style of Mariah Carey in conveying her motivational messages through her songs and the implication in incresing student’s motivation in English Learning” was finished. This thesis was written to fulfill the requirement for obtaining The Sarjana Pendidikan Degree for The

English Deparment of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Faculty of

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

This thesis has been developed by those who have been generoes in time, argument, suggestion. The writer would like to thanks all those individuals who have assisted in providing the development the thesis. While, lectures, friendsare too numerous the mention, The writer trust that she will recognize the contributions she has made, no best words that convey to them except a whole – hearted expression of thankfulness.

Particularly the writer would like to express very great appreciation and gratitude to:

1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd, as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of


2. Drs. Hartono, M.M., as the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and

Educational Sciences Faculty.

3. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd, as the Head of English Department of the Teacher

Training and Education Sciences of Muhammadiyah University of




Title...... i

Approval Sheet...... ii

Ratification Sheet...... iii

Mottos...... iv

Dedications...... v

Acknowledgement...... vi

Statement of the Researcher...... viii

Table of Contents...... ix

List of Table...... xiii

List of Appendices...... xiv

Abstract...... xv


A. Background of The Study….………………………….….1

B. Identification of The problem...... ………...…………..…...6

C. Limitation of The Problem...... 7

D. Statement of The Problem...... 7

E. Objectives of The Research...... 7

F. Significance of the Study...... 8


A. Previous Study…...………….…………………...... …10

B. Figurative Language ………...……………...... ….....12

1. Definition of Figurative Language...... ……...……...12


2. Classification of Figurative Language...... 13

C. Style...... 16

1. Domain of Style……..………...... ……...... 16

2. Style: Surface Structure …………….....……..……….17

3. The Notion of Stylistic…….….....……....….....…...... 18

4. Model of Stylistic Analysis ……………....………...... 20

5. Style Markers and the Principle of Selection...... 21

D. Lexical Categories Element...... 22

1. Noun...... 22

2. Adverb...... 25

3. Adjective...... 27

4. Verb...... 27

E. Gramatical Categories Element...... 29

1. Simple Structure...... 29

2. Complex Structure...... 30

F. Mariah Carey...... 31

G. The Motivational Message in Mariah Carey’s songs...... 35

H. Motivation...... 38

1. Definition of Motivation...... 38

2. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation...... 38

3. Component of Motivation...... 40

4. Source of Motivation...... 41

5. How to motivate the Students...... 43


6. The Function of Motivation in Learning...... 44

I. Learning...... 45

J. The Implication of Motivational Value in Increasing

Student’s Motivation in Learning English...... 46


A. Research Type...... …………………………...49

B. Object of The Research..……...……..………...... 49

C. Data of The Research...... ….…………………...... 50

D. Unit of Analysis…….…………………...... 50

E. Technique of Collecting The Data...………..………...... 50

F. Technique of Data Analysis…………….………….…...... 51

G. Interpretation...... ….……………..…….54


A. Description of The Data……………………...... ……56

B. Figurative Language..……..……….....……………..……56

1. Analysis of Simile...... 59

2. Analysis of Symbol...... 65

3. Analysis of Personification...... 73

4. Analysis of Alliteration...... 76

5. Analysis of Anaphora...... 78

6. Analysis of Antithesis...... 86

7. Analysis of Climax...... 92

8. Analysis of Hyperbole...... 95


C. Lexical Categories Elements...... 100

1. Analysis of Noun...... 101

2. Analysis of Verb...... 114

3. Analysis of Adverb...... 127

4. Analysis of Adjective...... 133

D. Gramatical Categories Element...... 138

1. Analysis of SentenceType...... 138

2. Analysis of Clause Type...... 146

E. The Implication of Motivational Value in Mariah Carey’s

Motivational songs in Increasing Student’s Motivation in

English Learning...... 150

1. Analysis of Questioannaire...... 151


A. Conclusion………………………………………...... …156

B. Suggestion…………...……..………………………....…157





Table 1 Summary of Figurative Language in Mariah’s songs...... 55

Table 2 Summary of Simile in Mariah’s song...... 58

Table 3 Summary of Symbol in Mariah’s songs...... 65

Table 4 Summary of Personification in Mariah’s songs...... 73

Table 5 Summary of Alliteration in Mariah’s songs...... 76

Table 6 Summary of Anaphora in Mariah’s songs...... 77

Table 7 Summary of Antithesis in Mariah’s songs...... 85

Table 8 Summary of Climax in Mariah’s songs...... 91

Table 9 Summary of Hyperbole in Mariah’s songs...... 94

Table 10 Summary of Lexical Categories Element...... 100

Table 11 Summary of Noun in Mariah’s songs ...... 101

Table 12 Distribution of Concrete and abstract nouns in Mariah’s song...... 102

Table 13 Summary of Verb in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs...... 114

Table 14 Summary of Adverb in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs...... 126

Table 15 Distribution of Adverbs in Mariah carey’s song...... 127

Table 16 Summary of Adjective in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs .....133

Table 17 Distribution of Sentence type in Mariah’s song...... 138

Table 18 Distribution of Clause Type in Mariah’s songs...... 145

Table 19 Summary of Questionnaire Result...... 150


Appendic 1. The Lyrics of Mariah Carey’s motivational songs

Appendic 2. The list of figurative Language in Mariah’s motivational songs

Appendic 3. The list of noun in Mariah’s motivational songs

Appendic 4. The list of adverb in Mariah’s motivational songs

Appendic 5. The list of Verb in Mariah’s motivational songs

Appendic 6. The list of Adjective in Mariah’s motivational songs

Appendic 7. The list of sentence type in Mariah’s motivational songs

Appendic 8. The list of Clause- type in Mariah’s motivational songs

Appendic 9. Research Questionnaire

Appendic 10. Card of Thesis Guidance

Appendic 11. Research Identity Card


Lestari, Endang. 2014. 102120044. The style of Mariah Carey in conveying her motivatonal messages through her songs and the implication in increasing student’s motivation in English Learning. A Thesis. Purworejo. English Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

Key Words: Language, style, stylistic, lexical and gramatical categories, figurative language.

Language is the important part in our life. By using language we can communicate each other and express our feeling. In producing the specific language, neither everyone have their own style nor a . Mariah Carey is one of popular singer who also composed her song by herself. In composing her song basically there is an intrinsic message such as motivational message that conveyed by the composer through her song. The phenomena is worthy to be analyzed. In order to know the style of Mariah Carey in conveying her motivational message through her songs by showing the process of expoiting the esthetical values through constructing linguistic elements such as lexical and gramatical features and the use of figurative language, stylistic approach can be applied as the method in this research. In this reasearch the object of the study is Mariah Carey’s motivational song lyrics. There were three categories that want to be analysed such as Figurative Languages, Lexical Categories, and Gramatical Categories. Figurative Language involved simile, symbol, personification, anaphora, antithesis, climax, hyperbole, and alliteration. Lexical categories involved nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives meanwhile Gramatical Categories involved Sentence types and Clause type. The result of this research shows that the style of Mariah Carey in every motivational song was the combination of beauty and motivationally. The dominant figurative language used by Mariah is symbol by representative 24 out of 106 or 22.64% to make her message in her songs easy knowing of the listener by imagining the symbols. The dominant lexical element used by Mariah in her motivational song is verb. It had 257 out of 533 or 49.3% because Mariah wanted the listener had the realization of Motivation inside themselves. In conveying her motivational messages, Mariah used more statement by representative 217 out of 307 or 70.6% to make her messages clearly. The next categorie is clause-type. In her motivational songs, there is no significant different between Wh-claue and That- clause . Mariah took 27 out of 47 or 57.4% of Wh-clause and 20 out of 47 or 42.6% of That- clause, there is a balancing in using the clause type. The data of questionnaire shows that 93.3% of the students said that interest in studying english using English song. It can be concluded that the song of Mariah Carey can be applied as the material in English learning especially that contains motivational message.



A. Background of the Study

Human beings have needs to fulfill and to survive in life. They need

the help of others to fulfill their needs, so they are called social creature. As

social creature, in their daily life they need such a way to communicate each

other. In order to communicate effectively, one needs a language that is

widely understood and is common.

One of the obvious ways of thinking about language is as a systematic

way of combining smaller unit into larger units for the purpose of

communication, (2004: 6). Language creates a new meaning for

every human being who used it. Another important dimension of language is

the very different purposes in using it for all the time. As Brown (2007: 6)


Language is a complex, specialized skill, which develops in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort or formal instruction, is deployed without awerness of its underlying logic, is qualitatively the same in every individual, and is distinct from more general abilites to process information or behave intelegently.

In using the language, people used many variation in language called

language variety. These may include dialect, accents, registers, styles or other

sociolinguistic variation (, 2004: 5). The appropriate form of

1 language may also change during the course of a communicative event as the relationship between speaker or writer changes, or different social facts become relevant. Speaker or writer may sift styles as their perception of an event in progress change.

One of language variety is style. The study of style called stylistic.

According to Shipley (in Ratna, 2008: 8) describe about the word form of stylistic, as follow:

Stylistic is a study of style, however style it self comes from the word stilus (Latin), means the tool that the tip was pointed and it used to write in the top of area that covered by candle.

As the branch of applied linguistic, stylistic research has identified many correlation between specific stylistic factors and language use. The way of someone produce a language is different. Depend on the interest each of them. According to Qian and Wang (in Li, Min : 2009: 1), stylistic analysis is a normal part of both linguistic and literary studies. Stylistic analysis in linguistics refers to the identification of patterns of usage in speech and writing. In linguistic the purpose of a close analysis is to identify and classify the elements of language being used. In literary studies the purpose is usually an adjunct to understanding, exegesis, and interpretation. In both cases, an extremely detailed and scruplous attention is paid to the text. It is practiced as a part of understanding the possible meanings in a text.

Style can be applied to both spoken and written, both literary or nonl- literary variety of languages. Stylistic analysis is generally concerned with the uniqueness of a text; that is, what it is that is peculiar to uses of language in a

2 literary text in nature for delivering the messages. Futhermore, literary text consist of narrative, poetry, anecdote, novel, story, advertisement,etc.

A literary text is a dynamic construction of language. It means that the language of literary works are not static and isolated, but a process of communication from the author by conveying his messages towards the reader. The study of literary language is not only concerned by selecting and organizing the particular lexical and gramatical elements but also due to the author’s creativity in expressing her thoughts, personality, ambition, and ideas. The author exploiting the figurative languages as a part of dynamic process. The style is signed by the selection of the formal linguistic features such as diction, sentences structures, figurative languages, cohesion, the use of rhetorical devices and the like, Leech and Short (in Muttaqin :2003: 3).

Language that used by the author contains figurative languages.

Figurative language compares two things that are different in enough ways so that their similiarities, when pointed out, are interesting, unique or suprising.

Literary text contains figurative languages. Literary interpretation is a creative way of understanding the language performance and its function in context as a dynamic process between the writer and the reader.

As literary text, poetry contains many poetic words. According to

Clayes and Gerrietts (2000: 110) :

poets continue to write poems they call “songs”, not because they necessarily expect them to be sung but to suggest a tradition of the song as old as poertry itself, allude to a short, emotional, simple, lyric poem that was sung. The term “lyric” still suggests the apolonian lyre that accompanied Greek singers.


According to Juliana (1998: 12) , song is a kind of poetry that means being a literary text. The lyric used to express personal thoughts and feelings rather than public event. Nowadays, music is familiar with us. There are many singers who are native. Mariah carey is as one of the legend of

American singer who is famous in the world. She has been composed many songs that recorded in her own .

“Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s

Got To Be A Way, , , Twister, When You

Believe, 100% “ are Mariah’s songs which contains of motivational messages ( More importantly to understand the messages of each songs, it has to be read, sing, and listen not only with the tongue, voice and eyes, but also with the deepest heart and the best light.

Moreover, Mariah tells the real story of her life in some of these songs. It all about the spirit to face the difficulty in our life, patiently of facing the problem, believing in a God by paying special attention with social life. Composed by poetic words , these song of Mariah being popular .

Mariah Carey has been composed many themes for her songs. One is motivational theme. She told her life experience. Motivation is important for our daily life, especially for teaching learning. The students need motivation to study everything especially in studying English as foreign language in



This research will focus on Mariah’s creativity in composing the codes of linguistic elements in creating her motivational messages through her songs. This messages can be transfered through selecting lexical and gramatical features and also exploiting some interesting figurative languages.

Furthermore as Nolan states (2005: 67) translator and interpreters must be alert to figuratives language.

Therefore, the analysis will be focused on three major of stylistic categories. These are lexical, gramatical, and figuratives languages.

According to Freeborn (in Muttaqin:2003: 11) exemplies that in assesing the value of a piece of writing, wheter it is good of its kind or not, it is essential that we produce some evidences for our judgment; among other things we re evaluate its style.

Stylistic analysis will be applied in searching linguistic codes or features used by Mariah in “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It

Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant, Twister,

When You Believe, 100% “. It is hoped that this method draw as a good deal from linguistics orientation. Stylistic analysis as a method of linking linguistic form, via reader interpretation in detail way.

Related to Nolan (2005: 173) states for the translator, exhibit his author’s thoughts in such a dress of diction as the author would have given them, had his language been English: rugged magnificence is not to be softened; hyperbolical ostentation is not to be repressed,nor sententious to have its points blunted. A translator is to be like his author : it is not his


bussiness to excel him. It is clear when we interpreting these songs, we must

being a part of these songs. Translate these songs from our inner and the light

of our heart.

B. Identification of the problem

Every single man in this world have their own identity. According to Gumperz and Levinson (in Thomas, 2004: 25) :

The forms of a person’s thoughts are controlled by inexorable laws of pattern of which he is unconscious. These patterns are the unperceived intricate systematizations of his own language ... every language is a vast pattern-system, different from others, in which are culturally ordained and the forms and categories by which the personality not only communicates, but also analyzes nature, notices, or neglects types of relationship and phenomena, channels his reasoning, and builds the house of his consciousness.

Everyone can express their feeling, emotion, idea, or another thing

about himself. As Buffon states (in Ratna, 2008: 22) style is the man himselft

then Lambert Wiesing has been correct this statement that the subject have

their own style so style is the exspression of the writer not the writer himself.

Human beings can exspress their feeling or emotion in two ways, they

are explicit and implicit. The exsplicit exspression can be known by other

easily but the implicit exspression just a few of people who can know it. In

order to get the aesthetic aspect, indirect messages, and the notion of

emotional that used by the author in conveying implicit exspression, the

process of knowing the messages must be observe.


C. Limitation of the Problem

This study will be focused on the analysis of the linguistic elements ;

they are lexical, gramatical categories and the use of figurative languages.

The lexical categories involve Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs. The

gramatical categories involve Sentence Type and Clause type. Figurative

languages involve Simile, Personification, Symbol, Alliteration, Anaphora,

Climax, Hyperbole, and Antithesis.

D. Statement of the Problem

There are many aspects that can be analyzed in these songs entitled

“Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got To Be

A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant, Twister, , 100%

,” but the writer just focuses on this problems;

1. What dominant figurative language is found in Mariah Carey’s

motivational songs?

2. What dominant lexical categorie is found in Mariah Carey’s motivational

songs ?

3. What dominant gramatical categorie is found in Mariah’s motivational


4. What implication is found in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs?

E. Objective of the Research

This study is carried out to give the answer to the problems of study above :

1. To describe the lexical categories in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs.


2. To describe the gramatical categories in Mariah Carey’s motivational


3. To describe the figurative language in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs.

F. Significance of The Study

This result of this research can be finally obtained, it will be significant for :

1. The Students

Firstly, this study hopefully will give some contributions to the students

of English Studies in understanding the literary language.

Secondly, this study hopefully will give some contribution the students

of English Studies in understanding the notion of stylistic.

Thirdly, this study hopefully will give some contributions to the

students of English Studies in understanding Mariah’s creativity in exploiting

and discovering the linguistic elements such as the selection of lexical and

gramatical categories and the formulating of interesting figuratives languages

in “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got To

Be A Way, Through The Rain, Thriumphant, Twister, When You Believe,

100% “

2. The Teacher

Firstly, the result of this study can be applied by the teacher in language

teaching especially to increase student’motivation in studying English.

Secondly, this study can make the teacher teach literary creatively

using song’s lyric to draw out the attention of the students.


3. The Writer

Firstly, the writer can give advantage to add the knowledge about the notion of stylistic of the reader. Secondly, the result of this research also contributes to other writers to conduct further research.




A. Previous Study

Here, the researcher reviews 2 previous studies which are related to this study as follows :

The first thesis is entitled” The Style of Gibran in Conveying His

Universal Messages through ”the prophet”” by Muttaqin (2003) State University of Semarang. In his research, the researcher wanted to know the style of Gibran in conveying his universal messages through “The Prophet”. Stylistic approach was applied by considering that this approach could draw a good deal from linguistics, and this discipline also could provide the general perspective.

The result of this research show that the style of Gibran in every sermon through “The Prophet” was the combination of beauty and spirituality. These new visions were presented as interestingly as possible through the selection of the lexical features, the constructing of gramatical features and the exploitation of the beautiful figurative languages. In the lexical level, Gibran tried to select some concrete nouns, which referred to things in the world and physical entities that can be touched, seen, heard, tasted or smelt. Gibran also selected some abstract noun refer to things constructed or though in the mind, emotions, ideas, or attributes of objects. Also he tried to select some dynamic verbs referring to movement. These

10 might be showed to give deepest insight about the importance of self- actualization after reading each sermon in “ The Prophet”.

The similiarity between Muttaqin’s research and this research is the purpose that want to know the style that used by the author in conveying her messages. The approach that used in these research has similiar with Muttaqin’s research. The differences between this research and Muttaqin’s research are the object of analysis and the messages of the author. In Muttaqin’s research the author is Khalil Gibran and the message is universal message, but in this thesis, the author of the object that want to be analyze is Mariah Carey and the message is motivational message.

The second paper is entitled” The Stylistic Analysis of The Magazine

Advertisement---Atkins Chocolate Chip Granola Bar” by Li, Min (2009) Capital

Normal University. In her paper, she gave an overall analysis of the advertisement of “Atkins Chocolate Chip Granola Bar” from the aspect of linguistic description. This paper can help the reader better understand and appreciate the language of English advertisement.

The research was conducted by conclude that the advertisement “Atkins

Chocolate Chip Granola Bar” adopts many devices in linguistic, textual and contextual aspects. It uses well-organized language, excat figures, eye-catching and bright pictures and affirmative adjectives to descrabe the good quality of the product. By the use of these devices, the producer can better communicate with

11 the consumers and make the product more among the consumers in order to achieve the goal of ever-lasting purchase and popularity among the consumers.

The similarity between this thesis and Li, Min’s paper are the elements that be analyzed, these are lexical style markers, syntactic style markers, and gramatical style markers. The differences with this thesis are the kind of the text.

In Li, Min’s research, she used non-literary text, advertisement, however in thie thesis, the researcher use literary text, song’s lyric to analyze the author style in conveying her motivational messages.

B. Figurative languages.

1. Definition of Figurative Language

Since stylistic approach will be applied in analyzing Mariah Carey’s motivational songs, the use of figurative language cannot be ignored. The characteristic of of literary texts are usualy signed by the occurrences of figuratives language. It is usualy used in poetry and fiction.

Nolan (2005: 67), explaines that figurative languages and figure of speech are used in poetry to make the poems come to life. They make the language of poem richer and more interesting and when we used well they reinforce the meaning of the poems. They usually enable the reader to get a clearer picture of what the poet is saying. Figurative language is a tool that an author employs ( or uses) to help the reader visualize (or see) what is happening in a story or poem. Figurative language is the opposite of literary language.


Figuratives language deviates from ordinary or standard language in order to achieve a particular effect.

As Broadly states (in Muttaqin, 2003: 37), Figuratives languages are another way of adding extra dimensions to language. Broadly defined, a figuratives language is any of saying something other than the ordinary way. It means that figurative is language that cannot be taken literally.

2. Classification of Figurative Languages

The understanding of figuratives language is essentially for a true appreciation of art and literature. According to Nolan (2005: 68-70), the explanation of the figurative language as follows : a. Simile

Simile can be defined as comparison between two things which are basically quite different (Nolan, 2005: 69). A simile is expressed by the use of some words or phrase such as like, as than, similar to, resembles or seems. For example :

She walks like an angel

I wandered lonely as a cloud b. Personification

According to Nolan (2005: 69), Personification consist in giving the attributes of a human being to an animal, an object, or a concept. In other words, figurative language in which an inanimate abject ar an abstract concept is endowed with human features. For example:


The frog crept in on little cat feet.

The pain of ocean

The face of Indonesia c. Symbol

Something concrete (like a person, object, image, word or event) that stand for something abstract or invisible (Nolan, 2005: 68). For example:

The dove (Taube) symbolizes peace.

The cross is the symbol of red cross of Indonesia. d. Antithesis

Nolan (2005: 70), describes that antithesis is an opposition or contrast of ideal was expressed by using words, which are the opposites of, or strongly contrasted with each other. in the other words, Antithesis is saying the opposite of what you really mean, for effect. For example:

He must increase, but I must decrease.

In newness of spirit, not in the oldness of the letter. e. Alliteration

The repetition of some consonant sound at the beginning of neighbouring words. For example:

Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. sessions, sweet, silent, summon, things, past

14 f. Anaphora

The repetition of a word or several words at the beginning of successive lines, clauses or sentences. For example:

“To raise a happy, healthy, and hopeful child, it takes a family; it takes teacher; it takes clergy; it takes business people; it takes community leaders; it takes those who protect our health and safety.” g. Climax

A figure of speech in which a series of words or expression rises step by step, beginning with the least important and ending with the most important. The term may also be used to refer only to the last item in the series. For example:

Some books are to be tasted, other to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and disgested.

Not only brute creatures, but also men; nor the only, but likewise gods, yields to the violence of love. h. Hyperbole

Exaggerated or extravagant statement used to express strong feeling or produce a strong impression, and not intended to be understood literary. For example:

I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.

My date last night was the most beautiful girl in the world.


C. Style

1. Domain of style

The term of style actually has been defined in various interpretations.

According to (Auer, 2007: 76), style helps build a certain identity through the repetition of patterns of behavior.

Style can be applied to both spoken and written, and both literary and non- literary varieties of language. Sometimes the term has been applied to the linguistic habits of a particular writer (e.g. the style of Shakespeare).

Language is the natual starting place for study of style. It seems the style constitutes the linguistic charecteristics of particular language of text. Carter and

Nash (in Muttaqin, 2003: 24) stated that:

Style is a textual phenomenon and should be studied in terms of particular linguistic forms in a text and as the effect generated by those its forms on the consumer ( the reader) by producer the text (the writer).

In line with the statement above, Leech and Short explained that the matter of authorial style relies ultimately on the statements we can make about particular text. As Fowler explained (in Missikova, 2003: 14) in modern context of analysis of language, he defined obout literary text as follows:

The literary text (...) is a self-contained verbal artefact, a unique structure of language. Its mode of existence is linguistic, noy historical; it is to be studied as a complex of integrated verbal patterns, not as the product of social forces or the psychology of an author. Nor is the literary text a social force in its own right(...) it is irrelevant and misleading to regard the text as in any way influencing the world arround it.


According to Ratna (2008: 19), the domain of stylistic analysis is defided into two categorizes, the first is the domain that related to object of stylistic itself and the second is the domain that related to the possible object of research action.

As the description above, the larger domain of stylistic is all of the storage area of literature, the result is there is an effort to create the specific language of traditional literature or modern literature both spoken or written. The modern one include prose, poetry, and drama. The stylistic analysis not only describe the language that used of style it selft but aslo describe why the style used by the author.

2. Style : Surface Structure

The language in literary or non-literary works constitutes the performance of an author’s deep expression. It is in line with Saussure’s diction between langue and parole. Langue constitutes the code or system of common rules in particular language., and parole is the particular uses of this system, or selection from this system, that the speaker or writer makes on this accasion (Ratna, 2008:

37). Style pertains to parole: it is selection from a total linguistic repertoire that constitutes a style.

Surface structure is a language performance, which can be observed. On the other hand, deep structure is the desired meaning of the author. When we read the language of literary or non-literary works. In fact we face the surface structure of language or language performance. In other words, style belongs to surface structure that will be presented the reader in the form of literary work by selecting

17 some linguistic features. The selection of linguistic features cannot be separated from the system of common rules in a particular language.

3. The notion of Stylistic

The term stylistics can simply be defined as the linugistic study of style.

But it is rsrely undertaken from its own sake. Stylistic is the study of style. It is simply as an exercise in describing what use made of language. Normally, stylistic is learned due to some reasons. Firstly, it is useful to explain literary stylistic implicity or explicity in general. Secondly, it is learned in order to know the relation between language and artistic function. Stylistic studies the elements of a language organized from the point of view of their affective content; that is, the expression of emotion by language as well as the effect of language on the emotion.

It may be noted that the emphasis placed primarily on the “emotive and expressive” elements of language drwas the attention to the notion of “choice”.

Linguists view style as linguistic phenomenon and hence they cantre their analyses of literary texts on the language in terms of sounds, lexis and syntax.

Furthermore, stylistic is simply defined as the linguistic study of style. By

“linguistic”, it is meant the application of linguistic theories, and “style” denotes the linguistic strategies used by the author to convey the semantic import in a literary text. Stylistic, in principle does not replace literary approaches by linguistic and literary studies. Missikova (2003: 29) mentioned that “stylistic” can sometimes look like either linguistic or literary criticism, depending upon where you are standing when you are looking at it.


Etymologically, “style” is derived from he Latin word” stylus”, originally meaning a sharp, pointed kind of sake made of metal, wood ar bone used for engraving or writing on wax tablets, (Ratna, 2008: 8). Another way of describing style, the author- based stylistic aims at interpreting the speaker’s ideas and feelings because language as the best mirors of human mind. The reader-based stylistic describes the linguistic effect brought about upon the reader as that affective theory.

Apart from those who have put emphasis on certain aspects of style as the relationship between the writer and the text or the reader and the text, Enkvist (in

Missikova, 2003: 32) suggested a three way classification of style from the linguistic point of view: a. The style is viewed as a “departure” from a set of patterns which have been

labelled as a “norm” b. The style is defined as an “ addition” of certain stylistic traits to a neutral,

styleless, ar prestylistic expression. c. Style has been as “ connotations”, whereby each linguistic feature acquires its

stylistic value from the textual and situational environment.

The term “style” is a broad term that accomodates a huge number of theories and point of view that style is a product of individual choices and patterns of choices among linguistic possibilities, related

As we have noticed above, these ideas, thoughts and theories differ as to understanding of what constitutes the essence of style. Therefore, no single definition is to be priviledged over others, as style is descriptive of these various

19 views ( all, 2004: 168). Each theory approaches the question of style with differnt vision.

Two definitions of which are relevant as far as this study is concerned, style as deviation and style as choice. Stylistic. On the other hand, has implicity and explicity, the goal of explaining the relation between language and artistic function.

4. Model of Stylistic Analysis

Analysis means breaking something down into its components and discovering the relationships among them that give unity and coherence to the whole. Analysis is an especially valuable tool for understanding works of literature. Griffth (in Muttaqin, 2003: 31) stated that:

Once you have considered important aspect of a work, you should know the work very well indeed. You should have details of the work firmly in mind, and you should have throught creatively about how you can interpret the work. For this reason, analysis is an effective method for studying for tests, especially if they focus on just a few works.

In analyzing “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen,

There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Thriumphant, Twister, When You

Believe, 100% “, the researcher has to determine the appropriate model.

While Abrams (in Ratna, 2008: 22) proposed the models of stylistic analysis is defided into two kinds, these are traditional analysis and modern analysis. In traditional analysis, the research still influenced by the contents and the form. Furthermore, the contents include information, message, and the proportional meaning, meanwhile the form is the style its selft. Abrams also explained that modern stylistic analysis contains phonologhy analysis, sintaxsis

20 analysis, lexical analysis, and rethorical analysis that analyse the use of figurative languages.

Widdowson (in Muttaqin, 2003: 33) explained Halliday’s theory of stylistic analysis models as follow:

Halliday begins with text analysis and show how a part of language system is being used in a somewhat unusual way. This prepares the ground for a discussion of the poem as discourse, that is to say for a consideration of how these linguistic fact are relevant to an understanding of the message which the poem conveys. But having come to this stylistic brink, Halliday withdraws with with a final provocative remark. His primarily interest lies in the text and the nature of the poem’s message is outside his concern.

We may say that the description of a poem, or any other piece of literature, as a text, using as Halliday put it, the theories and methods developed in linguistic may be a proper one in the sense that it is an accurate specification of how linguistic elements are exemplified but it does not, on its own lead to interpretation.

From some description above, this research will concern primarily with the exploiting of linguistic elements in a particular text, because within the text, it is possible to be more specific about how language serves a particular artistic function.

5. Style Markers and the Principles of Selection

The practicable analysis of stylistic must selected some linguistic features for analysis and might ignore other. indeed, stylistic analysis must be very selective. “some studies concentrate on just one feature and others on a mere handful of features. It is possible to give an illuminating account of a writer’s style” Leech and Short (in Muttaqin, 2003: 34).


How are the features for analysis to be selected? It has assumed that stylistic analysis ainvestigates the relation between the writer’s artistic achievements and how it is achieved through language. It is clear that stylistic studies the relation between the significance of text, and the linguistic characteristics. These imply two criteria for the selection of stylistic features in a literary and a linguistic criterion. And by combining both of them, the analysis should became alert to the particular features of style. Such features of style may be called “Style Marker.”

Style marker is the key to the method of analysis. If the style markers can be identified, the area of the English language, which does not seem to be exploited, can be ignored. This is in keeping with a reasonable assumtion that the linguistic codes serve particular artistic purposes.

D. Lexical Categories Element

1. Noun

According to Carty and Carstairs (2002: 49) noun is one of the most important parts of speech. Its with the verb helps to form the sentence core which is essensial to every complete sentence. In addition, it may function as the chief or “head” word in many structures of modification. There are two types of noun which are classified by two things. They are noun classified by meaning and noun classified by form. As opposed to proper nouns, or other noun are classified as common nouns. a. Classified by Meaning

Some nouns may belong to more than one of the types given below.


1) Proper Noun

A proper noun begins with a capital letter in writing. It includes (a) personal names (Mr.Robert William); (b) names of geographic units such as countries, cities, rivers, etc. (Holland, Paris); (c) names of nationalities and religions (a Dutchman, Christianity); (d) names of holidays (Thanksgiving Day);

(e) names of time units (Saturday, June); (f) words used for personification-a thing or abstraction treated as a person (Nature, Liberty).

2) Concrete or Abstract Noun

Noun is a word for a concept- it is an idea that exist in our minds only

(beauty, justice, mankind).

3) Countable or Uncountable Noun

According to Bowen and Delaney (2011: 63), a countable noun can usually be made plural by the addition of -s (one girl, two girls). A noncountable noun is not used in the plural. Mass nouns form is one type of noncountable noun.

They are words for concrete objects stated in an undivided quantity (coffee, iron).

Abstract nouns (including names of school subjects and sports) are noncountable.

Some noncountable nouns may also be used in a countable sense and will therefore have a plural. For example:

We had chicken for dinner (chicken is mass noun).

There were many chickens in the yard (chickens is a countable noun).

4) Collective Noun

A collective noun is a word for a group of people, animals or objects considered as a single units. Examples of collective nouns are audience,

23 committee, class, crew, crowd, enemy, faculty, family, flock, folk, government, group, herd, jury, majority, minority, nation, orchestra, press, public, team.

In American English, a collective noun used as subject usually takes a singular verb. However, if attention is being drawn to the individual members of the units, then a plural verb is used. With some of these collective nouns, British usage prefers a plural verb. Collective nouns are countable nouns; they may be used in the plural. b. Classified by Form

1) Noun Compuond

The term compound, as it is used for part of speech, refers to a group of words- usually two, but sometimes more- joined together into one vocabulary unit that functions as a single part of speech. a) Noun + noun - bathroom, department store, grammar book. This kind of noun

compound is most common. Noun + noun compounds are more likely to be

hypenated in British English than in American English. b) Possessive noun + noun - lady’s maid, artist’s model, traveler’s checks.

Sometimes the ‘s is ommited from the first noun – a womens college, a citizens

bank, c) Adjective + noun - blackbird,common sense, blue print. An adjective + noun

compound is usually not hyphenated. d) Verb + noun - pickpocket, flashlight, dance team. e) Noun + verb - handshake, garbage, dump, lifeguard. f) Gerund + noun - dining room, punching bag, wearing apparel.

24 g) Noun + gerund - fortune telling, housecleaning, water skiing. h) Preposition + noun - overalls, by-way, downpour. i) Verb + preposition-adverb - brekadown, makeup,grown-up. j) Noun + prepositional phrase - son-in law, editor-in-chief.

2. Adverb

According to Bowen and Delaney ( 2011: 15) adverb normally follow the verb and are of three basic types: adverbs of manner, adverb of time, and adverb of place. A prepositional phrase can be subtituted for any of them, as will be seen

, as follow: a. Adverb of Manner

Adverbs of manner, like most other adverbs normally follow the verb

(Bowen & Delaney, 2011: 15). These adverbs explain how the action of the verb is done. For example:

Alice studies hard

Mr. Avery drives slowly

The orchestra played loudly

Other examples are well, quetly, calmly, happily, quickly, gladly, suddenly, strongly, and angrily. Many of these adverbs are formed by adding – ly to adjectives. For examples:

Correct – Correctly


Calm – Calmly

Rapid – Rapidly

Slow – Slowly

If the adjective ends in – y, often the y is changed to – i before – ly is added. For example:

Noisy – Noisily

Happy – Happily b. Adverbs of Place

Adverb of Place usually answer the question where about the action of the verb. Common adverbs of Place are up, down, here, there, far, near, over there, away, and far away. For example:

Prof. Ober went home.

The boat sailed away.

The elevator is going up.

Mr. And Mrs. Ober live here. c. Adverb of Time

Adverbs of Time usually follow the verb; however, they may also introduce the sentence for reasons of style or for emphasis. Actually it is possible for almost any adverb to be placed at the beginning of the sentence, but Adverbs of Time are found in that position more frequently than the others. Some useful adverbs of time : Saturday, today, last night, every day, next week, the week before last, the day after tommorow, this afternoon, tommorow morning,etc. For example:


He arrived last night.

He will finish soon

He can leave then.

There is also a small category of adverbs that normally occur before the main verb, except when the main verb is be. Then these adverbs follow be that called “ Adverb of Frequency.” For example:

She never leaves before noon.

One can often find her among the rare books.

Most of the adverbs in this category may be moved readily to other possitions in the sentence for reason of style or variety. For example:

He goes to the library often

Frequently, he walks instead of taking the bus.

3. Adjective

Bowen and Delaney state ( 2011: 75), adjectives are usually used before the nouns they modify. If the noun is a singular count noun, a determiner must be used before the adjective. If the noun is a mass noun or a plural count noun, a determiner may or may not be used. Adjective may follow direct objects and objective complements. For example:

She is a beautiful woman

It takes long time to go.


4. Verb

According to Wishon and Burks (1998: 192:280) describe of verbs into 2 basic as follow: a. Verb forms

English verb have only five forms. There are simple form (infinitive), third person singular, present participle, past tense, and past particple. Related to

Wishon and Burks (1998: 192), the infinitive verb is representstive of the majority of verb in English. It is a regular verb. Of these five forms, only three can be used alone as the predicate of a sentence. these are the simple, the third person singular, and the past tense forms. All of the others must be used with auxiliaries. Hence, what are normally called verb tenses are often constructions of two or more words. b. Verb tense

According to Wishon and Burks (1998: 192), tense means time. However, it should be pointed out that time in relation to action is a concept that exists in the mind of the speaker, reader, or listener. Tense, in actual usage, refers consistently only to gramatical forms. Often tense and time do not correspond at all. Verb in the present time can be indicated future time. for example:

Lisa is walking out of the room.

Whereas the verb that implies future time that the indicator being of adverb as, such as

He leaves for Europe soon clearly.


In addition to denoting time relationships, the verb tenses may indicate wheter an activity has been completed, has extended over a period of time, or still in progress.

E. Gramatical Categories Element

1. Simple Structure

As Ostima and Hogue (2003: 166) state, Simple sentence is sentence that contains one full subject and predicate . Takes form of: a. A Statement

Tells the fact of something or someone. For example:

Borobudur is located in Indonesia.

Coffee grows in Brazil. b. A Question

1) Expecting “yes” or “no” answer. For example:

Will he get the money?

Do you know if he will get the money?

2) Interrogative word question. For example:

How he gets the money is his own fair.

3) A Request

The simple form of the verb is used for requests, commands, or intructions.formulas of politeness such as please, will (or would) often accompany request (Bowen and Delaney, 2011: 14). For example:


Write the letter please

Open the window

4) An Exclamation

Exclamations may begin with “ What” or “ How” (Wishon & Burks, 1998: 4).

What – a noun ends the exclamation phrase. For example:

What delicious fruit this is !

What delicious pineapples these are !

What a delicious pinapple this is !

How – an adjective or adverb ends the exclamatory phrase. For example:

How graceful she is !

How gracefully she dances !

The subject and the verb in an exclamatory retain normal word order except in poetic or literery style. For example: how green was my valley !

5) Miror sentence

Miror sentence is sentence that contain no verb on it. For example:

Not more than three short years ago.

2. Complex Structure

Complex sentence contains one or more dependent (or subordinate) clauses. A dependent clause contains a full subject and predicate beginning with a word that attaches the clause to an independent clause (called main clause).


( sentence/noun-phrase)

A complex sentence has one independent and one ( or more) dependent clauses. The punctuation depends on the kind of dependent clause. For example: a. With an adverb clause:

Because grammar is easy, I learned it quickly.

I learned grammar quickly because it is easy. b. With an adjective clause:

One of my favourite films is Like Water for Chocolate, which is in Spanish. c. With a noun clause

She doesn’t agree that grammar is easy.

(Ostima and Hogue, 2004: 166)

F. Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey was born to parents in March 27, 1970 to Patricia Hickey and Alfred Roy Carey and since she was only a child, Mariah was always enthusiastic about and always knew that she wanted to become a popular singer which she indeed succeeded. She moved to when she was

17 to fulfil her ambition of becoming a star. This is a common question what ethinicty is Mariah Carey She is of an African American, Afro Cuban and Irish descent.

Mariah officially started her recording career in 1990. She released her first studio which was extremely successful. Spawned her amazing 4 number 1 singles. Until now she has released 14 solo albums in her career which

31 were relatively large successes, without any of her albums particularly standing out from each other. Her musical brilliance is simply confirmed by the fact that she composes all of her material, with only exception of the song covers that she did, such as I’ll Be There from Jackson 5.

She is also very known and recognized for labelling all of her albums, photos, clothing and videos with “butterflies”. Also, one of her main physical trademarks is certainly a beauty mark that is just underneath her mouth. Having secured work as a session singer for Brenda K. Starr, her luck came good when

Starr gave Mariah’s demo tape to the head of , Tommy


Her self-titled debut album in 1990 included four number one hit singles and led to Mariah picking up a Grammy award for Best New Artist and Best

Female Vocalist. Keen to capitalise on this success, a second album, ‘Emotions’ came along quickly in 1991. The album topped the charts and an MTV Unplugged

EP that included a cover of 's 'I'll Be There' clocked up yet more sales.

Carey married Mottola, some twenty years her senior, in 1993. Not letting her marriage slow down her career, her next album ‘Music Box’ included two more hits singles, 'Dreamlover' and 'Hero'.

A Christmas album and 1995's 'Daydream' both did well in the charts and, following her divorce from Mottola, Mariah returned with 'Butterfly' in 1997.


Heavily influenced by hip-hop, the album also saw a change of image for the young singer, who started dressing more provocatively. Following the first single from her 1999 album, 'Rainbow', Carey became the first artist to top the charts in each year of the . However, by the turn of the millennium things were starting to go wrong in the Carey camp. After receiving Billboard's Artist of the

Decade Award and the World Music Award for Best-Selling Female Artist of the

Millennium, Carey parted from Columbia and signed a contract with EMI's Virgin

Records worth a reported $80 million.

However, the record-breaking deal was cut short after a number of career lows. Her movie '' and accompanying soundtrack were critical disasters which led to her new record company paying her $28 million dollars just to drop her.

The stresses of work led to a personal breakdown and in 2001, Mariah sought professional help after posting suicidal messages on her website. However, proving that you can’t keep a good songbird down, Mariah took an extended break and in 2005 her album '' – featuring contributions from producers such as , and Carey's longtime collaborator, – shot to the top of the charts. The album also earned her a Grammy Award for Best Contemporary R&B Album, and the single '' won Best Female R&B Vocal Performance and Best

R&B Song.


In 2008, her musical rehabilitation continued with the release of her eleventh studio album. E=MC². As well as being a play on Einstein's famous theory for energy, the title was also said by Carey to represent "Emancipation of

Mimi to the second power". Again, the diva looked to integrate other genres into her pop and R&B sound, including hip-hop and gospel. As the first single, 'Touch

My Body', rose to the top of the charts, Carey enjoyed the eighteenth number-one single of her career on the , which was enough push her past

Elvis Presley among all artists of the modern era, leaving her second only to the


She has been married twice. First time she was married with head of

SonY, with whom she had no children and was only married for four years, from 1993-1997. In 2009, she married for the second time with former

Nickelodeon star, actor and host of America’s Got Talent with whom she currently has 2 children, which are in fact .

In 2013, Mariah was part of the with other judges such as

Nicki Minaj, and Simon Cowell. Her latest album was The Art of

Letting Go was a a major success which has already sold in more than million copies worldwide. Mariah Carey is certainly a number one diva in show business with her angel voice and great stage presence. (


G. The Motivational Messages in “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant, Twister, When You Believe, 100%. ”

“Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got To

Be A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant, Twister, When You Believe, 100%” are Mariah Carey’s songs that contain motivational messages. Through the songs that Mariah Carey has been composed, she gives inspiration and motivation for other in the world. The meaning of every stanza in Mariah’s songs is deep sense of motivation with beautiful melody that brings their own meaning to the listeners.

Mariah Carey, in “Bye-Bye”, expounded the motivational message through this song for the people who lost someone that they loved very much.

Mariah explored that the lost people is a mother ,a brother, a sister, a father, etc.

Mariah missed her father so much, because her father was passed away. It’s hard to say “bye” to them, moreover if the people who love her is gone away forever.

Mariah composed this song to memorize her father. (

“Can’t Take That Away” is the next motivational song of Mariah that gives spirit in facing the worst atitude of others. The other people may try to down us, but we may not let them to get what they want. Furthermore, this song tells that there is a brightening light inside of someone that can’t be taken by others.

The light is the form of happiness and peacefull that placed inside the hearth of everyone.


“Hero” is the most popular song of Mariah Carey, so it called the signature song of Mariah Carey. The lyrics of this song was composed so beautiful using poetic words. This song try to motivated us in beliving our own strong, because “hero” always on ourselves. Hero has its own strong in our heart.

It can do everything. The fact that we must reliase it that hero is our selves. This song is suitable for the peolpe who is having difficulty, fearness, and worried about his life.

The inspiration and insights above enable Mariah to create one of the century’s most popular and enduring works of literature by creating her own unique literary style. In “Make It Happen”, Mariah Made an inspirational story of her life. It tells about the struggle, belief, and prayer. “Make it happen” implant in believing our effort to face the difficulty in this life and we must still fight to make our aim comes true.

Furthermore, Mariah composed other motivational song entille “There’s

Got To Be A Way.” try to increase our careness of social problems in the world at this moment. This songs makes us believe that “where is a will there is a way” there is a way to unite the humans being in this world to make a differenciate and create our future without war, poverty, and sadness.

“Through The Rain”created by Mariah to motivate every human being who is facing the worst problem of their life and also try to motivate them to come up from their problems with their own self. How serious the problem that they faced, they only believing in their selves, so they must be faced their problem.


Through the song entittle “Triumphant”, Mariah motivated everyone who listen her song to keep spirit in their life. Let the other people hate us, say the bad thing of us, but we must proved to them if we are the best and we can make them down by looking our success. This song made by Mariah that the inspiration came from Mariah’s story life. Her husband was hospitalized and her friend, Whitney

Houston Way died in the same moment.

Moreover, Mariah has been composed a song entittle”Twister “ that tells about the prayer of someone for saying bye to someone. This song tells about someone who diforce with the lovely people, but she want her lovely people get the well beter than before with hers.

Mariah Carey in “When You Believe” composed this song to tell about the power of will and belief that we can faced it all. This songs is in the religiuos side. All about everthing happen it’s true. Like the miracles possible in this life , for the people who believe it.

“100% “ is the last song of Mariah Carey that analysed by the researcher in this occaasion. Contains moral message to continue our fight and don’t be hopeless in go to a period of our life. Life must go on in 100%. Never stop till we get our success.don’t let the other bother us and be the winner of our life by reach the top pfour success. This song is suitable for giving spirit and motivation to get our aim and facing the difficult time of us. . (


H. Motivation

1. Definition of Motivation

Motivation is a star player in the cast of characters assigned to second language learning scenario around the world (Brown, 2007: 168). Then, motivation to do something can come about in many ways, Stipek (in Yuntari,

2002: 19). Motivation can be a personality characteristic; individuals might have lasting, stable interest in participating in such broad categories of academics, sports, or social activities.

According to Brown (2007: 169), motivation is something that can, like self-esteem, be global, situational, or task oriented. Motivation places much more emphasis on the individuals decision,”the choices people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid, and the degree of effort they will exert in that respect.”

2. Instrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation a. Instrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from the students themselves. It works without any external stimulus because there is a drive to do something inside the individual. Motivation is called intrinsic motivation if the goal is suitable with the learning situation and the students need to master the material. According to Edwar Deci (in Brown, 2007: 172) :

Instrinsically motivated activities are ones for which there is no apparent reward except the activity itself. People seem to engage in the activities for their own sake and not because they lead to an extrinsic reward.... Intrinsically motivated


behaviors are aimed at bringing about certain internally rewarding consequences, namely feelings of competences and self-determination. When a student is intrinsically motivated, he will deliberately do certain activities, which do not need any external motivation. For example, a student learns English because she or he wants to get knowledge, value and skill, and not because of someone ask him to do it. b. Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is a motivation coming from outside the students.

Motivation is extrinsic if a student resides in some factors outside the learning situation. The student learns to reach a goal outside the material he learns like good mark, esteem, and so on. Encouragement, punishment and valuing are also kinds of extrinsic motivation.

As Brown states (2007: 172), extrinsic motivation is fueled by the anticipation of a reward from outside and beyond the selft. Typicaly extrinsic rewards are money, prizes, grades, and even certain types of positive feedback.

Extrinsic motivation is also needed so that a student has a will to learn.

There are many things the teachers can do to motivate their student. A good teacher is someone who can build the students’ interest and motivation in learning. He should makes the lesson interesting and entertaining so that his students are motivated to learn or at least like learning. Therefore, the teacher must be able to use the extrinsic motivation accurately.

Some evidence shows us that learning is a complex process. It is not easy as many people thought before. In short, motivation is one of the factors affecting learning. It is very important thing to make learning successful. In the teaching

39 learning activity, motivation is a very important in making students successful in their learning. c. Strategies for Stimulating Student’s Motivation to Learn

When a student is intrinsically motivated, he will deliberately do certain activities, which do not need any external motivation. For example, a student learns English because she or he wants to get knowledge, value and skill, and not because of someone ask him to do it.

Here are three strategies for stimulating students’ motivation to learn:

1) The simplest way to ensure that people value what they are doing is to

maximize their free choice and autonomy to let then decide what to do, when

and how to do it.

2) Intrinsically rewarding activities are usually free from pressure of risk (other

than risk that people assume voluntarily when they choose to engage to the


3) Teachers’ effort to motivate their student is complicated by the fact that they

must act as authority figure and not just as instructor. Intrinsic motivation

comes from family and cultural environmental in which the generation of

learning and interest activity sequences of cause and effect for so long that they

tend to overlook their reciprocal aspect.

3. Component of Motivation

According to Mc Donald as quoted by Yuntari (2012), motivation is energy changing inside of the person, which can be marked by feeling and started

40 by the conception of the purpose. From the definition above, motivation has two essential components; a. Motivation is the beginning of the energy on an individual. The development of

motivation will bring several changing in a system of neurophysical that exists

in organism of human being, because of the relation to the changing of human

energy (although motivation comes from intrinsic). The appearance of

motivation will connect with the physic of human activity. b. Motivation will exist because of the purpose. Therefore, motivation here is a

response from factor stimulus. Motivation comes from intrinsic factor. c. Intrinsic of the person but the existence is caused by other element that is a

purpose. This purpose is relevant with their need.

4. Source of Motivation

The motivation that brings students to task of learning English can be affected and influenced by the attitude of a number of people. It is worth considering what and who these are since they form a part of the world around the student’s feeling and engagement with the learning process. a. The society we live

Outside any classroom, there are attitude to language learning and the

English language in particular. b. Significant others

A part from the culture of the world around the students, their attitude to language learning will be greatly affected by the influence of people who are close

41 them. The attitude of a students’ peers is also crucial. If they are enthusiastic learners, however, they may take the student along with them. c. The teacher

Clearly, a major factor in the continuance of a student’s motivation is the teacher. It is worth pointing out that his or her attitude to the language and the task of learning will be vital. An obvious enthusiasm for English and English learning, in this case, would seem to be prerequisites for a positive classroom atmosphere. d. The method

It is vital that both teacher and students have some confidence in the way teaching and learning take place. When either loses this confidence, motivation can be disastrously affected, but when both are comfortable with the method being used, success is more likely. e. Goal and Goal setting

We have said that motivation is closely bound up with a person’s desire to achieve a goal. A distinction needs to be made here between long-and short-term goals. Long- term goals may include the mastery of English, the passing of an exam (at the end of the year), the possibility of a better job in the future, etc.

Short - term goals, on the other hand, might be the learning of a small amount of new language, the successful writing of an essay, the ability to partake in discussion or the passing of the progress test at the end of the week.

Teachers need to recognize that long-term goals are vitally important but that they can often seem too far away. Short-term goals, on the other hand, are by their nature much closer to the student’s day- to-day reality. It is much easier to

42 focus at the end of the week than the end of the year. If the teacher can help students in the achievement of short-term goals, this will have a significant effect on their motivation. f. Learning environment

Although we may not be able to choose our actual classroom, we can still do a lot about their physical appearance and emotional atmosphere of our lessons.

Both of these can have a powerful effect on the initial and continuing motivation of students. When students walk into an attractive classroom at the beginning of a course, it may help to get their motivations for the process going. When they come to an unattractive place motivation may not be initiated in this way. g. Increasing classes

If students are to continue to be intrinsically motivated they clearly need to be interested both in the subject they are studying and in the activities and topics they are presented with. We need to provide them with a variety of subjects and exercises to keep them engaged.

5.How to Motivate the Students

If students are to continue to be intrinsically motivated they clearly need to be interested both in the subject they are studying and in the activities and topics they are presented with. We need to provide them with a variety of subjects and exercises to keep them engaged. The choice of material to take into class will be crucial too, but even more important than this will be the ways in which it is used in the lesson. As Brown (2007: 181), these are some ways to motivate the students. As follow :

43 a. Making the students interested to study b. Giving marks c. Giving reward d. Giving praises e. Arousing engagements f. Making the first step in learning easy for students g. Making a healthy competitive situation among the students h. Informing the learning results that have been reached i. Giving tests j. Building ego-involvement k. Using games and simulation in teaching l. Giving punishment

6. The Function of Motivation in Learning

Motivation is the essential condition of learning. In the teaching learning process, it needs motivation to make the result of learning operation. Motivation will always determine the intensity of the students’ effort in their study.

Motivation functions as the motivator of an effort in achieving the purpose. It is also the activator of every human activity. Good motivation in learning will show good result. Besides, motivation can determine the act of direction. Furthermore, it can give direction and activity, which are suitable with the purpose.


From the definitions above, the researcher concludes that motivation is the act of the state of being motivated that causes someone to do something related the goal in his/her action.

I. Learning

Uno (2007:15) stated that learning is a process of acquiring new experiences in changing behavior which relative consonant, as the result of learning interaction a certain object knowledge), or through a such an object in learning environment. According this term, learning is process, an activity and it is not effect aim. Learning not only remembers but also experiencing.

Brown (2007: 8) stated that learning is acquiring getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study experience. He adds there are some components of the definition of learning are:

1. Learning is acquisition or getting something

2. Learning is retention of information or skill

3. Retention implies storage system, memory, cognitive, organization

4. Learning involves active, conscious focus on acting upon events outside or

inside organism

5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to for getting

6. Learning involves some from of practice, perhaps reinforce practice

7. Learning is change in behavior

Based on the definitions of learning above, it can be concluded that learning is a process of the changing of individuals’ behavior which result is from experience with the environment, whereby relationships between stimulus and

45 responses are established. Learning is a highly individualistic experience of acquiring or getting knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction, causing a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency.

Learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or skill by study, experience, or instruction (Brown, 2007: 7). The learning is a process for the students to get something new from the teacher who develops their study. This process can be from the instruction such as the teacher, by study in the environment, and also experience which can change their behavior.

According to Kimble and Garmezy (in Brown, 2000: 7) that learning is relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforcement practice. learning is process, an activity and it is not effect aim.

Learning not only remembers but also experiencing.

J. The Implication of Motivational Value in Teaching Learning

Motivation is the important part in our life. In education area, especially in teaching learning English, motivation is needed by the students. As Brown (2007:

169) stated that motivation is something that can, like self-esteem, be global, situational, or task oriented. Motivation places much more individuals decision.

In studying English, students have any problems that related to their own motivations. One of teacher’s task is motivated his students in order to the students can catch the materials easily and well. A good teacher is someone who can build the student’s motivation and interest. He should makes the lesson interesting and entertaining so that his students are motivated to learn or at least like learning.


Students have two kinds of motivations, these are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The teacher should stimulate the student’s motivation by building the intrinsic motivation of the students that comes from environmental and interest activity sequences of cause and effect for so long of that aspect.

Student’s motivation can come from the teacher in creating exciting method of learning. So the teacher should motivated the students by increasing the student’s interest in studying English. Nowadays, the students, especially senior high cshool students have been familiar with English songs. They have their own favourite songs from their favourite singer.

One of the Foreign singer who composed her own songs is Mariah Carey.

After analysing the style of Mariah in conveying her motivational messages through her songs, the teacher can use Mariah Carey”s motivational songs entittle“Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got To

Be A Way, Through The Rain, Thriumphant, Twister, When You Believe, 100%

“ to increase student’s motivation in learning English.

Motivational English song can increase student’s understanding and interest in English literary and the motivation to know the message that want to convey by the author. Sometimes, the students didn’t know the meaning of the diction that used by the author of the song. If they know the meaning of Mariah

Carey’s motivational songs entittle “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero,

Make It Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant,

Twister, When You Believe, 100% “ , the student can be motivated in thier life, especially in studying English as foreign language.


To know the student’s respon and understanding of Mariah Carey’s motivational messages through her songs and to give the best method that appropriate in the future for the teacher in increasing student’s motivation in learning English, the researcher gives this questionaire to some English

Department of Muhammadyah University of Purworejo.




Research method is needed to help the writer to find the result of the research. Besides, the subject matter that being researched will be clear and easy to understand if we apply an appropriate methodology.

A. Research Type

This research is a qualitative research. Firstly, the researcher analyse the data for description and themes using text analysis and interpreting the larger meaning of the findings (Creswell , 2012:16). Secondly, this research is descriptive due to the fact that it intended to describe Mariah Carey’s style in selecting and combining lexical and gramatical features also the uses of figurative language.

B. Object of the research

The objects are Mariah Carey’s motivational songs with the title“Bye-bye,

Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way,

Through The Rain, Thriumphant, Twister, When You Believe, 100% “ originally written in English. These songs contain motivational messages. This research will be focused and analyzed on each Mariah’s songs.


C. Data of the Research

The data are some lexical features such as Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, and

Adjectives. Gramatical features involve Sentence Type and Clause Type. The data also concerns with figurative languages involve Simile, Personification, Symbol,

Alliteration, Anaphora, Climax, Hyperbole, and Antithesis. The data is taken from the language used by Mariah Carey in “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero,

Make It Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant,

Twister, When You Believe, 100% .“

D. Unit of Analysis

The unit that is analysed are the lyrics of Mariah Carey’s motivational songs entitled Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s

Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Thriumphant, Twister, When You Believe,


E. Technique of Collecting the Data

The technique of collecting the data in this research is taken from Mariah

Carey’s songs lyric and quoted some facts and information which were relevant to the content of this thesis, and of course, related to the main objective of the thesis, which was stylistic analysis. To get the accurate data, there are seven steps that will be carried out by the researcher :

1. The researcher listens repeatedly the sources of the data are Mariah Carey’s

songs entitled “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen,


There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Thriumphant, Twister, When

You Believe, 100% “

2. The researcher transcribes the lyric of the songs.

3. The researcher finds the meaning of dictions which are used by the author

4. The researcher listed and classified the data in a table that consist of verbs,

nouns, adverbs, and adjectives.

5. The researcher makes the checklist of linguistic and stylistic categories. The

categories were placed under three general headings: lexical, gramatical and

figurative languages categories.

6. The researcher make a questionaire that contains fifteen quetions about

motivational value of Mariah Carey’s motivational song

7. The researcher gives the questionnaire to the student’s of English Department

of Muhammadyah University of Purworejo.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

This analysis is an attempt to find out the artistic principles underlying the author’s choice of language. Therefore the researcher has to make her self aware of the way of linguistic and artistic effect in the text.

In the other side, it is useful to have a checklist of features, which may be significant in the analysis and enable to collect the data systematically. There are some steps that will be carried out by the researcher :


1. After getting the data, the researcher codding the data to classify the lyric that

contained figurative languages. First the researcher codding the songs as


BB = Bye-Bye

CT = Can’t Take The Way

HE = Hero

MH = Make It Happen

TG = There’s Got To Be A Way

TR = Through The Rain

TH = Thriumphant

TW = Twister

WB = When You Believe

OH = 100%

Second, the reseacher codding the stanza of the lyric using number 1 until

the last.

2. The researcher classify the stanza that contain noun, verb, adverbs, adjective,

wh-clause, that-clause,verb phrase, sentence type, and figurative language.

3. The researcher reducing the data into unit that contains the elements.

4. The researcher analysing the figurative languages or the traditional figure of

speech (schemes and tropes) is often useful categories as follow:

a. Does the lyrics contain any Similies? How do they convey the motivational



b. Does the lyrics contain any Symbols? How do they convey the motivational


c. Does the lyrics contain any Personifications? How do they convey the

motivational messages?

d. Does the lyrics contain any Alliterations? How do they convey the

motivational messages?

e. Does the lyrics contain any Anaphoras? How do they convey the

motivational messages?

f. Does the lyrics contain any Antithesis? How do they convey the

motivational messages?

g. Does the lyrics contain any Climaxs? How do they convey the motivational


h. Does the lyrics contain any Hyperboles? How do they convey the

motivational messages?

5. The researcher analysing the lexical categories to convey the motivational

messages that consist of:

a. NOUN. Are the noun abstract or concrete? What kinds of abstract noun

occurs (e.g. Noun referring to events, perceptions, processes, moral

qualities, social qualities)?

b. VERBS. Do the verbs carry an important part of the meaning. Are they

stative (referring to states) or dynamic ( referring to actions, event, etc)? Do

they refer to movements, physical acts, speech acts, psychological states or

activities, perceptions ? How do they convey the motivational messages?


c. ADJECTIVES. Are there adjectives frequent? How do they convey the

motivational messages?

d. ADVERBS. Are adverbs frequent? What functions do they perform (

manner, place, direction, time, degree, etc.)? How do they convey the

motivational messages?

6. The researcher analysing the gramatical categorize that consist of:

a. SENTENCE TYPES. Does the author use only statements (declarative

sentences), or does she also use questions, commands, exclamations, or

minor sentences types ( such as sentences with no verb)? what is their

function in conveying the motivationals messages?

b. CLAUSE TYPE. What types of nominal clauses ( that- clauses, wh-

clauses)? If these clause types are used, what is their functions in conveying

motivationals messages?

7. The researcher interpreting the lyrics that contain motivational messages in the

description chapter.

8. The researcher describe the result of questionaire that related to motivational


G. Interpretation

This step covered the interpretations of the entire songs. In this case, the motivational messages were interpreted based on the discovering of Mariah

Carey’s contemplatation of the linguistic features. It was very important to give deeper visions and a new look about the description of the messages. Also, it

54 showed how the linguistic elements were exemplified based on lexical and gramatical and the exploitation of interesting figurative languages.



A. Description of the Data

The data about Mariah Carey’s style in conveying her motivational messages through her song entitled “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero,

Make It Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant,

Twister, When You Believe, 100% “ were identified and classified into three categories: figurative languages elements, Lexical Categories Elements, and

Gramatical Categories Elements.

B. Figurative Languages

The data about figurative languages within Mariah Carey’s motivational songs entitled “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s

Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant, Twister, When You Believe,

100% ” were identified and classified based on classification bellow: simile, symbol, personification, alliteration, anaphora, antithesis, climax, and hyperbole.

The summary of figurative languages categories is shown in the following table.

Table 1. Summary of Figurative Languages in Mariah Carey’s songs

Song Total % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Simile F 4 0 1 1 0 1 4 1 1 1 14.0 13.21 % 28. 0 7.1 7.1 0 7.1 28. 7.1 7.1 7.1 100.0 6 6 Symbol F 0 4 3 3 1 1 8 1 2 1 24.0 22.64 % 0 16. 12. 12. 4. 4.2 33. 4.2 8.3 4.2 100.0


6 5 5 2 3 Personif F 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 8.0 7.54 ication % 0 0 12. 12. 0 0 37. 25 12. 0 100.0 5 5 5 5 Alliterat F 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2.0 1.90 ion % 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 100.0 Anapho F 7 0 1 2 1 5 3 0 1 2 22.0 20.75 ra % 31. 0 4.5 9.1 4. 22. 13. 0 4.5 9.1 100.0 8 5 8 6 Antithes F 1 5 1 3 0 0 2 2 0 1 15.0 14.15 is % 6.7 33. 6.7 20 0 0 13. 13.3 0 6.7 100.0 3 3 Climax F 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 6.0 5.66 % 0 16. 16. 33. 0 16. 0 0 16. 0 100.0 7 7 2 7 7 Hyperb F 5 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 1 2 15.0 14.15 ole % 33. 6.6 0 6.6 0 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 13. 100.0 4 4

Fom table 1, we can see that figurative languages that is dominated used by the author to convey her motivational message in her song is “symbol” by representative’s symbol: 24 out of 106 or 22.64%. The song with number “7” entitled triumphant, had the highest representation of lyric that contained symbol by representative: 8 out of 24 or 33.33%. It means that the author created many symbolism in her song entitled triumphant. The author symbolized something or someone to convey her motivational message.

The second figurative language used by the author is anaphora. It has 22 out of 106 or 20.75%. The author created five symbolism in her song entitled

“Through The Rain” which is defined by 5 out of 22 or 22.8%. the repetition of words or sentence used by the author in her 8 out off 10 songs. The author didn’t use anaphora to concey her motivational messages in two songs, entitled Can’t

Take That Away and Twister which defined by: 0 out off 22 or 0 %.


The next figurative languages used by the author in conveying her motivational message were antithesis and hyperbole. They had the same representation, which was defined by 15 out of 106 or 14.15%. The author created 3 sentences in the forth song entitled “ Make It Happen “ which was represented 3 out off 13 or 20%.

In conveying her motivational message, the author also used the next figurative language, simile. It was 14 out of 106 or 13.21% of the figurative languages in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs. These were two songs that had the same representative of figurative language such as Bye-bye and triumphant, which had representation 4 out off 14 or 28.6%. in the other side, these were two songs that had no simile entitled” Can’t Take That Away and There’s Got To Be A


The next figurative language was personification. It had 8 out of 106 or

7.54% of all the figurative languge used by Mariah Carey. The highest representation was 37.5% or 3 out off 8 that took place in the seventh song, thriumphant. The author didn’t use personification in some of her songs.

In conveying her motivational message, the author also used climax as the next figurative language. It had 6 out of 106 of all figurative language or 5.66%.

Again , the author took 2 climaxs in her song entitled “Make It Happen” that had

2 out of 6 or 33.2%.

The last figurative language used by Mariah Carey in her motivational song was alliteration. The author used alliteration to make the song interesting. In

58 her motivational song, the author presented 1.89% of alliteration of all figurative language or 2 out of 106. The author placed the alliteration in the seventh song entitled “ triumphant.”

1. Analysis of Simile

Similies were exploited to give comparison between two distinctly different things of the author ideas and vision. The exploitations of similies were signed by the occurrences of the words such as like, as, and even as. The summary of simile will be shown in the table bellow:

Table 2. The summary of similies in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 4 0 1 1 0 1 4 1 1 1 14.0 % 28.4 0 7.2 7.2 0 7.2 28.4 7.2 7.2 7.2 100.0

From table 2 it can be seen that there were two songs with high reprentative of simile. The songs that had high representative of simile were Bye- bye and triumphant by representative 4 out of 14 or 28.4%. In the other side, there were 2 songs that had no simile, such as Can’t Take That Away and There’s Got

To Be A Way, with 0 representation of 100%. In conveying her motivational message, Mariah used simile in her lyrics as the comparison between two different things. The example of simile in Mariah’s songs were:


(BB8)As a child there were them times.

In this sentence, Mariah compared her own time when she was creating the song with her child period of time in the last. The condition was so different, as if she wanted to come back in her childhood. She expressed her willing in this song so she used simile with the word “as” as the sign of comparison. Again,

Mariah created a simile in her lyric to express her feeling about hurt, as follow:

(BB20)I never know I could hurt like this.

The author, Mariah carey created this sentence that contained simile by using the word “like” as the sign of there was a comparison about her feeling.

She tried to exprees her feeling about loosing of her father. She was hurt when her father was passed away. In this song, she also stated although her father was passed away then he didn’t stay here with her but she believed that her father was loved her somuch in his peace. Then, Mariah tried to express her feeling about time, she not only compared her child time to her adult time, but she created the other simile, we could see:

(BB24)As time goes by (BB25)and soon as you reach a better place. Mariah touched the listener with her beautiful poetic words. She imagine when the time goes by as soon as she will reach a better place for the rewards of his father’s effort. Actually in this song Mariah told the story of her real life about her feeling when she was lost her beloved father. Then she also symbolized the words a better place meant the because she told about her father who was

60 passed away. The high peace of a dead person is heaven. The last simile that created by Mariah in her first motivational song, Bye-bye, Mariah choosed to compare her feeling as follow:

(BB28)It feels like you gone too soon.

In her song entitle “Bye-bye” she expressed her love for her beloved father. She said that she felt the time gone to soon because she met with her father just in a few time. In this song, Mariah Carey composed 4 sentences in her lyrics that contained similies.

The next motivational song of Mariah Carey was” Can’t Take That

Away.” In this song, the author didn’t use simile in her lyric. It proved by representative of simile in this song is 0% out of 100%.

The third song of Mariah that contained simile was “Hero”. From table

2, it could be see that Mariah as the composer of this song used only single sentence in her lyric that contained simile, such as:

(HE13)So when you feel like hope is gone.

Mariah Carey expressed her feeling used simile. In the sentence above,

Mariah composed a lyric to express that she gave up so she felt like her hope is gone far from her. Again, Mariah Carey also created the next simile in her song entitled ”Make It Happen” as follow:


(MH23)And you feel like giving up.

In this lyric, Mariah showed up the other person when they felt like giving up. In her forth song, Mariah only used single simile in her lyric that had representative 1 out of 14 or 7.1% of all the figurative language in her

Motivational song. While in her fifth song, entitled ” There’s Got To Be A Way,”

Mariah didn’t take simile in creating her lyrics.

Again, the author tried to create a beautiful lyric in her next song, we could see:

(TR23) And when the wind blows, and as shadows grow dose don’t be afraid.

In this occasion, Mariah used beautiful poetic words to convey her motivational message in her song. The author compared the blowing winds with shadows grow. Again, Mariah also used symbolizm in this lyric. She symbolized the wind bolws that meant of the problem that happen in us, so Mariah said “don’t be afraid. “It can be conclude if we face the problem we must use our power to solve the problem we may not arfarid of the problem. In this motivational song entitled “Through The Rain,” Mariah composed single simile in her lyrics by representative 1 out of 14 or 7.1%.

Triumphant was the seventh motivational song of Mariah that contained similes in its lyrics. It proved by high representative of all, 4 out off 106 or 28.4%. this representative was similar with the representative of the first song. These were 4 sentences that created by Mariah as follow:


(TH31)Path that I choose flashing cameras as I pose.

In this sentence, Mariah want to make the similarity between her own thing and the other thing. Mariah used the word “as” was being the sign of simile. She imagine her life like as a path then she also imagine that her way of life is her pose when she choosed flashing the camera.

(TH32)Throwing big money as she dances oh the pole.

The author imagine the difficulty of someone in order to get somehing, she must do something difficult to get it or to solve the problem, so the author use the sentence throwing big money as her imagination of something that was difficult to do and Mariah as the author of this song entitled “ triumphant” used the sentence

“ dances in the pole” as something difficult to reliaze.

(TH37)Red bottom boss house big as baltimore.

In this sentence, the author used the word “as” as the sign if there was a comparison between red bottom boss house and baltimore. In this lyric, Mariah as the composer of this song, created a sentence that contained double figurative language, simile and alliteration. In order to make her song easy listening, she composed double figurative language that told like a narrative story.


(TH40)Smoking like Pimp C, spoken like a trill nigga.

It was the last simile in this song that composed by Mariah Carey. She compared the attitude of someone, if he smoke, he likes Pimp C, but in the other side, if he spoken, he likes a trill nigga. The author compared noun to another noun.

The next motivational song of Mariah Carey was entitled ” twister”. This song contained 1 out of 14 or 7.1% of figurative language. The song that told about someone’s feeling who diforce with her lovely. We could see:

(TW5)Child like and effervescent.

The author expressed her feeling of joyfull by comparing child time and use the word ” as” as the sign that there was a simile. Sometimes, Mariah remind her childhood when her father was near with her because she love her father so much so sometimes she also took her emotion related to her father in her songs.

Again, the author created the other simile in her next motivational song entitled “

When You Believe” as follow:

(WB16)Hope seems like the summer bird.

The author created single simile in this song by representative 1 out of 14 or 7.1%. Mariah compared hope with the summer bird, because sometimes, the hope gone away from us, but in the other side, the hope come near with us in the certain time likes the summer bird that comes in a summer time. Then, in her

64 tenth motivational song entitled “ 100%,” Mariah created the last simile as follow:

(OH26)You can only do it if you do it like I do.

Again, Mariah as the composer of this song, created 1 out of 14 or 7.1% of all similes. Mariah compared the other’s ability in doing something with her own ability. She used the word “ like” to give the comparison. She tried to show the other person if she had the influence to other person arround her. She was confident when she said the the other person could only do like her.

There were the differences between the representative of simile in the first song to another songs of Mariah Carey. In the motivational songs of Mariah entitled “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got

To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant, Twister, When You Believe,

100% “ the high representation of simile placed in the first song entitled “ Bye- bye” and the seventh song entitled ”Triumphant”. It had 4 out of 14 or 28.4%.

There were six motivational songs that also had the same representative of simile in its lyrics by representative 1 out of 14 or 7.1%. Inspite of in the second song and fifth song of her, Mariah Carey didn’t use simile in her lyric to convey her motivational messages.

2. Analysis of Symbol

The author made her motivational messages more interesting besides, by exploiting symbolism in her song. Something concrete (like a person, object,

65 image, word or event) that stand for something abstract or invisible. The summary of symbol will be shown in the table bellow:

Table 3. The summary of Symbol in Mariah’s songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 0 4 3 3 1 1 8 1 2 1 24.0 % 0 16.8 12.5 12.5 4.1 4.1 33.5 4.1 8.3 4.1 100.0

From table 3, it can be seen that the highest representative of symbol was the seventh song, Triumphant by representative 8 out of 24 or 33.5%. In the first song, there was contained no symbolism. In expressing her feeling and conveying her motivational messages, Mariah used some symbolisms in creating her song lyric. In her second motivational song entitled ” Can’t Take That Away”, Mariah created 4 out of 24 or 16.8% as follow:

(CT9)There’s a light in me (CT10)that shines brightly. The author symbolized light as a spirit of her life. How confident she was in this momment. She strongly confident and believing on her own skill as if she didn’t need hand from others. Again, the author also used symbolism to convey her message about hope and aim that similar meaning of it such as,

(CT4)Hanging clouds over me.

Mariah used the words “hanging clouds” that represent the meaning of hope of someone that hang highly in her life. Cloud placed in the top of our head

66 that symbolized our aim or our hope in the future. In her second song of motivation, Mariah also created the next symbol, such as,

(CT21)The darkness will fade.

In this lyric, the author symbolized the sorrow as the darkness because these words related to something that made someone being sad. After she has expreesed her missing feeling of her father in her song entitled “ Bye-bye” now in this song she told more about her feeling. She felt that she didn’t face the world alone by taking this way. The last symbolism in this song that created by Mariah as follow:

(CT32)But I won’t face the ground alone.

Mariah as the author, composed this song used beautiful poetic words, also in expressing her feeling about giving up in facing the world as the real life, she created the lyric above. She symbolize the ground as her action of gave up because the context of ground is something that placed in the bottom of the earth.

The next motivational song of Mariah that contained symbol in its lyric was Hero. It had 3 out of 24 or 12.5%. In relation to convey her understanding of spirit in her life, Mariah symbolized “ hero” as her own spirit, such as:

(HE1)There’s a hero.

Mariah also believe that she had her own power in side of her self. She symbolized “hero” as her skill and her own spirit. In the other context, Hero also

67 had similar meaning to a kind of patriot like Spiderman or the other. Then, Mariah also symbolized the world as the real life that must be faced by stating:

(HE18)And you face the world alone.

The last symbolism in this song that created by Mariah in conveying her feeling about clumsy of people or another thing arround her, Mariah symbolized

“a hand” as “a help” by stating:

(HE19)No one reaches out a hand.

The next motivational song of Mariah was Make It Happen. It had the similar representative of symbol with the song before it, by representative 3 out of

24 or 12.5%. Related to the song before it, in this song, Mariah as the author of this song created symbol to convey her feeling about clumsy of people or another thing arround her , such as:

(MH5)No proper shoes upon my feet.

The author said that she had no proper shoes upon her feet it means that she not yet get her own appropriate character of her self. She thought that she was alone when she was facing the problem of life, she express her aloness feeling if she feels like she not yet have the way of life. Again, Mariah also created the next symbol to express her ideas about how should we prayed to the God by stating:

(MH18)And if you get down on your knees at night.


Get down our knees at night means that we get prayer to the Almighty

God. We done pray to the God, we must reliaze that God’s desire of us will change if we Pray to him and believe on him. The last symbol in this song, Mariah symbolized her feet as her spirit of her life as follow:

(M37)I got my feet.

In the fifth motivational song of mariah, she created only single symbol in her song lyric by representative 1 out of 24 or 4.1%. In this song, Mariah conveyed her motivational message about social by symbolized the poor people as the hungry children,such as :

(TG31)And hungry children won’t have to die.

Related to the last motivational message of Mariah about social, in her sixth motivational song entitled “ twister”, Mariah created single lyric contained symbol to convey her message about believe by representative 1 out of 24 or 4.1% by stating:

(TR32)I can make it through the rain.

The highest representative of symbol in Mariah Carey’s motivational song was the seventh song of Mariah entitled ” triumphant” by representative 8 out of

24 or 33.5%. First, Mariah symbolized an event that related to her view of the effort to get what she want in her life, by stating:

(TH20)But I ain’t gon’stop.” Cause I’m gon climb.


In this lyric, Mariah Carey tried to tell somebody using lyric that contained verb that refering an event. Event when someone was gone to climb a mountain.

Climb a mountain is a kind of activity or event. In Mariah side, she symbolized when somebody was climbing the mountain it meant that she was acting in order to get something, so when she still had sprit in doing these event or these action she couldn’t stop their action to reach the top of the mountain.

Second, in this song Mariah as the composer of this song created the next symbol that related to the symbol before it, by smbolized the mountain top as her hope, as follow:

(TH21)To the mountain top.

Every human beings had their own aim and hope in their life,so do

Mariah. She wanted to convey her motivational message by symbolized the mountain top as her aim and hope in her life. Third, in conveying her message that she won’t gave up in her life, she stated:

(TH23)Stay on your toes.

Mariah tried to ask everybody who listens to her song in order to we always stay on our founded. If it’s true we must keep the truth in a hand don’t easily to believe in the other persons words. We wust stay on our principles of life.

Forth, the author tried to symbolized aim and hope in another thing that similar meaning of it such as,


(TH28)Reach for the star.

Mariah had many aims and hopes in her life. She want to express her aim and hope in the song lyrics by symbolizing the star as her hope because star is something that related hang highly in the top of the sky. Fifth, in conveying her message about believe, the subtitution were exploited such as,

(TH41)On a cloudy day can make it rain.

Mariah tried to ask the listeners of her song to look at the real fact that happen arround them. Especially when we were facing the problem and we felt like give up, don’t worry be happy, we must believe if we have the power inside ourselves, we can look the reality, we believe if we have big power inside of us so no matter at all , we can get what we want like when the day was cloudy we could say that a few times latter there was a rain, simple as that.

Sixth, Mariah also symbolized her effort to get something that she want in her life to the words “the deeper game” by stating:

(TH47The game get deeper.

Mariah used the word game to make the listener felt like listen a narrative story. In her song entitled” triumphant,” she selected some verbs that appropriate to the narrative text. She composed the lyric like a narrative story in order to her song easy listening.

Seventh, in expressing her difficulties in her life, Mariah tried to symbolize “ropes” as the difficulty such as,


(TH50)Get off the ropes.

The ropes was symbolized as the problem. Again and again, Mariah tried to motivate everyone who listens to her songs in order to come up from the problem with our power that lies inside us. Believe in ourselves is the key way.

Eighth, related to the last symbol in the stanza before it, Mariah also created this symbol to symbolize the difficulty in her life , such as:

(TH69)Inspite of the chains that blind you.

The next motivational song of Mariah, twister, contained one symbol in its lyrics by representative 1 out of 24 or 4.1%. In this song, Mariah wanted to express her feeling about pain and sorrow that related to her life, so she created a symbol in the lyrics of this song, such as:

(TW6)With a well of pain.

In her motivational song entitled” When you believe” Mariah composed double symbols in her lyrics by representative 2 out of 24 or 8.3%. First, Mariah used beautiful poetic words in her symbolism such as,

(WB7)We were moving mountain long.

In relating of getting her aim, Mariah expressed her feeling that she needed long time to get it, she symbolizing that she was moving mountain for reach her hope. Second, the author symbolized her hope with the summer bird, by stating:


(WB16)The summer bird.

The last symbol that created by Mariah in conveying her motivational message through her song entitled” 100%” by representative 1 out of 24 or 4.1%.

Mariah smbolized something thatb being perfect by stating:


There were the conclusion of the description about symbol used by

Mariah Carey in her ten motivational songs as follow:

From ten songs of Mariah, there was one song that had the highest representative of symbol. It was the seventh song entitled ”triumphant.” It had 8 out of 24 or 33.5% then, Mariah didn’t use symbol in her motivational song entitled ” Bye-bye” by representative 0 out of 24 or 0%. Next, there were 4 songs that had the similar representative of symbol used in the lyrics by representative 1 out of 24 or 4.1%. again, Mariah used 2 out of 24 or 8.3% of symbol in her song entitled ” When you believe.” The last, Mariah also created symbol in her song entitled ” Can’t Take That Away” by representative 4 out of 24 or 16.8%.

3. Analysis of Personification.

The composer used personification to make her motivational messages richer and more interesting. Besides, by exploiting personification, the author hoped that the messages came so life. So, the occurences of personification could reinforce the thoughts in each song. In this case, the author tried to animate the object or an abstract concept with human features. The summary of

73 personification used by Mariah Carey in her song lyrics will be shown in the table bellow:

Table 4. The summary of Personification in Mariah Carey’s songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 8.0 % 0 0 12.5 12.5 0 0 37.5 25 12.5 0 100.0

From table 5. It can be seen that the highest representation of song that contained personification in its lyric was the seventh seong entitled ” triumphant” by representative 3 out of 8 or 37.5%. Furthermore, Mariah as the composer of these songs created her lyrics using personification with the similar representative in 3 song of ten, which were entitled ”Hero, Make It Happen, and When you believe,” by representative 1 out of 8 or 12.5%. Inspite of the other songs that had representative of personification in its lyrics, there were 5 songs that had no personification in its lyrics by representative 0 out of 8 or 0%. Mariah created her songs lyrics using personification as follow:

(HE34)Dreams are hard to follow.

In relation to convey her vision about dream, the author tried to personify dream. The sentence could be interpret when we had a dream in this contex was hope or aim, it hard to follow because dream is symbolizing something that is unreal condition of someone. They have a dream when they are sleeping so

Mariah tried to personify it. Again, the author created the next personification in the next song entitle” Make it happen,” It can be seen:


(MH22)I know life can so be tough.

In the expression above, Mariah looked at the essence of life, so she tried to personify the word “life.” Then, in her song entitled “ triumphant,” Mariah took more personification in her song lyrics such as,

(TH33)Lime green Lamborghini dances in the road.

In this case, the author used beautiful poetic words to create a personification in this song.

(TH65)Can’t fall down now, so even when clouds surround you.

In this lyric that contained personification, Mariah expressed her feeling that she was dissapointed with other’s attitude, so she combine symbolism and personification in this sentence by animated an object by personify them.

(TH69)Inspite of the chains blind you.

In looking her essence of pain and difficulties in her life, Mariah tried to personify her though by used this sentence. Then, in her next song entitled” twister”, Mariah aslo create double personification in her lyric, as follow:

(TW13)Her laughter sent you casually.

The author personify her message used the word “laughter.” Mariah wanted to express her feeling that she underestimate with the other person who had bit a bush about her, because she believed that bad attitude from other would make her get her succeed casually.


(TW11)Twister went and threw it all away.

In looking the essence of pain, again, Mariah created this personification in her song lyrics. Furthermore, in the next song entitled” When you believe”

Mariah also create the next personification to convey her feeling about pain and difficulties in her life, as follow:

(WB31)But when you’re blinded by your pain.

From ten motivational songs of Mariah Carey, these were 5 songs that contained personification in its lyrics. The highest representation of personification was the seventh song entitled” triumphant” by representative

37.5% or 3 out of 8. In another side, Mariah didn’t use personification in five songs by representative 0 out of 8 or 0%.

4. Analysis of Alliteration

Alliteration is a literary device that repeats a speech sound in a sequence of words that are close to each other. Alliteration typically uses consonants at the beginning of a word to give stress to its syllable. Alliteration plays a very crucial role in poetry and literature. It provides a work with musical rhythms. Poems that use alliteration are read and recited with more interest and appeal. Poems with alliteration can be easier to memorize. Alliteration lends structure, flow, and beauty to any piece of writing.

Alliteration is a creative tool used in turning prose and poetry into more interesting and memorable pieces of literature, especially when recited. This

76 device is it’s a fun play of words that brings out the imaginations of the writer and the reader or the listener.

Table 5. The summary of Alliteration in Mariah Carey’s songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2.0 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 100.0

From table 5, it can be seen that only one song entitled “ triumphant” that contained alliteration by representative 2 out of 2 or 100%. The alliteration that created by Mariah in her song as follow:

(TH37)Red bottom boss house big as baltimore.

Mariah used the consonant of “b” at the beginning of the words that contained alliteration. The series of these words that starting with the conconant ” b” not only produce a beautiful voice but also produce a unique voice. The essense of uniqueness was show up by Mariah Carey. Again, Mariah also created the next alliteration used the consonant of “b” at the beginning of the words in the sentence that contained alliteration by creating beautiful poetic words as follow:

(TH38)With a blonde bomshell try’in to born with your .

It can be concluded that Mariah only used alliteration in her song entitled

”triumphant” by representative 2 out of 2 or 100%. Mariah used this device to play fun with brings out the imagination of the writer and the reader or the listeners.


5. Analysis of Anaphora

The author used anaphora as the repetition of a word or several words at the beginning of successive lines, clauses or sentences. Of course the function of anaphora is to give a deepest impression towards the reader or the listeners in order to understand the messages easily. The summary of Anaphora in mariah’s song will be shown in a table bellow:

Table 6. The summary of Anaphora in Mariah Carey’s songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 7 0 1 2 1 5 3 0 1 2 22 % 31.8 0 4.5 9 4.5 20.25 12.2 0 4.5 9 100.0

From table 6, it can be seen that there were 22 anaphora in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs. The song that had the highest representation of anaphora was the sixth song entitled ” Through The Rain” by representative 5 out of 22 or

20.25%. There were two songs that had no anaphora in its lyrics, by representation 0 out of 22 or 0%. The author didn’t took anaphora inher songs entitled ” Bye-bye” and “Twister. ” In the forth song and ninth song, Mariah took the similar representation in each songs, by representative 2 out of 22 or 9%.

Again, Mariah created 3 songs that had similar representative of anaphora, 1 out of 22 or 4.5%. Mariah used repetition of a word or several words in the beginning of successive line in her song lyric, as follow:

(BB2)Your best friend, your baby, your man, your lady.


Mariah repeated the word your in this lyric in one stanza. She explored her definition of someone who was special in her life by stating her friend, her baby, her man, her lady. In this lyric Mariah didn’t mention the word “father” meanwhile the content of this song was full of Mariah’s expression about her feeling related to her father.

(BB5)Mamas,daddies,sisters,brothers, friends and cousins.

The author used the words that ended by suffix-s in this sentence. She mentioned her special person in her life, then she ended the words by suffix –s.

Mariah mentioned the word “daddies” that has similar meaning with the word

“father.” Although in the anaphora before she didn’t mention father in her repetition words but she was full dedicated this song for her father.

(BB9)I didn’t get it but you kept me in line (BB10) Ididn’t know why you didn’t show up sometimes. In the ninth and tenth stanza of the first song, the author created repetition in the beginning or the sentence used the words “ I didn’t.” In there, Mariah wanted to confirm if she didn’t get something and she also didn’t know something, so she tried to give the confirmation about it to the others, especially the confirmation about the chance.

(BB15)You never let me know it (BB16)you never let show. The author used 3 similar words that repeated in the beginning of the lyrics in the first song. Inspite of this song dedicated to her father, she strongly state

79 about her father character when he was life. Her father never let Mariah about his love to Mariah and he also never let show the love to Mariah directly so in this side, Mariah tried to express her feeling.

(BB22)I wish I could talk to you for awhile (BB23)I wish I could find a way try not to cry. In conveying her motivational message about the essence of hope, she expressed her feeling by creating these repetition in the beginning of the sentences using 4 similar words. “ I Wish I Could” these words had deep meaning of

Mariah. These series of sentence represented Mariah’s hope. The reality was contrast with Mariah’s hope. Again, Mariah tried to tell somebody about her real condition that she couldn’t talk to her father anymore because her father was passed away. It impossible when someone was lost her beloved father then he or she didn’t cry. The fact showed that there was a contrasting condition between

Mariah’s hope and the reality, so she tried to show it by creating this lyrics.

(BB30)And you never got the chance to see how good I’ve done (BB31) And you never got to see me back at number one. Mariah repeated 4 similar words in these sentences by starting the sentence using conjunction and. She wanted to give deep statement if her father was gone far way and he never comes back anymore. The first sentence told that Mariah said if her fatherdidn’t have a chance to see her succeed, then she continued her statement if her father couldn’t see her again in thir world.

(BB32)I wish that you were here to celebrate together (BB33) I wish that we could spend the holidays together.


Again, Mariah expressed her feeling of hope and wish, she used 3 similar words that repeated in the beginning of the lyric. Mariah tried to express her strong wishes if she want to spend her times together with her beloved father so she repeat the words I, wish, and that twice.

(HE11)And you cast your fear aside (HE12)And you know you can survive. Again, the author choosed conjuction “and” as the repeatation word in the beginning of the sentence, in this occasion the conjuction “and” followed by the word “you.” Mariah wanted to strongly show if somebody can survive from the problem if he or she cast the fear aside.

(MH11)I held on to my faith (MH12) I strunggled and I prayed. Mariah Carey repeated the word I in this sentence. she imagine that she was being a part of these song, so she used the word “I”.

(MH18)And if you get down on your knees at night (MH19)and pray to the Lord. Related to the motivational message that want conveyed by Mariah as the composer of this song, again, in this lyric, Mariah prefer used the conjuction and in her repetition. There was a sentence series between the first sentence and the second sentence. the composer tried to give the statement used repeatation in the beginning of these sentences.

(TG5)Some of us don’t even wonder (TG6) some of us don’t ever care.


The author repeated 4 similar words in the beginning of the sentences.

Mariah wanted to tell the listener that some of the people arround her didn’t care with her and underestimate of hers. She told some people that being the part of her group attitude of her.

(TR1)When you get caught in the rain with no where to run (TR2)when you’re distraught and in pain without anyone (TR3)when you keep crying out to be saved. Mariah composed these lyrics in order to she could express her message about the people who is facing the worst problem of their life and also tried to motivate them to come up from the problem with their own selves.

(TR4)And nobody comes (TR5)And you feel so far away. Again, in this lyric Mariah choosed conjunction and as the beginning of her lyrics. She expressed her feeling when nobody was care with hers and she felt that she gone away from them.

(TR9)I can make it through the rain (TR10) I can stand up once again on . This sentences related to the last anaphora, because the purpose in conveying the message in this sentence in the last sentence before it as similar.

She tried to strongly stated if she can. It meant that she had an inner motivation of herselft.

(TR11)And I know that I’m strong enough to mend (TR12)and every time feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith


(TR13)and I live one more day and I make it through the rain. In these occasion, conjunction and choosen by Mariah as the composer of this song to start the anaphora or the repetition of these sentencesto express ther message about the people who is facing thw worst problem of their life and also try to motivate them to come up from their problem.

(TR33)And I live once again (TR34)and I live one more day (TR35)and I can make it through the rain. The author took 2 similar words in the beginning of these sentences.

Mariah as the composer of this song expressed her feeling how serious the problem that they faced, they only believing in their selves, so they must be faced their problem,so Mariah explored much of anaphora in her song.

(TH1)Get’em; get’em; get’em.

Mariah placed these words in her song entitled “triumphant,” to express her feeling and made this song easy listening. Related to the next anaphora created by Mariah, as follow:

(TH2)Hit’em; hit’em; hit’em.

Again, Mariah composed the beautiful words to make her song easy listening, one of her tricks by creating this anaphora in her lyrics.

(TH93)They told me get’em I got em (TH94) They told me get’em I got em.


In these lyrics , Mariah motivated everyone who listen her song to keep spirit in their life. Let the other hate us, say the bad thing of us, but we must proved to them if we were the best and we could make them down by looking our success.

(WB47)You will when you believe (WB48) you will when you. In her ninth song that contained motivational messages, Mariah created these lyrics by using anaphora. Related to her messages, in conveying her motivational message about the power of will anf believe that we can faced it all, in this song, Mariah expressed her feeling by creating these anaphora.

(OH12)I’m a believer not just a dreamer (OH13)I’m givin everything I got (OH14)I’m a go-getter. Mariah wanted to convey her message that never stop our effort till we get our success, so the author explored the lyrics above by creating anaphora in its.

She described herself morethan two times. First, she said that she is a believer not just a dreamer it means that she had dreams but not only just dream, she also had believe if the dreams will come true then second. She said that she is gining everything she got. Kit means that she will do everything to get her dreams come true then she also stated that she is a go- getter, it menas that she has the realization or the real act to get her dreams. Related to the last anaphora in her motivational song as follow,

(OH21)If you’re putting in a hundred put ones uo, ones up


(OH22)If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up (OH23)If you really comprehend this feel, your ones up, ones up (OH24)If you’re walking into victory keep on shining. Finally, in the last song of this research, Mariah Carey as the composer of this song entitled “ 100%” created the last anaphora in her song lyrics by using 2 similar words, if and you in the beginning of these sentences, that contained the moral message to continue our fight and don’t be hopless in a difficult period of our life. In these lyrics that contained anphora, Mariah also conveyed her message that life must go on in100%. Never stop till the end of our life.

It can be concluded that in her motivational song, in this case the motivational song choosed by the researcher entitled “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That

Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain,

Triumphant, Twister, When You Believe, 100% “ Mariah used 22 of anaphora in her lyrics. The song that had highest representative of anavphora was the first song entitled ” Bye-bye” by representative 7 out of 22 or 31.8%. But, in conveying her motivational message, Mariah didn’t create anaphora in her songs entitled “Can’t Take That Away” and “ Twister” by representative 0 out of 22 or

0%. Then, in 3 songs entitled “There’s Got To Be A Way; Hero; When You


The author took the similar representative of anaphora in each songs by representative 1 out of 22 or 4.5% of all. Then, Mariah as the composer of these song entitled “Make It Happen” and “ 100%” created 2 out of 22 or 9% . In her sixth song entitled “Through The Rain” she took more than the song before it, 5

85 out of 22 or 20.25% of anaphora, then in her song entitled “ thriumphant,”

Mariah Carey created 3 out of 22 or 12.2% of anaphora.

6. Analysis of Antithesis

In conveying her motivational messages, the author used antithesis. An opposition or contrast of ideal was expressed by using words, which are the opposites of, or strongly contrasted with each other. in the other words, Antithesis is saying the opposite of what you really mean, for effect.

Table 7. The summary of Antithesis in Mariah Carey’s songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 1 5 1 3 0 0 2 2 0 1 15.0 % 6.6 33.3 6.6 18.7 0 0 12.1 12.1 0 6.6 100.0

From table 7, it can be seen that Mariah Carey created 15 antithesis in her song lyrics. The highest representation of Antithesis used by Mariah was the second song entitled “ Can’t take that Way” by reprersentative 5 out of 15 or

33.3%. Mariah also created the other antithesis to make her song beautiful in the forth song by representative 3 out of 15 or 18.7%. then, the composer created antithesis with similar representative in the seventh and eighnth song by representative 2 out of 15 or 12.1%.

Mariah also created the same representative of antithesis in the first song entitled “ Bye-bye” and the third and tenth songs entitled” Hero” and “100%,” by representative 1 out of 15 or 6.6%. Inspite of these, Mariah didn’t ceate

86 antithesis in the fifth, sixth and ninth song of hers by representative 0 out of 15 or

0%. The discussion about antithesis in Mariah’s song lyrics, as follow:

(BB9)Ididn’t get it but you kept me in line.

In the first song entitled ” Bye-bye, ” Mariah created only single antithesis. In this sentence contin the word” but” that means there was a contrast in this occasion. In the beginning Mariah said that she didn’t get what she want, but in the next sentence she said that the others kept her in line. It was clear that a contrast idea placed in these sentence.

(CT1)They can say they want to say (CT2)try to bring me down (CT3)but I will not allow anyone to succeed (CT4)hanging clouds over me. In conveying her motivational message that she was an independence one, she kept her spirit in these sentence. She expressed that the other person could say anything about Mariah, but they can decrease Mariah’s motivation to get her success.

(CT5)And they can try hard to make me feel (CT6) that I don’t matter at all (CT7)but I refuse to falter in what I believe (CT8) or lose faith in my dreams. In relation with the last antithesis that created by mariah in the stanza before, in these sentences, Mariah showed that there was a constrasting idea between the first statement and the second statement of Mariah. Inspite of these,

87 mariah still was being optimistic in her life, although the other made hers gave up in reaching her aim, but she was still believe in her selft that she could do anything.

(CT9)’Cause there’s, there’s a light in me (CT10)that shines brightly (CT11)they can try (CT12)but they can’t take that away from me. Again, in the second motivational songs of hers, mariah wanted to convey her message to the listener of her song that although she got the bad attitude from others, she relieazed that others could try to made Mariah gave up, but in the othr side, Mariah believed that she had an ability in the inner of her selft, spirit that made her strong in her life, so she said “there’s a light in me.”

(CT14)Oh they, they can do anything they want to you (CT15)if you let them in (CT16)but they won’t ever win. By stating these sentences, Mariah conveyed her motivational message about her effort to get her succeed, the author tried to strongly to contrast her vision. It was enough clear that Mariah believed that she would be the winner of her live not her fighters.

(CT30)They can say anything they want to say (CT31)try to break me down (CT32)but I won’t face the ground, (CT33) I will rise steadily sailing out of their reach.


Again, Mariah expressed her deep thoughts about her believe of her own skill , the author strongly stried to contrast her though. She thought that she didn’t matter with other’s saying about hers, no problem if the other people tried to broke her down, but she still had her own spirit in her self, she believe that she was the stong one.

(HE33)Oh oh, Lord knows (HE34)dreams are hard to follow (HE35) but don’t let anyone (HE36)Tear them away, hey yea. The composer tried to espress her messages about God and dreams,

Mariah tried to strongly contrast her thoughts. In this antithesis, Mariah created the first statement by using personification by saying “ dreams are hard to follow” that it it illogical. Someone who can be followed was human being, if dream is a kind of noun.

(MH7))I often cried my self to sleep (MH8)but still I had to keep on going. Mariah also conveyed her feeling and her motivation of her self when she faced a difficult time, she tried to contrast her thoughts by creating this antithesis in her lyrics. She stated that she often cried in her own self but she still had her spirit and she could keep in spirit.

(MH23)And you feel like giving up (MH24)but you must be strong.


Mariah conveyed her message to the other who listened in her song, if we were down in faced difficult period of us, keep it strong, don’t be sad and never give up.

(MH37)I once was lost (MH36)but now I’m found. In this sentence, there is a contrast idea in the beginning and the ending statement. Mariah said that the first, she was lost something then she said now, she was found something that she was lost before, it was clear that Mariah created an antithesis in this lyric.

(TH17)I remember they said that it ain’t my turn (TH18)but it ain’t confirmed, then the table’s turned. The composer of this song was a kind of bravely person. In expressing her bravely faced the obstacles that surround her, Mariah tried to strongly contrast with her though by saying she remember the other’s said about hers, but she thought that it couldn’t make her matter at all.

(TH19))Just look at me now, try to hold me down (TH20)but I ain’t gon’stop,”cause I’m gon’climb. Related to the antithesis before, this antithesis created by Mariah to express her bravely faced the obstacles that surround hers. She conveyed her motivational message by composed a beautiful antithesis with poetic words.

Mariah imagine that she was on climb a mountain then the other person tried to hold her down, but she always atanding bravely in top of the mountain.


(TW1))She was kind of fragile (TW2)and she had a lot of grapple with (TW3)but basically she kept it all inside. Every human beings had their own character in themselves. Mariah told the character of someone who was fragile, it mean that she was sensitif person, but in this antithesis, mariah stronglt contrast with her thought although someone who was told by hers was kind of sensitif person, but when she had a problem in her life, she could keep her problem inside her heart alone. She didn’t tell the other about her problem.

(TW24)Yeach I’m feeling kind of fragile (TW265and I’ve got a lot of handle (TW26)but I guess this is my way of saying goodbye. Mariah reliazed that she was kind of fragile, but she could handle all of her problem. She tried to convey her motivational message that everyone must believe in her own self, she was a stong woman, she believed in her own ability in doing something.

(OH27)’Cause suffering ain’t easy but if you can turn your wounds into living proof that (OH28)you’ve survived the fight (OH29)and you nolonger defined. When she had a fight with other to get what she want in this life, she tried to believe in her own power that came from her inner, she created the beautiful poetic words to convey her motivation about fight and her message that every

91 human beings should stand in her own power when she faced a difficult periodof her life.

7. Analysis of Climax

The author exploited climax in order to increase importance of the messages. The occurrences of climax could strenghthen the message conveyed.

Table 8. The summary of Climax in Mariah Carey’s songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 6.0 % 0 16.6 16.6 33.3 0 16.6 0 0 16.6 0 100.0

From table 8, it can be seen that Mariah Carey as the composer created 6 climax in her lyrics. The highest representative of climax was placed in the forth song entitled ” Make It Happen” by representative 2 out of 6 or 33.3%. Then,

Mariah created 4 songs entitled “ Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Through The

Rain, When You Believe, “ that had the similar representative of climax by representative 1 out of 6 or 16.6%. Inspite of these, Mariah didn’t use climaxs in her lyrics in specific song. The description of climaxs used by Mariah Carey in her motivational song lyrics as follow:

(CT18)See, I have learned there’s an inner peace I own (CT19)something in my soul that they cannot possess (CT20)so I won’t be afraid (CT21)and the darkness will fade.


In this case, the author wanted to convey her motivational message about the inner of everyone in facing the problems of life, so Mariah created this climax.

In these sentences, she said that she has learned her own peace in her soul that can’t be possesed by others, because of it, she is being stong in her life, she didn’t afraid of it because she released that everything gonna be okay by saying “the darkness will fade.”

(HE13)So when you feel like hope is gone, (HE14)look inside you and be strong (HE15)and you’ll finally see the thruth (HE16)that a hero lies you. Again, Mariah created the next climax in her lyric. She wanted to convey her message to believe in her own self when someone was hopeless in doing something, she must believe that she can do it, she can get what she want when she believe in her self that she was strong.

(MH31)If I would make it through the night (MH32)I held on to my faith (MH33)I strunggled and I prayed; (MH34)and no I’ve finally found my way. In relation with the God’s desire, Mariah composed the next lyrics that contained climax. Mariah had an idea that there was a relation between God and his creatures in facing the problems, so the author, Mariah Carey tried to express her idea about balancing in effort and prayer by creating these climax above.


(MH41)If you believe (MH42) Within your sould (MH43)Just hold on tight (MH44)And don’t let go; (MH45)You can make it; Make it happen. In these lyrics that created by Mariah contained climax in each part of these sentences. Mariah Carey is one of the singer that had big apprecited to

God’s desire in her life, so in conveying her message about the power of believing in the God’s desire, Mariah expressed her ideas by creating these climax above.

(TR15)You will arise safe and sound (TR16)so keep pressing on stedfastly (TR17)and you’ll find what you need to prevail what you say is. Related to the climax that created by Mariah Latter in the forth song latter, in this occasion, in the sixth song entitled “Through The Rain” Mariah Conveyed the important principles of the way to get her aim in her life, the author expressed that she will arise safe and sound in her life so she will keep pressing on steadfastly and she will find what she want in this world.

(WB27)They don’t always happen when you ask (WB28)(oh) (WB29)And it’s easy to give into your fears (WN30)(oh....ohh) (WB31)But when you’re blinded by your pain (WB32)Can’t see your way straight through the rain (WB33)small but still, resilient voice (WB34)say love is the relief


The last climax in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs was placed in the ninth song entitled ” When You Believe.” Mariah created a serial of sentences that formed a combination of beutiful climax that convey a specific message. In this series of climax, Mariah conveyed her ideas about pain and how to recover the pain.

There were the discription of Mariah’s style in conveying her motivational message by creating song lyrics that contain climax in each part of the lyric.

Frorm these description, it can be concluded that Mariah created 6 series of sentencec that contain sis climax in her song. The highest representative was the forth song entitled “ Make it Happen” by representative 2 out of 6 or 33.3%. again, mariah didn’t create series of sentences that formed of climax in her song entitled “Bye-bye, There’s Got To Be A Way, Triumphant, Twister, and 100% “ by representative 0 out of 6 or 0%.

8. Analysis of Hyperbole

The author to express her strong feeling or produce a strong impression about the essence of each song used this figurative language. Of course the explnation of hyperbole did not intend to be understood literally.

Table 9. The summary of Hyperbole in Mariah Carey’s songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 5 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 1 2 15.0 % 33.3 6.6 0 6.6 0 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 12.1 100.0


From table 9, it can be seen that there were 15 hyperbole in Mariah

Carey’s motivational songs. In this table, shown that the first song entitled “ Bye- bye” had the highest representative of hyperbole by representative 5 out of 15 or

33.3%. Again, Mariah composed some songs that had the similar representative of hyprebole by representstive 1 out of 15 or 6.6%. then, in the other side, the composer also created 2 out of 15 or 12.2% of hyperbole in the tenth song entitled

“ 100%.” The last, Mariah didn’t use hyperbole to convey her motivational message in her songs entitled ” Hero and There’s Got To Be A Way,” by representative 0 out of 15 or 0%. The description of hyperbole created by Mariah

Carey in conveying her motivational songs, as follow:

(BB11)It’s something more than saying “I miss you”

In her real life, Mariah lost her beloved father when she was a child. Then she wanted to express her strong feeling by creating this hyperbole. She said that sayng “I miss you” was the fabulous thing.

(BB18)There’s so much more left to say

It was related to the hyperbole before, the composer of this song, Mariah

Carey wanted to convey her message in hthis song about the eeesence of how difficult in losing someonein her life, so Mariah expressed her strong feeling about it.


(BB26)Still I’ll give me the whole world to see your face.

Mariah had the big love for everyone arround her, especially her family.

She has big apprecite for everyone who loved her so much, then she want to convey her strong feeling about how large her love for someone.

(BB29)The hardest thing to do is say bye-bye

In relation in understanding the essence of parting someone, Mariah created this hyperbole in her lyric. She said that saying bye- bye is the hardest thing to do because she loved her family so much. She had the deepest feeling of parting in someone.

(BB38)It’s so hard to accept the fact you’re gone forever.

The composer, Mariah Carey composed this hyperbole in relation in her strong feeling about the essence of loving her family so much. Someday, she lost her beloved father, when her father gone far away from her, she couldn’t reliase that her father was gone far away.

(CT33)I will rise steadily sailing out of their reach.

After she lost her father forever, she felt that she had a difficult period of her life. Then, in relation to the principles of hold up in difficult period of her life, the omposer of this song, Mariah expressed her strong feeling by creating this hyperbole.


(MH3)So very young and so afraid.

The problem that she got in her life was motivated Mariah to be a strong woman in her life. Again, in conveying her strong feeling about the problems that she faced, her condition of her feeling and her heart when she faced it at all, so she created this hyperbole.

(TR4)Sometimes I couldn’t even eat.

In expressing her deepest feeling of parting someone, Marieh expressed by imagining that sometimes she couldn’t even eat. It’s possible for everyone who was creature of God, if she didn’t eat for a long time she could still alive.

(TH9)And the only way to make it to the top.

When Mariah got a way to solve her problem, she had a strong feeling about the way that she had. She believed on the way that she was done to solve the problem. She expressed her strong feeling about the way of doing something by hyperbolizing the way.

(TH15)I’m on fire and I’m gon’ burn

Mariah conveyed her principles when she hould up in difficult time, then she thought that everything will be happen perfectly, she expressed her spirit when doing something, she believe she could be the part of something that she had done, she was imagine the if she was on fire, so she wolud gon’ burn.


(TH45)Now it’s hundreds and millions, this is only the beginning

Mariah motivated her self when she had a big problem in her life. She wanted to convey her message that everything will be okay, but we must had optimistic in our selves. In expressing her strong feeling about the way of doing something, she conveyd by creating this hyperbole.

(TW16)Dear God, it’s all so tragic

Based on the problem that she got in her life, she had so many difficulties in her life, she wanted to motivate others in order to shared their problem to the

God. She expressed something happen in herself that made her feeling sad so she said all so tragic happen with hers.

(WB19)My heart’s so full, I can’t explain.

The author used the word “so full” it means that she had many problems in her life, she felt sad of something, she wanted to keep her problem alone, so she won’t told everyone about her problem.

(OH19)I am givin it 100 percent.

Mariah expressed her strong motivation that she could do her works perfectly by using the number 100 precent in her lyric. She was totaly in doing her duty.


(OH34)100 percent and I ain’t stopping till I reach the finish.

After Mariah expressed her principles of hold up in difficult period of her life, now, she wanted to convey her deepest thoughts about something will happen perfectly, in this lyrics, she symbolized something that done perfectly by using nunber 100 in her lyric,but in the other hand, we as the creature couldn’t reliase the God’s desire earlier, so we can’t say that everything will be 100% okay.

It could be concluded that Mariah created 15 hyperbole in her motivational songs lyrics. The highest representation of song that contained hyperbole was the first song entitled “ Bye-bye” by representative 33.3% or 5 out of 15. Then,

Mariah didn’t create hyperbole in her songs entitled ” Hero” and “ There’s Got

To Be A Way” by representative 0 out of 15 or 0%.

C. Lexical Categories Elements

The data about Lexical Categories Elements within Mariah Carey’s motivational songs entitled “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It

Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Thriumphant, Twister,

When You Believe, 100% ” were identified and classified based on classification bellow: Nouns, Adverbs, Adjectives, and Verbs. The summary of Lexical

Categories Elements in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs is shown in the following table.


Table 10. The summary of Lexical categories Elements in Mariah’s songs

Song Total % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nouns F 22 11 15 13 12 6 38 8 12 17 154 28.9 % 14.3 7.2 9.7 8.4 7.7 3.8 25 5.1 7.7 11.1 100 Adverbs F 12 9 7 8 5 7 11 5 6 5 75 14 % 16 12 9.3 10.6 6.6 9.3 14.6 6.6 8 6.6 100 Adjectives F 8 3 4 8 3 5 4 3 7 2 47 8.8 % 17 6.3 8.5 17 6.3 10.6 8.5 6.3 14.9 4.6 100 Verbs F 37 23 22 23 19 25 40 21 19 28 257 49.3 % 14.4 9 8.9 9 7.3 9.7 15.6 8.1 7.3 10.7 100

From table 10, we could see that the lexical categories elements were classified in the four categories, such as: Nouns, Adverbs, Verbs, and Adjectives.

The highest representation of Lexical categories elements was verb by representative 257 out of 533 or 49.3% of all. The second grade was Nouns by representative 154 out of 533 or 28.9%. Then, related to the third grade was

Adverbs by representative 75 out of 533 or 14%. The last elements of Lexical categories was Adjective. It had 47 out of 533 or 8.8% of all. In conveying the motivational message, Mariah as the composer of these songs, prefer to choose

Verb as one of the largest number of her lyrics. The larger discussion of every part of Lexical categories will be disscussed bellow:

1. Analysis of Noun

Noun is one of the most important parts of speech. Its arrangement with the verb helps to form the sentence core which is essensial to every complete sentence. In addition, it may function as the chief or “head” word in many structures of modification. Mariah used many nouns in her motivational song’s lyrics to convey her motivational messages, as follow:


Table 11. The summary of Noun in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 22 11 15 13 12 6 38 8 12 17 154 % 14.3 7.2 9.7 8.4 7.7 3.8 25 5.1 7.7 11.1 100.0

From table 11, it could be seen that Mariah Carey used 154 nouns in her lyric to convey her motivational songs. the total of Noun in ten song of Mariah was classified by representative 154 out of 533 or 28.9% of all. The song of

Mariah that had the highest representative of Noun was the seventh song entitled

“ Thriumphant” by representative 38 out of 154 or 25%. Then In every part of her Song, Mariah had a consistency in taking her creativity of using noun in her songs. these was no songs that had no noun in each of its lyrics.

Mariah Carey, in this occasion tended to select some simple understable and unique nouns to give the deepest impact to the listeners about the essence ot the motivational messages.

The number of physical concrete nouns could be identified based on some forms and functions such as profession, the part of human body, the names of animal and the parts of their body, topographical features, geographical areas, the plant members, and tools or equipments. Every motivational songs of Mariah contained a large number of concrete nouns and abstract nouns. As follow:


Table 12. The distribution of Concrete and abstract nouns in Mariah’s song

Song Total % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Concrete F 19 3 4 7 5 3 32 4 6 9 92 59.7 % 20.6 3.3 4.3 7.6 5.4 3.3 31.8 4.3 9.6 9.8 100 Abstract F 3 8 11 6 7 3 6 4 6 8 62 40.3 % 4.8 12.9 17.7 9.6 11.2 4.8 9.6 6.9 9.6 12.9 100

From table 12, it can be seen that the song that had highest representative of concrete nouns was the seventh song entitled “Thriumphant” by representative

32 out of 92 or 31.8%. In the other side, Mariah also used abstract nouns in her song lyrics to convey her motivational messages. The third song entitled” Hero” had the highest representative of abstract noun in Mariah’s song by representative

11 out of 62 or 17.7%.

These were some nouns that produced by Mariah in conveying her motivational message through her songs such as,

In her motivational songs, Mariah wanted to express her feling about love to her lovely people, so she used some nouns that represented her lovely people in her life, such as in these following lyric:

(BB1)This is for my people who just lost somebody.

Mariah used the words that was kind of noun, my people to describe her lovely people arround hers. Then, in the next lyric Mariah also expressed more about her lovely peole that she meant, such as,


(BB2)Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady

This lyric was related to the next lyric in the first song that created by

Mariah used to convey her description about the essence of lovely people, as follow:

(BB5)Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins.

Again, Mariah also used the other concrete nouns that represented the concrete nouns reffering person such as, a child, a broken man,anyone, someone, my father, and your boy. Then, the selection of concrete nouns reffering to the name of person, Mariah also used some words in her motivational song, such as,

(TH12)You won’t carry me, no Mariah.

In this lyric, Mariah mentioned her own name to motivate her self in her song, because she composed this song in order to make her self had confidenity in her life in facing the other’s perspective of hers. The other names that used by

Mariah was James Bond Beamer in her song entitled ” Thriumphant.” Then, the selection of concrete nouns reffering to the parts of human body could be known from the selection of the words such as hand, your heart, your face, a hand, my name, your knees, your toes, her laughter, laughter, my heart, and my eyes. For examples:

(1OH2)Thruth is I prayed and you opened my eyes.

Mariah wanted to know the thruth of something, she wanted to tell someone after she has been prayed then she has been known something after

104 he/she reliased Mariah about the thruth. Mariah conveyed her feeling by using the concrete noun, My eyes as the representation of her self. Again, in the next lyric such as,

(HE2)If you look inside your heart.

Mariah also conveyed her message abot her principle of thruth. She must look into her heart, so the thruth come alive because heart represents the inner of someone that can’t lying others. In her motivational song, Mariah used the word heart in many occasion. Iispite of these, Mariah represented heart as a sensitive are of someone that can be touch by feeling. So, Mariah as the composer of these song, created beautiful lyrics using the word heart.

Again, Mariah also used some concrete nouns in her motivational songs that reffering to the tools or the equipments , it could be known from these selected words such as the teddy bear, proper shoes, a home, handouts, the table, path, big money, pimp C, the game, the chains,the ropes and the door. These words were the kinds of concrete nouns. It took placed in some lyric of Mariah’s motivational song such as,

(BB35)With the Teddy bear you gave to me that I held so tight.

In this song entitled” Bye-bye” Mariah told the listeners about her feeling after her lovely father gone away forever from hers. She told that someday before her father passed away, he ever gave Mariah a doll, Teddy bear. Mariah always remember her father by held her Teddy Bear so tight and she pays full attention of it, so she expressed her feeling by mentioning the word Teddy Bear in her lyric.


Then mariah used the other concrete noun in her lyric to express her feeling, as follow:

(MH5)No proper shoes upon my feet.

In the forth motivational song of Mariah Carey entitled” Make It Happen,”

Mariah created symbolism ih her lyric by using concrete noun that represented the tool to walk in this world. Mariah used the word proper shoes because she wanted to express her feeling that she had no something to holh on her self in this life.

After she was lost her father, she felt that she had no proper shoes in her life that symbolized of her suitable tool to hold her self on.

Again, Mariah also expreesed her feeling about her pain, by creating the lyrics that contained concrete nouns such as,

(TH69)In spite of the chains that blind you.

Mariah used the chains in this occasion in expressing her pain feeling. She also created personification in this lyric. Logically, the cains coudn’t blind someone, because only human beings that could blinded someone else. Mariah used this concrete noun in order to her lyric more interesting and her message was conveyed clearly.

There were also selected some concrete nouns refering characteristic of person or the profession of someone, such as a foot locker, a believer, a dreamer, and a go-getter. The lyrics that contained these words , for example:


(OH35)I’m a believer not just a dreamer.

In her motivational song entitled “ 100%” Mariah conveyed her message to the listeners that the must optimist in her own self in getting what they want in their life. Mariah choosed the symbol that something was perfectly done by using the symbol 100%. Mariah told about the character of her own self in this song, she was a believer not just a dreamer. It proved that nowadays, Mariah being the popular singer in the world. there were the different meaning between a dreamer and a believer. Mariah wanted to tell the different of it in this song.

The other concrete nouns also used by Mariah in conveying her motivational message through her lyrics was concrete nouns that represented geographical area in the earth, such as the sky, ground, a long road, the world, the night, the way, solid ground, land, this world, your way home, the mountain top, the stars, the pole, the road, mountain, the top, and the finish. There were following examples of the lyrics that contained these words, such as

(BB7)Lift your head to the sky’s cause we will never say bye.

The concrete noun used by Mariah in conveying her motivational message about hope was the word the sky. Sky reprented her hope or her aim. It placed in the higest level of this earth. The sky is one of the goegraphical area of this world that symbolisedz the hope. Again, in the next lyric, Mariah also symbolized the other concrete noun that represented geographical area of this world, such as


(BB28)Reach for the stars.

Mariah also created symbolism by using the word star because the star was hanging up in the top of the sky. The star also refering the geographical area of this world that represented hope or aim or will of someone. Then, Mariah used the other concrete noun that refering geographical are such as,

(TH32)Throwing big money as she dances on the pole.

The pole is one of the part of this world. Mariah created this beautiful lyric using the simile on concrete noun in this case. Mariah choose the word pole as her creativity in creating beautiful and meaningfull lyric. Through this lyric, Mariah wanted to convey her message that she used imagination of someone in imagining that someone was difficult when she/he was dancing in the pole, so she used the word pole.

The next concrete nouns that choosed by mariah in conveying her motivational messages through her song was the concrete noun that refering topographical features that could be seen from these selected words such as the rain, clouds, lights, the wind, and ease. For example:

(CT4)Hanging clouds over me.

In this selection, Mariah selected the word cloud to convey her message about motivation. Again, Mariah creted the beautiful lyric that contained symbol in this lyric. In the other side, cloud could be meanigfull word, such as the sorrow or the pain of someone. Mariah told that the other person could hanging cloud

108 over hers, but she would be spirit in her life to caught the star. The other lyric that contained concrete noun was follow:

(CT9)’Cause there’s , there’s a light in me.

Basically, in some of her lyrics, mariah also created symbol inside the lyric. Again, mariah created symbol used concrete noun the refering topographical features in the case, a light. Something that could gave the light was the sun. The sun also the topographical features in this world. mariah composed this lyric to reliase every one who listen her song that every single man in this word has his won identity.

The last categories of concrete noun that created by mariah carey in conveying her motivational message was the concrete noun that refering the real noun or in other word had the same meaning with the word that they used, in this case, mariah used some selected noun such as war, Lime green Lamborhini, a hundred wreck, Red bottom boss house big as baltimore, a blonde bomshell, a tril ningga, Rubber band, 50 grand , a don, a diva, a lot of grapple, twister, a champion, and victory. For exmple:

(TW2)And she had a lot of grapple with.

A lot of grapple in this occasion is a kind of concrete noun becase the exsistency of the grapple could be seen in our eyes, so the researcher choosed this word as one of the concrete noun. In the othr side, mariah carey as the composer of the song, entitled ” Twister” tried to convey her message directly using the noun grapple.


Another characteristics of words selection was abstract noun. It had representative 62 out of 154 or 40.3%. in her motivational song Mariah used abstract noun that refering many characteristisc, as follow:

The selected words that refering to Mariah Carey’s visons and sense could be seen by using these words such as my dreams, your pride, precious love, The

Lord, the sorrow, hope, love, the strength, your fears, dreams, the pain, a well of pain, God, my way, hope, your pain, a dream, this feel, and wounds. Mariah used the word love in many sentences in composing her motivational lyric, for example:

(CT27)Precious love, I’ll always have inside me.

In this case, Mariah conveyed the sense of love. She used the words preciuos in the beginning of the word love. She stated that she always has the precious love in hers. She expressed her vision and her sense of love. Related to the next lyric that contained the word love, such as

(WB34)Says love is the relief.

Again, Mariah used the word love that represented abstract noun in refereing the sense of love. In this lyric, Mariah Carey said that the word love is the relief for a pain. From this lyric, mariah as the composer of this song entitled “

When You Believe,” wanted to convey her message that after we felt dissapointed or angry with other person, love had her own sense in recovering the pain. The other abstract noun choosed by Mariah in conveying her motivational message in

110 refering to the vision and the sense of the composer, mariah also used the word hope, as follow:

(HE13)So when you feel like hope is gone.

Related to the other lyrics composed by Mariah, in this lyric Mariah directly stated about the sense of hope. She didn’t used symbol in conveying the essence of hope. She used the word hope directly in her lyric. In the lyrics before,

Mariah usually symbolized the hope using the other noun like star, mountain top and another nouns that represented hope itself. Then, the important part of her motivational message that she conveyed, Mariah also expressed her vision obut believing in a God and her sense of God desire by creating the lyric using the word God and The lord such as,

(CT28)Certainly the Lord will guide me.

The composer tried to expressed her feeling in believing of God desire.

Mariah choosed the word the Lord that had the similar meaning with the word

God. Then, Mariah also believe that God will help hers when she had a difficult period of her life. Again, in the other lyric, mariah also expressed her vision in believing in God such as,

(TW16)Dear God, it’s all so tragic.

In this sentence, mariah tried to tell the God that her problem was so complicated then she said that it’s all so tragic. In the last description about

Mariah’s creativity in creating these motivational lyrics. Mariah had her own

111 vision in believing of God desire. She usually take the essence of religious side in her motivational songs by creaiting the lyrics using the word God.

There were also some selected words that refering to the moral and social qualities that created by Mariah Carey in her motivational songs such as a better place, whole world, your pride, an inner place, a hero, the answer, a victim of society, human race, hungry children, some peace, many night, permission, a hopeful song, permission, and everything. These were some lyrics that contained the abstract noun refering the social qualities and moral, such as,

(BB25)And soon as you reach a better place.

Mariah said that someone would reach a better palce after he or she gone away from hers. In this sense, Mariah also created simile in this lyric, so her lyric more interesting and easy to know. A better place had the similar meaning with heaven, because in her song, Mariah told the listeners that she was lost her people who loved hers so much, her father. Again, Mariah Carey created the next lyric using abstract noun by refering social quality such as whole world. For example:

(BB26)Still I’ll give the whole world to see your face.

In this section, Mariah composed a beautiful sentence that contained hyperbole. Mariah was missed her people, her father, so she hyperbolized her missing using the abstract noun, the whole world. she expressed her moral value that when we missed someone who loved us so much, but she or he was lost forever or in oher word, she or he was dead, then we have a chance to meet hin

112 again, we will give all of our treasure to them, that represented by the words the whole world.

Then, in conveying her motivational message refering social qualities, in this case, Mariah also symbolized something in the area of sociality such as,

(TG3)A victim of society (TG4) no one really want to see. Mariah made her song entitled ” There’s Got To Be A Way” to express her care of poor people. She composed beautiful lyric using poetic words in order to her message come up easily. Mariah was one of the singer who had big respect of social issue that made her feeling sensitive. Again, in the similar song, Mariah also created the next lyric using abstrect noun refering moral and social qualities such as,

(TG31)And hungry children won’t have to die.

Related to the last lyric before, in this lyric Mariah also symbolized someting that had similar meaning with the poor people. In this occasion, Mariah used the words hungry children to make her lyric more to life and easilt to understand. Mariah tried to express her moral message about social issue.

Then, Mariah carey also created the lyric used the last categories of abstract noun, noun that refering to process, event, and perception. It can be seen with the words such as the chance, faith, an answer, your soul, my soul, the truth, my way, my faith, life, a change, smoking, spoken, your day, thriumphant,

113 miracles, a life, the faith, and the fight. These following examples of the lyrics that contained abstract nouns refering process, event, and perception, such as,

(MH11)I held on to my faith.

In this sentence, Mariah expressed her perception of faith. She was one of siger who was religiously. It proved that she had some of her own album of religy.

She believe in God desire, she hold on her religy, she also believed on her self.

She used the word my faith to told her perception about faith. Then, Mariah createn the next lyric that contained abstract noun refering process, as follow:

(OH30)To a life that’s defined by limits.

Mariah as the composer of her own song also tried to express het message about a process of doing something. Life is a process, process where we grew up from the child time until the adult time. Mariah in this occasion expredded it by creating this lyris using the words a life to convey her feeling about the essence of a process.

The last categories of abstract nouns, nouns that refering an event. The copmoser, Mariah Carey also created the lyric that had deeply meaning about an even that happened in her life or in her society, such as,

(TH40)Smoking like Pimp C, spoken like a trill ningga.

It was clear enough that smoking and spoken were the kind of event. The word smoking had the similar meaning that was an even when someone was smoke for a cigarette, while spoken was an even when someone who was

114 speaking some words. Mariah used these wods to convey her message about en event that happen arround us. Then, Mariah created the other lyric using abstract noun that represented event such as

In conveying her motivational message, Mariah Carey used concrete nouns and abstract nouns in her lyrics. By representative 154 out of 533 or 28.9%. It was devided by two categories concrete noun bye representative 92 out of 154 or

59.7% and the abstract noun was representation 62 out of 154 or 40.3%.

2. Analysis of Verb

Some selected verbs were also found frequently in Mariah’s motivational song. The occurrences of them played an important part in conveying the motivational messages. The distribituon of Verb in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs were summarized in a table, as follow:

Table 12. The summary of Verb in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 37 23 22 23 19 25 40 21 19 28 257 % 14.4 9 8.9 9 7.3 9.7 15.6 8.1 7.3 10.7 100.0

From table 12, it can be seen that Mariah Carey used 257 verb in her motivational song lyrics. It had 257 out of 533 or 49.3%. the verbs was placed in ten songs of Mariah carey. The seventh song entitled “ Thriumphant” had the highest representative of verb in her lyrics. It had 40 out of 257 or 15.6%.


Mariah selected some verbs in the first song entitled “ Bye-bye” by representative 37 out of 257 or 14.4%. Basically from the table bellow, it can be concluded that Mariah selected verbs in each of her motivational songs up to 18 items of verbs. There were two song had the low representation of verb. It were the fifth song and the ninth song by representative 19 out of 257 or 7.3%. But actually in every songs of Mariah carey selected many verbs in her lyrics. Then, it can be described as follow:

The selection of some verbs in Mariah’s motivational song entitled “ Bye- bye” could be see such as, lost, put, say, lift, get, kept, know, show up, talked, is saying, grown, loved, knew, hurt, goes on, talk, find, try, goes by, reach, give, to see, gone, got, done, to celebrate, spend, remember, used , to tuck, gave, held, tought, make, and to accept. In her motivational song entitled ” Bye-bye” there were found some selected verbs that refering to speech act, such as

(BB4)We will never say bye.

After Mariah was lost her beloved father, she believed that although her father was gone far away from her, but the soul of her father was always inside her. She selected one of verb that refering to speech act, say as her way to convey her feeling in memorial of her beloved father. It related to the lyric before, “put your hand way up high,” that represented Mariah’s message to everyone who listens her song in order to believe in her self that the memories of their beloved people will always inside their heart although their beloved people was gone far

116 away from them. In her next lyric Mariah also composed her lyric used the other selected verb that refering to speech act, such as

(BB22)I wish I could talk to you.

Again, Mariah conveyed her message by selecting the verb that refered to speech act. Mariah said that she wish she could talk to someone. In this case

Mariah expressed her missed to her father by using this selected verb, talk. She wish that she could talk to her father. Talk means that we speak some words to other person, so it called speech act. Mariah was really missed her father somuch so in her condition she want really talk to her father. Then, Mariah also selected some verbs that refering to physical act. For example:

(BB33)I wish that we could spend the holidays together.

Mariah wanted to express her feeling that she wanted to spend her time with her father. In fact her father was passed a way. She reminded her beautiful time when she had a vacation in spending her holidays with her father and her other family members before her father was lost. She wish that she could spend her holiday with her father again similar with the last time when her father was not yet gone away. Again, mariah also selected some verbs that refering to psychology. For example:

(BB17)You loved me and obviously.

Mariah expressed her feeling about her missing father. In the lyric before she said “you never let me know it, you never let it show,” then Mariah told the

117 reason that someone loved hers obviously. In these lyrics, Maraih stated that her beloved person, in this occasion was her father never let his loved show clearly but she know that he was loved Mariah obviously by showing his care to Mariah.

After expressed her missed feeling to her father, she also expessed her pain by selecting the verb hurt that refering to psycological side, such as

(BB20)I never knew I could hurt like this.

In this occasion, mariah expressed her pain by stating that she felt hurt. It related to the last lyric, Mariah said that “if you were with me today face to face” that she continue her expression of her feeling by selecting the verb that indicated her psycologycal side, so she said that “I never knew I colud hurt like this. She imagine if her father was with her today, she didn’t feel hurt like she was felt now.

It was contrast to the reality that her father didn’t stay with hers.

In Mariah’s song entitled “ Can’t Take That Way” , there were some selected verbs , such as say, to bring, allow, try, to make, refuse, to falter, shines, take, do, let, win, push, have learned, possess, fade, guide, to go, breaks, face, and rise. Mariah selected the verb was refering to speech act such as say. As follow:

(CT1)They can say anything they want to say.

Mariah Carey tried to convey her message that everyone could make us down but we may not influence with them, they can say anything thay want to say about us, but bassically she took the message about herself in this side, Mariah expressed her feeling about her self that she’s is what she is, she she had a principle for the other person who distrub her, turn you head and walk away from


Mariah’s life. Simple as that. The Composer also selected some verb that refering physical act such as

(CT17)If you cling to your pride and just push them aside.

Sometimes, the social rule that appropriate in our every culture make the status of every social member was different each other. Inspite of these, Mariah also tried to convey her message about pride of every person, sometimes the pride makes the owner was feel arrogant because their status in their community, but in this lyric, Mariah as the composer of this song expressed that we must push our pride aside in order to we are better in this life.

Again, in this song, the composer selected some verbs that refering to psycology perception, such as

(CT7)But I refuse to falter in what I believe.

As human beings we had our own perception about everything around us but sometimes our perception was really different each other. Mariah , in this side wanted to convey her message that it’s okay the other person could try to make we lost faith and our dreams, but Mariah said that she refuse the influence of other, she believe in what she believe, she had her own power inside herself. She stated that “I refuse to falter in what I believe,” it meant that she didn’t matter at other’s words.


(CT18)See, I, I have learned there’s an inner peace I own.

The next perception of Mariah that conveyed in this song was related to the lyric before. It contained the similar message with this lyric. Mariah stated that she has learned that inside her body, there was an inner peace that she own. In

Mariah’s perception she has had her peace innir herself and it could be konw by use psycologycal perception.

Mariah Carey also selected some verbs in her song entitled “ Hero,” such as look, have, reach, know, melt, comes, to carry on, cast, feel, see, lies, face, reaches out, to hold, find, search, felt, knows, to follow, let, tear, and hold on.

From the verbs above, there were found some verbs that refering physical act. For example:

(HE19)No one reaches out a hand.

When someone feel that she or he was alone in this world, she felt that all of her life was face alone by him or hers. It Made mariah tried to exprees her feeling when she lost her beloved people in her life, then she faced a problem then no one who was care to hera, she felt that she need a help to face her problem, so she expressed her feeling by selecting the verb, reaches out a hand as a beautiful verb phrase to convey her message by using symbolism in her lyric.

Again, Mariah selected many verbs in her motivational song entitled “

Make It Happen,” such as was abandoned, eat, cried, to sleep, to keep on, take, make, held on, strunggled, prayed, have found, believe, gone, to make, happen, get down, pray, know, hold on, find, throw, used , and to feel. From these verbs

120 above, there were found some selected verbs that refering physical act. For example:

(MH7)I often cried myselft to sleep.

Life is a process. Mariah tried to convey her message about her attitude in facing the wolrd. Sometimes she had a proble, she got bad attitude from other person but she still keep going in her way. Meanwhile she often cried that noone know when she was cry but she reliazed that she has an ordinary person she also often cry alone in her sleep when she faced the worst time.

Again, Mariah as the composer of this song also selected some verbs that refering to human percertion. As follow:

(MH12)I strunggled and I prayed.

Again, Mariah selected verb that refering to human perception. In the process of getting her aim in her life, Mariah was used all of her effort to make ll of her aim happen. In this song, Mariah expressed her feeling that she strunggled in getting her aim, but in other word, she also remember with the Lord that always guide hers in her life so in this lyric mariah conveyed her effort and her feeling.

(MH14)If you believe in yourself enough.

Then Mariah gave the distinction to the listeners or everyone who was arround her that in facing the problem in our life, we must believe in our own power that placed inner oof us. Don’t just hope for other helps f other but stand up in our own way and our power and do the best of us.


The selection of some verbs were occured in the song entitled “There’s

Got To Be A Way” such as to see, wonder, care, help, to share, is got, to connect, come, to relieve, to unite, bring, believe, understand, accept, make, die, work, save, and love. There were found some verbs that indicated phsycology side of human beings, as follow:

(TG38)Some of us don’t even care.

Again, Mariah tried to express her feeling for phsycology side by selecting the verb care as the verb that refering to phsycology side. In this song Mariah told about her care of social issue. She also told about the poor people that sometimes they feel if some of other poeple arroun them didn’t care to them, so Mariah used the word care to convey the essence of helps.

The other selected verbs that took by Mariah in her song was verb that refering to physical act. For example:

(TG28)And together we’ll bring on a change.

The essence of togetherness in this case was implied by Mariah in conveying her socis value in her song lyrics. Mariah stated that with togetherness we would bring on a change in our life. It’s better if we could do our duty together with other rather that we do it by ourselves.

In the next motivational song of Mariah entitled “Through The Rain” there were found some selected verbs such as get, to run, were ditraught, keep crying out, to be saved, comes, feel, find, say, stand up, know, hold, live, make, keep

122 falling down, give in, keep pressing on, to prevail, to mend, blows, grow, face, tell, pull, and stand. From these verbs above, there were found some verbs that represented as movement. For example:

(TR11)And I know that I’m enough to mend.

In this song, Mariah tried to motivate every human being who is facing the worst problem of their life and also try to motivate them to come up from their problems with their own self. How serious the problem that they faced, they only believing in their selves, so they must be faced their problem then she selected the word know as verb that refering to her movement. Then, Mariah also try to motivated other by imagining that she was being a aprt of the story in this lyric by stating:

(TR19)I can stand up once again on my own.

Mariah wanted to proved other that although she was fall down sometime, but now, she can stand up once again on her own. Because she believed on her own power, she could face the world again, she selected these verb in her lyric.

In conveying her motivational message, Mariah as the composer of this song also selected some verbs that indicated physical act. As follow:

(TR23)And when the wind blows, and as shadows grow close don’t be afraid.

In the end of these lyric, Mariah conveyed her motivational message about briefly in facing the world. She said, “ don’t be afraid” then Mariah created a

123 beautiful poetic words she imagine when he wind blows and as shadows grow close we may not be afraid , Mariah also created beautiful simile in this lyric.

Again, in her next motivational song entitled “Thriumphant” Mariah selected some verbs such as told, got, swear, to make, go, get, asked, carry, love, was dead broke, gone, burn, learn, remember, said, ain’t confirmed, turned, look at, to hold down, climb, stop, fall down, stay, keep on, stay on, get off, know, brigthen up, gets, surround, to doubt, blind, and see. From these verbs above, there were found some verbs that represented movement,such as

(TH24)Get off the ropes.

The motivational message wanted conveyed by mariah in his side. She tried to motivate other in order to they could get off the ropes that blind their life.

We must get off the ropes that distrubed ourselves to get our success.

The next selected verbs in Mariah’s motivational song entitled

“Thriumphant” was refering to physical act. For example:

(TH20)But I ain’t gon’ stop, ‘cause I’m gon’climb.

The Verb that refering to physical action also selected by Mariah to decorate her beautiful lyric. She imagine when someone was climbing to the moutain top it meant that she was on the progress in getting the top or in getting her aim. So climbing to the moutain top was the apropriate verb. Before the words gon climb Mariah took am as one of be .


The selcted verbs also could be found in Mariah’s motivational song entitled “ Twister” such as had, kept, imagine, tried, thought, hear, say, went, threw, sent, have, to feel, come on, go, leave, pray, found, am feeling, have got, to handle, and guess. From these verbs, there were also found some verbs that indicated phsycology. For example:

(TW7)The depth of I could not imagine.

In phsycology side, Mariah also selected the verb that refering to phsycology act. Imagine was the suitable verb. After Mariah felt she had many problems in her life, she felt that the problem was to depth, so she couln’t imagine the depth of her problem.

In conveying her motivational message, Mariah also selected some verbs that refering to perception. As follow:

(TW26)And I’ve got a lot of to handle.

Again, Mariah selected verb to convey her perception in her song lyric.

She said that she’ve got a lot of to handle, especially to handle her problem of life.

It related to the lyric before that stated ” Yeach, I’m feeling kind of fragile” . it means that the person who was being the center of the story in this song, she imagine that someone or something was kind of fragile, but Mariah or another people in this story have got handle all.

When You Believe is the next motivational song of Mariah Carey that contained some selected verbs such as have prayed, hear, know, were moving ,

125 knew, could, achieve, believe, flown, am standing, explain, thought, say, ask, to give, were blinded, see, says, and knows. These contain some verbs that refering to speech act. For example:

(WB34)Says love is the relief.

In conveying her motivational message, Mariah also selectec the verb that refering to speech act. In conveying her message, she used two ways, first was direct way and the second was indirect way. In this section she choosed direct way in conveying her motivational message. When someone was hurted by others, Mariah remind the listeners that says love is the relief for our pain.

The last motivational song of Mariah Carey that discussed in this research was entitled” 100%.” In this song were found some selected verbs such as prayed, opened, revealed, confined, defined by, to live, got, have got, give, ain’t stopping, reach, am giving, gone to, am walking, were putting, put up, know, comprehend, were walking, keep on, do, turn, have survived, take, gone to pray, pray, and keep.

From these verbs above, there found some verbs that refering as phsycal action.

For example:

(OH24)If you’re walking into victory keep on shining.

Mariah gave the title of this song is 100%. It represented her spirit in her life. Not only in the title of this song that contain motivational message but also in this lyric Mariah also tried to convey hre motivational message by using parable like if we’re walking into victory keep on shining. In this case, victory

126 means work and shining meant out motivation, so Mariah tried used these words to convey her message if we ‘re going to work, we must had full spirit in our activities.

In conveying her motivational songs, Mariah also selected some verbs that refering phsycology. For example:

(OH50)If you gonna pray don’t worry.

Mariah Carey is one of singer who is religiously,so in this song, she tried to convey the message about the essence of pray. She pay big appreciated of the

Lord desire, she believe in a God, she took her feeling in her lyric. She also tried to believing other that there was a big power in our prayer to the Lord, she also said if we had a problem, then we have prayed to the lord,don’t worry about our feeling because God will guide us into better situation.

3. Analysis of Adverb

Adverb normally follow the verb and are of three basic types: adverbs of manner, adverb of time, and adverb of place. Then there was one other kind of adverb, adverb of frequency or adverb of degree. The summary of Adverb in

Mariah Carey’s motivational songs will be shown in a table, as follow:

Table 13. The summary of Adverb in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 12 9 7 8 5 7 11 5 6 5 75 % 16 12 9.3 10.6 6.6 9.3 14.6 6.6 8 6.6 100.0


From table 13, it can be seen that Mariah Carey used 75 adverbs out of 533 or 14%, in ten songs of her. The first song entitled” Bye-bye” had the highest representative of adverb. It had 12 out of 75 or 16%. There were three songs that had the similar representative of adverb. They had 5 out of 75 or 6.6%. then, in conveying her motivational messages, mariah used four kind of adverbs such as, adverb of time, adverb of place, adverb of manner, and adverb of degree or frequency. The distribution of adverb will be shown in these table bellow:

Table 14. The distribution of Adverbs in Mariah carey’s song

Song Total % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time F 4 0 2 4 3 2 2 1 3 0 21 28 % 19 0 9.5 19 14.4 9.5 9.5 4.8 14.3 0 100.0 Place F 3 5 4 0 1 3 7 0 3 2 28 37.4 % 10.7 17.9 14.2 0 3.6 10.7 25.1 0 10.7 7.1 100.0 Manner F 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 3 0 2 13 17.3 % 7.7 23.1 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 0 23.1 0 15.3 100.0 Frequency F 4 1 0 3 0 1 2 1 0 1 13 17.3 % 30.8 7.7 0 23.1 0 7.7 15.3 7.7 0 7.7 100.0

From table 14, it can be seen that Mariah Carey used the larger adverb of

Place in her song lyrics. It had 28 out of 75 or 37.4%. The song that had highest representative was the seventh song entitled “ Thriumphant.” It had 7 out of 28 or 25.1%. Again, Mariah didn’t create adverb of place in her forth song and the eighth song by representative 0 out 28 or 0%. Then, Mariah created 21 adverb of time out of 75 or 28%. The song that had similar representative of adverb of time were the first song and the forth song by representative 4 out of 21 or 19%.

The next adverb that created by Mariah Carey in song lyrics was adverb of Manner. It had 13 out of 75 or 17.3%. The song that had the high representative

128 of adverb of manner were the second song and the eighth songs. Then, Mariah created the next adverb. It was adverb of frequency or adverb of degree. It had 13 out of 75 or 17.3%. It had the similar representative with adverb of manner.

Then, Mariah took the heigh representative of adverb of frequency in her 4 out of

13 or 17.3%. These were the description of adverbs in Mariah Carey’s in her motivational song as follow:

In her motivational song , Mariah created adverbs of time with the words such as everyday, today, the holidays, at night, tomorrow, in time, three short years ago, now, the night, the future, every time, one more day, on a cloudy day, many nights, and in this time. For example:

(BB34)I remember when you used to tuck me in at night.

Mariah carey used the word at night to tell the listeners about the time when someone was tucking hers in. The incident was happened in the night, so mariah selected the adverb of time that representing of at night. Again in the next lyric, mariah also selected the other adverbs of time, such as

(MH35)I once was lost (MH36)but now I’m found. In these lyric, Mariah told the listeners that she was found something that was lost before. She created this lyric using anaphora. She tried to convey her message that in the time when she was speaking, she was found her lost thing,so she selected an adverb of time that refering to the time, now. Then, in her other motivational songs, mariah also took adverb of time such as


(WB1)Many night we’ve prayed (WB2) with no proof anyone could hear. Again, Mariah used adverb of time in her song entitled “ When You

Believe.” In this case, Mariah took the adverb of time in the beginning of the sentence. She wanted to tell the listener if she had prayed in many night with religiously, so the other person couldn’t hear her preyer, just The God who could hear her prayer.

The second adverb in Mariah’s motivational song was adverb of place. It can be seen that Mariah using following words, such as the sky, a better place, here, in my dreams, in my soul, in me, the groud, there’s, inside your heart, into your soul, inside you, in you, this world, in the rain, in pain, top, bottom, in the mountain top, on your toes, on the pole, and in the road. For example:

(TR1)When you get caught in the rain with no where to run.

In her sixth song entitled “ Through the Rain,”Mariah conveyed her motivational message that every human being who is facing the worst problem of their life must have motivation and also try to motivate them to come up from their problems with their own self. How serious the problem that they faced, they only believing in their selves, so they must be faced their problem. In this lyric

Mariah used the words in the rain as adverb of place. Mariah told that somenon was get caught in a place, the place was in the rain.


(OH16)Undoubtedly I can reach the top.

Mariah selected two adverbs in one sentence, there were adverb of manner and adverb of place. The composer took adverb of manner in the beginning of the sentence, then she took the other adverb, adverb of place in the end of these sentence. she tried to tell the listeners of her songs that with her effort she was done her dutty then in the end of her effort, she could get her aim by using the word the top as the words that refering to adverb od place.

(TH23)Stay on your toes.

In her seventh motivational songs, Mariah motivated everyone who listens to her song to keep spirit in their life. Let the other people hate us, say the bad thing of us, but we must proved to them if we are the best and we can make them down by looking our success. This song made by Mariah that the inspiration came from Mariah’s story life. Her husband was hospitalized and her friend, Whitney

Houston Way died in the same moment. So, in this lyric, Mariah selected the words on your toes as adverb of place that symbolized that everyone shoul believe on her own power.

(WB50)Just believe in your heart.

Mariah wanted to convey the essence of the power of will and belief that we can faced it all. This songs is in the religiuos side. All about everthing happen it’s true. Like the miracles possible in this life , for the people who believe it. So, in this lyric, Mariah said that we must believe in our heart.


The third adverb in mariah’s song lyric was adverb of manner. It can be seen by using this words, such as obviously, brightly, steadily, certainly, finally, really, steadfastly, basically, casually, untimatelly, and undoubtedly. For example:

(CT10)That’s shines brightly.

The composer of this song, tried to tell the listener about her own power inside her self. She told the listener about hopw her power shine in her heart, so she selected the adverb brightly as adverb of manner, to tell the way Mariah’s power shine.

(BB17)You loved me and obviuosly.

In her song entitled” Bye-bye” Mariah conveyed her message that she was lost her poeple especially her beloved father. She tried to convey how her father loved hers, so she selected the word obviously to accompany the verb loved to make her father love clearly.

(BB15)You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly.

Mariah triaed to motivate the person when facing the worst problem of their life and also try to motivate them to come up from their problems with their own self. How serious the problem that they faced, they only believing in their selves, so they must be faced their problem. So she selected the word steadfastly as the appropriate adverb of manner in facing the problem.

The last kind of adverb in mariah Carey’s motivational song was adverb of frequency or adverb of degree. In her songs, Mariah used these words, such as

132 best, sometimes, never, the hardest, always, very young, deeper, the greatest, longer, and twice a week. For example:

(BB29)The hardest thing to do is say bye-bye.

In this lyric, mariah also created hyperbole in this lyric. She hyperbolizing something by choosing the word the hardest, a kind of adverb of degree to make her lyric strong enough in the heart oh the listeners.

(MH6)Sometimes I couldn’t even eat.

In her song entitled “Make It Happen,” Mariah Made an inspirational story of her life. It tells about the struggle, belief, and prayer. “Make it happen” implant in believing our effort to face the difficulty in this life and we must still fight to make our aim comes true. As a human beings, Mariah also felt that she was even couldn’t eat, so she selected an adverb of degree, sometimes to start this lyric.

4. Analysis of Adjective

Adjectives are usually used before the nouns they modify. If the noun is a singular count noun, a determiner must be used before the adjective. If the noun is a mass noun or a plural count noun, a determiner may or may not be used.

Adjective may follow direct objects and objective complements.


Table 14. The summary of Adjective in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs

Song Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 8 3 4 8 3 5 4 3 7 2 47 % 17 6.3 8.5 17 6.3 10.6 8.5 6.3 14.9 4.6 100.0

From table 14, it can be seen that Mariah Carey used 47 adjective that spreaded in ten songs. There were two song that had similar high representative of adjective, these were the first song entitled “ Bye-bye” and the forth song entitled

“Make It Happen”by representative 8 out of 47 or 17%. Then, there was a song that had the lowest representative of adjective, the tenth song entitled “ 100%” by representative 2 out of 47 or 4.6%. These were the discussion of following adjective used by Mariah Carey in her motivational songs, as follow:

Mariah used some adjective that refering some caracteristic like psycology, physical, visual, and evaluative. The first characteristics was psychology by using this words such as, best, better, the hardest, tight, strong, hard, afraid, alone, tough, hungry, tighter, tragic, frail. These following examples of lyric that composed used adjective that refering to psychology, such as

(BB36)I thought you were so strong.

Mariah created her lyric using adjective that refering to psychology. She expressed her feeling about someone using the adjective “ strong” that didn’t reliazed by touching with the eyes, but it must be touch by using our heart because

134 she said that she was thinking of someone then the adjective strong was describe about Mariah Carey’s feeling when she though of someone.

(HE3)You don’t have to be afraid.

The next adjective that refering to phsycologhy was afraid. In conveying her motivational message, Mariah composed her lyric using adjective. In this side,

Mariah tried to ask the listeners in order to bravely in facing their problems.

Mariah said that we coldn’t be afraid especially when we facing the problem in difficult period of our life.

(MH4)I was abandoned and alone.

Again, Mariah in her forth song entitled “Make It Happen,” conveyed her motivational message using some adjectives such as alone. She expressed the essence of someone who life with no people arround him by choosed the word alone to convey her message. Then, mariah created the next lyric as follow:

(TG31)And hungry children won’t have to die.

It related to the last description about noun that used by mariah in conveying her message about social life. She was care with the other person who were poor. She symbolized the poor people by using the word hungry because hungry people was similar with the poor people so this word choosed by mariah to convey her message.


(WB40)Though hope is frail.

Mariah created this sentence because she wanted to showed her principle about hope. She felt that hope is frail. She said like that when she felt hopeless, she was like giving up when she faced a difficult problem.

Then, the second characteristic of adjective in Mariah’s song was evaluative by selecting these words,such as precious, far away, and easy. For example:

(CT27)Precious love, I’ll always have inside me.

Again, this sentence contained meanigful lyric. She created this lyric to convey her feeling about the essence of love for hers. She felt that her love was precious. It has been discussed before.

(TR5)And you feel so far away.

It was clear that Mariah expressed her feeling that she felt someone was far away from hers. She used the word so in the beginning of far away. The words far away was the kind of evaluative adjective. These adjective was evaluate her love was so precious.

(WB29)And it’s easy to give into your fears.

Again, Mariah stated that she felt easy to gave someone into her or his fears. She was evaluated the way in making someone gave up, so she said it’s easy to give ito your fears.


The third characteristic of adjective in Mariah’s motivational songs was visual. The used of adjective that refering visual such as, down, short, solid, broken, down, cloudy, the depth, full, and long. For example:

(MH1)Not more than three short years ago.

Basically, the adjective short was identic with visualisation because short can be defined used the eyes. We can see the representation of short used our eyes, so in this occasion , Mariah as the composer defined her feeling about her feeling that three years ago was too short.

(MH38)On solid ground.

Again, Mariah used the word solid to describe the condition of the ground.

It can be seen used our eyes. The condition of the ground symbolized that we as the social creature should have solidarity in our life like the ground that was solid with the other part of the other part of ground.

(TH41)On a cloudy day baby I can make it rain.

Cloudy day was represented that the rain will come from. It’s clear enough that Mariah composed these lyric used the adjective cloudy that refering visual adjective. It meant that we could see the real of cloudy day used our eyes, so it called visual adjective.

The forth characteristic of adjective in Mariah’s motivational song was physical. It can be seen by these words, such as very young, strong, the greatest, big, and fragile. For example:


(MH3)So very young and so afraid.

Mariah selected the adjective very young to define someone, especially the physical appearance of someone. The physical appearance of someone was very young, we could identified the character that proved if someone was very young like look at her hair, her tall, her words, etc.

(TH37)Red bottom boss house big as Baltimore.

In the last adjective that described in this section, Mariah selected the word big as representation the shape of a house. In these sentence, mariah created beautiful alliteration that combine by using adjective that refering to physical.

D. Gramatical Element Categories.

The data about Gramatical Categories Elements within Mariah Carey’s motivational songs entitled “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It

Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Thriumphant, Twister,

When You Believe, 100% ” were identified and classified based on classification bellow: Sentence Type and Clause Type. The description of every elements of

Gramatical categories would be dicsussed , as follow:

1. Analysis of Sentence Type

After analyzing Mariah Carey’s motivational songs, there were found some types of sentence. in this side, the researcher describe sentence type into four categories such as statement or declarative sentence, question sentence or interogative sentence, command sentence, and miror sentence, sentence that

138 contains no verb. The distribution of sentence type in Mariah’s motivational song will shown in a table bellow:

Table 15. The distribution of Sentence type in Mariah’s song

Song Total % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Statement F 30 21 16 29 16 18 29 17 18 23 217 70.6 % 13.8 9.2 7.3 13.3 7.3 8.2 13.3 7.8 8.2 11.6 100.0 Command F 2 1 5 1 1 3 7 1 1 7 29 9.4 % 6.8 3.4 17 3.4 3.4 10.2 24.5 3.4 3.4 24.5 100.0 Question F 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 1 0 7 2.2 % 0 0 0 0 77.4 0 11.3 0 11.3 0 100.0 Miror F 6 4 3 9 6 0 11 4 8 3 54 17.8 % 11.1 7.5 5.5 16.6 11.1 0 20.2 7.5 15 5.5 100.0

From table 15, we can see that the dominant representative of sentence type in Mariah’s song was statement. It had 217 out of 307 or 70.6%. then, the second level of representative was miror sentences by representative 54 out of 307 or

17.8%. inspite of this, Command sentence had 29 out of 307 or 9.4% and the last was question sentence by representative 7 out of 307 or 2.2%.

The first song entitled” Bye-bye” had the highest representative of statement by representative 30 out of 217 or 13.8% . Mariah took the dominantrepresentative of command in the seventh and tenth song with similar representative by representative 7 out of 29 or 24.5%. then for the highest representative of question was placed in the fifth song by representative 5 out of 7 or 77.4%. the last categories of sentence type was miror sentence. the song that had highest representative of miror sentence was the seventh song by representative 11 out of 54 or 20.2%. The discussion of Sentence type will be discuss as follow:


In her motivational song, Mariah composed at 217 of statement or declarative sentence. For example:

(BB34)I remember when you used to tuck me in at night (BB35)With the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so tight (BB36)I thought you were so strong (BB37)That you can make it through whatever (BB38)It’s so hard to accept the fact you’re gone forever

In these sentences, Mariah wanted to convey her motivational message and expressed her feeling. She was lost her beloved father. She stated her memories about a doll, Teddy Bear that given by her father when her father was not yet gone away. She remembered these time when her father used to tuck hers in at night, then in the next lyric, she declared her feeling that Mariah as a child was thinking about her father, but it all was contrast with the reality. Her father was passed away, Mariah felt hard to accept that fact, so she composed beautiful poetic words in expressing her feeling about her memories with her father. Again, in the next song entitled “Can’t Take That Away” Mariah also created some sentences that refering to statements or declarative sentences in conveying her message, such as

(CT26)No, they can’t take this (CT27)Precious love, I’ll always have inside me (CT28)Certainly the Lord will guide me (CT29)Where I need to go

Mariah tried to invited the listeners in order to the listeners believing in a

God. Mariah reliazed that she had a precious love inside hers. Precious love was love from her beloved family. When Mariah faced the difficult period in her life she believed that God will always guiding her forever. Wherever and whenever

140 she must goes to the right time and the right place. The next lyrics that composed by Mariah carey in her motivational song such as

(CT18)And if you get down on your knees at night (CT19)And pray to the Lord (CT20)He’s gonna make it happen (CT21)Make it happen

In this case, mariah tried to convey her message about the essence of pray and believing in God desire. It was clear thet Mariah used the familiar words to make her message known easily and clearly by everyone who listens her song. If we prayed to the Lord in the silince night alone, we say using the soft words to the

Lord, then we believe in God desire that has been created for us it’s the best for us, so the God will makes our pray and our aim happen.

Mariah also had solidarity to other, especially to the poor people. It proved in the next song entitled “There’s Got To Be A Way” s she also composed the lyrics by using statements sentences or declarative sentences that combined by using miror sentences , such as

(TG29)And maybe then the future will be a time (TG30)Without a war, destitution, and sorrow (TG31)And hungry children won’t have to die (TG32)If we work together today, we’ll save tomorrow

The essence of togetherness in our social environtment wolud be shown in these lyrics. Mariah conveyed her idea about the future time, if we wanted our future will be a time, it meant that our future will be the better time,actually without war, destitution and sorrow, we must together in doing our duty then we will save tomorrow.


The other type of sentences that used by Mariah Carey in her motivational song was command sentences by representative 29 out of 217 or 9.4%. For example:

In the seventh songs of Mariah entitled “ Thriumphant,” Mariah Carey also created some sentences that refering to command sentences, as follow:

(TH22)Can’t fall down, stay thriumphant, keep on living (TH23)Stay on your toes (TH24)Get off the ropes (TH25) Don’t let-em ever count you out (TH26)Relize all things are possible (TH27)In your heart who’s the greatest (TH28)Reach for the stars (TH29)Be all that you are

The composer tried to express her idea about believing in our own power.

Especially when we faced the problems of life, Mariah told us that don’t give up in our life, always stay in ourselves, still do our effort to reach the stars, in this side stars meant our aim or our hope. The important message that wanted to convey from Mariah Carey was we must just the way we are in this life. Again,

Mariah also composed the other lyrics in other motivational songs that using command sentences such as

(OH44)If you putting in a hundred put your ones up, ones up (OH45)If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up (OH46)If you really comprehend this, put your ones up, ones up (OH47)If you’re walking into victory keep on shining (OH48)one hundred percent (OH49)Don’t you ever be discouraged, let nobody take your courage (OH50)If you gonna pray don’t worry (OH51)If you gonna worry don’t pray (OH52)You just keep the faith and listen to me


In these series of sentences created by Mariah Carey, she selected some sentences that used command sentence in order to her motivational message was convey clearly. In these series of command sentence, Mariah composed beautiful combination in conveying her message and her ideas between the essence of believing in God and the essence of motivation in this life. Mariah repeated her command sentence, “put your ones up” three times in the first until third lyrics.

Then Mariah tried to give her suggestion using command sentence by stating “ If you’re walking into victory keep on shining” these sentence meant when we were doing something, we must keep spirit in our mind. Then, Mariah symbolized something that was perfect by using the number 100% in her song lyric. Again, Mariah tried to motivate the listeners of her songs in order to they had the bravely in facing the problem. Mariah also composed the lyric used command sentence in her motivational song entitled “ Hero” such as

(HE14)Look inside you and be strong.

Related to this lyric ”So when you feel like hope is gone” then Mariah composed the next lyric ”Look inside you and be strong.” From these side,

Mariah conveyed her suggestion by expressing her idea that we must be strong when we gave up inspite of she felt that the hope is gone but we must always potomistic in our life..

In conveying her motivational messages, Mariah also composed her lyrics using interogative sentence or question such as

(TG39)Couldn’t we just love each other


In the fifth song entitled “There’s Got To Be A Way,” Mariah told the listener about her feeling. In this song she was care with social condition, sometimes there was a war between two country then there were many hungry children that caused by theat war, so Mariah felt was so iritated knowing the issue, then she conveyed her message to the other person by stating, “ Couldn’t we just love each other,” she thought that our togetherness would make peace in this world.

(TH27)In your heart who’s the greatest

Mariah is one of the singer who ussualy recognized the existence of God in her life. She also composed her song lyric that releted to the essence of religiously. Again, Maraih tried to motivate everyone to believe in God, believe in

God power that guided us in our day,so when everyone was facing the problem in their life, she tried to ask everyone in order to follow her heart when doing something. Mariah wanted to convey that God will guide and help us everytime,so

Mariah stated that we must looked in our heart who’s the greatest. It meant that the Lord was the greatest one.

(WB11)Who knows what miracles you can achieve

In her song entitled “When You Believe,” Mariah was strongly believed that when someone believe that everything that they do was possible so all will happen with God desire. Especially Mariah tried to convey the essence of believing in what we do, so somehow you will.


The last sentence type in Mariah Carey’s motivational song is miror sentence.

The composer also took the miror sentence in her lyrics, it meant that Mariah didn’t use selected verb in her motivational song, as follow:

(BB19)If you were with me today face to face

Actually, Mariah wanted to show her missing feeling about the existence of her fathat who was gone away. She wanted to express her feeling about her hope that she wanted her dather was always with hers but it was strongly contrast with the reality, so mariah conveyed her feeling in her motivational message in this side with no selected verb in this sentence.

(CT19)Something in my soul

In this sentence, Mariah tried to give clear description about the peace in her inner. She said “something in her sould was represented the inner peace that had been stated in the lyric later.

(HE17)It’s a long road

This lyric contained no verb. It was a miror sentence. Mariah just said it is a long road. She described and imagine the real of world by stating that it is a long road. It meant that Mariah tried to ask the reader to experience to the full attention of the essence of life.

(TG1)A broken man without home

In this occasion, Mariah poured her thought about social disaster by composing this lyric with no selected verb, but Mariah created a beautiful noun phrase to describe the poor people who was being the victim of society that describe more clearly by Mariah in the next lyric.


(WB5)Now we are not afraid

The last example of Mariah Carey’s song lyric that used no selected verb in the sentence. In conveying her motivational message, Mariah also used mirio sentence. basically, she tried to express her message that they have prayed then

Mariah said that now we are not afraid.

2. Analysis of Clause Type

After analizing the motivational songs of Mariah Carey entitled“Bye-bye,

Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way,

Through The Rain, Thriumphant, Twister, When You Believe, 100% “ there were found some clause type constructed by Mariah to express her thoughts and her ideas. The summary of clause type in mariah’s songs will be shown in the following table.

Table 16. The distribution of Clause Type in Mariah’s songs.

Song Total % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WH - F 5 2 2 1 1 7 3 0 6 0 27.0 57.4 clause % 18.5 7.4 7.4 5.1 5.1 23.2 11.1 0 20.2 0 100.0 That- F 2 4 2 0 0 2 4 2 0 4 20.0 42.6 clause % 10 20 10 0 0 10 20 10 0 20 100.0

From table 16, it can be seen that the dominant representative of clause in mariah’s motivational song was Wh-clause. It had 27 out of 47 or 57.%. The next clause in Mariah’s songs was That-clause by representative 20 out of 47 or


Mariah took the highest representative of Wh-clause in her sixth song entitled “ Through The Rain.” It had 7 out of 27 or 23.3% . Mariah also didn’t

146 used Wh-clause in some of her song by representative 0 out of 27 or 0%. Inspite of this,from the table above, there were three songs of Mariah that had similar dominant representative of That-clause by representative 4 out of 20 or 20%.

Again, in conveying her motivational messages, Mariah also didn’t used that caluse in some of her songs by representative 0 out of 20 or 0%.

Wh-clause that refering to Who, What,When,where, Why and How- clause would be discussed bellow:

Firstly, Mariah composed her lyrics used Wh-clause that refers to “who” as the doer or a specific person, such as

(BB1)This is for my people who just lost somebody

In these contex, Mariah used who-clause to describe everyone who stated as her people. The words My people in this contex of this song is everyone who just lost somebody that described by Mariah in thext sentence. It’s clear enough that the function of who-clause in there was giving more information about the words

My people.

(TH67) Baby still know who you are

In conveying her motivational message, Mariah also selected some who- clause in her song lyric. In there, Mariah wanted to convey the message to everyone who listen to her song about the essence of believing in ourselves. In order to be the best, we shouldn’t cheat the attitude of other person, so Mariah said that we must be all that we are.

Secondly, the composer, Mariah Carey used Wh-clause that refers to “what” as the action that done by the doer, such as


(MH15)And know what you want

The purpose of what-clause in there was replaced the sentence what you want to what-clause. Again, Mariah usually motivates everyone in order to he or she believed in herself. Mariah believed that there was a big power inseide ourselves so she said “if you believe in yourself enough, you’re gonna make it happen.”

(TR16)And you’ll find what you need to prevail

When someboby wanted to get her succeed he must do some ways that appropriate to his purpose of getting his aim. Mariah in there also aksed the listeners to build up her way in order to we can get our succeed.

Thirdly, Mariah Carey used the next Wh-clause that refers to “when” as the time in doing the action.

(BB34)I remember when you used to tuck me in at night

Mariah memorized something that made her impressed with it, especially when she remembered about the mommorize of her beloved father when he used to tuck Mariah in at night, then he gave a Teddy Bear to Mariah as the unforgetable remembrances of him for his daughter.

(WB31)But when you’re blinded by your pain

Again, Mariah conveyed her feeling about the essence of pain. She told when somebody was blinded by his pain then she composed the lyric that appropriate with her feeling. The composer asked the listener to struggle and to pray when they are facing the problem in getting our succees because we can found our way.

Forthly, Mariah Carey also selected a single Wh-clause that refers to “where” as the place when the doer was doing an action, such as


(CT28)Certainly the Lord will guide me (CT29) where I need to go

Absoultelly Mariah also recognized the existence of God in her life. It proved by stating “Certainly the Lord will guide me where I need to go.” She believed in

God desire. God will brings us into the better place where we need to go.

Fifthly, the composer also composed the lyric using Wh-clause that refers to

“why” as the reason of someone in doing something,as follow:

(BB10)I didn’t know why you didn’t show up sometimes

The reason is the importan thing when we are doing something. For what the purpose the task that we are doing now, so Mariah laso tried to convey the essence of haw important a reason in there. She recognized that she didn’t know the reason she was gave up so she used the why-clause to maintain these lyric.

Sixthly, Mariah Carey also selected some lyrics that contained Wh-clause that refers to “ how” as the way in doing something such as

(BB30)And you never got the chance to see how good I’ve done

In the song entitled “ Bye-bye” Mariah expressed her missing feeling because she was lost her father. After she go her success until she was being the pupolar singer nowadays, her fathe couldn’t see her condition. Mariah tried to express her feeling by creating this lyric that touch the heart of everyone who listens her song.

The love between daughter and father was so emotionally expressed here.

Seventhly, The composer composed many lyrics used That-clause to convey her motivational message such as

(OH28)But if you can turn the wounds into proof that you’ve survived the fight (OH29)And you no longer defined


In there Mariah Carey as the composer of this song tried to relize anybody arround hers when they get wounds in their life that make a seriuos pain in them.

But there was a intrinsic message from these series of sentence that form a beautiful lyric, it contained the message that we must survive when we were on fight, never give up until we get what we want.

Again, Mariah also created the next lyric using that-clause in conveying her motivational message such as

(TH79)Be all that you are

Believeing in the power and the skill of ourselves was the important message that tried to convey by Mariah in this song. It related to the lyric that stated “

Baby still know who you are” that had similar with this representation. In conveying her motivational message, Mariah also selected some who-clause in her song lyric. In there, Mariah wanted to convey the message to everyone who listen to her song about the essence of believing in ourselves. In order to be the best, we shouldn’t cheat the attitude of other person, so Mariah said that we must be all that we are

E. The implication of Motivational value of Mariah Carey’s motivational

songs in increasing student’s motivation in English Learning.

Motivation is the impotant part in our life due to for the students in studying

English as the foreign language. Actually there were two kinds of motivational, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from the inner of somebody while extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from the external factor.


In this case, the external factors can be applied in teacher’s factor and the material for the process of studying the lesson. In order to know the responses of the objects in knowing the essence of Mariah Carey’s motivational song and the implication in their daily motivation the researcher do the research by creating a questionnaire that appropriate with the essence of motivation its self.

The object of these questionnaire is the students of English Department in

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. The researcher used purposeful sampling as her method of collecting the data.

1. The analysis of Questionnaire

The researcher used questionnaire as the the collecting data sampling. The researcher used purposeful sampling, the students of English Department in

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo not from the other department. It releted to their daily activities in mastery English as their degree. Thgis questionnaire consist of 15 questions that related to the essence of motivation itsselft and the implication in increasing students motivation in learning English.

The result of the questionnaire will shown in a table bellow:

Table 17. The Summary of Questionnaire Result

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 YES F 29 26 27 18 27 25 18 8 19 13 8 23 13 8 28 % 97 87 90 60 90 83 60 29 61 43 29 71 43 29 93.3 NO F 1 4 3 12 3 5 12 22 11 17 22 7 17 22 2 % 3 13 10 40 10 17 40 71 39 57 71 29 57 71 6.7

From table 17. It can be seen that the first question had 29 students or 97% of the object who said they like listen to English song meanwhile the other 1

151 student said that he didn’t like listening to English songs. From the result of the first question it can be concluded that Many Students of English Department in

UMP like listening of English song.

Then, in the second question, there was 26 person or 87% who said yes for these question or they have favourite English singer and only 4 person who said they didn’t have favourite English singer. From these point we can stated that the averages of students in English Department had favourite English Singer.

The point of this second question was related to question before.

Again, the result shows that from 30 students who was being the object of these questionnaire, there were 27 students or 90% who said yes if they have favourite English song and only 3 students who didn’t have favourite of English song. Then the next question was related to the third question, in the forth question there were 18 out of 30 students who said that they know the lyric of their favourite English song and 12 out of 30 students who said when they listen their favourite English song, they didn’t the lyric of the song just listen the beautiful voice of the singer.

In the next question the researcher wanted to know the student’s motivation when they have a difficulty that related to their favourite thing,

English song. The result of these questionnaire shows that 27 out of 30 students or

90% said yes when they didn;t know the diction used by the composer in composing her favourite song they had motivation to know the meaning of the diction. In the other side, there were also has 3 students or 10% who didn’t have motivation to know the meaning of the diction maybe it related to the last quetion

152 thet they didn’t have favourite English singer and they didn’t like listening to

English song.

The sixth question had representative yes 25 out of 30 students who said that when they didn’t know the meaning or the lyrics of the song, they tried to search the transcripion in the internet but there were also 5 students or 17% who didn’t try to seacrh the transcription in the internet, again this question at least could show us that motivation especially intrinsic motivation took part in this section

In the seventh question, the researcher wanted to know how familiar the students with Mariah Carey as one of the English song singer. The result shows that there were 18 out of 30 students or 60% who was familiar with Mariah carey and the other 12 students or 40% said that they were not familiar with.

The next question, the researcher asked about the knowledge of the students about Mariah carey’s motivational song. Nowadays many singer who always show up the love story in their song, but neither does Mariah Carey. She ah her composer of her own song also tried to convey the motivational message about socisl, believeing in God and the other motivational side in her songs. but sometimes the listener just listen the voice of the singer but they didn’t know the essence of the song that sang by the singer. The result of these question was proved the fact by representative 8 out of 30 students or 29% say yes if they know the motivational song of Mariah and the other 22 out of 30 students or 71% who said that they didn’t know the songs.


The ninth question wanted to prove the fact that some of the students often hear the song entitled “ Hero” but they didn’t know who was sing the song, they also didn’t know the message from the song. It proved by the result of the questionnaire that shows 11 out of 30 students said yes if they ever heard Mariah

Carey’s song entitled “Hero” and the other 19 said no. It meant that they didn’t know the song.

In this tenth question, the researcher tried to observe the students after they konw the song entitled hero, did they know the lyric? Or just easy listening the song by taking full attention in the singer’s voice and the tone of the song. The result shows that 13 out of 30 students or 43% said yes if they know the lyric of

Hero then the other 17 students or 57% show that they didn’t know the lyric of

Hero but if the other side they were familiar with the song.

In the next question there were 8 students or 29% who know the message that conveyed by Mariah Carey through her song entitled “ Hero”. The other students 22 out of 30 or 71% who didn’t know the message of Hero.

The next question, shows us that up to 70% know the meaning of the sentence that contains motivational message tho other 7 students didn’t know the meaning of the sentence.

The question number 13 the reseacher tried to ask the students about their knowledge of the other song of Mariah Carey that contain motivational message.

The researcher choosed when You Believe as the object of these question. Then the result shows that 13 out of 30 studentsor 43% said yes if they familiar with the

154 song entield” when you believe” but the other 17 students didn’t know the song entitled “ when you believe.”

The next question, the rearcher tried to hold the information from the students about the message inside the song entitled “ when you believe. Many of them said if they didn’t know the message fron these song, by representative 22 out of

30 or 71% then the other 8 students said if they know the message from these song.

The last question in these questionnaire, had the result that there were 28 out of 30 students who said they intesest studying English using English song and the other 2 students said if they didn’t like studying English using English song.

The conclusion from the result of these questionnaire are many students in

English department had their own favourite English singer they also had favourite

English song but sometimes when they listen their favourite song, they didn’t know the meaning of the diction that used by the composer of the song, but they can search the transcription in the internet to conduct their interest in studying

English. Again, Mariah carey is one of popular singer who had unique characteristic. The motivational message from the songs of Mariah can be used to increase the motivation of the students in studying English.





In Mariah Carey motivational songs entitled “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That

Away, Hero, Make It Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain,

Thriumphant, Twister, When You Believe, 100%,” Mariah used her power and her creativity in exploiting her ideas, thoughts, her feeling and her principles of life in her motivational songs’s lyrics through the selection of the lexical elements, gramatical elements and also by exploiting the use of figurative languages.

In conveying her motivational message through her songs, the dominant

Figurative Language in Mariah Carey’s songs was symbol. It had 24 out of 106 or

22.64% because she wanted to make her message in her songs easy knowing of the listener by imagining the symbols.

In lexical categories elements Mariah tended to exploiting the Verb more than the other lexical elements in her motivational songs. It proved with the dominant representative of lexical elements categories was Verb by representative

257out of 533 or 49.3% because Mariah wanted the listener had the realization or the real act of Motivation inside themselves

The last categories is Gramatical categories elements. There were found that statement or declarative sentence had the highest representation of sentence type. It had 217 out of 307 or 70.6% to make her messages clearly, then the


Clause type consist of Wh- clause and That- clause. There were found that

Mariah Carey’s motivational songs consisted more Wh- clause by representative

27 out of 47 or 57.4%.

Finally, the result of questionnaire shows that 28 out of 30 students or

93.3% like studying English using English song. The dominant answer about their knowledge of Mariah Carey’s Motivational song shows that they were familiar with the song entitled “ Hero” but they didn’t know the lyrics and the message through “hero.” It can be conclude if the teacher can use Mariah Carey’s motivational songs in studying English that approprite with the context of

Student’s motivation.


1) For the students

When we listen to a song it’s better if we tried to know the message of the song. Motivation is the important part in our life so when we listen to a song don’t listen only love song but we should listen in another theme of song that give the benefit of our life such as motivational songs.

2) For the teacher

Motivation is the important part for everybody, especially motivation of the students in studying English. In order to make the motivation of their students increase, the teachers must have the good trick or material that related to their lesson. English song is one of the object that can make the motivation of their students increase, so the teacher can use the song which had motivational message, especially Mariah Carey’s motivational song because most of the

157 students were familiar with her and some of her motivational songs but they didn’t know the message and the transcription of the lyric so they just listen to the beautiful voice of Mariah.

3) For the next researcher

As a good listener, we must appreciate the song as literary work by trying to interpret the lyric not only use our mouth or our eyes or our ears but also try to interpret the lyric through our heart so the lyrics will be meaningful.

In addition, when listening each motivational songs of Mariah Carey, it is advisable that the listeners know Mariah Carey’s style as one of the technique for good writing that is by knowing some selected lexical categories element, gramatical categories elements and the use of figurative language of course, the listener must transcribe the lyric. There were many elements of each categories that not yet analyzed by the researcher before that can be the further research for the next researcher. Then we could understand easily the component of the song and as our reference in creating a good writing forms




1. BB = Bye- Bye

This is for my peoples who just lost somebody Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady Put your hand way up high We will never say bye (no, no, no)

Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers

Lift your head to the sky ’cause we will never say bye

As a child there were them times I didn’t get it but you kept me in line I didn’t know why you didn’t show up sometimes It’s something more than saying "I miss you" But when we talked too All them grown folk things Separation brings You never let me know it You never let it show and obviously There’s so much more left to say If you were with me today face to face

[Chorus:] I never knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on like "I wish I could talk to you for awhile" "I wish I could find a way try not to cry" As time goes by And soon as you reach a better place Still I’ll give the whole world to see your face And I’m right here next to you It feels like you gone too soon The hardest thing to do is say bye bye

And you never got the chance to see how good I’ve done And you never got to see me back at number one I wish that you were here to celebrate together I wish that we could spend the holidays together

I remember when you used to tuck me in at night With the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so tight I thought you were so strong That you can make it through whatever It’s so hard to accept the fact you’re gone forever

This is for my peoples who just lost somebody Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady Put your hand way up high We will never say bye (no, no, no) Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins This is for my peoples who lost their grandfather Lift your head to the sky ’cause we will never say bye

2. CT = Can’t Take The Way

They can say anything they want to say Try to bring me down But I will not allow anyone to succeed Hanging clouds over me

And they can try hard to make me feel That I don't matter at all But I refuse to falter in what I believe Or lose faith in my dreams

'Cause there's, there's a light in me That shines brightly They can try But they can't take that away from me From me

Oh they, they can do anything they want to you If you let them in But they won't ever win If you cling to your pride and just push them aside

See, I, I have learned there's an inner peace I own Something in my soul That they cannot possess So I won't be afraid and the darkness will fade

'Cause there's, there's a light in me That shines brightly They can try But they can't take that away from me

No, they can't take this Precious love, I'll always have inside me Certainly the Lord will guide me Where I need to go

They can say anything they want to say Try to break me down But I won't face the ground I will rise steadily sailing out of their reach

Oh Lord, they do try hard to make me feel That I don't matter at all But I refuse to falter in what I believe Or lose faith in my dreams

'Cause there's a light in me that shines brightly Yes, they can try But they can't take that away from me From me

3. HE = Hero

There’s a hero If you look inside your heart You don’t have to be afraid Of what you are

There’s an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will melt away

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

It’s a long road And you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand For you to hold You can find love If you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt Will disappear

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

Oh ho, Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow But don’t let anyone Tear them away, hey yea

Hold on There will be tomorrow In time, you find the way, hey

Then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

That a hero lies in you Mmm, that a hero lies in you

4. MH = Make It Happen

Not more than three short years ago Without a penny to my name So very young and so afraid I was abandoned and alone No proper shoes upon my feet Sometimes I couldn't even eat I often cried myself to sleep But still I had to keep on going Never knowing if I could take it If I would make it through the night I held on to my faith I struggled and I prayed And now I've found my way

[Chorus:] If you believe in yourself enough And know what you want You're gonna make it happen Make it happen And if you get down on your knees at night And pray to the Lord He's gonna make it happen Make it happen

I know life can be so tough And you feel like giving up But you must be strong Baby just hold on You'll never find the answers If you throw your life away I used to feel the way you do Still I had to keep on going Never knowing if I could take it If I would make it through the night I held on to my faith I struggled and I prayed And now I've finally found my way


I once was lost But now I'm found I got my feet On solid ground Thank you Lord If you believe Within your soul Just hold on tight And don't let go You can make it Make it happen

5. TG = There’s Got To Be A Way

A broken man without a home Desperate and so alone A victim of society No one really wants to see

Some of us don't even wonder Some of us don't even care Couldn't we just help each other Isn't there enough to share

There's got to be a way To connect this world today Come together to relieve the pain

There's got to be a way To unite this human race And together we'll bring on a change

In another land they still believe Color grants supremacy I don't understand how there can be Regulated bigotry

Some of us don't even wonder Some of us don't even care Couldn't we accept each other Can't we make ourselves aware

There's got to be a way To connect this world today Come together to relieve the pain

There's got to be a way To unite this human race And together we'll bring on a change

And maybe then the future will be a time Without war, destitution and sorrow And hungry children won't have to die If we work together today, we'll save tomorrow

Yeah, hey Oh yes Come on, come on Ho

Some of us don't even wonder Some of us don't even care Couldn't we just love each other Isn't there enough to share

There's got to be a way To connect this world today Come together to relieve the pain

There's got to be a way To unite this human race And together we'll bring on a change

There's got to be a way To connect this world today

There's got to be, there's got to be, there's got to Got to, got to be

There's got to be a way To unite this human race And together we'll bring on a change

6. TR = Through The Rain

When you get caught in the rain with no where to run When you're distraught and in pain without anyone When you kepp crying out to be saved and nobody comes and you feel so far away That you just can't find your way home You can get there alone

It's okay, what you say I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my own And I know that I'm strong enough to mend And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith And I live one more day and I make it through the rain And if you keep falling down don't you dare give in You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly And you'll find what you need to prevail What you say is

I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my own And I know that I'm strong enough to mend And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And when the wind blows,and as shadows grow close don't be afraid There's nothing you can't face And should they tell you you'll never pull through Don't hesitate, stand tall and say

I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my own And I know that I'm strong enough to mend And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

I can make it through the rain And I live once again And I live one more day And I can make it through the rain ( oh Yes you can) You will make it through the rain

7. TH = Thriumphant

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em (Go) Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em (Go) Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em (Go) Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em (Go) Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em (Go) Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em (Go)

They told me get 'em, I got 'em, I swear this word to my father And the only way to make it to the top If you go and get it from the bottom And I ain't never asked for no handouts You won't carry me, no Mariah These haters love when I was dead broke But they ain't mad at me, I'm on fire and I'm gon' burn And they ain't gon' learn, I remember they said that it ain't my turn But it ain't confirmed, then the table's turned Just look at me now, try to hold me down But I ain't gon' stop, 'cause I'm gon' climb To the mountain top, to the mountain top, now let's go

Can't fall down, stay triumphant, keep on living Stay on your toes Get off the ropes Don't let 'em ever count you out Realize all things are possible In your heart who's the greatest Reach for the stars Be all that you are And make 'em all fall down

Path that I choose flashing cameras as I pose Throwing big money as she dances on the pole Lime green Lamborghini dances in the road License still suspended, no I never stop for tolls Born slick talker, twice a week shopper Blow a hundred wreck she don't know a footlocker Red bottom boss house big as Baltimore With a blonde bombshell tryin' to bomb with your boy In the James Bond Beamer chrome wheel two seater Smoking like Pimp C, spoken like a trill nigga On a cloudy day baby I can make it rain Rubber band, 50 grand bet it brighten up your day Came from humble beginnings Then was Hummers and Benzes Now it's hundreds and millions, this is only the beginning A don, a diva, the born achiever The one believer, the game gets deeper

Can't fall down, stay triumphant, keep on living Stay on your toes Get off the ropes Don't let 'em ever count you out Realize all things are possible In your heart who's the greatest Reach for the stars Be all that you are And make 'em all fall down

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em (Go) Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em (Go) Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em (Go) Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em (Go) Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em (Go) Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em (Go) Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em (Go) Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em (Go)

Can't fall down now, so even when clouds surround you And everyone seems to doubt you Baby still know who you are So you gotta keep on climbing In spite of the chains that bind you You can see the mountain top It's not too far

Can't fall down, stay triumphant, keep on living Stay on your toes Get off the rope Don't let 'em ever count you out Realize all things are possible In your heart who's the greatest Reach for the stars Be all that you are And make 'em all fall down

Can't fall down, stay triumphant, keep on living (Get 'em, get 'em, get em) Stay on your toes, get off the ropes (Stay on your toes) Don't let 'em ever count you out (No, no, no, no) (Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em, get 'em go) Realize all things are possible In your heart who's the greatest Reach for the stars Be all that you are And make 'em all fall down

They told me get 'em, I got em They told me get 'em, I got em They told me get 'em, I got em They told me get 'em, I got em They told me get 'em, I got em They told me get 'em, I got em

8. TW = Twister

She was kind of fragile And she had a lot to grapple with But basically she kept It all inside

Childlike and effervescent With a well of pain The depth of I could not imagine If I tried

Never thought that I Would hear them say Twister went and threw it all away She was kind of magical

Her laughter sent you casually Floating through a moment Of release Dear God, it's all so tragic

And I'll never have the chance To feel the closure That I untimately need No, I never dreamed

That there would come a time Twister'd go and leave it all behind Lord I pray she's found some peace And her soul's somewhere at ease

Yeah I'm feeling kind of fragile And I've got a lot to handle But I guess this is my way Of saying goodbye

9. WB = When You Believe

Many nights we’ve prayed With no proof anyone could hear In our hearts a hopeful song We barely understood Now we are not afraid Although we know there’s much to fear We were moving mountains long Before we knew we could

There can be miracles, when you believe Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill Who knows what miracles you can achieve When you believe, somehow you will You will when you believe

In this time of fear When prayers so often prove in vain Hope seems like the summer birds To swiftly flown away

Yet now I’m standing here My heart’s so full I can’t explain Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say

There can be miracles, when you believe Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill Who knows what miracles you can achieve When you believe, somehow you will You will when you believe

They don’t always happen when you ask (Oh) And it’s easy to give in to your fears (Oh…Ohhhh) But when you’re blinded by your pain Can’t see your way straight through the rain Small but still, resilient voice Says love is the relief (Ohhh)

There can be miracles (Miracles) When you believe (Lord, when you believe) Though hope is frail (Though hope is frail) It’s hard to kill (Hard to kill, Ohhh) Who knows what miracles,you can achieve When you believe, somehow you will (somehow, somehow, somehow) somehow you will You will when you believe

You will when you You will when you believe Just believe…in your heart Just believe You will when you believeeeeeeeeeee

10. OH = 100%

I am a dream, just beginning truth is I prayed and you opened my eyes, annd you revealed something to me suddenly I am no longer confined.

To a life that's defined by limits I don't need no permission to live it Imma break through the door till I get in Everything that I got Immma give it 100% and I ain't stoppin' till I reach the finish.

I'm a believer not just a dreamer I'm givin everything I got I'm a go-getter 100 Percenter Undoubtedly I can reach the top and I ain't gonna let nothing discourage or dissuade me 'Cause I'm walking out of here a champion either way babe I am givin it 100 Percent So go on put your ones up

If you're putting in a hundred put your ones up, ones up If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up If you really comprehend this, your ones up, your ones up If you're walking into victory keep on shining One hundred percent

You can only do it if you do it like I did 'Cause suffering ain't easy But if you can turn your wounds into living proof that you've survived the fight and you no longer defined To a life that's defined by limits I don't need no permission to live it Imma break thru the door til I get in Everything that I got Imma give it 100 Percent and I ain't stopping till I reach the finish

I'm a believer not just a dreamer I'm givin everything I got I'm a go-getter 100 Percenter Undoubtedly I can reach the top and I ain't gonna let nothing discourage or dissuade me (Nothing can discourage me) 'Cause I'm walking out of here a champion either way babe (Eh) I am givin it 100 Percent so go on put your ones up

If you're putting in a hundred put your ones up, ones up (Put your ones up) If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up (Everybody) If you really comprehend this, your ones up, your ones up (Put your ones up) If you're walking into victory keep on shining (One hundred) One hundred percent

Don't you ever be discouraged, let nobody take your courage If you gonna pray don't worry, If ya gonna worry don't pray You just keep the faith and listen to me

If you're putting in a hundred put your ones up, ones up (Put your ones up) If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up (If you know you were) If you really comprehend this feel, your ones up, your ones up (If you ever worked hard for something) If you're walking into victory keep on shining One hundred percent

I'm a believer not just a dreamer I'm givin everything I got I'm a go getter 100 Percenter Undoubtedly I can reach the top and I ain't gonna let nothing discourage or dissuade me (Nothing, I'm a Champion) Cuz I'm walking out of here a champion either way babe (Either way) Ive got ta give 100 Percent So go on put your ones up If you're putting in a hundred put your ones up, ones up If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up If you really comprehend this feel, your ones up, your ones up If you're walking into victory keep on shining One hundred percent


Data of Figurative languages in Mariah Carey’s Motivational Songs

No Lyric Stanza Song Figurative Language SI SY PS AL AP AT CL HP 1. As a child there were them BB V times 2. I never know I could hurt like BB V this 3. As time goes by and soon as BB V you reach a better place 4. It feels like you gone too soon BB V 5. Your best friend, your baby, BB V your man, or your lady 6. Mamas, daddies, sisters, BB V brothers, friends, and cousins 7. I didn‟t get it but you keep me BB V in line I didn‟t know why you didn‟t show up sometimes 8. You never let me know it BB V You never let show 9. “ I wish I could talk to you for BB V awhile” “ I wish I could find a way try not to cry” 10. And you never got the chance BB V to see how good I‟ve done And you never got to see me back at number one 11. I wish that you were here to BB V celebrate together I wish that we could spend the holidays together 12. I didn‟t get it but you kept me BB V in line 13. It‟s something more than BB V saying “ I miss you” 14. There‟s so much more left to BB V say 15. Still I‟ll give me the whole BB V world to see your face There‟s so much more left to say 16. The hardest thing to do is say BB V bye-bye 17. It‟s so hard to accept the fact BB V you‟re gone forever 18. I will rise steadily sailing out CT V of their reach 19. See, I, I have learned there‟s CT V an inner peace I own something in my soul that they cannot possess so I won‟t be afraid and the darkness will fade 20. They can say anything they CT V want to say Try to bring me down but I will not allow anyone to succeed hanging clouds over me 21. And they can try hard to make CT V me feel that I don‟t matter at all but I refuse to falter in what I believe or lose faith in my dreams 22. „cause there‟s, there‟s a light CT V in me that shines brightly they can try but they can‟t take that away from me 23. Oh they, they can do anything CT V they want to you if you let them in but they won‟t ever win 24. They can say anything they CT V want to say try to break me down but I won‟t face the ground, I will rise steadily sailing out of their reach 25 There‟s a light in me that CT V shines brightly 26 Hanging clouds over me CT V 27 The darkness will fade CT V 28 But I won‟t face the ground CT V alone 29 So when you feel like hope is HE V gone 30. There‟s a hero HE V 31 And you face the world alone HE V 32. No one reaches out a hand HE V 33. Dreams are hard to follow HE V 34. And you cast your fears aside HE V And you know you can survive 35. Oh oh, Lord knows dreams HE V are hard to follow but don‟t let anyone fear them away, hey yea 36. So when you feel like hope is HE gone, look inside you and be V strong and you‟ll finally see the thruth that a hero lies you 37. So very young and so afraid MH V 38. If I would make it through the MH V night I held on to my faith I strunggled and I prayed and now I‟ve finally found my way 39. If you believe MH V Within your soul Just hold on tight And don‟t let go You can make it Make it happen 40. I often cried my self to sleep MH V but still I had to keep on going 41. And you feel like giving up MH V but you must be strong 42 I once was lost but now I‟m MH V found 43. I held on to my faith MH V I struggled and I prayed 44. And if you get down on your MH V knees at night And pray to the Lord 45. I know life can be so tough MH V 46. No proper shoes upon my feet MH V 47. And if you get down on your MH V knees at night 48. I got my feet MH V 49. And you feel like giving up MH V 50. And hungry children won‟t TG V have to die 51. Some of us don‟t even wonder TG V Some of us don‟t ever care 52. Sometimes I couldn‟t even eat TR V 53. You will arise safe and sound, TR V so keep pressing on steadfasly and you‟ll find what you need to prevail what you say is 54. When you get caught in the TR V rain with no where to run When you‟re distraught and in pain without anyone When you keep crying out to be saved 55. And nobody comes TR V And you feel so far away 56. I can make it through the rain TR V I can stand up once again on my own 57. And I know that I‟m strong TR V enough to mend And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith And I live one more day and I make it through the rain And if you keep falling down don‟t you dare and give in 58. And I live once again TR V And I live one more day And I can make it through the rain 59. I can make it through the rain TR V 60. And when the wind blows, TR V and as shadows grow dose don‟t be afraid 61. Path that I choose flashing TH V cameras as I pase 62. Throwing big money as she TH V dances on the pole 63. Red bottom boss house big as TH V Baltimore 64. Smoking like Pimp C, spoken TH V like a trill nigga 65. But I ain‟t gon‟ stop. “ cause TH V I‟m gon‟ climb 66. To the mountain top TH V 67. Stay on your toes TH V 68. Reach for the star TH V 69. On a cloudy day baby I can TH V make it rain 70. The game gets deeper TH V 71. Get off the ropes TH V 72. Inspite of the chains that blind TH V you 73. Lime green Lamborghini TH V dances in the road 74. Can‟t fall down now, so even TH V when clouds surround you 75. Inspite of the chains that blind TH V you 76. Red bottom boss house big as TH V Baltimore 77. With a blonde bomshell tryin‟ TH V to bom with your boy 78.. Get‟em, get‟em, get‟em TH V

79. Hit‟em, hit‟em, hit‟em TH V 80. They told me get‟em I got em TH V They told me get‟em I got em 81. I remember they said that it TH V ain‟t my turn but it ain‟t confirmed, then the table‟s turned 82. Just look at me now, try to TH hold me down but I ain‟t gon‟ stop, “cause I‟m gon‟ climb 83. And the only way to make it TH V to the top 84. I‟m on fire and I‟m gon‟burn TH V 85. Now it‟s hunderds and TH V millions, this is only the beginning 86. Dear God, it‟s all so tragic TW V 87. She was kind of fragile and TW V she had a lot of grapple with but basically she kept it all inside 88. Yeach I‟m feeling kind of TW V fragile and I‟ve got a lot of handle but I guess this is my way of saying goodbye 89. .Her laughter sent you TW V casually 90. Twister went and threw it all TW V away 91. With a well of pain TW V 92. Child like and effervescent TW V 93. Hope seems like he summer WB V birds 94. We were moving mountains WB V long 95. The summer birds WB V 96. But when you‟re blinded by WB V your pain 97. You will when you believe WB V You will when you 98. They don‟t always happen WB V when you ask (oh) And it‟s easy to give into your fears (oh...ohh) But when you‟re blinded by your pain Can‟t see your way straight through the rain small but still, resilient voice

99. My heart‟s so full, I can‟t WB V explain 100 I am givin it 100 percent OH V 101 100 percent and I ain‟t OH V stopping till I reach the finish 102 “ cause suffering ain‟t easy OH V but if you can turn your wounds into living proof that you‟ve survived the fight and you nolonger defined 103 I‟m a believer not just a OH V dreamer I‟m givin everything I got I‟m a go-getter 104 If you‟re putting in a hundred OH V put your ones up, ones up If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up If you really comprehend this feel, your ones up, ones up If you‟re walking into victory keep on shining 105 100 percenter OH V 106 You can only do it if you do it OH V like I did


The Summary of Nouns in Mariah Carey’s Motivational songs.

NO NOUN SONG KINDS OF NOUN CONCRETE ABSTRACT 1. My people V 2. Somebody V 3. Your best friend V 4. Your baby V 5. Your man V 6. Your lady V 7. Hand V 8. Mammas V 9. Daddies V 10. Sisters V 11. Brothers V 12. Friends BB V 13. Cousins V 14. Grandmother V 15. Your head V 16. The sky V 17. A child V 18. Your face V 19. The Teddy bear V 20. A better place V 21. Whole world V 22. The chance V 23. Clouds V 24. Lights V 25. Ground V 26. My dreams V 27. Faith V 28. Your pride CT V 29. An inner peace V 30. My soul V 31. The darkness V 32. Precious love V 33. The Lord V 34. Your heart V 35. A long road V 36. The world V 37. A hand V 38. A hero V 39. An answer V 40. Your soul V 41. The sorrow HE V 42. Hope V 43. The truth V 44. Love V 45. The strength V 46. Your fears V 47. Dreams V 48. The Lord V 49. My name V 50. Proper shoes V 51. My feet V 52. The night V 53. Your knees V 54. The way V 55. Solid ground MH V 56. My way V 57. My faith V 58. The Lord V 59. Life V 60. The answer V 61. Your soul V 62. A broken man V 63. A home V 64. Land V 65. This world V 66. War V 67. A vivtim of society V 68. A way TG V 69. The pain V 70. Human race V 71. A change V 72. Hungry children V 73. Love V 74. The rain V 75. Your way home V 76. The wind TR V 77. Pain V 78. My faith V 79. Handouts V 80. Mariah V 81. The table V 82. The mountain top V 83. Your toes V 84. The ropes V 85. Your heart V 86. The stars V 87. Path V 88. Big money V 89. The pole V 90. Lime green lamborghini TH V 91. The road V 92. A hundred wreck V 93. A foot locker V 94. Red bottom boss house big baltimore V 95. A blonde bonbshell V 96. Your boy V 97. James Bond Beamer V 98. Pimp C V 99. A trill ningga V 100 Smoking V 101 Spoken V 102 Your day V 103 Thriumphant V 104 A cloudy day V 105 Rain V 106 Rubber band V 107 50 grand bet V 108 A don V 109 A diva TH V 110 The game V 111 Your heart V 112 The chains V 113 Cloud V 114 Laughter V 115 A lot of grapple V 116 Twister V 117 Her laughter V 118 Ease V 119 A well of pain TW V 120 God V 121 Some peace V 122 My way V 123 Anyone V 124 Our hearts V 125 Mountain V 126 The summer birds V 127 My heart V 128 Your heart V 129 Many night WB V 130 A hopeful song V 131 Miracles V 132 Hope V 133 Your pain V 134 Love V 135 My eyes V 136 The door V 137 A believer V 138 A dreamer V 139 A go-getter V 140 The top V 141 A champion V 142 Victory V 143 The finish V 144 A dream V 145 A life OH V 146 Permission V 147 Everything V 148 The fight V 149 This feel V 150 The faith V 151 wounds V 152 Shadows V 153 The faith V 154 The word V


Data of Adverbs in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs

NO ADVERB SONG KINDS OF ADVERB MANNER PLACE TIME FREQ 1 Everyday V 2 Today V 3 The holidays V 4 At night V 5 The sky V 6 A better place V 7 Here BB V 8 Best V 9 Sometimes V 10 Never V 11 The hardest V 12 Obviously V 13 In my dreams V 14 In my soul V 15 In me V 16 The ground V 17 There’s CT V 18 Always V 19 Brightly V 20 Steadily V 21 Certainly V 22 Tomorrow V 23 In time V 24 Inside your heart V 25 Into your soul HE V 26 In you V 27 Finally V 28 Three short years ago V 29 Now V 30 At night V 31 The night V 32 Sometimes MH V 33 Never V 34 Very young V 35 Finally V 36 Today V 37 The future V 38 Tomorrow TG V 39 This world 40 really V 41 Everytime V 42 One moreday V 43 In the rain V 44 In pain TR V 45 There V 46 Never V 47 Steadfastly V 48 On a cloudy day V 49 Top V 50 Bottom TH V 51 In the mountain top V 52 On your heart V 53 In your heart V 54 On the pole V 55 In the road V 56 Deeper V 57 The greatest V 58 Now V 59 Twice a week V 60 Never V 61 Basically V 62 Casually TW V 63 Untimatelly V 64 On a cloudy day V 65 Now V 66 In this time V 67 In our heart V 68 There WH V 69 In your heart V 70 Many nights V 71 Here V 72 Longer V 73 undoubtedly OH V 74 Really V 75 The top V

VERBS LIST Data of Verbs in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs

NO VERBS SONG 1 Lost 2 Put 3 Will never say 4 Lift 5 Didn’t get 6 Kept 7 Didn’t know 8 Didn’t show up 9 Talked 10 Is saying 11 Grown 12 Know 13 Show 14 Loved 15 Knew 16 Hurt 17 Goes on 18 Talk 19 Find 20 Try BB 21 Goes by 22 Reach 23 Give 24 To see 25 Gone 26 Got 27 Done 28 To celebrate 29 Spend 30 Remember 31 Used 32 To tuck 33 Gave 34 Held 35 Tought 36 Make 37 To accept 38 loved 39 To make 40 Rise 41 Face 42 Break 43 To go 44 Guide 45 Fade CT 46 Possess 47 Have learned 48 Push 49 Win 50 Let 51 Do 52 Can’t take 53 Shines 54 To falter 55 Refuse 56 Don’t matter 57 To make 58 Try 59 Not allow 60 To bring 61 Say 62 Hold on 63 Tear 64 Don’t let 65 To follow 66 Knows 67 Felt 68 Search 69 Find 70 To hold 71 Reaches out 72 Face 73 Lies HE 74 See 75 Feel 76 Cast 77 To carry on 78 Comes along 79 Mwlt 80 Know 81 Reach 82 Don’t have 83 Look 84 got 85 Used to feel 86 Find 87 Hold on 88 Know 89 Get down 90 Pray 91 Get down 92 Happen 93 To make 94 Throw MH 95 Gone 96 Beleive 97 Have found 98 Prayed 99 Strunggled 100 Held on 101 Make 102 Take 103 To sleep 104 Cried 105 Eat 106 Was abandoned 107 Love 108 Save 109 Work 110 Have to die 111 Make 112 Accept 113 Don’t understand 114 Believe 115 Bring 116 To unite 117 To relieve TG 118 Come 119 To connect 120 Is got 121 To share 122 Help 123 Don’t even care 124 Don’t even wonder 125 To see 126 Stand 127 Pull 128 Tell 129 Face 130 Grow 131 Blows 132 To mend 133 To prevail 134 Keep pressing on 135 Give in 136 Keep falling down 137 Make 138 Live 139 Hold TR 140 Know 141 Stand up 142 Say 143 Find 144 Feel 145 Comes 146 To be saved 147 Crying out 148 Keep 149 Were distraught 150 To run 151 Get 152 pay 153 Blind 154 To doubt 155 Surround 156 Gets 157 Brighten up 158 Don’t know 159 Suspended 160 Dances 161 Make 162 Reach 163 Realize 164 Count 165 Let 166 Get off 167 Stay on 168 Keep on 169 Stay 170 Fall down 171 Stop 172 Climb TH 173 To hold down 174 Look at 175 Turned 176 Ain’t confirmed 177 Said 178 Remember 179 Learn 180 Burn 181 Gone 182 Was dead broke 183 Love 184 Carry 185 Ain’t never asked 186 Got 187 Go 188 To make 189 Swear 190 Got 191 Told 192 guess 193 To handle 194 Have got 195 Am feeling 196 Found 197 Pray 198 Leave 199 Go 200 Come 201 To feel TW 202 Have 203 Sent 204 Threw 205 Went 206 Say 207 Hear 208 Thought 209 Tried 210 Couldn’t imagine 211 Kept 212 Had 213 see 214 Were blinded 215 To give 216 Ask 217 Would say 218 Thought 219 Can’t explain 220 An standing 221 Flown WB 222 Believe 223 Achieve 224 Could 225 Knew 226 Were moving 227 Know 228 Hear 229 Have prayed 230 keep 231 Don’t pray 232 Gone to pray 233 Take 234 Have survived 235 Turn 236 Did 237 Do 238 Keep on 239 Were walking 240 Comprehend 241 Know 242 Put up 243 Were putting 244 Am walking OH 245 Gone to 246 Am giving 247 Reach 248 Ain’t stopping 249 Give 250 Have got 251 Got 252 To live 253 Defined by 254 Confined 255 Revealed 256 Opened 257 Prayed


Data of Adjective in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs

NO ADJECTIVES SONG 1. Best 2. High 3. Never 4. Better 5. Whole 6. Right BB 7. The hardest 8. Tight 9. Strong 10. Hard 11. Down 12. Afraid CT 13. Preciuos 14. Afraid 15. Strong 16. Long HE 17. Hard 18. Short 19. Very young 20. Afraid 21. Alone 22. Solid MH 23. Down 24. Tough 25. Strong 26. Broken 27. Alone TG 28. Hungry 29. Far away 30. Strong 31. Afraid TR 32. Tighter 33. Down 34. down 35. The greatest 36. Big TH 37. Cloudy 38. The depth 39. Tragic TW 40 Fragile 41. Hopeful 42. Afraid 43. Long 44. Frail WB 45. Hard 46. Full 47. Easy 48. Easy 49. Hard OH

SENTENCES TYPE Data of sentence type in Mariah Carey’s motivational songs lyrics.

No Lyric Song Type Statement Command Question Miror 1. This is for my peoples who just V lost somebody 2. Put your hand way up high V 3. Your best friend, your baby, V your man, or your lady 4. Mamas, daddies, sisters, V brothers, friends, and cousins 5. Lift your head to the sky’cause V we will never say bye 6. As a child there were them V times 7. I didn’t get it but you kept me V in line 8. I didn’t know why you didn’t V show up sometimes 9. It’s something more than V saying "I miss you" 10. But when we talked too V 11. All them grown folk things V 12. You never let me know it V 13. You never let it show because V 14. You loved me and obviously V 15. There’s so much more left to B V say 16. If you were with me today face V to face 17. I never knew I could hurt like B V this 18. And everyday life goes on like V 19. "I wish I could talk to you for V awhile" 20. "I wish I could find a way try V not to cry" 21. And soon as you reach a V better place 22. Still I’ll give the whole world V to see your face 23. And I’m right here next to you V 24. It feels like you gone too soon V 25. The hardest thing to do is say V bye bye 26. And you never got the chance V to see how good I’ve done 27. And you never got to see me V back at number one 28. I wish that you were here to V celebrate together 29. I wish that we could spend the V holidays together 30. I remember when you used to V tuck me in at night 31. With the Teddy Bear you gave V to me that I held so tight 32. I thought you were so strong V 33. That you can make it through V whatever 34. It’s so hard to accept the fact V you’re gone forever 35. They can say anything they V want to say 36. Try to bring me down V 37. But I will not allow anyone to V succeed 38. Hanging clouds over me V 39. And they can try hard to make V me feel That I don't matter at all 40. But I refuse to falter in what I V believe Or lose faith in my dreams 41. 'Cause there's, there's a light V in me 42. That shines brightly V 43. They can try V 44. But they can't take that away V from me 45. Oh they, they can do anything V they want to you C 46 If you cling to your pride and V just push them aside 47. See, I, I have learned there's T V an inner peace I own 48. Something in my soul V 49. That they cannot possess V 50. So I won't be afraid and the V darkness will fade 51. No, they can't take this V 52. Precious love, I'll always have V inside me 53. Certainly the Lord will guide V me Where I need to go 54. But I won't face the ground V 55. I will rise steadily sailing out V of their reach 56. Oh Lord, they do try hard to V make me feel That I don't matter at all 57. There’s a hero V V 58. There’s an answer V H 59. And the sorrow that you know V Will melt away 60. And then a hero comes along E V 61. With the strength to carry on V 62. And you cast your fears aside V 63. And you know you can survive V 64. So when you feel like hope is V gone 65. And you’ll finally see the truth V 66. That a hero lies in you V 67. It’s a long road V 68. And you face the world alone V 69. No one reaches out a hand V For you to hold 70. You can find love V 71. The emptiness you felt will V disappear 72. Look inside you and be strong V 73. Oh ho, Lord knows V 74. Dreams are hard to follow V 75. But don’t let anyone V 76. Tear them away, hey yea V 77. There will be tomorrow V 78. In time, you find the way V 79. Not more than three short V years ago 80. Without a penny to my name V 81. I was abandoned and alone V 82. No proper shoes upon my feet V 83. Sometimes I couldn’t even eat V 84. I often cried myself to sleep V 85. But still I had to keep on going V 86. Never knowing if I could take V it 87. If I would make it through V the night I held on to my faith 88. I strunggled and I prayed V 89. And now I’ve found my way V 90. If you believe in yourself M V enough 91. And you know what you want V 92. You’re gonna make it happen H V 93. Make it happen V 94. And if you get down on your knees at night 95. And you pray to the Lord V 96. He’s gonna make it happen V 97. I know life can be so tough V 98. And you feel like giving up V 100. But you must be strong V 101. Baby just hold on V 102. You’ll never find the answer V 103. If you throw your life away V 104. I used to feel the way you do V 105. Still I had to keep on going V 106. On solid ground V 107. Thank you Lord V 108. Within your soul V 109. And don’t let go V 110. A broken man without a home V 111. Desperate and so alone V 112. A victim of society V 113. No one really wants to see V 114. Some of us don’t even wonder V 115. Some of us don’t even care V 116. Couldn’t we just help each V other 117. Isn’;t there enough to share V 118. There’s got to be a way V 119. To connect this world today V 120. Come together to relieve the V pain 121. To unite this human race V 122. And together we’ll bring on a V change T 123. In another land they still V believe 124. Color grand supremacy G V 125. I don’t understand how there V can be 126. Couldn’t we accept each other V 127. Can’t we make ourselves V aware 128. And may be the future will be V a time 129. Without war, destitution and V sorrow 130. and hungry children won’t V have to die if we work today, we’ll save tomorrow 131. Could’t we just love each V other 132. When you get caught in the V rain with no where to run 133. When you're distraught and in V pain without anyone 134. When you kepp crying out to V be saved 135. and nobody comes V 136. and you feel so far away T V 137. That you just can't find your V way home 138. You can get there alone R V 139. It's okay, what you say V 140. I can make it through the rain V 141. I can stand up once again on V my own

142. And I know that I'm strong V enough to mend 143. And every time I feel afraid I V hold tighter to my faith 144. And I live one more day and I V make it through the rain 145. And if you keep falling down V don't you dare give in 146. You will arise safe and sound, V so keep pressing on steadfastly 147. And you'll find what you need V to prevail 148. What you say is V 149. And when the wind blows,and V as shadows grow close don't be afraid 150. There's nothing you can't face V 151. And should they tell you you'll V never pull through 152. Don't hesitate, stand tall and V say 153. They told me get’em, I got em. V 154. I swear this words to my V father 155. And the only way to make it to V the top 156. If you go and get it from the V bottom 157. And I’aint never asked for no V handouts 158. You won’t carry me, no V Mariah 159. These haters love when I was V dead broke 160. But they ain’t mad at me V 161. I’m on fire and I’m gon’ burn V 162. And they ain’t gon’ learn T V 163. I remember they said that it V ain’t my turn 164. But it ain’t confirmed, then the H V table’s turned 165. Just look at me now, try to V hold me down 166. But I ain’t gon’ stop. ‘ cause V I’m gon’ climb 167. To the mountain top, to the V mountain top , now let’s go 168. Can’t fall down, stay V triumphant, keep on living 169. Stay on your toes V 170. Get off the ropes V 171. Don’t let’em ever count you V out 172. Realize all things are possible V 173. In your heart who’s the V greatest 174. Reach for the stars V 175. Be all that you are V 176. And make’em all fall down V 177. Path that I choose flashing V cameras as I pose 178. Throwing big money as she V dances on the pole 179. Lime green Lamborghini V dances on the road 180. License still suspended, no I V never stop for tolls 181. Born slick talker, twice a week V shopper 182. Blow a hundred wreck she V don’t know a footlocker 183. Red bottom boss house big as V Baltimore 184. With a blonde bombshell V tryin’ to bomb with youir boy 185. In the james bond beamer V chrome wheel two seater 186. Smoking like Pimp C, spoken V like a trill nigga 187. On a cloudy day baby I can V make it rain 188. Rubber band 50 grand bet it V bhrightan up your day 189. Came from humble beginnings V 190. Then was hummers and benzes V 191. Now it’s hundreas and V millions, this only the beginning 192. A don, a diva, the born V achiever 193. The one believer, the game V gets deeper 194. She was kind of fragile V 195. And she had a lot of grapple V with 196. But basically she kept it all V inside 197. Childlike and efferscent V 198. With a well of pain 199. The depth of I could not T V imagine if I tried 200. Never thought that I would V hear them say W 201. Twister went and threw it all away 202. She was kind of magical V 203. Her laughter sent you V cassually 204. Floating through a moment of V release 205. Dear God, it’s all so tragic V 206. And I’ll never have the chance V 207. To feel the closure V 208. That I intimately need V 209. No, I never dreamed V 210. That there would come a time V 211. Twister’d go and leave it all V behind 212. Lord I pray she’s found some V peace 213. And her soul’s somewhere at V ease 214. Yeach I’m feeling kind of V fragile 215. And I’ve got a lot of to handle V 216. But I guess this is my way of V saying good bye 217. Many nights we’ve prayed V 218. With no proof anyone could V hear 219. In our hearts a hopeful song V 220. We barely understood V 221. Now we are not afraid V 222. Although we know there’s V much to fear 223. We were moving mountains V long 224. Before we knew we could V 225. There can be miracles, when V you believe 226. Though hope is frail, it’s hard V to kill 227. Who knows what miracles, V you can achieve 228. When you believe, somehow V you will W 229. You will when you believe V 230. In this time of fear V 231. When prayers so often prove B V in vain 232. Hope seems like the summer V birds 233. To swiftly flown away V 234. Yet now I’m standing here V 235. My heart’s so full so I can’t V explain 236. Seeking faith and speaking V words 237. I never thought I’d say V 238. But when you’re blinded by V your pain 239. Can’t see your way straight V through the rain 240. Small but still , resilent voice V 241. Says love is the relief V 242. There can be miracles V 243. Somehow you will V 244. Just believe in your heart V 245. I am a dream, just beginning V 246. Thruth is I prayed and you V opened my eyes, 247. And you revealed something to V me 248. Suddenly I am no longer V confined 249. To a life that’s defined by V limits 250. I don’t need no permission to V live it 251. Imma break through the door V till I get in 252. Everything that I got Immma V give it 253. And I aint stopppin’ till I V reach the finish 254. I’m a believer not just a V dreamer 255. I’m givin everything I got V 256. I’m a go- getter V 257. 100 percenter V 258. Undoubtedly I can reach the V top O 259. And I ain’t gonna let nothing V discourage or dissuade me 260. ‘cause I’m walking out of here H V a champion either way babe 261. I am giving it 100 percent V 262. So go on put your ones up V 263. If you’re putting in a hundred V V put your ones up, ones up 264. If you know that this is V V something , put your ones up, ones up 265. If you really comprehend this, V V your ones up, your ones up 266. If you’re walking into victory V V keep on shining 267. One hundred percent V 268. You can only do it if you do V like I did 269. ‘cause suffering ain’t easy V 270. But if you can turn your V wounds into living proof that you’ve survived the fight 271. And you no longer defined V 272. To a life that’s defined by V limits 273. I don’t need no permission to V live it 274. Imma break thru the door till I V get in 275. Everithing that I got Imma V give it 276. 100 percent and I ain’t V stopping till I reach the finish 277. Don’t you ever be V discouraged, let nobody take your courage 278. If you gonna pray don’t worry V 279. If ya gonna worry don’t pray V 280. You just keep the faith and V listen to me 281. So got on up ones up V


Data of Clause-Type in Mariah Carey’s Motivational songs

No Lyric Song 1. This is for my peoples who just lost somebody BB 2. I didn’t know why you didn’t show up sometimes BB 3. But when we talked too BB 4. And you never got the chance to see how good BB I’ve done 5. I remember when you used to tuck me in at night BB 6. With the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so BB tight 7. That you can make it through whatever BB 8. But I refuse to falter in what I believe CT 9. Cause there’s a light in me that shines brightly CT 10. Something in my soul that they cannot possess CT 11. But they can’t take that away from me CT 12. Certainly the Lord will guide me where I need to CT go 13. Oh Lord, they do try hard to make me feel that I CT don’t matter at all 14. You don’t have to be afraid of what you are HE 15. And the sorrow that you know HE 16. So when you feel like hope is gone HE 17. And you’ll finally see the truth that a hero lies in HE you 18. And know what you want MH 19. I don’t understand how there can be regulated TG bigotry 20. When you get caught in the rain with no where to TR run 21. When yo’re distraught and in pain without anyone TR 22. When you keep crying out to be saved TR 23. And you feel so far away that you just can’t find TR your way home 24. It’s okay, what you say TR 25. And I know that I’m strong enough to mend TR 26. And you’ll find what you need to prevail TR 27. What you say is TR 28. And when the wind blows, and as shadows grow TR close don’t be afraid 29. These haters love when I was dead broke TH 30. I remember they said that it ain’t my turn TH 31. Path that I choose flashing cameras as I pose TH 32. Can’t fall down now, so even when clouds TH surround you .33. Baby still know who you are TH 34 In spite of the chains that blind you TH 35. Be all that you are TH 36. If I tried never thought that I would hear them say TW 37. No, I never dreamed that there would come a time TW 38. There can be miracles, when you believe WB 39. Who knows what miracles you can achieve WB 40. You will when you believe WB 41. In this time of fear when prayers so often prove in WB vain 42. They don’t always happen when you ask WB 43. But when you’re blinded by your pain WB 44. To a life that’s defined by limits OH 45. If you know that this is something, put your ones, OH ones up 46. But if you can turn the wounds into proof that OH you’ve survived the fight and you no longer defined 47. Everything that I got Imma give it OH