Scotland, Auld Alliance trophy winners 2020 CONTENTS

President’s Welcome | Ian Barr 4

P.8 Interim Chairman’s Review  | John Jeffrey 6 Chief Executive’s Chief Executive’s Report  | Mark Dodson 8 Report Chief Operating Officer’s Report | Dominic McKay 10

Staying Safe 14

Scotland Men 16

Scotland Women & Women 7s 18 P.16 P.30 Scotland 7s 20

Scotland Men Clubs Scotland U20 & Age Grades 21 Warriors 22

Edinburgh 24

FOSROC Super6 26 P.40 FOSROC Academy 28 Training & Education Clubs 30

Scotland fans make history at Women & Girls 36 the 15th consecutive sell-out Schools & Youth 38 game at BT Murrayfield Training & Education 40 SCOTTISH RUGBY Match Officials 42 BT Murrayfield, Edinburgh EH12 5PJ 0131 346 5000 | | @scotlandteam Looking After Our People 44

Connecting with Partners 45 All information correct at time of publication 19 November 2020. To download a copy please visit Governance & Board Report 46

Doddie Weir receiving his Hall of Fame cap from Chris Paterson Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 3 The past season presented challenges on a scale that was simply unparalleled. Whether as players, referees, coaches, administrators, volunteers or spectators we’ve all faced times in our lives when we’ve been confronted with stumbling blocks. Coronavirus crudely interrupted our conventions; there was no Super Saturday or Silver Saturday; no play-offs; no mini-rugby on a Sunday; no end of season sevens tournament; no training on Tuesdays and Thursdays; no battle for promotion or fight against relegation; no banter in the clubhouse bar. PRESIDENT’S Our sport which gives us so much joy, occasional angst and a sense of direction, was gone. Scotland fans greet the team mascot, Lochie Perhaps we all will acquire wisdom from dealing with the virus

Hamilton ’ and its ramifications, which left our playing fields and facilities youth festival isolated. Sadly, this indiscriminate virus also took members of our rugby community and the pain from our loss was exacerbated WELCOMEStepping into the role as President at Scottish Rugby has been a tremendous honour as we could not mourn collectively. but one that has arrived with no shortage of complications born out of the effects of Having reached the end of my two-year term as President this the Covid-19 pandemic. Summer, I would like to outline my unshakeable conviction that we can and will bounce back from this. Across the country, we are all The experience of the last few months – an experience that has desperate for the game to get back Hawick RFC increase 42% extended into the 2020-21 season – hopefully, will enable us all to some semblance of normality, championed in girls playing the game to see things in perspective. especially at club level, where we a “Show in East Region have been without rugby for more Racism the We speak, frequently, about rugby being at the heart of our Red Card” than eight months now. increase communities. That sense of togetherness will be a key ingredient event 38% The work that has gone on both at Scottish Rugby and at in girls’ player registration in in the restoration of our game and our clubs in the months ahead. Caledonia Midlands clubhouses across the land is testament to the appetite for rugby Your union acted swiftly to pull together a package of support at in Scotland. the height of the pandemic – the Club Hardship Fund – and that have stern tests on their hands to keep their leadership was further demonstrated as we presented to Scottish We must remain hopeful that when the time is right, and sides competitive at a time where international commitments Government what we could do to support public health messaging. restrictions ease, we can seize the opportunity of a welcome are making quite a dent on their respective squads. The Scotland Men’s squad line up before taking on Wales at Parc y return to action. But, right now, it is hard, as the health and It would have been easy, understandable even, to bemoan all As President, I committed to setting up a new group to review wellbeing of our country and the NHS is at stake. the injustices, many valid, that were spawned by the pandemic all aspects of Scottish Rugby’s governance. The Scottish across society, never mind just sport. It has been the most challenging period for society in living Rugby Council has now approved the membership and terms memory and it may be some time before we can all live our lives of reference of the Council’s new Standing Committee on But I take my hat off to all those involved, whether in Scottish as before. Governance and, under the independent chairmanship of Gavin Rugby’s staff or as volunteers at clubs, who have been planning MacColl QC, we have already held three meetings. As a rugby family, whether in Scotland or globally, the spirit of assiduously for the future. unity on which our sport has traditionally prided itself, has never The Committee is tasked with making recommendations on a Our history shows we’ve always been prepared to innovate. Well been more essential. structure which is fit for purpose in the modern era and setting done to the clubs and development staff who organised digital out clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all involved in Before the pandemic, 2020 saw shoots of international progress awards ceremonies to celebrate achievement from the past season. the running of our game, in line with the Nolan principles of in both the Scotland Men’s and Women’s sides, with Gregor We know our game generates huge passion and that is good governance. Townsend’s team beating Italy and then, impressively, France creditable. Our game and the complexities of keeping it vibrant before the Guinness Six Nations was forced to pause. A victory in Governance can sound a bit abstract. But the governance of and meaningful apply at whatever level and as we seek to Wales on the last day of October gave Scotland three successive Scottish Rugby impacts on anyone and everyone involved in the find the structures around playing schedules, competitions victories in the championship for the first time since 1996. game in Scotland so we must ensure there is a structure in place and governance my sincere hope is that a spirit of concord, which allows all aspects of our organisation to operate effectively. Likewise, Scotland Women, under the auspices of Philip Doyle and collaboration and consensus will emerge. now Bryan Easson, have put in some eye-catching performances, We aim to present our recommendations to member clubs ahead notably beating South Africa twice at the start of the year and of the 2021 AGM. Dee Bradbury then grabbing a fine draw against France at in October. President, 2018-2020 The Guinness PRO14 resumed in August, finishing its season, Ian Barr Scotland Women captain Rachel and then began again with little respite for our professional President, Scottish Rugby Malcolm on the charge teams. Both Richard Cockerill at Edinburgh and Danny Wilson’s

4 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Report 2019-20 5 The well-being of our staff both physically and mentally during these uncertain times was paramount to the Board. We took the decision to protect all our employees and look to cut costs in other areas rather than enforce redundancies and along with the use of the furlough scheme we are still on track to achieve that aim. We also appreciated that all clubs were hugely affected by the pandemic and immediately made £500,000 available through the Club Hardship Fund to our member clubs to provide assistance to the end of the season and then subsequently to prepare facilities for the anticipated return to rugby. Additionally, we are working hand in hand with Scottish Government, led by our Chief Operating Officer Dominic McKay, to steer our way safely through Covid and were extremely grateful INTERIM CHAIRMAN’S that they allowed us to pilot the first ‘live’ crowd at a sporting event in August and even prouder when it was deemed a success by the Government. During these tough times, we are pleased to say that BT, Macron Ross Jones kicks from the tee for Heriot’s in the FOSROC Super6 and all our other sponsors have continued to support Scottish Helen Nelson in action for Scotland against France, October 2020 Rugby and we are indebted to them all. I was honoured and humbled in May when the Board asked REVIEWTo say this was a year like no As Covid and its effects have continued – most visibly in the me to step in as Interim Chairman and I would like to thank other would not only be an keenly-felt absence of spectators at the top end of the game – so Colin Grassie for all his years of service to Scottish Rugby both your Board and Council have had to plan for every conceivable understatement but also a as a Board member and latterly as Chairman. Similarly, to Dee scenario around the financial implications of matches played Bradbury for her leadership as President for the last two years. touch flippant when so many behind closed doors or with reduced numbers of supporters. Well done to you both. have lost family members As part of our determination to protect the game in Scotland that and friends to the pandemic. I’d also like to thank retiring Board member Graeme Scott and planning has been, and continues to be, detailed and robust. As a my great friend Adam Gray who tragically died earlier this year, a To everyone who has been affected result, our audited statements are still being finalised and will be huge loss to the game he loved. can I send my and Scottish Rugby’s contained in our Annual Report which will be circulated as soon At the same time, a warm welcome is extended to our new Board condolences and support to you all. as possible. members, President Ian, Malcolm Offord and Bob Richmond. It is at times like this that we hope the real values of our sport After months of discussions and deliberations we were delighted hold strong. I will return to the pandemic and the effect it has to welcome CVC’s investment in the PRO14. The Executive team Can I finish by personally acknowledging the people most had on our business later in the report. have been working tirelessly over the last year to deliver that and important in Scottish Rugby, the staff. Sincere thanks to our Chief Executive, Mark Dodson for his leadership and everyone The year started off with great expectations of success in the we are due them a great deal of gratitude for all their efforts, as I else at BT Murrayfield for the way they have rolled their sleeves World Cup in Japan but sadly we underachieved and failed know from first-hand knowledge how much time and energy has up during these difficult times. Watsonians and Ayr in action in the Tennent’s Women’s Premiership to qualify for the knockout stages. been expended. We are not out of the woods yet, but with a fair wind we have the A lot of soul-searching ensued, and our head coach Gregor Governance has correctly been a big issue and over this last correct plans in place and I sincerely hope we can meet in safer Townsend entered the GUINNESS Six Nations with a new year a lot of time and effort has been spent in trying to identify times, at a rugby match sometime in the New Year. coaching team. a governance structure fit not just for the 21st Century but more importantly one that fits everyone in Scottish Rugby. Can I record With two victories and two narrow defeats, the team headed my thanks to Sir Bill Gammell and Norman Murray for all their John Jeffrey, to Wales confident of breaking our 18-year-drought. time and knowledge in compiling their report earlier in the Interim Chairman, Scottish Rugby Sadly, Covid hit, but roll on six months and that elusive win financial year and the subsequent Task Force working group. We was achieved last month resulting in us finishing fourth in can now look forward to the completion of this work under new the championship. Scotland Women’s Six Nations was even more President Ian Barr. adversely affected by the pandemic but on their return last As mentioned previously we were all hit in the middle of March month they achieved a brilliant draw against the French, who by Coronavirus and no-one could have predicted the long-term are ranked seven places above them in the World Rankings. effect this would have on us all. Line-out ball taken by Musselburgh Similarly, the U20s bounced back from relegation in the Once the severity of the situation, at every level of our game in the Tennent’s Junior World Championship to achieve two victories in the Premiership was realised, radical and tough decisions had to be made. The wrapped up with an unheard of response to this challenge is a credit to all our employees, led by 50-point victory in Wales. our Executives and Senior Management, many of whom agreed Financially, a World Cup year is always challenging for our to take salary cuts in the initial stages and to support lower-paid business with increased team costs, no Autumn Internationals at colleagues to see us through the pandemic. Unfortunately, these BT Murrayfield and only two home matches in the Six Nations reductions have had to be continued as the pandemic shows no Championship. sign of abating. Again, that was achieved very smoothly, with a minimum of fuss and is a credit to all of those involved.

6 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Report 2019-20 7 funds to Scottish Rugby at a time when cashflow is restricted, but by working with commercial investors, we hope to drive new levels of fan engagement and experience across the game. We have been working incredibly hard to restart rugby across Scotland. Our colleagues in Rugby Development have been working tirelessly to devise a safe pathway to recommence the community game across the nation, against a backdrop of restrictions which change regularly and from one area to another. I understand the frustration and concern regarding the security and viability of the community game. We know that many fear the hiatus created by Coronavirus will have a long-term negative effect on player participation and volunteering. Scotland scrum-half We have been clear in our policy of working closely with CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S Government, heeding advice and helping shape medical intelligence. We intend to support all our clubs in making up for lost time promoting the game and its values across the country when the time comes. The wellbeing of all our stakeholders is paramount and I can Scotland’s former captain Greig Laidlaw and the incumbent, Stuart Hogg assure you all that your Council have been actively engaged in detailed discussions to find pathways to a safe return and guiding REPORTThe last 14 months will go will be the future for the professional game in our country. Given the Board in the decisions made about the domestic rugby season. down in history as one of the the length of the Autumn international calendar this year and As revenue builds back in the coming years , we will look to invest the calls upon our pro teams to populate our National Team, a most challenging periods more heavily in rugby in Scotland, in particular into our Agenda 3 sizeable number of Academy and Super6 players should appear for programme within the Rugby Development department. experienced in a generation. and Glasgow Warriors for the first time. Covid-19 has been the most In summary, we face the greatest challenge in recent history as Scotland 7s competed across a number of worldwide events disruptive episode in our sport we deal with the effects of Covid-19 on our Union and the wider pre-March, finishing 11th in the World Series standing. The7s sport. I will brief our clubs on our financial position at the second since the Second World War. programme will have a hiatus in the coming season due to a stage of the AGM on 26 November and send out more financial Activities were abruptly ended in reduced calendar and the delayed Tokyo Olympics. We look information soon afterwards for you to consider. March 2020 just before we were to forward to having clarity on what the Sevens World Series will A third stage of the AGM will be called to discuss our financial take the field against Wales in Cardiff. We are yet to witness any look like in a post Covid-19 environment. performance in 2019/20 and outlook for 2020/21 with our return of normality. When we come to review this period, we Edinburgh finished top of their conference last season and stakeholders in more detail and during which our accounts for effectively are looking at rugby through a lens that stretches qualified for the second stage of the European Challenge Cup 2019/20 will be laid before the clubs. Questions focused on our across two seasons. and PRO14 semi-finals. Sadly, our ability to close out knock- out financial position will be welcomed and specific answers given The Men’s National Team delivered a mixed return. A poor Rugby matches was not as strong as our league form and we exited the during that meeting, and afterwards for any that need a more World Cup was followed by a more positive 6 Nations campaign competitions at the quarter- final and semi-final stage. Edinburgh detailed response. We will also publish those questions and Jed Forest celebrate a try with two victories, two close defeats and one game postponed. Rugby continue to build their new home at BT Murrayfield. This answers on the website for any members who are unable to The postponed game against Wales was replayed in November purpose-built facility will drive new levels of supporter experience attend. Meantime, I would like to reassure you that your Board, and is now part of a five-game unbeaten run culminating in a and help to grow the Edinburgh Rugby fan base. Council and Executive continue to work together closely, as we Girls rugby is one of the fastest growing facets of the win against Italy in Florence. We now face a huge test against Glasgow Warriors finished third in their conference after a mixed have done throughout, to act in the best interests of Scottish sport in Scotland possibly the form team in the world currently when France visit season which saw depart for Australia and Danny Rugby and its stakeholders and in providing as robust a platform BT Murrayfield this Sunday, at the time of writing. Wilson join the Warriors from the men’s National Team. The as we can to support future recovery, while dealing with the daily challenges that Covid-19 continues to present. International sport is a challenging and competitive environment Covid-19 affected end to the season meant Glasgow missed out – we must focus on improving physically and mentally to compete on the shortened play-off formula but both they and Edinburgh I would like to thank all our people at BT Murrayfield and with the best in the world in every tournament. Consistency and qualified for the 2021 European Champions Cup. Scotstoun for their hard work, flexibility and loyalty through this competitiveness are overriding objectives going forward. Our fans, both at club and international level, continue to support difficult period. Our people, players, coaches and support staff are all working extraordinarily hard to get us through this crisis. Our Scotland Women’s team had a most difficult year, with our teams passionately. We are desperate to welcome back our Additionally, all our sponsors including BT and Macron have been matches being postponed due to weather and Coronavirus. loyal supporters to both Scotstoun and BT Murrayfield as soon as incredibly supportive throughout the pandemic and without These adverse events may have interrupted activities this we are able to do so safely. them our sport would be in a much graver position. My thanks year, but with continuing support, we will build our Women’s You will find more detail on all of our rugby activities during the also go to Rugby Players Scotland for their mature, collaborative programme and become more competitive in the coming years. past year in the pages which follow. engagement throughout this period. They have been good and The outstanding draw against France illustrated the tenacity and understanding partners. talent in the evolving group of players and coaches. External investment is another tool to grow our game. This year marked a step change in how rugby is viewed by external investors. The U20s side had a disappointing Junior World Championship Scottish Rugby has been at the forefront of discussions with external Mark Dodson campaign, with narrow defeats across a number of games. However, investors, and I am pleased that we agreed a deal in May with CVC Chief Executive, Scottish Rugby our U20s and Academy pipeline is highly important – these players to become a partner in PRO14. This deal has not only provided

8 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Report 2019-20 9 Edinburgh’s new purpose-built stadium on the back pitches at BT Murrayfield is all but complete. Work restarted on the 7,800-seater ground in June with the aim of being ready for Edinburgh to move into their new home during the 2020-21 season, albeit Covid restrictions around crowds could yet mean that Edinburgh Rugby remain in the main stadium bowl. We continue to explore options to increase the capacity of Scotstoun, as well as improving the facilities for the Glasgow Warriors supporters on match days.


Scott Cummings taking line-out ball in the Calcutta Cup, February 2020

BT Murrayfield before Scotland’s 2019 Summer Test against France

REPORTIn recent times, thanks to the When restrictions are lifted, we must acknowledge in a tangible hard work of so many people, way, the sacrifices made by so many people and actively celebrate what our sport brings to our country and our people. primarily our staff and the wider rugby community, our We must also seek to continue to come up with creative ideas; business had been on an whether the likes of our new season membership scheme; re-runs of epic encounters from the past on Scottish Rugby TV; and find upward trajectory, fuelled ways to maintain engagement with our sponsors, partners and by capacity BT Murrayfield supporters. attendances at 17 of our last I firmly believe our sponsors and supporters will relish the 18 internationals. opportunity to reignite the rugby flame. Our fan base continues CLUBS ACROSS SCOTLAND AGAIN BENEFITED Commercial success underpins the development of rugby in to grow and even in the truncated 2019/20 season we were FROM HELP FROM RUGBYFORCE: Scotland, allowing for investment in all levels of the game - from pleased to welcome so many fans to our grounds. Edinburgh’s new stadium is close to completion the grassroots to the international stage. 18 clubs 9 clubs received received There is no disguising, therefore, that the economic damage of the 424,197 253,875 coronavirus pandemic has been acutely felt by Scottish Rugby. fans through Scottish fans at BT Murrayfield £1000 £250 funding funding Deprived of income through our turnstiles as we have had to play Rugby’s turnstiles for 4 Scotland matches almost entirely behind closed doors and the knock-on effect to other aspects of our commercial operation, it has been a very tough year. Scotland Season Pass Holders 20,072 Over £500k 75% Throughout what have seemed at times to be the never-ending 7,980 fans on BT Tours has been distributed to of all eligible clubs clubs across Scotland supported each year challenges of the pandemic, our priority has been the safety and 6,241 Scotland Supporters Club Members well-being of our people and that wider community. 521 Junior Supporters Club Members We have worked closely with the Scottish Government and other Although in a Rugby World Cup year, there were no November We hugely appreciate the ongoing support of our principal authorities to emphasise, above all, our duty to public health Test matches, we were delighted to welcome France to a packed partners, BT and Macron, and all other sponsors of the game and our readiness to comply with and promote the key messages in Scotland. BT Murrayfield and then Georgia, where more than 50,000 were in designed to steer us through the pandemic. attendance on a Friday evening, as part of our RWC preparations. We are delighted that Royal Bank of Scotland has renewed its Rugby, as we know, is the most sociable of games. The relationship with Scottish Rugby until 2023. The 2020 Six Nations series was, of course, cut short by global camaraderie of match-days, back-pitch reunions at BT events, but we were fortunate that both Scotland home games The sponsorship extension ensures Royal Bank RugbyForce Murrayfield and meeting old friends in clubhouses, are fond, but were played, against England and then France, in front of sell-out continues as a nationwide rugby programme, launched in increasingly distant memories. association with Scottish Rugby some ten years ago, with the crowds once more. aim of supporting grassroots clubs by providing funding to Coronavirus has robbed rugby of so much of its “union”. Having beaten Italy in Rome, we were looking forward to what improve facilities and attract new members - encouraging clubs I am proud to work with so many talented people who have been would have been a memorable final day fixture against Wales to become community hubs with a sustainable future. Scotland Head Coach Gregor really tested during the pandemic and have performed brilliantly. in Cardiff. That match was rescheduled to the end of October in Many of you will remember that Royal Bank sponsored Scotland Townsend presenting a signed Our sport and organisation has benefited massively from their hard Llanelli and Scotland won a tough battle 14-10. international matches at Murrayfield from 1982-1998, so we match jersey to Borders General Hospital endeavours and I want particularly to praise the unsung heroes of are grateful that our current association has built on such solid our Facilities team. Perfectly embodying the As One philosophy. foundations.

10 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Report 2019-20 11 Stuart Hogg and were called up to the initial Lions squad for the tour to New Zealand in 2017

CONNECTING A GLOBAL BRAND Chief Operating Officer’s Report continues WITH FANS Our deep and enduring relationship with Japan was displayed In the season past, Scotland fans also had plenty of opportunities In an age where social media has never had a more 289k followers in the warm welcome we received there during the Rugby World to watch the national team on TV and online. prominent role to play, Scottish Rugby continues + 17k + 6% Cup. We were also delighted to host the Japan Women’s team in The Rugby World Cup 2019 was broadcast on ITV and millions 919k to grow its band of followers across numerous 379k followers followers on Glasgow last November. tuned in to watch our games, including for the final match with platforms. +25k + 7% Japan which saw 54.8 million people watch in the host country SOCIAL alone – a domestic sporting record at the time. CHANNELS The obvious challenges presented by the Coronavirus pandemic 201k followers Into the new season and an important deal was struck with back in March meant that keeping connected with fans across +42k +26% Amazon Prime, across the home unions, with coverage of our new the country and beyond became even more important. We bringing another broadcaster to our sport. saw excellent levels of engagement, interaction and a constant 16k followers stream of content despite the lack of live sport for several +4.3k +36% months, and this is testament to the hard work of the broadcast, 2020 Guinness Six Nations 13% design, marketing and communications teams at Scottish Rugby. 34k subscribers +9k +36% increase 33.4M 4.5M 6M 43.9M TV social digital total audience audience media streaming Scotland and Japan met in Pool A at the 2019 Rugby World Cup SCOTTISHRUGBY.ORG PODCAST Last month we were proud to announce that BT Murrayfield 2020 Autumn Nations Cup 40% will host the British & Irish Lions Test match against Japan on territories with a reach 24.7M 42 Saturday 26 June 2021 for the Vodafone Lions 1888 Cup, subject 122 worldwide of over 118M atat HomeHome pageviews increase episodes to the Coronavirus status. will be able to see Scotland in the Autumn Nations Cup FAN ENGAGEMENT DURING LOCKDOWN 2.5M 28% 156.5k 124% The first-ever clash between the world’s greatest touring side and users increase total listens increase the Brave Blossoms will raise the curtain for the Lions’ eagerly Scottish Rugby continues to support the development of the 5.7M 7.1M 890k awaited tour to South Africa, which culminates in a three Test series total fan total digital total views for Guinness PRO14 league, with Premier Sports continuing to against Rugby World Cup champions, the Springboks next summer. engagement* reach ‘As Live’ games broadcast the competition, meaning that supporters in Scotland It will be only the third Lions Test match on home soil, following were able to watch all games broadcast in HD. games in Cardiff against Argentina in 2005 and against a Rest of 27mins 74,400 average view time total podcast the World XV in 1986. As I write, discussions are ongoing with our partners in South Africa, which could lead potentially to exciting developments for for ‘As Live’ games downloads the competition. We were all very pleased to welcome CVC with their significant investment in to the PRO14 as a new shareholder. *social media + youtube likes, shares, comments and website views Be it our national teams, Edinburgh and Glasgow Warriors or Dominic McKay through the FOSROC Super6 social accounts, and extensive club A Lions Test match is one of those “I was there” moments, yet a communication, we continue to strive to connect with a country Chief Operating Officer, Scottish Rugby huge number of fans from the Home Nations have never had the so fervently interested in rugby. chance to see one live. Now the game at BT Murrayfield next June gives more supporters that opportunity and further cements Our podcast has continued to grow since launching in early 2019, Scottish Rugby’s relationship with our friends in Japan. with its production relatively unencumbered by the climate, allowing us to host all manner of guests, including several appearances from National Clinical Director Professor Jason Leitch. Scotland fans Louise (left) and Laura meet Scotland forward Ryan Wilson

12 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Report 2019-20 13 HOW SCOTTISH RUGBY HAS CHARTED STAYING SAFE A PATH THROUGH CORONAVIRUS Unprecedented . . . the oft-repeated description In a sporting context, tough decisions have required to be of the global health pandemic that struck during £500k £75k made; the postponements of the Wales v Scotland match and the second half of the 2019-20 season and from Scottish Rugby raised by former Scotland the Scotland Women international matches; the ending then Club Hardship Fund captain Mike Biggar declaration of the 2019-20 club season as null and void; the which no corner of society – including the rugby timetable as to when we can take tentative “baby steps” towards community in Scotland – is immune. 82 500 resuming club rugby at some stage in the 2020-21 calendar. Everyday interactions that we had all taken for granted were clubs benefitted steps in a month At all levels of the game, the absence of income through the banished; words and phrases that had only been part of the in Phase 1 for NHS charities turnstiles, over the bar and through hospitality, has been crushing. scientists’ vocabulary, such as the “r number”, became part of Scottish Rugby set up its Club Hardship Fund in March – a ring- our daily conversations. for everyone involved in the game nationally but given the limits on travel and contact sport in many areas the safety of players fenced £500,000 – to enable support to be provided to clubs to And the sport that we love came to a sudden stop. and the local community was the priority at this time. help to see them through the height of the pandemic. The response of Scottish Rugby to the coronavirus pandemic But as ever with the pandemic, there is no certainty currently and In June some 82 clubs received £400,000 from the Fund and continues to be founded around one basic principle: the health any plans remain subject to change. Scottish Rugby will make a further £100,000 payment to support and wellbeing of our community in its broadest sense. clubs later this year. During the pandemic, we have lost good people, our friends who Edinburgh fans at a pilot event in August 2020 At least every week, Scottish Rugby’s Threat Management Group have given wonderful service to rugby, and, when safe to do so, For Scottish Rugby’s own staff – the vast majority working from has issued updates to the rugby community and Scottish Rugby’s Scottish Rugby will lead on a public act of remembrance. home since 16 March and then part of the UK Government’s staff analysing the latest impact of the pandemic and how Job Retention Scheme and thus on furlough – this has been a REMEMBER FACTS We have also sought to lead in providing compassion and governments seek to minimise the sadly fatal consequences. challenging time. FOR A SAFER SCOTLAND humanity – whether at governing body level or at individual All of this has been done from a rugby perspective, using clubs; in both the symbolic and hands-on practical levels. For those staff who have remained at work, their insatiable Face coverings knowledge, expertise and the strength of relationships – whether appetite to enhance the sport they love has been huge. F with the medical community, rugby clubs, government, local From the Scotland team donating a signed set of match jerseys to the NHS following their victory over Wales, to staff volunteering Participation in the furlough scheme means that Scottish Rugby authorities and the events sector – built up over many years. Avoid crowded places to help in the NHS or club members assisting the vulnerable in is determined, as much as it can, to protect the livelihoods of its A Our Chief Medical Officer, James Robson, Chief Operating Officer, their own cities, towns and villages, such as Marr RFC producing workforce. Dominic McKay, Director of Rugby Development, Sheila Begbie, hand sanitising gel. The resumption of fixtures – and the ability for those to be played and Head of Group Stadium Operations, Claire Harkness, have Clean your hands regularly with spectators in attendance – is a clear goal. C led the group and have focused on four key areas: We have seen too, extraordinary acts of selflessness such as former Scotland captain Mike Biggar – seriously injured in a We hosted a “pilot event” at the Edinburgh Rugby v Glasgow • Return to Rugby horrific car crash in 1992 – raise more than £75,000 forNHS Two metre distance Warriors game at the end of August, where some 700 2 charities. metres T • Return to Events spectators saw the action at BT Murrayfield. • Return to Rugby Clubs and Schools We have sought to work with the Scottish Government and its Self isolate and book a test Our safety and mitigation measures meant the event passed off advisors to find solutions designed to enable rugby to return in S if you have symptoms • Return to Work with flying colours and was deemed a success by the Scottish as safe a manner as soon as possible. The latest Scottish Government announcement as we went to Government. We have sought to collaborate with other sports, acknowledging publication – whereby 32 Scottish local authorities were placed We remain eager to work with Government, experts and how sport unites and brings joy to people and reflecting that into Tiers – with the least restrictions in the lowest tiers – has meant authorities to have crowds back as soon as possible. it has not been possible to deliver a competitive domestic season when “this virus is over”, sport can play a huge part in helping the for 2020/21 at adult and U18 level. This is clearly very disappointing healing process.

14 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 15 Team celebrations for Stuart McInally’s try, securing victory over France in the Guinness Six Nations

Adam HASTINGS Guinness Six Nations 2020 5th-top points scorer (41) & most penalties kicked (9) Sean MAITLAND A season truncated by the Covid-19 pandemic saw Scotland feature in 13 Test matches, including four SCOTLAND th & Stuart McInally, Guinness Six Nations 2020 5 -top try scorers (2) at the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan, where ’s men missed out on a quarter-final berth by virtue of a pool stage defeat against the hosts. SEASON 2019-20 A 62% win-rate witnessed victories over France and Georgia The Rugby World Cup 2019 got off to a tough start, as heavily-fancied wins (twice) in the World Cup warm-up fixtures of August and Ireland inflicted defeat on the Scots in a Pool A opener in Yokohama. 296 36 8 from 13 September, before the tournament proper saw Pool A defeats to That inauspicious start was tempered somewhat by a 34-0 win over points tries Ireland and Japan alongside wins over Samoa and Russia. Samoa in the second pool encounter, Sean Maitland and Greig 22.8 per game 2.78 per game 62% Laidlaw adding to two penalty tries and a long-range drop-goal from The 2020 Guinness Six Nations remained incomplete after the Stuart Hogg to get Scotland’s campaign back on track. SCOTLAND DEBUTS global lockdown took place in March, although Scotland Men did Grant Rory Duhan van 2019 Summer Tests manage to complete 80% of their programme, losing narrowly to Russia were swept aside 61-0 in the third Pool A fixture, George Stewart Hutchinson der Merwe France 32 - 3 Scotland Ireland and England and beating both Italy and France, before Horne scoring a scintillating hat-trick amongst nine Scotland tries 9 Blade Nick Oli their final fixture against Wales in Cardiff was postponed. as they kept their opponents scoreless for a second straight game. Scotland 17 - 14 France Thomson Haining Kebble Georgia 10 - 44 Scotland Those wins set up a must-win tie against the tournament Scott Kyle Scott There were some notable retirees during the season as: hosts, Japan, again in Yokohama, against the back drop of Cummings Steyn Steele Scotland 36 - 9 Georgia Greig John Tommy the havoc wreaked by Typhoon Hagibis, a storm which led to LAIDLAW BARCLAY SEYMOUR the cancellation of three Rugby World Cup 2019 games and, 76 caps | 714 points 76 caps | 7 tries 55 caps | 20 tries tragically, the loss of many local lives. 2019 Rugby World Cup - Pool A all called time on stellar international careers. Scotland’s game with Japan did indeed go ahead in the end in Ireland 27 - 3 Scotland what was billed as a knockout tie, the hosts racing into a half- 254,838 th total Scotland attendance 7 time lead before hanging on for a first win over Scotland (28-21) Scotland 34 - 0 Samoa After a 2019 Guinness Six Nations ended with the most remarkable World and ending the tournament hopes of Gregor Townsend’s squad. Scotland 61 - 0 Russia 38-38 draw against England at Twickenham, which retained the Ranking A trip to Rome followed and under Calcutta Cup, Scotland embarked on their Rugby World Cup 2019 Because of the Rugby World Cup 2019, there were no Autumn Japan 28 - 21 Scotland warm-up campaign with home and away fixtures against France Tests at BT Murrayfield, with the next tranche of international pressure to perform, Scotland and Georgia. fixtures coming by way of the 2020 Guinness Six Nations. controlled proceedings to earn a 17-0 win in the Italian capital with Stuart Hogg’s individually brilliant try adding to further 2020 Guinness Six Nations The opening match ended in defeat to France before the Scots Scotland began their championship away in seeking counters from Chris Harris and Adam Hastings. gained revenge with a 17-14 victory at BT Murrayfield, with to redress the World Cup balance against Ireland and put on a Ireland 19 - 12 Scotland much-improved display despite ultimately losing 19-12 at the Scotland welcomed France to BT Murrayfield in the penultimate second-half tries from Chris Harris and Sean Maitland helping to Scotland 6 - 13 England turnaround an interval deficit. . round of fixtures and for what would turn out to be their final fixture before the effects of Coronavirus took hold. Italy 0 - 17 Scotland A five-try 44-10 win over Georgia in Tbilisi featured a brace from Week two saw England visit Edinburgh with Scotland aiming to centre Rory Hutchinson and one from Scott Cummings, both retain the Calcutta Cup for a second year in a row. Once more A third-straight home win (28-17) over their Gallic Scotland 28 - 17 France the weather caused chaos as Storm Ciara showed her full force opponents reaped three tries through Stuart McInally and debutants two weeks earlier in defeat in Nice against the French. Wales 10 - 14 Scotland during the game itself, driving rain and howling winds putting Sean Maitland (2). Scotland completed a double over the Georgians a week later paid to any idea of running rugby as England just about dealt with a comfortable 36-9 success at BT Murrayfield, scoring five Scotland finally completed their championship with an historic th tries tries better with conditions to win 13-6. win away in Wales, emerging 14-10 victors at in 4 in the table 7 scored 5 conceded second-half tries to pull away from their opponents and complete (5th in 2019) (tournament-leading) their warm-up programme in style. Llanelli on 31 October to round off proceedings in fine style. *Guinness Six Nations postponed after four rounds of Scotland LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 fixtures due to Coronavirus outbreak; championship completed on 16 31 October. Scotland also played a warm-up fixture against Georgia 17 on 24 October (not part of 2019/20 season’s results). SCOTLAND WOMEN TOUR SOUTH AFRICA First ever tour and match in the Southern Hemisphere.

Chloe Rollie

Rhona Lloyd Scotland’s top try scorer this season so far (5) SCOTLANDScotland Women have started their last two campaigns with a new Head Coach, all as they gear up for a chance of a tilt at the sport’s ultimate prize. opposition from Wales and Japan. Wales won 3-17, while the game In the 2019-20 season, Philip Doyle, was directing matters, while SEASON 2019-20 this autumn, Bryan Easson took on the appointment on an against Japan was historically significant as it was the first time Rachel Malcolm interim basis, after Doyle had to stand down on health grounds. that the two sides had faced each other. The visitors won 20-24. wins Scotland captain from Easson had been part of Doyle’s coaching team anyway and 171 157 3 8 In January, Scotland travelled to Almeria to play Spain in the last points for points against Scotland – after all the travails around postponed matches due of their Test matches ahead of the Six Nations. Typical of the fast 21.3 per game 19.6 per game 38% to the pandemic – gave the strongest indication that their form play and competitive mindset from both sides, the visitors scored and confidence was coming to fruition on cue for their qualifier in six tries to seal the deal for Scotland. South Africa 5 - 47 Scotland December for next year’s Rugby World Cup in New Zealand. SCOTLAND DEBUTS Scotland travelled to Ireland for the first Six Nations match of the South Africa 15 - 38 Scotland They produced a top-drawer performance at Scotstoun in Evie Tonkin Sarah Denholm year feeling positive after their win against Spain. The opening 8 October in which they drew 13 all with France, seven places Christine Belisle Leah Bartlett Scotland 3 - 17 Wales match was played at Donnybrook, a venue that saw Scotland above them in the World rankings. A try from debutant Rachel defeat the hosts two years previously. With many similarities in Molly Wright Alex Wallace Scotland 20 - 24 Japan Shankland and some nerveless kicking from Helen Nelson the game, it was the hosts that secured the win by four points. Mairi McDonald Rachel Shankland earned Scotland the draw and sets up a tasty qualifier against Spain 12 - 36 Scotland Italy, which will also double as the much delayed 2020 Six The first Six Nations home match for Scotland was due to be played Nations Championship fixture. at Scotstoun against England. Storm Ciara battered the country CONTRACTED PLAYERS that weekend, resulting in the match being postponed by a day Sarah Bonar Megan Kennedy 2020 Women’s Six Nations Winding the clock back, the signs were favourable in September 10 and played at BT Murrayfield instead. England won confidently 2019 when Doyle took Scotland on a tour of South Africa. It was Jade Konkel Lisa Martin Ireland 18 - 14 Scotland but for Scotland, the chance to play in front of their family at BT Scotland’s first ever tour and their first match in the Southern Liz Musgrove* Helen Nelson Murrayfield was something that they would not forget. Scotland 0 - 53 England Hemisphere. The tour, giving the squad precious time together, Chloe Rollie Hannah Smith* was a big success, both on and off the pitch. Doyle’s side secured Due to the pandemic, Scotland’s Six Nations campaign was then * new 2019/20 Scotland 13 - 13 France Lana Skeldon Lisa Thomson two confident wins against their hosts with a 5-47 win in the first put on hold until the heroics against France. It was announced season leg followed by a 15-38 victory in the second. on 10 November that the remaining championship fixtures, including a trip to face Wales and a World Cup 2021 qualifier with The season then focussed on the Autumn Tests at Scotstoun. The TOP TRY SCORERS TOP CONVERSIONS Italy in December, had been cancelled. squad, led by new captain Rachel Malcolm, faced some tough of the season & PENALTY GOALS Rhona Lloyd Helen Nelson SCOTS IN TEAM GB SCOTLAND WOMEN 7s Megan Gaffney In February, GB 7s Women’s Head Coach Scott Forrest announced the extended Due to Covid-19, Scotland Women 7s Abi Evans squad who will compete for a place in the final squad for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic have not had the chance to compete Games, which due to Covid-19 has now been moved to July/August 2021. this season due to the cancellation of 9 Lisa Thomson both the World Rugby Sevens Challenger Six Scotland Women 7s players have been selected to be part of the extended squad. Chloe Rollie Series Women’s event which was going Megan Gaffney, Rhona Lloyd, Helen Nelson, Chloe Rollie, Hannah Smith and Lisa to be the qualifying tournament for Jade Konkel Thomson, who are also all Scotland Women players, have been selected by Forrest. the World Series, as well as the Rugby They all took part in the first Training weekend which was held at Oriam in February. Hannah Smith Europe Grand prix. Jade Konkel Hannah Smith

*Scotland Women’s remaining fixtures against Italy and Wales were 18 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 cancelled due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation. 19 Nathan Chamberlain in action for Scotland U20

Scotland v USA, Sydney Sevens

SEVENSScotland 7s displayed flashes of their undoubted AGEScotland’s top young prospects saved theGRADE best until last in the 2020 U20 Six Nations tournament. WORLD SERIES 2019-20 collective potential during the shortened HSBC On the eve of the country going into lockdown, they stormed to a That then set them up nicely for more heroics on foreign soil with World Sevens Series, where six events were wins half century of points in Colwyn Bay and ran in seven tries to defeat the thumping win in Wales. completed before the impact of COVID-19 came 10 from 28 their Welsh counterparts 52-17. 3 Scotland were due to compete in the World Rugby U20 Trophy into effect. SEVENS From that team, we have already seen Jack Blain, Nathan competition in September in Valencia, however, with the ongoing A new Head Coach in Ciaran Beattie named his first core squad DEBUTS 517 81 Chamberlain, Connor Boyle, Roan Frostwick and Rory Darge situation regarding the pandemic, it was cancelled. points tries during September, featuring debutants Femi Sofolarin and appear for Edinburgh Rugby; Cameron Henderson for Leicester Scott Bickerstaff, as well as new core members Kyle Rowe and Femi Sofolarin TOP SCORERS Tigers and Ewan Ashman for Sale ; and Rufus McLean the experienced Tom Brown (Jed’s Callum Young also debuted Kyle Rowe (Glasgow Warriors) awaits the opportunity to make his pro- Robbie Max during the season). Callum Young team debut. Fergusson McFarland Robbie Fergusson was named as captain in his own right having Sean Lineen took charge of the age-grade side at the beginning of previously held a joint role, his leadership skills apparent & & the season, reuniting with Shade Munro. The pair had previously throughout the 2019/20 series during which he top-scored with Gavin Lowe Sam Pecqueur coached together at Glasgow Warriors. 84 points – a total he shared with Gavin Lowe. The appointment marked Lineen’s second time at the helm, Sean Lamont was named as Team Manager, bringing a wealth of New Head Coach 84 10 having coached the side in 2015 when Scotland achieved our first points tries experience to the set-up, having featured at two Commonwealth Ciaran Beattie top eight finish in the World Rugby U20 Championships. Games in 2002 and 2014. A squad of 16 forwards and 13 backs was announced in early Perhaps the most notable weekend of Scotland 7s’ season came January, with Southern Knights No 8 Rory Darge given the in Hamilton, New Zealand, where they reached the quarter-final captaincy responsibilities for the first time. after beating England in a pool stage thriller, Sofolarin scoring The U20 squad faced a tough start to their campaign, as they a last-gasp try to defeat the country for whom he was a squad travelled to Cork to go head-to-head against the previous season’s member the year before. Grand Slam winners, Ireland. The hosts produced a dominant Scotland lost out to the hosts despite a spirited comeback, but could performance to seal a 38-26 win over a spirited Scotland side. take solace in performing to such a high standard in an event that Despite a valiant performance in their second fixture against demonstrated just how competitive the World Series circuit now is. England, the young Scots were edged out 17-21 in a closely fought In what would be the final weekend before the global lockdown, battle in front of over 3,000 spectators at Myreside. Scotland saved some of their best rugby for Vancouver where In the third round of the competition, Scotland U20 bounced they won all of their games on day two, against Argentina, Kenya back in dramatic fashion when they snatched victory at the death and France – all of whom were ranked higher at the time. against Italy away. It was Italy who took the early lead going into Events were staged, in order, at Dubai, , Hamilton, the interval, but a last-gasp try from Connor Boyle helped clinch Sydney, Los Angeles and Vancouver, with the remaining four a 30-29 win. dates postponed at Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris and London. Scotland were once again competitive in their fourth outing of the Those four dates were, at the time of writing, due to be tournament at Netherdale but fell short against a physical French outfit succumbing to a narrow 22-29 defeat. rescheduled as and when professional sport can safely resume Femi Sofolarin scores a last-gasp try to defeat England on the Sevens circuit.

20 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 21 48 players used 14 21 4 Scotland players SCO in SCO debut Niko Matawalu scoring Squad his try against La Rochelle, 2019. GLASGOW Scott Cummings Grant Stewart 9 1 Warrior Academy debuts Graduate

WARRIORSGlasgow Warriors’ proud tradition of developing and nurturing young Scottish talent Rufus McLean shone like a beacon in a season unlike any other in living memory. Aki Thomas Ewan Scott Cummings, our 23-year-old second-row forward, who Scotstoun remained a happy hunting ground, Seiuli Gordon McQuillin had graduated from our Academy, went on to feature in all 14 as the Warrior Nation was treated to a host of George Jamie Charlie 226k internationals that Scotland played from the moment he made scintillating attacking displays. November’s 50-0 social media WARRIORS CHAMPIONSHIP Thornton Dobie Capps his debut off the bench in the away Rugby World Cup warm-up dismantling of the and a 56-24 victory over on The launch of the fans SP Energy Networks Mesu Kyle Enrique match against France in August 2019. Valentine’s Day saw Glasgow showcase their attacking flair, with try- Warriors Championship. Dolokoto Steyn Pieretto scorer supreme George Horne providing the finishing touch more 1,215 from 27 It was a season that also saw hooker Grant Stewart and wing/ pupils registered schools often than any other Warrior. centre Kyle Steyn make their Scotland debuts, while come the autumn, newly qualified on grounds of residency, prop Oli Having reached the last eight in Europe’s premier club Record number Kebble made barn-storming contributions to Scotland victories competition in 2018/19, hopes were high that Glasgow Warriors followers 3.7m followers against Georgia and Wales, with our co-captain, Fraser Brown, would once again grace the quarter-finals of the Heineken 405 new website views 80k followers 67k 9k subscribers leading the national team against Georgia. Champions Cup when the draw was made last summer. girls registered 69k But back to the beginning. With 15 players selected for their Whilst the knockout stages ultimately eluded the club by the since launching in June 2019 respective countries for the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan, it narrowest of margins, there were still moments to savour for the was a much-changed Glasgow Warriors side that took to the field Warrior Nation. A landmark 27-24 victory away to La Rochelle – On-field rugby was on hold, but the Warrior Nation were at the Kingspan Stadium for the first pre-season hit-out against only the club’s third-ever win in France – was roared to the rafters still able to still able to access great rugby memories during Ulster in September 2019. by the supporters who had crossed the English Channel on the shutdown. Over 27,000 fans tuned in to watch the first official club charter, whilst the return of Stuart Hogg to Scotstoun episode of Warriors Reloaded, which saw the club re-live Whilst a youthful Warriors outfit suffered defeat on that occasion, with new side Exeter Chiefs provided the subplot for a thrilling 2017’s famous 43-0 win over Leicester Tigers in full. The 24 a hard-earned 36-33 victory over the Irish province in front of players who visited 31-31 draw in January. series was just one component of the club’s content during 7,126 supporters at Scotstoun just a week later highlighted the Glasgow Children’s the suspension. There was a new addition to the Glasgow potential in a talented playing group. With Rennie accepting the position of Head Coach of Australia, Hospital on Warriors content stable for 2019/20, as the club launched its Christmas visit. there was change afoot in the coaching team at the end of May. It was a pre-season double-header that stood Glasgow in good new official magazine, Warrior. Boasting a coaching CV including a European Challenge Cup stead as they navigated an ultra-competitive Guinness PRO14 victory with and a victory over New Zealand with When the PRO14 season resumed in August this year, once more. Sitting in third place prior to the COVID-19-enforced Wales U20, Danny Wilson’s reign at Scotstoun saw him officially Glasgow Warriors’ final two matches were against rivals suspension of the competition in March, the club’s squad depth take charge during the COVID-19 league suspension. Edinburgh Rugby. Warriors lost the first fixture but bounced was tested throughout the campaign in their battle with Ulster back the following week to end the season on a high with a and the for a place in the top three of Conference A. Wilson has been joined in the coaching box by Jonny Bell, with 15-3 success, though the third placed finish in Conference A, the former Ulster and Ireland centre replacing the outgoing Indeed, newer faces made themselves known to the Warrior deprived the team of a semi-final berth. Jason O’Halloran as attack coach. Nation in 2019/20; Tom Gordon’s performances earned him the Whilst the pandemic forced the early cancellation of the 2020 Mackenzie Construction Most Improved Player of the Season Indeed the majority of new contracts announced by the club Over SP Energy Networks Warriors Championship, entry numbers award to further enhance his burgeoning reputation, whilst Jamie from September 2019 to date were signed by Scottish-qualified indicate the future of rugby in Glasgow and the west is in £10,000 Dobie – the first player born in the 21st century to represent the players, whilst Rufus McLean became the latest graduate of the raised by our good shape. A total of 1,215 school pupils were registered for Warriors – introduced himself to the Scottish rugby public by FOSROC Scottish Rugby Academy to sign professional terms with Glasgow Warriors band the championship, including a record 405 girls, showing the claiming the Land Rover Young Player of the Season award. Glasgow Warriors. ‘The Scrumbags’ continued growth and excitement surrounding the event. at their charity gig.

22 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 23 11 48 3 EDI players 50th debuts used cap

Jamie Bhatti Duhan VDM Murray Douglas Jaco VDW 2 Murray McCallum Nick Haining SCO Nick Haining Mesu Kunavula debuts Duhan VDM Dan Nutton Community training session hosted by Scotland star Eroni Sau at Leith Academy Stan South 16 10 Sam Thomson Darcy Graham Scotland World became the first player in club Cup Dan Winning history to score four tries in a single match

EDINBURGHEdinburgh Rugby reached their first-ever Guinness PRO14 Semi-Final following a Ian Madigan slotting home a last-minute penalty – before 2020 PLAYER SIGNINGS: Edinburgh went down to Bordeaux Bègles in the Challenge stellar 2019-20 campaign that saw the capital club finish top of Conference B. Andrew Davidson Connor Boyle Cup Quarter-Final a fortnight later – bringing an end to a Lee-Roy Atalifo Marshall Sykes 141k In a season that saw rugby temporarily suspended due to the November as the club secured wins against Scarlets and at rollercoaster 2019-20 campaign. Rory Darge Sam Grahamslaw social media COVID-19 pandemic, Richard Cockerill’s side also reached the BT Murrayfield, before an Eroni Sau try proved the difference against fans Off the field, the club’s stadium project was kick-started Sam Kitchen Matt Gordon Quarter-Final stages of the European Challenge Cup where they Conference rivals Munster as Edinburgh won at Irish Independent in October 2019 as Edinburgh legends Andy Irvine, Allan Dan Gamble Nathan Chamberlain fell just short against French side Bordeaux Bègles. Park for the first time in 15 years. 16% Jacobsen and Tim Visser helped break ground on the Ben Muncaster increase Coupled with qualification for next season’s Heineken Champions On the European front, the club were drawn in a tricky Challenge game-changing development at BT Murrayfield. Although Cup – with Edinburgh Rugby set to play Sale Sharks and La Rochelle Cup pool alongside French Top 14 clubs Bordeaux-Bègles and – the future is shining bright for rugby in the Scottish capital. Agen, as well as English Premiership powerhouse, Wasps. up 2016-17 23,833 New podcast However, with an away win in Agen and back-to-back victories 8% With plenty to shout about on the field, the capital side have also up Inside the Castle against Wasps in December, the capital club were well placed in 30% 2017-18 25,353 made great strides off the field too. launched Nov 2019 the group heading into the business end of the season. £1.4m 2018-19 21,190 2,442 Ticket Revenue 8,689 41k followers followers 55k 40k followers 4k subscribers With a thriving community programme, an ever-growing sponsor 15 episodes December saw Edinburgh Rugby go head-to-head with age-old Season avg. match 2019-20 27,437

family and the continued construction of the team’s all-new Tickets attendance 1872 Record crowd Cup 19k downloads rivals Glasgow Warriors in rugby’s oldest intercity derby, the 1872 7,800 capacity home on the back pitches of BT Murrayfield - set Cup. After suffering a first leg defeat at Scotstoun, the capital side to be ready in 2020-21 – there’s a clear sense of positivity that the the project was put on hold due to COVID-19 in April bounced back with an imposing bonus-point win at BT Murrayfield NEW Community Initiatives club is moving in the right direction. 2020, construction resumed in June with contractors in front of a record 27,437 festive crowd, levelling the series 1-1. moving quickly to continue progress on the groundworks Principal & Prosper Edinburgh Rugby While, with 10 players named in Scotland’s squad for the 2019 Into the New Year and the capital club’s impressive PRO14 and erection of the stadium’s four new stands, with the VISOR Rugby World Cup in Japan, and a further 16 selected for the P&P Prosper Programme continued. Four wins on the trot against Southern Kings, Scarlets, new artificial surface put in place throughout October. 2020 Six Nations, the club’s domestic success has translated A project that saw the club provide Connacht and Cardiff Blues kept Richard Cockerill’s side at the P&P Virtual Player into international honours for its cohort of Scottish stars. New Supporters continued to back the club in record numbers visually impaired supporters with summit of Conference B with 10 victories in 13 matches. Appearances signings in 2019-20 included Fijian winger Eroni Sau, Scotland in 2019-20 with Edinburgh Rugby recording 625 additional a method of following live rugby internationalists and Nick Haining – an international And with a 36-0 win over Agen – in which Darcy Graham became Season Ticket members, a 30% rise on the previous campaign. P&P 1872 Cup via a braille board and guide. debutant in 2020 – while experienced South African duo the first player in club history to score four tries in asingle Community Blitz And that support has been matched by the club’s thriving 42 visually impaired supporters Nic Groom and Mike Willemse joined from Lions and match – Edinburgh finished in second place in their respective Community Programme that was able to facilitate a number P&P Big Ticket Giveaway attended over 80% of Edinburgh Southern Kings respectively. Challenge Cup pool, setting up a Quarter-Final date away to of unique community initiatives in 2019-20, including the P&P home matches, and also both Bordeaux-Bègles. P&P Guard of Honour Elsewhere, the club extended the contracts of Scotland Prosper Programme, P&P Virtual Player Appearances and the Scotland v England and France internationalists Stuart McInally, Ben Toolis, Mark Bennett, Lewis With the season temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 from March P&P Big Ticket Giveaway that saw the club supply over 500 P&P Half-time Matches matches in the Guinness 6 Nations. Carmichael and Rory Sutherland, as well as fan favourites Pierre until August, Edinburgh Rugby returned to action on 22 August, taking match tickets to local schools and rugby clubs. NEW Schoeman and Duhan van der Merwe. on Glasgow Warriors in back-to-back fixtures at BT Murrayfield. The club have also continued to grow commercially, where they Player Clarity Sports John Crabbie Edinburgh Rugby have enjoyed a Guinness PRO14 resurgence With an opening 15-30 win over their West Coast rivals, Edinburgh extended partnerships with a number of key sponsors, including sponsorship & Co. under Richard Cockerill – now in his third year as Head Coach in secured both the 1872 Cup and a place in the Guinness PRO14 Dentons and Glen Moray, who will feature on the sleeve of both scheme Travel Partners Gin Partner 2019-20 – and the capital side’s league campaign got off to the Semi-Finals, before a much-changed side fell short against the the home and away match jerseys in 2020-21.This development best possible start in September with a resounding 50-15 win over Warriors the following weekend. has also seen Edinburgh Business Club continue to grow – with Dentons Glen Moray

Zebre, followed by a determined away day victory at Cardiff Blues. 55 members in 2019-20 – while a flourishing and enhanced Official Legal NEW Single Malt In their first-ever Guinness PRO14 Semi-Final appearance, 10 matchday hospitality set-up in the newly furnished Scotland Partner Business Club Whisky Partner The club’s dominant home form continued into October and the capital club were beaten by Ulster at BT Murrayfield - with Suites has proved hugely successful so far. Extended MEMBERS Extended


SUPER6The FOSROC Super6 launched in 2019-20 with the aim of increasing playing FULL-TIME as part of Scottish Rugby Coach Development TRIES SCORED ON standards, by better-developing Scottish players, coaches and match officials to HEAD COACHES Pathway – all ex professional players and AVERAGE PER MATCH feed talent into the full-time professional game. 6 supported by Sean Lineen, Super6 On-field Lead. 6

The tournament was designed to provide a consistent quality of Average points difference PETER MURCHIE PHIL SMITH and then games and an environment where aspiring players, coaches and across matches ANDREW KELLY 11 match officials are able to be challenged. In short, the competition 1,500 707 (Ayrshire Bulls) was deemed vital to retain young talented Scottish players within SPECTATORS AT AVERAGE (Heriot’s Rugby) INAUGURAL GAME ATTENDANCE the country and help bridge the gap to the professional game. additional FOSROC GRAHAM SHIEL BEN CAIRNS 30 Academy players The six clubs awarded licences The inaugural FOSROC Super6 began after the conclusion of last (Boroughmuir Bears) (Stirling County) for the first five seasons of the year’s Rugby World Cup, with the first match seeing Boroughmuir Scottish-qualified players either competition - Ayrshire Bulls, Bears welcome Stirling County to Meggetland on Friday 8 30 returned or came to Scotland for 180 Watsonians Rugby, Heriot’s Rugby, November in front of more than 1,500 spectators. contracted the tournament Stirling County, Boroughmuir Bears FERGUS PRINGLE ROB CHRYSTIE players Across the 30 completed fixtures during 2019/20, before the and Southern Knights - all had 35- (Watsonians Rugby) (Southern Knights) season was cut short due to the Covid-19, the average attendance man squads made up of part-time was 707. professional players. Five players per squad were selected through the FOSROC Academy Stage 3 and these players were allocated by Scottish Rugby in conjunction with the Super6 Head Coaches. In turn, there was an alignment of clubs to both pro teams – Heriot’s As part of the first FOSROC Super6 broadcast deal, Rugby, Watsonians Rugby and Southern Knights to Edinburgh and one game was shown live each week, available on both the Boroughmuir Bears, Ayrshire Bulls and Stirling County to Glasgow BBC Sport and Scottish Rugby websites. Warriors. Pro players were drafted to clubs via this alignment and were allowed to play in the competition.

CHAMPIONSHIP PLAY-OFFS CROSS-BORDER COMPETITION At the end of the regular season, the four teams that A cross-border competition against Welsh Premiership clubs, were set to contest championship play-offs were: which would have run at the culmination of the first FOSROC Super6 season, was cancelled with the view of being scheduled 1. WATSONIANS RUGBY once more upon the resumption of competitive rugby for the 2. HERIOT’S RUGBY 2020/21 campaign. 3. AYRSHIRE BULLS 4. SOUTHERN KNIGHTS

26 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 27 Borders & East Lothian REGIONAL Borders College and BASES Heriot Watt University 4 Caledonia Dundee & Angus College and Dundee Regional Performance Centre Edinburgh Edinburgh Napier University Glasgow & West Ravenscraig Regional Sports Centre FOSROC

ACADEMY PLAYERS LINKED TO 45 different clubs & schools

REGIONAL female Partnership with FOSROC continues to go from strength to strength and this saw Fosroc ACADEMY SERIES 518 18 players a number of representatives from FOSROC attend BT Murrayfield on the weekend Scottish Rugby players Academy U16, U17, U18, played competitive of the Scotland v England Six Nations match for an update on the Academy. This U19 & U20 1 pro team match included a site visit to the Edinburgh Rugby Academy venue at Edinburgh Napier full time University, led by Academy Manager Graeme Beveridge and supported by other PRO-ALIGNED Academy staff Glasgow’s Rory Jackson celebrates his side’s victory MATCHES 156 25 Academy staff and a couple of Academy players who did a Q&A. players with Sean Lineen during the U19 FOSROC 4s match U16, U18 & U20 The FOSROC Academy, which enters its fifth season, aims to this took place in August at Galashiels utilising the pitches at the between Glasgow & The West v Caledonia accelerate the development of the nation’s most promising young Netherdale Campus. male and prominent female players at one of four regional centres Rory Darge (ER) The FOSROC Academy 4s competitions at U17 & U19 levels both (Dundee, Ravenscraig, Edinburgh and Galashiels), which develop, took place indoors at Oriam, the National Performance Centre Connor Boyle (ER) deliver and monitor individual programmes for selected players. and this provided an opportunity for an additional 117 new 95 5 Marshall Sykes (ER) 13 15 A total of 95 players were selected for the Academy for the season. players to participate in regional representative rugby. TOTAL played Going Sam Grahamslaw (ER) SCO SCO This was made up of 30 contracted male Stage 3 players and 65 A new initiative saw junior 1872 matches take place at U16, U18 PRO players Women for U20 supported Stage 1 and 2 players. All of these players continued to and U20 levels where the best players across the four Academy Rufus McLean (GW) play for their schools and clubs whilst being further supported by regions combined to play for their aligned pro team and saw identified Academy staff. Glasgow Warriors v Edinburgh Rugby at each of these age- groups. These matches provided a higher standard of rugby to This number included 18 players from the Scotland Women help bridge the gap towards international programmes. These Former Academy Performance programme who are part of the FOSROC Scottish teams also took part in a number of cross border matches against Players capped Rugby Academy for this season. Academy teams from both England and Wales, again providing for Scotland: The Stage 3 players were all allocated to one of the new FOSROC a higher standard of competition, whilst also providing the Grant Stewart Super6 teams for the inaugural season of that competition and opportunity to play against unfamiliar opposition and to further 3 caps this provided a higher level of competition for their development. develop coaches, managers and support staff along with the As well as this, these players, in particular, continued to work players. Scott Cummings ever closer with the pro teams, which offered opportunities to 14 caps | 1 try This season saw five more Academy players sign senior develop through both training and playing, with a number of professional contracts at Glasgow Warriors, and Edinburgh while individuals playing pro teams during pre-season and one player 15 FOSROC Academy players were involved in the Scotland U20 Additional support and expertise for players continues to Dan Winning, playing competitively during the season. Six Nations campaign which saw them competitive in all their be provided by our partnership with the sportscotland The regional series of matches, primarily over July and early matches and victories over both Italy and Wales away from home. Institute of Sport around performance lifestyle, performance August, across every age level from U16s, U18 and U20s, provided psychology and performance nutrition. Three of our Stage 2 Academy players, Adam Scott, Michael an opportunity for a total of 401 individual players to be involved Heron and Cole Lamberton, were awarded the John Macphail Our partnership with the Royal Marine Commandos continued in competitive rugby and to further promote themselves for Scholarship to Stellenbosch, South Africa in partnership with in 2019-20 and saw some of our Academy undertake training further honours across the FOSROC Academies or international the Robertson Trust. Unfortunately this programme had to be days with the RM Commandos, with the focus on teamwork, grade teams. The Academies Finals Day was again held and as cut short due to the Covid-19 pandemic however even in the leadership and working under pressure. Unfortunately a culmination of these matches at U16 & U18 levels and this short time they were in South Africa, all three made significant additional planned camps for both players and staff had to be year, due to the ongoing development work at BT Murrayfield, improvements and developments on and off the field. postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

28 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 29 West of Scotland’s home ground, Burnbrae Fans at Falkirk Rugby Club at the Everyone’s Game event 13 October 2019

CLUBSSeason 19/20 got off to a promising start with the first cup rounds taking place on 31 August with leagues This review will involve clubs and Scottish Rugby’s development WINTER ROADSHOWS 2019 team and cover; following on a week later. Little did we know at that point, that this season would be one that will be etched Rugby Development’s series of Winter Regional Club Roadshows in the minds of us all for years to come. The spread of the Coronavirus around the world had a major impact • expanding player opportunities, took place throughout November and December with the first event being in the Glasgow North region, hosted at Glasgow Academicals. on all sport including rugby. • developing people and volunteers, The content for each of the evenings included the following: In this unprecedented year, a decision had to be taken, for the RUGBY DEVELOPMENT FOUR-YEAR STRATEGY • delivering quality rugby experiences for all and safety of all involved, to suspend all play from Sunday 15 March. Regional plan-on-a-page, as well as sharing some regional KPIs Scottish Rugby launched its 2019-2023 Development Strategy. • ensuring a well governed and safe rugby environment. As the pandemic continued to spread this led to a premature The Scottish Rugby Community and Club Strategy has been built (Including an update on regional strategy), project deliverables conclusion of the 19/20 season, which was declared null and collaboratively by member rugby clubs and the governing body’s Scottish Rugby’s Development Department recognise that for for 2019/20 in each region, Training and Education update void. Never in Scottish Rugby’s history has such a situation Rugby Development team, ensuring a regionalised focus on local our game to flourish, there must be a clear focus on producing delivered by the local Coach Development Officer. competitive club rugby to prevent unfulfilled fixtures and one- arisen before and it is a credit to all clubs in Scotland that they solutions for local issues. In total, nine roadshows were delivered in the following locations: immediately followed advice given to protect their players, sided games. The Strategy’s core objectives are to: • Glasgow Academicals | 13 November coaches and club members. MALE ADULT SEASON STRUCTURE REVIEW Build sustainable, vibrant and inclusive rugby clubs and • Marr | 18 November The loss of the end of the season had a major impact on all clubs, communities, that will increase the number of quality from the disappointment of leagues and cup competitions not In conjunction with the Scottish Rugby Council’s Standing • Annan | 20 November opportunities for people to participate at all levels of our game. coming to a conclusion, through to the financial impact of lost Committee on Governance, 16 open club consultation workshops • Falkirk | 25 November were held between May and October 2019 to gather views on the revenue from fixtures that would no longer be able to be played. Increase the number of playing opportunities through • RPC, Dundee | 27 November improving player retention, supporting transition from the future of male adult season and competitions’ structures. Scottish Rugby responded on 15 March by announcing the Club • Inverness College | 2 December youth to the adult game and by providing alternative game Hardship Fund (CHF). The fund was designed to help with club Workshop feedback informed recommendations for changes to formats. • Robert Gordon University | 3 December running costs between March and July, a period during which no season structure, league format, cup competitions, reserve team • Greenyards Melrose | 9 December rugby was expected to be played and no income earned. Support and develop rugby people to evolve the game across structures, development and retention programmes to improve Scotland through the delivery of an inclusive coach, teacher, the male adult game. • BT Murrayfield | 11 December match official and volunteer development programme. Final recommendations were created and submitted to the COACH REGISTRATION IN SCRUMS The four-year Strategy is based on rugby being a values-driven £500k 82 Standing Committee on Governance for consideration. Scottish Rugby invited all coaches to register in SCRUMS. Any Scottish Rugby clubs benefitted game for all. This demonstrates that Scotland has a committed person who is coaching on a regular basis and who would Club Hardship Fund in Phase 1 club network and a body of passionate volunteers who provide Due to Coronavirus and the uncertainty about the 20/21 season, previously have appeared on their club or school’s active coach opportunities for people to take part in rugby. the implementation of the recommendations has been deferred list was required to register on SCRUMS. In total 3,200 coaches Scottish Rugby ringfenced £500,000 for the fund with until season 22/23. We will look to re-engage with our clubs over The Strategy, through a working collaboration between Scottish registered for the 19/20 season. approximately £400,000 being paid out to 82 clubs at the end of this coming year to refresh and revalidate the proposal. Rugby Development staff and the clubs, will support volunteers, June in the first round of support. A further £100,000 is due to be Registration of coaches not only allows for the individual to keep working together to maintain, encourage and sustain club The expectation is that the refreshed recommendations will be paid out later this year. a track of qualifications and PVG and RugbyRight status, it also membership. Teachers, coaches and match-officials are the presented at the 2021 AGM for approval and that season 21/22 allows the club or school coach co-ordinator to easily identify The impact of the Coronavirus may have affected the end foundation of rugby and they are critical to the development of then becomes the transition year, in preparation for the new their active coaches and future active coach lists will be submitted of the season, however there were several other events and the game. The Strategy will provide development opportunities competition format in season 22/23. through SCRUMS, greatly simplifying this process. The additional programmes which did go ahead as planned. to allow them to deliver to the highest level. Many thanks to the clubs that took part in the consultations and functionality allows clubs and schools to manage their coaches The Strategy will be judged against clear performance indicators, for their continued support to this process. in SCRUMS in place of the previous paper processes. with an annual review of realistic targets for key areas of the game.

30 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 31 CALEDONIA MIDLANDS GLASGOW SOUTH GLASGOW NORTH UPDATES from Maintaining positive and collaborative In order to support the Development Officer In Glasgow North during 2019, Peter Burgon relationships with the Caledonia Midlands Network within the region, the team created a joined the team as the Regional Director for the clubs and schools was the cornerstone to the training course in which all development officers Glasgow North. Peter spent the first part of the REGIONS region achieving objectives and KPIs set at the were invited to participate. season getting to know his region and the Clubs beginning of the year. The training consisted of two sessions covering a range of topics that he would be working with. CALEDONIA NORTH The regional strategy was brought to life by 12 plan-on-a-page from induction process for new club members and volunteer This gave us great confidence as we looked towards an development to managing workload and the benefits of sharing The implementation of high quality, sustainable objectives that aligned directly to the Rugby Development four expanded offer in season 20-21. This expanded offer was to be strategic pillars and Agenda 3. effective practice. Individual follow-up was the final part of this informed by the newly established Glasgow North Girls’ Rugby rugby development programmes continues to be programme where development officers had the opportunity to Working Group. This representative group remain well-placed The below summary highlights some key achievements in each central to the growth and improvement of rugby highlight areas of personal development which was supported by to scrutinise, challenge and support the work of the region in of the four pillars. in the Caledonia North region. the regional team. developing increased access to and better experiences in rugby PLAY for girls across Glasgow North. 2019/20 saw our regional focus anchored to the principles of The second opportunity for support and development, came accountability, direction, implementation and building capability Developing positive player development environments across from a partnership formed with Scottish Sports Futures. The team Ayr against Corstorphine and, with the further enhancement of our Caledonia North Youth Boys, Girls and Women’s rugby was a significant focus for organised the delivery of an Education Through Cashback tutor in the Tennent’s Women’s Cultures, Values and Behaviours, the delivery of key programmes the region in terms of input and resource. It was also recognised course for development officers which allowed them to deliver Premiership, October 2019 was linked to the four pillars of the Rugby Development Strategy. as a significant effort and input from the clubs involved as well. the following modules to school pupils in their community and The regional team developed programmes across those areas of provided added value PLAY the game to create environments that had the simple objectives of • Working with People in Sport Targeted Youth & Schools Programmes: The team worked • give more people the chance to participate in rugby; • Human Connection hard to deliver enhanced regional playing opportunities for both • Planning Effective Physical Activity Programmes • create enjoyable, inclusive environments to attract and the male and female youth game. With a clear focus on ensuring • Communication retain more players in the game, and we were able to offer consistent, quality training and playing • Goal Setting opportunities to club and school players, the team embedded ten • encourage and upskill the volunteers supporting these • Conflict Resolution new supported “Targeted Youth and Schools Programmes”, with programmes within our clubs. the Aberdeen Wanderers programme attracting 3421 boys and CLUB EXCHANGE Glasgow Warriors Community Table – throughout season Some highlights in the women’s and girls’ game saw a year-on- girls from P4 to S3. Guy Mullinor, the club president, said: “The The Glasgow South regional team facilitated four club exchange 19-20, we placed a significant focus on the area of reward year 38% increase in girls’ player registration and the creation of programme has helped us to start re-establishing the Aberdeen sessions this year, with two in Dumfries & Galloway and two within and recognition, appreciating that so much of our success is four new women’s teams in the region. Within our state school Wanderers brand. We’re 90 years old and we have a responsibility the South-West. In November 2019, the team delivered a session underpinned by the often-unseen contributions of so many programme 48 boys’ teams and 21 girls’ teams participated in to invest into the future of that brand.” focusing on Club Ethos & Project Development. sportscotland coaches, officials and other volunteers. The primary focus was local festivals with 704 boys and 279 girls participating. PEOPLE then delivered an informative presentation on how clubs could always to be the Regional Awards evening planned for mid- PEOPLE approach the process of developing a sports facility – looking at March. However, through the season running up to that date, Workforce Development: The team continued their work in project development from concept to completion, noting all of we were delighted to have the support of Glasgow Warriors in Eight coaches from within the region’s clubs were taken through developing and refining our Workforce Development Plan which the guidelines on what to think about when looking at design, hosting Community Tables at their PRO14 fixtures. includes work with clubs to build localised plans; and identifying a mentoring programme, led by the region’s coach development community impact, funding and of course club ethos. In February Hosting these Community Tables afforded us fantastic shortfalls and key areas of coach/volunteer development. Linked team. There was a 50% male/female balance. 2020, the focus topic was “Transition & Retention of Players and opportunities to express our gratitude to various groups to this is our ongoing work with local authorities and Active The mentoring programme takes the coaches on a journey Club Development.” This was a continuation of our key work on supporting rugby across Glasgow North; Safeguarding Officers, Schools to develop CPD opportunities for PE Staff embedding throughout the year, where they have all created an individual developing clubs within the region. We presented some examples Club Presidents, Youth Conveners and many others. This rugby in the PE curriculum. development plan. To further enhance their development, all of simple tracking tools for players and shared good practice on interaction also proved a fantastic mechanism for understanding CLUBS & COMMUNITIES eight were involved in the Midlands Player Development Hub club experience for new and current members. We also discussed the challenges that clubs are facing ‘on the ground’, giving programme. the benefits of having a Club Development Plan in place, along Club & Community Support: An important area of focus for the us immediate access to key individuals who can share their with sharing a simple template which clubs could use. We also team has been consistently engaging our clubs and communities, CLUBS & COMMUNITIES perspectives and experiences. had a presentation from staff from Inverclyde who showed what working to ensure we’re able to support them every step of the way, The region hosted a very successful awards event for all individual the facility offers clubs and highlighted our regional partnership. Argyll & Bute Rugby Development Group – with an ambition to as “They’re our Why.” This has become even more relevant as we volunteer winners, plus two guests and the Community Club The content of this exchange opened the door for clubs to work create local authority-specific Rugby Development Groups across navigate these unprecedented times. The team worked tirelessly of the Season. The event was hosted at BT Murrayfield at the with the regional team on effective club development planning. the seven authorities within Glasgow North, we convened a group to ensure our clubs achieved 100% regulatory compliance and to Scotland v France Six Nations match where we held a pitch-side in Argyll and Bute to establish a format and process that could be support Club Hardship Fund applications earlier this year. CELEBRATING SUCCESS presentation for the winners. adopted across the region. This was a great success as individuals COLLABORATE & INNOVATE Throughout season 2019-2020, development officers within the were engaged in discussions directly affecting their community COLLABORATE & INNOVATE region submitted examples of effective practice to demonstrate with all the key stakeholders represented in the room. Going Digital: In Caledonia North we’re proud to be leaders and To continue our efforts of regional collaboration amongst our the impact that they were having within their club and innovators. The team continued to expand horizons with some This speaks to an important part of the Glasgow North strategy clubs, we hosted two club roadshows and a summer conference. communities. To raise the profile of this, we ran a “Celebrating exciting initiatives delivered as part of our social media plan. We were through which we are seeking to build robust and sustainable All three events presented opportunities for clubs to input to Success” campaign on our regional Facebook group. Each week, exceptionally pleased to recognise the hard work and achievements networks of clubs, schools and organisations. For Argyll and Bute regional strategic objectives and allowed clubs to share best we selected one club case study to celebrate success and share of our clubs and volunteers and thoroughly enjoyed featuring them to be able to consider more localised competition opportunities, practice. The roadshows attracted 51 attendees from 26 clubs examples of positives programmes and initiatives. We showcased at our Digital Regional Awards Ceremony. targeted workforce development programmes, better connected and the conference was attended by 17 clubs. ten clubs with a range of topics from positive promotion of the player pathways and more sophisticated marketing and women’s and girls’ game, community engagement, school to communications work demonstrates the value of these meetings club links and positive regional partnerships. and paves the way for equivalent successes across Glasgow North.

32 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 33 EAST REGION Congratulations to all the Building a vibrant & sustainable game for all REGIONAL AWARDS where each individual & rugby community is WINNERS valued remains our mission for the East Region Rugby Development team. CALEDONIA NORTH • Tennent’s Community Club Having launched our new regional strategy aligned to our Mackie FP RFC national objectives at the beginning of season ‘19/20, it was • Mitsubishi Motors Youth Volunteer our job to ensure that this new mission was brought to life Mike Fraser (Deeside RFC) through everything we do. Off the pitch, our focus remained on • Mitsubishi Motors Adult Volunteer establishing new and robust relationships with all stakeholders Stephan Walker (Ross Sutherland RFC) in the region, supporting club leaders to maintain and improve on all aspects of running community rugby clubs. CALEDONIA MIDLANDS Of the 36 clubs working towards our Club Sustainability Award, 19 • Tennent’s Community Club clubs were awarded bronze whilst 17 met the criteria for the silver EQUALITY Strathmore RFC award. All were supported by our team of regional managers as • Tennent’s Volunteer in Adult Rugby Langholm receive Tennent’s Community Club - East Region clubs looked to write, refresh and implement development plans Jimmy Samuel (Bannonckburn RFC) to aid long term sustainability. • Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer in Youth Rugby & INCLUSION Callum Bruce (Carnoustie HSFP RFC) We kicked off with our season-opening East Region Rugby • Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer in Schools Rugby Development conference, hosted at Oriam, bringing together over Polly Day (Montrose HS) 120 club leaders and coaches from around the region to listen to RAINBOW LACES CAMPAIGN • Mitsubishi Motors Young Volunteer key messages on club development and coach education. We continued our partnership with Stonewall Scotland in November 2019 to Murray Oliver (Kirkcaldy RFC) On the same weekend, all six of East Lothian’s rugby clubs came support the Rainbow Laces Campaign. This year we decided to reach out into together at Ross High RFC to contest the East Lothian Cup in a new the club game which proved popular with 37 clubs signing up and wearing GLASGOW SOUTH one-day event. Historically played for throughout the season this their rainbow laces in support of LGBT equality in sport. Each club received a • Tennent’s Community Rugby Club competition has drifted in recent years. The decision to hold it toolkit from Stonewall which gave more information on LGBT individuals and Bishopton RFC as a pre-season event offered the players and coaches a great how to make the club environment more inclusive. • Tennent’s Volunteer in Adult Rugby opportunity for competitive action in their season build up, and TRUST RUGBY INTERNATIONAL Martin Wallace, Newton Stewart RFC just as significantly cemented the local clubs’ reconnection off the • Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer in Youth Rugby field. The introduction of regular meetings for club leaders has We reconfigured our partnership with Trust Rugby International as they Gordon Keith, Wigtownshire RFC sparked several ideas for local collaboration, the reinstatement moved into a new phase of their strategic plan. Regional Managers will • Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer in Schools Rugby of the East Lothian Cup in the calendar being the first of many. continue to support Clans regionally where they are formed and support Scott Anderson, Carrick Academy/Carrick RFC Initial meetings were implemented as we undertook the new clubs who are expending into this game space also. • Mitsubishi Motors Young Volunteer regional structure as an opportunity for Scottish Rugby staff to THEBANS CLINIC Ben Latimer, Annan RFC not only meet multiple representatives from each club and their committee, but to allow them the opportunity to share practice, Rugby Development once again supported the Caledonian Thebans in GLASGOW NORTH seek advice and work together to promote East Lothian Rugby. delivering their yearly clinic weekend. This year saw over 200 rugby players • Tennent’s Community Rugby Club come from far and wide to take part in the weekend of rugby held at Roseburn Biggar RFC On the pitch, we saw new opportunities within the girls’ game Park in October 2019. Rugby Development provided coaching and match • Tennent’s Volunteer in Adult Rugby with a 42% increase in participation levels in the club game, Jimmy Samuel is presented with the Mitsubishi Motors Adult Volunteer of the Year - officiating support, along with equipment for the main coaching day. The Jim Adams, Allan Glen’s all taking part in our new Girls’ Series programme catering for Caledonia, by Hazel Swankie and Steve Turnbull event was a huge success for the club. • Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer in Youth Rugby players at U12, U14, U16 and U18 age groups. STAFF TRAINING Stephen Running, Cartha Queens Park RFC Our new Player Development Hub (PDH) programme kicked-off • Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer in Schools Rugby last October as we supported 200 aspiring youth players across Everyone in the Rugby Development department took part in Equality, Laura Luedke, St Pauls nine strategically located venues in the region. Our U16 and U18 Inclusion and Diversity training in September 2019. We paired up with • Mitsubishi Motors Young Volunteer girls’ programme began in the Autumn, offering seven technical Plan4Sport to deliver the informative session which covered the meaning Alasdair McConnell, Allan Glen’s training sessions before Christmas before the programme of equality, inclusion and diversity and offered guidance for challenging extended to include 160 U15 aged boys in February across seven discrimination. The team also explored specific scenarios where EAST REGION additional hubs. discrimination has been demonstrated in sport, and how they would have • Tennent’s Community Rugby Club dealt with it. This session gave the team a sound knowledge base to work on Langholm RFC Finally, a special mention to Hawick for proactively arranging an when out in rugby communities. • Tennent’s Volunteer in Adult Rugby excellent “Show Racism the Red Card” event. In collaboration Jim Smith (Leith Rugby Club) with the local football club, Hawick RFC hosted a two-hour EQUALITY AND INCLUSION WORKING GROUP • Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer in Schools Rugby educational workshop for players, committee personnel and The department established an Equality and Inclusion working group who are Anna Bowman (Leith Academy) club supporters on the causes and consequences of racism. A responsible for taking national partnerships and initiatives and implementing • Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer in Youth Rugby fantastic statement by the club as they continue to use their Polly Day is presented with the them locally. This group oversee the department as well as the club game and Ken Muir (North Berwick) status in the community for the good of society. Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer in are looking at resources to support the sport in becoming an inclusive and • Mitsubishi Motors Young Volunteer Schools Rugby - Caledonia diverse environment for all. Finlay Hamilton (Duns)

34 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 35 19 events WOMEN GIRLS’ SERIES EVENTS The new addition to the calendar for women and 2010 & Girls attendees girl’s rugby this season was the Girls’ Series events. WOMEN’S LEAGUE SEASON 2019 WOMEN’S LEAGUES WINNERS: Events were held monthly in each of Scottish Rugby’s five regions, to offer opportunities for • Women’s Premiership The 2019 season saw a league restructure put girls to take part in regular competitive rugby at Watsonians into place following a robust consultation process each age group. CN undertaken last season. A total of 34 teams took • Women’s National League Division 1 part in the Tennent’s Women’s leagues and Heriot’s Clubs can send groups of players along to the events, regardless of whether they can field a whole team or not. regional leagues. • Women’s East League The Girls’ Series events were developed following consultations with The debut year of the new structure resulted in the two top teams Kelso clubs and rugby communities in relation to game play, age banding, in the Tennent’s Premiership league, playing in a final to decide CM • Women’s North League training and fixture opportunities in the girls’ game in Scotland. GN on the eventual winners. Watsonians, unbeaten in the season, Shetland hosted current holders Hillhead Jordanhill in Edinburgh. All events were delivered with a focus on the core principles of • Women’s West League the law variations, to ensure a player-centred game where skill In the Women’s Tennent’s National league there were standout E West of Scotland development and player welfare were prioritised. The regional performances from Heriot’s Blues Women taking the Tennent’s series events allowed players to master the fundamentals of National League Division 1 title. In the play-off against Ayr, the evasion, passing, offloading and tackling whilst developing GS latter were victorious and retained their place in the Women’s players’ understanding of the Scottish Rugby Technical Blueprint Tennent’s Premiership. and Principles of Play. Elsewhere, West of Scotland were clear winners of the Women’s The first round of Girls’ Series events took place in August Tennent’s West Regional League, this then led to a play-off with with fixtures held at Cupar, Clydebank, Inverclyde, Thurso and Shetland ladies who topped the table for the Tennent’s North Meadowmill. Over 600 girls were in attendance at these events Region League. West of Scotland went on win the match setting In the latter stage of the season some teams who had which ensured players had plenty of opportunities to catch, pass, themselves up to meet Kelso RFC, winners of the Tennent’s East participated in the regional series events progressed to play in tackle and score tries. Region League, in the playoff final. In the play-off final West of the Girls’ National Cup Competition (18 teams at U16 and nine Scotland secured their place in next season’s Women’s Tennent’s Players at some events also had the opportunity to hear from teams at U18) , providing players with increased competitive League Division 1. some of their role models from the Scotland Women’s team. At playing opportunities against teams from across other regions the Meadowmill event in August, Sarah Law and Lisa Thomson in both the U16 and U18 age bands. This step into competitive Further to the Women’s Leagues the Women’s Sarah Beaney Cup came along for a Q&A with the players, sharing some of their tips rugby created further opportunities for player development, Competition, Women’s National Plate and Women’s National and experiences of playing rugby at international level. harnessing the skills developed earlier in the season in a fun, Bowl competitions commenced in January 2020. The Women’s competitive supported environment. National Bowl competition saw a further three teams join which The regional Girls’ Series events have created a platform by further reflects the growth of players in the game each with which girls can begin their playing career. The growth of girls GIRLS AGE GRADE LAW VARIATIONS ambitions for joining the competitive leagues in due course. playing rugby has continued into 2019/20 with an increase in The revised Girls Age Grade Law Variations (AGLV) were trialled for playing numbers. This is no better illustrated than in the 48% season 2019/20 at the Girls’ Series event, which support the increase increase in the number of girls registered on SCRUMS all of whom Heriot’s Women won National League Division 1 of age bandings from U15 and U18 to U12, U14, U16 and U18. participated in the regional series events.

36 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 37 DEVELOPMENT OFFICER NETWORK MITSUBISHI MOTORS SCHOOLS & YOUTH CONFERENCES WINNERS Scottish Rugby and its development officer network dedicate their time to recruiting and retaining rugby players in and around • Colt Conference their community and work continuously to create links between Stewart's Melville College schools and clubs to maximise the opportunities to play rugby • L200 Conference and increase participation at all levels of the club game across all High School of Glasgow age groups from under 13 to under 18 with regular, appropriate and competitive playing opportunities for clubs or schools. • Eclipse Conference Fettes College NATIONAL BOYS’ SCHOOLS FINALS • Barbarian Conference The National Boys’ Schools Cup Finals are always an exciting Lomond & Helensburgh and St Columba's School event for any aspiring rugby player and a special occasion for all supporters as they share in the celebrations with their peers. • Grandis Conference 2019 saw the cup finals held at both Oriam and BT Murrayfield George Watson's College B as preparations continue for the new . • Outlander Conference Throughout the day there were six winners who lifted trophies at Dunbar Grammar School Oriam. Hawick High opened proceedings with their U16 winning • Evolution Conference the Bowl Final, before Dunbar, Queen Victoria, Hawick High/Jed Musselburgh Grammar School Grammar, Earlston and Merchiston Castle all recorded victories. • Shogun Conference The U16 Schools’ Cup Final took place at BT Murrayfield as Dollar Boroughmuir Academy played Merchiston Castle on the international pitch. SCHOOLS Both teams were well represented at the final with plenty of • Lancer Conference & Youth noise greeting the players as they ran on to the pitch. In the end Mackie FP RFC it was the Edinburgh side, Merchiston, that emerged on top with • Galant Conference a 41-5 win. MITSUBISHI MOTORS CONFERENCES CASHBACK FOR COMMUNITIES Currie Chieftains The U18 Cup Final was contested by George Watson’s College and The Mitsubishi Motors UK Schools & Youth The Cashback for Communities programme • Warrior ‘Borders Town’ Conference Merchiston Castle at BT Murrayfield after the U16 edition, which Hawick Youth Rugby Club Conference programme and Scottish Rugby’s continues to fund 15 secondary schools, and was eventually won by Merchiston 24-14 giving them a double. A schools and youth cups have had another 13 associated feeder primary schools, using great season for the boys of Merchiston Castle. encouraging season where the commitment and the physical and social benefits of rugby to enthusiasm of clubs and schools across Scotland conferences help educational attainment and pupils’ own PLAYER DEVELOPMENT HUBS SCHOOLS & YOUTH CUPS WINNERS continued to grow. personal development. Player Development Hubs (PDH) for both U15 Boys and Girls were • U18 Schools’ Cup Some 3,787 pupils have been involved in the programme and launched in 2019. These programmes replaced the early talent Stewart's Melville College Schools, clubs or Competition points awarded we are targeting schools in some of the most deprived areas of identification programme previously delivered. The programme • U18 Schools’ Shield communities compete to each match allowing every Scotland - 52% of participants have come from the top 20% SIMD was delivered by the Rugby Development department and each Merchiston Castle School across all age groups team to contribute to their club, (Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation) areas and 65% are from was overseen by a regional manager, with sessions being led by • U18 Schools’ Plate on the same day or school or community’s success in the top 30% SIMD areas. qualified and experienced coaches. Alongside the hub training weekend. the overall conference table. sessions and festivals, coach and parent workshops were Earlston High School delivered to support the player development process. • U18 Schools’ Bowl The development of confident and competent players lies at NATIONAL CLUB CUPS Hawick High / Jed Grammar the heart of the programme. In providing a framework for clubs £1.3M 3,787 three-year pupils involved with the • U16 Schools’ Cup and schools to work together to grow the game and improve the The Boys’ Club and Girls’ National Cup Competitions concluded funding cycle programme this season Merchiston Castle School standard of play with an emphasis firmly on long-term player early before the competitions could be completed as the development, the programme provides young players with a pandemic meant that all rugby activities were suspended and • U16 Schools’ Shield competitive structure where they can develop and grow their later concluded. Dunbar Grammar School The £1.3million, three-year funding cycle comes from the skills against players of similar ability. CashBack for Communities fund which redistributes assets seized Our thanks go to the voluntary members of the Youth Forums and • U16 Schools’ Plate Our conference programme is the core of our Schools & Youth from the result of crime for sporting, social and cultural projects. the National Youth & Schools Championship Committee, whose Queen Victoria School development structure. Together with the schools’ and youth cups members advise and support Scottish Rugby on the running and This season brought us to the end of CashBack Phase four • U16 Schools’ Bowl for boys and girls this gives a focus for schools and club rugby to development of the youth and schools’ game. and Scottish Rugby is pleased to have been chosen again as a Hawick High School develop their programmes based on the following principles: CashBack partner for Phase five, allowing us to deliver another Scottish Rugby is committed to ensuring player welfare remains • U18 Youth League Cup (shared between) three years of the CashBack Schools of Rugby. In addition to a priority for all involved in the coaching and running of youth Player welfare at the forefront of all that we do Jed-Thistle and GHA RFC the Schools of Rugby, CashBack will support Scottish Rugby rugby. We have continued to engage with clubs to ensure all Clubs & schools working together to grow game & improve deliver a Cashback Community Programme at each school hub coaches and volunteers working with children have completed • U16 Youth League Cup (shared between) standards of play for participants up to 24-years-old. Our thanks go to all schools PVG checks. Boroughmuir and Mackie Academy FP RFC More players playing more competitive rugby more often that took part in the Phase four of the programme, contributing Emphasis based on the long-term player development to its success. We look forward to working with those schools process continuing on and to the new schools joining us in phase five.

38 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 39

TRAINING ONLINE COACHING WEBINARS LEVEL 1 Lockdown in March 2020 provided a unique opportunity to reshape LEVEL 2 & Education how coach and match official workshops were delivered, due to the LEVEL 3 VEL 4 inability to deliver face-to-face sessions. LE The development of quality coaches, match officials and volunteers is central to the growth and With ongoing challenges to the delivery of face-to-face courses in the improvement of rugby in Scotland. Scottish Rugby’s Training and Education team are committed to months to come, online webinars will likely be a cornerstone of the offering world-class opportunities through qualifications, workshops, conferences and online learning. ‘new normal’ within Training and Education. 918 The focus of 2019-20 has been to develop a new Training and World Rugby Courses Continuous Personal coaching Education strategy and pathway for coaches, match officials webinars were delivered to more than 6* Development Workshops 9 and volunteers. This coincided with the UKCC qualification S&C Level 1 43 LIVE 28** framework for coaches coming to an end in April 2020, as part of viewers 355** First Aid Level 1 264 match official 2,000 an overhaul of the coaching landscape in the UK. 2,468 all aligned to the Technical Blueprint. 529 attendees 8 webinars UKCC COACHING COURSE AGE GRADE LAW VARIATIONS A further were logged of the webinar recordings (on PARTICIPANTS Trials of a revised set of Age-Grade Law Variations continued in PLAYER DEVELOPMENT HUB PROGRAMME Hive Learning), making the webinars the *who started in 2018. 2019-20, with specific focus on the girls’ game. Over 266 girls’ **coaches are still to complete courses, which were The player development programme (PDH) was delivered 5,000+ most viewed / ‘attended’ training activities put on hold or affected by the pandemic. coaches attended regional coach development workshops throughout 2019-20 at Girls’ U16/U18 and Boys’ U15 level. The views in recent years. throughout the season which coincided with regional girls’ series programme replaced the early talent ID programme and was playing opportunities. delivered across 17 hubs throughout the five regions of Scotland for The trials aim to align the game towards the Technical Blueprint nominated club and school players. Sadly, the Boys’ U15 programme ‘The Scottish Way’ and reduce instances of injury as well as making was cut short due to the pandemic, however the Girls’ autumn block the mini game more developmental in nature. Initial results have of activity was delivered successfully across ten weeks. shown various positive impacts of the trials, including increases A series of coach and parent workshops was delivered alongside the in ball-in-play time, tries scored and number of offloads. PDH programme. They aimed to support parents and coaches to Chris Paterson Gavin Vaughan Richard Cockerill Kris Burney Stuart Edwards COACH MENTORING understand the talent pathway and player development behaviours. 216 LIVE views 157 LIVE views 331 LIVE views 215 LIVE views 244 LIVE views 204 HIVE views 115 HIVE views 24 HIVE views 1,418 HIVE views 1,418 HIVE views A programme of regional coach mentoring initiatives was TRAINING & EDUCATION PATHWAY REVIEW delivered in 2019-20, to support identified coaches with bespoke In April 2020 the United Kingdom Coaching Certificate (UKCC) development opportunities to progress their coaching skills. framework came to an end, having been in place since 2006. Coaches, minimum UKCC level 2 qualified, were identified on Scottish Rugby took this opportunity to review all coach, match a regional basis to take part in the programme, and supported official and volunteer development programmes and deliver a throughout the season with one-to-one observations, specific new Training and Education Pathway for 2020-21 season. The workshops and group practical sessions. pandemic delayed the launch of this new pathway, but this Some 42 coaches, 22 of whom coach within the women and girls’ month two new coaching pathways are being pioneered aimed Gregor Townsend Steve Lawrie Bryan Easson Louise Dalgleish game, were halfway through their mentoring journey before the at boosting participation in the game and enhancing on-field 302 LIVE views 180 LIVE views 127 LIVE views 132 LIVE views Covid-19 pandemic forced the programme to be halted until 2020-21. performance. Details are on the Training and Education pages of 556 HIVE views 269 HIVE views 297 HIVE views 192 HIVE views the Scottish Rugby website.

40 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 41 Progress over a 5 year period in number of Scottish Rugby Referee International & Regional Appointments

15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20

World Rugby & Rugby Europe 7 8 11 17 13

HSBC World Rugby 7s Series 10 12 16 17 5

Hollie Davidson refereeing a Super6 fixture between Southern Knights and Stirling County David Sutherland in FOSROC Super6 action

MATCH These appointments included new initiatives by the Rugby Development department such as age-grade festivals. The regional Officials referee societies embrace these excellent opportunities with the appointment of new developing referees from their new society Bord ers youth referee academy programmes. These young referees are The emphasis Scottish Rugby continues to place on

C encouraged to explore their new found skills during these events EPCR & developing match officials is coming to fruition. a 347 le while under the watchful eye of experienced referee coaches. Guinness PRO14 5,103 d 10 18 32 38 26 o At club level, there are now almost 3,000 qualified referees, while 2019/20 total n i a The new Super6 competition has provided a higher level of rugby, appointments at international level Mike Adamson, Hollie Davidson and Sam not only for the high performance match officials, but also for the

Grove-White have had a host of appointments during the Autumn

993 premier and national panels of referees and assistant referees. World Rugby International honours this season have also

2020 window. 2,147

The competition requires a full team of match officials with 258

increased with Hollie Davidson being appointed to six Women’s


Adamson was scheduled to referee the England v Barbarians d appointments covering the necessary roles both on and off the International tests as the referee (New Zealand v USA, Australia v





match at Twickenham until that game was cancelled for a breach b field to ensure a professional service. New Zealand, England v Italy, Wales v Barbarians, France v Italy,



u 695 r


of COVID protocols, while Davidson was due to be in charge at R England v Italy), Hollie was also appointed as assistant referee to

h The training of 298 new club referees this season has increased




women’s internationals between Ireland and Italy and England two tests (England v USA, France v England). Mike Adamson was



the total number of qualified club referees to 2,924. These

955 o


and France. selected as assistant referee to three International summer tests S

referees contribute to the players’ enjoyment and experience of

during 2019, Japan v Fiji – Ireland v Italy and Canada v USA.



s Scottish Rugby’s match official team aim to enhance the playing t rugby throughout every club in Scotland. The growth of female experience for everyone by increasing the numbers of officials referees continues to expand with 67 attending training courses Ben Blain was selected to officiate at the World Rugby under and their skillsets so they can perform at all levels throughout this season bringing the total to 319 qualified female officials in 20s Championship in Italy during June 2019. Ben progressed Scotland and beyond. the club game. throughout the season and was rewarded with a further two LEVEL 1 TRAINED 2019-20 FEMALE refereeing appointments at the Six Nations U20s Championship. The six regional referee societies contribute to the growth and Scottish Rugby’s High Performance match officials’ involvement evolution of the game with their 432 members who serve all Aberdeen 25 3 has increased in the International and professional game this Ross Mabon, Ben Blain and Sam Grove-White were given the Scottish Rugby competitions and the clubs in Scotland. Each Borders 26 9 season. There were 12 appointments of Scottish rugby officials to responsibility to lead teams of Scottish match officials at three society strive to develop their referees and have regular training EPCR matches which saw Mike Adamson referee Champions Cup Rugby Europe Internationals. Edinburgh 65 24 sessions throughout the season to enhance the knowledge and with Ben Blain and Sam Grove-White both refereeing Challenge Hollie Davidson and Sam Grove-White continue to be the Scottish skills of their membership. Highlands 10 11 Cup appointments. Referees at the World Rugby 7s series, where they were appointed The appointments of match officials to the community game are Midlands 72 4 The GUINNESS PRO14 tournament has seen Mike Adamson, to five events between them this season. Their professionalism managed by the regional referee societies and the Scottish Rugby Ben Blain and Sam Grove-White appointed to referee and head and skills at this level of rugby has seen them both appointed West 100 16 match official team. There were 5’103 appointments this season up a Scottish team of officials at 14 fixtures including the two to finals this season with Sam refereeing the final in Vancouver covering all Scottish Rugby competitions and development TOTAL 298 67 1872 cup fixtures, where Mike Adamson and Ben Blain were Canada and Hollie in Hamilton New Zealand. fixtures up to early March. appointed as referees.

42 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 43 CONNECTING WITH PARTNERS One of the most vivid and enduring demonstrations of Scottish Rugby’s values – leadership, engagement, achievement, enjoyment and respect – is through the work we undertake with our charity partners. We also seek to support initiatives that aim to benefit the wider community, which are piloted by rugby clubs and schools. The work can be challenging and emotional. In the past year, with the assistance of two of our charity partners, LOOKING AFTER the Murrayfield Injured Players’ Foundation and Hearts & Balls, Former Scotland star Doddie Weir has raised millions of funding through his we have supported the former Scotland captain and British & OUR PEOPLE My Name’5 Doddie Foundation, an official Scottish Rugby Charity partner. Irish Lions prop, Tom Smith, in his fight against colorectal cancer. We continue, too, to work closely with the My Name’5 Doddie RUGBY FOR LIFE The HR team has been enhanced this year with the addition of our HR Director Shona Bell. Shona Foundation – set up to support the drive to find a cure and bolster joined Scottish Rugby in June 2019 to work with the executive team to align the people and business Rugby for Life is Scottish Rugby’s programme that supports research for the utterly debilitating motor neurone disease, with strategy. A key focus of our people strategy is to build stronger organisational capability, enhancing players and match officials as they transition through the which our former lock Doddie Weir, was diagnosed three years ago. our leadership, culture and behaviours. various stages of professional rugby, aiming to ensure they are as It speaks volumes for Doddie – his unquenchable zest for life and prepared as possible for life after their professional rugby career. At Scottish Rugby we believe that great performance is delivered A crucial objective of the people strategy is to attract and develop the love and affection which he generates – that he was able to Our Rugby for Life programme offers a range of options which are celebrate his 50th birthday in July, a notable personal landmark. through positive people experiences, a culture of inclusion, and the right people and capability for success on and off the field. In tailored according to the individual needs and requirements of clear communication and engagement across the organisation. responding to the challenges of the pandemic we have quickly the player. Scottish Rugby was honoured to induct Doddie into our Hall adopted new ways of working and learning. We are exceptionally People are our priority. Whether they are playing the game, of Fame, as part of the birthday celebrations and, earlier in proud of how our people have embraced these new ways of supporting players directly, at the grassroots of rugby, or the season, to welcome the “Oor Doddie” statue – donated by working and how agile and committed our people have been engaging with rugby fans and sponsors globally – everyone plays Scotland supporters, Graham Burke and John Scott – to its new through the challenges and how they are working together to a part of inspiring Scotland through rugby. home, at the south-west corner of BT Murrayfield. shape the future. There are three main strands within our strategy: In the past season, we have made approximately 100 donations of SAFEGUARDING signed merchandise to support charity projects of our clubs and • aligning structures and capability The wellbeing and protection of children and young people our other charity partners, including the Bill McLaren Foundation (which has invested more than £1 million in the grassroots game • driving a culture of inclusion and diversity within our sport is of paramount importance to Scottish Rugby. by We are absolutely committed to ensuring that children and young MADE RUGBY since its inception ten years ago); Save the Children Fund; and • attracting, developing and retaining talent. people enjoy rugby within a safe and welcoming environment, READY for LIFE Wooden Spoon. As a business we continue to evolve and grow. We are working to protected from harm. During the Coronavirus pandemic, Scottish Rugby and its ensure our structures are aligned, fit for purpose and agile to respond This past season a variety of workshops have been delivered and Safeguarding in sport is more than just about protecting children member clubs, once again epitomised our values. From offering to the ever-changing rugby landscape in Scotland and globally. topics included transferable skills, communication skills, mental from others who may seek to harm them. A child may choose to the facilities at BT Murrayfield to the Scottish Government to wellbeing and financial wellbeing. We have also introduced Rugby is a game for all and therefore inclusion reaches every part tell a trusted coach or volunteer in a club about something that is support the NHS, and through individual clubs, for example, taster classes in trade skills with local colleges. of our people agenda. This season our senior leaders considered happening at home or outside sport. We all have a responsibility Highland, Dalziel, Stewart’s-Melville and Melrose assisting what multigenerational working meant for their teams to ensure to act on concerns. The programme has greatly benefited from input from our vulnerable people in their communities, the hand of friendship we attract and retain a diverse group of talented people. Within sponsors. Presentations have been delivered to players about remained out-stretched. Every club with a youth section must have a Child Protection our business we are committed to continual development in the career opportunities within their organisations, and where Officer (CPO) and those in this role play a key part in raising the And, as we entered the 2020/21 season still battling Coronavirus, our approach to inclusion and diversity. We hosted the ‘Human possible, players have embarked on work experience. This gives profile of safeguarding within their clubs by liaising with parents the Scotland team donated a set of signed match jerseys from Library’, encouraging brave and honest conversations in this players a great insight into the wide range of work possibilities and young players. The CPOs also work to ensure that those in their away win against Wales to thank NHS staff for their tireless area. This continues to be a focus for our Board, represented and helps inform their thinking about their plans for the future. roles working with children are members of the PVG Scheme. All care during the pandemic. through the work of the Safeguarding, Wellbeing, Diversity and coaches are now registered on our SCRUMS system alongside Inclusion sub-committee. their PVG membership prior to undertaking coaching. OFFICIAL CHARITY PARTNERS Training our people and volunteers is a vital part of striving to ensure the safety of children and young people in our sport. Scottish Rugby provides training through the RugbyRight Hearts & Balls online course as well as face-to-face workshops provided HELPING RUGBY HELP ITS OWN regionally for CPOs.

44 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 45 SCOTTISH RUGBY COUNCIL 2019/20 It is recognised that Council members have other responsibilities and commitments and that attendance at briefing sessions, Membership particularly if arranged at short notice, may not always be The members of Council serving in the period between the 2019 possible. The President, as Chair of Council has been satisfied AGM and Stage 1 of the 2020 AGM (15 August 2020) are set out above. that where a Council member has not been able to attend a compulsory meeting there has been a good and substantial Dee Bradbury chaired the Council during the year, with the Vice- reason for non-attendance. President, Ian Barr, acting as the Vice-Chair. The Council’s “year” runs from one AGM to the following AGM. COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDANCE Jonathan Anderson and Gordon Thomson joined the Council on No of compulsory meetings: 5 Eligible Attended 10 August 2019 replacing John Halliday and Peter Laverie, as the Schools & Youth and Premiership Representatives respectively. Dee Bradbury 5 5 Jim O’Neill joined the Council on 1 June 2020, as Glasgow South Ian Barr 5 5 representative, succeeding Adam Gray. Jonathan Anderson 5 4 John Halliday became an ex officio representative on Council Alistair Forsyth 5 5 following his appointment as a Scottish Rugby representative William Gardner 5 5 at Rugby Europe, with John Jeffrey standing down from Council with effect from 26 May 2020, after his appointment asan Murdo Gillanders 5 3 independent non-executive director and interim Chair of the Adam Gray 4 4 GOVERNANCE Scottish Rugby Board. John Halliday* 5 4 Role and Activity Gavin Hastings* 5 4 PATRON SCOTTISH RUGBY BOARD The Council is responsible, among other things, for reviewing Rosy Hume 5 2 Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal Colin Grassie* Independent Non-Executive Chairman the operational activity delegated to the Board, developing and John Jeffrey* 5 4 (to 25 May 2020) PRESIDENT fostering the game of rugby in Scotland, reviewing and advising Kenneth Knott 5 5 John Jeffrey* Independent Non-Executive Chairman on matters of policy and strategy and developing relationships Dee Bradbury Andrew Little 5 5 (from 26 May 2020) (Interim) within the game at both domestic and international levels. VICE-PRESIDENT Ian Rankin* 5 5 Mark Dodson Chief Executive Various working groups take place throughout the year which Ian Barr Bob Richmond 5 4 Andrew Healy Finance Director included season structures and governance matters and in SCOTTISH RUGBY COUNCIL Colin Rigby 5 5 Robert Howat General Counsel & Company Secretary ambassadorial capacities supporting the various age grade and women’s national teams. Graeme Scott 5 5 Dee Bradbury President Dominic McKay Chief Operating Officer Hazel Swankie 5 5 Ian Barr Vice-President Lesley Thomson QC Independent Non-Executive Director Governance, including in considering the contents of Gammell/ Gordon Thomson Premier Division Representative and Senior Independent Director Murray Review and the formation of a Governance Task Force Gordon Thomson 5 5 Colin Rigby National Division 1 Representative David McMillan Independent Non-Executive Director has been of particular significance in the Council’s work in the Jim O'Neill 0 0 period, as well as substantial time spent on issues arising from Graeme Scott National Division 2 Representative & Julia Bracewell Independent Non-Executive Director *Co-opted the Coronavirus pandemic and its effects on the domestic game Board Member Dee Bradbury Council Non-Executive Director in Scotland. Andrew Little National Division 3 Representative (President) As a result, the Council met more often than in previous years, Patron Murdo Gillanders Edinburgh Regional Representative William Gardner Council-nominated Non-Executive having 14 meetings during the period running to 15 August 2020, Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal William Gardner Glasgow North Regional Representative Director that being the date of Stage 1 of the 2019/20 AGM and the end of & Board Member Adam Gray* Council-nominated Non-Executive the 2019/20 Council year. These meetings have included formal (to 25 March 2020) Director Dee Bradbury Adam Gray* Glasgow South Regional Representative quarterly reviews, joint briefing sessions with the Board and President, Council nominated (to 25 March 2020) & former Board Member Ian Barr* Council-nominated Non-Executive additional briefing meetings, including as a result of the pandemic. non-executive Director Jim O’Neill* Glasgow South Regional Representative (from 28 April 2020) Director Council members are required to provide written reports for (from 1 June 2020) Having served as Vice-President in consideration at each quarterly meeting of the Council, as well as Alistair Forsyth Scottish Borders Regional Representative 2016/2017, Dee was elected as President updating verbally on activity in their areas and constituencies and of Scottish Rugby at the Union’s AGM in Hazel Swankie Midlands Regional Representative participating in other Council review and decision-making activity. 2018. On her election as President, Dee also Bob Richmond North Regional Representative Attendance became a non-executive Director of the Scottish Rugby Board for Kenneth Knott Referees’ Representative the period of her Presidency. A founding member of the women’s Attendance at the Council meeting immediately following the Jonathan Anderson Schools’ Representative section at Oban Lorne RFC, Dee went on to occupy several AGM and at quarterly meetings is compulsory. Attendance at committee roles within the club and is now Honorary President Rosy Hume Scottish Women’s Forum briefing meetings is voluntary but Council members are actively of the club. She was a police officer with Strathclyde Police and Representative encouraged to attend if possible. Ian Rankin Co-opted member (PRO14 Representative) latterly Police Scotland and is now retired. She has previously Attendance of Council members at the compulsory Council managed Scotland Women U18. An accomplished athlete, Dee Gavin Hastings Co-opted member (British & Irish Lions) meetings in the period from and including 10 August 2019 to 14 has represented Scotland and GB in athletics at junior and masters Dr John Halliday Co-opted member (Rugby Europe) August 2020 is summarised in the table below. level. She is married with two sons, one playing professionally John Jeffrey* Co-opted member for Edinburgh Rugby and the other currently enjoying university (to 25 May 2020) (World Rugby & Six Nations) rugby having previously represented Scotland at U20 level.

46 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 47 Ian Barr Murdo Gillanders Hazel Swankie & Youth Forum. Rosy is currently employed by City of Edinburgh Vice President Edinburgh Regional Rep Midlands Regional Rep Council as a Primary School Head Teacher.

Ian was elected as Vice-President at the 2018 Murdo has been involved in Scottish club Hazel has been a member of Dunfermline RFC Ian Rankin AGM for a two year period until his formal rugby for many years playing for Kelvinside since the late 1990s. She initially got involved Co-opted member appointment as president on 15 August Accies and GHK in his native Glasgow, in the fundraising and sponsoring of the club. (PRO14 ) She joined the Management Committee as 2020. He is currently managing the family before moving through to Edinburgh and Ian served as President in 2014/2015 and secretary in 2008 and still holds this position. farming and sportsground contracting joining Lismore. He is a past captain, coach was appointed to the Celtic Rugby Board in She has also been fixture and referee secretary, Vice President business and is a spin instructor for Midlothian Council. Ian was and President of Lismore. Murdo is also Honorary Vice President 2016 as a co-opted Scottish Rugby Council and the first female President of the club. During her time in these President of Lasswade RFC for 15 years, served on the Scottish and Senior Adviser to University of Edinburgh Sports Union and member. The former captain of Edinburgh roles, Hazel has gained a good understanding of what challenges Rugby Council from 2012-2017 with two years on the Board and Trustee of Murrayfield Injured Players Foundation. Wanderers and Howe of Fife went on to coach both sides and was a Scotland Under 20 Ambassador from 2013-2017. clubs face on a daily basis in trying to remain sustainable and William Gardner Kirkcaldy before taking charge of Caledonia Reds and Edinburgh financially viable. Hazel is a trustee on the Murrayfield Injured Gordon Thomson Glasgow North Regional Rep Reivers. He also assisted with Scotland A and Scotland Under 20 Players Foundation and is also on the FOSROC Scottish Rugby Premier Division Rep before holding the Director of Rugby position at Dundee HSFP. William is a past President and Life Member Academy Advisory Group for Caledonia. Ian is also the Chair of Murrayfield Injured Players Foundation Gordon played local rugby from the 1980s of Lanark Rugby Football Club. He was re- Bob Richmond and a Trustee of Scottish Rugby. for Grampian Police and Aberdeenshire elected as the Glasgow North Representative North Regional Rep before moving to Aberdeen Grammar in on the Scottish Rugby Council in 2019 Gavin Hastings 1998. He was Chairman of Aberdeen Youth and is also a Council Representative on Bob joined Mackie FPs at their inception in Co-opted member Rugby, combining all Aberdeen clubs the Advisory Group to the West Regional Academy Group. He 1976 and has been involved ever since. He has (British & Irish Lions) been on the committee for 42 years and served engaged in schools programmes, for seven years. Since then he is a Trustee of the Murrayfield Injured Players Foundation, and Gavin attended George Watson’s College as captain, Treasurer, Vice President, President has held various positions in coaching, child protection, company a board member and serves on the Audit & Risk Committee, before attending Cambridge University three times and coach. Bob is currently Hon secretary and for the last 10 years has been Chairman and latterly Investment Committee and Safeguarding, Wellbeing, Diversity & where he studied Land Economy. Gavin won President and Chairman. He also worked with North East Hurricanes also Director of Rugby. Gordon previously sat on the McLeod Inclusion Committee. his first Cap for Scotland in an 18-17 victory committee, as Premiership representative, regarding the structure for 12 years and has a wealth of coaching experience. He spent ten Adam Gray over France, kicking 6 penalty goals in the process. 60 further of leagues and club rugby. He became the Premiership Council years on the old north district committee and more recently has Glasgow South Regional Rep caps followed including 20 as captain and he retired having been on the Caledonia Championship Committee for five years. representative in 2019 and sits on the Standing Committee on played in the first three Rugby World Cups. He toured with the Governance. Previously a Senior Investigating Officer in the Police Adam Served on the Council until 25 March Kenneth Knott British & Irish Lions to Australia in 1989 and as captain to New service, Gordon is currently a Director of a Legal Services business. 2020. Adam also served on the Board as a Referees Rep Zealand in 1993. He was a Chartered Surveyor working with CB Council Nominated Non-Executive Director Colin Rigby Richard Ellis in London and Glasgow before following his passion from 4 August 2018 to 25 March 2020. Adam Kenneth was an active member, Secretary National Division 1 Representative and working in sports marketing and setting up his own business was the past Captain of Stewartry RFC, then President of the Highland Rugby on his retirement from International Rugby. Colin Rigby joined the council following whom he also coached from 1992 -2005. From 2006-2010 he Referee Society until being elected to the the 2017 AGM. Prior to this Colin served as was employed by Scottish Rugby as a Performance Development Scottish Rugby Council as the Referees rep. John Halliday National 1 Council Secretary and has been Manager in the Glasgow South region. From 2011-2013 he served He also served on the Scottish Rugby Referee Co-opted member involved in various forum working parties over on the Referees selection Panel. Association executive including working on the governance and (Rugby Europe) the preceding eight years. Colin has served as communication working groups. Jim O’Neill John was appointed to the role of Scottish Chairman of Stewart’s Melville RFC since 2016 and is a Director of Glasgow South Regional League Rep Jonathan Anderson Rugby’s Representative on Rugby Europe Stewart’s Melville RFC Ltd, prior to this Colin was club President for Schools Rep in 2019, having served for three years as Jim has been involved in rugby all his adult three years and has held various other roles within the club. A former the Schools’ Representative on the Council. life. He has been a youth coach, Team Jonathan is currently the Headmaster of ERRS referee Colin has also been involved in the set up and creation A modern linguist by background, John was Rector of the High Manager, Youth Convenor, and President Merchiston Castle School. In his early career of Stewart’s Melville Rugby Academy and the junior section. School of Dundee from 2008 to early 2020, his third headship, at Irvine Rugby and is currently Secretary he was a Geography Teacher at Christ’s Graeme Scott having previously been at the helm of Albyn School and Rannoch of the club. He is also a former member Hospital for almost 14 years. Following this, National Division 2 Rep School. John also previously taught at Merchiston, Sedbergh and of Council. He is now retired after being a teacher, trade union Jonathan was appointed as Senior Deputy Dollar. Since stepping down from his role as Rector, John as been Graeme joined the Council following the official for teachers, local authority Councillor and Parliamentary Head at Worksop College, Nottinghamshire, where he spent the freelance as a writer and translator. A lifelong sports fan he has 2014 AGM. Prior to his appointment, Graeme researcher and speechwriter. In retirement, Jim chairs Children’s next seven years. He is a keen cyclist and enjoys spending time been an Honorary VP and member of Dundee HSFP RFC since 2008. served as the Championship Club Forum Panels, is a Director of 1st Alliance Credit Union and Director and with his wife and two daughters. Secretary. Graeme was elected to Board by former chair of Atrium Homes. John Jeffrey Rosy Hume Council on 18 January 2018 for 3 years, his Co-opted member Alistair Forsyth Scottish Women’s Forum Rep term on Council expired on 15 August 2020. (World Rugby & Six Nations) Scottish Borders Regional Rep Rosy Hume was a member of Murrayfield Andrew Little John became the interim Chairman of Alistair has been a member of the Earlston Wanderers RFC for almost 20 years, having National Division 3 Rep Scottish Rugby since 26 May 2020. He was a club for 40 years, from player to serving started her playing career at Heriot Watt co-opted member on World Rugby and Six Andrew joined the Council following the 2017 various committee roles, ultimately being University before the Ladies section moved Nations, representing Scottish Rugby until AGM. Andrew played rugby at junior and President for seasons 1996-1998. A graduate in 2018 to Heriot’s RFC. She was also the 25 May 2020. He won 40 caps for Scotland and was a member of senior level in his home town of Galashiels. of Heriot-Watt University he also played rugby Manager of the Scottish Women’s Rugby XV for four years, during the Grand Slam team of 1990. He was also a British Lion. John Andy joined Highland RFC in 1974 and played whilst attending. Following on from hanging up his boots he was which time they won the European Championships. Rosy also was appointed Chairman of Six Nations Council in 2019 for a 3 for 13 years. He was Head Coach from 1987 elected on the then Scottish Borders Board. He is a served as Vice Chair of the SWRU and was part of the team year term. to 1993, Club President from 2000 to 2002, Director of Rugby from past secretary of the Border League. Alistair is currently employed working towards the full integration of Women’s Rugby with the 2003 to 2008 before taking on the role of Club Chairman from 2008 by Scottish Borders Council as Senior Quantity Surveyor. SRU. She also serves as the Council Ambassador with the Scottish to 2018. Andrew’s term on Council expired on 15 August 2020. Women’s Team and chairs the Scottish Rugby National Schools

48 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 49 SCOTTISH RUGBY BOARD 2019/20 Colin Grassie* Lesley Thomson QC Ian Barr* Chairman from 1 January 2017 to 25 May Independent non-executive Council nominated non-executive Membership and Terms of Office 2020 Initially appointed 1 October 2013 for 3 Elected to Board by Council on 28 April 2020 years. until formal appointment as President on 15 Those serving on the Board during the 2019 /20 financial year are Colin joined the Board on 1 July 2012 and identified in the table on page 46. Re-appointed for 3 years from 1 October August 2020 for 2 years. was re-appointed for a further 3 years in 2016 and re-appointed for a further 3 years, Ian is the President of Scottish Rugby having The Board comprises: four Independent Non-Executive Directors; 2015 and appointed as Chairman with effect effective from 1 October 2019. four Non-Executive Directors from the Scottish Rugby Council from January 2017. Colin also Chaired the been elected at the 2020 AGM. He is currently Former Solicitor General for Scotland and former General (one of the four being the President in their capacity as Chair of Nomination Committee. managing the family farming and sportsground contracting Committee member at Melrose RFC, Lesley was the first woman business and is a spin instructor for Midlothian Council. Ian was the Council); and four Executive Directors. The Vice-President is John Jeffrey* to sit on the Scottish Rugby Board when she was appointed in President of Lasswade RFC for 15 years, served on the Scottish also entitled to attend Board meetings as an observer but is not Interim Chairman 2013. Lesley Chairs the Audit & Risk Committee and Safeguarding, Rugby Council from 2012-2017 with two years on the Board and entitled to vote. Appointed on 26 May 2020 for 12 months Wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion Committee and is also a member was a Scotland Under 20 Ambassador from 2013-2017. During the 2019/20 Financial Year the Vice-President (Ian Barr) John became the interim Chairman of of the Nominations Committee and Remuneration Committee. Mark Dodson was appointed to the Board as a Council-nominated Non- Scottish Rugby since 26 May 2020. He was a Chief Executive Executive Director, succeeding Adam Gray. co-opted member on World Rugby and Six Dee Bradbury President from 4 August 2018 to 15 August Appointed on 19 September 2011 Nations, representing Scottish Rugby until Colin Grassie chaired the Board until 25 May 2020 and after 2020 25 May 2020. He won 40 caps for Scotland and was a member of stepping down as Chairman, Colin was succeeded by John Mark has led Scottish Rugby as Chief the Grand Slam team of 1990. He was also a British Lion. John was Jeffrey as Interim Chairman, who took up post on 26 May 2020. Having served as Vice President in 2016 / Executive since September 2011. Over those appointed Chairman of Six Nations Council in 2019 for a 3 year term. 2017, Dee was elected as President of the nine years Scottish Rugby has enjoyed Lesley Thomson QC is the Senior Independent Director. Julia Bracewell SRU at the Union’s AGM in 2018. On her record financial growth and secured election as President, Dee also became a major global sponsorship partnerships to help fund Scottish Executive Directors serve under the terms of their employment or Independent non-executive non-executive Director of Scottish Rugby Board for the period of grassroots and professional rugby to unprecedented levels. service contracts. The Independent Non-Executive Directors are Appointed 2 April 2019 for 3 years appointed for terms of up to 3 years at a time and would normally her Presidency. Her term as President expired on 15 August 2020. During his tenure Scotland rose to its highest ever world ranking Julia is a solicitor who specialises in of fifth and Glasgow Warriors won the Guinness PRO12 title. be expected to serve for a minimum of two terms. Appointment Adam Gray* corporate and finance law for US and English Mark has also overseen key coaching appointments at national of the Independent Non-Executive Directors is by the Board, on Council nominated non-executive Director to clients. As a fencer, Julia won bronze medals and professional level and prioritised the pathway for young, the recommendation of the Nomination Committee. 25 March 2020 for Scotland at the Commonwealth Fencing aspiring Scottish coaches and players. He represents Scottish The Council -nominated Non-Executive Directors are elected, Championships in 1986 and 1990 and represented Great Britain Adam was elected to Board by Council on Rugby at World Rugby and sits on its Council and Audit and Risk or re-elected as the case may be, by the Council after the AGM, at the 1992 Olympic Games. She brings a wealth of experience 4 August 2018, for 3 years and served as a Committee. Mark is also a member of the 6 Nations Council, and when vacancies arise. Dee Bradbury served on the Board in her in grassroots, development and performance sport through her Board Member until 25 March 2020. Adam serves on the European Professional Club Rugby Board. His role capacity as President of Scottish Rugby Union until Stage 1 of the experience as a board member of the English Sports Council was the past Captain of Stewartry RFC, also sees him represent Scotland on the Board of the British & 2020 AGM. The Vice-President (Ian Barr) was elected to that post and UK Sport and as a member of the Nation and Regions Group whom he also coached from 1992 -2005. From 2006-2010 he was Irish Lions. Prior to joining Scottish Rugby Mark enjoyed a 32-year at the 2018 AGM and ratified by members as President at Stage of the London 2012 Olympics. She was the first female Chair of employed by Scottish Rugby as a Performance Development career at the Guardian Media Group rising to Chief Executive of 1 of the 2020 AGM on 15 August 2020 and therefore serves on the sportscotland and chaired the international drafting group of the Manager in the Glasgow South region. From 2011-2013 he Guardian Media Group Regional in 2005 and a position on the Board as a Non-Executive Director for a period of around 2 years, Brighton Declaration on women’s rights in sport. In 1999 Julia was served on the Referees selection Panel. Adam was a Member of Guardian Media Group Board. culminating at the AGM in 2022. awarded an OBE for services to sport, in particular fencing. Julia is the Audit & Risk Committee, Remuneration Committee and the Andrew Healy a member of the Audit & Risk Committee, Investment Committee Nomination Committee. Council-nominated Non-Executive Directors other than the Finance Director and Safeguarding, Wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion Committee. President may serve for up to 3 years at a time, subject to William Gardner Appointed on 22 August 2013 remaining a member of Council. Their terms in office as directors David McMillan Council nominated non-executive Joining Scottish Rugby in 2007 as Financial can therefore vary depending on the length of their underlying Independent non-executive Elected to Board by Council on 4 August Controller, Andrew was appointed to Council term. On ceasing to be a member of Council, a Council- Appointed 1 March 2017 for 3 years. 2018, for 3 years. the Board as Finance Director in 2013. A nominated Non-Executive Director is also required to step down Re-appointed for a further 3 years, William is a past President and Life Chartered Accountant and born in Glasgow, from the Board. effective 1 March 2020. Member of Lanark Rugby Football Club. he played with GHA for a number of years, As at the financial year end (31 May 2020) the Directors serving David is Chief Executive Officer of esure He was re-elected as the Glasgow North before retiring and taking up refereeing for a further nine years. during the year and their remaining terms of office were: Group plc, esure is a leading personal lines Representative on the Scottish Rugby Council in 2019 and He played for Glasgow Schools, Glasgow U18 and Glasgow motor and home insurer in the UK. David was formerly the Group is also a Council Representative on the Advisory Group to U21 and represents Scottish Rugby on a number of Finance COO of QBE, the Australian listed global insurer. Prior to that David the West Regional Academy Group. He is a Trustee of the Committees within international bodies. spent 15 years with insurance firm Aviva plc, laterally as Chairman, Murrayfield Injured Players Foundation. William is a member Robert Howat Global Healthcare and CEO, Europe and India. In his time at of the Audit & Risk Committee, Investment Committee and General Counsel & Company Secretary Aviva he held several senior roles including CEO for UK & Ireland Safeguarding, Wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion Committee. Appointed on 15 July 2015 and Chairman of the RAC. David, who is based in Edinburgh is a Graeme Scott Chartered Management Accountant and holds an MBA from the Council nominated non-executive Director to Robert joined Scottish Rugby as General University of Chicago. He started his career with Hewlett Packard 15 August 2020 Counsel in January 2013 and oversees the before spending nine years in management consultancy at PwC. Legal & Governance Department. He became Graeme was elected to Board by Council David chairs the Remuneration Committee and the Investment a Board Director in 2015 and is also a Board on 18 January 2018 for 3 years, his term Committee of Scottish Rugby. Member of European Professional Club Rugby and participates in on Council expired on 15 August 2020. various other EPCR Working Groups. Robert is also a member of Graeme was a Member of the Audit & Risk the Sporting & Regulatory Committee for CRDAC. Robert spent Committee, Safeguarding, Wellbeing Diversity & Inclusion 11 years at Celtic FC as Company Secretary. Committee and the Investment Committee.

50 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 51 Attendance at the Committee’s meetings is summarised below. BOARD MEETING ATTENDANCE Number of Meetings AUDIT & RISK COMMITTEE (including Strategy and Joint Eligible Attended Number of Meetings in FY19/20: 3 Eligible Attended Session) FY19/20: 18 Lesley Thomson QC Colin Grassie (to 25 May 2020) 18 17 3 3 (Committee Chair) John Jeffrey (from 26 May 2020) 0 0 Ian Barr (from 1 May 2020) 0 0 Ian Barr (from 28 April 2020) 3 3 Julia Bracewell (from 24 April 2020) 1 1 Julia Bracewell 18 17 William Gardner 3 3 Dee Bradbury 18 18 Adam Gray (to 25 March 2020) 2 2 Mark Dodson 18 17 Graeme Scott 3 3 William Gardner 18 16 Investment Committee Adam Gray (to 25 March 2020) 9 9 (Chair: David McMillan) Andrew Healy 18 9 Julia Bracewell, Graeme Scott, Colin Grassie (to 25 May 2020), Robert Howat 18 18 David McMillan, William Gardner (from 26 February 2020) and Dominic McKay 18 18 Mark Dodson served on this Committee during the financial David McMillan 18 16 year. The Committee is responsible, amongst other things, for considering the potential for external investment into Scottish Graeme Scott 18 18 Rugby, investment opportunities, and reviewing proposals and Lesley Thomson 18 17 accompanying terms relating to third party transactions affecting Dominic McKay and controls and various regulatory matters. Board Committees Scottish Rugby’s interests. Chief Operating Officer Day-to-day responsibility for management is undertaken by the Appointed on 22 June 2013 During the period, the Board operated five regular sub- The Committee met 8 times during the financial year, the primary Executive Directors, assisted by a senior leadership group and committees. focus having been the review of the transaction structures and Dominic McKay is Scottish Rugby’s Chief department heads. Elements of the Board’s work are delegated terms and conditions attaching to the proposed investment by Operating Officer and Executive Director. to various Board Committees. Membership of Board committees, other than the Investment the private equity house CVC Partners in the PRO14 tournament, Dominic joined Scottish Rugby in January Committee is restricted to Non-Executive Directors. At least The allocation of decision-making responsibilities between the throughout a period of lengthy and complex negotiations. The 2008 as Director of Communications and one Council-nominated Non-Executive Director and at least members, Council, Board, Board Committees, and executive continuing negotiations relating to the potential transaction Public Affairs from his previous post at drinks giant Pernod Ricard. one Independent Non-Executive Director serves on each management is based upon the content of the Scottish Rugby involving the member unions of the 6 Nations and CVC Partners With added responsibilities from 2011 onwards, he became COO committee. Executive Directors, other members of staff and Union Bye-Laws, the Scottish Rugby Union Limited Articles of have also been reported to the Committee on a regular basis, with in 2015 overseeing an off the field transformation, including external advisers attend Committee meetings as required. Each Association, Committee Terms of Reference, other supporting transaction terms and structures subject to continuing Committee revenues hitting record levels, thanks in part to regularly selling Committee has detailed terms of reference approved by the documentation, internal financial controls and company law scrutiny before recommendations are made to the Board. out matches at BT Murrayfield, the expansion of our blue chip Board and communicated to Council. and is summarised within the Company’s decision-making partner family including partners such as BT, Macron and Royal Attendance at the Committee’s meetings is summarised below. levels, published on the Scottish Rugby website. All Committee Terms of Reference are published on the Scottish Bank of Scotland and securing landmark broadcasting deals. He Rugby website. INVESTMENT COMMITTEE also oversees the activity of Scotland’s two professional teams, An annual evaluation of the performance of the Board is Glasgow Warriors and Edinburgh Rugby. He represents Scottish conducted, with the outcomes communicated to the Board and The Chair of each Committee presents a report to the Board Number of Meetings in FY19/20: 8 Eligible Attended Rugby as a Non Executive Director and Chairman on the Guinness procedures adjusted as appropriate following that appraisal. on that Committee’s work at the following Board meeting. David McMillan (Committee Chair) 8 8 PRO14 Board and also an Executive Board Director of European The Non-Executive Directors also meet on occasion throughout Committee minutes are either circulated to or are otherwise Julia Bracewell 8 7 Rugby governing body, Rugby Europe. He was recently appointed the year, without the Executive Directors being present. available to other Board Members on request. Mark Dodson 8 8 a Non Executive Director of Old Glory DC, the recently founded Attendance Audit & Risk Committee Willie Gardner Major League Rugby team based in Washington DC. He is a keen (Chair: Lesley Thomson QC) 3 3 (from 26 February 2020) offshore sailor and is a recent former Chairman and Trustee of The Board met 18 times during the year, including joint the sailing charity Ocean Youth Trust Scotland. meetings with Council. There were considerably more Board Graeme Scott, William Gardner, Adam Gray (to 25 March 2020), Colin Grassie (to 25 May 2020) 8 8 Meetings than usual in the financial year due to the outbreak Ian Barr (from 1 May 2020), Julia Bracewell (from 24 April 2020) Graeme Scott 8 8 Role and Activity of Coronavirus and its effect on the organisation, and called at and Lesley Thomson all served on this Committee during the Nomination Committee The Scottish Rugby Board is responsible for the ongoing shorter notice than would normally be the case. financial year. The Committee is responsible for assisting (Chair: John Jeffrey) management and operations of Scottish Rugby Union under the Board to discharge its responsibilities for accounting Attendance at Board meetings during the financial year is powers delegated under the Scottish Rugby Union Bye-Laws and, policies, financial reporting, internal financial control and risk Colin Grassie chaired the Nomination Committee until his summarised below. for Scottish Rugby Union Limited, arising as a matter of company management. retirement as Chairman on 25 May 2020, then being succeeded law and under that company’s Articles of Association. Attendance at Board, and as appropriate, Committee meetings A key workstream in 2019/20 has been identification of areas by John Jeffrey. Adam Gray (to 25 March 2020), Julia Bracewell, is compulsory unless there is good and substantial reason for Those responsibilities are discharged throughout the year and for additional reporting to members within the Annual Report, Dee Bradbury, Lesley Thomson (from 5 March 2020) and Graeme a director not attending. In each case of non-attendance, the include overseeing the work of the executive management, with more information provided in this Annual Report than in Scott (from 24 April 2020) all served on this Committee during the Chair has been satisfied that such reasons existed, particularly identifying and reviewing strategic objectives and Key previous years. This continues to be an area of further work for financial year. when additional meetings have been called, at short notice, Performance Indicators, the setting of budgets and monitoring the Committee in the 2020/21 financial year. The Chief Executive, Company Secretary and HR Director also financial performance, as well as overall responsibility for outside of the previously scheduled dates. Meetings are usually The Committee met 3 times during the 19/20 financial year. attend the Committee’s meetings as required. This Committee is domestic, professional and international rugby, people held in person but more recently by teleconference and video Committee meetings are attended routinely by the Financial responsible, among other things for making recommendations to matters, succession planning, safeguarding, health and safety, conference, as well as decisions being made occasionally by Director, the Financial Controller or equivalent, the Company the Board on membership of the Board and its Sub-Committees, commercial activity, the management of risk, financial policies written resolution when required. Secretary and representatives from the auditors. the identification and recruitment of new Independent Non-

52 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 53 Executive Directors when required, the identification and appraisal Lesley Thomson QC chairs the committee, with William Gardner, • The Well-being of Scottish Rugby’s People during Covid-19 – Remuneration Report of international body representatives, and succession planning. Graeme Scott and Julia Bracewell all serving during the year. The Following the outbreak of Covid-19, representatives from the The aggregate emoluments to the Directors (executive and non- The Committee met 4 times during the financial year. Head of Human Resources and the HR Director also attend the HR department and Scottish Rugby’s Threat Management executive) during the financial year comprised: Committee’s meetings with other staff members attending as Group presented to the Committee on the impact of the Lesley Thomson joined the Committee in early March 2020 in required. The Committee met 4 times during the financial year. pandemic on Scottish Rugby’s staff, Clubs and other relevant her capacity as Senior Independent Director for the period of the 2020 2019 stakeholders. The Committee have received ongoing updates search process for a new Independent Non-Executive Director and Attendance at the Committee’s meetings is summarised below. £000 £000 on the initiatives and measures put in place over this period. Chairman to succeed Colin Grassie. SAFEGUARDING, WELLBEING, • Modern Slavery – following an update on the Modern Slavery Attendance at the Committee’s meetings held in the financial year Fees and salaries 1,398 2,246 DIVERSITY & INCLUSION COMMITTEE Act which was intended to raise awareness of the risk of is summarised below. Contributions to pension schemes 29 27 Number of Meetings in FY19/20: 4 Eligible Attended slavery throughout Scotland, the Committee highlighted the 1,427 2,273 NOMINATION COMMITTEE Lesley Thomson (Committee Chair) 4 4 importance of Scottish Rugby’s people being aware of the risks of modern slavery and additional training was recommended Number of Meetings in FY19/20: 4 Eligible Attended Julia Bracewell 4 1 In the financial year the highest paid Director received aggregate to ensure our people were aware of the warning signs. The emoluments of £454k (2019: £933k), comprising salary and Colin Grassie (Chair to 25 May 2020) 4 4 William Gardner 4 4 Committee reviewed Scottish Rugby’s updated Modern benefits of £454k (2019: £933k) and pension contributions of £nil John Jeffrey Graeme Scott 4 4 Slavery Statement for 2019/20 and thereafter recommended 0 0 (2019: £ nil). (Chair from 26 May 2020) the policy to the Board. Throughout 2019/20, Committee Members attended a number The amounts shown in the table of aggregate emoluments above Julia Bracewell 4 4 of training session and relevant conferences including equality Governance Standards for the year ended 31 May 2020 include provision for conditional Dee Bradbury 4 4 and diversity training from the “Human Library”, Mental Health in All members of the Board and Council are required to comply LTIP awards made in 2018/19 for participating directors, Scottish Sport conference and training offered by Breathing Space. Adam Gray (to 25 March 2020) 3 3 with Scottish Rugby’s Code of Conduct. Any alleged breach of the commented on further below. However, payment of these awards Breathing Space was established as a partner organisation with Graeme Scott (from 24 April 2020) 1 1 Code is subject to consideration by an independent panel. No has been delayed to future dates spanning at least 2 financial whom we launched an initiative ‘Life can be Trying’ to provide breaches or alleged breaches were reported in the year. years. Lesley Thomson (from 5 March 2020) 2 1 training to clubs on mental wellbeing. Remuneration Committee Corporate Governance Review As previously reported, the amounts shown in the table above for Throughout the year 2019/20 the Committee received a number of (Chair: David McMillan) the year ended 31 May 2019 include amounts accumulated for the presentations, and ongoing updates, on the following topics: In May 2019 Gavin MacColl QC, the independent chair of the first 3 years (financial years 15/16, 16/17 and 17/18) of the 5-year David McMillan, Adam Gray (to 25 March 2020), William Gardner, Council’s Standing Committee on Governance, recommended • The “Diversity and Inclusion Revolution” – The Committee LTIP plan for the participating directors, including the highest and Lesley Thomson all served on this Committee during the 19/20 to the Board and Council that due to various other matters recognise that inclusion and diversity is an important paid director, as well as annual bonus awards for financial years financial year. delegated to the Standing Committee, the available time did not dimension in delivering great future performance within 2017/18 and 2018/19. allow for the Committee to progress the wider governance review. The Committee is responsible for making recommendations within Scottish Rugby, both on and off the pitch. Accordingly, the Accordingly, the Council’s Standing Committee on Governance The aggregated fees and salaries figures stated above for FY agreed terms of reference, on remuneration policies, monitoring Committee requested that the HR department undertake an suggested it was prudent to delegate the investigation and initial 19/20 take account of fee and salary reductions on regular fee or and approving Executive Directors’ and certain senior executive audit to establish current diversity, inclusion and equality recommendation stage of the review to an independent party. contracted salary rates volunteered by the Directors in April 2020 remuneration packages and changes to those, and the setting activities taking place across the business. as a result of the impact of the Coronavirus. Core salary reductions and monitoring of key performance targets and application of Sir Bill Gammell was appointed to undertake the governance The results of the audit allowed the Committee to be in an agreed with Executive Directors sit in a range of headline rates from various incentive schemes. Approval of the remuneration of senior review, working with Norman Murray and independent external informed position to consider, evaluate and develop an 20% to 30%, depending on underlying salary level. coaches and higher-earning players and any employee severance solicitors. overarching inclusion and diversity strategy. This work is terms also fall within the Committee’s remit. External advice is Salary reductions remain in place for Directors and a number ongoing and will be a focus of the Committee in 2020/21. The ownership of the governance review remained within obtained when needed. of senior employees and players for FY20/21 at headline rates the Standing Committee, with Gavin MacColl remaining in his Throughout the year, regular updates were provided to dependent on underlying salary level. The Committee decides whether any awards should be made to position as independent chair. The Standing Committee were the Committee on the work of the Rugby Development Executive Directors and certain other senior employees under the given the opportunity to discuss and review the report ahead of Remuneration of Executive Directors is decided by the Department in the planning of an Inclusion and Diversity annual and long term incentive schemes, and if so, at what levels. either the Board or Council seeing the recommendations. Remuneration Committee, with core remuneration packages Conference which was due to take place in April 2020. Due consisting of base salary, allowances and any pension entitlements. Further information on the schemes operated during the 19/20 to Covid-19 the conference was unable to be held but will be Following the investigation stage of the review, Sir Bill Gammell Packages are designed to be competitive in the marketplace, financial year and the intended approach in future is contained rearranged for a time when government restrictions allow. and Norman Murray outlined their recommendations in a report taking account of the skills and experience of the individuals but within the Remuneration Report below. which was then shared with Board and Council and made • The Implementation of the Mental Wellbeing Toolkit – The without paying more than is considered by the Committee to be available to the members in December 2019 for feedback. The Committee met 4 times during the financial year. Mental Wellbeing Toolkit was launched at the end of 2019. The necessary or appropriate to attract and retain the individuals. Toolkit was developed by the HR department in conjunction Once feedback had been collated it was recognised that further Attendance at the Committee’s meetings is summarised below. The Chief Executive’s service contract is for a fixed term, with the with, the Scottish Government funded initiative, ‘Breathing work needed to be done. Accordingly, on 27 February 2020 remaining Executive Directors employed on regular employment REMUNERATION COMMITTEE Space, and with the input of the Committee. The toolkit the Council came to the unanimous decision, after extensive contracts. Notice periods are reciprocal and vary between 3 is designed to signpost anyone experiencing low mood, discussion that a Council-created (and President-led) group Number of Meetings in FY19/20: 4 Eligible Attended months and 12 months depending on the individual. depression or anxiety to a free confidential phone service. would be established (and the Standing Committee would be David McMillan (Committee Chair) 4 4 disbanded) so that the governance review could continue to be Further information on salary rates and employment costs within • Scottish Rugby Safeguarding Strategy – Scottish Rugby’s William Gardner 4 4 progressed. Scottish Rugby Union Limited as a whole is set out below and in Safeguarding team updated the Committee on its work the Notes to the Financial Statements. For ease of reference, the Adam Gray (to 25 March 2020) 4 4 and any matters arising at each Committee Meeting. The This Task Force commenced its work in early March 2020 and information provided below refers to actual employee headcount Lesley Thomson 4 3 Safeguarding Team also presented to the Committee on the was progressing at pace. Following the outbreak of COVID-19 it numbers (and not the average full-time equivalent workers for Safeguarding, Wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion Committee development of a comprehensive ‘tabletop’ training exercise, was decided that the organisation’s time and immediate focus financial reporting purposes ) and core salary rates only, as at 31 (Chair: Lesley Thomson QC) involving professional external bodies. The safeguarding needed to be on the pandemic. Accordingly, the Task Force stood May 2020 and reflecting salary reductions agreed as a result of the training approach continued to develop over the year as the down and it was agreed that the incoming President would Coronavirus pandemic. The Committee is responsible for overseeing Scottish Rugby’s Safeguarding team paid close attention to all cases reported recommence the governance review on coming into office in activity and policies on Safeguarding, wellbeing programmes such in sports and other global cases, the Committee were updated August 2020. That work is now underway. as Rugby for Life and equality, diversity and inclusion matters. on any and all changes.

54 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 55 EMPLOYEE Under £50k £75k £100k £200k Total Targets were originally set by the Remuneration Committee Board Director’s Representative Total REGISTERED OFFICE AND ADVISERS TYPE £50k - - - + employees against objectives identified in the strategic plan. Progress Member Fee Rate Bodies’ Fee Received £75k £100k £200k against these was assessed each year. Those objectives were £ £ £ grouped under various headings: Registered Office Coaches and Colin Grassie* 36,235 - 33,800 93 20 22 34 7 176 Players • Winning Teams - consistent improvement in men’s and John Jeffrey n/a £30,000(6N) BT Murrayfield Stadium Core women’s international XVs and the pro teams is required £33,750(WR) 63,750 241 23 8 5 1 278 Edinburgh Employees over the 5 year period and measured against specific Adam Gray* 15,529 - 12,750 Board tournament outcomes and rankings. EH12 5PJ David McMillan 15,529 - 12,750 Directors • Revenue and Asset Growth - consistent growth in revenue (included 3 1 4 Graeme Scott 15,529 - 14,662 and generation of surplus in accordance with rolling 5 year within Core Ian Barr* 15,529 - 1,088 Bankers financial plans is required. Employees) William Gardner 15,529 - 14,662 Bank of Scotland • Developing Talent – covers the delivery and development Incentive Schemes Dee Bradbury 15,529 - 14,662 of the then new BT (now FOSROC) Academy structures and Head Office Scottish Rugby Union Limited has operated various bonus Julia Bracewell 15,529 - 12,750 pathways, coaching and referee development pathways and The Mound schemes, including annual bonus schemes and a Long Term internal employee development and succession planning. Lesley Thomson 15,529 - 14,662 Incentive Plan (“LTIP”) in recent years. Each of these schemes is Edinburgh *Denotes part year explained below. • Growing the Domestic Game – involved the creation and development of new Youth and Schools programme EH1 1YZ The Remuneration Committee’s work during FY20/21 includes structures and the women’s programme. Council Position Value a detailed re-examination of all incentive schemes and reward Member Held Paid by £ across the organisation. • Sustainable Clubs – consistent growth in club support and Auditors development funding is required, together with delivery Ian Rankin PRO14 (CRDAC) SRUL 7,000 Annual Bonus Schemes and development of various sustainability programmes PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Dr John Halliday Rugby Europe SRUL 7,000 At the beginning of the 2019/20 financial year Executive Directors including Agenda 3 projects, club sustainability awards, and Gavin Hastings British & Irish B&IL 5,000 Level 4, Atria One participated in a discretionary annual bonus scheme under the club sustainability fund. Lions 144 Morrison Street which in FY19/20 a percentage of annual salary of up to 30% Conditional awards could be made by the Committee, with Notes: could be earned if performance against certain annual targets accumulated amounts then capable of being released after three Edinburgh was exceptional. The targets, the decision on whether those years and five years if the Committee was satisfied that targets 1. World Rugby, British & Irish Lions (BIL) and Six Nations EH3 8EX had been met, and the amount to be awarded (if any), was at had been met at those points. (6N) compensate the representatives/directors serving on the discretion of the Remuneration Committee. No weighting or those bodies and the service fees paid to the Scottish Rugby Amounts potentially available were based on a maximum specific percentage of salary was applied to an individual target. representatives involved were as noted above. Any fees percentage of salary. The Committee had full discretion over Solicitors The targets for FY 2019/20 included key performance indicators payable by those bodies during the financial year to Mark what amounts, if any, within that cap, should apply. Pinsent Masons covering: revenue; sporting performance in the men’s and Dodson (WR, BIL and 6N) and Lesley Thomson (WR) were women’s national XVs and the professional teams; development Conditional awards accumulated for years 1-3 have previously disclaimed by the individuals and are retained by Scottish Princes Exchange been paid to several participating directors and reported. Rugby. of rugby; delivery of investment projects and planning for use 1 Earl Grey Street Conditional awards had also been made by the Committee for of any funds achieved; stadium development projects; and 2. John Jeffrey is a Scottish Rugby representative at 6Ns FY18-19 (year 4) but were not due to be paid until after year 5 Edinburgh succession planning, leadership development and increasing Council (Chair) and at World Rugby, both of which involve had been completed. By agreement with participants, payment inclusion and diversity. substantial time commitments. Fees payable to him by EH3 9AQ of these conditional awards has been delayed to future dates those bodies are set out in the table above. As a result of the disruption and detrimental financial impact spanning at least 2 financial years. caused by the Coronavirus pandemic the Executive Directors 3. Mark Dodson and Robert Howat are Scottish Rugby’s The Committee has terminated the Plan at year 4 (being FY18/19). each waived any potential entitlement under the 19/20 annual nominated Board Members of European Professional Club Accordingly, no awards have been made or will be made for year scheme irrespective of whether any of the targets had been met. Rugby. No fees are payable by EPCR or Scottish Rugby for 5 (being FY19/20). Other employees within the organisation can also benefit from their services. a discretionary bonus award depending on their performance The LTIP has not been extended or replaced. during the year. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and financial Remuneration and Benefits of Council Members, and Non- consequences, no discretionary bonus awards were made under Executive Directors this scheme for FY19/20. Council members, including the President are volunteers and are Players and coaches have separate schemes within their not paid for their involvement, other than the reimbursement of contracts which relate to on-field success. expenses wholly, properly and legitimately incurred on Scottish LTIP Rugby business.

The LTIP was designed to retain and reward those participating Non-Executive Director fee rates increased for FY19-20 in line over a longer period, aligned against medium and longer-term with the cost of living increase applied within Scottish Rugby strategic objectives which seek consistent improvement in Union Limited as a whole at the beginning of that financial year. performance over time. The most recent scheme commenced in However, the normal fees to which Non-Executive Directors were FY 15/16, for a five-year period, with FY19/20 being its last year. entitled during the financial year were reduced / disclaimed as The Committee has substantial discretion over how the LTIP a result of the impact of Coronavirus. The actual fees paid to operates, the targets, participants and levels of participation. individuals during the year reflect part- year service in some cases, as well as the reductions applied.

56 LEADERSHIP . ENGAGEMENT . ACHIEVEMENT . ENJOYMENT . RESPECT Scottish Rugby | Annual Review 2019-20 57 THE JOURNEY TO 2019-20 THANK YOU TO The table below details progress of Scottish Rugby’s strategic aims in the four years to 2019/20. This is an interim position, with work ongoing across all areas OUR PARTNERS

STRATEGIC AIM OBJECTIVE PROGRESS SO FAR PRINCIPAL PARTNERS OFFICIAL PARTNERS WINNING TEAMS Win the Six Nations at least once by 2019-20 Scotland were third in 2018; fifth in 2019; and fourth (with three victories) in 2020. Also, in 2020 won three Scotland successive 6NC matches for the first time since 1996.

2019 Rugby World Cup semi-finals Scotland did not qualify for knockout stages of 2019 RWC

Consistent improvement in World Rugby ranking Ranking improved during 2019-20 from ninth (after overall average of at least eight to 2019-20 RWC) to seventh. Had reached a high of fifth in February 2018

Edinburgh & One team in top four of GUINNESS PRO14 and Edinburgh qualified for semi-finals in truncated 19-20 Glasgow Warriors other team in top six every year season. Glasgow finished third in their conference in Both teams in top four of PRO14 by end of 19/20 same season. Glasgow reached semi-finals in 2017/18 season. and were runners-up in 2018/19; Edinburgh reached semi-final qualifiers in 2017/18

Scotland Women Consistent improvement in results & World Rugby Current ranking - 11th. Superb draw with France – ranking. Achieve top 10 ranking by 2019/20 seven places above them in the rankings in the past season – thanks to try from debutant Rachel Shankland and Helen Nelson’s goal-kicking. Sports REVENUE & Achieved - In 2018/19, turnover reached £61.1m, Consistent generation of annual surplus. ASSET GROWTH/ surplus was £0.3m and a core debt repayment of Repay minimum of £500k of core debt per year SUSTAINABILITY £0.5m was made.

DEVELOPING Continued delivery of the FOSROC Scottish Two Academy graduates from Glasgow – Grant Stewart TALENT Rugby Academy and Scott Cummings made Scotland debuts in past season. Edinburgh have seen Academy graduates Jack Blain, Connor Boyle and Roan Frostwick already make pro appearances in 2020/21 season. Academy continues to provide increased opportunities for players to sign pro contracts

Coaching pathway Opportunity for best coaches to progress. John Dalziel’s path: Scotland U20, Scotland 7s, Glasgow Warriors and now in 20/21 forwards coach to Scotland team is template of what can be achieved. Increased coaching numbers overall at UKCC level 4.

Refereeing – regular selections in elite Three referees with international appointments in the tournaments / three individuals by end of autumn of 20/21 – Mike Adamson, Hollie Davidson 2017/18 and Sam Grove-White. Regular appointments in EPCR and PRO14 Front cover Photography GROWING THE Continued delivery of schools & youth 270+ clubs and schools compete in regular fixtures. Stuart Hogg holds the Doddie Weir Cup, Parc Y Scarlets, SNS Group DOMESTIC GAME programmes Mitsubishi conferences have been a step forward in October 2020. Chloe Rollie (p18) & Rachel Malcolm (p19) enabling games to be played. Back cover Carl Fourie Photography Chloe Rollie v France, Scotstoun Stadium, October 2020 Deliver women’s and girls’ programme Development of Girls’ Cups and Conferences. New Scotland v USA, Sydney Sevens (p20) structure to women’s competition. Growth in several Produced by Mike Lee - KLC fotos for World Rugby regions of girl player registrations. Performance Scottish Rugby Femi Sofolarin scores a last-gasp try to pathways created including age-grade programmes, Editor defeat England (p20) Getty Images plus specific 2021 contracted players. Stuart MacLennan Continued delivery of domestic sustainability Regional Rugby Development working well. Club SUSTAINABLE Designer CLUBS programmes Hardship Fund established to steer clubs through perils of Laura Chessar the pandemic.