Course Flyer
The CEU Summer University announces the course on THE POLITICS OF CITIZENSHIP JULY 8 - 19, 2013 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY Course Director: Szabolcs Pogonyi, ELTE, University of Budapest, Department of Philosophy, Budapest, Hungary /CEU, Nationalism Studies Program, Budapest, Hungary Faculty: Christian Joppke, Institute of Sociology, University of Bern, Switzerland; Zsolt Kortvélyesi, University of Szeged, Hungary; André Liebich, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland; Michael Miller, Nationalism Studies Program, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary; Kalman Mizsei, Roma Policy Board, Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary/Visiting faculty, Department of Public Policy, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary; Andras Laszlo Pap, Department of Media and Communication. Eötvös University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary/Nationalism Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary; Maarten Peter Vink, Department of Political Science, Maastricht University, the Netherlands; Patrícia Jeronímo Vink, School of Law, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION Recent years have seen an explosion of empirical and normative scholarly interest in citizenship across many disciplines. This course seeks to provide an overview of some of the main topical issues and scholarly perspectives in the social sciences, with special but not exclusive attention to citizenship in the law and politics of the states of Europe with a special focus on Eastern Europe. In addition to the overview the evolution of citizenship regimes, the course will offer an in-depth analysis of different normative frameworks and also analyse their policy implications. Given the special circumstances of new state formation and state succession in large parts of Eastern Europe after 1989, special attention will be given to problems of membership, ethnic selectivity, migration, transnational and dual citizenship with their implications on the de- or re-ethnicization of citizenship.
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