Tht Crockett Fam11 l of New England

1632 1943


Printing by The Camden Herald Publishing Company CAPT. JONATHAN CROCKETT June 21, 1780--J'Une 12, 1851 This is the oldest available picture of a member of the Crockett family of New England PREFACE

For many years my interest in lo-cal !history ihad been stimulated by conve11Sations with 1my old friend J o'lm Tewksbury, with wihom I /have spent a great many. very pleasant houra.

When my daug>hter wok up Title work, about 1928 my interest in the ol,d families of Knox County became intense and, as is very natural, I began to think more about my own family and its genealogy.

I soon found that very little had been done toward collecting and printing information on the Crocketts of New England; though the Southern Families of the name had been well taken care of. So I thought I would ,try and coIIect what information I could.

'Dhe present little volume, I ,hope, will be the start of a g-ood Genea­ logy of ,the descendants of Thomas Crockett of iPiseataqua, 1632.

The present printing is intended to give what information I have on the descendants of Natlhaniel Crockett, born Portsmouth, N. H., 1719, with a list of other branches.

Wihem a person becomes intensely interested in such a subject he becomes a b()r,e to !his friends; but when I received letters from my many correspondents or located some new information, my daughter •always showed interest and ,sympathy; tlhus -encouraging me to continue the search for information.

In appreciation I am dedicating this little Genealogy tio my daughter, Mavgaret I. Crockett.

L. 0. C., June, 1943 INDEX PAGE E,a11ly Reeo111d,s...... 5 Family ,of: J'Olnatihan, 5 ...... 13 Dea,con , 6...... 13 C~enius, 7...... 14 Warren, 8 ...... 15 N,aney, 7...... 16 Henjamin, 6...... 17 'David E,dwin, 8 ...... 19 AJ:fire-d, 8...... 20 A,dell>ert, 9...... 20 Franklin, 9...... 21 Mar,k 9...... 21 William, 9...... 21 Alfred, 9 ...... 21 Roland, 9...... 22 :Oav&d, E., 9...... 23 Robert J., 6...... 24 Nathaniel, 5...... 2·6 Oapt. David, 6...... 27 M-O!Ses H., 7...... 28 Ab.i.g;ail, 7 ...... 2 9 David A., 7...... 30 , H., 8...... 31 Henry P., 9...... 31 Sara;h J., 8...... • ...... 31 William H., 7...... 32 Oscar A., 8...... 32 Ralph H., 9...... 33 Fred A., 8...... 33 N•ettie E., 9...... 34 Mertie .B., 9...... 34 1Lewis A., 9...... 35 J essi-e L., 9 ...... 3 5 11):athleen W., 9...... 35 Hele-n A., 9...... 35 M,a,rgaret, 7 ...... 3 6 Asa, 6 ...... ·...... 37 E-noo, 6...... 38 J.a,mes, 6...... 38 Charles S., 7 ...... , . . . . . 38 J-ohn T., 7...... 39 Ga,p,t. J,ames, 6...... 40 J-osi-aih, 7 ...... 42 'George, 7 ...... , ...... 43 Oibher Branehes of Family...... 45 THOMAS CROCKETT OF PISCATAQUA and A RecQrd of 'Some of His Many Descendants

IBank's "History of York," written by one of the best Historical writers of New ,England, who spent many years in careful research, gives the time 'Of his arrival as abQf\lt 1631. (B. of T. Mss. 1, 7). In 1641 ihe received a gr.ant from Gorges of one hundred and forty-seven acres at Spnuce Creek, now known as Crockett's Neck; near Kittery Point, where he lived for the next te.n years. He bought and so1d several lots of Ia:nd in Kittery (at the Point, etc.), ,Tihe first kn-0wn action relating to any Ferry was· taken in the Provincial Court he1d in Marc1h, 1647, when the following orner was passed, "It is -Ordered 1:Jhis Court that Thonms Crockett is for to keep a iFerry at Brabote Harbor and to have for a free man iHd. and for a Forri,ner iiiid. ;per man." This was the first public ferry in what is now Maine. Tihe name .Crockett 1s very rare in ,England. In 11652 he signed the Submission of York as resident of Gorgeana, and in 16,53 was granted forty acres "Next.the Sea side." (At the sea south -of York river). Between ,the lands of Godfrey & Raynes (Deeds a,6). He w,a,s Town Constable in 1657. He deposed in 16,54 aged forty three years (IMass. Arc. xxxiii, 152), whiclh places his birth ab6ut 1611; and this fact i,de,ntifies 1him as from St-Oke ', County Devon, where Tihomas ·Crockett and wife, Arm, ihad a son, T;homas, Baptised Jan. 13, 1610-11. He died ab. 1679 and his widow Anne Administered the ,Estate that year. _ Her maiden name is unknown, hut it not improbab1'e that she was connected with the Gunnison or Ly.nn f,amily of Ki,ttery. Slhe married 2nd. before 1683 Digory Jeffreys and survived as late as 1712, leaving the following issue by her first marri-age: i. Anne, born ab. 1642; Married Wm. Roberts of Arundel. ii. Ephraim, born ab. 1644; a Tailor, Married Anne---- iii. Sarah, b. ab. 1646; M. John iv. Eli:hu, b. ab. 1648; M. Mary Winnock. v. Joshua, b. ab. 1-650; M. Sarah Trickey. vi. , b. ab. 1652; M. Hannaih ----, vii. Hugh, b. ab. 1654; M. MaJrgaret ---­ viii. Mary, b. ab. --; M. Henry Barter.

Joshua Mal'ried Sarah, dau. ,of T,homas Trickey of Bloody Point (Dov,er, N. H.) before May 19, 1682. He died before J,uly 6, 1719, when son John is mentioned, who married in Newington, N. H., May 16, 1718, Mary, d,au. of Nathan and Mary Knight of Scarborough.

Natlhaniel, son of Jo,hn and Mary Crockett, was Baptised March 31, 1719, at Lower Parish, P.ortsmou,th, N. H., by Rev. Jo,hn Emerson. 6 RECORD OF CROCKETT FAMILY

John haid other children Baptised at Scarborough. Was a shipwright at Falmouth in 17 48. John Crockett's wife, Mary Knigiht, was niece of Col. Thomas West­ brook and a descendant of Thomas Walford; said to have heen the first settler ,of Charlestown Neck, Mass., 162-. Nathaniel Knight, brother of Mary (wife of John), was a business associate of Col. Westbrook. He left several very inter,esting ol

For its Historical interest we insert here a letter written by James to ihis br,other. "Thomaston, Jan. 17th, 1817 "To Mr. Asa Crockett, "Dear Brother: "It is wi:th great satisfaction to me to think altho I am separated f:r,om my friends by the rdista.nce of one thousand miles, yet I can hear from YOOI often. Y.este:r,day I wrote .that there ha,d not been any snow here thi:s winter but ,this morning when I arose I found the ground covered· with snow two •or three inches deep. I am in hopes that when I ih,ear from Tlhomaiston that I shaII hear ;ohat my folks are f.orming a resoliution to qui,t that c<1ld country and to come · to Ohio. Lt woulil su:r:prise you to see what progress Mr. Gay has ma

James Crockett and his hr.others, sisteris and cousins have many descendants in Ohio and -0th-er parts of the west. See Eaton's History 1for na•mes of some who move,d to Ohio. etc. James was the y01Ungest son of Nathaniel, Jr. Nathaniel, Sr. died at Ash Point (now part of Owl-s Head, Me.), where he ihad moved from Fox Island. His farm induded the land weE.t of the :Highway inear the cemetery, etc. His house was north of the Ceme­ tery. See Knox Deeds. Nathaniel, Jr. and his wife, Eunice Cooper, with some of their c,hik!ren, moved from Ash Point to Ohio. 8 RECORD OF CROCKETT FAMILY

The ,descendants in ·Ohio have no information about Nathaniel, but Eunice is buried in a libtle cemetery three miles south of Green Springs, Ohio, at a cross roads called Lowell, near the farm of James Crockett. Asa lived near by in a typical old New England, story and half house, whic·h is now standing ( 1942). In an old Bible belonging to Mrs. ---- Brown of Camden, (iDau. of John Wooster and Granddaughter of Lydia Crockett and David W•ooster), there is a record •of Nathaniel Cr,ockett's family; where it sitates that Eunice Cooper was born Nov.. 22, 1754, Deerfield, Mass.­ I ihave searched available records but found nothing to prove this state­ ment. Another letter that may prov-e Interesting to many of his descen­ dants was written by Capt. David Crockett (son of Nathaniel, Jr., and brother of James) to his wife Sarah (Heard) Crockett. He died on the v,oyage and was buried at Staten Island, N. Y. But there is a stone erected to his memory at Ash Point.

"Savannah, July, 1819 "Dear Friend and Comp.anion: "I :take this opportunity to inform you that I am well and have been so since I lef.t home and hope in the Almighty God that this will find you and the dear babes well. "I Ief.t Seal Harbor a Thursday, af.ter I left home a Tuesday, and had a very ,pleasant ,ten days when we were up with Cape Fear, and felt in hopes of being in the next day, but we took the wind ahe·ad and squall and did not get in until! sixteen day:s later, and now the market is very dull. I can not tell what :I shall do or how long I shall have to stay :here, •but am in hopes------(sev.eral wo11ds can't be read) a week or ten days. "I have sev,eral small prospects of a freight Darien for Portsmouth. "Tell the Children .that I remember them well :and that they must be good -or ,they cannot be well for ·God •is angry every ,day with ones that go astray. "How does William do? I must say something to Eunice or she will be mad. Tell her that Pa. means to bring something to her if he lives to come home. Your affairs I will say nothing aboyt, you and J:ames can manage that. "Tell everyo,ne 'that asks for me that ,I ·am well at ,p11esent. "Rice is $4.00. Of course I shall bring none. "I have got tired of writing so farewell.


The William spoken of was Wm. H., son and Euniee was young daugihiter. RECORD OF CROCKETT FAMILY 9

From York Deeds B,ook 5. An Inventory of t'he Estate formerly Thoma,s Crockett, now deceased as it was shewd unto vs whose names are vnderwritten, this 20th day Marcih 1678-9 Imprs one Necke of Iand, neare unto Spruse Cricke, bounded at the hea,d with a little Island, & doth Containe as we Judg one hundred eighty eight Acres, or yr abouts at 50s p Acre L s d 141 00 0 It one horse, one Heiffer at th1·ee pounds ...... 005 10 0 It T,o six acres Marsh or yr abouts at ten pounds 10 00 0 It to Iron Potts, a potthooke, & Crookes at...... 1 00 0 It 3 Ohests & things in them 12s, Earthern & wooden ware 13s ...... 01 05 0 It a spitt, twoold axes betle rings and other Iron. 000 10 0 It a frinpann 4s, & other sevemll ould CaJkes 6s 00 . 10 0 It 4 pewter dishes, one cupp, b'ason & Candlestick 00 11 00 It -one grindstone & too basketts 3s6d, a Cubbard 2s 6d ...... 01 06 00 It too Wedges 2s6d, C1oathing lining and Woolen 40s...... 02 2 6 It a ,debt due fro-'!:!. Ephriam Crockett ...... 07 00 O 'lt an ould Connow at l6s ...... 00 16 0 Apraised by us t'he day & yeare above written FRANCIS HOOKE, WILLIAM SCRIUINE Ann Crockett gives vpon her oath in Court, that this is a ,true In­ ventory of iher husbands Estate, & if more appeare afterwavds shee vpo,n the same oath will give it in. taken in Court: of April 1679: as Attest Edw: Rishwor.1Jh ReCor: See also: York Deeds Book v. July 10, 1'688---Joshua Cro-ckett to Ephraim Crockett-Folio 109 Q1Uit Claim to all rigiht to Crocketts neck.

Apr. 27, 1686. Deed of Ephraim Crockett to Richard Wthite of land at Broad Boat Harbor. 10 RE C O RD O F C R O CKE T T FA M I L Y

Inventory of Estate of John Crockett

Sept. 13, 1773

L s p One bed and furniture thereto belonging...... 2 16 8 One Flat ...... , ...... 13 4 10ne pair of Silver Buekles ...... 6 8 One pair of Metal Buckles ...... 0 0 8 Two Razors ...... 0 1 0 Tin W:are ...... 0 1 4 One Powder H,or,n ...... 0 0 8 One Bible & One P,salm ...... 0 4 0 Two P.en Knives & a pair of Shears ...... 0 1 0 Two Earthen Pots ...... 0 1 0 One Chest ...... , ...... 0 6 0 One Short Coat ...... 0 3 4 One Auger ...... , .... , . 0 2 5 One Shave ...... 0 2 · 0 One Staple & Ring ...... 0 2 5 One Hand Saw ...... 0 4 0 One Warming Pan ...... , ... 0 8 0 One Small Pot ...... , ...... O 2 5 One Large Pot ...... , ...... O 4 9 ,One Tea Kettle ...... 0 4 8 One Saw Set ...... 0 0 5 One Pair Pinc.hers ...... 0 1 9 OJ.d Ir-0n ...... • ...... 0 3 0 One Sm.all Gun ...... 0 6 0 One half Bushel ...... , ...... 0 1 4 One Lamp & One Trunel ...... 0 1 4 One Foot Wheel ...... 0 6 8 0,ne Large W:heel ...... 0 4 0 One Rugg ..... ·...... O 2 0 One Whet Stone & one rhone ...... 0 3 0 Three pounds Wool ...... 0 4 0 One Tea Table ...... 0 3 8 One Trammel ...... 0 2 0 One Gow ...... 3 9 4 Two Heiffers ...... , .... 4 O 0 Lawful money ...... 15 19 10 The Admin'r desires to add to the Inventory a Clewing pin omited in the Apprizal. EBENEZER RO,BBINS JOSEPH WATERMAN JAMES COOPER ZEBULON HOWLOND Administrator. (Exact copy) L. O. C. John Crockett died North Fox Island 1772. Jonathan & Nathaniel Crockett sureties. RECORD OF CROCKETT FAMILY 11

Pages 1, 2 and 4 of old account book- NATHANIEL CROCKETT DR. 1768 L s p Aug. 1st To ½ lb. of Indig.o @ 4/1 ...... 2 0 0 To a Riding Hoo,d ...... 15 10 0 To a Bible ...... 11 5 0 To a Psal!n Book ...... 2 5 0 To an Acct. Book...... 2 17 0 To 15 lbs. Pewter a,t 10/ ...... 7 10 0 To 3 Prs. of W. Shoes for Wife, Nab by & Lydia...... 4 1 0 To 1 Pr. of Shoes for Polley...... 1 7 0 To a .pr. of M: Shoes for your Selfe ...... 2 10 0 To a Sett of Knives and forks...... 1 5 0 To a Te.a Kettle...... 2 5 0 T·o a grindstone...... 2 5 0 To Earthen Ware ...... •...... 5 1 0 To ,6 Bushel of (--) @ 32/...... 9 12 0 To 1 Pr. of W 001! Cards...... 1 2 6 To 2 Prs. of Buckles for Nabby and Lydia ...... 16 To 1 ¼ lbs. Worsted for 2 prs. -of Stockings ...... 3 5 0 To 1 fan for Nabby ...... 9 0 T·o 5¼ y

1768 JOINATH/n CROCKETT Dr. Aug. 1st To a Ridinghood...... • . 15 10 0 To (2 yds. of prints) ...... : ? ? 12 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

Aug. 2nd To 2 Qts. .and ½ Pint of Rum ...... 10 3 To a pr. of GaEimines Shoes ...... 3 0 0 To 2 Hatts ...... 3 0 0 Aug. 7th To Gash-3 Pistereens ...... 1 7 0 To 3 GailL of Rum @ 18/ ...... 2 14 0 T•o Lb. of Sugar @ 4/6 ...... 7168 JOHN HOZO , DR. July 28th To Cash Lent in Boston 12 Dollars L 27 To a Pr. Pumps 3 Pr. CONTRA CR. 1768 Aug. 13th By My Wages for School Keeping an

"Zebulon Howard (?) married Margaret Crockett Dec. 9, 1772 i8'oth of a place called Fox Islands." Eaton, in "History of Thomaston, Rockland and S. Thomaston" Page 84, Vol. 1, Under year 1762, gives the following, "Jonathan Crock€tt, born at Falmouth, who, togetlher with his father, (of the .Sc·ottish stock from the .north of Ireland), and brother Nathaniel, had resided awhile in the gar.rison here, having been driven by the Indians from their resid€nce, then we believe on one of the Fox I-s.Jands, now at .the dose of the war a resident in this place; and the following year, 1763, married the oldest -daughter of Mr. Robbins, but perhap.s return€d to the Island. Seven years J.ater,, he became one of the first settlers of what is now Rockland; and (his bro;ther Nathaniel was an €arly, perhaps the· earliest settler at Ash Point; the -descendants of both having been numerous and including no inconsiderable portion of the bUtSiness talent of th€ community. In .the "Old Town Records," now .in rt;he Town Office at Thomaston, mention is made as follows: "Town Meeting, Apr. 21, 1777; Jonathan Crockett, Committee of Correspondence & Safety & Insp·ection. Town Meeting, Mar. 8, 1779; Nathaniel Cro-ckett, Selectman. Thi~ meetin was adjourned to Mar. 29, 177,9, w.hen N. Crockett and I. Tolman declined to act. ·· "At th€ meeting of 1782 ,Jonathan was elected Tax Collector." The last mention ,of this family, near Falmouth, was Aug. 29, 1759, w,hen Rev. Thomas Smith, baptise,d two ,cihildren and one grandchild. Tlhey must have moved to Penobscot Bay, after that date and before 1762. RE C O R D O F C R O C K .E T T F A M I LY 13

Family of Jonathan Crockett, 5 Jonathan Crockett, (Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, T•homas 1), b. Scarborough. Sometimes given ,as Falmouth, July 2, 17 41; d. Apr. 20, 1829; m. EJi.onai Robbins, Jan. 18, 1763, see Eaton's History for her family: Ohildren: Of Jonathan & EHonai Crockett. 1. John, b. O.ct. 28, 1765; d. 1807; m. Rebecca Blackington, p. Jan. 31, 1789. 2. Jonathan, b. Aug. 24, 1768; d. Oct. 6, 1775. 3. Benjamin A., b. April 2·6, 1771; d. Mar. 3, 1813; m. Eunic-e Crockett. p. Dec. 23, 1793. 4. Enos, b. Nov. 6, 1773; d. Oct. 11, 1775. 5. Otis, b. June 21, 1776; d. May 7, 1777. 6. William, b. Feb. 23, 1778; d. Apr. 24, 1798. 7. Deacon David, b. Mar. 1780; d. June 13, 1854; m. Abigail Crockett Jan. 26, 1804. 8. · Robert J., b. Dec.. 3, 1782; ,d. Aug. 31, 1849; m. Dorcas Holmes, July 23, 1805. 9. George, b. July •6, 1 785; died at Sea. 10. Elionai, b. Nov; 9, 1788; d. Sept. 25, 1800. JOlhn's eh. 1. Nancy, born Dec. 10. 1789; m. Ep,'hraim Perry of Vinalhaven. Nov. 15. 1818; r. Rock .. and d. Dec. 22. 1861. 2. Hon. •Knott, b .•Tan. 15. 1792; r. Rock., was the first city mayor, president of Lime ,Rock Bank, one of the Fremont .presidenti-al ele-ctors, 1856, etc., and di-e,d umm., Sept. 6, 1857. 3, Rebec,ca, b. Jan. 13, 1794; m. Ti!eston Healey; r. Rock., and d. Feb. 12, 1851. 4, £1ionai, b. Sept. 4, 1796; m. Capt. John Lindsev; r. Rock. 5. Edward. b. Feb. 3. 1799; m. Harriet Spear, Nov. 20, 1821; r. Rock., lost at sea, March 26, 1830. 6, Sophia, b. Dec. ?,-1801; r. Rock. 7, Geo,rge, (2d), b. Mareh 7, 1805, died young. Benjamin A.'s ch. 1, ,Oliver, b. Dec. 15, 1794; m. Bethana Nutt of Cam .. 1818; •rem. up co·untry. 2, Sally, b. May 7. 1796, d. April 7, 1799. 3, ,TOlhn. (2d). b. Dec. 6. 1797; m. Eunice Rendell of Belmont. 1823; rem. Ohio. 4, !Nancy, b. Nov. 21. '99; rem. Ohio. 5. Barbara, b. ,fan. 2, 1801; m. Otis Barrowo;; r. Ro,ck. 6, Avis. b. June 30, 1803; m. William Bartlett of Searsmont, Dec. 31, 1826; rem. & d. Ohi-0. 7, Eunice, b. Nov. 26, 1804; m. William Rendell -0f Belmont; rem. Ohio. 8, Jonathan, (5th),, b. Au,g-. 24. 1806; m. Hannaih eny, Nov. 1, 1829; rem. and m. 2d wife in Ohio. 9, Nath'! (3d), b. Marc1h 18, 1809; m. Amsbury, May 12, 1833; rem. Ohio. 10, Ben.i:amin A .. b. O.ct. 10, 1810; m. Margaret S. Amsburv.. Tuly 6, 1834; rem. Napoleon, Ohio. 11, :Elnos, (3d), b. Oct. 1812. d. Feb. 1. 1818.

Family of Deacon David Crockett, 6 Deaeon David, 6, (Jonathan 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), seventh child ,of Jonathan, b. 1780; d. 1854; m. Abigail Crockett, ,dau. of Nathaniel 5, Children: 1. Charles, b. Mar, 19, 1804; d. ----; m. 1st. Su,san Ulmer, Mar. 18, 1827, 2nd. Elethea Cobb, June 17, 1855; Well known Business man & City Mayor. 14 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

2. Celia, b. Dec. 1 7, 1805; d. ----; m. Angus Gillis, Aug. 20, 1851; Removed to Ohio. 3. Cornelia, b. Feb. 20, 1808; d. ----; m. Ebenez·er Brown of Camden, 1825. 4.. CeP'has, b. Nov. 6, 1811; d. ----; m. Emily M. Gox, Jan. 19, 1837; Lv. Lincolnville. 5. Cyrenius, b. May 18, 1814; d. ----; m. Eliza C. Holmes, p. Oct. 28, 1836. The mother died 1862, aged 80. Charle.s Crockett 7, (Deacon David 6, Jonathan 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, 'Dhomas 1). No record. Ce,p;has Crockett 7, Deacon David 6, Jonathan 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1. No records except the following from Eaton: Cepha's ch. 1, Adriel, b. March. 11, 1838; 2, Abby, b. Oct. 15, '39; 3, Elizabeth R., b. Feb. 10, '40; all rem. Linc•olnville ..

Family of Cyrenius Crockett, 7 Cyrenius 7, (Deacon David ,6, Jonathan 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. 1814; d.----; m. Eliza Holmes, 1836. Children: 1. Warren L., b. May 26, 1837; d. Dec. 7, 1888; m. Oct. 29, 1859, Sylvania S•herer, b. April 8, 1838; d. July 17, 1919. 2. Franklin, b. Aug. 6, 1838; d.---- 3. Alfred, b. Oct. 30, 1839; (U.S. Navy). 4. David Edwin, b. Feb., 1842; 5. Adelaide, b. ab. 1845; 6. Sarah, b. ab. 1853; R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y 15

Family of Warren Crockett, 8

Warren ·Crockett 8, (Cyrenius 7, Deaco,n Davi-d 6, Jonathan 5, Nabh·aniel 4, Joihn 3, Thomas 1), b. 1837; d. 1888; m. Sylvania Sherer. Children: 1. Warren, Jr., b. June 6, 1860; d. Nov. 4, 1937; never married. 2. Isab.el E., b. Dee. ,5, 1864; d. Feb. 20, 1927, m. Jan. 1-6, 1884; Charles C. Hardin, resi,ded, Somerville, Mass. Ohildren: Of Charles C. & Isabel Crockett Harding: 1. ,George W,arren Harding, b. July 17, 1895; m. Oct. 1, 1927, Olive C. Vanner. Children: Of George & Olive Haroing: 1. David Vanner, b. Aug. 20, 1928, 2. Ann, b. ·June 23, 1·932, 2. ,Lloyd Criockett Hartling, b. Oct. 15, 1897; m. Aug. 25, 1923, Florence Johnson, resi,de Lexington, Mass., 1942. Children: 1. · Isabel Harding, b. Mar. 31, 1924, 2. Robert Warren Harding, b. 1933, 3. :Philip Albion Harding, b. Aug. 7, 1935, 3. Charles Crockett Harding, Jr., b. Sept. 2·5, 1901; m. June 17, 1935, E.di,1:Jh E. Bailey. No chi1dren; resi-de, Melrose, Mass. 4. ,Isabel E. Harding, b. Oct. 2, 190·6; ------; reside Somerv.ille, Mass. 3. Adelaide I. C'rO', b. May 11, 1866; ----; m. Dec. 21, 1892, Albion Sheridan Bartlett of Rockland. Children: Of A. Sheridan & Adelaide Crockett Bartlett: 1. ,Earl Crockett Bartlett, b. Jan. 17, 1894; d. June 29, 1929; m. June 18, J925, Edith Hazel Mank. .,. Children: Of Earl C. & Edith Mank Ba:vtl€tt: 1. Barbara Edith, b. Sept. 21, 1928, 2. Earle C., Jr., b. ~pt. 21, 1928, 3. Alston Albion, b. Feb. 11, 1930. 2. Norris C. Bartlett, b. June 28, 189·8; m. April 12, 1919; Ev€lyn Winyilow. Children: Of Norris C. & Evely.n Winslow Bartlett. 1. ,Frederick S., b. Jan. 16, 1920. 2. ·Evelyn, b. April 12, 1922, . 3. Joan Virginia, b. April 29, 1930; d. Dec. 30, 1930, 4. !Norene, b. Jan. 25, 1932, 5. Adelaide Isabel, b. Mar. 23, 1934, 3. Albion S., Jr., b. April 16, 1·907; ------; m. Sept. 29, 1928, Frances -F. Butler. Reside Groton, Conn. Ohildren: Of Albion S., Jr. & ,Frances Butler Bartlett: 1. Grace B., b. April 3, 1930, 2. Edwarid B., b. June 7, 1932, 3. Nancy Ellen, b. May 27, 1935, 4. Maynard Crockett, b. Aug. 10, 1875; -----; m. Dec. 1893, Annie Connon. No children. Reside Rockland. 16 RE C O RD O F C R O C KE T T F A M I LY

Family of Nancy Crockett, 7 Nancy Crockett, daughter of John 6, (Eaton's 1st.) born Dec. 10, 1789; m. Nov. 15, 1818, Ephraim Perry of Vinalhaven; Lived Rockland and d. 1861. Children: Of Ephraim & Nancy Crockett Perry: 1. Angelia, (Also Oliver who . 11, 1900; m. Lo,uis Hary; Lives Camden, 1943. Chil,dren: Of Louis & Lucile D. Hary: 1. Evelyn, b. May 14, 1919, U. S. Army Nurse in Australia, 1943. 2. Louis, b. November 30, 1920. 3. E 1dibh. b. S.e,J}tember 18, 1922. Emploved Maine State Library, 1943. 4. Sarah, b. Nov•ember 24, 1934. Student Colby College, 1943; 5. Mario.n, b. March 24, 1930. Stu.dent Camden, 1943. 2. Orin Francis, b. Oct. 10, 1858; m. Apr. 6, 1887, Masie Antoi­ nette Nash. Died before 1942. Children: Of Orin F. & M. A. Nash Perry: 1. Louise, b. March 5, 1888. 2. Antoinette, b. July 25, 1892. 3. Grace, b. Marcih 2, 1890. 4. Orin, b. Sept.. 7, 1894. Lives Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. 5. Gladys, b. April 27, 1898. 3. ,Be,njamin Cowl, b. 1860; m. Alfare-tta Nash. Children: Of Benj. C. & Alfaretta Nash Perry: 1. Mary Wealthy, b. Sept. 12, 1882. 2. Morris ,Benjamin, b. Dec. 25, 1883; m. Well known Rockland Banker and Merchant, 1943, Children: Of Morris B. & ---- Perry: 1. Carl, b. 2. Charles, b. (Adopted). RECORD OF CROCKETT FAMILY 17

3. Cliffo.nd Orin, b. Aug. 7, 1885; m. Helen Gill of Camden. Children: Of Cliff. 0. & Helen Gill Perry: 1. Raymond, b. Dec. 2, 1905. Lives Masonie St., Rockland, 1,943. Married June 20, 1928, Natalie --~-,, dau. of Joseph W. & Lona Bowley Regnier of Camden. 2. Caroline, b ----, d. ab. 1926. Children: Of Raymond & Natalie E. Regnier Perry: 1. Jane C., b. May 12, 1929. 2. Evelyn E., b. Sept. 21, 1931. 3. Sandra Lee, b. April 11, 1934. 4. Hazel Maud, b. Mar., 1887; m ---- Black. 6. Myrtle Lilias, b. Jan. 18, 1889. 6. Raymond Jarvis, b. Feb. 21, 1890. 7. Alfred Ez,ekiel, b. March 27, 1891. 8. Alfreda Catherine, b. March 27, 1891. Living Rockland, 1943. 9. Marion Evelyn, b. Aug. 29, 1892. 10. Karl Wilbur, b. Dec. 10, 1893. 11. Doris Britt, b. Dec. 10, 1894.: m. Neil A. Fogg, M. D. Well known Knox County Surgeon. Chil,dren: Of Neil A. & Doris Perry Fogg: 1. Donald, b. Nov. 20, 1923. 2. Neil Augustus, b. MaTCih 4, 1932, 12. Benjamin Cowl, b. June 27, 1898; m. Margaret ----? died ab. 1940, Rockland. 13. Alfaretta Esther, b. June 27, 1898, m. E. Howard. 14. Lawrence Clarkson, b. April -, 1901.

Benjamin A. Crockett, 6 Benjamin A. Crockett, 6, (Jonathan 5, Nathaniel 4, Jo'hn 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1) born April 26, 1771; m. Eunice Crockett, dau. of Nathaniel, Jr., pub. Dec. 23, 1793; reside Rockland, died Mar. 3, 1813. Benjamin A. 2nd., (10 child of above), b. Oct. 10, 1810; m. July 6, 1834; removed to Napoleon, Ohio. Children: (As given by Eaton'1< His.tory of Rockland and Thomaston.): 1. Benjamin, Rem. to Ohio. 2. Oliver A., b. 1,835, d. Nov. 2, 1858, at Maume City, Ohio. I ,do not understand tihe last Benj.amin, as there is no o,ther rec­ ·ord. The following record was furnished by Mrs. Clara Fitch, Waterville, Ohio. ,Grandda,ughter of Benjamin, 2nd.: "Benjamin's first wife, name unknown. They had one son, Oliver, who die,d at Napoleon, ,Ohio, at age of 21. 2nd wife, Jane Rei.d. They ihad six children; two girls, four boys: 1. Jane, died in infancy and buried with parents in Damascus Ceme,tery, Henry County, Ohio. 2. Margaret, s0hool teacher; m. Dr. Joe Heller. Ohi1dren: ,Of Dr. Joe & Margaret Crockett Heller: 1. Lillian, d. at age of 16, ,one year after mother. 2. F,rank, living (1943) on ranch n€ar Hermosa, S. D. Ohi1dven of Frank Heller: 1. Esther, m. Jack ,Paschi; living (1943) N. Y. State. 2. Flo;rence, teacher in S. Dakota, (1943). 3. Henry, on bome ranch (1943). 18 RE C O RD OF C RO C KE T T F A M I L Y

3. Russell, live Door St., Toledo, 0. (1943); m. Pearl Cox, of Rapid City, S. D.; she d. 1934. Ohildren of Russell & Pearl Cox Heller: 1. Everett, killed in auto accident 1933; m. Grace Evans. Two daughters. ' 2. Mildred, ----, m. Archie Spackey. Children: 1. Edie Lee, 2. Arthur Dale, 3. Richard. 3. James, ----, m. Lydia Heller. Both d. 1943. Ohlldren: 1. Jessie, ----, m. Walter Daniels. Children: ,Of Walter & Jessie Crockett Daniels: (Je,ssie died before Wallace was 2 yrs. old.) 1. Wallace, m. Two girls. 2. Margaret,----; m. JO'hn WiJtnover. Children: Of John & Margaret Crockett Winover: 1. Helen,----,, m. Jean (?) Newton. Live (1943) near Neapolis, 0. Five children; names unknown. 2. Pauline, ----, m. Name unknown. 3. Orville, ----, m. Girl fr-0m Mi,ssouri; he (1943) Air­ plane pil-Ot. Two girls. 4. Raymond, ----, m., lives Atlanta, Ga. 3. Scott, ----. m. Florence Hoag. Live (1943) Central Ave., Toledo, 0. Children: 1. T,helma, ----, m. Ted Ladig. Children: Of Ted & T,helma Crockett Ladig: 1. Robert, 2. Virginia. 3. Joan, (Twins 4. Joy,ce ( 2. James, ----, m. One daug.hter. 4. Horace, ----, m. ---- lived Rapid City, S. Da­ kota. So,n of Benj,amin A. Crockett, 2nd. Ohi1dren: 1. Ernest,----, m. (?); a shipworker, San Francisco, Cal.; dead 1943. 2. Morton,----, m.; living Rapid City, S. D., (1913). Children: . 1. J-ohn, 3. Alice,----, m. John McC!earie; he died (1943). -Children: Of John & Alic·e Crockett McClearie: 1. Robert, 2. -Marietta, 5. Andres, ---- m. Lived in Galifornia. Son of Benjamin A. Crockett, 2nd.' 1. Daisey. 2. Ernest, RECORD OF CROCKETT FAMILY 19

6 .. Theodore, youn,ges-t; spent ihis life on the home farm near Grand Rapids, Ohio. Born 1859; d. 1934; m. Inez McCul­ lough. Son of Benj.amin A. Crocke.tit, 2nd. Children: 1. Charles, d. in infancy. 2. Clara. Taught sch·ool and marri·eil 1936, Loren Fitch; live (1943) on farm near Waterville, O. OhiMren: ,Qf Loren & Clara Crockett Fi-tch: 1. Lowell, . 3. Irene. School teacher; married 1934, Lloyd Hennings, also school teacher. Home Elyria, Ohio. Living ( 1943) on farm near Waterville, 0. Children: •Of Lloyd & Irene Crockett Hennings: 1. Ann, 2. Henry,

Family of David Edwin Crockett, 8 David Edwin Crockett 8, (Cyrenius 7, D_eac-on David 6, J-onathan 5, · NatJhanieJ 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. Feb. 12, 1845; d. June 24, 1902; m. Kate O. Hall, who was b. Damariscotta, Mar. 2•6, 1855, 1871; She die

Family of Alfred Crockett, 8 Alfred Crockett 8, (Cyrenius 7, Deacon David 6, Jonathan 5, Natha­ niel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. Oct. 30, 1839; d. Jan. 12, 1908; m. ------Mary Miller, of Lincolnv;ille. Children: 1. Adelbert, b. Oct. 28, 1866; d. ----; m. ---- 2. Franklin, b. ---- d. ---- m. My,rtie Perry, Lv. Rockland, 1942. 3. Clifton, b. ----; d. ---- 1928; unmarried. 4. Mark, b. ----; d. ----; m. 5. WiUiam, b. Aug. 5, 1875; d. Mal'c,h 13, 1939; m. Mary A. M.atthews of Boothbay Har., Apr. 2, 1909. 6. Emma, b. Aug. 29, 1880; ----; m. ab. 1905-6, at New York City to George Anderson of Nebraska. Cihildren: Of George and Emma Crockett Anderson: 1. Lester, b. ----, New Yo,rk City;----; m. Emrp,a 1906. 7. Alfred, b. ----. 8. Roland, b. Mar. 29, 1883; ----; m. Feb. 23, 1902; Annie Thoma,s, b. May 1, 1885, Ro.ckp,ort, Me., dau. of John H. & Mary Gr,ego.ry Thomas. 9. David, b. Aug. 2, 1885; ----; m. July 29, 1905, Mary Packard Gregory, b. Oct. 10, 1887, ,dau, of Oharles Gregory of Rockport. 10. Elmer, b. 1888; m. 1921, Evelyn Bernet, dau. of Capt. John Bernet, b. Switzer1and. Children: Of Elme,r & Ev,elyn Bernet Crockett: 1. John, b. July 1922; Rock1and.

Family of Adelbert Crockett, 9 Adelbert ,Cro:ckett 9, ( 8, Cyrenius 7, Deacon David 6, Jona­ than 5, Nathaniel 14, J,ohn 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. Riockland, Oc•:. 28, 1866; d. 1928; m. Lottie Bisbee, Rockland. Children: 1. Ralph Bamlett, b. Feb. 3, 1897; ----, m. Luella Ring of War­ ren, 1924. Ohiildren: Of Ralph & Luella R. Crockett: 1. Marie, b. Nov. 6, 1925. 2. Harvell, b. 1927. 3. Emerson, b. June, 1929. 2. Henry Brown, b. Feb. 1898 at RockJand; m. Nov. 2, 1928, Alice Robinson of Medford, Mass. Children: Of Henry & Alice Crockett: 1. Elizabeth, b. Feb., 1930, at Me.dford, Mass. 2. Barbara Ellen, b. Jan. 6, 1937, Medford, Mass. 3. Char., b. Apr. 10, 18,99, died 4. Mary Bisbee, b. July 14, 1900; m. ----, John Lane of War­ ren. RE C O RD O F C R O CK E T T FA M IL Y 21

Ohildren: Of John & Mary B. Crockett Lane: 1. Charlotte, b. Apr. 19, 1920; m. Nov. 30, 1937, Edwin Lermond, So. Ho:pe. 2. Doro,bhy, b. July 21, 1921, at Rockland. 3. John, b. Feb. 1, 1924. 4. Adelbert, b. Nov. 25, 1925. 5. Roberta, b. Nov. 25, 1925. 6. Kenneth, b. Aug. 6, 1930, at Warren. 7. M-arjol'iie, b. S.e-pt. 29, 1931. 8. Marion, b. Dec. 31, 1932. 5. Maurice, b. June 21, 1902-3, at Rockland. Lv. W·arren 1941.

Family of Franklin Crockett, 9 Franklin -Crockett, (Alfrnd 8, Cyrenius 7, Deac,on David 6, Jonathan 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. ----; livie,s Oliver St., Ro,ckland 1942. m. Myrtie Perry, No ohHdren.

Family of Mark Crockett, 9 Mark Crockett, (Alfre.d 8, Cyrenius 7, Deacon David 6, Jonathan 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. 1873; ----, m. Car­ rie Payson, dau. of Geo:rge, South Hope. Ohildren: Of Mark & Carrie Crockett: 1. George P., b. ---- (ab. 1933) at Lane.aster, Pa. 2. !Norman, b. ----; m. ---- and divorced. No children, 1943.

Family of William Crockett, 9

William 1Cr-0ckett, (Alfred 8, Cy.reniu,s 7, Deacon David ·6, Jonathan 5, NatJharuiel 4, Jo,hn 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. Aug. 5, 1875; d. Mar. 13, 1939; m. Apr. 2. 1899. Mary A. Matthews of Boothbay, Of William & Mary Cl'iocke,tt: 1. Emma A., b. J,une 25, 1900, Rockland; d. Aug., 1906. 2. Elmer MatLhews, b. Apr. 25, 1904, Rockport; m. Isabel Edwards of Portland. N,o children, Mar., 194,3. 3. Helen, b. May 30, 1,910, New York City, m. Carl E. Maddox of Camden, born Wyoming. Ohildren: Of Carl & He}en C:ro-ckett Maddox: 1. Isabel Ann, b. Aug. 21, 1936. 4. George Webster, b. Aug. 9, 1911, Briar Cliff Manor, N. Y.; m. July 3, 1938, ---- Isa- belle Track of Oamde.n.

Family of Alfred Crockett, 9 Alfred tK. Crockett 9, ( 8, ,Cyreruius 7, Deacon David 6, Jona­ than. Nathaniel 4, .John 3, ,loshua 2, Thomas 1). b. ----; m. June 21, 1903, Bessie Mears, of W•a.<>Jhing.ton, Me. o Children: Of Alfre.d K. & Bessie Mears Crockett: 1. Durwood C., b. Mar. 12, 1904, m. Oct., 1932, Patrkia Lothrop Portland. Children: Of Durwood C. & Patrici-a Crockett: 1. Verona C., b. June 5, 1934. 2. Carroll Janet, b. Dec. 14, 1936. 22 R E C iO R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

2. Garliton S., b. June 5, 1905; m. Nov. 28, 1935, Vivian Holdsworth of Milford, Mass. Ohi1dren: Of Ca:rl S. & Vivian Crockett: 1. Girl, b. June, 1937. 3. Alfred K., Jr., ·b. Oct. 30, 1909; m. June 21, 1932, Elizabeth Per­ kins, Madison. Lv. S. Portland, 1942. Children: Of Alfred K., Jr. & Viviian Croekett: 1. Betty Joan, b. ----, 1934.

Family of Roland Crockett, 9 Roland Crockett 9, (Alfred 8, Cyrenius 7, Doocon David 6, Jona­ than 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. Mar. 29, 1883, Rockland; m. Feb. 23, 1902, Annie Thomas, b. May 1, 1885, Rockport, dau. of John H. Thomas. Ghildl'en: Of Roland & Annie Crockett: 1. Ma.rgaret Adelaide, b. Aug. 2, 1904; m. Feb. 6, 1929, Clarence Carr. 2. Nellie Frances, b. Feb. 9, 1906; m. Sept. 14, 1924, Russell Staples, Rockport. Children: Of Russell and Nellie Crockett Staples: 1. Ralph, b. Nov. 26, l.92~. 2. Shirl·ey, b. Nov. 12, 1927; 3. Russell, Jr., b. Jan. 29, 1932. 4. Patricia, b. Mar. 17, 1933. 5. Do,rothy, b. Oct. 15, 1935. 3. Herbert Warriner, b. Jan. 19, 1908; m. Evelyn Carver, Jan. 16, 1938. Children: 1. Charles Herbert, b. Apr. 4, 1.941. 4. Lang,don Chilcot, b. Ja111. 29, 1910; m. Virginia House, Aug. 20, 1930, at Rockland. Children: 1. Robert Chilcot, b. Feb. 3, 1938. 5. Keit,h Lorimer, b. June 28, 1914; m. June 24, 1939, Bernice Nutt, Rockpo.rt. Child, 1 Keith L., Jr., b. Feb. 26, 1943. BeHowis Falls, Vt. 6. Ernest F:rederick, b. Aug. 9, 1913; m. Dorothy Tolman, May 9, 1936, at Winthrop. 7. Ruth Gar:o1yn, b. Jan. 8, 1911; died Sept. 6, 1938; m. Frank Nash, Feb. 11, 1928. He, son of Ciharles, of Camden. Children of Frank and Ruth Crockett Nash: 1. Natalie, b. Aug. 15, 1930, at RockJ}ort. · 2. Frank, b. March 9, 1928, at Rockporit. 3. William C., b. Sept. ·5, 1931, at Rockport. 4. George A., b. Nov. 1, 1933, at Rockport. 5. Virginia, b. Feb. 15, 1935. 6. Harold R., b. July 28, 1937, at Camden. 7. Ruth, b. 1938; (Adopted by Vere B. & Edith Antho,ny Croc­ kett. R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y 23

8. Vere Be:rmavd. b. ApT. 18, 1915; m. May 16, 1936, Edith An- 1lhony, at Winthrop. OhildTen: 1. Ruth Anthony, b. 1938, (Adopted niece of Vere B. Cvockett. 2. Elizabeth Ann, b. Apr., 1942. 9. Malco·Lm Harvey, b. July 25, 1917; m. June 14, 1942, Geneva Fuller. (Sgt. U. S. Army, 1943).

10. •Phyllis ,EJaine, b. May 10, 1921; m. 10.ct. ,6, 1940, Haro1d Kaler· of Rockland, Lt. U. S. Army, 1943. 11. Priscilla Thomas, b. Apr. 9, 1925.

Family of David E. Crockett, 9 David E. Crockett 9, (Alfred 8, -Cyreniu:s 7, Deacon Davi-d 6, J,ona­ tJhan 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, 'J.'lhomas 1), b. Aug. 2, 1885; m. July 29, 1905, Mary Paekard Grego.ry, b. Oct. 10, 1887, dau. of Charles Gregory of Rockport. Children: 1. Evelyn Gregory, b. Aug. 5, 1907; m. 1st June 8, 1927, Jame·s Eliot Hale, b. Oct. 10, 1902, of Monson, Mass. Children: Of J. Eltlot & Evely,n Hale: 1. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 16, 19.29, at Camden. 2. Lois Evelyn, b. Feb. 5, 1930, at Camden. 3. James Frederick, b. June 27, 1932 at Gardner, Me. 2. David Edwin, Jr., b. Sept. 14, 1909; m. 1933, Muriel Her-rick, b. July 18, 1914. •Ohildren: Of David E. and Muriel Herrick Crockett: 1. David Edwdn, III, b. Apr. 9, 1934. 3. Fred Eugene, b. July 13, 1911, ,at Rock.Land; m. Beulah Smith, dau ..of Le•o of Enfield. (Beulah b. June 21, 1,917). Children: Of Fred E. ,& Beulah Crockett: 1. Evelyn Gregory, b. Sept. ?, 1937. 24 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

Family of Robert J. Crockett, 6 Robert J. Crockett 6, (J,onat>han 5, Na-thaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, T1homas 1,) 8th child of J onatha,n, born Rockland, Dec. 3, 1782; d. Aug. 31, 1849; m. July 23, 1805, Dorcas Holmes. Children: 1. George, (Eatons 3d.) b. Dec. 5, 180,5; d. at sea Aug. 25, 1847; m. Amanda Simmons. Ohildren: 1. David G., b. Nov. 11, 1841; d. Oct. 1, 1842, 2. Capt. Elija, b. M'ar. 30, 1807; d. fr-0m exposure, Jan. 27, 1848; m. Dec. 20, 1827, Roxanna C-0x. Ohi1dren: 1. J:ames, b. May 15, 1828; ,d. July 28, 1856, -0f yellow fever when mate of bark Hanso,n Gregory. 2. Capt. Elija D., b. Apr. 30, 1830; d. ? ; m. Aug. 30, 1857, Caro­ line Achorn. Ohil,dren: Of Capt. Elija: 1. ·George Ogden Brown, b. J•an. 22, 1859, Rockland; m. Nellie Lallie. Children: Of G.e-0rge 0. B. & Nellie Lallie Crockett: 1. Roxanna, b. June 4, 1882; m. Lewis D. Albee, June 26, 1909. 2. William, b. Feb. 7, 1884; m. Helen Cushman. No children. 3. Eimer, b. June 20, 1886; m. Mrs. Elizabeth Gr.over. 4. He,en, b. Jan. 26, 1891; m. Wa1ter C. Dodge, Oct., 1911. 5. Dorns, b. Aug. 23, 1892; m. J-an. 22, 1915, Henry G. J-oruan. •6. Isma,- b. Nov. 4, 1894; m. June 23, 1919, Ray C. Hopkms of Camden. They live ( 194.3) Frediericksburg, Va., where he is Power Co. exeoutive. Children: Of Ray C. & Isma Crockett Hopkins: 1. Marjorie Eleamor, b. Feb. 4, 1921, liancock,, Mich. 2. Helen Louise, b. Sept. 23, 1928, Richmond, Va. 7. Marjorie, b. Apr. 16, 1897; m. May 18, 1918, Donald G. Cummings. Childr•en: Of Lewis D. & Roxanna Crockett Albee: 1. George, b. {}hi!dren: Of Wal:ter C & Helen Crockett Do,dgs: 1. Albert, b. 2. Mary, b. :Children: Of Henry G. & Doris Crockett Jordan: 1. Barbara, b. 2. Willie, b. Sept. 2, 1861; d. July 16, 1863. 3. Alexander C., b. Aug. 25, 1832; resided Rockland; U. S. Navy 1861-65. R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y 25

4. Harriet, b. Oct. 17, 1834; m. Knott Crockett Rankin. Children: Of Kno,tt & Harriet Grockett Rankin: 1. Edward E., b. 7-7-1854; m. Amelia Bridges, 2-nd. Emma Pet­ erson. Children: Of Edward E. and Amelia Bridges Rankin: 1. Harriet Crockett, b. 4-14-1882. 2. Mary, b. 7-7-'86; m. Walter Ladd, 9-1911. Chi1dren: Of Walter & Mary R,ankin Lwdd: 1. Lt. (j. g.) Clifford, b. 6-7-1912; (U. S. N.avy 1943). Married Mary Small. Children: Of Lt. Clifford & Mary Small Ladd: 1. M.ary Harriet, b. 1-12-L941. 2. Lt. Edward Rankin, b. 8-4-1917; m. Margaret Hauck, dau. of Pres. Hauck of University of Maine. Children: Of Lt. E,dwar

3. Elionai, b. Aug. 16, 1812; d. Mar. 9, 1847; m. Capt. Geo. D. Wooster, Ro,ckland. Daughter of Roberit J. Crockett, 6. 4. •Capt. Rober,t, b. Oct. 5, 1815; d. ----; m. Nov. 7, 1839, Lucy Achorn. Fourt>h chU.d of Robert J. •Crockett 6. Children: 1. F., b. July 16, 1840; Rockland, merchant, m.---­ Children: 1. Robent, b. ----; d. young. 2. Anna Therese, b. ----; ,d. 1943; m. Wm. White. 2. Charles Albert, b. Nov. 16, 1842; m. May 6, 1873, Eva Fisk, dau. of Capt. Fisk. Children: 1. Monira L., b. ----; living 1943; m. Montoro R. Pillsbury, June 5, 1907, son ,of Capt. John ,Pillsbury. 3. Robert H., b. Apr. 29, 1849; died at sea; unmarried. 4. Arthur Dailey, b. May 4, 1854. Gh.Hdren: 1. George, b. ----; d. young. 5. George, b. 1845; d. 1858. 6. Louise, b. Feb. 21, 1859; living Masonic St., Rockland, 1943; m. ,Charles M. Kalloch of Rockland; no cMldren. 5. Amos H .. b . .Tune 3, 1820; m. Oct. 1845 Salamantha Sylvester; moved to California. 6. Mary H .. b. Feb. 5, 1822; d. Aug; 24. 1849; m. Henry Brown, RockJ.and.

Children of Nathaniel Crockett, 5 Children of Nathaniel Crockett 5, (Nathan1el 4, John 3, J-0shua 2, Thomas 1). b. Apr. 25, 1750, and Eunice CooµP.r, b. Nov. 22. 1754, married July 5, 1771. (Old Wooster Bible.) 1. Lucy, b. Aug. 3, 1772, m. Nathaniel Emery; removed Unity, buried Mon.tville. · 2. Capt. David, b. Dec. 19, 1773; d. New York, 1819; m. Sarruh Heard, Dec. 29, 1803. 3. Eunice, b. Feb. 17, 1775; m. Beniamin Gro,ckett, son ·of Jonathan, 1793, removed and died Ohio. 4. Ma,rgaret, b. Nov. 22, 1776, at Fox Islands; m. Thoma·s Re·ndell; and die,d Ohio. Margaret married T,homas Rendell and moved to Ohio. Had one or more C'hildren-Louisa born 1811 m. Thomas Choate and moved to Ohio-Had daug.hter Eliza Jane, born 1830, married Tresley Thornburgh. T,hey had a daughter Emma Clara, who married Hinds. Mrs. Hinds lived in Ohio. 5. Thomas, b. July 8, 1778, d. May 18, 1816,, m. Sally Gooding, Oct. 10, 1805. 6. Jonathan, b. June 21, 1780, d. June 12, 1851, m. Catherine Ulmer, Mar. 3, 1803. 7. Abigal, b. Feb. 12, 1782, d. Nov. 28, 1862, m. Deacon DaVIid Crock­ ett, Jan. 26, 1804. 8. Lydia, b. Jan. 14, 1784, d. June 12, 1859, m. David Wooster, (son of David). Lois Orockett, sister of Nathaniel, Jr., 5, married David Wooster, Sr., who was born Ohester, England, ab. 1732. Their son David, J.r., married Ly,dia Crockett and now has a great many doescen­ dants. RE C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I LY 27 -, 9. Jane, b. J,an. 15, 1786, d. ----, m. Benjamin Packard 2nd 1807, (live·d and died Ash Point.) 10. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 26, 1787, died at sea. 11. Asa, b. Feb. 15, 1790, m. Miriam Keating, d. Jan. 1, 1817; removed to Ohio. 12. Enos, b. Apr. 16, 1793, m. Lydia McLoon, pub. Apr. 30, 1818, second, Mrs. Leadbetter of Lincolnville, buried Rockland. Know of no living descendants. 13. Mary, b. Dec. 9, 1795, (Ohio rec,ords give name Polly.) 14. James, b. Apr. 9, 1798, m. Mary Haskell, Jan. 10, 1822; removed to Ohi'o.

Family of Capt. David Crockett, 6 Capt. David Crockett, (Nathaniel 5, Natih.anie,} 4, J,ohn 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), (See Eaton's History and letter written July 1819), m. Sarah Heard, dau. of Wm. Children: 1. Jane, b. iNov., 1804; m. Nathan Pillsbury, Jan. 14, 1828. 2. Lucy H., b. May 11, 1806; m. Clharles Spalding. 3. Sarah, b. July 30, 1807; d. Feb. 3, 1840. 4. Thomas C., b. Nov. 15, 1808. (Drowned near Ash Potnt). 5. Moses H., b. Jnme 15, 18,10; m. Hanna;h Spaulding, Dec. 23, 1830; d. S. Thomaston. See geneology of Coll Mathews' family by Miss Newborg. A great amount of work has been spe,nt on ibhis extensive record. 6. Abigail H., b. Dec. 15, 1815; m. Stephen Foster, d. a,t great age at Ash Point. 7. David A., b. Aug. 19, 181.3; m. Eliza Rowell, Jan. 16, 1843; he d. 1882, she 1899. 8. Wm., b. Sept. 2, 1814; d. ----; m. Harriet Heal"d, dau. of Wm. ,imd Abigail (1Crockett) Killsa Heard, Nov. 6, 1842. Lived and died Ash Point. 9. Eunice C., b. Aug. 7, 1817; d. July 7, 1839. 10. Margaret H., b. Nov. 17, 1819; m. Nathan Witham 3rd wife· 1 child Mariaih, b. ----; d. ----; m. Hiram C. Moody. ' 28 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

Family of Moses H. Crockett, 7 Moses H., (Capt. David 6, Nathaniel 5, Nathaniel 4, Jo•hn 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. June 15, 1810; d. S. T·h.; m. Hannah Spalding, Dec. 23, 1830. Children: 1. Capt. Wm. S., b. Oct. 4, 1831, d. Feb. 27, 1873, at sea; m. Abbie Hayden, 1853. Ohildren: 1. Alice D., Apr. 17, 1854; d. July 5 (8) 1888; m. Albert Holmes. Children: Of Alber,t & Alice Crockett Holmes: 1. Edith. 2. Gemg,e (both dead.) 2. George B., b. Sept. 13, 1856; d. ab. 1899. 3. Luther H., b. Apr. 24, 1858; d. Dec. 23, 1942; m. Ida Griswold, Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1880. Ohildren: 1. Died young. 2. ,Ida M,ay, b. Aug. 10, 1882; m. Clifton Wallace. No children. 3. Alice H., b. June 30, 1885; m. Willi-am Yocum, July 8, 1912. Children: Of Wm. and Alice Crockett Yocum: 1. William L., b. Dec. 27, 1913. Children: Of Wm. L. Yocum: Alice Louise, b. M,ar. 6, 1941. 2. Richard C., b. Feb., 1916. 4. Edith M., b. Jan. 16, 1892; m. Milton Haroff. Children: Of Milton and Edith Crockett Haroff: 1. Edward C., b. Mar., 1921. Ohildren: Of Edward C. Haroff: 1. Edward, b., 1942. 2. Marjorie E., b., May--, 1923. 4. Lizzie G., b. Mar. 23, 18•61; d. Aug. 27, 1935. 5. Willi'am L., b. Mar. 7, 1865; d. Feb. 18, 1888. 6. Jennie E., b. Oot. 20, 1872 (res. 20 ,Lawrence St., Chelsea, Mass., 1943). 2. •Moses H., (2nd), b. Dec. 5, 1833; d. New York, Mar. 12, 1853. 3. !Norman L., b. ----; d. Married Oct. 8, 1857, Helen Dermott (Rockland City Records.) R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I LY 29

Family of Abigail Crockett, 7 Abigail Crockett (Capt. David 6, Nathaniel 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. Dec. 15, 1815; m. Stephen Foster; lived and died at great age at Ash Point. Children: 1. Ellen, b. 1845; d. 1938; m. Alonzo Hight, both lived and died Portland, Me. Ohildren: Of Alonzo and Ellen Foster Hight: 1. !Bert, b. ----; m. ----; wife ,dead. He lived Portland, 1941. Children: (Of Bert H:ight): 1.---- 2. Mabel, b. ----; live Portland, 1941; m. Anderson. Children: (Of Mabel Hight Anderson): 1. 2. 3. Arthur, b. ----; d. before 1941; m.---- ?. Children: (of Arthur Hight): 1. Edith. 2. Stephen, b. about 1846; d. at advanced age at Ash Point. Unmar­ ried. 3. Clarence, b. 1850; d. ----; m. Sop.hia Dyer. Children: (of Clarence and Sophia Dyer Foster): 1. Stena; b. ----; m. Hiram Knowles of Hancock County. Children: (of Hiram and Stella Foster Knowles): 1. Elwin, b. ----; Iv. Revere, Mass. 2. Benj., b. ----; died· at sea. 3. One died in :infancy. 4. Clara, b. 1850; d. ----, Ash Point; m. Alonzo Ginn. Children: (of Alonzo and Clara Foster Ginn): 1. ,Ernest, b. ----; live ·Portland, Me., 1941; m. Lillian Black­ ington of Rockland. 2. Eva, b. ----; unmarried. 3. Jennie, b. ------; J·ohn Rankin. Children: (of John and Jennie Ginn Rankin): 1. Edith 2. Ernest. 5. Edgar, b., 1852; died----; m. _Ida Fan, b. ab. 1856, dau. of Wm. Farr, S. T. Children: (of Edgar and Ida Farr Foster): 1. Oscar, b ---- 2. Ernest, b. ----; d. ----. At sea. 3. Stephen, b. 1879; 4. Ethel (Dot), b. 1882; m. 1st Charles Stone. Lv. Ash Point, 1941. Children: Of Charles and Ethel F,oster Stone: 1. Augustus, b. ----.. Lv. Ash Point, 1941. M. Annabel St. Clair of Owls Head, Me. Children: Of Augustus and AnnabefSt. Clair Stone: 1. Robert. 2. Evelyn, b. ---­ Unmar.ried, 1941. 30 RE C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I Ly

3. Charles, b. ----., Iv. As,h P.;int, 1941. Married Katheleen Emery, dau. of Charles of RocklaJ"td. OhU.dren: Of Chas. and Kathleen Emery S,tone: 1. C!harles E., b. May 19, 1929. 2. Kenneth, b. 1932. 5. William, b. 1884; Iv. E. ,Boston, 1941. Married, Hattie Blair of Dres,den Miills, Me. Ohildren: Of William and Hattie Blair Fos.ter: 1. Avis. 2. Thomas. 6. Clarence, b., 1884; ---- m. Stella Smith. Children: Of Clarence and Stella Smith F-oster: 1. Helen. 7. Courtney, b. ----; m. 1st Florence Kayler of Rockland; m. 2nd Docia Annis, Lynn, Mass. Children: 1. Virgtnia, b. ---- 8. Merle, b. ----; d. 1937, ----; World War Veteran. 9. Lou, b. ----; d. ----; m. Chas. Myrick of Mass. Children: Of Charles and Lou Foster Myrick: 1. C. Parker, b. 2. Gwendlyn 3. Adelaide, b. ----; d. you,ng. 10. Mervin, b. ----; m. Vera Bisihop of Owls Head; lives Rock­ port, 1941. Ohildren: Of Mervin and Vera Bis.hop Foster: 1. Edgar, b. ---- 2. his,cilla, b. ---- 11. Lola, b. ----; ----; m. Stephen Willis of Ash Point. Ghildren: Of Stephen and Lola Foster WiHis: 1. Vi:rginia, 2. Evelyn

Family of David A. Crockett, 7 David A. Crockett (Capt. David 6, Nathaniel 5, Nakhaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. Aug. 19, 1813; m. Eliza D. Rowell, Jan. 18, 1843; d. 1882. Ohildren: 1. Oliver H., b. Oct. 5, 1843; d. Sept. 6, 1906; m. Oct. 5, 1869; Sophia Lattie, b. Aug. 6, 1847; d. Mar., 1884. Lived S. Thomaston. He died Hardwick, Vt. 2. Saraih Jane, b. Mar. 16, 1850; d. Nov. 11, 1917; m. June 17, 1882, J-0seph N-orton, blacksmith, b. Apr. 11, 1857. RE C O RD O F C R O C K E T T F A M I LY 31

Family of Oliver. H. Crockett, 8 Oliver H. Crockett (David A. 7, Capt, David 6, Nathaniel 5, Natha­ niel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1.) Ohildren: 1. Melzer, b. Jan. 4, 1870; d. Mar. 15, 1908; unmarried. 2. I

Family of Henry P. Crockett, 9 Henry P. Crockett (Oliver 8, David A. 7, Capt. David 6, Nathaniel 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1) m. Olive Hare. Ohildren: 1. 'Miriam Edith, b. Oct. 9, 1901; m. Nov. 23, 1927, Ralph Clyne, b. Mar. 19, 1895. · Children: Of Ralph and Miriam ,E. Crockett Clyne: 1. Olive, b. Sept. 5, 1928. 2. Miriam, b. Nov. 8, 1930. 3. Ralph E., b. Apr. 18, 1934. 2. Irving 0., b. May 11, 1903; U. S. Army 1942. 3. Merton, b. Dec. 4, 1904; d. Jan. 15, 1905. 4. El1izabet'h Olive, b. Aug. 22, 1906; d. Dec. 18, 1941; m. Dec. 25, 1924, ,Everett Baum, b. July 12, 1902, of Clark Island, Me. •Children: Of Everett and Eliz.abeth Cr-o-ckett Baum: 1. Everett Leroy, Jr., b. June 25, 1927.

Family of Sarah J. Crockett, 8 Sarah J. Crockett, b. Mar. 16, 1850; m. Joseph Norton. Children: 1. Agnes, b. Nov. 23, 1889; m. Aug. 12, 1914, Edward Smalley, b. 25, 1882. (He died July, 1941, at Vinalhaven, Me.) 2. Joseph, b. Mar. 28, 1892; m. Oct. 24, 1923, Lottie Allen. Children: Of Joseph ,and Lottie Allen !Norton: 1. DorotiJiy, b. Aug. 25, 1924, (Brighton, Mass.?.) 32 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

Family of William H. Crockett, 7 Wm. H. Crockett, (Capt. David 6, Nathaniel 5, Naithaniel 4, John 3, J-oshua 2, Thomas 1) b. Sept. 2, 1814; d. ----; m. Harriet Heard, dau. of Wm. and Abigail Crockett Killsa Heard, Nov. 6, 1842. C'hHdren: 1. Wm. Henry, Jr., b., Mar. 8, 1844, d., 1844. 2. Oscar A., b. 1845; ,d. 1912; m. Eliza Cann of Ash Point. 3. Fred A., b. 1847; d. 1903; m. Margaret Wentworth, dau. of War­ ren and Elizabeth Wentworth of Appleton, Me. 4. Lizzie M., b. 1849; d. 1929; m. Geo. A. Brown (b. 1847; d. 1916), no childl'en. 5. Laurn M., b. 1851; d. ----; m. Alvarus Dyer. Ohildren: Of A. Dyer and Laura Mandy Crockett Dyer: 1. Fred, b. ----; ----; m. Rose Shea, dau. of Alden Shea of S. Thomaston. (No children). 2. William, died young. 6. Fr-ank A., b. 1853; d. 1925; m. Florence Staples •of Sandy Point. C~ildren: Of Frank A. and Florence Staples Cr-0ckett: 1. Varetta F., b. 1880; ,d. 1919; m. Geo. Mcdonald. 2. Nina F .. b. 1884; d. 1923; m. Sidney Brown. He b. May, 1872; d. July, 1936 . .3. Ashley Oscar, b. 1889; d. 1919, in hospital Newport News, Va., having just returned from voyage to Brest, France; m. Ruth Staples, Saru:ly Point. 1 clii1d, Vivian Staples. (Mortiher and daughter thought to be alive 1943).

Family of Oscar A. Crockett, 8 Oscar A. Crockett, (Wm. H. 7, Cap.t. David 6, Nathaniel 5, Natha­ niel 4, John 3,-Joshua 2, Thomas 1,, b. 1845; d. 1912; m. Eliza Cann, of Ash Point. Children: 1. Ralph H., b. 1866; d. ----; m. Mary E. Knowles of Hancock County. 2. Nettie E., b. ----, ,d. Oct. 27, 1940; m. Chas. D. Lindsey, b. ----; d. 1940. . 3. Mertie B., b. 1873; d. 1896; m. Fred C. Lmdsey. 4. 4. Lewis A., b. 1874; ----, 5. Jessie L., b. 1880; ----; m. 1st Fred B. Robbins of Ingraham Hill. ( 2nd ---- 6. Kathleen W., b. 1882; d. 1918, Owls Head; m. Ira W. Feeney who d. Rockland. 7. Helen A., b. ------; m. Andrew C-0ffey, then S Thompson. R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y 33

Family of Ralph Crockett, 9 Ralph H. Crockett, (Oscar A. 8, Wm. H. 7, Capt. David 6, Natha­ ndel 5,Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), born 1866; m. Mary E. Knowles. Children: 1. Margaret, b. A,pr. 15, 1893 ;---- m. Dr. Guy Nichols, U. S. N., buried Arlington. 2. Marianne, b. Apr. 8, 1895, ----; m. -----Bullard. 1 child, Ann Marie, b. ---- 3. Grace Knowles, b. Aug, 13, 1896. 1. Child Gharles, b. Sept. 7, 1926. 4. Dor,othy, b. Aug. 9, 1897. 5. Oscar A., b. Oct. 9, 1904. 6. Edgar B., b. Oct. 10, 1905; ----; m. Verginia Winchenbaugh of Rockland.

Family of Fred A. Crockett, 8 Fred A. Crockett, (Wm. H. 7, Capt. David 6, Nathaniel 5, Nathaniel 4, Joihn 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. 1847; d. 1903; m. Margareit A. Went­ worth of Appleton. Children: 1. Lottie T., b. 1874; ----; m. 1st Capt. Frank ,Perry, 2nd Arthur Robbins. Children: Of Frank and Lottie Perry: 1. Gertrude, b. Jan. 1, 1894; d. Oct. 20, 1915; m. Harold Burgess. 2. Marg,aret, b. Apr. 44, 1895; unmarried 1943. 2. Gertrude, b. 1876; d. 1877. 34 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

Family of Nettie E. Crockett, 9 Nettie E. Crock,ett, (Osea.r A. 8, etc.), b. Dec. 22, 1868; d. Oct. 27, 1940; m. Oharles D. Lindsey, b. ----, d. 1940. Children: Of Charles D. & Nettie Cro-ckett Lindsey: 1. Mamie, b. Apr. 22, 1889; d. Dec. 8, 1892. 2. Alan C., b. Feb. 22, 1891; ----, m. Oct. 14, 1911, Elizabeth M. Maddox, b. May 12, 1888, Bluehill. OhiLdren: Of Alan C. and Elizabeth Lindsey: 1. Margaret Hinkley, b. Dec. 2, 1912, Blu-ehill; m. June 30, 1933, J-ohn R. Smythe. Children: Of J O'hn R. and Margaret Lindsey Smythe: 1. Isabel Evelyn, b. July 25, 1934, Brockton, 1\,1,a:ss. 2. Paul Re-dman, b. Nov. 22, 1935, Quincy, Miass. 3. Ronald Lindsey, b. Jan. 9, 1937, Weymouth, Mass. 2. Gwendolyn C., b. Mar. 21, 1915, Stonington; m. July 10, 1934, Wm. B. Daley. Children: Of Wm. B. and Gwend•olyn Lindsey Daley. 1. Burton Arnold, b. Aug. 27, 1939, Boston, Mas•s. 3. Duane AJ.drich, b. July 2, 1917, Rockland; m. Mar., 1937, Marion Blanchard. Children: Of Duane A. and Marion Lindsey: 1. Duane A., b. Apr. 2, 1938, Weymouth, Mass. 2. Wayne Francis, b. Apr. 2, 1938, Weymouth, Mass. 4. Alan C., b. Oct. 22, 1918, Bluebill. 5. Ralph .C., b. Sept. 17, 1923, Vinal Haven. . 6. Arnold Maddox, b. Apr. 17, 1936, Rockland. 7. Charles Richa,rd, b. Oct. 3, 1928, Winthrop, Mass. 3. Ar,thur W., b. Jan. 4, 1893; m. 1st ----; 2nd Eliza Freeman. Mar. 30, '29, d-au. of J,ohn H.; live Camden 1943. 4. P:auline, b. Feb. 15, 1896; m. An:sel Saunder,s of Rockland. Children: Of Ansel and Pauline Lindsey Saunders: 1. f'riscilla A., b. Nov. 25, 1915. 2. Do.nald A., b: Jan. 24, 1918. 3. Robert L., b. Dec. 20, 1919. 4. Jeanette C., b. Jan. 5, 1923. 5. Barbara L., b. Oct. 23, 1927.

Family of Mertie B. Crockett, 9 Mertie B. Cro,ckett, (Oscar A. 8, Wm. H. 7, Capt. David 6, Natha­ niel .5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, T,homas 1), b. 1873; d. 1896; m. Fred C. Lindsey. Children: Of Fred and Hertie Crockett Lindsey: 1. Frnd ,C .• ,T,r .. b. l\,fav 24, 1893; ----; m. 1st .Tulv 5. 1916, Marion I. Newborg. Chi1dren: Of Fred and Mario!l Newborg Lindsey: 1. Bernice Mae, b. Sept. 30, 1917; m. Sept. 6, 1936, Arnold Ander­ son, St. George. 2. Mertie E., b. Jan. 19, 1921. 3. Hrug,h A., b. Mar. 26, 1923; d. Dec, 7, 1930. 4. Lois Alma b. Jan. 10, 1925. 5. Dale We;1esley, b. Nov. 28, 1926. 6. Cu.rtis Hewett, b. Mar., 1928. 7. Marion Roberta, b. Feb. 25, 1932. RE C O RD O F C R O C K E T T F A M I LY 35

Fa.mily of Lewis A. Crot:kett, 9 Lewis A. Crockett, (Osca,r A. 8, Wm. H. 7, Capt. David 6, Natha­ niel 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. 1874; ----; m. 1st Clara L. Winslow, dau. of R. L. and Mary (Brow.n) Winslow; m. 2nd J,an. 2, 1943-Beatrice .Chaples. Ohildren: (Adopted) ,1. Helen Mae Witee, b. ----; m. J,an., 1943, Geo. Wagner, U.S. Navy.

Fa.mily of Jessie Crockett, 9 Jessie L. •Crockett, (Oscar A. 8, etc.) b. 1880; m. 1st Fred B. Rob­ bins, 2nd J•ohnson. Children: Of Jessie L. and Fred B. Robbins: 1. Nrutalie, b. ----; m. Fred Snow of Rockland. Children: Of Fred and Natalie Robbins S,now: 1. Jacque!y,n, b. Aug. 14, 1932. 2. Carolyn, ,b. Aug. 22, 1937.

Fa.mily of Kathleen W. Crockett, 9 Kathleen W. Crockett, (Oscar A. 8, etc.) b. 1882; d. 1918; m. Ira W. Feeney. Ghildr,en: ,Of Ira W. and Kathleen W. Feeney: 1. Helen, b. 1906; d. 1907, 2. Helen, b. 1907; ----; m. ----, Donald Leacih, b. Rock­ port? 1900. 3. Dorothy, b. 1912; m,arried and

Fa.mily of Helen Crockett, 9 Helen A. Crockett, (Oscar A. 8, etc.) b. ---- m. Andrew Coffey. Children: Of Andrew an,d Helen A. Ooffey: 1. Moa

Family of Margaret Crockett, 7 Crockett, youngest child of Oapt. David Crockett, born Ash Point. Eaiton gives the date a,s Nov. 17, 1819; but descendants-give it as 1818. She married Nathian WH1ham, (Eaton mentions marriage but gives no date). Ohildren: Of Margaret Crockett and Nathan Witham. His you.ngest child. 1. Maria, b. ----; !Ill. Hiram Clement Moody, born Whitefield, 1845. Children: Of Hiram C. and Maria Thomas Winham l\fo,ody: 1. Clement Thomas, b. Jan. 24, 18,74; m. June 26, 1900, Lowell, M,ass. ,Children: Of Clement T. and Grace May Rowan M,oody: 1. Daughter, d. at birth. 2. Clement Linwood, b. Oct. 8, 1903. Children: Of Clement Linwo·od Moody: 1. Linwood, b. ab. 1936. 3. Karl Rowan, b. Sept. 21, 1908. Children: Of Karl Rowan Moody: 1. Daughter, b. ----8, 1936. 4. Grace E., b. Mar. 11, 1915; married---­ Children: Of Grace Moody and ---- 1. Son, b. Dec, 3, 1935. 2. Iva Bell, b. Apr. 2, 1876; m. Ohas. McKeller. Ohil,dren: Of Ghas. and Iva Bell Moody McKeller: 1. Parker Moody, b., 1902, marrie.d. Children: 1. Robert, b. ab. 1935. 3. Fannie Hinkley, b. Aug.· 26, 1878; m. Si,dney M. Willie. •ChiJ.dren: Of S. M. and F:annie H. Moody Willie: 1. Langdon, b. ? ; died 1938, leaving two daughters. 4. Arlhur Gilbert, b. 1881, m. Blanche A,dams, no children. (All four born Ash Point.) 5. Daughter, died in infancy. 6. Harold Wellington, b. 1889, Clark Island; m. Lou Anderson, 1917. Ohildren: Of Harold W. and Lou Anderson Moo-dy: 1. Harold W. 2. J,oihn L. 7. Hiram Frederick, b. 1896, Stony Cl'eek, Conn., m. Helena Hinkley. 1. Son. ACKNOWLEDGING OMISSION The following Reco,rd of the family of Ca11t. J onatJhan Crockett ( 6), ;sixth child of NatJhaniel (5) was left out of "Grockett Family of New England" by mistake.

Family of Capt. Jonathan Crockett 6 Capt. Jonathan Gro,ckett 6, Nathaniel 5, 'Nathaniel 4, John 3, Jo:>'hU'.l 2, Tihomas 1. Born Jrune 21, 1780; died Ju,ne 12, 1851; married Mar. 3, 1803, Catherine Ulmer, bo,rn May 10, 1785; d. Jan. 31, 1863. Children: 1. Jaimes 2nd, b. Mar. 19, 1803; married Mary Spoffoi;,d, Oct. 20, 1825; r. Mt. Desert. · 2. Ham1,aih, b. Oct. 5. 1805; d ..Tan. 27. 1805. 3. Capt. Jonathan, (Eaton has him as the 5tJh, but a study of names and ,date of birth shows this Jonathan to be tJhe 4tih), bo,rn Apr. 10, 1806; ,died art; Havana, Dec. 27, 1845, when ihe was Ciapt. of Ship Medora; married Nancy Spear, p. Jan. 21, 1826. 4. •Capt. J•ohn, (3d) b. Nov. 3, 1808; m. 1st Margaret Watson; 2nd Mary A. Car,! of Camden, 1839. See Eaton History f.or record of children of 1st wife. Have learned that there are no known de­ sceidants of Mary Carl. 5. Oa;pt. Asa, 2nd, b. Dec. 7, 1810; m. 1st Lovejoy; 2nd Elvira Rob­ bins, July 16, 1843. Have no record later than Eaton's except rtlhat I remember a Jonatha,n who wa:s a 1hardware dealer in Rock­ land; he may have been a son. 6. Oa,pt. iNatihanie,1 4th, b. Jan. 17, 1813; m. Lucy Ames Mar. 5, 1835. C>hildren: 1. Pembroke, b. July 9, 1835; died Rockhmd leaving no children. 2. Capt. Edgar, b. Dec. 6, 1,837; m. Frances E. Howard of Ro,ckland. Was in Go. D, U. S. Sharpshoote,rs, 2nd Bedans, War of '61. Children: Of C,a,pt. Edgar and Frances Howard Crockett: 1. E. Howard, b. 1874; m. Eva Hemenway 1901. Ohildren: Of E. Howar,d and Evia Hemenway Crockett: 1. Edgar C., b. June 2, 1902; unmarried 1943. 2. Nels•on S., b. Dec. 19, 1906; m1. 1942, Flora Cole of Rock­ land. He is (1943) in Quartermasters Dept. U. S. A,rmy. 3. Howard P., b. Dec. 6, 1916; marrie,d Mar. 21, 1942, Ger­ tru;de Heald of Rockland; now living Rockland, (1943). 3. Clevel>and, h. ab. 1843; m. Emma Robins,on of Rockland. No children. 4. Gatharine U., b. ab. 1847; m. Joseph Foye of Saco. No chil- 1dren. 7. Enos, 4tJh. ,rihotographist. b ..lune 29, 1815; m. M'ary Pitts of Unio.n, 1838. 8. , b. 1817; d. 1829. 9. CatlheriJJ.e, b. 1819; m. A1p.r. 25, 1841, Jo:Jin T. Berry, b. Feb. 12, 1818. We,JI known Rockland business family. 10. Sylvan us, b. Apr. 6, 1823; d. Oct. 7, 1841. Ano1Jher re~orq gives aeath as at No.rfolk, Va., 1844, on s,c,hooner. 11. Mary Na,ncy, b. Aug. 15, 1825; marrie,d John P. Wise. 12. Lucy M., b. O,ct. 20, 182 8; married J a bes Gr,eenhalg:h.

NOTE-In "Crockett :Fami,ly of New England," page 38, James Crockett is designate,d as "6" througih error. The heading there should read: "Ja.mes Cr,ockett 7."


RE C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I LY 37

Family of Asa Crockett, 6 Asa Crockett 6, (Nathaniel 5, Nathamiel 4, John 3, Joshu•a 2, T,homas 1), 11,th child of Nathaniel, Jr. and Eunice Coop'.ir Crockett, born Feb. 15, 1790; m. Myrn (Myri-am) Keating, Jan. 30, 1817, at Hope, Me., by Mathew Beverage, Town Clerk. (H-0µe record.) Children: 1. Oliver. N.o ;rec·ord given. 2. Elizia. No record given. 3. Hanrnah. No re-cord given. 4. Sofia. No recol'd given. 5. Lerny, b. ----; Col. of 72,nd Regiment (Ohio), have been toJ.d that he was killed in actio,n. 6. Scott. 7. WaJ!,ace 8. Emily, b. ----; m. Thomas Almond. Ohildren: Of Thomas and EniE:i Cro,ckett Almond: 1. 2. Both die-d in infancy. 3. Myra, ----; m. Arthur Crockett, •and after Ms de,ath m. Arthur's bro:l!he,r, Elbert. Arthur was a lawyer, of Horton, K'ans. ,Elbert was <>f Marshall, Mo. B-0th sons of Josiah. 4. Mary (Mayme),----; m. ---- Fairfield, who was a College Professor in Ind. rund served two terms a-s Co,ngressman. 9. Milton, 10 Nelso.n, ,Both Milton and Nelson were in the Civil W•ar and Nelson was badly worunded but recovered and lived to be about sixt~r-five. Before the war they moved to Missou.ri, but conditions became so in 1861 tha,t ,they retmined to Ohi-o •and left their families with :their mother and enliste,d. After the war they retur.ned to Missouri, where they had taken up homesteads. Miiton was in the State Legislature. 11. Frank, ----; m. Ly,dia Isabell Almond. He died ab. 1923 at age of 75. Ohildren: 1. Sco·tt, ----; m. ? ; lives Green Springs, Ohio. Children: 1. T,hornas, ---- 2. J•ames, ---- ( One ,of above in U. S. Army 1943, serving in Irac. Also a grandson of Frank in Armed Service.) 2. Frank, ----; m.; lives St. Petersburg, Fla. Childr,en: 1. Robert, ---- 2. M,aud, ---- 3. Ri0hard, 4. Alic,e, ---- 3. .Belle, ----; -m. Charles Gri

Eaton's History -of Rockland, Thomaston and S. Thomaston gives the following. "Of Asa's ch. who mostly rem. Ohio, 1, Delins.ha, mar. Ivory W. Holbrook of R. July 15, 1860."

Family of, Enos Crockett, 6 Enos Crockett, (Capt. Jonathan (3rd.) 6, Nathaniel 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1), b. June 29, 1815; m. 1838, Mary J. Pitts of Union. Ohi1dren: 1. Frank H., b. ab. 1845; m. Miary Angie Sp·offord. Children: Of Frank & Mary Crockett: .1. Ethel Frances, b. ----; m. Charles P. Holliday, U. S. Marine Corp, who

Family of James Crockett,•· 6- rj James Grockebt, (Capt. Jo,natha•n (Earton's 3,d.) 6, Nathaniel 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshrua 2, Thomas 1), b. Mar. 19, 1803; ---­ d; m. Mary Spofford, Oc,t. 20, 1825; resided Mt. Desert. Children: 1. Ann Maria,h, b. Dec. 11, 1826; m. Abner B. Weeks;·r. Rockland.. 2. Frances H., b. Aug. 28, 1828;

Family of Charles S. Crockett, 7 Charles S. Crockett, (James (Eaton's 2'nd) 7, Capt. Jonathan 6. Nathaniel 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, Joshua 2, Thomas 1,) b. July 10, 1830; d. Oct. 2, 1911; m. Mar. 18, 1854, Mary V. Flint who was b. Oct. 10, 1834 and died Aug. 25, 1921. Children: 1. Nettie B., b. Oct. 7, 1873; living R.ockland 1943; m. Sept, 25, 1895, M. E. Wotton. · ·· Ohildren: Of M. E. and Net tie Crockett W-0tton: 1. C:hariles C., b. Apr. 28, 1901, m. Sept. 1, 1923, Dorothy Whiting. Children: Of Clharles C. and Dorothy Wotton: 1. Rwth, b. May 26, 1924. 2. Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1925. RE C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y 39

Family of John T. Crockett, 7 J-0hn T. Crockett, (James (Eaton',s 2d.) 7, Capt. Jonathan 6, Na;th­ aniel 5, Nathaniel 4, J,ohn 3, Joshua 2, Tihomas 1), b. Jan. 27, 1835; m. Juliia S. Freeman, lived and

•No.te-Now have information that Hezekiah Crockett mentioned on page 38 has a grandson, George E. Croekett, now living 2107 Park Ave., Milwaukie, :Oregon. Notre-See Miss B. Newborrg's work -0n Coll Mathews, for complete rec­ •ord of family of Fred C. and Marion N. Lind:say, page 34. 40 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L 7

Family of Capt. James Crockett, 6 Capt. James Crockett 6, (Nathaniel 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, J,oshua 2, Thomas 1), b. Apr. 9, 1798, at Ash Point; m. Mary Haskell, , 10, 1822; was in Ohio 1817, but returned to Maine before taking up his farm in Seneca County, 0. Mary Haskell was born in Portland, .Tan. 22, 1801. In a letter just received from Grace R. Engler, Washington, D. C .. I am informed th:at James Crockett's mother Eunice Cooper was born, ·worcester County, Mass. Children: (Most -of following is from Miss Engler's record.) 1. George, bom Ash Point, Feb 8, 1823; (see page --) . 2. Almira, b. Feb. 16, 1824, Ash Point; m. T•homas Reid, (father of James). 3. Josiah, b. M'a.r. 9, 1826, Ash Point; liv-ed in early life on the banks of the Maume River, later moved to Seneca County, Ohio, where he was killed. when a borul,der he was raiRing frnm hi~ f,arm. fell and crushed him. Married Harriet ---?. (For recor-d of this family see page ---). 4. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 21, 1827, Ash Point; (No record). 5. E-dwin, b. Feb. 20, 1829, Ash Point; (This family said to live Couer De Aline, Ldaho), m. ,Jessie Reid, dau. of Thomas, sister of James. 6. Knott, b. Nov. 14, 1831, Clin-t;on Twp., Senec,a Co,unty, Ohio; fell in battle at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864. 7. Edward, b. Nov. 23, 1833, Sugar Creek place, (now ·watson Sta., Pleasant Twp.), m. ----? Ohildren: 1. Adelle, b. ----; m. ----; lef-t son and dau. 2. Nellie, b. ----; m. and living San Jose, Cal. 3. Mabel, b. ----; m. and living San F:rianeisco, Cal. (1940). 4. Alice, b. ----; m. and living Clayton, Mich. 5. Hary, b. ----; living Clyde, Ohio. -6. , b. ----; living Clyde, Ohio. (There were ten in all, the others died young). (This list is as given by No. 7, may not be in order). 7. Kittie, b. ----; m. ----Young,----; lives Green S,prings, 0., has two sons and one d,au_ghter. I_ have several ".ery interesting letters from Mrs. Young m my files. She ment1-ons that o,ne of her cousins told of great grandmother Eunice put­ ting sugar in James Crockett's hot drink and not being as gen­ erous wivh the wife Mary. She seemed to take charge of the sugar bowl. R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y 41

8. Amanda, b. May 7, 1836, Adm. Twp., Seneca Co., Ohio; m. James Reid, State Rep. from Idah-0. 9. Oharles, b. July 14, 1838, Seneca C-0., Oihiio, fell at ba:ttle of Wilderness, May 6, 1864, died at F,redericksburg, Va., hospt. May 10, 1864. 10. Celia, b. July 6, 1840, Seneca Co., Ohio; m. Rudolph Pulaski, des­ ,cendant ,of Count Pulaski. One son wias a ,hero during a great for­ fire in Idaho; see Readers Digest about 1942. Edwin, George, Maude, all deceased. Mary (Mrs. Macy Mc­ Nervy), 608 W. Buckthorn, Englewood, Calif.; Isabel (Mrs. Oliver Gould), Marion, Ind. 11. Marion Emeline (Emma), b. July 26, 1842; m. William Engler. Ohildren: Of Wm. and Mari-on E. Crockett E111:J?ler: 1. Celia Alberta, b. Nov. 22, 1867; m. Ira L. Davidson, deceased before ,1943. No children. 2. William (Burt), b. May 26, 1873; unmarried. 3. Gra,ce Reid, b. Jan. 25, 1875; unmarried. 4. Netta Lou, b. Jan. 28, 1879; m. Dr. L. A. Messecar, June 10, 1906. ChiJ.dren: Of Dr. L. A. and Netta L. Engler Messecar: 1. Lwnan Engler, b. Dec. 2, 1908; m. Ju111e 13, 1938, Ellen C. Rfoe. Children: Of Ly,m,an ,E, and Ellen Ricti Me~car: 1. John Lyman, b. 17, 1941. 2. Marion Louise, b. Ma:r. 19, 1918; m. Nov. 8, 1940, Cecil F. Robinson. Childrtin: Of Cecil F. and Marion L. Messecar Robinso111: 1. Micihael Arthur, b. May 5, 1943. 5. Maud B., b. May 30, 1885; m. Chas. F. Mo:hr, deceased before 1943. 10-24-06). Children: Of Chas. and Maud Engler Mohr: 1. Robert Engler, b. Sept. 7, 1907; :m. Apr. 23, 1938, Cecelia Sobeska. Children: Of Robert E. and CeceHa Sobeska MQlhr: 1. Barbara Ann, b. Se:pt. 24, 1940. 42 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

Family of Josiah Crockett, 7 Josiah Cr,ockett 7, born Mar. 9, 1826, Ash Point (Capt. James 6, N-atlhaniel 5, Nathaniel 4, J.o,hn 3, Jo,shua 2, Thomas 1), m. Harriet ----? Children: 1. Arthur. m. Myra Almond. 2. Elber.t, m. Myra Almond. (Grand.daughter of Asa). ·3. Edwamd, ----; Portland, Oregon. 4. "'alter, A Congregati,onal minister in the wes,t, near or in Port­ land, Ore. 5. Estelle, b . .Tulv 24. 1854; Henry Co .. Harrison Twp., Ohio. m. Jan. 9, 1873, ,Josep:h G. Sa:rigent, b. Feb.22, 1839, Staffordshire, Eng. CTuildre.n: Of ,Tosep.h G. and Estelle Cro,ckett Sargent: 1. Josiaih, b. J,an. 16, 1874; m. May:me J. Dietz, Nov. 28, 1900. Ohildren: Of Josiah and Mayme Dietz Sargent: 1. Earl. 2. Florence. 2. Hattie B .• b. A,J)r. 12. 1877. Erie Co .. Ohio .. m. Marion W. Baoome, Oct. 3, 1900. Lawver, Toledo. Oihio. 1943. Children: Of M. W. and Hattie Bac•ome. 1. Alice, b. Sept. 3, 1901; m. Aug. 7, 1926, Clarence Maynard. Children: Of Clarence and Aliee B-acome Maynard: 1. Joseph Edson, b. Nov. 14, 1'927. 2. Dolores, b ..T,une 27. 1905; m. ,T•uly 17, 1929, F.I'lank L. Murphy, b. W oo·dstock, N. H. OhHdren: Of F. L. and Dolor,es Bacome Murphy: 1. William, b. Dec. 1, 1932, live Toledo, 0., 1943. 2. Robert, b. Aiug., 1934; d. 1934. 3. Gloria, b. March 13, 1908; m. June 4, 1934, Henry Howard. 4. Gladys, b. M_ar.c.h 13, 1908; .m. June 4, 1930, Lester I. Haring, U. S. A. 1943. ' 5. Iris J,oy, b. 1916, died ---- 3. Virginiia, b. Apr., 1881, die.d, age 9 days. 4. Clayton C., b. Dec. 9, 1884, Erie Go., Oihio.; m. Ma:r0h 29, 1911, Nellie Kaufman. Ohildren: Of Clayto:n C. and Nellie Kaufman Sargent: 1. Harold G., b. Feb. 14, 1913. 3. Rober,t George, b. June 16, 1919. 3. Cl'air Edward, b. Nov. 2, 1922. 5. Walter S .. b. Dec. 28, 1886, Erie Co .. Ohio; m . .Tan. 1, 1915, Doro.thy R. Robbins: Ohildren: Of W,alter S. arnd Dorothy Robbins Sargent: 1. Virginia Louise, b. Oct. 17, 1918. 2. Dorothy J·ane, b. Oct. 26, 1921. R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L ,Y 43

Family of George Crockett, 7 Geo:rge Cr-ockett 7. (.Tames 6, Naifuaniel 5, Nathaniel 4 . .Tohn 3, Joshu,a 2, Tihomas 1), b. Feb. 8, 1823, T!ho=ston; d. 1871, buried Shunk ? Cemetery, Nap,oleon, ·Ohio; m. 1850 ? to Hatriet N. Emery, b. Thorndike, Me., at Nap,oleon. Sihe, dau. of Levi Emery and granddaughter of Nathamiel rand Lucy Emery. See Eaton's Hi6tory of Thomas­ ton. Rem. from Thomasito,n to S·eneca Co., 0., then Napoleon, Ohio. Levi Eme-ry, m. Lois Kee.n-e. Children: 1. Malc,olm, b. July 11, 1852; M,akolm and Geo.rge were both Repub­ licans; Geo. a Univer,salist; Makolm, a Methodist, farmer and seed­ man; lived Grelton, O:hio, until 1920, t,he111 moved to Toledo; d. May 18. 1931. buried. Grelton; m. 1882. M~rv W. ---·?; b. and m. Napo1'eon. Ohildren: ---- Heaton: 1. Alice Beth, b. ---- GreLton, O.; m. 1919, O. M. Kinsey, wi,dow, 1943, no children. 2. E,dith Har:riet, b. Jan. 9, 1885, G:reLto.n, OMo; Methodist and Republican; m. ls,t, June 20, 1918, R. H. Krohn, b. Grelton, d. 1926. Ohildre,n: Of R. H. and Edith H. Crockett Krohn: 1. Lois .T ean. .d. in infancy. 2. Marjorie, b. 1926, d. in infancy. m. 2nd 1928, !Paul L. Ov-erhuls, b. Napoleon; no CihHdren. 3. An,na May, b. ----, Grelton; d. 1932; m. 1913 Orrin Emery. Childre,n: ,Of Orrin and Anna M. C:rockett Emery: - 1. Austin, age 18 years. (1943). 4. George McD., b. Oct. 25, 1889, Grelton; m. ---- Children: 1. Charles, age 15 yrs. (1943). 2. Piaul, age 14 y,rs. (1943). 3. Robert, age 11 yrs. (1943). 4. Mary Isabel, age 9 y,rs. ( 1943). 5. Flora Eva. b. Ap:r. 27, 1892, Grelton; m. Edmond Quattrocei ? Iv. 233 W. 14tlh St. N. Y. Ci.ty, divorced 1943; no children. 6. !Pliny Wlb.eaton, b. ----; m. 1919, Ni111a Weaver. She d. 1921; no clhildren. m. 2nd 1925, Mrs. Tillie Durham; Iv. Defirance, Oihio, H)43. Children: 1. Milo, b. 2. Allie, b. !Nov., 18.57; m. ab. 1881, Martin Koller. Children: 1. Son, (all dead 1943). 3. Mary, died when 4 yrs. old. 44 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

4. 1Ernest, b. 1865, Napoleon, 0.; d, 1942; m. 1888, Alma Drown. Ohild'l'en: 1. Daughter, b. ----; rm. Willis, live 1943, Willmette, Ill. OMl

Isaac Crockett of Fox Island Very little is knoW\Il about the first Is·aac, but there are many de­ sc•endiants. I have c,ollected records of this family but the list is very incomplete. It is interesting to note that s·ome of :t!his family went with the Mormons to Utah where many records ar,e now •on file in the Temple.

John Crockett of Scarborough Joihn, b01m Aug. 14, 1738, Scarboro; married Feb. 10, 1766, Mary Star.bird, born Jan. 19, 1745. Tihis J oihn may rhave been son of J o!hn who married Mary Knig,ht of Scarboro. John and Mary Knight were married at Newington, N. H., May 16, 1718. T!heir first ,Cfhild was baptised at Por.tsmo.ut!h, N. H.,, Mar. 31, 1719; the second, Mary a year later, th-en J olbn ,and M'ary mov,ed to S.c'arborough whexe several o1fuers were born; but no reco11d of John ,the subject of rtlhis note. I ihave 1no reoo11d of any other f,amily living the•r•e at the time. (1738). i.J.ohn rand Mary Starbird !had ten children. Today '!;here are a great many ,of their ,d~cendants Jiving in Central Miaine and other places. ,One, Mr. Harry Crockett of ,Oakl,and, has wi.tlh his wife, ,helped me a great d·eal and I now w.ish to thank them. For records see my un­ published work and "History of Old Foxcroft."

Lieut. Joshua Crockett of Windham and Gorham Married (Pub. July 8, 1757), Hanna/h Babb, of FalmoutJh. McLellans' History of Gorham .mentions ,that ihe may have been the son o:f the "OLd Mr. Joshua Crockett, who with ihis wif.e Elizabe1fu, died at greaat age." If rhe was the son ,of fili,at Joshua, it wouJ.d prove ,tlhat Goodrich was w.rong wihen he ,placed Joshu,a in the family of Richa11d Crockett who re­ moved to Deer Isle. For acco,unt of Lieut. Joshuas family see Mellarns History of Gor­ ham, Hi,story of Norway and my reco11ds. 46 R E C O R D O F C R O C K E T T F A M I L Y

Ephraim Crockett of Cape Elizabeth He wa.s born at Cape Elizabeth, July 12, 1755; marrie,d Rebecca Stanford. Tiheir first two children were born at Cape Elizabeth and the others at Pejepscot C1aim. There •are many descendants, but I have no good list at pn,sent. Ephraim's ancestors ,are unknown to me. See the "Old Danville Records" at Auburn City Hall; also my !l'ec•ords covering the Durham Crocketts, etc.

John Crockett of Stratham, N. H. This Jo;irn w,a,s born June 28, 1739; died Mar. 15, 1817; marrie.d Mary Lane, Oct. 22, 1762. Cogswell's "History ,of No,tting,ham, Deerfield and Northwood" mentio,ns J o.'hn a,s the son of E.phl'aim who was the greatgrandson of Thomas of Piscata,qu:a. That seems to prove that he was brother of Peletiah, Andrew, J onat!hian of •Gor•ham and D.avid Stra,th,am, etc. See La,ne Genealogy and re,c,or,ds of Mis.s Katherine Crockett of 202 E. 5th St., New York Ci,ty.

David Crockett of Morrill, Maine Th€ history of Morrill by Robinson who ,died 1890, mentions that David ·Crockett came from Epping, N. H., to Belmont. A monument at Morrill has the following: "David Croekett died May 2, 1866. Age 86 yrs. Wife Mar.bha P.- 1781-1884." Ml'S. Edw,a,r.d Albert, Millinoefoet, wrote that David was born Ep­ ping, N. H. and died, Morrill 1867 ,a,g,e 89. The Town Clerk at Epping (1940) couLd not find any records covering David. T,he New Hampshire Vital Sta.tistfos, at Co.ncor,d, give David, son of D·avid and Sanaih Thompson of Strattham, N. H. The younger David wa,s bo,rn Mar. 7, 1780. As this is the only recor,d of Davi.d bo,rn neiar this time and also as it fits the toombstone record of David of Morrill, I thiink that this proves that the Morrill Crocketts ar€ descendants of Thomas of Pis­ cataqua. The descndant is as fol,lows: Thomas, Ephraim, Richard, Epih•raim, David and David, .Jr.. , of, Me., 1813. See .,my records for this line down to Wm. P. Crockett, wiho mar­ ried ,Olive Pease. They live Camden, and have 1Jhree children ( 1943).

George W. Crockett, born Augusta, Me. Ge•o. W. Crockett was born Aug,ustia, 1828; died 1922. Married Hannaih Batchelder Sanborn, bor:n Litchfield. His so,n, Judge Ralph W. Crockett, the well known lawyer of L€wiston inform,s me t:hat his father ,yas brought up by the Sihakers of Vassalboroug,h. Gnandf'a1fuer's name unk,nown. See my recoT,ds for informatio1n covering late generations. RE C 0 R D 0 F C R 0 C K E T T F A M I LY 47

'Samuel Crockett of Stetson Mrn. -Ora Galvin of Stetson, ( 1943). Great great grand.daughter of Samuel, furnished this toombstone inscription: "Died, Ste.tson, 1854, age 80 yrs., 8 mo., 10 days. Born Danville." There are many "Ql,d Danville Reco.rds" at Aubur.n, but no mention ,of Samuel. See Wentworth Genealogy and my recor,d.s for names, dates, etc., of many of Vhis Penobscot Valley family. In my travel and co,rresp01ndenc,e in sea-rch of Crocketts, covering the Norbh Suates and Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Sc,otia, I have fo,und very few of •the name, except ,tho:se descended from T:homas of Piscataqua. T,he f.ew exceptions iniclu,de Dr. Crockett, well known nose and throat speci-aJist of Frederickt01n, N. B. Who informed me that his ,peo,ple ,came from Edinborough, Scotland, less thian a ce.ntury ago. A friend informs me that t!here is ·a Crockett family now living in Houlton, •that originated in No~a Scotia, of Scotch-Irish ancestary. Another family witih an irnteresting :history is that of a James Crockett born in o·r near Edinboro.ugh, Scotland, son of James and Ann Curie Crockett. James, Jr. married Jammima Broadfoot, of Dumfries, Scotland, and came to Hempstead, N. Y., 1854. Living members of the family include Bruce D., of E. Rockaway, N. Y.; Douglas of Salamanca, N. Y.; Leo of Alberta; or western Canada and Mrs. Laura C. Yeager, Olmstea,d Falls, 0,hio. The information on the Croeketts ,of the well known Southern fam­ ilies, taken witfu resu1ts ,of my work seems to ,prove that the na,me in its .present spelling is Scotch' and Scotch-Irislh. T:here is at Jeast one ,case on the Maine coa:st where the name has been taken by a .person of uhe Hebrew r,ace. Sfh,owing that :he, at least, thought it ,a good name for use in b,usine,ss. A few days ago I had an interesting letter with C'harts and notes on the Crockett fam]y from Mr. Leroy L. Crockett of New Haven, Conn., who thias much informatio•n nearly ;ready for publication. An espedally inter.esting i