Defeat for Skins unfiau J&laf Is Baugh's Finger jlpof* Injury May ♦ D. DECEMBER 1947 Spell R—3 WASHINGTON, C., 7, Giants' Coach Keenly Confident With His TTuture 1 Club 'Up' for Game Champs By Lewis F. Atchison By Bill Fuchs of the past, attention now is di- rected toward the coming basket Star Staff Correspondent Picking an All-High football team ball scramble, climaxed by The ptar NEW YORK, Dec. 6.—Sammy presents almost as many problems tourney at the University of Mary- Baugh's injured finger may be the as there are players. This holds land gym. true not in schools, but a severe handi- difference in tomorrow's return only high Practicing under in college and professional circles cap is Coach Clif Moore's Western match between the Redskins and as well, as demonstrated by the quint. Remodeling of the Western Giants. Stout Steve Owen’s crew, various All-American teams ap- gym has deprived the Raiders of with Paul Governali in apparently pearing in magazines and news- a home court and a permanent the swing of things, was prepared papers. place to practice. to the Tribe a battle before give real The Star’s first and second All- Gordon Junior High, which is Sammy came with the wounded up High teams included players from just around the corner from West- digit, but if Baugh isn’t the right every school, with championship ern, graciously has loaned its gym Giants wind a may up^with com- Tech’s eleven naturally dominating to the Raiders for practice. Un- fortable over their margin old the selections with nine men. But, fortunately the floor is only about half the size of the rivals. as there are only 22 positions on regular playing Baugh didn't work out today at these teams, some outstanding play- floor, but Moore is able to prime his in and the the Westchester Country Club, ers were listed in the honorable boys shooting funda- mentals. where the Skins are quartered. He mention group. This is in itself a The said the ailing finger, third on his distinction for the players were Raiders also will get the use of American court right hand, was till right for throw- chosen only after careful considera- University's when the are on the road ing but pained him taking the ball tion of their individual contributions Eagles and will use the from center. He thought he would to their teams over the season. occasionally Georgetown University gym. be ready to take his place in the Among those rating honorable backfield tomorrow but both Jim mention was George Holmes. Youel and Tom Mont had long pass- Holmes, hard running left halfback Belvoir's Smashing Win ing workouts today just in case the from Western, earned a place on slinger isn’t up to par. The Star's second All-High team Cracks Kilmer Streak On their side the Giants will be last year, but an injury kept him Special Dispaim to The Star Jim action to war- minus the services of White, from seeing enough FORT BELVOIR, Va„ Dec. 6.— Dame tackle and a interference as he scoots 31 to the 24 in berth this one-time Notre OUTNUMBERED—Carl Bergmann, All-Prep back from Georgetown Prep, is doing nicely despite lack of yards Allhigh rant that year. Fort Belvoir's high-scoring Engi- who the —Star Staff Photo. the chap literally picked the third quarter of the charity game yesterday at Griffith Stadium. The All-Prep won, 26-20. “Holmes unquestionably is the neers rocked the Middle Atlantic ball off Baugh’s toe on an attempted best man on the squad,” says Coach Army area today when they smashed a touch- punt and ran 35 yards for Fred Mulvey. “He was injured in Camp Kilmer's heretofore unscored down in the first game at Washing- Shaw U. Rules Maryland Selling the second interhigh game of the on Eagles, 41-7, in the first GI foot- ton. overworked this season, Association Negro White, Yachting season against Eastern. Before that ball bowl game on the Engineer suffered a slight concussion a couple Gator Tilt Ducats he practically beat Wilson single- field. of weeks and the was AMPUS score The ago injury Grid After handed and even managed to Eagles, 1st Army champions when the New a aggravated last Sunday Adopts Rules (HATTER Beating An allotment of tickets to the against Eastern before getting hurt.” who entered the classic with only the Cardinals. He will scoreless tie with Fort Monmouth Giants upset Maryland-Georgia Gator Bowl Holmes is an elusive break-away play no more football this season. runner and a triple-threat. I marring an otherwise perfect record, at Fla., on the road meet Notre Dame, S. C. 8-0 game Jacksonville, couldn’t find means of Owen fairly reeks with connaence. For Merrell they State, any stopping Bay Racing By Whittlesey St. Western Kentucky, Holy New Year Day has been received Belvoir's fleet-footed He thought the Giants deserved to Louis, The undefeated, untied Shaw George Evans, N. C. State and Roosevelt, which listed one man both and Green By Malcolm Lamborne, Jr. Georgetown will sample Rocky Cross, Penn State, their at the University of Maryland. left halfback who sauntered to five wfti over University Bears chalked up first Tackle for Mid-Western and the others. New York U„ Santa Clara on the team, Right touchdowns, one on a run. and that they are “up” events on Chesa- Mountain, 10th and the Negro national 105-yard Bay Sailing staged course, victory According to Athletic Director Ellis, and five in the honor- In the [New York brand of college basket and Texas Wesleyan and of Emory The Engineers, 2d Army title- tomorrow’s fray. Governali football championship yesterday by an- peake Bay and tributaries In 1948 will here later in are on sale able mention list, experienced at last have a this week when Denver (Mon- G. W., appear Walt Driskill, they holders, tallied twice in the first New Yorkers long (ball defeating the South Carolina State In which it was will be raced under the new and of the season. games in other bad season, and second and once in each thrower who adequately fills the op- day) Loyola (Thurs- Twenty-seven of at at the Ritchie Coliseum box office periods if College Bulldogs Orangeburg seven times while winning Filchock. tional rules of the North American day) invade the all. It will be a great season blanked the third and sh.ies vacated by Frank Griffith Stadium in the first annual on a first-come, first-served basis. fans fourth._ the can win 18 and 20 only one game out of nine and attack is not a armory and Georgetown The Giants’ running Yacht Racing Union, more than * Bowl game, 8-0. but Owen Hoyas meet St. would be terrific. are wondering why. all that could be desired score of delegates of the Chesa- More than 5,000 fans watched John's (Satur- The team is built around Andy “One people don’t realize,” thinks he has enough power to get peake Bay Yacht Racing Associa- Twillie Bellamy, one of the great- thing* day) in Madison Kostecka, the temperamental center Pox explains, is that Roosevelt has bv on. tion directed in their annual meet- est Negro backs in the country, Listed NEW CAR Square Garden. who scored 408 last year, and G. U.'s Werder the smallest male enrollment among line, weak and un- ing at Hotel 2400. points throw a 25-yard pass in the second The Redskin yesterday The drib- highs. We at its best opponents Danny Kraus, the southpaw to fleet-footed James Jack- Washington’s public certain all season, is not The bay area thus becomes one period which is about all are basket bling expert, playmaker and the additional have only 350 boys, for the Johnny Steber. the of the last centers son, who raced 40 yards DEALERSHIP game. major yachting ball giants of spark of the quint. Tire surprise On All-Catholic Team half the number some of the other club's best has a rib injury, to rules for the only touchdown. guard, in the country try out the their home sec- of the team to be Ken Brown. schools have. We just don’t have Harris is figures Shaw received its other two points and tackle Henry limping which embody some of the sharpest Richard (Bus) Werder, George- and to tions but despite He has risen from second string to several minutes later when the material equipment plan on a turned ankle. John Adams knee George FRANCHISE departures from current racing that it should one of the town University was named successful seasons.” he | stardom. Last year Hoya Turner, State's full- guard, long is still swathed in tape and if rules. triple-threat be a very profit- regulars yelled to the bench, "Take to the All-Catholic team an- “Here’s how it works out,” he doesn’t stand the offense may- back. attempted to pass and stepped up In a four-hour the asso- able week for bum out of here" when Brown session, | that out of the end zone for an auto- nounced the National goes on. "We point for two games be very shaky. yesterday by AVAILABLE ciation took these other important the Hoyas. was used as a sub early in the sea- each year. Last season we pointed be focused on matic safety. Catholic Welfare in Chief interest will actions: Last year, son. It was the most cir- Cqnference widely South Carolina attempted to score ifor Central and Western. We held where the Chicago at the This Milwaukee. 1—Re-elected William W. Heintz somebody culated quote of year. three times in the final minutes Central to a 7-0 victory, the best FOR will to revive their Merrell Whittlesey. W n Cardinals try Geo rget O time, the Hoyas will not go far with- The team was selected by Coach school outside of Tech was able the of Washington and West River as of the game. On one occasion the any flag hopes by beating a luncheon and told waning along with E. Murray scheduled out him. reached the Shaw but Prank Murray of Marquette with to do, and we upset Western, 7-6. in a with president, Bulldogs 1, SELLING FOR Eagles, who are dog-fight ; Coach Elmer Ripley to tell the the assistance of coaches of Cath- Next we’ll be for CAR An Sullivan of , as vice presi- the big Bear line held. j year pointing for Eastern laurels. writers and radio men as- Minus four players who still are Pittsburgh dent: T. Marshall Duer, jr., Balti- sports A fumble and an intercepted pass olic schools throughout the nation. Anacostia and Central. They're the victory, plus a Bear triumph sembled that had the with the ’Gator Bowl football team, LESS THAN Eagle more, as and Georgetown cut short other threats. Players from three Georgetown teams to watch.” $1,100 would secretary-treasurer, first Bulldog ; over at Chicago, team in the country, 12 Coach Flucie Stewart’s Mary- James Faye of Ottoman, Va., and greatest In view of the fact that unde- opponents, St. Louis, Villanova and the Bears the Western title. and two All-Ameri- i land quint will make its debut this give Bob of as dele- deep, including feated Tennessee which also Boston College, were selected, while With the football race a thing Financial on the Henry Oxford, Md., week. The will meet Mason- State, principals j Pittsburgh closes its season cas. Terps four Notre Dame dominated gates at large of the advisory com- has 10 victories, flatly refused to j players lot the charging Bos- Dixon Conference competition in home against fciUU UUt X UUli tliliiiv ait 'the team. need Art XViJJitry at Western participate in championship elimi- only apply. j ton Yankees, who might spoil their first two games, mean it. The publicity stunt back- nations, Shaw now claims the na- The first (cam: dreams. 2— Approved an event-packed rac- Maryland Thursday and Loyola at AUTO GLASS Deliveries Rooney's pennant fired as the Hoyas went out and lost tinnnl titlp E. James Martin, Notre Dame Early Spring schedule for Park on but the lat- E. Arthur Boston College. INSTALLED ing 1948, including Year. In- College Friday Spinney, three games before New Pos. Shaw. B. C. State. T. George Connor. Notre Dame. sanction of the sailing events of ter may be too much for the Terps Immediate Service stead of being 12 deep, the subs L.E. Joyner Stanley T. Ross Nagel. St. Louis University. Address: The Star the President's slated handle at this The L.T._ Booth_ Harrison G. Richard Werder, Georgetown. Ample Parkinr Spaee Cup Regatta, weak after the to early stage. Fight proved woefully L.G.. _Way _ Brooks G. William Fischer. Notre Dame. From for next September 18 and 19. Greyhounds lost only 64-62 to (Continued Page^ B-l.i_ seventh man and when Danny C. _Lee _ Booker C. Tino Sabuco, San Francisco. HERSON 3— R.G— .Williams Jackson B. John Lujack. Notre Dame. BOX 286-V Awarded high point trophies LaSalle Friday night. Autot Kraus, Kostecka, Ray Corley, R.T_ Cannon St. Mary College. We Bay Wrecked and Salvared Andy one of the Arrington B. Herman Wedemeyer. in barber shops and for the 1947 season to the leading American U. brings R Hill ners. in bars, etc., came down with injuries the E-Elliott B. Robert Polidor. Villanova. 72 Florida Ave. N.E. Ml. 7100 about Wal- three in nine classes. East's teams here Saturday Q. B._Turner Dow B. William Prentice, Santa Clara. every one was talking skippers Only were The top replacements inadequate. L. H. Jackson _ Bowman at Madi- area to take in a slated cott's bout with Washington skipper schedule didn't have much balance, night game originally R. H_ Bellamy Adams was as an double-header. P B. ..Wallace_ Turner son Garden last night. top honors Joseph KrafTt of part of Armory Square either, with too many tough games 0 8 0 Alexandria's Old Dominion Boat Muhlenberg, long a court power, is Shaw _ 0—s •'We all know' my husband won," in the wrong places. South Carolina State 0 0 0 0—0 Club, of the the visitor and it will be the major said his wife. “He's sure he won. skipper penguin dinghy Touchdown. Jackson. Substitutions— At the end of 17 games, the Hoyas home test for Coach Staff Cassell's Shaw: Burton, Sellers, J. Turner, Good- can beat Louis Pluto. And he knows he had won 11 and lost 6. The crowds of rich. Lattimer, Floyd. Worthy. Wortham. 4— Elected three new club. Mt. St. Mary’s, surprise Purnell. Nelson. South It was a lousy de- yachting Brown, Johnson, again. just at Uline Arena dropped below 2.000 Conference, will Carolina State: Roberts. McCants, Maye. groups to CBYRA membership—St. the Mason-Dixon cision.” for several of the games and the M. Harrison. W. Harrison, Bradley, Evans. River

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