
Commissioning Management Mark Bridges; MSc, B‐Eng (hons)

22 February 2012

A bit about me

•Electrical Apprentice/ Technician ‐ APCM •Attained an HNC 1988 ‐ 1993

•Project/Commissioning Engineer –SatchwellControl Systems 1993 ‐ 1995

•Project Engineer/Manager – lGlaxoSmithkline •Attained First Class Honours Degree ; Masters Degree in Sustainable Energy Systems 1995 – 2005

•Building Services Manager –Laing O’Rourke 2005 – 2008

•Associate Director – Topic Plan 2008 – 2010

•Commissioning Manager – Brookfield Multiplex 2010 ‐

1 28/02/2012

What is Commissioning Management?

•The execution of commissioning management procedures that control and monitor the project from commencement to practical completion and beyond

•The procedures should provide traceability of the commissioning activities

•This should result in documentary evidence illustrating the completeness of a project to the original intent

Commissioning Management Road Map

2 28/02/2012

Commissioning Management Road Map • Consider commissioning in the client brief •Ensure budget assigned for commissioning

Commissioning Management Road Map

• Appoint a commissioning management specialist •Perform commissioning focused design reviews

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Commissioning Management Road Map

• Compile a commissioning plan • Make clear the expectation during tender

Commissioning Management Road Map

• Produce a commissioning programme • Review ‘for ’ drawings

4 28/02/2012

Commissioning Management Road Map

• Validate setting to work, regulation & performance tests • Monitor progress of commissioning works & construction

Commissioning Management Road Map

• Verify documentary evidence of commissioning activities & witness • Ensure the training of users and operators is executed

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Commissioning Management Road Map

• Assist FM with initial building operation • System configuration and tuning

Commissioning Management Road Map

• Seasonal commissioning, configuration and tuning • Collect evidence with regards to building performance

6 28/02/2012

Commissioning Management –Phase 1; Planning

Stage •Preparation One

Stage •DiDesign Two

Stage •Pre‐construction Three

Commissioning Management –Phase 2; Execution & Monitoring

Stage •Construction Four

Stage •CttiConstruction of engiiineering services Five

Stage •Pre‐handover Six

Stage •Initial occupation Seven

7 28/02/2012

Any large job is lots of small ones or KISS

System System No.1

Sub‐System No. Sub‐System Sub‐System 1 No.2

Commissioning Commissioning Commissioning Commissioning Element Element No.1 Element No.2 Element No.1

System Example

System: Chilled Water

Sub‐System: Building A

Building B

8 28/02/2012

System Example

System: Chilled Water

Sub‐System: Building A

Commissioning Element: StaticStatic Pressure Test Test Pre-CommissioningPre‐Commissioning Cleaning Cleaning Testing,Testing, Adjusting & & Balancing Balancing Final Load Testing/Handover Final Load testing

Commissioning Elements & Phases

•Factory Acceptance Testing Phase 0

•Static Testing Phase 1

•Power On •Commissioning Phase 2 •Site Acceptance

•Integration Phase 3 •Completion Review

9 28/02/2012

Commissioning Elements & Phases

•Factory Acceptance Testing Phase 0 Factory Acceptance Tests – Conducted to determine and document the equipment

•Static Testing hardware and software operates according to Phase 1 specification, covering functional, fault

•Power On management, communications, support •Commissioning Phase 2 •Site Acceptance systems, and interface requirements. Particularly important are highly integrated •Integration systems. Phase 3 •Completion Review

Commissioning Elements & Phases

•Factory Acceptance Testing Static Tests – Ready to energise, installation Phase 0 complete. Undertaken on assets in a non‐ energised state, in order to confirm that the •Static Testing Phase 1 systems installation have been constructed in accordance with the design and specifications •Power On •Commissioning and that the following stage of the testing can Phase 2 •Site Acceptance commence without uncontrolled safety risks and with confidence that they will not cause •Integration Phase 3 •Completion Review and damage or malfunction. Examples include hdhydrostati c tests and contiiinuity tests.

10 28/02/2012

Commissioning Elements & Phases

•Factory Acceptance Testing Phase 0 Commissioning – Ready to integrate with other assets. Undertaken on the assets of a •Static Testing System in an energised state, that will Phase 1 ultimately lead to all parts of the system •Power On being connected together to ensure that it •Commissioning Phase 2 •Site Acceptance performs the function(s) for which it was designed. •Integration Phase 3 •Completion Review

Commissioning Elements & Phases

•Factory Acceptance Testing Phase 0 Integration –Any testing or commissioning •Static Testing activity that is required to demonstrate that Phase 1 systems within a project perform •Power On autonomously as intended when •Commissioning Phase 2 •Site Acceptance interconnected. Examples include any Cause & Effect Testing •Integration Phase 3 •Completion Review

11 28/02/2012

So Commissioning Management Predominantly a PM or Engineering Role?

Survey Results

Engineering Role

Project Management Role

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome

12 28/02/2012

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome •Topic Plan awarded the role of Commissioning Managers

•Pre‐Construction Activities •Comprehensive Commissioning Review • Design Concept Review •Commission ability Review Engineering Role •Workshop with the designers •Compile Commissioning Logic

•Construction Commencement (8 months after design review) •Appoint a Commissioning Manager •CM Produces Tracking Matrices and compiles •CM Produces Commissioning Programme inline with Construction PjtProject Management •Through Construction to Commissioning Role •Tracked the job & issued monthly reports incl. ITP’s •Ensured commissioning method statement issued & reviewed •Validated commissioning witnessing reports

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome

Weakness Median Strength MECHANICAL Ventilation Water Controls ELECTRICAL HV LV Lighting Em Lighting Earthing UPS AUTOMATON ICT DDC Security Fire AV

Identified mechanical water services as a weakness

13 28/02/2012

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome

The Mechanical Water Services

In the first instance – reading material

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome

The Mechanical Water Services

In the first instance – reading material

14 28/02/2012

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome

The Mechanical Water Services

In the first instance – reading material

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome

The Mechanical Water Services

In the first instance – reading material

15 28/02/2012

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome

The Mechanical Water Services

In the first instance – reading material

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome

No replacement for experience –Our Expert •Assist in reviewing testing and commissioning documentation •Assist in the review of water quality, commissioning reports •Assist with handover

What actually happened •As Commissioning Manager, built a relationship with Consultant & Contractors •Reviewed method statements with ‘Expert’ •Knowledge grew; reviewed the commissioning process utilising on‐ site skill set •Conduct ‘mock‐up’ performance tests prior to ODP •Sign off achieved for each element •Cleaning •TAB •Qulaity •Maintenance

16 28/02/2012

Case Study: Olympic Park London, Velodrome

In Summary

The in house support never attended site (Although he was an Expert he had no ID) Good Project Management Practices were executed – the skill set available on site was utilised by the CM Systems were tested, commissioned, signed‐off, maintained and handed over at PC CM gained invaluable experience to take to the next, his profile assessment post PC was:

Weakness Median Strength

MECHANICAL Ventilation Water Controls

Engineering Guidance ‐ defining T&C requirements

17 28/02/2012

Engineering Guidance ‐ defining T&C requirements

Engineering Guidance ‐ defining T&C requirements

18 28/02/2012

Engineering Guidance ‐ defining T&C requirements

Engineering Guidance ‐ defining T&C requirements

19 28/02/2012

•Scores 10 ‐ 19 1Star • Minimum Practice

• Scores 20 ‐ 29 2 Star •Average Practice

•Scores 30 ‐ 44 3 Star • Good Practice

•Scores 45 ‐ 59 4 Star •Best Practice

•Scores 60 ‐ 74 5 Star • Australian Excellence

•Scores 75 ‐ 100 6 Star •World Leadership

20 % • Management 20 % •IEQ 25 % •Energy 10 % • Transport 12% •Water 4 % • Materials 4 % •Land Use & Ecology 5 % • Emissions

20 28/02/2012

Commissioning Management – 2Points

Significantly effects – Indoor Environment Quality Building Energy Performance

45 %

Useful Points of Reference

21 28/02/2012

Useful Points of Reference

Useful Points of Reference

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Useful Points of Reference

Useful Points of Reference

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Useful Points of Reference

Useful Points of Reference

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Useful Points of Reference

Questions & I’ve got some

22 February 2012