US 20050235400A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0235400 A1 Campbell et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 27, 2005

(54) PHEROMONE IMPREGNATED THONG Publication Classi?cation

(75) Inventors: Susan Campbell, Edina, MN (US); (51) Int. Cl? ...... A41D 5/00 Sandra Matas, Edina, MN (US) (52) Us. 01...... 2/406

Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT MOORE, HANSEN & SUMNER, PLLP 225 SOUTH SIXTH ST An cloth having pheromone impregnated on a MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 (US) portion of the cloth is provided. In alternative embodiments, the pheromones on the cloth may be either estratetraenol or (73) Assignee: Thong Along, Inc., Edina, MN androstadienone. In one embodiment, the undergarment is a thong-type undergarment With a cloth panel having a periph (21) Appl. No.: 10/964,337 eral edge that is shaped to cover a portion of a body of a person. The cloth may be a spun bound polypropylene (22) Filed: Oct. 13, 2004 non-Woven material or other suitable material. A binding assembly such as an elastic band is attached to the cloth Related US. Application Data panel about the peripheral edge in a manner that supports the undergarment about the person’s body. Preferably, the bind (60) Provisional application No. 60/565,470, ?led on Apr. ing assembly is attached to the cloth panel With a ZigZag 26, 2004. stitch and may include embellishments such as marabou.

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PHEROMONE IMPREGNATED THONG ably, the binding assembly is attached to the cloth panel With a ZigZag stitch and may include embellishments such as CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED marabou. APPLICATIONS [0007] Additional advantages and features of the inven [0001] This application claims the bene?t of US. Provi tion Will be set forth in part in the description Which folloWs, sional Patent Application No. 60/565,470, ?led Apr. 26, and in part, Will become apparent to those skilled in the art 2004. upon examination of the folloWing or may be learned by practice of the invention. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention is directed to BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS and more particularly to disposable undergarments such as [0008] FIG. 1 is a front vieW of one embodiment of a thong-type underWear that are meant to be Worn and tossed thong-type undergarment of the present invention. aWay. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0009] Referring to FIG. 1, a thong-type undergarment [0003] Thong-type undergarments have become popular 100 having a main body cloth panel portion 106 and a in recent years for a variety of reasons including an attrac binding assembly 102, 104 for securing the thong-type tive, sleek look, minimum storage space and the like. When undergarment 100 about the body of a person. The cloth visiting a sWimming pool, spa or gym, a person may desire panel 106 is comprised of a single cloth having a peripheral to use a disposable undergarment such as a thong for use edge bound by the binding assembly 102, 104 that is While at the gym or When leaving the gym. More recently preferably an elastic band but may be selected from other such thong-type undergarments have been designed of inex types of materials. A second or rear cloth panel (shoWn With pensive material so that they can be used once and then phantom lines 110) may be attached to the binding assembly. tossed aWay. These inexpensive materials include and The rear cloth panel preferably is shaped to cover a rear other . body portion or buttock of a person. The cloth panels may [0004] In another ?eld of scienti?c research, the use and be made from the same or different materials typically manufacture of pheromones for insects, animals and humans selected from materials suitable for undergarments such as has been studied. Pheromones are chemical substances , knitted fabrics, synthetic materials, and the like. In released through sWeat glands to cause a change in the one embodiment, spun bound polypropylene non-Woven reproductive behavior of a person. Pheromones can directly material is used for the cloth panels because such material is stimulate a man’s or a Women’s sexual behavior through relatively inexpensive and it absorbs and retains pheromone olfactory sensors processing information in the human body. solutions very Well. It Will be understood that the cloth Pheromones are detected through the vomeronasal organ panels may be continuous or may have design cutouts. Also, (VNO) in the nose. The VNO functions as the distinct the cloth panels may have varying colors and designs. sensory apparatus that detects pheromones for humans. The [0010] The binding assembly preferably is extended past pheromones, through the VNO, stimulate the hypothalamus the peripheral edge 104 of the cloth panel 106 to form a loop center of the brain (i.e., the center of emotions in the brain). or pair of loops 102 through Which a person inserts their legs The pheromones send signals of sexual attraction and repul When placing the undergarment about the body. The loops sion, kinship identi?ers, or alarm signals. Products including 102 are closed at a ?rst junction 112 Where the combined animal and human-based pheromones are noW being mar loops form an extension (shoWn With phantom lines 110) keted and sold. These products include insect control solu that continues on to the cloth panel 106 at a second junction tions and perfumes for humans. 108 so that the loops 102 are connected to the cloth panel [0005] A need exists for an inexpensive undergarment that 106 proximate the second junction 108. All or a portion of utiliZes this research in pheromones to create neW products the binding assembly 102, 104 may be provided With With potentially interesting marketing advantages over exist different colors, designs, embroidered patterns, and the like ing disposable undergarments. The present invention pro to contribute to the overall appearance of the undergarment. vides a solution to these needs and other problems, and Preferably, the binding assembly 102, 104 is attached to the offers other advantages over the prior art. cloth panel 106 With a ZigZag stitch and may include embellishments such as marabou. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0011] A pheromone is applied to the cloth panel 106 or [0006] In accordance With one embodiment of the inven other portions of the thong-type undergarment 100. Various tion, an undergarment cloth having pheromone impregnated types of animal or human pheromones can be used. In one on a portion of the cloth is provided. In alternative embodi embodiment, an estratetraenol pheromone solution is ments, the pheromones on the cloth may be either estratet impregnated in the cloth panel 106 of the undergarment 100 raenol or androstadienone. In one embodiment, the under so that men Who are particularly sensitive to estratetraenol garment is a thong-type undergarment With a cloth panel more favorably respond to a person Wearing the pheromone having a peripheral edge that is shaped to cover a portion of impregnated undergarment. In an alternative embodiment, a body of a person. The cloth may be a spun bound an androstadienone pheromone solution is impregnated in polypropylene non-Woven material or other suitable mate the cloth panel 106 of the undergarment 100 so that Women rial. Abinding assembly such as an elastic band is attached Who are particularly sensitive to androstadienone more to the cloth panel about the peripheral edge in a manner that favorably respond to a person Wearing the pheromone supports the undergarment about the person’s body. Prefer impregnated undergarment. Such favorable response may US 2005/0235400 A1 Oct. 27, 2005

include: a heightened awareness of the person, (ii) a sense What is claimed is: of Well being around the person, or (iii) sexual attraction to 1. An undergarment comprising a cloth having phero the person Wearing the pheromone-impregnated undergar mone impregnated on a portion of the cloth. 2. The undergarment of claim 1 Wherein the pheromone ment. comprises estratetraenol. 3. The undergarment of claim 1 Wherein the pheromone [0012] It is to be understood that even though numerous comprises androstadienone. characteristics and advantages of various embodiments of 4. The undergarment of claim 1 Wherein the cloth forms the present invention have been set forth in the foregoing at least part of a thong-type undergarment, the thong-type description, together With details of the structure and func undergarment comprising: tion of various embodiments of the invention, this disclosure a cloth panel being shaped to cover a portion of a body of is illustrative only, and changes may be made in detail, a person and having a peripheral edge; especially in matters of structure and arrangement of parts a binding assembly attached to the cloth panel about the Within the principles of the present invention to the full peripheral edge and operatively con?gured to support extent indicated by the broad general meaning of the terms the undergarment about the body. in Which the appended claims are expressed. For example, 5. The thong-type undergarment of claim 4 Wherein the the particular elements (e.g., the particular pheromone used binding assembly is attached to the cloth panel With a ZigZag on the undergarment) may vary depending on the particular stitch. application for the pheromone-impregnated undergarment 6. The thong-type undergarment of claim 4 Wherein the While maintaining substantially the same functionality, With binding assembly comprises an elastic band. out departing from the scope and spirit of the present 7. The thong-type undergarment of claim 4 Wherein the invention. The teachings of the preferred embodiment binding assembly comprises marabou extending along at pheromone-impregnated thong-type undergarment could least a portion of the peripheral edge. readily be extended to other undergarments or such 8. The thong-type undergarment of claim 4 Wherein the as , g-strips, , pants, , slips, , T-, cloth comprises a spun bound polypropylene non-Woven or other Without departing from the scope and spirit material. of the present invention.