Telecommunication network driven Ecozone Enable flexible enhanced services and new operator business models via NGOSS-managed control points.

DOAG Konferenz 2010, Nürnberg November 18th 2010

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 1 Contents.

Project overview

Detailed description of the project

Project structure and deliverables

Project organization, budget plan, and time schedule Which new trends evolve in the battled telecommunication market? Technical evolution enabled new service worlds, new players and changed traditional business models.

Ecosystems & Over The Top Traditional telecommunication Players compete with traditional business has changed radically. telecommunication companies.

Bandwidth evolution Service evolution & Over the top players

Stove pipes have vanished New ecosystems evolved

Telecommunication Internet / Web Media

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories End user perspective. Communicate – Exchange Information – Socialize. Technological evolution supports – follows human desires.

 Time  Convenience Usage  Simplicity  Interactivity

Speech Cave Docs  Communication painting Digital Photo - Movie Service  Documentation Service  Store  Distribute …

 Exchange Technology  Intercede Technology  Access  Transport

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 6 Customer desire/demand follows techn. possibilities. Coupling of Super Access with Super Usage and intelligent Follow me service provisioning.

y t i Flickr

v i Unified t Twitter comm. c Customer

a r Follow me service e t n Customer Share personality I Slingbox r Services PSN Enrich your message e

p u UGC


e g Customer: a Internet

s t s n Buy once use everywhere e U e Buy once t c i n v TV/IPTV r r TV/IPTV o (e.g. ring tone mobile & fix net) Customer e e Customer C S p Device – network agnostic u Mob/Fix Network S

s s Office Commute e Customer: c c Home Vacation High quality service / content A

r access options from all available e p Mobile Fixed TV Radio technologies (using single sign on ) u

Content / Services Seamless User Experience S

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 7 Which secret do successful players in the telecommunication arena have? Does an operator have a similar opportunity or is the dump bit pipe its destiny ? End 2 end service worlds form strong ecosystems. Traditional access driven carrier business model is a dead end street! and Apple are current dominant players. etclmarketplacesVertical  Interaction marketplacesVertical

 Design Ecosystems & Usage Ecosystems &  Hardware

 Content Service Worlds  Communication  Commerce

Technology  OS Technology  GUI platform

All three companies try to establish an E2E service eco-system, using their unique (service) control point(s).

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 9 Control Points in relation to an Ecozone. Control Point based on Service Control Points and Enablers.

Enablers provide Relationship unique information Control Points correlate Enabler enablers in meaningful Service control points Service ways make enablers Control Point accessible Control Point

E2E service and resource Rapid creation, provisioning. Rapid creation, collaboration Powerful data correlation Orchestration

Service Portfolio : Voice, Messaging , IPTV Process Service … chain E C O Enabler : Storage, Identity, Location Privacy … Network functions : Mobility, Quality of Service … Z O N E

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 10 NGOSS Lifecycle and Methodology. Logical and technical alignment of business and technology.

Describes business operation Describes architecture and implementation of the business Business View System View Describes the conceptual Describes the conceptual design of the solution from design of the solution from the business perspective a system perspective Neutral Logical Technology Perspective

Describes the actual Describes the actual deployment of the implementation of solution the solution Specific Physical Technology Perspective Deployment View Implementation View

Service Providers Perspective Service Developer Perspective

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 11 NGOSS modular set up & iterative process. Flexible approach to fit for many purposes.

Describes business operation Describes architecture and implementation of the business Business View System View Describes the conceptual Describes the conceptual design of the solution from design of the solution from the business perspective a system perspective Neutral Logical Technology Perspective

Describes the actual Describes the actual deployment of the implementation of solution the solution Specific Physical Technology Perspective Deployment View Implementation View

Service Providers Perspective Service Developer Perspective

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 12 Strong players in ICT business develop closed ecosystems around control points & own marketplace! Carriers should use network assets for horizontal marketplace!


Access Closed Ecosystem CP CP CP CP term term Application & term term embedded CP Marketplace CP Marketplace SCP SCP vertical term term term term CP CP CP CP Long Long Long Long Long Long marketplaces SCP Short Short Short Short Short Short CP CP CP Service CP

CP SCP CP NCS SCP Enabler SCP NGN Create Network Horizontal CP CP Marketplace

Service Ecozone Ecosystem Control Control Point Point NCS= Network Centric Services

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 13 What is the role of IT - NGOSS in this game? Next Generation Services: Follow me services. Example: IPTV - subscribed product. Scenario

Joachim has subscribed to an IPTV sports package Bundesliga from Carrier Deutsche Telekom, including a follow me option allowing him to use the service anywhere he wants. Usually Marc comes to Joachim’s place to watch the games. Today Marc has to look after his kids and they need to watch at Marc’s place.

Customer request: Scenario options Customer A Customer B

 Follow me service concept :  Location and device agnostic  B is also customer of service access. Carrier A.  Simple and secure authentication :  Customer expects a simple, unambigous and secure  B is customer of an authentication. alliance partner B or  Quality of service : known carrier B.  Depending on the available bandwidth, excellent service delivery is requested.  B is customer of a reseller, ????  User experience: the exact carrier is unclear.  User expects the same UE of the whole package – at home or away.

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 15 NGOSS integration of IPTV follow me service. What does it mean to the NGOSS framework?

Describes business operation Describes architecture and implementation of the business Business View System View IPTV service Map Products to Services Football package Content delivery

HD capability SLAs & Policies Neutral Logical Technology

Perspective Follow me-service Device agnostic

Least Cost routing Broadband access 3rd party SLAs 3rd party interfaces Quality Assurance QoS/SLA monitor Specific Physical Hot provisioning IMS content conversion Technology Perspective Deployment View Implementation View

Service Providers Perspective Service Developer Perspective

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 16 IPTV follow me service: technical analysis. Impact overview of usage scenario on NGOSS.

at home own Network friendly unknown Usage scenario network network

 Customer’s  Network  3rd party  Network equipment connection and connection and connection and  Standard capabilities capabilities SLA capabilities access within own based unknown provisioning network  Authentication  Connectivity  user profile  One-button via UICC or check stored locally in auth. e.g. via Login  „Best effort“ set-top box UICC  High QoS streaming  Guaranteed  Up to same (maybe HD) QoS (e.g. full QoS as at home guaranteed Services HD) (e.g. full HD) across networks

Additional  QoS  Contract data  SLA mgmt  Discovery Enablers monitoring  Provisioning  Format  SDP conversion  3rd party  Service catalog  Selfcare content  Device  Assurance capabilities recognition mechs.

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 17 IPTV follow me service: technical analysis. Impact overview of usage scenario on NGOSS.

at home own Network friendly unknown Usage scenario network network

 Customer’s  Network  3rd party  Network equipment connection and connection and connection and  Standard capabilities capabilities SLA capabilities access within own based unknown provisioning network  Authentication  Connectivity  user profile  One-button via UICC or check stored locally in auth. e.g. via Login  „Best effort“ set-top box UICC  High QoS streaming  Guaranteed  Up to same (maybe HD) QoS (e.g. full QoS as at home guaranteed Services HD) (e.g. full HD) across networks

Additional  QoS  Contract data  SLA mgmt  Discovery Enablers monitoring  Provisioning  Format  SDP conversion  3rd party  Service catalog  Selfcare content  Device  Assurance capabilities recognition mechs.

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 18 Implication on the future operator business model depends on the specific – local operator business positioning. Could Control Points shape new business opportunities? Enhanced control concepts.

Mashed pre-configured Efficient control points Mashed pre-configured control points used in a are used to make Telco or specifically designed specific scenario, jointly standard services – control points, which or provided to partners / processes more support verticals, e.g. other parties, e.g. OTT. efficient. health, energy. SMART EFFICIENT FLEXIBLE Control Points Control Points Control Points Orchestration

Service Portfolio: Voice, Messaging , IPTV Process Service … chain Enabler: Storage, Identity, Location Privacy … Network functions: Mobility, Quality of Service …

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 20 Today operators face reducing margins due to increased competition in their home domain. etcl oebusiness core Verticals

Other verticals might Create flexible ecozone to enable all business opportunities!

benefit from the Media Health Energy

operator knowledge Transport and solutions! Other Verticals Over the top player Does the operator have a

 Today each CCCneeds specific Vertical chance to vertical has

transfer – Com. its own, services services services Content Operator Operator Operator Operator separated IT transform from Commerce systems, a dumb bit-pipe back end towards a Operator Ecozone structure…. flexible pipe (based on NGN) Logic, adjusted Content Commerce Communication


to the local SmartPipe SmartPipe market needs?

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Transfer Ecozone to verticals & enable new operator business towards intelligent pipe concepts.

Create flexible ecozone to enable all business opportunities! Media Health Energy Transport Other Verticals Tansformer* Tansformer* Over the top player Smartpipe* Smartpipe* Com. Com. services services services Content Transfer Operator Operator Operator Operator Commerce Commerce Business strategy Business Business strategy Business Operator Ecozone Content Vertical

Efficient pipe * Combined Efficient pipe * Commerce Transfer Transfer enhanced NGN Telco Ecozone Flexible Flexible pipe adjustable to local needs Flexible Flexible pipe adjustable to local needs

SmartPipe Ecozone CommunicationSmartPipe

* Fighting smart: Strategy options for telecom operators, The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, May 2010

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Verticals example: Telekom Austria taps energy sector: Electro mobility

Telekom Austria converts call booth to energy service (found in: Financial Times Deutschland)

With declining revenues in the core business, the company searches for new business areas and detects the owners of electric cars.

In first step, TA will re-construct 30 call booths until end of 2010. A first prototype was developed in may in Wien. Owners of electro cars or cycles can reload the batteries of their vehicles. Energy payment shall happen in future via the bill. [...] Get out of the core business: TA CEO Hannes Ametsreiter secures new markets to leverage declining telephony revenues. [...]

Ametsreiter is aiming for the growing market of smart grids.

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Verticals example: O2 Telefoninca goes global on health

O2 Telefónica goes global with eHealth By Paul Rasmussen [...] O2 Telefónica has unveiled a much grander strategy with plans for a global eHealth division focused on providing decentralised medical services. The company said that it intended to become a major player in the eHealth sector [...]. The company's CEO, César Alierta, said that this new global unit had a cross-company character O2 Telefónica said this move [...] would be based upon converged communications, managing web services from its Managed Data Centres with point-to-point coverage and a pay-per-use policy. The company claimed that this model would provide economies of scale to extend applications with a minimum outlay on equipment. This collection of technology would seem to include both fixed and mobile communications with the aim of building 'tele-health' and 'tele-care' services in areas such as remote diagnostics.

*,**GSMA Mobile business briefing 14072010

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Use NGOSS enhanced flexibility to provide flexible mashed services and enable new business models.

 To reduce costs and replace existing silo infrastructure Ecozone concept  To enable mashed service – enabler environment enables efficient pipe  To enable individual Follow Me service logic & individual business models (Telco own business)  Create seamless service worlds, e.g. around core (free) services like voice

 Empower OTT players with distribution power or Marketing: Measure and sell usage statistics, Advertisement: Provide – use access channels to own / Smart re-using of partner customer base ecozone open to rd partners,  Enable efficient 3 party business – form alliances around CPs  Service production - deployment landscape, billing infrastructure  Communication, e.g. network address book, Identity – Single Sign On

 Revenue share: Sale of Ecozone elements – act as business enabler  Enable Verticals and over the top could be new market fields and should not Transform ecozone be seen as competitors only to support verticals

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 25 Use NGOSS enhanced power to provide flexible mashed services and enable new business models.

Business Technology

 Re-use, adjust or transform aspects of  Use expertise in alternative scenarios Transform ecozone to provide vertical specific e.g. network mgmt. services and solutions.  Reuse technological power and skill to ecozone to support needed infrastructure for new support  Develop new business together with business model verticals expert verticals.  Offer highly efficient E2E IT services to verticals supplement vertical business

 Enable efficient 3rd party business –  Provide Control points to facilitate 3rd Re-use form alliances around CPs with Internet party business and OTT players, e.g. network address  Wrap enablers into easy-to-use services c ecozone to partner with book, Identity – Single Sign On provided through CPs partner with  Establish horizontal marketplace to others:  Use service production - deployment offer services 3rd parties smart pipe landscape, billing infrastructure

 Reduce costs & replace existing silo  Êcozone to reduce Architecture Ecozone as service infrastructure Complexity Ecozone as  Establish control points, provide  Ease and speed up IT reaction to telco market enabler environment  mash services business demands (time to market) Fully flexible pipe adjustable to local needs local to adjustable pipe flexible Fully place  Develop follow me service logic across  Create converged service worlds across place core service areas  communication, own network infrastructure enables: commerce, content. efficient pipe  Create seamless service worlds

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 26 Thanks for your attention. Time for questions.

Marc Cimiotti Joachim Schonowski Senior Consultant Senior Expert

CGI Management Consultants Niederkasseler Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Lohweg 175 Goslarer Ufer 35 D-40547 Düsseldorf D-10589 Berlin Phone: +49 211 5355 666 Phone: +49 30 3497 - 3190 Mobile: +48 605 131 757 Mobile: +49 171 229 8768 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 27 Market situation: Success model benchmark analysis. Control points as possible result .

Apple Google

 Core business:  Core business:  Core business:  PC (OS – Hardware)  Search engine / SW  Terminal manufacturer  Business model  Business model:  Business model:  Premium design  Advertisement  Terminal sales devices devices  Business development:  Symbian (OS)  Business development  Business development  Network based services  Business development:  Software based  Software based  Android (OS)  – Service suite Ecosystem incl. devices  Control point(s):  Control points  Control point:  Network based services  Terminal as network  iTunes (e.g. required to around Google search access point / OS activate iPhone)  Android system

All three companies try to establish an E2E service eco-system, using their unique (service) control point(s).

Marc Cimiotti CGI Group, Joachim Schonowski Deutsche Telekom Laboratories 28